Removal of a bad wisdom tooth in the upper jaw. Features of wisdom tooth removal in the upper jaw. What to do after wisdom tooth removal

The wisdom tooth (figure eight, third molar) erupts between the ages of 17 and 25, but it does not take part in the process of chewing and talking, and refers to vestigial organs. When affected by caries and other diseases, attempts are made to preserve it, because in the future it can become a support for the prosthesis. In addition, dentists are guided by the organ-preserving principle, and if it is possible to cure, removal is not carried out. But there are a number of conditions in which the extraction of the molar will be a mandatory measure. The procedure has both advantages and disadvantages. possible complications. More often, the 8th tooth is removed from above, and the consequences of this operation may affect neighboring crowns and tissues dental system. Extraction of the figure eight on the lower jaw ends with complications less often.

How is the removal of the eighth tooth

The planned extraction of the 8th tooth from above takes place in 4 stages. At the first stage, the oral cavity is examined by a dentist and indications for extraction are identified. On the second anesthesia is performed: local anesthesia or general anesthesia. When the operating area loses sensitivity, the dentist removes the tooth from the socket with special forceps. On the last step wound treatment, removal of debris, disinfection and suturing of tissues.

The upper eighth tooth may be subject to simple and difficult removal. In the first case, the operation lasts a few minutes, a maximum of half an hour. With complex removal, the dentist needs up to 2 hours. The lower and upper eights are difficult to extract, as they have up to 5 wide roots and bulky crowns.

The course of the operation on the upper and lower jaw is different. Removal bottom eight requires more time, which is associated with the characteristics of the lower jaw. It's about about the higher chewing load experienced by the lower teeth. In this regard, their roots are massive and strong. The removal of the lower molar can be a challenge for the dentist, therefore, doctors with good physical fitness and great experience. During the operation, it will be necessary to use more than one instrument, and it is necessary to know all the structural features of the lower jaw, therefore, before prescribing an extraction, the dentist always requires an x-ray.

During tooth extraction upper jaw the doctor spends less effort and time, but complications are not excluded. Careless movement, strong pressure, slippage of the instrument can lead to perforation of the maxillary sinus, jaw fracture, trauma to the palate and gums, and damage to the adjacent crown.

What is simple and complex tooth extraction

Extraction of any tooth is a surgical manipulation that requires special tools and knowledge. In some cases, the dentist has to use additional devices and skills, and then the operation is classified as complex.

A simple extraction is the extraction of a tooth from the socket with forceps. Difficult - removal with the need to cut out part of the bone, cut the gums and saw the partition between the roots.

Easy removal

For simple tooth extractions, the dentist uses forceps and an elevator. Making incisions in the gums and sawing the bone is not required. To perform the operation, the doctor needs to collect an anamnesis of the disease and the patient's life. This is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy to anesthetics and other contraindications. After checking for an allergic reaction, the patient must also show the dentist a certificate of absence of serious illness.

As soon as the doctor is convinced that there are no obstacles to tooth extraction, the operation begins. Before the procedure itself, you need to take an x-ray of the tooth so that the dentist can see the features of the root part.

Difficult removal and types of anesthesia

With complex removal, the dentist uses drills, makes an incision in the gums, cuts the bone tissue, and then sutures the wound. More often, such an operation is subject to eights with a violation of eruption (impacted), when the gum interferes with them, or they rest against the adjacent tooth with a crown. The consequence of such violations will be frequent inflammatory processes, displacement of the dentition, suppuration of the gums. These are indications for the removal of the figure eight on the upper and lower jaws.

The course of the operation to remove the figure eight on the example of an impacted tooth:

  1. The soft tissue is cut and peeled away from the bone.
  2. The part of the bone located above the tooth is sawn out.
  3. The tooth is removed.
  4. The wound is sutured.

Complicated tooth extraction is performed in a surgical room with strict observance rules of asepsis and antisepsis. After the operation, the doctor prescribes a second appointment in a few days.

For pain relief with complex removal, non-injection, injectable anesthesia and general anesthesia are used.

The non-injection version of anesthesia involves the application of an anesthetic drug to the mucous membrane. The injection method is the introduction of the agent into the area of ​​​​the projection of the root apex or into the gum with the help of an injection.

What painkillers are used during the removal of wisdom teeth:

  1. Articaine and analogues(Ultracain, Ubistezin, Septonest) - act up to 3 hours, dizziness is possible from side reactions, headache, tremor;
  2. Lidocaine- used for infiltration anesthesia in the treatment of adults, adverse reactions may be a decrease in blood pressure, fatigue, short-term loss of sensitivity of the tongue, headache;
  3. Ubistezin- contains adrenaline, which prolongs the action of the anesthetic, anesthesia lasts up to 45 minutes, there is a possibility of ischemia in the area of ​​​​administration of the drug if the injection technique is violated.

