Dosage of phenazepam. Safe dose of phenazepam

In this medical article, you can get acquainted with the drug Phenazepam. Instructions for use will explain in which cases you can take pills, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the form of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Phenazepam, from which you can find out if the drug helped in the treatment of neurosis, psychosis, epilepsy and other mental and psychosomatic disorders and diseases in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list the analogues of Phenazepam, the prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer that has a pronounced anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic and central muscle relaxant effect on the body. Instructions for use prescribes taking pills for the treatment of psychosis, sleep disorders, neurotic and psychopathic conditions.

Release form and composition

The drug Phenazepam is available in the form of tablets for oral administration with a dosage of 500 mcg, 1 mg and 2.5 mg.

Tablets are white, flat-cylindrical, scored on one side. The medicine is packed in blister packs of 10 pieces and 25 pieces in a cardboard box, an annotation with a detailed description of the characteristics is attached to the tablets.

Each tablet contains the active ingredient Phenazepam at a dosage of 500 mcg, 1 mg, 2.5 mg, respectively.

pharmachologic effect

Phenazepam instruction refers to tranquilizers that have anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant and sedative effects. The tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effect is superior in strength to Phenazepam's analogues.

Also, the drug has an anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. The anxiolytic effect of the drug is expressed in a decrease in emotional stress, weakening fear, anxiety and anxiety. According to the reviews received, the medication has practically no effect on affective, hallucinatory and acute delusional disorders.

What helps Phenazepam?

Indications for the use of the drug include:

  • neurosis, pseudo-neurotic (neurosis-like) states, psychopathy, psychopathic disorders and other conditions that are characterized by the appearance of a feeling of fear, increased anxiety, irritability, mood variability (its lability), increased tension;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • a sharp increase in tone and stable resistance of the muscles to the effects of deforming forces (muscle rigidity);
  • instability (lability) of the autonomic nervous system;
  • dyskinesia, tics;
  • autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome, accompanied by various kinds of unpleasant or painful sensations (hypochondriac-senestopathic syndrome, including in cases where treatment with other tranquilizers did not give the expected result);
  • temporal and myoclonic epilepsy;
  • reactive psychosis;
  • prevention of phobic conditions and conditions accompanied by a feeling of tension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • panic reactions.

The annotation to the drug also indicates that Phenazepam can be used for preliminary drug preparation of patients for general anesthesia and surgery.

Instructions for use

Phenazepam is prescribed orally. A single dose is usually 0.5-1 mg, and for sleep disorders - 0.25-0.5 mg 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

  • For the treatment of neurotic, psychopathic, neurosis-like and psychopathic conditions, the initial dose is 0.5-1 mg 2-3 times a day. After 2-4 days, taking into account the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, the dose can be increased to 4-6 mg per day, the morning and afternoon dose is 0.5-1 mg, at night - 2.5 mg.
  • With severe agitation, fear, anxiety, treatment begins with a dose of 3 mg per day, rapidly increasing the dose until a therapeutic effect is obtained.
  • In the treatment of epilepsy, the dose is 2-10 mg per day.
  • For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal prescribed at a dose of 2.5-5 mg per day.

In neurological practice, in diseases with increased muscle tone, the drug is prescribed 2-3 mg 1 or 2 times a day. The average daily dose of Phenazepam is 1.5-5 mg, it is divided into 3 or 2 doses, usually 0.5-1 mg in the morning and afternoon and up to 2.5 mg at night. The maximum daily dose is 10 mg.

In order to avoid the development of drug dependence, during the course of treatment, the duration of the use of phenazepam, like other benzodiazepines, is 2 weeks. But in some cases, the duration of treatment can be increased up to 2 months. When the drug is discontinued, the dose is reduced gradually.


Before you start taking Phenazepam tablets, you must definitely consult a neurologist or psychiatrist. Be sure to carefully read the instructions before you start taking the drug, the tablets should not be taken orally if the patient has one or more conditions:

  • shock conditions;
  • coma;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • individual hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drug;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • closed-angle glaucoma.

