Inflammation of the hair follicle in the groin. Ways to prevent the disease. The main stages of maturation

General information

Staphylococcal folliculitis usually localized in areas of growth of bristly hair, most often it is the chin and the skin around the mouth. It occurs mainly in men who shave their beard and mustache. May be complicated by the development of sycosis.

Pseudomonas folliculitis is popularly called "hot bath folliculitis", since in most cases it occurs after taking a hot bath with insufficient chlorination of water. Often develops in patients undergoing antibiotic therapy for acne. It is clinically expressed in a sharp increase in acne, the appearance of pustules pierced by hair on the face and upper body.

Syphilitic folliculitis(acne syphilis) develops with secondary syphilis, accompanied by non-scarring alopecia in the growth zone of the beard and mustache, as well as the scalp.

gonorrheal folliculitis is a complication of untreated and long-term gonorrhea. Favorite localization is the skin of the perineum in women and the foreskin in men.

candidal folliculitis observed mainly when applying occlusive dressings, in bedridden patients and with prolonged fever.

Dermatophytic folliculitis characterized by the onset of inflammatory changes from the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis. Then the process gradually captures the follicle and hair shaft. It can occur against the background of trichophytosis and favus, leaving behind cicatricial changes.

Herpetic folliculitis characterized by the formation of vesicles at the mouths of hair follicles. It is observed on the skin of the chin and nasolabial triangle, more often in men.

Folliculitis caused by demodicosis is manifested by reddening of the skin with the formation of characteristic pustules in the mouths of the hair follicles, around which pityriasis peeling is noted.

Impetigo Bockhart- another variant of folliculitis. It develops with maceration of the skin. It is most common in hyperhidrosis or as a result of warm compress therapy.

Diagnosis of folliculitis

Diagnostic measures for suspected folliculitis are aimed at examining the condition of the hair follicle; determination of the pathogen that caused the inflammation; exclusion of a specific etiology of the disease (syphilis, gonorrhea); identification of concomitant diseases that favor the development of the infectious process.

At the consultation of a dermatologist, an examination of the rashes and dermatoscopy is carried out, which helps the doctor determine the depth of the follicle lesion. The detachable pustules are taken for microscopy and bacteriological culture, examination for fungi and pale treponema. To exclude gonorrhea and syphilis, PCR diagnostics and an RPR test are performed. If necessary, the patient is assigned an immunogram, a blood test for sugar and other examinations.

Cases of severe recurrent folliculitis require systemic therapy. With staphylococcal folliculitis, cephalexin, dicloxacillin, erythromycin are prescribed orally. Treatment of severe forms of pseudomonas folliculitis is carried out with ciprofloxacin. Fluconazole and itraconazole are used for candidal folliculitis, and terbinafine for dermatophytic folliculitis. At the same time, the therapy of concomitant diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiency states is carried out.

Folliculitis means "inflammation of the hair follicle". This process accompanies a group of skin diseases caused by staphylococcal infection. Folliculitis refers to pyodermatitis - pustular skin diseases, the most common of dermatoses.

Superficial folliculitis is located mainly on the face and neck, forearms, thighs, legs.

deep folliculitis

Accompanied by the penetration of microbes deep into the hair follicle. In this case, painful nodules first appear around the hair, which turn into pustules. After 5-6 days, the bubble shrinks, after which a small scar remains. With an unfavorable course of the disease, the infection spreads into the deeper layers of the skin, causing necrosis of the surrounding tissues. The most common deep folliculitis of the scalp and back of the neck, as well as on the back.

Chronic folliculitis

Accompanied by the emergence of more and more inflamed hair follicles and sebaceous glands. On examination, pustules are visible at different stages of development - only appearing, intense purulent, shrinking and scarring. The disease most often occurs in areas of the body that are subject to constant friction or damage. For example, when rubbing rough clothes in workers in hot shops, folliculitis is localized on the forearms, neck, buttocks, and legs. In older people suffering from atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, seborrhea and pruritus often appear, so folliculitis is localized on the head. The chronic course of the disease is facilitated by the endogenous factors discussed above.

