Askorutin: indications for use in people of all ages. Askorutin instructions for use for what is prescribed

Askorutin belongs to the preparations of the combined type of the vitamin group.

The active components of the remedy are vitamins C and P. This type of drug helps not only to replenish the balance of the body for the presence of vitamins presented in it. It helps to restore tissues and regenerate them, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore their natural elasticity. The drug is an effective tool for strengthening the entire vascular system and the body's immunity as a whole.

On this page you will find all the information about Askorutin: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Askorutin tablets. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Combined preparation belonging to the group of vitamins.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Ascorutin cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of 60 rubles.

Release form and composition

Askorutin tablets have a light, greenish-yellow color with small, slight inclusions. Packed in polymer jars of 30 or 50 pieces or in blister strips of 10 pieces each. The carton can hold one plastic jar or up to 5 tablets.

  • The active substances of the drug are vitamin C and rutin.
  • Auxiliary components: sugar, potato starch, calcium stearate and talc.

Pharmacological effect

What is the use of Askorutin? A combined vitamin-containing remedy helps to solve many problems with various diseases. Askorutin is prescribed to enhance redox processes, to establish carbohydrate metabolism, and to synthesize natural steroid hormones. The drug also takes an active part in the restoration and synthesis of connective tissue in the body.

In addition, the medicine weakens radiation exposure, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, which is important during the recovery period after influenza, ODS and other diseases. Indications for the use of the drug Askorutin include conditions in patients with acute venous insufficiency, accompanied by pain, swelling, inflammation of the vessels.

What is Askorutin used for?

As indicated in the instructions for Askorutin, this drug is prescribed:

  • To compensate for the lack of vitamins C and P.
  • For the prevention of influenza and other viral infections.
  • For the prevention of damage to the vascular wall in patients undergoing treatment with anticoagulants and salicylates.
  • Septic endocarditis;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • Infectious diseases: typhus,;
  • Nosebleeds in children;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • Hemorrhages in the retina;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Arachnoiditis;
  • Couperose.

It can also be taken by women with heavy and prolonged menstruation.


Like many drugs, ascorutin has contraindications. If you do not want to get the opposite effect, then you need to know that the contraindications are as follows:

  • individual intolerance to the drug or vitamins P and C;
  • children under three years old;
  • ascorutin during pregnancy up to the third trimester;
  • also contraindications of the drug: in case of increased blood clotting.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Whether this drug can be used by a woman who is expecting a child depends on the period in which she is. Askorutin during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated in the first trimester, which is explained by the following. During the period when all the organs of the fetus are being formed, the penetration of any third-party substances through the blood of a pregnant woman to the baby should be maximally limited so as not to harm him.

When a woman is in the later lines of gestation, Askorutin may be prescribed, for example, for dilatation of veins in her legs or to prevent uterine bleeding during labor. Is it possible to take this medicine during lactation - the doctor must also decide. Although rutin does not pass into breast milk, and vitamin C is found there in insignificant concentrations, a breastfed child is still very sensitive to any change in the composition of its diet. For this reason, the control of the doctor when taking the drug is required.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will tell you how to drink Ascorutin under different conditions and depending on age.

  • Tablets should be swallowed after meals, the dose for adults is 1-2 units per day for prevention, for therapeutic purposes, 2 pieces are prescribed three times a day. The average course duration is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, after a monthly break, treatment can be continued.
  • The dosage of Askorutin and the method of application in childhood is to use half a tablet once every 24 hours to prevent the development of diseases and deficient conditions. Babies older than 3 years of age are prescribed for therapy one piece 2-3 times a day.

Constant monitoring and control of the functioning of all systems is required. It is not recommended to drink liquid with alkaline content, as the absorption of the composition is reduced.

Side effects

Askorutin is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, the use of the drug can cause the following side effects: vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, headache, allergic reactions.

Long-term use of Askorutin can cause sleep disturbance, increased excitability and blood pressure, and also lead to the formation of stones in the urinary tract.


An overdose of the drug can occur with a single use of 10 or more tablets of it. In this case, a sharp increase in blood pressure is possible, as well as a violation of the functions of the kidneys and pancreas.

Overdose symptoms are such symptoms as:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

In case of accidental or deliberate overdose of Askorutin, you should drink 4-5 tablets of activated charcoal and call an ambulance doctor.

drug interaction

When prescribing the drug, its compatibility with other medicines should be taken into account:

  • Askorutin reduces the therapeutic effect of Heparin, Biseptol;
  • in the treatment of cardiological drugs for the duration of therapy with Askorutin, a break is needed;
  • vitamins P and C enhance the effect of nicotinic acid;
  • the vitamin complex enhances the negative effect on the body of salicylates;
  • the combination of oral contraceptives is reduced under the influence of ascorbic acid.

