Frequent runny nose in a child and an adult: what to do? When to contact the pediatrician. Why does a child and an adult constantly have snot in their nose: causes of a chronic runny nose

A runny nose in a child gives a lot of discomfort not only to him, but also to his parents. This symptom is usually associated with an allergy or cold, which can cause excess fluid or mucus to accumulate in the nasal cavity. The human nose is a kind of filter; if any particle enters it, which, in the opinion of the body, should not pass further, this leads to the release of a chemical substance - histamine - by the cells.

Causes of a runny nose in children


On average, most children will catch a cold once every 2 months, and the frequency of infections usually increases during winter days. Children are more susceptible colds since their immune systems are still developing. Cold or infection of the upper respiratory tract usually lasts about a week and goes away on its own. The development of a runny nose in children contributes to the imperfection of the immune system, which is actively formed in the first years of a baby's life. A viral infection does not respond to antibiotics.


Along with the common cold, it is the second most common cause of a runny nose in children. Exposure to environmental allergens such as dust and pollen, as well as food allergy can cause sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose. hay fever, seasonal rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction to pollen can cause the same symptoms. Symptoms allergic rhinitis in children, it can occur both in the spring, when plants bloom, and at any other time of the year. Runny nose progresses after contact with the allergen (during the first 2-3 days). Accompanied by itching, burning in the nasal cavity, sneezing, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the release of transparent contents from the nose.

Impact passive smoking

Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke suffer from frequent colds or upper respiratory infections. What's more, their colds may last longer than other children's. Therefore, consider quitting smoking, and be sure to try to keep your child away from places where they may be exposed to secondhand smoke and other irritants or strong-smelling substances.


The flu, like the common cold, is also caused by viruses. But a cold is considered more mild infection respiratory tract compared to influenza. The symptoms of both conditions are similar, but the flu is more severe. The flu is characterized excess secretion mucus, tonsillitis, headaches and muscle pain as well as fever . Flu symptoms may last for several days and then gradually improve. Children's runny nose treated with antiviral and antibacterial agents, which destroy pathogenic pathogens in the body and alleviate the condition of the baby. With an increase in body temperature, heat-relieving agents are prescribed (in suspensions and suppositories).

Associated symptoms

- this is the first symptom of a respiratory viral infection (flu, SARS) or exacerbation of allergies. The baby's well-being deteriorates sharply, he becomes tearful, the temperature may rise (with infectious rhinitis). If your child's runny nose is only related to a cold, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • moderate temperature
  • sneezing
  • watery eyes
  • Cough
  • Green or yellow discharge from the nose

If the condition is caused by an allergy, your child may experience the following symptoms:

The flu can cause the following signs and symptoms, in addition to a runny nose:

  • Fever with chills
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Capriciousness

Often smoothly flows into nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, which is accompanied by hyperemia palatine tonsils, sore throat, hoarseness. Precisely because of high risk the appearance of complications of rhinitis in children that occur in early and late period development of the disease, it should be treated as early as possible, using proven means aimed at both eliminating the symptoms and the cause of the disease (viruses, allergens).

Runny nose treatment

Specialists generally do not recommend giving newborns over-the-counter medicines for cold symptoms, as they have not been proven effective in treating the condition. Some of these drugs may also cause side effects in children younger than 2 years of age. Therefore, never give your child cold and cough medicine without consulting a pediatrician. Also, if caused by allergies, the pediatrician may prescribe antihistamines to reduce nasal discharge and inflammation.

There are several safe home remedies you can use to help your child get better. Children cannot blow their nose until they are 4 years old. That's why the following measures or home remedies will help clear congestion and allow your baby to breathe normally.

nasal spray with saline is one of the simplest, but effective means against the common cold, especially if it is accompanied by nasal congestion.

Salt water will thin the mucus in your nose, making it easier to clear. Simply spray or drop a few drops of salt water into nasal cavity your child, and then use a nasal aspirator or syringe to suck the mucus out of the nose. Keep the newborn in vertical position. You can purchase a saline nasal spray at any pharmacy, or you can make your own by adding a pinch of salt to 30 ml of boiled, chilled water.

Besides, keep your child hydrated. It is good for babies to drink more breast milk, or milk formulas. - this is effective method hydration of your child, which helps him develop immunity against germs or infectious agents. If your baby is older than 6 months, you can also give him warm water and natural fruit juices.

