Is it possible to cure chronic rhinitis. Treatment of chronic rhinitis at home. Lifestyle change

Chronic rhinitis is a neglected form or a consequence of poor-quality treatment of acute rhinitis, which is characterized by a prolonged inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa and is accompanied by shortness of breath and mucus secretion from the nasal conchas.

Every person, whether a child or an adult, is familiar with this problem firsthand. However, not everyone treats it with full responsibility.

Chronic rhinitis, due to the duration of its course, causes severe discomfort in the patient. Chronic runny nose can exist as an independent disease, or develop against the background of a number of infections that enter the body (flu, diphtheria, measles, HIV infection, gonorrhea, etc.).

Causes of chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis include a number of factors. The dominant place among them is occupied by frequently recurring acute rhinitis, as well as allergic reactions to various microparticles surrounding a person ( Poplar fluff, pollen, house dust, fur, etc.).

Among the causes of chronic rhinitis, there are also some violations in anatomical structure nasal cavity. These include the curvature of the nasal septum, as a result of which unilateral hypertrophy of the nasal concha may develop, as well as birth defects and acquired defects of the nasal cavity.

The cause of chronic rhinitis may be prolonged exposure on the nasal mucosa of certain irritating factors. Metal and mineral dust can injure the nasal mucosa, and other types of dust (chalk, flour, etc.) have a detrimental effect on the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which there is a violation of the outflow of secretions from the mucous glands and goblet cells.

It is also worth noting that the accumulation of dust in the nasal passages can lead to the formation of nasal stones (rhinoliths) as a result of dust cementation. To irritants that can cause chronic inflammation nasal mucosa, include vapors and gases.

One of the likely causes of chronic rhinitis is pathological processes local character in the pharynx and paranasal sinuses. These include: narrowing of the lumen of the posterior nasal passages by adenoids, purulent discharge that irritates the nasal mucosa in diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis), sluggish infectious process on the background of chronic tonsillitis.

The cause of chronic rhinitis is also considered Negative influence environment. This can be a banal hypothermia, which leads to a reflex change in vascular tone, or hot, dry air that dries out the nasal mucosa and, thereby, inhibits the function of the ciliated epithelium.

Reception of some medicines can also cause chronic runny nose. These include vasodilators, which are used in the treatment of hypertension. Instillation into the nose of drops of a vasoconstrictor spectrum of action over a long period of time leads, as a rule, to irritation of the nasal mucosa and can provoke the development of vasomotor rhinitis.

The causes of chronic rhinitis also include circulatory disorders in the nasal mucosa against the background of some systemic diseases(alcoholism, kidney disease, hypertension, systemic constipation, dysmenorrhea, endocrine and nervous system diseases). This list can be supplemented with domestic and surgical injuries in the nasal cavity, as well as the presence of a foreign body in it.

Classification of chronic rhinitis

Based on the causes of chronic rhinitis, there are several types of this disease.

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis- characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, which is manifested, as a rule, by congestion of one half of the nose. At the same time, discharge from the nose is mucous and moderate, but with an exacerbation of the disease, it can become purulent and abundant. In some cases, due to an increase in the amount of secreted mucus, there is a violation of the sense of smell.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis- characterized by growth and thickening of the nasal mucosa (hyperplasia) against the background of a chronic inflammatory process. At the same time, nasal breathing is very difficult or becomes completely impossible due to the overlap of the nasal passages with an overgrown mucous membrane (the patient is forced to constantly breathe through the mouth).

Nasal discharge is profuse and usually mucopurulent. The patient's voice becomes nasal, gustatory and olfactory functions are disturbed, painful headache.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis- characterized by thinning of the nasal mucosa (the nasal passages expand at the same time) and is accompanied by the release of viscous mucus from the nose, which, when dried, forms crusts, as well as itching and a feeling of dryness in the nose and throat. The formation of a large number of crusts leads to difficulty in nasal breathing and a violation of the sense of smell.

A special form of chronic atrophic rhinitis - ozena, representing fetid runny nose, accompanied by the formation of dirty gray crusts in the nasal cavity with a sharp unpleasant odor (most often nauseating, sweetish).

The cause of ozena is the infection of wounds of the nasal mucosa with the microorganism Klebsiella pneumoniae ozaenae.

