The simplest are metal braces. Metal braces - characteristics and recommendations for care. The main types of orthodontic metal structures

A smile is the first thing people notice. But far from everyone nature has awarded perfectly even teeth. Anomalies of the dentition in many people cause serious complexes, make them smile less often. Orthodontics solves this problem. Metal braces make it possible to correct even pronounced anomalies in the position of the dentition.

What are metal braces made of?

A metal base is attached to each tooth, which has special grooves into which a metal arc is inserted. This element has an effect on the teeth, directing them to the correct position. Each base is equipped with a special lock that allows you to securely fix the arc.

For the manufacture of metal braces, special materials are used that do not oxidize in the oral cavity.

Treatment on self-ligating metal braces. The work of an orthodontist Oksana Krupkina.


Two types of braces:

  1. vestibular;
  2. lingual.

The price of metal bracket systems of the vestibular type is minimal. In this case, the plates are attached to the outer part of the teeth. The disadvantage of this design is visibility to others.

Lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth. They are almost invisible to outsiders. Disadvantages: longer wearing time and high price.

Ceramic braces are less noticeable, the plates imitate the color of tooth enamel. But the cost of metal braces in Moscow is lower than ceramic braces, so many people prefer metal braces.

There are ligature and non-ligature braces. The former have ligatures that firmly fix the arc and provide a strong impact on the position of the incisors. Non-ligature systems are equipped with latches that provide less tight fixation and more physiological correction of the position of the teeth.


Metal braces are popular in Moscow. This is due to their undeniable advantages:

  • low price;
  • efficiency;
  • strength;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • a large selection of designs from different manufacturers;
  • minimum wearing time.

Metal braces placed in the patient's mouth.

The only drawback is the visibility of the design for others. But for many it doesn't matter.

Installation process

Before installing metal braces, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, remove plaque and tartar. If this is not done, then in the process of wearing the system, diseases of the oral cavity will rapidly progress.

Plates are glued to each tooth, which in the future will become fixation points for the corrective arc. Each tooth has a specific plate.

With the help of special locks located on each plate, an arc is fixed, which has a certain shape and exerts a force on the teeth, directing them to the correct position. A special lock is installed on the 6th or 7th tooth.

At the initial stage, the softest arc is set, which over time is changed to a more rigid one. This allows you to gradually guide the teeth to a predetermined position.

Affordable cost and easy installation of metal braces allow everyone to become the owner of a charming smile.

Classic metal braces have been used in dentistry for more than a hundred years. It is logical to assume that such a solid period speaks of many advantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Metal braces are reliable and durable, so they are suitable for any clinical cases. They will help to correct the most complex anomalies of bite and crowding of teeth.

  • The duration of treatment on metal braces will be less than on other systems (this is an important difference between ceramic braces and metal braces). Those patients who want to correct the defect as quickly as possible should choose them.

  • Metal braces on teeth are more difficult to damage with solid food, and they do not stain from tea, coffee, wine, and sodas with dyes.

  • Finally, this is the most affordable type of orthodontic appliances. Putting metal braces is cheap - not difficult at all.

The disadvantages include the way metal braces look on the teeth. And although manufacturers are constantly improving the appearance of the structure - they make smaller locks and offer self-ligating metal braces without rubber bands and wires, the aesthetics of such systems still leave much to be desired. There is also the possibility of an allergy to the metal of the braces. Despite the use of only safe alloys - titanium, stainless steel, nickel, locks can cause an individual reaction. Patients prone to allergies, before installation, it is imperative to find out what metal the braces of the selected brand are made of.

Types of metal braces

According to the place of attachment to the teeth, braces are divided into vestibular and lingual. Another classification is based on the presence or absence of ligatures - auxiliary elements with which braces are connected to the arch. Ligatures can be in the form of elastic bands or thin wires. There are also mini braces.

  1. Vestibular structures
    They are placed on the outer part of the teeth. These are the usual metal braces that we are all familiar with. Such brackets are more versatile, correct the defect faster, do not distort diction and take less time to get used to. On the other hand, the vestibular systems are visible on the teeth and can damage soft tissues.

  2. Lingual metal braces
    They are installed on the inside of the teeth, so the brackets are not visible to others. This is an ideal solution for those who want to hide the fact of orthodontic treatment, for example, for public people. True, you will have to tune in to a longer bite correction period, get used to the design longer, and also part with a much larger amount.

