How do I get rid of kidney stones. Cystic formations of the kidneys. Nutrition for kidney stones

The causes of pain in the kidneys are different. If the soreness of the organ is accompanied by diarrhea, then this can be caused by both pathologies of the kidneys and poisoning of the body with food. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the root cause of the disease by the symptoms and therefore you need to contact a specialized physician who, after diagnostic examination establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Causes of kidney pain and diarrhea

When the kidneys hurt, the patient can simultaneously observe various accompanying symptoms, including diarrhea (diarrhea in the common people). Often frequent liquid stool seen in individuals with renal insufficiency last stage. In medicine, this disease is called "uremia". Emptying the rectum with uremia occurs up to 3 times a day, while the feces have a specific smell of stench and a dark color. Associated symptoms are:

  • vomit;
  • severe bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • regurgitation.


Often diarrhea can occur with pyelonephritis.

Often, diarrhea can occur with a kidney disease such as pyelonephritis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process of the kidneys and symptoms, inherent in disease infectious origin. The patient experiences a breakdown, headaches, weakness, body temperature rises and chills appear. With pyelonephritis, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive disorders in the form of rapid emptying of the rectum may be present.


Often, diarrhea occurs with polycystic kidney disease, however, according to specialized physicians, this disease cannot provoke loose, frequent stools. Most likely, diarrhea with polycystic disease occurs as side effect from taking a drug that contains components that relax the stool. Usually, diarrhea disappears in a couple of days after the end of the therapeutic course and does not pose a serious danger to the patient. However, it should be borne in mind that severe diarrhea can lead to fluid loss, which is dangerous by dehydration.


Diarrhea may be present with abnormal kidney motility. In medicine, this phenomenon is called nephroptosis. Associated with this kidney disease pain in the hypochondrium and lower back. Most often, nephroptosis is diagnosed at the age of 30 to 50 years and women are more susceptible to it.

Stone in the ureter

Stones in the ureter can cause kidney pain and diarrhea.

One of the most dangerous ailments that can accompany diarrhea is the presence of stones in the ureter. Signs of this pathology are pain in the lower abdomen, in the spine and lower back. The patient is concerned about headaches, high body temperature, diarrhea or constipation, as well as nausea, flatulence and vomiting. Quite often, the calculus can come out on its own. The likelihood of recurrence of the formation of stones in the ureter is high, and in addition, complications are possible in the form of urethritis, pyelonephritis, urosepsis and hydronephrosis.


By consuming low-quality food, a person exposes himself to the risk of infection with various pathogenic microorganisms that have a negative effect on the body, causing not only diarrhea and other signs of intoxication, but also kidney pain. The paired organ responsible for the production of urine can also be ill due to poisoning pharmaceuticals or harmful substances. Then the protective functions of the body are redirected to the removal of toxins from it, which is often accompanied by diarrhea.

Inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis

Poisoning and inflammation of the kidneys have similar symptoms.

Sometimes diarrhea can be due to a pathology characterized by inflammation of the kidneys called nephritis. With this disease, almost all the symptoms are similar to signs of poisoning. The patient is worried about headaches, constant fatigue, and appetite also noticeably worsens. Plus, there is severe diarrhea, which is dangerous dehydration. When treating nephritis, the patient is supposed to bed rest and a strict diet that eliminates the consumption of foods that increase diarrhea.

Other reasons

Pain in the kidneys can "go" in parallel with diarrhea and with damage to other internal organs:

  • appendicitis occurring in the acute phase;
  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • injuries to nearby organs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • prostate adenoma or prostatitis.

Kidney pain, vomiting and other accompanying symptoms

With pathologies of the kidneys, there are pain sensations under lower ribs, since it is in this part that the paired organ responsible for the excretion of urine is located. By the nature of pain are:

  • sharp;
  • pulling;
  • aching;
  • stabbing.

Pain in the kidneys manifests itself in the form of attacks or worries a person constantly. But extremely rarely kidney ailments only the kidneys hurt, and diseases of this organ are also accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, frequent regurgitation and diarrhea. There is dryness of the tongue and its fur gray bloom, there is also a strong smell of ammonia from the oral cavity.

Examination and treatment

Before starting treatment for kidney pain, the causes of their occurrence are identified. In medicine, there are 2 types of diagnostics by which kidney pathologies are determined:

  • Laboratory method. This method diagnosis includes research in the laboratory biological material- blood and urine.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. This method includes kidney x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI and radionuclide scintigraphy.

The therapeutic course of kidney diseases depends on the diagnosis and is determined exclusively by a specialized physician. For elimination concomitant symptom, in this case, diarrhea, a doctor may prescribe sorbent drugs. These include:

  • "Smekta". A sachet of the drug is dissolved in water and divided into several doses per day.
  • "Activated carbon". Take at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • "Polifepan" or "Bilignin". Medicines are available in the form of a powder, a tablespoon of which is stirred in 100 ml of water and drunk.

Sorbent agents bind and remove fluid, toxins, gases, bacteria and viruses from the intestine. The effectiveness of such medicines has been proven for infectious diarrhea, flatulence and intestinal disorders. It is worth remembering that sorbents also have the ability to bind pharmaceuticals, so they should be used, adhering to a time interval of at least 2 hours.

Kidney pain can be caused by a variety of factors. If such a symptom is observed with diarrhea, then this can be triggered either by kidney disease or food poisoning organism. By the symptoms, it is not always possible to accurately determine the real cause of the disease, so it is advisable to consult a doctor to conduct a diagnosis, since treatment that has not begun on time can lead to the development of complications of the disease.

Poor quality food always poses a particular danger to the human body. Due to spoiled food or its inadequate quality, various bacteria and microorganisms enter the body, which have a negative effect on it, causing not only diarrhea, but also pain in the kidneys.

When an unpleasant symptom appears in the kidney area, this may indicate the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the body. It can also indicate any damage to the organ.

If the kidneys hurt due to poisoning with drugs or harmful substances, then frequent loose stools are also observed - a protective function with which the body tries to remove all toxins from the intestines. At the same time, diarrhea and pain in the kidneys may be accompanied by other symptoms of poisoning, namely weakness, infrequent urination, pressure increase.

Therefore, in order for the manifestations of symptoms to decrease, it is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Patients who do not cease to hurt the kidneys and diarrhea, it is recommended to be under the supervision of doctors.

Diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of a disease such as nephritis. In this case, in addition to the above signs, symptoms similar to poisoning can be diagnosed. The patient may experience weakness of the body, lack of appetite, headache. Also present frequent diarrhea. In acute inflammation, body temperature may rise, chills appear.

It is impossible to self-diagnose this disease. To do this, you need to conduct a blood and urine test. Therefore, if the kidneys and diarrhea, and other similar symptoms hurt, you should consult a doctor to provide necessary treatment. When diagnosing this disease, bed rest and compliance are mandatory for the patient. strict diet, the products of which will not cause an increase in diarrhea and will not provoke irritation in the intestines.

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    Kidney pain with diarrhea

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    The causes of pain in the kidneys are different. If the soreness of the organ is accompanied by diarrhea, then this can be caused by both kidney pathologies and food poisoning. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the root cause of the disease by the symptoms, and therefore you need to contact a specialized physician who, after a diagnostic examination, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Causes of kidney pain and diarrhea


    Often, diarrhea occurs with polycystic kidney disease, however, according to specialized physicians, this disease cannot provoke loose, frequent stools. Most likely, diarrhea with polycystic disease occurs as a side effect of the drug taken, which contains components that relax the stool. Usually, diarrhea disappears after a couple of days, after the end of the therapeutic course and does not pose a serious danger to the patient. However, it should be borne in mind that severe diarrhea can lead to fluid loss, which is dangerous by dehydration.


    Stone in the ureter

    One of the most dangerous ailments that can accompany diarrhea is the presence of stones in the ureter. Signs of this pathology are pain in the lower abdomen, in the spine and lower back. The patient is concerned about headaches, high body temperature, diarrhea or constipation, as well as nausea, flatulence and vomiting. Quite often, the calculus can come out on its own. The likelihood of recurrence of the formation of stones in the ureter is high, and in addition, complications are possible in the form of urethritis, pyelonephritis, urosepsis and hydronephrosis.


    By consuming low-quality food, a person exposes himself to the risk of infection with various pathogenic microorganisms that have a negative effect on the body, causing not only diarrhea and other signs of intoxication, but also kidney pain. The paired organ responsible for the production of urine can also get sick due to poisoning with pharmaceuticals or harmful substances. Then the protective functions of the body are redirected to the removal of toxins from it, which is often accompanied by diarrhea.

    Inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis

    Poisoning and inflammation of the kidneys have similar symptoms.

    Sometimes diarrhea can be due to a pathology characterized by inflammation of the kidneys called nephritis. With this disease, almost all the symptoms are similar to signs of poisoning. The patient is worried about headaches, constant fatigue, and appetite also noticeably worsens. Plus, there is severe diarrhea, which is dangerous dehydration. In the treatment of nephritis, the patient is entitled to bed rest and a strict diet, which excludes the consumption of foods that increase diarrhea.

    Other reasons

    Pain in the kidneys can "go" in parallel with diarrhea and with damage to other internal organs:

  • appendicitis occurring in the acute phase;
  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • injuries to nearby organs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • prostate adenoma or prostatitis.
  • Back to index

    Kidney pain, vomiting and other accompanying symptoms

    With pathologies of the kidneys, there are pain sensations under the lower ribs, since it is in this part that the paired organ responsible for the excretion of urine is located. By the nature of pain are:

    Pain in the kidneys manifests itself in the form of attacks or worries a person constantly. But it is extremely rare for kidney ailments to hurt only the kidneys, and diseases of this organ are accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, frequent regurgitation and diarrhea. Dryness of the tongue and its overlaying with a gray coating are noted, and a bright smell of ammonia from the oral cavity is also felt.