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis- characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, profuse mucous and watery discharge from the nose, paroxysmal sneezing. These manifestations are a consequence of a violation of the functions of the autonomic nervous system and occur with an increase blood pressure, at abrupt change temperature regime, after waking up, against the background of stress or overwork.

Accompanying symptoms of this type of disease may be sleep disturbance and worsening general condition.

Chronic allergic rhinitis- characterized by the occurrence of itching in the nose, a burning sensation that causes bouts of uncontrolled sneezing. Discharge from the nose is watery. Depending on the type of allergens, vasomotor rhinitis can be year-round or seasonal (hay fever).


In the treatment of chronic rhinitis, there is no single universal remedy that can eliminate this problem once and forever. What may help in one particular case, in another brings only a short-term improvement.

Treatment methods for chronic rhinitis depend on the form of the disease and individual features organism.

catarrhal rhinitis

Treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis involves, first of all, the elimination of the cause that caused the occurrence of this form of the disease. Only then can the effectiveness of therapeutic measures be increased.

Treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis with medications consists in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, the action of which is aimed at improving nasal breathing and reducing swelling.

These drugs are available in the form of drops or sprays (Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Nazol, Otrivin, Nazivin, etc.). However, the use of drugs in this group can lead to back effect, as they are addictive to the body, which nullifies all therapeutic efforts.

The patient is prescribed antihistamines(Acrivastin, Loratodin), anticongestants (Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline), glucocorticoids (Mometasone, Nasonex), and, if necessary, antibacterial agents.

In the treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, physiotherapeutic procedures are also used (laser therapy and ultraviolet radiation). Treatment surgical methods It is used only in case of detection of anatomical changes in the nasal cavity.

Hypertrophic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is based in most cases on the same drug therapy as in catarrhal rhinitis. However, the features of the course of this form of the disease indicate that most patients need surgical intervention, which involves a surgical, mechanical or thermal effect on those parts of the turbinates that are subject to hypertrophic changes.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis of the hypertrophic form can also be carried out by freezing (cryosurgery) or cauterization (galvanocaustic) of tissues with a metal tip or chemicals(trichloroacetic acid, silver nitrate, etc.).

Atrophic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic rhinitis of an atrophic form is carried out by methods of general and local type of exposure. Surgical treatment is prescribed in extremely rare cases.

The general treatment of chronic atrophic rhinitis involves the use of stimulant drugs (Rutin, Calcium Gluconate, Aloe Extract, Fitin), as well as vitamin therapy and UHF. In order to improve blood microcirculation and restore the nasal mucosa, xanthinol nicotinate, Pentoxifylline, Agapurine are used.

To activate metabolic processes in the nasal mucosa and regeneration of the epithelium are prescribed local treatment chronic atrophic rhinitis, which includes the use of nutritious ointments containing glucose in their composition.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Treatment of chronic rhinitis of this form is carried out by both medical and surgical methods.

Drug treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis involves taking steroid drugs, as well as the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and antiallergic nasal drops. Used to wash the nasal passages saline solutions.

Complex medical procedures should include electrophoresis and acupuncture.
To reduce the lower conchas of the nose, as a result of which it improves nasal breathing prescribe surgery.

allergic rhinitis

The main task of treating chronic allergic rhinitis is to reduce or completely eliminate the dominant signs of this type of disease: itching in the nose and eyes, discharge from the nose, sneezing and watery eyes. For this purpose, H1-histamine blockers of three generations are used:

  • Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine;
  • Claritin, Simprex, Kestin, Zyrtec;
  • Telfast, Xizal, Erius.

The likelihood of side effects decreases with generation height.

An important role in the treatment of chronic rhinitis of the allergic form has ultraviolet irradiation nasal mucosa, dynamic currents, magnetotherapy.

Treatment with folk methods

The first step in the fight against chronic rhinitis is to wash the nasal passages. This procedure is carried out with solutions based on sea ​​salt, food salt with the addition of tincture of eucalyptus or propolis, baking soda, iodine, potassium permanganate, beetroot juice, lemon juice. Washing the nose is carried out using a small syringe or syringe.

