Causes of male infertility: why a partner fails to be in a position. Premature menopause or ovarian failure syndrome. How and where can you find out about the state of your women's health

Every family wants to hear children's laughter in their home. But often after a year of active sexual life, the long-awaited conception does not occur. In this case, each spouse asks himself the question: how do I know if I can have children? Where can the necessary tests be carried out? All about fertility tests can be learned from the reproductive medicine specialists.

Who is guilty?

When spouses do not have children for a long time, as a rule, they first of all think of a woman. But statistics say that problems with reproductive function are common even among the stronger sex.

So, in 45% of couples who come for examinations, the cause of infertility on the part of the man is found out, which is why it is important to undergo fertility tests for both partners.

Where to apply?

How do I know if I can have children? With this question, couples come to clinics for examination, expecting maximum help from specialists. Indeed, family planning centers specialize in solving problems with infertility, diagnosing and treating diseases of the reproductive system, preparing a woman for conception, performing IVF, and managing pregnancy.

These medical institutions are equipped with all the necessary equipment to detect pathologies that prevent the fertilization of the egg and the bearing of the fetus. The work of family planning centers is impossible without highly qualified fertility doctors and not only. Success in the treatment of infertility depends on the coordinated work of geneticists, obstetrician-gynecologists, endocrinologists and embryologists. In addition, when preparing spouses for conception, the necessary psychotherapeutic correction is carried out.

When a married couple realized that there was a problem with conception, specialists carried out all the necessary tests. "Can I have children?" The answer to this question will be known after deciphering the results of the surveys.

Causes of infertility

Among women, the most common medical factors that cause inability to conceive are:

  • problems with ovulation (in 36% of cases);
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes (30%);
  • endometriosis 18%;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • infectious etc.

A man's ability to reproduce does not depend on his sexual activity, but on the quality and quantity of sperm. Infertility is caused by the following factors:

  • decreased mobility and vital activity of spermatozoa;
  • their rapid decline in numbers;
  • failures in their progress along the vas deferens and outward ejection.

If you ask a specialist a question: "How can I find out if I can have children?", then he will first of all prescribe a spermogram analysis to a man.

Premature menopause or ovarian failure syndrome

An infertile couple, based on the examination, can hear the diagnosis of "depletion of the follicular reserve" in the spouse. This pathology is rare, only 1.6% of the population.

The disease is typical for women aged 36-38 years, and even earlier. The clinic of the follicular depletion syndrome consists in the cessation of ovarian function, that is, the onset of premature menopause, accompanied by the cessation of the menstrual cycle, hot flashes, irritability and headaches.

Causes of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition in the female line;
  • surgical interventions on the ovaries;
  • dysfunction in the work of the pelvic organs.

The disease is detected by hormone tests, ultrasound, laparoscopic biopsy and other medical studies. When asked by a woman if I can get pregnant with ovarian failure syndrome, the answer of the reproductive specialist will be in the affirmative. But this is impossible in a natural way, only with the help of IVF and donor oocytes.

Examination of the endometrium

The mucous membrane of the uterus is diagnosed by two methods. The first is ultrasound screening, which allows you to evaluate the endometrium and its condition. The second is hysteroscopy. This is the introduction of a small camera into the uterine cavity, as well as the sampling of a mucosal site for a biopsy.

Endometriosis provokes failures in the processes of ovulation and maturation of the egg, adhesions can form in the genitals, which, accordingly, reduces the chances of conception.

"How do I know if I can have children with endometriosis?" women ask. We answer: pathology does not speak of 100% infertility. After treatment of the disease, many women manage to successfully become pregnant.

Fallopian tube patency

The study is prescribed in the case when the tests are normal, the doctors give a favorable prognosis, but the woman still cannot get pregnant for a long time. Another reason for the appointment is ectopic pregnancies in the past. Based on the patient's health status, the doctor prescribes one of the methods for diagnosing obstruction of the fallopian tubes:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • hysterosalpingography (X-ray);
  • hydrosonography;
  • fertiloscopy;
  • perturbation.

Ideally, the fallopian tubes should not be visible during ultrasound examination. To find out their structure and patency, the tubes are filled with a contrast liquid or saline heated to body temperature. The procedure is absolutely painless. Laparoscopy is performed under anesthesia. Perturbation is the blowing of pipes with carbon dioxide under pressure.

