Pus in the mouth on the gum. Abscess on the gum: photo, recommendations for the treatment of an abscess. If the root canals are not filled -

Gum disease and dental defects can lead to a bump or soft sac on the gums. What it is? Often in an adult, an abscess appears if food is clogged in the gum pocket. It rots, a focus of inflammation forms inside. The formation of an abscess on the gum occurs when the tissues of the mucous membrane or the upper part of the root of the tooth are infected. How to recognize an abscess? How to deal with it?

Why did a purulent abscess form on the gum?

The photo shows various formations that appear in the mouth and are often accompanied by toothache. The inflammatory process leading to suppuration begins for various reasons:

Inflammation leads to the formation of a dental abscess, an abscess, a round, bulging sac filled with pus. The formation of a periodontal abscess may be accompanied by pain. In addition to abscesses, when a gum pocket breaks, a cyst may form. It is not always possible to distinguish them on your own, so it is better to consult a dentist.

The beginning of suppuration of the gums is swelling, then a white convex spot appears in its middle part. This means the development of a gum abscess, which is often mistakenly referred to as a "boil" or "furuncle".

The abscess on the gum increases, causing a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes a dental abscess bursts itself, and a fistula may form - a channel leading out of the cavity of the bag. It is difficult to treat a fistula; a dentist should do this.

Infectious inflammation of the tooth

Infectious inflammation causes different causes. The tissues that hold the tooth in place become inflamed - the periodontium, which consists of periodontal tissue, gum tissue and alveolar processes. Periodontium also contains bone tissue called cementum. Periodontium is a connective tissue that fills the space between the tooth and the alveolar process. The name of the disease depends on the localization of the purulent process:

Inflammation of the gums - periodontitis

Periodontitis used to be considered a disease of the elderly, but now this disease occurs in people of any age. There are many reasons why the gum has narwhaled:

  • malnutrition, eating only soft foods;
  • poorly made dentures or fillings;
  • malocclusion, due to which the load on the teeth is unevenly distributed;
  • gingivitis or stomatitis;
  • decreased immunity, exhaustion;
  • injury to the gum mucosa with solid food or as a result of bad habits;
  • allergic reaction to foods and medicines;
  • exposure to caustic chemicals;
  • inadequate or poor oral hygiene.

If the gums fester, bleeding gums, an unpleasant odor appear, a stone forms on the teeth, pockets form. Later, tooth mobility occurs, the color of the gums changes. Itching and pulsation warn of the appearance of a periodontal abscess.

Symptoms of periodontal abscess

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Periodontal abscess begins with infection in the gum pocket. First, the periodontium is suppurated, from which the inflammation spreads to neighboring tissues. In the place where the inflammation appeared, suppuration is formed, a sac filled with pus that is released when pressed. A periodontal abscess is the first stage in the development of an abscess.

  • Acute periodontal abscess is accompanied by pain. The patient has deep pockets, tooth mobility. From the tissues near the site of inflammation comes pus. There is a need for urgent treatment of periodontal abscess.
  • Chronic periodontal abscess proceeds almost without pain. Bleeding, swelling are observed, the roots of the teeth are exposed. The chronic form easily turns into an acute one. With purulent inflammation of the gums, surgical treatment is necessary (we recommend reading:).

There is an abscess, but there is no pain

The initial stage of periodontal abscess can pass without pain. Slight redness, bleeding, pain when pressing and brushing the teeth, pain when chewing gradually turn into an extensive inflammatory process.

However, the occurrence of swelling or bumps, not accompanied by pain, may have completely different causes that are not associated with a gum abscess (we recommend reading:). Cysts and tumors, both benign and malignant, do not cause pain.

If the abscess does not hurt, but the tooth is purulent, that is, pus comes out of it when pressed - this is an abscess of the gums. The inflammatory process at the top of the tooth root, accompanied by a fistula that fester, does not cause pain, but can develop into a severe lesion of the gums. It is impossible to squeeze out pus, this can lead to loosening of adjacent teeth.

Small pustules are a sign of stomatitis or another infectious disease. One of these diseases is aphthous stomatitis.

White abscess - when pressed on it, pus comes out

Acute inflammation caused by streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Escherichia coli leads to the formation of a white abscess. If the gum tissue is swollen and red, there may be no pain. Then there is the formation of a periodontal abscess, causing pain when taking hot or cold food, pressure. The development of periodontal abscess continues, an abscess appears on the gum, the process is accompanied by chills and fever.


