Cigarettes don't kill. What do we inhale with cigarette smoke? Impact on the nervous system

We are often deceived. And when they want to hide something important, they come up with beautiful, but reflective definitions. Especially if it concerns a bad habit that takes away hundreds of thousands every year only in Europe (!).

“Smoking is pyrolytic inhalation (smoke inhalation) of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the inhaled air stream, in order to saturate the body with the substances contained in them. active substances by their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Smoking kills

This definition lacks the most important: smoking kills. When you smoke a cigarette, products of incomplete oxidation of the wood that makes up the tobacco leaf enter your body. Carbon monoxide, benzo (a) pyrenes, resins, esters of high molecular weight acids and alcohols, soot particles, act on the mucous membrane respiratory tract are deposited in the alveoli of the lungs. Smoking causes inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, provokes the immune system to a perverse reaction, which leads to bronchial asthma, chronic airway obstruction and eventually lung cancer. Do you think about it when, out of habit, you buy another pack of tobacco at a kiosk?

Admit it, you try not to think about it, even when the manufacturer of a tobacco product, following the instructions of the WHO, honestly warns that smoking kills. You believe that this is a tribute to political correctness, that smoking will not kill you.

You are wrong. Smoking in the vast majority of cases is the cause of cancer of the larynx - malignant tumor, the survival rate at which Stage III is no more than 63-67%. Researchers note the correlation of smoking with impotence.

Men who smoke 20 cigarettes a day are 24% more likely to become impotent than non-smokers. Smoking or passive inhalation of tobacco smoke can cause infertility in women. Women who smoke are 60% more likely to become infertile compared to non-smokers.

According to statistics, only 1/5 of women who smoke quit smoking during pregnancy, despite the fact that smoking harms both the expectant mother and the fetus. A woman who smokes during pregnancy has a low birth weight baby. How more woman consumes nicotine, the lower the weight of the child. On average, a child is born 200 grams less if his mother smoked during pregnancy, compared with a non-smoking mother. The older the woman, the more noticeable this indicator. Women who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to have children with congenital anomalies heart, brain and face.

Currently, smoking is associated with 90% of cases of lung cancer - a malignant tumor, which in 60% of cases leads to the death of the patient. smoking in adolescence causes irreversible genetic changes in the lungs and permanently increases the risk of developing lung cancer, even if the person subsequently quits smoking. Among smoking men, the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer is 17.2%, among women who smoke - 11.6%. This risk is significantly lower in non-smokers: 1.3% for men and 1.4% for women.

So you've smoked your last cigarette. you quit smoking

After 20 minutes, your blood pressure will most likely be back to normal.

After 8 hours, the level of bound carbon monoxide in the blood will decrease by half, the level of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin will become normal.

After 2 days, 90% of nicotine will be removed from your body. The risk of heart complications will decrease. The normal sense of smell and taste will be restored.

After 3-4 days, the functional parameters of the lungs (respiratory volumes and capacities) will return to normal.

After 3-9 months, coughing, wheezing and breathing problems will be significantly reduced. You will breathe easier.

After 1 year of quitting smoking, the risk of cardiovascular complications will be reduced by half.

After 5 years, the risk of violation cerebral circulation become the same as non-smokers.

In 10 years, the risk of lung cancer will be the same as not people who smoke your age.

The myth that smoking is very difficult to quit is propagated by the tobacco companies. They make fabulous profits on the sale of tobacco. And it is beneficial for them that people continue to smoke, continue.

Here are the facts. The cost of one pack of cigarettes, on average, is 10 (!) times higher than the cost of its production (in 2015, it averaged 7-10 rubles per pack). One of the big firms, namely the Imperial Tobacco Group, posted a profit of £2.337bn on a turnover of £26.5 trillion. These are fabulous sums, even by the standards of the European Union.

And finally - a sad and instructive page from the history of tobacco use.

In 1571, the Spanish doctor Nicholas Mondares published a work on medicinal plants America, where he pointed out that tobacco can cure 36 diseases. Tobacco in Europe at that time was not smoked, but alcoholic tinctures were prepared, which were taken drop by drop per os or administered to the patient in an oil enema. Tobacco smoking, i.e. inhalation of the smoke of smoldering tobacco leaves came into use only 150 years after the introduction of tobacco crops in Europe. Many victims of non-medical use of tobacco famous people that time. The Marquise de Pompadour was a passionate smoker and owned over three hundred pipes. Shortly after the end of the Seven Years' War, she died, presumably of lung cancer. She was only 42 years old. Historians report that the last will of the Marquise was an order to destroy all smoking pipes, which, according to the palace doctor, became the cause of the fatal outcome.

Tobacco leaves contain one of the most poisonous plant alkaloids - nicotine. Nicotine is produced in the roots of the plant and from there it goes to other parts, including the leaves. Different varieties of tobacco contain from 0.3 to 7% nicotine, with the largest amount in cheap varieties of tobacco, the smallest in expensive ones. When smoking tobacco, nicotine enters the body. A dose of nicotine of 30–60 mg is fatal for a person, 5–6 mg causes acute poisoning.

Nicotine is a poison of the nervous system that selectively acts on the nerve nodes of the central and peripheral nervous system that regulate the activity of internal organs and vitality. important systems. In small doses, nicotine is stimulating nervous system, in large ones - causes its paralysis (stopping breathing, cessation of cardiac activity).

Symptoms of nicotine poisoning in people who start smoking are as follows: nausea (sometimes vomiting), dizziness and headache. Regular smokers, on the other hand, are aroused brain activity and there is a feeling of satisfaction. However, symptoms of poisoning are also present: some increase blood pressure,

rapid pulse, stopping the contractions of an empty stomach.

Smoking is not only a bad habit, in its strength it is akin to a certain form of drug addiction (nicotinism). However, nicotine itself does not have a strong effect in the body and its harm to the body is much less than the harm carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, 43 carcinogens and other constituents of tobacco smoke.

The main danger of nicotine is that nicotine addiction supports tobacco consumption, which is inevitably accompanied by the intake of all the harmful components of tobacco smoke. And cigarettes contain more than a dozen chemical compounds: ammonia, cadmium, acetic and stearic acid, hexamine, toluene, arsenic, methanol, etc.

