Conversation "On the dangers of alcohol. Drug addiction." Preventive conversation

Class hour "Alcoholic quagmire"

Interaction hour dedicated to alcohol addiction

Goals: expand children's understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol; form a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages, alcoholism; encourage children to actively resist bad habits, to self-knowledge, self-development; develop communication skills and abilities.

Conduct form: hour of communication.

Preparatory work: assign roles: doctors (3 students), provocateur (1). Provide them with texts.

Decor: write a topic, epigraphs, numbers on the board.

class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Information block "Alcoholic poison".

III. Creative tasks on the topic "Dear" alcoholics.

IV. Debate on the topic "Ant's lesson".

V. Exercise "Know how to say" no "".

VI. Final word.

VII. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. The topic of today's class hour is alcoholism. Alcoholic drinks are now flowing like water, even children drink them. Every year 40,000 Russian citizens die from drunkenness in the country - this is 3 times more than our losses during the entire Afghan war.

Do you know about these numbers? Do you think these numbers apply to you? Do you think it is necessary to fight alcoholism? Is alcoholism compatible with a healthy lifestyle? (Compatible for cultural use, subject to a sense of proportion.)

II. Information block "Alcoholic poison"

Classroom teacher. What is alcohol and what are its insidious properties? The point of view of medicine will be stated (names, surnames).

Physician 1. The guide to toxic substances (toxic means poisonous) says that alcohol is alcohol of wine. According to the effect on the body, it refers to drugs. And it has all the signs of a drug: it has an analgesic, hypnotic and narcotic effect, causes excitation at small doses, and with frequent use - addiction and the need for it. Wine alcohol is a poison that affects all organs, but it has a particularly detrimental effect on the heart, liver, and central nervous system. And alcohol affects the brain, deprives a person of the mind. No wonder Pythagoras said that "drunkenness is an exercise in madness." In 1975, the World Health Organization recognized: "Alcohol is a narcotic poison." But in Russia, alcohol has not yet been recognized as a drug, and this poison is sold around the clock and freely even in grocery stores, kiosks and stalls. Alcoholic products include: beer, wine, vodka, alcohol, moonshine, chacha, mash and other drinks that have a strength of 1.5 or more degrees in their composition.

Doctor 2. The more alcohol enters the body, the more the brain is poisoned. Depending on the level of brain poisoning, b degrees of intoxication are distinguished.

First degree- slight intoxication. Its signs are foolishness, mobility, talkativeness, swagger, bragging, noisy, arrogance.

Second degree- riot. It is characterized by increased irritability, irascibility, anger, a tendency to scandals and fights.

Third degree- paralysis - coordination of movements is disturbed, sometimes a drunk person cannot move independently.

fourth degree- insanity, insanely drunk does not understand what he is doing and saying, the ability to think is impaired, in extreme cases it is completely lost.

fifth degree- lunacy - alcoholic sleep. A drunk person does not lose sensitivity, so he can be awakened in one way or another and even forced to stand on his feet.

sixth degree- narcosis - alcohol anesthesia. A drunk person completely loses sensitivity and protective reflexes, so he can drown in a bath and in a puddle, burn out in a fire caused by a cigarette falling out of his mouth.

Doctor 3. How does addiction to alcohol occur? Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease. It develops if a person has been taking alcoholic beverages for a long time and regularly. Signs of alcoholism: an irresistible craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and degradation of the personality. Addiction to poison occurs gradually. The first test, as a rule, is accompanied by a protective reaction: vomiting, nausea - this is how the body fights poison. The dose gradually increases, the body gets used to it, there is an attraction to alcohol. There are three stages of alcoholism. At the last, third stage, personality disintegration occurs, a person completely loses control over himself, drinks alcohol surrogates, technical liquids, cologne, he may develop delirium tremens, other alcoholic psychoses. Alcoholism develops especially fast in women. People say: "The husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks - the whole house is on fire." An alcoholic woman loses all feminine traits, even the maternal instinct dies in her - she stops taking care of her children. Children and teenagers get used to alcohol 3-4 times faster. Their body is still weak, and they get drunk faster from less alcohol.

III. Creative tasks on the topic "Dear" alcoholics

Classroom teacher. The greatest minds of the world noted that the troubles caused by the consumption of alcohol exceed those troubles that plague, famine and war bring to mankind combined. Alcohol is very costly to society. Why is he dangerous? I suggest discussing this issue in groups. Imagine that you need to convince different segments of the population to give up alcohol, to show how much you have to pay for it.

The first group will show how dangerous alcohol is in transport.

The second group will show the danger of alcohol at work.

The third group will reveal the dangers of alcohol for families and children.

The fourth group will show the connection between alcohol and crime.

Pick up examples and conclude why it is dangerous to drink alcohol in this particular area?

(Within 5-7 minutes, the children are preparing.)

Sample responses from children:

First group:

A drunk driver or pedestrian can cause an accident on the road.

A drunken passenger may be injured, may injure others (for example, falling off an escalator in the subway).

Drunk drivers lose control of themselves, arrange races on the roads.

A drunk driver can fall asleep at the wheel and the car becomes uncontrollable.

On the road, the situation changes very quickly. You need to have a good reaction, soberly assess the situation. In a drunk person, the reaction is inhibited, he can unwittingly become the culprit of misfortune. Then you have to repair cars, pay for the treatment of the victims. Alcoholism is expensive in transportation.

Second group:

A drunk builder may fall from the top floor, may perform poorly, which will lead to the destruction of the building, to an accident.

A drunken worker who makes planes, ships, cars, will do something wrong, people will suffer from this.

A drunk at the factory can get injured, can damage machines, equipment, it will cost the factory a pretty penny.

And if the drunk turns out to be an employee of a nuclear power plant, it’s even scary to imagine what could happen!

