How to treat periodontitis in adults. Special toothpastes. What are the possible complications

Dental disease - periodontitis - is accompanied by inflammation of the gums, increased bleeding. At intensive care needed A complex approach, control of positive dynamics by the attending physician. Before treating periodontitis, diagnosis, collection of anamnesis data, determination of the pathogenesis and etiology of a characteristic disease are required.

Conservative gum treatment for periodontitis at home

Treatment of periodontitis in a comfortable home environment of a complicated form is very difficult, urgent surgical intervention. Otherwise not excluded complete atrophy tissues with destruction of the dentition. Treatment should definitely begin with professional teeth cleaning, which is extremely important to reduce the activity of pathogenic oral flora. Further conservative therapy selected individually.


As soon as possible antibiotic treatment allows you to exterminate different types pathogenic bacteria, which provoked inflammation, excessive swelling of the gums. Without this, the healing process slows down, and the drugs local application turn out to be ineffective. Prescribe antibiotics for periodontal disease a wide range actions that gently act on a weakened body. These are medicines such as:

  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Augmentin.

These medicines have several forms of release, but doctors strongly recommend choosing for yourself only oral administration. Such valuable advice equally applies to adult patients and children. In this case active ingredients systemically act on the body, successfully fight microbes, accelerate the process of restoring the body after an illness.


Antibiotics alone are not enough for the treatment of periodontitis to be highly effective. After professional cleaning of the teeth in the dental office, the patient's task is to maintain the health of the dentition with the help of special pastes. The favorite in the treatment of gum disease is Lacalut Phytoformula products, the active components of which not only break down plaque, but also destroy harmful microorganisms of the mucous membrane oral cavity. Other equally popular toothpastes for successful treatment are presented below. It:

  • Paradontax;
  • President Exclusive;
  • Forest Balm for periodontitis;
  • Periodontol Active;
  • Rox.

Anti-inflammatory gels and ointments for gums

Hygiene procedures are an important component of effective treatment at home. Use of toothpastes additional measure intensive care. The main goal is to kill pathogenic flora, remove inflammation from the gums. For elimination last symptom it is recommended to purchase special gels and ointments, use them according to the instructions, consult a dentist. It:

  1. Metrogyl denta - combined medication, in chemical composition which is an antibiotic and antiseptic. Metronidazole kills microbes that remain after eating and not only, and Chlorhexidine relieves signs of inflammation.
  2. Levomekol (ointment) is a drug that combines an antibiotic and a regenerating agent in a therapeutic formula. Chloramphenicol works against bacteria, Methyluracil works on recovery.
  3. Ortofen - an ointment that provides effective treatment acute form diseases, but is used as simple applications for sore gums. The medicine nourishes the tissues, removes signs of inflammation.

Antiseptic mouthwash

The use of these medications for home treatment periodontitis is also appropriate. Their main goal is to speed up the process of restoration of affected tissues, reduce foci of pathology, and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity. Such liquids are available in every pharmacy, and are dispensed without a prescription. So that self-treatment does not turn out to be superficial, representatives of this pharmacological group:

  1. Chlorhexidine is a remedy that is used for rinsing, applications, compresses.
  2. Dimexide - antiseptic solution which disinfects the oral mucosa. You can use this effective tool an unlimited number of times a day.
  3. Miramistin is a productive remedy even with the accumulation of pus in the gums. It is produced in the form of a solution with which to rinse the mouth with the next inflammatory process.

How to treat gum periodontitis with folk remedies at home

Home methods will also help if the gums are inflamed. Recipes alternative medicine distinguishes high efficiency, and a complex reception with official medicines. Required to go through at home full course otherwise the disease will start to progress again. You can prepare folk remedies at home. Take and apply better according to medical recommendations. Below are decoctions and tinctures that have proven themselves in periodontitis home cooking.

Herbs for rinsing gums

At hypersensitivity and a tendency to bleeding to finally cure periodontitis will help medicinal herbs. Required condition- eliminate risk allergic reaction. Check the ingredients when treating at home. This is the only way to help inflamed gums, to ensure sustainable therapeutic effect, improve overall oral health. Folk recipes:

  1. Finely grind the oak bark - a serving of 2 tbsp. l., add cold water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Infuse the decoction under a hermetically sealed lid, cool, strain and use throughout the day for rinsing.
  2. Collect needles from a pine branch, chop, pour 2 tbsp. l. boiled water raw materials, simmer on fire after boiling for another 4 minutes, cover tightly. Strain the composition already cooled, and use as a rinse aid. For internal reception with periodontitis, add a spoonful of honey.