Ointments, drops and inhalations will help to free nasal breathing and get rid of the mucus secreted from the nose. In the fight against this, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of recipes:

  • lubrication of the internal passages of the nose laundry soap;
  • hot mustard foot baths;
  • onion gruel compresses on the maxillary sinuses and wings of the nose;
  • inhalation in pairs of onions, garlic or horseradish;
  • beetroot swabs in each nostril in turn;
  • nasal drops prepared from a mixture of vegetable and camphor oil, and propolis tinctures;
  • inhalation of smoke from garlic stalks smoldering on the stove, cotton swabs, bread crumbs, etc.;
  • warming up the nose with hard-boiled eggs, hot sand or salt, hot millet porridge.

A healthy lifestyle and a strong immune system will help to defeat a chronic runny nose without resorting to medical procedures.

It often happens that after a cold, a runny nose does not go away for a very long time. At first, the patient does not pay attention to him, hoping that this residual phenomenon after SARS will end quickly. Many people think about how to cure a chronic runny nose, only after it becomes protracted and causes a lot of trouble. People make the decision to urgently fly to the doctor when the discomfort begins to go off scale.

Causes of the disease

The cause of chronic rhinitis is inflammation of the capillaries of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which occurs when:

  • frequent acute rhinitis and their improper treatment;
  • the presence of irritating substances in the ambient air, if the work is associated with hazardous production;
  • certain vasodilators used for hypertension;
  • defects of the nasal septum and hereditary predisposition;
  • various diseases of internal organs;
  • violation of blood supply in the nasal mucosa.

Types of rhinitis

Can a runny nose be cured? This is a rather serious pathology, which may be accompanied by sinusitis, sinusitis or inflammation of the adenoids, so you need to carefully consider getting rid of it. Exist different types chronic rhinitis, which differ in the causes that caused them, and clinical manifestations. Knowing the symptoms will help you understand how to treat a chronic runny nose. But it is better to contact a specialist who will select effective method getting rid of the problem.

  • In catarrhal rhinitis, nasal congestion is observed, usually it is observed on one side and is aggravated in the cold. Mucous discharge may be purulent.
  • Chronic inflammation often leads to hypertrophic rhinitis. The mucous membrane grows, closing the nasal passages and making it difficult to breathe. Abundant and purulent discharge is accompanied by conjunctivitis and severe headaches.
  • Atrophic rhinitis is characterized by thinning of the mucosa with the formation of crusts and the release of mucus of increased viscosity. Removal of crusts can lead to injury to the mucosa and infection.
  • Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are a thin mucous discharge with itching and sneezing. It may be permanent or worsen certain periods. It depends on the type of allergy.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis may occur due to nervous tension or hypertension and is accompanied liquid secretions, sneezing and deterioration of the patient's well-being.

Any type of this pathology is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell. Based on the examination of the patient, the specialist determines the type of rhinitis. However, in order to decide how to treat a chronic rhinitis, it is required additional examination, which includes laboratory tests, and tomography, and allergy tests, and a number of other studies.

Medical treatment

Chronic pathology requires long-term and persistent treatment, since advanced disease even more fraught severe complications, up to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or atrophy of the mucosa. Depending on the form of rhinitis, drops with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial action are usually applied topically. It is advisable to use an oil-based product.

Doctors usually do not prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs, since they cannot cure chronic rhinitis, because they have a short-term effect, and their frequent use leads to addiction, so:

  • in the early stages or as a preventive measure, antiviral agents are used;
  • to reduce mucosal edema, herbal remedies are more effective;
  • at more severe forms complicated by infections, use antibacterial drugs.

There are more radical means, which are used for chronic rhinitis:

  • a specialist can prescribe an intranasal blockade - after freezing the nasal mucosa, inject the medicine;
  • cryosurgery offers therapy liquid nitrogen- with the help of a special device, the mucous membrane is frozen with this substance, which narrows the pores (the technique allows you to forget about the common cold for several years);
  • most effective laser therapy- damaged capillaries are removed when the mucosal surface is irradiated, causing edema(in a few sessions, this method will permanently relieve rhinitis).

Folk remedies

  • Washing

Since it is not always possible to get rid of a chronic rhinitis with medication alone, after consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist, home remedies can also be connected. One of them is nasal lavage. To regularly carry out such a procedure, you should purchase a simple syringe or a special device. You can use a teapot. This method is especially often prescribed during pregnancy, when the use of other drugs is undesirable.

