What does the taste of iodine in the mouth mean. Unpleasant taste of iodine as a result of chronic poisoning. Foods to Avoid If You Have an Iodine Taste - Photo Gallery

Everyone has experienced bad taste in their mouths in their lives. In most cases, this phenomenon is temporary and does not indicate any disease or pathological conditions. But the taste of iodine may not go away for a long time. When faced with such a situation for the first time, many people are in no hurry to contact a specialist and try to figure out this problem on their own. However, such a sensation in the mouth is a reason to go to the doctor.

What does the taste of iodine in the mouth mean

In most situations, a special taste of iodine in the mouth indicates an excess of the same microelement in the body. Excess can be formed due to many reasons, and a doctor is able to help identify a primary disease, a sign of which is an excess of iodine in the human body. Exist standard values iodine intake. To maintain the full performance of the body, it is necessary to consume up to 300 micrograms of iodine per day. Maximum safe daily dose- 500 mcg. An excess of iodine in the body is called iodism.

Video about excess iodine in the body

If an unpleasant taste in the mouth occurs suddenly, then there is a chance that it will pass soon. It is possible that the use of various iodine-containing products or drugs could affect the appearance of this sensation. It should be understood that both insufficient and excessive iodine content negatively affects human health. Most of all, such deviations are reflected in the children's body.

Often, with bad breath, soda and iodine can be felt. Bad breath causes discomfort to a person and is often a sign of dental problems, various physiological or pathological changes in the body.

The problem of bad breath affects both adults and children. In some cases, the condition may be temporary, for example, after sleep, such aromas are present in the vast majority of people.

Often causes bad breath difficult to install on your own, and if a problem occurs, you should be examined and consult a specialist. Below are the main reasons unpleasant odor and tell you how iodine and soda smell differ from them. And at the same time you will learn how to get rid of the unpleasant effect with the help of ordinary baking soda.

In medicine bad smell from the mouth is collectively referred to as halitosis. For accurate diagnosis pathology, an anamnesis is collected, if necessary, a consultation with specialists of an adjacent profile is carried out. By using special device halimeter in a patient determines the sulfur-containing compounds present in the exhaled air.

Separate halimeters recognize ammonia compounds and most accurately determine the concentration of sulfur-containing secretions. method microbiological research identify strains of periodontopathogenic microorganisms. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the number and type of pathogenic microflora.

Plaque is the most common cause of bad breath. At poor hygiene of the oral cavity, plaque is deposited on the neck of the teeth, which eventually turns into. Tooth deposits should be periodically removed by the dentist.

Gingivitis and periodontitis - inflammatory diseases gums that occur due to poor hygiene oral cavity and developing in the presence of tartar. The inflammatory process increases the likelihood of bad smell from mouth. Inflammation of the gums is eliminated by anti-inflammatory therapy, after removing dental plaque from the dentist.

Dmitry Sidorov


AT preventive purposes from caries, tartar and inflammation of the gums, you can rinse your mouth ordinary soda, diluted in a proportion of 1 tsp. to a glass of water. Baking soda has antibacterial properties, in addition, it can have a whitening effect if applied in small amounts to the skin. toothbrush with pasta.

caries and rotten tooth under the crown also cause bad breath. In this case, the smell will disappear after treatment. The taste of soda with bitterness in the mouth may indicate the pathology of the liver, biliary tract and weak intestines.

Bad breath can be caused by food particles between the teeth. To avoid this, if possible, after eating, clean the interdental spaces with dental floss, and then brush your teeth.