In light of this, it seems reasonable that reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes will help smokers not develop addiction and they will be able to stop in time. However, everything happens quite the opposite. A smoker who has switched to a "light" brand of cigarettes, as a rule, calms down, despite the fact that the harmfulness of addiction to smoking tobacco is perceived by modern man almost as an axiom.

There is not a single organ on which smoking would not have a detrimental effect. Every year, new studies of the consequences of this pernicious weakness of mankind significantly expand the list of diseases. These included metabolic disorders, leukemia, cataracts, sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, a whole bouquet oncological diseases starting with lung cancer.

In addition, statistics show that in smokers the incidence of diseases peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum twice as high as non-smokers. Since a cigarette dulls the feeling of hunger for some time, a smoking person, instead of (or together) with a cup of coffee, will prefer not a sandwich, but a cigarette, which

contribute to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Smoking is directly related to mental health person, the level of his energy and vitality. If the smoker is nervous, he calms down due to the cigarette, however, the “relaxation” effect is achieved due to the inhibitory effect of tobacco poisons on important parts of the nervous system.

In addition, getting used to smoking, a person gets a new source of stress - the absence of a cigarette, without which he can no longer relax. It turns out a vicious circle: both the occurrence and the cessation of stress depend on smoking.

Is it worth it to continue? .. However, it is not in vain that a person starts and continues to smoke. Apparently, there are some reasons for this. Most smokers enjoy smoking. And this must be acknowledged. All the arguments about the dangers of smoking are of little use to a smoker. Of course, there are those for whom reading the facts about the dangers of smoking has helped not only to think about quitting smoking, but actually quit. But there are much more others.

You can argue for a long time about the cause of the emergence of many brands of cigarettes lightened to varying degrees. On the one hand, of course, in the harsh conditions of the ban on smoking, the tobacco industry is forced to come up with new ways to market its product. But on the other hand, perhaps, after all, this is a search for the replacement of a harmful tool of habit with a less harmful one? After all, there is a demand!

To date, there is not a single tobacco company that has not thought about harm reduction from their cigarettes. Manufacturers are trying possible ways reduce the level of hazardous chemical elements contained in a conventional cigarette to a minimum.

What do the terms "light" and "ultra-light" cigarettes really mean? Are brands of "light" cigarettes less harmful or is it just a way to indicate the strength of taste and aroma? ..

Despite the fact that "light" and "ultra-light" cigarettes have a reduced content of tar (up to 1 mg) and nicotine (up to 0.1 mg), smokers of these brands get the same toxins into their bodies as those who smoke regular cigarettes. The researchers also found no significant differences in the amount of these carcinogens, not to mention complex substitution patterns. low level some toxic substances their synthesis during the burning of a cigarette, as well as a harmful combination of the remaining components ...

But that's not all. According to experts, “light” cigarettes can even cause much more harm than traditional ones. As an argument, the fact is given that some people, when switching to “light” cigarettes, simply begin to smoke more of them during the day, so that the dose of toxic substances consumed remains the same. In addition, when smoking light cigarettes, people take deeper puffs.

So let's not deceive ourselves with the fact that the ease of curing the diseases acquired from them depends on the "lightness" of cigarettes. No wonder smoking is a bad habit. Harmful means harmful to health.

It is good that modern man has begun to think more and more about his moral and physical well-being. It's good that he prefers "light" cigarettes today. It is even better if, after switching to "light" cigarettes, he decided to quit smoking altogether.

Just to strengthen this desire, it is worth saying that after you quit smoking in a month, your breathing will be much easier, you will begin to get enough sleep, your working capacity will increase and your overall tone will increase significantly. After 3-6 months, the lungs will be freed from harmful products burning tobacco (tar, tobacco dust, etc.). In a year, the risk of developing coronary disease will decrease by 50%. After 5 years, the risk of developing lung cancer will significantly decrease.

Why are there so few pictures?

Excuse me, but while I was looking for how to arrange this post, I saw so many horror movies that I simply did not dare to post them here.

Tobacco smoking has been known to mankind for many centuries. The authority of smokers in society was constantly undergoing changes, there were constant disputes about the dangers and benefits of smoking. However, on this moment It is undeniable that smoking kills a person!

Tobacco smoke consists of a fraction of gas and tar. It includes about 4 thousand different components. The gas fraction contains urethane, benzene, vinyl chloride, formaldehyde, etc. The resin contains aromatic amines, PAHs, polonium-210, nitrosamines, etc.

Smoking is directly related not only to lung cancer, but also to cancer of the oral mucosa, laryngopharynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney pelvis, pancreas, and cervix.

A person who smokes 2 packs a day can get lung cancer 15 times more often than a non-smoker. The risk increases significantly when smoking cigarettes that do not contain a filter, made from cheap tobacco.

Smoking is etiological factor development of acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, COPD, which are manifested by cough and sputum production.

Smoking plays an active role in the development of gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease, as nicotine promotes hyperfunction of parietal cells, increases acidity gastric juice, the level of pepsinogen in the blood, suppresses the action of protective factors (reduces the formation of mucus, the synthesis of prostaglandins, blood flow), promotes duodenogastric reflux.

Chronic nicotine intoxication causes essential arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. Between smoking and development acute leukemia there is a direct relationship, which is especially pronounced at the age of over 60 years. Approximately 20% of cases of acute myeloid leukemia are caused by smoking. Unfortunately, the progression of any chronic disease leads to death.

Everyone knows the effect of nicotine in "chronic" smoking. However, few people know that acute nicotine poisoning is also possible.

Scientists have calculated the lethal dose of nicotine: 1 milligram per kilogram of human body weight. This means that if you smoke a pack of cigarettes at once, a person can die from acute poisoning.

Tobacco extract quickly penetrates through the mucous membranes and is rapidly metabolized in the body. Detoxification in the liver, 25% is excreted unmeasured in the urine, in the exhaled air, with sweat. The lethal dose for adults is 40 mg; for children - 10 mg. Toxic concentration in the blood is 10 mg/l, lethal - 5-22 mg/l. Nicotine has a psychotropic neurotoxic effect, excites the central nervous system, N-cholinergic systems of the body, which is manifested by headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, cold sweat, tinnitus; irregular pulse; constriction of the pupils, impaired vision and hearing, myofibrillation, clonic-tonic convulsions; coma, collapse. Non-smokers are more susceptible to the effects of nicotine than long-term smokers.

