How to treat pain in the feet. To prevent pain in the feet is necessary. Traumatic foot injury

Foot pain is a problem for many people. This unpleasant phenomenon affects performance, mood, self-esteem and overall well-being. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse - from simple overwork to the manifestation of a serious illness. Why do feet hurt and how to get rid of it? Let's figure it out.

What are the pains

Depending on the nature, there are several types of pain in the feet.

Diffuse pain feet most often occur due to overexertion when walking or physical exertion, but can also appear at rest. This happens when a person is forced to be immobile for quite a long period of time. In this case, atrophy of muscles and ligaments occurs. Another cause of diffuse pain may be an increase in body weight.

Pain at rest usually especially strong in osteoporosis. This disease can be caused by past injuries and is accompanied by inflammation of the bones, joints and soft tissues of the legs. Inflammatory processes lead to an almost complete loss of the supporting function of the foot.

Metatarsalgia- pain in the feet, caused by age-related changes in the structure.

Pain can cover the entire foot or its specific area. Pain when walking or other prolonged physical activity is most often not a cause for concern. The most common cause of this phenomenon is a chronic lack of calcium (osteopathy) and the appearance of related diseases (rickets, senile osteoporosis, osteomalacia). A characteristic symptom of these diseases is the occurrence of pain with light pressure on all bones. Pain in a certain area can occur for various reasons.

The most accurate way to determine the nature of the disease is to use tactile diagnostics of the foot by pressing in certain places with the tip of your finger.

Main reasons

Discomfort in the foot area can cause any of the following conditions.

plantar fasciitis - most common cause of foot pain. In this case, violations of the plantar fascia (a wide area of ​​connective tissue located on the sole of the foot) occur. Provoking factor for the development this disease there may be pronation (excessive tucking of the foot inward) when walking, usually develops after a sprain.

Heel spur - occurs when the ligaments of the fascia are stretched in the calcaneus for a rather long period of time. The disease is difficult to treat, so when it appears functional disorders in bundles, you must immediately consult a doctor, without waiting for the development of consequences.

Nerve damage can also be the cause of the characteristic pain. Sometimes these disorders are accompanied by arthritis, nerve compression, and circulatory disorders.

Development of benign tumors of nerve tissues(neuroma). Morton's neuroma is a tumor that forms at the base of the third or fourth toe. Most often, women suffer from this disease.

Traumatic injuries, such as dislocation, fracture, even after diligent treatment, they can remind of themselves for a long time.

flat feet also refers to the causes of symptomatic foot pain. When lowered, the arch of the foot becomes flat, which depresses its shock-absorbing function. As a result, when walking, running, or even just standing for a long time, there are quite sharp pains. Flat feet can be congenital (very rare), acquired (develops under the influence of frequent overloads of the foot, especially in childhood and due to constant standing in an upright position) and traumatic (occurs after fractures).

erythromelalgia- a disease that affects middle-aged men, accompanied by the occurrence of redness of the foot, burning pain, burning in the limbs. Erythromelalgia usually accompanies an increase in blood pressure, the development of thrombocytosis, polycythemia.

Soft tissue injuries feet (ingrown nails, bursitis, calluses, plantar warts) also cause discomfort.

Provoking factors for the development of various diseases that cause foot pain are:

  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • overweight;
  • excessive loads;
  • the need for a long time is in one position;
  • lack of calcium.

What to do?

If discomfort occurs in the foot area, it is necessary to seek advice from a doctor (traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon or rheumatologist). Only a specialist can determine why pain occurs and prescribe therapy.

At home, you can reinforce therapy with the following methods:

  • enrich the diet with vitamins (vegetables and fruits) and calcium (fermented milk products);
  • during the day, periodically lie on your back and raise your legs to a height of 30-40 centimeters (this will ensure the outflow of blood from the feet);
  • choose comfortable shoes;
  • do foot baths with essential oils (this will help relieve fatigue, swelling, relax the muscles of the feet);
  • in the summer, apply ice packs to the feet;
  • massage your feet with essential oils and creams.

The best treatment is prevention. People who are prone to the manifestation of pain in the feet need to pay more attention to their health: adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, give up a “sedentary” lifestyle, and do not overload the legs. If you experience even mild discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

The foot is the lower part of the leg that is in direct contact with the surface on which a person walks. Therefore, the health of this part of our body is especially important: pain when walking greatly complicates the life of any person. Nevertheless, physicians note quite a large number of patients complaining about this particular problem. At the same time, patients often try to self-diagnose themselves and self-medicate. Which often does not lead to good. After all, pain in the feet while walking can indicate a variety of disorders, especially when there are no visible problems: wounds, bruises, and other injuries.

Causes of foot pain

Bones and muscles, tendons and ligaments, parts of the nervous and circulatory system, nails and skin - there can be many sources of pain in the feet. However, if the pain is localized in a particular part, then by this sign alone it can be assumed what the reason is.

Pain in the heel

Heel spur

So called excessive abnormal growth of the bones of the foot in the heel. Most likely, the appearance of heel spurs in those who have flat feet or, conversely, a high arch of the foot. Pain in the foot of the right or left foot, and possibly both at once, with this problem, not only manifests itself when walking, but can also occur even at rest.

Heel spurs themselves are not uncommon, affecting up to 10% of people, but only half of them experience pain in their feet when walking.

