Treatment of chronic sinusitis - what methods are more effective? How to cure chronic sinusitis How to cure chronic sinusitis

On our planet, a huge number of people suffer from respiratory diseases. One of these common ailments is sinusitis. It is believed that the treatment of this disease at home is impossible. But it's not.

In hospitals, old well-established methods of treatment are used for a long time, the most common is a puncture. It is not effective, it almost always has to be done again. How to cure chronic sinusitis without surgery completely and at home? This will be discussed below.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Very similar to colds. They are the same, both in an adult and in a child - an increased body temperature, the appearance of a runny nose, chills, a headache, and general weakness is observed. With inflammation, there is almost always a feeling that a tooth or forehead hurts. With a complication of the disease appear: pain in the eyes, redness, swelling of the eyelids. If the acute one was not treated, then the disease is likely to go into the chronic stage. In this case, the discharge of fluid from the nose and a nasal voice will constantly accompany the patient.

If the mucous membrane of the sinuses becomes inflamed, then this disease is called It occurs mainly in schoolchildren. With untimely treatment, the disease will quickly develop into right-sided, left-sided or bilateral sinusitis. If tumors are found: near the eye, nose, cheek and at the same time a severe headache is felt, you should immediately contact a medical facility, because these symptoms may indicate a dangerous stage of the disease called cystic sinusitis, its treatment cannot be postponed.

Possible Complications

Once faced with similar symptoms, many begin to understand the danger of this sinus disease, which can easily develop into complications if treatment is not started on time. Complications caused by sinusitis can be life-threatening. The nasal passages perform a protective function and prevent the entry of various infections from the environment. The purulent focus, which is formed during sinusitis, provokes the development of diseases such as tonsillitis and pneumonia.

The most terrible complication that can cause improper treatment of sinusitis is meningitis. The fact is that the brain is located next to the infectious focus, and if treatment is not started on time, it will easily provoke this terrible disease. After the sinusitis is cured, you should do your best to avoid getting a cold, strengthen your immune system in order to create the necessary conditions for a complete and final recovery. If the signs of sinusitis reappear, you need to immediately deal with the treatment so that it cannot go into the acute stage. How to cure chronic sinusitis forever? There are many ways to do this, and they really get rid of this disease.

Is it possible to treat sinusitis without surgery at home

Sinusitis is easy to recognize: a patient with this disease has a constantly blocked nose, it is difficult for him to breathe and often have migraines, as well as a fear of light.

To treat sinusitis at home, you need to adhere to a certain number of measures that are aimed at clearing the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses from mucus with pathogens. In an adult with advanced sinusitis, complications such as a secondary infectious disease, the appearance of polyps or a fistula between the nasal septum and the maxillary sinus may appear.

More recently, everyone was sure that the advanced stage of sinusitis is treated only by puncturing the maxillary sinuses, followed by pumping out pus, while in the surgical room.

How to cure chronic sinusitis completely without surgery? Today it is already possible to treat this disease at home using only 2 groups of simple methods: using medications and using folk remedies for treatment.

Methods of conservative treatment

The early stage of the disease is effectively treated with nasal drops. You need to choose them very carefully: drugs that have a narrowing effect on blood vessels are not used for more than 5 days without a break, so that there is no addiction and side effects.

Such a drug is appropriate to use during an exacerbation of the disease, when nasal congestion does not allow the patient to sleep normally.

Drops can be effective in the fight against sinusitis if they are combined with other drugs, such as antibiotics, ointments. Such treatment will bring quick positive results and help avoid the complications caused by this disease.

Drops in the nose with sinusitis

Drops, as well as sprays, are used only after the nasal passages are cleared. To do this, you need to blow your nose, then rinse your nostrils with saline. The main task of drops in the nose in the treatment of sinusitis is to remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa, have an antibacterial effect and allow you to breathe freely.

It is necessary to use such drops or sprays for the treatment of sinusitis:

  • "Nazol".
  • "Oxymetazoline".
  • "Pinosol".
  • "Leconil".

These drugs should be used 3 times a day, 2-3 drops or puff. After a few days, air will begin to pass easily through the nose, congestion will decrease, and swelling will subside.


Even if the treatment of sinusitis takes place at home, it is not recommended to take antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation. The specialist will prescribe antibiotics related to the amoxicillin group. Their goal is to destroy the bacteria that provoked the disease. The most effective:

  • "Amoxil".
  • "Flemoxina Solutab".
  • Ospamox.

These drugs are all in the same group. Their dosage is attributed only by a doctor, he can, starting from each individual case, determine the duration of taking the drugs, since chronic sinusitis is treated for a long time.

Ointment Simanovsky

Patients with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis in some cases are credited with having an anti-inflammatory effect. In pharmacies, such an ointment is not sold, it must be made according to the prescription that the doctor will prescribe. You need to apply it after the pus is removed from the nose, washing it with a solution of chamomile or furacilin. Further, drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect are instilled into the nose. After that, cotton swabs lubricated with ointment should be placed in the nostrils and breathe through the mouth. A few minutes for this procedure will be enough.

