What to do with purulent periodontal disease. Some are especially effective. To make aloe juice, you need

Periodontitis is a gum disease that is not associated with inflammatory processes, in which there is a violation in the nutrition of the affected tissues. With absence timely treatment The disease affects the bones of the jaw and leads to loss of teeth.

This dental disease is diagnosed quite often, and therefore today there are many ways to treat it. You can successfully use both traditional medicine and time-tested folk healers. Regardless of which treatment is chosen, it should be remembered that the sooner it is started, the faster the recovery will come and the less the risk of tooth loss.

What it is?

Periodontal disease is a disease of the oral cavity, in which the periodontium (the peridental tissue that is responsible for fixing the teeth) begins to break down.

90 percent of our compatriots over the age of 35 face this problem. At first, you may ignore the symptoms because they are minor (sensitivity to sweet and salty foods, discoloration of the gums), as a result of which the disease secretly progresses, destroying the periodontium and exposing the nerves of the teeth.

Reasons for development

Causes of periodontal disease, in contrast to inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, are mostly of a general nature:

1) local causes: malocclusion.

2) Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system:

  • , angina;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • trophic disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system.

3) Avitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: lack of vitamins, nutrients due to impaired digestion and absorption lead to metabolic disorders.

4) Metabolic disorders: a sharp delay in protein synthesis, systemic, violation of the processes of renewal and construction of bone tissue.

5) Hereditary factors: the presence of certain cells (the so-called high-risk monocyte-macrophages) that produce bone-dissolving substances.

Despite the well-known belief that bacteria are not involved in the development of periodontal disease, some scientists still proved the role of prostaglandin type E2, released through exposure to toxins of certain periodontopathogenic bacteria. At the same time, inflammation as such does not develop, but provokes destruction and dystrophy of bone tissues.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

Periodontitis cannot be called an asymptomatic disease. By characteristics disease, a person can even independently identify the presence of the disease.

The main symptoms of periodontal disease are:

  • slight swelling of the gums;
  • minor pain syndrome;
  • bad smell from mouth;
  • pale gums;
  • the presence of burning in the gums;
  • the presence of itching in the gums;
  • the presence of abundant bacterial plaque;
  • opening of the roots of the teeth;
  • bleeding when eating hard foods;
  • bleeding when brushing your teeth even with a soft brush;
  • decrease in tooth stability.

The presence of even a part of the manifestations of periodontal disease should seriously alert a person and lead him to an appointment with a dentist. The doctor will correctly assess the patient's condition, determine the degree of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

What does periodontal disease look like: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

Parodontosis - home treatment

Self-treatment periodontal disease, without the participation of a professional doctor, is highly undesirable. The disease is treated long time and with difficulty even when using intensive care, and self-medication can (in best case) to be ineffective.

But there are methods of treatment at home, which are very useful in conjunction with regular visits to the periodontist. the main task in the treatment of periodontal disease - to prevent the formation of plaque:

  • first of all, improve the technique of brushing your teeth, paying attention to hard-to-reach places;
  • use dental floss after every meal;
  • rinse teeth with medical antiseptic at least overnight;
  • correct (if necessary) bite of teeth;
  • find a conscientious dentist who makes beautiful, tight edges on crowns and carefully grinds fillings.

Treatment with traditional medicine is recommended only in combination with professional treatment in dental clinic because periodontal disease is difficult to treat. Further, there are the most effective and having a reasonable base, because our grandfathers and grandmothers got rid of the disease with them.

Here is the list:

  1. Immortelle, calamus and elecampane mixed in the same amount. Separate from the total mass of 50 g of raw materials and fill this amount with a half liter bottle of vodka. Place the infusion in a dark place for 10-14 days (shake the contents every day). A little in a glass warm water add 1 teaspoon of infusion and rinse daily with these contents oral cavity.
  2. Aloe vera. This succulent is full of medicinal properties that heal and treat a host of diseases and ailments. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties destroy bacteria very quickly, preventing the spread of infection. Application. So fresh leaf cut off the edges of the aloe vera and cut the leaf in two. Rub the gel-like side of the leaf onto the gums and teeth and massage for five minutes. Rinse your mouth warm water. Repeat three times a day. The gums heal in the shortest possible time.
  3. Honey treatment. Honey is traditional means used in the treatment of many medical diseases. It is also used for periodontitis. You should first make sure that there is no allergic reaction to honey. Unpleasant sensations in the gums can be eliminated by grinding 20 gr. honey with 10 gr. salt. The mixture is so thick that it can be rolled into a ball. Next, this ball is wrapped in a clean cloth. The bag made in this way should be rubbed on the gums.
  4. Crush two cloves of garlic and mix it with tea leaves (1 teaspoon). The resulting mixture is poured into a teapot and brewed like tea. Rinse your mouth with a remedy for at least 14 days daily.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil has a soothing effect on the gums. It is necessary to soak a cotton swab abundantly with oil and apply it to the affected areas, especially to the pockets.
  6. Pine needles (200 g of pine needles) pour a glass of clean cold water. Placed on medium heat, the broth is brought to a boil, and then left on fire for another 15 minutes. A large spoonful of honey is dissolved in a warm broth, after which rinsing should begin.
  7. Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Alcohol tincture calendula from a pharmacy for the treatment of periodontal disease is not suitable, it is best to prepare the infusion yourself. 3 tsp pour half a liter of boiling water over the flowers, leave for at least half an hour, strain. After the decoction has cooled, rinse your mouth with it in the morning and evening.
  8. Sea salt. In conditions home treatment periodontal disease will help such a folk remedy as sea ​​salt without various impurities, tincture of sage or chamomile, and sometimes oak bark, vitamin and mineral complex, adaptive toothpastes. With the help of salt, the disease was treated for a long time. To do this, it was crushed and used to rub the gums and teeth. This method goes well with all kinds of mouthwashes or brushing your teeth with the ingredients described above.

Use Methods traditional medicine against periodontal disease is possible only after consulting with your doctor.

Diet for periodontal disease

It's time to pay attention to nutrition in periodontal disease. With damage and soreness of the oral cavity, a person is simply obliged to monitor what he eats and in what form the products enter his mouth.