  • Specialized shoe inserts, and, if possible, shoes without backs
  • Rest and pain relief
  • Surgical treatment (used extremely rarely).


Although the full name of this disease is plantar fasciitis, the pain is more often localized in the heel and is especially intensified in the morning. May be accompanied by pain in the arch of the foot.

Fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia. This is the connective tissue that covers the bones of the foot from the heel to the toes.

  • Rest and pain relief
  • Calf muscle stretch
  • Proper shoes that have soft soles and good arch support.

Heel tissue injury

The pain is like a normal bruise, sometimes it can even be accompanied by a bruise. In this case, it is not necessary to hit something - bruising of the heel tissue often occurs after walking on a hard, inhomogeneous surface, for example, on stones.

Bruised heel tissue is especially common among hikers, especially when hiking in mountainous terrain.

  • Peace.

Fracture of the calcaneus

The traditional warning to children who like to jump from a height is to beat off your heels. Often, after such experiments, fractures of the bones of the heel occur. Another way to get injured is high-impact sports training. Moreover, it can be either a crack in the calcaneus, or a much more serious fracture, up to crushing.

Heel fracture is the most common of all foot fractures. Manifested, in addition to pain when walking, swelling, hematoma, lameness.

  • A tight bandage on the foot and a cast or splint to reduce ankle mobility
  • Exclusion of load on the heel area - crutches
  • Pain relief
  • AT severe cases surgery.

Pain in the arch of the foot


This disease has already been mentioned in connection with pain in the heels of the legs. The methods of treatment are the same. If fasciitis is difficult to treat, I use topical drugs to relieve pain in the foot, and steroid injections to combat the disease itself.

flat feet

This is a leg change that flattens the arches of the foot. The flatfoot itself has several degrees, reflecting the deformation of both the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. All this may be accompanied by pain, but may not have a pronounced pain syndrome.

Flat feet in children under 4 years old is natural, but you need to be very attentive to the child, because all the body systems are just being formed in him. In addition to traditional medical examinations, it is imperative to consult a doctor if the child complains of pain in the foot of the left leg, right leg, or both at once. Especially if the baby is prone to flat feet.

  • The flat feet themselves are corrected with special shoes, less often - surgically.
  • Cold compresses, rest, tight bandages are used to relieve pain.
  • Physiotherapy.

Pain in the outer edge of the foot

metatarsal fracture

The metatarsal bone is located on the outer edge of the foot. If, after an injury, pain is observed, accompanied by swelling and bruising, it is a reason to talk about a fracture.

If you suspect a fracture of the metatarsal bone, first of all, you need to see a doctor, take an x-ray.

  • Complete rest - with the help of gypsum and other methods
  • Pain relief and cold
  • Surgical treatment is possible.

Pain in the front of the feet


This disease is an inflammation in the front of the foot, especially aggravated by walking.

Uncomfortable, unsuitable shoes and heavy prolonged physical exertion on the leg cause metatarsylgia.

  • Wearing comfortable shoes, the use of special insoles to evenly distribute the load on the foot
  • Anesthesia.


Pain in the tendon area at the big toe is a sign of this disease.

Both injuries and inflammatory processes of various origins can be the causes of sesamoiditis.

  • Wearing shoes with low heels, with a special insole or arch support
  • Rest and cold on the painful area
  • Possibly steroid injections.

Neurom Morton

This tricky name itself suggests that the disease is associated with nerve endings. Its cause is the proliferation of tissues adjacent to the nerves of the foot, namely those that are between the bases of the fingers. It manifests itself in the form of not only pain, but also numbness, tingling in the front of the foot.

The cause of the disease is walking in hard shoes or with too high heels. From this it is clear that more often Neurom Morton occurs in women.

  • Anesthesia
  • Steroid injections
  • On the advice of a doctor, selected insoles, insoles, providing minimal compression of the suffering nerve
  • Possibly surgical treatment.

Pain in the toes

Most often, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb suffers from pain, although arthritis, for example, affects all fingers. The same applies to injuries.


Salts of uric acid are deposited in the joints in the form of crystals. This causes inflammation and severe pain, swelling.

It is the big toe that is most often prone to gouty arthritis.

  • Rest, pain relief
  • Diet with reduced salt content
  • Special drugs for both treatment and prevention of relapses during remission.


The growth of bones on the inside of the feet, in the region of the base of the big toe - the so-called bump. Caused by uncomfortable, too tight shoes.

Bursitis of the thumb is more prone to women, there is a hereditary tendency, but it can occur in any person.

  • Comfortable shoes
  • Operative treatment is possible.

Ingrown nails

This disease is also observed on the hands, and on the leg it most often affects the big toe. The skin on one or both sides begins to grow, covering the nail plate.

Discomfort and pain when walking are not the only problems of an ingrown toenail. Injury to the tissues of the finger with the nail plate can cause infection and inflammation.

  • Several times a day, the leg is steamed and a piece of bandage is placed between the skin and the nail.
  • Surgical treatment is possible to avoid severe inflammation
  • Prevention - proper cutting of nails: on the legs it is not recommended to cut off the corners of the nail, rounding them too much or sharpening them.


Fractures are prone to various bones of the foot. So, it can be a fracture of any finger and several at once. A fracture of the sesamoid bone is possible - there are two of them in each leg, they are located in the base of the bones of the thumbs. The main symptom is pain in this area.