Compresses for gums

You can cure periodontitis at home if you choose an effective folk remedy. To get without dubious experiments unique composition, you need to consult with a dentist, determine the degree and stage of the disease. Compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect on the focus of pathology. The most effective:

  1. cook cool saline solution. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of table salt in a glass warm water. Ready hypertonic saline rinse the mouth with periodontitis or moisten the bandage and apply for 20 minutes to the inflamed jaws.
  2. In an enameled container, mix the pulp of Kalanchoe, liquid honey and boiled water in equal proportions. Moisten with mixture cotton swab, attach it to the foci of inflammation (for periodontitis - for 20 minutes).
  3. Pour a spoonful of crushed walnut leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist. Wait until completely cool. The folk remedy has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in the treatment of periodontitis, and it is recommended to carry out the procedure for 2 weeks.

How to treat periodontitis at home with diet

Proper nutrition can help cure gum disease. Without compliance therapeutic diet the mucosa will be injured by food irritants, so the positive dynamics of periodontitis will noticeably slow down. Hard, hot, sharp and salty food remain under the ban until full recovery. To avoid complications during treatment, it is important to understand what foods can be present at home. It:

  • dairy products (with calcium);
  • citrus and other fruits with vitamin C;
  • apples and carrots in remission of periodontitis;
  • natural juices and fresh;
  • decoctions of wild rose, sage, hawthorn, St. John's wort;
  • fresh herbs;
  • dried apricots and dried fruits to strengthen immunity in periodontitis.

Video: What is periodontitis and how to treat it

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the tissues surrounding and holding the periodontium (tooth). The disease is manifested by destructive changes in the bone itself and the adjacent ligamentous apparatus.

According to statistics, periodontitis affects the majority of people who go to the dentist. The higher the level of tooth loss, the degree of their mobility, as well as bone tissue around them - the longer, more difficult and more expensive the treatment will be.

Signs of periodontitis and its treatment

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat periodontitis at home, however, in most cases, the effectiveness of such methods directly depends on the phase of the disease. As a rule, this applies to the initial stages of periodontitis, when you can easily block the development of the disease by rinsing with herbs or using a special gel.

Symptoms of periodontitis

If you are attentive to your health, the symptoms of the disease can be noticed at the initial stage. Education is the first soft plaque, slight mobility of teeth, bleeding gums during hygiene procedures. Often there is reddening of the gums and exposure of the periodontal roots. Do not ignore these symptoms and hope that periodontitis will go away on its own.

Treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the mobility of the teeth becomes more noticeable, pus accumulates in the gums, the dentition is deformed. After some time, the tooth root is completely exposed, and the teeth themselves are loosened even more, which can lead to their independent loss.

Forms of periodontitis

There are several factors that determine the classification of the disease. According to the duration of the course of the inflammatory process, two forms of periodontitis are distinguished:

  1. Spicy. It is quite rare and is characterized by a sharp onset and rapid deformation of the tissues of the tooth.
  2. Chronic. The disease is characterized by periodic alternation of periods of exacerbation and remission.

According to the prevalence of the focus of inflammation, the following forms of the disease:

  • Localized. The inflammatory process develops in a certain area, usually touching one or two periodontiums and not spreading to other areas.
  • Generalized. Inflammation completely captures one jaw or both at once.

Also in severity clinical signs Periodontitis can have an initial, mild, moderate and severe form.

Causes of periodontitis

The disease may appear as a result of the following factors:

How is periodontitis treated in dentistry?

Turning to the clinic, the patient first of all receives a consultation with a paradentologist who, having examined the condition of the oral cavity, will prescribe a course of therapy. If a disease is detected at the initial stage, the usual recommendations of a specialist can be dispensed with. In order for the doctor to correctly assess the condition of the bone tissues and adjacent areas, it is necessary to take a full (panoramic) x-ray of the oral cavity in advance.

A mandatory procedure for the onset of periodontal disease is a professional cleaning of the oral cavity, during which soft plaque and tartar, which are the main source of harmful microorganisms, are removed under the gums and above them.