  • It is necessary to eat more solid food, which helps to strengthen and massage the gums. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible in your daily diet.
  • It is necessary to exclude from the daily diet the use of coffee, black tea and any other drinks containing gases and dyes. It is important to give up sweets that contribute to tooth decay, plaque formation and the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity. Also avoid chips and cookies.
  • Do not forget about dairy products that must be present in food - cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, sourdough, cheese and others. These foods are full of calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones.

Present to your attention sample menu diets for periodontal disease:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, green tea, carrot or apple.
  • Second breakfast (lunch) - cabbage and carrot salad, dressed olive oil, orange or a few apricots, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch - pea soup, beef stew with buckwheat, coleslaw, tomato and bell pepper, juice.
  • Snack - dried fruits, yogurt, fresh vegetables or fruit.
  • Dinner - liver cutlets with stewed carrots, cauliflower salad, fermented baked milk.

In most cases of periodontal disease, speedy recovery maintains compliance balanced diet. A diet for periodontal disease should be observed for at least 6 months until the patient recovers completely.


Gymnastic exercises stimulate the tension of the muscles of the jaw, due to which the blood begins to flow more actively to the teeth and gums.

How to do gymnastics:

  • In the first 5-7 days: take a small wooden stick in your teeth and gently bite it from the bottom up.
  • The next 2-3 weeks, the task becomes more complicated: firmly squeezing the twig with your teeth, move your jaws from left to right and back and forth.
  • Then another exercise is added: one end of the twig is firmly clamped with teeth, holding the other end, one must try to pull the stick out of the mouth.

To strengthen healing effect, it is better to take a sprig of oak or coniferous trees.

It should not be forgotten that any of the proposed methods can cause side effect in the form of an allergic reaction to the components. Therefore, you should use folk methods treatment of periodontal disease with caution.


The course of their intake varies depending on how pronounced the pathological process is, but on average it is 10-14 days. Antibiotics can be taken in tablet form or given intramuscularly to the patient. Their reception has an antimicrobial effect.

The correct dosage is selected by a specialist, while taking into account the characteristics of the patient. For example, if he suffers from diabetes, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are prescribed. In parallel with their intake, doctors often prescribe metronizadol and vitamins. Metronizadol (Trichopolum) is a generic antimicrobial agent, affecting pathogenic flora oral cavity, and the vitamin complex strengthens the immune system.

Gels and ointments

These are topical products, they are applied directly to the gums. They have a strengthening anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect on the gums, normalize blood flow in the vessels, and heal the damaged epithelium.

Due to their structure, gels and ointments are perfectly absorbed. If the patient has formed periodontal pockets, the gel is placed directly into them. Most often, specialists prescribe heparin ointment, troxevasin, cryogel. They improve the blood supply to the tissues around the teeth.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures such as:

  1. Darsonvalization and dynamic currents operate on the same principle as massage. They contribute to the stabilization of trophism and stop the development of atrophy.
  2. Gum massage - carried out using a special apparatus. At the same time, blood flow to periodontal tissues increases, improves metabolic processes.
  3. Self-massage of the gums is also allowed, but only with the permission of a doctor. Twice a day, the gums can be lightly massaged for a few minutes. Before the procedure, you must brush your teeth and wash your hands to avoid infection.
  4. Electrophoresis in combination with calcium gluconate reduces hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) in the area of ​​exposed necks of teeth. Electrophoresis is an introduction medicinal substance into the soft tissues of the periodontium using a low voltage current.

The meaning of physiotherapeutic procedures is to saturate the periodontal tissues with oxygen, increase blood flow and restore the processes of nutrient metabolism.


Not as a treatment, but for the prevention of periodontal disease and periodontitis, you can produce:

  1. Baths - from chamomile, St. John's wort or wild rose, a decoction is made and the herbal solution should be kept in the mouth for 10 minutes. Baths can be made every day for a month, then take a break.
  2. Rinsing the mouth with special solutions for the prevention of periodontal disease - "Forest Balsam", "Spring", as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile, oak bark or propolis solution. This allows you to clean the oral cavity from food debris and bacteria.
  3. The use of Parodontax toothpaste or mouth rinses, which include herbal extracts, also contributes to the prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease.

It is important to understand that periodontal disease is not considered so harmless disease, in the treatment of which you can figure it out on your own without the participation of a dentist. Treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies will be effective only in complex treatment With traditional medicine. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing teeth.

So what should a person with periodontal disease (periodontitis) do? This disease is treated at home using medical preparations and traditional medicine.

First of all, it is worth noting that the first step in the treatment of periodontal disease at home should be daily thorough oral care. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day for 2-5 minutes, and it is also advisable to use mouth rinses, dental floss and other products presented on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores for oral hygiene.

As the candidate advises medical sciences Grudyanov A.I., for the most thorough and safe cleansing of the oral cavity, it is necessary to use toothbrush no more than 2-2.5 centimeters long and less than a centimeter wide, with three rows of synthetic bristles of medium hardness, mobile in the head area. The scientist also advises to wash the brush with hot water and soap before and after use in order to destroy the microbes remaining on the brush after brushing your teeth. It is also important to remember how to properly brush your teeth so as not to aggravate the disease - in order to avoid pushing food debris into the interdental spaces, upper teeth it is worth cleaning from top to bottom, and the bottom ones - from bottom to top, then go around in circles and horizontal movements. Don't forget to also clean the back of your tongue, which often collects most bacteria and keeps them in your mouth. After brushing, rinse your mouth with two glasses of warm water.

Such hygiene will help to avoid significant layers of tartar, which leads to the appearance of periodontal disease. Tartar is dangerous because it contains bacteria that destroy bone tissue.

Also, an integral part of the prevention of periodontal disease should be the use of solid vegetables and fruits, with the help of which, when biting, gums are massaged. Regularly monitor your teeth, visit the dentist once or twice a year, if necessary, replace affected teeth with dentures to remove excessive load on remaining healthy teeth.

Toothpaste for periodontal disease

Revisiting the issue of oral hygiene, it is necessary to address Special attention on toothpastes for periodontal disease.

Now on the shelves of stores there are all kinds of pastes that supposedly can help cure, whiten teeth, strengthen gums, and so on. However, do not trust everything that is written on the package.

Toothpaste for periodontal disease alone is not able to overcome the disease, however, especially in the first stage of the development of the disease, the paste can help eliminate bad breath, as well as reduce bloody issues from gums.