    Examination and treatment

    Before starting treatment for kidney pain, the causes of their occurrence are identified. In medicine, there are 2 types of diagnostics by which kidney pathologies are determined:

  • Laboratory method. This method of making a diagnosis includes a study in the laboratory of biological material - blood and urine.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. This method includes kidney x-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI and radionuclide scintigraphy.
  • The therapeutic course of kidney diseases depends on the diagnosis and is determined exclusively by a specialized physician. To eliminate a concomitant symptom, in this case, diarrhea, a doctor may prescribe sorbent drugs. These include:

  • "Smekta". A sachet of the drug is dissolved in water and divided into several doses per day.
  • "Activated carbon". Take at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • "Polifepan" or "Bilignin". Medicines are available in the form of a powder, a tablespoon of which is stirred in 100 ml of water and drunk.
  • Sorbent agents bind and remove fluid, toxins, gases, bacteria and viruses from the intestine. The effectiveness of such medicines has been proven for infectious diarrhea, flatulence and intestinal disorders. It is worth remembering that sorbents also have the ability to bind pharmaceuticals, so they should be used, adhering to a time interval of at least 2 hours.

    Kidney Stones - Symptoms - Causes - Diet - Folk Remedies for Kidney Stones

    Stones in the kidneys- the most common kidney disease, more often it is called urolithiasis. With this disease, the concentration and crystallization of dissolved salts occurs in the urine, which leads to the formation of kidney stones, which are a mixture of minerals with organic substances. Stones can be single and multiple, their size ranges from 0.1 to 10-12 cm. Stones can move from the kidneys to the ureter and bladder

    The reasons urolithiasis Why do kidneys hurt

    1. Violation of water-salt metabolism

    2. Violation acid-base balance(a healthy person has slightly acidic urine, pH 5.8-6.2)

    3. Food overloaded with minerals, hard water

    Kidney stones - symptoms - How the kidneys hurt

    Symptoms of urolithiasis depend on where the stones are located: in the kidneys, ureter or bladder

    Symptoms at the location of kidney stones

    1. Pain in the lower back, aggravated by shaking, physical activity

    Symptoms when located in the ureter

    1. Pain in the genital or groin area

    2. Frequent urge to urinate

    Symptoms of the location of stones in the bladder

    1. Irritation and inflammation of the bladder mucosa

    2. Painful and frequent urination

    2. Bleeding, if the stones severely injure the mucosa.

    What stones are in the kidneys with urolithiasis

    urate stones formed in people with very acidic urine. They are hard and yellowish-brown in color. acidic environment they don't dissolve. Urates are absorbed at pH 6.2 and above, i.e., in an alkaline environment. Acidification of the body and the formation of urates occurs if following products: meat, rich broths, eggs, sausages, fried, smoked, flour, coffee.

    oxalate stones- the most common, found in 85% of the population. Oxalates have a gray-yellow color and a spike-like structure, easily injure the mucous membrane, therefore, with these stones, the kidneys hurt the most and the symptoms are more pronounced. They are formed from calcium oxalate with impaired metabolism of oxalic acid. Oxalates often affect adherents healthy lifestyle life, because they occur in lovers of citrus juices, tomatoes, carrots, beets and vitamin complexes, especially ascorbic acid. This species is also formed in an acidic environment, at pH 5.3-5.7

    Phosphate stones - This type is often found in older vegetarians. Their surface is smooth, the consistency is soft, the color is light gray. Phosphate stones occur when there is an excess excretion of calcium and phosphorus by the kidneys, which often occurs when the acid-base balance in the body shifts to the alkaline side, that is, at pH values ​​above 6.2. A symptom of phosphate kidney stones is whitish-loose flakes in the urine. Phosphates can be dissolved and removed from the kidneys with acidic mineral waters: Arzni, Sairme, Truskavets, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks. Phosphate kidney stones grow quickly, easily crushed

    carbonate stones formed from calcium salts of carbonic acid. They are white color, with a smooth surface, soft. This species is also formed in alkaline urine.

    Other types of stones: cystine, xanthine, protein, cholesterol. They are quite rare

    Prevention of urolithiasis

    In order not to get sick with urolithiasis, you need to drink as much water as possible. 1.5 liters of water per day is enough only for basic metabolism, but not enough for filtering, washing the insides and removing toxins. It is advisable to consume 2.5 liters of water per day. To prevent kidney stones, you need to reduce the amount of fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods. You should try to avoid infectious diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and in case of illness, do not leave the disease untreated

    Kidney stones - diet for urolithiasis - nutrition

    Diet in urolithiasis plays a very important role in the treatment of kidney disease. The choice of diet depends on the type of stones and on the reasons that caused urolithiasis in a particular case. The diet for urolithiasis excludes from the patient's diet foods that cause the growth and formation of new kidney stones.

    When treating kidneys with a diet, they take as a basis the fact that all stones are divided into two groups: alkaline (phosphates and carbonates) and acidic (urates and oxalates).

    Diet for phosphate kidney stones

    If phosphate stones have formed, then the urine has an alkaline reaction, it is necessary to acidify it. Many vegetables, fruits, milk give an alkaline reaction, so it is necessary to reduce their share in the diet and increase the consumption of meat, fish, flour products and vegetable oil, which acidify urine. In the diet for phosphate stones, acidic mineral waters, cranberry or lingonberry juice should be included.

    Diet for carbonate stones

    If urolithiasis is caused by carbonate stones, calcium-rich foods are limited in the diet: milk, kefir, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. The rest of the diet is similar to the phosphate diet.

    Diet for urate kidney stones

    If urolithiasis is caused by urate stones, then exclude products that contribute to the formation in the body uric acid(liver, kidneys, meat broths). In nutrition, limit foods that contribute to acidification of the body: meat, eggs, fish, vegetable oil. Such patients are recommended dishes that alkalize urine: potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers, watermelons, cereals.

    With urate stones, a watermelon diet is very effective: on the first day, eat 3 kg of watermelon and a loaf of black bread. This procedure will cleanse the intestines well. On the second day, repeat the procedure - this will reduce the size of kidney stones. Carry out a watermelon diet throughout the entire watermelon season - 2 days a week.

    If oxalate stones have caused urolithiasis, then kidney treatment should be combined with limiting the use of foods rich in oxalic acid: spinach, sorrel, potatoes, lettuce, oranges and milk. The diet should include apples, pears, grapes, dried apricots, as well as dishes with a high content of magnesium, which binds salts of oxalic acid.

    With all types of stones in the diet, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Increase fluid intake to 2.5 liters per day

    2. Regularly take diuretic herbal infusions

    Treatment of kidneys with folk remedies - how to treat kidneys with herbs - recipes of the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle"

    How to treat kidneys with oats

    The man was diagnosed with urolithiasis. He bought a bucket of oats and drank oatmeal instead of water for 4 months. A year later, he again did an ultrasound scan and found neither sand nor kidney stones. (Healthy lifestyle 2009 No. 6 p. 33)

    Another similar recipe The following will help cure the kidneys from sand or stones. folk recipe: Grind unpeeled oats in a coffee grinder, take half a glass for 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew for 5-6 hours. Drink a liter of decoction for three days. Sand will come out.

    To consolidate the effect and remove the remaining sand, you need to drink the following infusion: bearberry and blueberry leaves, bean pods, knotweed, take in equal proportions. 1 st. l. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Treat the kidneys with these herbs - 3-6 months (healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 8 p. 30)

    How to treat kidneys with knotweed and other folk remedies

    From conversations with Clara Doronina

    To cleanse the kidneys of sand: 10 g of dry herb knotweed per 200 g of boiling water - insist overnight. Drink 50 g + 1 tsp. lemon juice 4 times a day before meals. Course 27 days. So that the sand does not injure the mucous membrane, after eating with an interval of an hour, drink 150 g of flaxseed jelly (1 tablespoon of flaxseed pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes).

    If the kidneys are no longer sand, but pebbles, at the first sign of illness, drink a decoction of knotweed for six months. Knotweed has a diuretic effect and removes potassium, calcium, magnesium from the body. Therefore, at the same time as taking it, use asparkam or panangin.

    If the disease is already running, suffers from uric acid diathesis, the body works on the production of stones, attacks of their discharge more and more often, and have already given a disability of the second group, that is, a way to escape from this vicious circle. It is necessary to prepare 2 kg of dry knotweed grass, 5 kg of flaxseed, 40 tsp. from powder from films of chicken stomachs (remove the film from raw stomachs, dry in a warm oven until crispy, grind), 2 packs of calamus root (100 g).

    From flax seeds make a flat pillow, sleep on it on your back for 2 months.

    Before starting kidney treatment with folk remedies, brew 50 g of calamus root with three liters of boiling water in two days, leave for a day.

    One day before treatment: drink 30 g of infusion every two hours. The stool will become liquid - this is normal.

    Treatment of kidney stones: on an empty stomach drink 30 g of infusion, then 1 tsp. powder from the films put in your mouth, drink calamus infusion. After half an hour, drink 170 g of knotweed infusion (2 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water), after another half an hour, take 15 drops of cystenal or urolesan. And two more times a day before meals, take an infusion of knotweed and cystenal in this sequence. The course of kidney treatment with folk remedies is 10 days. A break of 5 days, during these five days, take an infusion of calamus root, 30 g every 2 hours. Take four courses. (Healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 2 p. 19)

    "Seven herbs - seven weeks" - treatment of the kidneys according to the method of Nekhaev V.I.

    AT folk remedies herbs play an important role in the treatment of kidneys, without the use of herbs it is impossible to cure urolithiasis with modern medications. The following technique allows you to expel stones, reduce them in size and even completely dissolve.

    The first week is bearberry. 1 st. l. bearberry is poured with 1 cup boiling water, boil in a water bath. 20 minutes. Drink 4 times a day for 50 g. In hot weather, increase the amount of decoction to 75 g per dose.

    Second week - horsetail. Dosage, preparation and regimen are the same. Further, a new herb is used every week in succession: dill, parsley, lingonberry leaf, calendula petals, highlander (knotweed).

