Spring hay fever symptoms and treatment. Pollinosis (hay fever). Symptoms and Causes

Imagine, the nose does not breathe, it tickles in the throat, the ears cannot hear, the eyes cannot stand the light and watery. And all this in the spring, sometimes hopes, when all normal humanity rejoices at the awakening of nature and is waiting for renewal! Let's take a closer look at the most "unfair" disease - spring hay fever.

A bit of history

Allergy is as old as the world, but at a time when a breath of fresh air and a portion of clean water and food were not yet worth its weight in gold, it was considered a rather rare disease. If acquaintance with a noble Roman, who paid with a runny nose for the exquisite pleasure of inhaling the aroma of a rose, was the subject of professional pride of the famous Galen, who is believed to have given the first description of hay fever, then today it is one of the most common allergic diseases. In Russia, one of the first studies of pollinosis belongs to L. Silich, who in 1889 made a report at a meeting of the Society of Russian Doctors in St. Petersburg. He cited data on the prevalence of the disease in various provinces, on the intensification of its symptoms in windy weather and the high incidence of intellectual labor ("disease of aristocrats with a labile nervous system").

Symptoms and Causes

Pollinosis mercilessly affects not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, but also the gastrointestinal tract, skin and nervous system. And pollen allergens, mainly wind-pollinated plants, are to blame for everything. Spring hay fever causes pollen from trees and shrubs: birch, alder, hazel (hazel), maple, oak, plane tree, hornbeam, cypress, ash. In summer and autumn, other plants act as allergens. But why are some people prone to pollinosis, while others are not? The fact is that for the development of the disease, a special factor is needed, namely: the presence in the human body of certain proteins - antibodies, which, like a key to a lock, fit the surface allergenic structure of pollen. Connecting, the allergen and antibodies cause an explosion on the cell surface, forming a local immunological "conflict". The result of this conflict is the release from the cell of very strong, biologically active substances that cause inflammation - swelling, severe itching, redness, and sometimes bronchospasm. Usually, the body's ability to produce such antibodies is innate, so "failures" in a particular person appear early, at 4-5 years old or in adolescence.


The treatment of this ailment requires a special, complex therapy strategy. Treatment is strictly individual, as are the characteristics of each human body. A thorough examination is mandatory, identifying, together with the doctor, the patterns of the patient's reactions and the spectrum of allergens. Only then is treatment prescribed, which sometimes includes not only antihistamines, but also (in severe cases) glucocorticoids - local or prolonged action. The main modern method of treatment of already diagnosed hay fever is hyposensitization.

What's this?

The allergen that causes reactions is introduced into the body with a gradual increase in dose. After that, the sensitivity to pollen, which provokes allergic hay fever, decreases. This method has received worldwide recognition and is called allergen-specific immunotherapy(ASIT). It is carried out under the supervision of an allergist for one to two months, and its effectiveness is 80-90%. The main advantage of ASIT is the ability to prevent the transition of the disease to more severe forms with the development of bronchial asthma, reduce the need for drugs and achieve a long-term effect after the completion of the treatment course. In addition to the complex medical manipulations described above, there is something that is completely subject to us, mere mortals. This is one of the stages of hay fever treatment - diet. The diet is organized in such a way that foods that have cross allergens are excluded from the diet of an allergic person. They are determined by appropriate analyses. For example, with allergic hay fever for cereals, many cereals and bread are prohibited. With spring hay fever and a "reaction" to tree pollen - you can not drink birch sap, eat fruits with stones, apples, pears, nuts, carrots and various spices. It makes sense to give up products such as honey, citrus fruits, alcohol.

How to make your life easier?

The most difficult weather for an allergic person is bright and sunny, when it is warm, there is no wind, it is dry and the sun is shining. Trees are actively dusting, and when in contact with such highly concentrated air in allergy sufferers, the painful reaction becomes more pronounced.
  • if possible, go to another area where these trees do not exist at all or they have already faded. Previously, people left the middle lane in the spring for the Crimea or Central Asia, but now, of course, this is more difficult. Trees bloom for several days, but you need to leave for the entire period of flowering trees;
  • during the flowering period of "your" plants, walk only late in the evening or early in the morning. Or even sit at home;
  • walk when the concentration of pollen in the air is the lowest (cold snap, after rain);
  • on the street, be sure to wear glasses, at least so protect your eyes from direct contact with pollen on the mucous membrane;
  • cover the nose with a handkerchief;
  • when leaving in the spring to the country, be careful, allergy sufferers first of all need to throw their strength into cutting all weeds;
  • limit walks in the forest;
  • preventive measures are obligatory: first of all, taking medications.
  • perform water procedures as often as possible: washing (especially after returning from the street), washing the nose, rinsing the mouth, showering. Don't forget to rinse your hair, it accumulates the most pollen.
  • preparing a house, apartment for the spring period: tighten the windows with gauze or a dense mesh, do not neglect the daily wet cleaning of window sills and floors.

Be carefull!

We all understand that it is impossible to be absolutely healthy these days. Many ailments have to "close your eyes." But hay fever is not the case. Underestimation of the problem, unwillingness, sometimes for several years, to be treated for a “non-serious disease”, although a decrease in the quality of life during an exacerbation of hay fever is comparable to an exacerbation of moderate bronchial asthma, can lead to the formation of more complex diseases. And why do we need them this spring and all subsequent ones? Be vigilant and healthy!

Ella Iovleva

Are you already looking forward to spring? When nature begins to bloom and warm days come, and you are standing in a pharmacy. Most likely, you have hay fever, the treatment of which is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.

Pathology is a disease that has become quite widespread in modern society, and is observed not only in adults, but also in children. The disease has an allergic etiology, predominantly of a chronic form.

Who is at risk?

Allergic hay fever most often occurs in women living in large metropolitan areas. In rural areas, pathology is diagnosed less frequently, as factors of ecology, climate and geographical location affect.

