And beriberi in the event of pathology. Avitaminosis, signs, treatment, causes, symptoms. Acute and chronic beriberi

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For a full-fledged human life, a stable balance is very important - their role cannot be overestimated.

  • Water-soluble vitamins are accelerators of biochemical processes, providing normal functions metabolism (metabolism).
  • Fat-soluble vitamins have many useful properties and it is they who provide strength and health to the musculoskeletal tissues.

- this is a vitamin deficiency, manifested by a significant deficiency, or complete absence in the body a certain kind vitamin. There are many ways for the appearance of fortified substances in the body. They come with food, are synthesized by the natural flora that lives in the gastrointestinal tract and accumulate in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The development of vitamin deficiency occurs when these processes are disturbed, or in situations where the need for vitamins increases dramatically. According to the severity of the deficiency, hypovitaminosis or beriberi is diagnosed. How are these two states different?

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis - what is the difference?

Represents a very rare disease which is based on a complete deficiency of specific vitamin substances needed by the body. It is accompanied by the development of serious complications in the functional activity of various body structures. Doctors themselves often call this term hypovitaminosis, referring it to the initial stages of the development of beriberi.

Hypovitaminosis unlike avitaminosis, it is characterized by a deficiency of certain groups of vitamin substances (one or more), and not their complete absence. Today, the manifestation of this beriberi is a rare phenomenon. It is much more dangerous than hypovitaminosis, as it carries irreversible consequences and serious danger not only to health, but also endangers the life of the patient.

Signs and symptoms of hypovitaminosis and beriberi vary significantly. Hypovitaminosis is characterized by slowly increasing erased symptoms. Avitaminosis, on the other hand, is characterized by a bright specific clinical picture.

Causes of beriberi

Avitaminosis is classified as a seasonal disease, it usually develops in the cold season (in winter or spring), when the use of natural vitamin products and solar Activity are significantly reduced. However, children's beriberi and its manifestation in adults are often diagnosed regardless of seasonality. Which can be due to many factors.

  • wrong and not balanced diet nutrition;
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract (as a result of such a diet).
  • Reception medications that depress the natural intestinal flora, which actively contributes to the reduction of vitamin and mineral substances in the body.
  • Intoxication caused by alcohol and smoking, accompanied by the inability of the body to absorb a certain category of vitamin.
  • Harmful environmental conditions.
  • Hormonal instability ( female diseases, pregnancy, postpartum period, puberty or advanced age).
  • Availability of various chronic diseases, surgery and recovery period.

Symptoms of beriberi in children and adults, photo

Symptoms of beriberi - photo manifestations

Signs and symptoms of manifestations of beriberi are due to the severity of vitamin deficiency:

  1. 1. degree subclinical - 1st. Not special clinical manifestations. Patients have practically no complaints. Pathology is detected, mainly according to a laboratory study that revealed a lack of certain vitamin substances, or one vitamin.
  2. 2. Clinical degree - 2nd. The stage of hypovitaminosis, confirming not fully consumed vitamin reserve in the body. It is characterized by indications in laboratory studies and in the clinical picture.
  3. 3. Avitaminous degree - 3rd. It is caused by an extreme degree of vitamin deficiency. It manifests itself mainly in patients with chronic diseases in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis of vitamin deficiency is very difficult, since its signs are very similar to the symptoms of a wide variety of diseases. The most common general symptoms is characterized by:

  • flaky areas on the skin;
  • structural disorders in the nail plates and hairline;
  • bleeding gums;
  • poor health and apathy;
  • chronic fatigue.

beriberi - symptoms on the skin (photo in children)

One cannot but agree that such disparate signs can characterize any particular pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and determine the lack of a particular vitamin - to identify hypovitaminosis, the specific signs of which are characterized by distinctive features.

Deficiency of vitamin retinol ("A") causes dystrophic changes in the visual system - in the internal eye shell and intraocular nerves. There are ulcerative foci on the periphery of the cornea and drying of the conjunctiva.

The skin is hyperemic, or too pale, flaky and dry. Possibly inflammation hair follicles with the formation of small abscesses. Patients are often exposed to infectious pathologies.

Deficiency of thiamine - vitamin "B1" affects the functional properties of cardio-vascular system. Pregnant and lactating women are most susceptible to this condition.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency are manifested by the formation of small cracks in the corners of the lips (zaed), migraines, signs of shortness of breath, increased weakness and rapid fatigue, a feeling of heaviness and numbness in the legs. Even small loads provoke the development of swelling of the legs.

Riboflavin deficiency - "B2" It is reflected by loss of appetite, weakness and painful weakness, insomnia (bad sleep), destructive changes in the mucous structure of the eyes and skin. When the process is neglected, the development of anemia and disturbances in the central nervous system is characteristic.

"PP" - beriberi (nicotinic acid) causes disturbances in the digestive system, central nervous system, manifests itself as a lesion in the skin and mucous structure. With a large vitamin deficiency, inflammatory processes in the stomach, convulsions and symptoms of polyneuritis may appear. The main evidence of such a deficiency is manifested in adults by the symptoms of beriberi on the skin - dryness of the dermal layer and the formation of focal ulcerations on it.

