Why does a cat vomit yellow liquid or white foam. Cat vomits yellow fluid (bile) Cat vomits yellow

Vomiting is a physiological process that develops if the cat ate something wrong in a number of other cases. Cats are quite clean animals that constantly wash and lick their fur coat, because of this, not only dirt, but also hair fibers get into the stomach. In addition, in some cases, animals eat grass and specifically stimulate the gag reflex, which helps to clear the stomach. If the cat rarely vomits white foam, no more than 1-2 times a day, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the pet has indomitable vomiting, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian.

Causes of vomiting in cats

Vomiting in a cat can occur for various reasons. They can be defined like this:

  • The cat overate - a large amount of portions and eating too quickly often lead to regurgitation of excess food.
  • Lumps of fur in the stomach, which are formed when the coat is licked, lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Eating indoor plants by cats also often ends in vomiting.
  • Ingestion of bones and foreign objects into the digestive tract leads to the release of the contents of the stomach out.
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and is a common cause of nausea and vomiting in cats.
  • Violation of the pancreas leads to a deterioration in enzymatic processes during the digestion of feed, while vomiting is possible.
  • Volvulus or peritonitis - these pathologies are very dangerous for the life of the animal and require urgent veterinary intervention.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Intoxication with drugs or poisonous substances.
  • Infectious diseases - these conditions are accompanied by indomitable vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite. In this case, the doctor should deal with the treatment.

Besides, the cat can eat nothing and vomit when infected with worms. In this case, worms can be observed in the vomit, which indicates a severe damage to the animal's body.

To protect a pet from helminthic invasion, which negatively affects the entire body and significantly reduces immunity, it is necessary to give him anthelmintics once every 2-3 months. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right medication.

Why does the cat vomit white foam

Vomiting white foam in a cat is normal, but only if there are no impurities in the foam, and it occurs infrequently
. If a cat vomits white foam, then a malfunction in the biliary system can be suspected. When food is digested in the stomach and enters the intestines, mucus does not cease to be released, which, upon contact with air, takes the form of white bubbles. If there is too much mucus in the digestive organs, the body reflexively pours it out.

Cats are very sensitive to food inaccuracies. If the cat has not eaten for a long time, then he vomits white foam. This is due to the fact that the digestive system produces all the secrets necessary for the digestion of food in the usual volume. But if food does not enter the stomach for a long time, then hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the walls of the organ, resulting in irritation and vomiting. For this reason cats should not have therapeutic fasting for more than one day.

It turns out that cats can also have heartburn, in which case the cat is sick of foam in the morning on an empty stomach, but no other health problems are observed.

Foam vomiting in kittens

In kittens, the digestive system is still weak, so vomiting can occur quite often.
. The main reasons for this state are as follows:

  • Abrupt change in nutrition. For example, a kitten was weaned from its mother and transferred to adult food, while the small ventricle is not yet able to digest roughage.
  • Harmful foods - fried, smoked, spicy or simply stale can cause an attack of vomiting in crumbs.
  • Persistent overeating or large pieces of food - compassionate owners try to feed their pet more satisfyingly, it seems to them that the kitten is too thin. It won't lead to anything good.
  • If the kitten often licks itself, then vomiting may be due to the accumulation of wool in the ventricle. This is especially characteristic of animals of long-haired breeds.
  • Accidental ingestion of foreign objects. During the game, the kitten may swallow a candy wrapper, a bead or a piece of tinsel.
  • Chemical poisoning - like all babies, kittens are very curious, so they can try dishwashing liquid or toilet filler.
  • Side effects after vaccination, so the body reacts to the ingestion of a foreign agent.
  • Congenital diseases of the liver or pancreas.

If the baby vomited, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. If this condition is rare, then you can watch the kitten and try to adjust the diet. When liquid, foamy vomiting is observed often, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

A healthy kitten should be active and have a good appetite. If the baby is lethargic, refuses to play and eats poorly, then this is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Cat Examination

To identify the cause of frequent vomiting, the veterinarian interviews the owner of the cat and carefully examines the animal.
. If necessary, conduct a series of studies. This approach allows you to quickly find the cause of the ailment and begin to treat the sick pet. Inspection is usually carried out in several successive stages and consists of the following items:

  1. Questioning the host to obtain information on the frequency and duration of vomiting.
  2. Clarification of the cat's diet, as well as the possibility of foreign objects entering the digestive tract.
  3. Determination of the type and density of vomit, finding out information when the animal began to vomit.
  4. Inspection of the animal, determination of the general condition and reflexes.
  5. Clarification of information about chronic diseases of the cat.