One form of chronic folliculitis is sycosis, which affects men. Pustules are located on the skin of the face, in the area of ​​​​the beard and mustache. In women, this form can be observed on the pubic part, shins. Predisposing factors - skin damage when shaving in combination with endogenous causes - decreased immunity, hypofunction of the gonads, altered sensitivity (sensitization) to staphylococcus antigens, the presence of foci of chronic infection (tonsillitis, caries).

There is a constantly recurring appearance of all new inflamed follicles. They are at different stages of development, penetrated in the middle by hair, contain thick yellow or green pus, are slightly painful, and are accompanied by skin itching. The fusion of foci with the formation of a large surface covered with abscesses is characteristic.

Folliculitis decalvans

Hoffmann's undermining folliculitis

It affects the scalp in boys and young men. It has a limited localization, but a kind of deep distribution. A swelling appears on the skin of the parietal or occipital part, which has the shape of a circle, oval, bean, its consistency is soft, the surface is “failing” - fluctuating. The skin above it has an unnatural shade - from yellowish to bluish, there is no hair on it, it is stretched and thinned. The foci are located in groups, merge, forming rollers. On their surface there are holes, when pressed, pus is released from these fistulas. The holes lead to interconnected passages, as if undermining the skin. If a thin probe is inserted into the fistula, it will easily pass into the neighboring focus.


Treatment of folliculitis should be comprehensive:

  • proper nutrition;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • treatment of foci with antiseptics;
  • the use of local remedies and medicines for oral administration;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • the fight against concomitant diseases and the elimination of foci of chronic infection.

Principles of nutrition and hygiene in folliculitis

  • normal protein content, including animal origin;
  • restriction of animal fats and refined carbohydrates (sugar, chocolate), flour products, spices, alcohol, strong tea and coffee, as well as iodized salt;
  • an increase in the content of vegetable fiber in the diet, its additional intake in the form of bran;
  • saturation of food with vitamins, carrots, black currants, rose hips are especially useful.

The patient should have separate bedding, towels, clothes, personal hygiene items. With purulent processes, it is desirable to frequently change linen, pillowcases, wash them with the addition of disinfectants or boil them. The patient is advised not to wash with hot water, so as not to stimulate the secretion of sebum. Men are better off using an electric razor.

Is it possible to swim with this disease? Swimming in open water, visiting the pool, baths, saunas is prohibited. The patient should wash in the shower, using baby soap, and tar will not hurt. It is better to use special dermatological shampoos containing ketoconazole (an antifungal drug).

Medical therapy

A dermatologist should tell you how to treat folliculitis. Self-medication can be ineffective and lead to chronicity of the process and complications.

Pustules on the skin are treated with antiseptic solutions: potassium permanganate, boric acid, salicylic alcohol. Local remedies are used, for example, an ointment with an antibacterial effect - Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Dalacin-T, Epiderm, Zinerit. In chronic diseases, combined agents containing antibiotics and hormones are prescribed: Oxycort, Dermazolone and others.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed inside (Erythromycin, Doxycycline, cephalosporins and others), if necessary - estrogens and progestogens, vitamins A, C, E, immunostimulants.

Physiotherapy is prescribed when the process subsides to prevent scarring. Applied, laser exposure.

home treatments

Treatment at home can be supplemented with phytotherapy. The face can be wiped with fresh plantain juice, a decoction of willow bark, infusions of calendula, elecampane, St. John's wort. For washing, you can use an infusion of birch leaves. Inside it is useful to take an infusion of burdock roots. Homeopathic preparations are also acceptable, in particular, Traumeel C ointment, which must be rubbed into the skin several times a day.

The consequences of untreated folliculitis are the spread of the infection deeper into the skin with the formation of a carbuncle or abscess, as well as the addition of a fungal infection - dermatophytosis. These diseases can even threaten the patient's life if microorganisms enter the bloodstream. Therefore, it is necessary to treat folliculitis in time and take measures for its prevention, based on the fight against endogenous and exogenous factors of the onset of the disease.

