What types of rhinitis do children have and how to treat them? Treatment of bacterial rhinitis. How to deal with persistent rhinitis

lingering current the inflammatory process of the mucosa manifests itself in the child permanently. To normalize the quality of life and relieve symptoms, it is important to differentiate the etiology of rhinitis in a timely manner, to correctly select the treatment with pharmaceuticals.

The article provides an overview of the aggressive factors provoking this clinical condition, and recommendations to parents on what to do if the baby constantly has snot.

Snot is rarely an independent disease. Most often, their development is preceded by an allergic reaction, infection upper respiratory tract. The nasal mucosa performs a barrier function, preventing the penetration of foreign agents into the nasal cavity.

Direct exposure to aggressive factors destabilizes the work of the protective mechanism, reduces the activity of the mucociliary apparatus, provokes inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, and abundant production of secretory discharge.

Constant snot gives the child discomfort, prevents full nasal breathing

If you do not limit contact with the irritant, the runny nose becomes protracted.

Possible reasons are very frequent runny nose The child has:

  • allergies. When exposed to antigens, the body reacts increased production biogenic amine, serotonin and bradykinin, which contribute to mucus hypersecretion. Sensitize mucociliary clearance of plant spores, dust, pet hair, objects household chemicals, food products. With an allergic reaction, the clinical picture is supplemented by lacrimation, coughing, itching and burning inside the nose, redness of the skin.
  • Bacterial and viral ENT diseases. Activations infectious agents preceded by hypothermia, a state of immunosuppression. Upon contact with microorganisms, the mucosa produces a nasal secret that contains an antimicrobial substance.
  • Vasomotor disorders. The neuroreflex mechanism occurs with sudden thermal changes, inhalation of cold or hot air, against the background of emotional shock, excessive physical exertion. Tone vascular wall violate diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous system.
  • unfavorable climatic conditions , toxic effect industrial emissions, chemical compounds. In such an environment, the mucosa is subjected to systematic irritation, which increases the likelihood of developing chronic rhinitis.
  • immunodeficiency state. Weakened defense mechanism unable to resist the attack of pathogens. They reach the inner shell, then radiate to healthy organs and systems. The result is frequent and prolonged colds, which are accompanied by a constant flow of snot from the nose, the migration of pathology from the catarrhal stage to the chronic one.
  • Changes in the bone and cartilage structure of the nose. Violate the natural sanitation of the nasal cavity, which predisposes the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora congenital anomalies, narrow nasal passages, deviated septum.
  • benign growths(, white seals, papillomas,). At active phase growth, the neoplasms increase in size, completely blocking the channels of communication of the nasal cavity with outside world. The accumulation of sputum in the projection of the nose is a favorable environment for the vital activity of infectious agents, thereby maintaining inflammation in the nasopharynx.
  • Unsystematic use of vasoconstrictor drops. Alpha-adrenergic blockers in the composition of sympathomimetics have a detrimental effect on the activity of the ciliated epithelium, which leads to a violation of the outflow of muconasal secretion, drug-induced rhinitis.

Important! Liquid transparent snot in a newborn up to 3 months do not require treatment. In medicine given state marked . In this way, the mucosa adapts to new conditions. environment.

With a prolonged runny nose, a child has a risk of developing complications in violation of the dynamic growth process, the biological maturation of the baby, changes in the structure of the facial skeleton, inflammation of the larynx, bronchi, and lungs.

It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible pathological symptoms, carry out treatment full course until the disappearance of clinical manifestations.

How to treat a constant runny nose in a child

The success of therapeutic measures depends on how competently and accurately the causes of prolonged snot in a baby are determined. To form a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist conducts instrumental (rhinoscopy, radiography) and laboratory studies (biochemistry and general analysis blood test, allergy test, nasal swab).

To stabilize the baby it is necessary to create favorable conditions:

  • control humidity(50-60%) and temperature regime in the room(during the day t varies from 20 to 22⁰С, for night sleep it drops to 18⁰С). To maintain the microclimate, use a humidifier, air conditioner or ventilate the room, hang wet towels at the head of the bed (during the heating season on batteries);
  • regular wet cleaning. These measures reduce the concentration of irritating agents and dust in the room, facilitate breathing, improve children's sleep;
  • provide plentiful drink (natural juices, fruit drinks, compotes, tea, alkaline water without gas). The liquid washes away toxic waste products of pathogenic strains, normalizes the water-salt balance in each cell;
  • increase the height of the head of the bed with an extra pillow. This posture improves sputum discharge, facilitates nasal breathing;
  • balance nutrition. Prepare easily digestible food for the child, refuse spices, pickles, smoked meats and marinades. Limit the use of confectionery and bakery products. To saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean varieties meat and fish;
  • spend more time outdoors if the child's condition allows. For physiological sanitation of the cavity, the baby must be outside for at least 60-90 minutes.

Advice! When a baby is sick, it is very important to continue breastfeeding. With mother's milk, he receives protective elements, the body's resistance to aggressive factors is formed.

During the period of exacerbation viral diseases avoid crowded places, vaccinate in a timely manner, take antiviral drugs at the first suspicion of respiratory diseases.

Causes of a prolonged runny nose in children

Medical assistance

It is difficult to stop the causes of protracted rhinitis without pharmaceuticals. How to treat and what to do if a child has a constant runny nose is determined by the attending physician.

Having differentiated the etiology of lesions of the upper respiratory tract, the otolaryngologist selects drugs taking into account physiological features patient (weight, height, history, general condition).

A possible list of pharmacotherapy is formed by the following groups:

  • Solutions based on isotonic sea ​​water: "", "Humer", "No-Sol". They enrich the mucosa with useful trace elements, prevent drying out and crusting, increase the aeration of the sinuses, and accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues.
  • Vasoconstrictor:"", "", "Nazol Baby". Temporarily relieve nasal breathing, stop the symptoms of rhinorrhea, eliminate inflammation, reduce spasm in smooth muscle. The therapeutic course is limited 3-5 days, in severe cases possible use up to 10 days.
  • Antihistamines:"Loratadin", "Allergodil", "Fenistil", "Zodak". They block the development of allergic reactions, reduce the production of biogenic amine, reduce swelling of the mucosa, and have an antipruritic effect.
  • Antibacterial:"", "", "", "Flemoxin". Nasal sprays exhibit a local effect, are intended for the sanitation of the nasal cavity, and are active against gram-positive and gram-negative strains. use from 5 to 10 days.
  • Homeopathic: Arsenicum, Allium Cepa, Aconitum, Oscillococcinum. Effective in combination with the main therapy. natural composition has few contraindications. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the level of interferon in the blood, trigger protective and immune processes inside the body.
  • Glucocorticosteroids:"", "", "Flixonase". Steroid components improve the quality of nasal breathing, stop the inflammatory process, and reduce soft tissue swelling.