Vitamin D-symptoms of deficiency of vitamin of the calciferol group - "D" are expressed muscle and joint pain. In the intestines, the functions of assimilation of calcium salts are disrupted, which contributes to the accelerated process of destruction and degradation. bone tissue. There is increased fragility of bones, rapid destruction of teeth and pain during movement. The risk of developing cancerous pathologies, hypertension and diabetes increases.

Vitamin C deficiency(ascorbic acid) has long been known - this is the cause of the development of scurvy. In this case, the symptoms are expressed by bleeding gums, due to weakness and fragility of blood vessels. In response to minor blows or touches, bruises form on the body. There are small hemorrhages in the joints, frequent susceptibility to colds and infectious diseases. A structural change in the mucous membrane of the mouth and organs of the reproductive system is characteristic, constant weakness and decreased visual function.

Tocopherol deficiency - "E" vitamin leads to sexual disorders and fatty cell degeneration in the structure of the liver. Manifested muscle weakness, impaired movement and coordination.

Signs of beriberi in children, features

AT childhood avitaminosis develops gradually. This indicates a slight vitamin deficiency and their presence in the child's body in the correct kit. prevent development pathological process long walks will help, compliance correct mode With good sleep and literacy of parents who can immediately discern a vitamin deficiency in a child.

The main symptoms of beriberi in children are manifested by conspicuous reduced activity and loss of appetite. In cases of "A" deficiency, in a child, signs of beriberi appear on the skin - it becomes dry, covered with rashes and hard-to-treat pustules. The mucous membranes in the mouth and nasal cavity are also dried. Children lag behind in development and growth.

With a lack of vitamin substances from the "B" group, the symptoms manifest themselves:

  • loss of appetite and rapid weight loss;
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the tongue and the development of stomatitis;
  • formations of cracks on the skin, eczematous spots, dermatitis and hyperpigmentation;
  • convulsions and disturbances in motor functions;
  • muscle atrophy (in severe cases) and inhibition of reflexes;
  • cardiovascular and psychoneurological disorders.

Parents can notice the poor condition of the child immediately. For example, "D" beriberi is characterized by the development of rickets, bleeding gums and nasal hemorrhages. With a lack of ascorbic acid ("C" vitamin), children are whiny and irritable. Characterized by tooth decay, swelling of the legs and pale skin.

The manifestation of "PP" beriberi in the hands of a child is characterized severe rashes, thickening of the skin, the appearance of crusts, blisters and foci of erosion. The child is weak and gets tired quickly. Such a vitamin deficiency can cause a state of delirium and hallucinations.

Manifestation various forms vitamin deficiency can manifest itself in different ways each time, causing a “blow” to various areas organism. It all depends on the state of the immune system. Only a doctor is able to determine a vitamin deficiency and draw up an adequate protocol for the treatment of vitamin deficiency in children, based on necessary diagnostics comparing different symptoms.

Treatment of beriberi with vitamin therapy is the most effective technique restoration in the body of their balance to date. This is due to the fact that despite the fact that natural vitamins obtained through food are absorbed by the body more efficiently and faster than those produced in capsules and tablets, it is not uncommon that they are not absorbed by the body, regardless of the quantities in which they came from food.

In addition, a healthy diet and the absence of harmful addictions are still non-specific method treatment, especially in acute conditions. What is vitamin therapy? The methodology is to assign vitamin preparations in an amount much higher than the daily dosage.

As soon as the therapeutic effect is achieved, the dosage is gradually reduced, and therapy continues until the balance of vitamins is completely normalized and the signs of beriberi disappear.

To normalize vitamin deficiency in each case, various vitamin remedies in the form of solutions, tablet and granular forms in combination with a dietary ration. The combination of an individually selected competent diet with intravenous vitamin therapy gives an excellent result in case of malabsorption of vitamin substances.


Vitamin solutions can contain both independent forms in the form of "Thiamin", "Pyridoxine", "Cyanocobalamin", "Demoton", and in the form of vitamin- mineral complexes- "Leucovoril" and "Esentiale". Treatment of beriberi and prescribing drugs should only be carried out by a doctor, since many vitamins compete and show aggression towards each other, which can be reflected in self-selection of drugs. negative influence on health, especially in the presence of concomitant pathologies.

  • The need for the appointment of mineral complexes is determined by many criteria - the presence of loads and stresses, the general physiological state, for all those parameters that affect the vitamin balance.

From tablets modern forms the most popular are Oligovit, Pentovit, Retinol, Riboflavin, Beviplex and Biovital.

To maintain immunity, the treatment complex includes natural immunomodulating agents based on Eleutheracoccus, Echinacea and Ginseng. This will increase the body's resistance in season cold infections and reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency.

At initial stages beriberi, timely detection and treatment of the pathological process guarantees a favorable prognosis. Fear causes true beriberi - possible internal changes may have irreversible consequences.

- a pathological condition of the body resulting from an acute deficiency of vitamins.

