Cyst on the root of the front tooth what to do. Tooth cyst on x-ray. What it is

Untimely appeal patients to the doctor for the treatment of caries, unfortunately, is still an acute problem. One of the extremely unpleasant complications caries is considered dental disease, in which the infection from the carious tooth completely destroys the pulp (the nerve in the tooth) and goes beyond the boundaries of the root into the surrounding tissues (periodontium) and bone. hallmark symptom periodontitis is often the appearance of a rounded swollen formation on the gum. Not all patients understand that if a cyst has formed in the gum of the tooth, the consequences can be much more serious than they could imagine.

Why does a cyst appear in the gum?

In fact, the formation, popularly referred to as a gingival cyst, is nothing more than a fistula, or a fistula. With the development of untreated caries, the infection penetrates through hard tissues tooth into the pulp, destroying and killing it, and then into the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. The immune system organism, reacting to the attack of pathogenic microorganisms, mobilizes protective blood cells in the area chronic infection(causal tooth). Thus, pus forms in the root of the tooth and around it, which is a kind of battlefield between bacteria and defensive forces organism.

Cyst in the mouth - photo

Subsequently, the accumulation of pus spreads further, destroying the bone and forming a kind of cavity, which the dentist sees on the x-ray of the affected tooth. The resulting pus constantly strives to come out through the path of least resistance. If untreated, the infection, gradually dissolving the bone, will form a course from the root of the tooth into the oral cavity, passing through the bone and gum. A convex formation will become noticeable on the gum, often filled with reddish or white-yellow liquid. Then the gum wall will burst and the pus will pour out.

At this time most often pain are declining. However, this is far from being a reason to calm down and postpone treatment until later, since the pathogenic bacteria are still in the infected tooth and continue to infect the surrounding tissues more and more. Subsequently, a new portion of pus is formed, which will again bleed from the previously formed fistula.

What are fistulas (cysts) in the gums?

Table. Cyst in the gum of the tooth - the main varieties.

Type of fistula on the gumReason for educationHow does it manifest
The beginning of the formation of pus occurs inside the root of the tooth, passes to the tissues connecting the root to the bone, and then to the bone. As a result, pus penetrates through the bone into the gum and is emptied into the oral cavity.The cause may be a carious tooth or a tooth that has already been treated (a filling was placed or a nerve was removed). It causes pain when chewing food, pressing and tapping. After the formation of a fistula, the pain usually subsides for a while.
Initially, a pocket is formed in the gum, in which plaque and bacteria accumulate, then pus forms in the depth of the pocket, which can form a passage, reaching the surface of the gum in the form of a fistula.The bulk of the symptoms will affect the gums - inflammation, bleeding, gum separation from the tooth, loosening of the teeth. Then, in the area of ​​​​one or more teeth, a fistula forms on the gum.
The rarest of fistulas. It is formed with improper eruption of the wisdom tooth and infection of the mucous membrane above it.Pain, redness, and swelling in the back of the jaw chewing teeth accompanied by a fistula on the gum in the same area.

Risk factors for the formation of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

  1. Delayed treatment of caries and its complications. The launch of diseases that destroy the tooth leads to their progression and the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.

  2. Poor personal oral hygiene. Promotes the accumulation of plaque, in which they multiply pathogenic microorganisms. The gum becomes inflamed, periodontal pockets form, in which, among other things, food can get stuck, which will immediately cause the release of pus.

  3. Bad habits. Smoking significantly accelerates the formation of microbial plaque and impairs blood circulation in the tissues of the oral cavity, preventing them from fully fighting the infection.

  4. Weak immunity. May present as seasonal colds or serious illnesses caused by external or internal factors(sexual infections, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, beriberi, exposure to severe conditions). In any case, the reactivity of the organism and the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria decreases sharply.

  5. Strong stress. AT this case the body concentrates all its forces on fighting stress, not infection, and exacerbations of chronic diseases, including those associated with teeth, easily occur.

Signs of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

Signs and external manifestations will mostly depend on the cause of the fistula formation. Here are some of the symptoms:

  • pain in the tooth when biting, chewing and tapping;
  • the formation of a rounded element on the gum containing a yellowish or red liquid;
  • swelling of the face on one side;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain in the gums or in the area where the fistula has formed;
  • bad breath;

Bad breath is the cause of many problems

  • gum irritation;
  • tooth sensitivity to cold or hot;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of painful rounded formations under the jaw (swollen lymph nodes);
  • ear pain;
  • bad feeling.

Diagnosis of a cyst in the gum

For staging accurate diagnosis the dentist will clarify the order in which symptoms appear, conduct a careful examination of the oral cavity, determine the presence of caries, fillings, and plaque on the teeth. Assuming a causative tooth, the doctor will conduct an X-ray examination, in which, to check the direction of the fistula, he can insert a thin and elastic gutta-percha pin into it (the same one that seals the roots of the teeth). Thus, it will become immediately clear which of the next standing teeth caused pus to appear.

A more advanced diagnostic method is CT scan. It will allow not only to determine the direction of the fistula, but also to assess the integrity of the bone, the size and shape of the initial periradical purulent focus, its proximity to the important structures of the jaws.

How is a fistula (cyst) in the gums treated?

Treatment will never be effective until the original cause of the disease is removed. That is why the most important step if a cyst occurs in the gum, contact a professional. No views home treatment and expectant tactics will not clean the causative tooth from infection, will not remove plaque accumulated above and below the gum, infected tissues. If pus appears in any part of the body, and in the oral cavity in particular, postponing treatment can lead to irreparable consequences.

So, what are the treatment options when visiting a dentist?