Modern production is saturated with complex technology, a drinking person can fall asleep at the workplace, can lose consciousness, and through his fault, the work of many people will be lost. Alcoholism in production is a big cost.

Third group:

Alcoholics in the family are a real disaster. They are not engaged in the upbringing of their children, they set a bad example for them. Alcoholics are often deprived of parental rights, and their children are sent to boarding schools.

Bad luck for those who have alcoholic neighbors. These are constant drinking, scandals, quarrels. Because of them, people cannot rest, they do not even feel safe in their own home.

Sometimes children of alcoholics follow in their parents' footsteps, end up in jail, or become alcoholics themselves.

Alcoholics can cause a house fire, gas explosion, or other accident.

Living in the same house with an alcoholic is not easy. The family has to constantly endure hardships, deny themselves the most necessary for the sake of the dear weakness of their loved one.

Fourth group:

Alcoholics easily go to theft, robbery.

In a drunken stupor, people start violent fights, during which they do not control aggression. Such fights often end in murder.

When drunk, people do a lot of stupid things, just to have fun, then these stupid things are classified as crimes.

Many criminals do not know the law and think that alcohol will be an excuse for them, but this is not so: alcohol intoxication aggravates guilt.

Alcohol awakens in a person a feeling of euphoria, false self-confidence, a desire to take risks. This pushes people to crimes for which they have to pay: money, freedom, someone - their own lives.

IV. Debate on the topic "Ant Lesson"

Classroom teacher. An example from the animal world can serve as a very good illustration of the murderous effect of alcohol. It is taken from the book of the famous zoologist G. Chauvin "From the bee to the gorilla". It turns out that ants can also become alcoholics if Lomehuza bugs settle in their anthill. Ants feed them and even allow them to eat their own brood. And all why? The larvae of these beetles secrete a liquid that is a drug for the ants. Ants greedily lick this liquid, gradually getting used to the poison. After some time, they already cease to fulfill their labor duties and even lose the ability to move, and freak ants emerge from their larvae. Soon the nest degenerates and disappears, and the Lomehuz bugs go looking for a new feeder. Can this story be considered an illustration of the problems of our society? Please answer yes or no. (Children's answers.)

Who is undecided? (Children raise their hands.)

So, opinions are divided. We have a "Yes" group and a "No" group. I propose to have a debate. Debate is a discussion of an issue from two opposing positions. The winner in the debate is the one who more convincingly, convincingly defended his point of view. Those who have not yet decided will evaluate the results of the debate. I invite a group of experts to the board (names 5-6 students).

(Experts go to the board.)

The discussion is over. We listen to the arguments of the "Yes" group. (Children give arguments.)

Now listen to what the "No" group will say. (Children give arguments.)

I give another 5 minutes to find counterarguments that can refute the opponents' point of view. (Children discuss.)

The discussion is over. The “No” group puts forward its counterarguments. Not all at once, but one at a time. (Children speak up.)

What will the “Yes” group say in response?

(The teacher gives the floor to the groups, making sure that only one student from each group speaks.)

And in conclusion - a word to the representatives of the groups: has their position changed under the influence of the arguments of their rivals?

Yes, only alcoholic beverages or those who produce them act as bugs.

But a person can not pay attention to them, he has a mind for this.

Yes, alcoholics also stop taking care of their offspring.

An alcoholic can be cured, a conscience can wake up in him.

Yes, alcoholics also give birth to handicapped children who cannot work for the good of society.

But completely normal children can be born, they can end up in an orphanage, and then they will also take care of their unlucky parents!

Example arguments for the "None" group

Exemplary counter-arguments of the "Yes" group

No, man is a more complex being, he can consciously stop drinking alcohol.

This happens very rarely.

People have been drinking for centuries, and society has not collapsed like an anthill.

But it is moving towards this, it's just that in ant time the collapse happened faster.

No, a person can regulate alcohol consumption, observe the measure.

Compliance with the measure will only slightly delay the denouement, alcohol poisoning still occurs.

Example arguments for the "Yes" group

Exemplary counter-arguments of the "No" group

The example of an anthill is indicative of human society, but, indeed, a person has a mind, and he can stop in time.

A person has a really strong mind, but he is not always guided by it. Therefore, the example from the life of animals must be taken into account.

The debate is over. What will the expert panel say? Which group's opinion was more convincing? (Experts speak out.)

V. Exercise "Know how to say" no ""

Classroom teacher. Debate is a good training in the ability to defend one's position, to defend one's point of view. This skill is very useful when you need to keep yourself from alcohol. Most people started drinking alcoholic beverages under the influence of others. They did not want to try, and the sensations were unpleasant, but still they succumbed to persuasion and took alcohol. Why did they behave like this? Yes, because they were afraid to seem weak, backward, out of date, they were afraid that they would be considered fools. This weakness is exploited by those who offer the potion. So, you need to show them that you are not afraid, that you are smarter and stronger than them. You just need to say: "Yes, I'm afraid for my health, yes, I'm a sissy, yes, I'm still small, yes, I'm a fool." Or repeat the same phrase: “Thank you, no.” And it will knock out their weapons from the hands of the manipulators. They will understand that you cannot be intimidated, and you are really an independent, strong person. Now we will practice the ability to say “no”. [First name, last name) will play the role of a provocateur and offer you a drink. Who wants to test himself and refuse a provocateur?

(Children raise their hands, go to the board.)

Remember what to say? Show that you are not afraid.

(A provocateur with a glass approaches the children, offers a drink, the children refuse.)

Phrases for provocation:

Well, weak? Are you afraid to drink?

Drink! Or are you our mother's boy?

Drink up! You are no longer small!

Won't you drink? So you're just a brake!

(The exercise can be repeated with another group of children.)

Classroom teacher. But the best way to avoid such provocations is not to go where they offer drinks.