Advice! Nurofen antipyretic syrup will help reduce the intensity of pain, normalize body temperature.

Constant runny nose good amenable to physiotherapy. To eliminate the symptoms of rhinorrhea, the doctor prescribes a course from 5 to 12 sessions UHF procedures, ultraviolet irradiation, massage of reflexogenic areas.

For staging accurate diagnosis you will need the medical participation of an otolaryngologist, if necessary, an allergist and an immunologist

With mucosal atrophy, the problem is solved by cryotherapy, laser coagulation, and endoscopic intervention. Adenoids and polyps are often removed surgically.


Protracted runny nose indicates pathological changes upper respiratory tract. Inflammation requires medical involvement to determine the destabilizing factor, make a diagnosis, and choose a treatment method.

Reading time: 10 minutes

A runny nose in a child needs mandatory treatment, because the presence of snot in the nasal cavity can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Rhinitis not only causes discomfort to the baby, but also causes many serious complications. Every mom and dad should know about how a runny nose manifests itself in children and why it occurs. It is equally important to have information about what methods of treatment for this disease exist.

Symptoms of a runny nose in a child

Nasal congestion or mucus flow from it is one of the most common manifestations of viral, allergic, bacterial diseases. Frequent runny nose leads to the fact that the baby's immunity decreases, the infection penetrates into the lower respiratory tract, spreads throughout the body. How can parents recognize that a child is sick, especially if he still does not know how to talk about his own condition? There are several classic manifestations:

  1. Nasal congestion. Occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane.
  2. Sneezing. One of the most characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children.
  3. Flow of mucus from the nose. It is more common in viral infections. Allocations differ in color, consistency.

Not only direct, but also indirect symptoms may indicate that your baby has a runny nose. There are a number of manifestations of the disease that should alert:

  • deterioration in general condition;
  • headache;
  • lacrimation;
  • temperature rise;
  • deterioration of nasal breathing;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • tearfulness;
  • capriciousness;
  • irritability;
  • skin irritation with pathological secretions (integuments under the nose, in the area upper lip reddens, the skin is covered with crusts, cracks).

Temperature and runny nose

The course of the disease with such symptoms is carried out in several ways, depending on the cause:

  1. Rhinovirus infection. Abundant discharge, nasal congestion, sneezing. The temperature does not rise above 37.5 degrees.
  2. adenovirus infection. Nasal congestion, some mucus. The temperature fluctuates between 38-39 degrees.
  3. Rotavirus infection. The temperature jumps sharply to 39 degrees. Severe rhinitis and other manifestations of SARS are accompanied by symptoms of an intestinal disorder: diarrhea, vomiting.
  4. Respiratory syncytial infection. Rhinitis, accompanied by a moderate temperature of 37.2-37.3 degrees. Bronchiolitis or pneumonia sets in quickly.


This symptom of a runny nose is usually accompanied by a viral infection. The nature of the cough depends on which level of organs is affected. If the inflammation is localized in the nasopharynx, trachea or larynx, it will be dry. When the infection penetrates lower into the bronchi and lungs, the cough becomes wet. The sputum is viscous at first, but proper treatment she liquefies. Its shade and smell depend on the source of the infection.

The reasons

To establish the disease that provoked a runny nose, you need to analyze its nature and additional symptoms - then all manifestations of a bacterial or viral infection will pass. An assessment of the type of discharge from the nose, their color and consistency will be very informative. There are several reasons that do not speak of any disease:

  • too dusty air in the room where the child spends time;
  • teething;
  • the mechanism for cleaning the nasal cavities has not yet been fully formed (in infants up to 3 months, a runny nose is called physiological);
  • The baby has been crying a lot.

Trying to establish the cause of a runny nose, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of nasal secretions. The value in the diagnosis is their color, density. What disease is indicated by different types of nasal discharge:

  1. Snot is transparent, mucous. Such a runny nose in a child is characteristic of teething, excessive hypothermia or overheating of the child. Usually, no treatment is needed.
  2. Snot thick, white. A characteristic symptom for the initial stage of infectious, inflammatory processes. Sometimes accompanied by white discharge allergic rhinitis or not brought to full recovery of ARVI.
  3. Thick green discharge. Symptom of the respiratory tract: rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. If the snot emit an unpleasant odor, then you need to check for sinusitis, adenoids. Green discharge from the nose is often accompanied by a cough.
  4. thick yellow snot. A signal that the disease has penetrated into the deep sinuses of the nose, and pus has accumulated there. Such discharge appears if the disease is running or the treatment is chosen incorrectly.
  5. The snot is thick, there are bloody patches. Appear at high blood pressure or mechanical damage nose.

Frequent runny nose

There are two types of this phenomenon. Infectious common cold is caused by viruses, bacteria, it can be acute or chronic. The most common cause is a weakened immune system. Non-infectious rhinitis can also be frequent and begins with prolonged exposure to an allergic or neuro-reflex stimulus. emergence non-infectious rhinitis may contribute to: hypothermia, deviated septum, being in a dusty room.

severe runny nose

The reasons depend on the age of the children. Sometimes they are completely natural and should not cause concern, but there are cases in which the baby needs immediate help. severe runny nose occurs due to:

  • teething;
  • infections, SARS;
  • colds;
  • germination of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  • allergies.

Runny nose without fever

If you notice that the baby has snot or a stuffy nose, but there are no other deteriorations in the condition, this may signal one of the following infectious diseases:

  • flu
  • laryngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • adenoids;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Stages of a runny nose in children

There are several stages in the course of the disease. The total duration is one to two weeks. Disease stages:

  1. Reflex. This step takes only a few hours. The vessels narrow reflexively, the mucous membrane turns pale. The production of mucus by the epithelium stops. Dryness, burning of the nasal cavity, sneezing appear. The kid becomes lethargic, may complain of a headache and a sore throat.
  2. Catarrhal. Lasts 2-3 days. The vessels dilate, so the turbinates swell. Congestion appears, it becomes difficult to breathe. With a viral infection, rhinorrhea begins (the course of transparent watery snot). The voice becomes nasal, lacrimation begins. Depending on the cause of rhinitis, it may be accompanied by fever. The mucous membrane of the nose becomes bright red and swells even more.
  3. Recovery or accession of infection. In the first case, the baby becomes easier, the functions of the nose gradually return. If bacterial inflammation has joined, then the condition first improves. Then the discharge from the nose changes color, becomes thicker. The further course of the disease depends on the type of infection.

