How to use celandine for acne. How to use celandine against acne: recipes for effective remedies. Lotion with propolis tincture

Traditionally used to treat skin diseases. Plant juice removes warts and dry calluses, decoction and lotions are used to reduce the inflammatory process in psoriasis, dermatosis, and burns. Official medicine has confirmed the anti-inflammatory effect of medicinal herbs, the ability to inhibit pathogenic microflora that infects wounds, burn surfaces.

Possibilities of a medicinal plant

The antibacterial and antimicrobial activity of celandine is based on the presence of berberine and chelidonine alkaloids in the herb. They show a depressing effect on groups of microorganisms, including E. coli, dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus aureus. With regard to the latter, they act selectively, so the treatment of staphylococcal infections can take place with different productivity indicators.

For oily skin

The use of celandine in cosmetology is associated, first of all, with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. In folk medicine, it is considered a good remedy for oily skin problems.

It is characterized by:

  • large, visible pores;
  • increased sebum secretion, which is manifested by a greasy sheen in the forehead, cheeks and chin;
  • blockage of pores, visually noticeable as black dots;
  • the formation of focal inflammation - acne, incorrect removal of which leads to the formation of scars and post-acne marks.

Due to the fact that oily skin is prone to inflammation, and celandine for the face from acne reduces these inflammations, it is logical to include the remedy in everyday care. But with the use of medicinal herbs, as well as with the care of problem skin, not everything is so simple.

It is believed that with oily skin, acne will definitely bother. But with proper care, you can minimize the risk of their occurrence.

A pimple or acne is an inflamed area of ​​the skin. Inflammation develops in the pores where the skin secret accumulates. It serves as an indicator that local immunity has not coped with the growth of microorganisms, for which the sebaceous environment is an ideal place for reproduction.

There are many reasons for the decrease in the activity of local immunity - from hormonal changes to the habit of squeezing acne with your hands.

Therefore, the right solution for oily skin care will be its correct and regular cleansing. By daily washing off the oily secret with a special foam or gel, you reduce the risk of its accumulation and the development of inflammation. You can use celandine for acne as an additional remedy to reduce the severity of inflammation.

For problem skin

Consult with a cosmetologist about the choice of cosmetics for everyday care, or opt for medical series cosmetics, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Your main skin care should include morning and evening cleansing, toning and moisturizing. With this approach, the skin condition will improve significantly, and the rash will be much less disturbing.

For existing rashes, use anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating agents. At home, you can use celandine, observing the following recommendations.

  • Don't put pure juice on your skin. “When celandine gets on healthy skin, a burn can occur,” says dermatovenereologist Tigran Galstyan. “It breaks the integrity of the skin.” In such areas, an infection is actively developing, since local immunity is reduced, microorganisms easily penetrate the epidermis and the underlying layer of the skin. Its areas become inflamed, and in the presence of injured and thinned areas of the epidermis in the immediate vicinity, the infection spreads further. Also, injured areas are prone to hyperpigmentation. Especially bright signs of photoaging and the formation of age spots appear under the influence of the sun.
  • Use alcohol solutions pointwise. It is believed that celandine tincture is most effective for rashes and acne. But you can use it only locally, gently applying with a cotton swab directly to the pimple. Alcohol has a drying effect, and the extract of a medicinal plant inhibits pathogenic microflora - a source of inflammation and redness. Wiping the entire face with such a tool is strictly unacceptable. Alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the skin, literally erases the outer protective cover from it. This provokes increased fat content, as the epidermis tries to restore the protective barrier. At the same time, the skin is dehydrated, looks dry, fine wrinkles quickly appear on it. But acne remains, there are more of them, as the epidermis loses local immunity and the ability to cope with infection.
  • Do not steam your face and do not apply scrubs. Often you can find recommendations for performing steam baths with celandine against acne and acne, after which you need to rub the skin with sea or table salt. Such procedures are a direct path to a total inflammatory process that will affect all areas of the face without exception. In the form of a steam bath, celandine is useless, since its active substances do not come into contact with the skin. At the same time, the steaming process itself stimulates the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, which completes and aggravates scrubbing with a hard abrasive. Sea salt, sugar and other substances with sharp scrubbing particles cause microscopic damage to the epidermis. They serve as a new gateway for infection and the next foci of inflammation.