  3. Metal ligature braces
    Visually more "heavy" and require frequent (every 3 - 4 weeks) visits to the orthodontist for correction, since the ligatures quickly stretch. However, some physicians consider such systems more suitable for difficult cases, and the cost of their installation is lower.

  4. Metal non-ligature braces
    Instead of ligatures, special latches or latches are used in systems. They do not block the arc, making the friction force minimal, which has a positive effect on comfort and treatment time. Patients with a metal self-ligating bracket system can come for correction twice as often, and the procedure itself will last a few minutes. However, ligatureless braces are more expensive.

  5. Non-ligature
    For more comfortable and aesthetic treatment in orthodontics, special mini-designs have been developed. Their size is 20-30% smaller than that of standard braces, while the timing and effectiveness of treatment remain the same. This is a more aesthetic alternative to classic metal braces, which, moreover, does not require large expenses.

Metal braces from different manufacturers

Which metal braces are best?

You can choose one or another type of braces only after the diagnosis, as well as based on the financial capabilities of the patient. Metal ligature braces will be the best choice if you need to save money, and metal self-ligating braces are suitable for busy people who are short on time. In addition, it is much easier to care for the design without ligatures.

As for lingual systems, due to their cost and difficulty in installation, they are not yet very popular in Russia, and it will not be easy to find a good doctor who specializes in such constructions. Therefore, according to a combination of factors, vestibular metal self-adjusting braces can be called the optimal solution.

Installation of metal braces

In order to put metal braces, you need to go through three main steps.

  1. Diagnostic. This includes: consultation with an orthodontist, history taking, radiography, orthopantomography, photographs of the patient from different angles, drawing up a treatment plan and choosing a suitable bracket system.

  2. Sanitation of the oral cavity. Treatment of caries and other diseases, elimination of foci of inflammation, if necessary - extraction of teeth or prosthetics, removal of hard deposits and plaque, strengthening of enamel.

  3. Direct installation of a metal bracket system. The last stage lasts no more than two hours. The doctor prepares the surface of the teeth, glues a separate bracket-lock on each tooth in turn and fixes the adhesive solution with an ultraviolet lamp. If the locks are installed indirectly, that is, all at once, the procedure time is halved. Then he connects the locks to the arch using ligatures or built-in latches. At the end, additional elements are installed - rings, cheek locks, hooks for elastic bands, springs, and so on.

In rare cases, metal braces are placed on one jaw. This is possible with a slight curvature of the teeth, which does not affect the bite.

How is metal braces treated?

A fixed orthodontic appliance exerts constant pressure on the teeth, so that they gradually move into the desired position. An important role in this process is played by the arch: at first it repeats the irregular shape of the teeth, but tends to take its original position, due to which it smoothly corrects the bite. After each correction, the doctor changes the archwire to a thicker one in order to increase the force of pressure.

Let's see why metal braces straighten teeth faster. The main quality of the metal system is its strength, and it does not really matter what metal is used in the braces. Due to the force of pressure, the teeth move faster, and the treatment period is reduced. If the patient has a choice - sapphire or metal braces, he must understand: although the design of sapphires looks attractive, it will take a little longer to wear it due to the fragility of the material.

So how long do metal braces last? Orthodontists call the average treatment period 1.5 - 2 years, but everything, of course, depends on the clinical case. The minimum period is 1 year with a mild degree of crowding of the teeth, the maximum is about 3 years.

Hygiene rules and nutritional features

An integral part of orthodontic treatment with braces is a constant monitoring of the state of the oral cavity. After installing the system, if discomfort or pain from rubbing occurs, you should immediately contact the orthodontist. He will correct the design, apply special food wax to the areas of braces that injure the gums, and prescribe agents for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa.

It is very important to develop the right eating habits:

  • do not eat solid food;
  • healthy vegetables and fruits - only grated or cut into pieces, but by no means whole;
  • exclude everything crunchy, sticky (crackers, toffee, chewing gum, caramel, etc.);
  • avoid sweets and soda to protect tooth enamel;
  • give up very hot and cold drinks - temperature changes can lead to detachment of braces from the teeth;
  • orthodontic brushes (with a small compact head and a V-shaped recess in the middle) for high-quality and gentle cleaning;
  • dental floss (floss), better orthodontic;
  • an irrigator that will help remove food debris, plaque, and also by massaging the gums will prevent bleeding;
  • a brush-brush for cleaning locks and removing stuck food in braces;
  • regenerating mousses with minerals.