The decisive role in the appearance of hay fever is given to heredity. If it was manifested in the parents, then the probability that the child will suffer from it is 50%, in one of the parents - 25%, and if not even in the next of kin, then 10%. The risk of pollinosis will increase if a person is constantly exposed to an environment polluted with allergens, eats improperly, and often has viral pathologies.

disease factors

What are the causes of pathology? Spring hay fever appears in case of hypersensitivity to certain environmental factors. Most often, the causes of this condition are characterized by the appearance of grass or wood pollen. The latter, having a size of only 10-15 microns, begins to settle on the skin and mucous membranes of the patient, which causes a specific organic response.

An exacerbation of pollinosis is observed during the flowering period of certain herbs and trees. Patients with an allergic reaction to oak, hazel, alder or birch pollen experience hay fever symptoms in April and May. At the beginning of summer, people begin to suffer from the pollen of cereals. But in the fall, those who are hypersensitive to ragweed, wormwood and swan sneeze.

The intensity of the symptoms will depend on the weather. The wind causes an increase in the concentration of pollen in the environment, that is, the symptoms of hay fever will intensify. But in rainy damp weather, the concentration of the allergen decreases and the signs of the disease become less pronounced.

Symptoms of pathology

In some cases, the disease in question is mistakenly compared with SARS. This is due to their identical beginning: a runny nose, lacrimation, coughing and sneezing appear. However, seasonal hay fever can be calculated on the basis of signs of bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis or allergic rhinitis. The classification of pathology is similar to the symptoms of the latter.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by severe itching in the nose, causing the organ to swell and the person to continuously sneeze. The children's ears begin to pawn. The runny nose is very severe, and about 1 liter of discharge can come out of the nasal cavity per day.

In the case of allergic conjunctivitis, the lesion is directed to the mucous membranes of the eyes, which begin to redden and swell. The patient suffers from lacrimation.

In some cases, conjunctivitis may be accompanied by urticaria: the skin is covered with small rashes. If there is no treatment, fever and chills may occur.

The course of hay fever is affected by a rapid change in weather conditions from windy to sunny, which is why bronchial pollen asthma appears.

Allergic pollinosis occurs as a result of the body's response to cold. In addition, rashes on the skin and Quincke's edema are often observed.

Therapy of the disease

Treatment of pollinosis should be carried out only during the period of exacerbation, that is, during the time of the year that causes an allergic condition.

However, do not forget that the prevention of hay fever is also a very effective measure. It is necessary to try to exclude contact with the allergen. If possible, a person can go to another place during the flowering period of certain plants. You can visit your grandmother, go to camp or go on vacation. However, it often happens that a person simply cannot leave his usual habitat. How to treat hay fever in this case?

  1. To begin with, it is worth completely eliminating any out-of-town walks during the flowering period of plants that cause signs of hay fever. It is worth remembering that sometimes even a harmless trip to barbecue can seriously worsen your condition.
  2. Try to stay indoors at all times, especially in hot weather. In addition, remember that wind increases the concentration of the allergen in the environment.
  3. If you want to take a walk, then choose the evening, and best of all after rain or in cloudy weather. At this time, there are almost no allergens in the air, as they are all nailed to the ground.
  4. It is best to stretch a mesh or gauze over the window, remembering to constantly moisten it. This way you will be able to retain the predominant part of the pollen. Do not forget about the timely and regular wet cleaning in the room. At the same time, be sure to wear a gauze bandage, so you can reduce the risk of developing hay fever symptoms on dust and chemicals.
  5. It is better to remove all carpets, soft toys and other wonderful dust collectors from your room.

To solve the problem of how to deal with hay fever, you need to know the rules of nutrition during an exacerbation of the disease. The diet is not difficult, but this way you will avoid a lot of health problems. A sick person must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The use of chicken meat, in particular chicken legs, is not recommended.
  2. When fruit trees are in bloom, you should avoid eating cherries, apples, pears and other things.
  3. In the case of taking any medication, it is necessary to control the composition of the preparations for the absence of plant components.
  4. It is worth minimizing the consumption of any food coloring.
  5. The intake of honey or other bee products is strictly prohibited.
  6. Do not include eggs in your diet.

It should be noted that the treatment of pollinosis should not be independent, focused on the advice of friends or sensational advertising. An effective drug for pollinosis in each case may be different and the doctor must determine it, otherwise it is likely that the condition will worsen. Tips on how to treat hay fever will give you a doctor.

Mostly a person needs a course of treatment with antihistamines, which will help suppress the allergic reaction. To reduce the discomfort that is associated with a large amount of nasal discharge, the use of specialized drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect is recommended. To date, the following methods of treatment of hay fever are used: drugs with antihistamine effects, vasoconstrictor drugs, combined medications and glucocorticosteroids.

Drugs with antihistamine effects are the main ones when deciding how to alleviate the condition. Their intake reduces or completely eliminates the symptoms of conjunctivitis and rhinitis. These funds are also widely used in Quincke's edema. The best and most famous representatives of this group from hay fever are Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Gistal, Tavegil.

However, if they are taken for a long time, then side effects appear: the heart rhythm is disturbed, there is rapid overwork, drowsiness, dizziness, and so on. Therefore, these funds are taken very carefully.

With a protracted nature of the common cold, vasoconstrictor drugs are used. The most commonly prescribed are Oxymetazoline, Imidozaline. However, these funds are only suitable for short-term use, no more than 5 days. In terms of side effects, headaches, skin rashes and heart palpitations can be distinguished.

The most effective combination drug is Aktifed. The medicine contains antihistamines and pseudoephedrine. It is very effective, but can cause high blood pressure, skin rashes, and insomnia.

To ensure high anti-inflammatory efficacy, glucocorsicosteroids are used. Such treatment requires special care in immunosuppression and infection of various etiologies.

Quite often, patients want, but this is almost impossible. In the medical literature, you can find a description of the disease. In addition, treatment with alternative medicine also does not bring much effectiveness. Since most of the folk recipes consist of the use of herbal ingredients, such therapy for the disease can only aggravate the condition. It is best to consult a doctor, because hay fever is not a serious disease, its symptoms are easily removed if all prescriptions are followed.

