How does a patient feel during laser vision correction surgery? She has not only advantages! Possible consequences of laser vision correction


My vision began to deteriorate at school and I was prescribed glasses.

But I was very uncomfortable with glasses, so I rarely wore them, for example, when I was watching TV.

I started wearing in 10th grade. contact lenses. I saw everything perfectly in them and, which is very important, the lenses did not cause me any discomfort.

I got so used to them that I could not imagine my life without lenses. So, I wore contact lenses for almost 10 years.

But still, despite the fact that I was used to lenses, I really wanted to do laser correction. After all, lenses and solutions for them were quite expensive.

I even specifically calculated how much money I spent for the entire time I wore lenses. It turned out about 70 thousand rubles. And despite the fact that I bought lenses and solutions far from the most expensive.

And so, in 2013, I finally decided to correct!

Before that, I monitored reviews and prices for correction in different clinics in my city for quite a long time ( Nizhny Novgorod) and stopped at ophthalmological clinic"Insight".

The determining factor in choosing a clinic was the cost of the operation. At that time there was a good action for correction in "Epiphany".

First, I underwent diagnostics, according to the results of which I was told that it was possible to make a correction. True, diagnostics showed small problems with the retina of the left eye.

2 weeks after strengthening the retina, I was signed up for the correction itself.

Before the correction, my vision was as follows: -7 in the right eye and -8 in the left.

This is high myopia.

I chose the correction by the Lasik method, because. it came out much cheaper in cost than Superlasik. The doctor predicted an improvement in vision after LASIK correction up to 0.8.

This result was fine with me.

But the unpleasant news for me was that you can’t wear contact lenses for 10 days before the correction, because. they change the shape of the cornea.

Therefore, I had to buy glasses specially for 10 days, which I didn’t have at all at that time, because. I wore only lenses.

My feelings during the operation

There was discomfort at the very beginning, when special spacers were inserted into my eyes, so that I could not accidentally close my eyes. I did not feel pain during the operation.

remember bad smell burnt hair (laser work).

I was only required to look at the red dot and it was not at all difficult and even interesting) I was so carried away by looking at this red dot that I was very surprised when the doctor said: “Well, that's it.”

The whole operation on both eyes took about 10 minutes.

Feelings after surgery

After the correction, I was taken to a room where the lights were dimmed, and I put on sunglasses. I must say that in the first minutes I already saw better than before the correction, but everything was in some kind of fog.

Then, for about an hour, I just sat, then I went to the doctor for the first examination after the correction. Also, the doctor gave me eye drops, wrote me how to apply them and gave me pain pills in case of severe discomfort in the eyes.

I put everything in my purse and went to the locker room for outerwear.

My husband, unfortunately, got stuck in a traffic jam and I had to wait another half an hour.

And here I began to have the very discomfort that the doctor warned about. I regretted not taking the painkillers right away.

It felt like sand was poured into my eyes and from this, tears flowed in a stream, but such that because of them I could not see anything!

I had a whole pack of paper handkerchiefs and I used them all in just 15 minutes.

By the way, after the operation, it is absolutely forbidden to touch your eyes with your hands and, moreover, rub them, so I just wiped the tears from my cheeks with handkerchiefs.

Finally my husband arrived and we went home.

I remember it was a frosty and very sunny day, and to me, even in dark glasses, any light delivered such severe discomfort that I wanted to hide in the darkest corner. I drove all the way home, covering my face with my hands - my eyes were so irritated from sunlight even with dark glasses.

At home, I finally drank painkillers and, on the advice of a doctor, went to bed.

To sleep in sunglasses it was not very comfortable, but it was not recommended to take them off, because in a dream, you can accidentally hurt your eyes.

I slept for about 2 hours and when I woke up, I noticed that the discomfort in my eyes had already passed and I already URA-URA-URA see everything!

In the evening I was already watching TV. The doctor said so, TV, if not very close, you can watch, and you also need to look into the distance as much as possible, for example, from the window.

However, I noticed that on the computer and on the phone, everything is still blurry. The doctor also warned about it.

My vision after correction

The next day at the doctor's appointment, my vision was 0.6 in both eyes, and I already saw everything well, both near and far.

In a month vision was: the right eye 0.8 and the left 0.9.

In 3 months after correction in both eyes, I had a unit (and the forecast was 0.8!)

But I myself still note the fact that the left eye, on which, by the way, I did the strengthening of the retina before the correction, sees more clearly than the right one.

5 years after correction

As before, my vision is the unit of both eyes.

After the correction, I gave birth to two daughters (in 2014 and 2016), both times natural childbirth without any complications. Neither during pregnancy, nor after childbirth, I did not complain about my vision and I do not complain)

And my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

It is such a happiness to see everything, morning, afternoon and night! And do not bother with lenses and solutions!

Yes, of course, I have read negative feedback about the correction, but there are very few of them, especially against the backdrop of a large number of positive ones.

I think that, unfortunately, no one is immune from a bad result.

But who does not take risks, as they say, does not drink champagne)

Thanks to technical specifications laser machine TENEO 317™, correction of myopia up to -15.0 diopters, hyperopia up to +6.0 and astigmatism up to 6.0 diopters is possible!

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The cost of an ophthalmologist consultation

is the most popular operation for , and . In the Clinic of Laser Eye Microsurgery, correction is carried out on a unique system that gives even more exact result and makes the procedure accessible to a wider range of patients. Like other types of refractive surgery, Lasik reshapes the cornea so that the beam focuses clearly on the retina. So, to correct nearsightedness and improve far vision, the laser makes the cornea flatter. As a result, in 10 minutes the patient gets clear vision.

What happens on the operating table?

Using a mechanical instrument - a microkeratome - the surgeon makes a circular incision on the cornea, separating it upper layer. This gives the doctor access to internal structure cornea - stroma, which is "reshaped" by the laser. Every movement of the laser is calculated computer system based on diagnostic data. The newest analyzes all parameters visual system patient and issues a program laser correction. There can be no mistake.

After the laser corrects the shape of the cornea and polishes its surface, the surgeon returns the upper cornea, which heals within a few days.

What does the patient feel?

We use local anesthetic drops, so the discomfort during the procedure is minimal. Sometimes the patient is given a mild relaxant so that he can relax and feel calm. To keep the eye open during the operation, the eyelids are fixed with a special holder. While the surgeon is performing the 1st stage of the operation, the eye itself is also fixed with a ring. In total, this manipulation takes 20 seconds.

Then the laser comes into play, which painlessly rebuilds the structure of the eye. The patient feels only slight pressure and hears a clicking sound. Immediately after the operation, there may be a slight burning sensation, stinging of the eyes and watery eyes, which usually disappear on the same day. Vision in most patients improves immediately, and after 2 days you can already start working.