Combination of tobacco smoke and other carcinogens

In radon ore miners, exposure to tobacco and AI increases the risk of cancer by 10 times. Smoking and asbestos increase the possibility of developing lung cancer, with alcohol - cancer of the esophagus, with occupational hazards chemical industry - bladder cancer.

Not only active, but also passive smoking kills, the likelihood of developing lung cancer increases in the wives of smokers.

Epidemiology of tobacco smoking

Every year more than 350,000 people in the US and more than 6 million people worldwide die from smoking, a third of deaths due to cancer, the rest from cardiopulmonary complications. The death rate from lung cancer outnumbers the death rate from breast cancer. With the cessation of smoking, the risk decreases only after 12 years.

Man and attitude in society

The harm of smoking affects the behavior of a person in society, his attitude to reality. Since the beginning nicotine syndrome a person becomes irritable, quick-tempered, absent-minded, his attention is weakened, his memory is impaired. Such people are characterized by insomnia, bizarre dreams, mood lability, derealization, impaired personal functioning. These manifestations are associated with such a neurotropic poison as nicotine alkaloid.

smoking and pregnancy

The harm of smoking lies not only in the negative impact on the body of a smoker, in particular a smoking mother, but also on a child in the womb. Under the influence of nicotine, the vessels of the uterus narrow, as a result of which there is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the child's body. Smoking kills the child pathological factor causing miscarriage, premature labor, miscarriage, birth defects development, sudden death fetus.


There is an opinion that a drop of nicotine can kill a horse. People, of course, are not horses, which is why many of them are of the opinion that this kind of “trouble” simply does not threaten them.
Is it really?
Very often, picking up another cigarette, we forget that nicotine is a drug, the action of which resembles the action of the strongest poison. All smokers are the same drug addicts who, refusing cigarettes, begin to experience the so-called withdrawal. It is breaking that most often becomes the reason that a person cannot get rid of this bad habit. Perhaps after reading this article, you will understand how harmful it is. smoking, and not only for smokers, but also for the people who surround him. How exactly "kill" a person's cigarettes, you will find out right now.

What is smoking?

Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of preparations, in most cases of plant origin, which smolder in the inhaled air stream in order to saturate the body with the active substances that make up their composition. During this procedure, these substances are absorbed both into the lungs and into the respiratory tract. Most often used for the use of various smoking mixtures such as opium, tobacco and marijuana, which have narcotic properties due to the rapid intake of saturated active ingredients blood to the human brain. This bad habit is the most common cause premature death and disability modern population. According to statistics, smoking kills more than 3 million people every year. Moreover, it shortens life by as much as 20 to 25 years.

Historical facts

Smoking has been known since ancient times. On the frescoes that are in Indian temples, you can see holy ascetics who inhale the smoke of various aromatic incense. During the excavations of the burial places of the nobility in Egypt, smoking pipes were also found. In the manuscripts of Herodotus there is also information that he quite often inhaled the smoke of various burned plants. Both Germans and Gauls in the first century BC regularly smoked cannabis using pipes. Shamans inhaled the smoke of special plants during their rituals. They argued that with its help it is possible both to free the mind and achieve a special state of mind. There is also the only smoking museum in the world, which is located in France, or rather in Paris. In Europe, the first leaves of a special grass appeared thanks to Columbus, who brought them on March 15, 1496. Europeans began to call this grass tobacco. Already 100 years later, tobacco was grown both in Spain and in England, Belgium, Switzerland, and also in Italy. In those days, people believed that tobacco was exclusively healing properties. With its help, both gastric disorders and diseases of the nervous system, migraine, toothache, as well as aching bones were treated. Tobacco was also used in the religious rituals of the ancient civilizations of America. The Americans believed that its inhalation made it possible to communicate with the gods.

Nicotine - general information

Nicotine is considered to be the main active principle of tobacco. It is an alkaloid found in plants of the nightshade family, predominantly in tobacco. The biosynthesis of this alkaloid occurs in the roots of tobacco, but it accumulates in its leaves. AT pure form this potent neurotoxin is an oily clear liquid, which has a very pungent taste. In a small amount, this alkaloid has a stimulating effect. As for its large quantities, then in this case nicotine acts as the strongest poison, which can cause the development of paralysis of the central nervous system. In such cases, respiratory arrest occurs, as well as cessation of the heart, which in turn leads to the death of a person. So, for example, in the filter of one cigarette, such an amount of this alkaloid accumulates, which is enough to kill a mouse. Repeated use of its microdoses causes both mental and physical dependence in a person.

How does nicotine poisoning manifest itself?

The first signs of such poisoning are considered to be nausea, weakness, salivation, drowsiness, blanching of the skin and dizziness. In addition, the smoker begins to experience a feeling of fear, his pulse quickens, there is tinnitus and headache. Large doses this substance have negative impact and on the adrenal glands, as well as on the muscular system. In case of poisoning, there is also a sharp increase in blood pressure, a drop in pressure in the vessels, inhibition of the work of the cardiovascular vascular system. In extremely severe cases the smoker loses consciousness or even dies.

Composition of tobacco smoke

The composition of tobacco smoke includes about 4,000 substances, many of which are categorized as mutagenic, pharmacologically active, carcinogenic, and toxic. The composition of such smoke is really complex. Moreover, many chemical components tend to get into the air in the form of particles or gases. These particles in turn contain nicotine and tar. They have a powerful irritating effect. About 60 components of smoke tend to cause the development of cancer.

Resin in this case is the most dangerous, since it is she who tends to settle on the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system, provoking the development of various pathological conditions. In addition, it is the resin that prevents the cleansing process in the lungs and damages the alveolar sacs ( structural components). It tends to lower the effectiveness of the body's defenses.
Carbon monoxide is another component of tobacco smoke, which provokes a decrease in the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, which in turn causes disruption of all tissues, organs and systems.
Carbon monoxide tends to damage arterial walls and increase contraction coronary vessels which causes heart attacks.
Hydrogen cyanide negatively affects the cilia of the bronchial tree. Ammonium, acrolein, formaldehyde, and nitrogen dioxide also have a toxic effect on the same area.