Celandine in cosmetology can be used to treat acne and blackheads in the form of an aqueous infusion for rubbing inflamed skin, reducing the severity of infection. Alcohol tincture is used only for local acne treatments, pointwise.

Cosmetic products based on celandine are on sale. In home care for active rashes, you can include "Bee celandine", which contains essential oils, salicylic acid, silver ions. In the complex, the substances have an anti-inflammatory effect and suppress the development of acne and pimples.


“There is a universal recipe for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin, refreshing the complexion,” says cosmetologist Elena Tselkovskaya. - Take a sprig of a plant, pour one and a half glasses of water, heat and boil for about five minutes. Then leave the infusion for an hour, cool.

According to Elena Tselkovskaya, this recipe can be used to treat skin diseases, including acne, dermatitis. And as a tonic, anti-aging agent.

However, positioning celandine for the face from wrinkles is not entirely correct. An aqueous infusion of a medicinal plant really improves skin health, as it normalizes the microflora, eliminates foci of inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones. But it has nothing to do with the formation or, conversely, the reduction of wrinkles.

To eliminate wrinkles, regular moisturizing of the skin and procedures that capture the deep layers of the dermis are required. Celandine in any form works only on the surface of the epidermis, and will not help to cope with either mimic wrinkles or signs of skin aging as a result of dehydration.

Fight against age spots

“After applying celandine, traumatic skin pigmentation occurs at the site of its impact,” says Inna Voloshchenko, chief physician of the Kyiv Institute of Beauty. “If a person comes to me for an appointment who tried to get rid of spots on the skin in this way, we send him for a consultation with an oncologist, since the skin was extremely injured in this area.”

It is unacceptable to use pure celandine juice to combat age spots. They do not remove the problem, but on the contrary, exacerbate it. Only acid-based cosmetic products can serve as a solution to the problem of pigmentation, while the mechanism of action of this medicinal plant is completely different.

In the form of solutions or oils of celandine, the plant does not have a significant effect on the epidermis, does not stimulate the desquamation of the stratum corneum, in which the natural pigment is retained. Expect any skin whitening in this case is futile.

home remedy recipes

Safe and effective at home will be the use of celandine to combat rashes on the face. You can use the infusion in its pure form or combined recipes with other medicinal plants.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

Use for multiple inflammations on the face, neck, décolleté and back. The infusion has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. Pour four tablespoons of dry grass into a thermos.
  2. Leave to brew for one hour, strain.

Instructions for use for acne: daily in the morning and evening, cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser (not soap). After washing, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in celandine infusion. Allow the skin to dry on its own and apply a cream for oily and problematic skin.

To prevent the infusion from spoiling, keep it in the refrigerator. Pour the product into a small jar, from which you can apply it to a cotton pad without dipping a swab into an anti-inflammatory tonic.

Acne celandine, according to cosmetologists, can serve as an additional means of caring for oily and problem skin. It reduces the appearance of acne, but it cannot do anything with black dots. Only regular cleansing procedures and masks based on fruit acids will help get rid of them.

Infusion with chamomile

Combining celandine with chamomile and sage, you will enrich the composition of the therapeutic tonic for problem skin, increase its anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. Mix dry herb celandine, chamomile and sage, two tablespoons each.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave to brew for an hour.
  4. Strain.

It is recommended to use the infusion for exacerbation of acne, active spread of acne. After cleansing the skin, wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in infusion, apply a cream for day or night care.

Anti-inflammatory mask

The technique of how to prepare an anti-inflammatory mask based on celandine and chamomile will help to cope with the development of acne, stop rashes on the face.