Toothpaste for periodontal disease, which can really help in the treatment of this disease, should contain natural ingredients in the form of medicinal herbs - chamomile, mint, nettle, sage, St. John's wort and others. Since time immemorial, these plants have been famous for their healing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effects. Apart from natural ingredients The composition of toothpastes for periodontal disease should include the following medications:

  • Potassium tetrapyrophosphate, which helps fight tartar;
  • Potassium nitrate and sodium citrate, which are needed to reduce tooth sensitivity;
  • Strontium chloride, which also reduces tooth sensitivity.

However, the effect may be imperceptible and insignificant if you rely solely on the properties of the paste. For the treatment of periodontal disease at home, it is also necessary to use other medical or other drugs.

Treatment of periodontal disease with hydrogen peroxide

People often resort to "grandmother's" recipes in the treatment of diseases that, as they think, can be cured and diagnosed on their own. Especially if a person did not see the desired result due to the use of medications prescribed by qualified medical professionals.

Yes, one of the most effective recipes Treatment of periodontal disease at home is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Subject to elementary rules caution in such unauthorized treatment, this method of combating periodontal disease is very effective and does not cause any side effects, no other complications.

There are many ways to treat periodontitis with hydrogen peroxide - the drug is used both internally, and as a gum rub, and as a mouthwash, and as an auxiliary substance that is added to the paste before brushing your teeth.

When hydrogen peroxide enters the blood, the drug breaks down into oxygen and water, which is favorably displayed on the body. Oxygen saturates the cells and stimulates the functioning of various body systems, while water is simply released from the body.

Let's describe various ways using this miracle cure.

Ingestion of hydrogen peroxide

In order to treat periodontal disease with hydrogen peroxide by ingestion, it is necessary in 50 ml of pure drinking water add 1 drop of 3 percentage solution hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to take this mixture one hour before meals or two hours after meals, on an empty stomach. At the same time, at first, one can observe mild nausea or indigestion, a mild skin rash may occur, which should resolve in 2-3 days. If they are observed longer, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment. The usual course of treatment is 10 days, then a break for 3 days, then repeat the course. Safe dosage- no more than 30 drops of hydrogen peroxide per day. Never take pure hydrogen peroxide!

Rubbing gums with hydrogen peroxide

Gums can be wiped cotton swab dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This procedure strengthens the gums, reduces their bleeding. Garlic can also be used to wipe the gums along with hydrogen peroxide - they are very similar in their effects on the body. Garlic and hydrogen peroxide will help improve blood circulation in the gums and neutralize the foci of infections in the mouth.

Rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide

In order to cleanse the oral cavity, and especially the gums, from infections, you need to take 100 ml of water and completely dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in them. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution 3-4 times a day.

Teeth cleaning with hydrogen peroxide

In order to enhance the effect of the special paste for periodontal disease, mix the paste with a few drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Brush your teeth with this mixture up to 4 times a day. It is especially good if your toothbrush is also equipped with special rubber inserts for massaging the gums.

However, you can also do toothpaste own cooking. Take half a teaspoon baking soda, extinguish it with freshly squeezed lemon juice (10 drops), stir well and add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. With this homemade paste, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth and leave it for 10-15 minutes in your mouth. Do not rinse your mouth after brushing. It is also not recommended to eat or drink for 15-20 minutes.

Ointment and gel for periodontal disease

Effective in the fight against periodontal disease are also ointments and gels based on medicinal plants.

One of the most known drugs is a heparin ointment for periodontal disease. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and acts with the help of active substance- heparin - on the exudative inflammatory phase. Heparin also stops bleeding gums. This ointment improves blood circulation in the gums and stops the processes of tissue destruction.

  • Gel "Cholisal" is one of the most effective drugs to combat inflammation in the gum tissue. In addition, the gel from periodontal disease "Cholisal" destroys microbes, reduces swelling of the gums, removes bleeding and anesthetizes the affected areas of the oral cavity.
  • Gel "Metrogil Denta" - medicinal product based on the antibiotic Metronidazole and the antiseptic Chloghexidine, which act only on the surface of the gums. Inferior to the previous drug in terms of the nature of the action and effectiveness.
  • Gel "Kamistad" - contains chamomile extract and anesthetic component Lidocaine hydrochloride. Anesthetizes, but has a rather weak anti-inflammatory effect. The course of gel treatment is 7-10 days. During treatment, numbness of the gums, as well as the tongue, may be observed.
  • Gel "Asepta" - a gel for periodontal disease based on propolis. Not remedy anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects.

Balsam "Asepta" - a cure for periodontal disease based on the antibiotic Metronidazole and the antiseptic Chloghexidine. May have antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The balm, when it enters the oral mucosa, takes the form of a gel. Component repeats the composition of the gel "Metrogil Dent".

Rinse for periodontal disease

The simplest remedy for the treatment of periodontal disease at home is the use of special infusions from medicinal plants as mouth rinses. True, in order to achieve the intended effect, it is necessary to brush your teeth before rinsing and carry out the procedure every 3-4 hours.

Most often, for the treatment of periodontal disease at home, infusions and decoctions of such medicinal plants as lingonberry leaves, calendula flowers, tricolor violet flowers, and agrimony are used. Oak bark from periodontal disease also has a very noticeable effect. These plants help relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

Leaf infusion walnut can help if your gum structure has changed and become loose. To prepare a rinse, you need 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves, pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with this tincture 6 times a day.

To strengthen the teeth, it is necessary to prepare a tincture of 4 tablespoons of erect cinquefoil, 2 tablespoons of horse sorrel and 300 ml of brine, expressed with sauerkraut. This infusion should be infused during the day. Use for rinsing at least 6 times a day.

Hot infusions from the leaves of burnet, blackberry, sandy sedge, St. John's wort and blood-red geranium will help to overcome bleeding gums. A tincture of a handful of any of the above herbs per liter of boiling water can also be prepared in a thermos. Let it brew for 2 hours and then rinse your mouth frequently throughout the day.

A decoction of golden mustache also helps with periodontal disease, especially with the addition of chamomile and half a teaspoon of salt per glass of the mixture. This tool will not only prevent the exacerbation of the disease, but also remove bleeding gums and purulent formations in the gum pockets.