Usually, after this procedure, the condition of the oral cavity returns to normal: bleeding disappears, the swelling disappears, and the gums themselves acquire their original shade. In the future, you just need observe oral hygiene, but at the same time you will have to periodically (about once / 6-8 months) carry out professional cleaning.

For the final block harmful bacteria living in dental pockets, as well as disease prevention, a specialist may recommend anti-inflammatory drugs.

Periodontitis: treatment at home with folk remedies

Self-treatment periodontitis implies compliance certain rules. First of all, it concerns the diet and diet. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of sweets, since such food contributes to the creation favorable conditions to appear and development of harmful microorganisms which further exacerbate the course of periodontitis.

After each use food products, saturated with carbohydrates, you should rinse your mouth.

For hygiene procedures, it is necessary to use brushes with sufficiently soft bristles, which will avoid injury to the gums and tooth enamel. In addition, with periodontitis, the choice of toothpaste plays an important role. Usually in this case, experts recommend a cleaning agent, with high concentration components plant origin and a small amount of abrasive particles.

Please note that not all pastes are suitable for daily use and can be used only when the patient is undergoing a treatment course.

The top five most effective remedies for the treatment of periodontitis at home include the following toothpastes:

For self-treatment of periodontitis, you can perform exercises using small spruce twig.

  • Wash the coniferous branch cleanly and place it in the oral cavity. With biting movements, massage the teeth and gums. The exercise should be repeated several times during the day.
  • Bite one tip of the plant with your teeth, while pulling the twig out of your mouth with your hands.
  • Move the jaws up and down, while holding the needles with the front teeth.

Coniferous gymnastics helps to increase blood flow to the gums and has positive impact on the muscles of the mouth. In addition, the needles contain substances that have excellent therapeutic effect.

Special gels, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, showed themselves quite effectively. The most popular are such products as Holisal and Metrogil Denta, which are distinguished by their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as rapid absorption into the surface of the gums. Rub the drug should be several times / day and the result will not keep you waiting.

Traditional medicine

You can treat periodontitis with the use of folk remedies.

honey and propolis

For rinsing the mouth, a solution of propolis in alcohol (10% -15%) is used. It is necessary to drip 20 drops of tincture into a glass boiled water and rinse your mouth 5 times/day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Strengthening the gums can be done with honey and ordinary table salt. To do this, take honey (1 tablespoon) and a small amount of salt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the resulting mass is placed in a gauze bag. This tool should wipe the gums every evening after brushing your teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide

A solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) can only be used if a preliminary professional cleaning of the oral cavity has been performed. This drug used to wash periodontal pockets from purulent secretions.

Be careful! Penetration of peroxide deep into the soft tissues of the gums can cause necrosis. In addition, it should be remembered that simple wiping will not give the desired results, and it is quite difficult to wash the dental pockets on your own.


The sap of the plant is often used as an antibacterial and pain reliever. To do this, a small piece of aloe leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the sore spot, preferably at night. Repeat the procedure every evening for a week.


To rinse the mouth, use the juice of the mountaineer pepper, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The procedure is carried out 3-5 times / day after brushing your teeth and eating. This contributes to the reduction inflammatory processes and improvement general condition oral cavity.


Celandine grass will help get rid of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. For the treatment of periodontitis, a tincture of celandine (one liter jar) is prepared, which is poured with vodka and infused for two weeks. Before use, the drug is diluted with boiled water (not hot) in a ratio of 1:1. The course of treatment is 1.5 weeks. In order to prevent the procedure should be repeated every month.


Chopped garlic (1 tbsp.) Mix with dry tea leaves (1 tbsp.), Pour boiling water over the mixture (1 tbsp.). Place all this in a tightly closed container and infuse for 20 minutes in a cool place. Ready solution strain and rinse the mouth for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is two weeks. Before the procedure, it is necessary to make a thorough cleaning of the teeth.

Sea salt

Sea salt contains a large amount of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the healing process. With the help of this natural remedy can get rid of harmful microorganisms inhabiting the oral cavity, as well as bleeding gums. Besides sea ​​salt helps to relieve inflammation and strengthen the base of the teeth. For rinsing, a saline solution is used, prepared from boiled water (1 tbsp.) And salt (1 tsp.). The resulting product can also be used for rubbing into the gums. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful with this, since the delicate mucous membrane can be damaged under the influence of salt grains.

pine needles

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of crushed pine needles(2 tablespoons) and water (400 ml). Bring the solution to a boil and boil for several minutes, strain.

