Rules of hygiene of the human nervous system. Group mode of schools with an extended day. Types of hygiene event

Technical workers of a preschool institution, performing their duties daily, are in close contact with children. If they do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and preventive measures for infectious diseases, they themselves may become a source of their spread. Health education of technical personnel is essential. These workers provide sanitary regime, cleaning and ventilation of premises, proper maintenance of children. By their example and behavior, they should contribute to the hygienic education of children.

To improve the sanitary level of technical personnel, special courses are organized, which deal with the prevention of infectious diseases, the ways and sources of their spread, measures for their prevention, personal hygiene, sanitary rules cleaning the premises and the site of a preschool institution, the rules of hygienic care for children.

Medical workers, the head of the preschool institution and educators conduct conversations with the technical staff on all issues of the life of the preschool institution, introduce them to specially selected medical literature, memos, brochures and other health education materials. Conversations can also take place individually. All technical personnel must constantly improve their sanitary and cultural level, independently studying

    Hygiene nervous system child. Types of neurosis in preschoolers

Hygiene of the nervous system. For normal development nervous system of children and adolescents, and especially its higher department - the cerebral cortex, is of great importance proper organization daily routine, normalization of mental load, properly delivered physical education, including meaningful, interesting and not excessive physical work. If children start studying at school at the same hours, prepare homework, if they receive regular food at the same hours, go to bed, get up, if their daily routine is regular, then all processes in the body proceed normally and rhythmically. .

The hygiene of the nervous system of children and adolescents is inextricably linked with the hygienic organization of all educational work. Excessive mental strain of children and adolescents can lead to overwork of the nervous system, expressed in fatigue, bad dream and even insomnia, headaches, increased excitability and irritability, lowering the level of mental functions - memory, attention, perception and assimilation. Overwork of the nervous system in children and adolescents is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the body's resistance to infection and other adverse factors. Therefore, the issues of hygiene in teaching and educational work and, in particular, the hygiene of teaching are very important. importance for the normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents.

The normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents largely depends on the conditions and influences of their environment. This environment should be such that it excludes moments that irritate and depress the nervous system of children and adolescents. The atmosphere in the school and family should create in them a cheerful state and cheerful mood, so characteristic of healthy, normally developing children. Cleanliness and order, the always benevolent and even treatment of children and adolescents by teachers and parents - all this contributes to a cheerful state of the nervous system and its normal development.

The nervous system of children and adolescents, like all other systems and organs, needs exercise for its comprehensive and complete development (games, exercises in speech, counting, writing, examining, comprehending, etc.). However, these exercises should be moderate, since excessively frequent and even more persistent tension leads to excessive excitation of the nervous system of children, and this last invariably entails nervous exhaustion. Overwork is one of the main factors that inhibit and often distort the development of the nervous system in children and adolescents, especially the cerebral cortex.

For the normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents, it is necessary balanced diet(consumption of foods containing phosphorus, lecithins, B vitamins, etc.). No less significant is the categorical prohibition to give children alcoholic beverages, even in moderate doses, since alcohol, which is harmful to all organs, especially bad influence renders on nervous tissue, causing at first excessive excitation of the nervous system, and then a state of decline.

No less dangerous is tobacco smoking by adolescents. The nicotine contained in it has a harmful effect on the nervous system of adolescents, causing them to headache, nausea, salivation, etc. Therefore, the school and the family should work together to prevent adolescents from smoking and using tobacco alcoholic beverages. Hygiene of the nervous system is the basis, without which the process of normal comprehensive mental and moral formation of a young person is unthinkable.

