Horizontal rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Damage to the posterior horn of the internal meniscus. Causes of a torn meniscus

rear horn

Treatment of rupture of the posterior horn of the lateral (outer) meniscus

The lateral meniscus is a structure in the knee joint that has a shape close to annular. Compared to the medial, the lateral meniscus is somewhat wider. The meniscus can be conditionally divided into three parts: the body of the meniscus (middle part), the anterior horn and the posterior horn. The anterior horn is attached to the internal intercondylar eminence. The posterior horn of the lateral meniscus attaches directly to the lateral intercondylar eminence.


Rupture of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus is an injury that is quite common among athletes, people leading an active lifestyle, as well as those whose professional activities are associated with heavy physical labor. According to statistics, this injury in frequency exceeds the injury of the anterior cruciate ligament. However, about a third of all torn ligaments are associated with a meniscus tear. In terms of frequency, damage of the “watering can handle” type is in the first place. Isolated damage to the posterior horn of the meniscus accounts for about a third of all meniscal injuries.

The reasons

Injury to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus has a different character in different patients. The causes of injury largely depend on the age of the person. So, in young people under 35, the cause of injury most often becomes a mechanical effect. In older patients, the cause of rupture of the posterior horn is most often a degenerative change in the tissues of the meniscus.

In women, rupture of the posterior horn of the external meniscus occurs less frequently than in men, and the rupture itself is, as a rule, of an organic nature. In children and adolescents, a tear in the posterior horn also occurs - usually due to awkward movement.

Mechanical injury can have two possible causes: direct impact or rotation. Direct impact in this case is associated with a strong blow to the knee. The foot of the victim at the moment of impact is usually fixed. Damage to the posterior horn is also possible with awkward, sharp bending of the leg at the knee joint. Age-related changes in the meniscus significantly increase the risk of injury.

The rotational mechanism of injury implies that a meniscus tear occurs in the event of a sharp twisting (rotation) of the ankle with a fixed foot. The condyles of the lower leg and thigh with such rotation are displaced in opposite directions. The meniscus is also displaced when attached to the tibia. With excessive displacement, the risk of rupture is high.


Damage to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, impaired mobility of the joint, and even its complete blockage. The complexity of the injury in diagnostic terms is due to the fact that often a rupture of the posterior horn of the meniscus can manifest itself only with non-specific symptoms that are also characteristic of other injuries: damage to the ligaments or patella.

A complete detachment of the meniscus horn, in contrast to minor tears, often manifests itself as a blockade of the joint. The blockade is due to the fact that the torn fragment of the meniscus is displaced and infringed by the structures of the joint. A typical rupture of the posterior horn is the limitation of the ability to bend the leg at the knee.

In acute, severe rupture, accompanied by damage to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the symptoms are pronounced: edema appears, usually on the front surface of the joint, severe pain, the patient cannot step on the foot.

Conservative treatment

For small tears, non-surgical treatment is preferred. Good results in the blockade of the joint are given by puncture - the removal of blood helps to "free" the joint and eliminate the blockade. Further treatment consists in undergoing a number of physiotherapeutic procedures: therapeutic exercises, electromyostimulation and massage.

Often, with conservative treatment, drugs from the group of chondroprotectors are also prescribed. However, if there is severe damage to the posterior horn, then this measure will not be able to completely restore the meniscus tissue. In addition, the course of chondroprotectors often lasts more than one year, which stretches the treatment over time.

Surgical treatment

With significant gaps, surgical treatment may be prescribed. The most commonly used method is arthroscopic removal of part of the meniscus. Complete removal is not practiced, because in the absence of a meniscus, the entire load falls on the knee cartilage, which leads to their rapid erasure.


The rehabilitation period after meniscus surgery lasts up to 3-4 months. A set of measures during this period is aimed at reducing swelling of the knee joint, reducing pain and restoring the full range of motion in the joint. It is worth noting that complete recovery is possible even if the meniscus is removed.

Although the bones of the knee joints are the largest in the human skeleton, the majority of injuries occur in the knee. Injury occurs due to high loads on this part of the limb. Let's talk about such an injury as damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and methods to eliminate its consequences.