How to cure

The problem needs to be solved and quickly, because by itself it will not disappear anywhere and can lead to serious complications. There are many ways to treat a runny nose in children: medications, both local and for internal use, folk remedies. Whichever method of therapy you choose, there are several general rules that must be adhered to:

  1. For the duration of the illness, provide the baby with individual dishes and hygiene items.
  2. Temporarily replace bathing with rubdowns.
  3. Regularly ventilate the rooms in which the child spends his time.
  4. In the room for the baby you need to do high-quality wet cleaning. If possible, put a humidifier in the room.
  5. Clean your nose carefully. If the baby is older than 3-4 years, then make sure that he regularly does this on his own.
  6. Provide plenty of warm fluids.


The treatment of rhinitis in children is quickly and effectively carried out with the help of nasal preparations different groups. The table below shows the classification of drops:

Drug group Name of the drug Application features
Vasoconstrictor Nazol Baby, Nazol Kids Spray It is allowed to use from the common cold from birth to 6 years.
Nazivin The drug is a prolonged action, but it is prescribed to children with caution.
Antihistamines Fenistil, Allergodil Allergy drops allowed from 2 months.
Zyrtec They relieve swelling, help against allergic rhinorrhea.
Tizin Allergy Suitable for children from 6 years old.
Antibiotics (appointed only under strict indications, if the child has a severe runny nose) Isofra Drops with framecitin. Allowed from 1.5 years.
Bioparox Spray and Fusafungine. Allowed from 2 years.
Antiviral Genferon Light Drops with taurine, interferon. Suitable for children from one year old.
Derinat Promotes the renewal of the nasal mucosa. Drops are approved for use from birth.
The safest cold remedies for children Pinosol Herbal preparation with essential oils. Approved for use from 2 years. Softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa.
Ectericide An oil solution that is antiseptic and perfectly moisturizes. This drug is recommended to be used to eliminate the dryness of the nose, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky.


Highly effective method fight against the common cold. There are many drugs that can be used for inhalation with a nebulizer or for performing the procedure in the usual way:

  1. Dioxin. Dilute the drug with saline to a concentration of 0.25%. Spend inhalations with your child for 10 minutes twice a day.
  2. Sinupret solution. Homeopathic remedy. For babies from 2 to 6 years old, the medicine is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 3, from 6 to 16 - in a ratio of 1: 2. The inhalation session lasts 10 minutes and is repeated 3 times a day.
  3. Chlorophyllipt. concentrated solution diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10 and used for 10-minute inhalations 2 times a day.
  4. Fluimucil. The solution for injection is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:4 for children 2-5 years old, and 1:3 for children 5-12 years old.

Folk remedies

There are a lot of different recipes for drops, rinses, compresses. Folk remedies for the common cold in children:

  1. Brew 1.5 tbsp. l. chamomile 0.5 l of boiling water. Hold on steam bath 10 minutes, then cool and strain. Use to wash the nose 2-3 times a day.
  2. Pour 4 tbsp. l. dried peppermint with a liter of boiling water. Insist an hour, strain. Let the baby drink 100 ml of this decoction twice a day. To improve the taste, you can add a little lime honey.
  3. per liter boiled water dilute 9 grams of table or sea salt. Rinse your nose with this saline solution twice a day.
  4. Mix dried yarrow leaves and calendula petals. 1 tsp of this collection pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool, strain. Bury the baby 2-4 drops of the solution (depending on age) in each nostril 2 times a day.
  5. Stir in 1 tbsp. l. beetroot juice and boiled water. Bury 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day.
  6. Mix equal amounts of dried marigold flowers, psyllium leaves, sage and coltsfoot. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water. Hold in a water bath for 5 minutes, then leave for half an hour and then strain. Bury in each nostril 2-3 drops of the solution 3 times a day.
  7. Stir 1 tsp. essential oil mint with the same amount of linden honey. Insist a quarter of an hour. Moisten a gauze bandage in the resulting mixture, apply to the nose for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off the rest of the ointment with warm water. Repeat in the morning and evening.

Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold

Doctors are advised to take the baby to Fresh air if he feels well, he does not have aggravating symptoms: temperature, weakness. If the runny nose is allergic, then the benefits of walking are determined by what irritant it is caused by.. For example, if the baby does not tolerate some plant pollen, then it is better to be at home, and if the reaction occurs to household dust, then being outside, on the contrary, is preferable. There are several rules for walking with an illness:

  1. Limit your baby's contact with other children. It can not only infect healthy people, but also pick up other infections, viruses.
  2. Don't put on "a hundred clothes". If the baby sweats, it will only delay recovery.
  3. Make sure he doesn't get tired. It is better to limit yourself to calm walks, the duration of which will not exceed 40 minutes a day. warm time years and 20 minutes in the cold.
  4. Do not take the baby out for a walk if it is outside strong wind or rain.
  5. Clean your child's nose thoroughly before walking.


Treatment of a runny nose in a child is mandatory, because in most cases this problem will not disappear on its own and can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • chronic rhinitis (catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic);
  • rapid fatigue;
  • increased predisposition to allergies;
  • sleep disorders;
  • improper functioning of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system;
  • sinusitis;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • problems with physical development child;
  • deformities of the facial skeleton;
  • frequent infections of ENT organs;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.


To reduce the risk of a runny nose in children, parents should adhere to a number of rules that will help maintain health. They are very simple but effective. What to do to minimize the risk of a runny nose in a child:

  • arrange regular walks in the fresh air for the baby;
  • do wet cleaning in the children's room and ventilate it more often;
  • dress the child according to the weather - both hypothermia and overheating are equally unfavorable for him;
  • organize a summer vacation at the sea, in the mountains, in the forest or any other area with clean air;
  • start practicing hardening from an early age;
  • introduce immunostimulating foods into the diet: echinacea, ginger, ginseng, onion, honey, garlic;
  • instill in your baby the habit of moving a lot, playing sports and being physically active.


Chronic runny nose is a long-term inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease occurs as a result of a long course of acute inflammation that has responded to improper treatment or health care was not provided at all.

Why does a child and an adult constantly have snot in their nose: causes of a chronic runny nose

The nasal mucosa begins to become inflamed under the influence of various agents - microbes, viruses and environmental factors. The causes of chronic rhinitis can be quite diverse. According to experts, a constant runny nose is one of the important factors causing chronic inflammation.