Avitaminosis is pretty complex disease, which requires examination, as well as treatment by a specialist. Many people confuse beriberi with hypovitaminosis, which is characterized by a partial deficiency of a certain vitamin in the human body.

Vitamins are biologically indispensable active substances, which serve as catalysts for enzyme systems or are part of numerous enzymes. In the absence of them, the necessary metabolism, tissue growth and renewal, as well as the biochemical provision of numerous body functions, is not possible. A lack of vitamins can lead to a failure of enzymatic reactions. Avitaminosis is more common in the population of far northern countries, which happens quite rarely.

As a rule, vitamin deficiency occurs in the winter-spring period, since at other times of the year the body is saturated with vitamins when eating fruits and berries, with which there are no problems in the summer. However, doctors believe that this disease is not seasonal and many people suffer from beriberi throughout the year.

Causes of avitaminosis.

The main causes of vitamin deficiency are a violation of the intake of vitamins and malnutrition, problems in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, long reception antibiotics, taking antivitamins (with excessive blood clotting), stressful situations and bad habits.

Smokers need to consume several times more vitamin C than not smoking person. Children and the elderly suffer from beriberi due to age features metabolism.

Symptoms and signs of beriberi.

Symptoms of avitaminosis include lethargy and pallor. skin, dry falling hair, cracked corners of the lips, brittle nails, bleeding gums, apathy, irritation, chronic feeling fatigue, frequent colds, relapses of herpes and fungus.

People suffering from vitamin deficiency tend to have difficulty waking up in the morning, depression, poor concentration and absent-mindedness. Avitaminosis becomes common cause blurred vision and problems with the digestive system.

In case of acute deficiency of a certain vitamin, patients on the background of characteristic manifestations may suffer from developmental and specific symptoms. With a lack of vitamin A, the development of night blindness (decreased vision at night) is possible, dystrophic changes mucous membranes, skin and glands, as well as the appearance of pustules. With beriberi A, the likelihood of infectious lesions of the respiratory system, urination and digestion increases. Vitamin A deficiency in children can lead to developmental delay and impaired nervous system.

In the case of vitamin B1 deficiency, there is a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. Often worried about shortness of breath after physical exertion and heart palpitations. Headaches, swelling, low blood pressure and fast fatiguability.

With a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the patient has a violation twilight vision, appetite decreases, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin deteriorates. Possible occurrence aphthous stomatitis, conjunctivitis or burning of the skin and pain in the eyes. In the case of a long course of the disease, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs, which may result in anemia.

With a deficit nicotinic acid(vitamin B3, B5 and PP) pellagra, achilic, erosive gastritis, polyneuritis and even unsteadiness when walking and convulsions.

If the body lacks vitamin C, anemia and scurvy can develop, which is characterized by general weakness, regular gum bleeding, high vascular fragility and a depleted nervous system.

With a lack of vitamin D, children suffer from rickets, and adults from pain in the muscles, joints, and dental problems.

Diagnosis of avitaminosis.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the body using a blood test.

Treatment of avitaminosis.

The basis of the treatment of vitamin deficiency should be a daily balanced diet, which will ensure that the body receives the desired complex of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Throughout the year, you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits (canned, fresh, and frozen), greens, poultry and fish baked in foil. These products contain many valuable components and easily digestible amino acids.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the blood.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, it is necessary to consume in in large numbers peas, pork, wheat Rye bread and yeast.
Vitamin B2 is found in various cereals and dairy products, nicotinic acid is found in nuts, fish, poultry, legumes, lean meat and whole wheat.

Beef liver, sour cream, and herring should be consumed by patients with vitamin D deficiency.

As a rule, with vitamin deficiency, the doctor prescribes the use of a vitamin-mineral complex, which is available in the form of powders, tablets, lozenges and dragees. However, the most acceptable form is a capsule. Moving through the intestines, losing one layer after another, it allows vitamins to be gradually absorbed inside.

Depending on the causes that caused these conditions, they distinguish between the exogenous, or alimentary form of these conditions, which is due to low content vitamins in food in case of monotonous and unbalanced nutrition, and the endogenous form of hypo- and beriberi, which occurs when there is a violation of the absorption of vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract, in violation of the absorption of vitamins and their loss with urine and feces in case of acute and chronic liver diseases. They are also observed in malignant neoplasms, leukemia and hereditary diseases according to the type of enzymopathies, with endocrine disorders, increased consumption of vitamins by the body, as well as various general diseases and other pathological conditions.

Children (especially early age) more common pathological conditions associated with hypovitaminosis.

Avitaminosis can occur due to insufficient intake of vitamins (primary avitaminosis), violations of their absorption (secondary avitaminosis), disorders in the transport of vitamins after absorption (for example, with a significant decrease in the concentration of protein in the blood plasma), disorders in the utilization of vitamins in tissues (achristic avitaminosis) and due to a combination of all of the above reasons.

Avitaminosis is usually multiple. Although the deficiency of one of the vitamins occupies a leading position in the etiology of beriberi, the resulting metabolic disorders are not limited to the scope this vitamin and affect the transformation of not only many vitamins, but also other vital substances.