    Against the background of this treatment, the volume of fluid drunk should be at least 1.5 liters, and in summer - 2.5 liters (HLS 2004 No. 14, p. 15)

    How to treat kidneys with watermelons

    In folk remedies for the treatment of kidney diseases, the watermelon treatment method is used with great success. This is a time tested recipe. Watermelons should be nitrate-free.

    Before treatment with watermelons, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines for two weeks with enemas with lemon juice (2 liters boiled water temperature not higher than 18 degrees 1 tbsp. l. juice). Then proceed to treatment: instead of water - eat watermelon, instead of food - eat watermelon with black bread. Follow this diet for two weeks. During this time, do not take any other food.

    The results are wonderful. In most patients, stones come out, the kidneys are cleared of existing layers, wrinkles are smoothed out, excess weight. (Healthy lifestyle 2004 No. 14, p. 15. From a conversation with the head physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 54 V. I. Nakhaev))

    Folk treatment with rosehip root

    A large kidney stone went down the ureter in a woman. She was taken to the hospital and prepared for surgery. The husband of this woman dug up rosehip roots, then made decoctions from it: 8 tbsp. l. root pour a liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. The woman drank this decoction 6-8 times a day, 100 g each. She drank it for two days, on the third day a stone came out of the kidney, a week later another one - light and loose, 7 mm in size. A month later, hard stones of a dark red color came out. (2001 No. 20 pp. 17-18,)

    Stones in the kidneys

    Stones in the kidneys

    Kidney stones are a sign of kidney stones or nephrolithiasis. Practical urology often encounters nephrolithiasis, and kidney stones can form in both children and adults. Among patients with nephrolithiasis, men predominate; stones are more often detected in the right kidney, in 15% of cases bilateral localization of stones occurs.

    With urolithiasis. other than the kidneys, stones may be found in the bladder (cystolithiasis), ureters (ureterolithiasis), or urethra(urethrolithiasis). Almost always, stones initially form in the kidneys and from there descend into the lower urinary tract. There are single calculi and multiple; small kidney stones (up to 3 mm) and large ones (up to 15 cm).

    The process of stone formation and types of stones

    The formation of kidney stones occurs as a result of a complex physicochemical process in violation of the colloidal balance and changes in the renal parenchyma.

    Under certain conditions, a so-called elementary cell, a micelle, is formed from a group of molecules, which serves as the initial nucleus of the future calculus. The “building” material for the nucleus can be amorphous sediments, fibrin threads, bacteria, cellular detritus, foreign bodies present in urine. Further development the process of stone formation depends on the concentration and ratio of salts in the urine, the pH of the urine, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the urinary colloids.

    Most often, stone formation begins in the renal papillae. Initially, microliths form inside the collecting ducts, most of which do not stay in the kidneys and are freely washed out by urine. When it changes chemical properties urine ( high concentration, pH shift, etc.), crystallization processes occur, leading to retention of microliths in the tubules and encrustation of papillae. In the future, the stone may continue to "grow" in the kidney or descend into the urinary tract.

    According to the chemical composition, several types of stones found in the kidneys are distinguished - oxalate, phosphate, urate, carbonate, cystine, protein, cholesterol, xanthine. Oxalates are composed of calcium salts of oxalic acid. They have a dense structure black gray color, spiked uneven surface. Oxalate kidney stones can form with both acidic and alkaline reaction urine.

    Phosphates are calculi consisting of calcium salts of phosphoric acid. By consistency, they are soft, crumbling, with a smooth or slightly rough surface, whitish-grayish in color. Phosphate kidney stones are formed with alkaline urine, they grow quite quickly, especially in the presence of infection (pyelonephritis).

    Urates are represented by crystals of salts of uric acid. Their structure is dense, the color is from light yellow to brick red, the surface is smooth or finely punctate. Urate kidney stones occur when the urine is acidic. Carbonate stones are formed during the precipitation of calcium salts of carbonic (carbonate) acid. They are soft, light, smooth, can have a different shape.

    Cystine stones contain sulfur compounds of the amino acid cystine. The calculi have a soft texture, smooth surface, round shape, yellowish white. Protein stones are formed mainly by fibrin with an admixture of bacteria and salts. These kidney stones are soft, flat, small in size, white in color. cholesterol stones rare in the kidneys; formed from cholesterol, have a soft crumbling texture, black color.

    Sometimes in the kidneys, stones are formed not of a homogeneous, but of a mixed composition. One of the most difficult variants of nephrolithiasis are staghorn kidney stones, which make up 3-5% of all calculi. Coral-like kidney stones grow in the pelvis and in appearance represent its cast, almost completely repeating the size and shape.

    Reasons for the formation of kidney stones

    Stone formation is based on the processes of crystallization of urine saturated with various salts and the deposition of crystals on the protein matrix-core. Kidney stone disease can develop in the presence of a number of concomitant factors.

    Violation mineral metabolism, leading education kidney stones may be genetically determined. Therefore, people with a family history of nephrolithiasis are advised to pay attention to the prevention of stone formation, early detection calculus by monitoring the general analysis of urine. passage of ultrasound of the kidneys and ultrasound of the bladder. observation by a urologist.

    Acquired disorders of salt metabolism, leading to the formation of kidney stones, may be due to external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) causes.

    Among the external factors, the greatest importance is given to climatic conditions and drinking regime and food intake. It is known that in hot climates with increased sweating and a certain degree of dehydration of the body, the concentration of salts in the urine increases, which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Dehydration can be caused by food poisoning or infectious disease flowing with vomiting and diarrhea.

    In the northern regions, the factors of stone formation can be a deficiency of vitamins A and D, a lack of ultraviolet radiation, the predominance of fish and meat in the diet. The use of drinking water with a high content of lime salts, food addiction to spicy, sour, salty also leads to alkalization or acidification of urine and precipitation from salts.

    Among the internal factors contributing to the formation of kidney stones, in the first place, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands is distinguished - hyperparathyroidism. hard work parathyroid glands increases the content of phosphates in the urine and the leaching of calcium from bone tissue. At the same time, the concentration of calcium phosphate salts in the urine increases significantly. Similar disorders of mineral metabolism can occur in osteoporosis. osteomyelitis. bone fractures, spinal cord injuries, spinal cord injuries. accompanied by prolonged immobility of the patient, rarefaction of bone tissue, impaired dynamics of urinary tract emptying.

    Endogenous factors in the formation of kidney stones also include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis. peptic ulcer. colitis. leading to a violation of the acid-base balance, increased excretion of calcium salts, a weakening of the barrier functions of the liver and a change in the composition of the urine.

    In the pathogenesis of the formation of kidney stones, a well-known role belongs to unfavorable local conditions in the urinary tract - infections (pyelonephritis, nephrotuberculosis, cystitis, urethritis), prostatitis. kidney anomalies. hydronephrosis. adenoma prostate. diverticulitis and other pathological processes that disrupt the passage of urine.

    Slowing down the outflow of urine from the kidney causes stagnation in the pyelocaliceal system, oversaturation of urine with various salts and their precipitation, delay in the excretion of sand and microliths with urine. In turn, the infectious process that develops against the background of urostasis leads to the ingress of inflammatory substrates into the urine - bacteria, mucus, pus, and protein. These substances are involved in the formation of the primary nucleus of the future calculus, around which salts crystallize, which are present in excess in the urine.

    Symptoms of kidney stones

    Depending on their size, number and composition, kidney stones can cause symptoms of varying severity. A typical clinic of nephrolithiasis includes back pain, the development of renal colic. hematuria, pyuria, sometimes - independent discharge of a stone from the kidney with urine.

    Pain in the lower back develops as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine, can be aching, dull, and with an abrupt onset of urostasis, with a blockage of the renal pelvis or ureter by a stone, progress to renal colic. Coral-like kidney stones are usually accompanied by mild dull pain, and small and dense give a sharp paroxysmal pain.

    A typical attack of renal colic is accompanied by sudden sharp pains in lumbar region spreading along the ureter to the perineum and genitals. Reflexively, against the background of renal colic, frequent painful urination, nausea and vomiting, and flatulence occur. The patient is agitated, restless, cannot find a posture that alleviates the condition. The pain attack in renal colic is so pronounced that it is often stopped only by the introduction of narcotic drugs. Sometimes with renal colic develops oliguria and anuria, fever.

    At the end of an attack of renal colic, sand and stones from the kidneys often leave with urine. When passing stones, they can injure the urinary tract mucosa, causing hematuria. More often, mucosal damage is caused by pointed oxalate calculi. With kidney stones, the intensity of hematuria can be different - from slight erythrocyturia to severe gross hematuria. The excretion of pus in the urine (pyuria) develops when there is inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

    The presence of kidney stones is not symptomatic in 13-15% of patients. In this case, as a rule, pyelonephritis and morphological changes in the kidneys are absent.

    Diagnosis of kidney stones

    Recognition of kidney stones is made on the basis of anamnesis, a typical picture of renal colic, laboratory and instrumental imaging studies.

    At the height of renal colic, a sharp pain is determined on the side of the affected kidney, a positive symptom of Pasternatsky, pain on palpation of the corresponding kidney and ureter. Urinalysis after an attack reveals the presence of fresh red blood cells, white blood cells, protein, salts, bacteria. A biochemical study of urine and blood to a certain extent allows us to judge the composition and causes of the formation of kidney stones.

    Right-sided renal colic must be differentiated from appendicitis. acute cholecystitis. in connection with which it may be necessary to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. With the help of ultrasound of the kidneys, anatomical changes in the organ, the presence, localization and movement of stones are evaluated.

    The leading method for detecting kidney stones is x-ray diagnostics. Most of stones is determined already at survey urography. However, protein and uric acid (urate) kidney stones do not block rays and do not give shadows on survey urograms. They are subject to detection using excretory urography and pyelography. In addition, excretory urography provides information on morphological and functional changes in the kidneys and urinary tract, localization of stones (pelvis, calyx, ureter), shape and size of kidney stones. If necessary, the urological examination is supplemented by radioisotope nephroscintigraphy. MRI or CT of the kidneys.