If the disease appeared in a running carious tooth, the doctor will drill out the destroyed enamel and dentin, remove the dead pulp, thoroughly and for a long time wash the infection with effective antiseptics and seal the canal to close its lumen for bacteria.

When a tooth suppurates with an already removed nerve and a sealed root canal, the dentist removes the existing filling, re-processes the canal with instruments and antiseptics and seals. There are many reasons for inflammation around the roots of such teeth - from the initially poor-quality processing of the canal to the features of the anatomy of the tooth (hidden, highly branched canals) and the abilities of the body's defense systems.

So, for example, if a tooth has too thin and crooked root canals, its treatment may not be possible, and attempts to fill will only lead to an aggravation. In this case, you should resort to surgical treatment of the fistula in the gums.

If the tooth is severely damaged, and the anatomy does not allow it to be cured, or there is a fracture in the root wall due to trauma, apply surgical methods treatment, with or without tooth preservation.

Methods for preserving the tooth may include removal of one of the roots, cutting off one of the root tips, separation and removal of the causative root along with part of the crown. These operations are quite expensive, have their own risks and complications, and are not applicable in all teeth. Their effectiveness is not always sufficient.

With severe inflammation and suppuration, frequent exacerbations and unsuccessful attempts fillings most often resort to the removal of the entire tooth. Unfortunately, in some cases, this is the only way to rid the patient of a focus of chronic infection that affects not only the jawbone, but the entire body as a whole.

In the event that pus has arisen due to gum disease, the doctor will professional hygiene oral cavity, remove plaque above and below the gum, clean out infected tissues in periodontal pockets.

With any of the listed types of treatment, revision or excision of the fistula will be a mandatory step. At the same time, the newly formed tissues lining the passage through which the outflow of pus was made are removed, which prevents the appearance of re-inflammation and the development of complications.

Consequences and complications of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

It is extremely important to understand that any purulent inflammatory diseases needs to be treated immediately. What can happen if you don't see a doctor?

  1. The most “harmless” outcome is the loss of a tooth. It will occur due to the progressive destruction of the bone by pus and bacteria. It will lose its stabilizing support in the form of an environment bone tissue and starts to unravel complete loss from the hole.

  2. Penetration of infection into the maxillary sinuses. Thus, maxillary sinusitis (or, in other words, sinusitis) will develop. This disease is very difficult and long-term treatment, continuing to overcome the patient for years.

  3. Formation of cysts in the jaw. A jaw cyst is a large cavity-like formation that requires major surgery. In this case, a lot of bone tissue is lost and it is necessary to replace the loss with various materials.

  4. brain abscess. It can occur when bacteria spread through the bloodstream from a long-existing focus of infection.

  5. Bacterial endocarditis. Serious illness heart, often fatal. The connection between the teeth and the heart, again, lies in the blood flow, carrying the infection, constantly accumulating in one place (tooth root, inflamed gums).

  6. Abscesses and phlegmon in the face and neck. Wherein purulent infection moves to nearby tissues - in the cheek area, under the jaw, in the area in front and behind auricles. These processes threaten the patient's life, significantly worsening the general condition. At the same time, pus melts everything in its path - the vessels going to the brain, nerves, muscles, bones, eyeballs. The cause in most cases is decayed teeth.

  7. Blood poisoning or sepsis. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms enter from the purulent focus around the root of the tooth directly into the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body and often leading to the death of the patient.

Video - Treatment of a tooth cyst

Few people visit the dentist for prevention purposes, postponing their visit to the doctor until the moment when strong pain. Unfortunately, the absence of pain is not an indicator of oral health. There are diseases that are completely asymptomatic, and if they are not detected on early stage this will lead to disastrous consequences. Tooth cyst is one of such diseases. Tooth cyst. A photo

What is a tooth cyst?

A cyst is a neoplasm in the area of ​​the tooth root, which is a selected fragment in the periodontium, which has its own multilayered walls of squamous epithelium. From the inside, the cyst is filled with cystic fluid, which gradually accumulates, thereby increasing its size.

Reference! The cyst is most often located directly on the root of the tooth, however, depending on the case, it can be located under it or around it.

The most common types of this disease are:

  • cyst anterior tooth(units);
  • tooth cyst located in the maxillary sinus;
  • wisdom tooth cyst (figure eight)

The cyst can be either very small or reach several centimeters. A formation smaller than 5 mm is called a granuloma.

Causes of a cyst

A cyst is formed as a result of infection in the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. The infection can be introduced both as a result of a jaw injury, and as a result of inadequate hygiene oral cavity. neglect hygiene standards can provoke the development of many diseases, against which a cyst may begin to grow, namely:

  • caries;
  • complications of pulpitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periostitis.

As mentioned earlier, the growth of a cyst can be triggered by trauma. These types of injuries include:

  • jaw injury;
  • damage to the facial bones;
  • the period of growth of new teeth, including eights;
  • incorrectly placed dentures in the oral cavity;
  • improperly placed dental fillings;
  • constant overload on the teeth (gnawing candy, nuts, teeth rattling against each other).

All this can provoke inflammation, which over time will cause the cyst to grow.

Tooth cyst formation

Symptoms of a tooth cyst

At first, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, however, often a cyst can be quite successfully diagnosed and prevented from developing.

Primary Symptoms

At the beginning of the disease, the patient may not feel any changes or feel discomfort when biting and chewing food with the front incisors.

Secondary Symptoms

There are sharp pains that are periodic. The use of hot and cold drinks, sweet and hard foods is accompanied by an unpleasant pain in the tooth enamel. Pain can also subside, thereby lulling the patient's vigilance. At this time, the disease continues to progress and can even flow into acute stage which often requires surgical intervention.