Appointment of the meniscus

The limb joint refers to a complex structure, where each element solves a specific problem. Each knee is equipped with menisci that bisect the articular cavity, and perform the following tasks:

  • stabilizing. During any physical activity, the articular surfaces are displaced in the right direction;
  • act as shock absorbers, softening shocks and shocks while running, jumping, walking.

Injury to shock-absorbing elements occurs with various articular injuries, precisely because of the load that these articular parts take on. Each knee has two menisci, which are made up of cartilage:

  • lateral (outer);
  • medial (internal).

Each type of shock-absorbing plate is formed by a body and horns (rear with front). Shock-absorbing elements move freely during physical activity.

The main damage occurs to the posterior horn of the internal meniscus.

Why injury happens

A common injury to the cartilage plate is a tear, complete or incomplete. Professional athletes and dancers are often injured, and whose specialty is associated with high loads. Injuries occur in the elderly, and as a result of accidental, unforeseen stress on the knee area.

Damage to the body of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus occurs for the following main reasons:

  • increased, sports loads (jogging over rough terrain, jumping);
  • active walking, prolonged squatting position;
  • chronic, articular pathologies in which inflammation of the knee region develops;
  • congenital articular pathology.

These causes lead to injuries of the meniscus of varying severity.


Symptoms of trauma to the cartilage elements depend on the severity of the damage to the cartilage tissue. There are the following stages of internal meniscal damage:

  • Stage 1 (mild). Movement of the injured limb is normal. Pain is weak, and becomes more intense during squats or jumps. There may be slight swelling above the kneecap;
  • 2 degree injury is accompanied by severe pain. It is difficult to straighten the limb even with outside help. You can move with a limp, but at any moment the joint can become blocked. Puffiness gradually becomes more and more, and the skin changes shade;
  • damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus 3 degrees accompanied by pain syndromes of such intensity that it is impossible to endure. It hurts the most at the location of the kneecap. Any physical activity is impossible. The knee becomes larger in size, and the skin changes its healthy color to purple or cyanotic.

If the medial meniscus is damaged, the following symptoms exist:

  1. pain intensifies if you press on the patella from the inside and at the same time straighten the limb (Bazhov's technique);
  2. the skin of the knee area becomes too sensitive (Turner's symptom);
  3. when the patient lies down, the palm passes under the injured knee without problems (Land's symptom).

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor decides which treatment method to apply.

Horizontal gap

Depending on the location of the injured area and the general characteristics of the damage, there are types of injury to the medial meniscus:

  • walking along;
  • oblique;
  • passing across;
  • horizontal;
  • chronic form of pathology.

Features of horizontal damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus are as follows:

  • with this type of tearing of the internal shock-absorbing plate, injury occurs, directed to the joint capsule;
  • there is swelling in the area of ​​the joint gap. This development of the pathology has common signs with damage to the anterior meniscus horn of the external cartilage, therefore, special attention is needed when diagnosing.

With horizontal, partial damage, the cavity begins to accumulate excess synovial fluid. Pathology can be diagnosed by ultrasound.

Treatment of a horizontal rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, during timely seeking medical help, is prescribed as a complex, traditional therapy, because this type of injury does not block the joint. First, non-steroidal medications are prescribed to eliminate pain and swelling. Then the injured knee is fixed with a plaster cast. The traditional method of treatment can last from six months to 12 months. During the first 3 months, the joint is immobilized with a plaster splint.

After the removal of the first symptoms, a set of special gymnastic exercises is developed for each patient. Physiotherapy and massage sessions are prescribed.

If traditional methods of treatment do not give a positive result, then surgical intervention is indicated.

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Synovitis due to trauma to the medial meniscus

Against the background of damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, synovitis may begin. This pathology develops due to structural cartilage changes that occur in the tissues during injury. When ruptured, synovial fluid begins to be produced in large volume, and fills the joint cavity.

As synovitis (fluid buildup) develops, it becomes increasingly difficult to move. If there is a transition to the degenerative course of the pathology, then the knee is constantly in a bent position. As a result, muscle spasm develops.

Advanced forms of synovitis lead to the development of arthritis. Therefore, at the time of diagnosis, the symptoms of a torn meniscus are similar to chronic arthritis.

If synovitis is not treated in time, the cartilaginous surface will completely collapse. The joint will no longer receive nutrition, which will lead to further disability.