Relative contraindications for use are:

  • age of patients over 65 years;
  • liver failure;
  • depression;
  • organic brain diseases;
  • taking other psychotropic drugs;
  • kidney failure.

Side effects

  • dizziness, headache;
  • nausea;
  • impaired memory, concentration, coordination of movements (especially at high doses);
  • dry mouth;
  • ataxia;
  • possibly paradoxical arousal;
  • skin rash, itching;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased libido;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • dysuria;
  • muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness.

With prolonged use, especially at high doses - addiction, drug dependence.

Children, during pregnancy and lactation

Phenazepam should not be used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and lactation period. Pregnant women can take the medicine in case of emergency: the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus. The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

special instructions

Caution is required when using Phenazepam in patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency, persons prone to substance abuse, with organic brain damage, and elderly patients.

Like analogues, Phenazepam can cause drug dependence during long-term therapy with high doses. During treatment, the use of ethanol is strictly prohibited.

It affects the concentration of attention, therefore, special care is required when driving vehicles for persons.

drug interaction

The drug Phenazepam is not recommended to be administered simultaneously with anticonvulsants, hypnotics, sedatives, tranquilizers. This is due to the fact that under the influence of these drugs, the therapeutic effect of the drug is enhanced, which increases the risk of side effects and overdose.

The drug enhances the antihypertensive effect of drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension, which should be taken into account and doses of drugs should be adjusted to avoid a rapid drop in blood pressure.

Phenazepam's analogs

According to the structure, analogues are determined:

  1. Fezipam.
  2. Phenorelaxan.
  3. Elzepam.
  4. Thezaneph.
  5. Tranquezipam.

Analogues of Phenazepam have a similar effect:

  1. Lorazepam.
  2. Medazepam.
  3. Relium.
  4. diazepam.
  5. Alprazolam.
  6. Valium.
  7. Sidenar.
  8. Lorenin.
  9. Relanium.
  10. Apaurin.
  11. Lorafen.
  12. Tofisopam.
  13. Sibazon.
  14. Nozepam.
  15. Tavor.
  16. Ativan.
  17. Seduxen.

Holiday conditions and price

The average price of Phenazepam (tablets) in Moscow is 100 rubles. It is released from pharmacies only by prescription.

Keep the tablets out of the reach of children, at room temperature. The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the package and is 4 years from the date of production.

Phenazepam is one of the drugs that can have a calming effect on the human central nervous system. In fact, it is a highly active tranquilizer.

A special feature of the drug is its superiority over other tranquilizers due to the strength of the anxiolytic and tranquilizing effects. In addition, the drug performs the following functions:

  • anticonvulsant;
  • sleeping pills;
  • muscle relaxant (muscle relaxation) means.

It is important to remember that taking narcotic and sleeping pills together with drugs creates the effect of enhancing the impact on the state of the central nervous system.

The drug is available in the form of tablets of 0.5 mg. The package contains 50 tablets. Price - 90-100 rubles. Produced in Russia.

Features and purposes of application

The drug is prescribed in case of:

  • psychopathic;
  • psychopathic;
  • neurotic;
  • neurotic state.

As a rule, in such situations, there is an emphasized state of anxiety, fear, often - increased irritability, instability (emotional lability).

Phenazepam has proven its effectiveness in eliminating problems such as a variety of human fears (phobias),. What is important, it shows the result where other tranquilizers are not able to overcome resistant syndromes.

If we take into account the anti-anxiety and sedative (sedative) effect of the drug, it turns out that it is not inferior to a number of antipsychotics, that is, those drugs whose action is aimed at an inhibitory effect.

Often, Phenazepam is prescribed to patients in order to eliminate alcohol withdrawal - a phenomenon that occurs after a sudden refusal to take alcoholic substances. It is also a sleep aid. According to its hypnotic performance, it approaches the level of Eunoctin.