The value of the state of the nervous system for normal activities organism. The human nervous system functions continuously day and night. The coordinated work of organ systems is carried out under the constant influence of the nervous system. With any reflex, excitation is conducted to the cerebral cortex. Numerous reflexes, unconditioned and conditioned, all the time ensure the interaction of our body with environment. Distinguishing stimuli perceived by different receptors is carried out in the cerebral cortex.
The complex nervous processes occurring in the human brain are the basis of its conscious activity, which manifests itself in all aspects of society. Any work of a person - in production, in various areas science, culture, art, schooling and other educational institutions- associated with manifestations of higher nervous activity starting from the simplest conditioned reflexes and ending with complex thought processes. Therefore, in any type of human activity, fatigue develops mainly in its central nervous system.
The normal activity of the body largely depends on the state of the central nervous system and especially the brain. That is why overwork of the central nervous "system leads to a breakdown of a number of vital functions organism, leads to a sharp decrease or even loss of ability to work.
The development of fatigue in the central nervous system is largely delayed by the processes of inhibition that constantly occur in it.
Protective role of inhibition. Braking is one of the body's defenses. It prevents the rapid build-up of fatigue in the central nervous system.
You already know that the occurrence strong arousal in any part of the central nervous system leads to the development of inhibition in its other parts. Through the inhibited area of ​​excitation does not pass, and during this time they restore their performance.
But if a person does not follow the rules of hygiene, then inhibition in the central nervous system can harm it. So, for example, some people talk and read while eating. These extraneous stimuli cause inhibition of unconditioned and conditioned food reflexes. Then the secretion of digestive juices weakens, the wave-like contractions of the esophagus and intestines become sluggish. All this greatly stimulates the processes of digestion.
Hygiene of physical labor. Physical labor is usually associated with prolonged work of the same muscle groups. Therefore, certain parts of the central nervous system that regulate the activity of these muscles are in a state of excitation for a long time. Over time, they begin to develop fatigue. To prevent overly rapid fatigue, it is useful during breaks in work to carry out industrial gymnastics. During its execution, the main load is transferred to those muscles that are little involved in the work, which leads to the excitation of new parts of the brain. In those parts of it that were excited during work, inhibition develops. During this time, they restore their performance.
Today, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes are being widely introduced into production, which facilitates the work of workers. In those sectors of the economy where production is not yet fully mechanized, great importance acquires the rationalization of labor. As a result of rationalization, unnecessary movements of workers are eliminated, a favorable rhythm of work is established various groups muscles. This rhythm provides alternate excitation! and inhibition of parts of the brain that regulate the work of muscles, at a pace favorable for the nervous system. This helps prevent her from overburdening herself.
Hygiene of mental work. Mental work is associated with activity huge amount cortical cells that are involved in complex processes that condition thinking. Prolonged mental work causes an increase in fatigue in the central nervous system. Inhibition in it begins to prevail over excitation. During mental work, the inflamed areas of the central nervous system need rest. good remedy such rest is gymnastics or other physical activity during breaks in work. Classes in training workshops, on the school site not only prepare us for future work, but also prevent the development of fatigue in the central nervous system. In those parts of the brain that were excited during lessons in the classroom, inhibition develops. Of the same importance are physical education lessons at school, five-minute breaks for gymnastics in institutions.
The alternation of physical and mental labor is of paramount importance for protecting the central nervous system of a person from increasing fatigue.

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A person can maintain health only with a healthy lifestyle. To live long full life It's not enough to be born healthy. Health is created and maintained by a person throughout life. An important place in this process is the observance of hygiene rules and regulations. Let's look at the main ones.

The body must be kept clean. The skin, performing its functions, releases sebum and sweat onto its surface. When polluted, it loses many of its functions and becomes a breeding ground. pathogenic bacteria, there is an unpleasant odor.

You need to wash your face with running water every morning and evening. Thorough body wash warm water sponge or washcloth with soap should be done at least once a week.

Hands should be washed several times a day (after work, toilet, before meals). When washing, it is important to pay attention to the subungual spaces, up to 95% of microorganisms located on the skin of the hands are concentrated here, and there may also be worm eggs.

Fingernails and toenails should be trimmed at least once a week. Long nails dull the sense of touch, dirt collects under them.

Feet should be washed daily before going to bed. If they sweat a lot, you should use by special means foot care.

The appearance of a person largely depends on the condition of his hair. Regular washing is the main way to take care of your hair. The water should be soft, it is better to lather your hair with soapy foam or shampoo. Dry your hair with a soft towel frequent use hair dryer leads to overdrying and breaking of hair.

To improve hair growth, it is useful to trim them from time to time. Combs must be individual, kept clean.

Hygiene of clothes and footwear. Clothing should be selected according to the height and size of the body, according to the weather.

It is desirable that the fabrics from which the clothes are sewn retain heat well, are breathable, and hygroscopic for underwear. Natural fabrics have these properties. Clothing made from dense synthetic fabrics is best used in the form of windbreakers and raincoats.

When contaminated, clothing loses its thermal and hygroscopic properties, becomes a place where a large number of microbes. Therefore, clothes need to be systematically changed and washed.