If the cat had only once vomited a clear liquid with a small admixture of wool, then it is worth watching the pet throughout the day. Most often, this condition stabilizes very quickly, and after a few hours the cat is playful and active. However, when vomiting becomes indomitable and the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, dehydration sets in very quickly, which causes irreversible processes in the body. Here you can not hesitate, only a doctor can help. In severe cases, surgery and intravenous fluids may be needed.

The owner should be alerted if the animal does not allow touching the stomach or picking up. This may indicate an inflammatory process in the abdominal region.

Varieties of vomit

Very often, you can determine the cause of the ailment by the color and consistency of the vomit:

A cat that does not eat at all for more than two days and periodically vomits can be seriously ill. In this case, you need to pass a series of tests, as well as undergo an ultrasound of the internal organs. Such vomiting is not considered physiological and speaks of diseases.

Vomiting with an admixture of blood may be the result of a bite by insects or reptiles. In this case, the sick animal is urgently delivered to any medical facility.

How to help a cat with vomiting

You can help the cat on your own, but only if there is no high fever, diarrhea and general weakness. When such an indisposition speaks of poisoning, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • The animal is stopped feeding and is provided with a sufficient volume of drink. You can only give water, dairy products are not recommended during this period.
  • The cat is given a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it can be added to drinking water or poured into the mouth from a syringe with a soft tip.

Pre-manganese is diluted in a small volume of water, and then added to the drink, and poured through several layers of gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the stomach.

  • Every two hours, a pet is given a smect dissolved in a small amount of water.

Therapeutic starvation in cats should be about 12 hours. After that, you can gradually return the cat to a normal diet. First, they adhere to a sparing diet and give boiled chicken meat, as well as strong rice broth, then they introduce chicken broth or special medicinal food. After 3-4 days, the cat is transferred to a standard diet. Usually such actions are enough for the pet to recover and return to a full life.

When to see a doctor urgently

There are a number of cases when the owner does not know what to do and how to help the fluffy. First of all, you need to stop panicking, because panic will not help the cause, and seek help from specialists. Going to the hospital should be immediate in such cases:

  1. Cat vomiting water or foam for more than 3 hours.
  2. The vomit is white or yellowish in color, but bloody blotches are visible in them.
  3. The pet refuses not only food, but also drink, while continuously vomiting.
  4. In addition to the main symptom, diarrhea began, the animal's nose became dry and hot, which indicates an elevated temperature. In addition, convulsions, which indicate dehydration of the body and damage to the central nervous system, should alert the owner.

In all these cases, you should not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation even more.. It is better to entrust the health and life of a pet to a qualified doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

In some cases, cats are prescribed antibiotics to treat infectious diseases. Properly selected preparations allow you to quickly put your family pet on its feet.

How to protect your cat from poisoning

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases and poisoning. To protect the cat from poisoning and digestive disorders, you should follow these rules:

  • Give the animal only wholesome and fresh food. If dry food is used for feeding, then you should not save on it, you need to choose high quality products.
  • Do not overfeed fluffies and especially kittens, portions should be appropriate for age and weight.
  • Food should be slightly warm and finely chopped.
  • Periodically, cats are given anthelmintic drugs.
  • All vaccinations are given according to the schedule.

If trouble happened and your beloved cat got sick, you need to act quickly. In most cases, the health of the animal and its life depend on the coordinated actions of the owner. When the pet's condition worsens every minute, you need to quickly go to the hospital.

Every owner wants to see his pet cheerful and cheerful. But furry creatures, like humans, can experience digestive disorders characterized by nausea and vomiting. There are several reasons for the occurrence of such a reaction, therefore, if the cat vomits with a yellow liquid, urgent measures should be taken. Prolonged vomiting can provoke serious consequences that threaten the life of the animal.

In veterinary medicine, there are many reasons why a cat vomits white foam. However, the most likely of them can be determined independently:

Excessive consumption of food, as well as its rapid absorption, leads to the fact that the pet can vomit. Systemic diseases (diabetes, oncology, diseases of the central nervous system, heart, kidneys) are also characterized by nausea and vomiting.