What does the smell indicate

The smell from the mouth in an adult can occur for several main reasons:

  • Because of smoking. Long term use tobacco products causes tartar, weakens the gums, damages tooth enamel. At diabetes Patients may have an acetone odor on their breath.
  • Some patients complain about the smell of iodine from the mouth. The reasons for this lie in a disease called iodism. Pathology develops as a result of iodine poisoning or the accumulation of a large amount of it in the body. daily requirement in this element is 200-350 mcg, excess of the norm develops iodism.
  • In people suffering chronic tonsillitis also can smell bad from the mouth. Indolent inflammation of the tonsils is characterized by microabscesses with pus, which forms bad smell. Sometimes tonsillitis develops due to inflamed gums, tartar and carious teeth.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, dysbacteriosis, duodenal ulcer - often cause putrid smell. At liver failure, cholecystitis, hepatitis, the presence of a "fecal" aroma or rotten eggs. In sick people with kidney failure Exhaled air may also smell like ammonia.

Causes of iodism

The smell of iodine from the mouth in an adult can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Professional activity is connected with iodine-containing substances. A person can inhale vapors at work or, for example, when conducting experiments in a laboratory.
  2. Idiosyncrasy - hypersensitivity to iodine, often becomes the cause of the development of pathology.
  3. The smell can be detected in people who have used iodine-containing drugs for a long time.
  4. The reasons may be the use of contraceptive hormonal drugs.
  5. Hyperthyroidism - impaired function thyroid gland, enhances the production of thyroid hormones that have iodine in their composition. In addition to the corresponding aftertaste, tachycardia, excessive sweating, fatigue and irritability. In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there is swelling of the face and neck.
  6. The presence of liver pathologies associated with the abuse of alcohol and fatty foods.

Dmitry Sidorov


At infants the presence of an iodine odor can be detected if the mother has taken preparations containing it, even in small quantities, since the substance has the property of accumulating in the body. In older children, the smell of iodine from the mouth occurs with prolonged exposure to the sea, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, in the presence of the Klebsiella bacterium.

Sometimes the taste of iodine in the mouth can be detected after a diagnostic procedure. The fact is that the components containing it are used for diagnostic tests as an ultrasonic contrast medium - when conducting x-rays, magnetic resonance and computed tomography.

The introduction of contrast agents containing iodine into the artery, vein, fluid space of the spine contributes to exact definition anomalies, but it has side effects may experience nausea, vomiting, skin rash. For some time, an iodine taste will be present in the mouth.

In case of poisoning with iodine vapor, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated, swelling, runny nose and cough occur. Burns to the mouth and esophagus may be present. In some cases, patients have heat profuse saliva and tears. Oversaturation of the body with iodine can impair vision, cause mental retardation and liver problems.

Treatment of the disease

Necessary condition for treatment is the elimination of the causes that caused poisoning with iodine vapor. In case of poisoning, the stomach is washed and an antidote is prescribed - sodium thiosulfate. To reduce the concentration of a substance in the body, preparations with bromine, calcium chloride are prescribed. Also appointed cardiovascular drugs to stimulate breathing. Inhalation using soda or ammonia and washing the nasopharynx with a 2% soda solution are recommended.

In hyperthyroidism, drugs are prescribed to suppress increased secretory function thyroid gland. AT advanced cases used to affect the thyroid radioactive iodine either carry out surgical operation. Iodism is not a widespread disease. In the vast majority of people, it occurs in a mild form.

Any taste in the mouth, regardless of eating, there is a signal to think about your health - most likely, there was some kind of malfunction in the body. A taste in the mouth can signal the development of a certain disease. Taste usually comes on suddenly and persists long time. For example, various strange tastes in the mouth may indicate a malfunction digestive tract. Consider a specific case - where does the taste of iodine in the mouth come from.

Source of the problem

The most common cause of an unpleasant iodine taste in the mouth is an oversaturation of the body with iodine. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by pain and burning sensation in the throat, thirst, nausea and diarrhea, weakness, convulsions, dizziness. The entire oral cavity at the same time turns into the color of iodine, iso mouth goes iodine smell. AT medical practice this pathology is called iodism. Yodism is an uncommon occurrence. It usually occurs in employees of enterprises where iodine is mined or used in production. It is believed that the norm of iodine, not exceeding 500 mcg, is safe, more than this amount of iodine becomes a pathology.

The appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth may indicate intoxication . This happens when the patient takes too much a large number of iodine-containing preparations. Treatment with iodine must be under the supervision of a physician, and drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist.

Intense inhalation of iodine vapors if they exceed the recommended dose hundreds of times, iodine in the mouth. This is possible when living by the sea.

The last two factors indicate that a person has an increased individual sensitivity to iodine, called idiosyncrasy. Sometimes the taste of iodine in the mouth is mistaken for an allergic reaction.

Much less often, the appearance of a taste of iodine in the mouth is a sign of deviations in, for example, hyperthyroidism. A sign of hyperthyroidism is excessive irritability and tearfulness.


Iodism, as a rule, occurs in most patients without any complications. Symptoms disappear on their own within a few hours after their appearance. True, it happens, but less often, that the taste of iodine in the mouth persists for two days. Iodism is characterized, in addition to a taste in the mouth, irritation of the mucous membranes respiratory organs and skin, the appearance of cough and runny nose. Sometimes .

The reason that caused the iodine taste in the mouth can also cause other phenomena: visual impairment, the occurrence metallic taste, pain under the ribs with right side(liver damage), hoarseness of voice, mental retardation.

The way a person smells from a person’s mouth largely indicates the state of his health, in particular, the functions digestive system. What provokes iodine odor in adults, how to deal with it?

Persistent odor of iodine from the mouth in adults can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Yodism.
  2. Hyperthyroidism.
  3. Treatment with potent hormone-containing drugs.
  4. Failures in the central nervous system.
  5. dental diseases and oral cavity especially.
  6. Pathologies of the digestive system and its organs.

An iodine odor may appear against the background of thyroid pathologies.

Consider each of the above causes of the smell of iodine coming from the mouth in more detail.


Smell of iodine from the mouth with iodism can be for a long time. This is one of the most dangerous reasons this disease, which is related to direct negative influence iodine on the human body.

Iodine poisoning can occur when self-administering high-dose iodine-containing drugs, using iodized supplements, or poisoning with such a substance in its pure form.

Important! Before you start taking strong drugs with iodine, the doctor should ask the patient about the presence of an allergy to this substance. With intolerance to iodine, its entry into the body, even in minimal quantities, can lead to serious consequences.

With an excess of iodine, the body independently begins to remove it through Airways and salivary glands. This can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth. With the development of iodism in a patient, the following are usually observed: symptoms:


Hyperthyroidism is common hormonal disease, which is provoked by violations in the functions hormonal gland person. In this condition thyroid increases in size and begins to produce more hormones that negatively affect the body.

The bad smell of iodine from the mouth is one of the characteristic symptoms diseases. In this state, a person may suffer from weakness, indigestion, excessive sweating, tachycardia, depressive states and headache. Women may experience a malfunction in menstrual cycle, and in men - a decrease in potency.

Hyperthyroidism is one of the causes of the smell of iodine from the mouth.

People who are aware of their hyperthyroidism disease are not worried about the smell of iodine from the mouth, as this is one of the signs of the disease. At the same time, you need to worry about those who have not yet checked the condition of their thyroid gland.

Some people often experience a taste of iodine in their mouth. It is not difficult to determine it, because a peculiar smell has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Parents often use alcohol solution this chemical element when processing downed knees and cuts in their children. Therefore, it is simply impossible to confuse a pungent smell with another. And do not ignore this phenomenon. It is necessary to find the causes of the iodine taste, and only a qualified specialist can help with this.

The smell of iodine and its peculiar rather bad taste that appeared in the mouth should not be ignored. After all, this phenomenon can be alarm bell, indicating disturbances in the functioning of the body, a symptom developing disease. Do not deal with this phenomenon on your own. Such an attitude towards one's health can exacerbate the situation.

The smell and taste of iodine are known to us from an early age.

In medicine, any bad breath is collectively referred to as halitosis.