Treatment of periodontal disease with propolis

If the pain in the teeth and gums is very severe, propolis and calamus can help you. These infusions will help relieve inflammation, as well as anesthetize the oral cavity. Infusions are prepared separately. Half a glass of calamus root must be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Pour 20 g of propolis into another jar and also pour 0.5 l of vodka. It is necessary to insist the solutions for 10 days, periodically shaking the infusions. At the end of the infusion period, for one rinse, mix 1 tablespoon of calamus tincture with 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture and rinse your mouth for 2 minutes. The duration of treatment is a month, rinsing is best done at night.

Homeopathy for periodontal disease

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease at home should be selected individually for each person. However, there are a number of items that are available without a prescription and can be used for self-treatment.

  • Acidum nitricum 6 - taken in case of loose teeth, loose gums, bleeding gums, strong salivation, as well as an unpleasant smell of rot from the mouth. It is taken 7 grains twice or thrice a day.
  • Phosphorus 6 - taken in case predominant lesion periodontal disease upper jaw. Dose of application - 5 drops twice or thrice a day.
  • Iodium 6 - taken in case of predominant periodontal disease mandible. It is necessary to take 5 drops twice a day.
  • Alternately sodium carbonicum 6 and silicea 6 are taken for periodontal disease caused by diabetes mellitus. The daily dose is 7 drops of each drug.

However, it is worth remembering that homeopathy is not a panacea for periodontal disease. Treatment of periodontal disease at home with the help of homeopathic remedies should also be supported by medications and adherence to daily oral hygiene.

Treatment of periodontal disease with salt

One of the simplest and least expensive means for the treatment of periodontal disease is rinsing the mouth with brine. To dilute the solution, you can use ordinary table salt, but best effects yet has sea food salt. It contains a valuable element - iodine, which helps in healing and strengthening the gums.

To treat periodontal disease at home with salt, add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of water, stir well until completely dissolved. After each meal, dip your toothbrush into the solution, brush your teeth and gums. This procedure will help kill harmful bacteria, which destroy gum tissue, remove bleeding, relieve inflammation of the gums.

It is also necessary to rub sea food salt into the gums with your finger several times a day. This procedure will also strengthen your gums.

Vitamins for periodontal disease

In addition to various medicinal plants and medicines, coupled with homeopathic remedies in the treatment of periodontal disease at home, vitamins are also needed. Vitamins in periodontal disease most significantly affect the course of the disease precisely at its initial stage.

These vitamins are most often used for periodontal disease:

  • Vitamin B1 - will help if periodontal disease is based on the development of other diseases (diabetes mellitus, Botkin's disease, pathologies of the nervous system, stomach ulcers and others). Improves metabolism and periodontal trophism. It is taken within 30-40 days, 2-3 times a day for 0.005-0.01 g.
  • Vitamin C(vitamin C) will help with bleeding gums. It is taken after meals twice or thrice a day.
  • Vitamins B 6 and B 12 in the form of injections are prescribed to patients with periodontal disease against the background of diabetes, neurasthenia or pathological development digestive system.
  • Vitamin A is prescribed for the renewal of gum tissue. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, the dosage is 40 drops or 1 capsule daily.
  • Vitamin E contributes to the normalization of oxidative processes in the body. Treatment involves taking 50-100 ml 306 oil solution daily.
  • Folic acid improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Beta-carotene has an immunostimulating and antioxidant effect.
  • Quarcetin removes bleeding gums, and also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Zinc renews various body tissues, and also relieves inflammation, restores immunity and has an antioxidant effect.
  • Calcium saturates the tissues of bones and teeth.
  • Selenium also removes inflammation, and also acts as an immunomodulator and antioxidant.

Diet for periodontal disease

It's time to pay attention to nutrition in periodontal disease. With damage and soreness of the oral cavity, a person is simply obliged to monitor what he eats and in what form the products enter his mouth.

So, for example, with periodontal disease, it is necessary to exclude from the daily diet the use of coffee, black tea and any other drinks containing gases and dyes. It is important to give up sweets that contribute to tooth decay, plaque formation and the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity. Also avoid chips and cookies.

The patient must follow certain rules of nutrition for periodontal disease. So, it is necessary to eat more solid food, which helps to strengthen and massage the gums. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible in your daily diet.

Also, do not forget about dairy products that must be present in food - cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, sourdough, cheese and others. These foods are full of calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones.

With periodontal disease, in most cases, a balanced diet leads to a speedy recovery. A diet for periodontal disease should be observed for at least 6 months until the patient recovers completely.

We present to your attention an approximate diet menu for periodontal disease:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, green tea, carrots or an apple.
  • Second breakfast (lunch) - cabbage and carrot salad dressed with olive oil, an orange or a few apricots, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch - pea soup, beef stew with buckwheat, cabbage, tomato and bell pepper salad, juice.
  • Snack - dried fruits, yogurt, fresh vegetables or fruits.
  • Dinner - liver cutlets with stewed carrots, cauliflower salad, fermented baked milk.

Before going to bed, drink kefir.

Conspiracies from periodontal disease

If you decide to resort to completely alternative medicine, conspiracies from periodontal disease are known. So, to stop bleeding gums, wake up at dawn and read:

I speak, God's servant (name),
Your gums and teeth
So that the gums do not hurt, the teeth do not grieve,
Mother Earth is held by the sky,
And gums, hold your teeth.
Adam's kids didn't have a toothache,
Eva's children's gums did not mourn,
So do I (name)
Teeth did not hurt, gums did not mourn.
Key to my words, lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy so that the gums do not hurt is read on new moon over a glass of water. Bring the glass as close to your lips as possible so that the breath is reflected on the surface of the water. After reading the plot, drink half the water, half - pour it out into the street through the window:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I'm walking backwards, not in the forest, not in the garden, Not along the street, not along the lanes, Not along the deserted back streets. I’m going, the young month is catching up with me, I, the servant of God (name), are torturing me:

Do your teeth hurt?
They don't hurt!
Do your teeth grieve?
Do not mourn!
God knows my words
The angel repeats my words.

My gums don't swell, they don't bleed,
From my conspiracy heal.
God knows my words
The angel repeats my words.
Like no one from heaven
Mlada a month will not get,
So forever and ever
The disease will not stick to my teeth.
Saint Antipius, dental healer, Strengthen my words, bless my work. Key, lock, tongue.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home can be quick and painless if you make every effort and do not shy away from performing the prescribed procedures. And remember, if the treatment of periodontal disease at home does not work, then seek the help of doctors who will advise you on the best and fastest way to get rid of this disease.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

When a doctor diagnoses a disease such as periodontal disease, the patient has a lot of questions. What is this disease? How and how to cure periodontal disease? Is treatment possible when the disease becomes advanced? Let's look at these issues in detail.