How to cure chronic sinusitis folk remedies

Folk methods and remedies help well at the initial stage of the disease. But how to cure chronic sinusitis without surgery completely? To treat this disease at home, in any case, you will need not only consultation with a specialist, but also his control. There are many ways that can treat sinusitis without resorting to surgery. They are effective and do no harm. How to cure chronic sinusitis at home? A question that interests many. This is possible, but you need to remember that with any slight deterioration in the condition, you must not hesitate and contact a specialist.

Treatment of sinusitis with bay leaf

How to completely cure chronic sinusitis without surgery? With the help of an ancient method - bay leaf treatment - this disease can be completely cured. Even dried bay leaves are an excellent disinfectant and germ-killer. They strengthen the body's immune system and relieve all symptoms of sinusitis.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • You need to take two bay leaves and dip them into a glass of hot water, boil them, and attach a napkin soaked in this decoction to the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  • It is necessary to keep it until it cools down, then moisten it again in the solution and apply until the entire solution has cooled.
  • During the procedure, the head should be covered with a warm, preferably knitted cloth to keep warm.

Bay leaf treatment should be carried out shortly before going to bed, within 6 days.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis with aloe

How can chronic sinusitis be cured with this plant? Quite simply, this method also has ancient roots, and it helps. Aloe juice has an antimicrobial effect and promotes the speedy healing of the focus of infection.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to cure chronic sinusitis forever with the help of aloe? After a course of treatment, it will disappear, but it takes a long time to get rid of chronic sinusitis.

After the course of treatment with aloe juice, the disease will disappear forever, and will no longer bother. But in order to get rid of chronic sinusitis, a long period of time is needed.

Aloe juice is sold in any pharmacy, it is enriched with iron and is available in the form of syrup. Some people have this plant at home, and they can squeeze the juice from the leaves on their own.

You need to know that aloe begins to have beneficial properties when it becomes older than 3 years. Juice should be instilled into both nostrils, 3-5 drops at least 3 times a day. To achieve a greater effect of treatment, you can add honey or a decoction of celandine to the juice and try to instill the resulting solution more often.

For better penetration of the therapeutic composition, it is necessary to drip it while lying down.

Treatment of sinusitis with inhalation

Chronic sinusitis can be cured with inhalation. It is very effective in this disease. Substances with medicinal properties, when sprayed into small particles, are able to penetrate into the deepest places of the respiratory tract, due to which they are quickly absorbed into the blood and easily remove mucus and sputum.

After the inhalation procedure at home, you can not talk, as well as eat food for 1 hour. If you violate this rule, then the treatment will not be beneficial. Clothing during inhalation should be light, not obstructing breathing. The procedure can be carried out at home, you only need a kettle with a narrow neck.

Summing up

Often people wonder: is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis forever? Before you start treating sinusitis at home with various methods, whether it be medications, drops, inhalation or folk remedies, you first need to understand the seriousness and danger of this disease. You can not start treatment at home without consulting a specialist. It should help determine which of the methods in a particular case can provide the desired effectiveness of therapy, after which you can begin to get rid of sinusitis without resorting to surgery. Any infusions or juices from plants must be tested and have high efficiency, otherwise you can only make things worse.

Many are interested in the question: how to cure chronic sinusitis? Reviews of home treatment with folk remedies are mostly positive. Many people did not have to carry out, but managed to stop the disease and forget about sinusitis forever. Those who have been pierced say that the disease reappears quite soon at the first cold, this technique is not effective. Is it possible to cure chronic sinusitis without resorting to a puncture? You just need to choose the right technique together with a specialist.

Alternative methods of treatment are more effective than piercing, but only with the right approach to the procedures.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus of the nose. The cause of inflammation is most often untreated colds and runny nose, as a result of which mucus accumulates in the nose, which can remain forever, acquiring a purulent character. Further in the article, we will talk about how to get rid of sinusitis at home.

Causes of the disease

The actual cause of the development of sinusitis is an infection that has entered the nasal cavity during breathing or through the blood. Interestingly, in many people in a relatively healthy state, staphylococcus aureus can live on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, causing absolutely no inconvenience and problems to its carrier. However, even with the slightest changes in the body, it quickly becomes active and begins to show its pathogenic properties. . Other micro-organisms can also be causative agents.

You will find a list of drops in the nose with an antibiotic for sinusitis.

The following factors can provoke the development of sinusitis:

  • Vasomotor and hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • Deviated septum;
  • Injury to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;
  • Dental diseases, non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • Polyps and adenoids in the nasal cavity;
  • Advanced forms of colds, uncured runny nose;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • The impact of aggressive environments on the nasal mucosa;
  • Mechanical damage to the nasal septum.

The reason for the accumulation of mucus, against which sinusitis develops, can be the regular use of nasal drops for the treatment of rhinitis.

First signs and symptoms (how can it begin in an adult and a child, how quickly, what kind)

The manifestation of sinusitis begins with pain in the nose, gradually the pain increases, while they are more pronounced in the evening than in the morning. With the onset of sinusitis, headaches, nasal congestion, shortness of breath first appear, and a runny nose accompanies such symptoms.