Cowberry and calamus

Mix the crushed grass of calamus marsh (1 tbsp.) With the same amount of lingonberry leaves. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water (0.5 liters), leave to cool completely, strain. Rinse your mouth 3 times/day.

Oak bark

It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. crushed oak bark(1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (2 tablespoons) and cook for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Then strain the decoction and use it to rinse the mouth 4 times / day after eating.

string and violet

Mix violet grass (2 tbsp.) With string (1 tbsp.), Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture (1 tbsp.), Leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wait for the tincture to cool completely and rinse the mouth 2 times / day.


Pour the crushed leaves of the plant (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (250 ml), insist in a cool place for 30 minutes. The rinse aid is ready. Use 4 times/day.


A decoction of the roots of this plant is quite effective tool against periodontitis. To prepare it, you need to take the crushed comfrey root (1 tbsp.), Pour cool water(250 ml) and boil for 20 minutes over medium heat, strain. Use as a mouthwash 2 times/day. At least five irrigations should be carried out at a time, each of which should last 30-40 seconds.

Rinse solution

Take 15 grams of mint, crushed raspberry leaves, spoon and myrrh. All ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture is poured with wine alcohol (60 ml), added wine vinegar(30 ml) and orchid leaves (16 gr.). The resulting solution must be poured into a bottle and sealed well. Insist in a dark place for 3 days, then strain. Use mouthwash 3 times/day.

So, the treatment of periodontitis folk ways implies the use various decoctions and tinctures for rinsing the mouth. It uses mainly herbal preparations, consisting of plants that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The use of such herbs in combination with a certain kind toothpastes and carrying out preventive measures gives a very tangible effect from treatment.

Periodontitis is inflammatory disease musculoskeletal apparatus of the tooth, which includes root cement, fibrous periodontium, socket bone and gum. If a patient in the oral cavity is observed due to poor hygiene, tooth mobility and exposure of their necks, bleeding gums and, then you can big share likelihood of developing periodontitis.

Reasons for the development of periodontitis

In some cases, periodontitis is caused by bruxism.
  • Primary: dental plaque and inflammatory tissue reactions caused by it.
  • Secondary:
  1. local factors - tartar, traumatic occlusion (jaw closure), poorly placed fillings and dentures, saliva properties, mouth breathing,;
  2. systemic factors- diseases ( diabetes, leukemia, hypovitaminosis, viral diseases, kidney pathology, etc.), stress, smoking, medication (cyclosporine, nifedipine, glucocorticoids, etc.), hereditary predisposition.

Types of periodontitis

  • The course of the disease is divided into acute, chronic, exacerbated and remission.
  • The severity of periodontitis can be mild, moderate or severe.
  • With the defeat of a separate area with several teeth - localized periodontitis, all teeth - generalized.

Symptoms of periodontitis

A characteristic sign of the development of the disease is the formation of periodontal pockets between the gum and the root of the tooth. They may contain subgingival stones, pus, blood clots. With a pocket depth of up to 4 mm, hyperemia and swelling of the gums without tooth mobility, it is considered lung development degree of periodontitis. If pockets form from 4 to 6 mm with tooth mobility in 1-2 directions, then they speak of periodontitis medium degree gravity. At this stage, the patient may complain of pain and bleeding gums, the inability to perform good hygiene, the appearance of bad smell from mouth. With the development of a severe form of periodontitis, pockets more than 6 mm deep are determined, teeth become mobile in all directions due to violation of attachment, gaps appear between them. The gums are hyperemic, bleed at the slightest touch, which causes a painful reaction in a person.

X-ray picture

With periodontitis, there is an expansion of the periodontal gap (between the root and the bone of the hole) in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, osteoporosis of the interdental septa varying degrees, destruction of the bone around the teeth and between adjacent ones.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease - what's the difference?

Often patients consider these two concepts to be the same dental disease, but this is not entirely true. In periodontitis, there is always an active inflammatory response, bleeding and swelling of the gums, periodontal pockets of different depths and tooth mobility. When the gum is dense, anemic, there are no pockets and tooth mobility, but the necks and roots are significantly exposed, as a result of which wedge-shaped defects in these areas.