  1. Grind dried celandine grass and chamomile flowers.
  2. Mix two tablespoons.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of alcohol, leave for three hours.
  4. Squeeze out the mass, remove the liquid.
  5. Mix cake with a teaspoon of honey.
  6. Add two tablespoons of lanolin cream.

It is necessary to store the resulting composition in the refrigerator. It includes several active, anti-inflammatory components. Before use, you need to take a tablespoon of the product and melt it in a water bath, as the mass is viscous and thick when chilled.

Apply it two to three times a week to cleansed skin. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse and apply tonic, cream.

Porridge with sage for hair

It is useful to use celandine for hair. An aqueous infusion or slurry of brewed grass is applied to the roots. The composition has a mild irritant effect, resulting in improved blood supply to the scalp, nutrition of hair follicles.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of chopped celandine grass into the container.
  2. Mix with sage leaves in the amount of three tablespoons.
  3. Pour in fifty milliliters of hot water.
  4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Cool down.

Rub the resulting gruel into the roots 2-3 times a week. Leave the product on the skin for forty minutes, then rinse and rinse your hair as usual. Use the product within one month.

Facial cleanser can be used at home. Medicinal infusions based on it are used to reduce inflammation, eliminate foci of infections on the skin with acne, acne. But it is not allowed to use juice in its pure form, and alcohol compositions should be applied only pointwise. An aqueous infusion of a medicinal plant has an active anti-inflammatory effect, which must be used regularly as a tonic after washing in the morning and evening.

Acne treatment is known to be an actual problem of any time. For many centuries, people have tried to fight them with all available methods, from conspiracies to laser treatment. Today we have a variety of tools at hand. Indeed, the fight against acne has a large army, which also includes folk remedies. They were used by our ancestors for the treatment of many diseases.

Even then, they began to use celandine for acne, warts and various skin inflammations, and very successfully. He is still loved by many generations - for the speed of action and effectiveness, and most importantly - the treatment is cheap and affordable. Celandine can be bought at every pharmacy, and it grows almost everywhere.

Despite the amazing properties of this plant, few people know about its healing properties against skin diseases. Think for yourself - the very name of the celandine received for its miraculous properties. For centuries, its decoctions and tinctures have been used all over the world to cleanse the skin of acne, eczema, inflammation, allergic manifestations, rashes, and dermatitis. “Gives purity to the body,” our ancestors said, meaning that the plant relieves it of signs of illness.

But we must remember that this plant is considered poisonous, and with an inaccurate dosage, serious consequences can occur (especially when taken orally). Even death is possible. Fortunately, in the fight against acne, you do not need to drink tincture - celandine will do just fine on the outside.

The amazing properties of this plant are based on a special composition. It is balanced in such a way that it is ideal for inflamed skin. For acne, celandine grass is used, which contains 2.3% alkaloids and 4% organic acids. It is rich in vitamins, so necessary for the skin, acids (malic, citric, succinic), they are very popular in cosmetology in the treatment of skin diseases.

The celandine can be used in various forms. Some squeeze pure juice and apply it to the skin, others prepare an infusion or decoction. The method of preparation can be very different - it all depends on the type of skin.


2 tablespoons of celandine grass (dried) should be poured with boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters and let stand for a couple of hours. Then strain and use, wiping the face. Celandine works by absorption into the skin, so the longer the lotion is on the face, the better.

Of course, you should not be particularly zealous, rubbing your face for an hour. The best option is 5-10 minutes. The ideal time to apply is in the evening when you go to bed. Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin as you usually do.


When you need to get rid of acne, and the skin is problematic - masks with celandine are an excellent solution. The mask is especially noteworthy in that it can include the prescribed components for each skin type.

For dry skin, it is better to apply a nourishing mask. She does it this way. Egg yolk must be mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil, and then add 10 drops of celandine juice. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin, softening it and effectively fights acne and pimples, at the same time lightening age spots.