Elevate your newborn's head while sleeping by placing one or more towels under the mattress. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated will help ensure proper mucus drainage. It is also recommended to use a humidifier. Dry air can irritate a baby's nose, while moist air will keep the mucous membrane moist. This will help your child breathe easily so they can sleep and rest.

Humidifier. Especially useful during the winter months when the air in the apartments is very dry. If for some reason you can’t use it, just put the bowl with warm water near the heater in the baby's room.

Steam atmosphere. If it is difficult for the child to feed, you can try to spend five minutes in the bathroom with a full hot water bathroom by closing the door. You don't need to get into the bath, just sit next to it. Hot fumes will help soften the mucus and clear the nasal passages of the baby.

Runny nose in chest

Substances that cause a runny nose in the baby can be found both in environment(wind, dust, pollen, chemical fumes, e.g. from floor cleaner, tobacco smoke), and inside the baby’s nose itself (sometimes milk or mixture, when the baby chokes or sneezes during feeding, can get into the nose and cause irritation and inflammation of the tissues in the nasal passages). As a result, the nose of the baby is blocked, discharge may appear.

One of the most common causes of a runny nose in babies. All extra secretions such as runny nose and drooling can be caused by inflammation around the teeth. Your baby may have the following symptoms:

In most cases, this process is accompanied sharp decline defensive forces baby's body, low fever and sleep disturbances. Do not forget to remove the mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity of the child with a runny nose. This will make the child feel better. This can be done using a nasal aspirator: first, the secretions are gently sucked out of one, and then from the other nostril.

A little is normal during teething. But be careful if the temperature is too high.

Average normal rise the temperature that can occur during teething is about 0.1ºC. The temperature associated with teething can be around 36.8ºC. This means that if your baby has a temperature over 38ºC (when measured rectally), it is most likely not due to teething.

Also, many parents think that if the baby's snot turns green, it may mean that there is an infection that requires antibiotics. But this is not necessarily the case. However, the color of the snot can let you know if a baby's runny nose is caused by teething.

If your child's snot is clear and the runny nose only lasts 2-3 days, this may be due to extra fluid and inflammatory reaction caused by teething. It can also be a symptom of exposure to a virus, such as a cold, but in this case, the runny nose may last a little longer.

Nasal discharge may change color from white to yellow to green. All of these colors are normal and do not usually require antibiotics.

When to see a pediatrician

Be sure to contact your pediatrician if:

  • Cold lasts more than 10 days
  • The child cannot eat or drink normally due to mucus buildup in the nose
  • The child cannot breathe normally
  • Child blows green, yellow or brown slime
  • The child is acting nervous or irritable
  • The child is lethargic and does not urinate in the diaper for more than 6-7 hours

A runny nose in a child can be easily treated with the simple home remedies mentioned in this article. However, if the symptoms are suspicious and last for several days, you should contact. Persistent and untreated colds can lead to bacterial infections such as pneumonia and ear infections.

The most common complications of the common cold in children

Complications of the common cold usually depend on the disease that caused it and the duration of its course:

  • If a child often blows his nose into a handkerchief or paper napkin, he may develop nasal vestibule dermatitis. The skin at the site of friction turns red, becomes swollen and painful. If mechanical irritation is not stopped, small vesicles filled with exudate appear. Bursting, they leave behind wounds that can fester.
  • Protracted viral or bacterial runny nose the child is provoked by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. Its main symptoms are heaviness and pain in the frontal region, fever, thick discharge from the nose. Unpleasant sensations in the sinuses with sinusitis are aggravated by sudden movements head.
  • Due to the constant nasal congestion, the child begins to breathe through the mouth, the mucus thickens and dries in the lumen of the bronchi, increasing the risk of developing bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Chronic swelling of the nasal mucosa negatively affects the condition of the lungs and can cause the development of bronchial asthma.
  • The nasopharynx is connected to the middle ear via the Eustachian tubes. Its prolonged inflammation may be the cause of acute otitis media.
  • The growth of the inflamed mucosa is main reason education. Polyps most often form near the ethmoid sinus, close the nasal passages and make it difficult to breathe even after the runny nose stops.

Prevention of a runny nose in a child

First of all, you should:

Viruses can live on them for up to 24 hours, and during contact with the face or food, they enter directly into the child's body. Keep an eye on your baby's hygiene, and if he is old enough to take care of himself, do not forget to preventive conversation about hygiene at the beginning of the autumn-winter season.