Why do people look for analogues?

It is now easy to refuse Phenazepam in favor of another drug: every year there are more and more analogues. Their appearance is associated with the fact that it turned out to be a drug with numerous shortcomings: its popularity is gradually falling.

Perhaps the most important drawback, which was paid attention not only by experts, but also by patients, is the addiction and dependence that took place when using pills. The discoordination that occurs after the use of the drug has become a real problem for older people who are at risk of injury.

It turned out that it is not so easy to give up the funds. Doctors state the presence of a pronounced withdrawal syndrome - when, after a long time of using Phenazepam, patients, after stopping its use, experience irritability, anxiety, depression, increased sensitivity to light and sounds, increased tactile increased, tachycardia, convulsions.

What is it really like:

The best of the best or how to replace Phenazepam?

In the pharmaceutical industry, you can find a whole list of chemicals that are analogues of Phenazepam. Among the most famous are Diazepam, Elzepam, Oksazepam, Fezanef, Tranquezipam, Fezipam, Fenorelaxan and others. All of them are tranquilizers, moreover, benzodiazepine derivatives.

This means that a certain amount of those negative qualities that Phenazepam possesses is also present in its analogues.

Consider the most popular analogues of Phenazepamam, dividing them into three groups, in total we have selected 15 drugs that, in our opinion, are worthy of attention.

In the first group there will be drugs that provide a completely comparable effect as Phenazepam, belonging to the same group of benzodiazepine drugs:

  1. - a tranquilizer, a benzodiazepine derivative with a pronounced anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic effect.
  2. Fezanef- tranquilizer. Used for the treatment of neurotic, neurosis-like, psychopathic and other conditions that are accompanied by anxiety, fear, increased irritability, tension, emotional lability.
  3. Fezipam- a drug with a pronounced anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, sedative and hypnotic effect.
  4. Tranquezipam- a drug with a pronounced anxiolytic, hypnotic, sedative, as well as a central muscle relaxant effect.
  5. . The drug is used as an antipsychotic in schizophrenia; also for therapy, autonomic lability; with premedication; as a means of facilitating overcoming feelings of fear and emotional stress.
  6. Elzepam. The drug is used to treat neurotic, neurosis-like, psychopathic, psychopathic and other conditions that are accompanied by anxiety, fear, increased irritability, tension, emotional lability.

In the second group, we selected over-the-counter analogues of Phenazepam, which can be bought freely at a pharmacy. They are harmless to the human body. It:

In the last group - drugs that can replace Phenazepam as a sleeping pill. Let's name the two most famous herbal remedies of this group:

  1. Nason- a combined preparation of plant origin. It is used for (disturbances in the process of falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night, with a disposition to short-term sleep at night, due to anxiety, anxiety, tension or irritability).
  2. Persen. They are used to treat neuroses that do not require the appointment of potent drugs; for the withdrawal of potent sedatives.

Melaxen is the most well-known over-the-counter analogue

Melaxen is officially an over-the-counter analogue of Phenazepam.

Immediately it is worth clarifying: if a medical product is over-the-counter, then this indicates its high level of safety for humans.

Melaxen alone can be taken by those who are trying to eliminate insomnia. The drug as a whole is a chemical analogue of melatonin, a natural sleep hormone. Therefore, it acts in the body quite organically.

This means that the patient's sleep phases are not disturbed, and the sleep itself becomes a restorative and complete rest.

The use of Melaxen will relieve such troubles as daytime sleepiness, discoordination, nightmares and impaired attention or.

Strong analogs

Popular today - a drug from the group of the same tranquilizers, there is practically no difference with Phenazepam and, importantly, the drugs have a similar list of contraindications. You can not use the tool in case of:

  • severe disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • severe myasthenia gravis;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning - sleeping pills, ethyl alcohol, narcotic drugs, other tranquilizers.