Temporary appearance of iodine aftertaste

Of course, if the iodine aftertaste appears in the mouth only after eating food containing an abundance of this trace element, then there is no need to worry. This sensation may occur against the background of use in food:

Foods high in iodine - photo gallery

Iodized salt is the champion in iodine content among products Sea fish flounder contains a lot of iodine Seafood is famous for great content iodine Eating walnuts can cause an iodine taste in the mouth Feijoa contains a lot of iodine Seaweed dishes can cause an iodine taste in the mouth

Sometimes a long stay in sea ​​water or living on the coast can cause an abnormal taste of iodine in the mouth.

There may be a taste after some diagnostic procedures requiring application contrast agents containing iodine. And also a short-term smell from the mouth can be caused by the use of drugs in the treatment of any diseases, which contain a high content of iodine. To similar pharmacological agents relate:

  • Iodinol;
  • Yodangin;
  • Lugol;
  • Iodine balance;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Iodthyrox.

If the excess of the iodine content in the human body is caused only by the above conditions, then it is enough to change the diet and / or refuse to take iodine-containing drugs.

The drug Iodomarin can cause an iodine taste in the mouth.

It has been clinically proven that even with a regular intake of up to 500 mcg / day of iodine in the human body for a long time, there are no pathological changes in the functions of organs. But the simultaneous consumption of high doses of this substance can lead to serious poisoning and the development of incurable ailments.

Dangerous causes of iodine taste

There are several important and dangerous reasons that underlie the occurrence of iodine odor from the mouth, as well as the appearance of the taste of this substance:

  1. Body poisoning. A sharp saturation with iodine by getting it into the gastrointestinal tract and / or by inhaling iodine vapors is iodism.
  2. Congenital or acquired deviation in the work of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism.
  3. Violation of the liver and digestive tract.
  4. Mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.
  5. Reception combined hormonal contraceptives women.
  6. Dental health problems.

An adult needs about 150 mcg / day of iodine for the health and proper functioning of the thyroid gland. lethal dose for a person is a single intake of a microelement in the amount of 2 g.


Poisoning a person with iodine is a dangerous phenomenon. It can be the result of the abuse of drugs containing this microelement in its composition: an excess of dosage inconsistent with the doctor, self-medication. Another cause of iodism is poisoning associated with professional activities, when work at a hazardous enterprise becomes the culprit of the disease.

The most common cause of iodine poisoning is work in hazardous industries.

In case of violation of safety regulations and / or organization of labor in industries related to the extraction of iodine and / or the development of related products. In such cases, poisoning can be massive.

Sometimes iodism develops against the background allergic reactions and individual intolerance. The main symptoms of the disease are:

The chronic form of the disease develops over the years and has virtually no clinical picture.


It happens that the thyroid gland begins to actively produce hormones, producing more of them than the human body needs. This condition is called hyperthyroidism. It occurs under the influence of adverse environmental factors or passed down genetically. With such an anomaly, additional iodine intake not only does not improve the patient's health, but only worsens his condition. Symptoms of the disease in this case are:

In such cases, when a person has all these symptoms, you should seek help from an endocrinologist.

Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver

The presence of an iodine taste in the mouth may be evidence of a malfunction in the digestive organs, liver and biliary tract. Then, in addition to bad breath, the patient has:

Bile stasis causes undigested food to putrefy, resulting in an iodine-bitter taste in the mouth.

Dental problems

Dental problems, dental diseases - all this often entails the appearance of a nasty taste of iodine in the mouth. This is caused by the oxidative process that develops against the background of the decomposition of food residues.

Breeding in the mouth pathogenic microflora causes bad breath and a sharp unnatural aftertaste. Sometimes the cause can be ordinary plaque, which eventually turns into tartar.

To avoid problems with teeth and gums, it is necessary to visit the dentist in a timely manner

Poor oral hygiene leads to the development of periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth) and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), which also increases the likelihood of an iodine taste.