Treatment of periodontitis

The main stages in treatment planning:

  • educate the patient on proper hygiene,
  • sanitation of the oral cavity (treatment and / or extraction of teeth),
  • professional cleaning of plaque and stones,
  • local and general therapeutic treatment,
  • surgery,
  • orthopedic measures,
  • physiotherapy procedures.

Professional oral hygiene is mandatory in the treatment of periodontitis, since plaque microbes are the main irritant effect on gum tissue. The procedure involves the removal of supra- and subgingival stones, polishing naked necks teeth and their treatment with fluoride preparations. To remove stones, hand instruments or an ultrasonic nozzle are used. If the procedure is painful, local anesthesia is performed.

Local drug treatment

One of the common symptoms of periodontitis is bleeding gums.

After the removal of dental deposits, the gums bleed heavily, swell, and are painful. To prevent their further infection and aggravate inflammation, antiseptic solutions are used in the form of applications, irrigation with sprays and rinses:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • Iodinol;
  • 0.02% furacillin;
  • 1 % alcohol solution Chlorophyllipt;
  • 1% alcohol solution Salvin;
  • Romazulan;
  • 0.05% chlorhexidine;
  • Hexoral;
  • Nifucin;
  • Meridol with stannous fluoride.

Therapeutic dressings with anti-inflammatory drugs are applied to the gums for 1-2 hours.

Gels, ointments and balms for the treatment of periodontitis:

  • 5% butadionic or dioxidine ointment;
  • 10% indomethacin ointment;
  • Dermazin;
  • Iruxol;
  • Levomekol;
  • balm Haymed;
  • Atridox - gel with doxycycline;
  • Elyzol gel with metronidazole;
  • Parodium gel with rhubarb extract;
  • Dontisolon is an ointment based on prednisolone.

Surgical treatment of periodontitis

Surgical intervention is indicated for patients with deep periodontal (more than 6 mm) and bone pockets, exposure of a significant part of the roots with the ineffectiveness of medical treatment. Gingivectomy is performed (excision of part of the gum), curettage of periodontal pockets (washing, removal of stones and treatment medicines), patchwork operations. Bone pockets are filled with synthetic or natural materials for tissue repair and healing. The method of guided tissue regeneration is widely used, in which collagen or synthetic membranes compensate for bone defects.

General treatment of periodontitis

In the complex therapy of the disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin, etc.), antimicrobial agents (for example, metronidazole), antibiotics (for example, lincomycin), and multivitamins are recommended. The appointment of drugs is carried out only by the dentist, coordinating the treatment with the therapist in the presence of chronic diseases at the patient.

Orthopedic treatment includes splinting of mobile teeth (binding to each other), making prostheses, mouth guards. Physiotherapy involves the use of hydro and vacuum massage, laser.

Treatment of periodontitis should be comprehensive. After professional teeth cleaning, the patient must continue to take care of the hygienic condition of the oral cavity, use therapeutic toothpastes with extracts medicinal plants, propolis, salts - Parodontol, Chlorophyllic, Parodontax, Lacalut fitoformula, Mexidol Dent Active, etc. As additional hygiene products rinses can be used after meals: "Forest Balsam", Parodontax, "Cedar Balsam", etc. At home, it is recommended to brew medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula) or oak bark to use decoctions and infusions as rinses.

Prevention of periodontitis

The first sign of the onset of periodontal disease is the appearance of bleeding gums during brushing. For this early diagnostic symptom should pay attention and consult a dentist. , started in a timely manner, can prevent or slow down the development of periodontitis. To preventive measures include regular professional cleaning of teeth from plaque and stones, thorough daily oral hygiene, extraction and treatment of teeth, timely prosthetics. Even if there is a hereditary predisposition to periodontal disease, do not despair. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the gums and teeth, regularly undergo preventive examinations, on time to carry out medical measures, then the dentist will not soon diagnose you with periodontitis.

Periodontitis is dental disease soft tissues around the teeth. This problem occurs due to internal violations organism. Periodontitis is observed in humans different ages and develop differently. Effective are medications and treatment of periodontitis at home.

Periodontitis disease: symptoms

Periodontitis can occur both with clearly expressed symptoms and without them, a person may not even know about the development of the disease. On the early stage difficult to define this disease. It usually makes itself felt when bleeding occurs when brushing your teeth. In this case, there is already a peak in the development of periodontitis.