What is a spring allergy and how to treat it, how much does an appointment with an allergist cost, what to do if you just can’t go outside, because your eyes immediately start to water - Dima Solovyov talked with a specialist Elmira Dzybova and found out how to deal with a disease that doctors called "seasonal hay fever".

Spring is a great time of the year, unless you're allergic. Alas, for some people, the sight of flowering gardens does not cause joy, but tears from their eyes and sneezing. This year, spring allergies were especially strong. The prolonged cold has delayed the flowering of many plants, and now, when warm weather has begun to set in, they all bloomed (or will still bloom) almost simultaneously.

The cause of spring allergies (or hay fever, as doctors call it)- Pollen from flowering plants. These are the smallest particles that are easily carried by the wind, and in the spring for several weeks the air is literally filled with them. By itself, pollen is safe, but in some people, the immune system mistakenly starts attacking pollen particles that have entered the body. This affects mainly the eyes and nose, since their surfaces are very sensitive, and pollen is not protected from ingress. As a result, it develops inflammation, which causes tearing, runny nose and other allergy symptoms. Allergenic can be the pollen of a single plant or several at once.

Here are the most common myths about allergies that Challenger, together with Elmira Dzybova, smashes to smithereens (fluff, if anything, not poplar):

Myth #1. Pollinosis causes poplar fluff

By itself, poplar fluff rarely causes an allergic reaction, but its main danger lies in the fact that it is capable of carrying pollen and spores of allergenic plants, which include:

  • trees and shrubs (birch, alder, hazel, willow, oak, chestnut, poplar, ash, elm);
  • cereal grasses (timothy, ryegrass, fescue, foxtail, bluegrass, couch grass, rye, wheat);
  • weeds (quinoa, ragweed, hemp, nettle, wormwood).

Myth #2. Pollinosis worsens in the spring, when everything around blooms

Depending on which strip of Russia you live in, pollinosis symptoms can appear both in spring and summer (and even autumn). If you are allergic, you need to know well "your" allergenic plants and their flowering periods.

In Russia, there are three peaks of exacerbations of hay fever:

  1. spring (April - May), due to tree pollen;
  2. summer (June - August), associated with the pollen of cereal plants;
  3. autumn (August - October), due to the pollen of weeds (ragweed, wormwood).

Myth #3. Allergy is a hereditary disease

Certainly, hereditary predisposition plays an important role in the development of an allergic disease. The risk increases if someone in the family already suffers from allergies. If both parents are allergic, then the likelihood of developing an allergy in their child increases to 70-80%. However, even if none of the relatives have allergies, the risk of developing it is 15-20%, which is associated with a violation of the environmental situation, the quality of food consumed, a large amount of preservatives in it, as well as irrational and uncontrolled medication, which leads to a change in the state our immune system.

Myth number 4. If there was no allergy since childhood, then it will not be

Most often, the first signs of allergies occur between the ages of 5 and 20 years. However, it can also appear at an older age, which may be due to a person moving to another climatic zone, where flowering of allergenic plants is observed (which a person could not even guess about - before there was no allergy). Also, a person can live with allergies for many years, mistakenly considering it a common cold, cold or bronchitis. As soon as you notice symptoms such as itchy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, uncontrollable sneezing, runny nose, coughing or difficulty breathing, immediately contact a specialist. Such complaints may be the beginning of the development of hay fever.

Myth number 5. Allergy is when you sneeze a lot and your eyes water.

By far, the most common manifestation of hay fever is itching in the nose, mucous discharge from the nose, sneezing (so-called allergic rhinitis), watery eyes, redness of the eyes (allergic conjunctivitis). Allergy-prone people may suddenly start coughing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath - this may indicate an already beginning pollen bronchial asthma. However, for pollinosis, skin manifestations are also possible in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema, various dermatitis, blisters, and skin itching. Much less often, but still sometimes there is a lesion of the urogenital tract in the form of vulvovaginitis, urethritis, cystitis or nephritis, as well as damage to the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Myth number 6. There is no cure for allergies

Most antiallergic drugs are aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease, and not at treating its cause. To date, the ASIT method (allergen-specific immunotherapy) is the only treatment method that treats the very cause of the disease, and after stopping the course of therapy, the symptoms of the disease do not recur, but a long-term stable remission is observed. In the process of ASIT, complex reactions are carried out in the body's immune system, as a result of which the immune response switches from allergic to normal.

Myth number 7. Allergies are generally harmless and can be left untreated.

Allergies must be treated under the guidance of a specialist - an allergist-immunologist. Unfortunately, many people self-medicate for many years, not even suspecting that inadequate treatment of hay fever can lead to the development of serious complications: sinusitis (inflammation in the sinuses), otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), the formation of paranasal sinus cysts, polyps, and also to pollen bronchial asthma.

Myth number 8. Allergy testing is very expensive.

Elmira Dzybova

For a competent specialist, it will be enough to talk with you in detail, ask specific questions, direct you to the necessary research and conduct a series of tests. This will be enough to identify specific allergens that cause an allergic reaction in you.

All the basic tests needed to determine if you have hay fever are covered by standard health insurance. You just need to go to the district allergist, tell him in detail about your complaints, and he will give directions for the necessary tests and studies.