Types of smoking

Modern experts distinguish the following types of smoking:
1. Pharmacological:
  • sedative ( general relief in an unpleasant situation);
  • passion ( automatic smoking, in most cases unconscious, the thought of cigarettes arises only when they are not at hand);
  • conniving ( a person smokes for the purpose of obtaining pleasure or to enhance a pleasant situation, the frequency of smoking varies widely);
  • stimulating ( cigarettes act as a support when performing monotonous work, mental tasks, in stressful situations, as well as when concentration is necessary).
2. Non-pharmacological:
  • sensory-motor ( the process itself brings satisfaction to the person);
  • psychosocial ( to achieve social trust, a kind of means of self-affirmation).

The reasons

People start smoking very quickly. various reasons. One of the most common is curiosity. " I won't understand until I try- so many say. Teenagers, picking up a cigarette, most often want to imitate adults or their smoking friends. In the spread of smoking among girls, a special role is given to both fashion and the desire to “look at your best”, the desire to please the opposite sex, as well as the desire for originality. Some are of the opinion that smoking makes them stronger, more courageous and independent. Regardless of what exactly prompted a person to pick up a cigarette, in all cases, very soon this bad habit will become his vital need, and all because he will develop dependence on tobacco.

Tobacco addiction

The reasons for the development of dependence on tobacco are quite complex. Scientists still can not fully understand them. Some of them are of the opinion that nicotine and the smell of tar are to blame, which make it possible for a person to enjoy the procedure itself. One thing is clear that when quitting cigarettes, a person develops numerous withdrawal symptoms, which are clearly expressed by changes in the EEG ( electroencephalogram - total electrical activity many neurons of the brain, which is recorded from the surface of the head). These symptoms include sleep and mood disturbances, a decrease in the quality of physical and mental activity, increased appetite, changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

The dose that kills a person

In order for nicotine to kill a person, it is necessary that his body has from 0.5 to 1 mg of this substance per 1 kg of body. Reaching such doses is actually not so easy, since out of 10 mg of nicotine, which is contained in 1 cigarette, only 1 mg enters our body. It should be noted that a few decades ago, this substance was used to control pests. It was no longer used in agriculture only because experts considered it a substance of increased toxicity. Just think about these words. Let's say more, tobacco is also part of some food products. So, for example, 1 microgram of tobacco can be obtained by eating 25 grams. green tomatoes, 250 gr. red tomatoes, 10 whole eggplants or 150 gr. potatoes. By using these products along with smoking, you only increase the level of nicotine in your body. Add to this the nicotine that enters your body through the pores of the skin when you act as a passive smoker. Surely, now the situation seems to you no longer so safe. In fact, that's the way it is. Sometimes people die even after smoking 2 cigarettes. This is not surprising, since tobacco is very harmful to our health.

Harm of smoking for the female body

Nicotine has a detrimental effect on female body. So, after the first puff, the fairer sex begins to feel a sore throat. In addition, they have bad taste in the mouth, the heart rate increases, nausea, coughing, dizziness, and sometimes vomiting appear. All these unpleasant phenomena are considered defensive reaction organism. At the same time, each smoker tries to suppress all these protective functions and continues to take regular puffs.
With each next puff, the female body is more and more poisoned, as a result of which the protective functions subside, which leads to a subsidence of the feeling of discomfort. There is not a single smoker who would not notice that every morning she was worried about a cough of unknown origin, her voice became hoarse, her teeth turned yellow, and her skin lost its former elasticity and firmness. Such women always look older than their years, but this does not stop them, and they continue to buy cigarettes. Moreover, all smokers are included in the group increased risk development of various inflammatory pathologies. They are also quite often put terrible diagnosis"infertility". Such a diagnosis is not surprising, since nicotine tends to provoke premature puberty.

Harm of smoking for the male body

The male body compared to the body of a woman is more inclined to the development of certain pathological conditions. This fact is explained by the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex are more often engaged in heavy physical work, which, of course, reduces defensive forces their body. Most often, smokers develop diseases such as bronchitis, myocardial infarction, and cancer, mainly of the lower lip and lungs. Without a doubt, all these ailments often occur in non-smokers, but smokers are most susceptible to them. In addition, such men very often suffer from arrhythmia ( heart rhythm disturbances) and ischemia ( phenomena of local anemia).

Cough is another symptom that worries almost every smoker. At first, he only bothers men in the morning, but over time, he becomes more and more severe forms. The main problem that can arise in men due to cigarettes is impotence. Combustion products tobacco tar, provoke vasoconstriction in the pelvic organs. As a result, there is a clear violation of blood circulation, primarily in the prostate gland. Prolonged smoking can cause the development of a more terrible disease, namely adenoma ( benign tumor ), which over time can develop into cancer prostate. And, of course, it should be noted that cigarettes shorten the life of a male by at least 10 years.

Effects on the respiratory organs

Nicotine has its effect harmful effect primarily on the respiratory organs. Various chronic pathologies of the bronchi, pharynx, lungs and larynx are quite common in the life of smokers. Passing through the upper respiratory tract, the smoke has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of both the larynx and the nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi, provoking the release of a large amount of mucus and saliva. Since the secretion of these components is large enough, their accumulation in certain areas of the mucous membrane causes coughing. Coughing in the morning often worries smokers and due to the contact with their mucous membrane of a component called pyridine, which tends to irritate both the tongue and the eyes, as well as the throat. Other components endowed with an irritating effect can lead to hypertrophy of the mucous membranes of the glands, as well as to bronchospasm. Their regular impact on given area significantly weakens the resistance of the lungs to various infections and viruses. Over time, smokers develop laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, and tracheitis. Emphysema of the lungs is also quite possible - a pathology characterized by a pathological expansion of the air spaces, which are located a little further than the terminal bronchioles. Daily smoking also inhibits the protective functions of the ciliated epithelium that covers the bronchi. Smokers are much more likely to suffer from diseases such as tuberculosis.