The symptoms of periodontitis are as follows:

  • the discharge between the teeth resembles pus;
  • the formation of periodontal pockets;
  • redness, with the slightest irritation, the gums bleed;
  • sensitivity of the gums is exacerbated;
  • dental deposits are observed;
  • tooth displacement occurs.

Disease prevention

In dentistry, the prevention of this disease is divided into three types:

  1. Primary - these are activities that identify the causes of periodontitis. Special attention is given to increase immunity, while improving metabolism, stimulating the strengthening of the whole organism. There is a protection that external factors environments will not have such a negative impact on a person.
  2. Secondary - this type of prevention is aimed at eliminating the first manifestations of periodontitis.
  3. Tertiary - measures in this form help to avoid complications of periodontitis.

The main preventive measures include:

  • Teeth cleaning. It is required to brush your teeth at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and it is also good to clean your mouth after eating. In the process of brushing your teeth, it is better to use a hard brush, which will ensure the maximum elimination of bacteria from the oral cavity. It is recommended to walk on one side at least 20 times, while the handle must be flexible so that it is possible to eliminate bacteria between the teeth.
  • Use of dental floss. According to statistics, it is known that Toothbrush can eliminate only 30% of bacteria, while the remaining 70% remains between the teeth. To eliminate more bacteria, you need to use dental floss She reaches where a toothbrush can't.
  • very effective after eating for 3-5 minutes. It is able to eliminate a small part of the bacteria.

Treatment of periodontitis at home

What to do if you notice slight bleeding when brushing your teeth? No need to get upset right away, because this is only the first bell to the fact that it is necessary to actively apply treatment or preventive measures. Treatment of periodontitis at home folk remedies possible, but first you need to consult a dentist who will determine the degree of the disease and prescribe necessary drugs. To qualitatively eliminate periodontitis, it is better to use drug treatment with active doctor visits. Doctors advise using prevention at home as an additional remedy.

Treatment of periodontitis at home is possible in cases where the disease is in the primary stage. There are a number of cases when people self-medicate, but it does not help, but only aggravates the condition. Therefore, it is better to contact qualified specialists.

How do gels help in treatment?

alternative medical manipulations with periodontal disease is the treatment of the disease with the help of gels and ointments based on herbs. Often used which prevents further development inflammation and stops one of the bright severe symptoms- It famous treatment periodontitis at home.

Gels are also used to fight disease. The most effective of them are: Cholisal, Matrogil Denta, Kamistad, Asepta. These medications have an anti-inflammatory effect, destroy microbes in the oral cavity, remove swelling of the gums, anesthetize, completely remove bleeding. Some of them are made on the basis of herbs, some contain an antibiotic or propolis ( natural antibiotic). But the gels are different in their action and duration of use, so they should be prescribed by a specialist.

Folk remedies in the fight against the symptoms of periodontitis

As practice shows, effective treatment periodontitis at home will be when using herbs such as chamomile, lingonberry leaves, violet, St. John's wort. Good means the colors of linden, needles, sorrel, sea buckthorn and fir oils are considered.

Not considered very dangerous early stages periodontitis. Treatment at home is possible only with proper manufacture decoctions for rinsing the mouth. Performing everything strictly according to the recipe, you will achieve results after just a few procedures.

But periodontitis is terrible for its consequences in the absence of therapy. Treatment at home, people's reviews testify to its effectiveness, it can prevent tooth loss, bleeding gums. There are many recipes for fighting the disease. folk methods- this is phytotherapy, and api-therapy, and the use of special products nutrition. But do not neglect going to the doctor and following his instructions when a disease occurs.

Periodontitis - home treatment with honey

Since ancient times, periodontitis has been treated with honey. This product has beneficial substances which have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity. Bee products make the treatment of periodontitis at home (reviews about this repeatedly said) more accelerated and painless.

A good recipe for the prevention and treatment of periodontitis is a mixture of honey and salt, which must be rubbed into the gums. This requires 20 grams of honey and 10 grams of salt, they must be mixed well. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the gums.

Phytotherapy for the treatment of disease

Phytotherapy is considered effective method in the treatment of this pathology. There are many recipes for the use of herbal medicine in treatment that allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of a disease such as periodontitis. Treatment at home (a photo of the manifestation of the disease is reflected in the article) is available to everyone.