Signs of an acute stage

The patient experiences acute pain syndrome. It is especially pronounced in people with weakened immune systems.

Note! Inflammation in the area of ​​a damaged tooth can be triggered by many factors - from exacerbation of chronic diseases to the use of aggressive medications.

The fact that a tooth cyst has begun to grow can be understood by the following signs:

  • swelling of the cheek from the side of the inflamed tooth;
  • fever caused by the onset of a purulent process in the jawbone;
  • discomfort when touching the gum and the tooth itself directly;
  • pain in the area adjacent to the damaged tooth and, directly, in the tooth itself.

Swelling of the cheek from the side of the cyst

How to detect a cyst yourself?

If a person for any reason cannot or does not want to visit the dentist on a quarterly basis, then he should be able to monitor the state of dental health and especially carefully monitor oral hygiene. Often, caries that is not cured in time can affect the growth of a cyst. In order not to lose sight of the onset of the disease, you should pay attention to the following series of symptoms:

  • discoloration of tooth enamel;
  • displacement of teeth;
  • discomfort while eating;
  • loss of filling, accompanied by swelling of the gums;
  • headache.

The main difficulty in identifying this disease lies in the fact that the cyst can manifest itself already at those stages when the destruction of bone tissue and tooth roots has begun. The diameter of the cyst may already be more than three centimeters, and outwardly it will look like a slight displacement of the tooth and darkening of the enamel.

Very often, the symptoms of a cyst are similar to common infectious and endocrine diseases. For example, a patient complains of an increase in lymph nodes behind the ears, not at all suggesting that this could be somehow connected with a dental ailment.

Diagnosis with x-ray

You can determine the presence of a cyst using an X-ray examination. In the resulting picture, it will look like a round or oval spot around the root of the tooth. It is not always possible to clearly see the cyst the first time, since it is simply not easy for a part of the root to miss the picture. In such cases, the picture is taken again.

tooth cyst on x-ray

Types of tooth cysts

To facilitate the diagnosis, cysts are divided into 2 subcategories - by the place of formation and by the cause of occurrence.

According to the place of formation, the following types of dental cysts can be distinguished:

  • tooth root cyst formed as a result of improper therapy;
  • Wisdom tooth cyst often gives swelling on the cheek.
  • Cyst in the maxillary sinuses - causes severe headaches.
  • Cyst under crown- can also be located between the teeth.

Depending on what caused the occurrence, the following types of cysts are distinguished:

  • Eruption cyst- surrounds the crown of a tooth that has not yet erupted, located in the bone. The cyst makes itself felt when the tooth begins to cut through the mucous tissues.
  • Retromolar- is formed against the background of difficult eruption of the figure eight. On the mandible a cyst of this kind occurs much more often.
  • Residual - located in the jawbone at the site of the extracted tooth.
  • Radicular - develops against the background of chronic inflammatory processes of the periodontium.
  • Cyst eye teeth, so called for the reason that it can Negative influence on the eyeballs, as it grows rapidly, covering an ever larger area. eye teeth are called fangs upper jaw.
  • Keratocyst- formed in the background improper development and tooth growth.
  • Follicular- grows out of the follicular membrane of the crown of the tooth, as a result of infection in the gum, injured during the eruption of the tooth.

Reference! The influence of the cyst of the eye teeth on the organs of vision is due to the fact that the trigeminal nerve passes near the roots of these teeth.

Tooth cyst treatment

In dentistry, several methods of treating tooth cysts are used - from therapeutic treatment to surgical excision.

Therapeutic drug treatment

During therapeutic treatment, the infected tooth is treated antiseptic preparations, clean the cyst and carry out a filling. This technique is quite effective in the following cases:

  • The root canals were not filled, which makes it easier to access the cyst.
  • The root canal is sealed unreliably.
  • The cyst is less than one centimeter in diameter.

The doctor disinfects the oral cavity, after which the accumulated pus is pumped out. Further, the resulting void is filled with a special paste that promotes the formation of bone tissue. After that, the root canal is sealed.

Important! This treatment technique is dangerous because often the cyst grows in this place again. It is very important to see a doctor regularly.

Laser treatment

The most painless and most reliable way to remove a cyst without complications. Treatment of a cyst with a laser takes place in several stages:

  • Opening and expansion of dental canals;
  • Introduction of the laser device;
  • Disinfection and removal of the cyst.

Despite the obvious advantages of this method, not everyone can receive such treatment - the procedure is very expensive and most dental clinics simply do not have the necessary equipment. After the procedure, it is forbidden to drink and eat for four hours, and this can cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

Operational treatment

Education is removed surgically under the following circumstances:

  • A pin is installed in the dental canal.
  • A crown is placed on the tooth.
  • Large cyst.
  • Gum tumor.

The operation is under local anesthesia. In some cases, an adjacent tooth can also be removed if its roots have penetrated the cyst or it is completely destroyed.

Important! AT postoperative period Do not drink aspirin, as it thins the blood and can cause severe bleeding.

As a rule, the patient begins to feel better within 6 hours after the removal of the cyst. If a lot of time has passed, and the condition has not changed in any way, then you should visit the dentist's office again.


Treatment Method infectious diseases roots of the tooth based on the introduction of copper ions into the affected area, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. The tooth cyst is eliminated after 2-4 sessions of the procedure.

  • 1 session- the doctor fills the channel with copper-calcium hydroxide, after which he delivers a weak electric current discharge.
  • 2 session- carried out in exactly the same way as the first, after two weeks.
  • The last procedure is the tooth is filled with cement antibacterial composition.