Research on blood hormones

To the question: "How do I know if I can have children?" - a woman will be answered by a blood test that allows you to evaluate the functional reserve of the ovaries. AMH is a substance that affects reproductive abilities. Any disturbances in the formation of the hormone impede the onset and development of pregnancy. The examination is prescribed for:

  • problems with fertilization;
  • an unsuccessful IVF attempt, that is, the body did not respond to stimulation;
  • infertility of unknown origin.

The higher the AMH, the higher the birth rate, the greater the chances of a successful IVF. A low level of the hormone indicates the onset of menopause, obesity, dysfunction in the ovaries.

Exceeding the norm of AMH indicates an ovarian tumor, pilicystosis, anovulatory infertility, etc.

Blood sampling for analysis is carried out on the third day of the cycle. Preparation for the test involves the exclusion of physical exertion and stress three days before blood sampling. An hour before the study, you should stop smoking and eating. The decoding of the analysis is carried out by a reproductologist.

To evaluate, that is, the ability of the ovaries to respond to stimulation, together with AMH, tests for inhibin B and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) also allow.

The reproductive function of a woman is directly affected by the work of the thyroid gland, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is important to take tests for TSH, free T4 and antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO).

Spermogram: stages of the examination

The reliability of the result depends on how correctly the biomaterial was delivered. It is important to follow certain rules.

Training. A man is advised to refrain from sexual activity for several days (no more than 7, no less than 2). During this period, it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods from the diet, do not drink alcohol and any medications, refuse to visit the bathhouse and try to avoid hypothermia. Up to the fact that you can not turn on the seat heating in cars on the way to the laboratory. Before taking the test, you must thoroughly wash the penis with soap and empty the bladder.

Ejaculant collection. Biomaterial must be obtained only by masturbation. This happens in a separate room in the clinic or at home, but then the sperm container needs to be brought within an hour. It is forbidden to use for analysis the biomaterial obtained by oral or interrupted sexual intercourse using lubricants or a condom, as they contain substances that affect the speed of spermatozoa.

Semen is collected in a sterile container. Many laboratories insist on collection of material within the institution, not accepting ejaculant brought from home.

Caveats. It is worth refusing to take the material if, over the past two months, the man has had a fever above 38 or has taken antibacterial drugs.

Spermogram is an important test. "Can I have children?" - the man learns the answer to the question according to the results of this survey.

Identification of genital infections

"Nothing hurts and does not bother" - this is not a reason to abandon research. Most infections are asymptomatic and chronic. These diseases, as a rule, are discovered by chance, when determining the causes of infertility, and in the process of planning conception. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include:

Diagnosis of STIs is carried out by:

  • bacteriological culture;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • serological method.


If a year of active sexual life turned out to be fruitless for a married couple, and the desired pregnancy did not happen, you should not let the situation take its course. You need to ask the question "How do I know if I can have children?" to specialists who are engaged in examinations of reproductive functions, and to find out the factors that prevent conception.

Knowing the cause of infertility, it is possible to carry out the necessary treatment and reasonably plan a pregnancy.

The inability to have a child at the desired time due to health conditions is a serious problem for a large number of men. Previously, it was believed that the “culprit” of infertility is exclusively a woman, but now the approach has changed dramatically. According to modern data, the couple remains childless due to the fact that the man cannot have children, in almost 30% of cases, and this figure is considered underestimated due to the lower percentage of the stronger sex seeking medical help when there is a problem. Therefore, due to the prevalence of the problem, it will not be superfluous for every couple to know the causes of male infertility. The article will tell about what leads to the problem.

Problems in the spermogram

The most common causes of infertility in men lie in problems with sperm. To conceive a child, the seminal fluid of a guy or a man must have certain properties: contain at least 1 million sperm, of which at least 30% must be morphologically normal, no more than 30% immobile, at least 20% actively mobile and at least 30% inactive . It is believed that in order for the egg to be fertilized successfully, the spermatozoa in the guy's sperm must move at a speed of at least 25 microns / sec. exactly straight. Violation of the normal speed of precisely rectilinear movement eliminates the possibility of fertilization.

