Unsuccessful tooth extraction. What are the possible complications after tooth extraction? Local complications after tooth extraction

From this article you will learn:

  • wisdom tooth removed how much will it hurt,
  • what are the complications
  • how long does the gum heal after the removal of a wisdom tooth.

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

According to statistics, after the removal of a wisdom tooth, in 25-30% of cases, inflammation of the hole of the extracted tooth occurs. For example, after the removal of any other groups of teeth, inflammation occurs only in 3-5% of cases. This is due: firstly, to the higher complexity of removing wisdom teeth, and secondly, to the fact that they are surrounded by a large amount of soft tissue.

The last circumstance is very important, because the presence of mobile soft tissues in the area of ​​the socket of the extracted tooth often leads to the loss of a clot - its loss or even destruction. If the hole of the extracted tooth is without a clot, inflammation will inevitably develop in it.

Gums after wisdom tooth removal (normal) -

When wisdom teeth are removed, sutures are almost always applied. This is necessary because these teeth are located deep in the soft tissues and in this place the mucous membrane is very mobile. The lack of sutures in this situation can lead to clot prolapse and inflammation. But if the patient has a long jaw and there is enough space for the wisdom tooth, the hole will look traditional (Fig. 3).

Why complications often occur after the removal of a wisdom tooth -

It must be said that the expression negative symptoms after the removal of a wisdom tooth directly depends on the degree of traumatic removal. In turn, the traumatism depends not only on the simple or complex position of the tooth in the jaw, but, first of all, on the qualifications of the dental surgeon.

For example, surgeons often try to remove a patient’s wisdom tooth for 1-2 hours with just forceps and an elevator - instead of immediately making a gum incision, drilling a little bone around the tooth and / or sawing the crown of the tooth into several parts (after removing each root along separately), and spending only 15-20 minutes on it.

Another main cause of complications after a complex wisdom tooth extraction is the use by the surgeon of a drill, the surgical handpiece of which is not water-cooled. As a result, there is thermal burn bone, followed by severe pain and the development of suppuration of the hole of the extracted tooth.

Important : thus, the main causes of inflammation and other complications are errors and negligence of the dental surgeon during the removal process. However, a lot also depends on the doctor's prescriptions. Proper appointments dramatically reduce the risk of developing inflammation of the hole.

What to do after the removal of a wisdom tooth so that there are no complications -

What to do after the removal of a wisdom tooth will depend on the complexity of the removal. If the removal was simple (i.e., not accompanied by a gum incision and sawing out of the bone), then it will be enough after removal. If the removal was difficult or was carried out against the background of purulent inflammation, then the following should be added to these recommendations ...

  • Antihistamines
    such funds are also called antiallergic. Their reception will reduce the swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek after removal, which will definitely appear the next morning, and in addition, they enhance the effect of analgesics. It is best to take Suprastin. This is very strong drug, but with hypnotic effect. Therefore, we recommend taking it in the first 2-3 days after removal, shortly before bedtime (1 time per day).

  • Antibiotics
    after a complex extraction, or if the extraction was carried out against the background of inflammation in the tooth, antibiotics are mandatory. Because after tooth extraction, a bone wound forms, then antibiotics should be with tropism to bone tissue. On the this moment The most popular antibiotics among dental surgeons are several drugs.

    First - "Amoxiclav". The adult dosage should contain 500 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic acid. In this dosage, the drug is taken only 2 times a day. However, if earlier after taking antibiotics you had diarrhea, then it is better to purchase another drug - "Unidox-solutab" in soluble tablets(taken 100 mg 2 times a day, 5 or 6 days).

    Very often, doctors also prescribe a drug from the Soviet past - (adult dosage - 2 capsules 3 times a day, only 5-6 days). It is inexpensive, effective, but it kills the entire intestinal microflora, forcing you to suffer from dysbacteriosis later.

What are the complications after wisdom tooth extraction?

When a wisdom tooth was removed, what to do after removal will directly depend on the symptoms that you have. I must say that according to statistics, complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth occur in almost every 4th patient. Most often, patients experience the following symptoms indicating the development of complications -

  • pronounced spontaneous pain,
  • pain when cold or hot water enters the wound,
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek,
  • bad smell from the hole of the extracted tooth,
  • painful swallowing,
  • difficulty opening the mouth
  • temperature,
  • bleeding,
  • the appearance of a hematoma on the face.

1. Pain after wisdom tooth removal -

They pulled out a wisdom tooth for how long it will hurt - most often patients ask. How much the gum hurts after the removal of a wisdom tooth directly depends on the degree of traumatic removal. Pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth should normally not be very strong and, having arisen, then it should gradually only decrease. After a simple removal, the pain usually disappears completely in 1-2 days, and after a complex one, it usually takes no more than 3-5 days.

If you have a wisdom tooth pulled out and the pain immediately after removal is very strong and practically does not decrease in the first days, this indicates an excessive invasiveness of the removal and the possible development of inflammation of the hole of the extracted tooth (). Here you need to urgently go to the dentist for a second examination. At worst case development of pain events can be observed up to 3-4 weeks.

Symptoms of inflammation of the socket of the wisdom tooth
on examination, you can see that the hole is empty, or it is filled with food debris and necrotic disintegration of the blood clot. Sometimes patients can feel sharp/movable bone fragments with their tongue. There is always pain, there is always an unpleasant smell from the hole. The mucous membrane is edematous and red. Such symptoms are characteristic of a mild form.

However, in some cases, the inflammation of the hole proceeds with profuse formation of pus, swelling of the cheek, difficulty opening the mouth, and painful swallowing. And it must also be said that if you experience pain on a cold or hot water, this unequivocally indicates the presence of an exposed area of ​​the bone. In any case, only a dentist can help you.

Inflammation of the hole of the removed wisdom tooth: video

Below you can see what the inflammation of the sockets of the removed wisdom teeth looks like in the video. Please note that in video 2 - when pressing on the gum in the area of ​​​​both removed wisdom teeth in a patient from hole is coming thick pus.

Reasons for the development of alveolitis
if the patient rinses his mouth strongly in the first days after extraction, this can lead to a blood clot falling out of the hole of the extracted tooth. This in 100% of cases leads to inflammation, because. the hole is immediately filled with food debris and microbes from the oral cavity. But in most cases, alveolitis still develops through the fault of the doctor -

  • traumatic removal,
  • splinters or slightly movable bone fragments are left in the hole,
  • when sawing the bone, the doctor used the tip of the drill without water cooling, which led to overheating and necrosis of the bone,
  • the doctor was too lazy to take in the mucous membrane over the hole (in some cases, this can lead to the exposure of the bone area in the next few days),
  • the doctor did not prescribe antibiotics after a difficult extraction, or in the case when the tooth was removed against the background of inflammation.

Important : alveolitis is the most common complication after wisdom tooth extraction. If the described symptoms occur, you need to urgently run to the doctor and treat the alveolitis. From experience I can say that when a doctor sutures a hole even after a simple removal, the number of cases of alveolitis development is almost zero. In addition, studies have shown that suturing the socket reduces the severity of pain after removal by 30-50%. Therefore, even before removal, it is worth asking the doctor to sew in your hole, even if you have to pay extra for it (about 500 rubles for 2 stitches).

2. Edema after wisdom tooth removal -

If you had a wisdom tooth removed, your cheek was swollen the next day, then in some cases this is normal. Normally, after a simple removal, edema rarely develops, and most often it occurs in people with an abundance of subcutaneous fat on the face. Such edema most often becomes noticeable only in the morning the next day.

Normally, after a difficult removal, the edema gradually develops immediately and gradually increases, becoming maximum the next morning. Usually, the swelling is stable for the next 1-2 days, after which it begins to slowly decrease. If, against the background of the edema that has arisen, there is no increasing temperature, pain, but on the contrary, all the symptoms slowly decrease, then everything is OK.

When to sound the alarm
if the edema continues to increase over the next 1-2 days after removal, pain and temperature may also increase, soreness when swallowing increases, and the mouth opens less and less - all these are unfavorable symptoms indicating suppuration. If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you need to urgently run to the dentist.

Important : so that swelling after the removal of a wisdom tooth does not appear or is minimal - it is advisable to take antihistamines (preferably Suprastin) for the first 2-3 days before bedtime - 1 time per day at bedtime. Antihistamines have not only antiallergic effect, but also decongestant.

3. Temperature after wisdom tooth removal -

  • If the tooth was not removed due to inflammation
    if you have a wisdom tooth removed, the temperature may well rise to 37.5 degrees, but only on the first evening. The body sometimes reacts to injury with just such a low subfebrile temperature, even if the tooth was not removed against the background of inflammation. This is especially true if the removal was difficult. Normally, the next morning after removal, the temperature should disappear.

    When to sound the alarm: if the temperature does not subside all the next day after removal, and even more so continues to grow, then this indicates suppuration of the hole of the extracted tooth. Here you just need to run to the dentist.

  • If the tooth was removed against the background of purulent inflammation
    in this case, the temperature may be higher than 37.5. But normally, with next day temperature should decrease progressively. If it keeps and even more so increases (this indicates an increase in inflammation), you need to urgently go to the dentist.

5. Hematoma after wisdom tooth removal -

A hematoma appears due to the fact that any vessel in the soft tissues was injured. There is no point in blaming the doctor for this, because. the doctor, when administering anesthesia, does not see where the vessels pass in your soft tissues. The needle can injure such a vessel and after a few days, cyanosis may appear on the skin. Gradually it will pass.

However, hematoma formation may require additional measures. Hematoma after the removal of a wisdom tooth often suppurates. In this case, already on this or the next day after removal, the patient develops swelling of the cheek, a feeling of fullness, pain, slight temperature. Here you need to urgently consult a doctor, because. with suppuration of the hematoma, an incision is required to release the pus.