Depophoresis procedure


A radical surgical operation, during which the cyst membrane is completely removed, and the wound is sutured. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • The cyst is located within two intact teeth.
  • Extensive cyst on the lower jaw in the absence of teeth.
  • Extensive cyst on the upper jaw in the absence of teeth.

The surgeon pays special attention to the teeth adjacent to the cyst, since the main goal of the operation is to preserve as much healthy bone tissue as possible.

Treatment or removal

If the tooth on which the cyst has formed does not respond to any therapy, it will need to be removed in order to avoid further growth of the formation.

Most often, the tooth is removed when the cyst provoked swelling and deformity of the face with difficulty in facial expressions, mouth opening and acute pain.

The final decision on the appropriateness of such a surgical intervention is made by the attending physician. In some cases, the decision is supported by the opinion of specialists of a different profile - an orthodontist, orthopedist, neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist and others.

Possible Complications

It happens that the removal of the cyst does not pass without a trace and provokes the development of the following complications:

  • Bleeding from a hole in the gum.
  • Damage to the maxillary sinus.
  • Jaw fracture.
  • Alveolitis.


They do not happen so often, but still, the patient should monitor the change in his condition after the cyst removal procedure.

Prevention of a tooth cyst

Preventing the formation of cysts on the teeth is quite simple and at home conditions - the main thing, stick to the following rules oral care:

  • Timely treat caries and inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • Brush your teeth regularly.
  • Get rid of tartar in a timely manner and prevent its growth.


A cyst is a disease whose symptoms may not manifest themselves immediately and at the same time cause serious damage to surrounding tissues. Preventive visits a dentist will help prevent this, and a number of other problems that arise due to an irresponsible attitude towards one's own health.

is a dental disease in which a neoplasm appears at the top of the tooth root, which is a cavity round shape in bone tissue, lined from the inside with a fibrous membrane and filled with pus. This disease appears due to infection in the root canals of the tooth.

Among the cysts of the tooth, several varieties are also distinguished. They are classified according to the causes of occurrence and the place of their localization.

According to the place of localization, there are:

    Wisdom tooth cyst.

    Tooth cyst in the maxillary sinus.

    Anterior tooth cyst.

Types of cysts by causes:

    Eruption cyst - most often occurs in children aged 7 - 10 years.

    Paradental (retromolar) cyst - appears with a difficult eruption of the wisdom tooth and its chronic inflammation.

    A follicular (tooth-containing) cyst is formed due to infection of the tooth germ or an unerupted or supernumerary tooth.

    Primary cyst - is formed in violation of the development of the tooth from the remnants of tooth-forming tissue.

    A radicular cyst is a cyst that forms on the root of a tooth and usually develops due to chronic.

    Residual cyst occurs in the bone after tooth extraction.

In addition to a tooth cyst, a dangerous neoplasm is also isolated - a granuloma. dental granuloma- This is an inflammation of the periodontium, which is a small round-shaped formation located in the region of the tooth root. This disease, as well as a tooth cyst, is characterized by a long asymptomatic course. The granuloma is aggravated under the influence of some factors, which, as a rule, do not differ from the factors that cause an exacerbation of a tooth cyst.

These diseases are very similar, but their nature is different. So, a tooth cyst has a capsule containing inflammatory exudate. So its outlines can be clearly seen on the x-ray.

Granuloma does not have a capsule and is an inflammatory focal proliferation of cells connective tissue. Its borders are not so clearly visible in the picture.

Signs and symptoms of a tooth cyst

Often the development of a cyst is completely asymptomatic, or with barely noticeable symptoms: rare small pains when biting on a tooth or slight soreness when pressing on the gum. In this case, the cyst is detected quite by accident - on radiographs during the treatment of other teeth.

The main signs of a cyst begin to appear already on late stage neoplasm development. The main symptoms of a cyst:

    Aching or nagging pain which keeps getting stronger all the time. It is difficult to get rid of it with the help of simple analgesics and folk remedies. Initially, pain may occur when chewing on the affected tooth.

    The appearance of edema. When a cyst occurs, the gum around the diseased tooth turns red and swells.

    Heat appears due to infection. In the cavity of the cyst there are pathogenic microbes that the body is trying to cope with. So the patient often has general malaise and elevated temperature. Antibiotics are used to kill the infection.

It is worth noting that not only adults are prone to the appearance of dental cysts. Many children, especially newborn babies, have Bohn's nodes, or milk teeth with purulent cysts. They are formed in the area of ​​​​formation first of milk, and then of permanent teeth. In the future, such cysts can provoke various tumor formations. It is worth noting that cysts in infants are mistaken for erupted. In order to avoid such a mistake, it is worth knowing that cysts are usually whitish and their focus is unchanged in size. They are not specially treated, since in this case the cysts are removed on their own, due to the friction of the gums among themselves.

Tooth cyst after tooth extraction

Sometimes a cyst forms after a tooth has been removed. The cause of its occurrence is most often an infection when the dentist's equipment was not sterile. In order to prevent such an infection after the extraction of any tooth, the doctor must prescribe antibiotics, which will destroy the approaching infection. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not enough and then the infection begins to manifest itself inside the body. Just like any other cyst, a cyst after tooth extraction is difficult to identify on initial stage development, external signs and there may be no symptoms at all.

The main symptomatology begins to appear after the growth of the cyst to a rather large size, despite the absence of a tooth. The main symptom of such a cyst is a flux, or periostitis.

If any signs of a cyst appear, you should contact your dentist to make a diagnosis. cyst even under extracted tooth dangerous, because it can grow so much that it will affect neighboring healthy teeth.