Any manifestations of furunculosis indicate serious negative changes in the field of women's health, especially the appearance of purulent inflammation in the pubic region. This place of the female body is characterized by increased vulnerability due to the proximity of the genitals, lymph nodes, in addition, the tissues are highly sensitive - the pain can be felt much more intense than in other parts of the body.

When an abscess occurs, the hair follicle becomes inflamed, the effect on neighboring tissues begins, which can hinder movement - pain may occur when walking.

The situation is also dangerous because possible complications can affect the vital zones for the female body. There may be pain in the groin, pain in the genitals, possible swelling may cover the lymph nodes. Thus, a boil in the intimate area requires much more attention than inflammation anywhere else.

Another option is a high probability of febrile conditions, fever, especially if the boil could not come out. Perhaps a general deterioration in health, weakness, drowsiness. Deterioration of the condition is also likely because this area is always hidden under clothing, and tight underwear can additionally injure an abscess that has already appeared.

In this regard, this problem requires more intensive treatment under the supervision of an experienced doctor. It will require multi-stage treatment using modern antibiotics, local remedies (ointments, compresses, etc.). Therefore, in the event of a boil in the perineum, a woman should immediately schedule a visit to the therapist. Many put off this unpleasant procedure, hoping for an accidental recovery. But this is the wrong tactic, it can lead to dangerous complications.

Why does a boil occur?

A boil on the skin appears due to the activity of harmful bacteria - streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. Under normal conditions, these types of bacteria live both in the environment and on human skin, but a healthy immune system copes with their activity. If inflammation occurs, especially in the female genital area, this means that health has already been undermined.

Furuncle in the vast majority of cases is associated with a painful process in the hair follicle. That is why we most often observe large abscesses under the armpits or in the inguinal zone.

Attention! To determine the severity of the situation, first of all, it is necessary to determine whether this inflammation is a separate disease or is a symptom that signals a more serious infection.

Doctors note that there are several common reasons for the development of this disease in women:

  • problems with immunity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules, unsatisfactory living conditions;
  • malfunction of the sweat glands;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (for example, when shaving the intimate area, unsuccessful depilation);
  • underwear made of artificial materials of the wrong size (tight synthetics that can rub the skin and create constant excess moisture on the surface of the skin);
  • the influence of chronic diseases, colds;
  • stress, anxiety, depression;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • allergic reaction.

The main stages of maturation:

  • the appearance of a small red spot on one of the hair follicles of the inguinal zone, there is almost no pain;
  • compaction, increase in abscess in size;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • the formation of a purulent rod, the appearance of severe pain;
  • possible rise in temperature;
  • the release of pus to the outside, facilitating the course of the disease.

Attention! Furuncle on average goes away in two weeks or less. If the boil on the pubic part lasts for more than two weeks, this is a sign that you need to urgently go to the hospital.

  1. Compliance with hygiene rules.
  2. Use of clean linen made from natural fabrics, according to size.
  3. High-quality nutrition, the use of vitamin preparations.

A furuncle in the groin of a woman is a sign of a serious illness.


  • self-medication without doctor's recommendations;
  • refusal of surgical intervention in the presence of such a recommendation of a specialist;
  • attempts to squeeze out an immature boil - this can lead to blood poisoning;
  • cutting off the top of the abscess, piercing;
  • use of warm compresses;
  • visiting the bath (you can not warm the boil).

Video - How to treat a boil

What can be done at home?

At home, after making a diagnosis and determining a treatment strategy, various external agents can be used. Among them, the most effective are:

  1. Aloe: gruel is prepared, applied to the inflamed area (can be fixed with a breathable plaster).
  2. Iodine treatment. You can lubricate the abscess with a cotton swab or a special iodine felt-tip pen. Used for disinfection.
  3. Treatment with Vishnevsky ointment. Apply directly to the affected area at night.
  4. Using ichthyol ointment: you can make a compress from this remedy at night.
  5. Treatment with Levomekol ointment (smear twice a day).
  6. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide (twice a day).
  7. Washing the focus of inflammation with an alcohol-containing solution for disinfection.