The causes of fractures are primarily trauma. A fracture of the sesamoid bone is possible with great physical exertion: it is running, walking, playing sports and other sports activities.

  • The treatment of finger fractures depends on the complexity: in some cases, rest and cold are enough, in especially severe situations, surgical operations
  • A fracture of the sesamoid bone requires immobility of the ankle joint and fingers, supplemented by pain relief and cold.


If a person stumbles or steps uncomfortably on an uneven surface, twisting their fingers, a sprain is possible. This causes damage to the soft tissues of the foot or tendons.

In case of injury, it is imperative to exclude a fracture by contacting doctors.

Treatment: Stretching resolves on its own after a few days, it is advisable to provide rest at this time.


The main places where calluses appear are the toes, the heel and the back of the foot above the heel. This is thickened skin that can be injured, forming wounds.

The main cause of calluses is friction or pressure due to uncomfortable shoes.

  • Lubricate the damaged corn with healing ointments, after treating it with hydrogen peroxide
  • For prevention, remove dead skin in time
  • Wear only comfortable shoes.

Pain in the leg of different localization

Such pain can cause a variety of diseases.


Such a violation of the state of the nerves in the feet is caused in most cases by diabetes, localization is very different.

You can suspect neuropathy by the nature of the pain - tingling, similar to electrical discharges, burning.

  • Diabetes treatment
  • Drugs that strengthen the nervous system.


This is an inflammation of the tendons that connect muscles to bones.

Since there are a lot of bones and various muscles in the foot that are interconnected by tendons, tendonitis pain can be localized anywhere on the foot.

  • Anesthesia
  • Steroids by injection
  • If necessary, surgical treatment.

Also, any localization can have pain associated with injuries of various origins and severity.


Such a huge number of causes of pain in the feet suggests an accurate diagnosis only when you see a doctor. The first specialist to whom you need to pay a visit for pain in the left leg, right or both at once is an orthopedist. An initial examination by this doctor will help to roughly determine what the problem is.

The doctor may prescribe examinations:

  • Radiography
  • Stop MRI.

Taking into account the results obtained, as well as previously existing diseases, the orthopedist makes a diagnosis or refers to other specialists. To help in the treatment of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of pain in the feet, will be able to:

  • Surgeon
  • Neurologist/Neurologist
  • Traumatologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Osteopath.

In the treatment of pain in the feet, along with medications, physiotherapy exercises, magnetic resonance and wave therapy can additionally be used.

Prevention of foot pain

Most foot problems can be avoided if elementary rules. It will also help to carry out some simple procedures.

To prevent pain in the feet you need:

  • Wear the right shoes - not stiff, the right size, with good soles, avoid constantly walking in high heels.
  • It is reasonable to use physical activity on the legs.
  • Do a foot massage.
  • Monitor the general condition of the body, avoid excess weight, due to which the pressure on the feet increases.
  • If pain occurs, consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that even if you feel symptoms similar to manifestations of a particular disease, only a doctor can correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. It is up to the patient to fully follow the treatment program so that the pain in the feet goes away as soon as possible and does not bother in the future.

Many of us don't take care of our feet at all, remembering our feet and starting treatment only when they start to hurt. The entire load of our body is on the feet. The arched shape of the foot allows it to perform a kind of spring function, softening the blows during walking and reducing pressure on the lower limbs. If it is correct to determine why the feet hurt (reason) - treatment with folk remedies can be carried out, but only after consulting a doctor.

There can be many reasons for discomfort and pain in the feet. The most common factor in foot pain can be overwork and stress. If you are active enough during the day and are on your feet all the time, then arrange short but regular breaks for yourself. Avoid shoes that are high heels, tight or uncomfortable. If you are actively involved in sports, and after training your feet hurt, try to reduce the load and do not overwork.

Excess weight is another cause of stress on the feet. If you come home and after a hard day you feel pain in your legs, then ensure yourself peace. Raise your legs to an elevated position to allow blood to drain.

An ice pack is an excellent way to relieve swelling and heaviness. Apply ice wrapped in a towel to your feet and ankles. If your legs hurt, then baths will be another way to eliminate pain and tired legs. To do this, take 3 tbsp. spoons of mint and lime blossom, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then pour the infusion into a basin, add warm water and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.

Baths of pine needles will help to quickly relieve pain and fatigue in the legs. Take 100 gr. needles, pour 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Then insist on a water bath for half an hour. Let the decoction cool, and then pour it into a bowl of cool water. Soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.

There are effective folk remedies to reduce pain and discomfort in the feet.

Traumatic nature of pain

Another very common cause of leg pain can be an injury. Remember if you were injured. Carefully inspect the foot for wounds, abrasions and calluses. Different types of injuries often become the reason why the feet hurt.

The most common types of foot injuries that lead to leg pain are:

  • injury;
  • stretching and rupture of ligaments;
  • dislocation;
  • fracture.

To speed up the healing process and relieve pain, you can use such folk remedies. Take a glass of salt, 100 g each of camphor and ammonia (10%). Stir and do rubbing of sore spots. This remedy is effective not only for sprains and sprains, but also for pain in the joints.

In case of injuries, there will be effective and other home recipes.