Answering frequently asked questions from patients

If you had a wisdom tooth removed: what to do after removal, how to rinse, how quickly the hole will heal and when it will be possible to treat your teeth ... We answer all questions separately.

1. How to rinse your mouth after removing a wisdom tooth -

Rinsing your mouth after wisdom tooth removal is best. This drug is sold in every pharmacy, and costs only about 30 rubles for a 100 ml bottle. Please note that you can only rinse your mouth quietly, because. strong rinsing can cause a blood clot to fall out of the hole of the extracted tooth. The latter will lead to the development of inflammation.

2. How long does the gum heal after the removal of a wisdom tooth -

How long the gum heals after the removal of a wisdom tooth depends on the complexity of the removal. Usually, to start treatment after the removal of a wisdom tooth, you need to wait 1 week. But after a complex removal, the gums can heal longer (up to 10-14 days), which will depend on the degree of traumatic removal. If inflammation occurs in the hole, then healing can be delayed for a period of 20-30 days. We hope that our article on the topic: Removed a wisdom tooth for how long it will hurt - turned out to be useful to you!

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Complications after tooth extraction are quite common. What are they? What to do when the first symptoms appear, how to treat? Let's try to figure it out.

Alveolitis after tooth extraction

An open wound appears at the site of the extracted tooth. In order to prevent infection, a blood clot must form. If this does not happen, the hole may become inflamed.

What to look for if you suspect alveolitis:

  1. Painful sensations. May appear immediately after removal or after 1 to 2 days.
  2. Swelling of the gums.
  3. On the wound is absent.
  4. The edges of the wound are inflamed.
  5. In the hole of the extracted tooth there are food remnants that smell unpleasant.
  6. The patient has a high body temperature.
  7. Complaints about .
  8. Sometimes increase The lymph nodes in the throat area.

Causes of alveolitis

alveolitis after tooth extraction

Why does this complication develop? Main reasons:

  1. Weakness of the body due to poor performance immune system.
  2. Transferring earlier illnesses caused by viral infections.
  3. Stress, exhaustion of the body due to heavy physical exertion.
  4. Injuries during removal (removed part of the facial bone).
  5. Getting into the wound particles of the tooth.
  6. Incorrectly or insufficiently treated with an antiseptic wound.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Failure to follow the instructions of the doctor, due to which a blood clot on the wound does not form or is removed by the patient (for example, during too intensive rinsing or the introduction of foreign objects into the wound).


The main rule is not to self-medicate. Only a specialist can supply correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, which occurs only in a hospital setting.

First of all, to stop the inflammatory process, medications are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics that destroy the infection.
  2. to disinfect the wound. Such a tool can serve as a solution of ordinary soda.
  3. Drugs that relieve pain.
  4. If it is necessary to remove pus from the wound, dental fragments surgically, local anesthesia is used (this is all well-known drugs- novocaine or).

During the treatment period, it is necessary to observe oral hygiene, as well as to fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions. In the early stages, it is possible to get rid of alveolitis, a neglected disease entails a loss of working capacity, and in especially severe cases, death.

Alveolar bleeding

This complication is characterized by bleeding directly from the wound at the site of the extracted tooth. Occurs immediately or after some time (after a few hours or days).

The reasons

The main causes of alveolar bleeding are:

  1. Traumatic damage to the gums, septum that connects the roots of adjacent teeth, blood vessels of the tongue or palate.
  2. Patient diseases that can provoke bleeding (blood diseases, hypertension, sepsis).
  3. Damage to the wound due to violation of its integrity.
  4. Local anesthesia ceases to act, which leads to vasodilation. The result is bleeding from a fresh wound.


Treatment of alveolar bleeding is to stop it.

To begin with, the place and nature of the damage are determined, and then one or another method is used to stop blood loss:

  1. If the integrity of the gums is violated, sutures are placed on it.
  2. When bleeding from the well itself (the vessel of its wall is damaged), ice is applied to narrow the vessels, find the damaged vessel and squeeze it to stop the blood. After that, a swab soaked in a hemostatic agent is lowered into the wound. After a few hours, the swab is removed.
  3. Drugs that promote general blood clotting are used only in last resort- when it is not possible to stop the bleeding by the above methods.


Anesthesia is used to extract a tooth local character. It has an analgesic effect, while there is a partial loss of sensitivity, the face becomes numb. This process lasts several hours, soon everything will be back to normal. But it happens that numbness after removal does not go away. This complication is called paresthesia.

The reasons

Paresthesia is most often temporary. It disappears after a few days, sometimes weeks.

Reasons that can cause prolonged numbness in the lower part of the face can be:

  1. Wrong anesthesia.
  2. Allergic reaction to the anesthetic drug.
  3. Damage to nerve endings.

All this is the result of an error or negligent attitude of the doctor.


In most cases, paresthesia disappears on its own. But if this does not happen after 2-3 weeks, you should seek advice from an experienced dentist.

Treatment can take place in the following ways:

  1. Taking B vitamins.
  2. Dibazol injections or aloe extract.
  3. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultra-high frequency therapy)

If this does not help, surgery may be prescribed to repair the facial nerve.

Changing the position of neighboring teeth

A hole is formed in the place of the extracted tooth in the jaw. This leads to the fact that the adjacent teeth gradually tilt, as if trying to cover the defect.

The same thing happens with the tooth that is parallel to the opposite jaw. This phenomenon negatively affects the chewing process, leads to the formation malocclusion.

To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to put a prosthesis or implant in place of the extracted tooth as soon as possible.

Possible injuries

It so happens that not everything goes smoothly during the removal process.

Due to the negligence of the doctor or the restlessness of the patient, all kinds of traumatic cases occur:

  1. Fracture of the removed tooth and pulling it in parts.
  2. Adjacent teeth are broken or loosened.
  3. Sometimes part of the root cannot be pulled out and the doctor leaves it in the jaw. In this case, there is a risk of inflammation.
  4. Fracture of the jawbone. It most often occurs in older patients when the jaw bone is weakened due to age or a previous illness.
  5. If the tooth is removed incorrectly, the doctor can pull out part of the alveolar ridge with it. At the same time, plastic is indispensable.

Complications in children

What complications can occur in children? They also have milk teeth, the roots of which do not sit tightly in the jawbone. Often parents remove them at home (on their own or entrust this procedure to amateur doctors).

But this is not allowed:

  1. First, such an operation often takes place in unsanitary conditions without the use of antiseptics. Therefore, there is big risk infect the wound.
  2. Secondly, at least some anesthesia is rarely used, the child may experience pain shock.
  3. Thirdly, carelessness can lead to damage to the germ of a permanent one.

Dear parents! Do not experiment on the health of your children!

In order to prevent terrible consequences, it is necessary to take responsibly and seriously to the removal of teeth. Use the services of experienced professionals only.

Let such a procedure in a dental clinic cost more than an underground doctor who does not have the appropriate education and the necessary experience. Don't take risks. If any complications appear, do not self-medicate.

Seek help from professionals. Appreciate yourself, your health and your life.

Tooth extraction is a complete operation, after which complications can develop. They can occur both through the fault of the doctor and the patient, and depend on various dental diseases and other factors. You will learn about what local complications can occur after tooth extraction, how they manifest themselves, and how to eliminate them.

What is alveolitis?

Alveolitis(it is also called post-extraction alveolitis) - inflammatory process, which sometimes develops after . Inflammation affects not only the hole, it also extends to the tissues surrounding it.

Alveolitis in most cases is a complication after an unsuccessful extraction, accounting for 25-40% of all types of complications. Most often, inflammation develops after the removal of the lower teeth, and in the case of eights, it occurs in 20% of cases.

Important: Normally, the healing of the hole is painless and only bothers the patient for the first few days after the operation. Immediately after the extraction of the tooth, the hole fills with blood, and after a couple of minutes a blood clot forms in it. It reliably protects the wound from infection, various mechanical damage, acting as a barrier.

After a week and a half, when the wound is covered with new epithelium, the clot disappears. If the blood clot does not form or is insolvent, and also due to the influence of many other adverse factors, an infection enters the wound, resulting in alveolitis.

Why does alveolitis occur?

The disease will make itself felt in a couple of days after the extraction of the tooth. The main reasons for the development of alveolitis:

  1. Active rinsing of the mouth on the day of surgery.
  2. If the patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor after tooth extraction.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Insufficient processing of the hole after the operation, as a result of which fragments of the tooth and pathological tissue may remain in it.
  5. Non-compliance.
  6. Neglect of diet after surgery (eating hot, cold, spicy food, drinks).
  7. The operation took place with complications.
  8. Weakened immunity.
  9. Errors and unprofessionalism of the doctor in the process of tooth extraction (violation of the rules of antiseptics, for example).
  10. Systemic chronic diseases of the body.

This complication is very rare and is the reason for the rough work of the dentist.


paresthesia(neuropathy of the lower alveolar nerve) - a complication after tooth extraction, if the nerve of the mandibular canal is damaged during the operation. The patient may not notice the symptoms of paresthesia until a few hours after the extraction, since only after this period of time the anesthesia ceases to work.

A person feels that his tongue, lip, sometimes cheek or even half of his face are numb. There are cases when, as a result of damage to the nerve, it becomes difficult to open the mouth (this condition is called lockjaw).

The numbness usually resolves on its own and does not require treatment. But if part of the face remains numb, special therapy is performed. Paresthesia is treated exclusively in a dental clinic or in a hospital setting, using the following methods:

Administrator and moderator of the site Graduated from NMU. A. A. Bogomolets, specialty "General Medicine" Practicing physician. Participant of international conferences and congresses of young scientists. Author of scientific reports on combined pathology of the cranio-facial area.

Tooth extraction is real surgery, which can have a systemic effect on the entire body.

As with other interventions, after removal of the patient, discomfort, pain, and other discomfort. In order not to miss or start a complication, you need to understand when you just need to be patient, and when you need to urgently consult a doctor for help.