Also, in order for the mucous membrane to retain its protective functions, it should not be allowed to dry out. The air in your home should be clean and humid. In the cold season, radiators and air conditioners interfere with maintaining it, so the nasal mucosa must be regularly washed with saline saline. Do not forget about airing, wet cleaning and walking with the baby.

A constant runny nose is not just a problem that worries the child and gives him a lot of inconvenience. This is a problem that needs to be dealt with, because in the end it can develop into chronic rhinitis.

It is generally accepted that a runny nose in children under one year old is just protective function organism, due to which the baby's nasopharynx gets rid of microbes, preventing them from getting further. This is actually true, but only in the case when congestion is not long-term and quickly passes without any consequences.

But, if the mucus that has accumulated in the nose of the baby is not treatable, or occurs constantly, then you should immediately consult with an otolaryngologist, identify the causes that result in nasal congestion, and also get a recommendation on the necessary medications.

Causes of a constant runny nose

Every parent tries to protect their child from all kinds of risks and diseases. Therefore, when snot appears in a baby, the question always arises: what caused their appearance? In fact, there are a lot of factors that affect nasal congestion. But basically, a runny nose appears from the ingress of viruses into the nasal mucosa.

The main causes of a constant runny nose in a child include:

  • overheating or hypothermia of the baby (you need to make sure that the baby's clothes match temperature regime indoors or outdoors)
  • reaction to chemical or mechanical substances (air pollution, dust, emissions, etc.);
  • allergic reaction to animals (cats, dogs, parrots, etc.);
  • detection of pathology paranasal sinuses nose
  • infection in the body;
  • unsuitable climatic conditions for a child.

The causes of a runny nose in infants are completely diverse. Its duration may also depend on the time of year. For example, in autumn or winter, frequent snot can flow like independent disease. During this period, they are due to a sharp cooling. And since babies have too weak immunity, then they are more prone to hypothermia than other people, as a result of which a cold-ARVI or ARI develops. At the same time, do not forget that children with a stuffy nose eat and sleep very poorly.

Types of runny nose

There are two types of persistent runny nose:

  1. Chronic - occurs almost always as a result of allergies. In order to cure it, or suspend it, you must first find the cause allergic reaction and then act strictly according to the recommendations of the doctor.
  2. Acute - manifests itself either as an independent disease, or under the influence of various infections, bacteria and viruses. For example, diphtheria or influenza.

Why treat a runny nose?

There are many statements about the treatment of the common cold. Many believe that it will pass by itself: "if treated, then in seven days, if not treated, then in a week." And in fact, usually congestion in babies passes quickly and without any special consequences, and if you still connect medical preparations, then recovery generally occurs in two to three days. And here the question arises: “should such a disease be treated at all, if it is possible to cope with it without the help of drugs and drops?”

The first reason for treatment is to alleviate the condition of the baby. After all, we must not forget that this is not an adult, but, above all, a child who does not even know how to blow his nose and breathe through his mouth. Therefore, it is very difficult for a baby with a stuffy nose. He begins to have headaches, irritation of the nasal mucosa, itching, as a result of which he refuses to eat and cannot sleep normally at all. Therefore, young children in such a situation simply need help.

In addition, if the baby's snot is not treated, then they can give a number adverse effects. Of course, sinusitis cannot arise because of this, but the larynx, trachea and bronchi will completely fall under the influence dangerous virus. And that will only make it worse serious condition child. Therefore, any infection that occurs in a newborn requires immediate treatment, which will be prescribed by a pediatrician. self-medication in this case also not worth doing, it can harm the crumbs.

The main types of drugs

Vasoconstrictor drugs are designed to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. They also have a drying property, as a result of which the amount of mucus secreted is much reduced. They should be used with extreme caution, in no case increasing the dosage. After all, this can lead to various reactions that will help sharp deterioration baby's condition. It is necessary to bury them two or three times a day and not more often. Similar drugs are addictive. Usually they are used before daytime and nighttime sleep.

The effect of these drops is immediate. Congestion immediately passes, but unfortunately not for long. Therefore, many mothers have a desire to drip the remedy again and again. But this cannot be done. The composition of the drops includes potent substances, therefore, in case of an overdose, they can cause convulsions, nausea, dizziness, etc.

The most famous drops from this species are "Nazol Baby" and "Nazivin for children".

