Vitamin remedies. fat soluble vitamins. Do I need to take vitamin complexes regularly?

Forms of release of vitamin preparations

Some vitamins are a collective concept. One name means a whole group of compounds. You need to know this, since instead of a vitamin in the formulation of a multivitamin preparation, one of the compounds that represents this vitamin. It often happens that under a new name, a well-known and well-known cheap drug, which can be easily bought at a nearby pharmacy.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a collective concept. These are several compounds, united under the name "Retinoids".

1. Retinol (vitamin A - alcohol). It is most often produced under the name of vitamin A and is included in various polys. vitamin preparations. Retinol is available as retinol acetate or retinol palmitate.

2. Retinoic acid (vitamin A - acid). It is part of multivitamin preparations, but is more often used topically, as part of various aerosols, creams, etc. Most often, retinoic acid is produced in the form of the drug Rodkutan (isotretinoin). A derivative of retinoic acid "Etretinat" (tigazon) is also produced. Another derivative of retinoic acid "Airol" (tretinoin).

3. Retinal (vitamin A - aldehyde).

Provitamin A

Pro-vitamins A are so named because they can be converted into vitamin A in the body. They are singled out as an independent group because they perform an independent role in the body, different from the role of vitamin A.

1. Carotenes.

There are currently 3 types (alpha, beta and gamma). Beta-carotene is the most active. It is produced most often both in the form of an independent drug, and as part of multivitamin complexes. A variety of beta-carotene is the drug Vetoron.

2. Carotenoids.

Almost hundreds of carotenoids are known. They are not produced in an independent form, but can be part of multicomponent multivitamin herbal preparations.

Vitamin D

Under this name, there are two substances that are similar in structure.

1. Ergocalciferol - vitamin D 2.

2. Cholecalciferol - vitamin D 3.

Vitamin D 3 is produced both independently and in the form of oxycholecalciferol, which is called "oxidevit". Another form of release of vitamin D 3 is Videhol. This is a molecular compound of vitamin D 3 with cholesterol. A slightly modified molecule of cholecalciferol is produced under the name "psorkutan" and is used mainly for topical treatment.

Vitamin K

Several compounds are known under this common name.

1. Vitamin K 1 (phylloquinone). Produced in the form of the drug "Fitomenadione".

2. Vitamin K 2 (naphthoquinone). It is not produced in the form of an independent preparation, but is contained in some complex bacterial preparations, as it is capable of being synthesized by certain types of bacteria.

3. Vitamin B 3 (vikasol). This vitamin is water soluble. It is produced in the form of an independent drug "Vikasol" and is included in some poly vitamin complexes.

Vitamin B 1

3 compounds are known under this name.

1. Thiamine. Available as thiamine bromide and as thiamine chloride.

2. Phosphothiamine. Phosphoric ester of thiamine.

3. Benfotiamine. Synthetic compound not found in nature. All three types of vitamin B 1 are produced independently, as well as in multivitamin complexes.

Vitamin B 2

1. Riboflavin.

2. Riboflavin is a mononucleotide. It is produced independently and as part of multivitamins.

Vitamin PP

The vitamin is represented by two compounds.

1. Nicotinic acid.

2. Nicotinamide. Both compounds are available both independently and as part of multivitamin preparations.

Vitamin B 12

Known in 2 forms.

1. Cyanocobalamin.

2. Oxycobalamin. Both compounds are produced independently and in combination with other vitamins.

Folic acid

Group folic acid includes two connections.

1. Folic acid.

2. Calcium folinate. Available in the form of calcium folinate and in the form of the drug "Leucovoril".

Pantothenic acid

The group of pantothenates includes 3 main forms.

1. Homopantothenic acid. It is produced independently and in multivitamin complexes.

2. Calcium pantothenate. It is produced independently, as well as in the composition of multivitamins.

3. Panthenol. Mainly used for therapeutic use in the form of an aerosol.

Lipoic acid

Is issued in 2 forms.

