What is the treatment for flux. How to cure flux at home. Antiseptic mouth treatment

In dental practice, the flux is called odontogenic periostitis. The essence of the disease is that “thanks to” the infection that has penetrated through the aching tooth, edema forms under the gum.

It is provoked by a pathological purulent-inflammatory process of the periosteum that has developed due to infection. The word "fluss" is translated from German as a stream, flow.

This name is quite consistent with the problem, since in a state of disrepair can spontaneously open, and then the pus comes out.

Most people with this problem go to the dentist immediately. However, situations may arise when a person simply does not have the opportunity to contact a dental clinic in the near future.

For example, this is a business trip to remote areas or a camping trip. In such a situation, you can use one of the most affordable "home" methods of flux treatment, including also medication.

Folk recipes and methods

First of all, you should talk about folk recipes. It uses the beneficial properties of many medicinal plants, as well as their combinations in various proportions. They quite successfully help to fight this disease, both in adults and in children.

Some of these methods are recommended by doctors themselves., especially by prescribing a list of medical and restorative procedures simultaneously with the use of professional techniques.

It is these methods of dealing with flux at home that are given more attention here, since they are the simplest of all available.

It should also be noted the safety of using the vast majority of these tools and methods. If you follow the simplest recommendations correctly, then such treatment will definitely not bring harm.

The only thing to note when talking about precautionary measures is to check for the absence of an allergic reaction to one of the components.


One of the indispensable components of folk methods of treatment is frequent rinsing of the mouth using a variety of tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as some solutions.

Most of these drugs have an antibacterial effect. They also help relieve general inflammation, thereby reducing the intensity of pain.

Soda with salt

This recipe can be called basic in the case of not only home treatment, but also recovery from various dental problems and ENT diseases.

In a glass of warm water, mix half a teaspoon of soda and salt. The dissolution must be complete.

Rinse should be once every half an hour in case of severe inflammation and neglect of the problem. If the flux is noticed at the initial stage, then the intensity of the procedures can be reduced by 2-3 times, that is, rinse once every hour and a half.

The use of these two components at the same time will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and reduce it.


The dried flowering tops and leaves of the sage herb are successfully used in the fight against a variety of inflammatory processes, even internal ones. When fluxing, use the tincture of this plant.

  • To do this, it is necessary to brew in one and a half glasses of boiling water. two tablespoons of sage itself (about 10 grams) and one tablespoon of dry mustard herb.

    When the tincture has cooled sufficiently, it should be well drained. Rinsing is carried out quite often - 8 times a day, that is, approximately every two hours.

  • Another recipe calls for mixture of sage, oak bark and St. John's wort. Each plant needs to take 50 grams. All this is brewed in a large amount of boiling water (about a liter).

    When the tincture is filtered and cooled, it is used for rinsing every hour and a half.

  • Another use case sage - mix 60 grams of herb with the same amount of green leaf tea and brew in one liter of boiling water.

    This tincture can be used at a higher temperature, meaning there is no need to wait for it to cool to room temperature.

Birch buds

Essential oils and other components of birch bud decoction have antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects. It is thanks to this that the tincture with their use is successfully used for the treatment of flux.

  • To cook it you need take 60 grams of the kidneys themselves, periwinkle, angelica and peppermint s. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water (a little more than a liter), cooled, settled and filtered. Rinse your mouth with this tincture 6 to 8 times a day.
  • Another version of the same tincture is alcohol. In this case the mixture should be infused in a solution of alcohol (about 40%) for about a day or two. The effect is enhanced with the help of alcohol, which is an excellent disinfectant.

    Before rinsing, the tincture is diluted with boiled water at room temperature - 1-2 tablespoons per glass.

Notes on rinse ingredients:

  • Mustard plaster is used as a fairly strong pain reliever.
  • St. John's wort contains a lot of useful components, thanks to which it is used as an analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic. It also speeds up regeneration.
  • Tannins, as well as some enzymes contained in the oak bark, have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, and also reduce tissue inflammation.
  • Angelica exhibits strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Peppermint, among other things, has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Periwinkle is used as a sedative, antimicrobial, vasodilator.

In addition to the above plants, elderberry, chamomile, lemon balm, rue, and so on can also be used to prepare a decoction or tincture for rinsing the mouth with flux.

Ointments and compresses

In this section, we should first of all mention cold compresses, as an excellent remedy for swelling and relief of the condition.

Cold helps to stop the active development of inflammation. With its help, all the processes taking place in the tissues are locally slowed down.

It needs to be added that any compresses used should never be hot. For the most part, room temperature is sufficient.

The fact is that when tissues are heated, especially inflamed areas, the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that provoke this process is accelerated.

Any infusion or rinse solution prepared earlier is suitable for preparing a compress. Gauze, folded several times, is well moistened in the finished tincture and applied directly to the site of edema.


Soda is also used as a component of the compress. A teaspoon of baking soda is placed in a dense but small gauze swab.

Immediately before use, gauze is moistened with water. Keep such a compress for about an hour, after which you must additionally rinse your mouth..


The medicinal properties of cabbage make it possible to use its leaves also in the fight against flux. A clean, dense leaf of ordinary white cabbage is boiled in water for several minutes.

After cooling, the sheet is applied to the cheek in the area of ​​​​inflammation and swelling. The leaves cannot be reused, including for food.


To prepare a compress, squeeze the juice from one whole onion. A piece of gauze folded four to eight times is soaked in the resulting liquid (you can take an ordinary bandage, not even sterile). The compress is applied for half an hour to an hour.

eggs and sugar

Sugar is a long-standing natural preservative. That is why its mixture with egg yolk, as well as a spoonful of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower), can be used as a filler for a compress.