As the disease progresses, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced, the patient may experience the following:

  • General weakness, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances;
  • Increased body temperature, chills;
  • Profuse mucous discharge from the nose;
  • Feelings of pressure on the bridge of the nose;
  • Coughing fits;
  • memory impairment;
  • The development of prolonged pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis.

Seeking medical help should be immediate if a runny nose does not go away within 7 days, if after 3 days of self-treatment the patient's condition worsens, pain in the eyes appears and vision is impaired.


Diagnosis of sinusitis includes anamnesis, analysis of patient complaints, external examination, as well as examination of the nasal mucosa. In addition, a mandatory measure is the x-ray of the maxillary sinus. If the listed methods are uninformative, then a puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed. Also read about how it happens.

How to treat at home (nebulizer, pills, drops, folk methods)

The disease progresses for various reasons, they cannot be established without qualified medical care. In order for self-medication to bring benefits, and not even more harm, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the use of a particular remedy.

Folk recipes (garlic, aloe, bay leaf, etc.)

Warming is used to improve the removal of an inflammatory infection from the maxillary sinuses. In the treatment of sinusitis, heating can be dry and steam. As dry warmings, you can use sea or iodized salt wrapped in cotton cloth, boiled egg or boiled potatoes.

One of the best ways to warm up is a special blue lamp (the official name is the Minin reflector). Shining through the skin, the light from the lamp warms the sinuses, eliminates swelling and improves the general condition. For a successful recovery, it is recommended to carry out two to three procedures daily for 15-30 minutes.

How to properly perform massage for sinusitis is indicated.

An effective and effective method of treating sinusitis at home is the use of compresses, below are proven recipes that have collected only positive reviews on the Internet:

  • Black radish juice and salt. To prepare a medicinal product, juice is squeezed out of the root crop, in which gauze is soaked, then it is moistened in a small amount of slightly warmed sunflower oil. The compress is applied to the maxillary sinuses, and bags with heated salt are applied to it. For successful treatment of sinusitis, such a compress is recommended to be applied twice a day. The norm for children is 30 minutes, the norm for adults is 60 minutes.
  • Honey and propolis. In order to prepare a home remedy for sinusitis, thick honey and propolis grated on a fine grater are mixed in equal amounts. I make a cake from the mixture, it is applied to the maxillary sinuses, fixing it with adhesive tape. The compress is applied all night.
  • Bay leaf. The leaves of the plant must be poured with water, then boiled over low heat. In laurel decoction, you need to moisten the cloth and apply it to the sinuses. The compress should be kept until the tissue cools. It is recommended to carry out six procedures.
  • Onion juice and aloe juice, honey. Recipe from simple healing ingredients: mix one teaspoon of egg white, plant juice and honey and half a teaspoon of onion juice and use warmed for compresses.

Recipes for effective solutions for washing the nasal cavity:

  • Sea salt. Salt from the bottom of the sea is one of the best ingredients for washing solution. The product is taken in the amount of one teaspoon, diluted with boiled water (200 milliliters). This solution is recommended to be used, alternating with other means for washing the nasal cavity.
  • Green tea. The wash drink is infused for twenty minutes, then used for its intended purpose. According to this recipe, a solution of St. John's wort is also prepared, taking one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Similarly, you can prepare a solution of calendula, string and blackcurrant leaves.
  • Chamomile decoction. To prepare homemade medicine, the herb of chamomile is poured with water in a ratio of 1:10, brought to a boil over low heat, boiled for about thirty minutes. Before use, a teaspoon of natural honey is stirred in a glass of broth.

Homemade drops:

  • Potato Drops. To prepare drops, take an equal amount of potatoes and onions, mix the squeezed juice from these vegetables and add a little honey there. The drops are ready, the medicine is stored in the refrigerator, instilled when the nose stops breathing.
  • Drops of onion and garlic. Half an onion and two cloves of garlic are passed through a press and mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil. Within two weeks, the remedy is insisted, after the time has elapsed, the strained medicine is used as drops.
  • Aloe juice. Aloe juice for the treatment of sinusitis is used in its pure form, the agent is instilled into the nasal passages several times a day. For greater effectiveness, a small amount of honey can be added to aloe juice.

With the prevention of sinusitis can be found.

Pharmaceuticals / medicines / medicines / drugs

The doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs for the treatment of sinusitis at home, the most effective are azithromycin, augmentin, third-generation cephalosporins. You will find a list of tablets for sinusitis. If the patient is intolerant to penicillin-based antibiotics, macrolides and tetracyclines may be prescribed. Effective action is provided by Isofra, Bioparox.

How much to treat sinusitis with antibiotics? The first effect of antibacterial therapy is usually observed 48 hours after the use of the drugs.

For the outflow of mucus and pus, vasoconstrictor sprays are used, as well as drops of the same action (Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Otilin). In the case of allergic sinusitis, antihistamine therapy is also carried out.

To enhance the effect of topical drugs, you can use a nebulizer if the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees. Inhalations are carried out after the use of vasoconstrictor drops. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. For you can use antibiotics (Isofra, Gentamicin, Dioxidin), anti-inflammatory drugs (, Chlorophyllipt solution), antiseptics (Malavit,), vasoconstrictors (Naphthyzin, Naftozolin), saline and alkaline solutions.