There are the following pathologies of male sperm that affect fertility and can lead to infertility:

  • Azospermia. The complete absence of sperm in the male semen.
  • Oligospermia. Small amount of seminal fluid.
  • Necrospermia. The number of spermatozoa in the seed is normal, but the activity of the sex gametes is reduced.
  • Asthenozoospermia. Reducing the number of mobile forms of male germ cells.
  • Oligozoospermia. Decreased total sperm count.
  • Teratozoospermia. An increase in the number of abnormal forms of sperm.
  • Anejaculation. No ejaculation.

Infertility in a man can occur due to a small amount of sperm in the seminal fluid.

Adequate sperm formation is under the control of the endocrine system. The process is controlled by 3 hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and testosterone. The first two stimulate the formation of male reproductive gametes, which should later "ripen" in the male genital organs and turn into mature forms. Therefore, it is hormonal imbalance that is a common cause of male infertility, which should be excluded in the first place.

secretory factors

Given the causes and mechanisms of male infertility, the disease is divided into several main options. The first form is secretory. Its presence is said if the factor that caused infertility provoked a violation of sperm motility, defects in their structure, as well as a decrease in the number of germ cells in the seminal fluid.

The secretory form of infertility can be provoked by many reasons, and one of the most common is varicocele. Varicocele is called varicose veins that supply blood to the testicles and appendages. Several reasons can lead to the occurrence of pathology at once: this is genetically determined weakness or inferiority of blood vessels, regular excessive physical activity or, conversely, physical inactivity, leading to increased blood filling of the veins of the small pelvis with simultaneous stagnation of blood in them, malnutrition, provoking constipation, abuse ( alcohol, smoking). Why does a varicocele cause infertility in a guy?

  1. An increase in temperature created in the testicle due to stagnation of blood. The fact is that temperature seriously affects spermatogenesis, that is, the process of sperm formation. Therefore, the temperature defect caused by varicocele sometimes leads to infertility.
  2. Decrease in blood circulation of testicular tissues, leading to their ischemia and further to organ atrophy.
  3. Hormonal imbalance.
  4. Exposure to toxins, free radicals, the accumulation of which may occur due to impaired blood flow.

The existing defect in spermatogenesis, as a rule, is reversible if the reasons for which it arose are eliminated. After the treatment, the fertility function is restored, and the man is able to become a father in the near future after rehabilitation.

Varicocele can cause a secretory form of infertility.

As the next reason why a man is not able to conceive a child, you can indicate dropsy of the testicle. The mechanism of development of the symptoms of the disease is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the testicle and impaired blood supply to the organ. Dropsy is provoked by many reasons at once: varicocele, a violation of the normal anatomical structure of the veins supplying the testicle (aortomesenteric tweezers), mechanical obstructions to blood flow (oncological formations, scars and adhesions, kinking of the veins), prolonged constipation.

Another factor that can lead to male infertility is cryptorchidism. The disease develops due to undescended testicles into the scrotum. Their presence outside of it leads to a violation of the temperature regime of the organ in the boy (since the pathology is congenital) and in the future can lead to infertility if the operation is not performed on time.

The reason why infertility can be diagnosed is mumps, or "mumps" as the disease is popularly called. Epid virus. parotitis has a tendency to glandular tissue, which is why inflammation affects the salivary glands, testicles, etc. If a boy becomes ill at a young age, then the disease proceeds more benignly and rarely provokes fertility problems later on. Higher risks of infertility are in adult men, who, as a rule, have a more severe course.

A common factor that causes infertility is toxic effects. Poisoning, of course, does not top the list with the conditional name "causes of female and male infertility", but, given the unfavorable environmental situation and unhealthy lifestyle, they are an important problem. Long-term smoking, the use of narcotic drugs, the abuse of beer and strong liquor - any of these reasons can lead to the fact that a guy cannot conceive a child. Also, damage to the epithelium of the testicles involved in spermatogenesis is caused by:

  • Radiation sickness. Work at a hazardous enterprise, accidental exposure when exposed to radiation, non-compliance with safety precautions when working with radiation, etc. can provoke an ailment. In some cases, a guy cannot conceive a child after exposure to cancer and blood diseases.
  • Active thermal effect. The right temperature is important for spermatogenesis, so even visiting a bath or sauna can disrupt the process of sperm formation and become the reason why a guy is diagnosed with infertility. A similar warning applies to men who like to soak in a hot bath.