Good day, our readers of the blog 33Devici.Ru. in this article we will talk about such a fashionable procedure in our time as laser vision correction. Not everyone nowadays has eagle vision, everyone decides how to deal with this problem. Personally, I have tried many methods, ranging from psychological books - trainings - "How to get rid of glasses", to modern and comfortable lenses. At that time, I had myopia, and my vision was 2.5 in both eyes. But for real, only the operation of laser vision correction helped me to solve the problem, the cost of which is now not so great (about 30,000 rubles).

Currently modern medicine took a big step forward, and now behind this procedure no need to pay crazy money. The only thing you need to decide on is the clinic for laser vision correction, of which there are a huge number now, and your desire to look at the world with new eyes.

For about a year I decided to have this operation, read a lot of reviews, listened to a lot of recommendations from friends who went through this and finally decided, and this is how it was ...

Laser correction clinics

Laser correction clinics

The first problem I faced was the choice of a laser vision correction clinic, of which there are a lot of opened in our city. Here I set myself 2 conditions: the price and the quality of the services provided. If it was less and less clear with the price, since prices are always indicated on the websites of clinics (the average price for laser vision correction ranges from 27,000 to 40,000 rubles for both eyes), then with quality, I had to rely on the opinion of people who have already had the operation .

A good reputation in the eyes of my friends was obtained by the Oxymer and Prozreniye clinics, which cannot be said about the so often advertised Vizus Unity clinic.

I settled on the Oxymer clinic, as the services there were a little cheaper, and the quality was at the same level. When the money was collected, and I firmly decided that I would get rid of glasses forever, I called the clinic and signed up for a consultation.

I got an appointment 3 days after my call. And that's where my path to enlightenment began.

How does laser vision correction work?

Laser vision correction procedure

Arriving at the clinic, at the reception I was sent to general examination eye, which cost 700 rubles. But in some centers it is included in the price. Especially nice, the old posters with small letters are a thing of the past. Now everything is done by computers. After a 30-minute examination, I did not reveal any deviations that did not allow for laser vision correction surgery. I warn you right away that there are restrictions on this procedure:

Existing eye injuries

At elevated pressure.

In any case, an experienced specialist will check before the operation.

After the examination, I was booked in for surgery 2 days later. These 2 days of excitement did not leave me, and now I arrived at the clinic. Arriving at the clinic, I signed an agreement on the provision medical services and paid 29,000 rubles to the cashier. (One eye - 14,500). I was taken to the operating room where 2 people were already sitting, for a similar operation. It was especially surprising for me to see my 70-year-old grandmother, who was very worried. As it turned out later, she had a cataract removed from her eye.

Correction procedure

30 minutes before the operation, drops were dripped into my eyes to dilate the pupil, then the first discomfort appeared, as everything gradually began to blur in my eyes. Pleasant music and soft leather chairs in the waiting room helped to relax. The grandmother was the first to be sent for the operation. After 10 minutes, she left the operating room in a good mood, which drove away my worries. Now it's my turn. They put a hair cap on me and put me on the operating table. The surgeon reassured me that everything would pass quickly and painlessly. My eyes were dripped again, but this time with anesthetic drops and perhaps the most disgusting procedure - they put fixators on both eyes, these are steel frames that are put on the eyeball, after which the eye can no longer turn in one direction.

Then a special device is brought to the eye, through which the laser passes. All you see is a small red dot in the distance. At here the doctor has warned, that the laser will work now. A pair of flashes and the device is transferred to the second eye. The whole operation took no more than 5 minutes. I left the operating room, in the next room they checked the condition of my eye again and said that the operation went well. The first sensation after correction is that the eye is too sensitive to light. Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately drive after the operation and it is better to stock up on sunglasses. The doctor said that in 2 days the eyes will fully recover. They gave me special drops and said that after laser correction, you can’t visit saunas and baths for 2 months. To my question about alcohol and physical activity I was told that there are no restrictions. Although according to the stories of my friends, they were also not recommended to lift weights.

After 2 weeks, I came for a check-up and they told me that my vision was completely restored.

I left the memory glasses on the far shelf ...))

Reviews about laser correction

Reviews about laser correction

Many people constantly ask themselves the question - should I do laser vision correction?

For myself, I answered this question a long time ago, and now I don’t have to wear 3D glasses over optical ones in a 3D movie theater. The only time I regretted the operation was the evening of the day after the operation. When the anesthetic drops wore off, any light seemed unbearably bright, and there was a constant sensation of a foreign object in the eye. But the next morning, I saw the world in a new light. Light sensitivity returned to normal, all objects became clear, and even every leaf on the trees had its own shape.

So do not be afraid to take new steps towards a new life, it's not as scary as it seems. Trust experienced professionals and you won't regret it. Good luck to all!

I want to do laser vision correction, but I'm afraid. Write who did it dangerously?

This day, the correction of short-growth in the British Center (-3 bulo) was done. No lenses and more eyepieces do not compare with the correction! To all the rajah, robit and forget about this problem forever!

I did it in Excimer in Odessa at the end of May this year. I also got under some kind of promotion (-10%). new clinic and modern equipment, which is very rare in Ukraine. He wore glasses -3 and -3.25. There was a slight astigmatism in the left eye. I passed tests and underwent an examination. I chose FEMTO LASIK. lovers of spreading especially, but collecting information from everywhere about laser correction for a long time. In general, I decided. It took a long time to prepare for the operation, but the operation itself was short (no more than 10 minutes). strong light, watery eyes, and some crap is pressing on your eye (it seems like some kind of eyelid holder and some kind of vacuum nozzle) and the doctor constantly comments on all the manipulations. The operation is over and the nurse (very responsive and attentive person) gently led me out into the corridor, sat me on the sofa, made tea (optional) and offered cookies. While I was sitting and catching waste, I gradually began to examine everything around me with a different look. , but as if through cellophane. Half an hour later I recovered a little and already went downstairs to the doctor. She examined and stated that everything was fine. I called the car and drove home. They recommended blinking as often as possible. as well as pain in the eyes. The eyes were red like a bull’s on a rag. The whole evening passed in sunglasses in the dim light in the house. The TV set and the computer did not turn on at all. could easily do without sunglasses in the house. After dinner, in my car at the wheel, I calmly went to an appointment with a doctor. The doctors examined and reported that the left eye was 1.2, and the right one was 1. They promised the left.1, but the right. 0.9. They said that the bursting vessels would go away in 2-3 weeks, although the left eye actually went away after 3 weeks, and the right one for at least a month.

In general, 100% vision is not bad, but there are drawbacks.

1. 2 months have passed, but I still periodically (at first it was more often) either in one or the other eye there is a feeling that a speck gets into the eye.

2. Sometimes helicopters "fly" (mostly yellow). Less often, and the doctor said that with time will pass at all.

2. There are halos around some luminous objects (not all). It does not interfere in any way, but it is still unusual.

3. The most important thing. Up close, it became noticeably worse to see. Although the doctors warned in advance that this would be the case. Previously, on the tip of my nose I could freely count the frills in the summer, but now I see shit closer than 20 cm.

