Thin retina treatment. Effective methods of treatment of retinal dystrophy. Treatment methods for retinal dystrophy

Retinal dystrophy is a serious disease that leads to significant loss of vision. Often it develops in people with a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and obesity. Yes, being overweight and smoking are also factors influencing the development of retinal dystrophy. Hereditary factors, transferred viruses, stress and beriberi also contribute to the occurrence of visual impairment and the development of one or another type of this disease.

The retina of the eye is the thinnest shell, consisting of nerve cells. It covers the inside of the entire eyeball. The light-sensitive cells of the retinal tissue are involved in the conversion of light impulses into electrical ones. Then, through the optic nerve and optic tract, electrical signals enter the human brain, where they are decoded and converted into visual images that we see before our eyes.

Causes of retinal dystrophy

The development of pathology can provoke many factors. Basically, dystrophy occurs:

  • in old age, as a consequence of the aging process in the body
  • by genetic predisposition
  • with hypertension, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases
  • as a complication of diabetes
  • with avitaminosis and malnutrition
  • with excess weight
  • from the harmful effects of smoking
  • as a result of stress and nervous shocks
  • after a viral illness
  • as a result of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation

Up to 40% of different types of this pathology of the retina is observed in myopic people. With farsightedness, dystrophy is observed only in 8% of cases, from 2 to 5% occurs in people with normal vision.
All causes of the disease can be classified into local and general.
The first ones include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • eye injury;
  • myopia;
  • pathology of the eyes of an inflammatory and infectious nature

Common causes include:

  • diabetes
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension
  • various kinds of intoxication

Symptoms of dystrophy

Dystrophy can have various symptoms, depending on the form of the disorder, but basically, there are several generalizing signs of the disease. So, you should be concerned if you have:

  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Decreased or lost peripheral vision
  • Disorientation at dusk
  • Dark spots appear before the eyes
  • Loss of clarity of outlines of objects
  • Visible images are distorted
  • Straight lines appear crooked
  • Letters drop out while reading

Retinal dystrophy is a generalized concept that includes various forms of the disease that have different characteristics, symptoms, and effects on vision.

Types of retinal dystrophy

All types of retinal dystrophy have common features, which consist in the progression of visual dysfunctions and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the retinal fiber. It is worth highlighting several main types of retinal dystrophy. First of all, retinal dystrophy is divided into:

  • congenital
  • acquired

Congenital dystrophy is a genetically determined, inherited disease. The most common form of congenital dystrophy is retinitis pigmentosa. All congenital dystrophies are incurable, steadily progressing and leading to significant irreversible loss of vision.

Acquired dystrophies can be divided into:

  • central
  • peripheral

Central retinal dystrophy (macular degeneration)

It affects the central fovea of ​​the retina, that is, the area that is responsible for the most accurate vision, distinguishing small details. It is characterized by a violation of central vision, while peripheral vision remains normal. Often affects the eyes of those who suffer from myopia. With central retinal dystrophy, there are serious problems with driving, writing, reading and drawing.

Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in the elderly in developed countries. The development of the disease can be stopped if treatment is started on time. Age-related macular degeneration can cause a significant decrease in vision, but it never leads to complete blindness.

Peripheral dystrophy

It affects the periphery of the retina, that is, the area that does not take part in vision. It is not accompanied by visual impairment, but is dangerous because it can lead to the development of such a serious complication as retinal detachment. This form mainly occurs in nearsighted people. Sometimes the presence of peripheral dystrophy can be indicated by the appearance of floating opacities before the eye. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor for a thorough examination of the periphery of the retina with the obligatory dilation of the pupil. If a peripheral retinal dystrophy or tear is found, then urgent laser treatment will be needed to prevent retinal detachment.

Video - Professor M.E. Konovalov talks about macular degeneration of the retina

Watch from 30 minutes "Live It's great "with Elena Malysheva (release dated 10/08/2010).

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Modern medicine has a sufficient number of methods aimed at treating retinal dystrophy. With their help, you can achieve improved vision and stop the progression of the disease. The goal of treatment is to reduce the chance of developing complications that can lead to permanent vision loss. How it will be carried out depends on the prognosis and course of the disease. Timely access to a doctor increases the patient's chances of restoring vision. But, nevertheless, units manage to return to their former sharpness, since in most cases retinal dystrophy is caused by age-related changes.

If the patient went to the clinic at the initial stage of the disease, he is prescribed drugs containing lutein, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the retina. It is also recommended to eliminate bad habits, if any, and protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Vitamins will support vision, preventing the eyes from being overly tired during visual stress. In the wet stages of dystrophy, it is recommended to introduce special preparations into the vitreous body of the eye to relieve swelling of the central zone of the retina.

Timely and correctly started treatment will help you maintain good vision for many years!

Responsible for the perception of light and the creation of a primary image, therefore, a violation of its function can cause blindness.

Patients need to know about such a disease as retinal dystrophy: what it is, whether it is dangerous. This disease is more common among older people.

Retinal dystrophy is a degenerative disease

Retinal dystrophy is a degenerative disease characterized by gradual impairment of the visual function of the eye.

Retinal dystrophy primarily affects central vision and for this reason does not cause complete blindness in the patient. This disease is most common in older people, so it is also called senile retinal dystrophy.

Retinal dystrophy is one of the most common causes of vision loss worldwide. The risk of developing the disease increases significantly at the age of 55.

Pathology can develop over several years. The early stage of retinal dystrophy often has an asymptomatic course, which is why doctors diagnose the disease late.