Complications after tooth extraction

In case of violation of the technique, or due to improper care of the tooth socket, a number of complications may occur, which must be diagnosed and taken as soon as possible:

  • alveolitis - inflammation of the hole, occurs if a blood clot has not formed that protects the hole from oral bacteria;
  • alveolar bleeding;
  • paresthesia is nerve damage.
The photo shows inflammation of the tooth socket

These complications can be recognized by various symptoms- fever, pain, numbness, bleeding, etc. But most of these symptoms are considered normal after a tooth extraction. When do you need to see a doctor?


Any operation can be considered as a trauma to the body. It goes without saying that the body cannot but react to this, therefore, after the extraction of a tooth, the patient may feel unwell and even have a fever.

Temperature rise

Often there are cases when, in the evening on the day of removal, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees and is accompanied by weakness and feeling unwell. You should not immediately panic in order to understand whether such a state is the norm - it must be evaluated in dynamics. With absence postoperative complications, the next morning the patient will feel much better. On the evening of the second day, the temperature may rise again, but not more than 38 degrees.

If the dynamics are negative and the next morning the patient feels worse, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. In such cases, you should contact your doctor to agree on further actions.

Pain and swelling

These symptoms are an absolutely normal reaction of the body. Usually, the patient begins to feel pain a few hours after the operation due to the cessation of the pain medication.

Photo: pain and swelling

If the healing process proceeds normally, then every day the pain will become less and less. After a complex removal, the pain may be more intense and last longer. If swelling occurs, this can also be a normal reaction. The main criterion for the absence of complications is positive dynamics and the gradual extinction of unpleasant sensations.

When to go to the doctor:

If the pain is acute, throbbing and does not go away for 2-3 days (1.5-2 weeks after complex deletions) should see a doctor as soon as possible. If a painful hematoma occurs in the area, accompanied by fever and poor health, then a doctor is also needed.

Other warning signs

You should not postpone a second visit to the doctor if some time after the operation, blood has come out of the hole, as this may indicate a violation of the integrity of the blood clot, which plays a huge role in the healing of the hole. Another alarming symptom is the presence of pus on the surface of the hole, which most often appears there due to the development of alveolitis.


Feelings after tooth extraction

After this type of surgery, symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • Pain after the effect of the anesthetic decreases;
  • Discomfort when opening the mouth;
  • Hematoma in the cheek area;
  • Temperature rise.

If the healing process proceeds normally, then postoperative symptoms disappear in less than a week. If more than a week has passed and discomfort remained, then this is a signal to contact a specialist.


Edema is a common occurrence after dental surgery. Sometimes it can manifest itself in the form of a small flux, which is a consequence of the destruction of nearby tissues. If the size of the tumor is small, then it will disappear in a few days. In order to avoid these consequences, it is necessary to apply ice after extraction. If the edema does not decrease after a day, then it must be heated for twenty minutes, taking a break for ten minutes. Also, swelling can be removed with an antiallergic drug, but if this does not help, then you should make an appointment with a specialist.

Temperature rise

Temperature rise in postoperative period- quite common occurrence. This is a consequence of the protective reaction of the body to injury, which is the operation. An elevated temperature is an indicator that the body is fighting an infection. Temperature fluctuations are normal if it lasts no more than 2-3 days, rising in the late afternoon. When the temperature reaches 38 degrees and above, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs.

Throbbing pain at the site of tooth extraction

The cause of the throbbing pain is that the blood clot has not formed. In the event that the pain does not decrease in its presence, then this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the pulp. The pulp is soft dental tissue containing nerve endings and vessels. At complete removal pulp can begin to inflame the nerve that it contains. The indication for pulp removal is pulpitis. If part of the pulp remains, then the disease can spread.

In this case, the inflammation worsens and irritation of the nerves occurs. Increased pain, which is localized at the site of removal of the itch, may be a signal of the onset of purulent processes in the hole or in the gum. The cause of inflammation of the gums can be the presence of root particles in it. The hole becomes inflamed if there is no blood clot in it.

Pain in neighboring teeth after extraction

Sometimes pain can spread to adjacent teeth. This is due to the fact that if the operation was complicated, then the gum or nerve could be affected. adjacent tooth. To prevent discomfort, it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, rinse your mouth with chamomile and soda after each meal.

Signs of complications after tooth extraction

If you notice any of the symptoms described below, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible, as these could be complications due to improper tooth extraction.

Dryness in the hole

Normally, a blood clot remains in the hole that remains in place of the extracted tooth. He performs protective function, protecting the bone and nerve endings from various influences, thereby accelerating the healing process. On the first day after the operation, it is better not to rinse the mouth, avoid hot food. By following these recommendations, you can protect the thrombus. Often this thrombus does not form at the site of the extracted tooth, which is called a dry socket.

If a blood clot has not formed, then you need to contact your dentist. He will put a swab in the hole soaked in a special solution that promotes healing. This kind of complication can be the result of a number of objective reasons such as smoking, taking birth control pills, age. The absence of a clot can cause severe pain not only at the site of the operation, but also in nearby areas. This pain is often so severe that it can radiate to the ear in pulsating shocks. In this case, you need to monitor the dynamics of the increase in pain and its duration, because after a few days a new problem may appear - alveolitis.


The cause of alveolitis after tooth extraction, as a rule, is infection in the postoperative wound.

Dry sockets are the most vulnerable to pathogens. Sometimes - periodontitis, which is a consequence of the fact that tooth fragments remained in the tissues. All of the above factors are a "green light" for infection and inflammation of the hole, which is accompanied by severe pain. Conductors of pain - nerve trunks. In the focus of edema, pus can accumulate and, as a result, an unpleasant odor. With an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, the hole is covered with a gray coating, and the pain is so aggravated that chewing food becomes impossible.

A doctor will help to solve this problem, which should be addressed immediately, because alveolitis can turn into periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum), and also cause phlegmon or abscess. Rarely, it can cause osteomyelitis. Wherein sharp pain and swelling of the gums can be supplemented by high fever and general malaise associated with a weakened immune system. Osteomyelitis can move to nearby teeth. This disease is treated only through surgery, after which a long course of inpatient therapy begins.


If an infection enters the hole, then those tissues that are located nearby begin to fester. Pus can be the result of poor hygiene, as well as when dental fragments penetrate the tissues. Often, pus can appear after the removal of a wisdom tooth. With untimely treatment of purulent inflammation, a more serious problem may arise, such as a fistula or even a cyst. Here, the number of days that have passed since the operation is absolutely not important. Pus is a signal to make an appointment with a doctor. Only he will be able to establish the cause of the inflammation, prescribe antibiotics and prescribe irrigation with an antiseptic.

Pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Surgical removal of a wisdom tooth is a rather difficult process, so postoperative pain can be severe. Pain is a phenomenon that accompanies the eruption of the wisdom tooth itself. The eighth tooth is usually removed for the simple reason that it begins to shift the row to make room for itself. Often there are cases when the tooth grows crooked and damages the tissue. that is why dentists insist on extraction at an early stage. Only experienced dentist can determine if it is needed or not.

During the procedure, a nerve may be affected, because these teeth are located near facial nerves. Therefore, the feeling of paresthesia may accompany treatment, which will manifest itself in the form of numbness of the tongue, lips, and even the chin. These complications occur quite rarely and disappear a few weeks after the operation. They do not lead to complications.

During the extraction of the wisdom tooth, the gum is injured. The patient suffers It's a dull pain but it goes away after a couple of days. Inflammation of the socket and gums very often occurs in combination with an increase in temperature. With its increase, hypothermia occurs. The dentist in such a situation will prescribe antibiotic therapy, will suture using threads that dissolve on their own.

Postoperative therapy if severe pain persists after tooth extraction

Pain in the postoperative period is absolutely normal. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to take into account its duration and nature. To reduce pain at first, doctors recommend:

  • Apply cold compresses;
  • During the day, avoid any impact on the operated area (refers to brushing your teeth and rinsing);
  • Take antipyretic and pain medications.

After the tooth is removed, a roller is applied to its place, which is not removed for 20-30 minutes. Eating should be postponed for several hours to avoid infection in the wound. Hot and spicy foods should be avoided. You can not chew on the operated side. Smoking and alcohol are taboo after tooth extraction.

At the first stages in the period after extraction, the gum should be cooled gently. Be careful not to chill your gums! You can not take hot baths at this time: due to increased pressure, increased bleeding may occur. If it has begun, place a cotton swab between the jaws or make cold compress. Rinsing the mouth is strictly prohibited, as it can damage the blood clot, which should normally be in the hole. For 2-3 days, you can start rinsing your mouth using soothing solutions. Take a glass of water room temperature, dissolve in it a teaspoon of soda or ½ teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with this solution 2-3 times daily.

If the pain gets worse, analgesics can be used. The most effective: ketanov and analgin. In case of inflammation, the doctor will recommend antibiotics, such as sumamed, biseptol, amoxiclav. The duration of the course of taking them depends on the degree of complexity of the condition, however, it cannot be interrupted even after getting rid of the pain. If complications arise, the dentist can irrigate with antiseptics.

How to avoid complications?

Preventive methods consist in strict adherence to all the doctor's advice regarding oral care. Simple Recommendations help prevent pain and complications. The rules are:

  • Do not touch the wound for the first 2-3 days
  • A couple of days after the operation, cleanse with antiseptics
  • The daily number of painkillers should not exceed 2 times
  • Cold compresses can only be used on the first day to avoid gingival inflammation.

The selection of antiseptics is done by the doctor after the operation. You should avoid taking medicines that have aspirin in their composition, including citramon. Such drugs thin the blood, preventing it from clotting in the hole. An additional visit to the doctor is required if you notice the slightest deviation from the norm, such as swelling, pus, and more.

How to deal with pain?

