Folk remedies for cough for children under 1 year old. Treatment of children's rhinitis with folk remedies. Inhalation for colds in children

Human immunity is developed only with age, when a person is ill various diseases, and his body will develop protective antibodies. For this reason, young children suffer from colds much more often than adults.

With regular visits to children's groups, the risk of catching a viral infection increases significantly. BUT bad weather and inappropriate clothing only contribute rapid development infections. Market medicines offers a wide range of remedies for the treatment of colds various etiologies. But you need to use medications very carefully, only as prescribed by the pediatrician. Additionally, you can help your baby with folk remedies.

Use folk methods treatment solely as ancillary procedures to the main treatment prescribed by the pediatrician.

The main symptoms of the development of acute respiratory infections in a child

Adults can independently determine the deterioration of health and development viral infection. At baby quite difficult to diagnose the onset of development colds, and he himself is unlikely to be able to describe his bad feeling. Parents usually notice that something is wrong with the child when the disease is already in full swing.

Doctors identify a number of symptoms that indicate the onset of the development of a cold in children:
  1. The kid is very capricious and restless;
  2. The child's appetite worsens;
  3. Fatigue increases;
  4. Lack of interest in games and toys
  5. Increased drowsiness;
  6. Mood changes drastically.

By these signs, the mother can tell for sure that something is wrong with the baby. Initiate self-treatment with medications not worth it. You must first consult with a pediatrician who will accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment course. To intensive care it is worth starting only if you observe the appearance of such symptoms in children:

  1. Runny nose;
  2. Cough;
  3. Increase in body temperature;
  4. redness of the eyes;
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes.

The use of folk remedies for the treatment of colds in children

When a child has a cold pediatrician necessarily prescribes drug treatment. But it is worth remembering that the use of folk remedies can be no less effective, and will help the baby cope with the disease faster. Folk recipes have been tested for centuries, but phytotherapy should be used carefully.

Preparation of diaphoretics for the treatment of colds

As soon as the child is ill, it is necessary to strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections and help it function normally. In this case, the body must actively remove toxic products that accumulate under the influence of the virus. This is facilitated by intensive drinking regimen. Good diaphoretics will help to remove harmful substances for enough short span time.

To speed up the metabolic process, the following folk remedies are suitable:

  1. Linden blossom tea. Such a drink can be used for children aged from one month. For cooking, you can pre-assemble and dry yourself linden flowers. Ready-made teas based on linden can also be bought at a pharmacy. Tea is given after meals.
  2. Warm milk with honey. The tool has been known since ancient times, but it must be prepared correctly: in the cooking process, they use warm milk up to 40 degrees. It must first be boiled. Add a tablespoon of any honey to a glass of milk. After taking it, you need to go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  1. Raspberry tea. For the preparation of this drink, you can use fresh, dried berries or raspberry jam. Although it should be borne in mind that if the jam costs a very long time, then the raspberries gradually lose their healing properties.
  2. Chamomile based tea. Helps to effectively and quickly reduce high temperature body. A child can take such a drink after a meal. In order for the baby to sweat well, it must be wrapped in a warm blanket.
  3. Warm decoction of nettle blossoms. This drink can be used medicinal purposes if the child has allergic reaction for raspberries or chamomile.

How to cure a runny nose folk remedies

Runny nose is one of the most unpleasant symptoms at infants with a cold. It can be cured without the use of medications. Exists a large number of folk recipes that will help you get rid of a cold very quickly. Let's look at a few examples below:

Warming up baby's feet. This method is hardly suitable for babies, but for older children, this procedure will only benefit. This should be done if the baby's body temperature is normal, with elevated temperature such manipulations are contraindicated.

To keep your feet warm:
  1. A basin of water fifty - sixty degrees.
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of mustard powder and sea salt in water.
  3. The legs in the basin should be covered with a large terry towel.

The procedure should last no more than twenty minutes. After that, warm woolen socks must be put on your feet.

warming up maxillary sinuses good for colds in children. Just be sure to make sure that the child does not have sinusitis, otherwise the situation can be aggravated:

  1. We wrap several hot potatoes in a cloth made from natural materials.
  2. We apply a compress to the maxillary sinuses.
  3. Keep until completely cool. The fabric can be unfolded as the potatoes cool.