Indications for removal

There are relative and absolute indications for the removal of wisdom teeth in the lower and upper jaws. Relative conditions include conditions when the figure eight can still be preserved, but the risk of recurrence of the disease is high, and extraction can prevent the need frequent treatment. Absolute readings there will be disorders in which other treatment does not work. Remove in dentistry lower tooth wisdom (like the upper one) is possible at the request of the patient, when the figure eight causes discomfort due to biting the cheek and inflammation of the gums.

Relative indications for extraction of wisdom teeth:

  • the impossibility of root canal treatment due to their obstruction;
  • severe destruction of the crown part of the tooth;
  • inflammatory process about eight on the background of specific diseases;
  • displacement of the dentition due to improper eruption of the molar;
  • dystopic and impacted teeth.

Absolute indications will be purulent processes, an abscess, a cyst, lymphadenitis, phlegmon, when the figure eight acts as a causative tooth.

The operation for the extraction of the eighth teeth also has contraindications, which are divided into general and local.

General contraindications for extraction of the figure eight:

  • acute period of infectious diseases in the oral cavity and in the face;
  • first and last trimesters of pregnancy;
  • severe respiratory diseases;
  • mental disorders during the period of exacerbation;
  • early period after a stroke, heart attack, traumatic brain injury;
  • damage to the nervous system, cerebrovascular accident;
  • decompensated diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • period of menstruation.

Local contraindications:

  • herpetic lesions of the skin of the face and oral mucosa;
  • benign and vascular tumors in the dentition;
  • severe stomatitis and gingivitis (ulcerative, necrotic, purulent).

At somatic diseases the patient of the dental clinic must obtain permission from the attending physician to extract the tooth. To do this, you need to consult with a specialist, go through some research. Additional preparation may be required.

Does it hurt to remove the eighth tooth

Feelings during the extraction of teeth in the upper and lower jaws are different. In this case, the type of anesthesia and the reaction of the body to it are important. The bone of the lower jaw is more dense, but at the same time, the wisdom tooth on it has broad roots. When removing a lower molar, it is difficult to achieve complete anesthesia, and the patient may feel the pressure of the dentist's hands.

In connection with this modern dentistry offers complex surgical procedures under general anesthesia, which completely deprives the patient of any discomfort. But after this variant of pain relief can develop adverse reactions. With the extraction of the crown on the upper jaw, complete anesthesia is possible.

No matter how painful the removal may seem, but without treatment, even more unpleasant sensations await.

Ignoring indications for removal ends with complications such as:

  • constant pain- pus accumulates in the area of ​​the gums and cheeks, which puts pressure on the surrounding tissues, trying to find a way out;
  • high body temperature- the result of infectious inflammation;
  • swollen and sore lymph nodes- occurs during infection, when bacteria and food particles accumulate between the impacted figure eight and gum, damage to the lymph nodes is accompanied by pain in the throat during swallowing and talking;
  • cheek swelling- this is a complication of pericorinitis, swelling can also occur in the throat and ear;
  • halitosis- resistant bad smell from the mouth, which is not eliminated by deodorizing hygiene products;
  • difficulty chewing- partially erupted figure eights can injure the gums and cheeks, and their frequent biting will lead to inflammation and related complications.

At risk severe complications patients who are immunocompromised and diabetes. Such people should go preventive examination at the dentist more often in order to prevent pathologies in time and treat them without consequences at an early stage.

  1. Do not rinse for 3 days, but be sure to wash the area of ​​removal with decoctions of herbs, picking them up in your mouth and spitting them out after a few seconds.
  2. Do not warm the tooth, do not eat hot foods and drinks, you need to eat liquid food for a week.
  3. The swab that the dentist leaves in the hole must be carefully removed after 20 minutes, but do not eat for another 2 hours.
  4. You need to chew food healthy side jaw until the hole heals.
  5. For a week, refrain from visiting the bath, solarium, taking hot bath, limit exposure to the sun.
  6. Brush your teeth soft brush bypassing the hole extracted tooth.
  7. Take medication prescribed by your doctor and do not self-medicate.

Preparation before removing the figure eight includes:

  1. Taking an x-ray.
  2. Removal of solid deposits.
  3. Exclusion of contraindications.
  4. Elimination of acute inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  5. Exclusion of allergy to anesthetic.

When anxiety symptoms from the side of the tooth wisdom, you should immediately consult a dentist. If you are concerned about severe pain, you can ease it at home before visiting the clinic, but you should inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

What can be done to relieve toothache:

  • rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • take a Ketanov tablet or drink a solution of Nimesil;
  • apply an anesthetic gel to the gums (Metrogil, Solcoseryl);
  • rinse your mouth with saline;
  • clean your teeth well, removing food debris and plaque.