From the point of view of the development mechanism, two types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. nonexudative form. This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow deposits in the central region of the retina. Deposits of small size cannot cause serious visual impairment, however, yellow spots increase in size over time. Gradually, the growth of deposits causes noticeable symptoms of the disease: blurred vision, deterioration in photosensitivity, impaired vision. In the later stages of retinal dystrophy, thinning of the light-sensitive layer of cells also occurs, which leads to atrophy and tissue death. The atrophic course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of blind spots in the field of vision. Gradually there is a complete loss of central vision.
  2. exudative form. This type of retinal dystrophy has distinctive features. In the choroid of the patient's eye, abnormal blood vessels gradually form, allowing blood and fluid to pass into the retinal area. This pathological phenomenon is called choroidal neovascularization. The release of blood and fluid in the tissue causes distortion of vision: the patient sees wavy lines instead of straight lines, the appearance of many blind spots in the field of vision. Prolonged release of exudate into the retinal area eventually leads to a complete loss of central vision.

Most patients have non-exudative retinal dystrophy. It is noted that in many cases, the non-exudative form gradually turns into an exudative one.

What is retinal dystrophy, the video will explain:

Reasons for the development of the disease

Aging is the cause of retinal dystrophy

Aging causes a gradual deterioration of all functions of the human body. The tissues become less elastic, the amount of fluid decreases, and the regenerative reserve is lost.

The retina is no exception. From a certain age, irreversible changes can begin to form, leading to retinal dystrophy.

However, some evidence suggests that heredity also influences the development of the disease. Scientists have identified a specific gene disorder and linked it to pathology.

The gene that affects the appearance of retinal dystrophy normally determines the development of the human immune system. This hereditary site is responsible for the synthesis of proteins involved in protecting the body from various pathogenic factors.

He also notes the role in the disease of the gene responsible for the development of new blood vessels during embryonic development. Excessive activity of this gene is directly related to the abnormal growth of new vessels in the retina in the exudative form of the disease.

Risk factors

Retinal dystrophy can occur not only in the elderly, although the likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly with age.

There is also an increased risk of the disease in patients with a family history of retinal dystrophy, which is explained by the hereditary mechanism of transmission.

Other risk factors:

  • Belonging to the Caucasian race. At the same time, women get sick more often.
  • Smoking. This bad habit negatively affects the health of the microcirculatory bloodstream.
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation can cause pathological processes in the retina.
  • Excess consumption of fatty foods.
  • Aging. The highest risk is observed in the age group from 60 to 90 years.
  • Lack of physical activity and overweight. In this category of people, retinal dystrophy occurs twice as often as in other people.
  • High blood pressure. The constant effect of hypertension on the vessels of the eye can cause degenerative processes in the retina.
  • Light eye color. Researchers have long established that reduced pigmentation may be associated with a risk of developing retinal dystrophy.
  • Side effects of drugs. The action of antimalarial drugs and some antipsychotics can affect the condition of the retina.
  • High levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

These risk factors can also accelerate the onset of the disease in people with a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

Retinal dystrophy affects the quality of vision

Retinal dystrophy is a progressive disease, due to which the intensity of symptoms may gradually increase.

In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms at all. In addition, damage to only one eye can be asymptomatic for a long time.

Symptoms of the exudative form:

  1. Distortion of the contours of objects in the central field of view.
  2. Violation of visual acuity.
  3. A significant decrease in the clarity of vision even with a slight lack of light.
  4. Blurring and the appearance of blind areas in the field of view.
  5. Problems with face recognition.
  6. The non-exudative form of the disease may differ in the presence of specific symptoms:
  7. A blurry spot in the field of view (instead of a blind spot).
  8. Rapid worsening of symptoms.
  9. Cloudy vision.
  10. Inability to recognize small print.

As already mentioned, the disease does not affect peripheral vision, so complete blindness does not occur even at a late stage of retinal dystrophy.


Retinal dystrophy can be detected during a routine ophthalmological examination. The most noticeable early diagnostic sign is the appearance of yellow spots and thickening of the eye pigment.

During the examination, the doctor may also ask the patient to look at the Amsler grid. This is a kind of pattern of straight lines, reminiscent of a chessboard. A patient with retinal dystrophy will observe distorted lines.

Other diagnostic methods:

  • . This method makes it possible to study the vessels of the eye. The doctor injects a dye intravenously and after a while uses special equipment to assess the condition of the blood vessels in the eye. In the process of diagnosis, abnormal vessels can be detected.
  • Optical coherence tomography. The method allows to obtain images of the retina in a cross section, so that the doctor can assess the state of the structure. The method is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Retinal biopsy followed by histological examination.
  • Multifocal electroretinography.

Early diagnosis of retinal dystrophy is very important because the most effective methods are available only in the early stages of the disease.

Treatment and prevention

Retinal dystrophy: laser treatment

Scientists have not yet developed treatments that can completely rid patients of retinal dystrophy.

Nevertheless, modern therapeutic and surgical methods can slow down the development of the disease and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications.

Medical treatment:

  • Drugs that reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels. These drugs are used to treat the exudative form of the disease. Preventing the growth of new vessels significantly smoothes the symptomatic picture and partially restores visual acuity in the patient.
  • Vitamins and microelements. Ascorbic acid, tocopherol, beta-carotene, zinc, honey and other beneficial substances can have a beneficial effect on eye health and reduce the symptoms of retinal dystrophy.
  • Antioxidants.

Invasive treatments:

  1. laser therapy. High-energy laser light is used to destroy actively growing abnormal vessels in the eye.
  2. Photodynamic laser therapy. This two-stage method is much more effective in combating choroidal neovascularization.

There are the following methods of disease prevention:

  • To give up smoking.
  • A diet low in fat, especially cholesterol.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • Getting rid of excess weight.