A soda-based inhalation procedure is good for colds:

  1. in one liter boiled water steam the leaves of eucalyptus or chamomile. Good also treats rhinitis calendula.
  2. Let the water cool down for a few minutes.
  3. In the liquid, you need to dilute a tablespoon of soda.

The child needs to breathe in pairs under a towel.

Onion and garlic are effective remedies for colds. Them medicinal properties known to people since ancient times. Pairs of these plants actively kill pathogenic bacteria.

In order to cook medicine need:

  1. Grate onion or garlic and let the baby breathe over the fumes;
  2. Such a gruel can be placed in saucers in the rooms where the sick child is located.

Also very effective remedy from cold inhalation based on pine buds:

  1. Boil three to four tablespoons of pine buds in one liter of boiled water.
  2. The baby needs to breathe over the healing vapors of this decoction.

To treat a runny nose in children, you can use the juice of the agave herb:

  1. From the leaves you need to squeeze a small amount of juice;
  2. Any honey is added to the juice in a 50/50 ratio;
  3. You need to bury several times a day a few drops in each nostril.

Means for maintaining immunity

At the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, supportive agents can be used to prevent a cold. Echinacea is one of them.

Thanks to beneficial substances contained in echinacea, substances that affect the walls of the membrane cease to be produced in the child's body. They remain more resilient. When a viral infection enters the body, microorganisms cannot spread very quickly. And immune antibodies, on the contrary, begin to act very actively.

The protective functions of the body are activated much faster, preventing the virus from spreading in the child's body.

The pediatrician will be able to choose the most suitable immunomodulator for you, taking into account individual characteristics and the age of the child.

Preventive measures to prevent colds

It is very important in the treatment of colds to combine alternative methods of treatment and medication, but remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. With the onset of the cold months of the year, care should be taken to strengthen immune system your baby. Then the risk of catching a cold will be minimized. In order for the child to feel good, pediatricians recommend considering a healthy menu for him. whole food. The meals your baby eats should include full complex vitamins and useful elements. Additionally, you can include honey and raspberries in the diet. It is not only healthy, but also delicious.

Physical activity also has a positive effect on the health of your child. Spend as much time with him as possible fresh air. nice walk before lunch will provide you with a strong and healthy daytime sleep. It is also important for strengthening the immune system. Some pediatricians recommend hardening children with early age. If the baby is well tolerated low temperatures This will help the body become more resistant to viral infections.

It is possible to carry out hardening procedures for young children only after consulting with your pediatrician.

by the most an important factor that directly affects the risk of disease is contact with sick people. Any infection is transmitted primarily through the air - by drip. During the outbreak of diseases in schools and kindergartens, it is better to protect the baby from contacts with peers. And also it is worth refraining from visiting places with a large crowd of people (shops, shopping centers etc.).

In the arsenal of pharmaceutical expectorants there are many drugs with dubious effectiveness and unproven safety. Therefore, some mothers try to protect their children from such drugs. They know that there are no less useful folk remedies for coughs for children that can quickly stop the symptoms of a cold without risk to health.

Features of the treatment of cough folk remedies in children

What is the risk of using pharmaceutical products From cough? For the most part, doctors prescribe mucolytics to children - drugs that thin sputum. But similar treatment absolutely not justified under the age of 3 years.

Young children have a characteristic structure of the bronchi. If the sputum liquefies, it falls more easily. The infection instead of going outside, penetrates further into the lungs. And against the background of taking the wrong drugs, bronchitis and pneumonia occur.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies gives a milder effect. As a rule, all these techniques help not only to fight the main infection, but also strengthen the immune system.

For dry cough: with expectorant action

Dry cough in a child indicates the onset of the disease. He just says that the infection has already entered the respiratory tract, but the reaction has not yet followed. In this case, everything possible must be done to help the mucous membranes earn their full potential, to turn the cough into a productive one (with sputum discharge).

With stagnation of sputum, inhalation helps. Humid air with a medicinal component relieves irritation from overdried mucous membranes, makes the ciliated epithelium work more fruitfully. The hairs of the mucosa active movement expel the infection. The transition of the cough from dry to wet indicates the beginning of recovery.

Treatment efficiency is increased by:

  • humid air in the room;
  • the temperature in the room is not more than 20̊С;
  • plentiful drink.

Frequent use a small amount clean warm water or other drinks helps to moisturize the mucous membranes, thin and separate sputum.

With sputum

If sputum is separated when coughing, then the mucous membranes are actively cleared of infection. Wet cough may persist after recovery for another 1-2 weeks.

