How are dental crowns made for front teeth? Crowns on the front teeth - which ones are better to put? How to prosthetic front teeth

Anastasia Vorontsova

To put crowns for front teeth it must be remembered that such teeth require high aesthetics.

Given this, at the moment, patients can be offered two options for crowns - these are metal-free ceramics and metal-ceramics.

Let's try to figure out which of them are the most suitable for installation on the front teeth.

Metal-ceramic prosthetics

A metal-ceramic crown is made of metal, which serves as the frame of the structure, and ceramics deposited on top of it.

Metal-ceramic is most often used for the restoration and restoration of the anterior group of teeth.

The popularity is not explained by the fact that ceramic-metal crowns are the best for prosthetics of teeth that fall into the smile zone, but by the fact that they have good aesthetics at a relatively inexpensive cost.

Among the advantages of metal-ceramic crowns, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • Good aesthetic performance.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Fit with high accuracy to the tooth surface.
  • Long service life.
  • The cost of metal-ceramic crowns is the average between them and the cost of metal crowns. This option of prosthetics is an ideal ratio of price and quality.

Metal-ceramic structures are not without drawbacks.

These can be attributed minuses:

  • During the preparation of the tooth, a thick layer of hard tissue is removed.
  • In most cases, tooth depulpation is an indication for fixation of metal-ceramic crowns.
  • After installing the crown, after a short period of time, cyanosis appears in the area of ​​​​contact of the structure with the gum. If during a smile the gums are exposed, then the cyanosis will be noticeable to others, which will negatively affect the aesthetics.
  • Due to the fact that cermets lack transparency, artificial teeth will be visible against the background of real ones. Therefore, it is better to resort to prosthetics of the anterior teeth with metal-ceramic in case of replacing a group of teeth, for example, from canine to canine. With this method of restoration, artificial crowns will not catch the eye of others when talking and smiling.
  • The metal that is part of the crown can cause an allergic reaction.

Video: "Metal-ceramic crown"

Prosthetics with metal-free ceramics

For the manufacture of metal-free ceramic crowns, materials such as zirconia and porcelain are most often used.

In rare cases, crowns are made of plastic. This is the cheapest, but the most unreliable option, which is subject to very rapid wear.

You should know that only single crowns are made of porcelain. If the patient requires a bridge, then it is made of zirconium-based ceramics.

In aesthetic terms, porcelain and zirconium dioxide are no different.

Ceramic structures are made without the use of metal.

For anterior teeth, pressed ceramics are usually used, which are not sufficiently durable. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it on the chewing group of teeth.


The advantages of metal-free ceramics made of porcelain and zirconium include:

  • The highest aesthetics. Ceramic crowns completely repeat the color and transparency of real teeth. The properties of the ceramic construction make the crowned tooth indistinguishable from other teeth.
  • Resistance to aggressive factors of the oral environment. Designs retain color and transparency throughout the entire service life.
  • The duration of the use of crowns.
  • Biocompatibility and hypoallergenic design.

The disadvantages of ceramic crowns include the very high cost and limited choice of material.

Porcelain is suitable only for the manufacture of single structures. Plastic crowns have a limited lifespan.


Prosthetics of the front teeth with crowns is advisable to carry out in the following cases:

  • If you want to protect the root filling.
  • With severe damage to the tooth as a result of trauma.
  • If a bridge is indicated.
  • For better aesthetics.
  • If the tooth is severely weakened as a result of a large filling.
  • After installing a pin or stump tab with a preserved tooth root.
  • After implant placement.

How to install

  1. During the initial visit to the dentist, an anamnesis is collected, an examination of the patient's oral cavity is performed.
  2. If necessary, dental treatment, root canal filling is carried out.
  3. Then the material for the manufacture of crowns on the front teeth is selected and the color of future crowns is specified accordingly.

The installation of crowns on the front teeth occurs in several stages:

  • Anesthesia is performed and the tooth is turned to the thickness of the future crown, which depends on the material chosen.
  • Taking impressions from the jaws and sending them to the dental laboratory.
  • Fabrication of the structure in the laboratory.
  • Sample and adjustment of the finished structure.
  • Fixation of the crown on the tooth with a special cement mortar.

When prosthetics of the front teeth with crowns, you will have to visit the dentist's office at least twice.

Which is better

Which crowns are better put on the front teeth: from zirconium or porcelain, cermet or plastic?

  • Based on their cost, the most affordable are plastic and metal-ceramic crowns. But it should be noted that plastic prostheses wear out quickly, and ceramic-metal ones can cause allergies.
  • Next - porcelain constructions, which combine high aesthetics and reliability, but they are quite expensive.
  • The leader in terms of functionality are zirconium crowns, the cost of manufacturing and installation of which will be the highest.

Thus, the choice in favor of one or another design should be made, first of all, from the availability of a certain amount of money for the patient, and only then consider their advantages and disadvantages.


The main aspect that distinguishes crowns for front teeth - price.

It depends on the material, the qualifications of the dentist, the quality of the clinic equipment.

