Treatment of rhinitis in children quickly and effectively. Treatment of a runny nose in children - the most effective nasal drops, folk remedies, washing and warming. Causes of a runny nose. How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold in children

According to statistics, adults suffer from a nasty runny nose 8 times less often than children. However, it is most often observed in children under three years of age. Against the background of the development of ARVI in the body appears a large number of bacteria and microbes that cause rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis media and other problems. AT early age susceptibility to viruses in children is especially high, so parents need some information about effective treatment in children with a runny nose should know. Also, to make it easier for you to make decisions, here are reviews from other moms and dads and proven tips that can help your baby.

What not to do when treating a cold?

Exists great amount ways in traditional medicine that will quickly cure snot without the use of pharmaceutical products. In this case, it is important to consider several rules:

You can not use an enema or a medical pear to wash the sinuses, because the solution can go through the Eustachian tubes and get into the ears, and this will provoke a strong inflammatory process and help the infection to actively develop;

The mucous membranes of babies are very sensitive, so you must strictly observe the minimum concentration of medicinal compounds;

Apply folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose, it is impossible for more than 12-14 days, if home therapy does not work, then most likely a bacterial infection develops; it can only be eliminated with antibiotics;

Highly concentrated preparations (essential oils, alcohol tinctures, aloe and beet products) must be diluted with water, because they are very saturated and can burn the mucous membranes;

If the child has bacterial rhinitis, it is impossible to carry out steam inhalation, use for instillation beetroot juice, honey or milk.

Folk remedies for quick treatment a child with a cold

If there is Kalanchoe and Aloe in the house, then you have an effective weapon against the common cold of children. The leaves of the plant need to be cut, washed, squeezed fresh juice. Dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1:10 for children under 5 years of age or in a ratio of 1:5 for children over the age of five. Bury the composition in both nostrils at least 5 times a day, 2-3 drops.

Beet juice - powerful remedy against viruses in the common cold. Grate the raw root crop, squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth or bandage. Leave at room conditions for 24 hours. Dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1:3. Use the resulting product 2 times a day, instilling 3 drops. Beetroot juice can be diluted with water and then added to it carrot juice.

Garlic or onion drops - these can be obtained from fresh onions and garlic, diluted with water 1:10 for children over 5 years old and 1:20 for younger children. The instillation procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a day, 2 drops.

If the kids do not have allergies, then you can bury your nostrils with a runny nose with honey diluted with warm clean water 1:3. Use this solution 5 times a day, 3 drops.

sea ​​buckthorn oil you can disinfect the sinuses of children by instilling them 3 drops 3 times during the day.

Effective inhalations can be carried out using baking soda, juniper, mint, linden flowers, chamomile decoction. Besides, healing power possess evaporation essential oils- fir, eucalyptus, mint.

You need to boil water, add the selected substance there - a pinch of crushed medicinal plant, 2-3 drops of essential oil or a teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water. It is convenient to use a wide low saucepan or bowl. After adding the drug, let the composition brew for 6-7 minutes in a wrapped state so that it does not cool down.

The child should breathe over the vapors and nose and mouth alternately. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes. After that, dry the baby's face and put it under a warm blanket.

Put away viral runny nose saline solution will help quickly. How to cook it? Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of water. For children under 10 years old, it is difficult to rinse both nostrils through, so you just need to instill a solution of 2-3 drops. After instillation, it is recommended to carry out a massage that will facilitate breathing and help normalize the secretion. Find two symmetrical points on the side surfaces of the nose near the very base under the wings. Massage them, then find 2 points in the upper part near the eyebrows and bridge of the nose, gently press them for 1-2 minutes.

Massage is especially effective for a runny nose and is useful for babies under 1 year old. At this age, it is not recommended to use medicines and even some folk remedies.

In order for the treatment you started to quickly give results, enter foods with vitamins, trace elements, ascorbic acid into the child’s menu.

Dear readers, hello! A runny nose in a child is a fairly common occurrence, as they say: "There are no children without snot." Nonetheless similar symptom develops as an independent disease - rhinitis, or is one of the symptoms of a viral infection. But whatever the cause of a runny nose in young children and especially in newborns, parents have to deal with this problem. But not all parents know how to quickly and effectively cure a runny nose in children. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to do it correctly.

The nasal passages are the entrance gates of the upper respiratory tract and perform the following functions: they warm the inhaled air, and the cilia of the epithelium filter the inhaled air from foreign impurities and protect against the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the body. In addition, there are olfactory receptors in the epithelium of the nasal passages, due to which we sense odors, and the nasal passages also perform a resonator (speech) function.

Disruption of any of these functions leads to the development of rhinitis, the causes of which can be infectious and non-infectious factors.

To infectious causes often referred to viral infections, the causative agents of which are rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, etc. Bacterial and fungal infections mucous membranes of the nasal passages are less common and, as a rule, they become the cause of the transition of the inflammatory process to the chronic stage.