For the purpose of pain relief before and after tooth extraction, you can take such common drugs as Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Nimesil, Nise, Diclofenac. Self-medication is dangerous, and a dentist should prescribe a drug from this list.

On your own, you can take a pill to relieve pain once, but if you abuse painkillers, the body will get used to it, and anesthesia during dental treatment will be weak or completely ineffective.

Possible consequences of removal

After the removal of the 8th tooth from below, the consequences relate to nerve damage and soft tissue injury. With the extraction of the figure eight on the upper jaw, there is a high probability of damage to the gums and perforation of the maxillary sinus.

Possible complications after wisdom teeth removal:

  • alveolitis- inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth, signs are redness, swelling of the gums, pain, swelling of the cheek, chills, general malaise, increased body temperature, severe cases the infection spreads to deep tissue, provoking osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone);
  • bleeding- this is normal phenomenon only the first 20 minutes after tooth extraction, but if the blood does not stop within a few hours, this indicates the absence blood clot, and you need to go to the dentist, otherwise infection will occur;
  • flux- occurs in case of infection during or after surgery, symptoms will be redness, severe pain, fever, swelling of the gums, swelling of the cheek;
  • sinus perforation- during the operation, the tooth strong pressure it penetrates into maxillary sinus what causes its inflammation;
  • hematoma- appears when the vessels are damaged and in case of increased fragility of their walls, manifested by an increase in the gums, pain, swelling of the tissues.

Rare consequences are osteomyelitis, stomatitis, paresthesia, jaw trauma.


Inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth or alveolitis is common consequence removal of the eight. Infection occurs for several reasons.

Why does the hole become inflamed after the removal of the 8th tooth:

  • active rinsing of the mouth during the first days after treatment, which leads to washing out of the blood clot;
  • during the removal process, solid deposits got into the well, which led to infection, therefore, preparation for surgery includes professional cleaning teeth and plaque removal with an ultrasonic scaler;
  • ignoring contraindications to complex dental treatment;
  • chewing on the affected side, food getting into the hole and its decay.

How does alveolitis manifest itself:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • discharge of pus from the hole;
  • bad breath;
  • appearance on the gum and in the hole of gray plaque;
  • temperature rise to 39 degrees;
  • flux (rare);
  • throbbing pain, aggravated by pressure on the gums;
  • absence of a blood clot in the hole;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Alveolitis occurs in several forms: purulent, hypertrophic, serous. In the first case, severe pain, swelling, gray coating, thickening alveolar process, halitosis. With hypertrophic alveolitis, tissues grow from the hole. This complication is especially difficult for people with diabetes. The serous form of the disease has a favorable prognosis. It is accompanied by pain, aggravated after eating, feeling unwell, swollen lymph nodes.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with periostitis, phlegmon, osteomyelitis and abscess.

Treatment for alveolitis includes:

  • local anesthesia;
  • powdered anesthesia in the well;
  • washing the wound with antiseptics;
  • imposition of a hemostatic tampon;
  • drying the wound with a sterile cotton swab;
  • leaching of foreign bodies from the wound in the form of particles of food and plaque.

To prevent alveolitis after tooth extraction, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations. In no case should you touch the hole with your hands or third-party objects. It should be completely abandoned for a few days. alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth large molars closing the dentition. They owe their name to the fact that they erupt already in adulthood - usually not earlier than at 15 years old. Complex root system and specific eruption, often resulting in anatomically wrong position, cause high risk development of complications and dental diseases.

Third molars are the only teeth that dentists recommend pulling out not as part of treatment, but as a preventive measure. Before deciding on their removal, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, objectively assess the condition of the molars, their impact on the dental arch, weigh all the risks and possible consequences after the removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower or upper jaw.

Features of the structure of eights and indications for removal

Structure bone tissue eights is no different from neighboring teeth, the features of the third molars lie in their structure. Unlike other teeth, figure eights erupt in youth and do not have "predecessors" - baby teeth - that prepare the gum for normal eruption. Due to such complicating factors, wisdom teeth may have root canals irregular shape, a large number of roots or fused roots.

The photo of the extracted eights clearly shows the specific shape of their root system:

Pathology of the location of the wisdom teeth

A characteristic phenomenon for third molars is dystopia - an incorrect position of the tooth in relation to everything jaw row. It is due to the fact that the eights are cut through the last. The lack of free space in the jaw arch can cause the tooth to erupt partially or not erupt at all.

In dentistry, the teeth, the eruption of which occurs with retention (delay), are called semi-retinated - partially shown on the gum surface, and impacted - completely hidden under the gum.