VI. Final word

Classroom teacher. “The intoxicating always holds out its hand to us when we fail, when we are weak, when we are tired, and indicates an extremely easy way out of the situation. But these promises are false: spiritual uplift is deceptive, the physical strength that it promises is illusory; under the influence of intoxication we lose the true idea of ​​the value of things. This is how the American writer Jack London wrote about alcohol. People always have problems, but alcohol and other drugs do not solve them, but rather create new ones. Drugs don't solve problems, people do! I sincerely wish you to learn how to solve your problems yourself and not look for easy ways.

Preventive measures against national alcoholism should be carried out in Russia with stubborn constancy, since today the number of deaths due to alcohol addiction is about half a million a year. At the same time, deaths due to this cause among men - 30%, and among women - 15%. But the female half of those addicted to alcohol is also steadily increasing every year. In addition, more than 60% of violent crimes in Russia are also committed under the influence of alcohol. And endemic teenage alcoholism leads even more to the inevitable degradation of the nation in the third generation. That is why it is worth taking measures to prevent alcoholism today in order to prevent a national disaster.

The relevance of preventive measures

The main problem of Russians is that almost 80% of people who drink do not classify themselves as alcoholics and believe that they are able to stop on their own at any time. However, drinking alcohol at least three times a week (if at least a bottle of beer is taken at a time) can already be considered the first stage of alcoholism, against which a person already loses an adequate assessment of reality and believes that others are simply overly picky and demanding of him. That is why it is better to prevent drunkenness with children and adolescents at the family level, and not at the state level, in order to warn the growing person from addiction.

Important: all measures to prevent alcoholism should be aimed at both the younger generation and people who are already drinking. Moreover, in the second case, you will have to stubbornly break through the armor from the false impression that a person has about his normality and adequacy with frequent abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Types and levels of preventive measures

It should be understood that the prevention of alcoholism in the population can be carried out at two levels:

  • National. Implies active propaganda against the use of alcohol. It also includes such preventive measures as administrative responsibility (a fine for drinking alcohol), legislative acts against the alcoholization of the population, and medical and social measures.
  • Personal. Here the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism extends to a specific person. In this case, a private conversation on the prevention of alcoholism, the release of special programs on television on the topic of alcoholism, the broadcast of radio programs on the same topic, and the reduction of anti-social advertising promoting alcohol are of high relevance.

Objectives of preventive measures

In order for interventions on the theme of "alcoholism and its prevention" to have an effective impact on all segments of the population, their developers should take into account that the program for the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism should cover and implement the following goals:

  • Formation in all age groups of the population of a negative attitude towards drinking alcohol;
  • Promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle both within the family and within the team;
  • Identification of persons at risk in order to conduct preventive measures in their circle (children of alcoholics, families with low income and high conflict);
  • Prevention of factors provoking alcoholism (creating conditions for increasing family income, organizing a healthy dryness, measures to develop the intellect and creative abilities of a person).

In this case, the prevention of alcoholism is divided into three types:

  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • Tertiary.

Below we will analyze each of them in detail.

Primary prevention

This type of active measures is carried out among those segments of the population who have not yet experienced the effects of alcohol. Most often these are children, adolescents, young people, leaders of children's groups, children without a permanent place of residence and children who do not attend school. Here, the conversation on the prevention of alcoholism will be as relevant as possible.

Important: it is desirable to conduct such conversations on the prevention of alcoholism and drinking alcoholin children aged 6-10 years. It is at this age that the authority of adults for little men has not yet been lost.

Also, in addition to conversations, the complex of primary preventive measures should include:

  • Psychological trainings aimed at strengthening a positive attitude, self-awareness as a holistic harmonious personality.
  • Classes to develop behavioral skills and control the emotional state.
  • Classes to teach young children the skills to communicate with people and the ability to competently resolve / survive conflict situations.
  • Creation of sports sections, circles, etc., calling on children and youth to competently build their leisure time and direct their potential into a creative direction.
  • Broadcast television and radio programs on the topic of alcoholism among children and its negative consequences.

In addition, in order to prevent alcoholism in the population among adolescents and children, it is necessary to make sure that the protective factors against alcoholism were significantly higher than the risk factors for developing addiction. Protective factors include:

  • Healthy and non-conflict atmosphere in the family circle;
  • Opportunity for the child to develop their creative and intellectual abilities;
  • Good or at least average family income;
  • Formation of sufficient self-esteem in a growing man;
  • Family living in an anti-criminal region/district;
  • Teaching the child moral and ethical standards.

Important: the primary prevention of alcoholism in the population (in particular children) should also be carried out at the family level. So, the first conversation on the prevention of alcoholism should come from the lips of parents. But here it is worth remembering that a positive example is also important. Therefore, if parents talk about the dangers of alcohol, holding a glass of wine in their hands, this is unlikely to prevent child or teenage alcoholism in the future.

Secondary prevention

Such events are aimed at people who have already experienced the negative effects of alcohol, but have not yet become 100% addicted. The purpose of such measures is to identify socially inadequate types of individuals prone to alcohol abuse. In this case, in relation to these persons, the following measures are taken to combat alcoholism:

  • Trainings to create tough motivation for giving up alcohol;
  • Creating installations for a sober and healthy lifestyle, in which alcoholism prevention simply does not exist;
  • Assistance to alcohol addicts in solving psychological problems and understanding their condition at the level of emotions;
  • Help in finding a new self and the ability to solve problem situations in healthy ways.

Important: in this case, psychologists, psychotherapists, and narcologists are involved in preventive work to prevent alcoholism in the population, which strengthen the barrier to prevent addiction.

Tertiary preventive measures

Such measures for the prevention of alcoholism in the population are aimed not only at working with the alcohol-dependent person himself, but also at his entire environment. That is, work is carried out, including in the family circle, to create a positive attitude towards the patient and his desire to recover. Against the background of working with an addict, psychotherapists also work with each family member, preventing possible psychological breakdowns, reproaches and accusations against the patient, which can provoke a new stage of the disease.