To relieve pain after tooth extraction, as a rule, non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed, the action of which is directed to cyclooxygenase (an enzyme that responds to the synthesis of biologically active compounds that form pain sensation). Many analgesics are recommended for use in the postoperative period, as they are able to fight inflammation. Often, analgesics show their side effects in the form of irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, increased bleeding (analgesics thin the blood). Most often, dentists choose the drug according to the principle most activity and the smallest list side effects.

  • Ibuprofen fights well with pain, which acts for 12 hours, eliminating any manifestation of inflammation and swelling. In order to reduce the load on the stomach, it is better to take it after meals.
  • Nimesulide (Nimegenzik, Nimesil, Nise) - drugs that act locally on the tooth socket, reducing inflammation. However, in patients with liver pathologies, it is better to refuse this drug due to its increased hepatotoxicity.
  • Lornoxicam, Meloxicam (Mirloks, Movalis, Xefocam) are drugs that are much stronger in terms of degree of action than nimesulide and ibuprofen. Moreover, they have less effect on the stomach. These remedies eliminate pain for a sufficiently long period without causing bleeding. Therefore, their reception is more safe.
  • Rofecoxib (Viox, Rofika) - drugs with a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is indicated after complex operations, such as the extraction of reininated teeth. These medicines act simultaneously on two fronts: they remove swelling and relieve pain.

What funds should not be taken?

Some drugs, despite their popularity, have an extremely unexpressed effect, which, moreover, is accompanied by a number of side effects. These include:

  • Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. It has a minimal analgesic effect, but has an antipyretic effect. They thin the blood, which can cause bleeding from the tooth socket. It has a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach. However, in combination with other drugs, it is quite effective.
  • Paracetamol. Paracetamol is an antipyretic by its action. It does not have the proper effect in the fight against inflammation and adversely affects the functioning of the liver. It is used in combination with complex drugs.
  • No-shpa. This drug, in spite of everything, is not at all classified as an analgesic. This drug is an antispasmodic. Thus, no-shpa exhibits an analgesic effect if the pain sensation has an antispasmodic character. In other cases, this medicine is weak.

Nutrition after tooth extraction

Spicy and salty foods are the main irritants for the mucous membranes. They increase pain. hot food and drinks - factors that affect the state of blood vessels, expanding them, which provokes bleeding and swelling. Rigid foods can cause mechanical damage to the mucous membranes and injure the blood clot. The result is pain and bleeding.

The first meal after the operation should not injure the operated area. It could very well be meat broth, yogurt or ice cream (it is better not to bite off). Ice cream is recommended by both dentists and otolaryngologists after tonsil removal. The cold causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing the risk of bleeding and reducing swelling.

An urgent problem that worries many patients in the postoperative period is a chilled nerve after ice cream. You don't have to worry about this. Causes of neuritis can be being in a draft or hypothermia. Ice cream should be eaten slowly without biting into it. large pieces. Then you can avoid inflammation and cool the area that bothers you.


Remains of the root inside the gum

Incomplete tooth extraction is the most common problem with this type of dental surgery.

Symptoms of this type of complication:

  • pain in the area of ​​the operation;
  • edema;
  • development of inflammation.

In some cases, when the patient does not go to the doctor again even in the presence of these manifestations, may develop alveolitis. The main reasons incomplete removal two:

The first is more rare: when the doctor was not well prepared for the operation and simply did not notice the fragment that was formed in the process.

The second reason is the surgeon's conscious decision to leave the splinter. It is dictated by the location of the foreign body, the removal of which can lead to infection or damage to the nerve.

To extract the shard, you need to reoperation. Before it, the patient must pass x-ray examination, and the doctor carefully examines the pictures and plans his actions.

There is another option that takes more than long time, is used when it is problematic to perform a second operation.

With complete healing using lotions from sea ​​buckthorn oil the shard will be "pushed out" soft tissues on one's own.


It also occurs quite often. And this can occur both immediately after the operation, and an hour, several hours or even a day after it.

Some of the reasons for this could be accompanying illnesses(hypertension, leukemia, jaundice), and the actions of the dentist or the patient himself.

During the operation, the doctor may make some mistakes, for example, damage the blood vessels, part of the alveoli or the interradicular septum.

Also, bleeding from the hole occurs when it is mechanically damaged, in which the patient is guilty, who did not follow the recommendations of the surgeon for rehabilitation.

To avoid a general deterioration in health, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

dry hole

Signs of a dry socket are:

  • the absence of a visible blood clot in it, instead of which visible bone;
  • strong pain;
  • inflammation.

The cause of this phenomenon may be the actions of the patient himself:

  • unreasonably frequent rinsing after surgery;
  • drinking "with effort", for example, through a straw;
  • intermittent spitting.

For treatment, you must definitely contact a dentist who will advise anti-inflammatory drugs, and in difficult cases, will carry out additional cleansing of the hole, close it with a special gel, or prescribe antibiotics.


An increase in body temperature during the first two or three days after removal is normal and expected.

The fact is that this is how the body reacts to traumatic intervention. At the same time, higher values ​​(up to 38–38.5 degrees C) can be observed in the late afternoon.


The main indicator of alveolitis - pain that occurs after a few days which can be very disturbing for the patient.

In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • swelling of the mucosa at the site of removal and local inflammation;
  • there is no normal blood clot in the hole itself;
  • difficulty swallowing.

This problem occurs if healing processes are disrupted, which can be triggered by non-compliance with the recommendations of the dentist after tooth extraction.

The reason may also be operation process that turned out to be too complicated due to certain tooth position or other factors.

As a result, pathogenic microorganisms from the oral cavity penetrate into open wound , starting the process of development of alveolitis.

Another option - weakened by the infection of the patient's body, which cannot counteract microbes.

If the pain and symptoms only get worse after 3 days, you should definitely make a visit to the dentist. Most often, they are prescribed physiotherapy along with the use of general anti-inflammatory drugs and topical ointments.


A more complex disease that sometimes develops after a tooth extraction is inflammation of the tissues of the jaw bones. In addition to pain at the site of inflammation, the following symptoms are observed:

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • worsening sleep;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Treatment can be both surgical, when incisions are made in the periosteum, and classical medication. This should only be done by a professional.

During rehabilitation period the patient can be prescribed not only symptomatic treatment, but also local physiotherapy and the passage of antibacterial, antiviral, detoxification therapy.


During the operation nerve endings may be affected, and not always through the fault of the doctor - a variant with a complex location, structure and the very removal of a diseased tooth is possible.

This can provoke neurological complications, one of which is paresthesia - numbness of the tongue. In addition, a feeling of numbness, "goosebumps" sometimes appears in the area of ​​the lips, cheeks and chin.

The doctor may prescribe injections of drugs such as Galantamine and Dibazol, as well as taking vitamins C and B.

Injury to the alveolar ridge

There are times when it happens removal of part of the alveolar ridge serving directly to hold the tooth.

With a complex arrangement of the tooth and insufficient visibility, the surgeon can apply forceps, in addition to the tooth itself, also on part of the bone. This causes a strong cosmetic and aesthetic defect, perceived as a deformation.

Especially noticeable when working with the front teeth. Also, the patient himself cannot normally close his jaw and experiences pain.

Treatment involves only bone grafting (alveoplasty) using, most often, artificial bone tissue. So that it does not move, special protective membranes are used that are superimposed on last step operations before suturing.

The cost of such an operation can be from 30 thousand rubles, and the use of the membrane, depending on the type and manufacturer, is about 3-9 thousand more.

Fracture of adjacent hard tissues

During the operation the surgeon may touch the teeth that are located next to the one to be removed.
The reason for this is too close arrangement of the teeth or the inaccessibility of the operated site, when the doctor practically does not have normal access to it.

To prevent this from happening, the doctor must carefully study the preliminary images and think over the operation plan.

In addition, it is very important right choice tools that the surgeon will use during the removal process.

Damage to the oral mucosa

Most often, such complications are seen with awkward position tooth requiring extraction or for prolonged complex operation. It uses a large number of different tools.

During the operation with awkward movements of the patient caused by fear or rejection of what is happening, tools can slip off, causing injury varying degrees gravity to the surrounding soft tissues.

It can also happen if the doctor has not performed sufficient preparatory actions - separation of the gums and so on.

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint

This type of injury occurs in most cases. when extracting molars when the patient needs to open his mouth very strongly and make an effort for this.

Otherwise, the surgeon will simply not be able to access the desired area of ​​the jaw.

With dislocation mandible the patient will experience quite severe pain, which makes it possible to almost immediately determine the presence of a problem.

It must be said that for some people who are weakened ligamentous apparatus by virtue of various diseases, the risk of dislocation is increased.

The treatment consists in the fact that the specialist must set the joint with one of the methods suitable for this.

In this case, a conductive or infiltration anesthesia because the process is quite painful.

Perforation of the floor of the maxillary sinus

Happens only when removed. upper teeth , and this problem is associated in most cases with the anatomical features of patients.

The maxillary or maxillary sinus is located directly above the alveolar process in the upper jaw.

In some cases, the dividing line in the form of an alveolar process practically disappears.

To avoid perforation, the doctor needs to conduct thorough and detailed preliminary examinations, including x-rays or pantomograms.

If purulent inflammation passes in the sinus, this is a contraindication to tooth extraction, as it can lead to long-term and very serious problems.

Treatment must be carried out immediately at the same visit to the doctor. If the case is pronounced, then the doctor will close and suture the message in a certain way with the help of a mucoperiosteal flap.

Sometimes it is enough to apply a dense tampon, which in a few days helps to form a blood clot in the hole, to close the hole on its own.

Features of manipulations in the presence of a cyst

The cyst forms at the top of the tooth root. It is a formation, inside of which there is pus.

The complexity and peculiarity of operations to remove such teeth is that the doctor will need to completely clean the hole and the void that has additionally formed in it. It is necessary to very carefully eliminate pus and infection.