The variety of diseases that make pet owners wonder why a cat is vomiting makes it difficult to identify them. But to make an accurate diagnosis, an analysis of the composition of the vomit will be of great help. Therefore, when contacting a veterinary clinic for help, you should take the collected biological material with you. If it is not possible to seek help from specialists, you can try to help the animal yourself. This requires studying the composition and color of vomit from a kitten, adult cat or other pet. The color of the vomit indicates the following conditions:

For diseases such as gastritis or helminthic invasion, a high content of mucus in the vomit of the animal is characteristic. On holidays, especially on New Year's Eve, animals often eat food that is not intended for them or Christmas tree decorations. Tinsel and rain are of particular danger, since they are not only not digested by the body, but can also injure the esophagus and internal organs.

State Danger

Surely every owner at the first sign of a pet feeling unwell will try to help him on his own. But this method is effective only if the cause of the ailment has been determined correctly and does not pose a threat to life.

This case can be attributed to the toxicosis of a pregnant cat, which can feel sick in the early stages. If the animal feels well, but at the same time it periodically vomits, and the vomit does not have an admixture of mucus, blood or foreign objects, then most likely there is no cause for concern.

For example, the cat's body thus starts the process of self-purification. But also for this there are special feeds that help cleanse the internal organs of woolen balls. If helminths are present in the vomit, or nausea is accompanied by diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, in this case, specialist help is urgently needed.

Giving help

Often in a critical situation, even the most responsible owner can become confused. But if the animal is tormented by nausea, which ends in vomiting, several actions should be taken to alleviate his condition:

  • remove all food from the pet's access area;
  • ensure plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration;
  • measure the body temperature of the pet;
  • seek help from a veterinarian.

It is strictly forbidden to independently use human medicines for the treatment of an animal. Only a veterinarian can calculate their exact dosage. Moreover, it is forbidden to induce vomiting in case of poisoning with alkali, solvents or acids. When an animal swallows foreign objects, an infusion of vaseline oil should be made through the mouth using a syringe.

Preventive measures

In order for a pet to be healthy and cheerful, it is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists in the care and maintenance of a cat. Universal recommendations have collected such rules as:

It is important to remember that each owner is responsible for the health and life of his pet. In order to avoid an irreparable situation, you should follow preventive measures and monitor the condition and mood of your pet.

Vomiting in a cat is a protective mechanism, the task of which is to rid the animal's body of foreign substances. Vomit can come out in a wide variety of forms, including in the form of a yellow liquid. It is not always possible for pet owners to determine the cause of vomiting on their own, so contacting a veterinarian is the best choice in this situation.

The reasons

Vomiting can occur in a cat due to a number of factors. Thus, malnutrition or overeating often leads to indigestion. If the cat fell asleep hungry and her stomach remained empty at night, then there is a high probability that the cat will vomit in the morning. Consuming too much food will cause the pet's stomach to overflow, and the food will not pass into the intestines by doing it in the opposite direction. Food poisoning can also cause vomiting.

Vomit in a cat becomes yellow due to the presence of a small amount of bile in the secretions. If the health of the pet is all right, bile acids should not be in the stomach. The appearance of bile acids in the stomach is usually caused by reverse peristalsis of the duodenum. Vomiting a yellow liquid is quite a danger to the health of a cat, since bile secretions provoke severe irritation of the gastric mucosa, which threatens to cause inflammatory processes in the future.

There may be several reasons for the discomfort. So, a cat can swallow a foreign object. If the object is small, then it should come out with the feces, but if its size exceeds the capacity of the intestines, then in this case, increased production of bile acids will begin in the stomach. Vomiting yellow foam in a cat can begin after a too drastic change in diet, if the food has become more high-calorie. The liver does not have time to respond to new feeding conditions, and in this case, undigested food surrounded by a yellow liquid can be found in the vomit. The activity of helminths can also lead to vomiting with bile: this is how the cat's body tries to get rid of the worms.