Visiting a hygienist for professional teeth cleaning is recommended about once every 3 months.

What is the difference between ceramic braces and metal braces?

Many patients are interested in what is better - ceramic or metal braces. You need to understand that both types of systems do an excellent job with their task, the question is only in the details.

When choosing ceramic or metal braces, it is worth deciding on priorities: aesthetics or treatment time? Ceramic systems are practically invisible on the teeth, and this makes the correction psychologically more comfortable. On the other hand, if it takes a year and a half to correct a defect of moderate severity with metal braces, then with ceramic braces it will take about two years.

Lifestyle will help you understand which braces are better - ceramic or metal. The metal is much less capricious: it does not stain under the influence of red wine, tea and coffee, and is also not prone to chips and cracks.

Another popular question is whether you can smoke with metal braces. If we do not take into account the harm from smoking as such, then it is really better for smokers to install a metal system, since ceramics can change color under the influence of resins.

Combined braces: metal and ceramic

To save on the installation of an aesthetic system, you can choose combined metal and ceramic braces. When a person smiles, the lower teeth are less visible, so to save money, you should put metal braces on the lower jaw, and ceramic ones on the upper jaw. This is a worthy compromise between the cost of treatment and psychological comfort during its implementation. Similarly, you can combine sapphire with metal.

From this article you will learn:

  • what are the braces for teeth: photos, which ones are better,
  • ceramic braces, metal braces - reviews,
  • how much do braces for teeth cost - price 2020 in Moscow.

Braces have been used to correct crooked teeth since 1955. The term "braces" refers to only one element of the bracket system - these are metal or ceramic plates that are glued to the teeth. In addition to the braces themselves, such a system includes a metal arc, ligatures, springs and many other elements ...

How many wear braces -
the average duration of bite correction with braces is approximately 2-3 years. But with small changes in the bite, it can last about 1 year. The optimal period for the start of correction of malocclusion is from 8 to 14 years (at this age, the facial bones are still growing, which fits the movement of the teeth). In adults, tooth movement takes longer than in children.

Ceramic, lingual and metal braces: photos

How braces work

The standard bracket system consists of 3 main components –

  1. braces (special plates that are glued to the teeth),
  2. metal arc (with its help the braces are interconnected),
  3. the mechanism for fixing the arc in the bracket groove (with the help of ligatures or locking fasteners).

Braces work by applying constant, slight pressure to the teeth. Pressure is generated by a metal wire that passes through each bracket and connects them to each other. In the process of treatment, the orthodontist will use metal arcs of different shapes and thicknesses, will loosen or tighten the ligatures more - all this allows you to change the degree of pressure on the teeth, achieving their desired position.

It must be said that not only the teeth themselves experience pressure, but most importantly, the bone tissue around them. Under the pressure experienced in the bone tissue, the processes of bone remodeling are launched (parallel bone resorption in the direction of tooth movement, and its formation behind the direction of tooth movement). This process is very slow and therefore the treatment takes a long time.

Types of braces -

All types of braces can be classified according to several parameters, for example, according to the type of material and design features. The pros and cons of each type are detailed below.

Bracket system: types (table 1)

Braces: photo

In the photo you can see different types of braces listed in Table 1

How to choose the right braces

We offer you a model for choosing braces based on several points:

  • firstly, to determine the acceptable level of aesthetics,
  • secondly, with the level of comfort, reliability and speed of treatment,
  • thirdly - with a design (ligature or non-ligature),
  • the fourth criterion is the cost of braces.

1. Evaluate the acceptable level of aesthetics first

To choose the right braces, first you need to decide on the level of aesthetics that you expect from them (website). If you are not at all embarrassed by the fact that people will see them, feel free to choose metal braces that are fixed on the front surface of the teeth. Such braces are the most reliable and effective.

If you would like braces to be less visible, then you will have to choose between sapphire and ceramic braces on the one hand, and lingual braces on the other. Braces that are fixed from the inside of the dentition are called lingual braces (these braces are not visible at all).

There is practically no difference between sapphire and ceramic braces. The former are made from monocrystalline alumina, the latter from polycrystalline alumina. They differ from each other only in the degree of transparency. Ceramic - white opaque (they are suitable for people with a darker shade of teeth). Sapphire - translucent (they are more suitable for light-colored teeth).