Prepare it, as in other cases, using a gauze swab. But you need to keep on the gum much less time - only about 20 minutes.


To prepare an effective ointment, you can use a specially prepared antibacterial mass, which will require honey and rusty nail. It doesn't have to be a nail.

You can take a piece of iron wire or another iron product on which oxide has formed, that is, rust.

The metal must be strongly heated over the fire. After that, it is placed in fresh honey, previously poured into a small saucer.

As a result, a black mass is used, which is formed around the rusty metal in combination with honey. She is black.

Medical options

At home, you can also use some professional techniques, in particular, drug therapy. First of all, this taking a course of antibiotics.

However, without consulting a doctor, this is highly undesirable.

Also, such solutions are well suited as a means for therapeutic rinsing:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Vinylin;
  • Hexoral;
  • Hepilor and others with antimicrobial activity.

You can also use crushed Furacilin tablets.

First aid in case of opening an abscess

In the event of a breakthrough of external tissues, pus comes out. On the one hand, pain is reduced and swelling subsides, so it seems that the problem with the flux has been solved. However, on the other hand, this is a sign that the previous actions were not enough.

In the case of opening the site of an abscess at home, when it is not possible to consult a doctor and solve the problem radically, the resulting wound should be thoroughly washed.

This is necessary in order to remove pathogens and their metabolic products. In this way, much more serious consequences can be prevented.

To do this, you can use all the same previously prepared and very well-strained tinctures and decoctions. Mostly, sage is used as the main component, but you can also use other plants and a soda-salt solution.

Of course, home therapy recipes using folk methods (aloe juice, iodine, soda, salt, etc.) are effective, but in any case, you will need to contact a dental clinic for a simple operation to stop the flux. How it happens - watch the video:

Few people are happy to visit a doctor like a dentist. Often you want to postpone a visit to this doctor until an urgent moment. And this position is very dangerous. After all, many diseases would be easier to cure in the initial stages, while they do not require a lot of time and money. Flux can signal inflammatory processes in the tooth and on the gum, but it is not always possible to visit a doctor at this very moment. Therefore, the question of how to remove the flux on the cheek at home is very relevant.

Before you figure out how to quickly remove the flux on the cheek, you need to understand what is happening with the body at the moment. After all, treatment should not harm a person, and attempts to remove the flux on their own can lead to complications.

Flux is usually called inflammation of the root of the tooth, accompanied by the formation of pus. It can appear as a complication with neglected, dental injuries, or with inflammatory processes in the pocket between the tooth and gum. The reason for the appearance of the flux is very often small pieces of food that have fallen into places that are hard to reach for the brush and remain there. Under the influence of microorganisms, the process of decay begins in them. The resulting pus begins to look for a way out and spreads throughout the entire canal. If the periosteum or lower jaw is located on the path of pus, then it will begin to accumulate in this place.

A person will begin to feel swelling, soreness in the area where the flux appears and a slight increase in temperature. In some cases, the entire half of the face may swell, and not just a piece of the cheek.

Flux symptoms also include swelling of the lymph nodes located on the neck or behind the ears; weakness; chills; difficulty in swallowing.

If you try to remove the flux at home, you can harm yourself. The membrane holding the purulent focus can break through, and the pus can enter the blood or meninges. All this will lead to the appearance of sepsis and other serious complications. Therefore, only a dentist should treat the flux, but you can reduce swelling and remove pain at home.

Popular folk remedies for rinsing with flux

To remove or reduce the flux on the cheek at home, folk remedies are used. But it should be remembered that none of these remedies can replace a full-fledged treatment. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises, it is necessary to visit the dentist and remove all the accumulated pus. Most often, with a flux, it helps with various decoctions and infusions.

  • A teaspoonful of salt and soda dissolve in a glass of water, rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture. This method of treatment can cause the flux to mature faster and break through on its own. However, the risk of not removing all the pus or introducing an infection through the wound is quite high.
  • An herbal rinse can be used to treat flux at home. Green tea and sage are taken in a teaspoon and brewed with boiling water. After cooling, the solution is filtered and 20 grams of salt is added to it. The resulting product is used for rinsing the mouth. It is important to remember that in order to remove the flux on the cheek, you should take green tea without additional additives.
  • Common mouthwashes - oak bark, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage - will help well for the treatment of flux. They can be used singly or in combination with each other. The method of preparing a rinse with flux is standard - a teaspoon of dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered and ready to use.
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula, diluted in water, can be used both for rinsing with a flux, and to hold on to the cheek in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore spot.

Rinse the mouth with flux is required approximately 5-6 times a day. The recipes listed above can also be used after opening the flux by a doctor to sanitize the oral cavity and accelerate tissue healing.


Folk remedies as compresses and ointments

You can influence the flux not only from the side of the oral cavity, but also from the outside. There are various recipes for flux treatment that will help to cope with pain and swelling.

  • The dough, which is made from wholemeal flour and natural honey, helps to remove swelling during the flux.
  • To quickly remove or reduce the flux on the cheek, pine tree resin is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot.
  • Propolis lotions help well with flux. It is necessary to dilute propolis with warm boiled water, moisten a cotton pad and apply to the inflamed area to remove swelling. Just remember that propolis is a strong allergen.
  • A decoction made from plantain or knotweed will help to quickly remove or significantly reduce swelling. For 2 cups of boiling water, take a tablespoon of dried herbs. To drink such a decoction to get rid of the flux, you should drink half a glass twice a day.
  • Of the drugs, Maraslavin can help remove the flux at home. It is applied to cotton wool and placed in the gum area. Every hour it is necessary to repeat the treatment procedure, while changing the compress.
  • To alleviate your condition and remove swelling on the cheek, you can use ice. A cold compress should be briefly applied to the affected area. It will help lower the temperature and remove swelling during the flux.