What is the disease?

Periodontal disease is systemic disease gums, characterized by loosening of the gum tissue, exposure of the neck of the tooth and a painful reaction to temperature stimuli. As a rule, the disease develops sluggishly and imperceptibly. In most cases, periodontal disease is diagnosed on last stage disease when signs of disease become apparent. The cause of periodontal disease is most often chronic. It could be:

  • Prolonged beriberi;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inadequate blood supply and nutrition to the gums;
  • Lack of oral hygiene;
  • Long-term smoking (in adult patients);
  • Autoimmune lesions of the body;
  • Endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • Dystrophic changes gums

Advanced periodontal disease as the most severe form of the disease

Due to the fact that early detection pathological changes periodontal disease is not so simple, about 95% of all patients turn to a specialist with an advanced form of the disease. A person notices that something is wrong with the gums. A sharp pain reaction to hot and cold is possible, cavities are formed between the gum and the tooth - “pockets”, the teeth are loose.

Most often, it is in these pockets that bacteria accumulate, and over time they fill with pus. Sometimes the disease is called alveolar pyorrhea due to the fact that pus begins to flow from the cavities between the tooth and the gum. Launched periodontal disease develops rapidly and progresses rapidly.

How to cure advanced periodontal disease?

Dentists claim that it is possible to cure an advanced form of periodontal disease, but the process will be very long and painful. Self-treatment of periodontal disease is impossible due to the complexity of treatment and rehabilitation therapy. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The dentist will conduct an examination and prescribe the treatment you need.

Types of treatment:

1. Medical treatment. It is used to eliminate the cause of the disease and symptomatic therapy. As you know, in order to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, which provokes the disease. For example, if changes in the periodontium are caused by chronic beriberi, then a course of vitamin therapy is prescribed to prevent relapses. All drug treatment for periodontal disease can be divided into two types: local and general.

Local treatment includes rinsing and applications. For these procedures, antiseptic solutions, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, ointments and gels are used, which relieve pain, remove plaque, and kill bacteria. General treatment eliminates the root cause that caused periodontal disease.

Widely used in medicine vitamin complexes, antibiotic therapy, drugs that improve blood circulation.

2. Surgical manipulations. Promptly curing periodontal disease is a rather lengthy business that requires patience. The pockets formed between the tooth and the gum are excised. Tartar and purulent deposits formed during the course of the disease are removed, and the cavities are rinsed with antiseptic solutions. Well, in this case, a solution of hydrogen peroxide helps. It softens dental deposits and pus, while pushing them out of the cavities, and stops bleeding.

In order to hide the exposed neck of the tooth, a patchwork gum grafting technique is often used. To do this, a section of healthy tissue is excised and placed on the bare part. Transplanted tissues take root very well in approximately 97-98% of cases. The technique is very effective and always gives excellent results. Another operation is also possible to restore tissue on the neck of the tooth.

The gum under the tooth is dissected and, as it were, “pulled” onto the bare neck, thereby closing it. But this method is worse. With the divergence of teeth in periodontal disease, the imposition of special splints will help. These splints are used to tighten loose teeth so that they return to their original position.

3. Laser correction. Used for tissue excision. This method allows you to "solder" the edges of wounds, thereby reducing bleeding and accelerating further healing. For laser treatment contemporary practice use the apparatus "Vector". It effectively removes dental deposits and favorably affects tooth enamel.

Dentists noted that laser operations the most effective and safe. They are suitable for both children and pregnant women to gently treat periodontitis . Positive dynamics is noted already after the first cleaning with a laser. For a complete recovery, 3-5 procedures are needed, depending on the severity of the condition.

4. Physiotherapeutic procedures. As an addition to the main treatment, dentists recommend not to neglect physiotherapy. They improve blood circulation and nutrition of the gum tissue, thereby stimulating a speedy recovery.

How long to treat the disease?

The duration of treatment primarily depends on the severity of the disease. If periodontal disease has been noticed by a dentist at early stage, then its treatment will not be difficult. In the case when the patient is treated with a neglected form of periodontal disease, the treatment is quite lengthy. This is due to the fact that it takes quite a long time to eliminate the cause and restore the condition of the gums.

What is dangerous?

First of all, untreated periodontal disease leads to the destruction of gum tissue and loss of teeth. Yes, teeth will fall out if left untreated. A formidable complication can be periostitis, which over time can turn into osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis is called inflammation of the bone tissue, with its further softening and destruction.

Can periodontal disease be permanently cured?

Yes, it is possible and necessary to successfully fight periodontal disease. But difficulties arise not in long and complex treatment, but during recovery period. It often happens that the patient forgets to adhere to all hygiene procedures and preventive advice doctor, thereby provoking a relapse of the disease.

Relapse prevention:

  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day, while thoroughly cleaning your tongue;
  • Rinse the oral cavity between meals with special balms;
  • Use medicated toothpastes that strengthen the gums;
  • Perform gum massage. It improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • Increase the amount of fortified food in the diet;
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water daily;
  • If necessary, take vitamin complexes;
  • Visit the dentist every six months.

Interesting facts about periodontal disease:

  1. It has been proven that those people whose parents had periodontal disease have a 50% chance of getting sick;
  2. Only 2% of residents suffer from periodontal disease;
  3. There is no inflammation in this disease. If it occurs, then it is worth talking about periodontitis - inflammatory disease gums

It is quite common to hear from individuals suffering from loose teeth, bleeding from the gums and their inflammation that they most likely have periodontal disease, or possibly periodontitis. In fact, these terms are often confused. Periodontitis and periodontal disease are two different diseases. Yes, indeed, the beginning of the word - "periodontium" in two different terms is the same and it means - the tissues surrounding the tooth. The endings are completely different and mean the following: “-it” is an inflammatory disease, and “-oz” means a non-inflammatory disease associated, in this case, with degeneration of the alveolar processes.