Non-infectious causes of a runny nose in children are -

  • dry air and not regular ventilation of the room;
  • hypothermia or abrupt change ambient temperature, which contributes to a decrease in immunity, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to become more active and cause the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • allergens - plant pollen, dust mites in an apartment, animal hair, etc. (this is a topic for a separate article);
  • the action of irritating substances - smoke, odorous chemical substances etc.;
  • side effects of certain drugs.

Quite often, a runny nose is a symptom of infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, influenza, SARS. Nasal discharge will always be one of the symptoms of sinusitis or sinusitis.


In development pathological process Doctors note 3 stages.

Reflex. On examination, pallor of the nasal mucosa is noted due to reflex constriction of blood vessels. The epithelium ceases to produce mucus, which performs protective function. This is accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the nose, burning, repeated sneezing. As a rule, symptoms appear in both nasal passages. Sometimes this stage is accompanied by a slight malaise, weakness, aching limbs. This stage lasts from several hours to 1-2 days.

catarrhal. In this phase blood vessels mucous expand, which provokes swelling of the mucous membrane. Hence the feeling of nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing. Through small capillaries there is an effusion of the liquid fraction of blood plasma, provoking an increased secretion from the mucosa - abundant and transparent selection from the nose (rhinorrhea).

On examination, the mucosa is hyperemic, edematous, and this makes it difficult to breathe through the nose. In patients, there is a decrease in the sense of smell, congestion and tinnitus, nasality in the voice, and lacrimation appears. There is irritation and redness around the nasal passages. In this stage, it is possible to increase the temperature to subfebrile numbers. The duration of this stage is up to 3 days.

Recovery or infection with the further development of the inflammatory process. Even without the use of any drugs, but with proper care, after 3 days the disease is resolved by itself. The function of the epithelium is restored, all symptoms of rhinitis disappear. But in case of joining pathogenic microflora illness, nasal discharge greenish color, become thicker.

If a runny nose is not treated, the inflammatory process descends down the respiratory tract, which leads to the development of pharyngitis or bronchitis. As a rule, with the addition of an infection clinical picture complicated: the child becomes even more difficult to breathe due to severe swelling mucous and complete blockade of the nasal passages. The child breathes through the mouth, due to congestion there is a decrease in hearing, possibly an increase in temperature. At timely treatment the symptoms subside and disappear after a few days.

Complications of the common cold

When the microflora is attached, the runny nose disappears after 2-3 weeks, but in the absence of proper treatment, the process can become chronic. And the constant exacerbation of the common cold can later be expressed in the form of complications that develop due to insufficient oxygen supply to the cells of the brain and other organs and systems.

  • The development of adenoids is a pathological hyperplasia (growth) of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils, which leads to a constant difficulty in nasal breathing. Lack of oxygen in a child leads to rapid fatigue, sleep disturbance, memory loss and, accordingly, to a decrease in academic performance;
  • Backlog in physical development child, deformation of the facial skeleton and bones of the chest;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • Violation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • Development of allergic bronchitis.

How to treat a runny nose in a child

As you can see, an untreated runny nose can cause a number of quite serious complications. Therefore, parents should not close their eyes if the child begins to flow from the nose. The children's body has a number of features, therefore, the treatment is completely different from that of adults. the main objective treatment: do not harm the growing children's body and prevent the development of complications. It is important to identify the cause in a timely manner, then the treatment of the common cold will be quick and effective.

First of all, in the room where the child is located, it is necessary to carry out regular ventilation. Avoid drafts. If you open a window in a room, be sure to close the door.

Keep the temperature in the room no more than 21º. Do wet cleaning. Availability indoor plants also contributes to normal moisture and comfort.

It is important to clear the nasal passages of mucus in a timely manner. Teach your child to use handkerchiefs. With a runny nose, it is recommended to use disposable handkerchiefs, which must be immediately thrown into the trash after use. Why disposable? When blowing your nose, microbes and viruses remain on the handkerchief, which can be a source further development illness.

Usually, with a runny nose, the child experiences some malaise and lack of appetite; you should not force-feed the child. Lack of appetite is defensive reaction organism. After recovery, your child will eat well again.

If the process has passed into the second (catarrhal) stage and there is a significant swelling of the mucosa and difficulty breathing, then you can not do without vasodilating drops. Instillation of drops into the nose, such as Otrivin, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil, Dlyanos, Brizolin, Aqua-Maris, etc. will help the child breathe better and improve the condition.

However, pediatricians do not recommend using drops for more than a week, otherwise addiction to drugs will occur, and with prolonged use, atrophic rhinitis may develop, which is much less treatable. And generally speaking, never resort to instillation of drops unless absolutely necessary!

With a runny nose, inhalations with the help of a. In this case, when inhaled, the drug will reach the directly inflamed area of ​​​​the nasal passages. If inhaled correctly, then it is quite possible to do without antibiotics. Perform inhalations with sage, pine, eucalyptus oil, 30% propolis oil, 10% propolis tincture, garlic or onion juice.