Otherwise, you may see recurrence of the cyst, as well as some of the complications discussed earlier - alveolitis and osteomyelitis.

Difficulties in extracting milk teeth

With such an operation, the root of a milk tooth may already dissolve so much that the rudiment of a permanent doctor takes it for him.
This happens very rarely, however, if the rudiment of a molar tooth is removed from the hole, then it will no longer be able to grow.

How to avoid problems after surgery

Very often, the actions of the patient become the cause of the development of complications. The main recommendation before an operation to remove a tooth is its timely implementation.

If delayed, this can provoke very serious consequences, which, in addition to the operation itself, will require long and complex treatment.

How to choose a reliable doctor

  • his qualification, confirmed by certificates, diplomas and other documents;
  • an experience work;
  • demand- how tight the schedule is;
  • honest and complete answers to questions when communicating with the patient, including warning about risks;
  • also don't forget about personal recommendations friends, colleagues, family and other patients.

Before the operation

  • before surgery can't drink alcohol;
  • doctor should be aware of all medications taken the day before;
  • in a few hours before the appointed time satisfy hunger;
  • it is impossible to remove in a state of severe stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of viral infections (for example, herpes) and acute infectious ENT diseases;
  • extremely it is undesirable to carry out such manipulations during the first 3 months after a heart attack;
  • high blood pressure on the day of surgery also serves as a reason to postpone it.

After surgery

  • necessarily remove the swab from the hole after 15-25 minutes after the end of the procedure;
  • avoid hard foods and hot foods on the same day and several subsequent;
  • do not eat for 3-5 hours after leaving the surgeon;
  • no frequent rinsing, especially hot or very cold liquid;
  • do not touch the formed hole finger, toothpick, brush;
  • take a bath or accept similar "warming" procedures, including visiting the beach on a hot day;
  • do not play sports in the coming days and avoid any physical activity.

We offer you to watch a video in which the specialist talks about what complications there are and what needs to be done.


  • What is alveolitis?
  • Why does alveolitis occur?
  • How does the disease manifest itself?
  • How to treat a complication?
  • The main symptoms of perforation
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Bleeding
  • paresthesia

What is alveolitis?

Alveolitis(it is also called post-extraction alveolitis) is an inflammatory process that sometimes develops after tooth extraction. Inflammation affects not only the hole, it also extends to the tissues surrounding it.

Alveolitis in most cases is a complication after an unsuccessful extraction, accounting for 25-40% of all types of complications. Most often, inflammation develops after the removal of the lower teeth, and in the case of eights, it occurs in 20% of cases.

Important: Normally, the healing of the hole is painless and only bothers the patient for the first few days after the operation. Immediately after the extraction of the tooth, the hole fills with blood, and after a couple of minutes a blood clot forms in it. It reliably protects the wound from infection, various mechanical damage, acting as a barrier.

After a week and a half, when the wound is covered with new epithelium, the clot disappears. If the blood clot does not form or is insolvent, and also due to the influence of many other adverse factors, an infection enters the wound, resulting in alveolitis.

Why does alveolitis occur?

The disease will make itself felt in a couple of days after the extraction of the tooth. The main reasons for the development of alveolitis:

  1. Active rinsing of the mouth on the day of surgery.
  2. If the patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor after tooth extraction.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Insufficient processing of the hole after the operation, as a result of which fragments of the tooth and pathological tissue may remain in it.
  5. Poor oral hygiene.
  6. Neglect of diet after surgery (eating hot, cold, spicy food, drinks).
  7. The operation took place with complications.
  8. Weakened immunity.
  9. Errors and unprofessionalism of the doctor in the process of tooth extraction (violation of the rules of antiseptics, for example).
  10. Systemic chronic diseases of the body.

Read also:

  • When and what antibiotics to take after tooth extraction
  • General doctor's recommendations after tooth extraction

How does the disease manifest itself?

How to understand that you have started alveolitis? Already two or three after the operation, the following symptoms may occur:

  • there is no blood clot in the wound,
  • gums reddened and inflamed,
  • pus began to stand out from the wound,
  • a gray coating appeared on the surface of the hole,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • there was a bad smell from the mouth,
  • severe pain in the hole and around it,
  • enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes,
  • worsened general state(weakness, malaise).

Running stage The disease is characterized by the following features:

  • the pain increases and can radiate to the temple, ear, often a headache,
  • the subfertile temperature is maintained (37 - 37.5, such temperature indicators are a sign of an inflammatory process),
  • the jaw hurts so much that it becomes difficult to chew and talk,
  • the mucosa around the hole is inflamed and very sore,
  • the cheek may swell from the side of the extracted tooth.

Alveolitis - serious illness that requires professional treatment. In the absence of treatment, the disease can develop into more serious problem(osteomyelitis, for example).

How to treat a complication?

Alveolitis is fairly easy to diagnose by outward signs, as well as the results of a patient survey. If you have signs of alveolitis, immediately go to the dentist, self-treatment is inappropriate here. How is the treatment going? Therapy for alveolitis of the hole is as follows:

  • local anesthesia is administered
  • the well is cleaned of the remnants of a blood clot,
  • the doctor scrapes out the granulation hole, purulent discharge, the remains of the tooth (this procedure is called curettage),
  • then the wound is treated with an antiseptic,
  • a tampon impregnated with a special drug is applied to the well.

After such procedures, the patient is prescribed painkillers, a diet, as well as oral baths using an antiseptic solution. If the curettage was carried out qualitatively, and the patient responsibly followed all the recommendations of the dentist, the alveolitis is successfully cured in a few days.

If the patient went to the dentist for advanced stage alveolitis, the treatment is as follows:

  • after antiseptic treatment and curettage, a tampon soaked in antibiotics and drugs is placed in the well, which normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, and also stops the inflammatory process,
  • such blockades are carried out several times,
  • if tissue necrosis has begun, proteolytic enzymes are used, which make it possible to clean the hole from dead tissue, as well as relieve inflammation,
  • if the inflammatory process has penetrated inside, the doctor blocks the nerve along its entire length with lidocaine or novocaine. If the pain and signs of inflammation do not disappear, after 48 hours the blockade is repeated,
  • physiotherapy is used: microwaves, laser, ultraviolet radiation,
  • the patient is prescribed vitamin complexes, analgesics, sulfonamides,
  • if there is a risk of spreading the inflammatory process to nearby tissues, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs inside.

Perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus

Most often, perforation of the maxillary sinus occurs at the site of its bottom, this is facilitated by a number of factors:

  • the roots of the teeth are located very close to the bottom of the sinus: in some people, the thickness of the bone layer between the roots and the bottom of the sinus is less than 1 cm, and sometimes only 1 mm,
  • it happens that the root is located in the maxillary sinus itself, only a thin mucous membrane separates them,
  • the bone layer quickly becomes thinner in various dental diseases (cyst, periodontitis).

The main symptoms of perforation

Perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus, which occurred during the extraction of a tooth, is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • in the blood that is released from the hole, air bubbles appear, the number of which increases if you exhale sharply through the nose,
  • coming out of the nose bleeding from the side of the perforation
  • the timbre of the voice changes, “nasal” appears.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is usually not difficult and is carried out by questioning the patient. If there is any doubt and you need to make sure the diagnosis is correct, the following studies can be carried out:

  1. Hole probing makes it possible to make sure that there is no bone bottom in the wound. The instrument passes freely and unhindered through soft tissues.
  2. radiograph areas of the maxillary sinuses: the picture will show blackouts that have arisen as a result of accumulation of blood in the sinuses.
  3. CT scan.
  4. General blood analysis.

Tactics for the treatment of perforation depends on what changes have occurred in the maxillary sinus after injury to its bottom. If the complication was detected immediately and inflammation did not develop in the sinus, the main task of the dentist is to keep the blood clot in the hole and prevent infection from entering the wound.

A swab is placed at the bottom of the hole, which is soaked in iodine solution. It is left there for a week until full granulations are formed. In addition, the defect can be closed with a special plastic plate that separates the oral and sinus cavities and promotes faster healing.

Also, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictor drops and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

If the perforation was not detected immediately, then after a few weeks the acute symptoms subside, and at the site of the lesion formed fistula. This process is accompanied by symptoms of chronic sinusitis:

  • dull pain in the sinus area, which radiates to the temple, eye,
  • from the side of the perforation, the nose is constantly stuffed up,
  • pus comes out of the nose
  • on the side of the perforation, the cheek may swell.

Perforation at such an advanced stage is difficult to treat. The only way out is surgery, during which the sinus is opened, all pathological contents are removed from its cavity, treated with an antiseptic, the fistula is excised, and the procedure is completed with plastic closure of the defect.

After the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs.


After tooth extraction, bleeding may open, which is external and hidden. And if the external one can be noticed and stopped immediately after the operation in the dentist's office, then latent bleeding provokes quite large blood loss.

Latent bleeding makes itself felt by the appearance of hematomas on the cheek, gums, mucous membrane respiratory tract. In especially advanced cases, the hematoma spreads to the neck and chest.

Bleeding is stopped as follows:

  • the wound is opened wide in order to determine the cause of the hemorrhage,
  • the damaged vessel is tied up or cauterized,
  • depending on the amount of blood released, the hole is either sutured or drained,
  • hematomas resolve on their own over time.

Various injuries after extraction

Since tooth extraction is a full-fledged operation that requires certain knowledge and skills, various injuries occur during the course:

Tooth fracture

Most often in dental practice there is a fracture (for more information on what to do if a tooth breaks off, read here) of the root or crown. This complication may occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • anatomical features of the tooth,
  • pathological changes in its structure as a result of various diseases,
  • restless behavior of the patient during the operation,
  • insufficient qualification of the doctor.

