Means for fast healing of wounds. Folk remedies for healing deep wounds

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. When the skin is cut, complex biochemical processes begin to occur in the body, aimed at restoring tissues. Treating cuts with natural herbal antiseptics and ointments can speed up the healing process and reduce the chance of scarring. In this article, we will tell you how to clean and treat cuts.


Part 1

Cleaning the wound

    Wash the wound with mild soap and water. Place the cut under a stream of warm water, then apply just a little mild soap to the affected area. Very gently pat the area around the wound, then rinse off the soap with warm water. This will help you remove any dirt that can cause an infection.

    Stop bleeding. If the wound is still bleeding after you have washed it, put sterile gauze (bandage) on it and press it down (without fanaticism). It is not necessary to rub the wound with this, otherwise it will open. Once the bleeding has stopped, the gauze can be removed. After that, put a bandage on the cut, again, in the form of gauze or bandage (the main thing is that they are sterile).

    If possible, rinse the wound again with saline to clean it and prevent infection. Use 0.9% saline. Saline solution in this regard is the safest option. Saline solution is a 0.9% saline solution, called isotonic, because the salt concentration in it is similar to the salt concentration in the blood. Use saline solution every time you need to clean the wound.

    Do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Although hydrogen peroxide is commonly recommended for wound care, it is actually not very effective at killing bacteria. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide slows down the healing process and irritates the wound. Iodine also irritates cuts.

    • For washing wounds, it is better to use clean water or saline.

    Part 2

    Wound treatment
    1. Use an ointment containing colloidal silver. Silver is a natural antimicrobial agent and has been used since ancient times. An ointment containing 0.5%-1% colloidal silver will reduce the risk of infection. You can buy this ointment in most pharmacies.

      Use a natural antiseptic. Some herbs are natural antimicrobials that prevent cuts from infection. Some herbal remedies may interact with other medicines, so check with your doctor or pharmacist before using them.

      Use aloe to treat minor cuts. Apply aloe vera gel to a shallow wound several times a day. However, if you have a deep wound, do not use this remedy, as it slows down healing.

      • Aloe reduces inflammation and moisturizes the wound.
      • In rare cases, an allergic reaction to aloe vera has been observed. If your skin becomes red or irritated, stop using aloe and see your doctor.
    2. Use honey. Honey has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Look for Manuka honey, which is the best honey for healing wounds.

      Protect the cut. After applying the healing agent to the wound, apply a bandage to the cut and fix it with a band-aid. Use a sterile bandage or gauze as a bandage. Protect the cut until the wound heals.

      Part 3

      Fast healing
      1. Eat more protein foods and vitamins. You can speed up wound healing by increasing your intake of protein and skin regenerating vitamins, especially vitamins A and C. Zinc has a positive effect on wound healing. If you are not getting enough nutrients, the healing process will slow down. Include the following foods in your diet:

        Use witch hazel to relieve wound inflammation. Witch hazel is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce inflammation and reduce redness (when the wound heals). Apply witch hazel to the cut with a clean cotton swab.

        • Witch hazel can be bought at a pharmacy.
      2. Drink plenty of water. Drink at least 250 ml of water or soft drinks (no caffeine!) every two hours. This will replace the fluid lost by the body through sweating (if you have a fever) or bleeding. Dehydration can cause the following complications:

        • dry skin;
        • headache;
        • muscle spasms;
        • low blood pressure.
      3. Do some light exercise. This will increase the body's resistance to infection, reduce inflammation and speed up healing. But do not load the part of the body where the cut is located. Exercise at least three times a week for 30-45 minutes. Ask your doctor if physical activity will benefit you. Here is a list of easy, low-intensity exercise:

        • walking;
        • yoga;
        • work with light weights;
        • cycling (at a speed of 8–14 km/h);
        • swimming.
      4. Use ice if swelling or inflammation persists or is uncomfortable. The cold temperature will reduce pain and stop bleeding.

        • Wet a towel and place it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
        • Put the frozen towel in the bag and apply it to the wound.
        • Do not apply ice to open or infected wounds.
        • Do not apply ice to the skin, so as not to damage it.
      5. Use a humidifier. Moist environment speeds up wound healing. Use a humidifier to add moisture to your environment and prevent your skin from drying out and cracking. Make sure the humidifier is clean to avoid spreading bacteria and infecting the wound.

        • If the humidity level is too high, mold and mites can grow.
        • If the humidity level is too low, your skin will dry out and your throat and nose will become irritated.
        • Measure air humidity with a hygrostat, which can be purchased at hardware or specialty stores.

      Part 4

      Handling severe cases
      1. Determine how deep the cut is. Take a close look at the wound to assess if you need to see a doctor or if you can treat it at home. If the cut is very deep, see a doctor. If the wound is severe, stitches may be needed. Contact the emergency room if the following symptoms are present:

        Stop bleeding. Regardless of the depth of the cut, the first step is to stop the bleeding. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound and hold it until the bleeding stops. Once you stop the bleeding, the wound can continue to be treated.