If there is no such apparatus at home, then it is quite possible to use the spout of a kettle for these purposes, it is better to do such inhalations for older children with mandatory observance of safety precautions. It is important for parents to teach the child to breathe correctly during inhalation: inhale through the nose, and exit through the mouth.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

To quickly and effectively cure a runny nose without drops at home, there are many folk ways treatment. Here is some of them.

Plentiful drink - the main rule in the treatment of the common cold. For this purpose, cranberry or lingonberry juice is suitable.

Phytotherapy , which will help reduce the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. Recommended herbal teas or infusions of lime blossom, raspberry leaf, red clover, chamomile, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, marigold, licorice, pine buds. You can brew these plants individually, you can mix several of them. And in the article "" I have a recipe for cooking " cold tea”, Read it, I recommend it - it was this collection that repeatedly helped me with a cold.

Aromatherapy. Essential oils and phytoncides kill many microbes and viruses. This does not mean that garlic or onions should be stuffed into the child's nose - this is absolutely impossible to do! But beads with garlic cloves or putting a saucer with chopped garlic or onions next to the bed is quite acceptable.

Reflexology. The most effective are hot mustard foot baths (add 1-2 tablespoons of dry mustard to a bucket of water t = 45º). You can stick a mustard plaster on your feet for 5-10 minutes or pour dry mustard powder in socks and leave overnight.

Walks in the forestlovely way get rid of the cold. It is better, of course, to take a walk through a coniferous forest, but if there is none nearby, then walking in a birch grove will bring no less benefit. In addition, while walking on foot with the active work of the muscles of the legs, blood “drains” from the head and abundantly irrigates the working muscles, thereby removing nasal congestion. In addition, at physical activity active substances are released into the blood, increasing the overall resistance. This is especially useful for children suffering from chronic rhinitis.

Nasal lavage. This method is suitable for older children. It can be done in several ways:

  1. Washing the nose of the weak hypertonic saline, sea ​​water or solution sea ​​salt(1 teaspoon of sea salt per 0.5 l of water), carry out the procedure 5-6 times a day. How to rinse the nose in children,.
  2. Baking soda solution (a teaspoon of baking soda per cup) warm water). Alkaline environment is not favorable for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  3. Honey water (teaspoon natural honey diluted in a glass of water, stir thoroughly). Honey has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergy to honey.
  4. Lemon juice - dilute 2 parts freshly squeezed lemon juice and 3 parts warm water. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and vitamin C increases local immunity.

For congestion and swelling in the nose, use these methods:

  • Beet or carrot juice. Dilute freshly prepared juice with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1 and instill in the nose drop by drop no more than 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.
  • Lubricate the nasal mucosa with fresh juice from the leaves of the collanchoe 1-2 times a day. Usually this is followed by sneezing, but this allows you to get rid of excess mucus in the nose.
  • Squeeze fresh juice of coltsfoot leaves. Bury in the nose 2-3 drops three times a day.
  • Add honey to beetroot juice to make a 30% solution. Bury 4-6 drops several times a day.

Dear readers, a runny nose in newborns and children under one year old has its own causes and features in treatment, but let's talk about it. Don't miss it and subscribe to receive new articles by mail. And today you learned how to properly and quickly cure a runny nose in older children. I hope you find these tips helpful. And it’s better, after all, that your children are healthy and that treatment tips never come in handy.

Runny nose in children occurs more often than in adults, and is more severe. The inflammatory process that began in the nasal mucosa can spread to the bronchi, lungs, auditory tube. To avoid complications, you need to remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa as soon as possible and return the baby to normal nasal breathing.

"Rhinitis" is the common name for rhinitis, an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. Main symptom of this disease is the intensive formation of muconasal secretion (nasal mucus). By itself, mucus does not pose a health hazard. It performs a protective function, moisturizes the inhaled air, traps dust particles, and has antiseptic properties.

With a viral or infectious disease, the amount of secreted mucus increases significantly. The body intensively produces a muconasal secretion in order to neutralize microorganisms that disrupt the functioning of the nasopharynx. As a result, the patient suffers from profuse nasal mucus.

Important! AT childhood infection from the nose often penetrates into respiratory organs, auditory tube, paranasal sinuses. Rhinitis is especially dangerous for infants.

Types of rhinitis

Symptoms of rhinitis appear with many pathological conditions. The most common causes of inflammation of the nasal mucosa in childhood: infection, allergic reaction, reaction to irritants (cold, dust), atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to determine the type of rhinitis in a child.

