Primary secondary tertiary prevention of caries in children. Prevention of caries in adults (exogenous and endogenous): methods and preparations that prevent dental diseases. How to brush your teeth to get rid of caries -

Means and methods for the prevention of caries in adults

Conventionally, two main types of disease prevention can be distinguished: endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous prophylaxis is aimed at strengthening all tissues of the tooth by influencing the entire body from the inside. The main methods of endogenous prevention:

  1. Compliance to the maximum proper diet nutrition.
  2. Compliance with the basic rules of eating.
  3. And finally, the targeted use of appropriate drugs for the prevention of caries.

Exogenous prophylaxis includes local methods that only affect the surface of the teeth. To be more precise, these are the methods:

  1. Local (drugs for local prevention caries that directly affect tooth enamel).
  2. General methods of caries prevention (drugs that affect the entire body as a whole).

In general, prevention is divided into the following subspecies:

  1. primary prevention. Designed to prevent the development of the disease.
  2. Secondary prevention of caries. This is already the process of treating the disease, as well as its possible complications.
  3. Tertiary. Measures to restore the integrity of the dentition, as well as all its functions.

One of the most effective and frequently used methods of local prevention is enamel fluoridation and mineralization.

Good oral hygiene is especially important for the prevention of dental caries.

Fluoroprophylaxis and remineralization

Fluorine has the brightest pronounced action against caries. It is able to inhibit the growth of harmful acid-forming bacteria, and also forms special structures in tooth enamel that are highly resistant to disease. If you are thinking about how to avoid caries using this method prevention, pay attention to preparations containing fluorine, namely:

  1. Tablets for rinsing
  2. fluoridated salt
  3. Special medical toothpaste from caries

In some cases, it will be very useful to prevent caries with remineralizing agents.

These tools include special solutions designed to increase the resistance of tooth enamel. pathogenic bacteria. They contain calcium and fluoride. Apply the method of remineralization by using applications directly on the surface of the teeth.

We should not forget about the prevention of fissure caries (damage to the tissues of the tooth, which are localized precisely in the fissures).

Fissure sealing

Today, fissure sealing is considered one of the most popular methods of preventing the disease we are considering. So, fissures are called natural depressions that are located on the surface chewing teeth between the bumps.

During the sealing process, the fissures will be filled with sealants (special substances) that are resistant to harmful effect acids. Sealants can be opaque and transparent. The effect of this procedure lasts for about 4-5 years.

Toothpastes for caries prevention

Special toothpastes for the treatment of caries help to strengthen the mineral tissues of the tooth, and also prevent the formation of plaque due to the compounds of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine introduced into its composition.

Preventive and therapeutic effect special pastes due to the fact that fluorides, applied topically, increase the resistance of the tooth to all adverse effects. Fluorine, penetrating directly into the structure of tooth enamel, inhibits the formation of the microflora of the so-called soft plaque, fixes phosphorus-calcium compounds in hard dental tissues and creates the most durable fluorapatite system. The best toothpaste for caries is a paste that contains calcium and fluoride. Experts recommend that consumers pay attention to such pastes as:

  • "PRESIDENT Unique" or "PRESIDENT Classic" (Italy);
  • SPLAT Biocalcium (Russia);
  • SILCA "Herbal Complete" and "Natural Extrakte" (Germany) and others.

Diet and nutrition to protect against caries

Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. There is no special diet for the prevention of caries, but you need to follow certain rules stick to. For example, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of foods that adversely affect tooth enamel, which include:

  • cakes and chocolate;
  • concentrated juices;
  • soda.

Sour apples should also not be abused. They not only violate the acidity of saliva, but also do not have the best effect on the stomach.

Eating raw carrots helps protect teeth from caries

And if we talk about what prevents the formation of caries (or rather, which products), then:

  • raw carrot , the consumption of which helps to clean the teeth almost as effectively as with the help of a special paste;
  • green tea prevents the formation of plaque on tooth enamel due to the presence of natural antioxidants and polyphenols;
  • celery has a cleansing effect on the teeth and massaging on the gums;
  • lime is an excellent source of calcium and fluorine, which prevents the occurrence of the disease.

Of course, these are not all products that are beneficial and harmful to dental health. Your dentist will help you make the right diet.

Don't forget to take care of your mouth after every meal! Dental floss and paste - no problem active funds, but, alas, not always available.

About chewing gum for caries

Many promote today special chewing gums for caries. Of course, it cannot be denied that this is a successful marketing ploy, which is used by manufacturers to increase the level of sales of their products. But in fact, does chewing gum protect against cavities?