Here are 20 tips to follow to protect yourself from hay fever, it is normal to survive this spring and generally live life to the fullest, although earlier it seemed that it was simply impossible during the flowering season:

  1. On dry windy days, try to stay at home. In such weather, the most pollen is in the air. On the contrary, after the rain it becomes much less, so this is the best time to walk or go shopping.
  2. Wear sunglasses when you go outside. This will partly help protect your eyes from pollen that irritates them.
  3. Close the windows in the car when driving, especially outside the city.
  4. In principle, try not to travel outside the city during the period of active flowering, since outside the city the concentration of pollen from some plants and trees is much higher than in the city. Also, those who like to work in the beds in the garden or in the flower beds of their garden are advised to postpone these activities until the end of the hay fever season.
  5. When you get home, take a shower and put your street clothes away. Tiny pollen particles remain on your body and on your clothes, which support allergies.
  6. Dry washed clothes indoors. You should not do this on the street: pollen from flowering plants can stick to it, which will cause allergies as soon as you put on these clothes.
  7. Use the air conditioner in the car and at home. There are special air filters that trap allergens. Regularly arrange home cleaning by collecting dust with a vacuum cleaner (there are anti-allergic HEPA filters for them).
  8. Sleep with the windows closed.
  9. Watch out for pets. If you let them out for a walk, their coat can also accumulate pollen, which they will bring to your home.
  10. Take a shower and wash your hair before bed. This will cleanse your skin and hair of the allergens that have stuck to them during the day. The likelihood of nighttime allergy attacks will noticeably decrease.
  11. In consultation with your doctor, start taking over-the-counter medications. Antihistamines usually help with spring allergies. It is preferable to use 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamines (loratadine, levocetirizine, and others), as they are safer and less likely to cause drowsiness.
  12. Irrigate the nasal cavity with saline or distilled water. This will relieve nasal congestion and flush out allergens and mucus directly.
  13. The best way to deal with spring allergies is with allergen-specific immunotherapy. During it, the doctor will first determine what exactly causes your allergy, and then make a series of subcutaneous injections. They will allow the body to gradually "get used" to the allergen and reduce the severity of symptoms. It is necessary to make such injections in advance, while the allergy season has not yet arrived.
  14. Avoid psycho-emotional and heavy physical exertion.
  15. If possible, travel to a climatic zone with a different pollen calendar, to the sea coast or to the mountains, where pollen concentrations are much lower. Plan your vacation, knowing in advance the timing of flowering of allergenic plants in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe place of your choice.

    In case of exacerbation of pollinosis, postpone the implementation of planned operations, preventive vaccinations and vaccinations.

  16. Do not use medicines, cosmetics, homeopathic preparations or herbal medicine if they contain extracts of plants that are allergenic to you.
  17. Always carry with you the “Passport of a patient with an allergic disease”, which will be given to you by your allergist after a consultation and examination. The passport will contain your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, allergic diagnosis, the spectrum of allergens to which you have been found to be sensitive, as well as a list of measures to eliminate contact with the allergen. The passport contains a list of medicines that should always be in your first-aid kit, the order of events in the event of anaphylactic shock and the order in which the medicines are used.

    Start keeping a "Diary of a Pollinosis Patient", in which you need to indicate the date the symptoms began, how severe they were, what treatment you used, indicating the doses of the drugs and the frequency of their use, and it is also necessary to note the date the allergy symptoms disappeared.

    Elmira Dzybova dermatologist, allergist-immunologist

    More than half of patients with hay fever react to foods that have similar characteristics to pollen allergens. A so-called cross-allergic reaction develops. That is why patients are advised to follow a special hypoallergenic diet.

    Hypoallergenic diet for patients with allergies to grass pollen. What is not allowed: cereals and cereals, bran, bakery products, sausages, canned meat, dry mixes for making sauces, honey and bee products, beer, whiskey, wheat vodka, kvass, wheat-based coffee substitutes, cocoa, strawberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, soybeans , beans, peanuts, corn, sorrel, cereal phytopreparations.

    Hypoallergenic diet for patients with allergies to weed pollen. What is not allowed: honey and bee products, sunflower seeds and sunflower oil, mustard, mayonnaise, gourds (melon, watermelon), zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, spirits, tarragon, herbs and spices, chicory, citrus fruits, bananas, garlic, carrots, beets, spinach.

    Hypoallergenic diet for patients with allergy to tree pollen. What is not allowed: honey and bee products, stone fruits, apples, pears, kiwi, nuts, carrots, herbs, spices, cognac, wines, birch sap, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions.

Spring, warm breeze, young green leaves, bright fragrant flowering... For most people, this time brings a lot of pleasure and a new burst of energy. However, for some allergy sufferers, this is a time of major health troubles. The nose is running, the eyes are red and watery, the face is swollen - what kind of romance can we talk about here?

Pollinosis is a seasonal allergic disease, which manifests itself mainly by lesions of the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva. This is one of the most common forms, occurring mainly in childhood and young age.

Pollinosis is often called hay fever. This is an outdated name - this is how pollinosis was called earlier, when its occurrence was associated with small particles of hay. Nevertheless, it is now reliably known that hay has nothing to do with hay fever, and fever - that is, fever - is an uncharacteristic symptom of the disease. Therefore, hay fever is a name that does not reflect the essence of this spring form of allergy.

Cause of hay fever

Pollinosis is caused by the occurrence of a pathological reaction of the immune system. An allergen - a certain foreign protein - enters the body, and immune cells, in their desire to eliminate the "danger", trigger a chain of hypersensitivity reactions. In the tissues of the target organ, substances are released in large quantities - inflammatory mediators. Vessels expand, tissues swell, exudate is produced - allergic inflammation develops.

In spring pollinosis, plant pollen acts as a dangerous agent, which has a very small size, therefore it easily penetrates through the tissues into the body. Pollinosis manifests itself during the flowering of a certain plant.

Most often, hay fever occurs in the spring, because it is at this time that grasses, shrubs and trees bloom wildly. However, in some people, the symptoms of hay fever may appear at other times of the year. So, in autumn, the grass dries up, collapses and forms fine grass dust, which can also cause an allergic reaction like hay fever. In winter, a pair of essential oils of coniferous trees can act as an allergen.

In central Russia, the main allergens that cause hay fever are:

birch, poplar, oak, maple, alder - bloom in April-May;

cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats, timothy grass, feather grass, hedgehog, wheatgrass, etc. - bloom from late May to July;

weeds: ambrosia, wormwood, quinoa - bloom from late July to September.

By the way, poplar fluff cannot cause allergies for the simple reason that it does not have pollen: fluff is poplar fruit.

Provoking factors

Pollinosis more often affects people living in adverse environmental conditions. In this case, the body acquires increased sensitivity to allergens, and the immune system begins to falter.