4. Rarely, but there are small doubling (they say that the consequences of the operation will completely disappear in a year).

5. Slight photophobia. In bright daylight it is difficult without sunglasses.

6. It wasn’t there before, but after the operation, slight souring of the eyes appeared, as with conjunctivitis, although I didn’t wash my face for a WEEK (I only wiped my face with a damp towel - I was afraid of infection) and followed all the doctor’s recommendations. I still have to figure it out.

7. They forbade lifting more than 10-15 kg for 7 days .. And sometimes I have to lift 25-30 kg at work. at a time and a ton a day, or even more. Now it is already possible.

I can’t recommend anything to anyone. The choice is yours. So far I see more pluses than minuses. But I advise you not to be afraid and decide for yourself: do you need it? Personally, many people told me that they did it in vain, since I have there were cool glasses and gave me charm and walked. Now he has changed somewhat and, in terms of cuteness, has become even worse than he was. But whoever stopped liking them is their problem.

Were glad to help morally.

Indeed, rehabilitation after surgery is individual for everyone.

"I've been wearing lenses for 23 years without breaks and days off (the only thing I take off at night). Everything is OK." - you should never give up. I wore lenses for 25 years (I took them off at night, sometimes I used glasses on weekends), until at one point my eyes began to constantly inflame, even from new lenses! and I have -9, and the glasses do not correct such vision, in best case until 6. With glasses on the city you walk almost by touch.

But I didn’t come out of the operation so easily. I tried to go to bed at home when I returned, but tears flowed in a stream before that I could not fall asleep and there was pain in my eyes. The first 2 days I couldn't even watch TV without sunglasses. And the redness in one eye went away for a long time. It's probably individual. Still, I'm happy with the results. It was -6.5, it became -half diopter - almost perfect for me. If anyone needs it, I advise the doctor Tatyana Vladimirovna Manoilo.

Whether it is dangerous or not, in the clinic where you decide to do it, the degree of danger will be determined after the examination. If something threatens, in theory they will not do it. For them, this is also reputational risk, which they do not want.

Laser vision correction. REVIEWS

Meet one and yell then All the doctors in glasses!

25. jsp | 03/28/2013, 02:26:15

clinic Optimed Kiev

People, if you want to see at least something else with your own eyes. Do not go to this sharashka office. I am sure that I am not the only person affected by these pseudo-doctors. Leaving this review just want to warn other people.

I had myopia low degree(-1.75 and -2), in Optimeda I was prescribed laser correction LASEK method. I paid almost 7000 UAH at a discount.

Doctor Demin promised 90-100% vision and rehabilitation up to 3 weeks. After op, she suffered from terrible pain and I could open my eyes only in a completely dark room, but it fell catastrophically and for the third month I have been living in the dark, my vision is much lower than preoperative indicators

Everything was promised to me at every visit. Well, will you soon see the light? They told me at the other clinic. your burnt cornea will most likely have to be resurfaced with a laser, but we no longer guarantee that we can restore vision╩

Director of the clinic Optimed Khraplyuk S.M. (by the way, this person does not have medical education and even the slightest idea about ophthalmology and the patients are called?clients of my business? According to him. Well, this is also a result, we worked, did we accrue salaries to employees? a person is just a wallet for them, and probably they would even consider complete blindness as a result too)

refused to reimburse the cost of the operation under insurance (which they did not have), saying? most likely your vision will someday return, but we will not return the money for the operation, you will not win a court in our country, but will we have clients? they put me out like I'm an extortionist, despite the fact that they didn’t hear any rudeness from me and I don’t pursue selfish goals

The only thing I want is a miracle! I want to read books to my child as before and see the moon in the sky and not two blurry spots? I want to warn other people not to repeat my mistake, not to contact these unfortunate doctors, not to go for promotions and discounts, it is better to save up money and turn to professionals who are also responsible for their work.

Laser vision correction reviews. My experience

For me, this operation was a real miracle: that day I entered the city ophthalmological hospital wearing glasses, and a few hours later I left without them and practically started a new life.

How I Decided to Get LASIK

By the time of the operation, my vision was minus seven. That is, I didn’t see a single line on the table for checking my eyesight without glasses. Naturally, I constantly used glasses or lenses, because without them, even just going out into the street would be dangerous.

I prefer lenses. I started wearing them at the age of 16, but after 8 years of wearing them, their intolerance began to manifest itself, the body began to reject them. No matter what lenses and solutions for them I tried, no matter what moisturizing drops I instilled, my eyes were constantly red and hurt terribly. I'm just tired of answering the questions of others: "Why are your eyes so red?"

I read on the Internet that this often happens after a few years of wearing lenses, and I learned that I was not alone. But that didn't comfort me. I also didn't want to wear glasses. Neither to do sports, nor to swim in the pool ... And only the moments when, from minus 30 below zero, you go into a warm room with fogged glasses, what are they worth!

And I decided not to postpone the operation any longer. Moreover, more and more people around me decided on laser correction. I was especially quickly pushed to the decision by the example of one friend who, at the age of 40, had an operation and got rid of myopia, and after 2-3 years she had to put on glasses again - this time because of the inevitable age-related farsightedness.

I was 24 years old, and I did not want to repeat her experience. It seemed very tempting to enjoy good eyesight as long as possible, it is in young years.

As for the financial side of the matter, I can say for sure that the operation has already fully paid for itself. With my minus seven diopters (this is a high degree of myopia), the whole procedure cost me 22 thousand rubles. By the way, the cost depends on the degree of myopia: what better eyesight the cheaper.

Well, there is no need to tell how much glasses, lenses and care products cost for them now. So the arithmetic here is easy.

Preparation for laser correction

One of the most important conditions for a successful operation: myopia should not progress, otherwise the result will be unstable. For example, by the time of the operation, my vision had been stable for 2-3 years. And I decided to sign up for a preliminary consultation at the laser center.

There I had a complete and very detailed eye examination. We also measured the eye pressure and the thickness of the cornea (after all, it is its layer that the laser will evaporate). The whole examination took me several hours.

Then I went to talk with the doctor, who subsequently performed my operation. After reviewing all the results of the examinations, the doctor said that the LASIK method was indicated for me (“Hurrah!”) and set the date when I needed to come to her, taking dark glasses with me. Since some time will be felt photophobia.

By the way, the doctor told me that in relation to this procedure he does not like to use the word "operation" at all. It scares people and sounds too menacing, but there is nothing so terrible in laser correction. But let the doctor forgive me :) I still, out of habit, call LASIK exactly an “operation”.

He also explained to me in detail how the correction would take place. Briefly, it sounded like this: special device(with a microkeratome) they will remove a patch from the upper layer of the cornea, then the laser will vaporize the tissue by a given number of microns (it will be calculated in advance by the computer individually for both my eyes), and the patch will be “glued” back. Thus, the curvature of the cornea will change and visual acuity will be improved.