On the basis of honey, ointments can be prepared that will affect not only the diseased area, but also the entire state of the body as a whole. 50 ml of any vegetable oil is taken, boiled over a fire, then 20 g of propolis is added to it. The resulting mixture is cooled and then stored in a cool place. Lubricate the inflamed area should be at least twice a day.

Another recipe is rather strange for toothache, but the ancestors believed that it helps, and to remove the flux on the cheek as well. A clove of garlic is ground into a pulp and applied in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist to the hand that is on the opposite side from the flux. After about half an hour, the patient notes a decrease in the feeling of pain.

If the pain is not removed by compresses and rinsing, you can drink one of:

  • Ketanov,
  • Tempalgin,
  • Spazmalgon.

Do not take more than three tablets per day. If the pain is so severe that these drugs do not help, you should consult a doctor immediately.

And in general, the use of folk remedies will help remove pain and flux on the cheek, but will not remove pus from the site of inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary not to postpone a visit to the dentist for a long time, so that there are no unpleasant consequences later.

How fast is the flux removed

Since the tumor is formed due to the accumulation of pus in one place on the cheek, you can get rid of it by ensuring the outflow of pus. Occasionally this happens without the participation of a doctor, but most often the help of a specialist is needed.

How to remove the flux on the cheek with medical help?

  1. The dentist makes an incision in the gum.
  2. Releases pus that has accumulated in this place.
  3. In order for pus not to continue to accumulate in the same place on the cheek, and the incision does not overgrow, drainage is placed.
  4. Antibiotics are prescribed to rule out infection.

That is why it is not recommended to make an abscess tear on the cheek at home - the risk of infection is very high. Yes, and most likely it will not be possible to carry out the correct manipulations, which means that pus will continue to accumulate, and the flux will continue to disturb the person. The antibiotics that the dentist will prescribe after opening the flux are not able to rid a person of pus on their own. They are effective only if the abscess on the cheek has already been opened. At this stage, the doctor may prescribe:

  • tsifran,
  • doxycycline,
  • Lincomycin,
  • Ampiox,
  • Amoxiclav.

Very often, a doctor with a flux does not immediately advise removing it, but first recommends trying to relieve swelling and reduce pain. And only in very advanced cases, it immediately reveals suppuration on the cheek. In addition to opening the flux, the doctor may prescribe another treatment, for example, rinsing the mouth with special medicines.

  1. Chlorhexidine helps to remove puffiness well, and is also an antiseptic. For the treatment of flux with it to be effective, it is necessary to rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours.
  2. Rotokan is a concentrated product, so it must be diluted with water before rinsing. It contains chamomile, calendula and sage, so it treats puffiness well, including flux.
  3. A well-known antibacterial agent is 3% hydrogen peroxide. For rinsing, it must be diluted with water in the same proportion.
  4. Betadine contains iodine in its composition, therefore it helps to disinfect the incision and promotes the outflow of pus from the cheek. Dilute with water is a must.

For the treatment of flux symptoms, Ketonal, Nimesil, Naklofen are used; ointments MetrogilDenta and Levomikol. The drug Diazolin helps very well with the flux, because it is not only an anti-allergic agent, but also fights against those pathogens that cause the formation of pus.

If you have a flux on your cheek, then you should not try to remove it yourself. Treatment of flux at home can cause blood poisoning and only aggravate the patient's condition. You should also know that the inflamed area should not be heated, otherwise the pus may leave the sac in which it is located and spread further. If the flux is not treated, then not only an unauthorized breakthrough will become a complication, but also phlegmon - a purulent inflammation that has no clear boundaries and can spread to the entire jaw.

The article was checked by a practicing family doctor Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor with dental flux, you can quickly remove the tumor at home. Such methods are only a temporary measure and cannot replace a full-fledged treatment. But you can briefly improve the patient's condition using the 15 best improvised methods for periostitis.

Flux or develops due to advanced pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis. It progresses rapidly, leading to serious complications up to sepsis and death. Therefore, the main treatment should be carried out in the clinic, the rest of the measures only supplement it.

One of the auxiliary methods of therapy is oral baths. They relieve swelling, inflammation, soothe and heal the mucosa.


The best option on how to remove the tumor, even if the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen, is pharmacy antiseptic solutions. Most often, the following drugs are prescribed.


The most popular and cheapest antiseptic for periostitis. It is active against most pathogenic microorganisms: anaerobic, aerobic, gram-positive and negative.

The most popular and cheapest antiseptic.

Important! It should be borne in mind that chlorhexidine has little effect against viruses and fungi. And the spores of bacteria are affected only at elevated temperatures.

The tool rarely provokes allergic reactions. Produced in vials at a concentration of 0.5%. Use the solution undiluted every couple of hours. The average price of chlorhexidine is 10 rubles.


The main active ingredient is iodine. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Effectively draws out pus, promotes its discharge and reduces flux.

Use "Betadine" for periostitis from 4 times a day. To prepare the solution, dilute 20 drops of the drug in a glass of warm water. You can buy for 150 rubles.

Additional Information! Also for rinsing from periostitis, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide or any containing alcohol is used.

The active substance is iodine.


Alcoholic herbal preparation. Contains extract of calendula, chamomile, yarrow. Removes swelling, inflammation, disinfects the oral mucosa.

Apply tincture from the flux according to the scheme of 20 ml of the product per 200 ml of water. Oral baths are done every 2 to 3 hours. The price of "Rotokan" is about 50 rubles.