In some cases, it is possible to reduce the cost of prosthetics.

For example, in the manufacture of a bridge structure, when only a part of the teeth falls into the smile zone, it is advisable to make crowns for them from ceramics or metal-ceramics.

The rest of the crowns, which will not be noticeable when talking, can be made from another cheaper material.

As a result, the cost of such a prosthesis will be much lower.

There is also another advantage here: when turning such teeth, it will not be necessary to remove a large amount of hard tissue, which will preserve the viability of such teeth for a longer time.

​First of all, I want to disappoint those visitors who are looking for some more specific information about dental crowns, because in this article I am only sharing my own experience. However, if you are seriously thinking about the installation of crowns on the front teeth, my sketches can to some extent guide and acquaint you with this rather interesting process and the moments that you will have to go through.

In view of the fact that “metal-ceramic crowns” is a rather competitive request, I decided not to break the topic into several pages and placed all personally outlined notes on one page, after dividing them into several sections combined using a small navigation menu for convenience.


And of course, in order to reinforce the interest of readers, I bring to your attention the result of the work done. So to say what was "before" and what became "after" visits to the orthopedic doctor.

This photo shows my own teeth - before crowns. The central upper teeth were completely dead. One of them, the one to the right, in general, did not bother me, although up to this point it had already been healed and sealed on both sides.

Another was seriously damaged in childhood and was built up twice. Over time, this tooth became noticeably darker and a small piece of enamel broke off from it. There were 2 large gaps between the teeth, which seriously embarrassed me and constantly fettered a wide smile. The teeth are uneven and may even be slightly crooked.

In photographs where there is not enough lighting, the tooth that was knocked out on the collective farm with a metal bucket is noticeably darker than the other, and indeed, .

And this is what my current ones look like teeth - after the installation of crowns on the front teeth, but let's better first things first.

Consultation and treatment [First visit]

In general, after taking a break for a while, I gathered my courage and came for a consultation with an orthopedist regarding the installation of crowns on my front teeth.

They sent me for an x-ray.

When I came with the picture, after looking at it, I was told that before undertaking the installation of crowns, it is necessary to treat both teeth - to clean and fill both canals with high quality.

For this purpose, I was sent to a general practitioner. Two more visits, a control shot, and now the situation looked like this.

The difference is obvious - now the dental canals are clearly visible. Since my front teeth were already dead, there was no need to remove the nerves, or as they say in the language of dentists, they did not have to be depulped. Well, then the fun began.

Preparation [Second visit]

The teeth were about half gone. Further, deep holes were made inside the teeth with a special “drill”, where something like a metal gasket (pin) would be inserted. These holes were filled with wax, allowed to harden, after which the contents were carefully removed. According to these casts, the previously mentioned metal "gaskets" will be cast.

The holes were closed with a temporary filling and sent home. Reception tomorrow.

Installation of metal inlays and processing [Third visit]

Came in, was seated and immediately got to work. They removed temporary fillings that were in the core of the tooth and tried on cast metal inserts. For some time, constantly trying them on, the doctor polished them, turned them and did something else with them.

When the metal inserts were adjusted to the shape, the dental canals were treated with alcohol and filled with cement, after which the blanks were installed.

Over the next hour, the dentist constantly “sawed” me and almost completely rid my upper jaw of my front teeth, leaving two small pegs.

For a while, I thought about how the grinding of enamel, which is located directly at the gums, would take place - I thought that it was impossible to grind them off with a dental machine without damaging the gums. I was right, but as it turned out, everything was not so scary.

Then all the fun began. Just like in chemistry class. Having mixed several reagents from different tubes, the orthopedic doctor got something like plasticine, with the help of which the doctor subsequently made several casts. First, he made a cast of the lower jaw, then, repeating the procedure with his "magic" tubes, he made a cast of my bite, and finally, a cast of the upper jaw was made separately. All the casts were made with some kind of metal contraption that looked like a big boxing mouthguard.

Everything. Third visit completed. Next week we will determine the color and shade of my new teeth - i.e. anterior crowns.

First fitting [Fourth visit]

Fitting of the metal base of the crown and color selection.
In total, the process took no more than 5-10 minutes.

Crown fitting [Fifth visit]

Well, that's it, I thought now I will have new teeth, but no. I went into the office, sat down in a chair, began to try on crowns. They had to be sharpened a little, no matter how long they were - then for the first time I saw my crowns in my mouth, but for some reason I did not feel admiration for the work done.

At first it seemed to me that they were too long, then it seemed to me that they were too advanced, I didn’t like that the gaps between the teeth were not completely hidden and, in the end, I didn’t like their color - they were several tones lighter than my own teeth, and it was very conspicuous.

On some questions, the doctor gave me quite logical answers, for example, he assured me that the gap between the teeth would not be visible when the gums completely “sit down” on the crowns, but, of course, I still had to figure out the color.

The color has been redefined. The crowns were given to the technician. I was sent home and told to come tomorrow.