Diagnosis of avitaminosis is difficult. Almost all Clinical signs beriberi lack specificity. The quantitative determination of vitamins in body fluids and tissues cannot be considered the main indicator of the existence of beriberi and does not determine the degree of its severity. Therefore, the diagnosis of beriberi can be made only on the basis of a combination of anamnestic, clinical and laboratory data.

Misdiagnosis of vitamin deficiency is dangerous not only because the true disease remains unrecognized, but also because it entails the administration of vitamins to the patient, and usually in large quantities, creating a threat of hypervitaminosis.

Treatment avitaminosis provides for the elimination of the causes that caused them. It should not be limited to the use of only the “missing” vitamin and should always be complex.

Hypovitaminosis A

A disease characterized by changes in the structure and functions of epithelial tissue cells, impaired vision and the general condition of the body.

Various pathological changes occur in the skin (dry and rough with follicular hyperkeratosis toad skin, fish scale symptom, and retention cysts). Mucous membranes are affected respiratory tract, urinary tract and biliary system. The structure of the bone tissue is disturbed, the bones become rough and thicken.

eye signs. Xerosis (dryness) of the conjunctiva develops. With the "dry eye" syndrome, only the epithelial layer of the conjunctiva dries up in the open area. palpebral fissure, as a result of which it loses its luster and transparency. On the conjunctiva, dry areas are formed in the form of grayish-whitish small "foamy" plaques of irregular shape with a rough surface - the so-called Iskersky-Bito plaques.

In the future, the cornea is also involved in the pathological process; white spots appear on its periphery, then acquiring a yellowish-gray color with an epithelium easily exfoliating above it; keratomalacia develops - the cornea becomes cloudy and softens, and the infiltrated areas of the corneal tissue are rejected (the process of disintegration of the corneal tissue occurs painlessly, since the sensitivity of the cornea in these patients is absent).

With hypo- and avitaminosis A, vision deteriorates significantly in conditions of reduced illumination (especially at dusk), and therefore the orientation of patients in space is disturbed with difficulty in moving them in the dark (hemerolapia develops due to the destruction of rods and cones with a narrowing of the neuroepithelial and granular- cellular layers of the retina, so light perception is disturbed by a displaced rod-cone type).

Diagnosis hypo- or avitaminosis A is confirmed not only clinical symptoms, but laboratory data - the results of a study of the level of vitamin A and its derivatives in the blood serum.

Hypo- and avitaminosis B 1

With hypo- and avitaminosis B, in the body there is a violation of simple and oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic and α-ketoglutaric acids, a violation of the pentose phosphate cycle of glucose oxidation, and therefore the functions of the nervous system are upset - Beriberi disease develops.

Clinical signs and symptoms. The edematous form of the disease occurs in young children and is manifested by edema, spasms and convulsions. Older children develop a dry form of the disease with bad dream, increased fatigue and lethargy, with pain along the nerves, inhibition of tendon reflexes and loss of sensitivity, with a decrease in muscle tone (characterized by a symptom of a dangling head, ptosis, an enlarged abdomen). There is a disorder of coordination, paresthesia, tingling and "burning" in the fingers and toes, in the palms and feet. Hypotrophy and anemia, cardiovascular insufficiency, convulsions and coma develop (suddenly death can occur).
For clinical analysis blood is characterized by the presence of anemia; urinalysis shows albuminuria and cylindruria.

eye signs. expressiveness pathological changes of the cornea is related to the degree of violation of its sensitive and sympathetic innervation. On the early stages development of this disease in central departments cornea appear cloudy. Discoid keratitis with large tissue breakdown and mild corneal vascularization occurs when attached to dystrophic process herpesvirus infection. Perhaps the development of a circular abscess of the cornea with its subsequent perforation.

The course of this pathological process is slow and prolonged, sometimes accompanied by the involvement of the choroid and optic nerve(more often develops retrobulbar neuritis).

With polyneuritis caused by hypovitaminosis B 1, paresis and paralysis may occur. oculomotor muscles eyes.

Hypo- and avitaminosis B 2

The development of pathological symptoms is associated with the insufficiency of many enzymes involved in the complex process of tissue respiration and protein synthesis (hydrogen transport, phenylalanine utilization, etc. are disturbed), which results in disorders of the central nervous system function.

Clinical signs signs. Depression and hysteria, hypomanic states and hypochondria are characteristic. Then stomatitis and glossitis develop, seizures appear in the corners of the mouth, and the lips become cyanotic and “striated”. Characterized by the occurrence of diarrheal syndrome. Anemia and malnutrition with growth retardation develop.

eye signs. Perhaps the appearance of a progressive bilateral cataract. At severe forms avitaminosis B 2 and severe starvation may develop congestive optic disc with corresponding visual impairment - the so-called "camp eye" syndrome develops.

With a deficiency in the body folic acid and riboflavin develops a syndrome similar in clinic to Sjogren's (Sjogren's) syndrome.