Folk remedies

Home methods from flux are also actively used in dentistry. They are prescribed as an independent remedy or in addition to medical antiseptics.

soda and salt

How to quickly and effectively remove a tumor with dental flux using improvised methods? 15 best rinses, lotions, ointments, and decongestants.

Soda-salt solution is the main home assistant in the treatment of any inflammatory processes, including periostitis. The components perfectly disinfect, draw out pus, reduce pain by reducing swelling, inflammation and death of microbes.

For cooking, take 1 tsp. baking soda and salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Salt can be used any: table or pure sea salt. To enhance the effect add 2 - 3 drops of iodine.

A simple and effective recipe.

Herbal decoctions

Herbal tinctures also have a good anti-inflammatory effect in periodontitis and, to a lesser extent, a disinfectant. In addition, they soothe the affected area, relieve pain.

Sage, calendula, chamomile, eryngium, mustard, lemon balm, wormwood, oak bark and calamus root are best suited for the treatment of flux. Components are taken one at a time or in any combination.

2 tbsp dry leaves or flowers are poured with half a liter of hot water, brought to a boil in a water bath. Insist 2 - 3 hours, filter, heated to a comfortable temperature. The mouth is rinsed as standard.

Additional Information! You can also buy alcohol tinctures of herbs. They are used for periostitis at the rate of 20 drops per glass of water.

Decoctions of herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.


Ouzo or bee glue is a well-known folk remedy. This is the best natural antiseptic. It also has a weak anesthetic effect.

It is best to buy ready-made (5%) in alcohol or oil. The second is suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. It is diluted in standard proportions in rinse water, lubricated with swelling and gums around it, or moistened with a sponge and applied to the flux.

Important! You can also just chew pieces of propolis for 10-15 minutes.

Propolis can be chewed.

Aloe and Kalanchoe leaves

These plants are widely used in folk medicine. They are used for infectious and colds.

To eliminate periostitis, freshly squeezed juice, ground or cut leaves with thorns removed are taken. They lubricate the swelling or apply to it, wrapped in gauze. Keep lotion up to 2 hours. You can also just chew on the plants.

Important! Kalanchoe and aloe are very bitter and leave an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time. This can be a serious reason to replace them with other means.

Juice can lubricate wounds or make lotions.

Ointments and gels

Simultaneously with antiseptic rinses, ointments and gels are prescribed for periostitis. They also disinfect wounds, draw out pus and relieve swelling. In addition, the drugs have a reparative effect and accelerate healing.

Pharmacy funds

The best option is to use medicated flux gels. They include strong antiseptic and antibacterial components that are dozens of times superior to vegetable ones. Their cost is affordable and you do not need to spend time preparing homemade balms.


The gel is specially designed to eliminate dental problems: inflammation and gum disease (gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis), stomatitis, periostitis. It is also used for teething, injuries caused by braces and dentures.

Metorogil-Denta is a combination drug based on chlorhexidine and metronidazole. It is not absorbed, does not penetrate into the bloodstream and affects only pathogenic microorganisms, does not affect beneficial bacteria.

Contains chlorhexidine and metronidazole.

Important! The gel occasionally causes allergic reactions. It is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 6 years of age.

The product is produced in tubes of 5, 10 and 20 g. The average price for Metrogil Dent is 250 rubles.


Based on the reparant methyluracil and the antibiotic chloramphenicol. The latter is active against most bacteria, microbes and viruses. It is extremely rare for pathogens to develop resistance to it. It is effective against many strains that are not affected by penicillin, sulfonamides, streptomycin.

Additional Information! Chloramphenicol is included in the list of the most important and vital medicines.

I use the gel with flux only externally. It is applied in its pure form on the gums or smeared with a tampon and a lotion is made. Levomekol costs about 100 rubles.

Contains an antibiotic.

home methods

Tooth swelling can also be reduced with homemade ointments. Their main advantage is the absence of contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity.

Cream based on calendula

Dried flowers are mixed with melted butter at a concentration of 1:5. Lubricate the flux at night and 2-3 times a day.

Mix with beeswax

Heated in a water bath for 3 tbsp. linseed and olive oil. Add 25 ml of honey and 50 ml of beeswax. Melt, cool and apply to the tumor with a cotton swab.

The wax is melted in a water bath.


Antibiotics must be prescribed for tooth flux. Since the contents of the abscess are represented by a wide flora of strains of anaerobic, aerobic, gram-negative and positive microorganisms, broad-spectrum drugs are needed.


It is active against most bacteria and microbes. Penetrates into all organs, excreted by the kidneys in almost unchanged form.

Important!"Amoxiclav" is prohibited for adolescents under 12 years old, with liver diseases, jaundice. During pregnancy, it is prescribed with caution.

It costs "Amoxiclav" 250 - 300 rubles.


In small doses, it has a bacteriostatic effect (suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms), in high doses it has a bactericidal effect (leads to the death of microbes).

"Lincomycin" is considered a "dental" antibiotic. It is often prescribed in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gums and teeth, as it can accumulate in the periosteum.

Treatment is based on antibiotic therapy.

The drug is relatively safe, it is prescribed for infants older than 1 month. Sometimes it can cause indigestion, allergic reactions. The drug is forbidden to prescribe for serious violations of the liver and kidneys, pregnant and lactating mothers.

It costs "Lincomycin" about 200 rubles.

Important! Only the doctor prescribes the type of antibiotic, dosage and duration of administration. Self-medication leads to bacterial resistance and complications.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

You can quickly remove the tumor and reduce pain at home with flux with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. They are available in the form of tablets, suspensions, powders.


