What to do if your upper back hurts. Why does pain occur in the upper back? Treating pain in the upper back

Pain in the upper back is not always a sign of spinal disease. Back pain at the top of the thoracic region can be due to many reasons. The chest is an important part of the human body due to the presence of the heart and lungs there. Without these organs, a person simply cannot live. Dysfunctions at this level often affect the life of a higher organization, endangering a person's life. Pain in the upper back can be caused by both typical diseases associated with the back, and pain radiating from the chest organs.

Often a person confuses what refers to different parts of the back. The thoracic back is located from the beginning of the neck to the middle of the body. It includes the heart, esophagus, lungs, trachea. In practice, there may even be pain radiating to the back from an inflamed throat and nasopharynx. Do not try to operate in front of the doctor with words taken on the Internet - talk about your complaints honestly and directly.

Pain in the upper back can be divided according to its source into two groups - generated by diseases of the internal organs of the chest and, as a result, diseases of the vertebrae and spine. The first group is often the result of bad habits, hereditary disorders, environmental hazards. The second refers to a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, and even a pillow that is too hard.

For example, lung diseases that develop due to smoking or asbestos dust in the lungs. Heart disease is caused by obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, or even vice versa - a consequence of increased strength training, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

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Conditions that cause pain in the upper back include:

  • Scoliosis;
  • Osteochondrosis in the upper section;
  • Heart failure.


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. Often it occurs in the thoracic region due to the incorrect posture that the child holds at school. Pain manifests itself in the second or third degree, when the spine, with its curvature, begins to touch the surrounding tissues and nerve roots. Very often, intervertebral discs are affected, which act as a shock absorber that dampens vibrations from the lower extremities and lumbar region. A person often has pain in the upper back due to the development of an intervertebral hernia, which presses through the spinal nerve roots that transmit impulses to the human brain.

Treatment consists of wearing corsets, massages. It is important to start it on time, because with large curvature in the thoracic spine, the shoulders begin to descend to the curved side, which leads to a change in the respiratory volume of the lungs and problems with blood circulation.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological growth of cartilaginous tissues around the vertebra. They begin to damage the tissues surrounding them, cause a feeling of stiffness, disrupt muscle function, and limit the flexibility of the spine. Pain in the upper part of the spine is often caused by this disease, which affects a large part of the world's population over 40.

Also, as with scoliosis, the intervertebral discs can begin to be damaged, which will cause a hernia. The discs themselves in the thoracic region, without outside intervention, rarely herniate, because they do not experience so much pressure on their body. Treatment consists of blockades and physiotherapy exercises that stop the formation of chondrocytes.

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Heart failure

Depending on its type, the heart can give to the costal surface of the human back. This often leads to misunderstanding - in the human mind, the heart is located in front on the left. At the same time, pain in the upper back can be noticeable on the right side, which is completely confusing. It is important to assess your condition for timely access to a doctor.

In heart disease, the treatment of pain is aimed at restoring normal functioning. The heart is often operated on, and quite successfully, because half of the success in therapy is going to the doctor and his qualifications. It is not uncommon for people to die due to turning to traditional medicine in the treatment of heart disease.

Deficiency includes myasthenia gravis, wall thickening, ventricular and atrial malnutrition. Depending on the disease, a person has different restrictions - for example, smoking is excluded, the use of substances that increase the heart rate. In angina pectoris, in no case should you increase the pressure and use vasoconstrictors.

In some cases, therapy is required for life, however, medicine is moving quite quickly, and methods of treating cardiac diseases already allow you to lead a fairly full life even with extremely severe deficiencies, and transplantation of laboratory-grown organs allows you to extend life as long as possible.

Treatment of pain in the chest

The first step in treating upper back pain is to correctly identify the cause of the pain. Diagnostic methods include x-rays, ECG and chest x-rays. After establishing the cause, the therapy is carried out by a narrower specialist - a cardiologist, pulmonologist, orthopedist.

Treatment is carried out with the help of medical methods, massages, physiotherapy, nerve blocks. What matters is how quickly the diagnosis was made. Do not try to delay the moment of going to the doctor, because in some cases the disease develops rapidly and requires urgent decisions from qualified specialists.