2. Compare different types of braces with each other in terms of comfort, reliability and speed of treatment -

table 2

Ceramic/sapphire braces
Reliabilityvery highhighlow
Healing speedhighhighlow
Frequency of visits to the orthodontist1 time in 2 months1 time in 2 monthsas needed
Convenience for
fast adaptationfast adaptationheavy adaptation
Price of treatmentmedium to highhighextremely high

To learn more about each type of braces (their advantages and disadvantages), to find out which manufacturers produce this type of braces, and which manufacturer's braces are better to choose - you can read in the most detailed reviews ...

3. Ligature braces and non-ligature braces - which are better?

Ligature braces - they have special elastic bands or thin orthodontic wire as a mechanism for fixing the arc in the bracket groove (Fig. 1-5,11,13). Non-ligating braces are also called self-ligating braces; on their surface there is a special snap lock that securely holds the metal arc in the bracket groove (Fig. 12,14, gif).

Non-ligature braces: photo

Non-ligature braces can be made of metal, ceramic, or a combination of materials (for example, the body of the bracket is made of ceramic, and the bracket groove or lock is made of metal, as in Figure 9).

Types of non-ligature braces –

  • "Victory", "SmartClip" and "Clarity SL" (Germany),
  • "In-Ovation- R", "In-Ovation- FROM", "In-Ovation- L"(USA),
  • "Damon clear" (Fig. 14), "Damon Q", "Damon 3-MX" (USA).

If your doctor says that only non-ligature braces are suitable for yours, then he is clearly disingenuous. The fact is that they usually cost 2-3 times more to correct an overbite with such braces. And such a price appears not so much due to a slightly increased cost, but primarily due to the fact that self-ligating braces are positioned in advertising as the most modern and most effective.

Comparison of ligature and non-ligature braces -

  • Ease of changing the type of ligation(universality)
    there is active and passive fixation of the metal arc in the bracket slot (ligation type). Active fixation means that the archwire will be tightly clamped in the bracket groove and will not be able to slide freely in it (Fig. 15). With passive fixation, there will be no tight contact between the wire and the bracket slot, and the wire will slide freely in the slot (Fig. 16).

    The only disadvantage of metal braces is that they are clearly visible on the teeth. But you can give them personality and make them colorful by using multi-colored rubber ligatures. And for the most fashionable, it is possible to install braces in the form of hearts, flowers, soccer balls or stars. See table 2 for all the advantages and disadvantages of metal braces.

    How much do braces cost: price in Moscow 2020

    1) Consultation with an orthodontist - usually free of charge,
    2) Diagnosis (taking and making casts, analysis of control diagnostic models, calculation of TRG, analysis of OPTG, preparation of a treatment plan) - 1,600 rubles.

    The cost of braces with installation and retainer −

    Braces - the cost is indicated on average in Moscow for 2 jaws. The price also includes: wire retainer + braces installation + braces removal. Accuracy ±10,000 rub.:

    3) Ligature metal braces - price from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles.

    4) Non-ligating (self-ligating) metal braces −

    • braces "Victory" - 110,000 rubles.
    • braces "Smart Clip" - 120,000 rubles.
    • braces "Damon Q" - 115,000 rubles.
    • braces "Damon 3 MX" - 160,000 rubles.

    5) Ceramic braces −

    • ligature - price from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.
    • non-ligature (self-ligating) - price from 130,000 to 175,000 rubles.

    6) Artificial sapphire braces −

    • ligature "Inspire-ICE" - price 150,000 rubles.
    • non-ligature "Damon clear" - the price is 160,000 rubles.
    • braces Stb - price from 190,000 to 230,000 rubles.
    • braces In-Ovation-L - the price is about 250,000 rubles.
    • braces brand "Incognito" - price from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

    8) Braces correction session (performed once a month) - about 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

    Bracket info: frequently asked questions

    How safe are braces for teeth?

    In general, wearing braces is a safe procedure. However, wearing them complicates oral hygiene, which can lead to the accumulation of plaque and hard tartar. If plaque and stone are not removed in time, this is hello to the development of caries and inflammation of the gums.

    Secondly, the process of moving the teeth leads to the fact that the roots of the teeth become a little shorter (the tops of the roots are partially dissolved). Loss of root length can lead to less tooth stability, especially in people who initially have short physiological root lengths.

    What are the benefits of early treatment?