1. Lipoic acid.

2. Lipamide is an amide derivative of lipoic acid.

Produced in the form of independent drugs. They are also part of a wide variety of multivitamin complexes.

Vitamin C

Available in three forms.

1. Ascorbic acid.

2. Sodium ascorbate (sodium ascorbate).

3. Calcium ascorbate (calcium ascorbate).

All three forms of the vitamin are available both in isolation and in combination with other vitamins.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P is a highly collective concept.

There is no other vitamin that combines under one name such a huge number of compounds that vitamin P unites under its name. These are bioflavonoids - substances that are found in a huge number of plants in the form of glycosides. About 150 bioflavonoids are known. All of them have P-vitamin activity, although in varying degrees. I will give here only the most common drugs with the most powerful effect.

2. Quercetin.

Both compounds are produced independently and are part of multivitamins.

3. Legalon. Produced as an independent drug. Better known as Karsil.

Includes 2 main flavonoids: silymarin, silibinin and milk thistle fruit extract.

4. Silibor.

standalone drug. Includes amount of flavonoids from milk thistle.

5. Catherine.

An independent drug obtained synthetically.

Vitamin F

Under this name, polyunsaturated fatty acid plant origin.

1. Linetol.

Contains mixtures of ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids. This is mainly linolenic acid (57%), oleic acid (15%), lipoic acid (15%). Linetol is produced as an independent drug, and is also part of several aerosols used topically: Vinizol, Levovinizol, Lifuzol.

2. Lipostabil.

A complex preparation containing unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, a vasodilator.

3. Essentiale.

A complex preparation containing unsaturated fatty acids and some water-soluble vitamins.

We have considered all the main vitamins, which, in addition to independent application, are part of various multivitamin preparations. Knowing all the names, you can already evaluate multivitamin preparations.

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Also in late XIX century in medicine, one of the greatest discoveries in history was made. The English scientist F. Hopkins was one of the first to establish that there are substances in the human body, a change in the balance of which leads to various disorders, illness and even death. Later these chemical compounds called "vitamins".

Discovery of vitamins

Back in the second half of the century before last, scientists believed that the nutritional value products is the content of water, mineral salts, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But at the same time, the experience of navigation accumulated over several centuries argued that even with sufficient quantities food and drink on long sea voyages, the sailors suffered from scurvy and died from infectious diseases.

In 1880, Nikolai Lunin, a well-known Russian scientist who studied the role of minerals in nutrition, noticed that experimental mice that ate synthetic food from milk casein, fats, salt and sugar died over time. The same animals that received natural milk remained healthy and active. So it became clear that milk contains special substances that are indispensable in the process of nutrition.

16 years later, the cause of the beriberi disease was found, from which the inhabitants of Korea, Indonesia and Japan suffered, eating refined rice. In the prison hospital of the island of Java at that time, the Dutch doctor Christian Eikman worked. He noticed that chickens that ate brown rice did not get sick, while those birds that were given processed grain died from an ailment very similar to beriberi. At the same time, it was worth replacing the food, as the disease receded.

In 1911, the Polish chemist Casimir Funk first isolated a crystalline vitamin from ordinary rice husks. After a series of experiments, he concluded that the development of a mysterious chicken disease stops the nitrogen-containing component amine, which was later named vitamin B1. Some time later, Funk came up with common name for such chemical compounds, which consists of the Latin words "vita" and "amine", translated as "life" and "nitrogen".

Values ​​of vitamins in modern medicine

To date, more than 20 types of vitamins are known, which are constituent elements enzymes and cell membranes. These chemical compounds take an active part in almost all life processes. Vitamins are indispensable in the prevention and treatment of scurvy, rickets, various kinds hypovitaminosis and a huge number of the most various diseases. In addition, a vitamin course in without fail is prescribed in the process of rehabilitation after illnesses and surgical operations.

Vitamin preparations have a very wide application:

during pregnancy;

for the elderly;

for immunity;

for sight;

· for kids;

in dentistry;

with allergies;

in depression.