The color of the crowns did not match again [Sixth visit]

In general, the situation became more tolerable, as was the color of my crowns, but they were all exactly one or two shades different from my teeth, so the crowns were not installed again. They said to come the next day, supposedly then a technician would come to the office and choose the right color himself.

PS: In general, I expected that the crowns would be ready yesterday, so for these 2 days I got a huge amount of work, which I now have to endure.

Choice of color and impression for crowns [Seventh visit]

As promised, this time a technician came, and now, as they say, the color was selected for me by the whole friendly team. We settled on a shade under the number or name A3.

Well, they seem to have figured out the color - it's up to the small, so I thought, but it wasn't there.

Verdict - crowns need to be redone!
I'm fucking shocked.

I was seated in a chair and with the words “I’ll have to do everything again,” the doctor began to make a cast of the upper jaw. In the end, the first impression was not made correctly - he didn’t finish something there, therefore, without relaxing for a minute, the dentist kneaded another portion of his reagents to make a second impression of my front teeth for me.

By the way, at the beginning of the note, I did not mention anywhere that for the very first time (during my third visit), the same cast also had to be done twice.

Anyway, today is Thursday and now I was told to come on Monday. Instead of the promised week, the installation of crowns was delayed for two, which naturally cannot please, however, it is still better to wait a few more days than to walk with “wrong” teeth for many years.

Temporary crown placement [8th visit]

Well, I came on Monday, as planned. The crowns were remade, tried on, they fiddled with them for about half an hour, turned, leveled, polished, and when I was satisfied with their larger appearance, the crowns began to be installed.

The installation of crowns was planned for the time being with temporary cement, so to speak, for testing. To my question, what to look for during the so-called testing, the doctor answered - everything. Look at the color, shape, where it interferes, where it doesn't, and so on.

For about a day, I walked with my new teeth, in which I found a bunch of flaws, and my wife, in the end, when she came home from work, she said at all that one of the crowns was skewed and stood out too much from the dentition. In principle, it is clearly visible even in the photograph.

From other points, I think it is worth emphasizing the fact that with my previous, native teeth, during the bite, the upper and lower jaws tightly closed with each other, and the new teeth partially overlapped my lower ones.

Video: Malocclusion

All in all, anterior teeth crowns turned out to be a little longer than my own, but this did not bother me so much, but on the other hand it even looked a little prettier. But among the more serious defects, there was a small gap under the gum - otherwise, one could say that some small crack was visible. On the reverse side of one of my crowns, I felt for some incomprehensible "hump", which, without much effort, could be slightly picked up with the tip of the tongue.

Moreover, that's not all! The gap between the crowns was so large that it was immediately evident. The doctor claims that this distance will be completely hidden by the gum when it fully "sits" on the tooth, but for some reason this did not calm me at all.

Putting it all together, I was more dissatisfied with the work done and prepared a fiery speech for tomorrow.

Three in One [Ninth Doctor Visit]

Each of my visits to the orthopedist is gaining more and more momentum, so that each comment on the procedure done began to take up more and more space. Well, let's continue.

I was first on the list to see the dentist. I came, sat down in a chair and expressed all my "claims". They patiently listened to me, looked at my photographs that I took, so to speak, “before” and “after”, and again began to conjure.

For some reason, I thought that after the number of shortcomings that I told the doctor about, the crowns would have to be redone again, but no - he began to bring to mind what was.

I'll be honest - removal of temporary crowns The process is far from pleasant. If so offhand, it feels like reusable hammer blows on the teeth, in my case for about 10-15 minutes.

After that, everything turned out to be simple. The back “hump” was removed in a matter of minutes, and reducing the length of the crowns was also not so difficult. Next, I focused my attention on the crack under the gum and, of course, on the large hole between the crowns in the upper part.

We decided to increase the volume of the crown in this place - the teeth were given to the technical "workshop", and we were sent for a walk for half an hour. Oh yes, I didn’t say - this time I took my wife with me as a support team and, so to speak, an independent consultant.

In general, in half an hour we returned.

I tried on new crowns, looked in the mirror, consulted with the doctor and he decided to try to completely close the upper gap.

Bye the crowns of the front teeth were “fried” in the oven we were asked to wait at the reception. Another half an hour passed and I was again invited into the office. The doctor, my wife and I liked the new version even more, and when there was nothing more to correct, the crowns were sent to the technical office for the final burning and coating with some kind of glaze.

We again left the dentistry for half an hour, went home, ate, changed clothes, took umbrellas, as it started to rain and, slightly cheered up but still excited, went back.

When I tried on the crowns again, I was completely satisfied with what I saw in the mirror and this time, they were already installed on permanent cement.

My joy knew no bounds.
For the time being.

Literally, as soon as we returned home and crossed the threshold, I went to the mirror and began to carefully examine my new teeth. Outwardly, everything suited me, but when I began to consider the reverse side I immediately noticed a defect- some darkened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating.

Taking a closer look, I assumed that it was a metal structure that was visible, which, apparently, was poorly covered with ceramics.