Pain in the upper back can indicate both problems with the muscles or the spine (cervical and thoracic), and diseases of the internal organs (heart, lungs, even stomach). These diseases should be distinguished, because with problems with the internal organs, the patient usually requires urgent hospitalization with further examination and treatment. The article will help you figure out exactly why the upper back hurts.

muscle tension


Muscles are involved in all processes associated with movement. They are what move the bones and the rest of the body. And sometimes the muscles are too tired after hard work associated with the load on the shoulder girdle.

The result is pain in the upper back.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

The nature of the pain

Pain from fatigue grab the upper body: , neck, chest, . With a particularly intense load, discomfort can be transferred to the spine. Pain is mild or moderate, aching. With severe sprains or microdamages, pain can be burning.

Additional symptoms

General fatigue.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, traumatologist, sports doctor, massage therapist.

Methods: questioning the patient, palpation.


Rest, massage, warm or hot bath (to taste).

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical regions


Osteochondrosis - degenerative disorders in the vertebrae- in the upper part of the spine is rare, the main percentage of diseases occur in the lower sections.

The nature of the pain

Pain in the upper back is aching at rest and subacute on movement. It is located near the vertebra that was affected.

Additional symptoms

Pain sensations can give.

Possible symptoms of cerebrovascular accident.

Who diagnoses and how?

Neurologist, surgeon. Methods: MRI.


Pain is excruciating.

They are located in the middle of the thoracic spine, extending higher.

Additional symptoms

Limited movement of the chest.

Who diagnoses and how?

Rheumatologist. Methods: history, CT, MRI.


Therapeutic exercise, painkillers.

angina pectoris


Angina pectoris (also known as coronary artery disease) caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle. The condition can occur due to viral diseases, but most often the cause is atherosclerosis. The narrow lumen of the artery leads to the fact that the heart does not receive the oxygen it needs in sufficient quantities.

An angina attack usually occurs after physical or emotional stress and resolves with rest or nitroglycerin.

The nature of the pain

Back pain above, behind the sternum. Feelings are strong, burning. They can spread to the neck, be given in the right side or arm.

Additional symptoms

Panic fear (cardiophobia), blanching of the skin, profuse sweat.

Who diagnoses and how?

Cardiologist. Methods: ECG, Echo-KG.


Lifestyle changes, symptomatic therapy (short-acting nitrates, beta-blockers).

Rupture of the aortic wall


With germination in the aorta (largest artery) of plaques blood begins to flow into the walls, exacerbating the situation. When all 3 walls are torn, the patient experiences extensive blood loss, leading to a rapid deterioration and death.

The nature of the pain

Sharp, pressing pain develops rapidly in the upper back on the right or in the center.

Additional symptoms

Weakness, symptoms of massive blood loss, feeling of pressure in the chest.

Who diagnoses and how?

Any physician (rupture of the aortic wall is an emergency).

Methods: examination, ultrasound.


Surgical intervention - stitching or prosthesis of the aorta.

Even with timely assistance, the mortality rate from aortic rupture is 40%. Therefore, if there is a sharp pain in the sternum or back, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Edema of the pericardium


Pericarditis is a condition in which fluid builds up around the heart. It puts pressure on the heart itself and the organs surrounding it. The most common cause is infectious diseases. The disease can be complicated by two consequences: compression of organs and rupture of the pericardium (the membrane around the heart in which fluid accumulates).

The nature of the pain

The back hurts from above, a little to the right of the spine. Pain - weak aching, itching, pressing. Feel inside the body.

Get stronger with movement.

Additional symptoms

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, cardiologist. Methods: Ultrasound of the heart.


Depends on the cause of the swelling.

Mostly diuretic drugs, antibiotics.

Thrombus formation in the lungs


Pulmonary embolism (PE) - pathology in which a blood clot blocks an artery or its branches. With damage to the branches, the disease can be asymptomatic, with stenosis of the central artery, symptoms of oxygen deficiency develop.

The nature of the pain

With arterial thrombosis, pain in the upper part of the spine is acute and develops quickly. The symptoms are similar to a ruptured aortic wall.

With thrombosis of small arteries, pain symptoms develop slowly, often noticeable only during exercise.

Additional symptoms


Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, emergency doctor. Methods: anamnesis, tests (provided that there is time), ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, angiography.


Anticoagulants, reperfusion therapy.

If the condition is life threatening - removal of a blood clot.



Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue. It can have both infectious and non-infectious causes, spread to part of the lung or the entire lung, to one lobe or both. Usually, pneumonia leads either to a direct entry of pathogenic organisms into the lung, or inhalation of small foreign objects that provoke inflammation with the addition of pathogens to the process.