When separating sputum, you must still observe the drinking regimen. Do not allow mucous membranes to dry out, and secretions to stagnate in the lungs.

Has the child caught a cold? Don't worry! Natural remedies based medicinal herbs relieve fever, ease breathing and improve overall well-being.

The child's temperature

Fever is one of the first symptoms of a cold. It indicates that the body is trying to overcome the disease. First, take your child's temperature. Dry the skin under the armpit well, put a thermometer and firmly press the child's hand to the body for 3-5 minutes. If the temperature really rises, give the child an antipyretic - herbal or fruit tea.

At the first symptoms colds in a child call a doctor.

  1. Drinking plenty of water (herbal tea, fruit drink, compote) will help to avoid dehydration, especially with vomiting, diarrhea or fever.
  2. Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract during a cold, rice-carrot broth HiPP (from the 4th month). It replaces the lost fluid and mineral salts, thereby preventing the loss of moisture by the body and circulatory disorders.
  3. If the child is not allergic to protein, instill interferon into his nose (from the 1st month). This will stimulate his own infection defense system.
  4. Clean your child's nose regularly with cotton swab. Young children who cannot breathe through their nose often develop otitis media.
  5. A temperature above 38.5 ° C is dangerous because it can provoke convulsions, therefore, without delay, call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for colds in children

With fever, cough and runny nose in a child, do not rush to give synthetic drugs. Very effective in the early days of a cold medicinal plants. But before how to treat a cold in children on your own, do not forget to consult a pediatrician, treat the child only under his constant supervision.

Raspberry, currant, viburnum, chamomile, linden, mint, lemon balm and nettle have a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Homemade preparations, for example, raspberries or viburnum, rubbed with sugar, are best not used for treatment. Dried or frozen fruits are much healthier. Prepare herbal infusions from mint, lemon balm or nettle. One daily serving of antipyretic tea for a baby under 5 years old is brewed at the rate of: 1 coffee spoon of berries or herbs per 200 ml of water. Pour fruits or herbs with water, boil, leave for a few minutes, then strain and cool. Decoction (it should be at room temperature, not hot) let the child drink a little during the day before and after meals.

For a child aged 1 year, in addition to herbal tea you can cook kissels and compotes from fruits rich in vitamin C. If necessary, supplement the action natural remedies antipyretic drugs - special syrups, tablets or suppositories with paracetamol. To help the intestines, which work worse at high temperatures, give the child baked apples. The pectin contained in them enhances peristalsis.

How to treat a runny nose in a child

Children under one year are not recommended to treat a runny nose with drops. Rinse your child's nose with a decoction of chamomile, salted water, or saline solution, which is sold in a pharmacy, to make breathing easier. After a year, use vasodilator drops. In no case should you try to treat a runny nose in a child with drops on oil based. They increase nasal congestion, which in the future can provoke chronic rhinitis. If the child is on breastfeeding put some of your milk in your nose. Breast milk- such a valuable product that it even helps to get rid of a runny nose.

Inhalations for children

Inhalations - excellent remedy in the fight against colds, but it is only suitable for children older than a year. Get steam inhaler Do not force the child to breathe over a pot of hot liquid. First, it can scald. And secondly, it is not effective. Pour into an inhaler alcohol tincture eucalyptus or calendula, diluted with water. Let the baby inhale the rich essential oils couples 5-10 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Inhalation relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and also makes breathing easier.

Child's cough

Treat dry cough in a child in the first days of a cold with steam inhalations and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antispasmodic effect (chamomile, mint, lemon balm). In addition, maintain optimal humidity in the apartment. After all, in winter period in rooms with central heating, humidity does not exceed 25%, and 60% is considered the norm. Water containers placed around the apartment or a special spray bottle will humidify the air. Gargling will help with sore throat herbal infusions. You can also use sea ​​salt (saline solution boil and cool before use). As a rule, after a couple of days, the cough becomes wet, and the airways are cleared of excess mucus. Give your child expectorants: licorice root syrup, pharmacy chest fees or tea containing thyme, mint, anise. The baby will feel much better and recover quickly.

Effective remedies for a cold in a child

cough tea Hipp 200 from week 1

The extracts of thyme, mint and anise, which are part of the drink, relieve irritation that occurs when coughing, thin the mucus and normalize the temperature.