        • Don't press too hard. If you press too hard, you can only exacerbate the problem.
        • If blood seeps through the bandage, put another one on top to soak up the blood.
        • See a doctor if bleeding is too much and cannot be stopped with pressure.
      2. Use a tourniquet only in very serious cases. Use it only when you are losing an alarming amount of blood. Incorrect application of the tourniquet can lead to serious damage to the limbs and it can even lead to amputation.

      • Do not remove scabs. They should fall off naturally.
      • Try to moisturize the skin around the wound, as dry skin will cause the scabs to flake off, preventing healing from being effective (may result in scarring).
      • Use Vaseline if possible.
      • Do not touch the wound too often to speed up its healing.
      • Do not use scented ointments or products that contain chemicals. A face or body cream is not suitable for wound healing.
      • Before using natural products, test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the skin to make sure there are no allergies.


      • If you have a severe cut or burn, do not use the methods in this article and seek immediate medical attention.
      • Keep the cut out of the sun as scarring can occur (especially if the cut is exposed to the sun for more than 10 minutes).

Wounds - damage to the integrity of the skin of varying severity, they are cut, bruised, torn, stabbed, etc. No one is immune from such damage, superficial or deep. Wounds, wounds, abrasions are always painful, bring a lot of trouble to the victim.

But the main danger is that they become open gates for the penetration of infection, which can cause the development of various diseases, and also significantly complicates the treatment of the wound. Therefore, it is so important to process the resulting damage as soon as possible, and then begin treatment.

If the wound is deep, there is heavy bleeding, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Small wounds, cuts and abrasions can be cured at home using folk experience.

How to properly treat damage, heal skin wounds at home, using folk recipes, how is it carried out? I will tell you about this today:

Primary processing

Healing wounds at home should begin with cleaning them. The first step is to gently rinse the damage with clean warm water. It is even better to use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or furacilin. If there are stuck particles of dirt, glass, wood, etc. remove them with tweezers, previously wiped with alcohol. Treat the edges with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Cover the treated wound with a bandage. To do this, use a sterile bandage, gauze. Do not forget that the bandage must be changed to a fresh one every two hours.

If you notice that severe inflammation has begun, immediately go to the emergency room. If the wound is not deep, there is no bleeding, no signs of inflammation are observed, proceed to further treatment at home with folk remedies.

During treatment, continue to treat the diseased skin surface regularly. This will help activate the regeneration processes, which contributes to the speedy healing.

Healing wounds with folk remedies

A very effective remedy for the rapid healing of skin wounds is freshly squeezed juice of perennial aloe. Squeeze the juice of the leaf through the gauze, then gently lubricate the damaged skin. The juice of this plant has a pronounced bactericidal effect, eliminates minor inflammation, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Wash the aloe leaf, remove the thorns. Cut it in half and apply to the wound with the wet side of the cut. This should be done immediately after the damage has been treated. Apply a sterile bandage on top. Leave this compress overnight. The juice of the plant disinfects, draws out accumulations of pus and covers the damaged skin with a thin film.

At home, you can prepare a tincture of calamus root. This tool is also used for the speedy healing of skin lesions. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed, dried root into a clean jar. Pour in a glass of vodka. Put the jar in a dark place. Let it sit there for a couple of weeks.

Pour the strained tincture into a bottle. Use for abrasions, wounds. Just moisten a cotton swab with it, treat the edges of the damage. This will prevent the penetration of infection, accelerate healing.

An old, very effective remedy - coniferous balsam, you can also cook it yourself. This tool quickly heals abrasions, open wounds, fistulas and boils.

When going to the forest, collect pine resin (resin). At home, mix it with the same amount of natural rustic butter (you can replace it with fresh melted chicken or goose fat). Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate the damaged skin. Store the balm on the shelf of the refrigerator.

If the injury bleeds, use fresh burnet herb or nettle leaves. To do this, the plant is steamed in boiling water, cooled, and then applied to damaged skin. This will help stop the bleeding.

St. John's wort oil is a good healing agent. It is also easy to prepare at home. To do this, collect fresh, young shoots of the plant. Finely chop them. Fill a clean half-liter jar about a third full. Pour in the olive oil, set in a boiling water bath. Keep half an hour. Then put the jar in the kitchen cabinet, let it stand there for 3 days. Keep the strained butter in the refrigerator. Use to lubricate shallow wounds, other skin lesions. Treat several times a day.

If festering occurs, use this home remedy: Gather fresh plantain leaves, wash them, dry them on a paper towel so that no water remains. Scroll through a meat grinder or just chop finely with a knife. Mix with the same amount of natural honey. Lubricate several layers of the bandage with this remedy, apply to the wound, secure with a napkin. This homemade ointment perfectly disinfects, heals.

When treating wounds with folk remedies, pay attention to such a simple home remedy as baked onions. Just peel a fresh onion, pierce with a knitting needle. Hold over an open flame until the surface is browned but not yet too black.