If you have oily or combination skin with multiple breakouts, you need drying therapy.
Take 2 medium cucumbers, a handful of fresh celandine herbs and a glass of vodka. Grind cucumbers, put them together with grass in a glass jar and fill with vodka. Put the jar in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the composition is ready. Moisten cotton pads with the resulting infusion and apply on the face for 5 minutes every day. After that, be sure to apply any moisturizer.


Cover the grass with water and boil for about 5 minutes. Then let the liquid brew for 6 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth - and the infusion is ready. Use as a bedtime lotion - the effect will be noticeable after 6 days. The tincture is especially effective in combination with fruit and berry masks - i.e. you make a lotion, and then apply a mask, for example, from a banana. The result will surprise you.

Pharmacy products with celandine

Currently, many manufacturers produce cosmetic products with celandine extract. In general, the range of products with celandine is very wide, you just need to choose the right “your” product and buy cosmetics from brands specializing in the production of natural cosmetics. Unfortunately, the number of fakes is large - so carefully read the composition and do not forget to check the expiration date. And even better - learn how to make healing decoctions and infusions at home - then you will be 100% sure of the authenticity!

Celandine contains alkaloids, organic acids, bitterness, protopine, coptisin, saponins, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and other active substances. The presence of such a diverse composition explains the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory celandine.

In the fight against acne, celandine juice, masks prepared on the basis of this miraculous plant, decoctions, infusions and other cosmetics are used.

How to prepare a decoction of celandine for acne

The recipe for this remedy is as follows:
- 2 tablespoons crushed dried celandine;
- 1 glass of purified drinking water.

The raw materials are poured with water, the container with the mixture is put on fire, brought to a boil, and then boiled for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Then they are removed from the stove, and the mixture is infused for 28-30 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and poured into a glass container (it is desirable that the dishes are made of dark glass, since light destroys the beneficial substances present in this broth). The finished product is applied in water compresses to problem areas of the skin and kept for 13-15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be done once a day for a week, then a week-long break follows, and again they continue to fight acne.

Store the broth no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

You can also prepare a decoction of celandine and according to another recipe. To prepare an effective anti-inflammatory agent, you will need the following set of components:
- 1 tbsp crushed dried celandine;
- 1.5 cups of water.

Pour the prepared grass with boiled water, put the dishes with the mixture on a small fire and cook for 4-5 minutes. After the broth is insisted for 5.5-6 hours and filtered. Store it in a glass tightly closed container. The prepared product is wiped with problem areas of the skin before going to bed. Within a week, the result will be noticeable: acne will become much less.

For greater efficiency, a decoction of celandine is recommended to be applied after fruit or berry masks.

Celandine lotion - an effective remedy for acne

To prepare such a cosmetic product, you will need the following products:
- 1.5-2 tablespoons dried crushed celandine;
- 0.5 l of water.

The raw materials are poured with boiled water and infused for 2-3 hours (the container in which this mixture is located should be wrapped in a woolen scarf or terry towel). Next, the infusion is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. This lotion is recommended to wipe the cleansed skin of the face twice a day. It is important to remember that the deeper the cosmetic is absorbed into the skin, the more effective its action will be: therefore, the lotion is recommended to be rubbed into the skin with massaging movements for 4-5 minutes, and then you should wash with cool water.

The unique properties of celandine have been known for a long time. The whole plant has healing effects: roots, stems, leaves, flowers. Grows everywhere, regardless of soil properties.

Its medicinal properties are strong during flowering, then it is harvested. Dried or used raw to produce juice that can be stored for years.

Its name speaks for itself, it can make the body clean, freckles, acne, etc.

Our great-grandfathers also used acne, as well as various skin inflammations. Currently, many remedies have been invented to combat skin diseases, but celandine has not been forgotten. Since it heals quickly, effectively, affordable and most importantly cheap.

At any summer cottage - fresh celandine grows, in any pharmacy you can buy it ready for use.