The white bulge may be a wen (lipoma). The wen does not cause pain, the bump consists of adipose tissue. This is a good education. Trying to squeeze out, get rid of them on your own is dangerous, as this will lead to a serious illness. You will have to consult a doctor if the wen has begun to grow.

gum treatment

An abscess on the gum should be removed by a dentist. Periodontal abscess, deeper dental abscess and any form of purulent inflammation lead to the need to open the gums. Having taken up the matter at the very beginning of suppuration of the gums, you can deal with it conservatively.

Removing a periodontal abscess at home is not possible. Surgical removal of a periodontal abscess is performed under local anesthesia.

An acute case of a dental abscess requires immediate medical attention. However, before visiting a doctor, the patient should be given first aid. Cold will help relieve pain. You should rinse your mouth with a warm solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexedine or herbal decoctions. Food should be liquid and warm. After cleaning a periodontal abscess, it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity to prevent infection.

At the dentist

A gum abscess is treated surgically. An abscess on the gum is opened, cleaning the cavity from pus. Whether it is time to open an abscess on the gum, whether it has matured, only the doctor will determine. Premature opening of a periodontal abscess is easy to harm, it will lead to relapse. If the purulent inflammation that has arisen in the pulp does not allow saving the tooth, it is removed.

To treat an abscess on the gums at home, you need to know the basic folk recipes that can save you from this problem in a few days. However, it is best to seek professional help.

An abscess is an area in the soft tissues where pus collects, very often appears on the gums and, as a rule, this is associated with diseases of the oral cavity or teeth.

The reasons

Why does pus form on the gums? The causes may be as follows:

  • can be a symptom of periodontitis (caries, pulpitis, mistakes in dental treatment often become the causes of its appearance), so it is not always possible to diagnose the disease in time. Meanwhile, a granuloma or cyst is actively forming near the root of the tooth. Swelling appears on the gum, there are strong pain sensations;
  • the formation of a characteristic pocket at the tooth root, waste from the process of chewing food accumulates in it. A symptom of such a disease is swelling of the gums, it can move away from the tooth surface, while the deeper this pocket is, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the disease, and when you press on the problem area, pus can flow out of it, but the person will feel severe pain.

Not only these two diseases can provoke the appearance of an abscess on the gums, it can also form due to other factors. For example, due to disorders of the digestive system or improper care of the oral cavity.

Types of abscesses

There are several types of purulent formations on the gums, they are characterized by peculiar symptoms and causes. Sometimes it happens that an abscess does not hurt and does not cause noticeable discomfort, but this does not mean that it is not dangerous, so let's pay attention to the classification.

  1. An abscess with a reddish tint does not cause pain, but indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the gum tissues. After some time, it can develop into a full-fledged abscess and manifest itself as swelling on the inside of the cheek.
  2. Swelling from adipose tissue - can increase and change its contents. So that it does not cause complications, you need to consult a dentist as soon as possible after its discovery.
  3. An abscess with a characteristic shell (or) - these pathologies do not manifest themselves as painful sensations or swelling until a certain point. They are of particular danger when they appear on the upper gum, since they can adversely affect the condition of the nasopharynx. After the action of an irritant (hypothermia, cold or injury), they tend to increase in size, swell and cause serious pain, so you should immediately contact your dentist.
  4. An abscess caused by inflammatory processes at the top of the tooth root - there is no serious swelling due to the fact that the products of suppuration come out through that part of the gum that has exfoliated from the tooth surface. The problem can lead to damage to adjacent tissues and tooth loss.

All purulent formations on the gums are symptoms of more serious problems with the oral cavity. Successful treatment of abscesses depends on the correct diagnosis and the correct treatment.

A photo

For a more detailed acquaintance with this issue, we suggest that you view photographs of purulent abscesses in the gum area.

Treatment of an abscess on the gums at home

What to do if an abscess appears in the oral cavity? Its appearance requires immediate treatment, otherwise serious complications may occur, for example, if the processes of suppuration have already spread sufficiently, then hospitalization cannot be dispensed with. In the case of smaller abscesses, an autopsy process is carried out with further treatment at home.