Learn how to take Rinofluimucil for sinusitis.

Consequences and complications of sinusitis: purulent, allergic. neglected, chronic, dangerous

In the absence of adequate and timely treatment, sinusitis can cause serious complications. Most often, the development of complications occurs if the patient's immunity is reduced to a significant extent.

Infection with sinusitis can go to the visual organs, which will cause various pathological processes, the most likely:

  • Swelling of the tissue of the orbit;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • periostitis of the orbit;
  • Inflammatory process of eyelid tissues;
  • The appearance of fistulas of the eyelids;
  • Suppuration of the periosteum;
  • The appearance of a purulent focus behind the fiber.

From the nasal maxillary sinus, the infection can also go to the hearing organs, in which case there is a high probability of developing otitis media with a serious hearing loss. The most dangerous are intracranial complications. Although intracranial complications are quite rare, they should not be discounted.

Sinusitis can cause the development of complications such as swelling of the meninges, purulent meningitis, meningoencephalitis, brain abscess.

Chronic sinusitis occurs with a complicated course of the acute phase of the disease, in which it is not possible to choose the right treatment or it was initially incorrect. In the chronic form of the disease, the same medications are used as in conventional treatment, but a special combined regimen can be selected that will avoid a large number of relapses in the future. Necessarily in the treatment of pathology, antibacterial drops are used, washings and oral antibiotics can be prescribed. The use of vasoconstrictor drops is only possible on prescription, as they are not always well tolerated at the same time as other medicines.

Among the symptoms of chronic sinusitis, the following points stand out:

  • severe weakness against the background of a slight increase in body temperature;
  • the nose is constantly blocked, mucous secretions come out of it;
  • the voice acquires a characteristic shade of nasality, which develops against the background of a large amount of sputum;
  • there is constant pain in the sinuses, which can radiate to the teeth, forehead and ears, increases with a slight tilt of the head forward, with sneezing and coughing;
  • due to irritated mucosa, the patient often sneezes;
  • in the absence of proper treatment, the runny nose becomes purulent, and the discharge becomes a characteristic yellow-brown color;
  • during the remission stage, the patient may experience symptoms such as heaviness in the cheeks, severe lacrimation, pus discharge without a runny nose.

Attention! Similar symptoms can also appear during the common cold. But such specific signs as sinus pain, green discharge and a strong nasal voice should make you turn to a specialist to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Oral antibiotics for chronic sinusitis


A good third-generation antibiotic that can eliminate most pathogenic bacteria. It is used in adults and children, subject to properly selected doses. Adult patients with the development of a chronic type of inflammation take 0.5 g of Azithromycin once a day without food. Treatment at the same dose is carried out for three days, after which the medication is completely canceled.


It can also be prescribed for the chronic type of sinusitis, but shows less resistance to bacteria, since they can develop resistance to the active substance of the drug. It is taken for a minimum course of seven days, rarely causes intestinal irritation and other side effects. The dosage of the active substance can be 250-500 mg three times an hour after a meal or one hour before it. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules, the latter show a more noticeable result, since the active substance begins to disintegrate after it enters the stomach.

Attention! Most experts agree that it is best to prescribe macrolide antibiotics to patients. They are the least dangerous and toxic even for a weakened immune system, in addition, they additionally stimulate the protective functions of the body.

Antibacterial drops against chronic sinusitis


In the treatment of chronic sinusitis, you should choose a drug that includes phenylephrine. It is allowed to use the medication from the age of 2.5, but in childhood, doses are selected separately for each child. Adult patients, taking into account the intensity of the manifestation of sinusitis, make one injection into each nasal passage no more than five times a day. The tool facilitates breathing, frees the path from sputum and relieves swelling. You can take Polydex for 10 days, a longer course only with the permission of Laura.


It is produced in the form of a spray, which is an analogue of Polydex. The composition of Isofra also includes phenylephrine, which shows a quick antibacterial and decongestant effect. The drug is used up to 6 times a day by adult patients and up to three times a day in children. One injection is required in each nostril. The recommended course of therapy cannot exceed 7 days.


Available in the form of a spray. It has a specific smell, the impact strength is slightly lower than Isofra and Polydex. Framinazine can be used in children and adults at appropriate safe doses. Patients over 15 years of age are recommended to do one injection of the active substance into each nasal passage no more than five times a day. The recommended course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Attention! They are usually prescribed only at the stage of exacerbation of chronic sinusitis. If purulent discharge is observed during remission, lavages are usually prescribed. It is not worth prescribing drops with an antibiotic on your own, so as not to provoke addiction to them.

Decongestant drops for chronic sinusitis


It is usually prescribed to patients only from the age of three. At the same time, in childhood, drops can be used only for three days, the dose is 1 drop in each nasal passage 2 times a day. In this dosage, Leconil is taken up to 12 years old, but from 7 years old, the number of daily doses can be increased to three. Adult patients and children over 12 years old take the treatment three times a day, two drops in each nostril. The recommended course of therapy is 3-5 days. Longer treatment only with the permission of the attending physician.