Components Cooking Usage
When stretched, blue clay proved to be excellent. Stir the clay with water so that it acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply with gentle movements to the affected area. After 20-30 minutes after the clay has dried, wash it off with cool water.
If the feet hurt, then a bath of wild rosemary flowers will help. Take 10 tbsp. l. rosemary flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water and brew in a water bath for 15 minutes. Pour the prepared broth into water and take a bath for 15 minutes.
Shilajit is suitable for splicing and healing bones and bruises. Mix a tablespoon of water, 7 g of mummy and let it brew for a day in a sealed container. After the mummy is completely dissolved in water, mix the solution thoroughly with 170 gr. honey. Take the mixture 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals. Treatment with this remedy is carried out for 8 days. After 3 weeks, the treatment can be repeated.

For another drug you will need 1 tbsp. l. laundry soap, grated, 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 yolk. Mix thoroughly, apply on gauze and make a compress from this product. Secure the gauze with a bandage.

There is no tool more versatile than laundry soap. Laundry soap compress will help relieve pain in the legs.

Folk recipes will cope with the disease

If the pain is not associated with overwork or injury, then this may be a signal of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. So, with flat feet, the foot loses its spring function. When the load increases, the legs become very tired and sore. Very effective is the treatment of diseases that cause pain in the feet, means traditional medicine.

If flat feet cause severe pain, then treat with such a folk remedy. Take a solution of iodine (required 3%, so as not to get burned) and lemon juice (1: 1), mix with two crushed aspirin tablets. Apply the gruel on the foot, cover with a film and wrap with a warm cloth.

The calcaneal spur makes itself felt after waking up or when the patient gets up after a long stay in a sitting position. With a heel spur, one of the most effective painkillers is a tincture of marsh cinquefoil. Take 1 tbsp. l. tincture, diluted in 1/3 cup of water, 3 times a day before meals. Treat for 20 days.

Pain in the joints of the feet leads to such a manifestation of gout as gouty arthritis. Herbal sage or chamomile baths are great for relieving the pain of a gout attack. Also a very effective remedy is a bath with the addition of iodine. Add 10 drops of iodine to 3 liters of water and soak your feet in such a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the feet hurt without being accompanied by other symptoms. Take100 gr. chamomile flowers and sweet clover, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for three days. Make compresses using this tincture at night for two weeks.

In addition to these diseases, there are still a huge number of diseases that can manifest themselves in the form of pain in the feet. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, go to a specialist. A traumatologist or rheumatologist will be able to prescribe the right treatment for you and give you practical recommendations.

The foot is the final section of the leg, which consists of the metatarsus, tarsus and fingers. In the foot, you can distinguish such parts as the heel, instep, sole, arch of the foot (the part of the sole that does not come into contact with the ground while walking), the back (upper) part of the foot.

Pain in the foot is a common symptom that can accompany a huge number of different diseases. In this article, we will look at the main ones.

By nature, pain in the foot and toes can be acute (occurs for a short time) and chronic (disturbs for a long time). Pain can affect various parts of the foot described above, in some cases accompanied by itching, numbness, swelling, burning, skin changes and other symptoms.

The pain syndrome can be associated directly with the disease of the feet themselves, the entire lower limb, and general diseases of the body. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are always prescribed based on the characteristics of pain and the underlying disease.


This is a disease that is characterized by pain in the foot, not accompanied by any other symptoms. Pain occurs at rest, with physical exertion intensifies. If you press on the foot in the place where the bones are located close to the skin, then very severe pain is noted. Osteoporosis is caused by the loss of calcium and phosphate from the bones of the foot. Conditions such as:
  • insufficient calcium and minerals in the daily diet;
  • constant excessive stress on the bones of the feet;
  • age-related changes in bones;
  • overweight: in this case, very strong loads on the bones of the lower extremities are noted;
  • sedentary lifestyle, prolonged bed rest for various diseases;
  • pregnancy: the developing fetus needs a large amount of calcium;
  • diseases of the endocrine organs, mainly parathyroid glands.
Osteoporosis is diagnosed using radiography and computed tomography.

Treatment of foot pain in osteoporosis consists of prescribing calcium and vitamin D supplements. It is especially important to prescribe calcium to women in late pregnancy. With endocrine diseases, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Available about osteoporosis

Varicose disease

Varicose veins of the legs is a stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, due to which there is a pathological overstretching of their veins. On the early stages disease, the patient can only feel heaviness in the feet and legs. Edema occurs in the evenings. In the future, under the skin on the legs, enlarged overstretched veins become visible. Pain and swelling of the feet in most cases are observed in the later stages of the disease. At the same time, the skin of the legs begins to experience constant oxygen starvation, its color darkens, so-called trophic ulcers may appear on it.

The main causes of varicose veins are congenital disorders of the structure of the venous wall, heart failure, overweight, constant standing or sitting for a long time.

Pain in the feet with varicose veins is diagnosed at the doctor's office during the examination. In the early stages, you can use different creams and ointments for foot pain, wear elastic bandages or stockings. In more advanced cases, surgical treatment may be indicated.

Obliterating endarteritis

A very common disease in the modern world, which is characterized by pain in the feet and other signs of circulatory disorders. Men suffer from pathology 10 times more often than women. The causes and mechanisms of obliterating endarteritis have not been well studied so far. It is believed that one of the most important factors provoking violations is smoking.