Moisturizing preparations are used in order to soften the content of the mucous membrane, as well as to clean the child's nose from thick snot. These drops are based on sea ​​water. That is why they are safe for children. infancy. Due to their composition, as a result of their use, an overdose is absolutely excluded. Washing with moisturizing preparations is recommended every two hours, with severe runny nose as often as possible. When instilled, it is better to use a pipette, its tip should not be inserted deeper than half a centimeter into the child's nose.

Moisturizing drops include Aquamaris, Aqualor, Salin spray, etc. All of them can be used by children from the first days of life.

Antiviral drops are used when the runny nose is permanent. They remove bacteria from the nasopharynx that cause snot in the baby. Their dosage and period of use is completely determined by the attending doctor. More often they are prescribed to infants who have weakened immunity and who have a constant runny nose. In this case antiviral agents good treatment, eliminating nasal congestion.

The most widely used drops similar action- these are "Grippferon" and "Interferon".

Antiseptics have drying properties. They are usually used at a time when the snot has a thick structure and a yellowish tint. Protargol is well known as such drops. It was created on the basis of silver, besides, the drug has no potent substances, which means that it is safe for the child. Also appoint "Albucid". It's considered eye drops, but they can also eliminate nasal congestion.

How to cure a persistent runny nose

There are several procedures that help get rid of frequent nasal congestion in a child.

  1. The nose should be washed with Aqualor or Aquamaris, remove accumulated mucus with cotton swab. This should be done carefully, without damaging the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  2. After washing the nose, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops. You need to use only products that are specifically designed for children. Read the instructions for the dosage carefully and follow it strictly. Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be dripped for more than five days. They can be addictive.
  3. Twenty minutes later, you should drip antibacterial or other medicinal drops. This should be done with the appointment of a doctor, which depends on the nature and duration of the common cold.
  4. In the baby's crib, the place where his head lies should be raised. Thanks to this, the mucus from the nose will be released much faster, avoiding problems such as congestion and difficulty breathing.

Features of the treatment of rhinitis in a newborn

The immune system of a newly born baby is very weak and vulnerable. Therefore, as soon as the baby has a runny nose, many pediatricians recommend immediately starting the use of antiviral drugs. These can be Viferon candles, and Genferon-light candles, as well as Grippferon drops. They will help as quickly as possible to eliminate a problem such as nasal congestion.

Each newborn has one feature - the inability to breathe through the mouth, so it is very difficult for them to endure such a disease. Many children begin to refuse food, cannot sleep peacefully and soundly, and their general health deteriorates sharply. Therefore, such a problem as a runny nose in infants must be treated, despite the reasons for its appearance.

And we should not forget that persistent nasal congestion can lead to serious consequences: asthma, chronic rhinitis etc.

anonymous , Female, 28 years old

Hello doctor, I ask for your advice. My daughter is 3.5 years old and for almost a year now, she is tormented by constant colds. There are no forces anymore. They have not been treated with anything. The runny nose stops for a maximum of 2 weeks and again on a new one. What we have today, the pediatrician and ENT suggest continuing treatment. Again with antibiotics and synupret, because They see polyps, but not strong ones. .And we go to another lore only on Monday by appointment. Runny nose is not allergic. Ears are not blocked, but this snot causes a night cough. As the lore explained, this mucus irritates the larynx. I would like to hear your opinion about the current situation. I myself am completely at a loss, because On the one hand, the operation, and on the other hand, endless antibiotic drugs again. In general, the child is healthy, active, mobile, developed

Most likely, a viral infection on the mucous membranes of the nose is to blame for your situation, to which bacterial infections join from time to time. But since the actual viral infection does not react in any way to the use of antibiotics, it remains in the nose after each course of treatment and again and again causes relapses. Therefore, I think that you should healthy condition try to do such simple analyzes as rhinocytogram and leukocyte formula. If there are signs of a viral infection in the blood test (lymphocytes at the upper limit of normal and neutrophils at the bottom), and in the rhinocytogram there are signs infectious inflammation on the nasal mucosa a large number of neutrophils) you will need to discuss with your doctor the possibility of conducting a course of inhalations with compressor inhaler(nebulizer). As a rule, after one or two courses in children, infectious rhinitis becomes much less common.