  • lack of stress;
  • proper nutrition;
  • taking medications (usually antibiotics and rinses - needed to suppress foci of infection);
  • taking funds for the regeneration of the skin.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the opening of an abscess, it is strictly forbidden to do this at home. It is not enough just to pierce the area with suppuration; before that, a thorough cleaning of the entire oral cavity should be carried out. In addition, the patient may need an injection of an anesthetic drug. If the procedure is carried out without taking into account the nuances, then the situation can only worsen.

Video: treatment of an abscess on the gums with a laser

Features of treatment in children

The main differences in treatment in children are the presence of both permanent and milk teeth. If an abscess appears in a child on a milk tooth, then it must be removed, as it can become a source of infection. Treatment is carried out in the same way as in adults.

After opening the abscess on the gum, the child should smear the affected area with antibacterial and healing ointments, this will help the oral cavity to quickly get rid of the consequences of the disease and medical procedures.

Before using any drug, you should consult with a specialist. The fact is that in children, general and local immunity is significantly weaker than in adults, and incorrect use of medical products can adversely affect the condition of the oral cavity.

Folk remedies

All folk remedies and recipes are best used after the procedure for opening an abscess on the gums by a dentist. They must be used in parallel with medical products and after consulting a doctor.

  • saline solution - one tablespoon of table salt should be given to a glass of boiled water. The solution is required to rinse the mouth several times a day;
  • tincture from oak bark and lime blossom - the same amount of ingredients is poured with boiled water and infused for several hours, after which the tincture must be drained into a separate bowl. You can use it in two ways: rinse your mouth several times a day or make special lotions on the affected area of ​​the gums. The first option is suitable for those who do not have time for lengthy procedures for creating compresses;
  • perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, but you should pay attention to its composition. If there is an open wound at the site where the abscess was, then you should not take a solution with a high alcohol content in order to avoid serious pain. The course should be carried out no more than 4-5 days in a row, while rinsing your mouth should be 2-3 times a day;
  • infusion of needles - per liter of water you need to give 200-250 grams of pine needles and boil for 40 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused in a dark, cool place for 5 to 8 hours. This tool has an excellent healing effect and can positively affect the condition of the damaged area in a few days.

Remember that all folk methods are only auxiliary in nature, they should be used carefully and after consultation with your doctor. This will help to avoid unexpected effects and will favorably affect the condition of the oral cavity.


What will happen if you do not treat an abscess on the gum? Without taking the necessary therapeutic measures, the patient may experience the following consequences:

  1. The development of pustular formations on the gums can create conditions for the occurrence of chronic diseases of the oral cavity (for example, periodontal disease). In this case, the suppuration process ceases to be clearly localized and spreads throughout the gum.
  2. If the abscess is not carefully treated, then it can turn into a flux and the inflammation will also spread to the cheek.
  3. The facial nerves can be severely affected by the processes of suppuration on the gums, sensitivity or mobility of some parts of the face may be lost.
  4. If the abscess occurs in close proximity to the tooth root, then its resection may be necessary, and in more severe cases, the patient may lose the entire tooth.


Treatment of an abscess is difficult and does not pass without consequences, so pay special attention to prevention. To this end, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • full-fledged and - use not only toothpaste and brush, but also with rinses. As statistics show, poor oral care is the main cause of oral diseases, including the appearance of abscesses;
  • regular consultation with a dentist - not always abscesses can be seen with the naked eye, sometimes only a specialist can determine their presence. If it is possible to do this in the initial stages of the disease, then the treatment process will proceed much easier and more efficiently;
  • support of local and local immunity, a healthy lifestyle.

Video: about abscesses on the gums in the program “Live healthy” with Elena Malysheva.

Additional questions

Is an abscess on the gum contagious?

An infection from the affected area can indeed spread, but only if it has an open outlet to the outside. In addition, its development depends on the local and general immunity of each individual.

What to do if the abscess burst?

It is necessary to get rid of the products of suppuration in the oral cavity and disinfect it, then go to the doctor for an examination and tell him about the problem. He will check the condition of the mouth and advise on care products.

During pregnancy

Seek immediate medical attention, otherwise the infection could spread and harm the baby. Self-medication is not worth it, since any means and drugs in this position of the patient can act unpredictably. Use only those medicines that a specialist will recommend to you.

