How to start breeding dogs. Breeding dogs as a business: necessary equipment and documents. How to open a dog kennel? What kind of business is this: carefree and happy, or “doggy to howl”

So, you have firmly decided to start breeding small dogs. But what to do next? Buy one dog or several? Or maybe just take a girl and a boy? And what breed is best to choose? Where to start breeding dogs if there is no experience at all?

Yes, there are many questions. As well as common misconceptions. That is why it is best to start your journey as a breeder with training. Fortunately, there is a lot of relevant literature now, and it won’t hurt to attend special courses at the club.

The future breeder should have a basic knowledge of canine anatomy and genetics. Clearly understand all the needs of dogs before, during and after pregnancy. Be aware of the peculiarities of delivery of representatives of small breeds. And, of course, to understand what and how to do with puppies.

But back to the most common questions for beginners, namely, where to start breeding dogs? - Of course, with the purchase of a breeding female.

Manufacturer's choice

Why a bitch? Not a couple, not a male? - Well, with a male, you definitely won’t be able to do breeding. Pet mating with everyone does not count. Choosing the right breeding pair is also not easy. Not all experienced dog breeders cope with this task the first time. And then, a large number of puppies from the same parents automatically makes their further use in breeding unattractive. There are so many of them already, with the same blood! Why else be fruitful?

Therefore, your number one task is to buy a good bitch. She must be a typical representative of her breed and not have serious faults. Moreover, she does not have to be the daughter of world champions at all, but it’s not at all bad that her pedigree includes truly outstanding dogs that have proven themselves to be excellent producers.

Do not bring your first dog from abroad. This is fraught with difficulties in the further selection of the optimal partner for her at home. But excellent health, correct anatomy and standard sizes are extremely important for a miniature stud bitch. Therefore, no "mini" and "super-mini". Only a strong dog, of good proportions, with a typical height and weight for the breed.

But even if, due to inexperience, you have acquired a very average dog, then you always have a chance to learn more about the breed, choose the right dog for your pet and get quite decent offspring.

The question of choosing the best breed for breeding is usually not discussed among cynologists. it is assumed that a person first "falls in love" with the breed, and only then thinks about matings and puppies. And if it is the other way around, it means that we are talking exclusively about commercial breeding and there are other, not always humane, unwritten rules.

Who to knit with?

Do not immediately look for the coolest and most titled male. The fact is that the first mating is not yet breeding, but rather its “general rehearsal”. Only having survived the toxicosis of the ward, not always a simple birth and having raised at least one litter of puppies, you will be able to understand how much you like all this and whether there will be a continuation.

Where to start breeding dogs and which "groom" to give preference to? - It is better if it will be a proven, experienced manufacturer. Albeit without high-profile titles, but giving healthy and pedigree babies when mating with different females. And for toy terriers, Yorkies and Chihuahuas, pay attention to the size of the puppies from one or another dad. The smaller the babies are, the easier it will be for your pet to give birth.

And of course, a male dog should not have serious exterior flaws, especially obvious anatomical defects. It should be a healthy, active dog, with a stable psyche and a temperament characteristic of the breed. And no hysterical, cowardly or overly phlegmatic "suitors". After all, puppies inherit from their parents not only a beautiful exterior, but also, for example, excessive barking, nervousness, or vice versa, a soft, balanced character.

Financial aspects of breeding

When deciding to breed a bitch, and even more so about creating your own mini-kennel, it is very important to evaluate how much you will pull this business financially. Unfortunately, when thinking about where to start breeding dogs, few people remember the costs associated with this. And they are, and very significant.

Let's start with the fact that a miniature bitch (several dogs) needs to be fed corny. And not just anyhow, but correctly and fully. Otherwise, you will not see healthy offspring from her. Do not avoid the cost of a veterinarian. Vaccinations, tests, treatment - all this costs money. Add here combs, shampoos, clothes, collars, leashes, toys, etc. - we get the cost of maintaining a dog.

And you also need to put the ward at least once before mating, pay the owners of the dog and for registering the puppies. Plus the cost of childbirth, good nutrition for mother and baby, vitamins, vaccinations and branding (chipping) of the litter. As a result, we have a very impressive amount. And, alas, it does not always pay off with the income from the sale of puppies.