Vomiting yellow foam may indicate problems with the cat's gallbladder. Another cause of malaise can be chronic diseases of the liver or intestines. Infectious diseases are often the cause of vomiting of a yellow liquid in a cat, since when foreign bacteria and viruses enter the body, the liver begins active cleaning of the blood from toxic substances that have penetrated there. As a result, without proper treatment, the intervals between vomiting will be constantly reduced. Vomiting on an empty stomach is also often mixed with yellow fluid. Finally, the most common and, unfortunately, the most serious cause of this ailment is cat distemper. So, the causes of vomiting of bile can be the following:

  • swallowing a foreign object;
  • change in diet;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and intestines;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • cat distemper (panleukopenia).

Symptoms of diseases that cause vomiting of bile

Symptoms of a number of diseases are vomiting of a yellow foamy liquid. So, with hepatitis, an increase in body temperature in a cat, a decrease in appetite up to its complete loss, darkening of urine, yellowness of the mucous membranes, and diarrhea can be observed. Vomiting a yellow liquid that is pungent and foul-smelling can be a sign of liver failure, both acute and chronic. In addition to vomiting, this disease is characterized by the presence of a bad smell from the mouth, regular fainting, incessant nausea, yellowing of the sclera. In addition, vomiting of yellow foam is a symptom of lipidosis, which can be recognized by the rapid exhaustion of the animal, complete loss of appetite, accumulation of toxic elements in the liver in the liver and its subsequent inflammation. Cat distemper (panleukopenia) manifests itself as a sharp rise in temperature to 40–41 ̊C, pet apathy, frequent vomiting, diarrhea with a pungent odor, lack of appetite and thirst, hunched posture.

First aid

If the cat's discomfort does not stop, it is necessary by any means to force the cat to drink more water, as the animal is severely dehydrated. However, drinking plenty of water does not guarantee that vomiting will stop, so if vomiting continues, try giving your pet small amounts of water every 30 minutes. At the same time, you should stop giving the cat any food and transfer it to a hungry regime, which must be kept for about a day. Self-treatment of a cat by giving it antiemetics intended for humans is strictly not recommended. If after 24 hours the vomiting does not go away, it is necessary to take the cat to the veterinary clinic, otherwise there is a high risk of losing the animal due to rapid dehydration.

Nature during the creation of the body calculated everything to the smallest detail. Sneezing or coughing is a natural defensive response. The same applies to vomiting. Due to it, the cat's body wants to get rid of substances that are perceived by the animal as foreign. Naturally, if a pet vomits, then this causes a great panic in the owner. But no need to worry.

Perhaps the reason is not dangerous, but it is necessary to determine why the cat or cat vomited and what to do, what to do in this case. So, your cat is vomiting: what to do, how to treat, and should you sound the alarm?

Kotov vomits after a reflex signal coming from the brain. There can be many reasons for this:

  • pathology of the bile ducts and stomach;
  • pain in the throat;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • With this in mind, a first aid or treatment strategy is chosen.

Vomiting foam

When a cat vomits with white foam, then, for starters, it is necessary to exclude diseases such as panleukopenia or distemper. With this pathology, the cat vomits a white or yellow liquid with foam. The difference is that this vomiting does not come with food debris or hair. Most often, the urges appear frequently and do not give relief.

In addition, apathy appears in cats, animals refuse food and even their favorite dish. Just like in a dog, this pathology often leads to death if treatment is not started in a timely manner. Thus, in the event that a cat vomits a yellow or white liquid with foam, then you need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible and prescribe treatment.

Vomiting after eating

After eating, the cat vomits for various reasons. The main and most likely is overeating. In this case, if the cat swallows food quickly, then overeating may occur and, as a result, vomiting food covered in saliva or mucus. Also, the cat vomits after eating during the change of food. If until that time the cat was fed with natural food and for some reason the menu for the day of the pet suddenly began to consist, for the most part, of dry food, then a problem with the digestive system may also appear.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude diseases. Thus, overeating appears only with vomiting after eating with saliva or food residue with mucus.

Vomit should not contain:

  • bile with water;
  • wool;
  • worms.

In addition, diarrhea will not appear, the cat does not refuse to eat, and a single vomiting creates significant relief.

Just like in dogs, these problems tend to appear at a young age and in older cats.

Vomiting with hair

A cat, unlike a dog, licks itself all the time, and the hair enters the digestive system. As a result of the accumulation of wool, the patency of the digestive tract is disturbed, which leads to reflex cleansing of the stomach. And the cat is vomiting hair. Vomiting with a yellow liquid or foam, along with mucus, is not excluded. Neither a change in the behavior of the cat, nor diarrhea at this time should occur. Most often, this condition appears several times a month.