The nature of the pain

Pain develops slowly in the upper back, which then spreads to the chest. Pain is mild.

Sometimes during recovery, the lung, which used to hurt, begins to itch.

Additional symptoms

High temperature, symptoms of general intoxication, shallow breathing.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist. Methods: fluorography, sputum examination.

Brushing your teeth at home and at the dentist cuts the risk of developing pneumonia by half.

Panic attack


Man in a panic attack feels inexplicable anxiety about yourself and your environment. The causes of panic almost always lie in psychology, but the disease has many somatic (bodily) manifestations. One of them is pain in the upper back.

The nature of the pain

The pain is caused by overexertion of the muscles in the upper spine.

Tense, constraining, weak or medium strength.

Additional symptoms

Nausea, chills, palpitations, insomnia, numbness of the extremities.

Who diagnoses and how?

Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist. Methods: history, exclusion of other pathologies.


Psychotherapy, antidepressants, sedatives. Pain in the upper spine is not specially treated, it disappears along with the underlying disease.

Narrowing, spasm of the esophagus


Esophageal problems associated with stomach problems.

The esophagus may narrow on its own due to gastritis, ulcers, or other causes from the same area.

The nature of the pain

Pain begins in the central spine and spreads upward. Strong, sharp, burning. Located behind the spine.

Additional symptoms

Diseases of the stomach, discomfort along the esophagus, heartburn.

Who diagnoses and how?


Methods: tests, X-ray, probe.

Burning pains in the upper back may extend to the neck.

Additional symptoms

Weakness, irritability, heartburn, belching.

Who diagnoses and how?

Gastroenterologist. Methods: anamnesis, tests, probe if necessary.


special diet.
Be sure to watch the video with a set of exercises that can help

When should you go to the doctor?

When the pain seems suspicious, is too strong, or lasts more than a few days.

Remember that pain does not just happen - behind the symptom is a disease that requires treatment.

First aid for pain

If the pain is not strong and not recurring, but right now you need to remove it, then they can help. But this is the last resort. It is better to give your body a rest, as overwork is the most common cause. It helps a lot, but only a competent massage therapist should perform it, since non-professional intervention can aggravate the course of an incipient pathology (for example).

Pain that is located in the upper back is a sign of a disease of the muscles, spine or internal organs. In none of these cases should you self-medicate, since the latter will either lead to nothing or worsen the course of the disease.

The attending physician should diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.

Upper back pain is a symptom that anyone can experience, regardless of age or occupation. Many problems associated with discomfort in the back speak of pathological processes in the spine, that is, the activity of the musculoskeletal system is at risk. Self-medication in this case can lead to disastrous results. Let's try to find out what are the features of pain in the upper back and what needs to be done in a particular situation.

If the upper back hurts, it is generally accepted that degenerative processes are localized in the region of the thoracic spine. The main causes of pain in the upper part can be different, here are the most common:

  • mechanical injury;
  • stretching;
  • stress caused by physical activity;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Pain in the upper back can cause the following diseases associated with pathology in the joints and spine, the so-called vertebrogenic diseases:

  • - a disease caused by deformation of the intervertebral discs and cartilage;
  • arthrosis - an ailment indicating degenerative processes in the joints;
  • - the pain is caused by the deviation of the vertebrae relative to the axis of the ridge in the upper spine;
  • osteoporosis - increased bone fragility.

Often, the causes of pain in the upper spine are associated with diseases of the internal organs. These may include the following ailments:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, pericarditis) - caused by insufficient blood circulation in the heart muscle;
    pathology of the respiratory system (inflammation, collapse, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy);
  • diseases of the digestive system (inflammation of the gallbladder, gastric ulcer, gastritis) - the pain is localized in the stomach and hypochondrium, but it gives higher, so the upper back can also hurt;
  • inflammation of the pancreas - pain can also spread to the upper body, in particular to the shoulder and shoulder blade.

You need to be attentive to the accompanying conditions of the body and even the psyche. Pain in the upper back can be due to factors that are not obvious. Here are some examples:

  • panic disorder - this condition is accompanied by difficulty breathing, which can cause pain in the upper back;
  • shingles - causes discomfort behind the sternum, pain is localized only on one side;
  • heartburn - usually the pain increases after eating.

As it can be seen, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on the symptom alone. Upper back pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to undergo an examination in the hospital. Only a doctor can choose the right treatment.