Chamomile flowers, 50 g. From the 1st month

Chamomile flowers have wide range actions. Chamomile tea helps reduce high fever, a gargle infusion relieves inflammation of the larynx, and washing the nose with a decoction of this plant makes breathing easier.

nettle leaves, 50 g. From the 1st month

If the child is prone to allergies, replace the raspberry or chamomile tea nettle infusion. Herbal decoction normalizes the temperature, doing an excellent job

with heat. Give your baby a warm drink of 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

linden flowers, 20 filter bags. From the 1st month

Linden tea is an excellent diaphoretic. Let the child drink it after meals. The tea can also be used to rinse the mouth, throat and nose.

Echinacea compositum C, 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml. From the 2nd month

Homeopathic remedy increases defensive forces organism. Apply at the first sign of a cold.

Raspberry and rosehip tea Hipp, 200 from the 6th month

An instant drink made from berries and medicinal herbs has a tonic, antipyretic effect and increases the body's resistance to infections.

licorice root syrup 100 g From 1 year

Liquefies mucus, relieves inflammation and spasms. Has an expectorant effect. For a child under 2 years old, give 1 drop of syrup several times a day. Sweet syrup can be added to water or tea. From 2 years old, give half a teaspoon dissolved in a quarter cup of boiled water.

Eucalyptus tincture, 40 ml. From 2 years old.

Antiseptic and disinfectant used for steam inhalation. Has a calming effect. In combination with others natural preparations helps cure colds. For rinsing, dilute 10 drops of tincture in a glass of water at room temperature.

Tincture of calendula, 40 ml. From 2 years old

Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and bactericidal properties of calendula are useful for treatment inflammatory diseases respiratory tract.

peppermint leaves, 50 g. From 3 years old

The decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. warm tea from mint you need to drink 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

colds in childhood appear very often. This is due to many factors: hypothermia, low resistance of the body to viruses, poor immunity. Many parents get frustrated with the action medical preparations. There is another option - this is the treatment of colds in children with folk remedies. Should be used effective methods that actually "work".

At the very beginning of acute respiratory infections in children, everything must be done to activate the protection of the child's body. There are folk remedies in the treatment of colds in children that have a diaphoretic effect. They remove harmful substances disease-causing, per a short time. You can use infusions, decoctions, just healthy drinks:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • milk and honey drink;
  • infusion of nettle flowers;
  • tea from raspberry branches;
  • dried fruit compotes.

Have a diaphoretic effect and other folk remedies for colds in children. These are viburnum, mint, lemon balm, currant. The baby's body will quickly cleanse itself of toxins with the help of linden decoction. You can brew collected in summer period linden flowers, a raw material that is sold in a pharmacy. It is necessary to fill the linden with boiling water (1-2 tablespoons of flowers per 300 ml of water), insist everything in a thermos.

How to treat a runny nose?

One of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease is considered a runny nose. You can treat a child with folk remedies for a cold and at the same time eliminate a runny nose. Suitable for these purposes steam inhalation, proper warming of the baby's feet. These procedures can not be used for infants, children with fever.

Well proven recipes help with a runny nose. To prepare an effective folk remedy, you need to take onions or garlic. They need to be crushed, let the little patient breathe over the fumes. Such a remedy cures colds in children, if it is placed on plates around the rooms. From time to time, it is advisable to replace the gruel from onions or garlic with fresh ones.

There are many other remedies that get rid of SARS. Need to pick the right one suitable recipe, do not harm the baby's body.

What will help with a cough?

In the early days of illness, the baby is often worried about coughing. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to do steam inhalations on decoctions of herbs. If parents do not know how to treat a cold in a child with folk remedies, it is better for them to consult a pediatrician. For children after 1 year, inhalations with chamomile, lemon balm, pine buds are suitable. Get rid of cold cough this recipe will help: take a liter of boiling water, add 3 tablespoons of pine buds and warm everything on fire for 10 minutes.

Effective folk remedies for colds for children
- lemon or black radish with honey, onion broth, honey-mustard cake. A mixture of black radish and high-quality honey helps with coughing. It is necessary to take a medium-sized radish, rinse it with a brush, carefully cut out the core. After that, perform the following actions:

  1. place the radish in a container;
  2. 2 tablespoons of honey are poured into the deepening of the vegetable;
  3. leave for 3-4 hours;
  4. the separated juice and honey are mixed;
  5. give children liquid at least 3 times a day.