These preventive measures are most relevant for the elderly. Also, patients at risk are recommended to undergo an ophthalmological examination at least once a year.

The retina is an important structure of the human body. Its function is based on the correct perception of the surrounding image. In simple terms, the retina is the mediator between the eye and the higher visual structures of the brain.

Dystrophy is a pathological process associated with a change in the structure of the retina, which occurs due to a violation of metabolic processes in the eye. The progression of the dystrophic process does not allow the visual apparatus to perform its function in full.

In degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the retina, the photoreceptors that carry out color and visual analysis are primarily affected. This pathology is typical for people of advanced age, when there is an age-related malnutrition of the tissues of the eye. The risk group for morbidity includes people suffering from pathologies of the visual apparatus, as well as those who have previously suffered eye injuries.

The danger of this condition lies in the fact that as it progresses, a person begins to gradually lose sight, up to blindness. For a long time, the disease can be asymptomatic and is detected only when a person has lost a significant percentage of vision.

Types of retinal dystrophy

The concept of "retinal dystrophy" combines several different types of diseases of the visual apparatus. Each disease has its own differences and characteristics.

Central type dystrophy

This type of dystrophic changes in the retina is the most common and accounts for about 85% of all cases. Central retinal dystrophy is characterized by a violation of the function of central vision, with the preservation of peripheral vision.

With central chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina, it is not possible to read, write, drive and draw normally. An important feature is that chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina has a chronic course.

Peripheral type of dystrophy

In terms of occurrence, this pathology is inferior to the previous type of retinal dystrophy. Diagnosis of this disease causes a lot of difficulties, since the pathology is characterized by an asymptomatic course.

The most common form of the peripheral type of pathology is lattice dystrophy of the retina. With this type of dystrophy, there is a deterioration in peripheral vision, and the person ceases to perceive the surrounding picture normally. The risk group includes people suffering. The cause of degenerative-dystrophic changes is a violation of the blood supply to the tissues of the eye.

Age type of dystrophy

This disease is typical for older people. The risk group includes people over 65 years of age. The cause of the pathology is age-related changes in the structure of the visual apparatus. Hypertension, cataracts and diabetes mellitus become constant companions of age-related dystrophy.

With age-related dystrophy, complete blindness very rarely develops, but it is not possible to stop the progression of the disease.

Pigmentary type of dystrophy

This is the rarest type of dystrophic changes in the retina. It is usually attributed to congenital pathologies that are caused by a genetic predisposition. Pigmentary retinal dystrophy is characterized by damage to the photoreceptors responsible for vision at dusk.

The disease is asymptomatic and difficult to treat.

Point type of dystrophy

This disease is characterized by a normal perception of the surrounding picture, however, a person can observe visual anomalies in the form of white dots or flies before the eyes. Some people with pinpoint degeneration complain of blurred vision.

This disease usually develops from an early age and may be the result of congenital abnormalities.

Each of these types of dystrophy needs timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Otherwise, the person may lose their sight.

Causes of dystrophy

The following factors can cause retinal dystrophy:

  • Failure of the immune system, which leads to the formation of degenerative changes in the structure of the retina.
  • Pathological changes in the vascular apparatus of the eye. As a result of such changes, scarring of the retina occurs from the center to the periphery.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking has a negative impact on metabolic processes in the structure of the eye. Ethyl alcohol and nicotine contribute to the narrowing of the eye vessels, as a result of which the blood supply to the structures of the visual apparatus is disrupted.
  • Another aggravating factor is an unbalanced diet. Violation of the diet, as well as the use of questionable products contributes to the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structure of the eye.
  • Previous surgical interventions on the organs of vision.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body, leading to excessive weight gain.
  • Previous infectious diseases. It should be noted that we are talking about those diseases in which timely medical care was not provided.
  • Pathologies of internal organs and systems. Such diseases include hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease.
  • Excessive emotional and physical overload. This includes sports that involve lifting weights.

Often there is retinal dystrophy during pregnancy, against the background of general changes in the body.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Dystrophic changes in the retina of the eye can occur without any characteristic symptoms. A person may not be aware of this disease for many years.

The main symptoms of retinal dystrophy are:

  1. Decreased visual acuity. This symptom is an indicator of deviations in the work of the visual apparatus. When the first signs of visual impairment appear, a person needs to contact a specialist for an examination. Each type of dystrophy is characterized by a decrease in visual function at different rates.
  2. Color distortion. For some types of dystrophy, a decrease or distortion in the perception of colors is characteristic. With the development of this symptom, a person is not always able to distinguish colors and shades.
  3. Loss of fragments of the surrounding image from the field of view, as well as distortion of contours and lines. These symptoms are quite rare. People with these symptoms cannot fully write, read, drive, or draw.
  4. Decreased visual acuity at dusk. A very common symptom found in people suffering from pigmentary type of dystrophy. For many people, this symptom does not cause significant discomfort.
  5. Light flashes. This symptom is typical for people suffering from a peripheral type of dystrophy. Its feature is the rapid appearance and independent disappearance.
  6. Sensation of flies before eyes. This symptom is the most common, occurs most often in central retinal dystrophy in humans. The patient complains of recurrent visual anomalies in the form of flies before the eyes. A bright light or direct sunlight can provoke a visual anomaly.
  7. Distortion and clouding of the surrounding picture. It is one of the most common manifestations of dystrophy. A person may complain of sudden clouding before the eyes, which eventually disappears without additional intervention.


An accurate diagnosis requires a study of color perception, visual fields, visual acuity, as well as an examination of the fundus. The most informative method is considered to be visualization of the retina through coherence optical tomography.