The main anti-inflammatory "dental" remedy. The main component is nimesulide. It has a strong anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, to a lesser extent - antipyretic and analgesic. These properties make Nimesil the No. 1 drug in the treatment of periostitis.

The main component is nimesulide.

Assign medicine to adults and children from 12 years old, 1 sachet twice a day. It is not recommended for patients with impaired functioning of the intestines, liver, heart and during pregnancy.

The price of one sachet of "Nimesil" is 20 - 30 rubles.


If a person's cheek swells, a tumor appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane, this may indicate a flux. It is accompanied by severe pain, can be complicated by purulent contents, grow and affect the nerves. Find out how to treat flux, what is included in first aid when it occurs, what medications are useful in treating the disease.

What is flux

Periostitis, known to the general population under the name flux, is an inflammatory process in the periosteum of the jawbone. The disease develops as a result of infection from the periapical region and the root canal. Because of this, there is an increase in the thickness of the jaw in the area of ​​the problem tooth and swelling of the cheek develops with damage to the cavity of the tooth.

The cause of the disease is advanced caries. Pathogenic carious microflora gradually penetrates into the pulp chamber and affects the tissues around the root. Periostitis of odontogenic etiology is mainly caused by streptococci, pyogenic bacilli, staphylococci and pathogenic rod species. If the infectious focus of the wound develops in the periodontal tissues, then the pathogens begin to seep into the periosteal zone through the intraosseous channels and provoke an abscess (destruction and inflammation).

Flux treatment

Since the process is associated with intramaxillary inflammation, it is impossible to rely only on folk remedies: this can lead to serious complications. At an early stage, after contacting a doctor, a course of antibiotics is enough. To treat the advanced purulent form of the flux, professional medical intervention is necessary, which will neutralize the cause of the purulent-inflammatory process. It consists in the surgical opening of the abscess and the release of the contents to the outside. Next, you need to combine medication with oral hygiene procedures.

Treatment at home

You should know that it is impossible to heat such a formation, as this will provoke a spill of pus. Tight bandaging in self-treatment is prohibited, because it can aggravate the purulent process. In cases where it has not come to the formation of a purulent form of flux, it is permissible to treat the disease with folk methods that will alleviate suffering and help prevent the development of negative symptoms:

  1. To reduce swelling and hyperthermia from the flux, you must use an ice compress. To do this, wrap a piece of ice in a towel and apply a compress to the swelling. Lotions with onion juice help to treat a tumor well. Onions need to be chopped with a meat grinder or grater, squeeze out the pulp. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting juice, apply to the affected area for 15 minutes.
  2. Effective in the fight against flux black radish juice. It will help eliminate the pain and will pull the pus out. It is necessary to grind the radish fruit and squeeze out the juice, in which to moisten cotton wool or a piece of gauze, and then apply the lotion to the cheek. Repeat the procedure several times with a frequency of 15 minutes. For the third or fourth time, the swelling decreases, and pus sometimes begins to come out.
  3. To get rid of swelling, pain and inflammation, you need to use the following recipe. In a small bowl, mix a pinch of salt and peppers, add a teaspoon of sugar and 6 drops of vinegar. Dilute the resulting mixture with one tablespoon of water. Next, pour the contents into a tin bowl, heat and cook until foam forms. The resulting liquid is used for lotions and perfectly eliminates the symptoms of flux.

These folk recipes are effective only in two cases. The first - if the process has just begun and the inflammation is insignificant, it can be treated. The second case - if the operation to remove the purulent formation has passed, home compresses and lotions will help to significantly speed up recovery. But getting rid of a serious flux with rinses or compresses is unlikely to succeed.

How to rinse your mouth

An important part of the treatment of the flux is the correct mode of rinsing the mouth, which allows you to wash out the pathogenic microflora, helps regeneration processes. For rinsing, it is recommended to use herbs such as mustard, St. John's wort, angelica, peppermint, lilac and periwinkle. To treat the flux, it is also recommended to use the following remedies:

  1. Soda: has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the breakthrough of the abscess. A teaspoon of soda dissolves in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is applied 4-5 times/day.
  2. Miramistin: a pharmaceutical product that does not require additional preparation. Rinsing occurs with a means in a volume of 15 ml. Repeat 2-3 times/day.
  3. Propolis: pharmaceutical alcohol infusion. Diluted with water 1 to 10. Rinse 2-3 times / day after meals.
  4. St. John's wort, sage, oak bark: relieve inflammation, suppress pathogenic microflora. Dried plants are poured into a thermos, filled with boiling water, after which the contents are infused for one hour. Next, the mass is filtered, placed on the tooth.
  5. Birch buds, calendula, chamomile, burdock: mix in equal proportions with a total weight of 50 g and pour a liter of water. Boil and leave for half an hour, then rinse with a strong decoction three times / day.

soda treatment

Baking soda is great for reducing inflammation with flux. It can treat diseases only at the initial stage or after the operation:

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and soda in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth every half hour.
  2. Add a drop of iodine to the previous solution of soda and salt and rinse 2-3 times a day, this will relieve the inflammatory process.


Lotions and compresses have an analgesic effect, do not allow the chronic inflammatory process to spread, and kill pathogens in the bump. Popular recipes:

  1. With dimexide - for 20 ml of the drug, take 80 ml of warm water. Moisten a sterile napkin with liquid, apply on the cheek, hold for 1-2 hours. Repeat twice a day.
  2. With sea salt - dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of salt in half a glass of warm water, moisten a cotton swab, put it between the sore gum and cheek. Change every 2 hours to a new salt compress.