Dystopia may be accompanied by pain, swelling of the gums and cheeks, and the development of internal inflammatory processes. This pathology is clearly seen in x-rays wisdom teeth:

When looking for an exit to the surface, the molar can deviate significantly towards the cheek, which is fraught with injury to the mucosa during chewing. For a long time non-healing wounds terrible not only because the cheek constantly hurts and swells, but also because they can transform into ulcers. If left untreated, tumor processes may begin. With advanced pathology, the figure eight is removed, and the oncologist observes the wounds.

Indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper or lower jaw

Due to abnormal teething, a person may experience discomfort, persistent throbbing pain, aggravated by chewing. Abnormal eruption can lead to the development of dental diseases and displacement of the dentition up to the anterior zone.

Wisdom teeth do not carry a functional or aesthetic load, so many dentists recommend removing the eighth tooth immediately after eruption, without waiting until it hurts. Emergency removal reduces the risk of developing dental diseases and is less severe.

In conservative dentistry, in order for the doctor to decide on the need for surgery to remove eights, the patient must have indications (symptoms, health threatening). They can be direct and indirect.

Direct indications for urgent extraction are:

  • sepsis;
  • osteitis of the jaw;
  • neoplasm development;
  • periodontal inflammation;
  • pericoronitis;
  • destruction of bone tissue;
  • destruction of the crown of the tooth - caries.

To conditional indications to remove 8 teeth from above or below include:

  • bite pathology;
  • retraction - lack of natural eruption;
  • softening of the root system;
  • fracture of the root or crown part of the tooth;
  • root bifurcation disorder;
  • sinusitis;
  • the need for prosthetics;
  • horizontal position of the tooth with inflammation.

If the molar did not erupt or erupted partially, the doctor decides to eliminate the rudiment based on the risk of complications in the future and the current state of the patient. If the patient has good health, the tooth and gums near him are not inflamed, he will be recommended to see a dentist once every six months. Immediate removal is indicated if there is at least one of these symptoms:

  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • acute and chronic inflammation;
  • development of a follicular (tooth-containing) cyst.

Removal of wisdom teeth

When removing eights, not only the extraction procedure itself is important, but also the preparation for it. Procedure easy removal the tooth takes from half an hour to an hour, a complex surgical operation can last up to 5 hours. If it is planned to pull out several eights, operations are scheduled at intervals of three weeks.

Treatment, cleaning, filling and other planned manipulations on the remaining teeth can be performed 2-4 weeks after the extraction of the third molar.


Before removing a wisdom tooth, the dentist must examine the x-ray of the patient's jaw. With its help, the doctor will be able to accurately determine what kind of removal is to be - simple or complex, to exclude serious complications. This information allows you to draw up an optimal work plan, study potential risks and choose the right tools and equipment.

After that, the patient's history is collected, a superficial examination of the tooth is carried out, the extraction method, the drug for anesthesia and instruments are finally approved. To exclude suppuration and inflammation of the hole after surgery, before removal, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth from plaque and disinfect the oral cavity with antiseptics.


The last stage of preparation for surgery is anesthesia. Usually the removal of the upper and lower eights is carried out under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is relevant in situations where it is impossible to use local anesthetic given the existence allergic reactions in the patient's history.

Regardless of the type of anesthesia, the procedure should be painless. The patient may feel pain during the administration of the anesthetic and after the end of the anesthesia, but during the period when the doctor removes the wisdom tooth, it will not hurt.

Removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw

The bone tissue of the lower jaw is denser and 3 times stronger than the upper jaw, so it is more difficult to tear teeth from below. But fractures in the process of removing the lower wisdom tooth are extremely rare. The main risk in the extraction of the lower 8 tooth, especially semi-impacted or impacted, is nerve damage, which can cause numbness of the facial muscles.

The eighth molars, located below, have large quantity roots than the upper ones, therefore, for their painless extraction, dentists resort to surgery.

Before removing the bottom eight, the doctor performs a detailed analysis of the radiograph to visualize the location and shape of the root system. With a large branching of the roots, it is difficult and traumatic to pull out the entire molar, therefore, usually such teeth are divided into several parts using a drill and pulled out one by one.

Removal of the wisdom tooth in the upper jaw

In most cases, the extraction of the upper eights is not complicated by the multiple roots that are characteristic of the wisdom teeth of the lower row. The upper wisdom tooth is removed using forceps (without surgery) in cases where:

  • One root.
  • There are several roots, but they are connected.
  • The curvature of the root is insignificant, and its length is small.
  • The crown is completely or almost completely cut through, which allows it to be grasped with forceps.