- a common disease caused by a bacterial infection. An abscess on the gum should be treated immediately so that the infection does not spread to the entire oral cavity. Abscesses appear near the lesions of the tooth - either in the root zone or in the pulp. Also, the appearance of abscesses can be due to periodontitis. Treatment of abscesses is carried out after establishing the cause of the infectious lesion.

What does an abscess look like on the gum? A small convex sac with purulent fluid appears on the mucosa,. In severe cases, body temperature may rise, swelling of the soft tissues of the face () may appear. Often, a fistula appears in the area of ​​​​suppuration, from which the contents of the abscess flow.

A sign of an abscess that forms can be:

  • feeling of pressure;
  • pain when chewing food;
  • bleeding when brushing teeth.

An abscess (or abscess) often occurs in patients with dental crowns and dentures, but can also occur in a young child. The source of infection can be located both inside the tooth and in periodontal pockets. An intradental infection is formed when the dentist fills the teeth with poor quality, when the dental canals are poorly cleaned and sanitized. Bacteria inside the tooth begin to multiply and form a purulent-inflammatory process.

Poor oral hygiene can cause gingivitis, an inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums. Gingivitis is characterized by bleeding gums and reddening of tissues - this is the beginning of all inflammatory processes in the gums. In the inflammatory process in the gums (periodontitis), the infection enters the gum tissue from the periodontal pockets, in which bacteria multiply.

Periodontitis is formed in the root zone of the tooth due to pulpitis or caries, as well as a poorly cleaned dental canal. Patients feel aching pain in the gums, there is a slight redness and swelling of the soft tissues. Often, an abscess causes a cyst or benign neoplasm of the oral cavity.

Also, the reasons for the development of an abscess can be:

  • improper oral hygiene;
  • the presence of tartar;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malnutrition.

In periodontitis, a periodontal canal is formed between the gum and the tooth. With poor oral hygiene, food pieces accumulate in these tubules (pockets), which are a breeding ground for bacteria. Over time, the vital activity of bacteria manifests itself in the form of suppuration. With periodontitis, foci of inflammation are located on the surface of the gums and are immediately noticeable. The inflammatory process is accompanied by pain and swelling.

Risk factors:

  • mechanical damage to the oral mucosa - a hard toothbrush, dentures, crowns;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • bad habits;
  • infectious diseases.

An abscess without pain

If the abscess does not hurt, this may indicate a cystic formation or a malignant / benign neoplasm. These tumors do not hurt.

However, even with an abscess, the abscess may also not hurt. It is possible to distinguish a neoplasm from an abscess by the presence of pus in the latter: when pressing on the sac, a purulent exudate will appear.

Important! It is absolutely impossible to squeeze out purulent exudate from the gums: this will cause severe complications.

The fistula at the root of the tooth also does not hurt, but it must be treated immediately. An untreated fistula can lead to severe gum disease.

Small pustules in the oral cavity do not hurt either, but they are not related to the abscess of the gums: this is stomatitis or another disease of an infectious nature.

The most dangerous complication can be inflammation of the bones of the skull and the formation of phlegmon. Therefore, when a purulent sac appears on the gum, you should immediately take the child to the dentist - do not risk the baby's health.

Important! With a purulent abscess, you can not apply a warming compress to the sore spot and rinse your mouth with a hot herbal decoction.

It is forbidden to open the abscess on your own, as this is fraught with infection in the blood. In the dental office, the child will be provided with qualified assistance, all manipulations to open and sanitize the cavity of the purulent focus are carried out under local anesthesia - the child will not feel pain.

If an abscess has developed on a milk tooth, it may be periodontitis. Dentists always remove the affected tooth from the root to prevent the spread of infection. Then the baby is prescribed antibacterial drugs to prevent the possible spread of infection in the oral cavity.

An abscess on the gum near a molar tooth is treated by the same methods as in adult patients - opening the abscess, sanitation, antibiotic therapy.


In this case, swelling of the gums is also observed at the site of the appearance of a new tooth. However, this process is not infectious in nature, but is a consequence of tissue irritation. If an abscess appeared in an infant during teething, this indicates the formation of a cyst. If the baby has profuse salivation, you need to check the condition of the gums - is there a cystic formation there?