Application during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers experience an increased need for vitamins, primarily vitamins A, C, B1, B6, folic acid. It is essential that a woman's body be provided with all these micronutrients even before the conception of a child and throughout the entire period of pregnancy and lactation. This will save the mother and her child from many troubles and complications.

It should be remembered that during the planning and management of pregnancy, one must be very careful about taking vitamin A or retinol. In high doses, this vitamin can have a teratogenic effect and provoke the development of various abnormalities in the fetus. Therefore, it is very important during the management and planning of pregnancy to carefully consider the doses of this vitamin. The allowable dosage of vitamin A for pregnant women is 6600 IU or 2 mg per day.

Insufficient supply of vitamins to a woman during the conception of a child and pregnancy can be the cause congenital anomalies development, malnutrition, prematurity, disorders of the physical and mental development of children. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, you need to think about taking multivitamin complexes.

Application for the elderly.

With age, changes occur in the human body that require a restructuring of nutrition. In older people, the absorption capacity of food ingredients is reduced, energy metabolism is also reduced. In addition, chronic diseases, taking medications lead to the fact that a person regularly does not receive the substances he needs, primarily vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It has been shown that in 20-30% of older people the intake of, for example, vitamin B6 is lower than recommended. And the content of vitamins B1 and B2 in the blood is much lower than the norm in a significant number of elderly people. Vitamins are especially important for patients treated in hospitals. Almost a third of all patients in US clinics suffer from hypo- and beriberi. Vitamin E deficiency was found in 80% of elderly patients, vitamin C - in 60%, vitamin A - up to 40%. On the other hand, older people who regularly take vitamin preparations lead to more active image life, as evidenced by numerous medical and social studies.

Application to strengthen the immune system.

The immune system protects us from external influences. adverse factors, this is a kind of "line of defense" against the aggressive action of bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. Without a healthy and efficient immune system, the body is weakened and more likely to suffer from viral and bacterial infections.

The immune system also protects the body from its own cells, which have a disrupted organization and have lost their normal characteristics and functions. It finds and destroys such cells, which are potential sources of cancer.

It has long been known that vitamins are necessary for the formation of immune cells, antibodies and signaling substances involved in the immune response. The daily requirement for vitamins may be small, but it depends on the availability of vitamins. normal work immune system and energy metabolism. That is why vitamin deficiency accelerates the aging of the body and increases the incidence of infectious diseases and malignant tumors, which significantly reduces the duration and quality of life.

With vitamin E deficiency, the formation of antibodies and the activity of lymphocytes decrease. A decrease in the production of antibodies is also possible with a deficiency of vitamins A, B5 ( pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid) and H (biotin). Folic acid deficiency slows down the immune system's response to foreign factors. Vitamin A deficiency weakens immune system body when foreign proteins enter the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency reduces reaction power immune protection and reduces its ability to kill foreign cells. Vitamin B6 deficiency reduces the ability of neutrophils to digest and destroy bacteria.

And vice versa:

· B vitamins help stimulate the immune system during times of stress, after surgery or injury.

· Taking a multivitamin containing vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and viral diseases.

· Vitamin B6 stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, which are essential for cell growth and the production of antibodies to fight infection.

Vitamin C or vitamin C increases the activity of macrophages in the fight against infectious agents.

Vitamin E intake increases disease resistance in all age groups and is especially useful for elderly patients.

· It has been proven that children who are regularly given vitamins by their parents are less likely to suffer from common infectious diseases, acute respiratory infections, otitis media, and sinusitis.

An important part of the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza in the season of high incidence is the intake of multivitamins. This will help to avoid illness, support your body, increase immunity.

Close attention should also be paid to the choice of a suitable and effective drug.

Experts recommend taking drugs that contain the entire spectrum of vital important vitamins, and, no less important, the complex must be of high quality and well balanced in dosages. This will guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the drug. High quality and optimal dosages of vitamins can significantly reduce the risk of allergic reactions, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon in recent times, and this, in turn, will provide an opportunity to complete the preventive course.

Application for children.