Impact on the nervous system

Influencing the nervous system, nicotine, first of all, loosens it, which in turn provokes a violation of the normal functioning of both organs. digestive tract and organs of the cardiovascular system. The nervous system under the influence of nicotine is initially slightly excited, after which it is depressed. Long-term smoking leads to the fact that a person becomes irritable, his appetite worsens and sleep is disturbed. Making a smoker nervous is pretty easy. In case of poisoning with this substance, the leading positions are occupied by phenomena related precisely to the work of the central nervous system. In such cases, even those centers that are responsible for sexual activity are oppressed. As a result, men begin to suffer from sexual impotence, but for the fairer sex, menopause occurs much faster.

Do not bypass smoking and mental activity. Smokers very often experience mood deterioration, memory disorders, decreased performance, hand tremors, migraines and insomnia. Under the influence of nicotine, polyneuritis, neuritis, radiculitis, dizziness, spasms or sclerosis of cerebral vessels, etc., can make themselves known. It is quite possible to develop convulsive conditions. Hemorrhages in the brain in people who smoke are observed 3-4 times more often than in others. In general, nicotine has a detrimental narcotic effect on the nervous system.

Effect on the skin

The skin of a smoker regularly experiences a lack of oxygen, as a result of which its color becomes gray, and the structure is quite dry and unattractive. All smokers have a lot more wrinkles on their faces, especially in the area around the mouth and eyes. Wrinkles in such cases are special. Most often they diverge at right angles from the upper and lower lips. In some smokers, they even occur on the lower jaw and cheeks. Skin color can be either gray or purple, red or orange. In all cases, the skin looks hard, rough, haggard. Tobacco smoke, acting on the skin from the outside, can cause the development and chronic strabismus. He tends to hurt connective tissue, as well as minimize the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Influence on the organs of the digestive system

Regular tobacco poisoning causes painful conditions various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. All smokers swallow a large number of toxic substances of tobacco smoke, as they have increased salivation. In addition, tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane oral cavity. Plus, it is also deposited on the gums and teeth, provoking the development of "smoker's caries", accompanied by blackening of the teeth and the fact that the teeth begin to deteriorate, loosen and fall out much earlier.
The gums begin to bleed, become inflamed and acquire a loose texture. Tooth enamel is also damaged. Particularly harmful to the digestive tract is the inhalation of tobacco smoke on an empty stomach, immediately after meals and at night. Such a bad habit leads to inhibition of the contractile function of the stomach and a decrease in appetite. A smoker may also complain of pain in the stomach or intestines, nausea and vomiting. Tobacco also tends to increase the acidity of gastric juice and disrupt gastric secretion, which in turn increases the risk of gastritis ( inflammatory process mucous membrane of the stomach) and ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. Long-term smoking can even result in chronic hepatitis ( inflammation of the liver).

Impact on the organs of the reproductive system

Nicotine negatively affects the sexual function of a man, while significantly inhibiting it. This effect is especially strong on erection, which is weakened, while enhancing various neurasthenic phenomena. There are cases of decrease and sexual desire. To date, there is not a single specialist who could cure sexual impotence until the patient gets rid of this addiction. Note that nicotine also tends to inhibit the ability of sperm to move, which causes the development of male infertility. As for women, tobacco causes the phenomenon of frigidity in them, that is, a decrease in sexual desire. Smokers can also develop infertility. They also stop menstruating much earlier.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Under the influence of tobacco, the cardiovascular system wears out and ages very quickly. Nicotine can cause development and hypertension, coronary disease, atherosclerosis ( chronic disease of the arteries of the muscular-elastic and elastic type), myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, as well as obliterating endarteritis (peripheral diseases blood vessels ). Penetrating into the blood, the toxic components of tobacco smoke are carried through the tissues of the body in 21-23 seconds. It is in such a short time that they manage to poison the entire body. After 2 - 3 cigarettes small vessels fall into a state of spasm, which lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. If you belong to the category of smokers who smoke 1 pack of cigarettes per day, then your vessels are in this state all the time. As a result, there is a clear decrease in the lumen of small arteries and a violation normal nutrition all fabrics. Arteries under the influence of tobacco acquire a dense texture, but at the same time they break very quickly, as they lose the elasticity they need.

Pain in the heart, heart rhythm disturbances, palpitations - all these are phenomena that almost all smokers face. Nicotine can also lead to the development of such a complex pathological condition as intermittent claudication ( disease characterized by pain in calf muscles when walking as a result of circulatory disorders lower extremities ). This pathology dangerous for its complications, one of which is gangrene. With the development of gangrene, a person most often amputates both legs. Tobacco smoke also provokes fatty degeneration of the heart muscle, reducing the efficiency of the heart to a minimum. Since the heart of a smoker is forced to work at an accelerated pace, it wears out much faster.

Nicotine and the human psyche

In the course of the studies, scientists were able to establish that citizens suffering from mental disorders of various etiologies are prone to smoking. It has been shown that people with these disorders smoke 40% more than those without them. Experts are 100% sure that mental disorders and smoking are conditions that only reinforce each other.

Smoking leads to hypothermia

Scientists from the University of Weil have found that long-term smoking causes a clear dysregulation of skin blood flow, resulting in smokers suffering from hypothermia much more often than non-smokers. These experts found that in active smokers, the vasoconstriction reaction dominates over the vasodilation reaction. As a result, there is a clear increase in the overall resistance of the vascular system. All this, of course, leads to normal reaction skin for cooling. Let's say more, excessive resistance of the vascular system persists even after a person abstains from cigarettes for 1 to 2 days. It turns out that the changes vascular wall are irreversible.