Hello doctor, thank you for your answer. Another problem has arisen, I will be very grateful to you for one more advice. Firstly, I clarify that we live in Germany. In connection with this, there is apparently a difference in treatment. he looked surprised at my request to take blood from her and said that nothing but inflammation can be determined by the blood. The therapist, to whom I called with the same request, had the same opinion. syrup and Arbid N drops so that the ears do not block up. But after your answer, I somehow doubt the adequacy of the treatment. My question is, I want to take tests for her for a fee., but I need to know what exactly. What else should I ask to check the blood except leukocytes. And do we need to take Sinupret again now if it doesn’t help her at all. Apparently, due to the fact that we took it a lot, she became addicted. Thank you in advance for your answer

You need to do the following research: 1. cytological examination discharge from the nose ( Full description analysis can be read, for example, on the website of the Invitro laboratory - ladies are given enough detailed descriptions and guidelines for interpreting the assays). The purpose of the study was to determine the presence of infectious inflammation in principle and exclude the presence of eosinophils on the nasal mucosa, which are characteristic of allergic rhinitis and helminthic invasion. 2. A blood test for total IgE - an analysis is necessary just in the case when eosinophils are detected - to differentiate helminthic invasion from an allergic process 3. general analysis blood with a leukocyte formula - an analysis is necessary when neutrophils are found in the cytology to determine the nature of the infectious inflammation - whether it is viral or bacterial. As for synupret, this drug simply enhances the natural drainage of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, and in your situation it is simply not enough.

All parents want their child to grow up healthy. And when children get sick often, it becomes real problem requiring medical intervention. And in this regard, cases with a constant runny nose are very indicative. It seems that considerable forces are being applied to cure him, but the symptoms still do not go away. What is it connected with, how it manifests itself and what is required to eliminate rhinitis - many puzzle over these questions. But only by contacting a doctor, you can get competent answers.

The main problem with protracted course inflammatory process in the nose is to determine its origin. Indeed, with an incorrect establishment of the source of pathology, even the most modern treatment will be ineffective. The causes of a runny nose in children can be different. Firstly, frequent rhinitis occurs as a result of respiratory viral infections. Then we are talking about a decrease in the body's immune reactivity, and hence its ability to resist infections.

Secondly, the problem may be chronic. But not so much infectious agents as other adverse factors are already involved here:

  • Structural anomalies (deviation of the nasal septum, congenital defects, consequences of fractures, foreign bodies).
  • ENT diseases (adenoids and polyps, sinusitis, tonsillitis).
  • Irritant agents ( cigarette smoke, dust, dry hot or cold air, chemical substances).
  • Sensitization of the body to allergens.
  • Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants).

Harmful aerosols and dust can cause acute at first, and then chronic inflammation mucous membrane. They lead to a violation of the outflow of secretions from the nasal cavity due to the death of the ciliated epithelium. Ventilation disorders occur during volumetric processes that interfere with the passage of air (adenoids, polyps, foreign bodies), and long-term pathological processes in other parts of the respiratory tract only support persistent inflammation nasal mucosa.

Special mention should be made of allergic rhinitis. He has non-infectious origin, and edema and hypersecretion of mucus are caused by the production of histamine, serotonin, bradykinins. These substances increase vascular permeability and are responsible for other allergy symptoms. And the reason for such sensitization can be various antigens that surround the child in everyday life (food, animal hair, plant pollen, drugs, chemicals). Vasomotor disorders can have a neuroreflex mechanism, arising in response to the inhalation of cold air, with strong odors or stress. In turn, this is also accompanied by rather violent manifestations from the nasal mucosa.

If the child has a constant runny nose, then first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of the violations. There may be several states responsible for such a phenomenon.


So, it became clear that a runny nose in children can be both acute, but often recurring, and chronic. The latter has several varieties. AT modern classification protracted rhinitis there are such forms:

  • catarrhal.
  • Hypertrophic.
  • atrophic.
  • Allergic.
  • Vasomotor.

The first is characterized by superficial inflammation of the mucous membrane. During the hypertrophic process, its compaction occurs. Atrophic rhinitis, on the contrary, is accompanied by thinning of the mucosa and the formation of crusts. Allergic rhinitis, in turn, is seasonal and year-round. It can be included in the structure of atopy (along with dermatitis and bronchial asthma). A vasomotor runny nose is not associated with inflammation or allergic reactions.


To understand why a child has a constant runny nose, you should first deal with his clinical picture. First, the doctor interviews the patient himself and his parents for complaints, and then conducts a general and ENT examination to identify objective signs. As a rule, with a prolonged runny nose, there are the following manifestations:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Allocations (mucous, mucopurulent).
  • Violation of nasal breathing.
  • Decreased sense of smell.
  • The nasality of the voice.
  • Difficulties in breastfeeding.
  • Headache.
  • Decreased attention and memory.
  • Bad dream.