To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the following methods can be used:

  • ultrasound examination of the eye;
  • laboratory diagnostic methods (information about the state of metabolism in the body);
  • examination of the fundus using a three-mirror Goldman lens;
  • visometry and perimetry;
  • assessment of the functional state of the optic nerve and retinal neurons (electrophysiological study);
  • fluorescein angiography.

In some cases, a person may need to conduct the entire list of the mentioned studies.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Treatment of dystrophic changes is a long and complex process that does not always give the desired result. The main task of medical specialists is the inhibition of pathological changes in the retina in order to prevent the progression of the disease.

Self-medication in this matter is categorically contraindicated, as it can result in a complete or partial loss of vision for a person. People who experience a decrease in visual acuity are advised to contact an ophthalmologist.

Medical therapy

The use of drugs is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. For therapeutic purposes, angioprotectors, vasodilating drops for retinal dystrophy, diuretics, corticosteroids, antioxidants and biogenic stimulants are used. Stimulants of metabolic processes (Emoxipin, Taufon) are also effective.

In order to slow down degenerative changes in retinal dystrophy, drugs that inhibit the scarring process (anti-VEGF) are injected into the eye.

To improve the nutrition of the retina, multivitamin eye complexes containing lutein are used. These substances help to cope with the increased load on vision and prevent the development of dystrophic changes.


Physiotherapeutic effect contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the retina, and also has a general strengthening effect on the eye muscles. For therapeutic purposes, ultrasonic exposure, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, laser irradiation and microwave therapy are used.

Surgical treatment

In order to prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the retinal area, in some cases, vasoreconstructive operations can be performed by ligating a branch of the superficial temporal artery.

Laser coagulation method

This technique is the most modern and effective. Its use helps prevent retinal detachment that occurs against the background of the progression of the disease. During a coagulation session, cauterization of problem areas in the retinal area is carried out using a laser.

This technique is less traumatic and bloodless. Laser coagulation is performed for people of all ages.

Specialists in the field of ophthalmology strongly recommend that the issue of prevention of retinal dystrophy be taken seriously. This disease is prone to rapid progression. In order to prevent the disease, it is recommended to treat comorbidities in a timely manner, as well as visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Useful video about retinal dystrophy

Retinal dystrophy is a severe pathology associated with disorders in the structure of the retina. Reduced immunity, hereditary predisposition, bad habits, improperly performed ophthalmic operations, and so on lead to the disease.

The main symptom of dystrophy is decreased vision. A popular treatment method is laser photocoagulation. Rehabilitation lasts about two weeks, depending on the neglect of the disease. In the treatment, conservative methods, injections, physiotherapy, gymnastics and folk methods are also used.

Old people are most susceptible to pathology; in general, they need to especially carefully monitor their vision. In this article, we will talk about retinal dystrophy, its symptoms, contraindications and treatment methods.

The retina is an important part of the eye

The retina is an important part of the eye
Source: The retina is an important part of the human eye, which is responsible for the organ's ability to perceive light impulses, as well as for the interaction between the visual system and the brain.

Accordingly, the pathological processes occurring in its structures can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. One of the diseases characterized by tissue destruction and dysfunction of the vascular system is called retinal dystrophy.

It entails serious complications, therefore, it requires timely diagnosis and competent treatment.

The retina is the connecting component between the optical components and the visual center of the brain. She is involved in the transformation of light into a visual image. When the retina becomes thinner for some reason, vision begins to decline.

Retinal dystrophy can appear regardless of a person's age, while it may not manifest itself in any way, but at the same time, irreversible changes occur.

Retinal dystrophy: what is it

Source: Retinal dystrophy is a pathology of vision caused by irreversible destructive processes in the retina. This degenerative disease is characterized by slow progression, but is one of the most common causes of vision loss in old age.

Retinal dystrophy in most cases is found in the elderly. The risk group includes people with myopia, with vascular diseases, diabetics and hypertension. This disease can be inherited, so those whose parents had a similar problem are recommended to be examined regularly.

Most often, pathology is detected in adulthood, and is associated with changes that occur in the tissues of the eyes over time.

Factors provoking the development of the disease can be divided into intraocular and general. The former include eye pathologies, acquired or hereditary - myopia, uveitis, iritis, etc.

External risk factors for retinal dystrophy include:

  1. systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension), hormonal disorders;
  2. viral diseases carried "on the legs";
  3. decreased immunity;
  4. history of ophthalmic operations, as a result of which the process of scarring began in the tissues;
  5. unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins in the diet, especially vitamin A;
  6. nicotine addiction, alcoholism;
  7. obesity due to metabolic disorders.

The disease is a dystrophic transformation that has occurred in the macula of the eye. It is also called "macular retinal degeneration", which in translation means "yellow spot". The reason for this color is a special pigment, which is located in the cells of the central part of the retina.

Classification of the disease, symptoms in children and adults

Source: Depending on the clinical course of the disease and the localization of the pathological process, retinal dystrophy is divided into several varieties, each of which requires appropriate treatment. There are two main types of retinal dystrophy, which also have their own classification.
  • Central

With this form of the disease, the pathological process affects the central region of the eye, mainly the corpus luteum and the vessels that penetrate the eyeball.

  • Central chorioretinal

The chorioretinal form of the disease occurs mainly in adulthood, and affects the pigment and inner layer of tissues. It develops as a congenital pathology, as well as due to mechanical damage or infectious diseases of the eye.

The main cause of the disease is a violation of microcirculation in the structures of the retina. CHDS can occur in two forms: non-exudative (dry) and wet (exudative).

In the first case, the disease does not give symptoms for a long time, after which there is a distortion of the contours when viewing objects, later individual segments fall out of the field of view, and in the last stages, central vision decreases in patients.