Remove this layer and discard. And divide the middle into layers, which are applied to the wound. Secure with a bandage. Change the compress to a fresh one every 2 hours. It is good to leave it overnight and change it in the morning.

In the process of treatment, take care of the part of the body that is damaged. Protect from unnecessary loads, friction, so as not to cause re-injury. Be sure to carefully treat the wound, do not peel off the crust that appears to avoid infection and suppuration. If signs of severe inflammation are observed, stop self-treatment, consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Balanced diet.

In addition to competent care of wound surfaces and postoperative sutures, it is necessary to know that patients should receive good nutrition in the postoperative period, since the lack of vital substances received by the body from the outside can adversely affect skin repair processes. Food should be easily digestible, rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants. fiber, but with limited salt. Water intake also matters. Patients should consume at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. However, if operative dermabrasion was performed on the entire face or in the perioral region, the patient is forced to eat in pasty or liquid form almost until the bandages are removed or the crusts come off. Otherwise, during the act of chewing, they can injure the crusts, in the cracks of which the infection will get, which can lead to deepening of inflammation and scarring.

Rational nutrition is an important point in the management of patients in the postoperative period, however, the creation of optimal conditions for tissue repair also requires the continuation of the use of internal therapy prescribed in the preoperative period.

internal therapy.

Includes a number of areas of treatment to accelerate the processes of reparation. improving the results of surgical interventions, reducing the visibility of scars.

Biologically active additives (BAA): a series of dietary supplements Litovit (Russia), Avena (Russia), Biovit (Russia), Irwin Naturals (USA). Nature Sunshine Products Inc (USA).

Adaptogens: ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea purpurea. lemongrass, zamaniha, pantacrine, etc.

Means and methods for improving microcirculation

Synthetic and proliferative activity of cells involved in the restoration of the skin is impossible without a sufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues. One of the main directions in the postoperative rehabilitation of patients, as well as in preoperative preparation, are methods, tools and technologies that help improve the microcirculation of the operating area, strengthen the vascular wall, saturate tissues with oxygen, etc. In this regard, drugs that improve microcirculation (theonicol, complamin, nicotinamide, gingo-biloba extract, capilar), dietary supplements containing vasoactive drugs are necessary means, both in the preoperative and postoperative period.

Apparatus technologies that promote the activation of blood circulation are also indicated for the management of such patients. One of these areas is hypoxic therapy.

Interest in hypoxic therapy, which has existed for decades, has led to the creation of a treatment method called "normobaric interval hypoxic training" (HIT). Its meaning boils down to the fact that the patient breathes air with a low oxygen content (16-9%) at intervals during which he breathes ordinary air containing 20.4-20.9% O. "Training" - means the process during which the physiological compensatory mechanisms for hypoxia are trained.

During the course of IHT, the organs of external respiration, blood circulation, hematopoiesis, tissue and molecular mechanisms are trained to ensure the delivery of oxygen to cells and the utilization of oxygen in mitochondria. The body systems are trained to compensate for the decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air, its tension in the arterial blood and tissues.

The results of the impact on the body of IHT.

Chemoreceptors respond to a decrease in oxygen tension in arterial blood, the impulses from which have an exciting effect on the centers of the medulla oblongata, on the reticular formation and overlying parts of the brain. The central sections of the sympathetic nervous system and the functions of the endocrine glands are stimulated: the content of thyroid hormones, insulin, catecholamines in the blood increases. The content of hemoglobin in the blood increases and its oxygen capacity increases, the number of erythrocytes in the circulating blood, the number of mitochondria and cristae in mitochondria increases; the number of capillaries in tissues increases. Thus, IHT improves immunity, improves blood supply to tissues and skin, relieves hypoxia, which improves reparative processes in the wound in the postoperative period, accelerates epithelialization and prevents pathological scars. For the implementation of IHT, a modern hypoxicator device by TRADE MEDICAL was created, which converts ordinary room air into hypoxic gas mixtures with the desired oxygen content in them. For complex diagnostics of the state of the patient's body before and after the course of IHT, the device is equipped with a pulse oximeter, a meter and a gas analyzer. Small dimensions, compactness, and a simple ability to move to the right place make the hypoxicator an easy and reliable device for the treatment and rehabilitation of burn patients, patients after dermabrasion and plastic surgery. In addition, it can be used in preoperative preparation of patients and in many areas of restorative medicine.

To increase the general and local immunity of patients in the postoperative period, it is useful to prescribe essential microelements, which include Cu, Zn, Se, Fe, Mn, K, Ca, Si, etc.

Rare earth metals are an essential ingredient for normal wound healing. They are prescribed either in tablet form or as dietary supplements.

Iron. It is found in mitochondria and other organelles of skin cells, where it is part of oxidative enzymes (peroxidase, cytochrome oxidase, etc.) that provide cellular respiration. It takes part in the synthesis of collagen, is part of hemoglobin, thereby taking part in saturating the body with oxygen. Necessary for successful hydroxylation of proline residues. Best absorbed as iron lactate.