With special care to take the drug should be approached by people in old age.

In cases where insomnia is assessed as very severe, they resort to stronger means than Melaxen. Today it's wide drug treatment regimens are used, which are based on modern non-benzodiazepine drugs, which are relatively safe. These are 3rd generation hypnotics, Z-group. Among them we will name:

  • Zolpidem (Sanwal);
  • Zaleplon (Andante).

Often they are resorted to for the treatment of chronic insomnia, when the cause may be hidden either in a primary sleep disorder, or in pathologies of a mental or somatic nature. The above listed drugs are released exclusively by prescription.

Domestic analogues

Let's go through domestic drugs, as well as their prices.

First on the list we will put Phenorelaxan, a drug produced by Moskhimfarmpreparata. Available in tablets. Price per pack (also 50 pcs.) - 79 rubles. Interestingly, this drug is practically no different from Phenazepam.

The next domestic analogue is Fenzitat, which is produced by Tatkhimfarmpreparaty. A similar package costs 86 rubles, that is, a little cheaper than Phenazepam.

And the third in a row drug produced in Russia - Elzepam (firm "Ellara"). Price for 50 pcs. - 87 rubles.

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Doctors are very careful when treating patients with help. In addition to the fact that the drug gives a certain result in the treatment of such ailments as insomnia, anxiety and depression, alcohol withdrawal, it is potentially the cause of a whole list of side effects.

Especially doctors focus on the abolition of the drug. This should be done very carefully and gradually. And never try to do it yourself. If the reception is nearing the end, you should go for a consultation with a doctor.

Very often, doctors prescribe to undergo drug withdrawal in a hospital in order to monitor the patient. For those people who do not like to follow the instructions of doctors, this is important.

If we compare the methods of treatment, then in the West, drugs that have a strong effect, like Phenazepam, are refused. They resort to analogues, in which the action is softer, but often they provide a longer effect.

If you went for a consultation with a doctor, and he does not prescribe you Phenazepam, but an analogue from the group of over-the-counter drugs, then this is a clear sign that he is treating according to European standards.

Experts note the harmfulness of all tranquilizers without exception. When resorting to Phenazepam, it should be remembered that it was developed back in the distant seventies, and then it was intended only for military purposes. Later, he entered the civil production. Today, there is a strong tendency to abandon therapy with this drug in favor of its analogues.

And once again about the shortcomings

The peculiarity of the effect of the drug on the body is very ambiguous, it has a considerable list of both contraindications and side effects.

In addition to traditional hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, adolescence and childhood, specific items are among the contraindications.

Medicines should not be used in a state of shock or coma, with severe depression (when suicidal tendencies occur), angle-closure glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and severe alcohol poisoning or sleeping pills.

Among the side effects, first let's say a few words about the effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. At the beginning of drug therapy, drowsiness is observed, especially clearly in the elderly. In addition, in the same period, ataxia, a feeling of fatigue, dizziness, confusion, gait instability, slowing down of mental and motor reactions, disorientation, and a decrease in the ability to concentrate develop.

Very rarely there are reactions that contradict the effect that the drug should have. We are talking about the development of fear, anxiety, muscle spasms after the use of the drug.

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Marina 6 months ago

Hello, I’ve been sick for 3 years, the doctor was still unable to make an accurate diagnosis. The spine itself hurts, it hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, sometimes I can’t move my hand normally. I can’t eat normally because I started having problems with breathing. It is very difficult to breathe, you swallow air, but it doesn’t always work out, usually the second time. The pressure has increased, headaches have tormented, gastritis has worsened. I don’t know how to continue to live, how to work, I always feel bad. The doctor prescribed injections: meloxicam, nicotinic acid. Medicine: drotaverine and that’s all, but it doesn’t help. I turned to a neurologist, prescribed medicine: antidepressants and phenazepim. Phenazepam helps the best, but the doctor doesn’t want to give me a prescription for this drug. So, at least I sleep with this drug and my heart hurts less, it becomes a little easier to breathe. Help me, I don't know how to live on.