I was looking forward to the day of the operation, but suddenly I was upset. Even though it was June, I managed to catch a cold a few days before. important event. I was terribly upset and tried to urgently put my health in order. But everything was useless: runny nose, cough and even slightly fever did not disappear.

Then I decided to call the doctor to cancel the operation, and he praised me for my conscientiousness. After all, the infection that was present in my body at that time could adversely affect the result and slow down the healing of the eyes. Therefore, I had to postpone LASIK for as much as 3 weeks.

I already began to doubt: “What if this is a sign that I should not have an operation?” But then she nevertheless decided to tune in and repeated to herself that everything that was done was for the better.

Operation Day

I must admit that I was very nervous on the way to the hospital. But when I was at the office at the appointed time, I tried to imagine that everything was already behind, and began to calm down.

And I felt completely calm and relaxed, waiting for my turn in the lobby of the operating block. And the reason is simple: in addition to me, another 15 people were waiting for the operation. Someone was talking, someone was dozing in a chair, and a nurse who appeared every 10 minutes on the threshold called the name of the next one.

I decided: “So many people decide to have surgery, and for so many patients, the skillful hands of an experienced doctor and advanced medical technology give excellent vision. So why am I afraid? And so, imperceptibly, time flew by, and my turn came.

Of the whole operation, the most terrible moment seemed to me when I had to fix my eyes on a luminous dot. At this moment, a patch is just removed from the cornea, and vision loses all clarity, everything “floats” as if in a fog. Luckily, this only lasts a couple of minutes.

But when the patch was "glued" back, I immediately noticed a difference. I had to go from the operating room to another room and rest there for about 15 minutes. I lay on the couch and almost cried with happiness, catching glimpses of my new, good vision.

An hour after the operation, the doctor examined me again and let me go home. I was given a supply of eye drops, a sick leave for a week, and I had to put up with lacrimation and photophobia for a while, try not to strain my eyes unnecessarily and follow all medical recommendations.

That day I was not allowed to read or watch TV, so in the evening, putting on huge dark glasses, I went ... for a walk. I wanted to “test” my eyes everywhere and on everything. The world seemed to play with new colors and details that I had not noticed before.

Postoperative period

The next day I woke up with severely swollen eyelids, but by evening the swelling subsided. The lacrimation also stopped (except for the occasional tears of joy), and the eyes, contrary to my fears, were not even reddened.

The clarity of vision increased every day, and compliance with postoperative recommendations did not cause much trouble. By the way, here are some of these recommendations (and as you can see, there is nothing complicated in them):

Try not to be in the bright sun and go outside in sunglasses so as not to injure the cornea that has not yet healed.

Do not use eye makeup for a month.

According to a special scheme, instill drops in the eyes for a month.

In no case do not rub your eyes, and even if they watery, wipe a tear from your cheek, and not from your eyelid.

Do not swim in the pool and open water for two months and do not sunbathe for six months.

The final distance and near vision is established 2-3 months after the operation. That is, only then can conclusions be drawn about its success.

Result after 4.5 years

Am I satisfied with the result of the operation? Yes very! One eye sees perfectly, on the other there is a slight myopia (compared to the former minus seven, barely noticeable). The doctor immediately warned me that the result would be as good as the condition of my eyes would allow.

I don't need eyesight like an eagle's. But I forgot about the hated "crutches" for the eyes (that is, glasses with diopters) and about the ever-rubbing lenses. During the time that has passed since the operation, I successfully overcame pregnancy and natural childbirth, read many books, spent many hours in front of a computer monitor. And all these tests the eyes can withstand without problems.

Also, in addition to myopia, the operation saved me from astigmatism in my left eye (in which objects and text often doubled and tripled before my eyes). And I also noticed that the headaches that constantly haunted me before had gone. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I associate them with poor eyesight and constant eye strain.

Therefore, in general, my impressions of the operation are only positive. I got even more than I expected. I do not want to agitate or persuade anyone for such an operation: the decision should come by itself. But if you, like me, decided on it, then you should not be afraid. The result will please you very much and change your life for the better!

who did laser vision correction. would like to hear feedback.

Sanka Lunkin the Wise (14423) 3 years ago

Laser correction of myopia (patient sensations)

A few days ago I came across an interesting article. The author of the Smart Blog (link below) describes how he was cured of myopia (myopia) at minus 6 diopters (this is on the border between moderate and severe) with the help of laser correction. I publish here in some abbreviation, with explanations and drawings (I am not an ophthalmologist, but general principles Understand). The case took place in Ukraine in 2007, the total cost of treatment was about $ 1,700. And would you decide on such an operation, even free of charge?

Finding a cure

For as long as I can remember, I have always worn glasses. At school, at college, at work. Sometimes the glasses bothered, switched to contact lenses. When the lenses started hurting my eyes, I returned to the glasses. This torment lasted for more than 20 years ... And last year I said to myself “enough!”. How much can you endure?

I started searching the Internet for information about methods of treating myopia (I had about & minus 6, I knew the first few lines in the optometrist's tablet by heart, but did not see a single one - only blurry spots). Tried different techniques, suggestion, exercises. But either I didn’t have the patience for this, or maybe I didn’t fully believe in the possibility of such a healing, but nothing worked out for me. The maximum that I achieved was about half a diopter of improvement. when I went without glasses for six months. But what an inconvenience I had to experience. Constantly squint, stroking the numbers public transport, sit with your nose in the monitor and many other "charms".

Decision is made

After all these attempts, I decided to make a laser correction. Previously, I read a lot about it on the Internet, I basically imagined the process, there was no fear, despite the fact that my friends dissuaded me, citing various “real evidence” and articles that you can lose your eyesight after such an operation, that no one gives guarantees and it's generally dangerous.

In myopia, the rays are focused in front of the retina. with farsightedness - behind it, normally - on the retina. To understand the principle of laser correction of myopia, you need to remember the structure of the eye. The light beam first passes through the cornea, which strongly refracts it. Therefore, removing the middle part of the cornea (in thickness) will reduce the refractive power of the eye and allow the rays to focus on the retina, and not in front of it. Disadvantages: the cornea becomes thinner, therefore, with eye injuries and physical overstrain, it can break faster than an unoperated one. I don’t know if there were such cases in practice or not, but in theory this is possible.

Beam path (light)

Description of laser correction of myopia

1) a thin protective corneal flap is created in the form of a cap

2) 60 sec or less used cold light excimer laser

3) Myopia corrected: central part the cornea was made thinner,

so the rays are now focused on the retina as they should be.

Stages of laser correction of myopia

(left to right and top to bottom).

The choice in Ukraine is small, there are only 3 companies involved in laser correction. In terms of scale, they are approximately the same, the number of branches is also approximately the same. The examination is paid, about $60.

(. omitted: unsuccessful attempt order.)