Without even having time to undress, my wife sent me back, but since it was already evening, I decided to first call the dentist and find out what was happening. The doctor worked until 6 o'clock and, he was no longer at the workplace, and tomorrow he had a day off - they said, come on Thursday (the day after tomorrow).

I will not rest until I am completely satisfied with the result, but the fact that the crowns are already installed on a permanent basis and the money has been paid for them is embarrassing. Finally, in the office no one showed me the reverse side of the crowns- although there is still a year of warranty.

In general, the continuation should be, but I hope it will be good.

Orthopedist control visit [Tenth visit]

2 days passed, and I again went to see my orthopedist. I told what it was about the crowns that bothered me, after which I was immediately seated in a chair, examined and made a final verdict.

According to my doctor, there is nothing wrong with the spot that I found on the back of my crown. He said that it was also during the installation, said that the crown of the front tooth was completely glazed, and that there was no “hole”, so there was no reason for concern.

Then the orthopedist clarified that in some cases, especially when there is not enough space, the crowns are completely covered with ceramics only on the front (visible) side of the tooth, so this small speck should not be the basis for my worries.

Video: Metal-ceramic crowns

Also, the doc reassured me that installed crowns have a guarantee and if suddenly something happens to them, he will redo them for free.

Satisfying my interest and drowning out the panic (albeit partially), I thanked him, left the office and went home with a smile on my face.

How would the outcome

Considering that for the first time in my life I was faced with the need to install metal-ceramic crowns on the front teeth, in total I am satisfied with the result of the work, say 8 points out of 10 possible, and I attribute the missing 2 points to a small defect on the inside of the crown and deviation in the chart. Even despite the fact that, according to the orthopedist, this area is acceptable.

When the crowns were on temporary cement, this darkened area did not exist, and it appeared only at the final stage - when the structure was covered with the so-called glaze. Here are two photos to prove it.

From this follows a completely logical conclusion that this spot might not have happened at all, and then I would have been 100 percent satisfied.

On the one hand, it is unlikely that someone will look into my mouth and this defect will only be known from this article, but on the other hand, I would like everything to be perfect both in front and behind.

Externally I am more than happy with the look of my crowns and now, during the warranty year, I intend to arrange a so-called “test drive” for them, after which it will be clear whether they are well done or whether I will have to see a doctor again. And, after all, nothing lasts forever!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, maybe this information will be useful to someone - in total, I gave two million nine hundred thousand Belarusian rubles (2.900.000 Belarusian rubles) for everything about everything, which at the moment is equivalent to almost 300 dollars.

Crowns on the front teeth are selected taking into account special requirements. They should help restore the functionality of the jaw and at the same time have a high rate of aesthetics. It is a wide dazzling smile and healthy snow-white teeth that create the image of a successful person. Advanced technologies, modern dentistry and high-quality material will allow you to return the lost incisors.

If any trouble occurs in the dentition, especially in its front part, people try to fix the problem as quickly as possible. The incisors are located right in the center, have a flat shape and cutting edges. Ceramic crowns on the front teeth are installed in the following cases:

  • the absence of one or more incisors;
  • with increased abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • with necrotic changes in the pulp;
  • in case of hypoplasia;
  • for cosmetic purposes, when the teeth have tetracycline staining, as it cannot be bleached.

This type of prosthetics has no contraindications. It is possible to carry out the installation even with various dental pathologies, in which case the devices will help to eliminate a number of other existing defects.

As for restrictions, then pregnant women should refuse prosthetics, especially in the first and third trimesters. It is best to carry out such procedures in the middle of pregnancy.

Choosing an anterior crown

Dental prostheses can be made with or without metal. Materials such as gold and platinum are rarely used due to their low aesthetics, although such a framework is more durable and has a longer service life than others.

To understand which crown is better to put on the front tooth, it is worth considering the characteristics of each material. Modern dentistry offers several options: metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide and just ceramics.

Metal-ceramic crowns

This material is used more often than others and it is recommended by dentists. This is due to the fact that cermet simultaneously combines such qualities as functionality, aesthetics and low cost. The average service life of such products with proper care is about 10-15 years.

The design looks like a metal frame about 0.5 millimeters thick, which is covered with several layers of ceramics. After that, the prosthesis undergoes a firing procedure in a special oven at a very high temperature. All these manipulations make the crown strong and solid. The base can be gold or made from an alloy of cobalt and chromium.

The main disadvantages of cermets are as follows:

  • during installation, deep turning is required, the nerve is removed (depulpation is performed);
  • the crown can adversely affect neighboring tissues;
  • the edge of the gum is often highlighted, and this reduces the aesthetic performance;
  • in bright light, you can distinguish the prosthesis from real teeth. This is because the material is not transparent.

In addition, with prolonged use, the gums acquire an ugly bluish color and sink. This usually happens at 3-5 years of use. As a result, a dark stripe may appear at the neck under the gum - this is an exposed prosthesis. Such changes occur due to the contact of metal with tissues. Basically, these factors do not affect the chewing function, but for the frontal zone, this problem is significant.