Periodontal disease does not occur as often as they say, only 3 out of 100 patients. It is easy to find what periodontal disease looks like on the Internet, where photos of various stages are presented. For periodontal disease, in contrast to periodontitis, the following symptoms are characteristic: a small amount of hard deposits, exposure of the neck of the tooth without the formation of a gum pocket, the absence of pus and signs of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

This is exactly how periodontal disease differs from periodontitis, which is characterized by clear signs periodontal inflammation. All these signs are characteristic of periodontitis, when the infection does not yet join. However, everything is written in more detail in the sections of this article.

Pathogenesis and etiology of the disease

Russian and foreign dentists play a leading role in the cause and mechanism of the development of the disease - bone tissue dystrophy alveolar process, which is subsequently joined by local factors: pathogenic microflora, different kinds articulation disorders, changes in local immunity. A little less role is played by the hereditary factor, constitution and nutrition.

In most statements, it is believed that bacterial toxins play the role of a trigger in the development of periodontal inflammation. As a result of the action of microbes, the circular ligament is destroyed. It occurs in 90% of individuals over 60 years of age with a predisposition to periodontal disease. Microbial toxins alter periodontal tissues at the cellular level. There is a stop of mitosis, lysis and vacuolization of periodontal cells.

Periodontitis of the teeth can be schematically represented as follows: the impact of microbes on periodontal tissues, immunological changes that occur in response to irritation, the release of cellular enzymes, followed by the development of an inflammatory reaction.

In addition, in the etiology of the disease, other scientific evidence deserves attention, according to which great importance in the development of periodontal disease belongs to the vascular and nervous factors. So, if a patient has sclerotic changes in arterioles, against the background of general atherosclerosis, then this can indirectly affect the blood supply to periodontal tissues, which will lead to its atrophy and the onset of the disease.

It has also been found that beriberi or hypovitaminosis, especially a deficiency of vitamins C and P, predisposes to degenerative changes in periodontal tissues. In addition, a special role belongs to vitamin E, which takes part in the formation of normal hormonal background at a woman. Premature menopause, just has a direct bearing on the occurrence of periodontal disease. Thus, chronic periodontal disease occurs under the influence of not only local, but also general factors.

Clinical picture

If we compare periodontitis and periodontal disease, the difference will be as follows: with periodontal disease, the primary pathological process is tissue dystrophy, and with periodontitis - inflammation. Dystrophic changes in the hard and soft tissue of the alveolar region occur slowly and continuously over time. Visually noticeable gaps between the teeth. Further, other symptoms are added, which depend on the severity of the disease and related factors. According to the degree of resorption (resorption) of the alveolar process, there is a classification for periodontal disease created by the famous Russian dentist A.E. Evdokimov.

According to this classification, there are the following stages of the disease:

  • Initial stage. The patient suffers from itching and swelling of the gums. Sometimes there is a slight bleeding when taking solid food. Possible hyperesthesia in the neck of the teeth.
  • First stage. There is a slight mobility of the teeth, which do not go beyond the dentition. The necks of the teeth are exposed, around which tartar is visible. The gum is slightly thickened and hyperemic in the area of ​​contact with the tooth.
  • Second stage. The roots of the teeth are visibly exposed. A periodontal pocket up to 6 mm high is formed, in which accumulation of serous-purulent exudate and blood is possible. The teeth are well mobile, including in the lateral directions. The mucous membrane of the gums has a bluish tint, and bleeds easily, even from slight pressure. On the x-ray noticeable shortening of the bone tissue of the root to half. What does periodontal disease look like at this stage - a photo in which all of the above changes are noticeable.
  • Third stage. Roots of teeth up to half of their length are noticeably exposed. The entire exposed surface is covered with hard deposits. The periodontal pocket is deeper than 5 mm. If you press on the edge of the gums, then pus is released. The teeth are mobile in all directions, including pressure on them with the tongue. On x-ray, there is noticeably less than half of the bone tissue.
  • Fourth stage. The tooth is held only by soft tissues, since their bone support is completely atrophied, which is clearly visible on the radiograph. On examination, more than half of the roots of the teeth are visible, which, as in the third stage, are covered with soft and hard deposits. From the periodontal pocket, the depth of which reaches the top of the root, pus is released. The teeth are mobile, up to their possible rotation in the vertical direction. The condition of the mucous membrane is the same as in stages 2 and 3.

Sometimes the clinical picture is slightly different. With atrophic periodontal disease, the gum mucosa is not inflamed, but, on the contrary, is dense, pale, with the absence of gum pockets and bleeding. Besides, soft plaque and dental deposits can not always be detected in this disease.

This is the difference between periodontitis and periodontal disease. So, with periodontitis, due to deep pockets formed by hypertrophied gums, food debris and plaque are always present. But, nevertheless, along with the absence of the main, frequently encountered clinical signs diseases, there is an active atrophy of the bone tissue of the teeth.

Factors complicating acute periodontal disease

  • Local: dental caries, broken teeth, fillings that compress the gum mucosa. bad care behind the oral cavity, leading to the accumulation of soft and the formation of hard plaque, which compresses the mucous membrane of the gums, forms bedsores on it, which is favorable condition for microbial life.
  • General: diabetes mellitus, beriberi, atherosclerosis, diseases that reduce immunity, etc.

Diagnosis of the disease

In making a diagnosis, the dentist relies primarily on clinical picture periodontal disease, which includes all of the above symptoms, as well as the patient's complaints. In the clinic, the most important sign by which the stage of the disease can be determined is further treatment and the prognosis is atrophy of the alveolar process. To determine the degree of atrophy visual inspection usually not enough. Dentist prescribes additional research- radiography. The picture clearly shows the degree of resorption of the bones on which the teeth are held.

In addition, in order to distinguish such dental disease as periodontal disease from the rest, differential diagnosis. It is known that diseases of the same organ have similar symptoms, and in order to put accurate diagnosis a comparison or differential diagnosis is necessary, thanks to which, having “collected” all the symptoms that are suitable specifically for periodontal disease, it is possible to accurately diagnose. In this case, differential diagnosis is carried out with periodontitis, as well as gingivitis.

Since periodontal disease is in most cases a secondary disease, the urine and blood of the patient is sometimes examined.

Complications of periodontal disease

In advanced cases, as well as with reduced immunity, local and general complications are possible.

Local complications include: periodontitis, gingivitis, gum abscess, extremely rarely osteomyelitis of the bones of the upper and lower jaws, soft tissue phlegmon, lymphadenitis.

Common complications that are associated with impaired chewing function or tooth loss include: indigestion and, as a result, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, enteritis.