An hour later, they called me back and a pleasant female voice asked what time it would be convenient for me to make an appointment, what I complain about in advance, and so on. Since I do not live in Kyiv, but 240 km from it. Made an appointment for Saturday, which is a day off. It was interesting and a little scary, because the examination was supposed to last several hours, I could not even imagine that it was possible to study in the eyes for several hours


On Saturday I came to the examination. First of all, he noted that I was there, it was necessary to wait a bit. I've got a card for now. entered passport data and other information. 10 minutes later I was called into the office. Immediately dripped drops into both eyes. and again released into the corridor. The procedure was repeated 3 times with an interval of 10 minutes. As far as I understood, this was done to dilate the pupils.

After that, they began to call me in turn to different rooms, where the examination was carried out. Everything was measured - the diameter of the eye, the shape of the fundus, eye pressure, temperature, and many other parameters. It all took about an hour and a half.

At the end of the process, I was invited to the doctor. A middle-aged woman explained that something was wrong with my eyes, it turned out that in addition to myopia, I also have problems with the retina. Several treatment options were proposed, but the main one was undoubtedly laser correction as the fastest and most reliable. I agreed. After that, an agreement was concluded with the company that I would undergo preparatory and main surgery for vision correction. Since the interval between interventions should be at least two weeks, the preparatory operation was scheduled 2 weeks in advance.

excimer laser

Preparatory operation

2 weeks have passed. I came to Kyiv again, checked in at the reception again, and again waited a little. My eyes were dripped several times again, but now they invited me to another office. There, my eyes were richly smeared with some kind of compound, my head was installed in a tricky assembly so that it would not move, they tied it with a strap. After that, the procedure began. This is called a preparatory operation. it consists in "welding" the retina to fundus. What is it for? Most nearsighted people have associated problem- retinal detachment. During the main operation, the eye experiences a thorough load, and the retina is “strengthened” to guarantee the result.

The essence of the operation is that micro scars are created on the retina with a powerful green laser. which, after healing, are "attracted" to the fundus of the eye. The duration of the operation is about 15 minutes. The procedure itself is not painful, but rather unpleasant. because they shine pulses of bright green light into your eye, but you can’t blink - this is prevented by a special lens hood - something like a watchmaker’s magnifying glass, but more.

As far as I understand, this operation is called photocoagulation and is performed when there is a threat of retinal detachment. Nearsighted people are more susceptible to the development of retinal detachment due to the elongation of the eye and the overstretching of all its membranes. Detachment leads to blindness and disability. Therefore, with the help of a laser on the retina, microburns are created in certain places, which are replaced during healing. connective tissue and protect tissues from delamination.

A variant of a device that prevents the eye from blinking.

For retinal detachment with myopia, the suddenness of its occurrence is characteristic. notice an unexpected deterioration in vision - a cloud, a fog before the eyes, a limitation of the field of view. often a patient with myopia indicates exactly from which side this fogging appeared. Often, with myopia (myopia), before visual impairment due to retinal detachment, flashes appear in the form of sparks, lightning, as well as a mass of floating points in the form of soot flakes, floating lace, a black curtain and until the field of vision is completely darkened, curvature, oscillation of objects, followed by sharp decline object vision, sometimes the vision of colored, fiery circles, etc. These phenomena come out especially brightly with eye movements. They can be observed not only with retinal detachment, but their appearance with myopia (myopia) obliges the doctor to conduct a thorough ophthalmoscopic examination in order to establish the diagnosis of detachment in a timely manner.

The most interesting began after. Everything around half an hour was bright pink. The doctor explained that this was due to the "overload" of the eyes with bright light, and would soon pass. And so it happened.

During the first preliminary operation, the doctor did not have time to do everything (a certain amount of retina can be “sewn on” at a time), so the procedure was repeated two weeks later.

Laser vision correction

After that, I was signed up two weeks later for the main operation. It was necessary to have a change of shoes, dark glasses and two certificates - about the absence of syphilis and hepatitis. Inquiries were successfully made, dark glasses were found, shoes were prepared. I was ready for action.

By the way, not a lyrical digression. About money. payment for all procedures is preliminary, you can pay by credit card. The order of calculation is arbitrary - you can pay the entire amount at once, you can in parts. The basic rule is that everything must be paid on the day of the operation. about which the corresponding note is made in the patient's card.

Two weeks later I came back to Kyiv. Now the wait was a little longer, after which I was called to surgery department. There were already 7 people sitting there, I was the eighth. All were dressed in surgical gowns with ties at the back, shoe covers and special caps. Drops were put into the eyes. We started to wait. After 5 minutes they dropped it again. Once again. The purpose of the drops remained unclear to me - visual acuity did not change, there was no analgesic effect either. Most likely, it was an antiseptic. Everyone was offered a sedative. I was not afraid, so I refused.

After a while, patients began to be taken out one by one. When it was my turn, the nurse led me down the corridor and led me into a small room. There were 4 people there - the laser machine operator, his assistant and two nurses. The apparatus itself is a medium-sized cabinet, under which a couch with a patient slides in. They put me on the couch, put on a special mask. leaving access to only one eye. The couch smoothly drove under the apparatus. After that, an anesthetic was instilled into the eye. An interesting feeling - one drop and the eye is like rubber. The nurse checked with a special wand with cotton wool, I do not feel anything. The doctor began to give instructions, because of which I understood what they would do. First, something like a ring with air was applied to the eye. After pumping air out of it, the ring pressed tightly against the eye. I didn't see anything at that moment, I just heard. There was a strange sound, like a drill. This is a special scalpel - microkeratome - removed the top layer of the cornea. but not completely, forming something like a flap, and folded it back. After that, the eye adapted to the pressure, and I saw a very blurry spot. The doctor said to look at him for 20 seconds, and at that time the infrared laser itself started working. correcting the shape of the cornea. It turned out to be completely painless.

After the correction, the flap was placed in place and dripped into the eye. a large number of healing solution. which was very pleasant to feel - like a chill, only on the eye.

The same operation was performed on the second eye. After that, I left the apparatus, and the nurse helped me out, led me to the waiting room. At this time, I already saw more clearly than before, only everything was in a fog.


After the operation, I was prescribed eye drops several times a day for a week. The next day, I had to come in for an examination. It confirmed that my vision was 100%. Subsequent checks - on the second week, a month later confirmed this value. So now I see fully and very grateful to the company for the good work.

Why did I write this article? When I decided on the operation, I was interested in talking with someone who would have already done it. But in our small town of 400,000 people, I never found like-minded people. Perhaps this article will help you decide, or remove some of the questions that stop you. Do not be afraid, it does not hurt, and the result will exceed all your expectations - I say this with full responsibility.

Health to you and one hundred percent vision!