And don't think that you can save a lot by buying cheaper food, vitamins or vaccinations, for example. And if in the end your bitch or puppies don’t receive something, then this will definitely affect the quality of the litter, and hence the cost of the babies. No one wants to shell out a tidy sum for a flabby and disheveled something, if plump and cheerful babies of the same breed are being sold for the same price.

In addition, growing kids, even the tiniest ones, can easily tear off your expensive wallpaper, scratch the parquet or bite off a piece of linoleum, thoroughly pat up the upholstery of upholstered furniture and “eat” the master's shoes. And this is damage, and not always a penny.

For those who want to make money

No matter what they write about the unethical nature of commercial breeding and the impossibility of making a lot of money on dogs, there are no fewer cynologists-merchants, as well as those who want to try themselves in this "business". Therefore, let's not be hypocrites and honestly tell how things are in this area.

How to start breeding dogs so that it makes a profit? - Like everywhere else, from a business plan. Those. You must immediately calculate all costs (maintenance, treatment, exhibitions, documents, etc.), take into account possible risks (puppies may die or there may not be anyone who wants to buy them) and predict the net income from the sale of puppies.

Yes, small breeds are better suited for commercial breeding. First, because of the lower maintenance costs. Secondly, a mini-breed nursery does not require a large area, an ordinary apartment is enough. And the prices of small dogs are higher. However, the competition in this market segment is very decent.

In addition, you will begin to receive real profit no earlier than two or three years from the date of purchase of the first dog. And then, provided that you have at least three producers. And in order for the profit to be constant, you will have to systematically update the livestock, i.e. buy (leave from mating) new bitches.

And yet, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will have puppies in your house all the time. Those. This type of activity does not provide for any vacations and weekends. But sleepless nights and discontent of neighbors are provided to you.

If you want and like it, then it's worth it. It's probably enough to take a purebred puppy and just start...

Not everything is so simple Dear! this article will clear things up.

An article by Jonathan Geoffrey Kims (Pluperfect Kennel, Kansas City, Missouri, USA) was first published in 1996 in a book about the Cardigan Welsh Corgi breed, Reflections for a Dog Breeder. Translation by A. Zabrod French bulldog kennel "Zon Miracle"



The main and main reason why people get into dog breeding and the world of dog shows is a fundamental love for dogs. We cherish our friendly relations with them, their constant loyalty, the admiration they exude. We love it when they sleep in our beds. Their ardor with which they meet the new day, even when we wake them up at terrible hours, surprises us and resurrects our childhood.

They forgive us when we lose our temper, when we are irritated, when we are much worse than they are. They bring out the best in us, they cherish the best in us. Unfortunately, dog breeding and dog shows can attract our "dark" side. They can feed our fragile ego until it becomes a raging ego.

Often our need to feel that we are better than anyone else is expressed in what we have.

We must have the greatest winner, the sire of the greatest number of champions, the most "champion" puppies. We buy, we co-own, we collect. Soon we don't have time for dog treats, we don't have time to play or stroke a grateful tummy, we don't have time to stroke a stubborn head.

Soon we don't have room for most dogs; we put them in cages, we make racks out of those cages, we store them as if they were trinkets that have no meaning other than to make us feel important. We lose our ability to love.

Showing dogs and breeding is a great calling. It is creative, inviting and very rewarding. But we should never expect our hobby to replace the job of a psychologist. We should never expect that our mental illness can be cured by self-indulgence. Too many people take on showing and breeding dogs for the wrong reasons. Their homes are destroyed, their money savings evaporate, their reputations go downhill, their spouses and children are abandoned as the breeder is only busy proving his own worth.

Being a dog breeder is a huge commitment. This means that we must choose to be a lifelong student. This means that we will be humiliated and trampled upon in countless ways and in countless circumstances. This means that our lessons will be differently difficult if we are to really learn them.

It means frustration, dissatisfaction, long hours, late nights and early mornings. This means that now you will not have the opportunity to get up in the morning and lie down to sleep again. This means the opportunity to make new friends, with some of whom you will be friends for life, and with others not for long, if the relationship is built on profit and utility. This means that you will be quoted, and misquoted, attributing to you what you did not say. This means that you will be given the opportunity to show all the baseness and pettiness of human nature. But also the opportunity to show all the breadth, all the greatness of your soul, the opportunity to be generous, inquisitive and courageous.