Dislocation or fracture of adjacent teeth

This happens if the doctor uses an insufficiently stable tooth as a support.

Fracture of the alveolar ridge

Most often occurs when the upper teeth are removed. The complication may arise from anatomical features structure of the jaw, various diseases, and also be the result of an excessive effort of the doctor used by the dentist at the time of tooth extraction.

gum damage

Various soft tissue injuries occur if the dentist removes a tooth in a hurry, in poor lighting, and also with improper anesthesia.

Pushing the root into soft tissues

Most often happens when removing the upper and lower molars. The reasons for pushing the root can be:

  • the doctor exerted excessive force,
  • fracture of the alveolar wall
  • the edge of the alveolus has resolved as a result of the inflammatory process,
  • the dentist didn't fix it well alveolar ridge at the time of tooth extraction.

Pushing the root into the sinus of the upper jaw

This happens if the root is separated from the sinus by a thin mucous membrane and the doctor makes an inaccurate movement of the instrument at the time of tooth extraction. You can determine the complication by questioning the patient, as well as the results of x-rays.

Dislocation of the lower jaw

A dislocation can occur if the patient opens his mouth too wide during the operation, the doctor uses a hammer and chisel, and there are also additional loads to the lower jaw.

Fracture of the lower jaw

This complication is very rare and is the reason for the rough work of the dentist.


paresthesia(neuropathy of the lower alveolar nerve) - a complication after tooth extraction, if the nerve of the mandibular canal is damaged during the operation. The patient may not notice the symptoms of paresthesia until a few hours after the extraction, since only after this period of time the anesthesia ceases to work.

A person feels that his tongue, lip, sometimes cheek or even half of his face are numb. There are cases when, as a result of damage to the nerve, it becomes difficult to open the mouth (this condition is called lockjaw).

The numbness usually resolves on its own and does not require treatment. But if part of the face remains numb, special therapy is performed. Paresthesia is treated exclusively in a dental clinic or in a hospital setting, using the following methods:

  • physiotherapy procedures ,
  • injections of vitamin B, B2, C, aloe extract, galantamine, or dibazol.

Changing the position of neighboring teeth

After a tooth is removed, its neighbors begin to gradually move into the vacant space. As a result, the dentition shifts, crowding of the teeth may develop, and chewing load increases. Various bite anomalies develop, which negatively affects the general condition of the teeth and oral cavity.

To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to carry out implantation, install a bridge or use removable dentures.



After surgery to remove it is considered the norm slight bleeding, which should stop on its own within a few minutes. How to stop the bleeding after tooth extraction is described in a separate publication.

The next day, discomfort, slight swelling and a slight increase in temperature are possible. If the symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days, then you should look for the causes similar signs. Local complications include the following phenomena:

Neuritis of the inferior alveolar nerve

This disease is accompanied by unpleasant and severe pain. They appear the next day after the operation. The signs of its development also include:

  • bad breath in a patient;
  • edema is observed;
  • the patient feels numbness of the chin and lips;
  • the patient experiences discomfort in the area of ​​tooth extraction.

Neuritis occurs due to chronic periodontitis, which affects large premolars located near the canal.


This phenomenon always occurs after surgery and is not a cause for concern. But, it happens that after a while the hole starts to bleed again. In this case, after the extraction of a tooth, several hours or days may pass. This condition is called secondary bleeding.

If it occurs a couple of hours after painful procedure, then this is the patient's response to adrenaline. The patient receives it along with an anesthetic. This process called early second bleeding.

It happens due to the contraction of the walls in the wound, and after a couple of hours the second phase of the drug takes effect. It leads to the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which the wound may begin to bleed.

There is even later bleeding, which appears 2-3 days after the operation. This happens as a result of damage to the intraosseous arteries, physical activity, with the development of inflammation in the wound.

Lunar postoperative pain

It appears 1-3 days after getting rid of the diseased tooth. It is very strong, tormenting patients at night, slightly disappears only after taking analgesics. The cause of such pain is the development of:

Also, pain can occur as a result of sharp or protruding edges of the bone hole, with total absence clot. This complication is eliminated by grinding the edges. If there is no clot, the walls of the wound are simply brought closer to each other.


Consider the most frequent consequences that occur after tooth extraction.

Fainting and collapse

It manifests itself in people who are characterized by signs of acute vascular insufficiency. Such phenomena lead to an unstable state of the human psyche, which arose while waiting or feeling pain before or during the procedure.

Signs of fainting or collapse include pallor of the patient's skin, weak pulse or the formation of a cold sweat.

Allergic reaction

It manifests itself in the form of Quincke's edema, urticaria or anaphylactic shock.

  • The most harmless reaction in this case is hives. It is manifested by severe itching, rash, barely noticeable swelling of the face.
  • Anaphylactic shock expressed as a violation in the respiratory, cardiac and arterial systems.
  • At angioedema the patient experiences nervousness and fear. Symptoms include swelling of the upper or lower airways.

Perforation of the maxillary sinus

The main signs of such a complication are bleeding from a wound in which blisters form. Also, during the meal, the patient begins to feel it in the nose. Another sign of perforation is severe and persistent pain.

The inept actions of the dentist lead to such a consequence, as a result of which tooth extraction is difficult and traumatic. Physiological features can also cause perforation. For example, with increased fragility of bones.

Hemorrhage into soft tissues

If external hemorrhages are detected immediately, then hidden ones proceed imperceptibly. In this case, the patient loses a large amount of blood. Hidden hemorrhages lead to the formation of hematomas on the gum or cheek. They can even reach the chest or neck area.

If a tooth was extracted with a cyst

As a rule, the cyst is diagnosed already in the later stages. Quite often, the doctor decides to remove not only it, but also the tooth on which it was formed.

Such an operation can lead to serious consequences.. They occur due to fragments that remain in the jaw, which can serve as an impetus for the development of a new cyst.

Also, complications include such consequences as a fracture or dislocation of the jaw. It occurs as a result of the extraction of teeth with large roots or with a large cyst.

It is not immediately possible to diagnose such a complication, since the patient is under anesthesia. Symptoms that appear at first are similar to inflammation of the wound or the development of an infection.

To eliminate this effect, the doctor applies a bandage and prescribes drugs. Depending on the situation, it can be antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. To maintain the patient's immunity, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes.


At severe pain available taking painkillers. Therapeutic measures are primarily aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Depending on the diseases that led to complications, the doctor prescribes certain procedures and medications.

Elimination of local complications

  1. If you suspect neuritis, the patient should visit a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe complex therapy, which includes a visit to electrophoresis with novocaine, injections with vitamin B1 and a course of analgesics.
  2. To cope with bleeding, it is necessary first of all to remove blood clots from the hole and dry it. Next, use an antiseptic in the form of a spray. Further steps should be carried out by the dentist. He will be able to assess where the bleeding comes from and the degree of its development.

    As treatment methods, doctors use turunda, which is impregnated with iodoform. To keep it in the hole, the doctor fixes it with sutures. To stop bleeding, special agents are introduced, like vikasol. A week later, the patient should visit the dentist again.

  3. Treatment of alveolitis is carried out only by a doctor. First of all, he removes the remnants of the clot, applies a disinfectant to the wound. Fills the removal site with tetracycline-type medicine. For the best effect, you can take a course of laser therapy or other physiotherapy. The maximum duration of treatment is 5 days. Limited osteomyelitis is treated in the same way, but the patient is not allowed to go home, but is placed in a hospital.

Elimination of common complications

Collapse a more serious condition that requires the administration of steroid medications. If the patient is not removed within 3 minutes from such a state, then he is subject to hospitalization.

allergic reactions require admission antihistamines. At anaphylactic shock the patient is injected large dose hormones and other drugs, after which he is urgently hospitalized.

At angioedema carry out impregnation of places where the allergen was injected with adrenaline. They also resort to taking antiallergic drugs, prednisolone is administered.

At perforation of the maxillary sinus it is important to create conditions for the formation of a blood clot. It is essential for normal wound healing. In more advanced cases, they resort to treating the place of removal with an antiseptic preparation. After that, sutures are applied to the wound, while its edges are not stretched.

At massive hemorrhages the doctor opens the wound and determines the cause of the hemorrhage. Then, the damaged vessel is flashed and cauterized with an electrocoagulator.

Hematomas, formed as a result of hemorrhage, resolve on their own. This takes no more than 2 weeks. To speed up the process, you can periodically apply dry heat to them.

Ordinary tooth extraction can lead to serious consequences. In order to mitigate this procedure as much as possible, it should be carried out in a proven clinic, and after the operation, carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor. Many complications arise due to improper patient care for the formed hole..

www.vash-dentist.ru Inflammation of the root of the tooth symptoms

Each doctor tries to save a diseased tooth, since any removal of it can cause quite a bit in the future. serious complications. For example, when at least one tooth is missing, the quality of the so-called mechanical processing of food consumed by a person worsens in the mouth. This, in turn, can lead to the development of various diseases, such as: gastritis, stomach ulcers and colitis. And after the removal of the front teeth, the general appearance- there is a violation of the correct articulation. This inevitably leads to the fact that a person has the strongest complexes. But, despite all these consequences, it often becomes impossible to save a tooth and it simply has to be pulled out.

Indications for tooth extraction

There is a list of indications for tooth extraction:

1. Single teeth that interfere with the fixation of the prosthesis.

People often have single teeth that do not allow you to properly install removable prosthesis, which is an indication for removal.

2. Purulent periodontitis.

In the presence of this disease, the doctor decides to perform an extraction in the case when he cannot carry out a proper outflow of pus from the periodontium, since the tooth has or does not passable channels or very twisted.

3. Granulomatous, granulating periodontitis in severe chronic form.

As a rule, the doctor decides to remove the diseased tooth if the patient has excessively curved and difficult to pass channels ( we are talking about root canals).