Therapeutic techniques

With any articular injury, treatment should be started in a timely manner, without delay. If you postpone the appeal to the clinic, then the trauma passes to a chronic course. The chronic course of the pathology leads to changes in the tissue structure of the joints, and further deformation of the damaged limb.

Treatment for damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus can be conservative or surgical. In the treatment of such injuries, traditional methods are often used.

Complex, traditional therapy for injuries of the internal meniscus includes the following activities:

  1. an articular blockade is performed using special medications, after which the motor ability of the joint is partially restored;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to remove puffiness;
  3. recovery period, including a set of special gymnastic exercises, physiotherapy and massage sessions;
  4. then comes the reception of chondoprotectors (drugs that help restore the structure of the cartilage). Hyaluronic acid is present among the active components of chondoprotectors. The course of admission can last up to six months.

During the entire course of treatment, painkillers are present, because damage to the ligaments is accompanied by constant pain. To eliminate pain, drugs such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Paracetamol are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

When the meniscus is injured, the following points serve as indications for surgical manipulations:

  • severe injuries;
  • when cartilage is crushed and tissues cannot be restored;
  • severe injuries of the meniscus horns;
  • tear of the posterior horn;
  • articular cyst.

The following types of surgical procedures are performed in case of damage to the posterior horn of the shock-absorbing cartilage plate:

  1. resection broken elements, or meniscus. This kind of manipulation is performed with incomplete or complete anguish;
  2. recovery destroyed tissues;
  3. replacement destroyed tissue by implants;
  4. stitching menisci. Such surgical intervention is carried out in case of fresh damage, and immediate medical attention is sought.

Let us consider in more detail the types of surgical treatment of knee injuries.


The essence of arthrotomy is reduced to the complete resection of the damaged meniscus. Such an operation is performed in rare cases when the articular tissues, including blood vessels, are completely affected and cannot be restored.

Modern surgeons and orthopedists have recognized this technique as ineffective, and is practically not used anywhere.

Partial meniscectomy

During the surgical intervention, the torn, dangling parts of the damaged meniscus are resected, and the surviving elements are restored.

When repairing the meniscus, the damaged edges are trimmed so that there is a flat surface.


A donor organ is transplanted to replace the damaged meniscus. This type of surgical intervention is not often performed, because the rejection of donor material is possible.

Stitching of damaged tissues

Surgical treatment of this type aims to restore the destroyed cartilage tissue. Surgical intervention of this type gives positive results if the injury has affected the thickest part of the meniscus, and there is a possibility of fusion of the damaged surface.

Stitching is performed only with fresh damage.


Surgery using arthroscopic techniques is considered the most modern and effective method of treatment. With all the advantages during the operation, trauma is practically excluded.

To perform the operation, several small incisions are made in the joint cavity, through which the instrumentation is inserted along with the camera. Through the incisions, during the intervention, a saline solution is supplied.

The technique of arthroscopy is remarkable not only for its low traumatism during the procedure, but also for the fact that you can simultaneously see the true state of the damaged limb. Arthroscopy is also used as one of the diagnostic methods in making a diagnosis after damage to the meniscus of the knee joint.

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  • constant aching and sharp pains;
  • inability to move comfortably and easily;
  • constant tension of the back muscles;
  • unpleasant crunching and clicking in the joints;
  • sharp shooting in the spine or causeless pain in the joints;
  • inability to sit in one position for a long time.

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An intact knee joint has 2 cartilaginous inlays: lateral and medial. These tabs look like a crescent. The outer meniscus has a fairly dense base, it is more mobile, so it is much less likely to be injured. The medial meniscus is not flexible enough, so damage to the medial meniscus occurs most frequently.

Rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.

At the present time, qualified specialists name one main reason for the origin of the rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. This cause is an acute injury. There are also a couple of additional factors that contribute to the occurrence of the above injury.
- A strong jump, which is done on a very flat surface.
- Rotation on one leg, without taking off the foot.
- Too active walking or prolonged sitting on squats.
- Injury, which is obtained as a result of a disease of the joints.
- Pathology in the form of weak joints or ligaments.
When the posterior horn of the medial meniscus is torn, the patient immediately feels severe pain, which lasts for a long time. Before feeling pain, the person hears a clicking sound. The patient may experience a blockade of the internal meniscus, this symptomatology occurs as a result of clamping between the bones of a torn meniscus particle. The patient develops hemarthrosis. After a short amount of time, the patient develops swelling of this joint.

Damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.

Damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus occurs due to the incorrect position of the parts of the joints during the formation of damage. Qualified specialists strongly recommend that you know the first symptoms of damage to the above part of the knee, especially for people who are at risk. There are two types of damage to the above part.
- Traumatic tear occurs as a result, if the joint is slightly bent, a rotating movement occurs in this joint.
- Degenerative rupture typically occurs in the 45 to 50 age group. Often damage to this form occurs due to repeated microtrauma.

Posterior horn of the medial meniscus, methods of treatment.

If the rupture of the above type of meniscus is mild or moderately severe, then the treatment is prescribed in a conservative way. The patient is strongly advised not to do strong physical exertion on the affected knee. To do this, the patient is assigned crutches, it is necessary to minimize long walks in the fresh air. Compliance with bed rest is not necessary, a person can quite easily do all the housework. In order to relieve pain and swelling, the patient is advised to apply ice packs to the injured area for 15-20 minutes at least 3 times a day. It is forbidden to keep ice for a long time, due to the fact that damage to the skin can occur.
A person with this injury must wear an elastic bandage. The bandage will not only help the swelling go down faster, but also significantly limit the mobility of the knee. Specialists should show the patient how to adjust the bandage. While watching TV or reading, the leg should be slightly higher than the heart. If you are worried about severe pain, it is allowed to use paracetamol or non-steroidal medicines.
If conservative treatment does not show the desired result, the patient is prescribed surgery. There are several types of surgical intervention.
1. Restoration of the meniscus. This type of intervention is quite gentle and is performed on patients under the age of forty, due to the fact that their cartilage tissue is healthy.
2. Removal of the meniscus, is prescribed if there is severe damage to the cartilage tissue. This operation is prescribed extremely rarely, since the complete removal of the meniscus can provoke complications.
3. Meniscus transplantation, is prescribed if it is not possible to restore a damaged meniscus. The transplant is made of artificial material or there is a donor.
A couple of days before the operation, the medical staff conducts a conversation with the patient, telling in detail about the course of the operation. A few weeks before the scheduled date of surgery, the patient is strongly advised to completely eliminate the use of tobacco and alcohol, as this will significantly reduce the risk of blood clots. The success rate increases if the operation is performed within 2 months of the injury.
After the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy. The time it takes a person to return to normal life is directly related to how well the operation went and how long the postoperative period lasts.

Damage to the medial meniscus of the knee, the treatment of which will depend on the severity, is a common injury. The cartilaginous layer, which is located inside the knee, is called the meniscus, there are 2 types of them - medial (internal) and lateral (external). They perform shock-absorbing and stabilizing functions.

The knee joint is one of the most complex, it bears the greatest load. Therefore, damage to the meniscus is a very common occurrence. According to statistics, more than 70% of damage falls on him. At risk are athletes involved in athletics, skiing and speed skating. However, a similar injury can be obtained at home, performing simple exercises.

The most common and dangerous type of damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint is considered to be a rupture. There are 3 forms:

  1. Rupture directly cartilage tissue.
  2. Rupture of fixing ligaments.
  3. Rupture of a pathologically altered meniscus.

During damage to the medial meniscus, not only unpleasant sensations appear, but also severe pain. especially when extending the knee. This symptom also manifests itself when the body of the medial meniscus is torn. In addition, the patient may notice sudden shootings in the injured knee.

Rupture of the posterior horn is a complex injury that is accompanied by blockade, bending and slipping of the knee. By type, such breaks can be radial, horizontal and combined.

With a horizontal rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, the mobility of the knee joint is blocked due to the separation of its tissues. Radial rupture is characterized by the formation of oblique and transverse tears of cartilage tissue. Combined rupture of the posterior horn combines signs of radial and horizontal injury.

Rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the knee joint is accompanied by certain symptoms, which depend on the form of the injury received and have the following characteristics:

  • sharp pain;
  • interstitial hemorrhage;
  • redness and swelling;
  • blockage of the knee.