If the patient has an allergic reaction to metal objects, then it is best to install a shoulder-based structure, which will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. Such prostheses are completely covered with a ceramic mixture, so soft tissues will not come into contact with metal. But it is worth noting that the cost of such products will be much higher.


As the reviews show, the front teeth are not so popular. This is due to the fact that the structure has low strength. In this regard, products are made with rather thick walls, which means that the tooth has to be sharpened strongly. In addition, the material itself is considered allergenic, and various microorganisms penetrate through the porous structure of the prosthesis, which often causes inflammation under the crown.

As for aesthetics, the products are very similar to real teeth, albeit opaque. Basically, nylon or acrylic is used for their manufacture. But such devices have a service life of no more than 5 years, as they quickly lose their color. In addition, after a short period of time, chips and microcracks are observed on them.

Most often they are used for prostheses that are installed on implants. The advantages of plastic devices are low cost, speed of manufacture and installation. Such a crown can be installed in one visit to the dental clinic.

Zirconium dioxide

This material is the most technologically advanced of all presented. Zirconium prostheses are very durable and reliable, they are hypoallergenic and of high quality, which is especially appreciated by patients. The only drawback of such products is their high cost.

Typically, such structures are installed in the form of a single crown. To make it more durable and beautiful, it is better to make a prosthesis on a zirconium frame, on which ceramics are applied. In this case, the metal base will not shine through, which means that the smile will look snow-white and natural.

Zirconium crowns are made using computer simulation. At the very beginning, the frame of the structure is projected, porcelain layers are applied to it, which give the prosthesis a natural look. Modern materials allow you to choose almost any shade that will be as close as possible to the color of the patient's teeth.


Crowns made of ceramic are also popular, although they are quite expensive. They are suitable exclusively for the front teeth, as they are quite fragile and unable to cope with the chewing function.

The advantages of such a prosthesis include:

  • long service life and reliability, after ten years of operation, aesthetic characteristics will not deteriorate;
  • even in bright light, it will be impossible to distinguish artificial incisors from real ones;
  • the installation of ceramic prostheses does not worsen the condition of the gums and oral cavity.

But it should be noted right away that such material is used only if it is necessary to replace one tooth. Bridges cannot be made of ceramics. In addition, only ceramic or fiberglass pins can be used for inlays. Metal elements will not work, as they will show through the transparent ceramic layer.

Preparation and installation

Prosthetics begins with a complete diagnosis of the oral cavity. Only after that, an action plan is selected and the material from which the denture will be made is determined. If necessary, treatment is prescribed, caries or other dental diseases are eliminated. Then the specialist performs the following actions:

  • Drills a tooth, removes a nerve, cleans and seals the canal;
  • Checks the condition of the seals;
  • Installs a pin or stump tab in depulped teeth.

Such manipulations are necessarily performed under x-ray control. In some situations, the incisor cannot be cured, so it is removed, then the patient needs a two-week rehabilitation so that the gum can heal.

Many patients are afraid of prosthetics because of the pain, moreover, they often cannot decide which crowns to put on their front teeth are better. But in fact, the procedure is absolutely painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia, and an orthopedic dentist will help you choose the ideal material.

Before installing the prosthesis, it is necessary to slightly grind the teeth and, if necessary, fill them. At the same time, the nerves are removed. If this is not done, then the pulp will be damaged during turning, and this can cause an inflammatory process under the crown. Then the specialist takes an impression and sends it to the laboratory, where the technician will make the necessary product.

In the absence of teeth, an implant is inserted, after which it must take root. This will take about three months. Only after that . During this period, plastic crowns can be installed so that a person leads a normal life and feels comfortable.

As soon as the prosthesis is ready, the patient is invited for a fitting. If necessary, the product is adjusted, and then it is fixed first with temporary cement, and after a month - with permanent cement.

You need to install these prostheses in the following cases:

  • when most of the tooth is affected by caries;
  • severe destruction of the dental organ (more than 70%);
  • the tooth is destroyed after injury, while the root must be intact;
  • external defects of teeth (hereditary or acquired), change in their color when aesthetics suffer;
  • predisposition of enamel to pathological abrasion;
  • loosening of the teeth, which is the cause of periodontal disease (temporary dentures will make them more stable);
  • when a bridge is installed, thanks to the crowns, it is fixed on the supporting teeth;
  • the presence of uneven edges on the tooth, which injure the mucous membrane.

What material to choose?

Thanks to new developments, in modern dentistry there are several types of materials from which crowns are made. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Metal - classic prostheses that have been used for many years. Most often they are made of gold. The advantages of such products are strength, reliability and durability. They do not oxidize, have an abrasion coefficient almost like that of natural enamel, and do not damage opposing teeth. The main disadvantage is the minimal aesthetics, which is why they are placed on invisible parts of the jaw.
  2. Ceramic-metal, combining the advantages of metal and ceramics. They have durability, strength and high aesthetic performance. They cost less than all-ceramic ones. The downside of these prostheses is the mandatory preparation of a large amount of living tissues before their installation, as well as the possibility of abrasion of the enamel on opposite dental organs. A band of black metal near the gum may also be visible if its edge is lowered or the product was not made accurately.
  3. Crowns are made from ceramic or porcelain, which have the most aesthetic appearance. They are as similar as possible to natural teeth and retain their properties for a long time. However, ceramics are significantly brittle and cannot always withstand the stress of chewing. For this reason, more often ceramic products are placed on the anterior teeth. The main disadvantage of these crowns is the high price.