Today, as in other things and always, at the appointment with pediatricians, parents very often ask the question of the need to take vitamins or, conversely, the absence of such, about the effectiveness and safety of the use of certain vitamin complexes in their children, and also about how they should be preferred and why.

The content of vitamins in diet can vary and depends on various reasons: on the variety and type of products, methods and terms of their storage, the nature of the technological processing of food. Eating canned foods also creates big problem in this plan. Drying, freezing, mechanical processing, storage in metal containers, pasteurization and many other achievements of civilization reduce the content of vitamins in foods. After three days of storage of products, the percentage of vitamins is significantly reduced. But on average, for 9 months or more a year, the inhabitants of our country eat vegetables and fruits frozen, stored for a long time or grown in greenhouses. Storing cabbage room temperature 1 day entails a loss of vitamin C by 25%, 2 days - 40%, 3 days - 70%. When roasting pork, the loss of vitamin B is 35%, stewing - 60%, boiling - 80%.

Inadequate intake of vitamins with food leads to the development of hypovitaminosis, which do not have a clear pronounced clinical picture. Their signs may be such non-specific symptoms as fast fatiguability, general weakness, decreased concentration, decreased performance, poor resistance to infections, increased irritability, changes in the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Application for allergies.

The urgency of the problem of allergies is increasing every day. Allergic diseases are the most common among all noncommunicable diseases. And the number of allergic patients has tripled in the last decade alone.

Patients with allergic diseases are one of the risk groups for the development of hypovitaminosis. Especially significant vitamin deficiency is experienced by patients with food allergies and atopic dermatitis, which is due to several reasons:

First of all, hypovitaminosis is provoked by elimination measures (as one of the main methods of therapy) aimed at eliminating the action of allergens, including, among other things, a nonspecific and / or specific hypoallergenic diet, consisting of limited list food products. This naturally leads to the fact that the child's daily need for vitamins is not met.

In addition, most people with allergic diseases, especially those with atopic dermatitis, suffer from dysbacteriosis, which disrupts the absorption of vitamins from food, as well as the endogenous synthesis of B vitamins, which exacerbates the manifestations of hypovitaminosis.

All of the above leads to an increase in the need for vitamins in children and adults with various allergic pathologies.

Despite the obvious need for vitamin therapy, numerous dosage forms of vitamins and multivitamins, the choice of these drugs in patients with allergic diseases is usually difficult. The reason is the risk of allergic reactions to the auxiliary components of multivitamin complexes of certain manufacturers and the vitamins themselves, mainly group B. This often leads to an unjustified refusal to prescribe multivitamins to this group of patients by both allergists and pediatricians, and, as a result, aggravation of hypovitaminosis.

Application in dentistry.

Vitamins and related drugs are widely used for prevention and as part of complex therapy diseases maxillofacial area. Showing high biological activity in very small doses, they are necessary for normal cellular metabolism and tissue trophism, plastic metabolism, energy transformation, normal performance of all organs and tissues, maintenance of such vital functions as tissue growth and regeneration, reproduction, and immunological reactivity of the organism.

The main source of vitamins in the human body is food. Some vitamins (groups B and K) are synthesized by the microflora of the large intestine or can be formed in the human body during metabolism from organic substances similar in chemical composition (vitamin A - from carotene, vitamin D - from sterols in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin PP - from tryptophan). However, the synthesis of vitamins in the body is insignificant and does not cover the total need for them. Fat soluble vitamins can be retained in the tissues of the body, and most water-soluble vitamins (with the exception of vitamin B12) are not deposited, so their deficiency leads to deficiency faster and they must be taken into the body systematically.

So, we can conclude that it is necessary to use vitamins to prevent many diseases.

B vitamins are natural substances that enter the human body with food. They are extremely important for normal life. These vitamins play a special role in the activity nervous system. If they do not enter the human body enough, then this in itself can lead to malfunctions in the nervous system (in particular, to the occurrence of polyneuropathies). In addition, with a number pathological processes in nervous tissue B vitamins provide healing effect due to its ability to influence metabolism and restore nerve fibers. That is why this group of drugs is widely used in the treatment neurological diseases. In recent decades, B vitamins have been used for problems with any parts of the nervous system, because the role of their deficiency has been proven even in the development of thought disorders. This article will focus on the main aspects of the use of B vitamins in neurological practice. You will receive information about the varieties of B vitamins available on the pharmaceutical market and the features of their use.