The methods of treatment of periodontal disease chosen by the dentist largely depend on the stage of the disease, and are carried out according to an individually drawn up plan.

More often, patients with moderate severity of the disease turn to the dentist, when the teeth are noticeably loosened. In this case, it helps a lot. closed curettage. With this method, dental plaque is removed from the periodontal pocket and the roots of the teeth are polished. In addition, thanks to surgery, the “lost” bone tissue is successfully replaced with special materials.

In the third and fourth stages without surgical treatment not enough. The dentist can choose one of the surgical methods: flap surgery or open gum curettage, as well as, if the equipment allows, periodontal laser treatment.

Periodontal disease is treated with the help of therapeutic methods, which include: removing the sharp edges of the fillings, grinding them, as well as filling the teeth. If there are signs of inflammation, then solutions of antiseptics or antibiotics are locally prescribed.

At initial stages periodontal disease well help physiotherapy. The same ultrasound and electrophoresis improve microcirculation in tissues, enriching them with oxygen, nutrients and thereby preventing the destruction of the bone tissue of the alveolar process.

And what about those who various reasons couldn't go for surgery? In this case, you should contact an orthopedic dentist, since periodontal disease and prosthetics can be combined.

In most cases, prosthetics for periodontal disease is the only way cure the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

Of all existing orthodontic structures periodontal disease is treated with prostheses or splints. Dentures fix a mobile tooth, and, by distributing the chewing load, make up for the loss of lost teeth. Same way mobile teeth can be fixed through the use of tires and apparatus. Tires are attached to the teeth by means of pins, crowns, caps and rings.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Prevention of the disease can be primary and secondary. Primary preventive measures that prevent periodontal disease are reduced to its prevention. To do this, you must perform a number of elementary, hygiene measures, that is, brush your teeth, visit a dentist every six months, who will be able to recognize the disease in time by minor symptoms.

Brushing your teeth is one of the main factors in the prevention of periodontal disease.

Timely remove hard deposits that accumulate in the neck of the tooth and contribute to the disease.

If periodontal disease has arisen against the background of an existing disease, for example, atherosclerosis, then it is necessary, along with local treatment periodontal disease treat and common disease.

Secondary prevention is the prevention of complications or aggravation of the state of health in the presence of an existing disease. That is, so that it does not get worse, and periodontal disease does not change the stage of the disease upwards, you should follow all the recommendations of the dentist and medical measures assigned to them.

And if you catch yourself in time, asking the question - is it possible to cure periodontal disease, the answer will be only positive, but only in the initial stages, taking into account all the requirements of the doctor in the framework of secondary prevention.

Periodontal disease is a disease that affects the periodontal tissue (periodontal tissue), causing destruction of bone tissue.

Periodontal disease requires treatment, otherwise you can lose all your teeth

Features of the disease periodontal disease acute

It is terrible to imagine that today, in the twenty-first century, about seventy percent of children have an initial form this disease called gingivitis. Periodontal disease itself has a slow pace of development, the symptoms are very mild and can be easily confused with any other gum disease.

Periodontal disease most often affects the urban population (the ratio is approximately 70:30). This is due to the lifestyle and diet that urban residents lead.

Symptoms of the disease

Periodontal disease destroys the gums, they become loose, seem sluggish, can bleed, pus accumulates inside, collapses tooth enamel. Another name for this disease is amphodontosis (since it affects almost all periodontal tissues).

In the initial stages, periodontal disease almost does not manifest itself, and in the subsequent stages it has a number of symptoms.

Symptoms and signs of periodontal disease are:

  • an unpleasant odor that comes from the mouth;
  • exposure of the roots of the teeth and tooth necks;
  • sensations similar to pulsation in the gum area;
  • feeling of pain in the gums when eating;
  • bleeding gums during the process of brushing your teeth (rarely);
  • slight swelling on the gums.

What provokes the development of the disease

Not much is currently known about the origin of this disease, but it is believed that it is usually caused by some internal factors and is a consequence of other diseases.

Periodontal disease may be due to:

  • diabetes;
  • beriberi;
  • hypertension;
  • hypoxia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • neurogenic dystrophic processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Can you get periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is not a microbial or viral disease, it is not inflammatory in nature, so it is impossible to get infected with it. The notion that periodontal disease is transmitted in some way is a myth. Neither through common bath accessories, nor through common dishes, nor through handshakes or kisses can you become infected with this disease.

Another important aspect- hereditary transmission and genetic predisposition. The nature of the disease has not been fully investigated, but it is known that periodontal disease cannot be inherited.

Attention: if parents have this disease, then the risk of developing it in a child increases by sixty percent, but doctors believe that other factors influence the development of periodontal disease to a greater extent.

The first signs of the disease

One of the first main signs of the development of periodontal disease, which can be detected in oneself or loved ones, is the constant formation of plaque (tartar) and exposure of the roots and necks of the teeth. During the development of the disease pain may often be absent, but be vigilant and pay attention to the two important signs described above.

First stage

The initial stage of periodontal disease is characterized by such signs as a barely noticeable omission of the gums and the appearance of the first destructive signs of the impact of the disease on the bones (noticeable on the radiograph).

The onset of periodontal disease is almost imperceptible

Second stage

The second stage of this disease: opening the necks of the teeth, visualization of targets between the teeth, detection by the patient hypersensitivity teeth. In the second stage of periodontitis, it is noted that food can harden a little between the teeth while eating. The mucosa has a pasty color (due to lack of blood supply). A depression forms between the tooth and the gum. Later, accumulations begin to be deposited in it.

The second stage - the necks of the teeth are exposed

Third stage

At the third stage of periodontal disease, the patient begins to notice the mobility (mobility) of the teeth, as well as discomfort when eating sour, sweet, warm, cold or solid food. The recesses (recesses) formed at the previous stage increase in size, food debris and tartar begin to accumulate in them. Inflammatory processes begin. They are mainly localized in the periodontal recesses.

The third stage is the formation of periodontal pockets

Fourth stage

The fourth stage of periodontal disease is already running periodontal disease, pain and inflammation is clear, it serves as a signal for an operation to remove teeth. Hypersensitivity and mobility of the teeth make it difficult to communicate and eat.

