What does the status of an attempt to deliver to aliexpress mean. What does "unsuccessful delivery attempt" ("Russian Post") mean? what is this operation? statuses of FSUE Russian Post

Every day more and more new customers come for goods on Aliexpress. And this is not surprising, because here most of the items have free shipping and discounts are provided on already inexpensive goods. Only a long delivery can alert, because during this period anything can happen with the order. A lot of questions when tracking a parcel causes a status "Delivery failed". Although the product seems to have come a long way. Let's take a look at what this means.

Delivery failed on Aliexpress - what does this mean?

Status - "Delivery failed"

If a product with Aliexpress has already come a long way and suddenly you saw the status "Delivery failed", then this can happen for various reasons:

  • For example, you ordered a product with delivery by courier. He contacts you in advance and agrees on the place of receipt. If he cannot get through to you for some reason, then he can mark it as "Delivery failed." As soon as you see this status, then immediately call the courier or the delivery service to solve the problem and pick up the package.
  • This status also appears if the courier did not manage to deliver the goods to you at the designated time or you were not at the meeting point.
  • In the event that the order has arrived at your post office, then the postmen must notify you of this. But it is not always possible to pick up the parcel immediately, and therefore postmen can set the status of unsuccessful delivery.
  • Another possible reason is an invalid address. For example, the wrong apartment is indicated. In this case, the package will go to one of your neighbors.

In any case, if you get a status "Delivery failed", so don't panic. This already indicates that the goods have come to you, but for some reason you have not yet been able to receive them.

Video: Aliexpress package delivery failed

Aliexpress Chinese goods website is very popular among domestic buyers. That is why users of the branded service actively place orders and at the same time receive their goods in a timely manner.

However, the situation may not turn out the way we would like, and the user, instead of the ordered and paid for goods receives only the message that it cannot be delivered. What does this mean and what to do in such a situation?

In what cases can such a message appear? There are only a few situations in which the service issues the impossibility of receiving the parcel by the buyer.

The parcel was rejected at customs. This is usually due to the fact that the sender did not fill out the necessary documents correctly. This approach to business significantly complicates the further possibility of receiving the goods, and in such cases, refusal to send is practiced so that the user can receive money into his account.

Also, problems at customs can provoke the need for a long delay in goods. In this case, an indefinite tracking status of the goods can be set and it can be received even if there is a delay under the concluded contract with the company. In this case, the client receives a reward for the delay and has the right to keep the goods for free.

Parcel was not accepted by local mail or already sent back to the sender. This factor needs to be monitored very carefully, because each person gets the opportunity to track their product on the site (if it costs more than a few dollars).

If the buyer does not have such an opportunity, then he must independently find out the status of sending the goods by mail. This is very important, because you can miss the period during which the post office stores the parcel. It is also possible that the postal workers did not send the corresponding notification to the client, and for this reason he missed receiving this product.

It is also possible that the parcel did not reach the client and got lost on the road. This option is also marked with a similar error and is displayed on the user's workspace.

How to avoid possible consequences?

You should carefully track your package. This service is offered for most items ordered by the customer. If the order amount is small, then it is recommended to make a few more small purchases from this seller and after that he will combine and together and make a tracking code.

If there is no code to track the goods, you should definitely check the mail within 2 weeks after payment and placing an order. This is a great advantage for every person who prefers to personally check the fact of receiving the package.

Need to check the mailbox, which can contain a message about the delivery of the package. This also cannot be ignored and must be taken into account. Moreover, postal workers often deliver the parcels themselves to the house, if they are oversized.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the timing of the transaction. If you need to place an order for a product and you need to wait 2 months for it, then you should periodically visit the site so as not to miss the deadlines for opening a dispute, which are assigned by the seller.

Thanks to such a dispute, the client can receive money for the undelivered goods, but only if his application is accepted before the expiration of this contract. It is for this reason that the site constantly warns customers to make purchases in a timely manner and leave applications for arbitration.

In case of disputes or a visible delay of the goods at one point, it is worth contacting the representatives of the seller, who may be better aware of the current situation. They will be able to accurately and correctly explain what the problem is and when you can expect to receive the package, if it is planned at all, so you should definitely pay attention to this factor.

In general, the Aliexpress website is very popular among our compatriots, even despite some problems with processing delivery and payment for goods. Every year the popularity of this resource is only growing, because it offers unique discounts on goods and the products themselves at a relatively low cost.

Customers can also find here those clothing, gadgets and electronics options that are significantly more expensive than their counterparts in European stores.

Another reason for the popularity of the service is the ability to pay in many convenient ways, as well as the fact that customers receive arbitration that is very loyal to users, helping to resolve disputes between the seller and the buyer.

Many users are beginning to actively track the movement of the package using a variety of resources. After all, the order still comes from a distant country, and it is important to know where in the world it is now. There are cases when, during monitoring, the user may encounter the "Attempted delivery" status. Let us consider in more detail what kind of status it is and whether it is worth worrying about when you see it.

  • This status may also have other names in Russian (“Unsuccessful delivery attempt”, “Failed to deliver”, “Delivery failed” and others similar in meaning). Below is a complete list of statuses in English:
  • On the site itself, the status might look like this:

  • If you track the package on some resource (for example, Track24 was chosen), then the status may look like this:

This status does not bode well. It means that the parcel has already arrived in the city and is at the office or in the courier, but for some reason they could not deliver it to you.

Reasons why the status of an attempted delivery with Aliexpress may be displayed

  • One of the main reasons is that the parcel arrived very late at the office and the postal employees simply do not have time to notify you. For example, the post office is open until 19:00. They received the package at 6:30 pm. They need to put down the status of the order. Therefore, they may indicate that supposedly today you did not pick up your order.
  • The second common reason is that the courier does not have time to come to you to give the parcel and therefore he can set such a status. Or the courier still managed to get to the address indicated on the parcel, but no one was at home. Another option - the courier could not contact you by phone.
  • Another reason could be an incorrectly specified address. For example, you could make a mistake in the apartment number. In this case, a notice of the arrival of the parcel will be thrown into another mailbox. Until you independently track and find out that the parcel is already in the mail, the status of the delivery attempt will be added to the order daily.
  • There are also other reasons why such a status may be displayed (unscrupulous postal employees are simply too lazy to take a notice to you, a program crash has occurred, etc.)

What to do if you see the status of an attempt to deliver an order from Aliexpress

In no case do not panic and do not sound the alarm. Seeing this status late at night, go to bed and do something the next day.

  • If your parcel is to be delivered by a courier, then call him back and arrange a meeting. Or call the company where the courier works and ask to be connected to him.
  • If the parcel was delivered to a regular post office, then call back and check if the order is already in the mail and just go and pick it up.
  • Please double-check the delivery address specified in the order. If there is a mistake in the name of the street, house / apartment number, then drop by the post office with your passport. The package will be sent to you with ease.

It’s worth worrying about the package when no statuses are displayed on it at all. This means that the seller gave you the wrong track code and it is impossible to find out where your order is now.

The "Delivery Attempted" status is not as scary as it seems. You can be calm, as your package has safely reached your city and you will be able to pick it up soon.

Happy shopping everyone!

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