Type of diseaseThe reasonsPeculiaritiesSlime character
Infectious rhinitisThe introduction of influenza pathogens, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and other pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the child's bodyIn the course of the disease, three stages are distinguished: swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion, then the release of abundant watery mucus, on final stage- thickening of mucus and gradual disappearanceMucus is absent at first, then abundant transparent discharge appears. They gradually thicken and acquire a greenish, yellowish, white color.
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever)Allergic reaction to pollen, animals, food, and other allergen sourcesUpon contact with the allergen, itching and burning in the nasal cavity, sneezing, and mucus secretion begin. For such a runny nose, seasonal exacerbations are characteristic.Mucus, serous, watery
Vasomotor (neurovegetative) rhinitisIrritation of the nasal mucosa without visible reasons or due to temperature changes (for example, when entering a warm room from the street in winter)Mucus from the nose is secreted from the child constantly or during periods of seasonal exacerbationSmall or, conversely, abundant clear discharge from the nose of a watery or mucous nature. In some cases, only nasal congestion is observed
Atrophic (drug-induced) rhinitisNasal vasoconstrictor abuseAfter a runny nose, nasal discharge continues. There may be dryness and itching in the noseThe amount of mucus can vary, the mucus is watery

The reasons

Infectious rhinitis usually develops against the background of SARS. The most common causative agents of this disease are rhinoviruses, they cause a runny nose in at least a third of cases. Rhinitis is much less commonly caused by influenza viruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, and others.

runny nose may have bacterial origin, and in most cases it is caused by streptococci. In the chronic form of the common cold, the spectrum of pathogens is wider: these are conditionally pathogenic bacteria, and several types of staphylococci, and fungi, and specific pathogens. In the nasopharynx of healthy children there are constantly colonies of microorganisms that can be activated due to a decrease in immunity.

Non-infectious rhinitis in children can occur for many reasons:

  • response to stimuli environment(cold, tobacco smoke, smog, household dust, chemical fumes);
  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin);
  • reaction of the nasal mucosa to allergens;
  • disruption of the nasal mucosa due to long-term use vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.


With any type of rhinitis, changes occur in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. This manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • narrowing of the nasal passages caused by swelling;
  • unusual sensations in the nose: burning, itching, tingling;
  • tearfulness of the eyes;
  • headache;
  • redness of the nose and upper lip;
  • nasal mucus formation.

If the baby's rhinitis has become chronic, the symptoms are less pronounced. The child has a constantly stuffy nose, the amount of nasal secretions either increases or decreases. The character of the mucus may vary from more copious to watery discharge to thicker, purulent.


A pediatrician, an otolaryngologist or an allergist can diagnose a child. Tests and examinations that may be required to diagnose rhinitis:

  • general examination of the child;
  • anterior rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal cavity with a special dilator);
  • laboratory examination of a swab from the nasal cavity.

If rhinitis occurs as a symptom infectious disease(measles, influenza, whooping cough) may be required additional methods diagnostics. If you suspect allergic nature rhinitis, the doctor will suggest a specific examination (skin tests, provocative tests).

Video - How to treat a runny nose


Acute infectious rhinitis in a child can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process to the respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses, and the auditory tube. How younger child the higher the risk of complications.

What diseases can a runny nose lead to:

  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the larynx, trachea, bronchi;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma.


In most cases, rhinitis in children is treated at home. If the disease is severe and with complications, hospitalization may be required. When does a child need urgent medical attention?

  • temperature above 39.5 °C;
  • respiratory failure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • purulent process in the nasal cavity.

Treatment of rhinitis should be comprehensive and symptomatic. The main points of therapy for a cold:

  • cleansing and disinfection (sanation) of the nasal cavity;
  • inhalation;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • distraction therapy.

Sanitation of the nasal passages

To eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to periodically clean the nasal passages of the child from mucus. Washing the nose with disinfecting solutions facilitates nasal breathing and enhances the protective properties of the mucous membrane.

In children, the nasal passages are narrower than in adults, so it is unacceptable for them to use such devices for washing the nose that create excessive pressure (syringes, syringes). The rinsing procedure can harm the baby if done incorrectly. Along with the fluid, the infection from the nose enters the sinuses and Eustachian tubes.

It is desirable that the baby independently draws liquid into the nose. To do this, you can pour the solution into a cup or directly into the hands of the child. Suitable special teapots for nasal hygiene - jala-neti or neti-pot.

Attention! Before the procedure, the child should blow his nose. If the nose is very stuffy, you can drip a vasoconstrictor. When the child's breathing is restored, you can start washing.

The procedure is performed over a sink or bathtub. In the process of introducing fluid, the child needs to slightly tilt his head to the side. The solution is poured into that nostril, which is located higher than the second. After the liquid has flowed into the nose, you need to slowly turn your head in opposite side. The solution at this point will pour out of the nose. Now you can move on to flushing the other nostril.

The solution for washing can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. Drugs such as Dolphin, Aqua Maris, Aqualor equipped with mini-devices for washing the nose. Do not purchase the adult version of the drug. Baby rinsing bottles create soft shower safe for baby's health. home solution can be prepared based on sea ​​salt, furatsilina or Miramistina.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

To reduce the amount of mucus and facilitate breathing in children, use vasoconstrictors in the form of drops and sprays. To kids infancy only drops will do. Similar drugs it is forbidden to use longer than the period specified in the instructions (usually 5-7 days). If a runny nose has not gone away in a week, you need to see a doctor.