The presence of a cyst under the extracted tooth does not guarantee that neighboring teeth will need to be removed. It is possible that the doctor will be able to get by with a small operation: he will incise, drain and remove pus from the cyst.

Why is a tooth cyst dangerous? Consequences of the disease

A cyst that is not detected in time grows more and more, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue and its replacement with formations from connective tissue. As a rule, at this stage, complications appear that lead to tooth loss. The main pathologies that occur with a tooth cyst:

    Purulent inflammation cysts.

    Melting of the jaw bone due to an increase in the cyst.

    Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    The appearance of chronic sinusitis due to the germination of cysts in the maxillary sinuses.

    The appearance of osteomyelitis or periostitis due to chronic inflammation tumors.

    The formation of an abscess on the gums or on the cheek as a result of purulent inflammation.

    Formation of phlegmon of the neck due to prolonged purulent inflammation.

    The development of sepsis - blood poisoning.

    Spontaneous fracture of the jaw, appearing due to the growth of the cyst and thinning of the bone in the base of the jaw.

After analyzing the above complications, we can conclude that some pathologies are very serious and can threaten the patient's life.

In addition, if the patient has an established diagnosis - a tooth cyst, and he complains about the smell of pus in the nose, then this may be one of the signs of the onset of purulent inflammatory process or a sign that the cyst has taken root in the maxillary sinuses.

Therapeutic treatment of cysts includes antiseptic treatment, tooth cleaning and sealing. Alternative option drug therapy is the introduction of a copper-calcium suspension into the root canal and subsequent exposure to a low-power electric current.

The therapeutic method of treatment is carried out due to the possibility of access through the crown part of the tooth along the root canal to the cyst. This is followed by disinfection of the treated wound. For this procedure, special preparations are used that act on the cyst capsule. The pus is pumped out of the cavity, and instead the doctor injects special paste which will promote the formation of new bone tissue. Only after that the root canal will be sealed, and the crown will be closed with a filling. After a few months, the patient must come for a mandatory examination, which will show the state of treatment.

This method is not as traumatic as surgical intervention, but cases of recurrence of the disease are more common than after surgery.

Laser treatment is the most advanced method of treating a tooth cyst. In this case, the tumor is removed without any pain and difficulties. Plus, during the treatment process, both the removal of the neoplasm and the disinfection of the affected area are performed, which prevents an increase in the number pathogenic bacteria. After laser treatment, the wound heals quickly, and complications develop very rarely.

Laser treatment is carried out in stages:

    Tooth filling, opening and expansion of its canals.

    Introduction of a laser into dilated canals.

    Disinfection of the inflamed area and "destruction" of the cyst with a laser.

Benefits of laser treatment:

    No possibility of infection due to non-contact treatment.

    Absence of pain.

    Preventive effect on the oral cavity.


    Fast healing and no complications.

The disadvantages of laser treatment include its high cost and the fact that not all dental clinics have necessary equipment for this type of operation. So, if you have been diagnosed with a tooth cyst, then you should ask if it can be removed with a laser.

    Do not eat or drink for 4 hours after the procedure.

    Use special antiseptic for the oral cavity, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

There is another method of treating cysts - medication, or conservative method. Therapeutic treatment of cysts includes antiseptic treatment, tooth cleaning and sealing. An alternative variant of drug therapy is the introduction of a copper-calcium suspension into the root canal and subsequent exposure to a low-power electric current.

When to use therapy:

    If there are no fillings on the root canals that need to be unsealed in order to “get” to the cyst.

    If the root canal is poorly sealed along the entire length of the canal.

    If the size of the cyst does not exceed 8 millimeters in diameter.

Tooth cyst removal (surgery)

Most often, for the treatment of a tooth cyst, an operation is performed to remove the neoplasm, since early diagnosis of the tumor is difficult.

Surgical treatment is carried out in the case of:

    If in root canal there is a pin.

    If a crown is placed on the tooth.

    The size of the cyst exceeds 8 millimeters in diameter.

    If the patient often has pain and the gum in the area of ​​the cyst swells.

It is worth noting that quite recently the cyst was removed only together with the affected tooth, but now such methods and technologies are being used to avoid such a radical solution. During the operation, local anesthesia is used, so that the patient will not experience any pain. The cyst along with the tooth is removed only as a last resort, for example, when the roots of the tooth grow into the cyst or when it is completely destroyed, to the very roots.

How is a tooth cyst removed? There are several basic methods surgical operations To remove a tooth cyst:

    Cystectomy is the most difficult, but at the same time reliable method of removing a cyst. During the operation, the cyst is completely removed along with the membrane and damaged top root. After that, the wound is sewn up, and the doctor prescribes antibiotics and antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth. A single-rooted tooth is sealed, and a multi-rooted tooth is removed.

    Cystectomy is usually performed if the cyst has developed on the upper jaw and has reached a large size.

    Cystotomy is a method in which the anterior wall of the formation is removed, due to which the cyst can communicate with the oral cavity. The main disadvantage of this method of treatment is the long healing process after surgery.

    Cystotomy is performed if there is a cyst large sizes on the lower jaw, while the base of the jaw is noticeably thinned; if the cyst is located on the upper jaw and the bone bottom of the nasal cavity or the palatine plate is destroyed.

    Hemisection is the simplest method, focused on the removal of both the cyst of the tooth, and its root, and the part of the crown that is affected.

    Recovery after surgery

After surgical removal of the cyst, you should not do warm compresses - this can speed up the process of reproduction of harmful microbes, which can lead to infection. Also, after the operation, do not take aspirin, it can cause bleeding.