Nazol Advance

A fast-acting drug that relieves puffiness and suppresses sputum production. Shows instant results in combination therapy with Isofra or Polydex. It is not recommended to take in the presence of chronic sinusitis complicated by allergic rhinitis. This can exacerbate the symptoms of a second chronic disease. The dosage of Nazol Advance depends on the age of the patient.


Available in the form of drops and spray, it shows a quick drying result. Due to the strong drying of the mucosa, the problem of irritation can arise, so these drops should not be dripped for more than three days in case of severe sensitivity. The dosage of the drug is 1-2 drops in each nasal passage up to three times a day. In childhood, the doses of the active substance are selected individually for each child. The duration of treatment with normal tolerability of the drug can not be more than 7 days.

Attention! It is always worth remembering that vasoconstrictor drops can cause thinning of the vascular wall, which leads to constant runny nose and the need to use drops on an ongoing basis. To prevent this from happening, you should take decongestants only for weekly courses and strict dosages. If the state of health allows, daily doses of vasoconstrictor drops can be reduced.

Sinupret against viral sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is not always provoked only by bacteria, so it is important to choose a medication that can attack viruses. With a viral course of the disease, antibiotics are absolutely useless and can even be dangerous. To exclude such consequences, a good antiviral medication is prescribed, which includes Sinupret. It is available in the form of drops and tablets, has a completely natural composition. Most often, patients are prescribed a liquid form of the drug, since it is she who shows a quick and noticeable result.

In the treatment of Sinupret, the overall level of immunity rises, sputum is separated faster and excreted from the body. In addition, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, toxins are removed and the activity of the virus is suppressed. Taking into account the age of the patient, Sinupret is prescribed in the following doses:

  • children from 2 to 6 years old, 15 drops three times a day;
  • children from 6 years to 12, 25 drops also three times a day;
  • adult patients take 50 drops of the drug three times a day.

The duration of treatment for each patient is determined individually, taking into account the complexity of the anamnesis and the response to therapy.

Attention! When prescribing doses of the active substance, one should also focus on the weight of the patient, in particular this is done in childhood. If the patient is suitable for a different age group, other doses of Sinupret can be prescribed.

Mucolytics against chronic sinusitis


A drug that has a complex expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. You can take Bronchobos in the form of capsules and syrup. In adulthood, capsules and 5% syrup are prescribed. Given the complexity of chronic sinusitis, patients are prescribed after 15 years 15 ml of syrup or 2 capsules three times a day. Therapy lasts no more than 10 days, a longer course of treatment is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.


Available in the form of syrup and tablets. Given the complexity of the chronic form, Mucodin can be taken from 10 to 30 days. In the first days of treatment, adult patients are prescribed 750 mg of the active ingredient three times a day. Upon reaching the required therapeutic effect and stabilization of the patient's condition, 1.5 g of Mucodin is taken in 4 divided doses.

Libeksin Muko

A good remedy of mucolytic nature, which can be taken from the first month of the patient's life. Adult patients are recommended to take 0.75 g of the active ingredient three times a day. At the same time, when a dose is missed, it is not required to replenish the amount of the active substance. Chronic sinusitis using Libexin Muko can be treated for 4 to 30 days, the duration of therapy is influenced by the severity of symptoms.

Attention nie! Preparations of this group contribute to a faster discharge of sputum and easier breathing. It must be used for sinusitis in combination with drops and other highly specialized drugs. With monotherapy, they do not show any result, which leads to serious complications.

Video - How to cure sinusitis without punctures and pain

Complementary treatment for chronic sinusitis

Depending on the presence of other symptoms and associated complications, the following treatments may also be used:

  • the appointment of vitamin complexes to strengthen the whole body and raise protective functions;
  • take painkillers such as Paracetamol, Efferalgan and Ibuklin, which additionally relieve fever;
  • exposure to ultraviolet light, which helps to create an additional disinfecting effect;
  • salt washing, in severe cases, the procedure is carried out directly in a medical institution;
  • the introduction of antibiotics through injections or droppers, is carried out with advanced cases of chronic sinusitis;
  • surgical interventions if sinusitis is provoked by injuries and congenital pathologies of the nasal cavity;
  • puncture and installation of a catheter to drain pus;
  • the appointment of antiallergic drugs, they can also be prescribed without the presence of allergies to reduce swelling and excretion of mucus.

Attention! In order for the treatment to be more successful, it is important to identify the exact causative agent of the problem. This will not only allow successful therapy, but also reduce the risk of relapse in the future.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis is desirable to be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, who will be able to assess the complexity of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. When using antibacterial agents, the simultaneous administration of oral and nasal medications is possible only in exceptional cases, when there is a strong intoxication of the body and the pus cannot resolve for a long time. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, a puncture is prescribed, which will clear the sinuses.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary, or maxillary, paranasal sinuses, lasting more than 4 weeks, is called chronic sinusitis. According to statistics, this pathology accounts for exactly half of all inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis). Chronic sinusitis proceeds in waves - the stage of remission is replaced by the stage of exacerbation, after which remission occurs again. In the absence of adequate treatment, the pathological process also covers other organs adjacent to the maxillary sinuses - complications develop.