What are the symptoms

To better understand the signals that the body gives, it is worth determining exactly what sensations cause pain in the upper back. Diagnosis depends on the difference in pain parameters:

  • character (acute, dull, backache, pulsation);
  • place (right, left, in the middle of the thoracic region);
  • distribution (may be point or give to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper body);
  • strength (intense, weak, growing);
  • intervals (attacks or constant);
  • reaction to concomitant factors (movement, exercise, breathing, coughing).

So, certain parameters of pain will help to understand what nature the disease has. Now you need to figure out which area the disease belongs to. We have identified the distinctive features characteristic of diseases that cause pain in the upper back.

Problems with the spine

The provoking factor is the pinching of the nerve roots, which causes tension in the muscles of the neck and chest. The most common diagnosis is osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Associated symptoms:

  • no sensation of pain at rest;
  • numbness;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin;
  • weak motor activity;
  • pain radiates to the arm and shoulder;
  • weakness, feeling of decreased muscle tone;
  • redness or pallor of the skin.

If pain in the upper back is accompanied by such symptoms, you need to tell your doctor about it. He will conduct an examination in the office or write out a referral to narrow specialists (traumatologist, neurologist). The percentage of probability that pain is associated with vertebrogenic diseases will increase if spinal curvature is detected during palpation: scoliosis, kyphosis.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Diseases from this area are considered if the back hurts from above and to the left. Such sensations can be traced in the scapula and arm, cervical-collar zone, jaw, and even cause toothache. Also, look out for the presence of the following symptoms:

  • pressing pain aggravated by movement;
  • constant change in blood pressure indicators;
  • blanching of the face;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • the appearance of perspiration;
  • incomplete breath;
  • increased heart rate.

If all the signs match, and the attacks last only a few minutes, this may indicate angina. An outbreak is usually caused by an external factor (physical stress or emotional shock). If the symptoms of heart disease cannot be eliminated with medication, then this is a serious cause for concern. The development of the disease can be life-threatening, so you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Respiratory system diseases

With inflammatory processes occurring in the lungs and other respiratory organs, pain occurs in the upper back. This is also indicated by the following factors:

  • cough;
  • increased pain when coughing;
  • expectoration;
  • uneven breathing.

The point in the diagnosis will be put by the doctor after he listens to the lungs. The presence of wheezing and other noises will indicate problems in the respiratory system.

Diseases of the digestive system

Many diseases from this area can be manifested not only by pain directly in the abdominal organs themselves, but also spread to the upper body. Associated ailments:

  • discomfort in the esophagus;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • lack of appetite.

Please note that the localization of pain feedback may depend on the specifics of the disease. With cholelithiasis, the pain is concentrated in the neck, with pancreatitis, the pain has a girdle character.

kidney failure

Unpleasant sensations that signal kidney damage are not limited to colic in the lumbar region. Severe pain may radiate higher on both the right and left sides. Most often this happens with pyelonephritis. A few more reasons that directly point to this:

  • darkening of the color of urine;
  • pain when urinating;
  • chills;
  • edema;
  • elevated BP.

Some symptoms can be confusing and at first glance point to heart or respiratory disease. In this case, you need to be examined by a doctor and pass laboratory tests. It is advisable to do this without delay, otherwise the disease will go into a chronic stage.

muscle tension

The patient should analyze what factors could influence the appearance of pain. It can be a sharp turn of the head, carrying weights, uneven weight distribution, physical exercises. What says about it:

  • pain covers the shoulders, neck, chest and shoulder blades with the transition to the spine;
  • aching, burning sensations;
  • weakness.

Panic attack

This disease is more likely from the field of psychotherapy, but it has many somatic symptoms. This is back pain caused by overexertion of the muscles of the spine. In addition, there is:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • tremor;
  • sweating of the limbs;
  • nausea;
  • sleep problems.

Since back pain is not the main symptom of a panic attack, it usually goes away as it heals.


If your upper back hurts for several days in a row, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. What will be the diagnosis and treatment depends on the specifics of the disease. You may have to check with a cardiologist, neurologist or traumatologist. Most likely the following work will be done:

  • taking an anamnesis - the doctor will ask several questions regarding well-being. The patient should help collect all the information, talk about his lifestyle, chronic diseases and bad habits;
  • direction for analysis - laboratory studies of the biomaterial will show which assumptions need to be excluded and which ones - to be confirmed;
  • additional examinations - perhaps the doctor believes that the cause of the pain is in the degenerative processes of the internal organs, so he can write out a direction for an electrocardiogram if he suspects angina pectoris or ultrasound of the kidneys, if everything points to pyelonephritis.