The condition improves about half a day after the operation, but if this does not happen, you should consult a doctor again. After surgery, swelling does not go away overnight. Most often, on the first day, it is still distributed, and only on the third day it begins to descend. A feeling of some discomfort is allowed, but there should not be acute pain along the incision line.

Prevention of a tooth cyst

There is no way to be 100% safe from a tooth cyst, but there are ways that can reduce the likelihood of this type of tumor.

    It is worth visiting the dentist at least twice a year and not refusing the offer x-ray examination, especially if it is strongly advised by a doctor. The cyst can only be seen on an x-ray.

    You need to take care of your dental health. Most often, the cause of cyst formation is a chronic inflammatory process, so any untreated caries or poor-quality filling can subsequently lead to the appearance of a tumor.

    It is necessary to prevent the appearance of injuries of the jaw and teeth, because they can also provoke the appearance of a cyst.

    All rules of oral hygiene should be observed.

    You should be careful about your health. Many inflammatory diseases can lead to a weakened immune system, which can act as a catalyst for cyst formation.

If the above tips did not help, and you still have a cyst, you should know that a cyst diagnosed on early stage, subject to drug treatment, without surgical intervention and does not pose a danger to the tooth.

A cyst is a purulent-type formation located on the root of a tooth or jaw that can be mistaken for a granuloma or other inflammation. Unlike other neoplasms, a tooth cyst has a clear shell - a bubble, does not disappear after treatment and requires opening and removal in its entirety, along with the shell. The size of the cyst can be from 3 mm to several centimeters; it can appear not only in adults, but also in newborns.

Tooth root cyst defensive reaction organism. The dental canals are quite vulnerable and prone to the spread of various microbes, pathogenic bacteria that can reach the jaw bones. After the onset of the inflammatory process, the infected cells die, a cavity with a dense membrane appears, which allows you to protect healthy cells.
Cysts vary in location and cause. As practice shows, most cysts occur in the area of ​​the anterior and wisdom teeth. Also, the place of its occurrence can be maxillary sinus. If we talk about the cause of the occurrence, then we can distinguish between a radicular cyst, a follicular cyst, etc.

Let's try to figure out what causes inflammation, what type of treatment will help get rid of the problem, how to prevent the development of a cyst and cure it with folk remedies.

  • Chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx (frequent sinusitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of a chronic nature).
  • Untreated caries and inflammation of the nerve roots of the tooth (pulpitis).
  • Injury and infection of the oral cavity.
  • Inflammatory processes of the tissues of the jaw and gums (periodontitis and periodontitis).
  • Complicated cutting.
  • Infection after treatment at the dentist (medical error during previous treatment or removal).

Cyst: types of purulent formations of teeth

There are several classifications of dental cysts according to a number of characteristic parameters.

The nature of the disease


  • residual - occur with a complication after the removal;
  • retromolar - complications during the eruption of the wisdom tooth;
  • radicular - inflammation is located on the root or next to it.


  • with complications during teething in childhood;
  • follicular - occur after poor-quality dental care for milk teeth.

Origin of the cyst

  • Odontogenic - the cause of the disease in problems associated with the teeth and oral cavity;
  • Non-odontogenic - the root cause of inflammation is not associated with diseases of the oral cavity.


  • Frontal.
  • Teeth whose roots are adjacent to the maxillary sinuses.
  • Wisdom teeth (retromolar cyst).
  • By location:
    - frontal;
    - wisdom, etc.;
    - adjoining the roots to the maxillary sinuses.

Cyst: symptoms and signs

In the early stages of formation, the disease can develop almost asymptomatically and be diagnosed only with an accidentally taken x-ray while treating a completely different tooth.
Signs of a tooth cyst that appear in later stages:

  • swelling and swelling around the diseased root;
  • stupid It's a dull pain, which is not stopped with the help of analgesics and can occur when "biting" at the site of inflammation;
  • elevated temperature during infection;
  • persistent headaches, with the formation of a cyst in the maxillary sinus;
  • inflammation of a purulent type, the formation of a flux or fistula.

The cyst is formed over a long period, by identifying the early stages of the disease, you can prevent the most worst consequences- breakthrough purulent formations outside - and start treatment on time. Strengthening and exacerbation of the disease can occur with weakened immunity and frequent colds.

Cyst treatment

Danger cystic formation rooted in that impossibility early diagnosis can lead to rotting of the jaw periosteum, chronic sinusitis, blood poisoning. The thinned jaw may break over time, the teeth will fall out, the tissues of the face and neck will become inflamed, external flux, swelling may occur. softening of the bone, which can lead to jaw fractures;
If there is a pin in the root canal, a cyst occurs under the crown of the tooth, a tumor on the gums, the size of the cyst is more than 8 mm, the only possible option treatment would be surgery.

Surgery to remove a tooth cyst


An operation in which the damaged tooth root must be removed without injuring healthy tissues and tooth roots.
There are two methods:

  • patchwork - used when it is necessary to preserve the crown of the tooth. An incision in the form of a small flap is performed on the gum, the inflamed tooth root is removed, the wound is cleaned and disinfected, after which the gum is sutured;
  • hemisection under the crown of the tooth - to remove the cyst, a part of the crown is separated to the level of the “fork” of the tooth roots, the inflamed crown and root are removed. Treatment to restore the removed part of the crown is possible only after a control x-ray in a couple of weeks. The operation takes place without cutting the gums, so recovery will be faster.

There are a number of contraindications in which it is impossible to carry out hemisection:

  • advanced age of the patient;
  • allergy to anesthesia;
  • fusion of roots;
  • too short or fused roots of the teeth.