It is necessary to use the best folk remedies for colds for the treatment of children, remember the recommendations of the pediatrician. Any recipes that contain honey are not suitable for small allergies. This treatment should not be used in newborns and infants. Better consult with experienced pediatrician which will provide valuable hints.

Strengthening the immune system is an important step

One of the supporting substances is a tasty vitamin mixture. It belongs to the tested folk ways treatment of a cold in a child, which increase immunity. vitamin mixture do this: pass through a meat grinder 1 and a half cups of raisins, 0.5 cups of almonds, a peel of 2 lemons, a glass walnuts. Pour everything with liquid honey, insist at least 1 day.

Proper hardening of children also has a positive effect on immunity. You can start the procedure with short air baths after the birth of the baby. Hardening must be taken seriously, responsibly, so as not to harm the child.

In contact with

Folk remedies from cough for children accelerate recovery, strengthen the body. Methods traditional medicine administered in conjunction with pharmacological preparations at severe forms diseases. They are affordable and easy to use.

Cough in children is not a separate disease. This is a symptom that accompanies many diseases. It occurs in pathology respiratory system: SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. For disorders of the heart and blood vessels: birth defects, diseases of the aorta, insufficiency of the left ventricle, rheumatism. In childhood ─ allergic cough. From the side digestive system: reflux infants(throwing food from the stomach back into the esophagus) is also accompanied by a cough.

If you are not sure about the nature of the origin of the cough in a child, you cannot prescribe herbal remedies, herbs, and physiotherapy on your own!

A symptom that children face is a cough with influenza, SARS (90% of cases). It does not pose a potential threat if treated correctly. In this case, folk cough recipes for children come to the fore. They help to avoid the use of pharmacological drugs.

The cause of a cold cough is viruses that have penetrated the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Consider alternative methods of treatment for ARVI.

Dry cough treatment

The respiratory mucosa in a child produces a lot of sputum. Under the influence of viruses, viscosity increases, mucus accumulates, dries up and clogs the bronchi. Against this background, there is a dry cough ─ defensive reaction child's body.

Symptoms of dry cough:

  • the main symptom is sputum does not leave the bronchi;
  • difficult heavy breathing;
  • breaths are frequent and short;
  • sore throat due to drying of the mucous membrane;
  • cough is hysterical, dry, painful;
  • change in voice;
  • feeling of pressure in the chest;
  • there is no relief after a coughing fit.

It is difficult for a child to cough up dry mucus, since the respiratory muscles involved in this process are weak. Children under three years of age cannot cough on their own. Dry cough is a painful condition that interferes with a full night's sleep, worsens the child's well-being, and limits physical activity.

Therefore, folk remedies in this situation are aimed at moisturizing and thinning the mucus. So the sputum will become liquid, increase in volume, it will be easier to remove it from the respiratory tract.

Healing drink: herbs

It has been established that the viscosity of mucus directly depends on the viscosity of the blood. In order for sputum to become liquid, liquid must enter the child's body. With a dry cough, you need to water the child often. According to research results evidence-based medicine action plentiful drink(water, tea, compote, decoction), which is taken orally, similar to the action of expectorant pharmacological preparations.

For the preparation of decoctions, infusions, teas are used healing herbs. Their advantages are availability and low cost. Herbs are safe for children. The most common:

Decoctions and infusions of herbs are often prepared, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Cooking rules are important if the decoction will be taken by a child.

It is necessary to strictly observe the recipe and dosage for babies under the age of three years. Buy herbs at a pharmacy, where the manufacturer guarantees the quality and ecological purity of plants. They cannot be collected along the roadway, within the boundaries of a densely populated city.

How to prepare a decoction:

  • raw materials (leaves, inflorescences, fruits) are crushed, the smallest should be fruits and roots ─ up to 0.5 mm;
  • for 200 gr. water take 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant;
  • raw materials are placed in a saucepan and poured warm water(200 gr.);
  • placed in water bath on the stove for a minimum of 30 minutes, a maximum of 45 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • after the time has elapsed, the broth is removed, and allowed to brew at room temperature 45 - 60 min.;
  • then the finished liquid is filtered;
  • for children, before use, the broth is diluted with slightly warm boiled water.

How is the infusion prepared?

To prepare the infusion, water with a temperature of no more than 60 ° C is used. Therefore, the raw material must be carefully ground and crushed. If you don't have a blender, use a classic mortar.