Note from the author of the site dated September 10, 2013

Currently, a new non-surgical method for correcting myopia in adults and children, called orthokeratology, is becoming widespread. The technique consists in regular wearing by the patient during sleep of special contact lenses ( OK lenses, night contact lenses). The essence of orthokeratology is that OK lenses put more pressure on the corneal epithelium in the center than on the periphery, which gradually causes the cornea to thin in the center by a minimum value of 20-30 microns, which is enough to significantly improve vision in daytime. The use of OK lenses is indicated for adults and children from 7 to 40 years old with myopia up to & minus 6 diopters and astigmatism up to & minus 1.5 diopters. True, the effect of orthokeratology is reversible. after the cessation of the use of OK-lenses, vision gradually becomes the same as before the correction.

Laser vision correction. Anyone did? How do you feel during and after the operation? What kind of anesthesia? Satisfied with the result?

Yulia Master (2175), closed 3 years ago

Doberman Crystal Oracle (85826) 3 years ago

I did it last August. Satisfied is not the right word! Vision - 100%.

There is no anesthesia at all, the eyelids are fixed with a clamp and you need to monitor the glare on the device. At this time, the surgeon removes the outer shell, corrects the lens, puts the patch back into place and the laser fixes everything.

Svintus Oracle (86033) 3 years ago

I have a friend did, but for a long time. about 13 years ago))) vision ceased to fall. anesthesia was general, bandage like 3 days

Ingrid Bjorn the Enlightened (34486) 3 years ago

Made in 2003 by the Fedorov Institute.

Myopia was ok. high - 11.5 and 12. Now (since the operation) 1.5, this is very good. OK.

Anesthesia - just drops in the eyes. After that it doesn't hurt anymore. Unpleasant moments Of course there is, but everything is more than tolerable.

After laser exposure, the flap is special. the tool is pressed back, smoothed, during the operation several. moisturize the eyes.

For some people, such an operation is not indicated at all - this is decided by the doctor.

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Posts: 4

But the most unpleasant thing began later, about an hour after the operation, the anesthesia went away and the eyes began to hurt wildly, there was a feeling as if there was sand in the eyes and it was impossible to get it in any way. the first night I slept sitting, bowing my head to my chest .. only in this position I could more or less endure pain. Here.

Quote message from Irina

The feeling is not very pleasant. Of course it doesn’t hurt, but at the same time you understand that someone is picking in your eye. -) When an incision is made, the sound is like a drill at a dentist, and the laser smells very strongly of burnt hair. To be honest, at some point I thought I was going to lose consciousness. When I had one eye done and asked how I felt, I replied that I was leaving.

Laser vision correction - myths and reality

Only those who have spent their lives addicted to glasses, lenses, containers and other accessories will understand the value of sight without additional optics. The appearance of the so-called "notches according to Fedorov" partially solved this problem, but was fraught with serious problems. postoperative complications. Only the advent of the excimer laser in the early 80s allowed millions of people to give up glasses and lenses without fear of the consequences of correction. Today, in 53 countries, more than 1 million people a year get rid of glasses thanks to laser correction.

However, Ukrainians are still afraid to let into their lives modern technologies. Maybe because laser vision correction is "overgrown" with countless myths. We asked to confirm or refute these "facts", the person who in 1999 was the first in Ukraine to carry out laser vision correction. This is a candidate medical sciences, member of the European and American Society refractive and cataract surgeons Georgy Yakovlevich Parkhomenko. Today he heads the most experienced team of doctors at the Noviy z r clinic.

Laser eye surgery is a minimally invasive procedure in which damage to the organs of vision is minimal. However, any surgical intervention may cause complications. There are also side effects after laser correction that worries almost every patient. What to do if there is severe pain in the postoperative period?

Laser Vision Correction Technique

Laser eye surgery to restore vision is always performed on an outpatient basis. Correction of a refractive error lasts approximately 10-15 minutes on one eye. The duration of the procedure is determined by the degree visual pathology and the method by which the adjustment is made. There are many methods today. They are all technically similar. Conventionally, all types of laser procedures for the correction of refractive errors can be divided into operations with the removal of the superficial corneal layer and procedures with the preservation of the epithelial layer of the cornea.

In both cases, the correction is accompanied by damage to the cornea. The surgeon uses a microkeratome or laser beam to separate the upper layer of the cornea by cutting or scraping it to gain access to its inner layers, the curvature of which will be corrected. Next, the doctor sends a laser beam to the eye, which evaporates the corneal tissue and gives it correct form. At the final stage of the operation, the corneal flap, previously pushed aside, is straightened on the operated area of ​​the eye. If the flap was removed, a protective bandage lens is placed on the cornea to protect it from bacteria, which helps damaged tissues heal faster.

Pain after laser vision correction: why it occurs and what to do?

After laser surgery, there are a number of restrictions that must be strictly observed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid complications and speed up the recovery process. In the first few days after the procedure, the operated person may experience discomfort in the form of pain, cramps, burning in the eyes. They are not complications, these are side effects that disappear after 3-5 days. Sometimes they go away on the first day. It all depends on the method by which the procedure was performed, and on the physiological characteristics of each patient.

Side effects that can be considered as natural reaction body for surgery: the cornea heals, damaged tissues begin to recover. At this time, the appearance of pain is possible. To eliminate them, eye drops are used. They need to be instilled for 14 days daily 2-3 times after the operation. Ophthalmic drops are prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

In addition to pain, after laser correction, the patient may be disturbed by tearing or dry eyes, photophobia, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body on the cornea, etc. These symptoms do not pose a serious danger. In the first days after the operation, it is necessary to see a doctor who will monitor the recovery of the eyes and control everything. possible risks.

A person can see well already 2-3 days after vision correction. After surgery, some patients come to the first examination complaining of blurred images and photophobia. However, it goes away after a few days. Wear outdoors during daytime Sunglasses. This will help get rid of photophobia, which is also accompanied by pain. You can leave the clinic on your own. It is better not to drive a car. It is advisable to stop driving for two weeks, during which you need to use drops. The final vision will be restored in 2-4 weeks.

Pain that worries during the rehabilitation period is usually moderate. severe pain occur for other reasons. If the pain sensations are not relieved by drugs, they are disturbed almost constantly, they interfere with sleep and live fully, it is not recommended to endure them. Sign up for an appointment right away. It is possible that laser vision correction caused complications, which must be identified in a timely manner.

Severe pain after laser surgery - what to do?

Complications after laser vision correction - extremely a rare event However, no one is completely immune from them. Most often they are the result of non-compliance with the doctor's prescriptions by the patient. Eye pain occurs with the following complications:

  • displacement of the corneal flap;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • keratitis.

Let's take a closer look at these complications and find out why they occur.

Displacement of the corneal flap after surgery

In the first two weeks after laser surgery, it is forbidden to touch the eyes with your hands, rub and scratch them. This can lead to flap displacement. This often happens as a result of an injury. Accompanied by displacement of pain, blurred vision, lacrimation. This complication is treated with reoperation. The surgeon straightens the folds of the displaced epithelial layer, removes excess tissue, treats the eye with a solution, sets the flap back to its original place and applies a bandage lens. After that, you will have to instill drops in your eyes again. If the flap is displaced, there is a risk of bacteria getting under it. Because of this, an infectious disease may occur.