The removal algorithm looks like this:

  1. The forceps are applied to the crown or the root located in the hole, then the cheeks of the forceps move a little deeper into the gums and are fixed.
  2. When the doctor is convinced that the instrument is fixed correctly, he begins to gradually swing the molar, after which he painlessly removes it from the hole.
  3. The last step is to apply a sterile swab to the well to stop bleeding.

Removal of difficult wisdom teeth

Removal complex teeth wisdom is complete surgical operation, during which the dentist-surgeon performs incisions, uses a drill, stitches wounds. Complex operations required to extract impacted or horizontal teeth. Such an intervention is carried out in a sterile surgical room. To completely remove discomfort and any pain for the entire period of the operation, stronger anesthetic drugs are used.

Wisdom tooth operation algorithm:

  1. The doctor injects an anesthetic drug into the gum.
  2. Since the wisdom tooth is hidden under the gum, the surgeon makes an incision in the gum and peels off a flap large enough for subsequent work.
  3. In case if wise tooth surrounded by bone tissue, before removing it, the doctor performs a resection of the bone tissue using special cutters. To avoid bone tissue necrosis, work is carried out at minimum speed with cooling.
  4. Then the eighth tooth is removed. Depending on the number of roots, the surgeon can pull out the whole tooth or in parts.
  5. Curettage of the hole and disinfection of soft and bone tissues are carried out.
  6. When all disinfection manipulations are completed, the surgeon returns mucosal flap in place and sutured. If necessary, special drugs are used to stop bleeding.
  7. Upon completion of the operation, the patient receives instructions for postoperative care behind the wound.

Photo: scheme of complex wisdom tooth extraction

Consequences and possible complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth

Complications can arise due to erroneous actions of the dentist, insufficient antiseptic treatment of instruments, neglect of rehabilitation measures, and due to physiology.

Doctor's mistakes are most often associated with the incorrect position of the instrument and excessive force when pressing the forceps, which can lead to a jaw fracture, damage to the gums, and ruptures of the corners of the mouth. Due to the structure of bone tissue and the specifics of the operation mechanical injury are often the result of removal upper tooth wisdom.

The close location of the eights to large vessels not only increases the risk heavy bleeding after surgery, but also increases the risk of developing an extensive inflammatory process in the body when the socket of the extracted tooth becomes infected. The doctor can bring the infection into the hole, working with instruments that have not been properly processed, or the patient himself, without properly caring for the wound and the oral cavity.

The most serious complications after extraction of third molars are:

Recovery after extraction

Depending on the type and complexity of the operation full recovery gums will take three to twelve weeks. The patient may be prescribed:

  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Therapeutic rinses and irrigation of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  • Herbal applications.
The dentist can perform the operation quickly and painlessly, but it is impossible to completely eliminate all the risks and negative consequences after the removal of a wisdom tooth. Normally, an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ° C, malaise and bad feeling, the formation of swelling and bruising in the cheek area, slight bleeding, which should stop within 3-4 hours.

What to expect after a wisdom tooth extraction

The first time after the operation, you need to properly care for the wound and gums, clean the oral cavity in a gentle manner and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Postoperative pain intensifies in the evening and at night, so you should have painkillers ready to be taken if it becomes unbearably painful. Pulsating pain can be relieved by applying cold to the cheek. The analgesic effect and reduction of puffiness are achieved due to vasoconstriction.
  • Sleep on a firm, high pillow or multiple pillows to help prevent swelling.
  • Exclude solid, cold and hot foods from the diet.
  • On the first day, you should refrain from drinking drinks through a straw. When it is used, a vacuum is created in the mouth, which leads to a slowdown in regenerative processes.
  • To avoid bleeding, you should not smoke for the first week after surgery, as tobacco smoke increases the fragility of blood vessels. It is especially important to exclude smoking after the removal of the 8th tooth from below, since the consequences in the form of bleeding are more characteristic of the lower jaw.

To find out how it goes surgical removal wisdom tooth, watch the video:

Quite often, in a medical book, you can see an inscription that is incomprehensible to many - “it is necessary to remove the 8th tooth.” What is the eighth tooth? This is what wisdom teeth are called in dentistry. The origin of such a name is simple to the point of banality. Each row has 14-16 teeth. If you count from the middle, the wisdom tooth will be exactly the eighth.

What is the eighth tooth?

Wisdom teeth appear in people already in enough adulthood, at about 18-25 years old, and that is why they received such a sonorous name. AT recent times there is an increase in the number of people born without third molars. The reason for this is a change in the constant diet of a person. There is no longer any need to chew very hard or raw food. Experts believe that in a few centuries the percentage of people without a wisdom tooth will increase to half the population. There is also debate about whether a person needs them at all.