For washing, you can use infusions of chamomile, calendula and other herbs, as well as home remedies: solutions of salt, potassium permanganate or baking soda.

The procedure itself is also very simple. Leaning over the sink, you need to pour the solution into one nostril. Through the second, it pours out, exerting an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane. The procedure should be carried out several times a day.

  • Nasal drops

Treatment of chronic rhinitis with folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of doctors, since the components used can cause allergic reactions or burns of the mucosa. In addition, each body is different, so the effectiveness of home remedies may be different for each person.

You can make your own nasal drops. Propolis tincture in their composition has an anti-inflammatory effect. Vegetable oil softens and protects the mucosa, and camphor has a cleansing and healing effect. The mixture is prepared from the indicated ingredients in equal proportions and applied several times a day for a week. After a five-day break, the course should be repeated.

Drops prepared from honey and beetroot juice are distinguished by a high therapeutic effect. By diluting the mixture large quantity boiled water, it is necessary to instill it into the nose a few drops 6-7 times a day. You can use these drops without adding honey.

Other home remedies

To cure a chronic runny nose with folk remedies, you can use the old proven methods. By using cotton swab, richly lubricated with laundry soap, you need to carefully wipe the nasal cavity. Compresses on the maxillary sinuses from grated onions help well. Even more effective are gauze turundas moistened with the juice of this vegetable. Well help inhalation pairs of onions, garlic or horseradish.

Beets have amazing medicinal properties. Tampons with its juice, applied twice a day, are an excellent remedy for chronic rhinitis. Garlic lotions also differ in a similar effect, but before using them, the nasal cavity must be lubricated with cream or oil to prevent burns. A general healing effect will have hot foot baths with mustard. It is also recommended to pour dry powder into socks and walk in them.

Ancient recipes suggest how to get rid of a cold. One of them advises alternately with each nostril to breathe smoke from bread crusts smoldering on the stove, pieces of cotton wool or garlic stalks. it effective method eliminate nasal congestion and unpleasant discharge.

In the old days chronic runny nose treated by heating the sinuses with hot sand or salt, pouring them into a canvas bag.

Every morning, while washing, you can carry out the procedure of hardening the nose, alternately wetting it with cold and hot water.

Prevention of rhinitis

Thoughtful treatment with folk remedies will gradually and gently relieve swelling and restore the nasal mucosa. However great importance have preventive measures. They are quite simple and are as follows:

  • all catarrhal pathologies should be treated under medical supervision and be sure to complete the course of therapy;
  • take measures to protect against exposure to allergens;
  • give up frequent use nasal drops;
  • correct defects in the structure of the nose;
  • strengthen the body's immune system.

It is not always possible to prevent the development of chronic rhinitis. But it's not a disaster. Timely appeal to a specialist, strict adherence to qualified recommendations, folk remedies for chronic rhinitis, selected under the supervision of a doctor, will help to cope with the disease.


Terra Incognita

I advise you to go to Laura, he will write you a referral for physiotherapy. I have an allergic addiction to drops and a runny nose was constant. After treatment, I did not completely get rid of, but relief occurred. Now I breathe more freely.

Sergey Polyakov

Sneeze at him...