A local increase in testicular temperature is the result of wearing tight, tight underwear made of synthetic materials that have poor hygroscopicity and is sometimes the cause of fertility problems.

  • The use of certain medicines: antiepileptic, antituberculous, antibacterial, antitumor (cytostatics).
  • Infertility can develop in men of fertile age after chemotherapy.

The reason why male infertility appears can be infectious processes: typhus, tuberculosis, syphilis. Such a harmless activity as cycling can also provoke male infertility. Of course, we are only talking about professionals who are forced to train for a long time.

obstructive form

The second variant of male infertility is obstructive. In this case, the reason why a girl cannot get pregnant from a man is the difficulty in moving and secreting sperm through the vas deferens. The leading factor that can cause obturation is the inflammatory process. In the acute phase of the disease, "blockage" is caused by the formation of an inflammatory infiltrate, edema, etc. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, the acute inflammatory process that has taken place flows into a chronic one. In the organ, a gradual replacement of normal tissue with connective tissue begins, that is, fibrosis, or a scar, is formed.

It happens that the reason why a guy is infertile is traumatic injuries to the testicles or groin. This can happen not only as a result of the direct impact of a traumatic factor (blow, bruise), but also be a consequence of surgical treatment of the pelvic organs and the reproductive system.

More rare reasons why the fertility of the stronger sex is disturbed are:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Syphilis.

In the inflammatory process, an obstructive form of male infertility may occur.

Obturation of the vas deferens can also be caused by tumor processes, and the impossibility of normal sperm secretion can be the result of a congenital anomaly of development: the absence of part of the genital organs (vas deferens), their abnormal location.


If we talk about what causes infertility in men, then we cannot but mention the influence of the nervous system. Stress, psychological shock, depression, prolonged emotional overstrain and chronic fatigue syndrome can seriously affect men's health and become the reason why a guy cannot have children. In addition to a direct effect on the hormonal background, psycho-emotional instability affects libido (sexual desire), can cause a lack of orgasm and difficulty with erection and ejaculation. These problems also significantly reduce the chance of becoming a father.

Hypogonadism can lead to infertility. There are primary and secondary hypogonadism. Primary, in turn, can cause congenital and acquired factors. Congenital include:

  1. Klinefelter syndrome. Genetic pathology characterized by the presence of erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, various endocrine changes.
  2. Anorchid. Complete congenital absence of testicles.
  3. Aplasia. A malformation of the testicles, characterized by the development of functional failure of the organ.

Secondary hypogonadism develops as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which regulate the entire endocrine system, including the secretion of male sex hormones. Violation of the normal functioning of these organs becomes a complex and not immediately detectable reason why a representative of the stronger sex has problems with conception.

Infertility can be caused due to stress.

Leads to male infertility and the so-called testicular torsion. Symptoms of pathology are swelling, pain in the testicles, blue or redness of the skin of the scrotum. The essence of the condition lies in the twisting of the arteries and veins of the testicle, nerve bundles, as well as the vas deferens. Pathology is acute, therefore, male infertility cannot occur imperceptibly.

A separate item is the immunological causes of infertility. It often happens that both partners are healthy, and the general tests are absolutely normal, but it doesn’t work out to have children. Why can't a girl get pregnant from a completely healthy young man? Doctors prescribe a special immunological examination for such couples. Immunological changes can be detected in both men and women. If we talk about male infertility, then in the blood of a representative of the stronger sex, various spermotoxic, spermoagglutinating, spermoimmobilizing antibodies are detected that can have a negative effect on various parts of spermatogenesis, which leads to the formation of defective male sex gametes.

The reason why a guy cannot become a father is the pathology of the prostate gland. Although it is believed that prostatitis and adenoma occur in older men, recently there has been a "rejuvenation" of the incidence. Therefore, even young men with infertility need to exclude sluggish pathology of the prostate, if there is no visible clinic of the disease.

With infertility, you need to take a blood test to identify immunological changes.