Factors that provoke pollinosis and increase its symptoms are also respiratory infections, diseases of the stomach and intestines, dysbacteriosis, and helminthiasis.

Symptoms of hay fever

Nasal congestion.

Itching and burning in the nose.

Redness of the eyes.


Sensation of sand in the eyes.


Slight swelling of the face, especially around the eyelids and nose.


Decreased taste and smell sensitivity.

During the period of manifestation of hay fever, allergy often does not end only with a reaction to pollen. This disease is characterized by the phenomenon of cross-allergy, when some other agent becomes an allergen only for a period of exacerbation. Example: A generally well-tolerated carrot during pollinosis causes an increase in an allergic reaction and may cause additional skin rashes.

If pollinosis is caused by birch pollen, hazelnuts, carrots, peaches, apples will cause cross-allergy.

Pollinosis on cereals - sorrel and cereal products.

Pollinosis on wormwood - honey, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits.

Treatment of hay fever

For the treatment of hay fever, cromones are usually prescribed in the first place - cromoglycate, sodium nedocromil, etc. Their effect develops slowly, so the doctor may recommend starting the use of cromones in advance - 2-3 weeks before the expected flowering.

Antihistamines are also used in the form of tablets, injections, eye and nasal drops. The most popular drugs in this group are ketotifen, claritin, suprastin. As a rule, during the allergy season, a hay fever patient has to use at least one of the antihistamines or cromones. To strengthen blood vessels and reduce exudative processes, calcium gluconate tablets are prescribed.

With a low effectiveness of antihistamines and cromones, agents from the group of topical steroids are used - nasonex, avamys, flixonase, etc. They are available in the form of sprays and are used during a period of particularly severe exacerbation.

Another way to improve the condition is immunotherapy. For its implementation, a series of injections of the allergen is used, the dose of which is gradually increasing. Treatment takes several weeks and even months, but often immunotherapy can significantly alleviate periods of exacerbations and sometimes completely get rid of them.

Prevention of pollinosis manifestations

Prevention of exacerbation of hay fever is the most effective method of maintaining health and performance. However, it is quite difficult to completely eliminate contact with the allergen in this case - the pollen is very volatile and it is almost impossible to avoid getting it into the eyes and respiratory organs. We can only recommend to close the windows in the dangerous season and go out less often. It is advisable to ventilate rooms only after rain, when volatile particles, including pollen, become heavy and “nailed down” by rain. By the way, for walks it is better to choose the same time.

Invisible respirators or nose filters can be used to create a barrier against dangerous pollen. To prevent allergic conjunctivitis on the street, it is better to wear glasses that fit tightly to your face, and after a walk, be sure to take off your street clothes and wash them as often as possible. After visiting the street, you should wash your face, rinse your nose and eyes with clean water.

It is possible to prevent or attenuate the manifestations of hay fever if concomitant diseases that provoke allergies are treated in time. Chronic intestinal diseases, helminthiasis, dysbacteriosis should not be started, but should be eaten as correctly as possible, limiting sugars, harmful synthetic additives and products that can cause cross-allergies. In the treatment of any disease, it is better not to use herbal preparations.

Strengthening the immune system is another important factor in the prevention of hay fever. Of course, pollinosis itself will not go away from this, but against the background of general health, its manifestations will be much less pronounced.

And of course, breeding home flowers is out of the question. Fresh flowers in any form are also better not to bring into the house - to decorate the interior and create a festive mood, replace them with high-quality artificial flowers.

The article was prepared by doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Some allergic pathologies were known two centuries ago. One of these is hay fever, or hay fever. In connection with the approaching season of exacerbations, it was this disease that became the “hero” of a whole series of articles.

They started talking about hay fever at the very beginning of the 9th century. British doctor John Bostock suggested the connection of certain symptoms with the patient's contact with hay. David Blackley in 1879 clarified that the reaction occurs on plant pollen, which settles, including on dry grass. In 1889, this disease was officially named pollinosis, from the Latin word "pollen", which means pollen.

In ICD-10, the disease is classified as "Pollen allergic rhinitis, J30.1", and the terms "Pollen allergy", "Hay fever", "hay fever" are suggested as synonyms.

In fact, the “main” name is not entirely correct, since hay fever is not pure rhinitis, but rather rhinoconjunctivitis. But the expression "hay fever on pollen" is a tautology, verbal excess. By and large, the terminology is not so important. It is necessary to know three strong points in relation to hay fever:

Photo: Birch pollen under a microscope

  • is inadequate response to plant pollen, accompanied by an acute allergic-inflammatory process of the mucous membranes;
  • has a clear seasonality;
  • appears mainly rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

At the moment, no reliable cause of the development of any of the allergic diseases has been named.

However, in the case of pollinosis, its hereditary nature is clearly defined.

It has been proven that if both parents suffer from this disease, then the probability of its development in a child is not less than 50%, if one of the parents is sick - 25%. If both mom and dad are healthy, then the risk of this pathology is only 12.5%.

In addition to genetic predisposition, environmental factors play a role:

  • high concentration of pollen particles in the air during the infant period of a child's life;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract before the age of 3 years.

The version that there are psychosomatic causes of hay fever is considered, but it does not have a weighty evidence base.

Can house dust mites cause hay fever?

To cause - no, but to provoke an aggravation, acting as triggers - yes.

Classification of hay fever and their characteristics

At the moment, the classification according to EAACI//WAO, ARIA of 2008 is considered the most correct and reliable, in which two forms of the disease are distinguished - persistent and intermittent pollinosis.

The first type is characterized by the presence of symptoms more than 4 days a week or more than 4 weeks a year, the second - less than 4 and 40, respectively.

There is a clinical classification:

  • hay fever, leading rhinoconjunctival syndrome;
  • pollinosis with broncho-obstructive syndrome (or pollinosis with an asthmatic component);
  • hay fever with skin rashes and other dermal manifestations.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish the disease according to the severity of the course:

  1. Lightweight. Manifestations of the disease do not interfere with physical activity and sleep, the need for antihistamines is minimal;
  2. Medium weight. The manifestations of the disease cause the allergic person to change the mode of life, they can disturb sleep, the need for antihistamines is significant;
  3. Heavy. The usual mode of life and sleep are so disturbed that it is almost impossible without antihistamines.