Attention! At the ripening stage, thermal procedures, including iodine mesh, are prohibited. Better put a compress with ichthyol ointment.

Video - How to treat a boil at home

What treatment is usually prescribed?

Doctors usually prescribe a course of antibiotics. This is an effective treatment. Especially if taking pills is combined with a course of external agents (injections, ointments).

The most common prescription is dicloxacillin. This type of drug copes well with staphylococci. Sometimes prescribed tetracycline, erythromycin.

Injections may be prescribed: doctors prefer broad-spectrum antibiotics (a group of cephalosporins). They are also used as anesthetics (Lidocaine, Novocaine).

The maturation stage is very important. It requires intensive exposure, therefore, complex treatment can be prescribed using external and internal means. The stage of healing is characterized by the use of ointments "Oflokain", "Levomekol".

What to expect during the operation?

If you are scheduled for surgery, then do not be afraid. This is a simple, short procedure performed under local anesthesia. There is no danger in it. The operation is an effective procedure, it allows you to achieve a complete recovery in a fairly short period of time.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  1. An anesthetic injection is given.
  2. There is an opening of the abscess, cleansing of pus.
  3. A swab with a disinfectant solution is applied to the sore spot.

After that, the patient is required to visit a medical worker for dressings.

For better healing, the therapist can prescribe UHF, electrophoresis, etc.

A course of antibiotics is prescribed to prevent complications.

What's next?

It is extremely important to find out what caused the boil. If you do not have any visible infections, do not assume that the occurrence of an abscess was a mere accident. Pass the full range of tests, go through a full medical examination.

Note! Sometimes the appearance of boils can indicate the development of diabetes. Pass all the necessary tests to exclude the possibility of this disease.

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, play sports,
  • eat right, do not eat a lot of sweets;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • drink vitamins;
  • take baths with sea salt;
  • drink decoctions of horsetail, plantain, calendula;
  • drink a course of immunomodulators (for example, echinacea).

Folk methods

Boils are often sought to be treated with folk methods. However, we do not recommend this and here are proven methods that contribute to an overall increase in health and immunity levels. In addition to medical treatment, you can use herbal decoctions that purify the blood.

Nettle decoction is an effective blood purifier

Attention! Often you can find a recommendation to apply a baked onion or grated potato to the boil. Perhaps, with some types of abscesses, this method can help. But it can also be harmful, so we do not recommend you experiment with your own health!

However, at the stage of healing (after surgery or after successful treatment with antibiotics), folk wound healing remedies can also be used. For example, you can apply steamed plantain leaves (thoroughly washed), as well as aloe or burdock leaves.

Folliculitis is a skin disease that is inflammation of the hair follicle. The most common cause of inflammation is a staphylococcal infection, but against the background of reduced immunity, the disease can also be caused by other bacteria, viruses or fungi. Disturbances in the normal functioning of the body and the impact of adverse factors on human skin can also provoke folliculitis.

  • There are superficial and deep forms of the disease, and undermining and decalving folliculitis are also isolated. If the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. Folliculitis is treated at home with the help of folk antiseptics that do not harm health and can effectively fight infection. Also in the treatment are important nutrition and lifestyle, personal hygiene.

    Causes of the disease

    Folliculitis is an infectious process, and in most cases it is caused by a staph infection. Staphylococci are widely distributed in the environment. They are also normal inhabitants of the human skin, forming, together with other bacteria, the protective microflora of the skin. Most of these bacteria are harmless, but there are also pathogenic strains that can cause an inflammatory process.

    There are three types of staphylococci:

    • , which is considered pathogenic;
    • epidermal, which is a normal inhabitant of human skin and causes disease only in case of weakened immunity;
    • saprophytic - a species that does not cause infection.

    The pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus is provided by the enzymes that it synthesizes. The enzyme coagulase causes the coagulation of blood and lymph proteins. If a staphylococcal infection develops around the hair, then due to the coagulation of proteins, the focus of inflammation is limited, which begins to be a sac with developing bacteria in the human skin. In addition to coagulase, staphylococcus synthesizes hyaluronidase, an enzyme that can destroy connective tissue and penetrate deep into the skin.