It is performed when a large cyst occurs. The size of the lesion may be larger than 3-4 teeth. in a thinned lower jaw or in destructive bone processes during the formation of a cyst in the upper jaw.
During the operation under local anesthesia only one wall of the cystic bladder is removed, the wound is thoroughly washed and disinfected, the process of rehabilitation and healing will be quite long.

Cystotomy is indicated:

When removing a cyst of a large area, there is a high risk of traumatic inflammation and swelling, so it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis with the use of antibiotics, antihistamines, painkillers and antiseptics. For several days, it is necessary to show emotions on the face - smile and grimace, so as not to damage the postoperative sutures.


The most reliable and complex type of operation. Under anesthesia, an incision is made alveolar process jaw, cutting out a flap slightly larger than the area of ​​the cyst. When a tooth is resected, an incision is made along its hole. The cyst is removed completely, counting the shell, resection occurs (partial or complete removal) of the upper part of the damaged tooth root. A crown with one root is sealed, a multi-root crown is removed.
A special bandage is put on the jaw, which will limit the movement of the lips and cheeks, and will create peace for the damaged gum area.
After each of these operations, special antiseptic rinses are prescribed, which contribute to quick withdrawal swelling and wound healing. acute pain from the incision passes on the third or fifth day after the operation. The use of warming compresses and the use of aspirin, which provokes bleeding, are categorically contraindicated at the stage of rehabilitation.

Therapy of a tooth cyst, the use of a laser.

It is possible to act on the cyst capsule without surgical intervention, using rinses, injections or a laser. Especially this method will be appropriate if the canals of the tooth do not need to be unsealed. Therapeutic methods will be useful for cysts larger than 1 cm in diameter. The inflamed cystic capsule will have to be opened in any case, since without its removal the treatment will be incomplete.

  • Pus from the opened canal of the tooth is removed, 7-10 days the patient spends rinsing the mouth with special antiseptic tinctures only after that a new filling of the tooth is possible.
  • After removing the pus, the place where the cyst was, is treated with a special laser, it will allow the wound to be treated as much as possible from infections and harmful organisms, the healing process will be faster.

Folk ways to treat cysts.

Surgery, injections or a laser will save us from the cyst itself along with the inflammatory capsule, and recipes for treating inflammation at home will help reduce gum inflammation. What kind folk remedies most effectively help reduce pain and prevent the recurrence of suppuration?

  • Tinctures of herbs of eucalyptus, sage and calendula - 2 tablespoons in half a glass of water, the more concentrated the solution, the better the effect.
  • Alcohol-containing tinctures based on calendula, propolis and aloe will additionally disinfect the wound.
  • Applications of grated garlic or aloe, sesame oil will help reduce swelling and disinfect the wound.

Treatment of a tooth cyst during pregnancy.

Any medical preparations during pregnancy are prescribed only in emergency cases. X-rays during pregnancy are contraindicated in order to prevent exposure of the woman and the baby. If not severe inflammation either the treatment will be delayed until after the baby is born, or the tooth will be repaired with an anesthetic low content adrenaline, or you will have to remove an inflamed tooth if the size of the cyst is large and there is severe inflammation. All manipulations with teeth are carried out at the end of the second - third trimester of pregnancy, after consultation with a gynecologist.
To prevent inflammation during pregnancy, it is necessary to at least come to a preventive appointment with the dentist.

Prevention of cysts on the roots of teeth.

  • monitor the health of your teeth and mouth, treat in time, install fillings;
  • brush your teeth or do mouthwash after every meal;
  • in case of trauma to the teeth or jaw, take an x-ray immediately and one month after the start of treatment to exclude the appearance of inflammation.
  • Avoid spicy, overly hot and hard foods. Injure the gums and even more so
  • the operated area of ​​the gums - maybe a grain of salt and a piece of a nut;
  • rinse your mouth regularly antiseptic solutions herbs.

If a tooth cyst is found, it is necessary to include cereals and vitamin complexes in your diet.
Oral health is one of our main tasks, if there is the slightest suspicion of a cyst or other disease, if there is pain when chewing food, consult a doctor immediately. The dentist will assist in the treatment and give advice.

There are two main methods of treating a cyst on the root of a tooth - therapeutic (conservative) and surgical (operative). If the cyst was detected in a timely manner, at an early stage of the development of the disease, the doctor may prescribe conservative treatment . It is shown when the diameter does not exceed 8 mm. In this case, the doctor fills the cyst cavity with a special cement filler. Antibiotics are given as ancillary treatment to prevent the occurrence and spread of the inflammatory process. Self Therapy antibiotics are not used, since there is no such drug, by taking which you can get rid of the cyst.

Much more commonly used surgical method treatment. Since cyst formation is asymptomatic, it is very rarely possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage, when it is still fashionable to cure it without surgery. If it has reached a fairly large size (a centimeter or more), it must be removed.

If a early removal cysts occurred only after the removal of the tooth itself, today there are ways to save the tooth. The removal operation is necessarily performed under local anesthesia, the patient will not feel pain. In particularly difficult cases, the doctor may resort to removing the cyst along with the diseased tooth. But it should be remembered that tooth extraction is not mandatory in all cases without exception.

After the cyst has been removed, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory pills, and rinsing. They help prevent unwanted complications.

Therapeutic treatment

Cyst treatment therapeutic method is possible only if it was discovered in a timely manner at the stage of formation. In this case, the treatment does not require surgical intervention.