When talking about the effect of B vitamins on the nervous system, they usually mean the three most important of them: vitamin B 1 (thiamine), vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin). It is these substances that are indispensable for the functioning of our brain and nerves.

How do individual vitamins work?

In order to prevent, it is enough just to eat well, getting required amount each of the B vitamins from food

B vitamins are unequal in their effects. Each of them has its own tasks, which we will now talk about.

In 1, it performs the following main roles:

  • ensures the processing of carbohydrates by nerve cells, maintaining the energy potential;
  • carries out nerve impulse along the peripheral processes of nerve cells (axons), thus realizing the transmission of an impulse;
  • is engaged in the construction of nerve cell membranes;
  • participates in the healing of damaged nerve processes (regeneration).

In 6 it works like this:

  • participates in the synthesis and destruction of biologically active substances, which are transmitters of information in the nervous system (dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin and others);
  • regulates protein synthesis and fat metabolism;
  • ensures the transmission of impulses at the point of contact of two nerve cells (synapse);
  • struggling with free radicals that is, it is an antioxidant.

At 12 needed for:

  • construction of the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • synthesis of acetylcholine (a substance with which the impulse is transmitted between neurons);
  • decrease pain associated with damage nerve fibers.

Of course, these are far from all the functions of B vitamins. The above is only a small part of their work, relating specifically to the nervous system. And the role for the whole organism is much wider.

In connection with such a key role of B vitamins in metabolic processes in the nervous system, they are usually called neurotropic.

Neurotropic vitamins of this group have unique property: when applied simultaneously, their effect is much higher than just the sum of their individual influences. This means that the simultaneous administration of all three drugs at once is much more effective than their use alone. Therefore, several decades ago, pharmaceutical companies focused their efforts on the creation of combined forms of B vitamins in order to improve the quality of treatment and increase the convenience of using drugs. So, for example, previously it was necessary to perform three different injections so that the patient could receive all three neurotropic vitamins. And today there are drugs that contain all three components in one ampoule. Agree that it is much more convenient and causes less inconvenience to the patient. The same can be said about tablet forms. Complexes of B vitamins in the form of tablets and dragees are available in pharmacies.

Diseases of the nervous system, in the treatment of which vitamins of group B are used

The role of B vitamins in relation to the nervous system is considered to be not fully understood. More and more new information comes after various studies. And in connection with new data, the list of neurological diseases in which neurotropic vitamins have a therapeutic effect is constantly expanding. There are great prospects for them in the future. Scroll neurological problems, in which B vitamins can be used, consists of:

  • various kinds of polyneuropathies (first of all, and);
  • neuropathies of individual nerves (traumatic, infectious and others);
  • neurological complications of osteochondrosis various departments spine (, lumboischialgia, cervicalgia, cervicobrachialgia, thoracalgia, radicular syndromes);
  • tunnel syndromes (, tarsal canal and others);
  • neuropathic pain (for example, with);
  • myelopathy;
  • acquired mental disorders, in particular - some varieties;
  • pyridoxine-associated epilepsy in children.

The therapeutic effect is to stimulate the healing of nerve fibers and their sheaths, improve nerve conduction. Due to this, the severity of motor and sensory disorders decreases in patients. In addition, with damage to the nervous system, the appointment of vitamins of this group allows you to achieve a distinct analgesic effect in neuropathic pain. Recent times The effect of B vitamins on vascular and neurodegenerative diseases is being actively studied. It has already been proven that, due to a multi-stage biochemical process, B vitamins can slow down the progression of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of thrombosis. Therefore, their use can be useful as a prevention of the occurrence of vascular catastrophes of the brain ().