How is a cyst formed? About a month before the appearance of a tooth, a blue or transparent bump forms at the site of pecking. Sometimes the bump can turn black if the integrity of the vessel is broken. This bump does not hurt and does not disturb the baby. In most cases, the cyst disappears after teething on its own, without requiring treatment. If the bump causes discomfort to the child, it can be opened in the dental office.

Remember that it is absolutely impossible to open a cyst on your own - you can bring an infection. Entrust this procedure to the dentist.


An untreated abscess on the gums can lead to big troubles:

  • development of pulpitis;
  • development of lymphadenitis;
  • destruction of the germ of a permanent molar;
  • malocclusion;
  • development of chronic tonsillitis;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Help at home

So that the child does not experience pain before visiting the dentist, you can temporarily eliminate pain:

  • antipyretic to reduce body temperature;
  • rinsing the mouth with decoctions of sage and chamomile, chlorhexidine;
  • the use of ointments - Miramistin and others;
  • do not feed hot and hard food;
  • give more warm drinks.

Important! Do not allow the child to touch the place of suppuration.

Is it possible to treat an abscess on the gums of a child with folk remedies? It should be remembered that alternative methods of treatment are used as an addition to medications. With the help of decoctions and lotions, you can reduce pain and alleviate the condition of the child. Many herbal remedies have the ability to draw pus out of the tissues, but they are not able to eliminate the infection.

A good anti-inflammatory effect is given by decoctions of chamomile, calendula and sage - you can take a mixture of herbs, you can use one of the remedies. A pinch of herbs is brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused until warm, then the broth is filtered and the mouth is rinsed.

If the child tolerates honey rinses well (no allergies), make a solution with propolis tincture - 25 drops in half a cup of warm water. For small children, you can not use alcohol tincture, only water infusion. Children after 12 years of age can rinse their mouths with a diluted alcohol tincture.

Well anesthetize and disinfect the affected tissue freshly squeezed juices of carrots, aloe or beets. To do this, a piece of gauze is moistened in juice and applied for 8-10 minutes to the abscess.

Abscess Prevention

To prevent suppuration of the gums, you must carefully observe the following rules:

  • after the eruption of the first milk teeth, it is necessary to accustom the child to oral hygiene;
  • after each snack and meal, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • twice a year the child should be shown to the dentist;
  • do not buy lollipops for the baby;
  • protect gums from mechanical injury.

If the child has a habit of chewing on some objects or pencils, try to wean him from this activity as soon as possible. The hard surface of the pencils can easily injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity and cause suppuration. However, this disease is not as dangerous as root inflammation of the tissues of the tooth.

Do not buy a child a toothbrush with hard bristles - only soft. Sanitation of the oral cavity in infants is carried out using gauze or a tip worn on a finger. You can treat the gums with antiseptic solutions or infusions of herbs (chamomile).


An abscess on the gums in a child or adult may appear from the development of caries or mechanical damage to soft tissues. This disease can strike at any age under favorable conditions. An abscess is dangerous because of the presence of an infection in a purulent exudate, so medical attention is needed. Before a visit to the dentist, pain can be reduced with safe analgesics and rinsing with herbal decoctions or antiseptics.

The gum mucosa is a kind of indicator that shows the general condition of the oral cavity and the whole organism. With a decrease in immunity or the appearance of an infection, an inflamed abscess forms on the gum. They form near the base of the teeth, can come out under the tongue, making it difficult to eat and talk. Often this is a sign of a serious illness, so you should definitely contact your dentist for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.

You are at risk, you have more than three pronounced signs of periodontitis. You can’t do without the intervention of a periodontist.

You are in the border zone, there is a risk of developing periodontitis. Pay attention to hygiene and systematic professional examinations.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

There is no catastrophe, but it is not worth bringing to it either. Scheduled visits to the dentist at least once a year and proper hygiene.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

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Teeth and gums are often prone to various diseases. Saliva contains a large number of germs that can cause severe infections. They easily penetrate into any microcrack on the enamel, wound or. Severe stress, malnutrition or a constant diet with a minimum amount of vitamins can provoke an exacerbation.