In the case of the transition of an acute injury to a chronic form, the pain syndrome manifests itself only with significant physical exertion, and during the performance of any movement, a crack is heard in the joint. An additional symptom is the accumulation of synovial fluid in the cavity of the damaged joint. In this case, the cartilaginous tissue of the joint exfoliates and resembles a porous sponge. Injuries to the anterior horn of the medial meniscus or its posterior part are much less common. This is due to its least mobility.

As the reasons for the rupture of the cartilaginous tissue of the posterior horn, experts distinguish the following:

  • acute injury;
  • congenital weakness of ligaments and joints;
  • active walking;
  • frequent and prolonged stay in a squatting position;
  • excessively active sports;
  • degenerative changes in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.

Degenerative changes in the medial meniscus often occur in the elderly. In addition, if left untreated, acute injuries become degenerative. Signs of such changes are different - these are the formation of cysts filled with fluid, and the development of meniscopathy, as well as cartilage tearing and rupture of ligaments.

Diagnosis and treatment

To diagnose injuries of the knee joint, instrumental methods are used, such as:

  1. Ultrasound can detect signs of damage to the medial meniscus, determine the presence of detached fragments, and see if there is blood in the cavity of the knee joint.
  2. X-ray with contrast allows you to identify all possible defects from the inside.
  3. MRI reliably reveals all injuries associated with rupture of the cartilage layer of the knee joint.

After the diagnosis, the optimal methods of treatment of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus are selected. Treatment for a medial meniscus injury depends on where the tear occurs and how severe it is. Based on this criterion, 2 types of treatment are distinguished: conservative and surgical. Conservative or therapeutic methods of treatment are advisable to apply when there are small injuries and ruptures. If such therapeutic measures are carried out in time, they turn out to be quite effective.

First of all, it is necessary to provide assistance in case of injury, which includes resting the injured person, applying a cold compress to the injury site, pain relief with an injection, and applying a plaster cast. Conservative treatment takes a long period of time and involves the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physiotherapy and manual therapy procedures.

With severe damage and rupture, it is necessary to treat the medial meniscus through surgical intervention. If possible, surgeons try to save the damaged meniscus by applying various manipulations. There are the following types of operations in the treatment of rupture of the medial meniscus of the knee joint:

The most suitable method is selected by the surgeon.

rehabilitation period

An important step in the treatment of such injuries is the restoration of the normal functioning of the joint. The rehabilitation process should be supervised by an orthopedist or a rehabilitation doctor. In the process of recovery, the victim is shown a set of the following procedures:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage;
  • hardware methods of joint development.

Rehabilitation activities can be carried out both at home and in a hospital. However, hospitalization would be preferable. The duration of the rehabilitation course is determined by the degree of damage and the type of treatment performed. Usually full recovery occurs after 3 months.

In the process of rehabilitation, it is important to remove the swelling that forms inside the joint as a result of surgery. Swelling can persist for a long time and interfere with the full recovery of the joint. To eliminate it, the use of lymphatic drainage massage will be effective.

Rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, despite its severity, has a favorable prognosis if the main condition is observed - timely treatment.

The prognosis becomes less favorable if the horizontal rupture of the medial meniscus is accompanied by concomitant severe injuries.

A characteristic feature of the knee joints is their frequent susceptibility to various injuries: damage to the posterior horn of the meniscus, violations of the integrity of the bone, bruises, hematomas and arthrosis.

Anatomical structure

The origin of various injuries in this particular place of the leg is explained by its complex anatomical structure. The structure of the knee joint includes the bone structures of the femur and tibia, as well as the patella, a conglomerate of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, and two protective cartilages (menisci):

  • lateral, in other words, external;
  • medial or internal.

These structural elements visually resemble a crescent with the ends slightly forward, in medical terminology called horns. Due to their elongated ends, cartilaginous formations are attached to the tibia with high density.

The meniscus is a cartilaginous body that is found in the interlocking bony structures of the knee. It provides unhindered flexion-extension manipulations of the leg. It is structured from the body, as well as the anterior and posterior horns.

The lateral meniscus is more mobile than the inner meniscus, and therefore it is more often subjected to force loads. It happens that he does not withstand their onslaught and breaks in the region of the horn of the lateral meniscus.