In particular, in addition to medical preventive measures (coding, detoxification, etc.), psychological work is carried out in relation to the patient and his family members, aimed at:

  • Creation of a strong emotional background for each of the environment of the alcoholic and for the patient himself;
  • Awareness of personal healthy goals and finding ways to achieve them;
  • Changing the lifestyle to a healthy and active one, so as not to take any psychostimulants anymore;
  • Improving the communication skills of a person when working with him to prevent alcoholism in the population as a whole;
  • Development of personal qualities and creative abilities.

Tip: to prevent alcoholism or regardless of the degree of alcohol dependence, each person, as a measure to prevent alcoholism, can read and re-read the book of the famous American specialist Allen Carr "An easy way to stop drinking." The publication not only describes the mechanical and psychological processes occurring in the body of an alcoholic, but also clearly indicates the deeper motives for stopping drinking. After reading this book, a person seems to look at himself from the outside and learn to control his thoughts in a different way, which leads to a complete recovery. Thus, there is not only a cure for the patient, but also a warning against drunkenness and alcoholism.

Home » » October » » Topics of conversations on educating schoolchildren of a negative attitude towards alcohol use

Annex 2

Topics of conversations on educating schoolchildren of a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol (to help class teachers and educators)

Conducting conversations on anti-alcohol topics is an integral part of the overall set of measures for anti-alcohol education of students.

Conversations on educating schoolchildren of a negative attitude to use, as a rule, are held after school hours. Their main goal is to contribute to the expansion of students' knowledge and ideas about the essence, about the toxic effects of alcohol on the psyche and body, about the social consequences of alcohol consumption; to develop a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol on the basis of the dissemination of anti-alcohol knowledge. The topics of the proposed conversations include a number of areas that cover the problem quite fully.

First direction - biomedical. It provides for the disclosure of the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body, especially on the developing body of a teenager. Students need to form clear ideas about alcoholism as a serious disease that first affects the psyche, and then all organs and physiological systems of a person. Particular attention should be paid to questions.

Second direction - moral and ethical. It provides for the disclosure of the immorality of drinking alcohol, including even in small doses. Emphasis should be placed not only and not so much on the immorality of the consequences of drunkenness and alcoholism, but on the disclosure of the immorality of the very fact of drinking alcohol. The subject of a number of conversations is directly aimed at debunking the prevailing opinion about the harmlessness and admissibility of the so-called.

third direction - socio-economic. It provides for the disclosure of the damage that drunkenness and alcoholism inflicts on the national economy (decrease in labor productivity, increase in unproductive costs, industrial, road and domestic injuries, etc.).

Fourth direction - legal. It provides for the dissemination of knowledge about the forms of legal attitude towards persons who use alcohol, including adolescents and young men, taking into account the fact that minors commit most of the crimes in a state of alcohol.

Fifth direction - promotion of a sober, healthy lifestyle, meaningful leisure. It provides for the disclosure of ways and means of organizing a healthy lifestyle, its value and necessity; ways to maintain peace of mind, cheerfulness, good mood, relieve mental stress.

The proposed topics are selected taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren and their level of preparedness. Conversations (and lectures) are built on a concentric principle: at the initial stages, the most general ideas are given, and in the future they are expanded and detailed.

It is advisable to involve medical workers, employees of the internal affairs bodies and the prosecutor's office, workers of industrial enterprises in conducting conversations. It is useful to accompany the conversations with a demonstration of filmstrips, to conduct them in the order of discussing films viewed by students on anti-alcohol topics. At the end of the cycle, at the end of the school year, it is useful to organize a final event for each age group of students (conference, discussion, debate, etc.).

A teacher, class teacher, when planning conversations on anti-alcohol topics in accordance with these recommendations, can use title options, combine under a common name various aspects of common problems of a healthy lifestyle, lawful behavior, active attitude to life, readiness for future family life. He must also be prepared for the fact that students, even elementary grades, have already formed a set of ideas about alcohol and alcohol consumption. These representations in most cases contain alcoholic prejudices inherent in everyday consciousness, a subconscious conviction that drinking alcohol is a sign of adulthood, masculinity. It must also be borne in mind that the absolute majority of high school students and some of the students in grades VII-VIII are already familiar with the properties of alcohol, as well as some other intoxicating substances. Therefore, it is better to avoid allegations of immediate negative consequences after the first samples of alcohol already in the 5th-6th grades. One should also not be afraid of open criticism on the part of students of the content of anti-alcohol information, discussions, since this indicates their interested attitude to the problems discussed and will help to identify counterarguments deeply rooted in the minds of students.

Of particular value is the attitude towards students not as consumers, objects of educational efforts, but as active participants in the nationwide struggle for a sober and healthy lifestyle, conductors of the anti-alcohol policy in every family. Students should be firmly convinced that the social inheritance of alcohol customs, bad habits should not continue and that in the near future the use of alcohol and tobacco smoking will become ridiculous and ridiculous, and the children and grandchildren of today's schoolchildren will be surprised to learn about the existence of such strange customs from books and stories of elders.

Topics and content of conversations for students in grades I-IV

I. Why do people drink wine?

1) The concept of alcohol and its effect on a person.

2) Reasons for drinking alcohol.

3) Incorrect, erroneous ideas of people about the "benefit" of alcoholic beverages.

II. Wine is the cause of many misfortunes

1) People who drink alcoholic beverages cause harm to themselves and others (health deteriorates, work results decrease, family relationships worsen, accidents often occur at home and at work).

2) Students should have a negative attitude towards alcohol, they should understand that people who use it deserve criticism and blame.

III. The fight against drunkenness is the task of all Soviet people

1) The fight against drunkards must be waged by all Soviet people.

2) The struggle of our state with the use of alcoholic beverages is a manifestation of concern for the health of citizens, for the younger generation.