Children are suitable products containing xylometazoline, naphazoline, oxymetazoline. Examples of pediatric vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Vibrocil (from birth);
  • Nazol baby (from 2 months);
  • Otrivin for children (from 1 year old);
  • Sanorin (from 2 years old);
  • Naphthyzinum for children (from 6 years old).

Most safe means for the treatment of rhinitis in babies is considered Vibrocil. It combines antihistamine and vasoconstrictor properties. The drug does not cause recurrent swelling of the mucosa, acts on it gently, does not violate the pH of the nose. It can be used as long as possible - up to 14 days, so it is suitable for chronic rhinitis.

Important! If the period during which you can use vasoconstrictor drops, has expired, and the child is still suffering from nasal congestion, you can use drops with astringent and anti-inflammatory action:

  • Collargol (3% solution);
  • Protargol (1-2% solution).


Antibacterial therapy is prescribed by a doctor only for complicated rhinitis. Suitable for the treatment of the common cold topical antibiotics: sprays, drops, ointments. The course of treatment with such means is about 10 days.

Preparations for rhinitis with antibacterial action:

  • Fusafungin (aerosol for inhalation);
  • Bioparox (aerosol for inhalation);
  • Isofra (spray);
  • Polydex (spray and drops);
  • Bactroban (intranasal ointment).

Video - Runny nose in a child

Healing procedures

Runny nose in children is quickly eliminated with the help of distraction therapy. These are various thermal and irritating effects on the body of a sick child. At home, you can use hot foot baths, put jars and mustard plasters, apply warm compresses to the region of the nose.

Attention! Warming procedures should not be carried out in acute period diseases, as they can enhance the inflammatory process. They will be useful at the stage of recovery of the child. For children under one year of age, home heating methods are contraindicated.

The doctor may suggest the following types of physiotherapy for the treatment of the common cold:

  • UV therapy;
  • UHF therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • washing the nose with the "cuckoo" method;
  • hardware inhalation.

Folk remedies

Methods traditional medicine help with mild form rhinitis or convalescent. You can make your own nasal drops by squeezing the juice from medicinal plants and vegetables. Such drops have a mild antiseptic effect, moisturize and restore the nasal mucosa. Fresh Juice beets, aloe, kalanchoe, it is enough to instill 2-3 drops into the nose 2-3 times a day.

A strong folk remedy for rhinitis is garlic-based drops. You need to squeeze the juice from several cloves of garlic, mix it with sunflower or olive oil and let the composition brew for 6 hours. It is advisable to observe the proportions: for one teaspoon of oil, no more than two drops of juice. The agent is instilled into the nose 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. This recipe should be used with caution, as garlic juice irritates the nasal mucosa and can cause burns.

Important! A less aggressive method of treatment is garlic inhalation. You can make your child "beads" of garlic cloves on a string or let him breathe over a bowl of crushed garlic.

Traditional medicine recommends warming the bridge of the nose with rhinitis. This can be done with a boiled egg. Boil an egg, take it out of the water and wrap it in a scarf without peeling it. Such a compress should be kept on the nose and bridge of the nose until the egg cools down. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Rhinitis in children is usually easy to treat if left untreated. It is important to eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx before it spreads to neighboring organs. In the absence of complications, a runny nose disappears in 7-10 days.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Almost all parents have encountered a runny nose or a syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa in children. Often they take it lightly, believing that in a week everything will pass by itself. H in fact, a runny nose is a signal that the body is being attacked pathogenic bacteria, viruses or allergens, disease-causing which are not easy to cure. Without revealing fast reason without spending effectively treatment, have Great chance get complications in the form of sinusitis, otitis or bronchitis.

Causes of a runny nose

To quickly cure a runny nose in a child, you need to find out the cause of its appearance, since it is necessary to fight, first of all, with the underlying disease.

Be sure to consult a doctor if, in addition to a runny nose, the child's temperature rises above 37.5 ° C, shortness of breath appears, thick purulent mucus is released from the nose, rhinitis lasts more than two weeks.