In this case, a chronic inflammatory process can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

Among other causes of a constant runny nose, experts call the following factors:

  1. Disturbed anatomical proportions in the nose. These disorders include the curvature of the nasal septum, which often leads to unilateral hypertrophy of the nasal concha. Can lead to chronic rhinitis birth defects and acquired defects.
  2. Prolonged action on the mucous membrane annoying factors. They can be dust, gases, chemical substances. Contact with mineral and metal dust can cause injury to the nasal mucosa. Chalk and flour dust cause the death of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which mucus stagnates in the nose. Moreover, the accumulation of dust in the nasal cavity can not only cause constant snot, but also the formation of nasal stones, which are known as rhinoliths.
  3. Physical environmental factors, namely dry or cold air, disrupt the normal functioning of the nasopharynx.
  4. Violation of blood circulation in the nasal mucosa against the background of systemic diseases. Impaired blood circulation can be caused by hypertension, kidney disease, dysmenorrhea, constipation, alcoholism, pathological processes in the endocrine and nervous system.
  5. Prolonged or incorrect use of certain medications. The cause of the development of vasomotor rhinitis, in which snot constantly flows, is often the excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops.

An allergic reaction is another common reason why snot constantly flows in a child or adult. can be seasonal or year-round, giving a person discomfort.

Inflammation of the adenoids or the formation of polyps in the nose can also provoke excessive secretion of mucus from the nasopharynx. Sometimes only surgery can bring a person back to normal life.

The reason why snot is constantly flowing should be established by an otolaryngologist. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Varieties of chronic rhinitis and their symptoms

The main symptoms of chronic rhinitis are persistent discharge from the nose and its congestion. However, with different types of the disease, its symptoms may have some differences. In otolaryngology, several types of chronic rhinitis are known.

The following classification of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is considered traditional - catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic and vasomotor chronic rhinitis:

  • - a type of nose disease that occurs against the background of a neglected acute rhinitis. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis develops due to deep penetration into the mucous membrane of microbial agents. Due to prolonged action microbes in the mucous membrane, there are solid destructive changes that significantly reduce local immunity. Most often, patients visit a specialist's office with complaints of regular mucous discharge from the nose, mostly of a thick consistency. Constant runny nose and nasal congestion are the main signs of chronic catarrhal rhinitis in both children and adults. Usually there is alternate congestion of the nasal passages, and the patient may periodically be disturbed by a headache.
  • manifests itself in the form of constant and pronounced obstructed nasal breathing. This form of the inflammatory process develops as a result of thickening and growth of the mucous membrane in the lower part of the nasopharynx. There are such symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis as impaired sense of smell, secretion of mucopurulent secretion from the nasal cavity, headaches, nasality, and decreased attention. With a long course of hypertrophic rhinitis, which has already acquired chronic form, there is a loss of smell, and soon also of taste, since atrophy of the olfactory endings occurs.
  • , as a rule, develops with prolonged contact with dust and harmful gases in a production environment. This disease can also occur due to long-term use vasoconstrictor drops or the presence of a focus of chronic inflammation in the body. There is a disease of loss of smell and constant dryness in the nose. These symptoms of chronic rhinitis give the patient severe discomfort due to itching in the nose. There is almost no mucous secretion, a little viscous secretion is released, which soon dries up and turns into dry crusts. Against the background of atrophic rhinitis, an infectious inflammatory process in the nose often develops, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease.
  • is the result of a dysfunction of the nervous regulatory devices that are responsible for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. A change in the state of the vessels of the mucous membrane usually causes a constant runny nose in adults, less often in children.

Constantly snot in the nose can also be with allergic chronic rhinitis. Many experts share the opinion that allergies, as hypersensitivity mucous membrane to certain irritants, occurs only after chronic inflammation. The main signs of such a disease are abundant mucous discharge from the nose of a liquid consistency, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion. Often, allergic rhinitis occurs with conjunctivitis, which also arose against the background of allergies.

When mucus drains back wall throat, which usually occurs with an allergic and catarrhal variety of the inflammatory process, the patient may develop a cough. In addition, a constant runny nose in a child more often than in adults leads to the development of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. This is caused by a weaker immunity of the child, as well as the inability to blow his nose and cough normally. Pathogenic mucus from the nose flows down into the respiratory tract, causing an inflammatory process there. The mucus that descends from the nasopharynx into the throat irritates it, delivering pain. Constant runny nose and snot in adults and even in a child often cause night snoring.

A special place in otolaryngology is occupied by such a type of chronic disease of the nasopharynx as a fetid runny nose, or. This disease is an inflammatory process with a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. For ozena, a characteristic symptom is a large number thick mucus, which is formed in crusts with fetid odor. With a long course of the disease, thinning becomes inevitable. bone tissue shells and walls of the nose. The patient is concerned not only with abundant discharge, but also with dryness of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, a sharp decline or complete lack of smell. The patients themselves feel putrid smell from the nasal cavity, sometimes others hear it.

Diagnosis of chronic rhinitis in an adult or a child

If a child constantly has snot and this has been observed for a long time, a specialist must definitely examine him. With a chronic runny nose, adults should not be delayed, as it can cause many dangerous complications. In the process of diagnosis, it is important for a specialist to identify not only the reason why snot constantly flows from the nose, but also to determine the type of disease. Effectiveness depends on accurate diagnosis. further treatment diseases.

As a rule, diagnostics includes such actions of a specialist and methods for examining the nasal cavity:

  1. Analysis of patient complaints and study of medical history. At this stage, it is important for the otolaryngologist to know what kind of nasal congestion is observed in the patient - permanent or periodic, how long she has been bothering him. It is also important to know the nature of nasal discharge, whether there are crusts, dryness in the nose and other signs of rhinitis.
  2. General examination of the patient. Some external signs can help a specialist make a diagnosis: with allergic rhinitis, the patient's eyes usually turn red and watery, with vasomotor rhinitis, fingers, the tip of the nose become cold and blue, there is increased sweating and a decrease in body temperature.
  3. Nose examination. At this stage of the examination of the patient in order to make a diagnosis, rhinoscopy and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity are performed using special instruments. Highly qualified and experienced otolaryngologists can in many cases determine the type of chronic rhinitis by the condition of the nasal mucosa.

With hypertrophic rhinitis, an increase in the size of the turbinates is noted, the mucous membrane becomes red or bluish in color, which does not disappear even after application vasoconstrictors. On examination, a specialist may notice a narrowing of the nasal passages.

In atrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane becomes pale color, she looks dry, thinned. The nasal passages, as a rule, are significantly dilated, dry crusts can be found on the mucous membrane.

During examination of the nasal cavity of a patient suffering from allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the nasal turbinates are usually edematous, may be pale or cyanotic, sometimes with red spots. After the use of vasoconstrictors, swelling decreases. Mucus may be found in the nasal passages in allergic rhinitis.

If a chronic runny nose in an adult or a child is caused by anatomical disorders of a congenital or acquired nature, they will be detected during the examination.

In the process of diagnosing, the specialist determines the reactivity of the patient's nasal mucosa to the action of vasoconstrictor drugs.

With chronic fetid runny nose an otolaryngologist during an examination of the patient's nasal cavity discovers many dry crusts that line the entire surface of the mucous membrane with a thick layer. These crusts are usually dark green in color, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

Among the methods of hardware diagnostics for suspected one of the varieties of chronic rhinitis, such studies are carried out as:

  • endoscopic examination to exclude the growth of adenoid tissue and inflammation of the adenoids;
  • radiography and CT scan to exclude development chronic sinusitis in the paranasal sinuses;
  • rhinomanometry - the method consists in assessing the resistance air flow in the nose before and after the use of vasoconstrictors, it can also be used to determine the effectiveness of the treatment of persistent nasal congestion without a runny nose.

If a specialist suspects the occurrence of allergic rhinitis in the patient's body, allergy tests may be prescribed. If the allergy test is negative, a swab is taken for eosinophils. If these substances are present in the body, the otolaryngologist makes a diagnosis of non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilic syndrome. This means that the patient has confirmed allergic rhinitis without certain allergens.

The diagnosis of "vasomotor rhinitis" is extremely rare, because it is very difficult to determine it. They put it in the case when it was not possible to confirm any of the possible varieties of chronic rhinitis.

How to get rid of a constant runny nose: remedies for chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis and its treatment are closely related, because the wrong prescription of medications will not only not eliminate the symptoms, but will also cause many complications. That is why the treatment of chronic rhinitis can be prescribed only after determining its type.

If the patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, before treating a persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult and a child, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if the patient has an allergy to flowering plants. Be sure to prescribe antihistamines of general and local action. - good remedy from chronic rhinitis, it is prescribed not only for allergic origin disease, but also in catarrhal rhinitis.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of a constant runny nose in an adult with the help of specific immunotherapy. This method is based on the adaptation of the body to a gradually increasing concentration of allergens. With this approach to the treatment of allergic rhinitis, allergy tests are taken first, the procedure becomes impossible without determining the allergen.

How to get rid of chronic rhinitis if it has an atrophic version of this disease? It becomes mandatory to prescribe moisturizing sprays and drops, as well as drugs that improve the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. With atrophic rhinitis, vitamins A, D and iron preparations are effective.

What to do with constant nasal congestion without a runny nose: treatment of snot in a child and an adult

Often, patients turn to an otolaryngologist with complaints that they are worried about constant nasal congestion without a runny nose, which is most often a sign of allergic rhinitis. Vasoconstrictors will help eliminate this symptom, however, it is not recommended to prescribe such drugs on your own. Overdose and excess of the course of treatment can be addictive and the so-called " medicinal rhinitis". Among vasoconstrictors for children and adults, drugs such as, have proven themselves well.

It is important to know what to do if snot constantly bothers a person when vasomotor rhinitis. Experts recommend that their patients avoid provoking factors, regular physical exercise, contrast showers, medicated nasal sprays designed to treat this type of runny nose.

There is a simple advice on what to do with a constant runny nose, regardless of its origin. This is nasal lavage with isotonic saline solution. In some cases, reflexology and acupuncture become effective, such methods are used by doctors who are supporters of alternative medicine.

How to quickly cure a chronic runny nose at home?

How to cure a chronic runny nose with anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx? The only treatment for rhinitis caused by congenital or acquired anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx is surgical intervention. This operation is known as septoplasty.

Treatment of a persistent runny nose with simultaneous nasal congestion and mucous secretions may be the use of hormonal sprays. Such drugs are quite effective and at the same time safe, they are practically not absorbed into the blood and do not affect the hormonal background of the body. Many of these drugs are approved for use in children from 2 years of age.

With prolonged persistence of complaints and ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, the only way How to get rid of a constant runny nose becomes a surgical operation. Contemporary surgery based on the principles of minimally invasiveness and maximum preservation of organs. During the operation, the turbinates are not removed completely or partially, but a gentle destruction is carried out choroid plexus mucous membrane, which led to nasal congestion.

In some cases, surgical treatment of atrophic rhinitis is also indicated, but it is aimed at narrowing the nasal passages, and not expanding them.

How to treat chronic runny nose in children and adults?

Treatment of chronic rhinitis in a child should be as effective and safe as possible. At improper treatment disease can lead to serious consequences, and when assigned strong drugs difficult to avoid side effects.

Regardless of the type of runny nose, if it is accompanied by abundant mucus, it is important to regularly free the nose from pathogenic contents. In order to alleviate the condition of the baby with nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs such as Brizolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin Baby. You can use them for no more than 5 days, so that there is no addiction to the mucous membrane.

Parents should know what to do if the child constantly has snot, because they not only disrupt the baby's usual life, but can cause cough and sore throat. If the inflammatory process is bacterial in nature, a sign of which is yellow or green discharge, it is advisable to use such antibacterial drugs local action, like Isofra and. You can also put Bactroban 2% ointment into the nasal passages.

With a child's tendency to frequent rhinitis, otolaryngologists recommend using a local immunomodulator. It can also be used as a prophylactic when the first signs of viral rhinitis are detected.

Parents are interested in what to do if the child has a constant runny nose, but at the same time there is no desire to give the child powerful medical preparations. In such situations, experts may recommend the use of homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies based on natural ingredients and plant extracts. Well proven homeopathic preparations Ocarisalia and Euphorbium Compositum. It is advisable for children to drip their nose with slightly warmed drops; for this, the medicine bottle should be lowered into a container of warm water for several minutes.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis in a child and an adult at home

If you are looking for ways to quickly cure a chronic runny nose without harm to health, you can carry out therapy using traditional medicine.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis at home, many people carry out by using such means:

  1. Internal use in a ratio of 1: 5. Such a medicine will strengthen defensive forces body, take the remedy 3 times a day for a teaspoon before meals. You can also drip your nose with this medicine.
  2. Inhalations with the addition of honey to hot water will help relieve the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, speed up the process of cleansing the nasopharynx. In a container with hot water, you need to put a spoonful of honey, breathe in healing vapors for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Onion infusion. For bacterial rhinitis the best remedy onion will become, because it has an antimicrobial effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to chop one medium-sized onion, pour 6 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, insist in a cool dark place for 10 hours. Drip into each nasal passage a few drops no more than 3 times a day. This onion infusion can be stored for a week.
  4. Using beet and carrot juice drops is another way to cure chronic runny nose at home. It is necessary to grate red beets and carrots, squeeze out the juice, mix with the same amount of vegetable oil, adding a few drops of garlic juice.