Causes of chronic sinusitis

The main cause of this disease is a long-term exposure to the sinus mucosa of pathogenic microflora. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by bacteria, less often viruses and fungi act as the causative agent. There are frequent cases when, when examining the contents of the sinuses, several types of microorganisms are found in it at once.

Contribute to the onset of the pathological process in the sinus, impaired nasal breathing due to congenital or acquired anatomical defects (for example,). Since the lower wall of the maxillary sinuses is very thin, the infection can get into them from the oral cavity (for example, from teeth affected by caries, inflamed gums, etc.) - in this case, the disease is called chronic odontogenic sinusitis.

Factors predisposing to the development of the disease are:

  • frequent infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • bad habits, in particular smoking;
  • cold season;
  • barotrauma;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • severe concomitant diseases that have a negative impact on the immune system in general;
  • propensity for.

The mechanism of development of sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses in sinusitis. Maxillary sinuses - on the sides of the wings of the nose.

The infection, getting on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinus, causes local inflammation, one of the components of which is edema. The mucosa of the fistulas connecting the nasal cavity with the maxillary sinus also swells, which causes a deterioration in air circulation in the latter and an outflow of mucus from it. The accumulated mucus is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms that further increase inflammation.

In most cases, with this disease, only one sinus is involved in the pathological process, but there are also cases bilateral chronic sinusitis.

Classification of chronic sinusitis

The main forms of chronic sinusitis are:

  • polyposis;
  • mixed (purulent-polypous).

Also, allergic and odontogenic forms of this disease often occur.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults

Chronic sinusitis in remission occurs with mild symptoms. Patients are usually concerned about:

  • slight weakness, fatigue;
  • non-intense, without a clear localization headache;
  • , due to which ;
  • pain and when swallowing, due to the irritating effect of mucus flowing from the inflamed sinus along the back of the pharynx;
  • some swelling in the projection of the sinus on the face.

When chronic sinusitis enters the stage of exacerbation, the state of health of patients worsens: they note severe weakness, a slight increase in temperature (usually not more than 37.5–37.7 C); the headache becomes more intense, especially when the head is tilted forward, there is a feeling of heaviness in the head. Since in the stage of inflammation, arching pain may appear in this area. Complaints of tickling and coughing persist. Characterized by reddening of the skin, cracks, swelling under the nose (due to constant irritation of this area with mucus). Complaints about swelling of the lower eyelid or the appearance of discharge from the eyes (conjunctivitis) indicate the spread of the inflammatory process to the orbits.

Complications of chronic sinusitis

If untreated, an infection from the maxillary sinus can spread to the ear area - otitis media will develop.

Untreated chronic sinusitis can provoke the development of the following diseases:

  • phlegmon of the eye socket tissue;
  • abscess of the lower eyelid;
  • of the formidable complications, meningitis, brain abscess and sepsis should be noted;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis);
  • heart disease (myocarditis).


Based on the patient's complaints, the history of the disease and life, the otorhinolaryngologist will suspect a disease, which rhinoscopy will help him confirm, as well as additional examination methods.

During a visual examination of the nasal mucosa, its hyperplasia (thickening), hyperemia (redness), swelling, and the presence of secretions in the form of viscous mucus or pus will attract attention.

The leading methods used to confirm the diagnosis are:

  • bacteriological examination of material from a smear taken from the nasal cavity during rhinoscopy;
  • rhinoendoscopy (examination of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses using a special device - a video endoscope);
  • radiography of the paranasal sinuses.

Less commonly, for diagnostic purposes, puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed, allergy tests to determine the patient's immune status - an immunogram.

How to cure chronic sinusitis

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of chronic sinusitis.

With an exacerbation of the process, complex treatment should be carried out, the goals of which are to restore normal nasal breathing and destroy the pathogen.

To achieve the optimal result of treatment, it is important to sanitize foci of chronic infection as soon as possible, which could cause an exacerbation of sinusitis. For this purpose, and also to suppress the growth and reproduction of microorganisms in the sinus itself, antibacterial drugs from the group of cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefodox, Cefix) or fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Moxifloxacin) are prescribed.

The best solution is to prescribe local antibacterial drugs, for example, Bioparox (available as a spray), in parallel with systemic antibiotics.

  • avoid acute infectious diseases;
  • timely sanitize foci of chronic infection, especially those localized in the area of ​​ENT organs and in the oral cavity;
  • monitor the patency of the nasal passages (, align the deviated nasal septum, etc.);
  • lead a healthy lifestyle (this concept includes a full-fledged diet rich in vitamins and microelements, healthy sleep, regular physical activity, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits, in particular smoking).


As mentioned above, getting rid of chronic sinusitis is impossible. Comprehensive treatment started in a timely manner and compliance with all preventive measures will help to enter the disease into stable remission and prevent possible complications.

About the treatment of sinusitis in the program "Health" by Elena Malysheva:

True, this tool is not very pleasant in execution, but very effective!

And it's not hard to use either.