For dentists, an abscess on the gum is a signal of the development of the disease. If a person comes with a toothache, weakness, and a complaint of a deterioration in well-being, the doctor may suspect one of the common pathologies:

  • : this is suppuration in the roots or body of the tooth, which is characterized by severe pain. It develops rapidly and can lead to the loss of a molar. This is the main complication of untreated caries, when patients delay the installation of fillings, do not monitor the condition of the enamel.
  • : complex inflammation of the tissues of the periosteum, which are located under the roots. Often it appears after pulpitis, when the exudate is looking for a way out. In the people, such pus on the gums is often called. It must be opened in a dental office to avoid general infection of the whole organism.
  • or periodontitis: common gum disease caused by pathogenic fungi and bacteria. As a rule, the problem is directly related to poor hygiene, lack of systematic oral care. They can flow into a chronic form, periodically reminding themselves of a painful one.

Often, white pus on the gums is a consequence of mucosal injuries. This happens when bridges and prostheses are improperly installed, which are poorly fitted in size. Bacteria get into the formed wounds, and the inflammatory process inevitably begins.

You can damage your gums with a hard-bristled toothbrush. Lovers of chewing pens or pencils often suffer, which not only damage the lining of the mucosa, but also bring pathogenic microbes into the mouth. That is why dentists advise not to get carried away with toothpicks, using them as carefully as possible.

If pus appears on the gums of a child, a painful bump forms and the temperature rises, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. Often, when milk teeth are replaced by molars in a small body, immunity drops dramatically. The mucosa is damaged by incisors and fangs, easily susceptible to infection by microbes and inflammation develops.

You may need to consult an orthodontist, who must make sure that the teeth grow correctly and nothing disturbs their structure.

Symptoms during the development of an infection

Pain and discomfort always accompany teething, the appearance of a carious hole or gum injury. The latter often swell, general swelling and disturb during the period of hormonal changes. Therefore, it is necessary to know the symptoms that indicate the formation of an abscess, so as not to miss a dangerous disease and complications:

  • the appearance of a rounded, which gradually changes color from pale to cyanotic red;
  • the formation is filled with a white or yellowish liquid;
  • the pain may be, but it necessarily develops into a shooting when the fistula "ripens";
  • present, which others feel when talking with the patient;
  • gums swell, it is difficult to close them and chew food;
  • the enamel fades a little;
  • sometimes plaque forms;
  • there is an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • often there is a feverish state, drowsiness and weakness.

At the initial stage, the patient feels with his tongue a small seal near the root of the tooth, which quickly increases in volume. When viewed, it is easy to detect a white round center and strong redness around. If you do not help the pus break out, it will gradually enter the bloodstream through the thinnest capillaries, disperse throughout the body. A person cannot avoid general intoxication, inflammation of internal organs and systems,. Therefore, dentists are asked to be attentive to this problem, to immediately seek help.

How to treat an abscess on the gum

If a patient comes to a specialist with the initial stage of inflammation, the doctor tries to save his teeth. Its main task is how to draw pus out of the gums with minimal damage to the mucosa. The method depends on the cause of the disease, so you can not do without an x-ray. It will show how deep the focus and cyst lie, whether the root or periosteum is affected.

With a small lump, it is enough to install a drainage through which the liquid will exit the gums. Rinsing with antiseptics will help to quickly remove puffiness, improve blood circulation and stop the further development of the disease. The patient should apply pieces of gauze with gel so that the fistulous wound heals without a trace.

More complex treatment is for people who have a purulent cyst at the root of their teeth:

  • it is necessary to unfill or remove a tooth to prevent infection from entering the bloodstream;
  • a special antibiotic is placed in the wound, which destroys the identified types of bacteria;
  • if necessary, dental pockets are sutured, plaque is also removed;
  • physiotherapy is carried out to improve the condition of the oral cavity;
  • all the consequences of caries and gingivitis are necessarily eliminated.

The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics in the form of capsules or tablets. Depending on the pathogenic microflora, Lincomycin, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin or Azithromycin is suitable. So that the intestines and immunity do not suffer, bifidus and lactobacilli are added to the treatment: Hilak Forte, Linex or Lactusan.

The course of treatment is sometimes stretched for several months. At home, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with Rotokan pharmacy solutions, or. For the speedy healing of the wound, an anti-inflammatory is applied, having previously cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide. Nimesil powder, Dentol gel or Diclofenac tablets will help relieve twitching pain.