Topics and content of conversations for students in grades V-VIII

I. Drinking alcohol is a bad habit that needs to be fought

1) Useful and bad habits, their significance for a person and for society.

2) Drinking alcohol is one of the most harmful habits.

3) Some people are motivated to drink alcohol by misconceptions about its alleged benefits.

4) Every Soviet person must fight the evil of alcohol; the role of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism" (May, 1985).

II. What does drinking cost society?

1) The use of alcohol causes enormous damage to the national economy, social production, and the country's economy.

2) Drinking alcohol is a common cause of family breakdown.

3) Drinking alcohol harms the health of the drinker and those around him.

III. Alcohol use and health

1) Alcohol negatively affects a person’s performance, labor productivity and achievements in sports (accuracy, speed and coordination of movements deteriorate).

2) Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the cells of various organs and systems of a person and therefore worsens his health and shortens life expectancy.

IV. Formation of alcoholism

1) Intoxication is a special mental state caused by alcohol.

2) As a result of regular alcohol intake, a person gets used to it and becomes his slave (test - habit - illness).

3) Alcohol disrupts the normal development of the body and psyche and is therefore especially dangerous for children and adolescents.

4) People who are accustomed to drinking alcohol become weak-willed, weak-willed.

5) Alcoholism is a severe mental illness.

V. People who are used to drinking set a bad example.

1) Drunkards like to boast about the amount of alcohol they drink, their knowledge of the properties of alcoholic beverages, they believe that this elevates them above others; drunkards try to pass off their shortcomings as virtues.

2) Drunkards seek to involve non-drinkers in the use of alcohol in order to have the company of drinking companions and drink at the expense of others.

VI. Benefits of a sober, healthy lifestyle

1) A sober, healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of family well-being, health and longevity, success in work and social life, and respect for others.

2) The use of alcohol leads to illnesses and a reduction in life expectancy, to family and work difficulties and conflicts, and makes a happy life impossible.

VII. Responsibility of a person for actions committed in a state of intoxication

1) The concept of offenses and forms of legal responsibility for them.

2) The appearance of a person in a public place in a state of intoxication is a violation of public order.

3) For offenses committed while intoxicated, a person is punished more severely.

Dispute:How do you spend your free time? How would you like to spend it?

Dispute:team and company. What are the differences?

Dispute:You were offered a drink, a smoke... What will you do?

Topics and content of conversations for students in grades IX-XI

I. The role of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism" in the struggle of Soviet people with alcohol evil (May, 1985)

1) The main provisions of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism"; The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU is a new stage in the struggle of socialist society against the evil of alcohol.

2) The fight against drunkenness and alcoholism is a nationwide cause; every Soviet person, including students, must know well his tasks in the fight against the evil of alcohol.

II. From bad habit to disease

1) The influence of single and repeated use of alcohol on the human psyche; the formation of a person's dependence on alcohol.

2) "Cultural" consumption of alcohol - drunkenness - alcoholism - links in a single chain.

3) As a result of the systematic use of alcohol, personality degradation occurs; immorality of drunkenness and alcoholism.

4) Features of adolescent and youth drunkenness and alcoholism; alcohol consumption in adolescence and youth especially quickly leads to the degradation of the personality.

III. Alcohol and the family are an irresolvable contradiction

1) A family where at least one of its members systematically consumes alcohol cannot normally perform its functions.

2) The use of alcohol by one of the spouses is a common cause of family breakdown.

3) The use of alcohol by parents has a detrimental effect on offspring.

IV. The need to combat alcohol customs and traditions

1) The nature of alcoholic customs and traditions.

2) Western ideologists seek to impose on the Soviet people

bourgeois stereotypes of behavior; alcohol in the system of "Western" way of life.

3) Overcoming alcohol customs and traditions is a necessary condition for a complete victory over alcohol evil.

V. Alcohol and human life prospects

1) The use of alcohol makes it impossible for a person to carry out his life plans.

2) The use of alcohol hinders the mastery of a profession, leads to the loss of labor skills.

Topics of conversations on educating schoolchildren of a negative attitude towards alcohol use

MBOU Verkhnebykovskaya school

Preventive conversation

"On the dangers of alcohol"

for students in grades 8-9


biology teacher

MBOU Verkhnebykovskaya school

Mikhina N.M.


Purpose of the conversation: To help students to better comprehend and significantly expand their knowledge of the harmful effects of alcohol on the mental and moral formation of a person, to explain the harm drunkenness and alcoholism causes to society, to indicate possible ways to combat it.