4 months ago

Hello I am a colleague in misfortune I seem to have a disease - Neurosthenic helmet But for some reason the doctor really can’t explain or confirm anything to me My muscles and spine hurt the same + - Neck muscles hurt such a strong spasm for no reason It hurts the thoracic spine Muscle stiffness strong And, as I already said, a neurasthenic helmet (navit pulls compresses the muscles of the forehead and temples, very strong in the morning and in the evening) Constant headaches and very bad for more than a year The lower back hurts the same and the same doctors don’t know why Everything is on the MRI ok The chiropractor said that it's the muscles that hurt And why doesn't anyone know How is your condition now!?

Ivan 4 months ago

Marina, hello! I want to help you with advice, because I myself went through a similar situation, when doctors cannot help, and the disease only gets worse and it was much worse than yours, but perseverance and a desire to help myself, for which I managed to find strength, although I didn’t want to give up once helped. Since you have been sick for 3 years, you need to act as soon as possible, since the pains will become psychosomatic for the most part, causing spasms, and those in turn will become pain and an unbreakable circle will turn out, although there is most likely no real catastrophic problem. Of course, you need to know more about the onset of the disease, the reasons that could have served this, but in order not to wind yourself up, calm down and act towards recovery, you just need to do an MRI of the spine in your case of the cervical and thoracic regions, if the hernia is not detected, but I think that they are not there, but only minor degenerative changes (thinning discs, Schmorl's nodes, etc.), then there are NO physiological reasons to be in your condition, and it can definitely be improved. A good NEUROLOGIST will definitely help, but he should not treat. And the treatment is not only medication, but since 3 years, you can’t do without SSRI antidepressants, it’s not about relieving a depressive state, I’m eliminating psychosomatic pain, for example, SIMBALTA, first 30 mg, then 60 mg - at least six months; in combination, in order to eliminate the inflammatory process, although it is most likely insignificant, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are needed, for example ARKOXIA 90 mg per day. But what can I advise to start even without a doctor. 14 days - MILGAMMA, courses every 3 months, together with ALFLUTOP 1 ml for 20 days - also 3 times a year. Of course, everything will not start working right away, and you will want to question a lot, but you need to act anyway, antidepressants will start working not earlier than in two weeks, and at first side effects, sweating, drowsiness, etc. will appear. but you don’t need to quit, therefore, start with small doses, then increase, and if side effects appear, then this only means that the direction is correct. And in order to alleviate the condition until antidepressants start working, you need to take PHENAZEPAM for a couple of weeks. And the most important thing is PHYSICAL EDUCATION, even through pain, but of course slowly and gradually. You can watch the video of MICROMOTION for the treatment of joints, etc. Choose exercises on your own, whether for the neck, fingers, for the back, gradually trying without fanaticism and increasing the number of repetitions. To relieve pain from the available one, use the Kuznetsov applicator, and you definitely need a massage, if not from a professional massage therapist, then to any relative, at least light rubbing, well, you can get where you are on your own. Listen to Sytin's meditations and moods for restoring the spine and nervous system, you don't even have to believe, but just turn it on, the subconscious mind will start working on its own over time, and then faith will also appear. Drotaverin, which you have been prescribed, relieves spasms in most of the internal organs (liver, etc.) and is not needed to relieve muscle pain, muscle relaxants, for example, SIRDALUD, are needed. PHENAZEPAM also helps, but it is not necessary to use it for these purposes, it is a tranquilizer, and it only causes addiction in the future, therefore it is only to be taken as I wrote at the initial stage. But in general, one of the diagnoses you have is something similar to a vegetative disorder of the nervous system, which causes pain in the heart and pressure and pain in the head, although there are no reasons for this, in fact there are of course - these are already existing pains , anxiety and accompanying stress and fear, and is further aggravated by the fact that doctors cannot help, but these causes, the consequences of your condition, and not the original ones, and this must be removed and that's it. It's just that you got the wrong doctors, and unfortunately we have this for the most part now. A good NEUROLOGIST is not in an ordinary clinic at random, but a specialist who wants to help you will figure it out, everything is not so complicated for you and it’s still running. And most of my recommendations from a good neurologist are sure to come to your address, well, acupuncture can also be advised. But one thing will not help, you need to try, and in the complex, not to rush to everything at once, of course. And an important point is to strengthen immunity in any case, since the body itself can help overcome a lot, and this is vitamin C. Drink ascorbic acid. Be sure to add chocolate to the diet, preferably dark, the more cocoa butter, the better, bananas, dates. More vegetables and fruits, as little as possible pasta, potatoes, and more buckwheat, whole grains. Of course, we remove smoked meats, all sausages, boiled meat is better. You need to understand that this is temporary and that in a year and a half you will be able to live a full life. Good luck) I hope you get my letter