    After the illness, in most patients, such pathogenic staphylococci do not completely disappear, but remain on the skin as normal inhabitants. When immunity is weakened or adverse factors affect the body, such a person often has a relapse of the disease. Folliculitis becomes chronic.

    In addition to staphylococci, other microorganisms can also cause folliculitis: gram-negative rods, pseudomonads, protozoan fungi (in particular, fungi of the genus Candida), viruses. However, this form of the disease is rare, most often against the background of reduced immunity. In some cases, the source of inflammation in folliculitis can also be normal inhabitants of human skin, which, against the background of a weakened immune system, begin to actively multiply and cause an infectious process.

    Like other infectious diseases, folliculitis is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another through contact and household contact. Children are especially often infected, because their immunity has not yet been fully formed, and the body cannot fully fight the infection. In addition, the skin of children is soft, loose and moist, which contributes to an easier infection. In adults, their own immune forces and the natural microflora of the skin prevent the development of infection, although they are not an absolute guarantee of protection.

    The likelihood of developing folliculitis increases against the background of a number of factors. These factors can be internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous).

    Endogenous factors contributing to inflammation of the follicle:

    • metabolic diseases, in particular, and high blood sugar;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • circulatory disorders,;
    • acute infectious processes of a bacterial and viral nature;
    • long-term chronic infections;
    • decreased immunity, including against the background of HIV infection;
    • prolonged use of antibiotics;
    • reducing the amount of protein consumed;
    • lack of vitamins, especially A and C.

    Exogenous causes of the development of the disease:

    • skin injuries;
    • regular contamination of the skin, for example, when working in adverse conditions;
    • improper skin care;
    • exposure to high or low temperatures, temperature changes.

    Against the background of AIDS or other immunodeficiencies, patients may also develop:

    • eosinophilic folliculitis is a non-infectious autoimmune process;
    • herpetic folliculitis - a viral infection of the hair follicles;
    • fungal folliculitis.

    Long-term use of antibiotics leads to disruption of the normal human microflora and dysbacteriosis. Against this background, patients often develop skin diseases, in particular, folliculitis caused by gram-negative bacteria: Proteus, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and bacteria of the Escherichia coli group.

    Often, such infections are resistant to the action of antimicrobials, since they began to multiply against the background of constant exposure to the antibiotic on the human body and developed resistance.

    Classification and symptoms of the disease

    Depending on the degree of damage to the dermis, superficial and deep folliculitis are distinguished. According to the type of course, acute and chronic forms of the disease are distinguished. Also, the disease can have a different localization. Depending on the type of folliculitis, symptoms may vary.
    Common symptoms for all folliculitis: a purulent infection forms in the hair follicle. The focus of infection is round or conical, filled with yellowish-green purulent contents. Hair is often located at the center of such an infection.

    Types of folliculitis:

    How to treat folliculitis?

    Folliculitis can be treated at home using traditional methods. In therapy, external agents are used that suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and fully, and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    From human nutrition depends on his immunity, as well as the composition of the intestinal microflora and skin. The symbiotic system that a person and the natural inhabitants of his skin form is very fragile and can easily be destroyed by an unbalanced diet or long-term use of drugs, especially antibiotics.

    The diet of a healthy person should include a sufficient amount of protein foods, as well as a lot of vegetable fiber, which is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Fresh vegetables and fruits are an indispensable source of vitamins necessary for the body. Dysbacteriosis and the development of pathogenic microorganisms will be facilitated by the use of fatty foods and "light" carbohydrates: confectionery and flour products.

    In order for the disease not to spread within the family, you must follow simple rules:

    • use personal bedding and towels;
    • change bedding more often, wash it at a high temperature and iron before use.

    You need to wash your face with cool water, this will reduce the secretion of sebum and help prevent the onset of the inflammatory process. When shaving, it is better to give preference to an electric razor. During an exacerbation of folliculitis, it is better to avoid swimming in open water, pools or saunas.