The last symptoms from the above list are associated with hypoxia due to ventilation disorders. Therefore, children have to breathe through their mouths, which creates a characteristic appearance. If a child has frequent colds, other symptoms may appear, such as cough, sore throat, and fever. Other symptoms of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Uncontrollable sneezing.
  • Watery discharge.
  • Itching in the nose.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Conjunctivitis.

With atrophy of the mucous membrane, children are worried about dryness in the nose and burning. When trying to remove crusts, you may experience slight bleeding and sores. The hypertrophic process is sometimes accompanied by narrowing eustachian tubes which causes a feeling of pressure in the ears. On examination, the mucous membrane may look different: reddened and edematous, with a cyanotic tint, "marble", hypertrophied or thinned with a viscous secretion and crusts. It all depends on the character lingering runny nose.

The clinical picture prolonged runny nose children have a lot common features. But a more detailed examination allows us to establish the cause.

Additional diagnostics

Turning to a doctor, you can be sure of a quality and timely examination to establish a diagnosis. To understand why it appears frequent runny nose in a child, a laboratory and instrumental examination should be carried out:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry: immunogram, antibodies to infections.
  • Nasal swab (microscopy, culture).
  • Allergy tests with various antigens.
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • Radiography.

Probably, an allergist or an immunologist will have to be involved in the formation of the final conclusion. We must not allow gaps in the diagnosis to remain, because the success of therapeutic measures can directly depend on this.


Having learned about the causes of the pathology, one should move on to ways to treat a persistent runny nose. This requires a differentiated approach, taking into account the nature of the pathology and individual features organism. It should be understood that it is not the symptoms that are to be treated, but their immediate cause. It is impossible to allow the disease to gain a foothold and progress - it is important to eliminate it in time.

The success of treatment is largely determined by the creation of external favorable conditions. Parents with children need to remember that the room should be humid and cool air. In dry and hot weather, you can turn on the air conditioner and humidifier. If this is not the case, simply ventilate and spray water (clean, put wet towels, put filled open containers). This will moisturize the nasal mucosa and allow it to cope with inflammation more easily. A prerequisite for the treatment of allergic rhinitis will be the elimination of contact with the alleged antigens.

Food is recommended to be easily digestible, without spices, pickles, smoked meats and marinades. Need to drink more liquid(alkaline mineral water without gas, compotes, juices and fruit drinks). It is better to raise the head of the bed a little to facilitate breathing and secretion. It is necessary to constantly clear the nasal passages of mucus: if the baby cannot blow his nose, then use a suction (aspirator).

So that the child does not get sick so often, you can conduct hardening sessions, vaccinate during the SARS and flu season and avoid mass gatherings of people.


It is quite difficult to cure a child with a frequent runny nose without medication. Based on the cause of the pathology, the doctor will prescribe certain drugs. The list of medicines recommended for use in children may include:

  • Salt solutions (Aquamaris, No-Sol).
  • Vasoconstrictor (Nazivin).
  • Antihistamines (Allergodil, Kromoheksal).
  • Antiseptics and antimicrobials (protargol, salicylic acid).
  • Glucocorticoids (Nasonex).
  • Oil solutions (Sinuforte, vitamins A and E, rosehip and sea buckthorn).
  • Immunomodulators (Nazoferon).

These drugs are used as local forms: spray and drops, ointments, inhalations. FROM vasoconstrictors should be especially careful, as their irrational use can cause vasomotor rhinitis. Therefore, all drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor and used under his supervision.

Usage medicines local action- the basis for the treatment of chronic rhinitis in children.

Non-drug remedies

In chronic rhinitis, physiotherapy is widely used: ultraviolet irradiation, UHF-therapy, massage of reflex zones (acupuncture), inhalations of mineral waters, Spa treatment. With hypertrophy of the turbinates, they are cauterized using electrical, laser or radio wave coagulation, cryotherapy. Adenoids and polyps are also removed. Foreign bodies are removed from the nasal cavity endoscopically.

A constant runny nose delivers a lot of trouble not only to children, but also to their parents. But in order to get rid of it, you must first find out the cause of the violations. And this is impossible without visiting a doctor. The specialist will conduct an appropriate diagnosis and make a diagnosis, on the basis of which he will tell you what to do in the future. By following the doctor's recommendations, you can be sure of effective elimination protracted runny nose and normalization of the quality of life.