A congenital anomaly, hypospadias, can lead to male infertility. The essence of the pathology lies in the incorrect localization (location) of the urethral opening. As a result, normal ejaculation is disrupted, and the guy cannot have a baby.

Problems with potency, arising for completely different reasons, also often lead to male infertility. Fertility problems occur in men with premature ejaculation or, conversely, delayed ejaculation. In extreme cases, anejaculation, that is, the complete absence of ejaculation, may develop. A variant of anejaculation is retrograde ejaculation. The essence of the condition is the reverse flow of seminal fluid into the bladder.

It should be noted that in some situations, the cause of male infertility cannot be established by doctors. Even after a multidisciplinary examination, a couple who are healthy according to all tests are still not able to have a baby.

In this case, the guy is diagnosed with "idiopathic male infertility", but this is rather an exception diagnosis. There is no cure for this kind of problem, since the final cause of the disease cannot be found.

In all other cases, timely initiated competent treatment will contribute to the complete recovery of the man, and he can soon become a happy father of the family.

There are several reasons why a man might have one egg instead of two. This is either a congenital pathology, or a consequence of injury and disease. In most cases, the number of eggs does not affect the possibility of fertilization of the egg. However, not only guys, but also girls are concerned about the question of whether a man with one testicle can have children. Experts have their own opinion on this matter, they reassure and respond positively.

Why does a man need two testicles?

The scrotum is part of the male reproductive organ. It contains a pair of round glands, thanks to which the development, generation and storage of sperm is carried out. Male hormones are also produced in this organ.

It is difficult to determine what should be the ideal skin on the testicles. Its texture can change under the influence of various factors, ranging from temperature to sexual diseases.

The testicles begin to form not outside, but inside the abdomen. Later, they must descend into the scrotum. But not all men do this. In some, one (or both) testis remains inside the abdominal cavity. This can cause diseases, as the full functions of the testicles are violated.

The scrotum protects the testicles and the sperm they produce from damage. For sperm to be healthy, it is necessary that the temperature of the testicles be lower than the temperature of the whole body. The sperm will not join the egg if it is exposed to high temperatures.

The functions of the testicles are reduced to two main ones:

  • sperm production;
  • generation and synthesis of male hormones.

Deformation of one of the testicles can lead to problems associated with the possibility of fertilization, but this is not a sentence. Most likely, this should be considered as a psychological problem, since the presence of both of them has always been considered a sign of masculinity.

Can one testicle fertilize an egg?

If for some reason a man has one testicle instead of two, but it functions normally, then there is no reason to worry. Such a man can have children.

One testicle can produce enough sperm to fertilize an egg. In order not to be lost in conjectures and doubts, it is advisable to contact specialists so that they examine the genitals and do all the necessary tests. Basically, these are tests for the quality and quantity of spermatozoa.

A man's fear of losing his testicle is quite logical. Many are afraid that after that they will become impotent and will not be able to continue their race. This is nothing more than prejudice.

A man who has one healthy testicle can fully enjoy the delights of an intimate life. One testicle is capable of producing enough sperm to fertilize an egg. At the same time, a normal erection is also preserved.

Such men in most cases do not need hormone replacement therapy with testosterone, because then one egg works for two. It is necessary only if the man is missing both testicles and the results of the examination showed that the man cannot become a father. To have children in this case, you need to resort to the help of doctors who will prescribe a course of treatment.

Self-examination as prevention

A man can have one testicle, not only because of congenital pathology. It happens that the injured testicle cannot continue to perform its functions. In order for the problems not to worsen and imperceptible (at first glance) diseases do not move to another stage, the guy needs to periodically examine the genitals on his own.

During self-examination, you need to pay attention to some points:

  1. The size of the testicles should be approximately the same. Permissible fluctuations in size - 5-6 mm. If one of them, for some reason, noticeably differs in size from the other, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
  2. Do not panic because one testicle is located below the other. It must be so, otherwise how could a man put his feet together?
  3. The testicles should feel firm to the touch. If the density of one differs from the other, then this may be a signal of the formation of a tumor in it.
  4. Self-examination must be carried out in the heat. If a man freezes during the examination, the testicles will shrink and the result will be zero. It is ideal to feel and examine the testicles while taking a shower or bath.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to feeling the back wall of the scrotum, where the epididymis is located. It can be compared to a thin cord (the thickness is not more than the thickness of spaghetti). In the event that a man finds a slight swelling there, then it is better to continue the examination in a dark room. You need to shine a flashlight behind the scrotum. If light easily passes through it, then most likely this formation is filled with liquid. It could be dropsy or a spermatic cord cyst. But in any case, if a man is concerned about something during a self-examination, an urgent need to consult a doctor.
  6. During self-examination, the testicles should not hurt. The reverse situation can be regarded as a deviation from the norm, which also serves as a reason for contacting specialists.