These are ordinary methods: anamnesis and tests are prescribed for any even simple examinations.


Let's talk about the treatment of pain in the upper back, if the problem is still with the joints or tissues. If the pain is very strong, then painkillers are prescribed to quickly relieve the syndrome. Sometimes they are assigned. If the cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis or disc herniation, the following procedures are recommended:

  • Physiotherapy - strengthens muscles, joints, restores efficiency, eliminates inflammation and reduces the volume of a hernia.
  • Massage - such treatment of the spine is indicated immediately after the cessation of pain, that is, after a course of physio. It has a therapeutic effect, in consultation with a massage therapist, you can do self-massage at home.
  • Exercise therapy is a set of exercises aimed at improving the patient's health. It is developed taking into account the diagnosis and at the initial stage it has a low intensity of exercises with a tendency to increase.
  • Acupuncture is ancient oriental. The healing effect is achieved with the help of needles placed on reflex points. The procedure is well combined with massage.
  • Vacuum - the essence of cupping massage is that the vacuum helps to evenly distribute blood circulation throughout the treated area. Thus, the cause of the disease is eliminated. The procedure is also good as a preventive measure.


Ideally, preventive measures should be taken before encountering the disease. That is, if you have a sedentary job, you need to set aside a couple of hours a week for the gym or jogging. But if you have already encountered an illness once, then this is a serious reason not to allow such a situation to happen again. For this you need to do:

  • Follow your posture.
  • Do exercises and gymnastics in the morning, warm up every two hours of working at the computer.
  • Don't lift weights unless your body is ready for it. Distribute your weight across the sides of your body.
  • Watch your nutrition.
  • Check how comfortable the bed is. If necessary, change the pillow and purchase an orthopedic mattress.
  • Avoid sudden head turns or shoulder movements.
  • Sign up for the sports section. Better for swimming. This type of exercise balances the load well and strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Risk group

There are people who need to pay attention to preventive measures first of all.

Pain in the upper back, which is accompanied by damage to the chest, is observed quite often.

This symptom may be the result of diseases of the spine or internal organs that are located in this area. In any case, when such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If this is not done in time, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.

Main reasons

Pain in the upper back and chest is often the result of traumatic injury, poor posture, or increased stress. Often, discomfort at the top of the spine occurs in those people who are used to spending a lot of time at the computer. In this case, pain in the shoulder or neck often appears.
Another common factor leading to these symptoms is muscle tension. The fact is that the shoulder girdle is attached to the shoulder blade and the back of the chest with fairly large muscles. They are able to strain and provoke pain during exertion.
In addition, irritation of muscle tissue and pain from above can occur with injuries that are caused by insufficient strength or increased loads. The upper back often hurts after sports injuries, traffic accidents, muscle strains.

However, the most common cause of pain in the upper back is thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, discomfort in the spine is complemented by other manifestations. These include headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, pressure disorders. Also, a person may feel discomfort in the shoulder, arms and fingers.

After conducting magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor can detect protrusions or hernias in the cervical region. There may also be manifestations of spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis. Often a narrowing of the spinal canal appears in a person.
Since the thoracic region has low mobility, it rarely develops hernia, stenosis, or instability. However, if a patient has kyphosis, scoliosis, or Scheuermann's disease, the risk of a hernia or protrusion is greatly increased.

Diseases of the internal organs

The upper back often hurts due to various pathologies of the internal organs. Also, discomfort often occurs due to damage to the cardiovascular system. These include the following:

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  1. Angina pectoris or seizure. In this case, the main symptom is chest pain. It manifests itself in the form of strong squeezing or compression. Also, discomfort can be given to the arms, back, shoulders.
  2. Rupture of the aortic wall. When this large vessel is damaged, sharp pains occur in the chest and upper back. As a rule, the discomfort is of high intensity.
  3. Swelling of the pericardium. With this violation, pain appears in the center of the chest.

The upper back often hurts with various lung lesions. These include the following:

  • thrombus formation in the lungs;
  • lung collapse;
  • pneumonia - in this case, there is a sharp pain syndrome in the chest, which increases with deep breaths or coughing;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane located around the lungs - an acute pain syndrome appears, which increases significantly with coughing or strong breaths.