We should never ask ourselves if we are envied, if we are influential, if we are successful. These questions are meaningless. At the end of the day, we should be asking ourselves, "Am I proud of the person I have become?" What we should always be is dog lovers. We must be their protectors.

We must ensure that the life of every dog ​​we have produced or own is complete and an illustration of human humanity at its finest hour. Our vanity should not be flattered by our photos in a magazine or our name in some ranking. Our self-worth must come from knowing that we provide our dogs with a life full of love, pleasure and happiness.


It is easy to lose sight of the true purpose of breeding quality dogs. For some, the attraction of the bright lights, the glamor and glitz of the exhibits make them deviate from the right path.

The development of his line, in which everything is thought out and justified, and which has a positive effect on the breed, requires considerable effort. Too often in the path of slow and carefully planned efforts to improve the breed is tempted to immediately get a big champion and become famous.

The goal of the breeder should be to preserve the breed. No breed thrives when breeders forget this, and none will thrive without it. But to leave the breed in a better condition than it was when you came into it is the biggest recognition for you. The desire to improve type, movements, character and health should be the meaning of the activity of every true breeder.

Achieving these goals requires a carefully thought-out long-term plan and relentless pursuit of it. Too often we get sidetracked by our desire to tie the winner of the last major show, then the next superchampion, and the next. Soon the pedigree is a long list of numerous champions who have no family connection to each other, they only have in common that they won in the ring.

The key point that we must learn (and believe in) is that success in the ring is not an automatic sign of a dog's true quality. We would all like one to point to the other, but that would be too easy. This would require the elimination of perfect human errors! Champions are not superior in every way. So you can't just tie one superchampion to another and get more superchampions. Every trait, every characteristic of a dog and their inheritance nature must be learned and understood by you before you can "manage" the inheritance variables. Once you acquire this skill, you will be on your way to creating a line of winners.


Breeding excellent purebred dogs should be seen as striving for excellence, not maintaining it. All dogs have flaws, all dogs are imperfect in some way. Otherwise, the "ideal" would not be well thought out. It is very easy to fall into the trap and become the "protector" of your own dogs. This usually happens because what we think is right is disputed by others as not quite right.

This disharmony confuses us and causes some discomfort. In order to feel right, we often become defensive and try to rid ourselves of what makes us uncomfortable, namely opinions that do not align with our own.

We must understand that "truth" is the basic standard, and all our decisions must be made based on it. In most cases, "carp back" is "carp back", whether we want to admit it or not. Therefore, the best way for us not to fall into the position of being unpleasantly surprised is to steadily expand and deepen our knowledge in order to ensure that our opinion is as accurate and close to the "truth" as possible.

This knowledge is acquired in many ways, one of which is by learning from fellow breeders. We must fight the belief that we can get to the bottom of everything with our minds and therefore may refuse to consider another point of view. Indeed, we do not make decisions based on facts, when we first learn something, we are at that moment dependent on those whom we consider competent in this matter. If this competence turns out to be a sham, then our entire knowledge base is called into question. And this gives us great concern.

Therefore, it will be better if we ourselves engage in the search for knowledge wherever possible. Whenever faced with an opinion different from yours, always seek to understand the other person's point of view. Why does a person perceive something differently than you? The ability to understand someone else's point of view can open the way for you to greater knowledge and understanding. If you refuse this and do not take into account the possibility of learning something other than what you consider to be the truth, then you will never really realize the truth and will not succeed in achieving your goal.

To be honest, you should be more critical of your dogs than anyone else. This does not mean that you should attribute faults to your dogs that they do not have, but your assessment should be as detailed as possible and you should strive to see clearly their true faults and virtues. Your path to success depends on it.


Sounds a bit like the golden rule we were taught as kids. Yet it is surprising how many people forget this very important axiom. When dealing with other people, regardless of the issue, always think about the other person's position. I have repeatedly heard about people's dissatisfaction with co-ownership agreements. Too often, an agreement gives an advantage to one party (often the seller) over the other. There is an opinion that written agreements are needed only in a controversial situation. But this is a misconception.

The absence of a written agreement should be a very rare exception, not vice versa. Too often, when a noteworthy puppy appears, the co-owners, without a written agreement, flare up a fight over who will own it. Whether you intend to sell a dog on a co-ownership or lease, or provide a male for mating on a "puppy" basis, you must consider what exactly you expect and want to get from such an arrangement.