    When correcting an overbite, in most cases the patient will go through a stage where his upper incisors will (temporarily) protrude forward. Such protruding teeth, especially in children, are most susceptible to injury from falls and bruises; besides, it's not very aesthetically pleasing. Early treatment avoids this situation.

    Also, early bite correction allows the orthodontist to positively influence the growth of the jaw, the width of the dental arches, improve the aesthetics and self-esteem of the child, and eradicate bad habits. The process of eruption of permanent teeth is also improved by creating a place for eruption (with its lack), the total time of orthodontic treatment and its cost are reduced, and diction is improved. We hope that our article on the topic: Braces reviews of patients and doctors turned out to be useful to you!


    1. “Orthodontics. Textbook for dentists "(Kutsevlyak V.I.),
    2. American Association of Orthodontists (USA),
    3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
    4. "Conceptual Orthodontics" (Stefan Williams),
    5. "Fixed orthodontic equipment" (Gerasimov S.N.),

Metal braces are used to correct a misaligned bite or tooth position. This is a complex non-removable structure, which is fixed with orthodontic glue on the inner or outer tooth surface. Braces consist of grooves where an arc is placed, the pressure of which gradually aligns the dentition.

For a week after the installation of metal braces, a person feels discomfort, expressed in pain when chewing food, pressing, talking. The inconvenience will disappear when the system ceases to be a foreign body for the body. When rubbing the mucous membranes, lips, cheeks or tongue, medications are required that can relieve pain.

Metal braces require correction once every 30 days. This is necessary in order to increase the efficiency of the installation. When visiting a doctor, the patient is changed the arc, the integrity of the metal locks is checked. The orthodontist will determine how long to wear metal braces. It depends on the degree of unevenness of the molars and age. The average correction rate is two years.

The rapid movement of the teeth will have an effect on the bone. With strong pressure on the bone tissue, inflammation may occur, it will become less durable, lose the ability to hold the molar in the hole. As a result, there will be no normalization of the bite, but looseness of the teeth. The doctor monitors how they move. Based on observations, the pressure on the tooth increases or decreases.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Metal braces, installed in adolescence, align teeth faster than in an adult, as the tissue is only being formed

Types of metal braces

There are several types of dental aligners made of metal. Types of metal braces depend on the place of attachment: and vestibular installation. Other types depend on the presence or absence of an auxiliary element that contributes to the connection of the arc and locks. Such elements are presented in the form of an elastic band or thin wire.

The vestibular metal bracket system is attached to the outer surface of the dentition, is not capable of distorting diction, and adaptation takes a shorter period of time. Vestibular installation will quickly correct malocclusion or uneven dentition. The disadvantage is the visibility to others and the violation of the integrity of soft tissues.

They are attached to the inside of the dentition, so it is not visible. The duration of addiction and the cost is increased compared to other installations, but the result appears 3-4 weeks after installation.

Braces made of metal, in which there is no auxiliary element, are fixed with latches or clamps. The arc is blocked, the friction force is close to the maximum, so that the person does not experience discomfort, and the duration of correction of irregularities is reduced.

Orthodontic appliances that align teeth with a ligature or metal wire are used for severe tooth deformity. They are in demand and have an effect two to three months after installation.

When are they assigned?

There are indications when the installation of metal braces is necessary. These include:

  1. Violated. The problem is characterized by improper closing of the teeth, resulting in uneven abrasion. Periodontal disease appears and develops, respiratory activity is disturbed, it is difficult to chew food. Jaws grow incorrectly. The installation of an orthodontic structure is a necessary, not an aesthetic correction of the teeth.
  2. If there is an indication to correct the bite after the removal of the molar. The lack of a tooth in the row provokes the displacement of adjacent teeth to the empty area that was formed after the removed element.
  3. If it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity for prosthetics or implantation.
  4. If necessary, correct the dental arch. If the teeth are tilted, there is crowding, they move forward or have not fully erupted, the necessary type of metal braces is installed.

In the absence of correction of malocclusion, the risk of impaired diction, enamel abrasion, and the appearance of microcracks increases. Appears, a person is tormented by migraines, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to poor-quality chewing of food. In addition, there is the emergence of uncertainty, low self-esteem.