Obliterating endarteritis is a disease that develops for a long time and most often overtakes people aged 30-40 years. In this case, chronic foot pain is noted, as well as other signs:

  • pain and numbness of the feet;
  • increased sensitivity to cold: when cooling, burning pains in the foot are noted;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the skin, which indicates a violation of blood circulation;
  • weakness in the feet, lameness.
Over time, without treatment, blood flow disorders in the foot become so severe that obliterating endarteritis leads to the development of gangrene.

Treatment of pathology in the early stages is conservative. Doctors use various medications, ointments and creams for foot pain can be prescribed. In the future, microsurgical interventions on the vessels of the foot are carried out. If all therapeutic measures are unsuccessful, and gangrene still develops, then amputation is performed.

diabetic foot

This condition is a complication of diabetes mellitus, especially type I without proper treatment.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which blood glucose levels rise. The hormone insulin, which is responsible for the uptake of glucose by cells, is no longer able to adequately cope with its functions. But at the same time, a large number of metabolic disorders occur in the body. In particular, the course of atherosclerosis is significantly accelerated. Atherosclerotic plaques form much faster on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, small capillaries located in the heart, retina, feet, and kidneys suffer the most. They interfere with blood flow.

Diabetic foot is a figurative name for the changes that occur in the feet when blood flow is disturbed. The course of the pathology strongly resembles obliterating endarteritis. Pain and swelling in the feet, lameness are noted. Trophic changes in the form of ulcers develop on the skin. Numbness and pain in the feet, weakness of the muscles of the legs indicate a severe circulatory disorder.

To prevent diabetic foot and other vascular disorders caused by diabetes, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood sugar levels, take hypoglycemic drugs strictly as directed by a doctor.

If a complication has already developed, then various medications, physiotherapy are used. If necessary, various types of surgical treatment are carried out.

Plantar fasciitis and heel spur

The plantar fascia is a plate of connective tissue that starts from the calcaneus, runs along the entire plantar surface of the foot and is attached to the heads of the metatarsal bones. Fascia strengthens the foot, allowing it to endure more intense loads.

If the fascia itself is constantly subjected to pronounced loads, then it is overstretched, injured, and inflammation develops in it. This condition is known as plantar fasciitis, and the main symptom is pain in the foot while walking.

Plantar fasciitis can develop as a result of the following reasons:

  • constant stress on the foot associated with hard work or the need for a long stay in a standing position;
  • overweight: while walking, the plantar fascia is injured under the influence of a large body mass;
  • flat feet leads to a violation of the normal shape of the foot and overstretching of the fascia.
The most susceptible to plantar fasciitis are people who have congenital weakness of the connective tissue. With this disease, pain is noted from the side of the foot and in the rise. Especially characteristic is the occurrence of pain in the morning when a person gets out of bed and goes somewhere. During a long walk, the pain also increases, sometimes it leads to the development of lameness.

The inflamed plantar fascia may ossify where it attaches to the heel bone. At the same time, severe stabbing pains in the heel of the foot are noted, which increase during walking. This condition is known medically as a heel spur.

Treatment of foot pain with fasciitis is carried out conservatively:

  1. It is necessary to unload the feet. It is required to exclude all heavy physical exercises. If while walking in the feet there is a feeling of fatigue or pain, then immediately you need to stop and rest.
  2. Massage with ice and a wet cold towel helps to relieve the inflammatory process in the fascia.
  3. The use of special orthopedic shoes, especially if the patient also has flat feet.
  4. The use of creams and ointments for leg pain, which are prescribed by an orthopedist.
The diagnosis of heel spurs is established after an examination by an orthopedic doctor and x-rays. In the early stages, this disease, like fasciitis, can be treated conservatively. In later stages, surgery is performed. About plantar fasciitis available

Bursitis of metatarsal heads

The phalanges of the toes are connected to the heads of the metatarsal bones with the help of joints. In these places there are articular bags - the so-called bursae. Normally, they are protected from the plantar side by a thick fatty layer. But with age, it becomes thinner, as a result of which the bursae experience constant stress while walking. This can cause pain in the fingers and joints of the foot, a violation of their configuration. There may be reddening of the skin in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joints. When you press them, pain is also noted.

The diagnosis of bursitis can only be established by the attending physician after X-rays and, if necessary, other diagnostic measures. Treatment is carried out with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain in the foot, physiotherapy exercises. Sometimes injections of hormonal drugs into the joint capsules are prescribed. In chronic bursitis, which is not amenable to conservative treatment, surgical intervention is used.

flat feet

Flat feet are a common problem that leads to foot pain and other problems. This disease is characterized by a violation of the normal shape of the foot, namely the smoothing of its arch - the inner part of the sole, which rises above the ground in the form of an arch. As a result, a person begins to rely on walking not only on the outside, but also on the inside of the foot. In this case, two pathological processes occur:
  • the normal interposition of the bones of the foot, the configuration of the joints changes, which leads to pain in the foot;
  • in the area of ​​​​the arch of the foot there are important vessels and nerves: with flat feet, they are compressed during walking, leading to an increase in pain.
Flat feet and associated pain in the foot can be caused by the following reasons:
  • congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus: under the influence of constant loads, the ligaments of the foot in such people are much more easily stretched, as a result, deformation appears;
  • rickets, suffered in childhood, contributes to foot deformity;
  • congenital difference in leg length - a condition that occurs in many people;
  • intense, excessive loads, for example, lifting the bar while standing;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • sometimes flat feet develop after an injury during which a fracture of the bones of the foot occurs.