Dry eye syndrome after laser surgery

The curvature of the cornea is corrected with a laser. He vaporizes her cells. The very effect of the laser on the eye lasts no more than 2 minutes, and sometimes less than a minute, but during this time the cornea gets a slight burn. The natural defense of the body in case of an eye burn is an increased secretion of tear fluid, which causes its deficiency. This leads to the development of the syndrome. It usually passes quickly. Its symptoms are relieved with moisturizing drops.

Sometimes signs of the syndrome appear a month after surgery. This happens due to the fact that a person does not follow the doctor's recommendations, spends a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV. In the first month after the correction, it is necessary to avoid stress on the organs of vision. After operation better than a week two completely abandon gadgets.

How to distinguish the syndrome of "dry eye" from the usual side effects that have been described above? It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • it seems to the patient that there is in the eye foreign body- mote, eyelash;
  • itching and burning;
  • redness of the eyes and skin of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation, in which tears enter the nasal cavity;
  • photophobia, blurred vision;
  • Pain in the eyes.

After laser surgery, the patient must visit the ophthalmologist quite often, so the syndrome is usually detected on time. It is treated with drugs that replace tears, that is, moisturizing drops.

What causes keratitis after laser vision correction?

Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) may develop after laser vision correction. This is very rare disease, exact reasons its occurrence after laser surgery is unknown. At the same time, DLK can appear in a few weeks and even 3-4 months after the correction. Because of this, it is difficult to establish its causes. The provoking factors are:

  • flap displacement;
  • scar formation;
  • getting under the flap of microbes;
  • allergic reaction for a medicinal product.

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea. One of the symptoms of this disease is pain in the eyes. Sometimes they spread all over the head. Also, diffuse lamellar keratitis is accompanied by:

  • hyperemia - overflow of vessels with blood;
  • pronounced inflammatory process;
  • the presence of scars on the cornea;
  • deposition of lipids and salts on the surface of the cornea.

Most of these signs can only be detected during the examination. The patient complains of pain, the doctor conducts an initial examination and prescribes other research methods:

  • visometry;
  • fluorescein angiography;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • biopsy of the cornea.

DLC is treated with medication and surgery, depending on the severity of the disease. If the flap is displaced, folds have formed, surgical intervention is required. Steroids are prescribed to relieve inflammation. If the cornea becomes cloudy, their volume is increased. The method of treatment depends on many factors. Keratitis may be complicated by astigmatism, infectious eye disease and other ophthalmic pathologies. In any case, keratitis is dangerous to run. It leads to a strong decline visual functions.

Before laser surgery the patient undergoes a thorough examination. Two days before the procedure, he will have to give up alcohol-containing drinks. On the day of the correction, make-up and creams should not be applied to the skin of the face. After the procedure, it is also necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the ophthalmologist. When followed, the likelihood of unpleasant consequences negligible.

This is the main advantage of laser vision correction. The doctor controls all possible risks. In this regard, the presence of hypothetical complications should not frighten a person and become a reason for refusing the operation. When pain and other unpleasant symptoms, which begin to appear after laser procedure, go to the hospital.

Where? In the Moscow Eye Clinic on Semenovskaya.

When? A week ago, Friday, November 24th. From the moment of the operation to the writing of this post, a full 12 days have passed.

Today I will tell about my impressions. There is good, but there is also bad, alas.

First, about the result. He's impressive. After my -7, when without lenses or glasses I could clearly see only the iPhone screen at a distance of ten centimeters from my eyes, the difference is colossal. To be honest, I still can’t get rid of the feeling that contact lenses were tightly attached to my pupils during the operation, and that’s why I see everything so well. But no. These are my own eyes.

Unfortunately, however, there are two problems.

  • First, minor: during the operation, a device was used that pressed on the eye and created a vacuum for a neat, super-thin incision. Because of him, many blood vessels burst, and for the last 10 days I have been walking like a drug addict or a fan of fighting: with bloodshot eyes. The areas of bruising are reduced, but the whites will finally become white, it seems, only after a month. A few days ago I looked like this:

Handsome, isn't it?

  • Second, significant: while the vision in the right eye was restored to 100%, the left sees blurry. It's not bad, it's just that it's muddy. Both near and far. If you close your right eye and look only with your left, it is very noticeable. It is difficult to read the text with one left eye at any distance, it is fuzzy. Nevertheless, when you look into the distance with both eyes, you practically do not experience any discomfort. When reading a book or looking at a screen (for example, now, when I am typing these lines), the image is slightly fuzzy. I noticed this problem immediately after the operation, and since then I have not gotten better. I'm very worried.

As usual in situations where something is wrong with the body, and it worries you ... I searched the entire Internet in search of similar cases :)) It turned out that my "significant" problem is not unique. There are a lot of similar complaints on specialized forums. Along with this, people complain that doctors do not solve the problem of "cloudy eyes": most often they say to wait and promise that everything will be fine in a week, month, year, while the devices can show 100% vision. Some are not at all lucky: doctors tell them that there is no "cloudy" vision, and the patient invented everything for himself.

On one forum, I found a statement that such unpleasant visual effects can be caused by damage to the cornea and its subsequent reaction to trauma (which, in fact, is laser correction). I even found two diagnoses: viral keratitis and diffuse lamellar keratitis, both are treated with special drops. Keratitis is essentially a kind of swelling or infection.

By the way, I noticed: when they write about the problem of "cloudy" vision in one eye after laser correction on the Internet, the messages date back 10-30 days after the operation. And all such threads on the forums end the same way: the correspondence ends at the moment of describing the problem and the experiences associated with it. Based on this, I would like to assume that the problem itself is still being solved, because if the "turbidity" of vision after the correction did not go anywhere or required additional manipulations and, moreover, surgical intervention, then patients would certainly describe their suffering in detail.

Tonight I went to a reception at the Moscow Eye Clinic, my eyes looked carefully, and fixed astigmatism on my "defective", "cloudy" eye, as much as 1.25. My doctor said it might be because I twitched slightly during the operation. Nevertheless, she did not advise me to do anything: the eye recovers after the operation, the cut heals, the cornea can change, and after a few weeks the "turbidity" can disappear. Another reason why I can't see clearly in my left eye, according to the doctor, could be a "displaced cut". Theoretically, I could twitch at a crucial moment, and the suture could go right over the lens, thereby "clouding" my vision. Everything will be fine when the stitch is completely healed in about a month.

How was the operation?

Actually, this should have started. And then you, for sure, are sitting and thinking: what for cuts, what for seams, aaaaaa !!!