The course of the conversation
Before the start of the conversation, a questionnaire is distributed(Attachment 1) students fill it out and hand it to the teacher.
Teacher : As you probably noticed, the profile is anonymous. Sometimes, drinking alcohol, guys want to seem like adults, but adults openly admit to being afraid. The question arises, for whom do you want to show your adulthood?
Members : Answer the question.
Teacher : Often a drunk person is dangerous for himself and others, tk. He does things he would never do when he was sober. In some cases, drunks are prone to unmotivated impulsive acts, causing bodily harm to themselves and others. It also happens that in intoxication the character is perverted: calm and restrained become irritable, prone to drunken brawls. With the growth of intoxication, speech becomes incoherent and incomprehensible, the ability to make a reasonable judgment is lost. Attention and memory are sharply weakened, intoxicated people confuse people, objects, speak to themselves and to inanimate objects.
Sometimes young people drink before going to a party or disco to boost their mood. Have you had such cases? You saw such people at parties, characterize their behavior as an outside observer.
Members : Share impressions, memories
Teacher focuses on the negative
Teacher : With a mild degree of intoxication, euphoria expressed in an unsharp form occurs - high spirits, which leads to an overestimation of one's strengths, abilities and capabilities. Drunk people become cheerful, carefree, strike up conversations and friendships with strangers. They speak loudly, argue, sing, impose themselves with conversations on others. In a state of intoxication, the characteristic features of the intoxicated are usually sharpened. Such persons can be unrestrained, tactless, picky, intrusive, unceremonious, often they lose their shame, sense of tact, human dignity. For some, after a fair amount of drinking, dullness immediately sets in, they have little contact with others, and they do not have a phase of high spirits.
Do you know why this happens?
Members : Express their assumptions.
Teacher : During alcohol intoxication, the inhibitory process suffers first of all, i.e. the protection of the cerebral cortex disappears, and the cells are rapidly depleted. Alcohol acts on the process of irritation, as a result, it sharply depresses higher nervous activity.
From this it becomes clear why an insignificant occasion, to which a sober person would not pay attention, causes a violent reaction in a drunk (weakening of the inhibitory process). At high doses, alcohol significantly upsets the coordinated activity of the cortex and underlying centers (subcortex), sometimes paralyzing the transmission of excitation from one cell to another. This is the physiological mechanism of the behavior of a drunk person.
Alcohol, acting on various parts of the brain, deprives them of the oxygen necessary for the normal functioning of cells. In a drunk person, a large number of small hemorrhages occur in the brain, a significant number in the vessels become clogged. A gradual increase in the loss of brain cells is manifested in a slow reaction of a person and a decrease in his intellectual abilities. When a drinker dies, an autopsy reveals a huge number of atrophied brain regions. That is, when a person drinks, albeit irregularly from time to time, irreversible changes occur in his brain.
What other organs are affected by alcohol?
Members : Talk about diseases caused by alcohol.
Teacher makes necessary additions as the conversation progresses)
Teacher : But you didn't name one more factor. Society bears an incalculable loss in the form of drinkers - many times more than the income from the sale of alcohol. And among the social evils, alcoholism occupies far from the last place. These are broken families, a quick loss of qualification yesterday by a good specialist, a hard worker who has turned into a parasite, a useful member of society who has fallen into crime.
It has been established that even the smallest doses of alcohol reduce labor productivity in different people, but by 5-10%. Even a moderately drinking person has a decrease in labor productivity by 4-5%, while an alcoholic in a state of a hangover can have a 50% decrease in work capacity. It should be remembered that the unprofitability of production for this reason alone is the higher, the higher the professional qualifications of a working drunkard and alcoholic.
Those who drink on Sundays have a 10-13% decrease in productivity on Monday. And after the big holidays, the production rate is reduced by 25-30%.
Please give examples from your experience when alcohol has changed or affected a person's destiny.
Members : Describe examples encountered.
Teacher : Well, we have learned a lot, but tell me, how to deal with drunkenness?
Members : Express options for treatment, prevention.
Teacher makes additions as needed)
Teacher : Addiction to alcohol in adolescents can occur in 1-1.5 years, i.е. much faster than an adult. That is why even small doses of alcohol are unacceptable for students. Preventing alcoholism is easier than treating it.
For example, sometimes it seems to you: it is worth smoking or drinking vodka - and you are already a “Real man”. There are probably such guys in your group. At recess, they gather in the restroom, smoke, spit on the floor, swear through the word. When you were smaller and dumber, you were a little jealous of their swagger and also wanted to become a “man”. Or maybe you've already joined them.
Well, there is nothing easier. You can also smoke. At first it will be dizzy, and then you get used to it. But why?
The power of man does not lie at all in doing the forbidden. It only seems to be a strength, but in reality it is a weakness.
One of the good ways to strengthen the will is to resist evil temptations. Rise above those who laugh at you when you refuse to smoke. Tell yourself: "I don't drink vodka."

Of course, it may happen that in doing so you lose some of your friends, or even make enemies. Being "not like everyone else" is a little dangerous.
But you will win in the eyes of real people. And in their own. The point is not that someone forbade you to smoke, drink, play for money. You forbade it to yourself, which means you have a will.
Conclusion and Conclusions:
Teacher : I hope now you will change your view on alcohol. The examples that have been given show that drunkenness is a beautiful wrapping of grief and evil. Remember, physical culture, sports, classes, proper organization of free time prevent the development of bad habits, including the habit of drinking alcohol. I advise you to read such books as "The Fall of Ivan Chuprov" by G.F. Tendryakov, "Return to Life" by G.I. Shonin, "The Gray Mouse" by V. Lipatov. I want to wish you not to become like the gray mass of ignoramuses who elevate drunkenness, almost to national pride.

Attachment 1

(addiction of students to alcohol)
Underline your answer
1. Have you consumed alcoholic beverages?
- Well no
2. When did you try alcohol for the first time?
did not try; - up to 10 years; - 11 - 12 years; - 13 - 15 years; 16 years and older
3. Where was it? (write your answer)

_____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________________

4. Did your parents know about this?
- Well no
5. How often do you drink (have used) alcohol?

I don't use
- daily
- 2-3 times a week
- 1 time per week
- 1-2 times a month
- less often
6. Where (with whom) did you drink (drink) alcohol most often? (your own answer)

___________ _________ _________ _________ _______ _______

7. Indicate the source of funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages ________ ________ _________ _________ ______ ________ _________
________ ________ _________ _________ ______ ________ _________ ________

Conversation on the topic:

"On the dangers of alcohol, drugs and smoking."

Prepared by:

Teacher of additional education

Negasheva E. A.


year 2013

About the dangers of alcohol

Alcohol is present in the life of almost every person. Someone drinks on holidays, someone likes to relax with a portion of alcohol on weekends, someone abuses strong drinks all the time. Alcohol has an unprecedented effect on the human body, causing harm in any dose. If you try to ask why alcohol is harmful, most will not be able to give an exhaustive answer.So, alcohol is not safe for the body. Let's start with the circulatory system.