Preparations: actiferrin (ferrous sulfate), actiferrin compositum, hemofer prolagnatum (iron sulfate), additive with iron (complex effervescent tablets containing ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12), Gino-Tardiferon (iron and folic acid complex).

Copper. As a coenzyme, it is included in many enzymes. It takes part in the processes of iron absorption, is necessary for the synthesis of melanin, collagen, and has antioxidant properties. There is evidence of the antagonism of copper and zinc, in this regard, it is undesirable to prescribe them together.

Preparations: Copper sulfate (copper sulphate) is administered orally in 5-15 drops of a 05-1% solution for 1-2 months. Copper-containing multivitamin complexes ("Multivitamins with minerals", "Unicap", etc.)

Potassium. It is necessary for the vital activity of any cell of the body, present in large quantities in the intracellular fluid, participates in the synaptic transmission of nerve impulses, and contributes to the normalization of the drainage function of organs and tissues.

Preparations: panangin (a complex preparation of potassium and magnesium), potassium orotate, asparkam, calinor, kaliposis prolongatum (potassium chloride).

Magnesium. It is an activator of many enzymes: cholinesterase, phosphatase, etc. It is part of more than 300 enzyme complexes, ensuring their activity. It promotes the synthesis of proteins, is necessary to maintain the normal state of cell membranes, and reduces the excitability of the neuromuscular systems. It has an antispasmodic effect, accelerates the course of glycolysis. The synthesis of steroid hormones is also carried out in the presence of magnesium. Potassium and magnesium are needed to ensure the activity of collagenase.

Preparations: almagel, pamaton (potassium and magnesium asparaginate), magnesium orotate, magnesium peroxide, Magne B6.

Phosphorus. It is contained in the skin mainly in the form of organic compounds: phosphoproteins, nucleoproteins, phospholipids, etc. The intracellular phosphorus content is 40 times greater than the extracellular one. As part of phospholipids, it is included in the structure of cell membranes, lipoproteins. An absolutely necessary element of macroergic compounds and their derivatives, cyclic nucleotides, coenzymes, which play a crucial role in metabolism and the regulation of physiological functions.

Preparations: Phosphaden. ATP.

Zinc. It is an important auxiliary factor in wound healing, being an activator of cellular immunity. It is part of many enzymes, hormones, necessary for proliferative processes in tissues. Contributes to the stabilization of blood sugar levels and accelerates the course of glycolysis. Zinc ions have antioxidant, immunostimulating properties. promote reparative processes in tissues. With age, the amount of zinc in the tissues decreases sharply, and when injured, there is also a sharp decrease in the amount of zinc, which indicates the need for replacement therapy. Zinc-dependent are such vital hormones as insulin, corticotropin, somatotropin, gonadotropin. Zinc deficiency is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, proliferative and synthetic activity of cells. Zinc preparations are prescribed for long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, acne, skin condition after deep peeling and dermabrasion, aesthetic operations, as a prophylactic before surgical interventions.

Preparations: oxirich (zinca aspartate), zincteral, zinccorotate. Zinc oxide or sulfate, apply 0.02-0.05 g 2-3 times a day for at least a month. Multivitamin preparations containing zinc: "Stress formula with zinc", "Oligovit", "Centrum".

Selenium. Takes part in the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans, is a powerful antioxidant, cofactor of the enzyme glutadion peroxidase. Without it, the enzyme is in an inactive state, unable to restore oxidized glutathione and thus counteract oxidative stress.

Preparations:"Selmevit", "Multi-selenium", "Stress formula with zinc", "Oligogal-selenium".

Silicon. Participates in the formation of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, elastin, stimulates cellular metabolism and cell proliferative capacity, normalizes skin hydration, increases the strength of elastic fibers, and has an anti-radical effect.

Preparations: organic silicon (0.5%, 1%, 2% 5.0), conjunctyl (0.5% -5.0) for intradermal and intramuscular administration.

Antioxidant treatment.

In the process of inflammation, destructive molecules, free radicals, accumulate in the wound surfaces. Accordingly, the appointment of antioxidants is included in the mandatory program for managing patients in the postoperative period and is also an element in the prevention of complications.

Histokhran (Russia).

It is a powerful antioxidant derived from seafood of animal origin. The mechanism of action is associated with the ability to stabilize cell membranes, interact with reactive oxygen species. free radicals. With intradermal administration, slight soreness is possible, temporary brown staining of tissues, and allergic reactions are possible.

Produced in ampoules in 0.02% concentration of 1 ml. It is administered intramuscularly, intradermally and intravenously.

Emokatin (Russia).

It is a powerful antioxidant. It has antihypoxic, angioprotective, antiaggregation, photoprotective activity.

Available in ampoules of 1 ml. and 5 ml at 1% concentration. It is administered intramuscularly.

Mexidol (Russia).

It is the salt of succinic acid corresponding to emoxipin. It has a wide spectrum of biological activity. It is an inhibitor of free radical processes (antioxidant). According to the mechanism of action, it is close to emoxipin, but has a stronger antihypoxic effect.