Nicotine and adolescent health

Children usually start smoking at school age. According to statistics, by the age of 13, more than 50% of boys and a fairly large number of girls smoke by the age of 13. Boys most often join this habit in order to feel like "real men." Some students smoke as a protest against the smoking ban. As for schoolgirls, many of them are of the opinion that cigarettes can prevent fullness. Initially, the body of a teenager "protests" against the introduction of toxic substances. However, over time, a seemingly innocent habit becomes so strong that the student can no longer give it up. Without a doubt, nicotine adversely affects the health of adolescents. First of all, it depresses the cardiovascular and central nervous system. Most adolescent smokers pale color a face with an earthy tint. Such schoolchildren are also worried about coughing. Quite often at them it is possible to reveal and anemia. There is a clear inhibition of growth and development, memory impairment, decreased attention and quick wits. In some cases, such children begin to suffer from myopia. In all cases, they are absent-minded and irritable, which is not in the best way affects their performance in school. An important fact is that teenagers most often do not have enough money to buy expensive cigarettes. As a result, they smoke the cheapest varieties of cigarettes, which contain the highest levels of nicotine. In addition, in fear that someone will see them, they smoke very quickly. The rapid combustion of tobacco contributes to the release again maximum number toxic ingredients. All these facts lead to a significant poisoning of the growing organism. Sometimes teenagers finish smoking other people's cigarettes, thereby increasing the risk of infection. infectious pathologies or helminths.

Harm to others

Smoking is a habit that is disgusting to the eye, intolerable to the sense of smell, dangerous to the lungs, and harmful to the brain. Not only smokers themselves suffer from tobacco smoke, but also the people who surround them, i.e. passive smokers, and the latter suffer even more. It is estimated that about 3,000 smokers die from lung cancer and about 62,000 secondhand smokers from heart disease each year.
If a pregnant woman is regularly exposed to tobacco smoke, she can immediately be placed in a group at increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Such mothers often give birth to children with various neuropsychic defects. In addition, babies can be born with reduced body weight. Especially dangerous is the inhalation of tobacco smoke for children, since it is they who have against the background passive smoking very often develop pathological conditions like chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and others. It is mandatory to protect children from inhalation of tobacco smoke who have a high level of cholesterol in the blood. The thing is that the components of such smoke tend to lower the content of the so-called healthy cholesterol to a minimum.

Smoking during pregnancy

Nicotine has a harmful effect on any female body, especially if it is an organism future mother. The worst thing is that such smokers harm, first of all, their unborn children. The thing is that all the toxic components of tobacco smoke tend to penetrate the child through the placenta, and it doesn’t matter if you smoke a whole pack of cigarettes a day or you couldn’t resist and took just one puff. In all cases, your baby smokes with you and such smoking "kills" his growing and developing body. Already in the womb, the baby begins to cough and choke because of the smoke he inhales. As a result, a spasm of its vessels occurs, which in turn causes oxygen starvation. The consequences of smoking during pregnancy are many, and all of them are deplorable. So, for example, a baby can be born prematurely with a body weight of less than 2.5 kg. In such children, other parameters are most often reduced, namely the circumference chest head and body length. It is clear that such children develop much more slowly. Plus, they get sick much more often than their peers. There is an opinion that it is by no means possible to quit smoking during pregnancy, since the cleansing of the body passes through the fetus, which only aggravates the general state of affairs. Actually it is not. The sooner you give up this bad habit, the higher the chances of having a healthy baby.

Smoking during lactation

Smoking and breastfeeding are two incompatible concepts. If you want your baby to fully develop both physically and mentally, then flatly give up cigarettes. First of all, it is worth noting that nicotine during this period can lead to a decrease in milk production, and, consequently, to a reduction in the period of breastfeeding. Most often this is what happens, but this is best avoided, since only breast milk can supply the child's body with all the necessary nutrients. However, smoker's milk contains much less trace elements and vitamins. Babies of such mothers develop much more slowly. In addition, your addiction to cigarettes turns your baby into a passive smoker, who can easily develop any cardiovascular disease or some kind of lung pathology.

Is hookah harmful?

A fairly large number of people are in a hurry to buy a hookah in order to start smoking it instead of cigarettes. They are sure that the water filter is able to clean the smoke from toxic components, and, therefore, harmful impurities will no longer enter their body. Without a doubt, the water filter retains up to 90% of nicotine and approximately 50% of tar, but we must not forget that 1 hookah smoking session lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. The amount of smoke that enters the body of a smoker in a given period of time is much greater than the volume of smoke from a cigarette smoked. It follows that smoking one hookah can be compared to smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. Experts are sure that the harm from a hookah is no less, so if you protect your health, you should not replace cigarettes with them.

What happens when we quit smoking?

  • In 20 minutes: normalization of the work of the heart is noted, blood pressure decreases to normal, blood supply to the feet and palms improves;
  • After 8 hours: the level of oxygen in the blood is normalized;
  • After 2 days: the ability to sense both smell and taste is enhanced;
  • After 7 days: the complexion improves significantly, the unpleasant odor from the hair, skin, and mouth disappears;
  • After 1 month: breathing normalizes, chronic headaches, excessive fatigue and cough disappear;
  • In 6 months: the pulse becomes less frequent, there is a desire for physical activity, sports results improve;
  • After 1 year: the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%;
  • After 5 years: the risk of death from lung cancer is reduced to a minimum.

What can you do?

If you are a heavy smoker, then it is in your power to get rid of this addiction. Such a step will be the most correct if you really want to prolong your life and significantly improve your health. Even if you don't smoke, never become a passive smoker - avoid places and situations where you can be exposed to tobacco smoke.
Giving up this habit is not so easy, but today there is great amount ways to make this task easier. Abruptly quitting smoking is one of the most effective methods. In addition, you can use the help of special chewing gums, which contain nicotine, or patches, from which nicotine is released small dose of this substance, which makes it possible to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal symptoms can also be alleviated with a medication called clonidine , which is intended for the treatment of increased blood pressure. If this does not help, then use the help of hypnosis. What exactly is this method of quitting smoking, and exactly how it works, you can find out by consulting a specialist. In general, there are plenty of methods. The most important thing is to have a desire and how you can more power will! Quitting smoking, following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable alternation of work and rest, playing sports, exciting leisure activities - this is how you need to live, thus prolonging your working capacity and strengthening your health.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Today we will talk about smoking and find out whether smoking is really harmful.

If you look closely at a tobacco shop or a cigarette stall, you can see a direct road to cemetery. How do you ask me? And I will answer. Just pay attention to what all the packs of cigarettes displayed in the windows are full of today? Each one, without exception, is covered by a third with two words of the following content - "SMOKING KILLS".

From here, as it were, the conclusion suggests itself, people who buy cigarettes are consciously risking their lives, deliberately going to an untimely death.