Chewing gum helps to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and restore the acid-base balance.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Yes, indeed, there are chewing gums that, in combination with other methods, help prevent the onset of the disease. When chewing gum from caries, they are neutralized organic acids released during the vital activity of plaque bacteria. Naturally, it should not contain sugar. After all, it is sugar that is the root cause of damage to tooth enamel and the occurrence of caries.

But to the question of whether chewing gum helps with caries, the answer will be no. If the disease is already taking place, it is impossible to cure it with chewing gum. This will require the assistance of a qualified medical professional.




Named after I.M. SECHENOV

Abstract on the topic: PREVENTION OF DENTAL CARIES


I've done the work:

2nd year student, group 6

Dental faculty

Fakeev Ivan


Means and methods of caries prevention…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Fluoride prevention and remineralization………………………………………………………………..5

Fissure sealing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Toothpastes for caries prevention…………………………………………………………………6

Diet and Nutrition to Protect Against Caries……………………………………………………………………6

About chewing gum from caries……………………………………………………………………………8

List of used literature……………………………………………………………………….9

Means and methods of caries prevention

The incidence of caries in the teeth is associated with the nature of the population's nutrition, the level of solar radiation, the content of fluorine in the environment, age, gender, various climatic and geographical conditions, etc.

Significant risk factors for caries were identified that create conditions for its development: pathological pregnancy, acute infectious and chronic systemic diseases, radioactive radiation and intensive X-ray therapy, hetero- and autosensitization of the body, anti-infective vaccinations and other effects that affect the immunological state of the body.

To a large extent, the incidence of caries in teeth depends on the care of the oral cavity and its hygienic condition.

For the prevention of dental caries, 3 risk factors for caries are of the greatest practical importance: dental plaque and its microorganisms, excess sugar in food, fluorine deficiency in drinking water and food.

By influencing these factors in a certain way, it is possible to completely prevent the development of dental caries or reduce the intensity of the disease in children and adults.

The greatest effect of prevention is observed with simultaneous action on all 3 factors. In practice, this approach is called “comprehensive prevention”.

All known methods for the prevention of dental caries are conditionally divided into 3 groups, respectively, 3 cariogenic factors to which they are directed.

This is the elimination of plaque microorganisms, the reduction of sugars in the diet, the replenishment of fluorine deficiency in the environment surrounding the teeth.

Conventionally, two main types of disease prevention can be distinguished: endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous prophylaxis is aimed at strengthening all tooth tissues by influencing the entire body from the inside.

The main methods of endogenous prevention:

1 Compliance with the most correct diet.

2 Compliance with the basic rules of eating.

3 Targeted use of appropriate drugs for the prevention of caries.

Exogenous prophylaxis includes local methods that affect only the surface of the teeth. To be more precise, these are the methods:

1 Topical (drugs for local caries prevention that act directly on tooth enamel).

2 General methods of caries prevention (drugs that affect the entire body as a whole).

Prevention is divided into the following subspecies:

1 Primary prevention. Designed to prevent the development of the disease.

2 Secondary prevention of caries. This is already the process of treating the disease, as well as its possible complications.

3 Tertiary. Measures to restore the integrity of the dentition, as well as all its functions.

One of the most effective and frequently used methods of local prevention is enamel fluoridation and mineralization.

Good oral hygiene is especially important for the prevention of dental caries.

Fluoroprophylaxis and remineralization

Fluorine has the most pronounced action against caries. It is able to inhibit the growth of harmful acid-forming bacteria, and also forms special structures in tooth enamel that are highly resistant to disease. If you are thinking about how to avoid caries using this method of prevention, pay attention to preparations containing fluoride, namely:

1 Tablets for rinsing

2 Fluorinated salt

4 Special therapeutic toothpaste for caries

In some cases, it will be very useful to prevent caries with remineralizing agents.

These tools include special solutions designed to increase the resistance of tooth enamel to pathogenic bacteria. They contain calcium and fluoride. Apply the method of remineralization by using applications directly on the surface of the teeth.

Fissure sealing

We should not forget about the prevention of fissure caries (damage to the tissues of the tooth, which are localized precisely in the fissures).

Today, fissure sealing is considered one of the most popular methods of preventing the disease we are considering. So, fissures are called natural depressions, which are located on the surface of the chewing teeth between the tubercles.

During the sealing process, the fissures will be filled with sealants (special substances) that are resistant to the harmful effects of acids. Sealants can be opaque and transparent. The effect of this procedure lasts for about 4-5 years.

Toothpastes for caries prevention

Special toothpastes for the treatment of caries help to strengthen the mineral tissues of the tooth, and also prevent the formation of plaque due to the compounds of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine introduced into its composition.