This medicinal plant is used in various forms. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, pure juice is squeezed out. It all depends on the reasons for which celandine is needed and on the type of skin.

Celandine for the face: folk recipes

  • Face brightening lotion

Brew, half a liter, boiling water a few tablespoons (2-3) of dried celandine and insist it for 2 - 4 hours. Then strain the tincture through five layers of gauze, use as a lotion to wipe the face. Wash your face at night.

After thoroughly cleansing your face, apply the resulting lotion to your face with a cotton swab, wait a bit and repeat the procedure again and so on for 10 minutes.

The lotion is absorbed into the skin to a greater depth. Wipe your face with celandine regularly and freckles, age spots, and other formations will soon disappear.

  • Celandine mask for dry aging skin

A nourishing mask for aging and dry skin can be prepared as follows: mix an egg yolk with 1 coffee spoon of celandine juice and add a teaspoon of olive oil. The composition is thoroughly mixed. Keep on the face for 17-25 minutes and remove by rinsing with water at a temperature of 20-25°C.

The skin becomes soft, age spots and freckles lighten, acne and blackheads disappear.

  • Mask for oily and combination skin

Grind a bunch of freshly plucked celandine grass, along with a cucumber. Mix and place the composition in a glass jar. Pour the mixture with a glass of vodka. For two weeks we remove the jar in a dark place.

After this time, the composition becomes usable. We apply cotton pads moistened with infusion daily on the face for five minutes. After the procedure, we lubricate the face with a moisturizer.

  • Tincture of celandine to remove acne

To prepare the tincture, take a tablespoon of celandine grass (dried) and pour 1.5 cups of clean water (not from the tap), bring to a boil and simmer for 7 minutes over low heat. We leave to infuse for 7 hours. After the time has passed, we filter the solution through three layers of gauze - all the tincture is ready.

Apply it in the form of lotions, preferably before bedtime. After 6-7 days, the face will be cleared of blackheads and pimples. Such lotions are effective together. after lotion, apply any fruit mask on your face. The result will be fast and positive.

  • Mask with celandine and sour cream for acne

To prepare this mask, you need celandine juice, which is obtained from fresh stems cut along with flowers. Clean stems (dry after washing) are passed through a meat grinder, and then juice is squeezed out with gauze. Rubber gloves should be on the hands, so traces of celandine do not wash off for a long time.

A teaspoon of celandine juice is added to 2 dessert spoons of sour cream (it should be thick). The mixture is stirred until a homogeneous consistency. Cover the face with an even thick layer for 17 - 25 minutes, remove with a swab moistened with water at a temperature of 35 - 37 ° C. A week later, the procedure is repeated.

  • Celandine with honey for face

Mix egg white, a tablespoon of dried celandine grass, a coffee spoon of potato starch, half a coffee spoon of honey and half a glass of clean water.

The mask is prepared as follows: pour celandine with boiling water and wait until the temperature of the tincture becomes room temperature (about an hour). Then strain the tincture through three layers of gauze. Beat egg white, gradually introducing honey into it, and a coffee spoon of celandine tincture.

Apply the mask to the prepared and moisturized skin of the face, décolleté and neck. We leave the mask for 17-25 minutes, after which it is removed with a swab moistened with water, and then wipe the skin of problem areas with the remaining tincture. We wash ourselves with cold water and apply a nourishing cream to all areas, i.е. face, neck and décolleté.

  • Wrinkle Lotion

Mix vegetable raw materials: a teaspoon of celandine grass purchased at a pharmacy, a teaspoon of dried St. John's wort, a teaspoon of linden flowers, a teaspoon of field chamomile,. Brew the mixed raw materials with boiling water to cover the mixture. Insist for 35 - 45 minutes. After cooling, strain the tincture, pour 2 cups of vodka into it and mix. Prepared lotion, you need 4 - 5 times a day, soak your face.