First aid for flux at home is to use mouth rinses. They can also be used to get rid of postoperative edema and accelerate the process of exiting purulent exudate. If the cheek is swollen strongly, then you need to visit a dentist as soon as possible in order to prevent the development of complications and the spread of a purulent infection. Methods to help remove the tumor:

  • apply cold lotions to the tumor;
  • you can not warm the problem area, apply a bandage;
  • give up excessive physical activity.

Drug therapy consists in the use of antibiotics, special ointments and antiseptics for rinsing the mouth. Antibacterial therapy is aimed at destroying pathogenic microbes, drugs do not allow pus to form, and prevent the infection from penetrating deeper. At an early stage of flux development, antimicrobial agents suppress the inflammatory process, do not bring it to the intervention of a surgeon:

  1. After surgery, antibiotics will help reduce inflammation and prevent recurrence. Medicines are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Ideally, the patient takes a smear for microflora analysis, doctors determine the sensitivity of bacteria and prescribe treatment. If there is no time for this, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used - Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Tsifran, Ampiox, Lincomycin.
  2. To prevent antibiotic therapy from harming the liver, it is worth taking a course of probiotics at the same time to restore healthy intestinal microflora. Solutions of Chlorophyllipt, Vinylin, Hexoral and Hepilor are suitable as antiseptic rinses. In the absence of such, crushed Furacilin tablets can be dissolved (half in a glass of water). External treatment consists in applying Vishnevsky or Levomekol ointment to the gum. These funds disinfect the mucous membrane and prevent inflammation in the mouth and throat.
  3. Additionally, it is good to use sprays for sore throats or inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Geksoral will help with pain. With severe pain, it is better to use Metrogyl Denta and Kalgel ointments. They are also suitable for use by children. In parallel, creams reduce the sensitivity of the mucosa. Ichthyol ointment is used for purulent abscess, softens tissues and has antiseptic properties, helping to speed up the release of exudate.
  4. If the disease is accompanied by fever, it can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nimesil with flux reduces the temperature and relieves pain. With severe pain, you can use painkillers - Analgin, Ketonal, antihistamines - Suprastin, Zirtek to relieve swelling. All medications are effective in the first stages of the disease, then only surgery is required.

Flux treatment at home with antibiotics

To treat flux, you need an integrated approach. Popular means of therapy are broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  1. Amoxicillin - capsules, tablets and granules for the preparation of a solution. They contain amoxicillin, which is part of the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. Contraindications for use are infectious mononucleosis and hypersensitivity to the components. Dosage: 500 mg three times a day with intervals of 8 hours between doses. The course lasts 5-12 days.
  2. Lincomycin - capsules and injection solution based on the component of the same name. They have an antibacterial effect, in high doses - a bactericidal effect. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 3 years, liver or kidney failure. Directions for use: 1-2 hours before or within 2-3 hours after meals 2-3 times a day. Adult dose - 500 mg, children - 30-60 mg / kg of body weight. The course lasts 7-14 days.
  3. Ciprofloxacin - an antimicrobial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones, contains ciprofloxacin. Contraindications of tablets: hypersensitivity, renal or hepatic insufficiency, past tendinitis, age up to 12 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Reception rules: 200-500 mg twice a day for a course of 7-14 days.
  4. Ampiox is a combination drug containing ampicillin and oxacillin. Admission rules: dosage 500-1000 mg for adults in 4-6 doses. The course of treatment lasts 5-14 days. Contraindications: toxic-allergic reactions to penicillin preparations in history.
  5. Amoxiclav - tablets contain two components: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. It belongs to the group of penicillins. Treatment: 1 tablet every 8 hours for a course of 5-14 days. Contraindications: cholestatic jaundice, infectious mononucleosis, lymphocytic leukemia, hypersensitivity to components.
  6. Doxycycline - capsules based on the substance of the same name. Method of application: 200 mg on the first day, 2 doses, then 100 mg / day. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. Contraindications: lactase deficiency, intolerance to lactose or its components, porphyria, leukopenia, age up to 12 years, weight up to 45 kg.
  7. Biseptol is a sulfanilamide drug. Capsules are taken at 960 g twice a day for a course of 5-14 days. The longer the treatment lasts, the lower the dose. Contraindications: impaired function of the kidneys, liver, hematopoiesis, pregnancy, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, age up to 1.5 months.


Creams, ointments and liniments are used to relieve swelling, swelling of soft tissues, improve the excretion of pus. To treat periostitis and reduce signs of inflammation of the periosteum can:

  1. Levomekol with flux - contains chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which have antimicrobial properties. Apply to the problem area with sterile wipes several times a day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Ointment Vishnevsky - contains castor oil, tar and xeroform. It is applied to a sterile cotton or gauze swab, applied to the affected area for 20-30 minutes. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
  3. Metrogyl Denta with flux is a specialized dental gel containing metronidazole benzoate and chlorhexidine digluconate. Apply after meals twice a day with a cotton swab. After you can not eat and drink for half an hour, does not require rinsing. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Contraindications: age up to 6 years, hypersensitivity to the components.
  4. A mixture of ichthyol with streptocid ointment - helps relieve swelling and redness of the gums. Repeat the procedure several times / day until recovery.

Flux opening

If the flux starts, it will have to be treated by opening the gums. The operation is performed by a doctor under local anesthesia. Before going to the doctor, you should not take painkillers, because they can complicate the diagnostic process. Stages of the operation to open the tumor:

  1. Examination, diagnosis, local anesthesia with Lidocaine or Novocaine.
  2. Antiseptic treatment (Miramistin).
  3. An incision next to the flux, releasing pus. If necessary, incision of the bone tissue.
  4. Antiseptic treatment.
  5. Drainage to accelerate the outflow of pus if necessary.
  6. Antiseptic treatment.
  7. With a large incision, sutures are applied. With small - the gum heals itself, tightens in a few days.
  8. With a large flux and extensive damage to the bone tissue, a tooth is extracted.
  9. Prescription of antibiotics and antiseptic rinses.
  10. The healing period lasts several days, they may be accompanied by mild inflammation and soreness.