But not everything is so simple. Very often in long-haired cats it is formed blockage of the intestinal tract. In this case, the pet has been vomiting all the time, impurities are formed with blood, remnants of unprocessed food and bile. Moreover, the cat has weakness, she simply does not eat anything and, as a result of this process, dehydration is formed. In this case, it is urgent to perform an operation, since there is simply no conservative treatment for this pathology. But to the delight of the owners of long-haired cats, it must be said that there is a specially designed paste that does not allow this condition and is used as a preventive measure.


During damage to the cat's throat, vomiting is also not ruled out. Of course, the pet does not eat anything at this time, weakness appears, and vomit can be found in the masses. blood impurities. During damage to the bronchi or lungs, vomiting with white foam is possible. It is distinctive that cats do not have diarrhea during injuries, which does not allow an infectious disease. In this case, it is necessary to examine the mouth of the animal and determine the reason for this situation.

Any change in the hormonal background can form vomiting. For starters, this applies to pregnant cats. At the first stages vomiting mucus is considered normal. If a cat vomits yellow foam, then this means that there is a disease of the gallbladder, which is chronically exacerbated during pregnancy. As a rule, urges appear in the morning, just like in a dog and a person.

It is not necessary to treat a cat that is pregnant, unless, of course, she has a temperature and she does not swear. It is enough to give easily digestible food and often give the animal water to drink. It is not necessary to allow the cat to eat unsuitable objects. Often, a pregnant cat undergoes a transformation of taste, she begins to gnaw on wallpaper, pieces of polyethylene, and the like. It is necessary to feed with specially selected food, where all the necessary trace elements and vitamins are located.

Diseases of the internal organs

Most often, a cat vomits during the pathology of the gallbladder and liver. Moreover, vomiting is formed with bile of the corresponding smell. Often the cat does not eat anything, and at the same time after eating it becomes much easier for her. Diarrhea, which contains impurities with bile, is not excluded. Moreover, the cat vilifies very often and most often this happens in the morning, since it is at this time that the work of these internal organs is activated.

There are statistics that a cat, as a rule, vomits after fatty foods and dry food. If this condition is associated only with non-compliance with the diet, then you only need to decide on food and provide food with water.

Also, intestinal pathologies can lead to vomiting. These are possible ulcers, gastritis, trauma, that is, all the same diseases as in a person or dog. During certain of them, diarrhea may appear, the animal does not eat anything, vomiting contains pieces of food. During the presence of an ulcer, diarrhea can sometimes even be with blood. In the last version the condition is aggravated after eating dry food because it can cause mucosal damage.

In this case, it is necessary to determine for what reason vomiting appears, which organ is infected, and proceed directly to treatment.

infectious diseases

All the more carefully it is necessary to treat the cat when it often vomits with bile, and diarrhea with water is noticeable. Often this implies an infectious disease. This is possibly the plague. It is slightly different from the one that appears in a dog, but it is just as unsafe for a cat's life.

Also such pathologies may occur, how:

  • rhinotracheitis;
  • herpes;
  • calicivirus and the like.

All these diseases have certain characteristics. That is why it is necessary to observe the cats carefully and note any changes.

Other reasons

In addition to the above, cats can vomit after spaying or any other operation. Moreover, when the cat does not refuse food and does not vilify, then nothing should be done. If the animal does not eat anything, diarrhea appears, impurities with bile or blood are noticeable in the vomit, then it is necessary to see the veterinarian as quickly as possible in order to prevent complications after sterilization.

In addition, after the operation, liver damage sometimes appears as a protective reaction of the body to anesthesia, which is also manifested by vomiting. It should also be noted that after sterilization, the protective properties of immunity decrease, therefore, every vomiting with foam, especially water with a bad smell, needs to be addressed to a venereologist in order to prevent distemper.

What to do?

To begin with, if the cat vomits, it is necessary to exclude poisoning or infection and this must be done as soon as possible. Then the nature of vomiting is revealed. If vomiting with worms - urgently to the hospital for treatment. Vomiting with food indicates overeating, nausea during sterilization is considered the norm, but only when there are no other signs, vomiting in the morning indicates a gallbladder infection.