Given this list, you should definitely listen to the opinion of doctors about taking Ascorutin. The combination of even harmless agents can provoke serious consequences for the body.

Askorutin belongs to the group of vitamin-containing preparations. The medicine is widely used for various diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity, fragility of blood vessels and capillaries, allergies, lack of vitamins C and P, and other conditions. Instructions for the use of Askorutin include such indications as the prevention of hypovitaminosis P and C, vascular pathology, elimination of flu symptoms, and others. The product is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 50 mg of rutin and ascorbic acid.

Description of the drug

The composition of the drug Askorutin includes active ingredients such as rutin and ascorbic acid. Rutin is a natural bioflavonoid that has the ability to reduce capillary permeability, fragility, reduce excessive blood clotting, increase the body's immune defenses, and protect against viruses and bacteria. In turn, vitamin C has a positive effect on bone and muscle tissue, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, removes toxins from the body, promotes the production of collagen and connective tissues.

The combination of these two components enhances their mutual action, which makes it possible to use Askorutin for increasing immunity, reducing the extensibility of capillaries and veins, strengthening general well-being, and preventing flu and colds.

The product is available in tablets with a yellowish-greenish tinge. This color is due to the natural color of ascorbic acid and bioflavonoid.

Pharmacological effect

What is the use of Askorutin? A combined vitamin-containing remedy helps to solve many problems with various diseases. Askorutin is prescribed to enhance redox processes, to establish carbohydrate metabolism, and to synthesize natural steroid hormones. The drug also takes an active part in the restoration and synthesis of connective tissue in the body. In addition, the medicine weakens radiation exposure, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, which is important during the recovery period after influenza, ODS and other diseases. Indications for the use of the drug Askorutin include conditions in patients with acute venous insufficiency, accompanied by pain, swelling, inflammation of the vessels.

Important! It has been clinically proven that in oncology, the drug helps patients restore the vitamin balance of the body, and alleviate the general condition.

Scope of the drug

What are the indications for the use of Askorutin? The drug is prescribed to patients with the following purpose:

  • restoration of the integrity of capillaries damaged during treatment with salicylates and anticoagulants;
  • elimination of residual symptoms of influenza and ODS;
  • prevention of colds, viral diseases;
  • treatment of diseases associated with impaired vascular permeability. These include allergies, hemorrhagic diathesis, septic endocarditis, radiation sickness;
  • therapy of deficiency of vitamin complexes.

The drug Askorutin is prescribed for varicose veins

Considering the question of what Askorutin helps with, it is important to mention that the remedy is used to prevent hypovitaminosis and beriberi C and R. Doctors often recommend using the medicine in the cold season to maintain the body's immune defenses at the proper level, to prevent colds.

Method of administration and dose

How to take Askorutin? Each package of the drug contains an insert - instructions for use. In the instructions you can read in detail about the features of the use of the drug in various diseases. Despite this, self-medication is still not worth it. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to undergo an examination in a hospital, consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the optimal dose and method of application.


What is better to swallow the drug or dissolve? The drug should be swallowed with a sufficient amount of water. The dose may be increased at the discretion of the physician. The duration of therapy is selected individually, depending on the patient's condition.

With varicose veins in the legs and hemorrhoids, it is recommended to include creams and ointments with a venotonic effect in the complex therapy of patients. For example, Troxevasin and others.


The use of Askorutin among children is allowed from 4 years. The recommended dose for prevention is 0.5 - 1 tablet per day. For therapeutic purposes, 0.5 - 1 tablet is prescribed three times during the day. The course usually lasts 3-4 weeks, the exact duration is determined by the leading pediatrician. If the baby has not learned to swallow tablets and drink them with water, you can grind the product into powder, mix with a small amount of liquid, and give it to the child.

Askorutin to strengthen the immune system, as well as the treatment of various diseases in adolescence, is prescribed in the same dosage as for adults.

For children, the drug is prescribed from 4 years


Why is the medicine used during the period of bearing a baby? It should be noted that in the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug can not be used. It is forbidden to take the drug in combination with other vitamin complexes. Starting from the II and III trimester, the doctor prescribes the medicine 1 tablet three times a day.

Important! Independent use of Askorutin in a delicate period can cause significant harm not only to the mother's body, but also to the child.