Very often, such business agreements are made hastily, during a telephone conversation, and neither party actually has the opportunity to think everything through. For strange reasons, instead of rethinking the situation, we try to fulfill such a painful and ill-conceived agreement, and in the end only become bitter enemies.

If people would stop and think about the likely end result, they would realize that the best thing to do to protect a friendship is a written agreement. It is very rare that more than one great puppy is born in a litter, if at all.

Therefore, it is important to understand who will own such a "super quality" puppy if one comes along. People also tend to spoil relations if it seems that the agreement is beneficial to one side to the detriment of the other. It is sad to realize, but too many have selfishness as a motive for their actions and actions. In a tense, controversial situation, it is much better to give than to receive. It is much better to let the other person get a seeming benefit than to destroy the relationship and earn a dubious reputation as an intractable and scandalous person, in the long run, this will only add credibility to you, both as a person and as a breeder.


Another trap that breeders often fall into is the inability to celebrate the success of others. While of course we feel that our breeding path is the best way to create the perfect dog, there are actually many routes to the same goal. Our achievements and successes will not decrease at all and will not diminish if we recognize and appreciate the achievements and successes of other breeders.

This inability and unwillingness to appreciate the success of others is usually the result of a decision not to breed certain bloods or to deal with certain people. When such a kennel later achieves success, it is difficult for us to recognize such an achievement, as it contradicts our opinion about this particular person or his dogs.

It takes a very honest and self-confident person to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of others. It is good advice to keep our criticism to ourselves, acknowledging the achievements of others is only beneficial. If you can see merit in lines other than your own, then you gain a reputation for being fair and objective, which is a rarity in the world of dog breeders.

Over time, you will see that your point of view and your views have much more weight than the views and opinions of others who do not adhere to this principle. That is, by doing so, you do not lose anything, but at the same time you gain a lot.


One of the worst situations a breeder can find himself in is to cut himself off from another kennel or line. It is highly unlikely that all improvements towards the perfection of the breed can occur in one single kennel or within one bloodline. Like flowers in a field, they will appear in different places. A smart breeder is one who knows how to collect those flowers throughout the field that will give a complete, flawless bouquet. And to do this, you must be able to use the strengths of other kennels and bloodlines.

Usually breeders have their own preferences and biases, and to be honest, most bloodlines have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although you may feel that you have reached the highest level in some of the traits (articles) of your dogs, there are undoubtedly other traits in which your dogs and their blood are less strong than other breeders. Not to admit this fact is to doom yourself to the fact that you stop your career as a breeder quite early.

By that I mean that you stabilize your stock and don't move on. You should always carefully look for the "flower" that will improve your "bouquet". It can be difficult to combine families without losing the best features of your own bloodline, but it strengthens the kennel and increases its importance in the breed. This requires deep reflection, harmonic combination and at the same time cutting off the superfluous.


My last axiom is addressed to morality and ethics in general. There are many aspects and many ways to express yourself. Spreading dubious rumors is one such way. Selling co-owned dogs in order to control other breeders is another way. Blaming other people's bloodlines for having genetic problems while glossing over problems in your own lines is another example. In general, it depends on the very essence of who we are. Do we know what is true and what is false? Do we always do what is right, in all circumstances?

Breeding dogs is not about winning one big show and getting one big winner, it's about improving the breed over time, it's about protecting the breed.

Too many people are looking for some kind of mark of their own worth, and they think that they will get some special level of respect and fame if they have a super champion dog. Breeding dogs is a life's work. It's an ongoing process, and no matter how quickly you want to become famous, it will eventually show your true character.

Namely, you can't fool all the people all the time. It will not bring you any honor to "fit" reality in order to show your imaginary achievements, which you actually do not have.

Politicism, preliminary agreements with judges and exhibition organizers for the victories of your dogs will not make them better than they are. Deception, forgery, fraud with your dogs will not make them better either. You may think that you can fool the whole world, but in the end, you will pay for it all.

In words, no one wants to be a hypocrite. However, the worst of the hypocrites are people who seem to be infatuated with spreading rumors about other people and dogs. These people themselves are far from perfect, and they always know it.

Breeding dogs is not to impress your neighbors, your buddies or anyone else. This is an expression of your love for dogs and your personal desire for creativity.