Crowns are made from plaster casts. Metal, cermet and ceramics can be used as the material to be produced.

The production is quite laborious and time-consuming, so while the dental technician is working on their creation, the patient is put on temporary plastic products. Thus, the aesthetic appearance of the turned teeth is restored, and they are protected from external influences and infection. These prostheses, in addition to protecting the teeth, also allow you to fully use them when chewing.

Grinding teeth for installation on their crowns

The grinding of teeth is called preparation. This procedure is performed using a drill into which a diamond bur is inserted. So the tooth can be given the desired shape.

When grinding live teeth, the procedure is painful, so anesthesia is administered to the patient before it is performed. If you need to grind a pulpless tooth, anesthesia is not always used, but if you need to retract the gums, it is better to do it.

The orthodontist needs to grind the tissue of the dental organ, the layer of which will be equal to the thickness of the prosthesis. Depending on the crown used, 1.5-2.5 mm of dental tissue can be removed from all sides of the dental organ. When attaching cast structures, less turning will be required, and if products made of ceramics or cermets are installed, more.

The turned tooth is a stump where the crown will subsequently be fixed.

How is the crown part of the tooth restored?

The crown part of the tooth in different cases can be destroyed in different ways, and therefore it is restored in different ways. To do this, either a stump tab is installed in the tooth, or a pin is placed, and this does not affect the appearance of the tooth in any way.

The pin is a high-strength rod that is screwed into the root canal after it has been filled. It plays the role of the basis for fixing the filling material. Then the tooth is built up and turned under the prosthesis.

With the help of a stump tab, you can make a very reliable restoration of the dental organ, which will last a long time. It is made in the laboratory from a special metal that is non-toxic. The tab consists of the crown and root parts. The root is fixed in the root canal of the tooth, and the crown has a view that is already ready for attaching the crown to it.

The first stage of installation - preparatory

Before installing the crown, the dentist must carefully examine the patient's oral cavity, if necessary, an x-ray can be taken. Based on the results of the examination, a treatment plan is drawn up and the necessary procedures are recommended. It is also important to examine the patient for contraindications and allergies to any material.

The doctor, together with the patient, selects a more suitable type of crown. They specify the terms when the prostheses will be made and installed, as well as the cost of treatment.

In the presence of diseases of the gums and teeth in the oral cavity, they are cured.

  1. Removes the nerve from the tooth and grinds it. It is important to grind such a layer of the tooth that will correspond to the thickness of the prosthesis. When attaching the crown to the anterior units with one root, the removal of the nerve is mandatory, because during the grinding, a pulp burn may occur. Depulpation of a multi-rooted tooth is not necessary, because the risk of burns in such a situation is minimal.
  2. Treats teeth affected by caries. Performs root canal filling. Cleans teeth from tartar and plaque.
  3. If the dental organ is severely destroyed, it is depulped, the canals are sealed and the crown part is recreated with a filling composition.
  4. When attaching a crown to a living tooth, anesthesia is required.
  5. If there is a filling on the supporting tooth, it is replaced with a new one.

After preparing the teeth for fixing the prosthesis, impressions are taken from them, according to which crowns will be made in the laboratory.

Laboratory (second) stage of installation

According to the casts taken from the prepared dental units, models of dental organs are made from plaster in the laboratory. So the dental technician gets an exact plaster copy of the patient's teeth, which maximally reflects all their features. With the help of these models, further production is carried out.

Fitting and fastening - the third stage of installation

Before the crown is installed and even before the end of the manufacturing work, the first fitting of the prosthesis is performed. They check that it sits on the stump accurately and firmly.

Further, if necessary, adjustments are made to the product and it continues to be formed in the laboratory. If cermet is used as the material to be manufactured, the metal frame must be coated with an aesthetically pleasing ceramic composition.

After completion, the prosthesis is fixed with a temporary composition, which makes it possible to assess the comfort when wearing the prosthesis, the possibility of allergic reactions, and eliminate the possibility that it will interfere when connected to opposite teeth. Check the reaction of dental units and adjacent tissues to the presence of a new element in the oral cavity.

At this time, defects in the filling of the dental canals, inflammation or severe pain may appear.

The most common defect is the following: overbite, due to which it turns out that the prosthesis does not fit tightly on the neck of the tooth, injuring the gum and causing it to bleed.

If there are such complications, measures should be taken to eliminate them.