Far from everyone, the eighth teeth cause any discomfort, if nothing interferes with the growth of the molar, everything will go unnoticed by the person. In the future, such a molar can participate in chewing food. A big reason for keeping the third molar is that it can become a support for further prosthetics. But it is not always possible to save it.

When is the extraction of the eighth tooth necessary?

It often happens that there is not enough space on the jaw for proper growth new molar. In this case, it begins to grow to the side or down, causing severe discomfort up to terrible aching pain. Such a tooth is called impacted and can cause a lot of consequences, ranging from the occurrence of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, ending with the curvature of neighboring molars, and after them the incisors.

If the dentist is at the stage scheduled inspection drew attention to the fact that the molar will not have enough space for comfortable growth, he prescribes the removal of the 8th tooth.
In advance, such molars are removed even if the patient needs braces. If the tooth begins to grow in the middle of treatment, it can ruin all the results.
Another reason for the removal of the third molar is that which is the source of a serious disease of the oral cavity. In this case, it will be much more effective and cheaper to remove it.

Does it hurt to remove the eighth tooth?

Any intervention of this kind should take place only after anesthesia. Most often, local anesthesia acts in this capacity, i.e. a small injection in the gum area. It freezes and immobilizes the entire necessary work surface.

In more serious cases prescribes general anesthesia. The reasons for its need may be:
- Removal of several molars at once. Such an operation requires more time, and the effect of local anesthesia may not be enough.
- The patient is terrified of any dental operation. In this case, both for the correct operation and for the peace of mind of a person, it is best to make sure that the entire procedure takes place in a dream.
- The patient has an overdeveloped gag reflex. Dental appliances, and ordinary absorbent cotton or gauze swabs can hurt the tongue and cause vomiting.
Any anesthesia has its own contraindications, such as a short period after the last vaccination, acute infectious diseases respiratory tract and internal organs. The dose of the anesthetic is selected individually, taking into account age, height, weight and general state patient.

What is the difference between the extraction of the tooth of the upper and lower row?

Since the lower jaw has a load not only from chewing food, but also from the upper part, they are more susceptible to destruction. Nature provided for everything and made the incisors and molars of the lower row stronger. Their root system is also more intricate and removal requires more skill from the dentist. Removal of tooth 8 from above is usually quite easy.

In addition, on the lower jaw most often occur various complications such as, impacted tooth. Some dentists share the extraction of teeth of different jaws and put a price on each.

How is the extraction of the eighth tooth?

Removal occurs in several stages. Sometimes it is divided into two visits to the dentist, but this is only possible if the operation is planned and the problematic molar does not cause severe pain at the patient.
During the first visit, an anamnesis is taken. Reveal possible factors risk. The anesthesiologist selects the type of anesthesia and the amount of active substance necessary to completely immerse the patient in the desired state.
In the event that the molar has not yet come to the surface, it is necessary to clear the way to it. To do this, an incision is made on the gum and the bone is drilled.
Hard tissue is grasped with forceps and torn out sudden movement. Sometimes it happens that the molar has been damaged, and it is completely impossible to remove it. Then with the help of a grinder hard tissue divided into several parts, which are subsequently removed separately.

Wound treats antiseptic and sewn up. A person is prescribed painkillers and, if necessary, antibiotics. During the next visit (after about a couple of weeks), the stitches are removed.

The professionalism of the dentist does not yet guarantee that the operation will not be fraught with consequences. A certain amount of success depends on the patient himself. In order to reduce any possibility of complications, give up alcoholic beverages and smoking the day before the removal. Be sure to eat at least an hour before visiting the dentist. This is necessary for several reasons: firstly, you will not be able to eat for another 3-4 hours after the operation, and secondly, it is dangerous to perform removal on an empty stomach, because in this case you are more prone to bleeding.
After the operation, there will be more rules:
- Remove bloody cotton swab and if necessary, replace it with a new one. A tampon can become a breeding ground harmful bacteria.
- Avoid eating and smoking for the first 3-4 hours after surgery.
- Apply to the affected area cold compress. This will reduce swelling and stop the growth of bacteria.
- Try to drink less and spit saliva. This can cause rapid flushing of the disinfectant and blood clot from the well. The clot is an integral part of healing and its complete absence (dry socket) can lead to serious consequences.
- Avoid a strong change in body temperature, give up hot drinks, baths and baths.
- Until the wound is completely healed (approximately 3-4 weeks), try not to open your mouth too much, as, for example, when yawning. The stitches in the hole may come apart.
- Chew only opposite side jaws.
- Do not injure the wound, do not touch it with your tongue, and even more so refuse to read your teeth for the first time.

What are the consequences and complications of the operation?