It is important that the shoes fit properly. tight shoes compresses the foot, leads to its deformation, disrupts blood circulation. Too loose shoes prevent a person from walking normally, leading to abrasion of the legs. Casual shoes should have a small heel (1-1.5 cm). Shoes without a heel contribute to the development of flat feet. Harmful shoes and with very high heels. In it, the main support is made on the fingers, therefore, the stability of the body decreases. Over time, the fingers deform.

Food hygiene. Proper nutrition - necessary condition for the normal functioning of the organism, i.e. for health.

Food should include nutrients vegetable and animal origin, vitamins, ballast substances (fiber). The latter are not digested in our body, but stimulate intestinal motility. Food eaten with appetite is better digested. Awakens the appetite attractive appearance, pleasant taste and smell of food. It is useful at the beginning of a meal to eat dishes that promote increased secretion of digestive juices. These are various snacks (cabbage, herring, salad, vinaigrette).

Food should not be too hot. Eating food that is above 50°C can lead to chronic inflammation mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. You can not abuse and spices (mustard, pepper, vinegar, onion, garlic). They can also irritate the mucous membranes.

Harmful to digestive system dry eating (eating sandwiches). Good nutrition must necessarily include hot dishes in the menu: soups, cereals, etc. You need to eat at the same time, i.e. follow the diet. Disorderly eating leads to the fact that the digestive organs are unprepared for the digestion of food. Food is digested more slowly, which means that it is not fully absorbed by the body.

It is better to eat 4 times a day, distributing food intake as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 20%. Adults can eat 3 times a day. Food should be moderate. Overeating negatively affects the digestive organs, leads to obesity. Food should be chewed thoroughly, then it is better absorbed. While eating, you should not be distracted, read a book, watch TV, listen to the radio. Dinner should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. After each meal, you need to rinse your mouth, clean your teeth from food debris.

Hygiene locomotive system. The human musculoskeletal system is formed up to 20-25 years. Its development is influenced by heredity, the quality of nutrition and physical activity. For normal growth bones and muscles a person should receive whole food. So, the lack of protein in the diet of a child in the first years of his life can lead to short stature. The lack of calcium and phosphorus in food leads to the development of diseases: rickets, osteoporosis. Physical activity also affects the development of the musculoskeletal system: classes physical education, sports, physical work.

The beauty and health of our body largely depends on its posture. Posture is the habitual position of the human body at rest and during movement. Correct posture provides normal work internal organs(heart, lungs, stomach) and organs of movement. Signs of poor posture: stoop, increased natural curvature of the spine in the chest or lumbar areas, lateral curvature of the spine.

It is necessary to monitor posture from childhood, when musculoskeletal system develops. During this period, the bones are still weak, they can easily bend. While working at the table, you need to sit straight, slightly tilting your torso and head. The distance between the chest and the table (desk) is the width of the palm, and from the eyes to the workplace - 30--35 cm. The legs should rest on the floor or a special stand, the elbows should lie on the table.

When carrying weights, the load on the muscles should be distributed symmetrically and be feasible. School textbooks are best carried in a satchel or backpack.

In case of violation of posture, you should consult a doctor. Individual complex exercise can correct many posture defects.

The condition of the foot greatly affects the formation of posture. In some cases (incorrectly selected shoes, prolonged standing and walking, carrying heavy loads, overweight) the foot loses its arched shape, flat feet develop. People with flat foot when walking and standing, they quickly get tired, there are pains in the foot, lower leg.

To prevent flat feet special exercises, useful in the summer to walk barefoot, wear shoes with a small heel. With significant flat feet, special arch support insoles are used.

Hygiene of cardio-vascular system. Human health largely depends on how the organs of our body are supplied with blood. The composition of the blood can show what the state of the body is. For this, it is done laboratory analysis. It shows the number of blood cells, hemoglobin, sugar, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). If the ESR is increased, it means that some inflammatory processes (ESR norm for men 2-10 mm/h, for women - 2-15 mm/h). A decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood indicates the development of anemia (the norm of hemoglobin in men is 130-160 g / l, in women - 120-140 g / l).

To prevent anemia, long walks in the air are necessary, good nutrition, the use of food products containing iron and vitamins (liver, apples, carrots, greens).

Good blood supply to organs depends on the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels.

The state of the cardiovascular system is affected by physical activity. With active muscular activity, the heart requires additional effort. Loads close to the limit, and subsequent rest provide a training effect. The heart muscle becomes thicker, the heart is larger. A trained heart can eject in one beat more blood and do more work with less energy. sedentary image life negatively affects blood vessels, weakens the heart. At the slightest load, it beats rapidly and quickly gets tired.