If during the examination the man had even the slightest doubt, you should not hesitate to go to a specialist. Firstly, in order not to cheat yourself once again, and secondly, to prevent the occurrence of serious diseases, the symptoms of which were discovered during an independent examination.

Testicular implant - a solution to the problem?

When in a man one testicle has not descended from the abdominal cavity, before implantation, it is necessary to lower it into the scrotum. Only then can an operation be performed that can restore the scrotum to its previous appearance.

However, do not place high hopes on this operation.

This surgical intervention is only a cosmetic solution to the problem, but it will not return the functions of the lost testicle.

If a man cannot have children, you need to seek help from other doctors.

In the practice of andrology, prosthesis implantation is the most common operation. It is simple, and experts convince of the minimal risk of complications (except for individual cases).

It does not require general anesthesia to be performed. Mostly, doctors resort to local anesthesia. The surgery takes about 15-30 minutes. A small incision is made on the lateral surface of the scrotum through which a silicone prosthesis is placed into it. A man can choose the size he needs, which in shape and elasticity will be the same as a healthy one.

After the operation, a man can be discharged on the third day, but at home he must wear a special bandage that will fix the position of the testicles for two weeks.

Usually the scar on the scrotum is not visible. He heals fairly quickly.

There is nothing better than to see the smiling face of your baby, to hear the stomp of his legs around the apartment, to buy charming tiny skirts-trousers in the department for babies. However, not everyone has this happiness.

Approximately 15% of married couples in Russia hear the diagnosis "infertility". A marriage is considered infertile when pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular attempts to conceive (that is, sex without the use of any contraceptives).

What symptoms should alert and become a reason for going to the doctor, says Sergey Aleksandrovich Yakovenko, an embryologist, Ph.D.

So, check yourself for the presence of factors that may indicate infertility:

Problems with the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a very complex, multi-level, cyclical process. When a “breakdown” occurs at least at one level, the entire cycle is disrupted, and, as a result, problems arise with reproductive function. A regular menstrual cycle usually lasts 21 to 35 days and is usually indicative of regular ovulation.

There are many menstrual irregularities. If a woman has an irregular cycle, too heavy or too scarce menstruation, severe pain during this period, you just need to see a doctor. This will allow timely diagnosis and take the necessary measures to avoid problems with conception.

One cause for serious concern can be amenorrhea - the absence of menstrual bleeding. Amenorrhea for six months or more is usually regarded as a sign of the absence of ovulation, which means that the chances of conception are reduced to zero.

It is also worth consulting a doctor in a situation where menstruation is very scarce or too plentiful. This may be caused by changes in the endometrium. It is also a very alarming symptom for those who dream of having offspring.

Pain during menstruation

For many women, period pain is part of the normal menstrual cycle. However, if the pain is so severe that it interferes with a normal life, it deserves special attention and examination. In particular, it may be a symptom of the already mentioned endometriosis, which negatively affects the ability to conceive.

Hormonal imbalance

Persistent acne, oily skin and excessive hair growth in a woman can be signs of excessive production of androgens (male sex hormones). The most common cause of androgen excess in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this disease, the ovaries contain a large number of cysts (fluid-filled cavities) that do not contain eggs. Such a diagnosis is a red light for the desired pregnancy.

Discharge from the nipples

Note the discharge of fluid from one or both nipples. This may be a symptom of hyperprolactinemia, a hormonal disorder that can be accompanied by infertility. Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland (brain gland) that controls milk production during and after pregnancy. With an increase in the content of prolactin in the blood, even in non-pregnant women, discharge from the nipples appears.