The preventive and therapeutic effect of special pastes is explained by the fact that fluorides applied topically increase the resistance of the tooth to all adverse effects. Fluorine, penetrating directly into the structure of tooth enamel, inhibits the formation of the microflora of the so-called soft plaque, fixes phosphorus-calcium compounds in hard dental tissues and creates the most durable fluorapatite system. The best toothpaste for caries is a paste that contains calcium and fluoride. Experts recommend that consumers pay attention to such pastes as:

"PRESIDENT Unique" or "PRESIDENT Classic" (Italy);

SPLAT Biocalcium (Russia);

SILCA "Herbal Complete" and "Natural Extrakte" (Germany) and others.

Diet and nutrition to protect against caries

Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. There is no special diet for the prevention of caries, but certain rules must be followed. For example, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of foods that adversely affect tooth enamel, which include: cakes and chocolate; concentrated juices; soda.

Sour apples should also not be abused. They not only violate the acidity of saliva, but also do not have the best effect on the stomach.

Eating raw carrots helps protect teeth from caries

And if we talk about what prevents the formation of caries (or rather, what kind of products), then: raw carrots, the consumption of which helps to clean your teeth almost as effectively as using a special paste; green tea prevents the formation of plaque on tooth enamel due to the presence of natural antioxidants and polyphenols; celery has a cleansing effect on the teeth and massaging on the gums; lime is an excellent source of calcium and fluoride, which prevents the occurrence of the disease.

You should abandon concentrated fruit juices and sugary carbonated drinks in favor of drinking or mineral water, weak tea.

Increase the consumption of fermented milk products rich in calcium: cottage cheese, cheese.

At least twice a week, you should eat fish and other seafood containing a large number of phosphorus and vitamin D.

A sweet dessert is best replaced with fresh hard fruits rich in vitamin C.

With a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, multivitamin and mineral complex preparations should be taken.

Of course, these are not all products that are beneficial and harmful to dental health. Your dentist will help you make the right diet.

Don't forget to take care of your mouth after every meal! Dental floss and paste are trouble-free means, but, alas, not always available.

The role of nutrition in preventing caries cannot be underestimated. A diet for the prevention of dental diseases includes not only the rejection of sweets, flour products and chocolate. In order to maintain a healthy smile for a long time, you must follow a few rules:

In the daily diet without fail proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in a ratio that is optimal according to age and physical activity. The food should contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The food culture itself is of great importance. You can't eat on the go. Food should be chewed thoroughly. It is also necessary to refuse snacks between main meals, especially if they consist of flour products and sweets.

After eating, it is imperative to rinse your mouth. In the absence of such an opportunity, chewing gum helps. Chewing gum protects against caries due to the fact that it removes food debris, promotes abundant production of saliva. And xylitol, which is part of it, neutralizes the acid and acts detrimentally on pathogenic microorganisms.

About chewing gum for caries

Many promote today special chewing gums for caries. Of course, it cannot be denied that this is a marketing coup that manufacturers use to increase the level of sales of their products. But in fact, does chewing gum protect against cavities?

Chewing gum helps to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and restore the acid-base balance.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Yes, indeed, there are chewing gums that, in combination with other methods, help prevent the onset of the disease. When using chewing gum from caries, organic acids secreted during the vital activity of plaque bacteria are neutralized. Naturally, it should not contain sugar. After all, it is sugar that is the root cause of damage to tooth enamel and the occurrence of caries.

But to the question of whether chewing gum helps with caries, the answer will be no. If the disease is already taking place, it is impossible to cure it with chewing gum. This will require the assistance of a qualified medical professional.

List of used literature

1. E.M. Kuzmina "Prevention of dental diseases." Tutorial. Publishing house "Poly Media Press", 2001, p.216

2. Therapeutic dentistry: Textbook for medical students / Ed. E.V. Borovsky.- M.: "Medical Information Agency", 2003. - 840 p.: ill.

3. I.N. Kuzmina Prevention early forms caries during teething in children. MMSI, 1996.

Caries is the most common disease in the world, which is pathological process destruction of hard tissues of the tooth due to a number of adverse factors. This dental problem Depending on the stage of the disease, it is treated with a variety of methods - both innovative and gentle, and conservative, often very painful for the patient. How to prevent the development of caries and reduce the risk of its occurrence in long term? You can read about this and much more below.

How to define caries?