There can be many consequences. After tooth extraction remains open wound, which is a tasty morsel for bacteria. If the operation went well, and you followed all the previously described rules, you don’t have to worry. In the most advanced cases infectious diseases may occur, up to.
Symptoms such as swelling, pain, bleeding and fever are normal in the first couple of days after surgery. If they continue further, it is worth contacting a specialist.

How much does it cost to remove the eighth tooth?

The price depends on many factors, such as the complexity of the operation, the type of anesthesia chosen, the region and the specific clinic. Average prices in Russia and the CIS start from 1300 rubles per molar.

Undoubtedly, any surgical intervention is a rather unpleasant procedure. But unfortunately, sometimes this is not enough. Especially often, people face the question of the need to remove a figure eight or a wisdom tooth growing in the upper jaw. Let's try to figure out how difficult such manipulation is, and also in what cases it becomes inevitable.

Theoretically, eights are the same full teeth, As the others. Many mistakenly consider them underdeveloped, even doubting whether the wisdom tooth has a nerve. However, this opinion is erroneous. This molar is indistinguishable in structure and function from others. The only problem constitutes only wrong growth. Often it is due to the late appearance of the figure eight, when the bones of the face are fully formed and the alveolus cannot accommodate it.

This situation provokes a curvature of the upper part of the tooth. Quite often there are cases of a figure eight growing horizontally or under a strong slope towards the jaw. Of course, the situations described require immediate surgical intervention. If you neglect this, you can get additional problems with the seventh molar

In addition, the roots of a wisdom tooth can also become deformed during development and damage the jaw or grow together. The slow appearance of eights can also cause caries and even partial destruction either on this tooth or on the neighboring seven. As a rule, everything associated problems arise due to the late appearance of this molar, when the bone tissue has completely lost its plasticity and the width of the jaw does not allow the tooth to erupt.

The main factors for indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth

By the way, experts find it difficult to name the average terms for the appearance of a wisdom tooth. Eight can appear at fifteen, and twenty-five, and even after thirty. In addition, there are cases when this molar does not appear at all. It just depends on the individual genetic predisposition organism.

Indications and contraindications for removal

Let's say right away the removal of the upper wisdom tooth is not shown to all people at all, as many people are used to thinking about it. There is such a clear list of cases where manipulation is indispensable:

  • a crown protruding outside or inside the gums, threatening regular injury to the oral cavity;
  • partial destruction of enamel, pulp or figure eight roots ( neighboring tooth), which does not allow them to be treated;
  • horizontal or inclined position with insufficient space for normal placement on the alveolar process;
  • purulent inflammatory process leading to complications (the appearance of an abscess).

As you can see, removing the vestigial upper molar not shown to everyone. In addition, manipulation is not carried out in the following situations:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • acute phase chronic diseases heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • pregnancy (with the exception of the second trimester);
  • mental disorders.

Of course, when visiting a doctor, they will justify the expediency of tooth extraction, if necessary.

Let's talk about anesthesia

Most people are concerned about Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth from above. Today's possibilities of medicine allow this manipulation to be carried out almost imperceptibly for the patient. Today, the choice of painkillers is impressive, and the doctor can easily select the optimal anesthetic drug.

Today, the procedure for the removal of wisdom teeth is almost imperceptible to the patient.

Here you should listen to the opinion of the doctor, since any anesthesia has its own side effects. In addition, there are diseases in which a particular medicine may be contraindicated.

So, cardiovascular problems completely exclude analgesics containing adrenaline. Pregnant women should beware vasoconstrictor drugs, and the best solution for them would be to postpone the operation for as long as possible

Modern dentists are increasingly using articaine for anesthesia. This anesthetic perfectly copes with the task and completely eliminates pain during the manipulation. However, nevertheless, it is recommended to use it during pregnancy only in cases of extreme need, if the threat to the health of the mother is comparable to the possible negative consequences of the development of the fetus.

Figure eight extraction procedure

Most people, even having the above problems with the dentition, are often afraid to agree to manipulation. This feeling is caused by ignorance of how the upper wisdom tooth is removed. To dispel all doubts, let's try to analyze the mechanism of this process.Typical removal without special complications and negative consequences takes place in the following situations:

  • the roots of the tooth are fused into one or two;
  • the length of the root is up to two thirds of the size of the tooth;
  • the exit of the crown above the gum is at least 80%.

In such cases, the removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw, you will see photos of examples of this process in the gallery of the article, takes place with the help of bayonet forceps. This tool has a special structure, since even without visible complications, pulling out a figure eight can be difficult. If the tooth is severely damaged, the pointed and fully closing ends of the forceps will help the doctor securely fix it.