Another classification feature is the stage. Allocate the stage of exacerbation and remission of the disease.


Another name for hay fever is seasonal allergies. And it is not given in vain, since the disease has an absolute dependence on the season of the year.

For each of the plants there is a period of "activity" - at the same time, allergies become aggravated. Therefore, the term "year-round hay fever" is incorrect. But the name "spring hay fever" is quite the place to be, as well as summer. Can there be hay fever in winter? As such, no, unless you visit the greenhouse.

Much more important is the phenomenon of cross-allergy. In this case, some fruits and vegetables, the protein of which is similar in structure to pollen, can cause a reaction. However, the symptoms of this pathology are different.

In total, there are three periods when the disease can worsen:

  • Spring. It starts in April and ends by the end of May. A reaction to the pollen of wind-pollinated trees develops;
  • summer. It starts in June and ends at the end of July. The body reacts to the pollen of cereal grasses;
  • Summer-autumn. It lasts from the end of July until October. This is the so-called "weedy" period.

It is important to understand that in different climatic conditions, the time intervals of flowering of certain plants vary greatly. Therefore, the timing of exacerbations may vary (scatter - up to two to three weeks).

To track when active dusting begins in a particular area, there is a special one.

Seasonal pollinosis triggers by month

"Pollinosogenic" plants

There are an uncountable number of plant species in the world - tens of thousands. However, only about 50 of them produce allergenic pollen. The most common disease is. In addition to this tree, the reaction can cause:

Photo: Blooming birch is one of the strongest pollinosis triggers

  • alder;
  • hazel (hazel);
  • maple;
  • chestnut;
  • poplar;
  • Linden;
  • quinoa;
  • sagebrush;
  • ambrosia (in the middle of the 20th century there was even an outbreak of a reaction to this plant in the Krasnodar Territory);
  • timothy;
  • quinoa

- and this is not a complete list of allergens.

Dusting forecast for Moscow from Poltsa.club

The main symptoms of hay fever

The main manifestations of seasonal allergies to pollen

With hay fever, there is an immediate type of hypersensitivity reaction by an anaphylactic mechanism: the primary entry of the allergen into the body and sensitization of immunity to it (fixation of immunoglobulin E on mast cell receptors) and IgE-mediated release of inflammatory mediators after repeated contact of the protein with the immune system.

This process usually proceeds in the form of a two-phase reaction: symptoms appear immediately after contact, and then (the second phase) - after 6-8 hours, intensifying and supplementing with new ones.

The most unpleasant sensations are manifested in dry hot weather after gusts of wind, in the city. Relative relief comes after rain, at night.

Clinical signs

There are two main components in the symptoms of hay fever: rhinitis and conjunctivitis. All other manifestations occur much less frequently.

Photo: Manifestation of allergies in the mucous membrane of the eyes
  • itching, burning in the eyes;
  • swelling of mucous membranes;
  • redness;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • temporary loss of vision.

allergic rhinitis

The symptom complex includes:

  • itching, burning, tickling in the nose;
  • maceration of the skin in the nostrils (the nose hurts);
  • sneezing (most often has a paroxysmal paroxysmal character, occurs in the morning and when going outside);
  • copious mucous discharge from the nose against the background of congestion;

To the question of what color is the snot with hay fever?

Colorless, watery. If “green” appears, we are talking about an infectious process.

Most often, the inflammatory process extends to the nasopharynx and oropharynx, larynx, Eustachian tubes. From here:

  • stuffy ears (rarely) and itching (often), in the case of allergic tubotitis - crackling in the ears, pain, hearing loss;
  • sore throat, itching (but a sore throat is a symptom of an attached infection);
  • cough (it is important to note that bronchitis of bacterial or viral etiology easily joins);
  • sniffling, snoring at night;
  • decreased sense of smell.

Bronchial asthma

This disease is a "direct continuation" of hay fever. Sometimes it develops several years after the onset of hay fever (without its treatment, and possibly with therapy), and sometimes it is the leading syndrome. It all starts as obstructive bronchitis, with time the symptoms worsen. In this case, typical:

  • cough with sputum, obsessive, paroxysmal, more often at night, under the influence of large doses of an allergen, pungent odors;
  • bronchospasm, which is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, especially exhalation.

Skin manifestations

Photo: Urticaria

These include:

  • hives;
  • peeling of the skin, irritation;
  • rashes, redness of the skin;
  • swelling of mucous membranes and subcutaneous fat.

Other symptoms

Due to the expansion of blood vessels under the action of histamine, not only edema can develop, but also:

  • headache and even dizziness,
  • less often the temperature rises to subfebrile values.

Some patients note anxiety or, on the contrary, apathy, weakness, malaise, increased salivation, nosebleeds (this symptom is provoked by forced blowing of the nose, but not by the underlying disease). Often there is a sleep disturbance, decreased mood, irritability.

Women (most often) may develop a hormonal failure with hay fever, disrupt the menstrual cycle, and decrease libido. But these problems are not caused directly by the allergic component, but by the psycho-emotional state and the breakdown of the body as a whole.

Enlarged lymph nodes with hay fever occurs rarely, they are small (up to 10-12 mm), painless, the skin over them is not changed. The behind-the-ear, submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are usually enlarged. However, if this symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to miss a serious illness.

But if tachycardia appears, pressure decreases, numbness of the tongue occurs, sweating, severe weakness, it is urgent to call an ambulance. These symptoms indicate the development of a life-threatening complication - anaphylactic shock.

Photo: Angioedema on the face of a boy

Other complications include:

  • angioedema;
  • sinusitis;
  • serous otitis media;
  • the formation of polyps;
  • joining the infection;
  • development of bronchial asthma.

Is it possible to die from hay fever?

In exceptional cases, yes. These include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema (emergencies), as well as delayed complications, for example, status asthmaticus in bronchial asthma.