The diagnosis is confirmed laboratory research- in the blood serum, a decrease in the content of riboflavin is determined.

Hypo- and avitaminosis B 3 (PP)

There is a violation of almost all metabolic processes, since the cofactors of nicotinic acid are part of a huge number of different dehydrogenases. Insufficiency of nicotinamide leads to disruption of tissue respiration, as it is part of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.

Clinical signs and symptoms. Pellagra develops with dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia characteristic of this condition. There is a loss of appetite and progressive weakness with memory impairment and impaired thinking. vozikayutsya headache, vomiting and diarrhea, dry mouth, often - stomatitis and soreness of the tongue (hypertrophied papillae appear on the tongue, which later atrophy with the appearance of cracks and teeth marks on the tongue). The skin becomes dry and pigmented with symptoms of hyperkeratosis. Open to sunlight parts of the body appear erythema, replaced by brown-brown pigmentation. In the future, peeling of the skin occurs and areas appear either with intense pigmentation or without pigmentation.

eye signs. Desquamation keratitis occurs on the cornea with mildly pronounced vascularization, and in more severe cases- deep keratitis with ulceration and subsequent formation of a walleye. The optic nerves are affected by the type of bilateral chronic retrobulbar neuritis (this is due to a violation of trophic nervous tissue) with a slow decrease in visual acuity due to the appearance of central scotomas. Macular degenerative changes may develop.

Hypovitaminosis C

The synthesis of collagen, catecholamines, nucleic acids and protein, immunoglobulins (IgA and IgM), complement, interferon is disrupted, iron absorption in the intestine is disrupted, all types of metabolism (especially carbohydrate) change and disease state- scurvy (syn. scurvy).

Clinical signs and symptoms. Palpitations, shortness of breath, gingivitis, hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes, hematuria are characteristic.

eye signs. There are massive subconjunctival hemorrhages, hyphema, retinal hemorrhages. At intracranial hemorrhages associated with severe cases of scurvy, congestive optic discs, paresis of the oculomotor muscles, and neuroparalytic keratitis may develop.

Hypo- and avitaminosis D

Damage to the organ of vision is observed in childhood with insufficient solar or ultraviolet radiation (vitamin D is formed from provitamin under the influence of ultraviolet rays).

Clinical signs and symptoms. The curvature of tubular bones, late closure of fontanels, tetany are characteristic.

eye signs. There is exophthalmos, frequent blepharospasm, lacrimation, photophobia, zonular cataract develops.

Blepharospasm and lacrimation regress during treatment, cataract remains.

Avitaminosis K

eye signs. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hemorrhages may appear in the anterior chamber and in the retina. With a deficiency of vitamin K in newborns, retinal and preretinal hemorrhages are detected.

Vitamins are biologically active substances necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, are directly involved in many processes occurring in the body. Most vitamins help produce energy, which is used in metabolic processes in every cell of our body.

It is cellular metabolism that determines the functioning of the whole organism and ensuring its vital activity. Lack of vitamins causes hypovitaminosis, and their complete absence - beriberi.

Vitamin deficiency

Signs can be either specific or non-specific. Therefore, certain clinical signs can suggest a deficiency of a particular vitamin. This approach will allow you to quickly solve the problem - you just need to take or drink the missing substance in the form of a drug.


Vitamin A, or retinol, is responsible for the normal functioning of vision. It enters the human body with animal products. Plant sources contain its provitamin, which is already transformed into an active form in the human body.

Vitamin A is responsible for the following processes:

  • growth promotion
  • improvement of reproductive function
  • color perception
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the body
  • synthesis of sex hormones
  • skin improvement
  • increased immunity
  • fight against mutations.

Vitamin deficiency or lack of retinol has the following symptoms:

  • poor perception of objects in dark time days (this condition is called night blindness) is one of the most early signs eye diseases
  • peeling of the skin, its slight vulnerability and the appearance of cracks for no apparent reason
  • slight vulnerability of mucous membranes, primarily mucous membranes oral cavity
  • brittle nails
  • hair loss
  • immunosuppression and related frequent development colds.

Some patients with severe vitamin A deficiency may develop ichthyosis, a disease in which excessive keratinization of the skin occurs. How to treat avitaminosis A and what other signs of retinol avitaminosis: it is enough to take retinol, taking into account the daily requirement, which depends on the age and gender of the patient. With this approach, the treatment of vitamin deficiency occurs within 2 months. All this time, it is required to carry out replacement therapy, and subsequently - to adhere to the principles of rational nutrition.


Vitamin D, or cholecalciferol, is one of the main substances that are involved in the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Optimal Level This vitamin helps strengthen bones and prevent fractures. But that's not the only positive action cholecalciferol.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to the following conditions:

  • in adults, immunity and bone mineral density are reduced, which predisposes to frequent fractures
  • the risk of developing caries increases, etc.
  • Children are more likely to develop rickets.

AT recent times rickets in childhood manifests itself at the subclinical level.