    Treatment of kidney stones

    Treatment of nephrolithiasis can be conservative or operative and in all cases is aimed at removing stones from the kidneys. elimination of infection and prevention of re-formation of calculi.

    With small kidney stones (up to 3 mm), which can be removed independently, an abundant water load and a diet that excludes meat and offal is prescribed. With urate stones, a milk-vegetable diet is recommended, alkalizing urine, alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi, Essentuki); with phosphate stones - intake of acidic mineral waters (Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets), etc. Additionally, under the supervision of a nephrologist, they can be used medications, dissolving kidney stones, diuretics, antibiotics, nitrofurans, antispasmodics.

    With the development of renal colic medical measures aimed at relieving obstruction and pain. For this purpose, injections of platifillin, metamizole sodium, morphine or combined analgesics in combination with atropine solution are used; a warm sitz bath is performed, a heating pad is applied to the lumbar region. With intractable renal colic, novocaine blockade is required spermatic cord(in men) or the round ligament of the uterus (in women), catheterization of the ureter or dissection of the mouth of the ureter (in case of infringement of the calculus).

    Surgical removal of stones from the kidneys is indicated for frequent renal colic, secondary pyelonephritis, large stones, ureteral strictures. hydronephrosis, kidney block, threatening hematuria, stones single kidney, coral stones.

    In practice, with nephrolithiasis, a non-invasive method is often used - remote lithotripsy. allowing to avoid any intervention in the body and remove fragments of stones from the kidneys through the urinary tract. In some cases, an alternative to open surgery is a high-tech procedure - percutaneous (percutaneous) nephrolithotripsy with lithoextraction.

    Open or laparoscopic interventions to remove stones from the kidneys - pyelolithotomy (dissection of the pelvis) and nephrolithotomy (dissection of the parenchyma) are resorted to in case of ineffectiveness of minimally invasive surgery. With a complicated course of nephrolithiasis and loss of kidney function, nephrectomy is indicated.

    Prediction and prevention of kidney stones

    In most cases, the course of nephrolithiasis is prognostically favorable. After removal of stones from the kidneys, subject to the instructions of the urologist, the disease may not recur. In adverse cases, calculous pyelonephritis and symptomatic hypertension may develop. chronic kidney failure. hydropyonephrosis.

    For all types of kidney stones, it is recommended to increase the volume of drinking up to 2 liters per day; the use of special herbal preparations; exclusion of spicy, smoked and fatty foods, alcohol; exclusion of hypothermia; improvement in urodynamics through moderate physical activity and physical education. Prevention of complications of nephrolithiasis is reduced to the early removal of stones from the kidneys, the mandatory treatment of concomitant infections.


    Loose stool, or diarrhea(from the Greek word "diarrheo", which means "I expire"), is called defecation more than twice a day, in which the feces acquire a liquid consistency. Diarrhea is not a disease in itself, it is a common symptom any malfunctions in the body, which are most often localized in digestive system.

    In order to successfully cope with this pathology, it is necessary to clearly determine its cause.

    Bacterial infections
    shigellosis dysentery
    Bacterial dysentery is most often a sign of infection of the intestinal tract with bacteria of the genus Shigella. Incubation period in this case, it lasts from one day to a week. The typical form of dysentery begins acutely, and is manifested by fever, loss of appetite, headaches, low blood pressure, and signs of gastrointestinal damage. Pain in the abdomen at first dull, diffused throughout the abdomen, constant. Then they become more acute, cramping, and are already localized in the lower abdomen, more often above the pubis or on the left.

    Tenesmus appears - painful false urge to empty the intestines, which are not accompanied by defecation. In addition, a pulling pain in the rectal region that radiates to the sacrum, which occurs during a bowel movement, and continues for 10-15 minutes after it, is characteristic. The chair becomes more frequent up to 10 times a day or more. Blood and mucus appear in the stool. In more severe cases the amount of bloody mucus increases.

    A particular danger is bacterial infection intestine caused by salmonella. Clinical manifestations of salmonellosis are diverse - from severe forms, turning into blood poisoning, to asymptomatic carriage of infectious agents.

    There are the following types of salmonellosis:
    1. Gastrointestinal form
    Salmonellosis in the gastrointestinal form most often begins acutely, accompanied by diarrhea (fetid greenish watery stools) and profuse vomiting.
    The following symptoms are also characteristic:

    • pain, rumbling and bloating;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
    • temperature rise to 38-40°C;
    • joint and muscle pain;
    • cramps in the muscles of the limbs.

    2. typhoid form
    This form of salmonellosis begins in the same way as gastrointestinal, but it is characterized by fever for 10-14 days, an enlarged spleen and liver. In addition, the symptoms are more pronounced general poisoning body: lethargy, headache, etc. Also sometimes there is a rash on the skin.

    3. septic form
    The septic form of salmonellosis is considered one of the most dangerous, since with it, after a short and acute initial period, the picture quickly develops. general infection blood.

    Viral infection
    Viral bowel infections are the leading cause of loose stools in children under two years of age. Among the adult population given reason diarrhea is recorded less frequently, due to the higher activity of the body's immune system.

    Rotavirus infection
    The general course of the disease when affected by rotavirus is cyclical:
    1. The incubation period is from 1 to 5 days.
    2. Acute period- from 3 to 7 days (with severe course- more than a week).
    3. The recovery period lasts approximately 4-5 days.

    In the acute form, this pathology is manifested by sudden pains (most often in the middle of the abdomen), vomiting, diarrhea, fever. In severe cases, there may be pronounced symptoms of general poisoning of the body, cardiovascular disorders, and even signs of dehydration.

    In chronic enteritis, patients complain of nausea, weakness, mild pain in the umbilical region, rumbling in the intestines and periodic diarrhea.

    It must be borne in mind that in many cases these two diseases occur together, combining all the above symptoms. AT similar situation talk about the development of gastroenteritis.

    Stomach ulcer
    The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain in the upper abdomen in the center. As a rule, such pain occurs during a meal, or immediately after a meal. This symptom makes it possible to distinguish this pathology from a duodenal ulcer, which is characterized by the so-called "hungry pains" that occur on an empty stomach and disappear after eating.

    Other symptoms of a peptic ulcer may include:

    • heartburn and/or sour belching;
    • weight loss;
    • nausea and vomiting after eating;
    • loose stools due to indigestion.

    Peptic ulcer of the duodenum
    Peptic ulcer of the duodenum is characterized by pain in the upper abdomen and in epigastric region. The intensity of pain can be different: from slight severity to sharp, painful sensations. Usually the pain appears or worsens with physical activity, long breaks in eating, eating spicy dishes as well as alcohol. In addition, there are digestive disorders, manifested by diarrhea. Exacerbations of this disease are often associated with the season, occurring mainly in the autumn-spring period.

    The inflammatory process that affects the pancreas is called pancreatitis.

    In the acute form of this pathology, the constant and leading symptom is abdominal pain. Most often, it is permanent (defined as cutting or dull), and increases as the disease progresses, sometimes even leading to shock. The pain is localized more often in the left or right hypochondrium - high in the pit of the stomach. With the defeat of the entire gland, the pain is girdle in nature.
    There are also symptoms such as:

    • dry mouth;
    • belching;
    • nausea;
    • frequent vomiting with an admixture of bile, which does not bring relief.
    In addition, patients are concerned about liquid or mushy stool, in which undigested food particles are determined. Often the stools are bad smell and foamy texture.

    At chronic forms Pancreatitis patients (even during remission) sometimes feel dull pain, nausea, complain of constipation or, conversely, loose, copious stools of a mushy "fatty" nature. Such bowel movements are difficult to wash off with water, which is directly related to the poor digestibility of fats. The occurrence of such diarrhea usually indicates a very serious violation digestive function of the pancreas.

    Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver tissue. acute form this disease more typical for viral hepatitis, as well as for pathologies caused by poisoning with strong poisons.

    The acute form of hepatitis is characterized by a noticeable deterioration in the general condition of the patient, the rapid development of signs of general poisoning of the body and impaired liver function. There is an increase in body temperature, and in some cases, the appearance of icteric coloration of the skin. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

    Kidney pain can be caused by a variety of factors. If such a symptom is observed with diarrhea, then this can be provoked either by kidney disease or food poisoning of the body. By the symptoms, it is not always possible to accurately determine the real cause of the disease, so it is advisable to consult a doctor to conduct a diagnosis, since treatment that has not begun on time can lead to the development of complications of the disease.

    Poor quality food always poses a particular danger to the human body. Due to spoiled food or its inadequate quality, various bacteria and microorganisms enter the body, which have a negative effect on it, causing not only diarrhea, but also pain in the kidneys.

    When an unpleasant symptom appears in the kidney area, this may indicate the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes occurring in the body. It can also indicate any damage to the organ.

    If the kidneys hurt due to poisoning with drugs or harmful substances, then frequent loose stools are also observed - a protective function with which the body tries to remove all toxins from the intestines. In this case, diarrhea and pain in the kidneys may be accompanied by other symptoms of poisoning, namely weakness, infrequent urination, increased pressure.

    Therefore, in order for the manifestations of symptoms to decrease, it is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Patients who do not cease to hurt the kidneys and diarrhea, it is recommended to be under the supervision of doctors.

    Diarrhea can be one of the symptoms of a disease such as nephritis. In this case, in addition to the above signs, symptoms similar to poisoning can be diagnosed. The patient may experience weakness of the body, lack of appetite, headache. There is also frequent diarrhea. In acute inflammation, body temperature may rise, chills appear.

    It is impossible to self-diagnose this disease. To do this, you need to conduct a blood and urine test. Therefore, if the kidneys and diarrhea, and other similar symptoms hurt, you should consult a doctor to provide the necessary treatment. When diagnosing this disease, bed rest and a strict diet are mandatory for the patient, the products of which will not cause an increase in diarrhea and will not provoke irritation in the intestines.