In the initial stages of flat feet, pain in the foot is absent. Only severe fatigue may be felt after a long walk. In the future, pain syndrome joins. Flat feet can be so pronounced that it leads to intense pain and the development of lameness.

Diagnosis is carried out using radiography, plantography.

Treatment of pain in the feet with flat feet involves the following:

  1. Physical therapy and gymnastics. With severe flat feet, they should be carried out only under the supervision of an orthopedist. These activities are aimed at strengthening the muscles that provide a normal foot configuration.
  2. Wearing comfortable shoes. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe special orthopedic shoes.
  3. Restorative procedures: walking in dew, frost, bare feet on the ground and stones. It is worth remembering that hardening procedures must be performed methodically and gradually.
  4. Wearing orthopedic insoles.
  5. The use of special creams and ointments for pain in the legs - today they are presented in pharmacies in a wide range.


Ligamentitis is an inflammation of the ligaments that causes pain in the foot. Depending on which ligament is inflamed, there may be pain on the side of the foot, on the instep, in the plantar part, in the ankle joint. Characterized by pain when bending the foot or other movements.

Ligamentitis is a disease that can be caused by two groups of causes:

  1. Microtrauma under excessive loads. At the same time, the mechanism of development of ligamentitis is similar to that of fasciitis. To treat this condition, anti-inflammatory drugs are used (special creams and ointments for pain in the feet), rest, sometimes injections into the ligaments of hormonal drugs are prescribed (for very severe pain).
  2. Infectious diseases such as brucellosis. The basis for the treatment of pathologies caused by pathogens is the use of antibiotics.
The diagnosis of ligamentitis is established only at the doctor's office, after X-rays and ultrasound.


This disease is also accompanied by damage to the ligaments, which causes pain in the right, left foot, or both feet.

Ligamentosis develops with constant too intense physical exertion, circulatory disorders in the ligaments, their microtraumas, and frequent ligamentitis. In this case, the ligaments are gradually replaced by cartilage, and then by bone tissue. Classical examples of ligamentosis include a heel spur and ossification of the Achilles tendon (serves to attach the calf muscle to the calcaneus at the back).

Ligamentosis is characterized by severe, sharp pain in the heel or foot that occurs while walking.

The diagnosis of ligamentosis and accompanying pain in the foot is established after a doctor's examination, x-rays and ultrasound. Treatment is complex and involves the following activities:

  • rest for the affected limb, exclusion of intense physical exertion, prolonged stay on the legs;
  • the use of medications, ointments and creams for pain in the foot;
  • applying a pressure bandage;
  • physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Foot injury

Various types of injuries are a very common cause of foot pain. The following are the most common types of foot injuries:
  1. Bruises - the most common injuries, occur from blunt blows and are characterized by the appearance of pain in the foot, swelling, hematomas (bruises) on the skin. Often, when a bruise is performed, an x-ray is necessary in order to rule out a dislocation or fracture. In the first three days after injury, rest, ice and cold compresses are recommended. In the future, on the contrary, warming procedures, alcohol compresses and iodine nets are prescribed.
  2. Ligament sprains. Often occur during sports, outdoor games, during heavy physical work. Immediately after the injury, there is severe pain, swelling, hemorrhage under the skin. Since in most cases the ligaments of the ankle joint are affected, there is severe pain in the upper part of the foot. Movement becomes limited. When the ligaments are sprained, a bandage is applied, rest and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs for several days are shown. A sprain also has to be distinguished from a fracture, for which an X-ray examination is used.
  3. Ligament rupture . In order for this to happen, a very strong traumatic effect must be exerted on the foot, far exceeding the strength of the ligamentous apparatus. At the time of the injury, there is a very strong sharp sharp pain in the foot, which persists later. Severe edema quickly occurs, hemorrhages appear under the skin. The foot hurts even at rest, it is almost impossible to step on it. Treatment is carried out by the same methods as sprains, but for a longer time.
  4. Dislocations. Most often there is a dislocation in the ankle joint. The foot can deviate forward, backward, sideways. Dislocations of the talus, which is part of the tarsus, are also common. Often, pain in the toes can also be due to their dislocation. Since the bones of the tarsus are interconnected quite reliably, subluxations are most common here, when the bones are not completely displaced relative to each other, as well as dislocations combined with fractures. In this case, there is very severe pain in the foot, severe swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, movements in the foot are almost impossible. The diagnosis of dislocation is established after X-ray. Treatment - reduction under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, the imposition of a plaster splint.
  5. Fractures. At the same time, severe pain in the foot area is combined with classic signs: impaired movement, deformity, severe swelling, and hemorrhages. Sometimes a small fracture or crack can resemble a bruise or sprain, and the diagnosis can only be made after an x-ray is obtained. If the fragments are displaced relative to each other, then the displacement is eliminated (reposition) under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. If there is no displacement, then a plaster splint is simply applied to the foot.

Transverse flatfoot

There is a separate type of flatfoot - the so-called transverse flatfoot. It develops with age and is also called transversely spread foot in medicine. At the same time, pain is noted in the middle and arch of the foot, in the area of ​​​​the fat pad under the bases of the toes.