Its main features are:

  • decreased appetite
  • increased neuropsychic excitability
  • sleep disturbance (drowsiness daytime and insomnia at night
  • excessive sweating
  • more intense than normal hair loss
  • muscle hypotension
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles, which causes it to sag
  • late closure of fontanelles.

That is why all children are prescribed vitamin D for prophylactic purposes within a year after birth. This effective prevention excluding beriberi, eliminating the symptoms of a lack of calciferol in the body.


Lack of vitamin E leads to the following pathological conditions:

  • muscle dystrophy, which is accompanied by the inability to perform active movements limbs and torso (this is a fairly specific symptom for a lack of tocopherol). First of all, the diaphragm suffers, later other muscle groups are involved, in which foci of necrosis and decay appear.
  • fatty degeneration of the liver
  • anemia, as tocopherol (vitamin E) is needed to protect cell membranes
  • destruction of red blood cells
  • infertility
  • heart failure.

It is possible to stop the manifestation of tocopherol vitamin deficiency if you start taking drugs with its content in time. Treatment of vitamin deficiency is the use of dosage forms of tocopherol. With a pronounced deficiency of vitamin E, at the first stage it is imperative to use injectable forms (injections), and then continue therapy with capsules. For their better assimilation in the intestines, the presence of fats in food is mandatory, since tocopherol is a fat-soluble compound that is not absorbed without lipids.

Vitamin K

Lack of vitamin K is primarily manifested by increased bleeding, since this substance is involved in the process of blood coagulation. Symptoms of beriberi: people with a lack of this vitamin bruise easily, bleeding gums when brushing their teeth, and prolonged bleeding from skin wounds. Most often, vitamin K deficiency develops against the background of liver failure, since it is this organ that synthesizes this substance.

How to treat avitaminosis K: firstly, it is necessary to prescribe vitamin replacement therapy with a drug such as vikasol (it is administered intramuscularly). Secondly, hepatoprotective therapy is carried out, aimed at restoring damaged hepatocytes.


How avitaminosis B1 manifests itself: its main signs are a violation of the synthesis of acetylcholine, which is necessary for the functioning of many systems in the human body. Suffer first normal work nervous and cardiovascular systems. Clinical symptoms These violations may include:

  • frequent mood swings
  • forgetfulness
  • decreased concentration
  • paresthesia
  • jerky muscle contractions
  • chilliness of the limbs
  • arrhythmias.


Symptoms of beriberi B4 (choline) are in many ways similar to a lack of thiamine (B1). Therefore, initially differential diagnosis laboratory methods.

Treatment of avitaminosis B1 and B4 consists in the use of this substance in dosage forms in two stages. The first one shows parenteral administration, and on the second - oral (tablets and capsules). Such treatment is usually long - you need to take drugs for at least one month.


Clinical associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the organ of vision.

This manifests itself:

  • gingivitis
  • stomatitis
  • increased dryness of the lips and the appearance of cracks on them
  • peeling skin
  • angular stomatitis (jamming)
  • frequent dermatitis, which are manifested by red spots on the skin with peeling.

What vitamins to drink with a lack of B2 in the body: popular brands of B-complex, Neurobeks, Riboflavin and others containing vitamin B2 in the required therapeutic dosage.


How does a lack of vitamin B12 manifest itself: such a deficiency has specific manifestations, consisting in the development pernicious anemia(or megaloblastic is its second name). This condition includes the following symptoms of beriberi:

  • the appearance of megaloblasts in the blood - these are the precursors of red blood cells, which are large
  • decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood
  • atrophic glossitis - red and inflamed tongue.

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis B12 most often develops against the background of atrophic gastritis. In this disease, the formation of the gastric mucosa is disrupted. internal factor Castle, necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Therefore, despite the normal intake of this substance with food, it is not absorbed by the body, which leads to a violation of those processes that require the participation of cyanocobalamin in the human body.

Other representatives of group B

Signs of a lack of vitamin B3 in the diet are the development of the disease pellagra. It is characterized by an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to damage to exposed areas of the body. What vitamins to take with avitaminosis PP or B3: it should be a complex of B vitamins. When combined with other substances of this group, PP and B3 are much better absorbed.

Signs of B5 deficiency do not have specific manifestations. Therefore, the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency requires the use of combined drugs.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the most important antioxidant, helps to neutralize the negative effect free radicals constantly produced in the body. If there is not enough ascorbic acid in the body, suffer cell membranes With further development cell death. Symptoms of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis of vitamin C are varied.

They also include the following states:

  • increased bleeding of gums and other tissues (ascorbic acid strengthens the vascular wall)
  • relaxation ligamentous apparatus teeth followed by their loss
  • ease of bruising
  • the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds
  • general weakness
  • fatigue
  • hair loss
  • skin flaking and dryness
  • increased irritability
  • weakening of the immune system
  • depressed mood up to the development of depression.

Ascorbic acid deficiency usually develops for two main reasons. On the one hand, this is an insufficient intake of a substance with food, and on the other hand, its impaired absorption in the intestine due to diseases digestive system. The treatment of vitamin C deficiency in these two cases is the same - replacement therapy with ascorbic acid. However, if there are problems with gastrointestinal tract its parenteral administration (intramuscular or intravenous injections) is indicated.