Produced as a 5% solution in ampoules of 2 ml. It is administered intramuscularly.

Contraindicated in violation of liver function and allergy to vitamin B b!

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C deficiency is known to be one of the most common causes of poor wound healing. Ascorbic acid has strong restorative, antioxidant properties. It is an angioprotective drug, participates in the regulation of redox processes of carbohydrate metabolism, tissue regeneration, the formation of steroid hormones, helps to neutralize toxins in the body, serves as a cofactor in the hydroxylation of proline to the state of hydroxyproline in the process of collagen synthesis. One of the important physiological functions of ascorbic acid is its participation in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen and the normalization of capillary permeability.

Available in tablets and solution. 5.10 and 20% solutions in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml. It is used intramuscularly and intradermally.

Kapilar (Russia).

Ingredients: dihydroquercetin - 10mg, sorbitol - 240mg. The pharmacological action of dihydroquercetin is antioxidant, angioprotective, hemorheological, antiplatelet.

Mechanism of action: Dihydroquercetin is a domestic drug, which is a 3, 3, 4, 5, 7 - pentahydroxyflavone, which is obtained from crushed Siberian larch wood (Larix cibirica L). Reduces the viscosity of whole blood, weakens the aggregation of red blood cells, improves blood microcirculation. Dihydroquercetin binds free radicals and limits the activation of lipid peroxidation processes in erythrocyte membranes, restores the lipid spectrum of erythrocyte membranes, reduces the proportion of transient degenerative forms of erythrocytes in the blood, which improves cell rheology. Shows capillary protective activity.

It is indicated during the preparation of patients for therapeutic and operative dermabrasion, for plastic and other surgical interventions, as well as in the postoperative period. It is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Available in tablets of 0.25 g.

Immunocorrective therapy.

Against the background of postoperative and oxidative stress, the immunological reactivity of the organism as a whole and tissues in particular decreases. In this regard, patients with symptoms of prolonged (inadequate) inflammation are recommended to prescribe immunocorrective drugs.

Aflutop (Romania).

Extract of cartilage and bone marrow of calves. It has biostimulating activity, stimulates local immunity, reparative processes in tissues, proliferative activity of cells. By inhibiting the activity of hyaluronidase, it stimulates the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid. Has anti-inflammatory action.

It is used for long non-healing wounds, for the correction of atrophic, hypotrophic scars, striae.

Available in ampoules of 1 ml. It is administered intramuscularly, intradermally under the scar.

Aloe extract (Russia).

It is an aqueous extract of canned, aged in the cold, leaves. Refers to biogenic stimulants. Stimulates local immunity and regenerative processes.

It is used for poorly healing postoperative sutures for trophic ulcers, atrophic scars, striae, secondary infection on wound surfaces.

Available in a solution of 1 ml with a pH of 5.0-6.8. With painful injections, it is diluted with lidocaine or novocaine. It is administered intramuscularly or intradermally.

Immunal (Slovenia).

Available in the form of tincture and tablets. The active substance is Echinacea purpurea juice in a 20% ethanol solution, or in dried and tablet form.

It has an immunostimulating effect. Increases the number of granulocytes, phagocytosis activity, inhibits the reproduction of microorganisms, including the herpes virus and influenza.

Assigned per os 20 drops with a small amount of water or 1 tablet 3 times a day for 1-6 weeks.

Imunofan (Russia).

It is a hexapeptide (arginine-alpha-aspartyl-lysyl-valyl-tyrosine-arginine). It has immunoregulatory, hepatoprotective, detoxifying, antioxidant effects, activates phagocytosis, stimulates the formation of IgA, metabolic processes.

It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. A single daily dose of 50 mcg in 1 ml.

Available in ampoules of 1 ml. 0.005% solution.

Vitamin-microelement complexes.

Perfectil (UK).

One gelatin capsule contains vitamins: A, E, D, C, B1, B6, B12, folic, pantothenic, para-aminobenzoic acids, zinc, magnesium, iodine, potassium silicon, selenium, chromium, cystine. Take 1 capsule daily with or after a meal with a small amount of liquid. It has a pronounced dermatotropic effect!

Pregnaxal (UK).

One gelatin capsule contains vitamins: A, E, D, B1, B6, B12, K, folic acid, nicotinamide, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, iodine. To be taken - 1 capsule per day during or after a meal with a small amount of liquid.

Menopace (UK).

One gelatin capsule contains vitamins: A, E, D, C, B1, B6, B12, K, folic, pantothenic, para-aminobenzoic acids, nicotinamide, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, potassium, chromium, selenium, boron. Take 1 capsule daily with or after a meal with a small amount of liquid. It has a pronounced dermatotropic effect!

Gerovital (Germany).

Effervescent tablets contain iron lactate, retil, cholecalciferol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, nicotinamide, dexpanthenol, cyanocobalamid, hawthorn fruit extract, motherwort. Take 1 tablet or 1 teaspoon of tincture 2 times a day.