    Nutrition for kidney stones

    Urolithiasis occurs as a result of metabolic disorders. And since food and life modern man perfectly contribute to such a violation, then similar health problems arise.

    The role of nutrition in the normal functioning of the kidneys

    The kidneys are the real filter of the blood. He relieves her of impurities and dirt that come from the air, from food, water. With a large amount of "garbage", the kidneys begin to become clogged, stones gradually form in them. As a result, there are unpleasant diseases- allergies, asthma, hypertension. Nutrition for kidney stones should be tender, soft, fortified and balanced.

    It has long been known that in countryside residents suffer from such diseases less than urban ones. This is primarily due to ecology and nutrition. With kidney stones, for example, you can not eat spicy, fried, sour and salty foods. Do not drink alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

    Proper nutrition for kidney stones

    If kidney stones were diagnosed, then broths should be abandoned. Salty and sour foods have an increased percentage of acids and salt. These substances are not immediately excreted from the body and, turning into crystals, combine into stones and salts. Fried foods are loaded with refined fats. If they are not processed by the stomach in time, then in addition to the kidneys they clog the liver.

    Seasonings also have a negative effect on the mucous membrane, provoking its inflammation. Wine, tea, coffee also contain a lot of acids, which are contraindicated in pancreatitis and gastritis. Fish and meat in canned form have a number of preservatives, which is contraindicated even for healthy people.

    Nutrition for kidney stones should be vegetable, fortified, boiled and healthy. You need to eat everything that has a minimum of preservatives and salts. Meet products that do not contain harmful substances, difficult and it will not save you from getting rid of stones.

    Get rid of the stones and take them out naturally you can do it yourself, for this you need a certain diet for kidney stones.

    For example, plums are considered very useful, carrot juice, cucumber juice, prunes, figs. All these products contain trace elements that enhance the stimulation of the kidneys. Watermelons, melons, grapes help to remove stones from the kidneys or dissolve them. All these products are useful and in the absence of allergies it is advisable to eat in large quantities.

    Read also articles:

    Many people are not even aware of the presence of stones in their kidneys. And only after the ultrasound is informing, or as a result of a sudden attack. Fragments of stones sometimes come out, moving through the urine.

    With an increase in the salt content in human urine, kidney stones are formed, and, consequently, urolithiasis develops. This disease affects a fairly large number of people: 7 people out of 1.

    We all know that the disease is easier to prevent than to take a course later. long-term treatment. That's what prevention is for. The urinary system of our body is also important, ka.

    Kidney stones: symptoms, treatment

    The most urgent task of modern urology is the problem of treatment of urolithiasis. To date, this pathology remains one of the causes of renal failure (about 7% of patients requiring hemodialysis are patients with KSD). The annual incidence rate of nephrolithiasis increases every year and leads to the development of various complications, and the results of treatment do not always satisfy their effectiveness.

    Urolithiasis, in clinical terminology called nephrolithiasis, is a polyetiological metabolic disease, manifested by the formation of stones (stones) in the kidneys. This pathology, characterized by a tendency to relapse and a severe persistent course, is often hereditary.

    Today, there are many theories explaining the causes of stone formation, but none of them can be considered completely true and well-established. According to experts, there are endogenous and exogenous factors that provoke the development of nephrolithiasis.

    Endogenous factors

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Increased absorption of calcium in the intestine;
  • Increased mobilization of calcium from bone tissue (impaired bone metabolism);
  • Anomalies in the development of the urinary system;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • Disorders of uric acid metabolism and purine metabolism;
  • Violation of the function of the parathyroid glands;
  • Pathology of the digestive tract;
  • Some malignant diseases;
  • Prolonged bed rest due to injuries or severe somatic diseases.
  • Exogenous factors

  • Foods high in animal protein;
  • Prolonged fasting;
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine;
  • Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, diuretics and laxatives;
  • Hypodynamia (cause of violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism);
  • Geographical, climatic and housing conditions;
  • Type of professional activity.
  • Classification of kidney stones

    Mineralogical classification

    1. The most common group of stones (70% of the total) are inorganic compounds of calcium salts (calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones). Oxalates are formed from oxalic acid, phosphates from apatite.
    2. Calculi of an infectious nature (15-20%) are magnesium-containing stones.
    3. Uric acid stones, or urates (calculi consisting of salts of uric acid). Make up 5-10% of the total.
    4. Protein stones that occur in 1-5% of cases due to a violation of amino acid metabolism.
    5. Cholesterol stones (soft black stones that are not visible on x-rays).
    6. It should be noted that isolated forms of nephrolithiasis are quite rare. More often stones have a mixed (polymineral) composition.

      In the event that the origin of nephrolithiasis is associated with the characteristics of nutrition and the composition of drinking water, primary nephrolithiasis is diagnosed. This disease is caused by persistent acidification of urine, excessive intestinal absorption of metabolites and decreased renal reabsorption.

      In pathologies accompanied by metabolic disorders (hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia), we are talking about secondary nephrolithiasis.

      Localization, size and shape

      Stones can be localized in one or both kidneys (in the renal pelvis, as well as in the lower, middle or upper calyx). They are single and multiple. The sizes of stones, indicated in millimeters (<5, >20), can vary from a pinhead to the size of the renal cavity (staghorn stones are able to form a cast of the pelvicalyceal system). The shape of the kidney stones can be round, flat or angular.

      Mechanism of formation of kidney stones

      The mechanism of origin and development of nephrolithiasis depends on various factors (urine pH, type of diathesis, excretion of one or another type of salt, etc.). According to experts, the primary formation of stones occurs in the renal pelvis and collecting ducts. First, a nucleus is formed, and then crystals begin to form around it.

      There are several theories of stone formation (crystallization, colloid and bacterial). Some authors note that atypical gram-negative bacteria capable of producing apatite (calcium carbonate) play a major role in the process of nucleus formation. These microorganisms are found in 97% of all renal calculi.

      Most often, nephrolithiasis is diagnosed in males. At the same time, women are more severe forms pathologies (for example, staghorn calculi, occupying almost the entire cavity system excretory organ).

      Due to the fact that kidney stones are a polyetiological disease, before developing a treatment strategy, it is necessary to try to find out the cause of the development of the pathological process.

      Symptoms of kidney stones

    7. Sometimes nephrolithiasis is almost asymptomatic, that is, a person can find out about his disease only if the stone passes during urination. However, more often the discharge of the calculus is accompanied by pain. different intensity that occur when it moves along the urinary tract (the so-called renal colic). Localization of pain can be different (it depends on the level of fixation of the stone). If the stone lingers immediately upon exiting the kidney, patients complain of pain in the lower back (on the right or left side). With a delay in the calculus in the ureter, pain can be given to the genitals, lower part abdomen, inner thigh, or localized in the navel.
    8. Hematuria (the appearance of blood in the urine) is the second most important symptom of urolithiasis. Sometimes the amount of blood released is insignificant (microhematuria), and sometimes it is quite plentiful (macrohematuria). In the latter case, urine acquires the color of meat slops. The development of bleeding is explained by the fact that when the calculus moves along the urinary tract, the soft tissues of the kidneys and ureters are injured. It should be noted that blood in the urine appears after an attack of renal colic.
    9. Dysuria (impaired urination). Problems with urination (urgency and obstructed outflow of urine) occur when the calculus passes through the bladder and urethra. In the case when the stone completely blocks the exit from the bladder into the urethra, anuria may develop ( total absence urine). Urostasis of the kidneys (impaired urine outflow) is enough dangerous state that can lead to the development of acute inflammatory process(pyelonephritis), which is one of the complications of nephrolithiasis. This state accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 39-40 C and other symptoms of general intoxication.
    10. With pelvic nephrolithiasis, caused by the formation of small stones in the renal pelvis, the disease is characterized by a recurrent course, accompanied by repeated attacks of excruciating pain arising from acute obstruction of the urinary tract.

      Coral-like (pyelocaliceal) nephrolithiasis is quite rare, but at the same time, the most severe form of nephrolithiasis caused by a stone that occupies more than 80% or the entire pelvicalyceal system. Symptoms of this condition are periodic pain of low intensity and episodic gross hematuria. Gradually, pyelonephritis joins the pathological process and chronic renal failure slowly develops.

      Diagnosis of nephrolithiasis

      Diagnosis of nephrolithiasis includes the following activities:

    • collection of anamnesis (information about past diseases, the development of the disease, living conditions, etc.);
    • laboratory examination of blood and urine (with the obligatory determination of the level of calcium, phosphates, oxalates and uric acid in the blood and bacteriological analysis of urine);
    • ultrasound examination of the kidneys;
    • survey and excretory urography.
    • According to medical indications, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography with intravenous contrast can be performed.

      In the case of independent discharge of the calculus, a study of its chemical composition is carried out.

      In the process preoperative preparation the patient needs to consult an anesthesiologist, therapist and other highly specialized specialists.

      Kidney stones: treatment

      Conservative therapy

      Conservative treatment of nephrolithiasis is aimed at correcting metabolic disorders leading to the formation of kidney stones, their independent removal and elimination of the inflammatory process. To the complex therapeutic measures includes:

    • diet therapy;
    • correction of water and electrolyte balance;
    • physiotherapy;
    • antibiotic therapy;
    • phytotherapy;
    • physiotherapy;
    • balneological and spa treatment
    • Diet and drinking regimen for nephrolithiasis

      When prescribing a diet, first of all, it is taken into account chemical composition removed stones and the nature of metabolic disorders. General dietary recommendations include variety and at the same time maximum limit the total volume of food and the use of a sufficient amount of fluid (the daily volume of urine excreted should reach 1.5-2.5 liters). Drinking is allowed clean water, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks and mineral water. At the same time, foods rich in stone-forming substances should be limited as much as possible.

      Medical therapy

      Drug therapy aimed at correcting metabolic disorders is prescribed on the basis of diagnostic examination data. Treatment is carried out in courses, under strict medical supervision. In all forms of nephrolithiasis, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, stone expelling, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs. Antibacterial therapy is also carried out, it is recommended to take antiplatelet agents, angioprotectors and herbal preparations.