It is unlikely that this happens out of ignorance. You understand how many years tobacco has existed on our continent, so much time has been fought against it. Initially, for example, on the Russia for smoking tobacco flogged with rods, and then, for the subsequent disobedience, the nostrils were torn. Yes! Imagine if today smokers got what they deserved during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich or Alexei Mikhailovich? An impressive part of the Russians would look like an unsuccessfully pierced teenager.

But I want to point out that negative attitude to tobacco in the world was not always, at one time, smoking grass was used even for medicinal purposes. Today, by the way, too, people are sometimes prescribed tobacco, in the case of ulcerative colitis. But this is already medicine, and particular situations to which we will not deviate.

Let us return a little to history, when, thanks to the revolutionary spirit Peter the Great smokers got relief. True, in those days, Russians were forbidden to grow beards, but as a bonus - allowed to smoke. Why not reciprocate?

By the way, perhaps Peter turned out to be a seer, because, as today's medicine proves - smokers with facial hair - be it a mustache or a beard - absorb more harmful substances than those with clean-shaven skin. The fact is that the dangerous components included in cigarettes - tar, nicotine, and so on skillfully settle on the hairs around the mouth. Therefore, even after smoking a cigarette, the “bearded man” will continue to inhale the poison. Until thoroughly washed beard or mustache. Or he will not shave, as Tsar Peter bequeathed.

In general, I think everyone understands that smoking is harmful. But for some reason, even relying on this knowledge, 45 million people in our country are currently smokers! Just think - it's almost one third of the total population of Russia! The rest - those who do not smoke, as practice shows, suffer greatly from the dominance of "smoke vents".

Evgenia, photographer: “I have had allergies and asthma since early childhood. different substances and even to medicines, reactions to household chemicals, dust or combustion products. Smoke from burning leaves, from a fire or cigarette smoke led to Quincke's edema, and asthma attacks sometimes led to loss of consciousness from suffocation. Therefore, you have to be very careful all your life: and if you can protect yourself from dust or medicines, household chemicals, then you cannot hide from cigarette smoke in our country. They smoke everywhere: on the street, on the porch of any establishment, in any bar / cafe / restaurant / hotel, in the entrances of residential buildings, at bus stops! It is impossible to control it, to protect yourself from another attack of allergies, even medicines do not always help, and it is impossible to take them daily for many years.

It seems that our country is focused on smokers - they are everywhere in a privileged position. It turns out that if you do not smoke and try to drive healthy lifestyle life, protecting yourself from an asthma attack and allergies is your problem, solve it as you like, stay at home and don’t go anywhere if you don’t feel like breathing smoke.

A separate story is smoking in public catering establishments - after all, cigarette smoke kills the very meaning of food: you do not feel the taste and aroma of freshly cooked food, even if you are sitting in a non-smoking room - smoke and smell penetrate everywhere. There is a joke: the smoking area in a restaurant is like a pissing area in a swimming pool.

It is also amazing that smoking has become the norm so much that people consider it harmless not only for themselves, but also for others: now they smoke even with children! It can be added that in Europe and the USA it is even somehow shameful to smoke, and you will meet few people who smoke, as a rule, they themselves try to smoke so that the smoke does not bother anyone. And they don’t smoke in their establishments, so anyone can go anywhere without fear of inhaling smoke.”

If you ask a stable nicotine absorber why he smokes, then most often you will encounter such an answer as - " I like it, it gives me pleasure».

Xenia, banker: “I just enjoy the process of smoking. Drawing smoke into the lungs and releasing it back. In addition, the taste of the cigarettes that I smoke is very pleasant, fragrant. Smoking with a cup of coffee in the morning, in a cafe, while you are on vacation is very cozy.”

Naturally, no one wants to talk about what is really - smoking is disgusting, and even more so to remember how once The first time I took a cigarette in my mouth and I didn’t like it terribly. It is clear that a smoker's cough can be covered with an eternal cold, and an unpleasant smell can be chewed with chewing gum. In addition, few smokers will ever say what is really wants to quit smoking, since it is simply necessary to prove the "holiness" of this ritual to those around - those who aim at curtailing the "freedom of choice" of the one who prays. But anyway, back to the numbers.

Daily our the world smokes 15 billion cigarettes. Think for a second - what is the population of planet Earth? So here it is we are 7 billion. Now you understand that total self-destruction is happening around? For example, in France, three to five thousand passive smokers die prematurely every year! But, apparently, people who smoke already know that they are deliberately killing themselves, what do they care about the whole world ...

In general, when a person “automatically” gives money for a favorite box of cigarettes in a stall or in a store, he almost certainly does not think about how he will now light up a piece of paper stuffed with God knows what, attached to the “protecting” lungs filter. As a rule, at this moment, some problem or an unfinished, haunting thought is walking around in his head, requiring a distraction - that very cigarette.

Polina, freelancer: « In the past few years, the smell of tobacco has begun to lose its former charm for me. Earlier in smoking for me there was a spirit of inspiration and protest. The cigarette helped write. Now a cigarette is an attempt to somehow calm down if you are too excited. ”

And then, if you, for example, are a smoker, then it should be Do you prefer lighter cigarettes? They supposedly contain less nicotine and other filth, but you still, as it turns out, take care of your health? That is, in this way, you consciously protect yourself, as it were, from premature death, without implying that if cigarettes are lighter, then you will smoke them more often.

Have you heard anything about nicotine starvation? Yes, the thing is that if a person constantly smokes - the body gets used to the regular intake of nicotine into the blood, therefore, the moments between smoke breaks are so “hard” experienced. And that's why the doctors are calling that smoking is addictive, and more daring doctors emphasize that such a hobby akin to drug addiction.

Of course, you can surround yourself with illusions about the "harmlessness" of lighter or thinner cigarettes - until death. Yes, and laying out a hundred rubles a day for a pack of twenty murderous sticks is also a matter of habit. Answers like this dying from tobacco is not scary when you can fall dead from an icicle that has fallen from the roof or from a collapsed piece of stucco molding from the facade of a building, if you live, say, in St. Petersburg - favorite topics of heavy smokers.