  • With periodontitis, it is useful to do through the cheeks, then with the help of olive oil and fingers to massage the gums. Then you need to rinse them with chamomile and lemon balm.
  • have strengthening properties. They can be chewed or brewed and drink decoctions.
  • Cleaning fir oil: for this procedure, it is required to wet the bandage with oil and apply to the teeth for 10-15 minutes. It is important to be careful not to burn the gums.
  • Make a decoction of crushed pine needles, chopped wild rose, onion peel. Boil this decoction for 5 minutes. After it cools down, you should drink it like regular tea.

Vegetables to help with periodontitis

Highly important point during the treatment of periodontitis is the use of solid food. Vegetables can be good solid foods. The first step is to pay attention to the fact that vegetables are very useful for the body. They contain many vitamins and minerals that are involved in the regulation of all processes in the body, including dental issues.

The second factor is that during the intake of vegetables, a significant number of harmful bacteria. There are several recipes for using vegetables in treatment.

  • It is necessary to take the usual sauerkraut, chew it for a long time, then rinse your mouth with the juice from it. After a week of such treatment, good results will appear.
  • Grate sugar beet(preferably on a fine grater), put on the gums and hold for 30 minutes. Applying this recipe every day, after a week you will feel that the disease is going away.

Treatment of periodontitis at home can be carried out only after visiting the dental office. Self Therapy in any situation should be completely excluded. With this disease, a specialist is recommended not only to take drugs, rinse your mouth, eat right, but also use folk remedies.

Competent treatment of the disease at home

Many patients have repeatedly asked the question: "How to treat periodontitis at home?". In such a situation, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist. Self-treatment very often leads to negative consequences and complications, so do not take risks and immediately seek professional help.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease before a visit to dental office you can use folk remedies, namely, decoctions and infusions of herbs. As for the use of medicines, they are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the progression of the pathology of the oral cavity.

How to rinse your mouth?

Treatment for the disease initial stages necessarily involves rinsing the mouth. For this procedure, they can use both drugs purchased at a pharmacy, as well as infusions and decoctions. medicinal herbs. To get rid of severe symptoms, you can use herbs such as:

  • sage;
  • begonia;
  • St. John's wort.

As for products with calendula and eucalyptus, they will help reduce the inflammation process. Restoration of tissues will contribute to Kalanchoe and aloe. To normalize the microflora of the oral cavity, it is recommended to use a tincture Japanese Sophora and calamus oil. Do not forget about such products that can be used for rinsing, such as Yuglon and Romazulan. The composition includes pharmacy chamomile. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies

Treatment at home is also carried out with the help of folk remedies. They should be used only in the initial stages of the disease. Chronic form Periodontitis is treated exclusively with medication and under the supervision of a dentist.

To get rid of soreness and swelling of the gums, you can use decoctions and infusions of calendula, chamomile, oak bark and other medicinal components. These herbs can be used together or separately.

Significant positive effect in the treatment and during prevention, a collection of sorrel, linden, oak bark, eyebright, and needles has. If there are any doubts about the choice of a prescription, then you should first consult with a specialist who will help you give preference to an effective remedy.

Hydrogen peroxide can help reduce bleeding gums. To do this, it is necessary to treat the inflamed areas after each brushing of the teeth. Also in such a situation, an antiseptic such as Chlorhexidine can be used.

To cure periodontitis, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, that is, to combine folk remedies and medicines. This will help achieve positive result per short time. Do not forget about proper nutrition, which normalizes the work of the whole organism.

Proper nutrition

  1. Fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably hard varieties, as they remove plaque, massage the gums, and improve blood flow.
  2. Products with high content vitamin C: currant, lemon, orange and others. They also help tone the entire body.
  3. Salads from young linden leaves.
  4. Chew birch and oak buds, nettle shoots.
  1. Consumption a large number solid food. But, it should be excluded from the diet during the period of exacerbation of periodontitis.
  2. Compliance with restrictions that apply to sweet foods and carbonated drinks.
  3. Enrichment of the diet with foods high in calcium.
  4. Intake of fiber, minerals, fatty acids, vitamins and other substances.

The diet should be followed even after the condition of the gums has improved significantly. But in order to achieve the final positive result, proper nutrition should be followed for at least 4-7 months.

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