Pros and cons

The structures with which the dentition is aligned have some advantages and disadvantages, presented in the table:

Advantages Flaws
With the help of steel braces, a severe degree of malocclusion is eliminated.Visible to people around, which lowers the level of aesthetics.
The construction with ligatures is durable, which eliminates breakage.The mucous membrane is injured due to the wings and their platforms.
The maximum effect of the metal structure, the duration of wear is reduced to one or two years.After installing the corrective structure, it is necessary to take an anesthetic and a sedative drug, which will alleviate the condition during the addiction period.
Correction, which is carried out every thirty days, is painless for a person.There is a high probability that occurs under braces due to demineralization of the enamel.
The cost of metal braces is lower than for other designs.Maintain regular doctor visits.
They are not able to change color when exposed to dyes in food or drinks.Adhere to increased oral hygiene so that inflammation of the gums does not appear, teeth do not collapse.

Allowed the installation of metal braces for adults and children. Ligature constructions are shown for teenagers. To eliminate the complexes, the doctor is able to install multi-colored rubber bands. After the age of thirty, it is necessary to install a non-ligature corrective system. They have a more aesthetic appearance, invisible to strangers.

Installation steps

To install a metal bracket system, the doctor will need an hour or an hour and a half. The exception is lingual constructions, which require 3-4 hours. There are several steps to follow to install:

  1. Initially, the doctor collects information about the person, studies the malocclusion, and as a result, prohibitions on the use of the metal system and allergic reactions are revealed.
  2. Treatment of the oral cavity, removal of caries is prescribed.
  3. The surface of the teeth is cleaned and polished.
  4. Etching with a special paste of molars is carried out in several stages.
  5. Teeth dry out.
  6. After preparing the enamel, the doctor applies orthodontic glue. Some modern braces are lubricated with such glue.
  7. After the glue is applied, the bracket system is firmly bonded.
  8. The doctor removes excess glue so that there is no void under the structure.
  9. The glue is illuminated, as a result of which it becomes solid.
  10. The surface is polished.
  11. The doctor threads the arc into the locks. Threading occurs with the help of ligatures or snap fasteners.

After the above measures, the patient is allowed to go home, and a visit is scheduled in one and a half to two months.

Are there any contraindications?

The installation of a metal system is a serious medical procedure, therefore, in addition to indications, there are contraindications that require their observance. You can not install braces if a significant number of molars, which serve as the basis for fixation, have been lost.

Do not use metal structures for diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduced immunity, viral or infectious disease. Under the ban falls the presence of cancer, which has a severe form, blood diseases. The doctor will not install braces if a person is diagnosed with an articular or bone disease, frequent epileptic seizures

Nuances of care

After installing a metal system to correct the bite and align the teeth, the doctor advises on how to properly care for the oral cavity. The duration and effectiveness of the treatment will depend on compliance with the rules for care, as well as the condition of the teeth after the structure is removed. The basic rules for care include:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening.
  2. For cleaning, you should purchase a special orthodontic brush that can more effectively clean the enamel and metal system. In the first few days, the duration of the cleansing procedure can take half an hour. Then the person will adapt, and the cleaning time will decrease.
  3. Purchase a specialized brush with which to clean the space between the molars and under the structure.
  4. It is necessary to refuse chewing gum, sticky sweets.
  5. It is necessary to have an irrigator, which is a device for cleaning the dentition and gums. Cleaning is carried out using a pressurized water jet. Thanks to the irrigator, you can get rid of plaque in a hard-to-reach place, massage the gums.
  6. While wearing a metal structure, refrain from eating solid food so as not to violate the integrity of the staples.
  7. Use professional plaque and calculus removal to keep molars and gums healthy. You can remove plaque and stone during the adjustment, which involves replacing the arc.


In addition to the cost of a metal installation, it is necessary to remember the additional costs, which consist in passing additional tests, a doctor's examination, regular correction, which should be done once a month, and cleaning. After the person removes the braces, it is required to fix the result, which consists in wearing a retainer. Its cost can reach 5000-6000 rubles. The price differs by type.

The cost of the vestibular orthodontic system varies from 50 thousand rubles to 55 thousand. If the installation of lingual braces is indicated, a person should have an amount of 100 to 125 thousand. Using a ligature system will cost a person 25,000-35,000 rubles. The non-ligature construction reaches 40,000 rubles. If you need to put mini braces, you should have an amount of 25,000 to 33,000 rubles.

It follows from the above that malocclusion should be treated as early as possible. To eliminate the problem, there are metal bracket systems that differ from other installations in cost and reliability. By installing such systems, you can hide the use of tooth correction. It is enough to install the brackets on the inside of the teeth. Shown for both adults and children. The alignment period, subject to the recommendations of the doctor, will not take much time.