You cannot lie about the art you make, about the creations you create; You cannot lie to yourself. While this list, I'm quite sure, sounds like a sermon from the altar, it covers many of the pitfalls that we dog breeders face every day. Some of us are prepared to overcome them and have the strength to overcome them. We are tested from time to time, even the most educated, psychologically stable, intelligent and most honest among us.

Among us there are people who criticize everyone and everything, lead those whom they can, and at the same time are themselves greedy for flattery. It is only through deep thought and thoughtful action that we can hope to become better people and, as a result, better dog breeders.

Edited July 28, 2014 by VSLrus61

The secret of success in every business, as many successful people assure, is the love of a person for what he does. Thus, any little spark, idea, or even hobby that you devote your free time to, can, with enough perseverance, lead to success in life.

An excellent proof of this theory is the dog breeding business. Dog lovers, who treat their breeding as a hobby, have made this activity a popular business that is gaining significant momentum these days.

If earlier only enthusiastic fans of dog breeding were engaged in the maintenance of kennels, today, inspired by the high profitability of this business, amateur entrepreneurs are also getting down to business.

However, for professional dog breeding, you need to know all the nuances of this business and follow well-defined principles. Only such an approach to business can ensure your successful “existence” in this field.

Where to Start and How to Succeed in a Dog Breeding Business

Before proceeding directly to breeding, it is necessary to do a number of analytical work and make financial calculations:

  • The planning phase should begin with gathering information about market segments, dog breeds, and analyzing supply and demand.
  • Next, you should decide on the breed of dog you want to breed.
  • The final stage of planning will be making financial calculations and determining the profitability of the project.

Based on the results of the work done, the novice entrepreneur will have a ready-made guide to action in his hands.

Market segment and its analysis

Nowadays, you can meet a large number of animal lovers who want to get a thoroughbred dog:

  • When breeding decorative dogs, it is worth focusing on pet lovers who will gladly take in a new four-legged family member.
  • If you are going to breed hunting dog breeds, then the contingent of clients will narrow down to hunting enthusiasts or residents of the countryside.

Anyway Demand for purebred dogs is growing, and profitable to sell the offspring is not difficult.

Traditionally, dogs are sold in Russia through specialized stores or markets. Placing advertisements in newspapers and on Internet sites of relevant subjects will increase the chances of selling offspring.

Marketing Organization in this segment of the market is the easiest and most enjoyable experience. This is due to the fact that a normal adult is unlikely to be able to pass by such a “goods” without positive emotions. And what can we say about children?

Application order. Step-by-step instruction.

We will tell you how to run a chinchilla breeding business at home. An example of a financial plan with calculations.

You can find a sample of the Charter of an LLC with one founder at the link. What should reflect the main constituent document?

Breed selection

Organization of a business and the choice of breed for breeding depends on your initial capabilities:

  • having sufficient space
  • conditions of detention
  • budget for the start of activities and other parameters.

When choosing a breed, you should pay attention to the following factors inherent in the modern "ideal" dog:

  • Food
    The ideal dog should consume a negligible amount of food.
  • Character
    The nature of the animal should be docile and friendly.
  • Intelligence and fast training
    Dogs that can be trained quickly will be very popular.
  • Dimensions
    The dog should take up little space in the house.
  • disease resistance and tolerance to different weather conditions.
  • The ability to bring a permanent and large offspring.
  • Great cost.

It is very difficult to find a breed that fits all of the above criteria.

Each entrepreneur, focusing on the final buyer, is forced at his own peril and risk prioritize certain criteria and turn a blind eye to the absence of others.

The analysis showed that in Russia the most popular dog breeds are:

  • Pekingese
    An ornamental breed of dog, whose growth barely exceeds the size of a cat. These funny creatures easily find their way to the hearts of ladies.

This breed of dog has a variety of colors. The Pekingese is distinguished by long hair, the miniature size of these creatures is ideal for small apartments.

A puppy of this breed, having a pedigree, is valued in the market from 12 000 rubles.

  • Cocker Spaniel
    A very popular dog breed in Russia. Distinctive features of this breed are complaisance and friendliness. Dogs of this breed are ideal for families with small children.

Prices for such a thoroughbred puppy can reach 20,000 rubles.

  • Labrador known for his devotion
    Due to this property of character, this breed of dog is often used as a guide dog.

The cost of such a puppy starts from 15 000 rubles.