Celandine is a poisonous plant, so it must be used carefully, in no case, avoiding an overdose, which can lead to skin burns and intensification of the spots that you wanted to remove.

Therefore, in our time, they often use and even give preference to traditional medicine. Acne disease forced our ancestors to find the right way to get rid of acne.

It was the celandine that helped solve this problem. And it remains relevant to this day. Celandine quickly and effectively treats the main skin problem - acne.

As you can already judge from the name of the plant, it is not in vain that it is consonant with such a combination of words as “purity of the body”. But not everyone knows about the effectiveness of its use.

Celandine has always successfully coped with eczema, relieved inflammatory processes, and fought allergic reactions.

From the Latin celandine - it is "swallow grass".

It is worth noting about the poisonous properties of this plant. With the wrong dosage for oral use, it can lead to very serious consequences. There have even been cases of death.

When applied externally, its use is not so dangerous, since it is not necessary to use celandine tinctures for the treatment of acne.

What is the effect of the use of celandine?

The use of celandine is widespread, it even helps to slow down the growth of tumors. It is prescribed to drink after operations, used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps.

If there are problems with the oral cavity - stomatitis, gum disease, candidiasis. Removes inflammation in the nasopharynx.

For the treatment of dry calluses, pimples and warts, fresh celandine juice is used. He also showed himself well in the fight against age spots and vesicles on the lips from herpes.

The composition of celandine allows you to effectively deal with various inflammations on human skin. Celandine herb includes organic acids (about 4%) and alkaloids (about 2.3%).

For the treatment of acne, this plant is best suited. The herb also contains a large amount of vitamins, which are so necessary for the skin and citric, malic and succinic acids. The use of just such acids can be found in many anti-acne products.

Among the skin problems that celandine is able to cope with are:

  • calluses;
  • herpetic eruptions;
  • psoriatic plaques;
  • eczema;
  • removes warts;
  • lichen;
  • acne.

Relieve pain from burns, soothe and soften sensitive and irritated skin.

The range of application of celandine is so great that it simply does not make sense to list everything. More details can be found in the instructions for its use.

Ways to use celandine against acne

The variety of products based on celandine in our time conquers. From celandine, you can make an acne tincture, decoction, lotion or mask. It all depends on your skin type and purpose of use. Here are some methods:

Recipe number 1 Lotion for acne with celandine.

2-3 tablespoons of dried celandine herb pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours, then strain. Application: used to treat subcutaneous acne.

It is necessary to wipe the skin with a cotton pad moistened with lotion. It is recommended to apply every day, rubbing for 7 minutes three times a day.

It is absorbed very quickly, within one minute.

After application, wash with not too cold water.

Recipe №2 Mask for dry skin type. (suitable for more problematic skin)

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 10 drops of celandine juice and 1 egg yolk. Application: this version of the mask will soften the skin, and will actively fight acne and acne. It is not only nutritious, but also has additional properties, such as getting rid of age spots that appeared after acne.

Recipe №3 Mask for oily skin type.

Put a handful of fresh herbs in a jar, add 2 chopped small cucumbers and pour a glass of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Application: apply cotton pads soaked in the composition for 5 minutes every day. After application, moisturize the skin with cream.

Recipe number 4 Tincture of celandine against acne.

1.5 cups of water pour one tablespoon of celandine grass (fresh), boil for 5 minutes. Insist 6 hours, then strain. Application: make lotions at night. The result is already noticeable after a week. It is recommended to add fruit masks to the morning procedure.

In order to avoid unnecessary consequences, contraindications should be taken into account when using celandine.

If you have any of the following list, try to use less celandine.


  • open wounds on the face;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • vascular diseases; individual intolerance (spread the skin of the wrist and look for a reaction before applying to the face);
  • skin infections.

Whatever option you use celandine, the effect on the skin will be noticeable, inflammation will decrease.

The main thing is to use tinctures, masks or decoctions at least 2 times a week. Overcome your laziness and your hard work in caring for your skin will be rewarded!

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