I would also like to dwell on the point that many of the above diseases of the nervous system can sometimes be associated with an insufficient content of the trio of B vitamins in the body. However, there are no other reasons for the occurrence of these diseases. For example, polyneuropathy can occur on its own only when there is a deficiency of vitamin B 1 or B 6 , and a long-term deficiency of vitamin B 12 can cause damage to the spinal cord. Studies have found that a lack of B vitamins often occurs when:

  • irrational diet (since the bulk of vitamins human body received from food);
  • alcohol abuse (because usually nutrition also becomes inadequate, and the body needs a lot of vitamin B 1 to break down alcohol);
  • drug addiction (due to an antisocial lifestyle);
  • violation of absorption processes in the intestine (malabsorption syndrome, duodenal ulcer and other diseases);
  • after surgical operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when taking certain drugs (for example, isoniazid for tuberculosis or diuretics for edema).

It is noteworthy that B vitamins realize their therapeutic effect not only in conditions of their deficiency. Due to the peculiarities of participation in the metabolism, their rather large doses are necessary for the body to fight many diseases and in cases where there is no shortage of them.

Features of the use of B vitamins

In the pharmacy network, you can buy each of the B vitamins individually or a mixture of them in one ampoule

B vitamins are water-soluble, which allows them to be easily absorbed when taken orally and interact with the body's natural environments. However, vitamin B 1 in small doses in the form of tablets is destroyed in the intestines by enzymes, respectively, it is poorly absorbed. If you try to increase the dose, then this generally leads to a blockade of the transfer of the vitamin from the intestines to the blood. How to be? Medicine has found a way out of the situation. Sufficient concentrations can be achieved by parenteral administration, as well as using a fat-soluble form of vitamin B 1, which is able to dissolve in fats. This form of vitamin B1 is called Benfotiamine. Benfotiamine is resistant to the effects of gastrointestinal enzymes, which makes it possible to achieve the absorption of large doses and achieve the required concentration of the drug in the blood.

Another feature of the application is the following: individual vitamins B 1 , B 6 , B 12 cannot be used as a joint injection with one syringe, that is, as a mixture. The fact is that in a pharmacy these vitamins can be purchased separately (vitamin B 1 ampoules, vitamin B 6 ampoules, vitamin B 12 ampoules). In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to combine a solution from one ampoule with a solution from another in one syringe. But given the frequent need to use these vitamins at the same time, the pharmaceutical industry has addressed this problem. Mixtures of these vitamins were synthesized, which are already mixed in one ampoule and do not inactivate each other, but rather enhance the effect. Since then, if it is necessary to use all three vitamins at the same time, only such mixtures made industrial way. Some of them also contain Lidocaine, which is an anesthetic. It is able to enhance the analgesic effect of B vitamins, as well as make the injection itself insensitive to the patient.

The next feature of the use of B vitamins is the potential allergic reaction on them. Basically, any medicinal substance may not be tolerated individually by the patient, it is impossible to predict such a reaction. But you should be more careful with vitamins B 1 and B 12. Allergy to these vitamins, although rare, still happens, so this fact must be taken into account by both medical personnel and the patient.

List of B vitamins that can be found at the pharmacy

The world of business also affects the pharmaceutical industry. Regarding the B vitamins, it looks like this: the main trio of vitamins is represented by huge amount drugs. That is, the same current composition have a variety of drugs. The difference lies only in the manufacturer and sometimes in additional substances, and, of course, in price. Some manufacturers claim that the degree of purification affects the effectiveness of the drug. We do not undertake to evaluate B vitamins by this indicator. Let's compare them only in composition and forms of release. In order not to get into a mess and not overpay for the same substances, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of B vitamins below.

So, the most common complexes of B vitamins are:

  • Milgamma;
  • Combilipen;
  • Vitakson;
  • Vitagamma;
  • Binavit;
  • Neurorubin;
  • Neurobion;
  • Compligam B;
  • Trigamma.