Phenazepam is a "complex" drug that must be taken with caution. It is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosages of phenazepam, so as not to provoke poisoning, side effects, addiction and drug dependence.

Doses of phenazepam according to the instructions

We will talk about tablets, since the drug is used in ampoules only in medical institutions. In an informational article for a wide range of readers, such distractions would be inappropriate.

For insomnia, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 0.5 mg 40-60 minutes before bedtime;

Neurosis, psychosis require the appointment of the drug at a dosage of 0.5-1 mg 2-3 times a day. Depending on the effect, it can be increased;

With fear, anxiety (which may also be accompanied by sleep disturbances), the daily dose of phenazepam for a person is 3 mg, followed by an increase;

Treatment of epilepsy, withdrawal syndrome requires even higher dosages;

The maximum dose of phenazepam per day is 10 mg.

What affects the dose of the drug?

If you read the annotation to the drug, you will understand why it is worth limiting the dosage of sleeping pills. It has a lot of negative, side effects and contraindications, it is addictive and addictive. But what if the usual dose of phenazepam does not work?

Decide why this is happening.

1. Different people have different sensitivities to the drug.

Its effectiveness does not depend on body weight or age, it's all about sensitivity to the active substance. Sometimes it happens that the dosage prescribed by the doctor does not work on a person with insomnia. This is usually noticeable from the very beginning of the reception.

2. Over time, addiction develops.

Another situation: at first phenazepam helped, and then stopped. The body begins to require a larger dose of phenazepam to have some effect! With the regular use of tablets, addiction inevitably occurs. The sensitivity of the receptors that perceive the drug is reduced, and the effect of standard doses too.

How to choose a dose so that there are no consequences

1. Take this medicine only as directed by your doctor.

Hopefully you know this by default. Only a doctor understands all the details of your condition, knows what initial dose to prescribe, whether it is worth increasing it and by how much.

2. Increase the dosage gradually.

If a person takes phenazepam for insomnia, he should not have such a situation: he took a pill - did not wait for the effect - he took one or two more. The dosage is increased according to the doctor's recommendation and gradually, not abruptly!

3. You can not take phenazepam constantly.

The allowable duration of admission is 2 weeks. In rare cases, the reception is longer. But it is optimal to take any sleeping pill as needed (occasionally) and no more than 8 times a month.

If you feel that you will fall asleep yourself, you should not take phenazepam as a means of preventing insomnia. Try to restrain yourself! This will slow down the decrease in sensitivity to the drug and prevent addiction from developing.

4. Be prepared to stop taking the drug.

You don't have to get attached to pills. Do not allow the belief that they are necessary for your sleep, and without them you will not fall asleep. Dependence is easily developed from phenazepam, it is not necessary to encourage it by constant replenishment of stocks, it is not necessary to keep the drug on the bedside table all the time. Think of it as just a temporary help that you can walk away from at any time.