The simplicity and reliability of determining caries depends very much on the stage of its development, as well as the localization of foci of destruction on the dentition. At home, at the stage of a carious spot, with the location of the pathology in the cervical, rib or root zone, it is almost impossible to visually notice the disease. Only a clear external location on the visible part of the enamel suggests the presence of a small zone of chalky color.

During the transition from the basic stage to the classical superficial caries the affected area acquires a more pronounced whitish hue, while the localization loses its luster compared to the rest of the enamel - active demineralization and destruction of the outer layer of the tooth, still focal, begins. Over time, the diseased tooth begins to react to too cold, hot, sour, sweet foods and drinks, forming a temporary pain syndrome.

At medium and deep forms diseases pathology is visible to the naked eye - these are darkenings, holes and cavities of black color, partial destruction of the tooth, etc.

Especially milestone effective fight with caries is considered to be as much as possible early diagnosis problems - only an experienced dentist can carry it out properly, through both careful visual inspection using a special mirror, as well as instrumental research methods. Most often in modern dentistry To solve this problem, use:

  1. Radiography. snapshot internal structure the dentition and nearby areas, if correctly interpreted, gives a clear and unambiguous picture of the development of caries and the exact localization of lesions;
  2. Coloring. A simple method carried out under normal conditions dental office. The procedure is carried out using fuchsin or methylene blue - zone superficial lesion enamels change their color;
  3. Transluminescence. Illumination of the inner part of the dentition using a powerful light source. Allows you to detect internal and hidden forms of caries inside the tooth;
  4. Cold thermodiagnosis and drying of the enamel surface. Two alternative methods involve treating potential affected areas with a cold reagent or drying them, respectively. In the first case, the patient will feel light pain syndrome, while in the second, the area of ​​potential destruction loses its luster. Both methods are suitable for detecting superficial or medium caries, including in hard-to-reach places.

Adult men and women who do not have serious chronic diseases, shows the full range of possible preventive measures aimed at counteracting possible manifestation caries.

Comprehensive prevention usually includes the elimination of a potentially dangerous cariogenic situation, as well as a significant increase in the resistance of the disease to all structures of the oral cavity, both in general and at the local level.

Main activities include:

  1. Systemic oral care using toothpaste/powder, rinse solutions, threads, etc.;
  2. Rejection bad habits that can indirectly provoke caries are smoking and alcohol;
  3. The use of special sugar-free chewing gums based on xylitol, which additionally cleanses the oral cavity;
  4. Significant schema correction daily nutrition with the exclusion from the diet of foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates;
  5. Dental techniques prevention of caries - fluoridation and sealing of fissures with polymeric compositions;
  6. Regular preventive examinations at the dentist, at least once every six months. Mandatory treatment of any non-carious diseases, pathologies and dental problems.

Children from one to 14 years old are in a special risk group for caries - as modern medical statistics show, it is they who most often quickly acquire this pathology, and the carious process itself on milk teeth develops rapidly - sometimes the transition from the stain stage to deep dentin damage takes just a few months.

When to start the first preventive measures? Dentists recommend paying attention to potential risk already after the eruption of the first teeth in the baby.

Where to begin? To begin with, introduce drugs into the child's diet with high content calcium, adjusting the diet in parallel, limiting the use of products based on simple carbohydrates as much as possible. Chips, soda, inexpensive sweets, industrial pastries - all this negatively affects the condition of a child's teeth. Be sure to include milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, do not forget about vitamins - it is advisable to put fruits that are not very sweet, but in autumn-winter period It becomes mandatory to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Almost every child does not like brushing his teeth too much - try to organize this monotonous process in a playful way, carefully controlling the brushing time (it should not be less than 3-4 minutes). Teach the kid proper processing cavities with manipulations over all parts/elements of the dentition.

As a supplement for children over 5 years old, regular rinsing of the mouth with fluoridated water is allowed - this will speed up the processes of natural mineralization of the enamel and protect not too resistant milk teeth from the potential negative effects of bacteria.

Cardinal in children - non-invasive fissure sealing. Exactly on chewing surfaces teeth are most susceptible to caries, since food debris enters small spaces and microflora actively reproduces. The procedure itself consists of a number of steps:

  1. Complete cleaning of the dentition and oral cavity from any food residue and plaque, as well as drying;
  2. Fixation and isolation of the treated teeth from the penetration of saliva;
  3. Application of phosphoric acid solutions to working surfaces;
  4. Washing the oral cavity and dentition;
  5. Drying the treated surfaces and applying a special sealant to them;
  6. Crystallization and hardening of the applied material using a photopolymerization lamp;
  7. Removal of unnecessary residues, grinding, cleaning the cavity from dirt.