Perfectly straight teeth and a beautiful smile - these days anyone can acquire them, it is enough to use the services of aesthetic dentistry, which offers patients various methods for correcting defects in the dentition and tooth surfaces. One of these methods is the installation of metal braces, and we will talk about it in detail in this article.

After reading the material, you will learn all the features of orthodontic metal bracket systems, indications and contraindications for their use, get acquainted with the main types of construction.

Metal braces are an orthodontic construction that appeared in dentistry at the end of the 19th century and has been successfully used ever since to correct all kinds of bite and dentition defects. Of course, since the beginning of the 19th century, the appearance of products has changed significantly - at the dawn of its appearance, the design looked simply awesome!

Modern models are not so bulky, they do not cause physical discomfort to their owner and do not interfere with normal diction. Look at the photo of metal braces below and you will see for yourself - these days the design looks quite neat!

With the minimum size of the plates, the orthodontic metal bracket system is effective even in the most advanced cases, and at the same time its cost is quite budgetary and affordable for a wide range of patients.

The device of metal bracket systems

Structurally, the device of metal braces is as follows:

  1. The system can be equipped with both brackets and special locks fixed directly to the surface of the teeth using a special adhesive composition.
  2. The structure is connected into a single whole by a wire arc, which also performs another key function: it is this arc element that will align the teeth, creating the desired degree of tension and bringing them to the correct position in the row.

Provided in metal braces and additional ligature fasteners, which provide the most durable fastening of the arc and locking elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal orthodontic systems

Metal braces have both advantages and disadvantages, which it is advisable to study before visiting the doctor in order to understand whether you should opt for this particular type of orthodontic systems. The advantages of metal braces include the following qualities:

  1. Increased characteristics of strength and reliability, which the system has due to the material of production - various metal alloys. It is almost impossible to break metal braces, unlike ceramic ones.
  2. Correction of the bite and abnormal position of the teeth when using this type of construction occurs at an accelerated pace, since the metal creates the strongest possible load on the teeth, which gives the desired positive result in a short time.
  3. Wearing metal braces can help correct even the most significant aesthetic defects, such as getting rid of crowded teeth or pronounced interdental spaces.
  4. The construction material does not stain from food and drinks.
  5. The procedure for installing the system takes place with a minimum of discomfort for the patient.
  6. The patient can choose the color and shape of the corrective plates, including the most extravagant variations.

Also, the advantages of metal braces can definitely include their budget cost.

The disadvantages of metal braces are also worth knowing in advance. The systems have fewer disadvantages than advantages, but it is important to take them into account when choosing a bite correction method. It's worth knowing that:

  1. Metal braces will be clearly visible on the tooth surface.
  2. Metal alloys can provoke allergic reactions in the patient.
  3. The construction material is durable and hard, and therefore wearing the construction can cause irritation of the sensitive mucosa or cause microtrauma in the oral cavity.

During treatment with the use of metal orthodontic systems, the patient may experience pain and discomfort.

Metal braces are graded into separate types both by the location of the fixing fasteners (locks) and by the method of fixation. It is worth talking about each type of structure in more detail.

According to the location of the fasteners, the structures are divided into the following subspecies:

  • Vestibular metal braces. They are attached to the front of the teeth and are clearly visible when worn, and therefore the plates of the system in this embodiment are made miniature in size and painted in the most discreet and inconspicuous colors;
  • lingual systems. Braces locks in this design will be attached to the inner surface of the teeth. However, keep in mind that their installation is a complex process, and getting used to them will be as long as possible.

According to the method of fixation, metal braces are divided into:

  • ligature systems. To ensure a strong fixation of the structure, special rings made of rubber or metal are used to secure it;
  • Non-ligature braces. The system is attached without additional elements and therefore the installation procedure will be both quick and simple.

It is necessary to choose metal braces not only by the type and method of fixing the system. It is extremely important to choose a design made by a conscientious manufacturer, reliable and of high quality. An orthodontist will also help you choose the best metal braces.

Indications for the installation of metal braces

The installation of metal braces is shown in the following cases:

  • Curvature of individual teeth in a row. Wearing braces can quickly save the patient from such a noticeable and unpleasant defect;
  • Abnormal position of the entire dentition at the stage of its formation;
  • bite pathology;
  • Preparation of the oral cavity and teeth for prosthetics or implantation procedures.