  • 1st way. Raw materials are poured into a glass container and poured 200-250 gr. warm water. Placed in a water bath, put on the stove to languish. The temperature in the bath should rise slowly over 15 minutes. During this time, the water will heat up, become hot, and the grass will give medicinal properties. Then the container with the infusion is removed and allowed to infuse at room temperature for 40 minutes. Ready infusion is filtered and consumed.
  • 2nd way. Place the plant in a thermos and pour hot water. Let it brew for 2 - 3 hours. The infusion is ready to use. Also, the infusion is prepared at night, and the next day they drink.

Most decoctions and infusions are slightly bitter in taste. To make the child agree to drink, honey or sugar is added to them.

Folk recipes

You can cure a cough in a child with other folk remedies. traditional products in the elimination of dry cough ─ honey and milk. If eaten warm, they keep you warm. chest, gently envelop the mucosa. Eliminate symptoms such as dry mouth, wheezing, pain during coughing.

Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm milk. For more strong effect add a piece to it butter. Borjomi can be added to milk, after releasing gases, baking soda. But not all children perceive such a drink. This is because milk contains lactose. natural sugar. Intolerance to this carbohydrate in children occurs in 16-20% of cases.

Black radish with honey. The root crop cleanses the bronchial mucosa, stimulates the formation of liquid sputum, kills pathogenic microbes, and strengthens the immune system. Take a medium-sized radish, wash it thoroughly. Cut off the top and remove inner part so as to form a bowl. Inside, put a couple of spoons of honey, cover, and leave for one night. Give the resulting honey infusion to the child 0.5 tsp. during the day.

Compresses, ointments and rubbing

A warm baby chest compress is a physiotherapy procedure that relaxes the muscles of the airways, dilates them and facilitates the passage of mucus. Breathing becomes even and painless.

Local warming provides blood flow to the area of ​​the body. As a result, tissues are saturated with oxygen, swelling and inflammation are reduced, and toxins are eliminated. This procedure is indicated for weak children who find it difficult to cough up mucus on their own. It is carried out if the child is without fever.

Effective folk recipe for a compress ─ this is honey warmed in a water bath with unrefined sunflower oil. Warmed cottage cheese or potatoes are also used.

The bottom layer of the compress must be made of cotton or linen.

Warming ointments and rubs are ideal for children infancy. They work on the same principle as compresses. Toddlers hinder development stagnant processes in the bronchi and lungs. It is better to buy such funds at a pharmacy. They contain only natural natural ingredients(Doctor Mom, Doctor Theis).

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is the most effective method elimination of cough in children. Therapeutic steam has a direct effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the result comes immediately. local action couple rules out development side effects, in contrast to the means that are taken orally.

For inhalation use clean water, it saturates dry mucus with moisture. But it is better to use herbal decoctions, from the same herbs that are used for drinking.

Wet cough treatment

A wet cough is accompanied by an intense discharge of sputum from the respiratory tract. It replaces the dry cough and indicates a trend towards recovery.

With a large volume of mucus weakened children's body cope hard. Phlegm is favorable environment for development bacterial infection(pneumococci, streptococci). Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at facilitating the discharge of mucus, avoiding congestion, infection and complications.

Wet cough symptoms:

  • loud wheezing on exhalation;
  • expectoration of mucus;
  • violent attacks of coughing, with the urge to vomit;
  • at the end of the attack, suffocation is felt.

Means taken by mouth

Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies includes plants that, in addition to expectorant properties, have a powerful bactericidal effect.

For a child with a wet cough, warm milk is useful, to which one of the folk remedies is added:

  • horseradish juice;
  • decoction of marshmallow root;
  • agave leaf juice (aloe);
  • turnip juice;
  • fresh lemon juice.

In order for the child to drink such milk, honey or sugar is added to it.

For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, the following medicinal herbs are used:

  • sage;
  • elecampane;
  • dill;
  • mint;
  • lungwort.
  • eucalyptus.

Cough recipes for children based on herbs have an antimicrobial property and remove not only mucus from the bronchi, but also pus, decay products of bacteria. Infusions and decoctions are prepared in the same way as with a dry cough.

Good remedy for wet cough- raspberry jam. This delicacy is loved by all children in any form. It is added to tea. You can pour a spoonful of jam with boiling water and drink such an infusion warm. The amount of water and raspberries depends on taste preferences.