  • We take and cook a hard-boiled egg
  • clean it gently while still hot
  • cut into two halves
  • apply on both sides to the nose
  • CAREFULLY. The egg should be hot, but NOT scalding! And then you can get burned.

Usually 2-5 procedures are enough, the sinusitis breaks through and the nose is cleared.


Chronic sinusitis can be cured with a folk remedy that many will like.

Mix 600 g of honey (preferably the first harvest - May), 350 g of aloe juice (the plant must be old - 3-5 years of age), a bottle of red grape wine (fortified).

To obtain aloe juice, pass the leaves of the plant through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice.

Mix all the ingredients and insist in a dark place for 5 days.

Take this composition for the first five days, 1 teaspoon, then - 1 tbsp. spoon one hour before meals 3 times a day.


With sinusitis and rhinitis, paraffin treatment is one of the most common methods of treatment.

There are several ways to use paraffin. The most common are the following:

  1. Paraffin is melted to a temperature of 60-65 ° C and applied with a thin brush to the affected area. Apply several times until the layer of paraffin on the skin reaches approximately 1 cm.
  • Then a piece of waxed paper or polyethylene is applied to the paraffin and tied with a woolen cloth for 1 hour.
  • The melted paraffin is poured into a small saucer and waited until it turns into a hot paraffin cake (to be tolerated by the skin).
  • The cake is applied to the affected area and insulated as in the previous recipe.
  • Treatment of sinusitis with Silver water

    SILVER WATER(concentration 20-25 mg / l) is used for inhalation, rinsing and washing the sinuses with sinusitis.

    For sinusitis, take a HOT STEAM BATH for the face over a pot of hot water, in which 1/2 tsp is dissolved. propolis tincture.

    More than 100 years ago, healers treated sinusitis in the following way:

    • the powder obtained from dried TOAD SKIN was mixed with VASELINE (1:1) and
    • rubbed into the affected area with sinusitis, toothache and bleeding gums.
  • The same remedy was used by healers in China and Japan.
  • I don't even know how to do it.)

    Sterile infusions of the following medicinal plants are used:

    • calendula, coltsfoot, bird cherry (flowers), celandine, which are prepared at the rate of 10 g of dry raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Infusions in the amount of 3-5 ml are introduced into the sinuses after washing.

    • Large plantain leaves - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Walnut leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Yarrow herb - 2 tbsp. l.

    All mix, grind. Collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Use for inhalation.


    • Barberry bark - 10 g.
    • Burnet root - 20 g.

    Pour 30 g of the collection into 200 ml of cold water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Use for inhalation.


    • Infusion of nettle leaves - 15 g per 200 ml of water.
    • St. John's wort herb infusion - 10 g per 200 ml of water.
    • A decoction of the bark of viburnum - 10 g per 200 ml of water.

    Mix decoction and infusions. Use 100 ml per inhalation.


    • Calendula flowers - 10 g.
    • Meadow geranium grass - 5 g.
    • Chamomile flowers - 15 g.

    Collection pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Apply 50 ml per inhalation.

    In acute and chronic rhinitis, as well as sinusitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis, HONEY INHALATIONS have a good effect.

    In a coffee pot with a small amount of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. flower or linden honey. They put a tube on the spout of the coffee pot and breathe through it for 15-20 minutes. 12-15 procedures are enough for a course of treatment.

    Often HONEY is used in another recipe:

    • the patient lies on his back.
  • Using a glass rod, honey (1-2 g) is injected into each half of the nose.
  • Having melted, honey flows down the nasal passage and is absorbed by the mucosa.
  • If honey has an irritating effect, then it is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:1.
  • After the "honey procedure" for 2 hours, it is not recommended to go outside.
  • Up to 20 procedures should be taken for a course of treatment.
  • In addition to the local treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis), general methods of influencing the body are used.

    • To increase the resistance (resistance) of the body, patients are prescribed infusions of wild rose, lilac inflorescences, roots and rhizomes of couch grass.
  • Inhalations with fir oil or infusion of needles of pine, cedar, fir have a good effect.
  • IN THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN OF CHILDREN OF CHILDREN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE, an infusion of the following composition is used for oral administration:

    • Linden flowers
    • Chamomile flowers
    • Hypericum herb

    Take 10 g of each of the above plants, pour 200 ml of boiling water and use both inside (1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day), and for nasal lavage and inhalation.

    • POTATOES IN THE UNIQUE. Boil potatoes "in uniform", add 0.5 tsp. propolis. Wrap yourself up and breathe over the pan. Take 7-10 treatments every other day.
    • DRY MENTHOL in grains, dissolve in a saucepan with boiling water. Having wrapped your head, breathe through your nose over this pan. The procedure takes 10-12 minutes.
    • Ebonite disc 110 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick sanded on one side. Iron the polished side on the side of the face with which there is sinusitis. Make one turn on the face for 1 second. The session lasts 15 minutes.

    Do the procedure 2 times a day. It is used in the treatment of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, with headache and toothache.

    In the treatment of sinusitis, the following simple methods that improve the general condition can be recommended:


    "If nasal congestion hits you during the day when you're at work or on the road, take a cup of hot coffee, tea, or soup, fold your hands over the cup, and inhale. It doesn't work as well as a steam bath, but it gives some relief."