5. Make sure you need phenazepam.

A lot of people take the drug without indications. Especially those who use it for sleep. It must be remembered that sleeping pills do not fight the cause of insomnia, which means that they simply suppress the symptom, but do not eliminate the problem.

The only drug that eliminates the cause of insomnia is Melaxen. It contains the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps to restore sleep and restore rhythms in circadian insomnia (sleep disorders caused by the wrong regimen).

The drug is very effective for insomnia due to shifting schedules, jet lag, or disturbed sleep on weekends. It helps from the first days, does not cause addiction and dependence, is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

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"Phenazepam" is the first tranquilizer in the USSR, created by a group of scientists in the early seventies of the last century. At first, the drug was mainly used by military doctors, then its use became popular in the treatment of depression, insomnia and other neurological problems. The action of "Phenazepam" is an anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic effect. The drug is often highly addictive and is recognized as a drug in many countries.

General information

"Phenazepam" is a potent tranquilizer. It has a highly active effect on the nervous system. It is recommended for use as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, as unpredictable reactions to Phenazepam may occur. What effect the drug will have in case of uncontrolled use is not known.

In the case of long-term use (more than two months), the tablets can be highly addictive, which will lead to aggravation of problems. Abuse threatens to develop severe depression and even a desire to commit suicide.

The duration of "Phenazepam" is several hours. After oral administration, the drug is easily absorbed, within 1-2 hours the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed. The half-life is six to eighteen hours, depending on the dosage.

The action of the drug

The drug is characterized by actions of a different nature. The anxiolytic effect is expressed in the form of a decrease in emotional stress, relieving feelings of fear, anxiety, anxiety and panic. It is caused by the effect of the drug on the central nervous system.

The sedative effect is manifested by a decrease in neurotic symptoms, due to the effect on the brain stem and thalamic nuclei. At the same time, patients experience gradual calming, removal of aggressiveness, irritability, nervousness.

The anticonvulsant effect is due to increased nervous inhibition. At the same time, the impulses that caused such manifestations are suppressed.

The hypnotic effect is associated with the inhibition of brain cells, which reduces the impact of stimuli that affect the mechanism of falling asleep (emotional, motor provocateurs). As a result, the duration and regularity of sleep is regulated.


The action of "Phenazepam" is depressing on the nervous system, so the need to take the drug should be determined only by a doctor. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • psychopathic and neurological conditions;
  • fear;
  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • panic, a state of psychosis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • treatment of alcoholism (acts as an aid);
  • phobias, mania;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • epilepsy.


It is strictly forbidden to take the drug with alcoholic beverages. The action of "Phenazepam" with alcohol can lead to a state of shock. In addition, there are a number of other strict restrictions:

  • in an acute form;
  • angle-closure glaucoma (including a tendency to it);
  • coma;
  • shock state;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • acute poisoning with drugs, sleeping pills, alcohol;
  • childhood and adolescence (action and effect are unknown);
  • a state of severe depression.

Pregnant and lactating women are highly discouraged from taking Phenazepam. The effect on the child's body can be overwhelming and depressing, as a result of which newborns are born lethargic (with poor breathing, appetite, sedentary), often with congenital pathologies of the nervous system. It is especially dangerous to use the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy.


In case of abuse of the drug, the action of "Phenazepam" can be extremely unpleasant consequences, leading to disruption of the body's activity. An overdose has a negative effect on the nervous system, expressed in the following conditions:

  • oppression of consciousness;
  • confusion of movements;
  • slurred speech;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • decreased reflexes;
  • coma.

An excess of a tranquilizer often leads to a violation of the cardiac and respiratory systems, provoking a decrease in pressure, shortness of breath, causing tachycardia or bradycardia. Possible digestive problems:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • dry mouth.

The action of "Phenazepam" is characterized by a negative effect on the functionality of the kidneys and the genitourinary system, therefore, in case of an overdose, such violations as:

  • incontinence or urinary retention;
  • acute kidney failure;
  • decreased libido.