The supply of oxygen through the vessels is regulated by myriads of red blood cells, which have some fatty coating. Under the influence of alcohol-containing liquids that have entered the body, alcohol penetrates into the blood, degreasing red blood cells. Having lost their elastic and sliding properties, erythrocytes begin the process of sticking together. The resulting clot, like a snowball, as it moves forward, wraps more and more red blood cells around itself. Thus, the flow of oxygen through the capillaries and vessels is reduced or completely stopped.

The main damage caused by erythrocyte clots is caused to the brain, in which, due to lack of oxygen, cell death begins.

But not only the brain is exposed to the dangerous effects of alcohol. The whole body is subject to oxygen deficiency. Due to clogging of blood vessels with clots, the flow of oxygen-enriched blood stops flowing to all organs and tissues of our body.

Seeing when a person who has consumed alcohol falls and falls asleep, we write it off, simply in a state of intoxication. But not everything is so simple. In a person who has fallen from alcohol influence, a kind of coma occurs, caused by blockage of blood vessels. From a lack of oxygen, the body cannot be controlled and a person's legs give way, speech becomes illegible. Hypoxia of the brain, which brings a person into a state of "not standing", is nothing more than oxygen starvation. An organism that lacks oxygen in order to prolong its existence suspends its metabolism and reduces the movement of muscles and joints.

When drinking alcohol, the level of intelligence begins to fall. Any alcohol consumption is accompanied by the death of brain cells. The process of addiction to alcohol goes unnoticed, but with regular use of alcohol, without noticing it, a person begins to degrade as a person and loses interest in life, becomes dependent on alcoholic beverages. I would like to mention that there is no harmless dosage of alcohol.

In people who drink, especially those who abuse alcohol, cardiovascular diseases of various types are observed about two and a half times more often than in those who do not drink alcohol. The first place in prevalence belongs to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which is characterized by frequent pain in the region of the heart and rapid heartbeat - tachycardia. Also, the symptoms of this disease are increased fatigue of a person, reduced ability to work. All manifestations of the disease have the character of a gradual increase. The heart muscle, very flabby, having lost its former elasticity, ceases to fully cope with increased loads - after all, most of it consists not of the heart muscle, but of connective tissue, which is not efficient. Shortness of breath can be caused by light running, brisk walking, and even slow climbing stairs. Further - even worse. Shortness of breath already appears with calm walking, and then even with a state of absolute rest. And so, as if on the sly, the development of heart failure occurs, cardiac arrhythmia begins, or, for example, such terrible things as atrial fibrillation and flutter, impaired conduction of impulses that cause contraction of the heart muscle.

Also, on the basis of work with many patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, it was also proved that in persons who abuse alcoholic beverages, the course of the disease is much more acute than in those who do not drink alcohol. First of all, this concerns IHD (Ischemic Heart Disease). And myocardial infarctions in people who abuse alcoholic beverages are much more extensive and deep. Yes, and hypertension has an affinity with the use of alcoholic beverages.

The famous doctor from Germany, Kraepelin, recorded his research at the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, one curious fact was indicated in these records.

The entry said that alcohol is not so terrible, since more than half of the world's population are women, and they are practically not involved in alcohol. But if alcoholism takes root among women, then the new generation simply will not be healthy, or even completely destroyed. Here is such a prophecy.

Dr. Kraepelin was no doubt right. Alcohol, as studies have shown, has a very detrimental effect on germ cells, does not allow them to develop systematically, and makes them not viable. And alcohol also makes other irreparable changes in the reproductive system. It is because of these changes that drinking women often permanently lose the opportunity to become mothers, and men - fathers. Let's not forget for a moment that intemperance to alcoholic beverages often turns into its shadow side, but not immediately, but after many years, when children are already preparing to become fathers and mothers. And here it turns out that it is not given to them to become parents themselves. And the vice of the parents put a barrier, and now a young man, wanting to become a father, cannot, like a girl, will not become a mother. Scientists are increasingly writing about this “repeated effect” and about how dangerous it is.

Many girls, in response to all sorts of warnings, say in their defense: “Yes, my friend drank and led an unhealthy lifestyle, but now, she became pregnant and is expecting a child.” Yes, a drinking woman can get pregnant, of course. But only in such a situation, the pregnancy scenario is not necessarily simple and smooth. Often drinking mothers observe toxicosis, infections, and other complications. Childbirth can begin earlier than the term, which is highly undesirable.

In general, if we talk about two such concepts as alcohol and offspring, then the answer immediately comes to mind - “Absolutely incompatible!”. And it would be better if everyone who wants to have healthy, full-fledged normal children remember this. Unless, of course, there is a desire for a strong, healthy, talented and beautiful successor of the family to appear in the family. We must not forget that, in the very first place, the health of a son or daughter depends on how healthy the lifestyle of the parents, both father and mother, is.

The human liver, as it is known, plays an important role in the regulation of the anticoagulant and coagulation systems of the blood. In people who drink alcohol, the lack of this balance is expressed in different ways. In some, blood clotting comes to naught and, at the slightest injury, they experience severe bleeding that is not easy to stop. For others, clotting becomes so strong that blood clots form in their blood vessels, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels.

Research. Conducted over the past decade make it possible to identify the relationship between systematic drinking of alcohol, even not heavy, and the level of liver damage after these drinks. According to numerous empirical data: the development of fatty liver in the body with regular use of alcohol develops on average in a period of five to ten years, depending on how much the patient abused alcohol. And after fifteen to twenty years, there is an active development of cirrhosis of the liver. Is this data worth considering? Of course!

Harm of smoking on the human body:

Smoking is injurious to health

About five million people die each year from smoking-related diseases worldwide. Only in Russia, nicotine takes a thousand lives every day.

    Smoking clogs arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes. The heart rate of a smoker is 15,000 beats per day more than that of a non-smoker, and the delivery of oxygen to the tissues is significantly reduced, since the vessels are constricted.

    Smoking is the main risk factor for respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), pneumonia.