Other reasons that provoke discomfort at the top of the back include the following:

  • panic attack - this condition is characterized by increased breathing;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconnection of the ribs with the bones of the chest;
  • shingles, which provokes severe tingling and pain from a certain side - it can stretch from the chest towards the back.

Quite often, the upper back hurts with various disorders in the work of the digestive organs. In this case, the problems lie in the following:

Treatment Methods

To cope with pain in the upper back, you must first adjust the position of the body while sitting. To do this, it is recommended to keep your head as straight as possible, take your shoulders back, and press your back against the back of the chair. In this case, it is recommended to put the nails evenly on the floor. You should also move as much as possible.
If these preventive measures do not help, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will select the appropriate therapy. It will be different depending on the causes of the disease.
If muscle tension has led to pain in the upper back, the doctor will recommend the following therapies:

  • performing therapeutic exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • massotherapy;
  • means of physiotherapy.

Since the pain syndrome is caused by the state of the muscle tissue, rehabilitation programs are aimed at performing exercises to strengthen it.
Painkillers will help relieve discomfort. If muscle irritation is observed, an inflammatory process may develop. In such a situation, anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed.
If the cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, a person should also do therapeutic exercises and massage. In such a situation, non-violent traction of the spine is indicated. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to restore the height and nutrition of the disc, eliminate the inflammatory process, and reduce the volume of the hernia.
In addition, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs will help alleviate discomfort during the development of this pathology. Muscle relaxants are usually used to eliminate spasms of muscle tissue.
In more rare cases, when severe pain occurs, the doctor may prescribe local injections of corticosteroid hormones. However, drug treatments usually do not bring the desired results, which is why it is so important to start complex therapy on time.
In some cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. The operation is performed with a strong pain syndrome and the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment for six months. Progression of neurological disorders may also be an indication.

Pain in the upper back can indicate a variety of disorders. In most cases, this condition is the result of traumatic injuries or degenerative processes in the spine. Also, the reason may lie in various diseases of the internal organs. To cope with this problem, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. After a detailed diagnosis, the specialist will select an adequate therapy.

These diseases provoke pain in the upper back. It can be localized on the left or right.

Respiratory system diseases

Pneumothorax (spontaneously occurring) - with this disease, acute chest pain occurs, and it gives to the shoulder blade on the left or right (in the direction of chest pain). When listening to the heart, the doctor does not detect noise.

Cancer of the bronchi or lungs - with this disease, the nature of the pain depends on which side it arose. For example, if the lung is affected, it will hurt in the back area, Pencost syndrome may develop with severe pain in the shoulder, as well as passing to the shoulder blade and extending into the arm on the side where the lung hurts. The pain is aggravated by coughing, during movements. If the nerve is also affected, then the pain can be girdle.

Pneumonia - the pain in this disease is not very strong, but prolonged. It occurs in the shoulder blade, in the chest on the left or right. When coughing, the pain can intensify, with deep breathing - too. In addition, a person suffers from wheezing in the lungs, dry cough, and chills can beat.

Pleurisy - with this disease, pain radiates to the right or left side of the chest, it is aggravated by movement. The pain is cutting, strong.

Diseases of the digestive system

They can provoke pain in the back - in the upper or lower part of it.

Pain in the upper right back

It provokes acute cholecystitis. The pain is long, it torments a person for several days. Most worried under the ribs on the right and in the epigastric region. With this disease, pain can radiate to the right side of the arm, shoulder, hurt under the shoulder blade, above the shoulders, chest on the left. These symptoms are accompanied by nausea, yellowing of the skin, chills, severe pain when fingered and even touched. The abdominal muscles can also be tense and painful.

Pain in the upper back on the left

It can occur in acute pancreatitis, in which the pain is sharp, strong in the chest area on the left, as well as in the shoulder from above, in the scapula, heart (on the left in the chest), while the abdominal muscles are tense and ache.

Diseases of the urinary organs

They also provoke pain in the right or left side of the back either from above. These pains may be accompanied by colic in the kidneys, thrombosis of the renal artery, retroperitoneal hematoma, severe unexpected pain in patients who have undergone anticoagulant therapy.

Also, pain can occur due to lesions of the spinal cord and malfunctions of the peripheral system. Pain occurs on the left side of the back or on the right side. It is shooting, strong, and very often spreads distally.

In all cases when a person feels pain in the back - no matter in which part of it - you need to call an ambulance, especially if the pain is acute.

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