Ascorutin contraindications

To achieve the best therapeutic effect with the help of the drug, it is necessary to choose the right dosage of the drug and take into account all possible contraindications to its use. Treatment with Ascorutin is prohibited for patients with the following conditions:

  • imbalance of potassium and calcium in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney pathology, urolithiasis, renal failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the agent;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • age about 4 years old.

The use of the drug leads to a rapid increase in blood glucose, which is unacceptable for people with diabetes. It is not advisable to use the drug with increased blood clotting.

Neglect of contraindications can lead to the development of a severe allergic reaction and dangerous consequences for the patient's health.

Side effects

In most cases, the vitamin preparation is well tolerated by patients. With the correct dosage and compliance with all the doctor's recommendations for taking the remedy, no negative effects are noted. If any disturbing manifestations occur, for example, headache, allergies, insomnia, indigestion and others, you should stop taking the medicine.

Sometimes side effects are manifested in the form of skin allergies.

When using more than 10 tablets at a time, there is a high probability of an overdose. In this case, a person has pain in the stomach and intestines, headache, vomiting, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. To alleviate the condition, you need to drink 6 tablets of activated charcoal. This will help remove excess rutin and vitamin C from the blood.

Alcohol compatibility

The joint use of alcohol and Askorutin does not cause serious consequences, but it is known that the intake of alcoholic beverages in itself has a detrimental effect on the body, especially with various pathologies. That is why it is not recommended to drink alcohol during therapy with the drug.

drug interaction

When prescribing the drug, its compatibility with other medicines should be taken into account:

  • Askorutin reduces the therapeutic effect of Heparin, Biseptol;
  • the vitamin complex enhances the negative effect on the body of salicylates;
  • the combination of oral contraceptives is reduced under the influence of ascorbic acid;
  • in the treatment of cardiological drugs for the duration of therapy with Askorutin, a break is needed;
  • vitamins P and C enhance the effect of nicotinic acid.

Given this list, you should definitely listen to the opinion of doctors about taking Ascorutin. The combination of even harmless agents can provoke serious consequences for the body.

special instructions

The absorption of ascorbic acid worsens with the simultaneous use of Ascorutin with fresh acidic juices. In addition, the absorption of the vitamin is reduced in diseases of the digestive system.

Taking the drug enhances the absorption of iron, therefore it is prescribed with caution by patients with hemochromatosis, thalassemia, leukemia and some other conditions.

When prescribing Ascorutin, the doctor must take into account special instructions

With long-term treatment with Ascorutin, it is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, regularly measure blood pressure.

The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1 g per day.

Since ascorbic acid has a slight stimulating effect, it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning.


Among the analogues of the drug, the following agents can be distinguished:

  • Kaptopres - used to treat hypertension of varying degrees. The composition of the drug includes captopril and hydrochlorothiazide. Kaptopres has a diuretic, hypotensive effect;
  • gel Eskus - a tool used to alleviate the condition of a patient with varicose veins. The gel includes horse chestnut fruit extract and other natural ingredients. Eskus improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling, soreness, prevents vascular deformation;
  • Troxerutin is an angioprotective agent with a venotonic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. The drug is used among patients with acute venous insufficiency and people with other vascular diseases;
  • Halidor - is used for therapy among patients with vascular pathologies, with acute or chronic cerebral ischemia, Raynaud's disease, with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Etamzilat - is prescribed to patients during the recovery period after surgical interventions in ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, among patients with diabetes mellitus, with bleeding from internal organs.

Many patients are interested in what is better Askorutin, Etamzilat or Troxerutin? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since each remedy has its own characteristics and effects on the body.

Price and where to buy

The approximate cost of the drug is from 35 to 45 rubles. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

You can buy Ascorutin in any of the pharmacies

Askorutin is a vitamin preparation that regulates metabolic processes.

Release form and composition

Vitamins are produced in the form of greenish-yellow tablets, each of which contains:

  • 50 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • 50 mg rutoside (rutin).

Tablets are sold in 10, 50 and 100 pcs. in packs, as well as 30 and 50 pcs. in dark glass jars and polymer jars.

Indications for use

As indicated in the instructions for Askorutin, this drug is prescribed:

  • To compensate for the lack of vitamins C and P;
  • For the prevention of damage to the vascular wall in patients undergoing treatment with anticoagulants and salicylates;
  • For the prevention of influenza and other viral infections.
  • Infectious diseases: typhus, measles, scarlet fever;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Septic endocarditis;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • Hemorrhages in the retina;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Arachnoiditis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Nosebleeds in children;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • Couperose.