A persistent runny nose in children is called inflammation of the nasal mucosa lasting more than 10 days. This, of course, is not the norm and requires a mandatory clarification of the cause and, if necessary, treatment. Prolonged rhinitis can be both physiological and pathological, so it is important to distinguish between these conditions. Also, pathological rhinitis includes several varieties, the therapy of which has significant differences.

Most often persistent snot in a child are caused by the following processes:

  • adenoiditis - inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil;
  • otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear pathological discharge can easily enter the pharynx and nasal cavity;
  • sinusitis - a bacterial lesion of the maxillary paranasal sinuses (this process practically does not occur in children under 3 years old, since the sinuses are not yet developed);
  • chronic inflammatory diseases laryngopharyngeal organs;
  • frequent colds and weakened immunity;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • deviated septum or congenital anomalies structures of the sinuses;
  • passive smoking - if the child is constantly forced to breathe cigarette smoke.

Depending on the nature of the origin of the common cold, it can be:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • allergic.

In some cases, inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose can provoke traumatic injuries tissues, such as small toys in the nose, brushing failures, finger sticking, and sharp objects into the nasal cavity.

Symptoms of a viral cold

Ordinary acute rhinitis develops as a result of viruses entering the mucous membranes, which are introduced into epithelial cells and begin to actively multiply there. Often in children, acute rhinitis occurs in parallel with inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

Viral rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion, abundant clear mucous discharge, reddening of the skin around the vestibule of the nasal cavity, impaired breathing due to swelling of the tissues.

Runny nose of bacterial origin

Bacterial rhinitis is the result of a complicated or untreated acute cold and is characterized by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and the development of a sluggish inflammatory process, both in the cavity of the nose itself and in the nearby paranasal sinuses.

In this case, the discharge acquires a thick consistency, or becomes mucopurulent or purulent, and may have an unpleasant odor.

Breathing through the nose is disturbed, the child constantly has snot, in a dream he can snore and cough because of.

The inflammatory process alternates with periods of improvement (when the immune system grows stronger and is able to restrain the further reproduction of microorganisms) and relapses (when under the influence of external factors, such as hypothermia or too dry air, weaken the defenses and bacteria begin to multiply again).

Allergic reaction

Allergic persistent rhinitis in a child can have both intermittent and chronic, depending on the nature of its origin. For example, if rhinitis is caused by the flowering of ragweed or poplars, then a runny nose will appear in summer period and continue until autumn.

Humidification of the atmosphere

In addition, you should carefully monitor the level of humidity in the room, this will help you special device hygrometer. It is optimal if the humidity in the room where the small patient is located is 60-65% - this will help prevent the mucus from drying out and the formation of crusts in the nose.

During the heating season, it is difficult to maintain the required air humidity, so use special humidifiers and ionizers or simply hang wet terry sheets over the radiators.

The air temperature in the room where the child with a runny nose is located should not be higher than 18-20 degrees, if it is cool, then it is better to put on a blouse for him.

Regular through ventilation prevents the reproduction of viruses in the air, it is recommended to arrange them 2-3 times a day, after removing the child to another room so that it is not blown out.

Drinking regime

pay attention and drinking regime, because at acute form inflammatory process, the body loses a lot of fluid and mineral salts with discharge from the nose and then at a temperature.

it required condition for Get well soon, especially with a prolonged runny nose.

Fit warm alkaline drinks(mineral water without gas), compotes, fruit drinks, tea with lemon, raspberries, linden, honey, rosehip broth - they contribute accelerated withdrawal toxins from the body, respectively, reduce the duration of the disease.


As for walks, you should not refuse them with a cold, if the child feels well and his body temperature is normal. Many parents make the mistake of not letting the patient go anywhere until the rhinitis has passed, which leads to drying of the mucus in the nose, the addition of a bacterial infection and a longer course of the disease. Dress your baby for the weather and go for a walk fresh air as long as possible.

Drug treatment of bacterial rhinitis

Among medicinal solutions for the treatment of rhinitis, drugs of general (systemic) and local action are isolated. For symptomatic therapy and facilitate nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used:

  • Otrivin;
  • Rinazolin;
  • Farmazolin;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin.

Use nasal drops vasoconstrictor effect it is recommended no longer than 3-5 days and no more than 2 times a day, since the drugs are quickly addictive, which requires a constant increase allowable dose and increases the risk of overdose and side effects.