The wet form is characterized by a specific deterioration in vision (a person sees as if through a water veil), spots and flashes appear before the eyes.

  • macular

This form of dystrophy develops due to pathological processes in the macula - a segment of the retina that is responsible for sharpness and visual acuity. The mechanism of the development of the disease is a violation of the work of blood vessels and insufficient supply of tissues with oxygen.

The main risk factor is advanced age (from 60 years old), but the disease also occurs due to gene mutations, aggravated heredity, hormonal disorders and an unhealthy lifestyle.

The clinical course of macular degeneration also has two forms - dry and wet, and the second is considered more dangerous for the patient.

  • peripheral

Unlike central dystrophy, the peripheral form affects tissues on the periphery (along the edges) of the retina and develops most often in people with a burdened heredity. In addition, myopia and systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension) are significant risk factors.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that in the first stages it is asymptomatic, and the characteristic signs (flashes and flies before the eyes, blurred vision) occur already when the pathological process is running.

Depending on the nature of cell damage and the clinical course of the disease, several forms of peripheral dystrophy are distinguished.

  1. Lattice dystrophy. Most often it develops in old age or is inherited, and women get sick less often than men. Affected tissues during a detailed examination of the patient's eye resemble lattice cells. There are no symptoms, sometimes there is a distortion of vision or a decrease in its acuity.
  2. "Trace of the snail". The main reason is myopia. Least of all is found in people with farsightedness and ametropia. The foci of the pathological process are presented in the form of characteristic ribbons resembling a snail's track. In the last stages, it manifests itself as a veil before the eyes and blurred vision.
  3. Frost-like form. A hereditary disease that occurs equally in men and women. Small inclusions of a yellow-white hue appear on the retina; in the first stages, frost-like dystrophy proceeds hidden.
  4. "Cobblestone pavement". The pathological process affects the distant parts of the periphery of the retina, and large lumps of pigment can be separated from the tissues. The risk zone includes people with myopia and those who have reached old age.
  5. Small cystic dystrophy. This form of the disease develops due to mechanical injuries and is characterized by the presence of small cysts on the retina. Virtually no symptoms, progresses slowly and does not lead to blindness.
  6. Pigmentary dystrophy. It has a hereditary origin, the first signs appear in childhood. In the initial stages, there is a narrowing of the visual fields and night blindness, and if left untreated, it leads to loss of visual function.
  7. Retinoschisis. Retinoschisis, or retinal detachment, which can be congenital or acquired, and most often develops in people with a burdened hereditary history.

Disease in pregnant women, contraindications

During pregnancy, serious changes occur in a woman's body: a surge in hormone production, increased blood circulation in all organs, activation of metabolic processes, and jumps in blood pressure.

These factors lead to the development of retinal dystrophy in pregnant women who previously suffered from ophthalmic diseases, and the pathology is especially common in expectant mothers with myopia.

The development of retinal dystrophy during pregnancy has a significant impact on the method of delivery. The decision of specialists depends on the age of the mother, the general state of health and the stage of the pathological process, but natural childbirth with such a disease is rarely performed, since the risk of retinal detachment is too great.

A woman is allowed to give birth on her own only in the case of laser coagulation of the retina, which is carried out before the 35th week of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications.

The reasons

The main causes of retinal dystrophy include:

  • Various eye diseases and inflammatory processes (myopia, uveitis).
  • Infectious diseases and intoxications.
  • Eye injuries as a result of bruises, blows and so on.
  • Genetic predisposition to dystrophy.
  • Various systemic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, thyroid and kidney problems, atherosclerosis, and so on).

All these reasons, except for genetic predisposition, may not always contribute to the appearance of retinal dystrophy, but they are risk factors. Doctors say that people with overweight and bad habits are more likely to develop retinal dystrophy.

Low blood pressure during the second trimester of pregnancy leads to circulatory disorders and poor nutrition of the retina. Therefore, pregnant women are also at risk.

The causes of retinal dystrophy, first of all, lie in age-related changes that occur in the vascular system that envelops the eyeball - this is mainly a circulatory disorder, the cause of which, in turn, is vascular sclerosis.

As a result of the research, it was found that retinal dystrophy is a hereditary disease, and if the parents had it, then the risk of its occurrence in children is also very high.

Symptoms of retinal dystrophy

Sources: Signs of retinal dystrophy appear due to failures in color and central vision. The main reason for the manifestation of symptoms of retinal dystrophy is failures in color and central vision:
  1. Visual acuity is reduced: here we can mention such an alarming symptom, also associated with the disease, as image distortion, which becomes most obvious when looking at an object that represents a straight line, be it a pole or a tree.
  2. The appearance of dark spots in front of the eyes may also indicate the development of a disease such as retinal dystrophy.
  3. The fuzziness of the outlines of objects when viewed with an eye affected by retinal dystrophy is also a symptom of this disease, which refers to a general decrease in visual acuity.
  4. Color perception is disturbed: here we can talk about a change in the color of objects when viewed with a sore eye.

Symptoms of dystrophy depend on its type. So peripheral retinal dystrophy can proceed without any symptoms for a long time, so it is diagnosed, as a rule, quite by accident. The first signs ("flies" and flashes) appear only when gaps appear.

With central dystrophy, a person sees straight lines distorted, parts of the field of vision fall out.


With retinal dystrophy, there is a danger that a person will lose sight. To prevent such an outcome, laser coagulation is performed, but even when the disease goes aside, it is too early to relax.

There are some restrictions after the laser coagulation procedure. The recovery period lasts from one to two weeks, it all depends on the health of the person.