How else to treat chronic runny nose in adults to prevent the development of complications? It is often possible to increase the body's defenses by massaging bioactive points. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, while massaging the wings of the nose on the right and left sides for 1 minute. Usually to get rid of unpleasant symptoms rhinitis, 10–20 procedures are required.

Benefits of using folk remedies in that they can be used to treat the common cold in children, pregnant and lactating women. Having discovered the symptoms of rhinitis, you need to find out as soon as possible why you have a runny nose that lasts for a long time. Permanent congestion nose causes oxygen starvation of the whole organism, against the background of which a headache, fatigue appear, and diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other organs may soon develop. Breathing through the mouth can cause chronic tonsillitis, appearance bad smell from the mouth, diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

I would not say that I have a chronic runny nose, but if I have a cold
begins, then without it, as well as, of course, without a sore throat. And
for some reason, my cold always went so hard and for so long (((
Almost two weeks earlier I could not recover, but not in the last
once, when I used Bioparox in the treatment, I also treated my throat with it
sick and runny nose. So he helped me not to get sick by killing germs and not
allowing them to enter the body.

Young parents are often in a panic, not knowing what to do with a runny nose. In babies, nasal discharge can be permanent, and even therapies do not have a therapeutic effect. Drops, sprays, folk methods may be ineffective. What to do in this case, which doctor to contact? Effective treatment runny nose in children always requires integrated approach.

Causes of a constant runny nose

Most often, the main reason is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, nasal sinuses, and nasopharynx. From birth to three years old, babies develop immunity and a way to respond to external threats to the immune system. Therefore, it is at this age that frequent runny nose in children becomes problem No. 1.

The problem usually worsens when the child starts attending kindergarten. There are many kids in the nursery group from one to three. Everyone has an unformed immunity. Therefore, a cold in such a team develops instantly - as soon as one gets sick, other children immediately suffer. You can mitigate this process by taking special drugs - immunomodulators and interferons. Assign the optimal medicine maybe an immunologist. But this is a double-edged sword: if in such early age interfere with the child's immunity, reinforcing it pharmacologically, it will not get stronger enough. As a result, the child will be more prone to colds than peers.

They occupy a separate place allergic reactions: this is also a common cause of frequent runny nose in a child. A special analysis should be carried out - tests for an allergen. In the conditions of modern laboratories, it is practically painless and does not take much time.

in children

Pediatrics distinguishes between two types of rhinitis in a child: acute and chronic. The first type can pass by itself and is most often the cause of either a cold or temporary intoxication with some allergen. With chronic rhinitis, everything is more difficult. There are five varieties of this pathology.

  1. Catarrhal rhinitis in a child occurs due to inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx. In some cases, problems with the larynx can cause this form of pathology. Partially, vasoconstrictor drops help to solve the problem. But they are not allowed to be used permanent basis due to habituation. The best way to treat catarrhal rhinitis in a child is folk methods of treatment and drugs that restore local immunity.
  2. Hypertrophic rhinitis is serious pathology, at which the seal of the nasal sinuses is palpable. Most often, this process is accompanied by pain. You should definitely contact an otolaryngologist and do not self-medicate.
  3. The atrophic type of rhinitis in a child is characterized by thinning of the mucosa. In some cases, this is a consequence of the catarrhal form in the absence of treatment. pain in the bridge of the nose, migraine - all these are symptoms of an atrophic type of pathology. You should definitely show the baby to the otolaryngologist. Independent use of vasoconstrictor drops in most cases only exacerbates the pathology.
  4. The allergic type of rhinitis in a child is provoked by exposure to antigens and is subject to treatment with antihistamines of general and local action.
  5. The vasomotor type is in no way associated with the inflammatory process of the nasopharynx, mucosa or sinuses. This is an injury to the ENT organs or a mechanical obstruction to normal breathing. Vasomotor runny nose usually occurs due to objects that the child imperceptibly puts into his nostrils. Parents should carefully monitor their child and prevent such incidents.

Symptoms of a constant runny nose

Frequent runny nose in children is accompanied not only by discharge from the nostrils, but also the following symptoms:

  • subfebrile temperature;
  • poor sleep - heavy falling asleep and frequent awakenings in the middle of the night;
  • pain in the nose;
  • migraines with and without classic aura;
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • violations of diction;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • tearing.

Depending on the characteristics of chronic rhinitis, these symptoms may vary. For example, if the cause of the problem is inflammation of the nasopharynx, pain in the throat and swallowing should be expected. If the cause is problems with the mucosa (its moisture and microflora), migraines, pain in the bridge of the nose and temples, dizziness are possible.

Consequences of an untreated runny nose in a child

Young parents are often worried about the question: the child But experienced mothers often treat this problem carelessly: somehow it will pass by itself. Chronic runny nose is a rather serious symptom that indicates a possible ill health and immunity.

Possible consequences of untreated rhinitis in children:

  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • adenoids;
  • decreased attention;
  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • swelling in the area eustachian tubes;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis.

Stages of a runny nose in a child

Depending on the degree of the problem, the methods of therapy will also differ:

  1. Reflex stage, the most initial. For a child under ten years old, it can take only a few hours. Blood vessels the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx narrow and expand, microdamages are formed. At this stage, measures to increase local and general immunity are effective. The goal is not to possible viruses and infections to join microtrauma and mucosal lesions.
  2. It lasts for a child on average for a maximum of a week. The most common cause is the influence of viruses and infections, in some cases allergens. The child cannot breathe through the nose, the nature of the discharge is thick, in some cases with blood and ichor (if the capillaries are weak and burst). At this stage, all the usual remedies for the common cold are effective - inhalations, drops, sprays, and so on.
  3. Bacterial inflammation develops. Rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis - all these serious illness develop in the third stage. For the treatment of a child, there are few usual remedies for a cold. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is required. An otolaryngologist can prescribe the exact course of treatment.


How to treat lingering runny nose in a child, so as not to provoke complications? The following medicines are used:

  • vasoconstrictor sprays and drops;
  • moisturizers;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • antibacterial and antiviral are the most effective.