  • German Shepherd
    The most famous dog breed with a developed intellect. Sheepdogs are very loyal dogs that immediately become attached to their owner and are easy to train.

The price of a purebred puppy starts from 15 000 rubles.

The choice of breed for breeding depends on personal preferences or initial guidelines. To successfully obtain and raise offspring, it is necessary to study the relevant literature and collect recommendations on keeping animals, and to reinforce the knowledge gained with practical advice from experienced dog breeders.

Basic business expenses arise after the acquisition of a dog.

She needs to be fed, cared for, given vitamins and vaccinated - all this costs a lot of money, so this business is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who are willing to wait for profit in the long term.

For similar nuances of the dog breeding business, see the video:

Business organization

The process of breeding dogs requires constant human participation. Animals need constant care and appropriate feeding. The situation is "exacerbated" by the fact that we will be breeding purebred, not ordinary dogs.

In no case do not breed dogs in cages. This is not only not humane, but also harmful to the health of pets.

The success of the project will largely depend on the following key points:

  • Aviary
    There are no special requirements for the premises when breeding dogs, but it is desirable that the areas are far from residential areas.

It is best to arrange an aviary outside the city, in the countryside. As a home for dogs, an ordinary kennel can be suitable, which is easy to make with your own hands. There should be enough light in the enclosures, and the humidity should be at a normal level.

  • Uninterrupted Power
    Each inhabitant of the nursery should receive a diet appropriate for his age. Pedigree dogs need to be given special food, which includes all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The cost of 1 package of such food starts from 1,000 rubles.

  • Water
    In the room where the dogs will be, its constant presence of water is necessary, because. dogs will drink very often. Therefore, it is worth considering all possible options for providing enclosures with a constant source of clean water.
  • Vitamin supplements
    Periodically, various additives and vitamins must be mixed with the main feed. This will ensure the completeness of the diet of animals.
  • Graft
    In order to protect dogs and offspring from diseases, it is necessary to carry out routine examinations of animals and periodically vaccinate them.
  • Care products and accessories
    You should also stock up on hygiene products and accessories for caring for animals. It is better to buy various accessories for dogs (collar, bowls, toys) in bulk.

What do you need to do to be successful in dog breeding?

Experts do not advise getting into this segment by investing with borrowed funds.

To bring dog breeding to the level of a profitable business, you must have sufficient stock of own funds.

It is a mistake to assume that having one thoroughbred female you can provide yourself with a constant income from the sale of her offspring and a high level of profit. For highly profitable production, it is necessary to have at least 2-3 females.

However, the project should be launched exclusively with the content of one dog. It will be much easier for a beginner dog breeder to test himself in practice with one pet.

After a successful experiment on one individual, and having gained the necessary skills, you can start expanding your business.

The optimal number of dogs for a kennel is 15–20 breeding individuals.

To achieve success, you need to heed the following advice from experts:

  • Minimum expenses
    Following the completion of the “pilot” project on one dog, it is worthwhile to fully optimize the breeding process, calculate all costs and try to reduce them as much as possible. This can be achieved, for example, by purchasing feed, vitamins and other components in large bulk quantities.
  • Increasing the number of manufacturers
    The more animals you have in your care, the higher the profit.
  • Pedigree
    A very important factor in the sale of purebred dogs. Puppy girl should be taken as possible with the best pedigree (which must be documented).
  • Exhibitions
    The female must be constantly exhibited at exhibitions, trained and cared for. When buying her offspring, customers will first of all pay attention to the insignia, awards from exhibitions, the temper and appearance of the parent.
  • Provision of related services for grooming, inspection and sale of dog food
    The business potential is very great. By correctly setting priorities for development, you can organize a large pet for dogs, open a pet store nearby, a hairdresser for animals and a small veterinary clinic.

General recommendations for compilation. Where can I find options for standard document forms?

In this one, we're going to talk about how to make a worm farming business profitable.

You can find out what is included in the package of constituent documents of an LLC at. The procedure for their registration.

Financial plan for starting a business

Here are the financial calculations for starting a business with a single female puppy with a very good pedigree. It is necessary to spend money on acquiring a female, grow her up to the age of one and a half years, after which she is allowed to mate.

Having gone through the full cycle of growing one puppy, obtaining, keeping and selling its offspring, you will receive more accurate numbers and indicators for calculation, based on which you can build a clear policy for expanding your business.