Causes of a runny nose in children:

  • Bacterial and viral infections. Occur after contact with a patient with SARS. They are distinguished by an acute onset of the disease, elevated body temperature, and poor appetite.
  • Overheat. At high temperature air in the room and low humidity, the nasal mucosa of the child can fast dry out and lose protection. This leads to an increase in potentially dangerous bacteria in the nasal cavity.
  • Hypothermia. Under influence low temperatures vasospasm occurs and, as a result, the blood supply to the nasal mucosa is disturbed, the activity of the ciliated epithelium decreases, and the amount of nasal secretion decreases. The cause of hypothermia is the inhalation of cold air, drafts, the situation when the baby sweats and finds himself in cold air.
  • Weakened immunity. When bacteria enter the lower respiratory tract, the whole body has to fight them. If the child’s immunity is good, then after a short-term hypothermia, he will not catch a cold.
  • Chronic respiratory tract infections. It is quite rare in children of the first year of life, since they have not yet had time to acquire such ailments as chronic tonsillitis or adenoiditis.
  • Allergic reaction to plant pollen, house dust, household chemicals, animal hair. Associated symptoms are coughing, sneezing, skin rashes. In this case, in order to cure the baby, it is necessary spare it from contact with a source of irritation.
  • Physiological runny nose. Babies under 12 weeks have excessive mucus production due to immaturity respiratory system. The general condition of the baby is usually good, not much snot is released. Medical treatment not required.
  • Foreign body in the nose. Babies put everything in their mouths. If a small object gets into the hands of a child, then it can end up not only in the mouth, but also in the nose. By closing the nasal passage, a foreign body can cause irritation and swelling.

If the wrong diagnosis is made and the main cause of the common cold is not eliminated, then you can get rid of it only on a short time. Very quickly, rhinitis will return and can become chronic, which is much more difficult to cure.

Rapid treatment of the common cold in children

It can be quite difficult to cure a runny nose in infants. The nasal passages and nasal cavity in children are miniature, and the surface of the tissues is delicate, prone to severe swelling. Baby can't blow his nose. It is necessary to use the usual means for adults with caution, and some are completely contraindicated. When the nose is full of mucus, the child breathes heavily, sleeps poorly, cries often, and his appetite decreases.

If the child is worried about a runny nose, then after consulting with the doctor, the following manipulations will help to quickly cure the baby:

  • If the discharge from the nose does not allow the child to suckle normally, then they need to be removed quickly. get rid of. For babies, you can use a nasal aspirator or a regular small rubber bulb. Do not use items that can injure the surface of the respiratory tract, such as cotton swabs.

Treatment of infants by washing the nose with saline or soda solutions, injection of sprays is not recommended.

Liquid may enter eustachian tube and provoke an inflammatory process in the middle ear.

  • To effectively get rid of thick mucus it needs to be liquefied. To do this, carry out instillation of 1-2 drops. physiological saline into each nostril. The saline should be preheated to room temperature. Can be used similar solutions, for example, special preparations based on sea salt, ectericide or pinosol.
  • After cleansing the sinuses, the child can drip prescribed by the doctor for children vasoconstrictor drugs. It should be remembered that long-term treatment them, more than a week, leads to addiction, and many drugs are contraindicated for children. Overdose is fraught with side effects: sneezing, burning, dry mouth, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Rhinitis can be cured with the use of traditional medicine. Aloe, carrot or beet juice, diluted with boiled water in equal proportions, 3-4 drops 4 times a day, helps to quickly cure rhinitis.
  • Do not bury the baby breast milk. It is a breeding ground for bacteria and increases the likelihood of complications.
  • When a child is sick, not only does he lose more fluids, but he usually eats poorly. To save the baby from dehydration, it is useful to drink boiled water more often.
  • Treatment will speed up the mustard powder, poured into socks, or warm foot baths at night.
  • For infants, inhalation treatment in the usual way, with steam breathing over a hot saucepan, is not suitable. But you can leave a container of hot water, adding a few drops of essential oil, next to the baby's bed for the night.
  • You can get rid of inflammation of the skin around the nose with a baby cream.
  • When laying the baby in the crib, lift his head higher or lay him on the side to improve the outflow of the secret.

Treatment of the common cold must be started on time and continued until complete recovery.

Prevention of the common cold

The best way to rid children of diseases is their prevention. The simplest and at the same time effective way to avoid rhinitis is to create a comfortable microclimate in the children's room. Regular airing and wet cleaning, maintaining the air temperature in the apartment no higher than 22 ° C, and humidity not lower than 50%, will prevent the child's nose from drying out, which will keep local immunity at a high level.

You can not leave the baby in the draft. During seasonal epidemics, contact of the baby with large quantity people, especially those who show signs of respiratory illness.

You need to be careful about the clothes of the baby. The baby should neither freeze nor sweat. For a walk, the child must be dressed according to the weather. Excessive wrapping leads to the fact that a sweaty baby, falling into the slightest draft, becomes supercooled and runs the risk of catching a cold.

Spare children from frequent colds can hardening. Procedures can be carried out when the child is healthy. From the first days of life, the baby should take air baths. Walks in the fresh air are obligatory in good weather, starting from 20 minutes in the first days of life and gradually leading up to several hours. Strengthens health and daily bathing in warm water.

Children, due to the relative weakness of their immunity, often suffer from a runny nose. Rhinitis can be called one of the most common childhood ailments. Sometimes the disease has obvious causes, sometimes the nose “lays” in a child who looks completely healthy, and there are no other complaints besides nasal breathing. Be that as it may, parents want to help the baby as soon as possible. It is not always possible to see a doctor, because clinics do not work on weekends and holidays. And call " ambulance» with complaints of a runny nose is not accepted.