Answer to main question: no, it didn't hurt :) You don't feel pain during laser correction at all. The most difficult thing is to overcome the reflex to run away and dodge when something is poked right into the pupil with all their might. This was my main problem. I struggled, writhed and tried to escape :)

The essence of laser correction is as follows. The human eye is the same camera. Light passes through the cornea (lens) and then is collected in the pupil (diaphragm) to be beamed to the retina (matrix), which converts the rays into neural impulses transmitted to the brain (processor). Like any camera, the eye has a focal length that it is initially set to. Myopia is a disease when the eye is in force different reasons deforms, stretching inward, becoming instead of a ball slightly elliptical. When the eye is pulled out, the retina moves away from the pupil and cornea, that is, the focal length increases. Unfortunately, here the similarity with the camera ends: a person does not have an "Autofocus" button, and the lens cannot be twisted to achieve the necessary image sharpness.

In a camera, if the focal length is increased, the image in the viewfinder becomes blurred. Moreover, the more we increased the focal length, the more blurred the picture. In the eye, everything is exactly the same. And for convenience, increased focal length = poor eyesight measured in diopters: -1, -2, -3 and so on. Quick-fix - glasses or lenses that refract the light flux. But if you want "for centuries", then you need to physically reduce the focal length inside the eye. This is what is done during laser correction - literally a few microns of the "extra" cornea are burned so that an undistorted beam of light falls on the retina.

The operation consists of two stages. I made myself the most sophisticated and accurate version of femtolasiq, other methods differ slightly.

  1. Cut off the top thin layer cornea. In femtolasiq, this is done with a special device under pressure and with a vacuum.
  2. The doctor manually lifts the resulting flap - the "lid", and burns it out in inner layer cornea is a very small cavity: its shape and dimensions are determined by a computer and are individual for each person. In my case, the laser worked for 30-40 seconds per eye. At this moment, you do not experience any sensations, you just follow the green cloud of tiny dots moving in Brownian motion. At the end of the manipulation, the "lid" of the cornea is again put in place and straightened. All.

Today, laser correction is done almost like on a conveyor belt: patients come in one by one. Most often, it takes 20 minutes per person. It took me a whole hour.

Everything started well: there were four people in the operating room, all in good mood. Music plays, in the middle - some kind of spacecraft. They put me next to him on the couch and treat the eyelids, eyelashes, everywhere around the eyes with an iodine solution. I guess:

I guess I look funny now?

Highly! You are like a panda! - says the nurse who conducts the treatment.

After that, a mask with one hole is put on the face - on the eye, which will be operated on right now. The couch automatically slides under the spacecraft, behind which laser correction is performed.

Of course I'm worried!

For some time I just sit under the apparatus, and a bar with a hole drives up to the very eye, inside of which there is some kind of kaleidoscope. Follow - it's fascinating.

From the very beginning, drops are poured into the eye on a regular basis - local anesthesia. Thanks to her, you don’t feel any touch on the cornea.

Then they put in an eyelid dilator. Many are afraid of this procedure, but in fact it turned out to be quite tolerable, just a little unpleasant.

Then hell began.

The device above me came to life, the kaleidoscope moved, put out some kind of stack of lenses, and began to lead directly into the eye. When it reached the cornea and touched it, the device did not stop - it continued to press: harder, very hard! The pressure in my eye darkened and it seemed to me that my eye was about to burst)) Naturally, I got nervous and somehow instinctively began to slightly lead to the side of the head, so the doctor immediately protested: “It won’t work, we won’t be able to do anything ".

And what can I do? I want laser correction incredibly, but I have panic and horror, everything is shaking, my hands are in cold sweat, and in my head there is a picture of a giant crushing the skull of a defeated knight from the Game of Thrones.

The first time it didn't work, the second time too. Yulia Valerievna says: "We'll try again, if it doesn't work out, then we'll make a correction on another day, it's dangerous to act on the eye like this more than three times." I have a panic: I would not forgive myself if we postponed the operation - to wear glasses for another week, and then mentally prepare for the correction again - it's cruel. Doctor advised effective way stop being so nervous - they gave me a separate nurse who held my hand))) At first I thought: why not. I was told: "You will be surprised, but it helps a lot." I agreed, and indeed: everything immediately became easier when you hold someone's hand - it's amazing, but you immediately stop concentrating on discomfort, unpleasant sensations and fear that your eye will be crushed, and you focus on your hand)

In short, I began to break out much more restrained, and the operation became much more coordinated.

The second eye was done very quickly: it also helped that I knew what to expect.

For the second stage, I was taken on a couch to another apparatus. When the doctor "opens the cap" in your eye, blurry the world plunges into darkness, from which you can blurryly make out a few lights that shine into your eye. One of them is green - a laser. This is where the main magic happens - your eyesight is healed) It is only important to look very carefully at the green light while the laser is working. And this is difficult to do - the eye itself is not fixed in any way, and you can easily look away. Under no circumstances should this be done. And when they tell you so, it’s always difficult to resist) Sometimes even unintentionally - after all, spots of light, including green, sometimes disappear, become cloudy, and you seem to lose focus. But I seem to have succeeded.

By the way, it seemed to me that the complete freedom of the patient during the operation is a minus. Even my head was not fixed in any way, although it was worth it to shackle me so accurately!

After the doctor put the “caps” of my eyes back and filled my eyes with special drops, I was offered to get up and go) I was shaking all over from the stress, but there were no problems getting to the waiting room. The eyes were afraid of the light, and after all the mockery of them, they wanted to be closed. However, squinting a little, looking around was easy, vision still did not seem perfect, but it was already much, much better than before.

We had to wait half an hour (during this time, the flap is more or less stabilized on the cornea, and the risk that it will move out becomes minimal). Then the doctor looked at her eyes and let go. After we called a taxi, and in a taxi a real hell began for me) Anesthesia went away, and tears poured from my eyes like a river, and along with tears came a wild pain that I felt in waves: it really hurts so much that I couldn’t sit still like you don't feel anything at all. I could not open my eyes at all: I was greatly helped out by the fact that Ivanka was with me. An hour later we arrived home, and my wife led me to the apartment like a blind man: I could not open my eyes for a second, and walked by feel.

The hellish pain lasted another two hours, and then slowly subsided. True, photophobia did not go away with the pain gone - the evening after the operation it was twilight in our apartment, most of light was from street lamps)

Nevertheless, despite the photophobia, I could already see, and immediately answered: my eyesight is awesome!

I was very pleased with the fact that I did laser correction! For me, this is a huge event, a long-standing big goal, which, finally, had the courage to fulfill. There is nothing difficult and especially dangerous in the operation itself and subsequent rehabilitation. Even though my problem with " cloudy eye", I feel that everything turned out great: Lord, since preschool, I could not see anything so well with my own eyes!

I have to be observed for another three months, after which, if the "turbidity" in the eye does not go away, additional correction is possible. But even with the "turbidity" in both eyes, I have a vision of 1.2 - eagle vision, I could only dream of this before!

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