Prevention of caries in pregnant women

Prevention of caries in the fair sex during pregnancy carries a double meaning - first of all, they protect themselves from potential carious processes woman teeth buckling due to change hormonal background and lack of essential minerals/vitamins, as well as preventive actions aimed at reducing the risks of developing pathology in the unborn child even at the stage of the antenatal period.

The main principles include the following actions:

  1. The most carefully regular observance of oral hygiene;
  2. Correct Mode nutrition with the exclusion of simple carbohydrates, as well as a significant increase in products containing calcium and fluorine - these are dairy and sour-milk dishes, vegetables, fish, unsweetened fruits;
  3. Mandatory cleaning of teeth from plaque and calculus at the dentist;
  4. Intensive intake of vitamin and mineral complexes;
  5. As much as possible prompt implementation therapy and sanitation carious teeth even on initial stage disease development;
  6. Regular check-ups at the dentist;
  7. Timely treatment any third-party acute and chronic diseases, especially gastrointestinal pathologies.

Modern medicine knows many methods and types of caries prevention. Their effectiveness in most cases is due to a number of factors - from genetic predisposition to pathology to external influence. Basically, all activities can be divided into two large groups- endogenous (general) and exogenous prophylaxis.

Endogenous (general) caries prevention

It is the prevention of caries by general health and increase the body's resistance.

In turn, it is divided into prevention with the help of medications and non-drug measures. Drug-free endogenous prevention is carried out in two directions.

  1. Rational balanced diet. The main task is to exclude daily ration foods rich in simple carbohydrates and sugar. It is these components in the oral cavity that create optimal conditions to start carious processes, especially in childhood. Along the way, it is necessary to control the intake of all the necessary proteins, complex carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements into the body. You need to eat more unsweetened fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood and fish rich in fluoride, as well as dairy and sour-milk products containing natural calcium;
  2. Physical exercise. General strengthening body is impossible without moderate physical activity. Morning work-out, rest breaks working time, evening jogging, complex hardening - all this forms the prerequisites for optimal body resistance to any diseases, including caries.

Preparative endogenous prophylaxis is carried out strictly under medical supervision. Dentist prescribes optimal doses taking medications, taking into account age, the current state of the body, the presence of concomitant chronic and acute diseases.

Typical representatives:

  1. Calcemin, calcium glycerophosphate;
  2. Phytafluor, sodium fluoride;
  3. Fish fat;
  4. Immunomodulators of the natural spectrum - echinacea, eleutherococcus;
  5. Vitamins of groups D and B.

Exogenous (local) caries prevention

Under the term "exogenous prevention of caries" dentists mean local methods of preventing dental caries. In spite of high efficiency a systematic approach to reducing the risks of carious processes, due to economic, technical and physiological reasons, as well as the characteristics of the body, there is a need for additional direct processing of the oral cavity and dentition.

The two main areas of exogenous prophylaxis include oral hygiene and the use of direct-acting special equipment:

  1. Remineralization complexes;
  2. Fissure-sealing sealants;
  3. Fluoride products local use in the form of pastes, varnishes, solutions, gels.

As modern medical statistics show, the trend towards a decrease in the cases of diagnosis of caries in developing countries is connected with the beginning of the total use of fluorine-containing pastes - about 90 percent of such products on the market contain this substance. Also, an important contribution is made by the use of additional hygienic oral devices - sugar-free chewing gum based on xylitol, organic and synthetic means of removing plaque from the enamel, under which carious processes are formed, an increasing interest of the population professional methods cleaning the oral cavity in a dental office.

Any methods will not help to get rid of the danger of caries, if you do not use highly effective means for the implementation of basic measures. First of all, they include toothpastes - the most affordable consumer goods.

The composition of modern toothpaste almost always includes fluorine compounds (fluoride). At correct application this tool (using at least 2 times a day, 3 minutes of intensive cleaning of the entire dentition and adjacent localizations), the risk of carious processes is reduced by 40 percent.

Prevention of caries with fluorine (fluoride)

Another effective method local counteraction to the possible manifestation of caries is considered to be the treatment of teeth with fluorine compounds. Particularly relevant this remedy in children over 5 years of age in the process of maturation of tooth enamel.

  1. Rinsing. Used 0.025 percentage solution sodium fluoride in the amount of 10 milliliters. Rinsing 3 times a day for 1 minute after brushing your teeth with a paste;
  2. Applications. The surface of the dentition is cleaned of dirt and plaque, dried and applied with cotton swabs moistened with 0.2 percent sodium fluoride. Hold the “compress” for about 3 minutes, after which they are removed. Drinking and eating after the procedure is allowed after at least 2 hours. Well preventive therapy designed for 5-7 days.