4. Pathological processes in the zone of the wisdom tooth.

If any pathological processes are observed on the lower jaw in the zone of the wisdom tooth, it is removed.

5. Odontogenic osteomyelitis.

If a person is faced with such serious illness, he should be prepared for the fact that the extraction of the tooth will be performed immediately. The point is that elimination pathogenic bacteria, and all their tissue decay products is possible only by removing the affected tooth. This procedure allows the doctor to completely limit the course of inflammatory and infectious processes.

6. Inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses and trigeminal neuralgia.

When the patient has teeth that provoke chronic inflammation maxillary sinuses, or because of them, trigeminal neuralgia is observed.

The inflammatory process may be an indication for tooth extraction.

7. Atypical arrangement of teeth.

The presence of supernumerary and simply located atypical teeth also serves as an indication for removal. Such teeth greatly worsen the bite and can injure the oral mucosa.

8. Exposed roots.

If a person has a strongly protruding tooth from the hole, and the roots are exposed. Such teeth usually prevent a person from chewing food normally, injure the soft tissues of the mouth, and make the process of prosthetics absolutely impossible without their removal.

9. Fracture of the jaw.

Removal is required when the patient has teeth located directly in the area of ​​the jaw fracture, and they are not subject to reposition of the fragments, but only act as potential conductors of infection.

10. Destroyed dental crowns (roots).

If a person has a thorough destruction of dental crowns, or in other words, roots, tooth extraction is almost impossible to avoid.

11. Multi-rooted teeth.

As a rule, dentists try to treat multi-rooted teeth. But if such treatment was unsuccessful and a complication developed in the form of an inflammatory acute periodontal process, the removal of the diseased tooth is required.

Tooth extraction: possible consequences

As a rule, after completing a thorough examination of the patient's oral cavity and his teeth, the dentist offers several options. medical procedures. It is believed that tooth extraction is the most cheap method treatment. But one should take into account the fact that prosthetics, which will certainly be required in the future, will cost, accordingly, much more expensive than tooth extraction.

To possible consequences Tooth extractions include:

Violation of the entire line.

After the extraction of a tooth, the adjacent ones begin to shift somewhat. Accordingly, a person begins to experience significant difficulties in the process of chewing food.

Deformation and destruction.

Displaced teeth begin to gradually deform and collapse, which becomes another problem and a reason to visit the dentist for treatment.

Examination by a dentist

1. Making a decision about the method of treatment.

The decision to remove a tooth can be made by the doctor only after a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity. In addition, a photograph (X-ray) of a diseased tooth is often part of a dental examination. From this picture, the dentist evaluates the general condition of the tooth, the roots and its other internal parts, which are located around the bone itself. Given all these points, the dentist offers either to perform the operation right in his office, or sends the patient to the surgeon (it all depends on the degree of complexity).

Before removing a tooth, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination

2. Poll.

Before proceeding with the extraction of a tooth, the dentist will certainly conduct not only a thorough examination, but also ask a certain list of questions that help him obtain the necessary information for the successful implementation of the planned operation.

Some questions the doctor asks:

  • about general well-being and the presence of any diseases;
  • about previous visits to dentists, about methods of treatment, about tooth extraction, how the gums healed;
  • about allergies and individual intolerance to any drugs / medications;
  • The doctor also asks about taking medications. This information is indeed considered important for any dentist, since even traditional medicine, such as: aspirin, citramon, can lower blood clotting, other drugs - increase blood pressure. The danger lies in the fact that all this can cause bleeding after the tooth extraction procedure. If you are taking any hormonal/contraceptive pills, be sure to tell your doctor about it, because dry sockets are quite often observed in women who take this kind of medication.

Is it necessary to take antibiotics before a tooth extraction?

Let's start with what people today adhere to different opinions about the need to take antibiotics before tooth extraction. Some are sure that taking antibiotics is really required - this helps to avoid the development of inflammation after the tooth extraction procedure. The rest of humanity claims that taking antibiotics does not have any beneficial effect at all and only puts a strain on the kidneys / liver.

In fact, the question of taking an antibiotic should not be decided by the patient, but by the doctor himself, and such a decision is made on an individual basis, that is, in each specific situation. Usually, the doctor will recommend pre-administration of an antibiotic before the procedure for extracting a tooth in the case when he finds an excessive amount of infection present in the mouth. Accordingly, if the attending physician prescribes the intake of a certain antibiotic, the patient must strictly adhere to the regimen for its administration. In any other case, antibiotics will not only be useless for humans, but will even be harmful to the body.

There are cases when, after taking antibiotics, a person feels somewhat strange reactions of his body, for example, the appearance of a rash on the body, shortness of breath. If you observe this, immediately stop using the drug and report the deterioration of your health to the doctor.

Extraction of teeth under general anesthesia

AT last years modern dental clinics often perform tooth extractions exclusively under general anesthesia. Experts say that the pharmacological drug, which is used for general anesthesia, does not cause any harm to the human body.

Under general anesthesia, it is easier to survive an unpleasant procedure.

Doctors suggest removing teeth under general anesthesia in such cases:


When a patient has an uncontrollable, panicky fear of dental procedures. Similar people can simply clench their teeth uncontrollably, preventing the doctor from performing the necessary manipulations.

The presence of a gag reflex.

Of course, no one likes the fact that a doctor, armed with a variety of tools, climbs into his mouth. But there are people who vomiting reflex developed to a large extent, and this kind of manipulation in them causes sudden bouts of vomiting. Accordingly, it is most advisable, when possible, to perform tooth extraction directly under general anesthesia.

If the patient is allergic.

When a person is susceptible to allergic reactions that are caused due to traditional local anesthetics, they are simply forced to endure the pain that occurs during the process of tooth extraction, since local anesthesia is strictly contraindicated for allergy sufferers. The fact is that similar situation may even lead to pain shock. As for general anesthesia, it never provokes allergic reactions, which is why doctors successfully use it to treat allergies.

Of course, tooth extraction under general anesthesia greatly facilitates the work of the dentist, and also helps the patient himself to avoid stressful situations. However, it is important to know that if you are offered to extract a tooth directly under general anesthesia, the medical institution must certainly have an appropriate license, and an anesthesiologist must work in the clinic. Calculation of the dose of anesthesia and control of the patient's condition should be performed not by a dentist, but exclusively by an anesthesiologist!

Tooth extraction: preparatory process

When a doctor informs his patient that it is necessary to perform a tooth extraction, the person usually experiences a feeling of anxiety and fear about such a procedure, which is natural reaction. Fear is usually caused by ignorance. Therefore, we have described just below how the extraction of a tooth occurs. Well, now, let's talk in more detail about the preparation for the procedure:

1. Anesthetic injections.

Before the doctor proceeds with the tooth extraction procedure, he will certainly perform local anesthesia on the patient - he will anesthetize the gums and nerves of the diseased tooth with an anesthetic injection. Before giving an injection, highly trained doctors usually treat the injection site with the so-called ice-coin spray. This is necessary to reduce pain. Ledocine spray quite effectively reduces the sensitivity of the gums, thereby minimizing the pain from the injection itself.

Local anesthesia is used for anesthesia

2. Waiting for the action of the anesthetic

After the doctor gives the injection, he asks the patient to wait a bit for the pain medication to take effect. As a rule, the waiting time takes no more than ten minutes. The patient begins to feel how the sensitivity in the injection area gradually decreases.

Tooth extraction: a feature of the process

Be prepared for the fact that during the procedure you will feel a lot of pressure, as the doctor will use his physical strength.

The fact is that the root of the tooth is quite densely located in the bone hole. In order to extract a diseased tooth, the dentist needs to expand this hole as much as possible. Due to the fact that the jawbone is characterized by the ability to compress well, the doctor expands the hole, loosening the tooth forward / backward. These actions make the patient feel significant pressure from the doctor. But you should not strain and be afraid, after this there will be no feeling of pain. Anesthesia used to anesthetize all dental procedures, completely blocks all the nerve endings that are directly responsible for pain, but at the same time, such anesthesia has practically no effect on those nerve endings that are responsible for the feeling of pressure. Accordingly, during the tooth extraction procedure, which is performed under anesthesia, a person does not feel pain, but only feels pressure.

In the event that you suddenly (this is unlikely), suddenly feel even the slightest painful sensation tell your doctor immediately. The doctor, in this case, introduces an additional volume of anesthetic into the area of ​​tooth extraction - it completely blocks the nerve endings.

Be aware that taking any analgesic drugs, such as Baralgin or Ketons, which people drink quite often to eliminate pain in the tooth, can reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia. Therefore, try not to take any drugs for about 12 hours before the tooth extraction procedure. If you still took an analgesic drug, be sure to notify your doctor about this.

Wisdom tooth extraction

The removal of such teeth is often accompanied by certain difficulties, primarily due to inconvenient access to them and the presence of anatomically important formations next to the wisdom teeth (any damage to them during tooth extraction is simply unacceptable). And the dense and strong bone tissue that surrounds the wisdom teeth, and the often occurring crooked roots, also greatly complicate the procedure. And we are not talking about various cases of tooth inclination, which are combined with incomplete eruption (or even retention).

There is another indication for the removal of wisdom teeth - their rapid and severe destruction. As a rule, the doctor warns that it is not advisable to invest a lot of money in the treatment / preservation of such teeth. Indeed, in the future, you will need to set up a pin, seal or make an inlay, a special coating with a crown. Of course, the removal of a wisdom tooth is advisory in nature, and if the patient is against it, then the removal is not carried out.

Indications for saving a wisdom tooth:

  • correct location (when absolutely nothing interferes with the tooth, and it erupts normally);
  • in cases where the wisdom tooth has no carious lesions, and nothing will interfere with its further high-quality treatment;
  • if the patient needs a wisdom tooth as the only support for reliable prosthetics and the tilt / displacement of the tooth is not so significant as to remove it.