In the life of every person, annoying troubles happen: abrasions, cuts, bruises. In addition to pain and discomfort, injuries are accompanied by a cosmetic defect. In our article, we will talk about how to speed up wound healing and preserve the beauty of the skin. Wound healing is a natural physiological process called regeneration. This process is laid down by nature itself, and a huge amount of the body's reserves is aimed specifically at healing all types of damage.

In the lower layers of the skin - the basal layer of the epidermis - there are reserve cells. When the skin and underlying structures are damaged: fiber, muscles and other tissues, reserve cells begin to divide, forming new skin cells. Gradually multiplying, new cells form new tissues and fill wound defects.

Tissue regeneration is a very individual process that depends on many internal and external factors:

  • age;
  • The presence of diseases of the skin, endocrine and immune systems;
  • The extent and depth of the wound surface;
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the wound;
  • The presence of a wound infection;
  • Quality and speed of primary wound treatment;
  • Features and thoroughness of wound care.

Wounds heal poorly in the elderly, debilitated and malnourished patients, people with diabetes and diseases of the immune system (HIV, AIDS, hereditary immunodeficiencies).

Leg wounds heal poorly in patients with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Moreover, CVI itself can provoke the formation of wounds on the legs. Such non-healing wounds are called trophic ulcers.

Primarily or secondarily infected wounds also heal very poorly. Pathogenic microbes penetrate into such wound defects - immediately at the time of injury or after some time.

The scientific name for "poor healing" is "healing by second intention." This means that the wound defect heals through the processes of suppuration or tissue rejection. In this case, gross skin changes are formed - keloid scars.


Let us list in detail all the factors that determine the speed and quality of regenerative processes.

First aid. It is very important to provide high-quality and timely first aid. First aid includes washing the wound with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Mukosanin and others), treating the edges of the wound with alcohol solutions (iodine, brilliant green, chlorophyllipt and others) and applying a sterile dressing.

First aid consists in the so-called primary surgical treatment or wound dressing. Treatment of wounds is the task of a surgeon or traumatologist. The doctor treats the wound with antiseptics, removes foreign bodies, blood clots, dead tissue and dirt, and sutures as necessary.

It is very important to suture incised wounds, since bringing together the edges of the wound with suture material or special glue significantly improves healing and leaves a neat thin scar.

Prevention of wound infection. As needed, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs of general or local action. For small and shallow wounds, with proper treatment, antibiotics can not be prescribed. In any case, the decision on the need for antibiotics remains with the doctor.

Follow-up wound care. It is very important to change dressings regularly, keep the wound clean and dry, and treat the wound surface with antiseptics and special healing agents.

About what medicines and folk remedies accelerate regeneration and how to quickly heal a wound, we will talk below.


Treatment of wounds is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the nature, extent and type of the wound surface. Let us consider in detail how wound healing agents work, how to speed up the process with pharmaceutical preparations.

Most often, local remedies are used to activate regeneration processes: ointments, gels, creams, powders.

I would like to note right away that fat-based products are categorically not recommended for use on wet, weeping wounds. This does not speed up, but rather slows down the healing process.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural ingredient. Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and biologically active substances that accelerate the process of cell renewal.

Aloe extract also works great for skin lesions, accelerating epithelialization. Aloe extract also gives an analgesic effect, reduces burning sensation and skin tightness.

Methyluracil ointment has anabolic properties, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration, wound healing, increases the activity of local immunity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dexpanthenol and its various combinations with vitamin E and medicinal plant extracts. The agent stimulates the regenerative processes of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerates cell division, increases the density of collagen fibers, and also normalizes cellular metabolism. The drug penetrates perfectly into the deeper layers of the skin.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl are widely known drugs used in all areas of medicine. Ointment Actovegin and Solcoseryl significantly accelerate the process of wound healing by increasing cellular energy metabolism - that is, they work at the very heart of regeneration processes.

Contratubex is a combined remedy declared by the manufacturer to prevent the formation of coarse keloid scars. The main effect of the drug is based on the suppression of the activity of cells that produce connective tissue, which forms the basis of a keloid scar.

I would like to note right away that the remedy shows its effect only at the initial stage of regeneration. Treatment of ointment on old scars, contrary to advertising, is useless.

Drops and cream Curiosin. Zinc hyaluronate, which is part of the preparation, eliminates the deficiency of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid is a kind of supporting matrix for skin cells.

The agent replaces the tissue defect and causes an acceleration of epidermal cell division. Hyaluronate also stimulates the natural defense mechanisms of the skin. Zinc ions, in turn, have an antibacterial effect. Curiosin drops work well on wet wounds, burns, and other weeping skin lesions.

Various combined preparations based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and A, extracts of sea buckthorn, wild rose and other medicinal components (ointments Reparef-1 and 2 and others).