Also Askorutin, according to the instructions, can be taken by women with heavy and prolonged menstruation.


The instructions for the drug indicate that the use of Askorutin is contraindicated:

  • In the presence of hypersensitivity to any component that is part of the vitamin product;
  • With urolithiasis;
  • Patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • Children under 3 years old;
  • With gout.

In large doses, the drug should not be taken in diabetes mellitus.

As for the use of this vitamin remedy during pregnancy, it is contraindicated in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, Askorutin is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. In addition, it is important to note that when used in the later stages, this drug reduces the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth. However, vitamins should not be taken on their own, only the attending physician should prescribe them - he will select the optimal dosage and determine the required duration of use.

Method of application and dosage

Ascorutin tablets are recommended to be taken after a meal, they should be swallowed whole, because. if absorbed or chewed, ascorbic acid, in fact, like any other acid, will have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. It is important to note that mineral water partially neutralizes vitamin C (due to an alkaline reaction), so you do not need to drink the drug with it.

For adults, vitamins are prescribed 1 tablet three times a day as part of complex treatment and 1 table. twice a day in a prophylactic dose.

With heavy and prolonged menstruation, Ascorutin begins to be taken 3-4 days before the start of the cycle and is drunk for 10 days.

The duration of the use of Askorutin is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the indications, the presence of concomitant diseases and the severity of their course. Usually the course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.

For children, the drug is usually prescribed as well as for adults - 1 tablet three times a day, only it should be taken for 10 days. For the prevention of viral infections, including influenza, children are given 1/2-1 table. once a day. The duration of the prophylactic course is 7-10 days.

With rosacea, this vitamin preparation can be used both inside (in a standard dosage) and externally. To do this, in the cooled and filtered infusion of chamomile (1-2 tablespoons of raw materials per 0.5 liters of boiling water), add 2 tablets of Askorutin, crushed into powder. With this tonic, it is recommended to wipe the areas of skin affected by rosacea 1-2 times a day.

Side effects

Numerous reviews of people who took Ascorutin vitamins indicate that in the vast majority of cases this drug is well tolerated and does not have any side effects if the recommended dosage is observed. However, it should be noted that in some cases, negative phenomena occur against the background of the use of Askorutin. They appear:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • insomnia;
  • An increase in blood pressure.

Also Askorutin, according to reviews, can cause allergic skin reactions if a person has hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or another component of the vitamin complex.

With prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, there is a risk of formation of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys.

With a single intake of a vitamin in the amount of 10 or more tablets, the following overdose symptoms may develop: increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, impaired pancreas and kidney function. Such patients should take an adsorbent (eg, activated charcoal) and call an ambulance.

special instructions

With heavy periods, before using Ascorutin, you should definitely be examined by a gynecologist - he will establish the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding. If they are caused by a hormonal imbalance, you will additionally need to take hormonal drugs.


Analogues of Askorutin are drugs such as Askorutin D and Askorutin-UBF. With the same composition, but in different proportions, another vitamin remedy is produced - Prophylactin C.

Terms and conditions of storage

Askorutin should be stored in a dry, cool (at room temperature), protected from sunlight place. Under these conditions, its shelf life is 3 years. You can buy vitamins in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

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And C, known for their positive effect on blood vessels. Against the background of the use of the drug, the vascular walls are strengthened, their permeability decreases, swelling and bleeding are prevented. Quite often, experts recommend taking Askorutin during the peak periods of viral epidemics. In the article, we will consider the indications for the use of Ascorutin, its side effects, as well as drugs that can replace this medication.

Pharmacological forms

According to the instructions for Askorutin, the drug is produced in a single pharmacological form. These are tablets intended for resorption. Tablets are packaged in blisters, each package can contain 30 or 50 tablets. The drug has a very low cost, so it can be used to supplement the therapy of many pathological conditions. It is allowed to be used in the treatment of not only adult patients, but also children from 3 years old, pregnant women.

Composition, description

Ascorutin tablets are a vitamin complex with radioprotective and antioxidant properties. Against the background of the use of the drug, immune defense is stimulated, the severity of inflammatory processes decreases, and regenerative and oxidative processes are activated.

According to the instructions for use, Askorutin is able to accelerate the processes of metabolism and tissue healing, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, and take part in a large number of biological processes. The drug is often used as an element of the complex therapy of various diseases. Therefore, it is customary to attribute "Askorutin" to medicines with a wide range of effects.