Complicated tooth extraction

As a rule, difficulties in the process of tooth extraction arise if the roots have an irregular shape - curved / curved. In such cases, doctors have to extract the tooth fragment by fragment.

The essence of this technique is as follows:

1. Excision of the tooth into fragments.

The tooth is excised with special tools into small fragments - the doctor removes them one by one using medical forceps. Most people, having learned that the doctor is going to do such an extraction of a tooth, get scared immediately. In fact, you should not be afraid of this at all - the procedure is absolutely painless and allows the doctor to remove the tooth much faster and easier, and also avoids many complications.

2. Careful inspection.

As soon as the process of tooth extraction is completed, the dentist inspects the hole without fail in order to make sure that there are no fragments from the tooth and deposits in it.

3. Well clamp.

Then the doctor puts a cotton swab in the hole, which must be tightly clamped and held for about an hour.

4. Patient consultation.

The doctor will certainly advise the patient about what he should not do after the tooth extraction procedure and what should be done in order to minimize the risk of possible postoperative complications.

1. If bleeding from the hole has begun.

As a rule, the bleeding should stop after the extraction of the tooth in about half an hour. Earlier in this article, we mentioned that the doctor places a sterile cotton swab on the hole, and the patient needs to clamp it tightly for an hour. But in some cases, bleeding continues for several hours longer. In this case, you may need a sterile bandage - you need to cut off a small piece with cleanly washed hands, form a tampon out of it and repeat the procedure. But, if the bleeding continues for more than two to three hours, you need to urgently apply for medical care to the doctor.

2. Formation of a blood clot in the hole.

Experts assure that such a clot after the tooth extraction procedure is actually necessary for the further successful healing of the wound. Therefore, you should not worry. It is important to follow the following list of rules in order to prevent the destruction and removal of a blood clot:

  • smoking and drinking drinks through a straw often leads to some displacement of the blood clot. This is explained by the fact that during smoking and drinking a vacuum is formed in the mouth, which, in turn, causes the displacement of the clot;
  • do not rinse your mouth and try not to spit saliva on the first day after tooth extraction;
  • do not drink hot liquids (tea, coffee) and do not consume hot food(for example, soups / borscht) - this can lead to the dissolution of the formed blood clot;

3. If there is swelling.

In the event that the cheek is swollen after the extraction of the tooth, this is normal, since this sometimes happens. It is believed that the more difficult the removal procedure was, the higher the likelihood that swelling of the soft tissues adjacent to the extracted tooth will appear. In order to remove such a swelling, doctors usually advise patients to apply lek to the cheek for about ten minutes (this should be done every hour). This procedure should be continued until the swelling disappears. Just do not apply ice to the gum itself in any case - this can lead to infectious inflammation, since it may get pathogenic microorganisms into the wound.

Swelling may occur after tooth extraction

4. Temperature.

As a rule, smokers are much more likely to be exposed to various complications, and it is they who usually have a temperature after tooth extraction. Perhaps even inflammation of the hole. Therefore, if you are able to refrain from smoking, do it at least for 1-2 days.

5. Cleaning your teeth.

When the healing process proceeds after tooth extraction, it is very important to maintain oral hygiene. As practice shows, many people after the procedure of tooth extraction do prefer not to brush their teeth for several days. But this action inevitably leads to reproduction in the mouth pathogenic microflora and threatens with inflammation of the hole. Remember, brushing your teeth is a must, but first you should replace the traditional brush with a softer one. Never use any mouthwash.

6. Painkiller.

The pain that appears after tooth extraction is quite tolerable and is quickly stopped by taking painkillers. But you should definitely check with your doctor which specific drug you can take as soon as the injection ends. It is mandatory to read the instructions that are necessarily attached to each drug. And do not forget that it is desirable to combine any intake of painkillers with food intake in order to reduce negative impact medicines for the stomach.

Pain can be relieved with medication

7. Restriction of activity.

It is recommended to refrain from playing sports and avoid physical hard work. It is also advisable to put an extra pillow under your head during sleep. This is necessary so that the head is slightly higher (the risk of blood clot damage, which we wrote about above, is reduced).

8. Antibiotics.

Sometimes a few days before the scheduled date of the tooth extraction procedure, the dentist prescribes an antibiotic for the patient. In this case, you should not stop taking the antibiotic immediately after the procedure, as this may lead to some deterioration in the general condition.

9. Treatment of other teeth after the extraction of a diseased tooth.

When a person has diseased teeth that require treatment, he will naturally be concerned about how and when, after extraction, he can cure them. Experts generally recommend that patients wait and delay treatment for about a week.

10. Nutrition.

If the procedure for removing a tooth was not complicated by anything, then there are no special restrictions regarding nutrition. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that the food is chewed exclusively on the side opposite from the wound.

But, if the extraction of the tooth has given complications, then the dentist will usually advise the patient to follow a diet based on soft/liquid foods.

Tooth extraction: possible complications

As practice shows, the most highly professional dentist cannot give the patient any guarantee that he will not experience any complications. We will describe the main complications that are most common in people after tooth extraction:


If the removal procedure was very difficult and the gum was significantly damaged, then the doctor may suture the gum. In most cases, gums are sutured with dissolvable threads. However, insoluble threads can also be used by a doctor for suturing. Accordingly, the seams that are superimposed with such threads will need to be removed. Of course, you should not be afraid of this procedure - they are completely painless and proceed quickly.

Dryness of the hole.

Such a complication as “dry hole” after tooth extraction can be found quite often. A dry socket is formed if a blood clot has not formed at the site of the wound, which plays important role in the healing process. At the same time, the hole itself becomes defenseless and it is negatively affected by any external influence. For this reason, an inflammatory process (for example, alveolitis) can develop in it.

Complications during tooth extraction cannot be ruled out

With such a complication, a person experiences pain that can be felt immediately after the tooth extraction procedure, but most often a painful sensation appears after two to three days. The mucous membrane of the gums noticeably swells, the edges of the hole become inflamed. At this point, a person may have a fever, pain when swallowing. Along with the above symptoms, it is usually felt general malaise, and the wound begins to smell unpleasant due to a dirty gray coating.


Local and general remedies can be used to treat this complication. Sometimes it is enough just to thoroughly wash the well with an antiseptic solution - for this, the well is treated with an aseptic special paste / ointment. Then, with the help of vitamins and antibiotics, anti-inflammatory general therapy is carried out.

In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe physical therapy or laser therapy.


This complication is rare. Paresthesia is caused by nerve damage during tooth extraction. The main symptom of paresthesia is numbness in the chin, cheeks, tongue and lips. In general, paresthesia is considered temporary, and it usually disappears after 1-2 days, but can last up to several weeks.


The doctor treats paresthesia through the therapy of the vitamin complex of groups C and B, as well as with the help of injections of galantamine and dibazol.

Lunar bleeding.

It can occur immediately after the operation, that is, within an hour, but sometimes the holes begin to bleed even after a day. Hole bleeding can be caused by the use of adrenaline, because as soon as it stops acting, there is a risk of a short expansion of blood vessels, which leads to bleeding.

In addition, alveolar bleeding may begin due to a violation of the dentist's recommendations in the postoperative period - usually the holes bleed due to external disturbance of the wound.

Also, the causes of bleeding from the hole include concomitant diseases (jaundice, sepsis, leukemia, scarlet fever, hypertonic disease etc.).


As a rule, the effectiveness of stopping such bleeding directly depends on how the doctor correctly identified the causes of hole bleeding:

    If blood is coming directly from the gum tissue, then he puts sutures on the edges of the wound.

    If the source of bleeding is a vessel in the wall of the hole, then the doctor first applies local cold, then tightly squeezes the bleeding vessel and places a swab soaked in a special hemostatic agent into the hole. The tampon is removed no earlier than five days later.

    If local methods do not help, the doctor turns to more serious hemostatic general remedies.


Neighboring teeth, after the removal of the diseased incisor, begin to gradually tilt, namely, towards the removed tooth. This leads to the fact that the chewing process is disturbed, the chewing load increases to a large extent. As a result, the general condition of the jaw is disturbed and bite deformity is formed.

Each person should remember that only careful observance of all the recommendations of the attending physician will avoid complications that are possible after tooth extraction. Therefore, follow all the doctor's instructions, this will reduce the risk of unpleasant complications.

Extraction of teeth in children: features of the procedure

Of course, the removal of milk incisors in babies has a list of features. It should be noted right away that the dentist must make such a decision with all responsibility in order to prevent the occurrence of a mass of violations, for example, such as the formation of a malocclusion in a baby and a violation of the integrity of the so-called rudiments of permanent incisors.

Milk teeth are removed by a doctor with such indications:

  • When the crumbs have complicated forms of caries that are not treatable.
  • When a tooth begins to interfere with the normal eruption of the next/permanent tooth.
  • Before a woman, the question arises - what to do: continue to suffer from pain, or still decide and remove a tooth? In fact, only a specialist, namely a surgeon-stomatologist, should decide for a woman. Yes, the statement that pregnancy is a contraindication to the procedure for removing teeth, but only this contraindication cannot be considered absolute.

    Every pregnant woman should certainly visit the dentist at least once every 3 months for a preventive examination of the oral cavity. In addition, the doctor provides useful advice that help with dental care. But when u future mother there is a toothache, she needs to unscheduledly contact her attending dentist. And, if she has a short pregnancy, she must personally inform the dentist about the pregnancy.

    Of course, any surgical intervention in the body is severe stress for every expectant mother. It is for this reason that all scheduled deletions teeth, as a rule, are carried out either after or before pregnancy, but during it - only for emergency indications. Fortunately, for pregnant women, pharmacologists have already developed special safe anesthetics, which are not able to penetrate the placental barrier, and, accordingly, they do not cause the slightest harm to the fetus.

    Never forget that regular and proper care behind the entire oral cavity - this is the key to the health of your teeth.

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