Symptoms of dental ailments will be:

  • inflamed gums;
  • toothache;
  • painful reaction to hot, sweet and cold.

Psychical deviations

It happens that the taste of iodine in the mouth appears due to neurological disorders and mental disorders. Numerous stresses, insomnia, nervous breakdowns. A lingering neurosis causes a sensation bad taste in the mouth, although in reality it may not exist. In such cases, the subconscious of a person perceives an ordinary hallucination as reality.

A person with an unstable psyche can experience all the symptoms of iodine poisoning known to him.

As a result, a person with an unstable psyche begins to experience all the symptoms of iodine poisoning known to him. Appears obsession the presence of some pathology in the body.

Hormonal disbalance

It is not uncommon for women to feel strangers during pregnancy. taste sensations in the mouth. Iodine taste in such cases is not always a sign of the development of pathology in the body. Strong hormonal changes can easily cause this problem. At the same time, it is possible to get rid of the third-party smell and taste of iodine only after childbirth, when the body comes to normal condition. Pregnant women in this case should refuse food with a high content of this element.

Strong hormonal changes during pregnancy can easily trigger new taste perceptions.

When you receive birth control pills hormonal background female body changes a little. As a result, the taste of iodine in the mouth is possible. This indicates a malfunction. endocrine system and the need to change medication or complete failure from such contraception.

Alarming signs in the mouth: video


If for any reason a persistent taste of iodine appears in the mouth, you should consult a doctor for a diagnostic measures and clarification true reason such an anomaly.

When the patient first seeks help, the doctor will highlight the main causes of this symptom. However, it is impossible to determine in absentia the true culprit of the problem. A thorough examination with analysis is required.

Diagnostic measures initially come down to the following procedures:

A blood and urine test can detect the presence of iodine in the body, will be able to establish the level TSH hormones, T3 and T4 (their deviation from the norm may indicate thyroid disease).

If iodine poisoning of the body is superficial and does not cause serious complications then it is enough to carry out procedures aimed at cleansing the body. In cases where it is not established that poisoning is the cause of the iodine taste in the mouth, the digestive tract organs are examined:

Therapy Methods

The choice of method depends on the cause of the problem.

Treatment of iodism

The primary condition in the treatment of iodism is the elimination of the causes that caused the poisoning. The patient must completely eliminate all factors affecting the development of this disease:

  • refusal to eat foods high in iodine;
  • job change if professional activity directly related to iodine;
  • discontinuation of the use of iodine-containing drugs in the treatment.

At acute poisoning substance cleanses the body:

  1. The surface of the skin with cotton swab purify 2% aqueous solution soda.
  2. The stomach is washed with 5% sodium thiosulfate solution.
  3. If the poisoning occurred with the salts of the substance, then sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously in the form of a 30% solution.

You should be aware that treatment with this drug can cause side reactions:

  • allergy;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • dizziness.

You can use enterosorbents to remove excess iodine from the body.

Sodium thiosulfate will help with iodine poisoning

Additionally, in case of problems with the work of the heart against the background general poisoning iodine shows Cordiamin and Camphor. To stop a cough, drugs with caffeine, codeine or dionine are used.

If iodine vapor enters the mouth and / or nasal cavity prescribe inhalation and rinsing with soda (2% solution).

If, after exclusion from the menu of foods high in iodine, iodine-containing drugs and vitamin complexes the taste of this substance does not disappear, then we can talk about serious violations in the work of the body.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

When making a diagnosis such as hyperthyroidism, you need to contact an endocrinologist. He will prescribe special supportive therapy. As a rule, patients with this disease are shown the following medicines- thyreostatics:

  • thionamides:
    • methimazole;
    • Propylthiouracil;
  • methylmercaptoimidazole preparations:
    • Thiamazole;
    • Carbimazole;
    • Propylthiouracil.

If the nodes have especially big sizes used radioactive iodine therapy.