      After percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy, extracorporeal lithotripsy open operation, instrumental or self-removal a stone course is also conducted drug therapy. The duration of treatment is set purely individually, in accordance with medical indications and the general condition of the patient.

      Physiotherapy treatment

      Physiotherapeutic treatment of nephrolithiasis, aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, relaxation smooth muscle urinary system and elimination of inflammation, includes ultrasonic exposure, laser therapy and analgesic effect of various types of pulsed current.


      To date, the only possible way prolonged exposure on the human body in the medical correction of urolithiasis is herbal treatment. Individual herbs, herbal preparations, as well as herbal preparations made on their basis can be used as raw materials. Herbal medicines should be chosen by a specialist, depending on the chemical composition of the calculus. Such drugs have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, are able to destroy and remove kidney stones, and also stabilize metabolic processes in the body.

      Spa treatment

      This method of treatment of nephrolithiasis is prescribed both in the presence of a stone and after its removal. It should be noted that spa treatment has its limitations (it is carried out if the diameter of the stones does not exceed 5 mm). In the presence of urate, oxalate and cystine stones, patients are sent to resorts with alkaline mineral waters (Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk). Phosphate stones are treated with acidic waters of mineral origin (Truskavets).

      Crushing and removal of stones

      To date, the main direction of treatment of nephrolithiasis is the crushing and removal of stones from the kidneys. This applies to stones larger than 5 mm.

      Note: this technique does not eliminate the cause that provoked the formation of stones, and therefore, after their removal, re-stone formation is possible.

      Remote lithotripsy

      Remote impact on the calculus by the shock wave method involves the use of a special apparatus (lithotriptor). Depending on the modification of the device, a powerful ultrasonic or electromagnetic wave easily and painlessly overcomes soft tissues and has a crushing effect on a solid foreign body. First, the stone is broken into smaller fractions, after which it is freely excreted from the body.

      Remote lithotripsy is a fairly effective and relatively safe method of treatment, through which a rapid therapeutic effect is achieved. Immediately after the procedure, stones are excreted during urination. Subsequently, the patient can continue drug treatment at home.

      Laser lithotripsy

      Laser crushing is the most modern and safest method used in the presence of stones of various sizes in the kidneys. The procedure uses a nephroscope inserted through the urethra. Through it, a laser fiber is fed to the kidney, which turns stones into fragments, the size of which does not exceed 0.2 mm. Further, the sand is freely excreted along with the urine. It should be noted that this is a minimally invasive, absolutely painless procedure that can be used even when removing staghorn stones.

      Transurethral urethrorenoscopy

      AT urological practice This technique is used to remove small stones located in the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra. The procedure is carried out in outpatient settings, i.e. does not require hospitalization. The stone is crushed or removed using a ureteroscope inserted into the ureter or a nephroscope inserted directly into the kidney. It should be noted that this is a rather traumatic technique that requires high professionalism and extensive experience from the urologist.

      Percutaneous contact nephrolitholapaxy

      This technique, which involves crushing and extracting a kidney stone using a nephroscope, is used if the size of the formation exceeds 1.5 cm. kidney segment. Through it, a nephroscope and miniature surgical instruments used for crushing and extracting stones.

      Removal of stones surgically

      Currently, surgical removal of kidney stones, due to the high invasiveness of open surgery, is carried out strictly according to medical indications. This method removes large stones that clog the urinary ducts, or completely fill the pelvicalyceal system. However, surgical intervention can be prescribed for chronic pyelonephritis, which developed against the background of nephrolithiasis, with the ineffectiveness of lithotripsy, as well as with gross hematuria.

      In conclusion, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the presence of kidney stones, none medical technique cannot be used separately from others, that is, this disease requires integrated approach to treatment. Within 5 years after the removal of stones, the patient must be on dispensary observation, periodically pass diagnostic procedures and a course of conservative therapy aimed at correcting metabolic disorders and eliminating the infection.

      Why does kidney stone pain occur?

      Renal colic is one of the symptoms of a disease of the urinary system, namely kidney stones.

      Kidney stones are a disease in which stones form in the kidneys. They consist of mineral salts and various acids.

      The disease is in second place in terms of prevalence among inflammatory non-specific kidney diseases. Kidney stones can appear at any age. Quite often, and this is in 30% of cases, they are formed both on the right and on the left side.

      Why do kidney stones form?

      There are many reasons for the formation of kidney stones. One of the obvious signs is a change in the composition of urine. This happens in epidemic areas where tap water is too hard.

      Perhaps kidney stones develop due to an infectious disease or narrowing of the ureter. Its stenosis can occur when blocked by dead epithelium, blood clot or bacteria. In a hot climate, the disease develops faster, as a person consumes a large amount of water.

      Stones, which are made up of salts and uric acid, are more likely to form in people who consume large amounts of meat dishes. Phosphates, on the contrary, are found in people who are vegetarians and eat foods that are rich in calcium. Cystine stones are formed when the liver malfunctions.

      There are also xanthine, oxalate and carbonate stones. Another group is singled out as mixed. Such stones develop from several types of salts and gradually layer on each other.

      Risk factors for kidney stones include:

      1. Hereditary predisposition;

      2. Insufficient exposure to the sun;

      3. Dehydration of the body, poisoning or infectious diseases;

      4. Bone injuries;

      5. Lack of vitamin D in the body;

      6. Abuse of salty, spicy and sour foods;

      7. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

      Pain with kidney stones occurs when it moves along the urinary tract. Most often they are localized in the side and back, but sometimes they can be given to the groin and lower abdomen.

      How do kidney stones show up?

      The disease is manifested by the presence of dull pain that occurs due to blockage of the ureter or renal pelvis with stones. If an infection also joins this, the urine becomes cloudy in color with streaks of blood.

      Pain can be expressed in the back and side, often they occur when urinating.

      When an infection joins, a high temperature rises, vomiting opens. Nausea can accompany the patient all the time, this is especially pronounced during an attack of renal colic. Renal colic can be triggered by several factors, such as driving, shaking, lifting weights, or exercising.

      In addition, often patients are tormented by high blood pressure and frequent urination, which may be accompanied by pain. If the water balance is disturbed, edema appears.

      Between attacks, mild pain in the region of one of the kidneys is possible. But in some cases, the disease does not manifest itself. And it is detected by chance, during an examination by ultrasound, by analysis of urine or on an x-ray.

      The patient's well-being may depend on the location, type and size of the stone. For example, oxalates have sharp edges, so when moving along the urinary tract they injure the mucous membrane. Therefore, an infection may subsequently join. But phosphates hurt much less.

      What types of kidney stones are there?

      According to the chemical composition, phosphates, oxalates, urates and carbonates are distinguished. AT rare cases you can find cystine, protein and xanthine stones.

      There are 5 types of kidney stones:

      1. Uric acid stones are urates that are found in older people.

      2. Inorganic calcium compounds are phosphates and oxalates, which occur in 80% of cases.

      4. Protein stones are very rare and indicate a violation of amino acid metabolism.

      5. Mixed types of stones are formed in almost 50% of cases.

      How are kidney stones diagnosed?

      The pain during attacks of renal colic is so severe that the patient does not care, sooner or later seek medical help. He will carefully study the medical history, the localization of pain and send it to an ultrasound or x-ray examination kidneys, and will also give a direction for a general urine test.

      Still, the best method for confirming the diagnosis of kidney stones is x-ray diagnostics. After all overview shots well show the location of the stones and their number.

      On ultrasound, unfortunately, stones can only be seen when they reach 3 mm in diameter. Only the most modern devices may see smaller stones.

      Excretory urography is important in the diagnosis of kidney stones. It helps to determine the performance of the kidneys and urinary tract and identify impaired functions.

      Computed tomography is the most modern way detection of stones.

      But, unfortunately, not all cities have a tomograph, and even if they do, the examination is sometimes very expensive. And many cannot afford it.

      How to get rid of kidney stones?

      There are several types of surgery to remove kidney stones. For example, lithotripsy or litholysis. With severe pain, painkillers are used, and the patient is prescribed a diet.

      Litholysis - dissolution of stones

      The dissolution of kidney stones is a breakthrough in modern medicine. It is carried out through the use of a mixture of sodium citrate, citric acid and potassium. These drugs are taken by mouth. To determine the dose of the drug and the duration of its use, the doctor may order a weekly measurement of urine pH, which will help to schedule.

      Lithotripsy - crushing stones

      Lithotripsy - this procedure is performed in water in a semi-sitting position. A special device is sent to the area specified by the doctor. The procedure is very unpleasant, but tolerable. Crushing of stones is resorted to with frequent attacks of renal colic and the presence of large stones.

      Smaller stones may pass on their own, after drug therapy or a large number drunk water.

      Painkillers for kidney stones

      For acute pain, it is possible to use Baralgin, Fortran, Trigan or Maksigan tablets. These drugs help relieve spasm and reduce pain.

      With an established diagnosis, a good pain reliever for kidney stones is the use of a hot heating pad on the lumbar region or a bath, with a water temperature of no more than 45 degrees.

      If it is not possible to stop the pain on your own and urine output decreases sharply, then you should immediately call an ambulance!

      diet for kidney stones

      The diet depends on which stones were found in the patient.

      The diet for urate stones includes the use of cereals, bread products, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and dairy products. You can not eat canned food, meat soups, pates, pickles, liverwurst and offal.

      The diet for phosphate stones includes: meat, canned food, pasta, cereals, vegetable fats, butter, rosehip tincture, honey, sweets. Do not consume: dairy products, alcohol, eggs, pickles, nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables and strong tea and coffee.

      Oxalate stones are formed at an increased concentration of oxalic acid, so fatty meat, poultry, smoked meats, meat broths, fish broths, vegetables, and mushrooms should be excluded from the diet. You can eat boiled meat and fish, drink juices, bread, fruit salads.