Folk remedies

If the tumor is small, there is no pus on it, then it is possible to treat the flux on the gum with folk remedies. They include the use of medicinal plants and their combinations. Most methods are suitable for use by young children and pregnant women - for whom many medications are contraindicated. Rinses, lotions, decoctions and herbal infusions are popular. Helpful Recipes:

  1. Similarly, decoctions of mustard plaster, St. John's wort, oak bark, elderberry, chamomile, lemon balm, rue are used as rinses. Take a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials per glass of water, rinse your mouth up to 10 times a day.
  2. Prepared infusions can be used in the form of compresses. To do this, fold gauze in several layers, soak in liquid and apply to the edema site for 10-15 minutes. Repeat every 2 hours.
  3. Boil a clean dense leaf of white cabbage in water for 2-3 minutes until soft. Cool, apply to cheek for 10 minutes.
  4. Squeeze the juice from one onion, moisten a piece of bandage, apply a compress for 0.5–1 hour.
  5. Mix one chicken egg with a spoonful of sugar, vegetable oil, moisten a gauze swab with the mixture, keep it on the flux for up to 20 minutes.
  6. Antibacterial ointment - heat a piece of iron wire or a rusty nail over a fire, place it in fresh honey on a saucer. You will get a black mass that has antiseptic properties. Apply it to the site of inflammation several times / day, do not swallow.


The flowers and leaves of the sage herb have anti-inflammatory properties. A few recipes for using the plant:

  1. Brew 2 tablespoons of sage herb and a tablespoon of mustard herb with 1.5 cups of boiling water, cool, strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion every 2 hours.
  2. Combine 50 g of sage herb, oak bark, St. John's wort, pour a liter of boiling water, cool, strain. Use the rinse mixture every 1.5 hours.
  3. Mix 60 g of sage herb with an equal amount of leaf green tea, brew with a liter of boiling water. Wait until the mixture becomes warm, use for rinsing.


Garlic is also famous for its antibacterial properties. Fresh spice helps treat the flux. Use recipes:

  1. Grind a few cloves of garlic, squeeze out the juice, mix in equal proportions with honey. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting substance, apply to the sore spot for 10 minutes.
  2. Crush a clove of garlic, wrap in gauze, apply a compress to the tumor for 20 minutes.

Tincture of calendula

Marigold or calendula have anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional medicine suggests using an alcohol tincture of plant flowers:

  1. Dilute a teaspoon of alcohol tincture in a glass of water, use to rinse the mouth every 2 hours or as a compress applied for 10-15 minutes to the tumor.
  2. An ointment based on dried flowers of the plant will help cure purulent flux. Mix the flower powder with fresh unsalted butter in a ratio of 1:5, soak a cotton swab with the mixture. Put it on the sore spot, leave it overnight. Rinse your mouth in the morning.


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Pathology is characterized by acute inflammation of the periosteum - the connective tissue surrounding the alveolar jaw processes in which the tooth is located. This tissue is called the periosteum, so the medical name for the flux is periostitis. The main symptom of periostitis is severe swelling of the gums and facial tissues. The swelling usually appears on the cheek, but, depending on the severity and location of the inflammation, the lips, lower eyelids, and even the lateral wings of the nose may also be involved in the pathological process. Against the background of inflammation, the patient's temperature rises (usually above 38 ° C) and signs of general intoxication appear.

Table. The main types of flux, their features and description.

Name, photoShort description

It passes with high fever and severe soreness in the jaw. Painful sensations can be given to the neck, as it is most often pulsating. Also, a characteristic sign of a flux can be: the state of health will deteriorate sharply, a feverish condition, aching headache and swelling of the cheek will appear.

In chronic flux, acute pain subsides and becomes aching. The temperature can rise no higher than 38.5 degrees. Swelling of the cheek can increase up to the temple, or, conversely, descend, capturing the neck area. Very often, a sick person may experience discomfort when swallowing or when talking.

Treatment of periostitis of the jaw should be done by a dentist. Some try to cure the flux with folk methods, but this is impossible due to the active accumulation of pus in the tissues of the periosteum. Home treatments can only relieve inflammation, normalize the general condition and reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, but it is possible to ensure the outflow of pus and install drainage only in a dental office. If you do not seek help from a doctor in time, a purulent infection can enter the general circulation and cause blood poisoning, the acute form of which in almost 35% of cases ends in the death of the patient.

Compresses to relieve inflammation

The main task with periostitis, which can be dealt with at home, is the relief of the inflammatory process. For this purpose, therapeutic compresses do an excellent job, which can be prepared from products and products that are always at hand. The most popular recipes are based on onion and cabbage, but you can use beetroot juice or fresh potato juice instead. To reduce inflammation, moisten a swab of cotton or gauze with juice and apply it to the seal for 15-20 minutes. If onion juice is used for the compress, it is advisable to add sugar to it (0.5 dessert spoon of sugar per 50 ml of juice).

To make a compress with cabbage, you need to scald a fresh cabbage leaf with boiling water and knead well so that juice comes out of it. Attach the sheet to the sore spot for 15 minutes, then lubricate the gum with potato or onion juice.

note! All compresses should be done 3-4 times for 5 days. If there is no improvement on the second or third day of treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor.

soda compress

Soda compresses for periostitis are one of the fastest and most effective ways to cope with severe pain, reduce inflammation and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which pus begins to accumulate in the affected tissues. The advantage of such compresses is that soda does an excellent job not only with representatives of gram-positive and gram-negative flora, but with various types of fungus, among which mold and yeast fungi most often multiply in the oral cavity (in particular, a fungus of the genus Candida).