Powders and "dry" creams on a fat-free basis, containing zinc oxide, salicylic acid, bismuth oxide, oak bark powder, calamus root and other astringent and drying components, as well as antibiotics, work great with wet and weeping wounds. Examples of such remedies are powders Baneocin, Xeroform, Ambulance, zinc oxide ointment, and even banal baby powder for a diaper.

Physiotherapy or treatment with natural factors in some cases gives a great effect. Most therapies have an effect that accelerates cell metabolism, improves blood circulation in the focus and stimulates the processes of local immunity.

The most effective methods of physiotherapy to accelerate regeneration are laser therapy, tissue darsonvalization, UHF, thermal procedures, ultraviolet irradiation, massage and drug electrophoresis. I would like to note right away that any methods of physiotherapy are used on already healing wounds after the formation of primary epithelization.

Folk recipes

Many medicinal plants contain components that can increase the healing effect. Such grandmother's remedies include various decoctions and lotions based on chamomile, calendula, oak bark, celandine, comfrey, tea tree oil.

A proven means for healing wounds is mummy, as well as beekeeping products - perga, propolis and various honey-based products.

Treatment with herbs and other folk methods should occur only with the permission of the doctor, and only as additional means of therapy. And before using any remedy, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to it.

With diabetes (video)

After deep damage to the skin, an ugly scar may remain, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, it is best to play it safe and use an ointment to heal wounds. Such funds accelerate tissue regeneration, prevent infection. The texture of the ointments is convenient for the treatment of small cracks and large lesions.

What ointment is better for healing wounds and cracks?

Ointment must be chosen, focusing on 3 main factors:

  • localization of skin damage;
  • the depth of the wound;
  • absence or presence of pus.

Small cracks in the skin may appear due to exposure to cold or lack of vitamins. They are easy to remove with a nourishing and regenerating cream.

There are wound healing ointments with a wide spectrum of action: they are able to deal with burns, deep wounds and even acne marks. Separate groups of medicines are suitable for treating the intimate area.


Ointment for external use "Levomekol"

Ointment Levomekol helps to get rid of burns, cuts, purulent wounds. It contains chloramphenicol - a substance that is a fast-acting antibiotic. This medication, like all antibacterial drugs, can cause an allergic reaction. The tool has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Levomekol should be applied in a thin layer on cleansed skin 1-2 times a day. The treated surface should be covered with gauze or a clean piece of cloth. Levomekol provides a quick effect - the course of treatment takes no more than 10-15 days. During this time, the pus completely comes out of the damage, after which it is delayed.

The cost of the medication: from 280 rubles (depending on the manufacturer). You can buy at any pharmacy.


Cream for external use 2% "Argosulfan"

Argosulfan is a unique medicine with silver and sulfathiazole in its composition. The drug is suitable for open wounds, scratches, abrasions, purulent lesions and weeping ulcers. This cream contains silver ions, due to which it has a pronounced antibacterial effect. The drug is suitable for the treatment of lesions that have arisen on the mucous membrane. With it, you can get rid of trophic ulcers. Silver ointment is used for hands, feet and face.

The cream is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. It must be applied in a thin layer (2-3 mm) on the entire damaged surface. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a day, until the wound is completely healed. After using the medication, allergic reactions may occur: burning, itching, redness.

Cost of funds: from 300 rubles for 15 g. You can buy in pharmacies and online stores.


Cream "Eplan"

Eplan is a multifunctional drug that helps get rid of various sores. Available in the form of an antiseptic solution, cream and drops. The product does not contain hormonal substances and antibiotics. The composition contains glycerin, which is responsible for softening and smoothing damaged tissues. This remedy also produces an analgesic effect. It should not be used to treat weeping ulcers.

The cream should be applied to the skin with a thin layer 1-2 times a day. The drug is quickly absorbed, so it does not leave greasy marks on clothes. The course of treatment takes from 5 to 15 days.

The cost of the medication: 450 rubles. It is easiest to buy in online pharmacies.


Gel for external use "Solcoseryl"

The drug Solcoseryl has 3 main forms: ointment, gel and powder for diluting the solution. As a rule, regenerating agents are made on the basis of inert silicone or an antibiotic, but this particular medicine is made from the blood of young calves. The medicine has a characteristic meaty smell. The tool is used to treat minor injuries, burns (1 and 2 degrees), scars and hard-to-heal wounds.

The gel is applied to the wound surface, previously treated with an antiseptic. It should be applied 1-2 times a day until the damage is completely healed. The product is not recommended for allergy sufferers.

The cost of the medication: from 300 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies and online stores.

Cream heal up

Children's cream "Heal-ka"

Children's cream for wound healing and resorption of hematomas. Not suitable for large, deep and weeping skin lesions. The cream is made from natural ingredients: sage, sea buckthorn and mint oils, as well as a complex of vitamins. The drug relieves the pain symptom, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).

Processing is as follows:

  1. First of all, the damaged surface must be treated with an antiseptic, and then lubricated with a small amount of the drug. It can be used to get rid of abrasions and scratches on the face.
  2. The product does not rub into the skin, it must be left until completely absorbed. It is recommended to place a clean piece of gauze on the cream layer.
  3. The course of treatment lasts until the wound is completely healed. The damage should crust over or dissolve.