Endorm will help in the form additional treatment with hyperthyroidism

To stabilize the thyroid gland, drugs are additionally used:

  • Endocrinol;
  • Tyrosol.

The dosage and treatment regimen for hyperthyroidism is prescribed individually according to the patient's condition.

If a drug therapy does not give the expected effect, the patient is offered an alternative - surgical intervention aimed at suppressing the increased secretory function of the thyroid gland. The operation involves the removal of a modified part of the organ. The remaining section of the gland performs its normal work. If, after the manipulation, the patient develops hypothyroidism, the doctor prescribes lifelong replacement therapy.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism: video

Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

If a taste of iodine appears in the mouth against the background of diseases of the digestive tract, liver, biliary tract, consultation with a gastroenterologist and subsequent treatment is required. Therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the source of the disease.

Often the cause of the smell and taste of iodine during intestinal infection is Klebsiella - opportunistic bacteria living even at healthy people. On the background inflammatory process these microbes actively begin to multiply, which leads to damage to the digestive organs. In such cases, treatment is aimed at suppressing the hostile microflora and restoring balance.

Healthy microflora intestines - the key to the well-being of the body

Treatment of neurological diseases

If the reason fetid odor and the taste of iodine has become a neuropsychiatric disease, then treatment is reduced to normalizing the condition with the help of antidepressants and sedatives.

Treatment of dental problems

Elementary measures of oral hygiene, treatment of teeth and gums will eliminate the taste of iodine if the cause of its occurrence is dental problems. It is possible that you will have to remove a bad tooth, put new prosthesis or spend complete reorganization oral cavity.

Healthy teeth- pledge normal functioning organism as a whole

Diet with iodine taste

It is imperative to adhere diet food prescribed by the doctor. In each case, the diet is individual and selected in accordance with the identified ailment.

There are some general principles foods that can minimize the presence of iodine flavor:

  1. Avoid foods high in iodine.
  2. The basis of the diet - foods rich in protein.
  3. Exclusion from the menu of smoked, spicy, fried, pickled and salty foods.
  4. Meals should be fractional, and portions of food should be small.
  5. The use of boiled and steamed dishes.
  6. Increasing the proportion of foods high in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the diet.
  7. Refusal of sweets and muffins.
  8. Refusal of carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  9. Presence on the menu fermented milk products, low-fat varieties meat and fish, vegetables and fruits.
  10. Use of unleavened wholemeal bread.

Foods to Avoid If You Have an Iodine Taste - Photo Gallery

Frying food - not the best option heat treatment Smoked products - a fatty and high-calorie product Carbonated drinks contain a large amount of sugar Alcohol has a harmful effect on the liver and pancreas Sweet pastries - a very high-calorie product Sweets contain a lot of sugar

Folk remedies

To eliminate the taste of iodine, you can use homemade recipes and tips traditional medicine. It is worth remembering that their use is not a treatment for the causes that caused this condition. The following recipes will be useful:

  1. Infusion of elecampane. To prepare the product, 20 grams of dry raw materials are poured with boiling water in an amount of 250 ml and infused for an hour, filtered. Drink this medicine 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile flowers. For getting healing drink 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with boiling water in an amount of 500 ml. Insist for an hour, filter. Used in the form herbal tea half a glass 1-2 times a day.
  3. Knotweed herb infusion. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. Filter and take half a glass three times a day.

Healing herbs - photo gallery

Elecampane is a useful medicinal plant Chamomile is a storehouse of nutrients Knotweed herb is used to eliminate iodine taste in the mouth


If you experience a persistent iodine taste in your mouth, you should consult a doctor for help. Preventive methods prevention of this condition and the development of complications are timely treatment various diseases and isolation of possible sources of threat. If necessary, it is worth changing jobs, eating habits and lifestyle.

healthy image life and timely appeal to the doctor will prevent many diseases

The taste of iodine is serious occasion think about your health, undergo an examination and, if possible, eradicate the cause of the manifested pathology.

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