It has a large number of positive reviews. Many patients note that the use of the drug has accelerated the recovery period, improved the laboratory characteristics of the blood. The drug has the ability to strengthen blood vessels, lead to a normal level of trophism of the skin.

Ascorutin contains two active ingredients - ascorbic acid and rutin. Such a combination of components allows you to enhance the effect of the drug, to cope with many undesirable conditions of the body and diseases. Each tablet of the drug contains 0.05 grams of rutin and this amount of ascorbic acid.

Pharmacological group

Thanks to the combined composition of Ascorutin, against the background of its use, a positive effect on the functioning of human systems and organs develops. Ascorbic acid is able to increase immunity, promote cell regeneration, protect them from destruction under the influence of various factors. In addition, vitamin C is able to fight bacterial and viral infections, reduce the risk of infection, and speed up recovery. Under the influence of the rutin present in the preparation, inflammatory foci are suppressed and destroyed, the internal organs are cleansed of toxic substances, blood pressure is normalized, and the rheological properties of the blood are improved. The complex effect of two vitamins, which are the main medical remedy, improves the course of oxidative and reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of steroid hormones.

"Ascorutin" has the ability to take part in the formation of connective tissue, strengthen capillaries, promote the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Specialists from various medical fields often recommend the use of the drug in complex therapy, since Askorutin has been time-tested and has a positive effect on the activity of the whole organism.

Indications for the use of "Askorutin"

This drug can be supplemented by the main therapy of various diseases. However, before using it, it is important to carefully read the instructions.

  1. Menstruation accompanied by excessive bleeding.
  2. Frequent bleeding from the nose.
  3. Diseases of an infectious nature.
  4. Flu prevention.
  5. Frequent colds.
  6. Complex therapy of varicose veins.
  7. hemorrhagic vasculitis.
  8. Capillarotoxicosis.
  9. Couperose.

However, the area of ​​use of the remedy is not limited to these diseases; it can also be used for other pathologies.

Why is Ascorutin prescribed to children?

It can be prescribed to babies from the age of 3 if the following diseases or conditions are present:

  1. Avitaminosis.
  2. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  3. Diseases that are associated with impaired vascular permeability.
  4. Prevention and treatment of nosebleeds.
  5. Prevention of colds and flu.

In addition, the drug can be used for other diseases of the child's body.

The list of indications for the use of Askorutin is quite extensive.

It can be used by pregnant women, but only in the last trimester of pregnancy. If there is an urgent need, Askorutin is allowed to be used in the second trimester. The main indications for its use in these cases are: varicose veins, flu, prevention of colds. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a woman carrying a child, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor who will foresee the likely consequences of such an appointment for the fetus and mother.

Askorutin also has contraindications.

Contraindications for use

Vitamin complex should not be used in the following situations:

  1. During the lactation period.
  2. In the presence of formations of stones in the kidneys.
  3. With thrombophlebitis.
  4. With diabetes.
  5. For children up to 3 years old.
  6. During pregnancy (in the first trimester).
  7. In the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the components present in the preparation.


The instructions for use of the medication contain information about the standard recommended doses that should be followed if there are no specialist prescriptions.

Adult patients are shown three times a day up to 2 tablets. Therapy can last up to 10 days. If there is a need, the course of treatment can be repeated, but it is necessary to withstand a three-week break after the end of the first course.

Children from 3 years old "Askorutin" shows a single daily use of one tablet. If necessary, the frequency of application can be increased up to 2 times. When treating adolescents, doses recommended for adult patients should be used.

Side effects of Ascorutin

Most often, the medication is well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases it can develop negative effects. Among them:

  1. Sleep disturbance.
  2. Increased excitability.
  3. Cramps in the stomach.
  4. Discomfort in the abdomen.
  5. Pain in the head.
  6. Nausea.
  7. Rash on the skin.

If these negative symptoms occur, the patient should consult a doctor. He will probably advise you to reduce the dose or stop taking the drug altogether due to the side effects of Askorutin.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is a vitamin preparation and may be included in therapy involving the use of other drugs. The properties of Ascorutin are reduced if it is used in parallel with aspirin preparations, oral contraceptives. It interacts quite well with other medications, including antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics.

Special instructions for use

Despite the fact that Askorutin is a vitamin, only a doctor should prescribe it.

When using the drug as a prophylactic, it is important to first make sure that there are no contraindications to taking it.

Pregnant patients and children are strictly forbidden to use the drug without the consent of the doctor.