Sharp fluctuations in weight

Difficulties with the ability to become pregnant can also occur due to excess body weight or severe weight loss. Since both of these processes can be accompanied by a violation of ovulation. Thus, obesity is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. And a sharp weight loss (for example, with anorexia nervosa) often leads to a complete cessation of menstruation.

Presence of genital infections

Most people, when they hear the term "sexually transmitted diseases" (STDs), think of AIDS, syphilis, or gonorrhea. Meanwhile, there are a number of other infections that affect the ability to conceive a child.

For example, chlamydia, if left untreated, causes scarring of the fallopian tubes and pelvic inflammatory disease, one of the most common causes of female infertility.

The more often they are repeated in the same woman, the higher the likelihood of her developing infertility. The risk of infertility is also increased by the fact that many STDs are asymptomatic, remain undiagnosed for a long time, and patients do not receive the necessary treatment on time.

intimate problems

Pain during intercourse can be caused by pathology of the vagina (infection, vaginal dryness). Problems in sexual life often arise due to the presence of a pathology in the pelvic area, which can subsequently adversely affect the reproductive function of a woman.

If you have found one or more symptoms in yourself, do not despair. Firstly, only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination and dozens of tests, and secondly, even if you heard the diagnosis "infertility", do not panic!

Modern medicine now offers many methods to conceive a child and give the happiness of motherhood to almost every woman.

In men, varicose veins can occur on the spermatic cord, pathology is determined as a varicocele. In general, the disease proceeds in a latent form, so a man may not pay attention for a long time. But, among the most dangerous consequences of varicocele is the inability to have children.

When a man reveals swollen veins in the testicles, the first thing to do is to go to an appointment with a urologist. After all, this symptom already makes you wary. Otherwise, a specialist can diagnose a bilateral varicocele, which is also characterized by dangerous consequences. It is possible to identify the disease only after some time, when unpleasant symptoms begin to disturb - soreness in the scrotum, discomfort when walking or wearing tight underwear.

An accurate diagnosis is made after dopplerography and ultrasound. After that, the patient may be offered surgical treatment for varicocele. Those who doubt the need for surgery should be aware of the danger of the disease. During normal functioning, spermatozoa are produced in the testicles. When an ailment occurs, the blood begins to accumulate, thereby raising the temperature in the testicle, which leads to dysfunction of the appendages. In this case, infertility is inevitable, since the spermatozoa lose their viability.

In addition, damage to the testicle occurs through the excessive accumulation of harmful products in the veins due to metabolic disorders.

Attention! Timely surgical intervention guarantees the possibility of having children in the future and excludes the development of psychological problems during sex.

Modern techniques allow to eliminate pathology, but cannot give one hundred percent guarantees of avoiding consequences. After the operation, a dressing is necessary, which can cause damage to blood vessels and disruption of blood flow. Also, after surgical treatment, swelling of the testicles will be observed for two weeks. At the same time, the pain does not go away for several months and can drag on even for a year.

Side effects after surgery may include:

  1. Hydrocele. This is the accumulation of serous fluid, which leads to dropsy of the testicle.
  2. Hypotrophy. When performing incorrect dressings, the testicle may decrease in size.
  3. Atrophy. If the spermatic artery is ligated, then testicular atrophy begins to develop.

This disease can develop with the following factors:

All these factors are predisposing to the development of a serious disease that can result in infertility. Therefore, in order to preserve men's health, it is imperative to conduct surgical treatment. But, the main question of whether it is possible to have children after testicular surgery remains open.

Varicocele: the likelihood of having children after surgery

If a timely operation is performed to eliminate the varicocele, then the man will retain the opportunity to have children. Here are just a few important nuances. Surgical intervention will prevent infertility if the patient's age is up to thirty years and the spermogram parameters with deviations are completely insignificant. When the age of the patient exceeds thirty-five years, the percentage of infertility prevention is very small.

It is also worth noting the fact that varicocele in the first stages of development significantly reduces the percentage of conception of a child due to insufficient sperm quality, but does not exclude this possibility. The results will be influenced by various points (stage of varicocele, deviations in the spermogram).

Data! The pathological process proceeds individually, so it is very difficult to judge. In medical practice, there have been cases when men in the third stage of the disease had an excellent spermogram. On the contrary, some were found to be infertile in the first stage.