To other typical drugs used as a means of caries prevention, modern dentists include:

  1. Fluorolac. Combined remedy from sodium fluoride, fir balsam, shellac, chloroform and ethyl alcohol. It has antimicrobial activity, saturates the enamel with essential ions. It is used 4 times a year at the stages of regular sanitation of the oral cavity when visiting a dentist;
  2. Belagel. organic local remedy based on aminofluorides. In the form of a gel and a special chemical activity, fluorine compounds stay better and longer on tooth enamel, inhibiting the potential formation of plaques and carious stains. Used once a week for six months. Reduces the risk of caries by 70 percent;
  3. Remodant. Multicomponent highly effective remineralizing prophylactic agent. Contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, manganese, iron, zinc, copper and other trace elements adapted for local use and absorption. Significantly increases the resistance of the dentition to any carious destructive processes. The most commonly used 3% solution for rinsing (minimum 1 minute, 2 times a day), as well as applications with cotton swabs (for 15 minutes, a total course of 30 applications);
  4. Strontium chloride. 25 percent water solution substances are rubbed into the dried tooth enamel. Only 2 procedures, each of which is carried out in 2 days. Repeat prophylaxis - 1 time in 6 months;
  5. Kaltsinova. Chewable tablets based on calcium, phosphates and vitamin complex. Consumption rate - 3 tablets per day for 3 doses between meals, they must be thoroughly chewed, evenly distributed throughout the oral cavity;
  6. Sealants. They are used for sealing fissures and cardinal prevention of caries in children over 8 years old and adults. Typical preparations are zinc chloride, silver nitrate, vitacryl, aluminosilicate polyacryl, carbodent, silar, alfacom. There are both self-hardening and hardening under the influence of ultraviolet light, the sealing procedure is carried out only in a dental clinic.

Oral hygiene

The basic basis of local caries prevention, regardless of any circumstances, is a comprehensive correct oral hygiene. It is in this localization that all carious pathologies begin and develop, and the disease itself is born under the influence of the natural microflora of the mouth and teeth.

Basic hygiene techniques:

  1. Brushing teeth with a brush and toothpaste. Daily, 3 times a day, as carefully as possible;
  2. Use of dental floss. This device allows you to get rid of food debris between the teeth and in hard-to-reach places. Recommended for use at least 1 time per day;
  3. Rinsing solutions. They are used after cleaning with toothpaste and floss, they contain antiseptic and antimicrobial components. Recommended regular use at least 2 times a day for 3-5 minutes;
  4. Use of sugar-free gums with xylitol as a supplement between the main cleanings of the dentition;
  5. Professional cleaning at the dentist. Getting rid of persistent plaque or tartar at home is quite difficult. See a dentist on a regular basis who can complex procedure deep cleaning using instrumental and innovative methods- from the irrigator, Air flow and laser treatment, to ultrasound and classical conservative dental techniques.

Quite often, people who believe that they perform oral hygiene on a regular basis still find caries. Why is this happening? Most often, the cause is banal errors in procedures that permanent basis increase the risk of carious processes. The most famous and typical:

  1. Insufficient cleaning time. Complete care behind the oral cavity involves daily procedures, preferably 3 times / day for 3-5 minutes. Many people give this process only a minute, sometimes even less, which does not allow adequate local protection against caries;
  2. Wrong cleaning technique. Correct technique- meticulous sweeping. dentition upper jaw is cleared to the bottom, the bottom - vice versa. Be sure to pay attention to the lateral, internal and rear surfaces, as well as areas of direct contact during chewing. In addition, besides the teeth, the gums and tongue should also be cleaned;
  3. Tool change. rinses, chewing gum, the thread is not a replacement, but a supplement to the classic toothbrushing procedures. Under any circumstances, the brush and toothpaste should remain the basis;
  4. Incorrect choice tools. A high-quality brush should suit your hardness and be synthetic. In addition, it is necessary to correctly select the size of the working head - a tip with a width of 2 teeth is considered ideal. Once every 3 months, do not forget to change the main cleaning tool, store it in a dry place with the head up and do not pour boiling water over it - the product should be washed after the procedures warm water;
  5. Features of the paste The paste must be of high quality, contain fluoride, and be approved by local health organizations. Pay attention to the expiration date of these products, do not use too much or too little material (the best option for an adult is a volume the size of a large pea).

Prevention of caries at home

What can be done to prevent caries at home, in addition to the classic brushing of teeth, correction of the diet, intake of vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators, as well as the use of thread? Most often these are folk remedies.