Prevention is the observance of the rules of keeping and feeding. Try to avoid dry food when your cat has stomach problems. If the cat is picky and won't eat anything else, try making it with boiling water, which will make the food softer. In the case when cats eat wallpaper, it is necessary to provide them with a toy. That is, knowing why the cat is vomiting, you will no longer think what to do, and immediately take measures to alleviate the condition of your pet.

The article allows you to understand what you have to deal with in common situations and how they can be solved. It is clear that the information provided is introductory, and treatment is not prescribed without a visit to the veterinarian.

The cat is sick of scarlet blood, a lot of worms, the whole day with meat is it normal or not

Vomiting with impurities of scarlet blood or with worms is unnatural for cats. It is obvious that the animal has a strong helminthic invasion and there are wounds in the esophagus or oral cavity.

The cat is sick in the morning before and after eating with a clear white liquid, the second day what to do and what is the treatment

Similar symptoms occur with feline distemper. The disease is considered very dangerous, often fatal. But even if this is not distemper, then constant vomiting is fraught with dehydration - the animal needs to urgently put a dropper.

If the cat is sick in the car, from dry food and often, but does not vomit what it is

Vomiting in a cat serves as a kind of protection of the body from unwanted microorganisms and substances.

If the gag reflex in the animal worked in the car, then upon arrival at the place everything will go away by itself, but vomiting from dry food should not be allowed - the mustachioed pet should change the diet.

Cat, kitten, cat vomits undigested food every day what to do

Vomiting in animals with the remnants of undigested food - symptoms of gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, helminthiasis and intestinal obstruction.

If, after the next attack, the cat looks vigorous and healthy, it means that he is given too much food, and with further feeding, the portion should be significantly reduced.

Why does a cat vomit hair every day, medicines do not help

This problem mustachioed cleaners suffer quite often. Cats love to lick their fur, which, along with saliva, easily penetrates the animal's stomach.

The latter, in turn, seeks to get rid of indigestible residues. However, daily vomiting of wool is nonsense. The cat must be shown to a good specialist.

The cat vomits thick, green, pink, yellow, black mucus

Vomiting mucus is considered an alarming symptom. Green mucus may indicate severe food poisoning, pink - probable gastritis, yellow - problems with the gallbladder. Vomiting black goo is a sign of kidney failure.

What to do if the kitten vomits and vilifies and what is it with blood

Probable causes of vomiting and diarrhea with blood in kittens may be severe poisoning that affected the mucous membrane of the animal, or panleukopenia. Both are dangerous and can lead to the death of the animal.

The cat vomits saliva, he does not eat anything, he drinks a lot of water

Vomiting and increased thirst may indicate kidney failure. The cat needs to be examined.

The cat vomits even from a few drops of water, eating at night and in the morning on an empty stomach than to help

Constant bouts of vomiting can lead to dehydration and death of the animal. The cat needs to urgently put a drip.

Is it possible to give a cat a smect, noshpu, potassium permanganate, coal, vodka, or how to treat at home

When vomiting, you can give smecta, noshpu, potassium permanganate or activated charcoal. Veterinarians do not advise giving vodka and dairy products to a cat with vomiting.

Why does a kitten vomit grass

You should not worry about the fact that the kitten is vomiting grass, if the animal looks healthy and energetic, you should not. Cats specifically eat grass to cleanse their stomachs.

The cat vomits with long worms and larvae of worms for two days, the third day what to do

If no further measures are taken to get rid of worms and their larvae, the animal may die.

Why does a cat vomit from milk, after fish, taking liquid food

Milk and fish are not the most beneficial foods for a cat and can be excluded from the animal's diet.
Attacks of vomiting after taking liquid food can be provoked by the hair of the animal itself in the stomach.

If vomiting occurs not periodically, but constantly, then the cat must be urgently examined.

The kitten vomits tests and appetite is good and feels good, but cannot go to the toilet

The probable cause of vomiting, with good health and good tests, can be dry food produced by the industry from low-quality waste. Introduce fermented milk products into the kitten's diet and switch to better food.

Why does a cat vomit during pregnancy

After the 20th day of pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur in the cat's body, leading to the manifestation of toxicosis. Over the next few days, the body of the expectant mother-cat is rebuilt, and vomiting disappears.

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