      Prevention of pain in urolithiasis

      1. Follow the drinking regime. It is very important to drink purified water up to 3 liters per day to facilitate the passage of small stones and sand. Mineral water should not be consumed, it may contain salts that contribute to the formation of stones.

      2. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor.

      3. Treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness. Do not waste time, referring to your employment, health is the most important thing!

      Why are kidney stones dangerous?

      Urolithiasis is a rather dangerous disease that can lead to hydronephrosis, chronic renal failure, and even loss of one or both kidneys.

      Stones in the kidneys

      Stones in the kidneys

      Kidney stones are a sign of kidney stones or nephrolithiasis. Practical urology often encounters nephrolithiasis, and kidney stones can form in both children and adults. Among patients with nephrolithiasis, men predominate; stones are more often detected in the right kidney, in 15% of cases bilateral localization of stones occurs.

      With urolithiasis. in addition to the kidneys, stones can be found in the bladder (cystolithiasis), ureters (ureterolithiasis), or urethra (urethrolithiasis). Almost always, stones initially form in the kidneys and from there descend into the lower urinary tract. There are single calculi and multiple; small kidney stones (up to 3 mm) and large ones (up to 15 cm).

      The process of stone formation and types of stones

      The formation of kidney stones occurs as a result of a complex physicochemical process in violation of the colloidal balance and changes in the renal parenchyma.

      Under certain conditions, a so-called elementary cell, a micelle, is formed from a group of molecules, which serves as the initial nucleus of the future calculus. The “building” material for the nucleus can be amorphous sediments, fibrin threads, bacteria, cellular detritus, foreign bodies present in the urine. Further development of the process of stone formation depends on the concentration and ratio of salts in the urine, urine pH, the qualitative and quantitative composition of urinary colloids.

      Most often, stone formation begins in the renal papillae. Initially, microliths form inside the collecting ducts, most of which do not stay in the kidneys and are freely washed out by urine. When the chemical properties of urine change (high concentration, pH shift, etc.), crystallization processes occur, leading to retention of microliths in the tubules and encrustation of papillae. In the future, the stone may continue to "grow" in the kidney or descend into the urinary tract.

      According to the chemical composition, several types of stones found in the kidneys are distinguished - oxalate, phosphate, urate, carbonate, cystine, protein, cholesterol, xanthine. Oxalates are composed of calcium salts of oxalic acid. They have a dense structure, black-gray color, prickly uneven surface. Oxalate kidney stones can form in both acidic and alkaline urine.

      Phosphates are calculi consisting of calcium salts of phosphoric acid. By consistency, they are soft, crumbling, with a smooth or slightly rough surface, whitish-grayish in color. Phosphate kidney stones are formed with alkaline urine, they grow quite quickly, especially in the presence of infection (pyelonephritis).

      Urates are represented by crystals of salts of uric acid. Their structure is dense, the color is from light yellow to brick red, the surface is smooth or finely punctate. Urate kidney stones occur when the urine is acidic. Carbonate stones are formed during the precipitation of calcium salts of carbonic (carbonate) acid. They are soft, light, smooth, can have a different shape.

      Cystine stones contain sulfur compounds of the amino acid cystine. Calculi have a softish consistency, smooth surface, rounded shape, yellowish-white color. Protein stones are formed mainly by fibrin with an admixture of bacteria and salts. These kidney stones are soft, flat, small in size, white in color. Cholesterol kidney stones are rare; formed from cholesterol, have a soft crumbling texture, black color.

      Sometimes in the kidneys, stones are formed not of a homogeneous, but of a mixed composition. One of the most difficult variants of nephrolithiasis are staghorn kidney stones, which make up 3-5% of all calculi. Coral-like kidney stones grow in the pelvis and in appearance represent its cast, almost completely repeating the size and shape.

      Reasons for the formation of kidney stones

      Stone formation is based on the processes of crystallization of urine saturated with various salts and the deposition of crystals on the protein matrix-core. Kidney stone disease can develop in the presence of a number of concomitant factors.

      Violation of mineral metabolism, leading to the formation of kidney stones, may be genetically determined. Therefore, people with a family history of nephrolithiasis are advised to pay attention to the prevention of stone formation, early detection of calculi by monitoring a general urine test. passage of ultrasound of the kidneys and ultrasound of the bladder. observation by a urologist.

      Acquired disorders of salt metabolism, leading to the formation of kidney stones, may be due to external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) causes.

      Among the external factors, the greatest importance is given to climatic conditions and the drinking regime and diet. It is known that in hot climates with increased sweating and a certain degree of dehydration of the body, the concentration of salts in the urine increases, which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Dehydration of the body can be caused by poisoning or an infectious disease that occurs with vomiting and diarrhea.

      In the northern regions, the factors of stone formation can be a deficiency of vitamins A and D, a lack of ultraviolet radiation, the predominance of fish and meat in the diet. The use of drinking water with a high content of lime salts, food addiction to spicy, sour, salty also leads to alkalization or acidification of urine and precipitation from salts.

      Among the internal factors contributing to the formation of kidney stones, in the first place, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands is distinguished - hyperparathyroidism. The increased work of the parathyroid glands increases the content of phosphates in the urine and the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue. At the same time, the concentration of calcium phosphate salts in the urine increases significantly. Similar disorders of mineral metabolism can occur in osteoporosis. osteomyelitis. bone fractures, spinal cord injuries, spinal cord injuries. accompanied by prolonged immobility of the patient, rarefaction of bone tissue, impaired dynamics of urinary tract emptying.

      Endogenous factors in the formation of kidney stones also include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis. ulcer disease. colitis. leading to a violation of the acid-base balance, increased excretion of calcium salts, a weakening of the barrier functions of the liver and a change in the composition of the urine.

      In the pathogenesis of the formation of kidney stones, a well-known role belongs to unfavorable local conditions in the urinary tract - infections (pyelonephritis, nephrotuberculosis, cystitis, urethritis), prostatitis. kidney anomalies. hydronephrosis. prostate adenoma. diverticulitis and other pathological processes that disrupt the passage of urine.

      Slowing down the outflow of urine from the kidney causes stagnation in the pyelocaliceal system, oversaturation of urine with various salts and their precipitation, delay in the excretion of sand and microliths with urine. In turn, the infectious process that develops against the background of urostasis leads to the ingress of inflammatory substrates into the urine - bacteria, mucus, pus, and protein. These substances are involved in the formation of the primary nucleus of the future calculus, around which salts crystallize, which are present in excess in the urine.

      Depending on their size, number and composition, kidney stones can cause symptoms of varying severity. A typical clinic of nephrolithiasis includes back pain, the development of renal colic. hematuria, pyuria, sometimes - independent discharge of a stone from the kidney with urine.

      Pain in the lower back develops as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine, can be aching, dull, and with an abrupt onset of urostasis, with a blockage of the renal pelvis or ureter by a stone, progress to renal colic. Coral-like kidney stones are usually accompanied by a mild dull pain, while small and dense ones give a sharp paroxysmal pain.

      A typical attack of renal colic is accompanied by sudden sharp pains in the lumbar region, spreading along the ureter to the perineum and genitals. Reflexively, against the background of renal colic, frequent painful urination, nausea and vomiting, and flatulence occur. The patient is agitated, restless, cannot find a posture that alleviates the condition. The pain attack in renal colic is so pronounced that it is often stopped only by the introduction of narcotic drugs. Sometimes with renal colic develops oliguria and anuria, fever.

      At the end of an attack of renal colic, sand and stones from the kidneys often leave with urine. When passing stones, they can injure the urinary tract mucosa, causing hematuria. More often, mucosal damage is caused by pointed oxalate calculi. With kidney stones, the intensity of hematuria can be different - from slight erythrocyturia to severe gross hematuria. The excretion of pus in the urine (pyuria) develops when there is inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

      The presence of kidney stones is not symptomatic in 13-15% of patients. In this case, as a rule, pyelonephritis and morphological changes in the kidneys are absent.

      Diagnosis of kidney stones

      Recognition of kidney stones is made on the basis of anamnesis, a typical picture of renal colic, laboratory and instrumental imaging studies.

      At the height of renal colic, a sharp pain is determined on the side of the affected kidney, a positive symptom of Pasternatsky, pain on palpation of the corresponding kidney and ureter. Urinalysis after an attack reveals the presence of fresh red blood cells, white blood cells, protein, salts, bacteria. A biochemical study of urine and blood to a certain extent allows us to judge the composition and causes of the formation of kidney stones.

      Right-sided renal colic must be differentiated from appendicitis. acute cholecystitis. in connection with which it may be necessary to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. With the help of ultrasound of the kidneys, anatomical changes in the organ, the presence, localization and movement of stones are evaluated.

      The leading method for detecting kidney stones is x-ray diagnostics. Most of the calculi are already determined during survey urography. However, protein and uric acid (urate) kidney stones do not block rays and do not give shadows on survey urograms. They are subject to detection using excretory urography and pyelography. In addition, excretory urography provides information on morphological and functional changes in the kidneys and urinary tract, localization of stones (pelvis, calyx, ureter), shape and size of kidney stones. If necessary, the urological examination is supplemented by radioisotope nephroscintigraphy. MRI or CT of the kidneys.

      Treatment of kidney stones

      Treatment of nephrolithiasis can be conservative or operative and in all cases is aimed at removing stones from the kidneys. elimination of infection and prevention of re-formation of calculi.

      With small kidney stones (up to 3 mm), which can be removed independently, an abundant water load and a diet that excludes meat and offal is prescribed. With urate stones, a milk-vegetable diet is recommended, alkalizing urine, alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi, Essentuki); with phosphate stones - taking acidic mineral waters (Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets), etc. Additionally, under the supervision of a nephrologist, drugs that dissolve kidney stones, diuretics, antibiotics, nitrofurans, antispasmodics can be used.