It should be understood that conservative medicine does not recognize " folk methods» an effective and reliable concept of prevention, although a number of prescriptions under certain circumstances can help counteract the development of carious processes if they are used as an adjunct to the main approved methods. Before using any of the methods described below, be sure to consult with your dentist.

  1. Sage tincture. Take 1 teaspoon of medicinal sage bought at a pharmacy, pour a glass of boiling water over it and let it brew for an hour. Strain the remedy and regularly, 3 times a day between meals, rinse your mouth with it for 3 minutes;
  2. Propolis applications. Perfectly removes plaque and strengthens enamel propolis. Take a sufficient amount of it, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the teeth with plaque for 30 minutes. Enough 1 procedure before bedtime;
  3. Collection of herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula herbs. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain, rinse your mouth several times a day after meals;
  4. Cabbage. Be sure to eat raw white cabbage and sing if possible cabbage juice- this tool strengthens dentin and enamel, stops carious processes.

Proper nutrition is one of important components endogenous prevention of caries in people of any age. It is the daily diet, if it is chosen poorly, that can provoke the formation of plaque and create an optimal breeding environment for bacteria in the oral cavity, which, in the presence of a large amount of simple carbohydrates, produce organic acids that negatively affect the enamel.

What should be given up? First and foremost, limit your intake of sugary black tea and coffee, chips, salted peanuts, crackers, muffins, donuts, milk chocolate, and other plaque-causing foods high in simple carbohydrates.

Add dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, as well as all types of meat to your daily diet. Eat a balanced diet (in equal proportions of proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates), fractionally, at least 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Try not to pass at night and after each meal, brush your teeth if possible. If this is not possible, use sugar-free gum with xylitol and rinses from time to time. antiseptic solutions fluoride-based (but do not replace brushing your teeth on a regular basis).

Useful video

Prevention of caries. How to brush your teeth properly?

The use of fluorides for the prevention of dental diseases still causes lively discussions. Fluorine can provide both beneficial and harmful effect on people.

It is generally accepted that low concentrations of fluoride preparations in case of short-term contact with tooth enamel contribute to strengthening crystal lattice tooth. The average reduction of dental caries with the use of fluoride preparations to prevent caries is 30-50%.

The anti-carious effect of fluorine is associated with three mechanisms of action.

Firstly , fluorides interact with one of the main mineral components of dental tissues - hydroxyapatite - with the formation of a very stable compound - hydroxyfluoroappatite. As a result, the permeability of the enamel decreases and its resistance increases.

Secondly , fluorine has a depressing effect on the growth of oral microflora due to the inhibitory effect on enzymes carbohydrate metabolism. As a result, the intensity of carbohydrate breakdown and acid production decreases.

Thirdly , fluorides affect the exchange of the protein phase of the enamel, participating in the formation of teeth and, consequently, their resistance to caries.

Both organic and inorganic fluorine compounds are used to prevent caries. The most commonly used are: sodium fluoride, potassium fluoride, tin fluoride, titanium fluoride, aminofluoride. Their purpose depends on the content of fluorine in drinking water and food (tea), social and climatic factors. The concentration of fluorine for topical application (in the oral cavity) should not exceed 1-2% (calculated as a fluoride ion).

Fluorides are used both for mass prevention of dental caries by water fluoridation, and for collective and individual prevention.

Fluoridation of drinking water is carried out in areas where the fluorine content in sources does not exceed 0.7 mg/liter. In this case, there is an urgent need for this important state event. By mounting fluorination installations at water intake stations, the concentration of fluorine is brought to optimal values ​​- 0.9 - 1.2 mg/l. Fluoridation is a cost-effective, simple and affordable form of dental caries prevention. Its effectiveness is most pronounced in childhood and reaches 25 - 40% reduction in the growth of caries.

For collective and individual prevention of dental caries, 0.02 - 0.2% fluoride solutions, applications of 1 - 2% fluorine solutions and gels, coating of teeth with fluorine varnish, administration of sodium fluoride tablets and taking Vitafluor are used.

The most common fluoride applications are:

1. One of the most common means of local prevention of dental caries are varnishes, which are used to prolong the period of fluoride exposure to enamel. They form a film adjacent to the enamel, which remains on the teeth for several hours, and in fissures, crevices and microspaces - for several days and even weeks. Duraphat varnish contains 2.26% fluoride, Fluor Protector - 0.1%, Composeal - sodium fluoride and calcium fluoride.

Fluorine varnish (Kharkov) is a composition of natural resins containing about 5% fluorine. The lacquer is dark yellow in color, viscous in consistency, has a high adhesion to the tissues of the tooth and is able to stay on them for several hours - the time required for the penetration of fluorine ions into the surface layers of the enamel.