Detailed information on this group of drugs by age,.

Among the drops for the nose with a therapeutic, rather than symptomatic effect, there are:

  • Evkazolin - a drug with menthol, eucalyptus and peppermint in the composition, promotes rapid regeneration (healing) of the mucous membranes, creates an invisible protective film on the surface, reduces the risk of infection spreading to the larynx and trachea;
  • Pinosol - similar in composition and action to Evkazolin, can be used to treat children from 3 years old;
  • Protargol - a preparation based on colloidal silver, is used to treat the common cold of a bacterial nature;
  • Kollargol - an analogue of Protargol, is used to treat rhinitis and adenoiditis in children as part of complex therapy;
  • Polydex with phenylephrine- it is complex medicinal preparation, which simultaneously relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, facilitating nasal breathing, and destroys bacteria (suitable for the treatment of rhinitis bacterial origin and complicated forms of the common cold with the addition of secondary bacterial flora);
  • Isofra is a drug for local use in otolaryngology from the group of aminoglycosides, mainly active substance which is the antibiotic framycetin. the medicine is effective for rhinitis of bacterial origin, sinusitis, sinusitis.

Before using any drops and sprays, it is advisable to rinse the nasal cavity saline solution from those described above, or home-made at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 0.5 liter of warm water.

The procedure is especially necessary in the presence of abundant thick or dry snot, otherwise the medicine will not get on the mucous membranes and will not bring positive effect. Complete guide for all types of baby drops, .

If the child has a stuffy nose, you first need to use vasoconstrictors, and then medicines. When the patient is too small to blow his nose, nasal mucus must be sucked out. mechanically. How to do it right - read in.

Treatment of rhinitis of viral etiology

With a runny nose that doesn't go away viral nature the child is assigned antiviral drugs for topical use in the form of drops (Grippferon - solution for intranasal instillation, IRS-19 spray, can be used from birth, Groprinosin from 3 years old, Tsitovir 3 syrup from 1 year old) and for rectal application in the form of candles general action(Viferon, Laferobion, Interferon).

These drugs not only fight hard against viral infection in the body, but also stimulate the production immune system own interferon, which significantly increases the body's resistance and reduces the risk of complications.

Therapy of the allergic form

Treatment allergic rhinitis significantly different from viral or bacterial, since these drugs are not used. The exception is vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, which help to ease breathing and slightly relieve swelling of the tissues.

The basis of therapy are sprays for intranasal use, which include hormonal components. These are dosed topical preparations that are almost not absorbed into the general bloodstream, respectively, the risk of side effects is minimal if the dosage and rules of use are observed.

Effective and common in pediatric practice drugs are:

  • Avamis;
  • Baconase;
  • Flixonase.

Hormonal preparations for the treatment of allergic rhinitis can only be used as directed by a doctor, if this is really necessary. Self-medication often leads to severe side effects in the form of atrophy of the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, vascular fragility.

In the treatment of persistent rhinitis in children allergic nature it is important not only to suppress the symptoms hormonal drugs, and to establish the cause of the development of rhinitis and, if possible, exclude the contact of the baby with the irritating component.

Physiotherapy treatment of persistent cold

In combination with medical methods treatment to eliminate chronic rhinitis using physiotherapy. They are prescribed only by a doctor and are an effective help in therapy, and in some cases they replace it:

  • Laser therapy - under the influence laser beam modified and thickened blood vessels, which can intertwine with each other and interfere with full nasal breathing. In the process of regeneration of the mucous membranes (healing), new vessels are formed, through which blood circulates better, thereby reducing the severity of swelling of the epithelium of the nasal cavity.
  • Ultrasound treatment- when using ultrasound of a certain frequency, it reduces the volume of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, due to which edema is removed and full breathing is restored.
  • Tube-quartz - ultraviolet irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and pharynx. This procedure promotes the destruction of the bacterial flora, relieves swelling of tissues, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process.

Physiotherapy treatment is carried out for children only after the acute inflammatory process subsides, otherwise the risk of complications and adverse effects of the procedure increases.

Treatment of a persistent runny nose in children also includes complex impact on the body of hardening procedures, breathing exercises, exercise therapy, rational balanced nutrition- all this helps to increase the protective forces and strengthen the immune system.

[Pediatrician's consultation] Chronic runny nose in children

Causes and treatment of persistent runny nose with snot in children

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