It is not safe and risky to prescribe medication to a child on your own, especially if we are talking about a little peanut. Parents can come to the aid of folk remedies that help get rid of a runny nose pretty quickly.

Why does a runny nose appear

Runny nose (rhinitis) is difficult to consider as an independent disease, usually it is a manifestation of the most various violations in the body. The nose stops breathing partially or completely with inflammation of the mucous membranes of this organ. Most often, this is a consequence of opposition to pathogens and viruses.

As you know, viruses enter the body mainly through the respiratory system. The nose is the first line of defense, most often invader viruses manage to go further - into the nasopharynx, into the larynx. Inflammation of the mucosa in this case is an attempt by the body not to let the harmful agent pass further.

The release of Dr. Komarovsky's program on the causes and methods of treating children's rhinitis can be viewed in the next video.

But by airborne droplets the same influenza virus is inhaled by several people at once. But not everyone gets sick. Whether a runny nose starts or not depends not only on the state of the baby's immunity. The development of rhinitis is very conducive different factors such as dusty or gassy air, hypothermia.

There is another type of rhinitis - non-infectious. This includes nasal congestion due to allergies ( allergic rhinitis) and vasomotor rhinitis(associated with violations of processes in the vegetative nervous system). They arise somewhat differently, as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the vessels in response to an antigen or vascular nervous pathology.

Acute rhinitis- occurs as a reaction to a virus (less often - to bacteria). With it, the swelling of the mucous membranes is quite strong, and it affects both halves of the nose. With it, the child may experience increased lacrimation, redness of the wings of the nose and discharge liquid mucus, people say "flowing from the nose."

If such a runny nose is treated incorrectly or not treated at all, after 3-4 weeks the process will become chronic. With it, the nose will remain stuffy for a long time, the child's sense of smell will noticeably decrease, the discharge from the liquid will turn into thick, sometimes purulent, the mucous membrane will sometimes dry out, and crusts will form in the nasal passages.

A runny nose in a child can be mild, and may be accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, headaches and severe general weakness. It is impossible to predict which symptoms will accompany rhinitis, everything is purely individual.

When folk methods are not enough?

A runny nose in itself does not pose a danger to a child. But its consequences can be quite serious. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis, inflammatory processes during inner ear, and as a result - complete or partial hearing loss, encephalitis and a number of other unpleasant diagnoses. Therefore, there are some indications for immediate medical attention for rhinitis:

  • If the discharge from the nose of a child is gray-green or green color and a very bad smell. This may indicate severe bacterial infection. Such a state requires speedy appointment antibiotics.
  • If, in addition to a runny nose, the child has pain in the frontal region, under the eyes, in the region of the paranasal sinuses. This may be a symptom of sinusitis, inflammation of the hearing organs. The child in this situation does not need onion drops in the nose, but serious therapy using antimicrobial agents, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • If, after a head injury or a fall, the child has a stuffy nose and a liquid transparent discharge appears, you should urgently take him to the hospital! Such symptoms may indicate a violation in the activity of the brain, such a condition requires early examination and hospitalizations.
  • If in the discharge of mucus with a runny nose in a child, impurities of blood are noticeable, ichor or clots. This may indicate the traumatic nature of rhinitis, a foreign body in the respiratory organs, it is required to examine the baby as soon as possible.

Effective folk remedies

In most cases of acute infectious rhinitis, a child can be quite effectively helped with the use of alternative medicine.

Fresh vegetable juices

The most popular way to quickly relieve nasal congestion is to give the child juice. onion. To do this, rub the onion on a fine grater, squeeze the gruel with a piece of gauze, dilute the resulting juice in half with saline or boiled water. You can drip an onion preparation from 2 to 6 times a day.

Such a recipe is not suitable for children who are not yet 2 years old, since onion juice, even diluted, acts quite aggressively and can cause burns to the delicate mucous membrane of babies. For children over 5-6 years old, you can add a little honey to the onion drops, this will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

Children under 2 years old can carefully drip beetroot or carrot juice into the nose. To do this, using a juicer or a fine grater and a piece of gauze, you need to squeeze the juice, dilute it with boiled water in half and drip the baby 1-2 drops into each nasal passage up to 5 times a day. When instilled, babies can choke, it is better for them to put small cotton turundas soaked in beetroot juice in both nasal passages.

Oil blends

good effect with a cold, they give drugs that will gently act on the nasal passages. These include mixtures that include oil - sunflower, linseed, vaseline.

A popular recipe is based on mixing finely chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic with 30 ml of sunflower oil. It is necessary to insist the drug for at least 10-12 hours, then strain and drip into the child's nose 1-2 drops 3 times a day. This prescription should not be used to treat rhinitis in children under 6-7 years of age.