      With the development of renal colic, therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving obstruction and pain attack. For this purpose, injections of platifillin, metamizole sodium, morphine or combined analgesics in combination with atropine solution are used; a warm sitz bath is performed, a heating pad is applied to the lumbar region. With non-stopping renal colic, a novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord (in men) or a round ligament of the uterus (in women), catheterization of the ureter or dissection of the mouth of the ureter (if the calculus is infringed) is required.

      Surgical removal of stones from the kidneys is indicated for frequent renal colic, secondary pyelonephritis, large stones, ureteral strictures. hydronephrosis, blockade of the kidney, threatening hematuria, single kidney stones, staghorn stones.

      In practice, with nephrolithiasis, a non-invasive method is often used - remote lithotripsy. allowing to avoid any intervention in the body and remove fragments of stones from the kidneys through the urinary tract. In some cases, an alternative to open surgery is a high-tech procedure - percutaneous (percutaneous) nephrolithotripsy with lithoextraction.

      Open or laparoscopic interventions to remove stones from the kidneys - pyelolithotomy (dissection of the pelvis) and nephrolithotomy (dissection of the parenchyma) are resorted to in case of ineffectiveness of minimally invasive surgery. With a complicated course of nephrolithiasis and loss of kidney function, nephrectomy is indicated.

      Prediction and prevention of kidney stones

      In most cases, the course of nephrolithiasis is prognostically favorable. After removal of stones from the kidneys, subject to the instructions of the urologist, the disease may not recur. In adverse cases, calculous pyelonephritis and symptomatic hypertension may develop. chronic renal failure. hydropyonephrosis.

      For all types of kidney stones, it is recommended to increase the volume of drinking up to 2 liters per day; the use of special herbal preparations; exclusion of spicy, smoked and fatty foods, alcohol; exclusion of hypothermia; improvement of urodynamics through moderate physical activity and exercise. Prevention of complications of nephrolithiasis is reduced to the early removal of stones from the kidneys, the mandatory treatment of concomitant infections.

    Among the many kidney diseases special place occupied by urolithiasis. It is manifested by the formation of stones in the kidneys and other organs related to the urinary system.

    People can suffer from this disease regardless of their age, that is, stones can appear not only in people of advanced age, but also in infants. In this case, only the variety of the stone itself depends on the age of the patient.

    So, in elderly patients, in most cases, uric acid stones occur, but protein ones can also form. Nevertheless, the bulk of the stones (about 60%) has a mixed composition.

    The process of stone formation can begin not only in the kidneys, but also in the bladder or ureter. Their sizes are either very small, with a grain of sand, or significant, about 15 cm in diameter. The weight of the latter is sometimes several kilograms.

    Symptoms of kidney stones

    The development of urolithiasis simply cannot go unnoticed, since this disease always manifests itself. But, nevertheless, in rare cases, there is still a latent course of the disease, in which it is detected only by chance during general diagnostics the patient's body.

    Among the main symptoms of nephrolithiasis, the most obvious are:

    • The appearance of pain during urination against the background of an increase in their frequency - pains of this kind signal the appearance of stones in the ureter or in the bladder. In some cases, there may be a syndrome of "laying", that is, a sudden cessation of the urine stream during the process of urination, which resumes after a change in body position. Moreover, such a suspension is not accompanied by a feeling of emptying.
    • The appearance of back pain in the lumbar region of a debilitating and pulling nature. Moreover, they can be both on one side, and immediately on both. With changes in body position or physical activity, such pain is greatly increased, which is one of the most characteristic symptoms of this disease. In cases where the stone moves into the ureter from the kidney, there is also a transition of pain from the lower back to the groin, lower abdomen and genitals. Sometimes she gives in the leg. At the same time, at the end of a severe attack of pain, the stones can simply come out with urine.
    • The appearance after physical exertion or bouts of pain of blood in the urine.
    • The appearance of renal colic, which, in fact, are severe pains localized in the lumbar region. They often cause severe discomfort for several days. At the same time, they can subside, and then start again. Finally, they subside only after the stone comes out of the ureter.
    • Cloudy urine.
    • Temperature rise up to 40 degrees.
    • Puffiness.

    Some people may have kidney stones for several years without any symptoms. But after one of them begins to move along the ureter, the patient experiences extremely strong pain. Then the main symptoms of the disease appear. In this case, only individual symptoms can occur, the appearance of which is directly dependent on the location of the stone in the organs of the genitourinary system, its variety and size, as well as the specifics of the disorders provoked by it.

    Causes of kidney stones

    Despite the fact that without the presence of predisposing factors, urolithiasis will not begin to develop, the main reason for the onset of the process of deposition of stones in the kidneys is called violations affecting the chemical composition of the blood, as well as metabolism, in particular, water-salt metabolism.

    The main factors provoking the development of kidney stones are:

    • The presence of a hereditary predisposition to it;
    • The existence of such chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, like colitis, peptic ulcer and others, organs that make up the genitourinary system - prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostate adenoma and others;
    • Not enough the main vitamins in the body, especially group D;
    • Malfunctions of one of the parathyroid glands;
    • Acute lack of ultraviolet radiation;
    • Injuries and diseases affecting the skeletal system, such as osteoporosis and osteomyelitis;
    • Living in a hot climate and other geographical reasons;
    • Being dehydrated for long periods of time due to some infectious disease or poisoning;
    • Eating water with a high salt content.

    Renal colic

    Renal colic is a severe pain, localized in the lumbar region, having a paroxysmal nature of occurrence. Pain in the lower abdomen, which can also radiate to the groin area, is characteristic when the stone is located in one of the lower sections of the ureter. It occurs unexpectedly, regardless of the time of day and the general state of human health. At the same time, pain sensations do not change their intensity even when changing the position of the body. Sometimes it is accompanied by vomiting or nausea, as well as an increased urge to urinate with scanty portions of urine. Patients suffering from renal colic are characterized by increased restlessness along with chaotic movements, through which they try to find the position of the body that will help reduce the intensity of pain.

    The causes of renal colic lie in the increase in pressure in the renal pelvis, which is the result of blockage of the ureter with a stone. In this case, the pelvis is significantly stretched, and since it contains many pain receptors, severe pain appears.

    In cases where stones have formed, the size of which does not exceed 0.6 cm, they may well come out with the flow of urine on their own. But if there is a narrowing of the urinary tract, big sizes formed stone or some other situation, the result may be a violation of the function or death of the kidney. This happens when the formed stone, with its long-term presence in the urinary tract, interferes with the normal course of the process of urination, which is accompanied by a constant increase in pressure in the renal pelvis.


    Treatment of kidney stones with decoctions, juices and fir oil

    It should be noted right away that this method must be used with extreme caution for those whose kidney stones have reached a significant size. In other cases, this method of treating kidney stones can be the best among all folk. It involves a gradual cure, which is the result of the crushing of stones and their subsequent removal from the body.

    It is recommended to start with taking decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect. That is, for a week the patient needs to use decoctions of wild rose, St. John's wort, corn stigmas or others that have similar action. An excellent addition to such treatment at its first stage will be the daily inclusion in the diet of freshly squeezed juices from fruits or vegetables, excluding only beet juice.

    After a week, it is necessary to add 5 drops of 2.5% pre-purchased in a pharmacy to juices and decoctions. fir oil in a glass, drinking it before meals three times a day.

    The duration of such a course of treatment of urolithiasis is 7 days. At the same time, already in the middle of the week, the sand will begin to be removed, and the stones will crush and dissolve, as evidenced by the appearance of turbidity in the urine. The treatment must be repeated several times until the kidneys are completely cleansed, taking small breaks in it for 1-2 weeks. At the same time, one should not forget that both the cleansing of the kidneys and the crushing of stones in them must be carried out with extreme caution, especially for those whose stones are of considerable size. This is due to the fact that there is a risk during the dissolution or crushing of the discharge of the stone as a whole, which leads to blockage of the duct and, accordingly, to renal colic. That is why those cases in which the size of the stones exceeds 10 mm require a mandatory consultation with a specialist.

    Treatment of kidney stones with honey gives 100% result

    One of the simplest treatments folk methods nephrolithiasis is the use of honey. In addition, it is a really effective technique. She assumes daily use immediately after waking up a glass of so-called "honey water", which is a solution of 2 teaspoons of honey in water, thoroughly mixed.

    The duration of such treatment can be from a month to six months, as it depends on the degree of development of the disease. At the same time, for medicinal purposes, it is worth using exclusively natural honey. It is better if it has a dark color.

    Apple peel for urolithiasis

    The peel of apples is not only simple, but also very effective remedy to cure kidney stones. The technique involves the regular use of tea brewed on apple peel. Thanks to this drink, urolithiasis gradually recedes, the formation of sand, as well as stones in the urinary system, stops.

    A necessary condition is the regular daily use of such tea. At the same time, it can be brewed not only on fresh, but also on dried peels, but the best option would be to brew the drink on a powder obtained by drying and then grinding the peel. This powder is poured exclusively with boiling water in the proportion of 2 teaspoons per glass of water, after which it is allowed to brew for about half an hour.

    Treatment of kidney stones with herbs

    In addition to those listed above, other remedies can help with urolithiasis. This is a three-time intake of watermelon seed powder (a teaspoon) for two weeks, or the use of a more complex mixture. The second option is a mixture of wild carrot seeds (75g), horsetail (100g) and oregano (100g), three tablespoons of which are poured with three cups of boiling water and infused overnight. Strained broth should be consumed in equal portions 4 times a day, preferably one hour before the main meal for 1.5 weeks.

    Treatment of urolithiasis with dead water

    Such treatment involves taking a certain composition. To prepare it, mix 9l dead water with 9l whey and 3 pre-crushed lemons. The number of receptions of the composition is not limited. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that excludes both meat and dairy products.

    Treatment of kidney stones and gallbladder

    This method of therapy is not suitable for people who suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to pour a fresh chicken egg with a glass of water at night, and in the morning mix this water with the contents of the egg and the juice of one lemon. Use this composition on an empty stomach as a prophylaxis for 3 days, and as a treatment for 7.

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