Attached to the inside of the knee is a medial meniscus that connects to the lateral ligament. Its paracapsular part contains many small vessels that supply blood to this area and form a red zone. Here the structure is denser, and closer to the middle of the meniscus, it becomes thinner, since it is devoid of the vascular network and is called the white zone.

After a knee injury, it is important to accurately determine the location of the meniscus rupture - in the white or red zone. Their treatment and recovery are different.

Functional Features

Previously, doctors removed the meniscus through surgery without any problems, considering it justified, without thinking about the consequences. Often, the complete removal of the meniscus led to serious diseases, such as arthrosis.

Subsequently, evidence was presented for the functional importance of leaving the meniscus in place, both for bone, cartilage, articular structures, and for the general mobility of the entire human skeleton.

The functional purposes of the menisci are different:

  1. They can be considered as shock absorbers when moving.
  2. They produce an even distribution of the load on the joints.
  3. Limit the span of the leg at the knee, stabilizing the position of the knee joint.

Break shapes

The characteristic of injury to the meniscus depends entirely on the type of injury, location and shape.

In modern traumatology, several types of ruptures are distinguished:

  1. Longitudinal.
  2. Degenerative.
  3. Oblique.
  4. Transverse.
  5. Rupture of the anterior horn.
  6. Horizontal.
  7. Breaks in the posterior horn.

  • The longitudinal form of the gap occurs partial or complete. Full is the most dangerous due to the complete jamming of the joint and immobilization of the lower limb.
  • An oblique tear occurs at the junction of the posterior horn and the middle of the body part. It is considered "patchwork", may be accompanied by a wandering pain sensation that passes from side to side along the knee area, and is also accompanied by a certain crunch during movement.
  • Horizontal rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus is diagnosed by the appearance of soft tissue edema, intense pain in the area of ​​the joint gaps, it occurs inside the meniscus.

The most common and unpleasant knee injury, based on medical statistics, is considered to be a rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the knee joint.

It happens:

  1. Horizontal or longitudinal, in which the tissue layers are separated from each other with further blocking of the motor ability of the knee. A horizontal rupture of the posterior horn of the internal meniscus appears internally and extends into the capsule.
  2. Radial, which manifests itself on oblique transverse tears of the cartilage. The edges of the damaged tissue look like tatters on examination.
  3. Combined, including a double lesion of the meniscus - horizontal and radial

The combined gap is characterized by:

  • ruptures of cartilaginous formations with tears of the thinnest particles of the meniscus;
  • breaks in the back or front of the horn along with its body;
  • separation of some particles of the meniscus;
  • the occurrence of ruptures in the capsular part.

Signs of breaks

It usually occurs due to an unnatural position of the knee or pinching of the cartilaginous cavity after injury to the knee area.

The main symptoms include:

  1. An intense pain syndrome, the strongest peak of which occurs at the very moment of injury and lasts for some time, after which it may fade away - a person will be able to step on his foot with some restrictions. It happens that the pain is ahead of a soft click. After a while, the pain changes into another form - as if a nail was stuck in the knee, it intensifies during the flexion-extension process.
  2. Puffiness that appears after a certain time after injury.
  3. Blocking of the joint, its jamming. This symptom is considered the main one during the rupture of the medial meniscus, it manifests itself after mechanical clamping of the cartilaginous part by the bones of the knee.
  4. Hemarthrosis, manifested in the accumulation of blood inside the joint when the red region of the meniscus is injured.

Modern therapy, in conjunction with hardware diagnostics, has learned to determine what kind of rupture has occurred - acute or chronic. After all, it is impossible to discern the true cause of, for example, a fresh injury, characterized by hemarthrosis and smooth edges of the gap, with human forces. It is strikingly different from a neglected knee injury, where with the help of modern equipment it is possible to distinguish the causes of swelling, which consist in the accumulation of a liquid substance in the joint cavity.

Causes and mechanisms

There are many reasons for the violation of the integrity of the meniscus, and all of them most often occur as a result of non-compliance with safety rules or banal negligence in our daily life.