Among other things, the abuse of the drug threatens to cause fever, jaundice, breathing difficulties, or even death.


The effect of tablets ("Phenazepam") is especially noticeable in cases where the patient has not previously used psychoactive drugs. In such cases, the dose of the drug should be minimal, since "beginners" are especially susceptible to pills.

With prolonged use of the drug in large doses, a strong dependence may develop, therefore it is not recommended to prescribe a course for more than 2 weeks (in rare cases, a month). Abrupt cessation of the use of tablets sometimes provokes a withdrawal reaction, which manifests itself in insomnia, aggressiveness or excessive sweating.

It is forbidden to drink any alcohol-containing drinks while using Phenazepam. The effect on the body when interacting with sleeping pills or narcotic drugs is enhanced in the manifestation of depression of the central nervous system. Such a combination guarantees a state of extreme inadequacy and can last several days.

"Phenazepam" affects, therefore, during treatment it is not recommended to drive vehicles, operate machinery and engage in any other activity that requires increased concentration.


A good remedy for nervous problems and insomnia. Also recently, with the help of phenazepam, I was able to improve my sleep, finally.

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removes anxiety, normalizes sleep, acts quickly, relatively inexpensive

can not be taken for a long time, addiction may occur

Over the years, she began to fall asleep worse, could toss and turn in bed for a long time, often woke up during the night and because of this during the day she felt constant weakness and anxiety for her health. I was afraid that something was wrong in my body. In connection with this, I turned to a neurologist at the clinic, and she advised me to take Phenazpem. At first I decided that I would not take it, because I had heard many stories about addiction and deterioration after withdrawal. But then I still decided to take it in small doses recommended by the doctor. It turned out that the drug really helps very well, quickly restores sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep. I think that if you take small dosages, then nothing terrible will happen.

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A couple of years ago, due to troubles in family life, I began to experience constant stress, I slept badly, I could just not fall asleep for several days, it didn’t work, and then I couldn’t do anything for days, after that. I suffered from constant fatigue, everything fell out of my hands. Somehow they sent me to the doctor, who prescribed me phenazepam for a course of 2 weeks. I took the drug all this time, half a tablet before going to bed, the anxiety gradually passed, after a while I began to sleep normally. At the end of the course, I got rid of insomnia and constant fatigue. I was wary of the truth that as soon as I finish taking it, everything will resume, but everything is in order. Now I practically don’t take phenazepam, only in rare cases due to stress, when it’s not at all like falling asleep.

Should not be taken continuously as it can be addictive.

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About 5 years ago, I began to suffer from bouts of excitement and anxiety. They arose at the slightest provocation, and in the evening it was very difficult to fall asleep. At times I was tormented by insomnia, and the whole next day I was haunted by a feeling of weakness, weakness, dizziness. It is simply impossible to focus on anything in such a state. The therapist wrote out a prescription for phenazepam 0.5 mg and warned that there could be side effects at the beginning of the course.

I drank a pill for the night, the anxiety subsided, as if by magic, and I fell asleep almost immediately. But the morning came gloomy. I got up, swaying, - my head is heavy, my arms and legs are "cotton". After a few days life got better! Sound sleep, no worries. In the morning I began to feel cheerful and rested.

A year later, I tried to give up phenazepam. Everything is back with triple strength! That's when the "snowball rolled." The dose grew, as if some kind of animal woke up inside. Hungry, insatiable, requiring supplements, a monster, squeezing the heart with an icy grip, disturbing the mind.

Having reached 6 mg per day and feeling like a complete drug addict, I ran to a psychotherapist. “I caught myself right away. You can’t eat handfuls of tranquilizers, drug addiction develops from them, ”the doctor explained.

Now we are gradually reducing the dosage, adding herbal sedative preparations, and soon we will add an antidepressant.

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The drug helped me well, I used it only when necessary, but you need to take it correctly, then there will be no dependence. You have taken too much and too often.

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