Another effective way relieve nasal congestion based on sea buckthorn oil mixed with calendula juice. This recipe can be applied even to small children who are not yet 3 years old. The ingredients are mixed in half. The resulting oil mixture does not need to be dripped into the nose, it is enough to soak in it cotton swabs, which are laid in the nasal passages for half an hour. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Children over five years old can drip into the nose a mixture of two oils - thyme and olive. Proportions -1:1. You need to drip 2 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.


Among indoor plants that can quickly cope with a runny nose, the leader is aloe. The juice of this plant has antimicrobial action softens the mucosa, relieves swelling. To prepare drops, you need to cut one fleshy leaf of aloe, squeeze the juice out of it. Mix the resulting liquid with a drop of honey and drip into the child's nose once a day, preferably at bedtime.

St. John's wort will come to the aid of a child who has overcome a runny nose. Dry collection of this medicinal plant (1 teaspoon) must be mixed with a glass boiled water and boil in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain through several layers of gauze. The liquid is instilled into the nose of a child from two years of age and older no more than 4 times a day.

warming up

Freshly cooked millet porridge should be cooled to warm state, form small balls out of it, put in a cloth and apply to the area maxillary sinuses. In some recipes, instead of porridge, boiled egg. They gently “roll out” the area of ​​​​the nose, sinuses, forehead above the bridge of the nose.


Vapor inhalation medicinal herbs and essential oils allows you to quickly cope with a runny nose. The most effective procedures are based on pine and eucalyptus oils, fir oil. Sage, chamomile, calendula are excellent as raw materials for inhalation. Inhalation can be carried out over a container with a hot decoction of herbs, where a few drops of oil are added. But it is better if you have at home for such purposes special device- inhaler or nebulizer. So you can not be afraid that the child with strong breath get steam burns of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.


To rinse the nose with a runny nose, you can use ordinary salt. To do this, a tablespoon of salt should be dissolved in a half-liter container with boiled water. Salt solution should rinse the nasal passages several times a day, this allows you to remove swelling and restore nasal breathing.

The danger of self-medication

Parents, even very attentive ones, carried away by preparing nasal drops from vegetables and fruits, may not notice important clinical manifestations when the nature of the cold begins to change. Thus, they may not notice the transition to a new stage in time, which will then affect the timing of the treatment of a runny nose in a child, because doctors will have to completely traditional methods treat severe complications common rhinitis.

Often, a mother stubbornly treats a runny nose in a child, but there is no reaction to any drugs.

The fact is that diagnosing allergic rhinitis at home is quite difficult on its own. And vegetable juices in the nose will only increase the swelling of the respiratory organs, as they also contain allergens. What can we say about drops with honey!

What not to do

  • Do not carry out any heating purulent secretions from the nose and suspicion of sinusitis. Heat in this situation can exacerbate the problem, the inflammation will only increase. Also, warming up is strictly contraindicated when elevated temperature body.
  • You can not blindly trust all the recipes for the common cold published on the Internet by “knowledgeable” people. So, mothers who advise others from rhinitis to wash their children's noses from the inside with laundry soap risk the health of their child. Laundry soap, getting on the inflamed mucous membranes, irritates them and provokes the further spread of the infection.
  • Positive effect laundry soap, about which they write, can be explained with a stretch by the same irritating effect. From the soap, the baby begins to sneeze, during this reflex, the mucus leaves faster. However, then congestion will certainly return, and the runny nose can become even stronger.
  • When laying turundas and cotton balls with medicine in the child's nose, they should not be made too small, so that the baby does not accidentally inhale them.

  • Before instilling any funds into the nose, you should prepare mucous membrane, by pre-rinsing. Only then can you drip the prepared drug, both medicinal and folk.
  • If the child often suffers from a runny nose, you need to pay attention to the condition of the air in the apartment, Where does he live. Perhaps it is too dry, with it the mucous membrane inside the nose dries up and inflammation begins. Ventilate the house more often, do wet cleaning, humidify the air. To do this, you can buy a humidifier or regularly hang wet towels on the batteries. Best for child health indicators are as follows: air temperature is about 19 degrees, humidity is about 60%.
  • When treating a runny nose in a child, you need to provide him with a plentiful warm drink. This is necessary so that the mucous membranes of the nose, already inflamed, dry out less.
  • A runny nose in a child is not a reason for refusing to walk. In any weather, even in the rain (under an umbrella), you can make small hiking on the street because Fresh air very important for restoring breathing through the nose.
  • Do not restrict the child in movement. If he wants, let him run and jump, active movements improve the blood supply to the body, including the nasal mucosa.
  • In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, folk remedies are undesirable, almost all of them can also be allergens. It is important to eliminate the main antigen, for this it is better to go to the hospital, where they will do special sample(nose swab).
  • Do not treat folk remedies and vasomotor rhinitis, since its causes lie in the vascular nervous disorders, it will be better if, with this form of rhinitis, the child will receive therapy under the supervision of a doctor.
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