It should not be taken by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and those with kidney pathology.

The drug has been on the pharmacological market for a long time, but so far it has not lost its popularity. It is often used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in various diseases. It is important to realize that with the help of Ascorutin tablets you can only supplement the main therapy, the drug cannot be the main treatment.


  1. Headache.
  2. Skin reactions.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Chair disorders.
  5. Nausea.

If symptoms of an overdose occur, it is important to take activated charcoal or another sorbent without delay and consult a doctor.

The price of the product is quite affordable and averages 35 rubles per pack.

Let's see if Askorutin has analogues.


If necessary, the medication can be replaced with a similar agent.

The most popular drugs are:

  1. "Dekamevit". It is a vitamin complex of domestic production. It contains ascorbic acid and rutoside. Produced by the manufacturer in tablet form, it is indicated for use if there is an increased need for the intake of vitamins.
  2. "Glutamevit" is an analogue of "Ascorutin", which is based on rutoside and ascorbic acid. The manufacturer produces in tablet form, it is recommended for use in beriberi and hypovitaminosis. Pregnant women and breastfeeding babies are contraindicated.
  3. "Rutascorbin". It is a capillary stabilizing drug. Active components are similar to those of Askorutin. The manufacturer produces in tablet form, it is allowed for use in children from 3 years old.

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • - 50 mg;
  • (Rutin) - 50 mg;
  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc.

Release form

Tablets Askorutin has a light, greenish-yellow color with small, slight inclusions. Packed in polymer jars of 30 or 50 pieces or in blister strips of 10 pieces each. The carton can hold one plastic jar or up to 5 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Askorutin - what is it?

This pharmaceutical product is combination drug , which has the properties of other useful biological components that make up the tablets. By inhibiting enzyme activity hyaluronidase , Rutin and Ascorbic acid reduce capillary permeability and fragility than to a large extent strengthen the vascular wall of the microcirculatory and macrocirculatory bed. The combination of active ingredients allows you to inhibit aggression , the main cellular element of the blood coagulation system, due to which the drug suppresses nosological units, which are based on increased thrombus formation.

Vitamin C also has properties, that is, it protects cellular structures from the harmful effects of oxidized molecules, free radicals and peroxidation of the bilipid membrane. These therapeutic effects are used in the fight against acute respiratory diseases . In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in many redox metabolic pathways. So, for example, the participation of this biologically active component in the metabolism of fats, the synthesis of collagen and other connective tissue proteins, the reactions of converting folic acid into folinic acid, the synthesis of catecholamines, aromatic acids and the exchange of steroid hormones, in particular, in metabolism, has been proven.

It should not be forgotten that ascorbic acid is a powerful protective factor organism, both as part of the immune system and as a non-specific agent. By enhancing the processes of natural repair and restoration of cellular elements, vitamin C increases resistance to infections, reduces the impact of various kinds of exogenous allergens.

Rutin shows strong anti-inflammatory effects , which are actively used in the conservative treatment of certain diseases. The mechanism of action is to reduce the exudation of the liquid part of the plasma and the diapedesis of cellular elements into the pathological focus through the vascular wall. That is, one of the extremely important stages in the development of a typical inflammatory process is eliminated. It should not be forgotten that Rutin also has choleretic and easy antihypertensive effects, which allows you to normalize the functions of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Askorutin tablets - what are they from?

Due to the breadth of the pharmacological action of the drug, it is very difficult to say exactly what these pills are from. Of course, like any medicine, there is a certain list of indications for conservative therapy with Ascorutin, however, folk advice recommends using the drug also for reduce puffiness and pain syndrome at chronic venous insufficiency . Rutin in combination with vitamin C eliminates trophic disorders, especially in the lower extremities, as it cleanses and strengthens the vascular bed.

Clinically proven to be used in oncology Askorutin. What is it used for? Medical studies have proven that cancer cells are a kind of "trap" for beneficial nutrients, including vitamin complexes. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of hypovitamin pathological conditions, tablets are also prescribed for cancer patients.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used for oral reception, after which it is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Penetrating into the bloodstream, the biologically active components of Askorutin are carried to all organs and tissues, where they pass their stages of metabolism. The metabolic products of a pharmaceutical product are excreted through bile and urine .