Dentist tools for manipulation

As a rule, before removing a molar, the dentist will ask you to take an x-ray of the jaw in order to assess the scope of the proposed work and choose the best strategy for action. This will help to avoid possible complications and damage to the adjacent tooth, as well as soft tissues of the gums during and after the manipulation.

Next, the doctor collects an anamnesis by questioning the patient about whether he has various diseases to determine the need for surgery and choose the right anesthetic. From the figure eight, plaque is removed and carried out antiseptic treatment gums to avoid postoperative suppuration of the wound.

The process of removing the upper wisdom tooth

Having decided on the choice of instrument, the dentist gives the patient local anesthesia. The removal process itself occurs in the following sequence:

  • application and fixation of the instrument at the optimal points for traction;
  • rocking of the molar;
  • extraction of the figure eight from the spongy body of the alveoli (traction);
  • stop bleeding and form a blood clot in the wound.

As you can see, the typical process of extracting a rudimentary tooth is completely identical to the traction of any other molar and does not pose any particular danger. Since many do not know if there is a nerve in the wisdom tooth, experts will answer this question. Of course, it is, and it is because of this that you will need anesthesia during the manipulation. By the way, after the extraction of the molar, you will feel pain for some time until the hole is completely healed.

Possible Complications of Atypical Traction

Unfortunately, typical deletion a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw, the consequences of which are minimal, is not always feasible. Often there are cases when the roots of the eight go to maxillary sinus. In such situations, during traumatic tooth extraction, either damage to it or accidental pushing of fragments there is possible. Such outcomes cannot be ignored and controlled, because it can threaten the formation of a sinus cyst and, as a result, the occurrence of chronic sinusitis, which can only be eliminated surgically.

With atypical removal of the figure eight, some complications may occur.

Another example of a complex removal is a fracture of the alveolar process. This usually occurs at the extreme position of the molar relative to the bone. Then, when the figure eight is removed, detachment of the bone tissue of the gums may occur.

To possible difficulties can also be attributed to accidental injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity with their subsequent infection. This usually happens when there is no way to pull out the whole molar and the surgeon has to take it out piece by piece. Such actions may cause partial removal, when top part the root will go unnoticed in the gum

These situations, as a rule, can arise due to the lack of a snapshot of the jaw, as well as in advanced and irreversible processes of pulp destruction. Of course, these cases are not isolated, but a competent dentist and a patient’s responsible approach to such manipulation will reduce everything possible risks to zero.

Postoperative period

To complete the picture, you need to know about the possible development of the situation after such a manipulation as removal of 8 teeth from above. The consequences of these actions are usually predictable. With the normal course of traction and the correct formation of a blood clot, the patient does not experience any particular inconvenience. However, sometimes there are some complications.

Fracture of the bone socket during manipulation and its remnants in the gum can cause alveolitis

Frequent concomitant symptom postoperative period becomes inflammation of the hole or alveolitis. Usually it can be caused by traumatic removal of a molar or a violation of the integrity of a blood clot. Also, the cause may be the remnants of bone tissue in the gums and poor clotting the patient's blood. This complication can cause short-term disability and requires re-sanitization of the hole.

Another consequence of atypical traction will be the emergence of fragments of bone tissue on the surface. In these situations, it is advisable to remove all fragments of the tooth and keratinized walls of the alveoli surgically.

Even with the simplest course of manipulation and compliance with all conditions, on the first day after traction, you will experience not the most pleasant sensations. Control of the situation by the doctor and strict observance his prescriptions will speed up the healing process.

Extraction of the top eight proceeds in the same way as other molars. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the same rules for the primary care of the hole as in similar situations.

Formation of a blood clot in the hole after tooth extraction

The bandage applied by the doctor to stop the bleeding should be in place for half an hour. In this case, it is not necessary to press the tampon too hard so as not to damage the blood clot or to press it into the well. Be especially careful when removing the bandage from the wound. In this case, you should try not to damage the integrity of the blood clot - because it protects the wound from infection.

It is necessary to avoid eating for the first six hours after the operation, and for the next three days, do not consume excessively hot or cold foods and drinks. There will also be a time limit physical activity and loads. If after the first day the pain intensifies and there is a sharp smell from the mouth, you should check the healing process with a specialist

So, we briefly reviewed the indications for the extraction of the upper rudimentary molars, the features of their traction and the course of the recovery process. As you can see modern technologies allow for a completely painless procedure. You only need to remember one thing - timely appeal to the dentist and the fulfillment of all necessary conditions will guarantee easy disposal of an extra tooth.

Scheme for an atypical removal of a wisdom tooth Bayonet forceps will help the doctor remove the upper eight Before removing the tooth, take an x-ray of the jaw so that the doctor can assess the complexity of the manipulation The eight is no different in structure from any other molar and a nerve passes inside it

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