  1. watch TV and sit at the computer;
  2. strain your eyesight with glasses and contact lenses;
  3. take hot baths, saunas;
  4. walk to the beach.
  • eat foods with salt
  • drinking alcohol,
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Be sure to use eye drops prescribed by your doctor. It is also necessary to avoid any physical activity, sports for a month. You should not drive a car for the first week after the operation.

People with diabetes should control the normal amount of sugar in the blood. In case of problems with the vascular system, it is necessary to constantly maintain normal pressure. After the operation, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist every three months.

Risk factors

Touching upon such an issue as retinal dystrophy, one cannot fail to mention what factors contribute to the increased risk and who is more predisposed to this disease than others:

  1. these are, first of all, people whose age is more than 50 years;
  2. it was found that women are more likely to suffer from this disease than men;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. people with white skin color and blue iris;
  5. persons who have vascular disease;
  6. malnutrition;
  7. problems with cholesterol;
  8. smoking;
  9. obesity;
  10. frequent stress;
  11. lack of vitamins in food;
  12. sunburn of the eye;
  13. environmental problems.

Is the disease dangerous?

Retinal dystrophy is a common disease that is most often observed in the elderly and in people who suffer from hereditary ophthalmic pathologies.

It rarely leads to complete blindness, but if left untreated, the patient may lose the ability to do small work, read, write, and even take care of himself.

The main danger of the disease lies in the absence of symptoms in the first stages, therefore, those who are at risk need to undergo examinations by specialized specialists twice a year.


Source: Diagnosing a disease such as retinal dystrophy requires in-depth analysis and careful research and includes the following steps:
  • Determination of visual acuity. Examination of the perimetry of vision, that is, determining its boundaries.
  • Optical coherence tomography, where a three-dimensional image of the retina is obtained.
  • An electrophysiological study that allows you to determine how viable the cells of the retina and optic nerve are.
  • ultrasound. Examination of the intraocular fundus and measurement of intraocular pressure.

To diagnose retinal dystrophy, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Study of visual fields;
  2. Study of color perception;
  3. Checking visual acuity;
  4. Examination of the fundus using a Goldman lens;
  5. Fluorescent angiography (examination of eye vessels);
  6. Ultrasound and electrophysiological examination of the eyes;
  7. analyzes to determine the state of metabolism of the body.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Source: It may take a long time to cure retinal dystrophy. This is quite difficult, and it is not always possible to get a positive result. It will not be possible to restore vision when an exacerbation of dystrophy has already occurred.

In this case, the treatment is aimed at slowing down the progression of dystrophy, strengthening the vessels and muscles of the eyes, and restoring metabolism in the eye tissues.

Treatment with drugs is based on the use of drugs such as:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Angioprotectors;
  • corticosteroids;
  • Vitamin preparations;
  • lutein-containing drugs;
  • Vasodilating and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

It is necessary to know that these drugs can be effective only in the early stages of the development of retinal dystrophy. At the beginning of the disease, physiotherapy gives good results. It is aimed at strengthening the retina and eye muscles.

The most commonly used physiotherapy methods are:

  1. Electro- and phonophoresis;
  2. Laser irradiation of blood;
  3. Ultrasound and microwave therapy;
  4. Surgery is performed to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the eyes and metabolic processes in the retina.

In the case of wet degeneration, surgery is needed to remove fluid from the retina. One of the modern methods of treating retinal dystrophy is laser coagulation. It allows you to prevent detachment. During laser coagulation, damaged areas are cauterized to other areas to a certain depth.

The laser does not touch healthy areas. Unfortunately, laser photocoagulation cannot restore lost vision, but it can stop further damage to the retina.

Photodynamic therapy, laser photocoagulation and injections of anti-VEGF drugs are used in the treatment of such a form of the disease as peripheral chororetinal retinal dystrophy. In the case of injections, we are talking about a special protein that has a beneficial effect on the macula of the eye and inhibits the development of the disease.

Photodynamic therapy involves the use of substances - photosensitizers, which are administered intravenously and also stop the development of the disease.

This type of therapy is not indicated for every patient, therefore, it is used based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Laser photocoagulation is based on cauterization of diseased vessels: after manipulation, a scar is formed and vision at this place cannot be restored, but this technique can also prevent the spread of the disease.

With retinitis pigmentosa, treatment is based rather on physiotherapeutic methods - this is magnetic stimulation and electrical stimulation of the eye and its tissues.

If an operation called vasoreconstructive surgery is proposed for retinal dystrophy (affects the blood supply to the retina), it should be borne in mind that the effect of its implementation is considered very limited.

Retinal dystrophy during pregnancy, unfortunately, is a well-known phenomenon and ophthalmologists, regardless of the presence of complaints about vision, recommend undergoing observation, and 10-14 weeks of pregnancy in this case is the ideal period.

If, nevertheless, retinal dystrophy is found in a pregnant woman, then in this case, peripheral prophylactic laser coagulation is recommended, which is carried out before the 35th week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and childbirth in combination with the disease in question is a reason to be vigilant. If a future mother has retinal dystrophy, then this disease is an indication to abandon natural childbirth in favor of a caesarean section.

With age, the body becomes especially deficient in the substances lutein and zeaxanthin, which are necessary for eye health and visual acuity. These substances are not produced in the intestines, so their content must be regularly replenished.

With complaints of a progressive decrease in vision, people after 45 years of age need to follow a diet. In addition to zeaxanthin and lutein, the diet should include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc, which nourish, repair and protect eye tissues.

In addition to following a diet, to prevent the development of age-related changes in the retina, it is necessary to take multivitamins. For example, the Okuwait Lutein Forte vitamin and mineral complex with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from the negative effects of sunlight, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium.