Indications for use of Askorutin

Indications for the use of the drug Askorutin are as follows:

  • prevention of hypo- and R and C;
  • treatment insufficiency vitamin complexes;
  • violation of vascular permeability (for example, hemorrhagic diathesis , radiation sickness, hemorrhages into the retina, septic, , capillary toxicosis, arachnoiditis, thrombocytopenic purpura , loose typhus, and as part of complex therapy);
  • preventive treatment colds (for more information on why Askorutin is prescribed for acute respiratory diseases, see the Pharmacological properties section);
  • elimination of symptoms ;
  • capillary lesions that are associated with the direct action of other drugs (indirect anticoagulants or salicylates, for example).


Contraindications for use include the following pathological conditions and nosological units:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the medicinal product;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance excipients or biologically active substances;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • heavy kidney disease ;
  • , oxalaturia, urolithiasis disease , hypokalemia, cystinuria;
  • malabsorption syndrome glucose-galactose or maldigestion syndrome;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • first trimester;
  • children's age up to 4 years.

Side effects

Adverse effects of conservative treatment and a variety of side effects occur rarely , because the main active ingredients of a pharmaceutical preparation are part of the natural metabolism of the human body, however, the following manifestations can be observed:

  • From the side central system :, violation of sleep and wakefulness, increased fatigue, increased excitability of the central nervous system.
  • From the side blood systems : thrombocytosis, hypertrobinemia, increased production and platelets, neutrophilic leukocytosis .
  • The cardiovascular system : violation of the natural trophism of the tissue, dystrophy heart muscle, increased blood pressure (hypertensive crises), the development of microangiopathies.
  • From the side metabolism : inhibition of the normal function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas (manifested in the form of hyperglycemia, glycosuria ) and glycogen synthesis, fluid and sodium retention by the body, hypervitaminosis FROM violation of the metabolic properties of zinc and copper.
  • Gastrointestinal tract : irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tube, nausea , vomit , .
  • (manifested extremely rarely) - skin rashes, , angioedema , anaphylactic shock, .

Ascorutin tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Pharmaceutical drug prescribed to use orally , since the active active ingredients are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage of the drug is usually selected individually , based on the needs, the stage of the pathophysiological process of the nosological unit, age and other physical parameters. Also, the amount of the drug used is influenced by the initial data of clinical tests. However, there are general schemes Ascorutin appointments for children, adolescents and adults.

How to take Askorutin for adults

AT preventive purposes, 1-2 tablets are used 1 time per day, and for treatment 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day are prescribed. The dosage regimen may vary depending on the nosological unit at the discretion of a qualified specialist who prescribes a medicinal product for conservative therapy.

Repeated course admission is carried out on demand and is also regulated by the attending physician.

Instructions for use Askorutin for children

For the age category over 4 years, a dosage of half or a whole tablet in knocks is used as an active prevention various pathologies (for which Askorutin is used in preventive sanitation, see above).

FROM therapeutic the purpose of children under adolescence is prescribed half or a whole tablet 2-3 times a day. The average duration of the course is 3-4 weeks, as a rule, the exact duration is prescribed by the attending physician.

Teenagers adult dosages are prescribed with mandatory preliminary monitoring of all systems and organs, since the irreversible consequences of conservative treatment in this age category are manifested by the most severe symptoms.

Terms of use for pregnant women

The drug should not be used in first trimester due to the risk of developing a pathological state of oversaturation with vitamin C. It is also strictly forbidden to use Askorutin against the background of other mineral-vitamin complexes. For women in the critical period, 1 tablet is prescribed 2-3 times a day. Not recommended drink the pharmaceutical product with mineral or alkaline water, otherwise the ability of the active ingredients to be absorbed in the digestive tube is significantly impaired.


With prolonged use of a pharmaceutical preparation in high dosages, it is possible inhibition of the function of the insular apparatus pancreatic gland and violation normal functioning of the kidneys . The following symptoms of an overdose of Askorutin may also develop:

  • epigastric pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • profuse skin rashes and itching (advantage on the flexion surfaces of the upper and lower extremities, abdomen and chest);
  • hyperexcitability nervous system;
  • thrombosis;
  • increased blood pressure and development symptomatic hypertension ;
  • headache .

As a therapeutic measure for overdose, use symptomatic sanitation individual manifestations, gastric lavage, sorbents, since there is no specific antidote for a vitamin drug on the pharmaceutical market.


Application acetylsalicylic acid , alkaline drink or oral contraceptives inhibits the active processes of absorption of the biological components of the drug. Similarly, the absorption of a pharmaceutical drug is affected by the use of fresh fruit or vegetable juices .

Increases the ability of the vitamin complex to be absorbed by the combined use of Askorutin with , drugs gland .