The cream has a budget price: about 80 rubles. You can buy it at the pharmacy (in the department with drugs for children).


Ointment "Bepanten"

Bepanthen is available in cream and spray form. The preparation contains dexpanthenol (as an active substance). This component is a vitamin of group B and has a regenerating effect. Bepanthen is used to care for damaged epidermis, it can also be used for preventive purposes. The cream heals small cracks well, helps with increased dryness of the skin.

The medication should be used 1-2 times a day. The cream must be applied in a thin layer and lightly rubbed into the damaged area. The drug can be used by nursing mothers and young children.

The cost of the cream varies from 300 to 600 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies and online stores.


Ointment for external use "Baneocin"

Baneocin is a multifunctional agent produced in the form of powder and ointment. The drug is used to treat weeping wounds, cuts and suppuration. It can be used prophylactically after surgery. Fast-healing bactericidal ointment helps prevent scarring, and also cleanses a fresh wound from pathogenic microorganisms. It is used to treat weeping lesions in diabetes.

The drug should be used 2-4 times a day. If necessary, the ointment is applied under a gauze bandage. It can be used for newborns (in particular, for the treatment of an umbilical infection). Course of treatment: from 7 to 30 days.

The cost of the medication: from 300 rubles. You can buy in pharmacies.

Vishnevsky ointment

"Vishnevsky ointment"

Vishnevsky's ointment was used during the SSR for the treatment of burns, abscesses and ulcers. It is regenerating, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting. The ointment penetrates deep into the skin and has an irritating effect, due to which the epithelium is stimulated. With its help, you can treat the anus (hemorrhoids, cracks).

The agent must be applied in a thin layer to the damaged area. The ointment can be rubbed in, but it is much better to cover it with a gauze bandage immediately after application. It is necessary to use the drug 2-3 times a day, until the wound is completely healed.

The ointment is inexpensive, its cost does not exceed 70 rubles. You can buy at any pharmacy.

Zinc ointment

"Zinc ointment"

Zinc ointment is a universal remedy for getting rid of various skin defects. It is very often used to treat acne and acne, since other antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs are many times more expensive. This ointment has a pronounced disinfecting effect. It can be applied to purulent lesions, dry rashes (even psoriasis). The drug can greatly dry the skin, so it is recommended to use it locally.

Zinc ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas. It should be applied 2-3 times a day. Can be left overnight under a gauze bandage. The course of treatment takes from 3 to 20 days.

Zinc ointment once again proves that cheap wound healing drugs are not uncommon. It can be purchased for 50-70 rubles at any pharmacy.

Folk remedies

Wound healing ointments can be made according to folk recipes at home. If desired, you can make a remedy with an antibiotic by adding the desired drug to the finished mixture. Homemade ointments are suitable for treating minor lesions. For the treatment of weeping wounds, it is better to use pharmaceutical medicines.

egg mixture

Egg mixture helps heal minor cuts and burns

It is recommended to apply from burns and superficial scratches. The drug has a calming and analgesic effect. For cooking, you need 7 large eggs. You can take peppermint essential oil (as an additional ingredient).

  1. First you need to boil all the eggs and peel them from the shell.
  2. The next step is to separate the whites from the yolks. To implement this recipe, you need exactly the yolks. They must be ground to a state of homogeneous slurry.
  3. Then the mixture of yolks should be placed in a frying pan and fried over low heat. Fry for 30-40 minutes in olive oil.
  4. The final step will be the production of egg butter. To do this, you need to carefully strain the fried gruel from the yolks.

Oil should be applied to skin lesions 2-3 times a day. The tool helps to quickly get rid of burns and blisters.

beeswax and lard

beeswax and lard

According to this recipe, you get a good ointment that promotes the rapid healing of cracks, wounds, burns and cuts. To prepare the product, you will need to take 1 tablespoon of beeswax and fat. By the way, you can use not only pork, but also mutton fat. Ideally, you will need 1 more tablespoon of colophon resin (rosin).

All ingredients must be melted in a water bath, then strain several times with gauze. The agent is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day.

Pork fat and marigold

Pork fat and marigold

A remedy made according to this recipe will help get rid of purulent lesions. To make a medicinal mixture, you will need 50 grams of marigold flowers and 200 grams of unsalted fat.

Pig fat will need to be placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil. After that, it will be necessary to add crushed marigold flowers and cook the mixture for another 5-8 minutes. The finished product must be cooled and filtered.

The mixture should be applied 2 times a day. It is necessary to spread the product with a thin layer and cover with a gauze bandage.

Epithelizing ointments are best made using sea buckthorn, rosehip and peppermint oils. To enhance the effect, you can add vitamins B, D and E.

The most effective drugs that provide rapid recovery of damaged skin almost always contain antibiotics. A proven, inexpensive and universal remedy is Levomekol ointment.

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