Correctly recognize the signs of beriberi - important step on the way to proper treatment this dangerous state, is relevant for many people, especially those who are long time dieting. The ability to diagnose hypovitaminosis in time will allow you to help your body as soon as possible. It is also important to remember that vitamins, if they are insufficient in the body, must be taken for at least a month to achieve a stable therapeutic result.

Avitaminosis is a lack of one or more vitamins in the body. The degree of development of beriberi can manifest itself in different ways, ranging from brittle nails to serious diseases. Fine healthy man with a varied diet should receive great amount vitamins, trace elements, acids and fats. If nutrition is disturbed or the body for some reason does not absorb the proper dose useful substances, there comes a critical lack of vitamins. Today we will talk about beriberi - its manifestations, causes of development and methods of treatment.

How to recognize avitaminosis

Symptoms of beriberi are very extensive and varied. Depending on the lack of a particular element, vitamin deficiency can manifest itself with the following symptoms.

  1. Vitamin C is very important for human immunity. If the body is deficient in vitamin C, the skin becomes gray, loses its natural glow and elasticity. A person often feels overwhelmed and lethargic, his performance decreases, the patient feels pain in the muscles. With a critical lack of vitamin C, the gums begin to bleed, the teeth may begin to stagger. With a lack of ascorbic acid, you can notice a decrease in immunity and an exacerbation of many chronic diseases. One of the most dangerous manifestations of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. The disease was widespread in the Middle Ages, it usually affected seafarers and people besieged in fortresses. The disease is manifested by dizziness, pain in muscles and joints, severe drowsiness, salivation, pallor of the skin, changes in the structure of the gums. Vitamin C deficiency is very dangerous and can even lead to death.
  2. Vitamin B1 is responsible for the psycho-emotional health of a person. With a lack of this vitamin, the patient often feels crushed and irritated, his speech and memory are disturbed, the level of intelligence decreases, tearfulness appears, and performance drops significantly. In some cases, vitamin B1 deficiency leads to disruption of the internal organs - constipation or diarrhea appears, the liver enlarges, pressure decreases, pains appear in the stomach and heart.
  3. Vitamin A. With a deficiency of this substance, the body begins to slowly fade. The skin becomes dry and gray, begins to peel off, folds and wrinkles appear. The lack of vitamin A in the body is immediately noticed by women - they see how the condition of the skin and face deteriorates. In many cases, a lack of vitamin A leads to a deterioration in vision - its sharpness decreases, especially at dusk. The patient may feel that the eyes have become dry, as if wearing contact lenses. A lack of vitamin A can lead to depression, stress, neurosis, memory impairment, and insomnia.
  4. Vitamin K is essential for maintaining integrity and elasticity blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin K, the patient is inclined to develop various bleeding- from gums, wounds, nose, internal organs. With a deficiency of vitamin K, hematomas appear on the skin even from a slight blow or push.
  5. Vitamin E is considered the main female vitamin, since its deficiency very quickly affects the appearance and gynecological health. Vitamin E deficiency is manifested by a lack of sexual desire - both in men and women. Moreover, a person can become whiny, irritable, muscles become weak, often numb. With a lack of tocopherol, the skin becomes dry, wrinkled, dark spots. For a woman, a small amount of vitamin E in the body is dangerous because it becomes difficult for her to become pregnant and bear a child.
  6. Vitamin B2 is responsible for many processes in the human body. With its lack, the oral mucosa often becomes inflamed, the sensitivity of the skin decreases, vision deteriorates, hair falls out, cracks and wounds may appear in the corners of the mouth. With riboflavin deficiency general state the patient worsens, he becomes weak and lethargic, loses appetite and weight. In some cases, dermatological diseases may worsen.
  7. Vitamin RR. With its deficiency, diarrhea, frequent heartburn, nausea, poor appetite, muscle pain. The person becomes lethargic and gets tired very quickly. One of the most dire consequences lack of nicotinic acid in the body is the disease Pellagra. It is caused by extensive symptoms - ranging from brittle nails and hair, ending with baldness, the appearance of spots on the skin, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and even paralysis.
  8. Vitamin D. It is responsible for the integrity of bone tissue and the absorption of calcium. With vitamin D deficiency, bones become brittle, brittle, and soft. The lack of this vitamin leads to muscle and joint pain, obesity, a significant decrease in immunity. Moreover, there are symptoms such as irritability, aggression or apathy, tearfulness, weakness, fatigue, stress, and an unstable nervous state.

We have outlined the symptoms of deficiency of essential vitamins. But how does avitaminosis develop? What could be the reason for this?

What leads to the development of avitaminosis

Here are the main factors that can cause beriberi.