    Tobacco and tobacco smoke contain more than 3,000 chemical compounds, more than 60 of which are carcinogenic, that is, capable of damaging the genetic material of the cell and causing the growth of a cancerous tumor. It has long been proven that tobacco is the cause of death from lung cancer in 90% of all cases.

    Under the influence of smoking, visual acuity also decreases. Scientists have been talking about the dangers of smoking for the eyes for many years, but only modern studies have been able to confirm the bitter truth for smokers: the substances contained in a cigarette are really dangerous for vision, because of them the blood supply to the choroid and retina is disturbed. Every smoker, and especially those who have a long smoking history behind them, is at any time threatened by the formation of blockage of blood vessels, and this can completely lose their sight.

    There are diseases caused mainly by smoking alone. This is obliterating endarteritis (disease of the vessels of the legs). Vasoconstriction occurs and blood flow to tissues and cells is severely disturbed. The most terrible consequence of this disease is the amputation of the limb(s). According to Russian doctors, every year about 20,000 leg amputations are performed in our country due to obliterating endarteritis.

    Clinical trials conducted in recent years have proven that the skin of a smoker ages faster than a non-smoker. For example, it has been shown that the skin of a forty-year-old woman who smokes for many years can be as destroyed as the skin of a seventy-year-old non-smoker. Doctors call the appearance of such changes in human skin the "tobacco" face syndrome.

    Men who smoke are 3 times more likely to experience impotence than non-smokers. Similarly, women who smoke suffer from frigidity 2.5 times more often than non-smokers. This is due to the fact that nicotine contributes to the narrowing of the vessels of the genital organs.

    Smoking harms not only the physical but also the psychological health of a person. Smokers are more nervously exhausted than others. They loosen their nervous system, living from cigarette to cigarette, and are ready to flare up not only for an insignificant, but for an insignificant reason. Due to a violation of the correct course of nervous processesa person becomes irritable, quarrelsome, he develops, as they say, "a difficult character"

    Harm of drugs

    It's no secret that drugs are poison. Regardless of the amount taken, they cause irreparable damage to our health. Drugs, due to their effect on the psyche, most often a state of euphoria, vivacity, a feeling of increased emotional and physical tone, have become widespread throughout the world. According to statistics from different countries, the total number of people who use illicit drugs is more than 20% of the total population of the planet. A sharp increase in the popularity of drugs occurred in the middle of the twentieth century, among supporters of the hippie movement, which was very popular at that time, which originated in the United States in the 60s of the last century, then millions of people across America began to use marijuana, later this fashion spread throughout Europe and Asia, and marijuana has been mistakenly labeled as a soft drug that is almost harmless.

    Hemp, cocaine, LSD, heroin, ecstasy, methadone are the most famous and popular, although in fact there are many types of drugs, they destroy almost all organs and systems of the body, the brain, liver, kidneys, heart, reproductive organs suffer the most. The average life expectancy of a drug addict, with constant intravenous drug use, is approximately 6-8 years, then most often the liver (liver cirrhosis is very common in heroin addicts) or the heart can not stand it.

    Much depends on at what age, in what doses, with what frequency and what type of drugs are used. It is not uncommon for people to die from accidents while intoxicated, commit suicide, or die from an overdose, and most often the goal in the life of an addict is to get a dose.
    The most common reason why people start using drugs is a thirst for new sensations, a desire to escape from a boring gray life, forget about problems, relieve stress, but when the "high" passes, a state of depression, apathy, and hopelessness often appears. The desire to use drugs again, with each new dose, becomes stronger, drug-addicted people develop withdrawal symptoms (Withdrawal Syndrome), and the more often a person uses drugs, the faster and more acutely it manifests itself.

When the action of the next dose ends, the body demands more, the addicted person does not leave the thought of where to get another dose of the drug, nervous tremors, cold sweats, convulsions appear, limbs go numb, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the joints and muscles, headaches, dizziness often appear. , insomnia, the person becomes emotionally unstable, irritable, becomes easily enraged, becomes prone to violence, and this is not a complete list of all the symptoms that a drug addicted person may experience during withdrawal.

The addicts themselves describe the state of withdrawal as pain piercing the muscles, twisting the joints, twisting the insides and melting the brain ....

The state of withdrawal can last for a rather long period, from several days to 2-3 months, depending on the type of drug, the susceptibility of the body, and the stage of neglect of drug addiction. Often, psychoses occur in drug addicts, most often after a long break, consciousness is clouded, hallucinations, memory lapses often occur, many suicides occur in a state of psychosis caused by drugs, most often under the influence of unreasonable fear, sometimes a spontaneous desire to die. Some drugs cause the effect of self-hypnosis, a person convinces himself that everything that happens in his head happens in real life, in this case, any unpleasant thought can become a reason for suicide, or violence against other people.

The increase in the number of people who use drugs cannot but affect the next generations, people who use drugs very often give birth to unhealthy children, with serious physical defects, chronic diseases, serious pathologies, the number of miscarriages reaches 50%. Very often parents of drug addicts abandon their children, or they are deprived of the right to raise them.

Of particular concern is the fact that the age of people who use drugs is getting lower, according to statistical surveys in Russia, almost 40% of schoolchildren aged 12-13 have tried certain drugs in their lives (including tobacco and alcohol), in Europe almost 30 % of people aged 15 years have tried illicit drugs. In many cases, indulgence in soft drugs later develops into a more serious addiction to drugs that are much stronger and more dangerous.

Now all over the world drugs are considered illegal, every year hundreds of tons of drugs are confiscated by law enforcement agencies around the world, kilometers of hemp fields are burned, hundreds of drug dealers are arrested, drug rehabilitation centers are being created, but despite all this, the number of drugs is growing every day, as well as the number of people who want to use them. The main mistake of such people is that they believe that drugs will bring them happiness, make their life more fun and eventful, but they soon realize that they were wrong, and not everyone has the strength to return to normal life without drugs.

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