The clinical picture of the disease in children, the elderly and pregnant women

Photo: Allergic salute

Children's hay fever- This is a very common occurrence. In general, the average age of onset of allergic rhinitis, according to the National Guidelines for Allergology of 2009, is up to 30-35 years, but mostly early childhood (up to 5 years).

Children develop the same clinical symptoms of hay fever. Besides:

  • The condition of the child may be aggravated by a rise in temperature, general weakness, moodiness.
  • Intense skin symptoms often appear, both in the form of urticaria and dermatitis, sometimes diathesis.

But the main difference is the high risk of an allergic march and the rapid (in 1-2 months) development of bronchial asthma. More often than in adults, other complications develop.

A characteristic symptom by which hay fever in a child can be determined is "allergic fireworks"- moving the palm along the nose from the bottom up.

At pregnant women, due to a decrease in immunity and a high load on the body, hay fever, akin to children, proceed quite hard. Complicating the situation is the fact that almost all antihistamines, glucocorticoids and ASIT are contraindicated during pregnancy. In addition, there is a high risk of bacterial or viral infection.

The last point also characterizes hay fever in the elderly and in people with immunodeficiencies. In people over 60 years of age, all diseases occur in a more erased form than in young people, with less severity of symptoms. At the same time, the likelihood of developing complications is higher due to the weakness of the body's defenses.

(can be enlarged)

The affinity of pollen proteins and some vegetables, fruits, and household allergens makes cross-reactivity phenomena possible. The most dangerous in this regard is birch pollen allergen, which is similar in structure to the proteins of a dozen other plants.

  1. Common manifestations of cross-allergy - oral allergic syndrome, accompanied by burning sensation in the mouth and throat, swelling or swelling of the mucous membranes, itching.
  2. Often join food allergy symptoms- nausea, rarely vomiting, flatulence, problems with the stool.

Due to the high prevalence of this phenomenon, the first thing a person diagnosed with hay fever should think about is cross-allergy. A cross-allergen table or a special filter can help you navigate and choose a diet in order to exclude allergen-dangerous foods.


Photo: Conducting allergy tests in a girl

For accurate diagnosis and selection of the correct and effective therapy, it is necessary to contact an allergist-immunologist. The main reference point for making a diagnosis is anamnestic data and symptoms. If available:

  • a clear link between the onset of symptoms and exposure to a particular allergen;
  • seasonal nature of exacerbations;
  • worsening condition when going outside in windy weather, using cosmetics and medicines based on herbal ingredients,

the doctor may indicate hay fever as a preliminary diagnosis.

The presence of laboratory changes is the first stage of verification of the diagnosis. First of all, they take general and biochemical blood test.

Most often, hay fever is accompanied by eosinophilia, which usually appears during an exacerbation of the disease (the same symptom can be detected when examining a swab from the nose).

However, it should be noted that the absence of an increase in eosinophils is not proof of the absence of allergic rhinitis.

If the analysis was taken in the midst of symptoms, there may be a slight increase in ESR and C-reactive protein. Other blood parameters with hay fever remain unchanged, and if there are changes in them (for example, leukocytosis), then one should think about joining the infectious process.

An immunogram for hay fever is done to determine the level of IgE. It is usually performed when it is impossible to conduct a skin test or when it is uninformative. The analysis is carried out by various methods (radioallergosorbent, radioimmune, enzyme immunoassay, etc.). There is an increase in the level of this indicator, which is also not a specific symptom.

Photo: The process of rhinoscopy

Instrumental Methods are also used to confirm hay fever. These include:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • rhinomanometry;
  • x-ray, MRI and CT of the nasal cavity and sinuses.

However, the main method of diagnosis was and remains skin testing a patient with pollinosis. It is carried out by injection (prick tests). Scarification tests for pollinosis also remain popular today, application, drip, intradermal tests are also used.

In the case of seasonal allergic rhinitis, there are several rules for conducting:

  • diagnostics can be carried out only without exacerbation;
  • when choosing a palette of allergens, one should take into account not only the period of exacerbation, but also cross-reactivity;
  • 3-7 days before the examination, it is necessary to cancel antihistamines and especially hormonal drugs (depending on the type of drug);
  • stop taking tricyclic antidepressants 1 month in advance;
  • It is important to remember that skin prick tests often give false positive results.

There are, moreover, provocative allergen tests. They are carried out if there are contradictions between laboratory and clinical data, as well as in the process of selecting allergens for ASIT, and there are several types:

  • conjunctival;
  • nasal;
  • inhalation;
  • sublingual;
  • oral (with food allergens) - to detect cross allergies. Diagnosis can be carried out only during remission, in a hospital under the supervision of an allergist and taking into account contraindications.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of hay fever should be carried out with several diseases:

  • all types of rhinitis (for example, vasomotor rhinitis or hay fever?);
  • infectious diseases of the eye and respiratory tract.

The process of differential diagnosis is easily described by the Federal Clinical Guidelines for Allergology (Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists, Moscow-2014). National guidelines recommend differentiating allergic rhinitis from vasomotor, infectious, and eosinophilic.

In contrast to hay fever, all of the three listed types debut more often in adulthood, in people without a burdened allergic history.

In addition, in non-allergic diseases, there are no immunoglobulins in the blood, skin tests and stress tests are negative, and they are not combined with conjunctivitis and do not respond to antihstamine therapy. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and allergic rhinitis - differences in the absence of seasonality in the second case.

Treatment methods for hay fever

The question of whether pollinosis can be cured remains controversial. On the one hand, immunotherapy shows stunning results, reducing the severity of symptoms in an allergic person by up to 95%. On the other hand, the effect depends on many factors: the degree of disorders, heredity, the general condition of the body, age, the susceptibility of the immune system to therapy.

Therefore, it is best to answer this way: in principle, it is possible, but this requires ASIT and unquestioning adherence to all the recommendations of the allergist. One way or another, the effect of the treatment will be, and the difference is obvious.