To cure the flux with soda, you must:

  • mix a teaspoon of sodium carbonate with 4-5 drops of water to give a mushy consistency;
  • wrap the gruel in a thin layer of gauze and apply to the swollen area for 30 minutes;
  • after half an hour, rinse your mouth with a weak saline solution at room temperature (half a spoonful of salt per glass of water).

You need to repeat this procedure 3 times a day. If everything is done according to the instructions, the intensity of inflammation will decrease on the second day of therapy. The total duration of soda treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Treatment of periostitis with herbs

Medicinal collections from herbs and plants can also help in the fight against periostitis, as they have wound healing, disinfectant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. You can use them for local and external treatment at any age, since with this method of use they have no contraindications, with the exception of allergies or individual intolerance.

The following are the most effective recipes for quickly combating the symptoms of flux at home, but it is important to remember that they do not replace dental treatment, but only temporarily alleviate the patient's condition.

Lime flower decoction

Lime blossom is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents of natural origin. You can add a little natural honey and 5 drops of chamomile or calendula tincture to the finished broth - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment, help improve the condition of the gums and strengthen local protective functions.

Preparing a decoction is very simple:

  • Pour 4 spoons of lime color into an enameled shallow container;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • cook for 25 minutes over low heat.

Before rinsing, the broth must be filtered and all raw materials removed from it. You need to use the product 3-4 times a day in between meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Alcohol tincture of calendula

This tincture can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy. To prepare the tincture at home, you must:

  • 2 tablespoons of dried marigold pour 200 ml of vodka;
  • mix and put in a cold place;
  • insist for seven days.

Ready tincture is used for rinsing. To do this, you need to dilute a tablespoon of tincture in a glass of warm water (the temperature of the finished solution should not exceed 30 ° C). Rinse your mouth with this composition 4 times a day. With severe inflammation, accompanied by purulent processes, the number of rinses in the acute period can reach up to 8-10 times a day. Starting from the third day of treatment, the number of procedures should be reduced to 4-5 times a day. The total duration of therapy is 10 days.

Sage is a plant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which is widely used in cosmetology, traditional medicine and cooking. With periostitis, a decoction of sage is considered one of the most effective remedies, therefore, with a tendency to dental diseases and frequent inflammation of periodontal and periodontal tissues, it is better to always have this herb in your first-aid kit.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, mint or lemon balm can be added to sage - these plants contain many bactericidal components, provide disinfection of the oral cavity and help reduce the production of pus. To prepare a decoction, you need:

  • mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint and sage in a saucepan;
  • add 400 ml of boiling water and put on fire;
  • cook for 30 minutes.

The resulting decoction is used for rinsing three to six times a day for a week. Particular attention during rinsing should be given to the side with which the inflammatory process is located.

Important! If the flux causes severe pain, aggravated during rinsing, sage decoction can be used in the form of oral baths lasting at least 2-3 minutes.

Other recipes

Traditional medicine knows about 800 recipes for the treatment of flux at home. Here are those of them, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many generations of patients who have undergone this pathology.

Flax seed infusion

Flax seeds have an enveloping, healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and also contain natural painkillers, so after using this method, it is possible to quickly improve the patient's well-being.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a spoonful of seeds with a glass of hot water and insist for 2 hours. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting infusion and apply to the sore spot for 20-30 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day for 5-7 days. After the compress, you can not rinse your mouth and eat and drink for 40-60 minutes.

Elderberry decoction

In nature, there are more than 25 types of elder, but in folk medicine only two varieties are used - red elder or Siberian elder. You can buy dried berries in specialized culinary departments, some shops selling spices and spices, as well as phyto-pharmacies.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  • pour a handful of berries with boiling water and leave for 5 minutes to languish under the lid;
  • after 5 minutes, drain the water, and put the berries in a saucepan and add 600 ml of boiling water;
  • cook for about 15-20 minutes.

Elderberry decoction is used for rinsing or oral baths 4 times a day. The last procedure should be carried out after evening hygiene measures before going to bed. If you follow the tips for preparation and use, you can cure the flux for 3-5 days, but to prevent relapses, it is recommended to continue treatment for up to 10 days.

Propolis is a sticky, resinous substance that bees use to seal gaps between cells. Propolis contains a large number of bactericidal and anti-inflammatory components. In many recipes for the treatment of dental diseases, propolis is used in the form of an alcohol tincture, but to combat the symptoms of periostitis, it is better to use fresh propolis.

A small piece of propolis must be thoroughly chewed for 30-40 minutes. With severe inflammation or high-intensity pain syndrome, it is worth chewing the remedy throughout the day. During chewing, propolis releases active substances with high bioavailability, which are quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes and have a therapeutic effect.

Note! If fresh propolis could not be found, alcohol infusion of propolis (concentration 5%) can be used for treatment. A few drops of the tincture should be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the swollen gums for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. During use, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body, especially in people with a tendency to allergies.

The listed recipes and methods of treating flux at home are quite effective in combating the symptoms of the disease, but they cannot replace surgical and medical treatment, therefore, after stopping the acute process, you should consult a doctor. If this is not done, serious complications may develop, for example, the formation of fistulous canals. In especially severe cases, the infection can spread into the bloodstream and lead to sepsis, so the only effective way to treat periostitis is to open a purulent abscess and subsequent drug therapy.

Video - How to treat flux with folk remedies

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