Temporary dentures are worn from two weeks to a month. If the patient has no complaints, they are removed, the dental unit is cleaned and the permanent product is fixed with permanent cement. Then the crown is irradiated with a special lamp, which helps to harden the cement. All excess cement is carefully removed.

On a note: You can chew on the tooth where the crown was placed after a couple of hours, and the maximum load can be given to it after one day.

Cases in which the removal of crowns is necessary

The need to remove the crown can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. The tooth was poorly prepared for the installation of a prosthesis. Statistics show that 60% of root canal fillings are performed with errors. This is a prerequisite for the development of inflammation, and the treatment of the tooth leads to the need to remove the structure.
  2. Construction error. If the product distorts the bite, loosely covers the neck, or causes physical or aesthetic problems, it is removed.
  3. Planned replacement. At the end of the service life (usually 10-15 years), the prosthesis is changed.
  4. Damage to the structure, the appearance of cracks on it or holes from washed cement requires an urgent replacement of the product.
  5. The occurrence of complications.

Removal methods

Removing the product is quite difficult, especially if you need to keep it intact in order to install it again.

If the removal is due to a structural failure, it is better to saw it with special tools.

If it is necessary to preserve the prosthesis, to remove it, use:

  1. Crown lifters (Kopp hooks are the most common) are special tools in the form of flat hooks that can be automatic or manual. With their help, the prosthesis is removed in the part of its connection with the tooth.
  2. Forceps securely grasp the prosthesis with jaws and remove it from the base.
  3. Ultrasonic installations. Ultrasound waves are able to destroy the adhesive cement, after which the prosthesis can be easily removed.
  4. Pneumatic tools, the use of which also contributes to the destruction of cement and facilitate the removal of the crown.

What are the complications?

Consider the complications that can appear after the installation of crowns:

  1. The strong pressure of the product on soft tissues disrupts blood circulation, contributes to the formation of bedsores. At the same time, the soft mucous membrane can die at the point of contact between the gum and the crown. So prosthetic stomatitis can develop.
  2. The defeat of the supporting dental units by caries. Poor cleaning of the oral cavity or poor preparation of the dental organs for the installation of a prosthesis lead to the accumulation of food particles under the crown, where bacteria that cause the disease develop.
  3. An allergy to the metals that make up the prosthesis may not appear immediately after the installation of the structure, but after some time. There is a burning sensation in the mouth, dryness, inflammation is formed.
  4. Galvanic syndrome can be caused by the presence of various metals in the mouth. The result is the formation of an electric current, which enhances oxidative reactions. At the same time, the patient feels a metallic taste in his mouth, there may be a general malaise, a headache, the structure and neighboring dental organs may change color.

Each of these complications requires a quick reaction and a visit to the attending physician, otherwise you can lose the abutment tooth. The doctor will most likely remove the crown, treat it and put in a new one.

The most interesting questions for patients


Does it hurt to install a crown?


Fitting a denture can be uncomfortable, just like any other dental procedure. The greatest amount of discomfort occurs at the preparation stage, which includes drilling, turning the dental organs, cleaning and filling the canals. But the fact that the crown is mainly fixed on pulpless teeth minimizes the likelihood of pain. If they grind live teeth, anesthesia is used. And the very fastening of the crown on the stump is completely painless.


What is the duration of the procedure?


The installation has several steps. To prepare your teeth - you need to visit the dentist one to two times, and sometimes more. The duration of each visit depends on which teeth are planned to be crowned and their condition. It may take several weeks to make a crown. The prosthesis is placed on temporary cement for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Then it is finally fixed. In this case, the total time spent on the installation of the crown can be from 1 to 2 months, and sometimes more.


Are crowns placed on living teeth?


For live multi-rooted teeth, the condition of which does not require depulpation, a crown is allowed to be placed. You can also put them when installing the bridge, when the crowns are attached to the turned healthy teeth.

Various factors lead to tooth wear. They are destroyed. Both banal caries and all kinds of injuries lead to this. Some diseases also provoke tooth decay. And what to do? Fortunately, modern technologies and materials make it possible to fully restore lost functions. In order to strengthen the damaged unit, crowns are put on the teeth. How are they set? What are they like? Which ones to choose? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What are crowns and bridges?

A structure covering a completely decayed tooth is called a crown. It is fixed with special cement. Its function is not only to strengthen and protect the jaw arch unit. With the help of crowns, even the shape of the tooth is changed. But today the aesthetic aspect is very important for many patients.

A bridge is a structure that replaces missing teeth in the jaw arch. If the patient is missing at least one unit, then it can be restored by implantation. But this method has been used relatively recently in the post-Soviet space and is considered expensive. But prosthetics with the help of bridge structures have been used for a long time. And this method is available to every patient. The cost of the service will depend on the materials used in the manufacture of the bridge. Next, we will talk about which crowns are placed on the teeth.


Crowns are divided according to several principles.

The first is when products are distinguished depending on the purpose of the design. They are supporting and restorative.

The second principle divides orthodontic products according to the types of material from which they are made (metal, non-metal, mixed).