Respiratory hygiene. The respiratory system provides gas exchange between the body and the environment. Its effectiveness depends on the state respiratory system and the composition of the inhaled air. Important indicator development of the respiratory system vital capacity lungs. This is the volume of exhaled air after deep breath. Vital capacity depends on the age, gender, height of a person, as well as on the degree of fitness of a person. Athletes, primarily swimmers and rowers, have the highest vital capacity. A healthy adult has a vital capacity of 3-4 liters of air, an athlete - 6-8 liters.

Sports activities (rowing, skating, skiing, swimming), breathing exercises influence the development of respiratory muscles, increase endurance, mobility chest, lung elasticity.

The most favorable for a person is rhythmic (14-16 respiratory movements per minute) breathing through the nose, clean dry air. Smoking, alcohol and drugs are not allowed.

Hygiene of the sense organs. The sense organs serve as a source of information about the world around us. The reliability and usefulness of information depend on the state of these bodies.

At present, human organs of vision are often forced to work with great overstrain. Therefore, it is very important to create such an environment for the eyes that it facilitates their work.

room, workplace should be properly and adequately illuminated. The best is daylight. Light should fall in front and from the left side. In the evening, you need to use a table lamp. The distance from the eyes to the book should be at least 30-35 cm. long work with a book, you need to take 10-minute breaks every 30-40 minutes.

Television has become an integral part of our lives. It promptly provides us with extensive information. But they should not be abused. Long-term viewing of television programs causes an overstrain of the nervous system, impairs memory, weakens attention, reduces visual acuity, the ability to distinguish colors. Based hygiene standards TV viewing time for older students should not exceed 1.5 hours a day.

More and more in school, at work, we use a computer. To avoid it negative impact on health, it is important to properly organize your work. The distance to the monitor should be 60-70 cm, its diagonal screen size should be at least 31 cm, the screen should be a filter.

Reading adversely affects vision poor lighting, on the go, in public transport. The unstable position of the book quickly leads to eye fatigue.

AT school age a visual defect can develop when a person does not see distant objects well - this is myopia. As people get older, they develop farsightedness. This is a condition where nearby objects are not clearly visible, blurry. At the first signs of the disease, you must consult a doctor, he will identify the causes of the disease and select glasses.

The first rule of hearing hygiene is to keep them clean. The auditory meatus, in which accumulates earwax, the dirt should be washed with warm water or with cotton swab. clear ear canal hard objects are not allowed. In some diseases, inflammation of the middle and inner ear. In case of ear pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as an ear disease can lead to deafness.

Hearing is negatively affected loud noise, including very loud music in discotheques and through headphones. It tires the nervous system, reduces a person's efficiency, dulls hearing.

Hygiene of the nervous system. The optimal daily regimen, which prevents fatigue of the nervous system, should provide for the alternation of mental and physical labor. After school, you should first actively relax (go in for sports, help parents around the house).

Starting to do homework, it is important to remember that a person's performance during the day changes, reaching the highest activity in periods from 10-13 hours to 16-20 hours. Work should be done gradually. During work, take small breaks: 5-10 minutes. It is useful to stand up during a break, walk around, do some simple physical exercises.

The most difficult tasks should preferably be performed during periods of greatest activity.

After doing homework, it is useful to take a walk on fresh air, go in for sports, physical work.

In many ways, a person's health depends on his mental balance, his ability to control himself, build relationships with people, and the psychological climate in the family and team.

It is important to learn how to communicate correctly from an early age. You should live with your own thoughts, but respect the opinions of others, be able to listen to objections, understand the position of another, put yourself in his place, admit your mistakes. Recognizing one's mistakes, correcting them is not a weakness, but a sign of a person's strength and maturity.

It is also important to be able to restrain your negative emotions, to develop a sense of self-discipline.

stress is general reaction organism to the influence of strong external or internal factors. Abrupt change temperature can cause temperature stress, acceptance large doses drugs - drug stress, an extraordinary event in a person's life - emotional stress. emotional stress the most common. It starts with anxiety. At this stage, everyone is mobilized defensive forces body, hormones are released into the bloodstream, which increase metabolism, all organs of our body begin to work more actively. The body counteracts the stressor and favorable conditions deal with negative situations. If stress continues for a long time, a stage of exhaustion may set in. This leads to the development of various diseases.

At the same time, stress helps us overcome those difficult situations in which we fall. He - important condition development of any normal personality. One must protect oneself not from stress, but from exhaustion, which is caused by overexertion.