What do all these drugs have in common? All listed drugs are available in the form of solutions for intramuscular injections. 1 ampoule of any of them contains 100 mg B 1, 100 mg B 6 and 1 mg B 12. As we see, active ingredients absolutely identical both in composition and in dosages. Some of the drugs in their composition additionally contain 20 mg of Lidocaine for an analgesic effect (all of the above, except for Neurobion and Neurorubin). There is one more difference: Neurobion and Neurorubin in one ampoule contain 3 ml of solution, and all the rest - 2 ml each. However, this does not affect the total dose. That is, to get the same amount of mg of vitamins, you need to inject, for example, Combilipen 2 ml, and Neurorubin 3 ml.

And, of course, the price. According to this indicator, all drugs differ significantly from each other. Made abroad are much more expensive domestic analogues. However, their similarity in composition and dosages allows you to choose a medicine that everyone can afford.

In addition to the release form in the form of a solution for injection, all of the above drugs, except for Trigamma, Vitagamma and Binavit, are also available in the form of tablet forms or dragees for oral administration. This provides a continuous course of treatment for certain conditions in neurology, which is very convenient. The composition and dosage in the case of tablet forms is much more diverse than injection forms. Let's dwell on this moment in more detail.

Milgamma compositum (this is what the dragee is called) and Vitakson contain a fat-soluble form of vitamin B 1 (benfotiamine) 100 mg and vitamin B 6 100 mg. Combilipen tabs contains the same amount of benfotiamine and vitamin B 6 as Milgamma, but in addition also 2 μg of vitamin B 12. Neurobion consists of 100 mg of thiamine, 200 mg of pyridoxine and 200 mcg of cyanocobalamin (the manufacturer writes that each tablet contains an excess of vitamin B 12 in the form of an additional 20%, that is, only 240 mcg is obtained). Neurorubin - Forte Lactab contains 200 mg of vitamin B 1 (not benfotiamine!), 50 mg of vitamin B 6 and 1 mg of vitamin B 12. Compligam B complex contains a whole set of B vitamins:

  • 5 mg thiamine (vitamin B 1),
  • 6 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B 6),
  • 6 mg riboflavin (vitamin B 2),
  • 0.6 mg folic acid (vitamin B 9),
  • 9 mcg cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12),
  • 60 mg nicotinamide (vitamin B 3),
  • 15 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5),
  • 150 mcg of biotin (vitamin B 7),
  • 100 mg choline (vitamin B 4),
  • 250 mg of inositol (vitamin B 8),
  • 100 mg para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B 10).

As you can see, tablet forms are very different in doses and composition, which means that they can not always serve as an identical replacement for each other.

There are B vitamins, which so far have only tablet forms. Neuromultivit, Neurobeks and Neurovitan are widely distributed among them. Neuromultivit is similar to Neurobion in composition. Neurobex exists in two forms: Neo (vitamin B 1 50 mg, vitamin B 2 25 mg, vitamin B 6 10 mg, vitamin B 5 25 mg, vitamin B 9 0.5 mg, vitamin B 12 5 mcg, vitamin B 3 100 mg, vitamin C 175 mg) and Forte (vitamin B 1 100 mg, vitamin B 6 200 mg, vitamin B 12 300 mcg). Neurovitan has an interesting composition: octothiamine 25 mg (this is thiamine + thioctic acid, which is an antioxidant), riboflavin 2.5 mg, pyridoxine 40 mg and cyanocobalamin 0.25 mg. It is possible that in the near future, manufacturers of only tablet forms will also produce injectable ones, since often the treatment process first requires the parenteral use of vitamins.

I would like to note the fact that the B vitamins in the composition of these drugs are medicines. They cannot be taken independently and uncontrollably, carelessly thinking that these are just vitamins. Yes, these are vitamins, but in therapeutic dosages, so only a doctor should prescribe them.

From all of the above, it turns out that the arsenal of B vitamins to combat the pathology of the nervous system is very wide. Currently, the attending physician has a choice medicinal product according to dosages and price category which is a definite plus. And given the emerging new information about the role of B vitamins in the functioning of the nervous system, it can be assumed that in the near future the list of these drugs will be replenished with new drugs with different dosages and composition.

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