Yana Euphoria

In some people, a runny nose is mild and without consequences. Others have a stuffy or runny nose, headaches, and often difficulty breathing. What is it connected with?
- First of all, a runny nose is a "calling card" of many diseases. Among them are tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, sinusitis. The cause of a runny nose can also be an injury to the nasal septum, which makes it difficult to breathe. Often a runny nose is caused by allergies. Then it can be complicated by a pre-asthma condition, which, if left untreated, can turn into severe asthma. In weakened people who often have colds and at the same time suffer from allergic reactions, as well as gastritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, the risk of developing bronchial asthma is increased.
- Sometimes a runny nose begins simply from the fact that you leave a warm room in cold, dank weather. How to distinguish such a reaction of the body to the cold from a really dangerous condition?
- If a runny nose does not go away for a long time - this is a serious reason for contacting an otolaryngologist or an allergist. Ordinary acute rhinitis resolves within a few days. If, after a week, it is still difficult to breathe, general discomfort is felt, sometimes headaches, tearing and pain in the eyes appear, then there is a fear of the development of other diseases.
A person breathes not only through the nose, but also through the paranasal sinuses. If these sinuses are occupied by mucus or pus, then breathing is difficult, and in addition to a runny nose, shortness of breath appears, and then symptoms bronchial asthma.
Often there is a whole range of symptoms - inflammation of the eyes, incessant runny nose, bronchial asthma. This serious condition requires versatile treatment, otherwise it progresses rapidly. Here you can not do without the help of a specialist.
- What should be done so that the common cold does not turn into a chronic one?
- Any available means temper your body. It is best to start hardening from early childhood. In children, the frontal and nasal airways are underdeveloped. For them, in order to improve ventilation, it is very useful to talk and sing a lot. This protects not only from chronic rhinitis, but also from shortness of breath with asthmatic components. Vocal exercises are also useful for adults. They are used for colds, for example, by the famous pop singer Iosif Kobzon, to avoid an attack of bronchial asthma.
At the first sign of a cold, warm foot baths are helpful. Add a stick of coniferous extract to them. Before going to bed, you can massage your hands, neck, chest.
- Do I need to instill drops in the nose?
- They are certainly useful for prevention, although you should not get carried away with them. If you use them for a long time, more than a week, then addiction and other unwanted side effects may occur.
You can rinse your nose with infusions instead medicinal plants: chamomile, coltsfoot leaves, garlic, as well as aloe, kalanchoe, garlic juices. Dilute juices 2-5 times with olive or refined sunflower oil, and aloe juice with cold boiled water. It cannot be combined with naphthyzinum or sanorin.
Can be prepared as prophylactic against bronchial asthma boiled turnip juice or decoction of root crops. It is taken in a quarter cup 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. Very effective in the common cold, especially with asthmatic components, steam inhalation with infusion of plantain, coltsfoot, pine buds, eucalyptus, as well as a mixture eucalyptus oil, vitamin A, peach or anise oils. Highly important rule: when instilled and inhaled, the nasal mucosa should be spared. Do not use concentrated oils as drops or for lubrication, be sure to dilute them with vegetable oil. Frequent instillation in the nose various drugs also worsens the condition of the mucosa.
Try not to injure the nasal mucosa when cleaning the nasal passages, it is better to use warm baths or irrigation from infusions of chamomile, sage, coltsfoot for this. You can rinse your nose with a solution of table salt: dissolve 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water, rinse


A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Usually caused by various viruses and microbes. Its development is facilitated by hypothermia of the body, strong gas contamination or dustiness of the air. Runny nose is often a symptom of infectious diseases (flu, diphtheria, measles, fever, malaria, etc.).
Traditional medicine recipes
used for colds:
1. Menthol oil ( pharmacy drug) . Drip 3-5 drops of menthol oil into each nostril. Do twice a day; oil at the same time: forehead, temples, behind the ears, back of the head, wings of the nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor oil. The procedures are the same. Helps well with the onset of a runny nose.
2. Kalanchoe ( home remedy) . With the onset of a runny nose, it is enough to lubricate the nose with juice from the nose 2-3 times a day. fresh leaf Kalanchoe and runny nose will quickly stop. You can instill 3-5 drops.
3. Tincture. For 100 gr. sunflower or olive oil take one tablespoon with the top of chopped wild rosemary. Insist 21 days in a dark place, shake daily. Strain, squeeze. Instill 2-3 drops into each nostril for the first time, then instill 1 drop 3-4 times a day. Do no more than a week. The runny nose goes away in a few days.
4. Chronic runny nose. Make slightly warm, slightly salted water. Add there 1 teaspoon of any of the listed tinctures (calendula, sofar, eucalyptus). Take 0.5 liters of water. Rinse your nose with this water.
The procedure is performed as follows: bend under water at an angle of 45 degrees. , pull it in with your nose and release it from your mouth. So skip the entire solution without raising your head to blow your nose alternately through each nostril. Do with chronic rhinitis twice a day, morning and evening.
5. Red beets. Bury in each nostril 5-6 drops of freshly squeezed beetroot juice (fresh, not boiled). You can soak a cotton swab in fresh juice and put in the nose.
6. Helps from a runny nose finely chopped onion, infused with sunflower oil. This composition lubricates the nostrils.
7. With a cold, they chew honey with honeycombs and lubricate the nostrils with honey.
8. Eucalyptus tea and peppermint are excellent for inhalation with a cold. 3-4 drops of infusion are enough for a liter of hot water.
9. In case of a runny nose, it is recommended to wrap the feet with gauze moistened alcohol infusion capsicum, put on woolen socks over it and go to bed.
10. With a runny nose, take 1 part of freshly prepared carrot juice, 1 tsp. vegetable oil and a few drops of garlic juice. Bury in the nose 3 times a day.
11. A mixture of honey and red beet juice helps with a runny nose. Mix a teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice. Bury in the nose a few drops 3-4 times a day.
Health to you!! !