Comment from a specialist on varicocele and its consequences in the form of infertility.

Video - Varicocele and infertility

How does a varicocele develop?

As already noted, the disease has several degrees (as defined by the World Health Organization).

Attention! The possibility of having a child with varicocele is determined by the number of active spermatozoa, their properties. If you trace the connection with infertility, then it begins to develop when the veins are clearly palpable.

How effective is the operation?

Varicocelectomy - this is how surgical treatment is defined. The indication for surgical intervention is at 20 million / ml. spermatozoa. Based on the testimony of doctors, there is no unambiguous opinion about the effectiveness and, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, may not lead to the expected result. There are several ways to remove varicocele, and each of them is much more effective than drug treatment. During the operation, the patient may be under local or general anesthesia.

It is pointless to carry out surgical treatment at the third stage in order to avoid infertility, since the probability of restoring reproductive function is very low.

Nevertheless, if an operation was performed at the first steppe of a varicocele, then the question arises, when can one start conceiving children? After the treatment has been carried out, the man needs one month for rehabilitation. During this period, sexual intercourse is completely excluded. This is explained by the fact that during intercourse a man will feel severe pain, moreover, this can lead to a relapse.

It takes an average of three to six months to improve sperm counts. After the end of the rehabilitation period, sex should be regular.

A little about sex after suffering an illness

As it turned out, the refusal to have sex should be at least one month, so as not to cause unpleasant consequences. After this period, soreness in the scrotum may persist, over time, subject to all recommendations, this will pass.

A man after surgery may have fears about erectile dysfunction. You should not worry about this, since this surgical intervention does not affect the quality of erection at all. Therefore, far-fetched sexual problems should be excluded and regular sexual intercourse should be started, which will help improve sperm quality and conceive a child faster.

How is recovery going?

The age of the patient affects the rate of recovery of the body, therefore, the older the man, the longer he will need time for rehabilitation. Also, the rehabilitation period will depend on the method of surgical treatment.

  1. Ivanissevich or Palomo method. It is a traditional intracavitary operation, which involves the excision of a vein in the testicle. Rehabilitation of the body occurs over fourteen days.
  2. Endovascular surgery. The testicular vein is blocked by coils or balloons. Recovery occurs within a couple of days.
  3. endoscopic method. Excludes an incision in the inguinal zone, which helps to preserve the artery and avoid complications. Recovery of the body is also fast.
  4. Microsurgical varicocelectomy. It is the most effective method, which is characterized by a rapid improvement in spermogram and the absence of complications and relapses. It is after this operation that the best performance is observed.

If you do not perform surgery for varicocele, is it possible to conceive a child?

Among many men, there is an opinion that if a pathological lesion of only one testicle occurs, then this will not affect the reproductive function. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main reasons why infertility occurs after a varicocele and how much surgery is necessary for this.

Due to the expansion of blood vessels, a stagnant process of blood occurs, followed by a violation of metabolic processes. This significantly impairs sperm motility, and therefore significantly reduces the ability to conceive a child. The risks of infertility are greatly increased when the disease has reached the second degree. Therefore, to avoid infertility, surgical treatment is prescribed. It is possible to conceive a child without surgical intervention only at the initial stage of varicocele, when the expansion of the veins cannot be felt.

Is there a prevention?

To the extent that the disease occurs due to a genetic predisposition or physiological characteristics, there is no specific prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and visit a male doctor in a timely manner.

Between the ages of 12 and 20, it is very important for young people to visit a urologist annually to monitor their health. If during this age period there were no clinical signs of the development of varicocele, then you should not worry about its further occurrence.

However, do not forget about the possibility of developing a secondary process already in adulthood. For example, if the vessels are compressed by a tumor, or the outflow of blood in the spermatic cord is disturbed. Based on this, it is very important to independently conduct an examination for the presence of protruding veins and to visit a doctor as planned.

If a man is still diagnosed with varicocele, then first of all it is recommended to exclude physical activity, which involves lifting weights. Also at this time, there may be problems with the stool, so they need to be leveled. After all, these moments, if not excluded, can increase intra-abdominal pressure, and hence the pressure in the veins. Thus, the already existing ailment will progress.

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