    Folk recipes:

    1. Plantain. Fresh juice of this plant is used to treat damaged skin areas.
    2. Cleavers. The flowers of this plant are dried, ground into powder, diluted with a small amount of water to make a paste, and applied to damaged areas of the skin.
    3. Fragrant woodruff. Fresh leaves of this plant are crushed and used for compress. The compress is changed twice a day.
    4. Chamomile. In 100 ml of boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile color, insist for half an hour, then filter. This infusion is rubbed on the affected areas of the skin.
    5. Cranberry. For lotions, gruel from the fresh berries of this plant is used.
    6. Dandelion. In 200 ml of boiling water, 2 tsp are steamed. leaves of this plant, insist a quarter of an hour. Take 100 ml of infusion twice a day. The tool strengthens the immune system and helps fight chronic infections. The root of this plant can also be used in therapy.
    7. The lamb is white. In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. herbs, insist 5 minutes and take 1 glass twice a day.
  • Inflammation of the hair follicle is called folliculitis. This infectious inflammation occurs on parts of the body with an abundance of hair. For this reason, inflammation of the hair follicles is most often observed on the head, legs and arms.


    The initial stage is redness of the skin, moderate soreness, the formation of pustules. With progression, an infiltrate is formed around the lesion.

    The skin around the inflamed follicle becomes yellowish, which is explained by the presence of pus. After removing the crust of the pustule, pus is released, red skin is visible.

    The number of inflammations can vary from 1 to many, for example, when shaving under the armpit, most often a single inflammation is formed. Sometimes there is itching. With an extensive lesion, the lymph nodes increase.

    Types of folliculitis and its causes

    Also, the disease is classified as follows:

    • Staphylococcal. It is mainly found in men in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and nasolabial triangle;
    • Candidiasis occurs under occlusive dressings, especially if corticosteroids are used, in bedridden and long-term fever. It is formed both on the legs and on other parts of the body;
    • Herpetic - similar to staphylococcal;
    • Acne syphilis. The rash is caused by syphilis. Eliminate by treating the underlying disease;
    • Pseudomonas. Occurs after taking a hot bath, where the water is not sufficiently chlorinated;
    • Gram-negative occurs after long-term treatment of acne with antibacterial drugs. Possible abscesses;
    • Caused by dermatophytes. It is observed mainly on the head;
    • Depilatory. Peculiar to men in hot countries. It is characterized by the fact that inflammation of the hair follicles is observed only on the legs;
    • Gonorrheal. Occurs very rarely. Occurs with gonorrhea at an advanced stage. Localized inflammation of the hair follicle in the groin, in the perineum;
    • Professional occurs in people of a certain profession, is associated with contact with the skin of irritants in the form of chemicals. Typically seen on the back of the hands and forearms;
    • Tick-borne occurs as a result of the bite of the insect of the same name;
    • Impetigo Bockhart. The cause of the occurrence is maceration of the skin, excessive sweating, so inflammation of the hair follicle is often noticeable under the armpit.

    Treatment depends on the cause of the inflammation of the hair follicle.

    In addition, additional provoking factors play a role, which also need to be eliminated:

    • Skin microtrauma;
    • Pollution of the skin;
    • Untimely or incorrect application of an occlusive dressing;
    • Climatic conditions (high humidity and temperature);
    • Wearing synthetic, tight-fitting clothing;
    • hypothermia;
    • Anemia;
    • Diabetes;
    • Pathology of the liver;
    • Unbalanced diet;
    • Treatment with immunosuppressants;
    • Local use of glucocorticosteroids;
    • Periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries;
    • Chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
    • Obesity.

    Complications of folliculitis

    Usually this infectious disease is mild and does not pose a serious threat to life. But complications may develop. This happens in the absence of treatment, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, a weak immune response of the body.

    Common complications include furuncle leading to hidradentitis and lymphadenitis, carbuncle, abscess, follicular scarring and dermatophytosis. Isolated cases are accompanied by nephritis, meningitis and pneumonia.