Normally, when standing or walking, most of the weight of the body falls on the first metatarsal bone, with which the big toe is connected. The second and third metatarsals carry less weight, while the fourth and fifth have minimal stress. With a transversely spread foot, this ratio is violated: the second and third metatarsal bones experience the greatest loads. This is the main mechanism for the development of disorders.

Transverse flatfoot is characterized by the following features:

  • pain in the feet, which is initially localized in the area of ​​the big toe, and then can spread to the entire foot;
  • pain in the foot when walking increases, especially if the patient wears uncomfortable shoes;
  • the disease got its name due to the fact that the foot really looks flattened, while the thumb deviates outward;
  • on the plantar side of the foot, closer to the fingers, painful corns appear - thickening of the skin.

Diagnosis is established by radiography. If the transverse flattening and pain in the foot are moderately expressed, then the treatment is carried out using special orthopedic shoes, creams and ointments for pain in the foot, therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy. In advanced cases, foot surgery may be indicated.

Panaritium and osteomyelitis

Of the purulent-inflammatory diseases that lead to pain in the foot, panaritiums are most common when pathogens penetrate the fingers. The entrance gates for them are small wounds.

Signs of panaritium are severe stabbing or twitching pain in the toe, its swelling, redness. Droplets of pus may exude from the wound. In the early stages, when suppuration has not yet occurred, bandages with Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment can be used. If suppuration has already occurred, then you need to visit a surgeon who will make an incision. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, in a clinic.

Osteomyelitis is a purulent inflammation of the bones of the foot. Most often, the infection enters the bones along with the blood flow - the so-called hematogenous osteomyelitis develops. The process is provoked by a small injury. After that, pain in the bones of the foot gradually increases, body temperature rises, the patient's condition worsens. With osteomyelitis of the bones of the foot, urgent hospitalization in a surgical hospital is indicated. Antibiotic treatment is used, and if necessary, surgery.

Ingrown nail

The cause of pain in the toe can be the so-called ingrown toenail, the growth of which occurs incorrectly. Most often, this condition develops after injuries. The patient feels severe jerking and stabbing pains in the toe. On examination, the nail has an irregular shape. Treatment of this pathology is only surgical. In adults, an ingrown toenail can be removed under local anesthesia. In young children, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.


Gout is a disease that is characterized by a metabolic disorder, as a result of which uric acid is deposited in the joints. This is facilitated by factors such as:
  • excessive consumption of red meat, as well as offal;
  • abuse of coffee, alcohol, smoking;
  • impaired renal function, - renal failure, - resulting in impaired excretion of uric acid from the body.
Pain in the joints of the feet leads to such a manifestation of gout as gouty arthritis. An attack of gouty arthritis is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • pain can occur in various joints, very often it is localized in the area of ​​​​the first toe;
  • pain syndrome occurs suddenly, at any time of the day;
  • the pain in the feet is very strong, unbearable for the patient, it can be greatly aggravated by the mere touch of a blanket;
  • at the same time, other signs of inflammation appear: swelling, increased skin temperature at the site of pain;
  • the attack completely disappears only after 6 to 7 days;
  • with a long chronic course Gouty arthritis is characterized by the formation in the area of ​​the affected joint of the so-called tophi - growths caused by deposits of uric acid salts.
The diagnosis is established after examination by a doctor, conducting special studies. As treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, an appropriate diet.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is an autoimmune disease that affects many small joints, mainly the hands and feet. In this case, there are characteristic pains in the area of ​​​​the toes. The mechanism of development of rheumatoid arthritis is quite complex and is currently not fully understood. But it is known that the first attack of the disease can be provoked by the following factors:
  • excessive physical activity;
  • severe stress;
  • various viral and bacterial infections.
Signs of rheumatoid arthritis are quite typical:
  • such patients have increased fatigue;
  • in the morning, after waking up, there is stiffness in the joints of the fingers and toes;
  • pain in the toes and hands, which intensify while sitting, staying in a monotonous position;
  • the general condition of the patient also suffers: malaise is noted, as with acute respiratory infections, decreased ability to work, depression, decreased or lack of appetite.
But pain in the joints of the toes is not the worst symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. Ultimately, the death of the patient can occur from complications such as malnutrition and kidney failure.

Foot pain in rheumatic fever is rare. The ankle joint is only affected when the disease is severe. In this case, the pain syndrome has some features:

  • pain and other symptoms in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot are noted;
  • pain is accompanied by other signs of inflammation, such as swelling, redness, and increased skin temperature over the joint;
  • the pains are strong enough, but short-lived, they can appear in different joints and pass quickly.
Pain and other symptoms in the joints are not the most severe manifestation of rheumatism. In the chronic course of the disease, heart valve defects are gradually formed.

The diagnosis is established by a rheumatologist. For treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs, long courses of antibiotics are used.

The legs, especially the feet, are the most loaded part of the body. People experience pain in the legs, which is more often localized in the feet, regardless of age. When the feet hurt, it is first of all important to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Causes of discomfort

The occurrence of pain is possible for various reasons, from injury to chronic disease. Common causes:

  1. Shoes made of poor quality materials. Incorrectly chosen shoes: not in size, too high heels, narrow nose.
  2. Too much stress on the legs as a result of long walking, standing work, sports or.
  3. Excess weight is also a big load on the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Atrophy of the ligaments and muscles of the leg as a result of prolonged immobility.
  5. Calluses, corns, cracks, warts and other lesions on the skin of the legs that prevent normal walking movements.
  6. Chronic diseases.