But let's not beat around the bush, but dig deeper - why some trumpet the dangers of smoking, others continue to "tar", but no one not talking about cigarette manufacturers? Why is the focus shifted to protecting health, and not to the manufacturers of "contagion"? After all, it is obvious that people who consciously buy "death" for themselves shortening their lives by at least 10 years - not interested in the state of his own body.

Smokers - wow! Are you wondering at least who earns money on you and your children? Who buys islands in the waters at your expense Pacific Ocean and is going to fly into space, for example ... to teach aliens how to smoke?

tobacco mafia. I must say that this phrase sounds much more serious than the phrase "Smoking kills" or colorful photos of lung cancer on the back of the pack. Tobacco mafia in Russia, despite the law prohibiting smoking in in public places, directed against the propaganda of a bad habit, has a very strong position.

Love, a cigarette seller: “I am neutral about smoking. I think it's up to everyone to smoke or not to smoke. I myself don’t smoke for a number of reasons: well, firstly, I think that a girl with a cigarette is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, I don’t like the smell of tobacco smoke, and I don’t want it to come from me. And the fact that it is harmful to health ... There is so much harmful for people in the world, and every day a person poisons his body with low-quality food, alcohol, the environment and much more.

Just think how long excise taxes on cigarettes were kept and they did not rise in price! The low cost of cigarettes in Russia has led such developed countries as the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, where they have been fighting smoking for a long time, and tobacco products have a price significantly exceeding a hundred of our rubles.

Now, as we can see, the gradual increase in the cost of a pack of cigarettes leads to the fact that those who are used to smoking deliberately pay more for all the same evil, and underground market cigarette-trade aimed at brand-new yet bankrupt smokers - grows.

And when the whole world refuses to smoke, the citizens of Russia, on the contrary, are dragging on harder. What is the reason for this, you ask? With the fact that transcontinental corporations for the manufacture of cigarettes rushed to our dear domestic market. Thus, according to some data, 94% of the entire Russian tobacco market is occupied by companies with foreign capital, such as Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, the Japanese JTI and other leaders in tobacco production. Still they would not strive here when for tobacco products in the country by its own citizens annually spending over $5 billion a year.

Do you know why? The whole point is that smoking, though now unobtrusively, but enough massively promoted.

By whom? All the same famous tobacco companies with untold budgets. Where? Pick up expensive gloss, go to the theater, watch your favorite movie. Yes take a look at modern Russian actresses, musical performers, TV presenters. In 90% of a hundred - you will stumble upon people who smoke, smoking cigarettes, advertising new stylish packs filled with super absorbent unpleasant odors filters and flavors.

Margaret, writer: « I am a victim of the myth that smoking is cool. I once saw enough of Jarmusch's "Coffee and Cigarettes" and read Kurt Vonnegut. I want to quit. Dropped three times. But then everything goes back to normal.”

What are the lofty faces of film stars emitting wisps of white smoke worth? Of course, this looks very attractive, especially for young people who a priori fight for their freedom and do everything that is forbidden with unspeakable enthusiasm. But It's one thing to start smoking, it's quite another to quit.. Only a personal array of willpower will help here.

Olesya, marketer: “Smoking experience 20 years (since 9 years). I have always liked smoking. I really liked it, so I smoked on purpose and didn’t even think about quitting. Last year I mentally prepare for the fact that I will quit, I still don’t prepare in any way. It is necessary to quit, because already “great” this habit has spoiled the outer shell. Very bad skin has become, and in general, hit on health, appeared bronchial asthma. I am fine with smokers, but I do not accept smoking in the presence of children and smoking pregnant women.

I hope you understand that, in fact, both tobacco manufacturers and its distributors, no matter how much they write on cigarette packs, and at least on each individual cigarette, that “ Smoking kills» your life is not a concern, much less how soon you will die - from cancer, asthma or a heart attack caused by their products.

We can say that the state is in some sense indifferent to the length of your life, mind you, here even no one calls for the implementation of the laws adopted against smokers - everyone smoked at bus stops and train stations - they “smoke” farther.

Moreover, those smokers who do not even intend to quit addiction, most likely, by ourselves no one cares about own life. What can we talk about if every day they tirelessly buy themselves “lung cancer”, hiding behind the fact that they just like to inhale “burning paper”.

Therefore, here I am by no means pursuing the idea of ​​​​broadcasting that smoking is bad for your health. It affects the problems with potency in men, the birth of dead children or underdeveloped "mutants" in women, causes premature aging skin, shortness of breath, blockage of blood vessels, gangrene, strokes, heart attacks, manic addiction, cancer of various internal organs, and eventually death.

I just want to tell you that, being once a smoker myself, in the company of my own kind there was such a story - when shoot a cigarette and say "thank you", the one who gave you a light never say "good luck". That is everyone really understands that they are killing themselves.

And here, no matter how much the MINISTRY OF HEALTH WARNED. No matter how many posters are glued and social projects are unfolded, how many laws are passed, until the person himself reaches, what smoking is like death that those who sell cigarettes are impudently cashing in on it, and those who “screen” smoke are simply just as sick and dependent people , like the smoker himself, and not at all cool and accomplished characters due to an elegant cigarette - nothing will change.

Anna, beautician “As a child, when my high school girlfriends were sneaking around the corner to smoke, my mother, afraid of bad influence, said that if she knew that I was indulging in the same thing, she would feed me a whole pack of cigarettes. The persuasion had an effect on me. At the institute, the passion for tobacco among young girls was gaining unimaginable momentum. Everyone around me smoked. It was cool to sit in the kitchen in the company of future journalists, exhale cigarette smoke and discuss pressing media issues. I didn't smoke then either. I thought, since I didn’t start dabbling in tobacco in high school, now I don’t have to try to fit in with the new environment. Moreover, if at the age of 13 smoking seemed incredibly cool and you could feel like an adult, then at 20 it is a conscious choice that can leave a mark on our lives, or rather our appearance.

Recently, a friend of mine who is approaching her 40s (20 of which she smokes 5 cigarettes a day for 20 years) complained that her skin had lost firmness and had a greyish complexion. “Maybe it’s time to try Botox,” she concluded. Knowing her quick-tempered character, I did not try to convince her, but only mentally thought "Maybe it's time to throw away cigarettes"

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