It has been proven that such a composition prevents the development of age-related changes in the retina of the eye, and allows even the elderly to enjoy sharp vision.

Laser coagulation of the retina

To date, laser photocoagulation of the retina is performed under local anesthesia. In more than 90% of cases, this operation can be considered successful. As a result of laser coagulation of the retina, a partial destruction of the retina protein occurs, which leads to sealing of the affected area.

If the procedure is carried out on time, then the disease will stop progressing. Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina of the eyeball should be performed in specialized medical centers.

Doctors will put on a special lens on the patient, which will direct laser beams to the desired layer of the eyeball. Immediately after the operation, physical activity is prohibited.

Despite the fact that ophthalmic research methods are perhaps the most accurate in medicine, determining the patient's true visual acuity, being a subjective method, often causes significant difficulties.

The latter are aggravated by the fact that in practice the ophthalmologist may encounter facts of conscious or unconscious distortion of the truth, when the patient simulates a disease that he does not actually have, or aggravates, i.e., exaggerates the severity of an existing disease.

Conscious simulation most often pursues personal gain (obtaining a disability group, exemption from military service, etc.). Unconscious simulation occurs in hysteria and essentially traumatic neurosis close to it. This should always be remembered by an oculist-expert, placed in the position of an investigator and a judge.

He should try not to miss a single instance of a simulation, but even more so, not to state a simulation when it does not exist.

Contraindications and complications

The main contraindications to laser coagulation of the retina of the eye are associated with eye diseases. The main one is the insufficient transparency of the eyeball, lens and cornea. In addition, the list of restrictions includes a number of rare diseases.

In general, the appointment for the operation depends on the doctor's examination. There are no other serious restrictions for the procedure.

The operation itself requires a high concentration both from the surgeon and from the patient, who is forced to sit motionless for a long time. The perseverance of the patient and the professionalism of the doctor largely determine the success of the operation.

Any complications after laser coagulation of the retina associated with the effect of a laser are most often insignificant and have a temporary character; for example, corneal edema, which disappears within a few days.

In addition to this, in rare cases, the following may occur:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • decrease in the transparency of the vitreous body;
  • change in the shape of the iris and lens;
  • the appearance of defects in the field of view.

The consequences of laser coagulation of the retina of the eye are extremely rare, in general, if the surgeon is sufficiently professional, the risk of complications will be minimized.

What can not be done before and after the operation?

Before the surgical procedure, the patient must:

  1. abandon strong physical exertion, as they are one of the causes of rupture and detachment of the retina;
  2. avoid traumatic situations;
  3. wear sunglasses during the day and in bright sun;
  4. beware of any kind of intoxication.

Also, childbirth in the presence of this pathology can affect the occurrence of complications. A woman before childbirth must definitely do laser coagulation.

What not to do after retinal surgery:

  • First, the patient should follow all the recommendations of the ophthalmologist. He will tell you what is contraindicated and can cause a relapse or complications.
  • Secondly, you will have to limit yourself in sports and other heavy loads. Swimming or running at the same time, for example, are not prohibited, but lifting weights is strictly contraindicated.
  • Thirdly, you can not tilt your head down: tie your shoelaces, sleep on your stomach, work in the country on the land.
  • Fourthly, thermal procedures (baths, saunas, solariums) are prohibited.

Even in the absence of complaints, the patient should be seen by an ophthalmologist after one month.

Also, the patient should avoid excessive insolation, public places in the early postoperative period in order to avoid getting infectious diseases. In addition, it is important to take all the drugs that your doctor will prescribe.

They will help the retina recover faster. If any symptoms appear, such as spots before the eyes, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Possible Complications

The most common is inflammation of the conjunctiva. In order to prevent ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops. If you don't use them, it won't end well.

It happens that the retina of the eye exfoliates again. This happens when the cause of the disease is not eliminated, or it is impossible to do so. Sometimes a person does not comply with the restrictions and contributes to a poor “soldering” of the retina, for example, on the very first day after the procedure, he does physical work or decides to watch TV.

Sometimes the patient has various visual impairments. As a rule, problems occur immediately after surgery and disappear with a decrease in swelling.

They are accompanied by the appearance of various spots and points in the field of view. But there are also cases of development of disorders some time after coagulation due to violations of the regimen during the recovery period.

There are cases that doctors call "dry eye syndrome." This occurs due to a lack of tear fluid. Symptoms are burning and discomfort, which can go away when a person yawns.

Other complications occur rarely and are associated with the complication of the disease. The main thing to remember is that the retina is a very fragile thing.

Treatment with folk remedies

The human eye has a very complex structure, the main place in which is occupied by the retina, which allows the eye to perceive light impulses. Its functions include ensuring the interaction of the optical system and the visual departments, the location of which is the brain. This is achieved through the receipt, processing and transmission of visual information. With the development of retinal dystrophy (such a disease in most cases is diagnosed in elderly people), there is a violation of the vascular system of the eyes. With the progression of the disease in patients, damage to the retina occurs at the microcellular level, due to which photoreceptors suffer, the functions of which are to organize the processes of perceiving a deep color gamut, as well as to provide far vision.

What is retinal dystrophy?

Retinal dystrophy is a disease accompanied by the death of the tissues of the eyeball. Patients who are diagnosed with an advanced stage of this disease begin to rapidly lose their vision, while they experience progressive degeneration of retinal tissue.

Modern medicine divides retinal dystrophy into acquired and congenital (inherited).

There is also a classification of this disease according to the localization of pathogenesis:

    Peripheral dystrophy. It develops against the background of an injury to the organs of vision. Congenital or acquired myopia, as well as myopia, can serve as an impetus for the appearance of peripheral dystrophy;

    central dystrophy. It is observed in the macular region of the eye, may occur against the background of age-related changes in the human body. Central retinal dystrophy is divided into wet and dry.