If the cause of a child's frequent runny nose is an allergy, then a prescription for the optimal antihistamine should be obtained from the treating allergist or immunologist. it separate group medicines, and the medicine should be selected carefully: side effects are frequent.

"Protargol" for children

This is one of the most popular remedies for a runny nose in a child (it lasts a week or more - drops will help at any time). "Protargol" is a silver proteinate. It has a pronounced antimicrobial local activity. It is a solid tablet, which must be dissolved in distilled water, in a special vial, which is also supplied in the package with the drug.

Some parents avoid using this remedy because it has many side effects and may be addictive. However, if you skip the first and second in a child, Protargol is almost the only remedy that can quickly and effectively help.

"Polydex": instructions for use for children

A popular remedy, not inferior in effectiveness to Protargol. Instructions for use "Polydex" (for children it is often prescribed) reports that the main active ingredient of the drug is neomycin sulfate. The composition also includes auxiliary components: thiomersal, lithium chloride, dexamethasone methylsulfobenzoate, polymyxin sulfate.

"Polydex" can be used not only for the nose, but also for the ears. It has a local anti-inflammatory effect, slightly reduces pain, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of rhinitis in children

This is the most common treatment for a runny nose in children. Few parents know that they cannot be used on an ongoing basis. The vessels get used to the effects of the drug, and without it they simply refuse to function normally. This is how addiction develops.

Any vasoconstrictor drops, sprays, ointments for the child's nose ("Nafthyzin", "Otrivin", "Nazivin", etc.) should be taken no longer than four to five days. If more is required prolonged exposure, you should consult with an otolaryngologist about the advisability of therapy.

Flushing the nose with saline

Alternative treatment runny nose in children is often more effective pharmacological agents. In particular, regularly washing the nose and nasopharynx with a weak saline solution will help prevent the runny nose from moving into the third stage.

The weakest solution should be prepared - half a teaspoon of fine salt in a glass of clean distilled water. The child should draw it in through the nostrils and spit it out. This method is suitable only for older children, preferably from seven years. Toddlers may not understand the principle of flushing, and the solution will go into the lungs.

Using aloe to treat a cold

Aloe juice has an excellent moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to collect the juice of the fleshy leaves, dial into a pipette and drip two or three drops into each nostril.

If the juice is not quite liquid, but clotted (this often happens in young aloe plants), you can do without a pipette. Collect thick mucus from a leaf into a small spoon and place in the nostril, very quickly (within a couple of minutes) the juice will dissolve completely or partially. If any clots from the aloe leaf remain in the nostril, you can throw them away, as in two to three minutes useful material be able to have a curative effect.

Nebulizer for a cold in children

A nebulizer (inhaler) is a device that converts a drug into an aerosol. Thus metabolites active substance enter areas of the respiratory tract inaccessible to conventional drugs.

Such a device costs about a thousand rubles. There are also more expensive ones, but they are equipped with many unnecessary features. For example, a timer or audio tracks. The inhaler can be compression, ultrasonic or membrane. The cost of the device also depends on the principle of operation.

Solutions for inhalation for a child can be used in a variety of ways:

  • mucolytics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antibiotics, anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child with a nebulizer? Usually enough daily procedures for one week in order to get rid of the symptoms of chronic rhinitis.

Therapy of a runny nose provoked by allergies

Allergy in a child is a complex condition, for the treatment of which it is necessary first of all to determine the antigen. What exactly causes a runny nose in a child? It can be plant pollen, poplar fluff, chemical flavoring, any food product. You can accurately determine the allergen after conducting special samples in the laboratory.

Therapy is most often done with antihistamines. If for one reason or another the child cannot take them, you can get rid of local manifestations allergies (lacrimation, runny nose) with vasoconstrictor drops. Alas, it is impossible to use them on an ongoing basis due to possible addiction.

Prevention of the common cold in children

Most parents try in the first place to minimize the contact of the child with peers. This is a common mistake. The sooner the baby develops local immunity, the better. If a child constantly catches a cold in kindergarten, it makes sense to visit an immunologist.

The basic principles for the prevention of a runny nose in a child are to protect him from hypothermia (especially his legs, head, neck, lower back), monitor nutrition and the amount of vitamins in the diet, and protect him from excessively long exposure to frost. If a runny nose nevertheless began, it is worth resorting to the methods of alternative or pharmacological therapy as soon as possible so that the pathology does not take on the form of a chronic one.

Runny nose frequent illness found not only in adults, but also in children. Adults, by virtue of their already established character and conscious understanding of reality, can rationally approach the disease itself and its treatment: accurately identify the nature of the common cold, its causes, and thanks to this, receive appropriate treatment from the doctor.

Applicable to children, everything becomes a little more complicated: the child cannot accurately describe what and where it hurts, so we can only find out about the causes and source of a runny nose by external signs.

If a child has thick snot (, green, white, blood red) in the first place, in order to determine an effective method of treatment, it is very important to identify the cause of the disease and the nature of the discharge, due to their color.

Timely recognized and eliminated causes of a runny nose will help not only avoid complications, but also minimize the risk of its subsequent occurrence.

We recognize the cause and begin treatment

Snot in a child cannot appear out of nowhere, but it is not always the disease that causes their occurrence. A child, having cried, may also become snotty after a while, but why do you ask?

The thing is that excessive secretion of tears leads to the fact that some of them do not go out, but enter the lacrimal-nasal canal, which contributes to the formation of mucus.

Most common cause development in a child of excess mucus, snot, are viral infections respiratory tract.

Slime is antiviral agent struggling with the disease, but when it turns from a liquid state into a thick one, this is already a sure sign that the baby's nose is not coping with its duties, both respiratory and protective.

Each discharge, characteristic in color, and they are divided into green, yellow, white and transparent, has its own reasons for the appearance and its consequences in the absence of the necessary treatment.

In order to determine a set of measures for treatment, you need to know what became the source of the disease.

Doctor pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky notes that a runny nose in a child cannot be cured until the disease that has become its source has been identified. Based on this, he distinguishes the following reasons diseases:

  • Excessive "temperature shake" of the child's body - hypothermia or overheating;
  • An allergic reaction - in this case, Komarovsky notes the "companions" of snot: swollen facial features, tearing from the eyes and nasal itching;
  • Too dry or, conversely, humid air at the location of the child. Very often, the main and main cause of snot is precisely the lack of moisture in the air than some kind of disease. This is explained by the fact that the usual mucous runny nose in dry air, it thickens and becomes not a means of fighting viruses, but their breeding ground, since pathogenic bacteria multiply in thick mucus;
  • Weak immune system becomes an opening for entry into the child's body various infections and bacteria that lead to the occurrence of colds, the most common cough and runny nose.