Modern therapeutic treatment takes place in several stages:

  1. Opening of a diseased tooth, under which a cyst has grown and channel expansion.
  2. Complete thorough disinfection of the root canals with disinfectants and antibacterial agents, as well as blocking the focus of inflammation.
  3. Etching of cyst tissues with the help of special medications.
  4. Filling the cyst cavity with special preparations that promote bone tissue regeneration.
  5. Tooth filling.

After completion of treatment, it is important to conduct a thorough examination of the root canals of the treated tooth after some time in order to exclude the possibility of a recurrence of the disease.

Another modern treatment is depophoresis. This method involves the following procedures:

  • introduction of a suspension of copper-calcium hydroxide into the canal of a diseased tooth;
  • impact weak electric shock, as a result of which the suspension begins to destroy the cyst;
  • filling after three sessions of depophoresis.

Although the treatment of a tooth cyst without extraction is gentle for the patient, it does not give one hundred percent confidence in a positive result. Unfortunately, it also happens that, despite the treatment, the cyst remains and continues to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to trust experienced doctor and if he recommends surgery, should not be abandoned.

Removal of a cyst

Although modern dentistry has methods of treatment without surgical intervention, most often it is the removal of a dental cyst that is the only effective method treatment this disease. This is due to the fact that the disease forms and grows almost asymptomatically, so very often it is detected already when it reaches a large size. And since therapeutic treatment is indicated only if the cyst does not exceed eight millimeters in diameter, then most often it has to be removed. If the patient has a large cyst, surgery is the only way treatment.

Shouldn't be scared surgical intervention- majority modern techniques to keep the patient's tooth intact. As a rule, they are removed only in two cases:

  • when the roots have completely grown into the cyst;
  • when the tooth is completely destroyed to the roots.

In all other cases, the doctor will definitely try to save the tooth.

The doctor can remove the cyst using two main methods:

  • surgical laser;
  • scalpel.

Only a doctor can decide which method is more suitable for each individual patient. Let's take a closer look at everything possible ways surgical removal tooth cysts.

Surgical removal

The removal operation is not a complicated procedure. Through a small incision on the patient's gum, the dentist removes the cyst, after which he treats the damaged area with antiseptic preparations. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient will not feel pain. For some time after the operation, swelling of the gums will remain, it should pass within a few days, if there are no complications. To prevent the development of the inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, as well as rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions.

On the this stage homeopathic treatment cysts of the tooth is very effective, since rinsing the mouth herbal decoctions reduces swelling and soreness of the gums, helps the fastest healing wounds, prevents the development of inflammation.

There are three ways to surgically remove a cyst:

  • cystectomy;
  • hemisection;
  • cystotomy.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Cystectomy is the most difficult and at the same time the most reliable way cyst removal. During the operation, the doctor removes it completely, along with the shell and the damaged tip of the tooth root. After the operation is completed, the doctor sews up the wound, prescribes antibiotics and rinses with antiseptic solutions. A single-rooted tooth is filled, a multi-rooted tooth is removed.

Cystectomy is indicated in the following cases:

  • if it was formed as a result of a malformation of the epithelium;
  • when formed within 1-2 teeth;
  • has reached a large size, while there are no teeth in its zone;
  • if formed on the upper jaw, it has reached a large size, there are no teeth in its area, while the wall of the bottom of the nasal cavity is preserved, and the cyst itself is not inflamed.


Unlike cystectomy, hemisection is the most in a simple way cyst removal. It is less gentle in relation to the affected tooth. During the operation, the doctor:

  • removes along with the affected root;
  • removes part of the tooth above the damaged root;
  • cleans the affected surface of the enamel;
  • covers the tooth with a crown to hide the defect.


Cystotomy is a fairly simple operation, the only drawback of which is a long postoperative period. During the operation, the doctor does not remove the entire cyst, but only its front wall, thereby communicating the cyst with the oral cavity.

Indications for cystotomy are:

  • large, in the projection there are three or more healthy teeth;
  • large, on the upper jaw, the palatine plate and the bone bottom of the nasal cavity are destroyed;
  • of large size, on the lower jaw, the base of the jaw has become very thin.


Laser removal of a tooth cyst is the most modern and most effective method treatment of the disease. This is a completely painless and uncomplicated procedure, during which not only the cyst is completely removed, but also the affected area is completely disinfected, which is a guarantee of the subsequent growth and spread of pathogenic bacteria. laser operation less traumatic than traditional, with the use of a scalpel. After laser removal, the wound heals very quickly, and complications, as a rule, do not occur.

Cyst treatment

Laser treatment of dental cysts is the most modern way fight this disease. Unfortunately, not all dental clinics have mastered this method yet, since it requires the highest qualifications of a dentist.

At laser therapy without surgery, the tooth can be saved completely without removing even a small part of it. Any surgical intervention involves the mandatory removal, if not of the entire tooth, then at least of its damaged part. The laser allows you to leave it completely unharmed, which is undoubted advantage this method.

The laser treatment procedure proceeds in several stages:

  1. The doctor will unseal the tooth, open and expands channels.
  2. A laser is inserted into the dilated channels.
  3. Through exposure laser beam all microbes are killed on the cyst and it seems to “evaporate”.

The advantage of laser treatment is the complete disinfection of all affected tissues during the procedure, since the laser has disinfectant properties. Complications rarely occur after laser treatment. In this case, tissue healing occurs very quickly. The undoubted advantages of this method of treatment include the complete painlessness of the procedure.

The only "disadvantage" of this method of treatment is its relative high cost, as well as the fact that laser treatment is not available in all dental clinics. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a cyst, and you are in doubt whether to remove it or not, you should ask about the possibility of laser treatment.

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