Usually treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Sick leave can be issued for up to 10 days (with two visits). In the event of complications, children, as well as if ASIT is necessary, may be shown hospitalization in a hospital.

Now it is worth noting that the main goal of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and control them. There are strong points of therapy:

  • elimination (maximum possible) of the allergen;
  • pharmacotherapy;
  • ASIT (pre-season prevention of hay fever).

Allergen Elimination

It is clear that it is almost impossible to completely prevent contact with the pollen allergen. But there are some rules, the observance of which will help minimize contact with the protein:

  • do not go out during the wind, at the height of the day, in hot weather;
  • walk in cool, rainy weather;
  • wear a medical mask and dark glasses on the street;
  • after a walk, you need to take a shower, change clothes, wash clothes, clean shoes;
  • avoid traveling to nature;
  • keep all windows in the apartment and car closed, use air conditioners and air purifiers with filters;
  • do not eat foods with cross allergens;
  • exclude herbal medicine, homeopathy;
  • do not use cosmetics with plant extracts.

Currently, there is the possibility of hospitalization in special rooms equipped with air filters, modern air conditioning systems that prevent the penetration of pollen into the room.


To date, a three-stage therapy regimen is used - both in children and in adults. Both are listed below.


For persons over 18 years of age at the first stage. At mild degree disease severity:

  • only antihistamines (both local and systemic) are used.
  • Necromil sodium is used (inhalation for hay fever with broncho-obstructive syndrome or bronchial asthma.
  • Cromoglycates for pollinosis (inhalation, oral, nasal spray and eye drops) are also effective in the first stage. Trade names - Kromoheksal, Intal, Nalkrom, Dipolkrom, etc.

Second step:

  • topical glucocorticosteroids. These include, for example, Klenil, Ingakort, Nasonex.

Third step:

  • combination of topical steroids and systemic antihistamines.
  • In addition, leukotriene antagonists may be used.


Children's scheme is not fundamentally different from the adult. The Union of Pediatricians of Russia and RAAKI in the Federal Clinical Guidelines for the provision of medical care to children with allergic rhinitis offer the following option:

  • with a mild course, preference should be given to montelukast or antihistamines;
  • if hay fever does not become controlled after 14 days, further examination and revision of the diagnosis are necessary;
  • treatment should begin 2 weeks before the expected exacerbation.

Dr. E. O. Komarovsky, speaking about how to alleviate the condition with pollinosis, does not recommend that parents use medicines without consulting a doctor (especially immunomodulators, expectorants, vasoconstrictor drops, etc.).

He calls to follow the elementary rules of prevention, use filters, do not ventilate the room in the morning and afternoon hours.


Photo: French birch allergens Staloral are one of the most popular for ASIT

- this is the most effective way to combat hay fever. It is necessary to start treatment 2-3 months before the onset of the pollination season of the plant. It is necessary to consult with an allergist, undergo an examination and purchase drugs.

The meaning of this technique is to introduce an allergen into a sensitized organism in a constantly increasing dose in order to reduce sensitivity to this protein.

Regardless of which method of treatment has been chosen by your doctor, it is imperative to follow all prescriptions and recommendations, because. lack of therapy (at least symptomatic) leads to:

  • exacerbation of symptoms;
  • progression of the disease to a severe degree;
  • the development of complications, incl. bronchial asthma.

Chronic allergic inflammation of the airways develops, reversible obstruction (narrowing) of the bronchi, both under the influence of trigger factors (allergens, pungent odors, cold air), and without it (with progression). Asthma attacks occur not only seasonally, but year-round and are controlled by inhaled steroids.

Information about ASIT from an allergist

Prevention of hay fever

There is primary and secondary prevention of hay fever. The first is suitable for those people who have not developed the disease, but have predisposing factors, and includes:

  • reduction of the total load of allergenic proteins;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely treatment of all diseases;
  • Allergic couples should plan to have a baby outside the dusting season.

As secondary prevention(for those who already suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis) are considered, in fact, activities aimed at eliminating the allergen. They are discussed above. In addition, it is worth abandoning the use of perfume, perfumed cosmetics, pets. Houseplants with hay fever are also not worth breeding. Regular wet cleaning is required.

Asthma Prevention in case of hay fever, it consists in timely adequate treatment, categorical cessation of smoking, as well as uncontrolled use of inhaled glucocorticoids.

Physical exercises with pollinosis, they should not be debilitating, shortness of breath should not be allowed, it is unacceptable to perform them in the open air. However, moderate physical activity in a closed, air-conditioned room should be present in order to strengthen the body.

The diet for this disease should exclude all cross-allergens, and also generally be sparing. Rejection required:

  • fried, fatty, smoked;
  • fast food, soda, excess sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • nuts (especially peanuts);
  • soy products;
  • fish and seafood.

Foods that contain cross-allergens should not be consumed throughout the year, but a more strict diet is enough to keep only during an exacerbation.

Where to go from hay fever?

First of all, the most logical option for a trip is to go to a place where an allergy provocateur plant (for example, birch) does not grow.

Where to go from hay fever in Russia in this case? Unfortunately, birch grows throughout Russia, it is smaller only in the southernmost regions. It will also not work to leave for a region where it is gathering dust sooner or later: the spread of terms is minimal, the probability of an error is very high.

If you want to get away from seasonal allergies to the sea, southern countries are suitable, for example, Greece, Spain, India. However, you should be careful with the use of fruits - they can cause a cross-reaction.

Answers to common questions

Are allergic rhinitis and hay fever the same thing?

Is it possible to do anesthesia with hay fever? It is not desirable, and some types are absolutely impossible. Drinks made from plants that are cross-reactive with the pollen allergen (or based on a plant that is an allergen) should be completely excluded. In addition, alcohol is, in principle, a dangerous product in terms of hypersensitivity.

Is it possible to have physiotherapy during an exacerbation of hay fever?

Undesirable, with the exception of the introduction of drugs for the relief of seizures through a nebulizer. For the treatment of bronchial asthma and broncho-obstructive syndrome, in some cases, electrophoresis and inhalation are used, but in a "calm" state.

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