Products are distinguished by the principle of their design. There are full crowns that cover the entire tooth. There are also so-called half-crowns. These products do not cover the back of the jaw arch unit.

For the splinting procedure, equatorial structures are made. This is a kind of strip covering the tooth in a circle.

To restore severely damaged units, stump crowns are made on the teeth. How are they set? The doctor performs them so that the edges of the product deepen under the edge of the gum.

Also, in cases where the unit is significantly destroyed, crowns with a pin are installed. This allows you to create additional support.

To select the height of the product directly on the tooth itself, telescopic structures were created.

Installation process

So, what do you need to know if you are going to restore a unit with a crown? How are they placed on the teeth? Let's consider the whole process.

1. The most important step is the preparation of teeth for prosthetics. If necessary, the dentist performs filling, removal of tartar, depulpation. Next, the tooth must be ground. Depending on the selected material for the structure, the top layer of a certain thickness (1.5-2 mm) will be removed. If the nerve has not been removed in the unit, then the doctor uses anesthesia during the preparation. It will allow you to carry out all the manipulations without causing much discomfort to the patient.

2. When the grinding is completed, the moment comes for taking casts of the jaw. The specialist does this with plaster.

3. Casts are handed over to the dental technician. And he is already making a crown.

4. Then the patient is invited to try on the design. The doctor marks the areas that need to be corrected.

5. After the crown is finally ready, the specialist puts it on the turned tooth with a special glue.

In cases where it is planned to install structures made of ceramic, zirconium dioxide, the specialist offers a plastic crown for the time of manufacture (the process may take several weeks). So a person can lead a full life.

Sometimes patients ask the question: "Is it possible to put a crown - the tooth is almost destroyed?" To date, technology allows you to restore any unit. If the condition of the root is satisfactory, the doctor puts the crown on pins that serve as additional support. Or use special tabs that mimic the lost part of the tooth.

Crowns made of metal

Despite the fact that dentistry is developing very quickly today, orthopedists note that metal crowns are still in demand among patients. When the question arises which crowns to put on chewing teeth, the doctor can recommend designs made of gold alloy.

They are not suitable for the frontal area, as they will violate the aesthetics of the smile. But on the side units that are not visible, they can be installed. The advantage of the material is the relative softness. This allows for a perfect fit of the crown walls to the turned tooth. Also, this factor favorably affects the preservation of the enamel of neighboring units. Gold wears out at almost the same rate as enamel. This protects it from premature erasure. Well, a crown made of metal perfectly copes with the load exerted when chewing food. Such products do not chip. They rarely break at all.

Reviews of specialists and patients

The opinion of doctors here is ambiguous. Some believe that metal crowns will be in demand for a long period. Experts note that the designs have earned their popularity with such qualities as strength and affordability.

Other experts argue that only modern materials and technologies for prosthetics should be used. To date, patients also respond ambiguously about metal crowns. Many people remove them to replace them with products that will match the color of their natural teeth.

Plastic products

Typically, such structures are made for temporary use. But they are also suitable for permanent use. Plastic crowns mimic natural teeth well. They can be quickly made, which is quite convenient. They are usually placed on the frontal region of the jaw. They are not able to withstand a large load. Therefore, they are placed on the side sections only for a while, while a permanent prosthesis is being made.


Plastic crowns are distinguished by a democratic price. This makes them accessible to all segments of the population. However, they have a number of disadvantages.

1. They change color over time.

2. Not strong enough.

3. Require more maintenance than other designs. This is due to the porous structure of the plastic. Pathogenic bacteria quickly accumulate in the material.

4. In some patients, plastic causes allergic reactions.

5. Short service life.

At the same time, experts note the advantages of the material. When the patient asks which crowns to put on the front teeth so that it is inexpensive, the specialist will recommend plastic constructions. If there are no contraindications and the patient is not allergic, they will fit perfectly into the smile. With proper care, crowns should last 5 years. And according to patient reviews, such structures can stand for much longer.


To achieve the similarity of crowns with natural teeth, they began to be made of porcelain and other ceramic materials. These products are highly aesthetic. The material has a translucent property. And this allows you to make a design that, even at close range, cannot be distinguished from the patient's native teeth.

However, ceramics also has its drawbacks. The material is inferior in strength to metal alloys. Therefore, when asked which crowns are placed on the teeth in front, a specialist can recommend all-ceramic products. They will not spoil, and in some cases even significantly improve the aesthetics of the patient's smile. At the same time, the load during chewing is distributed in such a way that the frontal zones get a “gentle mode”. Here, ceramics can last up to 15 years with proper care.

What are the best crowns for teeth? Reviews about ceramics

Undoubtedly, the material is considered progressive in the field of dentistry. Pressed porcelain crowns look great. In this aspect, the opinion of specialists does not differ from the reviews of patients. Aesthetics of a smile - on top. However, porcelain is inferior in strength to zirconium dioxide. Therefore, it is used only for the manufacture of single crowns for the anterior teeth. At the same time, the cost of products is quite high. Not every patient can afford to install a ceramic crown.

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