There are also reasons that do not indicate the presence of any disease:

  • Excessive dustiness of the air: it is important that the child is surrounded by a clean environment (namely, clean, not hygienic - these are two different concepts: for normal functioning and the development of the body, it is impossible for the child to live in sterile conditions, everything should be in moderation). If under such conditions a child begins to sneeze and cough, do not be alarmed: they contribute to the removal of not only sputum from the body, but also its natural cleansing from unwanted particles;
  • Insufficiently developed mechanism for clearing the nasal passages of mucus: this reason is typical for children under the age of 2-3 months;
  • The child cried enough, which led to the appearance of mucus;
  • : due to the growth of the teeth, the nasal sinuses are excited - as a result, there is an excessive secretion of saliva, then developing into a runny nose and transparent thick snot.

The primary task of the parent when a child has thick snot of any color: green, yellow, white, transparent - is timely appeal to the doctor and refusal of self-treatment.

Independent actions are possible only if the reasons are identified, so that the doctor, on their basis, can establish the disease that is disturbing the baby.

The consistency and color of discharge as an important indicator of the disease

Thick nasal discharge is not only a symptom of an already existing disease, but also a kind of barrier that protects an unprotected body from dust, excessive moisture or dryness, harmful bacteria and viruses.

Their color indicates the severity of the ongoing disease, its type and stage.

The color of the discharge from the nose and their consistency will help determine the source of the appearance of snot in a child. There are five types of snot that differ in colors:

  • Mucous clear discharge. The reason lies in an allergic reaction to some factor, "temperature shake" or the usual teething. Very often they are normal physiological indicators of the body, which effectively fights the attacks of the outside world;
  • The secretions secreted by the nasal glands are thick and green, white, yellow or blood red: evidence of a bacterial infection that, if insufficiently or incorrectly treated, can develop into bronchial cough, sinusitis, pneumonia or otitis:
  • Thick white snot: are initial (in case of inflammatory and infectious process) or the final (allergic reactions) stage of the disease. With improperly prescribed treatment, they can develop into a more severe form with yellow or green discharge, which has an extremely unpleasant odor.

White snot is not yet a reason to panic: first of all, check whether the air in the room is sufficiently humidified, and increase the amount of liquid consumed - maybe this is the reason for the child’s illness.

In relation to young children: check for inflammation of the gums, if inflammation is present, then mucus is evidence of teething.

If all of the above reasons have been eliminated, and the number of snot has not decreased, it is worth starting washing the nose, having previously dripped vasoconstrictor drops or saline solution;

  • Thick green snot: already a cause for concern. This is a symptom indicating the presence in the body chronic diseases respiratory tract: pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis. If the snot, in addition to a green tint, also has an unpleasant odor, this may be evidence of sinusitis or adenoids. The smell appears due to the presence of pus in the discharge resulting from a bacterial infection. Green color mucus is given enzymes responsible for fighting viruses, and may also indicate that the immune system actively resists infection, but, unfortunately, cannot cope, due to excessive accumulation of dead cells (leukocytes) and pathogenic organisms, mucus thickens and is poorly excreted from the nasal passages. The "companions" of these secretions are fever, cough, and often blood streaks in the snot. Do not be afraid of coughing (if it is not chronic, protracted), properly selected expectorant, mucolytic drugs will help to remove sputum and get rid of the common cold as soon as possible. In severe, advanced forms, green snot develops into sinusitis or otitis media;
  • Thick yellow snot: clear sign the fact that the disease has reached the deep sinuses of the nose, where pus has accumulated (typical for sinusitis, which can occur in children older than 3 years of age). Most often, yellow snot is the result, a consequence of untreated and neglected green discharge from the nose and a phenomenon that indicates the onset inflammatory process sinuses;
  • Thick snot with bloody patches. There are several reasons for their appearance: mechanical injury nasal mucosa (scratch, cut, capillary rupture), pressure.

Effective treatment without complications

First of all, you need to understand that it is easier to predict the disease and do everything to avoid it than to cure it.

To reduce your child's risk of exposure to illnesses that present with symptoms such as green, yellow, or white snot, a set of measures can help you optimize your space and environment:

  • Minimizing the contact of the child with the allergen;
  • Daily wet cleaning of the entire room with baby disinfectants;
  • Maintaining a sufficient level of humidity and temperature in the room. Even at night, the room must meet such indicators as 18-20˚C - temperature, 50 - 70% - the level of relative humidity. It is better to dress the child warmly and provide him comfortable sleep in favorable environment: sufficient humidity, temperature and ventilation;
  • Regular walks with the child: with the obligatory observance of the rule: whatever the weather - we dress like that: we do not overheat the child and do not let him freeze;
  • Daily morning and evening airing.
  • Other actions:
  • Give your child as much liquid to drink as possible;
  • Regularly clean and moisten your child's nasal passages to minimize the buildup of sinus secretions. Effective means for this can serve as drugs such as ecterocide, saline and pinosol. Do not overdo it - no more than 8 times a day;
  • We ask the doctor's recommendations about possible ways of hardening and apply it gradually in practice;
  • We give the child with food the right amount of vitamins: vitamin C.

Proper treatment is the key to health

Don't be surprised if your doctor prescribes cough medicine or eye drops.

It is easy to explain: cough medicines help thin thick mucus not only at the bronchial level, but also nasally. Expectorants such as carbocysteine, acetylcysteine, ambroxol have proven themselves well.

And eye drops wash the lacrimal canal and remove excess mucus from there - only pediatricians recommend burying them not in the eyes, but in the nose. Most doctors prescribe sulfacyl sodium.

Important! Self-medication of a child is worse than the disease itself, since it is not the runny nose itself that is dangerous, but its complications.

Therefore, if your child has green, yellow or white snot or other discharge from the nose, seek advice from an ENT doctor: he will prescribe a course of treatment, prescribe the necessary drops and prophylactic identify the cause and make a diagnosis.

Only after visiting a specialist, begin to act, because the health of your child depends on it: the main thing is not the speed of getting rid of symptoms, but the effect achieved, which will not give complications.

A runny nose in a child is good. Probably, any mother will be shocked - this statement. After all, we are accustomed, as soon as the child's nose is dripping, to bury a lot of funds to fix the problem. And how to behave if the baby has a runny nose? The answer will be given by children's doctor Boris Skachko.

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