Fourth stage - loss of individual teeth

Factors that can complicate the disease

There are several factors that can complicate the course of acute periodontal disease. They are divided into local and general:

  1. Local: the presence of fillings that compress the gingival mucosa, dental caries, decayed teeth. To local factors, which can lead to complications, also includes poor-quality oral care, due to which particles of food and plaque accumulate on the teeth, and in general in the mouth. As a result, other various infections and decay processes.
  2. General: the presence of diabetes, beriberi, atherosclerosis, reduced immunity and other diseases described above.

Diagnosis of acute periodontal disease

To diagnose this disease, you need to contact a qualified dentist. When making a diagnosis, the dentist will rely on the clinical picture of the course of acute periodontal disease (all the symptoms described above) and directly on the complaints of the patient himself.

Most often, a simple visual examination is not enough to determine the presence or extent of the disease, because in the initial stages periodontal disease has almost no pronounced symptoms, and all subsequent stages of the course of this disease can be easily confused by visual signs. Usually, the doctor prescribes another method of research - x-rays. The picture already clearly shows the degree of damage to the gums and the degree of atrophy.

In order to distinguish sharp shape periodontal disease from any other diseases, the specialist resorts to differential diagnosis.

It helps to distinguish advanced periodontal disease from other diseases, because diseases of the same organ very often have a similar character.

In addition, periodontitis in advanced stage is already secondary disease. To reveal what was the impetus for the development of this disease, blood and urine tests are sometimes prescribed.

Complications of the disease

If the disease is too advanced, complications may occur. Complications of acute periodontal disease are divided into general and local:

  • To local complications include: the development of periodontitis, gingivitis, gum abscess.
  • Sometimes (rarely) it is possible to develop osteomyelitis of the bones of both jaws, lymphadenitis and soft tissue phlegmon.
  • Common complications include possible development gastritis and enteritis as a result of problems with chewing food and an increase in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Abscess of the gums - a complication of periodontal disease

Disease prevention

Prevention of acute periodontal disease is divided into two categories: primary and secondary. It all depends on how advanced periodontal disease is.

Primary prevention

Prevention measures in this category are aimed at preventing the development of the disease, eliminating factors that increase the risk of its development.

High-quality hygiene - prevention of periodontal disease

To methods primary prevention applies to everything that we are taught from virginity:

  • daily high-quality teeth cleaning;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • normalized consumption of sour, sweet, soda;
  • visiting the dentist's office at least once every six months;
  • the use of conditioners;
  • the use of high-quality paste;
  • timely removal of plaque from the teeth and proper food intake.

Secondary prevention

Here everything is a little different. Everything related to secondary prevention, is aimed at preventing the deterioration of the state of health or the development of complications of already existing periodontal disease.

There are no specific common truths, hints instilled since childhood, secondary prevention methods include recommendations that your dentist will give you, depending on the degree of development of acute periodontal disease in your case.

Important: if acute periodontal disease is secondary (a consequence of some other disease), then it is also necessary to treat the disease that became the root cause, and not just periodontal disease.

Treatment of acute periodontal disease

The methods that the dentist chooses for treatment depend only on the severity of the disease and the presence of possible complications.

Most often, patients come to dentists with middle degree development of acute periodontal disease. It is characterized by rather strongly loosened teeth and the presence of plaque. In this case, the doctor most often resorts to the appointment of closed logging (thanks to him, it is possible to remove deposits on the teeth and polish the tooth roots). And also sometimes surgery helps, during which the lost bone tissue is successfully replaced with materials specially designed for this.

If a patient comes to the clinic who already has the third or fourth degree of development of periodontal disease, without surgical intervention it is impossible to do. In such cases, the doctor usually resorts to prescribing patchwork operation or open curettage gums. If the clinic equipment allows, a periodontal laser may be prescribed.

Curettage in the treatment of periodontal disease

Treatment of acute periodontitis is also possible therapeutic methods. In such cases, they resort to correcting the forms of fillings (eliminating their sharp edges), grinding and filling teeth. If the patient already has signs of inflammation, then the dentist prescribes treatment with antiseptics or antibiotics.

If the patient is only the initial stages of the development of acute periodontal disease, then the appointment of physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis and ultrasound) can help here, which will help improve blood microcirculation in the tissues and enrich them with nutrients and oxygen. This will prevent the destruction of bone tissue.

Non-surgical methods

What to do if the patient still does not decide on surgical methods disease treatment? It is worth contacting an orthopedic doctor, because sometimes the only possible way cure periodontal disease advanced disease is prosthetics. Complications of periodontal disease are not so easy to neutralize as it seems at first glance.

Splinting of teeth in the treatment of periodontal disease

Of all the orthodontic structures known to us today, this disease is most often treated using splints and prostheses. The latter help to fix the tooth and make up for the loss of lost teeth (as they distribute the load). Teeth can also be fixed using splints and appliances. They are attached to the teeth with pins, crowns, caps and rings.

Folk remedies for the treatment of acute periodontal disease

Tea with garlic

Displace a teaspoon of dry tea and ground garlic, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to insist in a tightly closed container for twenty minutes, then strain.

Application: you should thoroughly brush your teeth, and then rinse your mouth for 5-10 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Propolis tincture

Make a solution of water and medicinal propolis extract in the proportion of twenty drops per glass of water.

Propolis tincture stops the development of periodontal disease

Application: Rinse your mouth twice a day for two weeks.


In order to strengthen the gums, rub them with garlic. Take a tooth, clean and rub.

Application: rub daily for two weeks. Repeat the course in five days, if necessary.


In order to cure periodontal disease at home, rub honey into the gums, previously displaced from ordinary honey. table salt. Proportion: 20 grams of honey will need 5-10 grams of salt. Better if the salt is burnt. Stir until the salt dissolves. After that, put the resulting lump in a piece of cloth, and rub your teeth with it.

Honey from periodontal disease is desirable to chew with honeycombs

Onion seed tincture

Take half a liter hot water and onion seeds (teaspoon). Strain, wrap and set to infuse overnight.

Application: rinse your mouth three times a day for two weeks.

I would like to note that the treatment of periodontal disease is possible and necessary, but do not rush to resort to folk remedies. They are good in combination with the treatment prescribed to you by a qualified specialist, who should be contacted immediately when the first signs of periodontal disease are detected.

Special paste for periodontal disease

Do not start the disease and do not let it progress. Like any other disease, periodontal disease is much easier to treat in the initial stages of its development.

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