    To wash thick nasal secretions, you can use saline or mix 1 tsp. salt with 2 cups warm water and a pinch of baking soda. Pour the solution into a small glass, tilt your head back, close one nostril with your thumb, and draw in the solution with the other nostril. Then gently blow your nose. Repeat with the other nostril.

    RELEASE YOUR PAIN. Applying moist heat over sensitive sinuses is an easy way to relieve pain. Apply a warm wet washcloth over the eyes, cheekbones and leave it until you feel that the pain decreases. This may only take a few minutes.

    BLOW EACH NOSTRIL IN TURN. This will help prevent increased pressure in the ears, which can allow bacteria to spread further into the sinus cavity.

    DRINK AS MUCH YOUR SOUL REQUESTS. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, both hot and cold, helps loosen and drain mucus. A hot tea made from an herb such as fenugreek, fennel, anise, or sage will further help drain the mucus.

    Avicenna on damage to the sense of smell

    "Damage comprehends the sense of smell in the same way as it comprehends other senses - after all, the sense of smell can either disappear, or weaken, or change and deteriorate.

    Loss or weakening of the sense of smell is expressed in two ways:

    • the patient may either not feel at all or weakly feel both incense and stench, or he does not feel or weakly feels only one of them.

    Damage and change in the sense of smell is also twofold:

    • firstly, the patient can smell bad smells, even when they are not there,
  • secondly, to find a pleasant smell that does not seem pleasant to another - as when someone likes the smell of feces - and to harbor an aversion to pleasant smells.
  • The cause of these damages is either a disorder of a simple nature, or a bad juice located in the anterior part of the brain and in the ventricles present in the brain.

    The reason for this may be a blockage in the ethmoid bone from juice, from wind, from a tumor, from cancer and from excess meat that has grown, as well as a blockage in the membrane located above this bone.

    An injury arising from a disorder of a simple nature often arises from some medicine that the patient has taken, or drops that have been put into his nose, and these drugs have warmed the nature or numbed it and cooled it, or something similar causes the air of immoderate quality.

    Sometimes it comes from a blow or a fall that breaks the bone."

    Treatment (excerpts)

    ". And if the cause of the disease is a blockage in the cartilaginous bone, known as a "sieve", then the opening irrigations mentioned in the section on measures of treatment of the head are done. through the nose.

    • In these waterings, pepper, kachim and opopanax are bred.
  • After that, bowls should be constantly placed on the patient's head and rinses from hot and sharp opening substances should be used.
  • Here is one of the tested remedies:

    • nigella is soaked in vinegar for several days, then finely ground (with vinegar),
  • then mixed with olive oil and put into the nose, and the patient draws the medicine up as far as he can.
  • And sometimes the blackberry is ground into dust, mixed with old olive oil and rubbed again until it disappears without a trace.
  • Among the remedies tested and mentioned by doctors are the following:

    • they take realgar (can be replaced with grated horseradish. - Author's note) and pulegium mint, rub it (with vinegar) and pour it with the urine of an Arab camel (you can use your own urine, which has stood for three days. - Author's note).
  • All this is exposed to the sun and shaken twice a day.
  • When the medicine has absorbed the urine, fresh urine is added to it, then one dirham of the medicine is taken and injected into the nose in the form of steam.
  • After that, the nose is rubbed with rose oil.
  • One of the remedies for wind blockage, which is often recommended, is to blow mountain bitter almond oil into the nose or blow harmala and white pepper in crushed form. Some say that the shell of rue, when dried (pulverized) and blown into the nose, is beneficial."

    “If someone smells incense and does not smell the stench, then, without ceasing, they repeatedly drip a beaver stream into his nose until he recovers.

    And if the patient smells the stench and does not smell the incense, then musk is put into his nose until his condition becomes good and he recovers.

    Complications of sinusitis

    If an inflammatory process develops, it usually affects several sinuses at the same time, that is, it proceeds in the form of polysinusitis.

    The only exceptions are its atypical forms - for example, odontogenic (caused by dental pathology) or fungal origin.

    Usually, the lattice labyrinth is involved first in the process. Ethmoiditis (inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses) is the most common form of sinusitis, followed by sinusitis, followed by inflammation of the frontal and sphenoid sinuses.

    Sinusitis is played out against the background of acute respiratory viral infections on the legs on the 5-7th day from the onset of the disease.

    The symptoms of a prolonged runny nose are accompanied by pain in the forehead and nose, watery discharge is replaced by thick mucous or purulent, and the temperature may rise.

    To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses is usually necessary.

    And finally, the possible complications of sinusitis. I want to warn you: do not be dismissive of the "simple" cold.

    Sinusitis poses a serious threat to health and even to life in cases where it becomes chronic or is accompanied by complications.

    The inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses can contribute to the development of diseases such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

    Due to the anatomical features of the location of the paranasal sinuses and their proximity to the brain and eye sockets, sinusitis threatens with complications such as inflammation of the meninges or even brain abscess, thrombosis of large cerebral vessels.

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