Folk methods of treatment

When an abscess jumps up on the gum, it is important to help it break out faster. To do this, you can use not only pharmacy ointments and gels, but also make effective lotions from natural ingredients. Can be applied:

  • A decoction of chamomile or oak bark. Such rinsing replaces antiseptics and improves the condition of the oral cavity. Sometimes strong green tea is used.
  • Infusion of a dry mixture, which includes a string, St. John's wort, elderberries and peppermint.
  • Diluted in warm water soda, sea salt or iodine. The procedure draws out fluid and reduces painful symptoms.
  • Tincture of calendula or. They are diluted in water so that the alcohol does not irritate the gums.
  • Gruel from a fresh leaf of aloe or Kalanchoe.

Harmful microbes can be removed with compresses from onion juice: a small piece is thoroughly ground, applying for half an hour to the hearth. Well draws pus cabbage leaf attached to the fistula. The dentist will help you choose a special toothpaste, teach you the rules for caring for the oral cavity in order to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

The appearance of purulent foci on the gums in the form of granulomas does not occur from scratch. Such formations appear next to a tooth affected by deep caries. Often, a tooth can be saved and prevented from the occurrence of extensive sepsis, because if a granuloma spontaneously opens, pus can enter the stomach along with saliva and spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. If the treatment is not provided on time, then the root of the tooth is completely destroyed and removed. So, what to do if the gum festered? What can be done?

The main causes of occurrence

The formation of a purulent focus is a long process, often having a latent course. For a long time, the focus of inflammation does not manifest itself in any way, but over time, a granuloma (bump) can be seen on the gum, in the cavity of which the exudate is located. The gum near the causative tooth can fester in both children and adults. Moreover, in children, the pathological process can occur with any bite (permanent, milky). An abscess on the gum can occur for two main reasons:

  • inflammatory process in the apical zone of the tooth;
  • periodontitis.

On the gum, an abscess at the top of the root of the tooth is called periodontitis. A purulent focus in the gum of this nature occurs for a number of reasons (neglected caries, pulpitis, violation of the canal filling technique). Treatment is carried out by opening the cavity of the tooth, cleaning out the purulent exudate and final filling. An abscess on the gums due to periodontitis proceeds with an increase in the volume of the periodontal pocket due to the content of purulent exudate in it. The formation of pus is always accompanied by reddening of the gums, swelling and soreness.

Symptoms and signs

An abscess on the gum at the beginning of its development is rarely accompanied by any symptoms. Basically, anxiety causes soreness in a carious tooth with pulpitis. If channels were previously cleaned in the tooth and nerve endings were removed, then pain may be completely absent. Of the main signs of pus formation, there are:

  • increased reaction to cold or hot;
  • local blue gums:
  • the formation of bumps in the gums with purulent contents;
  • tumor in the area of ​​the causative tooth;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • separation of purulent contents;
  • bad breath.

Many patients make many mistakes when they find an abscess in themselves, ranging from warming up to piercing. If there is pus, then the only correct action is to rinse the mouth with antiseptics. An adequate method of treatment is only a medical method. There are no other treatments without health risks.

Features of development in children

Pus in the gums in children and adults is not considered a rare situation. Teeth with a milk bite are even more prone to caries. The main danger of a pathological condition in children is the defeat of the rudiments of permanent teeth. Another complication of purulent inflammation of the gums is the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. The child's body has an imperfect immune system, so any infection can cause an abscess of almost any tissue and organ. An abscess on the gums in a child may appear against the background of ordinary caries or gum injury, which requires immediate medical attention. This will avoid such unpleasant consequences as extensive caries or the development of generalized ulcerative stomatitis. Treatment of periodontal abscess occurs in children in much the same way as in adults, especially when pus comes out spontaneously.

Treatment tactics

Where to go if pus appears in the gum? What to do and how to treat? If an abscess occurs on the gum near the causative tooth, the treatment will be selected based on the previous factors. The main task of treating an inflammatory focus of any nature is to eliminate the source of infection. If the gum fester due to developing periodontitis, then the therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammation, giving stability to moving teeth. With the progression of periodontitis, an opening of the tooth cavity is performed and the pathogenic focus is removed from the top of the tooth root. In both cases, the doctor tries by all possible methods to preserve the natural tooth.

Abscess treatment for periodontitis

The elimination of the pathological focus occurs by medical and surgical methods. A purulent sac on the gum near the tooth does not always require external excision of mucous tissues. The radical method is used when conservative treatment fails. If the gum is festering, then you should immediately seek medical help.