  1. Very often, beriberi develops if the necessary elements do not enter the body along with nutrition. Such a deficiency can occur when following strict diets in an effort to lose weight. excess weight. Weight loss should be competent and eating only buckwheat or kefir alone will not make you slimmer, but will lead to serious and even dangerous consequences. Mono-diets are one of the main causes of beriberi. When losing weight, the diet should be compiled by a specialist.
  2. Often, beriberi develops when eating fast food and junk food, when the body does not get enough fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
  3. Avitaminosis often develops in third world countries, when it is not possible to eat normally. In ancient times, beriberi and diseases associated with it were a frequent companion of people in the siege and blockade.
  4. In some cases, the cause of beriberi may be taking anti-weight loss drugs. They cause vomiting or interfere with the absorption of foods.
  5. Prolonged intake of sorbents can also be the cause of beriberi, since the sorbent, entering the intestine, absorbs not only toxins, but also vitamins, and then is excreted from the body naturally.
  6. Avitaminosis may result from various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of products is impaired. Most often this is observed with dysbacteriosis, when the microflora is suppressed - there is no beneficial bacteria which are essential for the synthesis of vitamins.
  7. Children and the elderly are at risk, because their metabolism is imperfect - the children's metabolism is only getting better, and the senile one begins to falter.
  8. Very often, vitamin deficiency develops during pregnancy and lactation. Indeed, at this time, all the useful elements are necessary for the consumption of the needs of the baby, and food often remains just as meager, not designed for two. That is why pregnant and lactating women so often lose their hair, break their nails, and peel off their skin.
  9. Antibiotics and drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis can also cause beriberi.
  10. Vitamin deficiency in urban residents is observed in winter and spring, when the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits is sharply reduced.

Knowing about the main causes of beriberi, in many cases, you can protect yourself from this pathological condition. But what to do if vitamin deficiency is diagnosed in a child?

Features of the course of beriberi in a child

Vitamin deficiency in children can be observed for various reasons. It most often occurs in premature babies. The gastrointestinal tract of the child is characterized by immaturity, the baby's body simply does not know how to absorb some vitamins. In this case, it is very important to feed the premature baby with mother's milk. If this is not possible, the mixture chosen should be good quality so that it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis can also develop due to the late introduction of complementary foods. The fact is that a child after six months of age needs additional food because mother's milk can no longer satisfy the needs of a grown organism.

Avitaminosis in newborns may be the result of insufficient or unbalanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. transmitted viruses and infectious diseases can also be a prerequisite for beriberi in a baby.

Most often in children of the first year of life there is a deficiency of vitamin D. Its deficiency can be the cause of rickets. As a result, the curvature of the legs, an increase in the skull and chest, weakness of the limbs and late independent walking. You can avoid this, because we get vitamin D not with food, but with the help of sunlight. The vitamin is synthesized in human skin under ultraviolet light. To treat vitamin D deficiency, you need to walk more with your child in the sun. Moreover, you need to walk in the morning, the vitamin is absorbed only until 11 o'clock in the afternoon. It is not at all necessary to expose the newborn baby to direct sunlight - leave the child in the shade, the reflected rays have the same effect.

In most cases, people who have signs of vitamin deficiency try to buy a multivitamin complex, which, in their opinion, will protect them from all diseases. However, it is not. Drink multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription is undesirable and even dangerous. After all, an excess of one or another vitamin in the body can also lead to disease. It is best to take tests and consult with a doctor who will prescribe you the right drugs. In other cases, you can get rid of beriberi with the help of nutrition - a balanced, varied, healthy one. Every day in the diet should be cereals, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products. And you need to alternate everything. If today you ate buckwheat, tomorrow you need to add barley to the diet, the day after tomorrow - rice, etc. If today there was beef in the meat diet, tomorrow you need to eat fish, the day after tomorrow give preference to chicken. This alternation will allow you to achieve diversity. To make up for the deficiency of a particular vitamin, you need to know what foods contain it.

  1. Vitamin A - carrots, butter, beef liver, egg yolks.
  2. Vitamin PP - milk and dairy products, green peas, fish, buckwheat, rye bread, fish, pumpkin, tomatoes.
  3. Vitamin E - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, beans, cereals.
  4. Vitamin C - citruses, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, sea buckthorn, apples.
  5. Vitamin B2 - broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, dill, bell pepper.
  6. Vitamin B1 - wheat bran, buckwheat, beans, peas, soybeans.
  7. Vitamin D - fish fat, salmon, butter, red caviar, liver.

Knowing about the lack of a particular vitamin, you can enhance your nutrition with certain foods that will help get rid of the deficiency and defeat beriberi.

To prevent the development of beriberi, you need to monitor the quality of your diet. Eat vegetables and fruits in season, accumulate vitamins for the long winter and spring. AT cold period give preference to nuts and dried fruits. Drink decoctions of medicinal herbs, freeze berries and fruits - when frozen, they retain most of the nutrients. Take care of your skin with moisturizing creams and lotions, because dry epidermis is a risk of cracking and open wounds. In addition to food, you need to pay more attention to walking on fresh air giving up bad habits. In winter and spring, you can drink multivitamin complexes, but only after consulting a doctor. Take care of your body, because its health largely depends on your diet and lifestyle.

Video: how to overcome beriberi

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