Shoots well nervous tension fast walk, outdoor games, listening to melodic music, communicating with loved ones or pets has a calming effect on the human body.

Test your knowledge

  1. What is hygiene?
  2. What human organ systems do you know?
  3. What is personal hygiene?
  4. How to eat right?
  5. What is the daily routine, how to follow it?
  6. What is posture? What is the role of correct posture?
  7. What is the essence of the training effect?
  8. How to breathe correctly?
  9. How to maintain visual acuity?
  10. What is stress?


Why is it necessary to comply with hygiene requirements to maintain health?

To maintain health, a person must healthy lifestyle life, keep hygiene rules and norms.

Hygiene of the nervous system. For the normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents, and especially its higher department - the cerebral cortex, the correct organization of the daily routine, rationing is of great importance. mental load, correctly delivered physical education, including meaningful, interesting and not excessive physical labor. If children start studying at school at the same hours, prepare homework, if they receive regular food at the same hours, go to bed, get up, if their daily routine is regular, then all processes in the body proceed normally and rhythmically. .

The hygiene of the nervous system of children and adolescents is inextricably linked with the hygienic organization of all educational work. Excessive mental stress in children and adolescents can lead to overwork of the nervous system, which is expressed in fatigue, poor sleep and even insomnia, headaches, increased excitability and irritability, lowering the level of mental functions - memory, attention, perception and assimilation. Overwork of the nervous system in children and adolescents is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the body's resistance to infection and other adverse factors. Therefore, the issues of hygiene in educational work and, in particular, teaching hygiene are very important for the normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents.

The normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents largely depends on the conditions and influences of their environment. This environment should be such that it excludes moments that irritate and depress the nervous system of children and adolescents. The atmosphere in the school and family should create in them a cheerful state and cheerful mood, so characteristic of healthy, normally developing children. Cleanliness and order, the always benevolent and even treatment of children and adolescents by teachers and parents - all this contributes to a cheerful state of the nervous system and its normal development.

The nervous system of children and adolescents, like all other systems and organs, needs for its comprehensive and full development in exercise (games, exercises in speech, in counting, writing, examining, comprehending, etc.). However, these exercises should be moderate, since excessively frequent and, all the more, too persistent tension leads to excessive excitation of the nervous system of children, and this latter invariably entails nervous overwork. Overwork is one of the main factors that inhibit and often distort the development of the nervous system in children and adolescents, especially the cerebral cortex.

For the normal development of the nervous system of children and adolescents, it is necessary balanced diet (consumption of foods containing phosphorus, lecithins, B vitamins, etc.). No less significant is the categorical prohibition of giving children alcoholic beverages, even in moderate doses, since alcohol, which is harmful to all organs, has a particularly harmful effect on the nervous tissue, causing at first an excessive excitation of the nervous system, and then a state of decline.

No less dangerous is tobacco smoking by adolescents. The nicotine contained in it has a harmful effect on the nervous system of adolescents, causing them headaches, nausea, salivation, etc. Therefore, the school and family should work together to prevent teenagers from smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Hygiene of the nervous system is the basis, without which the process of normal comprehensive mental and moral formation of a young person is unthinkable.

The nervous system is a set of special structures that unites and coordinates the activity of all organs and systems of the body in constant interaction with the external environment.

Importance of the nervous system n n Maintaining a constant composition internal environment organism; Ensuring the coordinated work of all organs and systems of the body; The implementation of the orientation of the organism in the external environment and adaptive reactions to its changes; Forms the material basis mental activity: speech, thinking, social behavior.

Basic properties of the nervous system n n n The nervous system has a number of specific properties: - irritability. Neurons, like all living cells, have irritability - the ability, under the influence of external and internal environmental factors, the so-called stimuli, to move from a state of rest to a state of activity. The natural stimulus of a neuron is a nerve impulse.

excitability - the ability to quickly respond to the action of an irritant with excitation. n - inhibition, the result of which is the weakening or suppression of excitation. Inhibition is involved in the implementation of any reflex act. n

Reflex as the main form of nervous activity n Thanks to reflex activity, the body is able to quickly respond to various changes external or internal environment.

n The nervous system, the biological substratum of his psyche, develops intensively throughout preschool childhood. By the time of the birth of a child, in comparison with other organs and systems, it is the least developed and differentiated.

n More finished spinal cord; the brain continues to grow and develop rapidly. In a newborn, the mass of the brain is 350-400 g, but by the age of one it triples, and by the age of six it is close to the mass of an adult.