    How to treat inflammation of the hair follicle?

    At the initial stage of the disease, it is sufficient to treat the pustules with suitable means. For this, camphor (2%) and salicylic alcohol (1-2%), a solution of brilliant green (2%) or methylene blue, fucorcin are suitable. Gels, creams and lotions of the Klerasil series are very popular now.

    If the disease has affected the deeper layers of the skin and is accompanied by significant purulent accumulations, it is necessary to open the bubbles, remove their contents, and then treat with one of the listed remedies. It is recommended to apply ichthyol compresses twice a day.

    If the disease has become chronic and relapses, serious drug therapy is necessary. In this case, antibiotics and drugs of the sulfonamide group are prescribed. Immunostimulating therapy is also shown.

    When inflammation of the hair follicles is observed on the arms, legs, torso, it is impossible to squeeze the affected parts of the body and squeeze out the bubbles, as this increases the risk of developing a boil and even phlegmon.

    The treatment with ultraviolet rays has proven itself well. The general course is 6-10 procedures. Sessions are scheduled every day or every other day. If folliculitis occurs against the background of diabetes, a corrective diet is prescribed to normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

    Treatment of staphylococcal folliculitis involves the use of Muporcin ointment or similar, internal administration of cephalexin, dicloxacillin, erythromycin or methicillin. In severe cases of pseudomonas lesions, ciprofloxacin is prescribed. If the causative agent is gram-negative bacteria, topical benzoyl peroxide therapy is necessary.

    With a fungal infection, appropriate funds are needed, for internal use - terbinafine, fluconazole, intracanosole. Herpetic folliculitis should be treated with acyclovir.

    An important role is given to traditional medicine recipes. Various decoctions, infusions, compresses based on viburnum, rosehip, chamomile, dandelion, prickly, bedstraw, woodruff, tartar and burdock are widely used.

    Inflammation of the hair follicle in the vast majority of cases has a favorable prognosis. In severe cases and damage to the deep layers of the skin, pigmentation may remain after removal of the crust. Complications of folliculitis are rare and are successfully treated with modern methods.

    Folliculitis, or purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, is a conical abscess with a hair in the center. When the abscess is opened, a small scar forms in its place. The cause of inflammation is considered non-observance of personal hygiene standards. Although constant shaving, mechanical friction, as well as microtrauma can serve as a source for penetration into the bulb of a staphylococcal infection (its golden or white variety). Constant inflammation of the hair follicle in the groin can accompany diseases such as diabetes, anemia, hepatitis, as well as tonsillitis and obesity.

    Depending on what caused folliculitis, doctors distinguish several main forms of it:

    According to the depth of localization, folliculitis is divided into superficial and deep, as well as single and multiple.

    Physicians had to deal with folliculitis as an occupational disease: those who, by the nature of their work, constantly work with lubricants, are subject to it.

    Treatment of folliculitis is carried out in several directions. First, a strict hygienic discipline is introduced, including the use of disinfectants and antibacterial ointments. In severe cases, antibiotics and drugs to increase immunity are prescribed.

    Painful inflammation of the hair follicle in the groin can be treated with brilliant green, salicylic alcohol or methylene blue (these agents have a disinfectant and drying effect). For the period of treatment, underwear should be free, not cause chafing and squeezing the skin. Deep forms of inflammation are treated with compresses with ichthyol ointment (1-2 times a day).

    Non-drug treatment consists of irradiation with an ultraviolet lamp (the course consists of 10 sessions). If folliculitis is associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism (in diabetes mellitus), then a balanced diet is recommended.

    Independent extrusion of purulent abscesses is strictly prohibited, since the infection can penetrate into the deeper layers, causing phlegmon.

    Some men face such an intimate problem as redness, burning and itching of the head and.

    Having found a bump or a slight swelling in their groin area, many men are in no hurry.

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    People of different ages are susceptible to urolithiasis, it manifests itself in the form of the formation of stones in the.

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    The information on the site is for informational purposes only, and may also contain information intended for users over 18 years of age. Do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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