Compresses, ointments and rubbing

Compresses at wet cough done to warm the chest.

For rubbing, use a fatty base (goose or badger fat) with the addition of honey. The fat is melted in a water bath to a semi-liquid warm consistency, mixed with honey. The resulting ointment is applied to the chest, back, shoulder blades of the child. Put on cotton clothes, put to bed and wrap in a warm blanket. The procedure lasts no more than an hour. Fat is well absorbed and does not require rinsing.

For compresses, gruel from warm boiled potatoes is used.

Warms well mustard powder. Cooking method: warm vegetable oil(5 tablespoons) add mustard powder, honey, flour (1 teaspoon each) in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the child's chest according to the rules for setting the compress, and left for 1 hour.

When using mustard in compresses, you need to control the condition of the skin in order to prevent burns. If the skin is very reddened, and the child feels severe burning procedure must be terminated immediately.


Inhalations with a wet cough are prescribed with caution to young children so as not to lead to excess sputum. In general, a wet cough comes off easily and does not require specific treatment. For inhalation, the following agents are used:

  • soda solution;
  • infusion of eucalyptus;
  • furatsilin.

On the one hand, cough treatment at home is not difficult for parents. On the other hand, by performing simple healing procedures, cough for some reason turns into chronic form. Let's analyze typical mistakes parents when treating cough with home remedies.

Children's doctor, E. O. Komarovsky is sure that the pledge successful treatment─ not specific drugs, herbs, remedies, prescriptions, procedures. In order for the child to recover, he needs to provide the correct mode:

  1. Plentiful drink to thin and remove mucus. The composition does not matter, the main thing is that the body receives a lot of fluid (the child must go to the toilet every 3 hours).
  2. Humidity in the children's room is 50 - 70%, the temperature is not more than 20 ° C, in order to prevent the mucosa from drying out.
  3. Outdoor walks are a must.

Parental mistakes.

Any physiotherapy procedures should not be carried out if the child has a fever.

  1. When preparing decoctions and infusions, it is impossible to add honey to boiling water. So it loses its healing properties and releases carcinogens, which is dangerous for the child's body.
  2. From baby cough categorically it is impossible to use an alcohol or acetic base for compresses. These substances cause burns. Moreover, they easily enter the bloodstream through the skin and by inhalation of vapors, and lead to poisoning of the child's body, aggravating the general condition.
  3. With a wet cough, putting compresses at night is dangerous, especially in children under 3 years old. Productive mucus production at night causes severe suffocation (requires urgent hospitalization and emergency care) and can lead to respiratory arrest.
  4. Inhalations are carried out using special devices (nebulizers). It is strictly forbidden to arrange inhalation for children over boiled potatoes, boiling water, a hot object. This method will lead to burns of the upper respiratory tract. Moreover, a child may tip over a hot pot on himself, which will lead to severe burns skin.

Inhalation rules.

Inhalations are done for children using a home inhaler or in a physiotherapy room at a polyclinic.

The last meal should be 1.5 hours before the procedure. Clothes on the child should not squeeze the neck (unbutton the collar). It is useful to inhale steam through the nose and mouth.

Before the procedure, do not take drugs that increase sputum discharge. Do not rinse your mouth with antiseptics. If after the procedure winter time the child is forced to walk down the street, you can not talk and breathe through your mouth. You can eat after 20 - 30 minutes. Home inhalations are carried out 2 times a day.


  • purulent tonsillitis;
  • bacterial infection of the respiratory system;
  • heart disease;
  • tendency to nosebleeds.

Warm compress technique.

For the wet layer, prepare a gauze pad. Cut out the polyethylene or compress paper 1 cm more than gauze around the perimeter ─ this is an insulating layer. Prepare cotton wool, 1-2 cm larger than polyethylene - an insulating layer.

Soak the gauze in the prepared solution. Place firmly and without folds on the baby's chest. On top of the film, then cotton wool so that it completely covers the two lower layers. Fix the compress with bandages, without violating the integrity of the compress and without making it difficult for the child to breathe.

We check the correct setting of the compress: put your finger under the bandage, if it is wet and warm, the compress is done correctly.


  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • suspicion of purulent inflammation;
  • skin allergy:
  • pustules on the skin.

The use of folk remedies allows you to quickly respond to the appearance of a cough. They are an alternative chemicals. When used correctly, the child will easily endure coughing fits, and go faster for recovery.

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