It is important to pay attention to the state in which the pain appears - at rest or in motion, it manifests itself when pressing on the bone or the foot aches regularly.

Possible diseases

If the pain does not go away after rest and rest and is localized in one place, then most likely the foot hurts as a result of the disease:

  1. Flat feet - the load during the disease falls on the entire sole, overloading it as much as possible. The most common cause of pain in the feet. Legs get tired faster. By evening, there is swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities.
  2. Arthritis of the feet - the outer part of the foot is affected, the joints swell. It creates discomfort and big problems when moving. Redness of the skin and morning stiffness of the joints are observed.
  3. Osteoarthritis is a pathological process that leads to joint deformity. At the initial stages, there are complaints of increased fatigue of the legs, swelling and feet.
  4. Osteomalacia and rickets are different diseases that develop from a lack of vitamin D. It is manifested by bone pain and muscle weakness.
  5. Osteoporosis is the thinning of bone tissue, which leads to serious consequences. Bones, joints and surrounding tissues become inflamed. Pain occurs with pressure.
  6. Diabetes mellitus - leg pain, swelling and ulcers are considered as a complicated symptom of the disease.
  7. Plantar fasciitis is a deformity of the heel. Appears when the connective tissue is stretched. Pain occurs in the arch of the foot and heel area.
  8. Erythromelalgia is a vascular disease that affects the upper and lower extremities. Common among the male population of middle age. The nature of the pain is acute, there is a burning sensation in the foot and redness of the skin.
  9. Gout is a metabolic disease that affects any joint, including the legs. It manifests itself as a sudden increase in acute pain in the joints of the legs and "heat" of the feet.
  10. A spur on the heel is a bony outgrowth that interferes with normal movement. Very rarely treatable. With a plantar spur, pain is strong, localized in the heel region, aggravated by pressure. The skin at the site of the growth is reddened and coarsened.
  11. Varicose disease of the lower extremities is a chronic disease characterized by thinning of the walls of the veins. The patient feels swelling and "heavy" legs.
  12. Foot neuroma is a benign tumor of the nervous tissue, the connective tissue grows between the 3rd and 4th toes. Symptoms are burning and constant aching pain.
  13. Changes in the bones, such as aging or transitional age, possibly hormonal failure.
  14. Injury, dislocation, rupture or sprain of the ligaments of the legs. The clinical picture is acute pain, throbbing, incessant. Patients have swelling of the back of the foot and cyanosis of the soft tissues.

At home, a person is not able to independently determine the cause of pain. To do this, you need to go to an appointment with a therapist.

Who to contact and how to treat

The therapist will perform an initial examination, if the situation requires it, write a referral to a specialist. Depending on the case, they may be:

  1. A surgeon is a doctor who treats the lower extremities when surgery is required.
  2. An angiosurgeon or vascular surgeon is a highly specialized specialist. Specializes in the treatment of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  3. Neurologist - diagnoses and treats diseases of the central nervous system.
  4. Traumatologist - treats injuries and their consequences.
  5. An orthopedist is a doctor who treats diseases of the bones and joints.
  6. A rheumatologist is a narrow specialist who treats inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. A dermatologist is a specialist in skin diseases.

If the examination goes beyond the limits of the feet, the list of studies and specialists can be extended.

When the cause of the pain is diagnosed, treatment can begin:

  1. With flat feet, it is recommended to wear.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the joints are removed with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Osteoporosis includes therapy with hormones and vitamin and mineral complexes.

Do not risk your health and self-medicate. Competent therapy in the early stages will help to avoid consequences.

How to relieve sudden pain

The resulting pain as a result of overwork and increased stress can be removed with traditional medicine recipes. But, first of all, the patient is shown restriction of activity and rest. Women must definitely give up heels, at least for a while.

Well relieve pain and inflammation salt or herbal baths, relaxing massage with fir or sea buckthorn oil. To drain blood from the lower extremities in a horizontal position, place a low pillow or roller from improvised means under the ankles so that the legs are higher than the body.

Pain from the outer area of ​​the foot can be relieved by applying a compress:

  • with Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • with grated potatoes;
  • burdock leaves;
  • with ice.

To alleviate the course of symptoms and a favorable outcome of treatment, it is important to provide the body with a balanced diet containing the daily intake of calcium and B vitamins.

Prevention measures

To prevent pain in the feet, it is important to choose shoes that are comfortable, according to the size and shape of the foot. with a relief part on the inside will help to avoid problems with the legs in the future. This is especially important for people whose activity is associated with activity and forces them to stand for a long time. Those who have a sedentary lifestyle need to increase their daily activity so that blood circulation in the lower body is not disturbed. As often as possible, massage the feet and warm up.

Effective prevention are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the feet and improve blood circulation:

  1. Stand up straight, shoulders down, feet shoulder-width apart. Rise on tiptoe and lower, slowly, without sudden movements.
  2. Walk alternately on toes and on heels around the room for several minutes.
  3. Get up. Turn the inner soles of your feet towards each other.

Repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

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