Thus, when you move to the level of a “serious” business with impressive expenses, you will already have sufficient experience in this matter.

Expenses (reflected for 1 cycle) - 95,000 rubles.

Purchase of a thoroughbred female - 25,000 rubles.

The cost of maintaining a female - 35,000 rubles:

Child care costs:

  • Care items (collars, bowls, toys, etc.) - 5,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for documentation for puppies - 15,000 rubles.
  • The cost of maintaining puppies - 5,000 rubles. (until they are sold).
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Income - 120,000 rubles. (6 puppies for 20,000 rubles).

It should be noted that your initial breeding experience will not be focused on making high profits, which should not be expected in a "pilot" project.

Suppose your female has 6 offspring. It will be possible to sell them only after they gain strength and switch from mother's milk to independent feeding.

By that time, the cost of puppies will be at the level of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The exact price will depend on the pedigree and the success of the parents at the shows.

Net profit from the first knitting cycle will be 25,000 rubles. Based on these numbers, you can start expanding your business.

Before becoming a dog breeder, pet owners will have to deal with a lot of nuances and restrictions. It is not enough just to tie pets in time and wait for the puppies to be born: traders from bird markets do this, but not breeders. If you are ready for difficulties and are determined to build a business (and breeding is always a business) on the wonderful physical qualities of your dog, the following conditions must be observed:

  • You are the owner (or tenant) of a female admitted for breeding by the Russian Cynological Federation (or FCI International).
  • You have documents confirming the pedigree of the dog (both for the female and for the male), and a certificate of admission to the breeding breeding of the RKF.
  • Your pet is not older than 8 years (the age of the male is not limited), and at the RKF (or international FCI) certificate show, both dogs received an exterior rating of “very good” or higher.
  • Working class dogs must pass all performance tests.

If you want to become a simple breeder, then following these conditions will be enough. In the presence of all correctly executed documents for the parents of puppies, the litter is issued through the regional club of the RKF, where the kids are branded with their own club brand and activated. In this case, each of them will receive a name starting with one letter, which is determined by the head of the club. The role of the dog owner here is almost exclusively in the proper care of the animal and puppies.

Factory prefix

If you want to become a higher level breeder (respectively, make the business more competitive), you should start designing a factory prefix - a combination of letters that will be inscribed in the name of each puppy born to your dog. To do this, you need to contact the local RKF club with an application on a special form, come up with this prefix (usually in two versions), pay a one-time fee. From the moment of confirmation of registration, all dogs and their puppies, which you will own, will receive a factory prefix in the documents.

Experienced breeders and dog owners one day come to the decision to organize their own kennel. For amateurs, as a rule, things do not end with anything good: there are many testimonies of bankrupt breeders and exhausted animals sent to shelters. But those who know how to take care of dogs, have the appropriate veterinary qualifications, regularly attend specialized courses of the RKF and other organizations, easily cope with all the difficulties. And, of course, most importantly, they love their animals very much.


Where to start if you decide to arrange a nursery? First, of course, decide on the breed of dogs. And here the selection criterion should not be the cost of the puppies, but the experience in dealing with this particular breed. The owner of the nursery should know absolutely everything about his pets: dietary habits, predisposition to diseases, specific anatomy, rules of care and upbringing.

In accordance with the chosen breed of dogs, it is necessary to equip a space for keeping animals. Naturally, Alabai and Toy Terriers require different conditions of detention, so you need to pay attention to ensuring that the animals are as comfortable as possible. The best choice would be a country house with spacious and warm enclosures and a place for a walk. So your pets will not interfere with the neighbors. Some make out a kennel for dogs of small breeds in an apartment, but re-equipping it can take a lot of effort and money.

The regulations of the RKF on pedigree breeding say how to become a breeder of dogs in a kennel: in personal possession there must be at least one female admitted by the RKF to pedigree breeding. Males are allowed to be rented, but usually large kennels have their own studs. The owner of the nursery must have a veterinary, zootechnical or cynological education, documented. A certificate of completion of courses in the RKF is also allowed. You also need to register the factory prefix. The cattery owner pays annual fees to the RKF.

As a rule, there is more trust in catteries than in individuals. This allows you to count on a sustainable business, although the costs are much higher. In addition, the owner of the kennel has the right to independently brand and activate puppies, keep a pedigree book, and cull animals.

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