The risk group for developing retinal dystrophy includes elderly people with poor heredity, living in ecologically unfavorable regions and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Postponed surgical intervention on the eyes;

    Violation of metabolic processes in the human body, which lead to.

Consequences of retinal dystrophy

If a patient with retinal dystrophy does not receive qualified medical care, but self-medicates, he may face serious consequences. The worst option for him would be a complete loss of vision, which can no longer be restored even surgically.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Before prescribing treatment to a patient who is suspected of having retinal dystrophy, an ophthalmologist conducts a comprehensive diagnosis, which includes the following measures:


    Laboratory tests;

    Ultrasound examination of the eyeball;


    Instrumental examination of the fundus;

    Fluorescent angiography of the eye vessels;

    Electrophysiological study (the main purpose of this procedure is to determine the working condition of the nerve cells of the retina, as well as the optic nerve).

In the treatment of retinal dystrophy, highly specialized specialists use various techniques. Currently, the most effective method of combating retinal dystrophy is laser surgery. This is due to the fact that this type of surgery is considered the least traumatic and completely bloodless, since the surgeon does not need to open the eyeball. In the process of surgical treatment with a laser beam, due to the non-contact effect on the affected area of ​​the retina, the possibility of infection of the patient is completely excluded.

The drug method of treating retinal dystrophy involves the use of special medicines by patients.

In most cases, patients are prescribed the following medications:

    Angioprotectorsand vasodilators. This group of drugs has an action aimed at strengthening and expanding blood vessels. These include: Complamin, No-shpa, Askorutin, Papaverine, etc. The attending physician individually selects the dosage and form of medication for each patient, taking into account the degree of the disease and general well-being;

    Antiplatelet agents. The action of these drugs is to prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Most often, patients are prescribed Clopidogrel, Ticlodipine or Acetylsalicylic acid;

    Vitamin complexes, as well as separately vitamins of group B;

    Lucentis - a drug that prevents the pathological growth of blood vessels;

    Medicines that can effectively reduce;

    Medicines that are injected into the structure of the eye, as they are able to improve microcirculation (for example, Pentoxifylline);

    Preparations that are obtained from biological material taken from cattle. This group of drugs is called "polypeptides" (it includes, for example, Retinolamine);

    Eye drops, such as Oftan-Katahrom, Taufon, Emoksipin, etc. This group of medicines improves metabolic processes, as well as rapid regeneration of eyeball tissues.

When prescribing drug therapy, the attending physician independently develops a regimen for taking drugs. Typically, patients with such a complex diagnosis have to repeat the course of treatment several times a year. In parallel with drug therapy for retinal dystrophy, specialists use various physiotherapeutic methods.

A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved with the following procedures:

    Photostimulation or electrical stimulation of the retina;

    Electrophoresis (during this procedure, No-shpa, heparin or nicotinic acid is used);

    The use of low-energy laser radiation to stimulate the retina;

    Laser irradiation of blood (intravenous);

    Magnetotherapy, etc.

In advanced cases, specialists perform surgical treatment of retinal dystrophy.

Patients are individually selected type of surgical intervention:

    Laser coagulation of the retina. After such a surgical intervention, patients need to take special drugs belonging to the group of angiogenesis inhibitors. Thanks to medical support, abnormal vessels will not grow in patients, and the process of progression of macular degeneration of the retina (wet) will be stopped;

    Revascularizing and vasoreconstructive surgical interventions;


After completing a course of therapy, patients who have been diagnosed with retinal dystrophy are required to carry out preventive measures at regular intervals. It is strictly forbidden for such a category of patients to overstrain the organs of vision (in the process of reading it is necessary to take breaks for rest). Being outdoors under the influence of ultraviolet rays should be only in sunglasses. Such people are advised to reconsider their diet and enrich it with foods that are good for vision. Every day you need to take vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the full functioning of the organs of vision. You should completely give up bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

Traditional medicine in combination with traditional methods of treatment quite successfully fights various diseases of the organs of vision, including the initial stage of retinal dystrophy. Patients are advised to take a course in which leeches inject their saliva rich in useful enzymes into the patient's blood.

The bite of a leech has a unique beneficial effect on the human body:

    Relieves inflammation;

    Normalizes the functioning of the immune system;

    Acts as an anesthetic;

    Helps cleanse the body of toxins;

    Lowers the level of bad cholesterol, etc.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of recipes that can be used in the treatment of retinal dystrophy:

    Take fresh goat's milk and mix it with boiled water (1:1). After that, drip the sore eye with the resulting mixture and cover it with a dark cloth for half an hour. The course of treatment is 1 week, it is believed that during this time the process of retinal detachment will be stopped;

    Take in certain proportions and mix the following components: needles (5 parts), berries (2 parts), onion peel (2 parts). Pour boiling water over everything and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Chilled and filtered broth should be drunk 0.5 liters per day, divided into several doses. The course of treatment is 1 month;

    Pour 1 tablespoon of cumin into an enamel container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Put the dishes on the fire and boil the liquid for 5 minutes. In the resulting broth, add flowers (1 tablespoon), mix and cover. After cooling and filtering, the decoction is used as eye drops (2 drops should be instilled 2 times a day in each eye);

    Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of celandine in any container and pour boiling water. Put the dishes on a slow fire and boil for several minutes. After the broth has cooled and infused, it is ready for use. It is recommended to instill eyes 3 times a day, 3 drops. The treatment course takes 1 month;

    Tinctures from the leaves, and other herbs useful for vision, can be taken orally several times a day.

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