Bracket systems are also installed to accelerate the eruption of impacted teeth in cases of small jaw size or excessively close arrangement of teeth in a row.

Reviews of metal braces from doctors and patients confirm the high efficiency and safety of structures in solving various aesthetic problems.

Contraindications for metal braces

The installation of metal braces is a serious medical procedure, and therefore it is quite natural that in addition to indications for it, there are also contraindications that must be taken into account.

You will have to refuse the use of orthodontic systems in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • Loss of a significant number of teeth, the surface of which acts as a base for fixing the bracket system;
  • Heart pathologies, immune, viral and infectious diseases;
  • Oncological diseases in severe form;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Diseases of bones and joints;
  • Epilepsy.

Relative contraindications to the correction of bite and aesthetic defects of the dentition with metal braces are untreated dental diseases, anomalies in the development of the jaw, as well as an allergic reaction to the materials used to manufacture the structure and in medical manipulations.

If the patient has relative contraindications, they are either eliminated before the bracket system is installed, or the orthodontist chooses the treatment method that will not cause negative consequences and is not fraught with complications.

The duration of the procedure for installing metal braces depends on the type of system. If a lingual construction is chosen, its fixation will take several hours, the process of fixing a non-ligature product will be faster and easier.

The procedure is performed by a specialist in several stages:

  1. The patient undergoes an initial examination by an orthodontist, during which the specialist excludes possible contraindications to wearing braces, and a decision is made on the type and material of construction. To get a complete picture of a particular case, the dentist may order additional tests for the patient.
  2. At the stage of preparation for the installation of metal braces, a thorough sanitation of the oral cavity is performed, during which the dental surfaces are cleaned of deposits. If necessary, therapeutic measures are taken to eliminate caries and other dental diseases.
  3. An impression is taken from the patient's teeth, according to which the construction will be made.
  4. Before the installation process begins, the tooth enamel is polished and treated with a special protective and strengthening solution.
  5. The tooth surfaces on which the plates will be fixed are covered with an adhesive, after which the structure is carefully fixed. The specialist without fail checks the reliability of each fastening and the correct position of the locks.

The fixation process is completed by applying a special cement dental mortar to the elements. To make the composition harden faster, immediately after application it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

If the design of the metal bracket includes an arc element, it is connected and after that the installation procedure can be considered complete.

After the procedure for installing metal braces, it is extremely important to carry out proper care for both the structure itself and the oral cavity. Orthodontic systems are worn for a sufficiently long time and it is extremely important that no dental diseases manifest themselves during the period of therapy.

To avoid negative consequences and make treatment quick and effective, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your teeth and mouth from food debris, using not only a traditional brush, but also dental floss, brushes, irrigators;
  • Visit the dental clinic once a month for professional oral hygiene;
  • During the period of getting used to metal braces, exclude solid foods and sticky sweets from your diet, refuse chewing gums and toffees.

After each meal, rinse your mouth with special antibacterial solutions.

  1. With braces, pay special attention to oral hygiene, because due to the accumulation of food fragments between the teeth and the grooves of the braces, the risk of developing caries increases. Read also:
  2. Teeth should be brushed after every meal, and this is best done with an ultrasonic or orthodontic toothbrush. The gaps between the teeth and the arch are cleaned with special brushes. If you are unable to brush your teeth after eating, use a mouthwash.
  3. During your braces treatment, avoid coloring foods and drinks that can stain your braces and ruin their appearance. You should not drink carbonated drinks and eat sweets, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. It is also not recommended to chew hard food, it is better to give preference to natural dishes of a soft consistency so that the braces do not come off. Avoid eating sweets, especially toffee, tough beef, apples, pears, and other foods that can cause injury and displacement of the orthodontic structure.
  5. Refuse to take excessively hot or cold drinks, avoid thermal vibrations of food that can cause deformation of the archwire and cause the braces to peel off.
  6. Remember to visit your orthodontist regularly during this period. The specialist will control the speed and quality of the treatment and, if necessary, prescribe additional corrective measures or advise changing the type of orthodontic construction.
  7. If excessive friction or pain occurs, do not tolerate discomfort, but consult a dental clinic. The orthodontist will examine and eliminate the violations without stopping the course of treatment.
  8. When removing braces, also consult a doctor immediately.
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