Before applying fluoride varnish, the teeth are cleaned with tampons from plaque and saliva, dried, lined with cotton swabs. The drug is applied with plastic sticks first on the teeth mandible, then the upper jaw. For 3-4 minutes the patient sits with his mouth open to dry the varnish. After applying varnish during the day, it is not recommended to eat hard food and brush your teeth.

Both a dentist and a nurse can apply fluoride varnish. In large groups, especially in children's, it is better for the doctor to work with an assistant. This greatly speeds up the procedure and improves the quality of the coating of the teeth with varnish.

Rinsing with fluoride solutions are carried out within 1 - 3 minutes, preventing the ingestion of liquid. After this procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth clean water. For small children 2-4 years old, this method is undesirable. Older children are first shown the rules for rinsing the mouth with ordinary tap water.

Fluoride solutions (0.05, 0.1%, 0.2% with the frequency of rinsing, respectively: every day, 1 time per week, 1 time in 2 weeks) should be prepared in a vessel made of polyethylene or other food-grade plastic. For collective prophylaxis, weighed portions of sodium fluoride are prepared in advance and then diluted in a certain volume of boiled or distilled water. For a single rinse, 150 ml of solution is sufficient.

In case of accidental ingestion of a fluoride solution, the child should be allowed to drink 10 ml of a 3-5% solution calcium chloride, which binds fluorine and prevents it from being absorbed.

Rinses begin to be used when the first eruptions erupt in children. permanent teeth. Such a method of prevention does not require a significant investment of time and material resources and at the same time is quite effective. Biggest Influence is applied to the smooth and proximal surfaces of the teeth. After the end of the rinse, the effect lasts another 2 to 3 years.

Fluoride Applications. For this purpose, 1-2% sodium fluoride solutions or fluoride gels are used. They are used in the form of applications. The surface of the teeth before application is thoroughly cleaned by brushing hygienic pastes are isolated from saliva and dried. The solution is applied to cotton swabs for 3 - 4 minutes. Usually apply 3 - 7 applications 2 times a year.

Professor Leontiev V.K. for applications proposed 1 - 2% sodium fluoride gel on 3% agar-agar. Before use, after brushing the teeth, the gel heated on an alcohol burner is applied with a brush to the teeth, where it solidifies in the form of a thin film upon contact with them. After that, the patient is allowed to go home with a recommendation not to eat for 3 hours.

sodium fluoride tablets contain 2 mg of fluoride. Based on pure fluorine ion, each tablet contains 0.85 mg of fluorine. The use of sodium fluoride tablets can be started from the age of 2 and continue up to 14-15 years. The number of tablets used will depend on the fluoride content of the local water and the age of the child. The optimal amount of fluorine introduced into the body is in the range of 1.2 - 1.6 mg per day.

In children's institutions, tablets are given daily immediately after breakfast under the supervision of a health worker or class teacher. On holidays and weekends, each child is given the required number of tablets for home use.

Calculation of consumption of fluorine in the form of tablets is made as follows:

You need to know the indicative data - admission optimal amount fluoride in the body:

in children 1 - 3 years old - 0.6 mg / day,

4 - 6 years - 0.85 mg / day,

7 - 9 years - 1.1 mg / day,

10 - 12 years - 1.3 mg / day,

in adults - 1.8 mg / day.

60 - 70% of fluorine enters the human body with liquids. Let's do the calculation. If the fluorine content in drinking water is below the norm (for example, 0.3 mg/l), then the consumption of fluorides is 3 times less than the required amount. It needs to be replenished by taking fluoride. This means that children of 3 years of age additionally need to enter 0.4 mg / day - (0.5 tablets per day).

Vitaftor is a complex of vitamins A, C, D and sodium fluoride. It is a light yellow liquid. It is used during or after meals for a year inside. The interval is 2 - 4 weeks every 3 months in areas where the fluorine content in drinking water does not exceed 0.5 mg/l. Children under 6 years of age take Vitaftor 1 time per day, 1/2 teaspoon, over 6 years old - 1 teaspoon.

Prevention with biologically active substances.

Biologically active substances and biostimulants can be used to increase the resistance of the body and teeth to the action of cariogenic factors. This group includes compounds that actively affect the metabolism by strengthening or normalizing its individual links. For this purpose, vitamins, microelements, hormones, amino acids, coenzymes are used.

The purpose of using this group of compounds for the prevention of dental caries is to build resistant to adverse effects of dental tissues during their development.

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