Gap shapes

Injury occurs due to:

  • excessive loads - physical or sports;
  • twisting of the ankle region during such games, in which the main load goes to the lower limbs;
  • excessively active movement;
  • prolonged squatting;
  • deformations of bone structures that occur with age;
  • jumping on one or two limbs;
  • unsuccessful rotational movements;
  • congenital articular and ligamentous weakness;
  • sharp flexion-extensor manipulations of the limb;
  • severe bruises;
  • falls from a hill.

Injuries in which there is a rupture of the posterior horn of the meniscus have their own symptoms and directly depend on its shape.

If it is acute, in other words, fresh, then the symptoms include:

  • sharp pain that does not leave the affected knee even at rest;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • joint block;
  • smooth fracture structure;
  • redness and swelling of the knee.

If we consider a chronic, in other words, an old form, then it can be characterized:

  • pain from excessive exertion;
  • crackling in the process of motor movements;
  • accumulation of fluid in the joint;
  • porous structure of the meniscus tissue.


Acute pain is not to be trifled with, as well as with all the symptoms described above. A visit to the doctor with a rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus or with other types of ruptures of the cartilage tissues of the knee is mandatory. It must be done within a short period of time.

In a medical facility, the victim will be examined and sent to:

  1. X-ray, which is used for visible signs of rupture. It is considered not particularly effective and is used to exclude concomitant bone fracture.
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics, the effect of which directly depends on the qualifications of the traumatologist.
  3. MRI and CT, which is considered the most reliable way to determine the gap.

Based on the results of the above methods of examination, the selection of treatment tactics is performed.

Medical tactics

Treatment of a rupture of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the knee joint should be carried out as soon as possible after injury in order to prevent the transition of the acute course of the disease into a chronic one in time. Otherwise, the even edge of the tear will begin to fray, which will lead to violations of the cartilaginous structure, and after that - to the development of arthrosis and a complete loss of motor functions of the knee.

It is possible to treat a primary violation of the integrity of the meniscus, if it is not of a chronic nature, by a conservative method, which includes several stages:

  • Reposition. This stage is distinguished by the use of hardware traction or manual therapy to reduce the damaged joint.
  • The stage of elimination of edema, during which the victim takes anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The rehabilitation stage, which includes all restorative procedures:
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.
  • Recovery stage. It lasts up to six months. For complete recovery, the use of chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid is indicated.

Often, the treatment of the knee joint is accompanied by the application of a plaster bandage, the need for this is decided by the attending physician, because after all the necessary procedures, it needs long-term immobility, which helps the application of plaster.


The method of treatment with the help of surgical intervention solves the main problem - the preservation of the functionality of the knee joint. and its functions and is used when other treatments are excluded.

First of all, the damaged meniscus is examined for stitching, then the specialist makes a choice of one of several forms of surgical treatment:

  1. Artromia. A very difficult method. It is used in exceptional cases with extensive damage to the knee joint.
  2. Stitching of cartilage. The method is performed using an arthroscope inserted through a mini-hole into the knee in case of a fresh injury. The most favorable outcome is observed when cross-linking in the red zone.
  3. Partial meniscectomy is an operation to remove the injured part of the cartilage, restoring its whole part.
  4. Transfer. As a result of this operation, someone else's meniscus is inserted into the victim.
  5. Arthroscopy. Traumatization with this most common and modern method of treatment is the most minimal. As a result of the arthroscope and saline solution introduced into the two mini-holes in the knee, all the necessary restorative manipulations are carried out.


It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the recovery period, compliance with all doctor's prescriptions, its correct implementation, since the return of all functions, painlessness of movements and complete recovery of the joint without chronic consequences directly depend on its effectiveness.

Small loads that strengthen the structure of the knee are given by properly assigned hardware recovery methods - simulators, and physiotherapy and exercise therapy are shown to strengthen internal structures. It is possible to remove edema with lymphatic drainage massage.

Treatment is allowed to be carried out at home, but still a greater effect is observed with inpatient treatment.

Several months of such therapy ends with the return of the victim to his usual life.

Consequences of injury

Ruptures of the internal and external menisci are considered the most complex injuries, after which it is difficult to return the knee to its usual motor functions.

But do not despair - the success of treatment largely depends on the victim himself.

It is very important not to self-medicate, because the result will largely depend on:

  • timely diagnosis;
  • correctly prescribed therapy;
  • rapid localization of injury;
  • the duration of the gap;
  • successful recovery procedures.
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