For successful surgical treatment, several conditions must be met: a poor filling at the root apex, a high-quality filling of the rest of the cavity. Resection of the apex of the tooth is carried out without opening a normal filling and is performed in one stage. The operation comes down to cutting off the top of the root with a drill, as well as cleaning the wound from an existing cyst or small granulomas. Thus, the doctor manages to draw out the pus from the gums without incisions, remove the inflammatory element. After the operation, it is recommended to take antibacterial drugs, rinse with antiseptic solutions.

With timely treatment of periodontitis, there are rarely any complications. In advanced cases, periodontitis with an abscess can result in tooth extraction.

Conservative therapy

Of the main methods for diagnosing periodontitis, the most effective is the X-ray. After an accurate diagnosis, the dentist begins treatment. In the presence of a crown or an intact filling, the tooth cavity is opened, carious destruction is eliminated, nerve endings are removed, and root canals are expanded. After instrumental treatment of root canals with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. If the gum is very inflamed, there are clear signs of a purulent abscess, then the dentist sends the patient to the surgeon to open the abscess. Treatment usually takes place over several visits.

During the first visit, the tooth cavity is opened, the dental canals are cleaned, and a temporary filling is installed. If an x-ray study revealed a pathological neoplasm of a small size, then on a second visit, the doctor can completely seal the canals. If the x-ray shows a formed formation at the top of the tooth root in the form of a granuloma or cystic cavity, then the final filling of the canals is possible only a few months after the first visit. Time for the final filling is necessary to eliminate the risk of re-infection of the root canals. If the suppuration of the gums stops and the inflammation disappears, then the risks of relapse are minimized. With a favorable outcome, a crown is placed on the filling. The formation of a purulent sac on the root of the tooth can appear in any size, therefore, with any discomfort on the gum mucosa, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Diagnosis of the disease includes an X-ray examination and an assessment by a periodontist of the objective status of the oral cavity. When studying the image, attention is paid to the depth of the periodontal cavities, the need to remove the pulp, and the overall scale of the inflammatory process. The release of purulent exudate can only be from under the gums, where pathological periodontal structures are formed. If purulent inflammation of the gums spreads to several teeth, then we can talk about generalized periodontitis. With local periodontitis, pus is released only near one tooth.

Treatment involves the primary removal of dental deposits (plaque, tartar), removal of pus from the gums, and antibiotic therapy. Periodontal cavities are abundantly washed with antiseptic solutions, and the gum itself is treated with a gel against the development of inflammation. The tooth root can remain completely healthy. Special cases of festering gums require a course of antibiotics. After the separation of pus and the relief of the inflammatory process, the doctor performs the procedure of curettage of periodontal cavities. The main goal of treatment is to remove inflammatory granulomas from under the gums. If necessary, bone structure is built up to reduce the volume of periodontal pockets.

You can not rely on the treatment of a purulent focus with folk methods. Home recipes with internal inflammation that have appeared rarely become effective methods. Treatment with herbal infusions and rinses is important at the completion of drug therapy in the form of prevention of relapses, accelerating the healing of the mucosa. Properly selected treatment allows you to quickly get rid of the development of the pathological process, as well as keep the natural tooth intact.

Major Complications

Modern dentistry virtually eliminates the development of various complications when a tooth fester. Despite this, the presence in the body of an inflammatory process with purulent exudate can always provoke an unpredictable course. The main complications include:

  • spread of infection through the bloodstream;
  • loosening and loss of teeth;
  • the formation of phlegmon (extensive inflammatory process);
  • bleeding;
  • chance of abscess recurrence.

A small purulent sac can cause flux. In some cases, the patient may even need to be hospitalized. Inflammation in the body spreads rapidly with the bloodstream, settling in the vital organs. The opening of a purulent formation can be hampered by the huge processes of the inflammatory focus, the need to install a drainage tube (allows the pus to gradually come out), and the patient's unstable health status. Patients with a burdened clinical history (diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of organs and systems, bad habits, the need for serious drugs, etc.) are most prone to complications after treatment.

Preventive measures are reduced to the observance of oral hygiene, the exclusion of traumatization of the gums, regular examinations of the dentist, timely treatment of carious cavities. Pus in the gums, as a rule, has a favorable prognosis, subject to the patient's timely response and the correct therapeutic tactics.

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