The therapeutic efficacy of ascorbic acid as the main active ingredient of the drug decreases under the influence of , indirect anticoagulants , from the group aminoglycosides , sulfanilamide drugs. Simultaneous use of Askorutin with B group vitamins on the contrary, it weakens its healing properties.

It should also be noted that ascorbic acid increases the serum concentration salicylates , , ethyleneestardiol and , which manifests itself in an increase in the risk of developing any side effects or other unpleasant consequences of conservative sanitation.

The use of Askorutin for more than 4 weeks (long-term course of drug therapy) during treatment cardiac glycosides , non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antihypertensive agents can enhance the effect of the latter, which requires special attention, since adverse effects can be very deplorable.

Terms of sale

You can buy Ascorutin tablets without presenting a receptor form, since the pharmaceutical is not listed in the register of potent or narcotic drugs.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a dry, dark place at a constant temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius. Also, the drug should be made inaccessible to children of a younger age category.

Best before date

special instructions

Couperose - this is a violation of the blood circulation of the skin, which is manifested by unnatural local redness (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose, cheeks and forehead suffers first of all). An unpleasant burning sensation and increased sensitivity of the external integument to exogenous stimuli also appear. Pathogenesis of this pathological condition directly depends on the elasticity and fragility of the walls of the bloodstream, congestion, because fix a cosmetic defect You can use Ascorutin. With rosacea, tablets allow you to restore a healthy color to your face, get rid of the unaesthetic appearance of protruding capillaries and enrich the structures of the microcirculatory bed with vitamin C.

Pharmaceutical drug has shown itself well in clinical trials at , chronic damage to the venous network. The active components of the drug, Ascorbic acid and Rutin, improve trophism, normalize regional blood flow , strengthen the walls of the vascular bed, prevent stagnation in the veins of the lower extremities. Accordingly, tablets are a pathogenetic treatment of this nosological entity, that is, the drug affects the mechanism of the development of the disease and eliminates the corresponding stages, preventing its genesis.

Of course, the question immediately arises - how to drink Askorutin with varicose veins. With this pathology, you should undergo a course of treatment. The dosage is 2-3 tablets 2 times a day. It is recommended to use the drug both during and after meals to increase the absorption capacity of the active ingredients.

Clinically proven data that the vitamins that make up Askorutin affect speed of psychomotor reactions or there is no concentration of attention, therefore driving a car or other complex mechanisms during conservative treatment with the drug is not prohibited.

  • - destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in people with a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • deficit , and, accordingly, macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia (ascorbic acid slows down the absorption of vitamin B 12 in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • irreversible deterioration in pancreatic function;
  • peptic (if vitamin C is taken during treatment).

With alcohol

The use of alcoholic beverages does not affect the therapeutic abilities of Ascorutin, however, alcoholic beverages adversely affect individual organs and tissues, which can increase the duration of the course of conservative treatment, increase the harmful effects of taking pills or cause unforeseen side effects, because drinking alcohol during medical sanitation Not recommended .

Askorutin during pregnancy (and lactation)

There are no contraindications for taking a pharmaceutical drug, so you can and should safely use pills to strengthen the general condition of the body after such a difficult test in a woman's life as. The drug has strong antioxidant properties, which will allow you to quickly return to your former sports shape, form the much-desired waistline and feel much better.

Askorutin is actively used for, since this critical condition in a woman's life is always accompanied by a rapid consumption of internal reserves of useful nutrients, and in particular for building a new organism. Also, the use of the drug "in position" is recommended due to the direct pharmacological action of the tablets. It's no secret that circulatory system of the placenta , as a rule, weak, inelastic with a high risk of ruptures and internal hemorrhages, therefore, strengthen new capillaries so that the fetus does not experience possible oxygen starvation will never be redundant.

Askorutin during menstruation should be taken only in cases where there is an urgent need to suppress the abundance of menstrual flow or their duration. That is, the use of a pharmaceutical product is really justified only in serious situations (official speeches, competitions, exams, and so on). From the age of 18, you can take 2-3 tablets throughout the day, and you must immediately swallow them with a small amount of water. It is desirable to carry out the manipulation after a meal, so the ability to be absorbed by the active ingredients is higher.

A conservative course for menstruation is to start 3-4 days before the expected start of menstruation. The duration of the entire therapy should not exceed 10 days, except in situations where a qualified attending physician has given other recommendations. It is desirable to carry out diagnostic blood tests before and after menstruation and consult with a specialist gynecologist on the results obtained.

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