n Sensitive periods are periods optimal timing development of certain brain structures, the formation of the processes occurring in them and the corresponding properties of the psyche.

n The development of the child's nervous system and psyche depends not only on the biological "program" laid down genetically, but also on the shaping influence of the environment, primarily social.

n n For the normal development of the nervous system of children and the prevention of overwork, the correct organization of the children's lifestyle is of great importance. Correct Mode is a rational and clear alternation various kinds activities and recreation of children during the day.

n The mode of life should provide for sufficient time for (taking into account age features) for all necessary elements child's life (sleep, walks, classes, etc.) and at the same time, during wakefulness, protect his body from excessive fatigue.

n Compliance with the daily regimen leads to the emergence of strong conditional connections in children, facilitating the transition from one activity to another. The child's body in each separate period of time, as it were, prepares for the type of activity that it has to perform, and all processes (digestion of food, awakening, falling asleep, etc.) proceed faster and with less energy.

n The correct mode disciplines children, improves their appetite, sleep, performance, promotes normal physical development and health promotion.

n An important factor full and timely development of the nervous system is a balanced diet, which includes all the nutrients it needs (proteins, vitamins, phospholipids, enough glucose - the main "energy carrier" for nerve cells.

n In recent years, much evidence has accumulated about the importance of mental development child, first of all, the “human” factor: contacts with close, significant adults, understanding and acceptance of his individuality with his specific features and needs. Without taking this factor into account, it is impossible to talk about the conditions for full-fledged neuropsychic development, the formation of a child as a person.

n n The main psychohygienic factor in the upbringing of children is the attitude towards them. When communicating with a child, when organizing his life, must be taken into account individual characteristics(different temperament, rate of development, different limits of endurance and performance of the nervous system). They cause different responses to the same requirements for children of the same age.

n The wrong educational approach is the abundance of prohibitions and frequent demands to stop the child's actions. The lack of unity in upbringing is also very unfavorable. Lack of communication with adults can also be the cause of behavioral disorders.

n K very unfavorable factors include the lack of conditions for vigorous activity, limiting impressions. The lack of information leads to a decrease in the excitability and susceptibility of the child, poor learning, developmental delay. Restriction in movements also disrupts his behavior and development.

Hygiene of the nervous system n n n This is a set of norms, conditions and requirements that we must implement in order to this system functioned optimally. It includes: 1. compliance with all the rules of mental hygiene, 2. taking into account the sensitivity threshold of receptors, 3. correct regulation physical activity,

n n 4. taking into account the influence of environmental factors, 5. observing the daily routine, 6. hardening, physical culture and sports, 7. prevention of factors that adversely affect health (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Features and hygiene of the skin n Contacting directly with the environment, the skin performs diverse and very important features: receptor, protective, thermoregulatory, respiratory, etc.

n n Baby's skin is vulnerable and sensitive to adverse effects, moreover, than younger child, the more imperfect the function of the skin. Special meaning the hygiene of the skin of children of the first year of life, when it is especially vulnerable to a wide variety of adverse effects.

Hygiene of the musculoskeletal system of the child. n Strengthening the musculoskeletal system contributes to the formation of correct posture in children - the usual body position when sitting, standing, walking, which begins to form from early childhood. Normal, or correct, posture is considered to be characterized by moderate natural curves of the spine, parallel and symmetrical shoulder blades, deployed shoulders, straight legs and normal arches of the feet. It is most favorable for the functioning of both the motor apparatus and the whole organism.

n Appeared in childhood deviations in posture can further lead to the formation permanent deformations skeletal system. To avoid this, you should early age realize preventive actions contributing proper development musculoskeletal system.

Hygiene of the respiratory and vocal apparatus n Increased exchange substances in children causes a high need for oxygen, meanwhile, the characteristics of the lungs and chest largely limit the depth of breathing. The intensity of gas exchange is provided by an increase in the frequency of breathing.

Hygiene of the digestive organs in childhood n The digestive organs of a child, especially of an early age, are characterized by functional immaturity and increased vulnerability. At the same time, the intensity of metabolism in children requires a high activity of digestive processes.

Urinary hygiene n Poor personal hygiene can easily lead to infection urinary tract and the development of the inflammatory process in them.

Eye Hygiene in Children n Prevention of visual impairment begins before the birth of a child - taking care of the health of a pregnant woman is very important for correct formation visual analyzer.

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