when I have a runny nose I take a piece of garlic in cotton wool and in my ear, it’s good when the garlic is juicy after 4 hours I change if there is Kombucha I make tampons for 10-20 minutes. it helps me.

Irina Lapshina

There is a drugstore Dolphin. Start with warm washes, then (after a week) buy a massager so that you can use it for superciliary arches and nose, massage after washing. Try to drink up to 1.5-2 liters of warm and clean water per day (this will help remove salt, sand, stones, mucus from the body). Go in for exercise machines, massagers, sports. Lead a healthy lifestyle, thoughts, behavior and this will contribute to your healing. Any slime is undigested food and drugs, unprocessed thoughts. For greater effect, take baths with a solution or emulsion of Skipar, orally take 4-6 tablets at once Kapilara 3-5 times a day (expands blood vessels). Personal experience.


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. A runny nose can be both an independent ailment and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of a runny nose contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes to fight the common cold:
1) Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add 1-3 drops of garlic juice to the mixture. Prepare the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Boiled or fresh beetroot juice instill a few drops into the nose 4-5 times a day or rinse the nose 2-3 times a day with a decoction of beets. Honey can be added to the decoction. Help cotton swabs soaked in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day.
3) Mix equal parts Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drinking with an infusion of lemon balm or St. John's wort - this perfectly relieves nasal congestion.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, tilting your head back and massaging the wings of the nose when instilled.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part mint oil(sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix the onion, mashed into gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onion-honey mixture 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if onion juice is used instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Leave overnight in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice should be instilled into the nose 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) An excellent remedy for a cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder per 7-8 liters of water), as well as baking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons of burdock herb (sold in pharmacies) 1l. water, boil for 3 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply warm to irrigate the nasal cavity with a severe runny nose.
10) Mix in equal proportions Kalanchoe juice and St. John's wort oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with inhalations of St. John's wort.
11) Pour the grated onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. Use this oil to treat the nasal mucosa with a severe runny nose.
12) Pour 50gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a bad cold 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Pour 10g. crushed black poplar buds 1 cup boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of peppermint herb 0.5 l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take 0.5 cups of hot infusion, sweetened with honey. Also rinse your nose with this infusion.
15) Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of rosehip pulp, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork lard, 1 part eucalyptus oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Insert swabs moistened with the mixture into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes.
16) Mix honey and St. John's wort in equal proportions. lubricate cotton swab nasal mucosa during the day and at bedtime.
17) Mix 1 tablespoon St. John's wort oil with the same amount of vaseline. Introduce with a swab into each nasal passage.
18) Pour 1 teaspoon of garden woodlice herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Bury in the nose or draw in the infusion through the nose with a severe runny nose.
19) Pour 10g. blackhead herbs (sold in a pharmacy) 1 glass of vodka. Insist for a day. Bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
20)When prolonged runny nose dry leaves of the initial cap (sold in a pharmacy), crush into powder and sniff 2-3 times a day.


From a severe cold, lubricate the nose at night with honey

Chronic rhinitis develops as a result of untimely or incomplete treatment of the disease in its acute stage. Its symptoms are nasal congestion, headaches, general weakness, decreased sense of smell and stuffy ears. In the treatment of the disease, a wide arsenal of various medicinal and folk remedies is used.


  1. Eliminate severe nasal congestion using vasoconstrictor drops that reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. To avoid impaired sense of smell, do not use such drugs for more than 7 days in a row. Moisturizing preparations containing salts and trace elements will help ease the discharge of mucus. Their doses can be safely varied, since they do not cause side effects. Peppermint essential oil can improve breathing. Drops based on a silver solution have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Take advantage homeopathic preparations that have anti-edematous, immunostimulating and antiviral effects on the body. Complications that arise are treated with antibacterial drugs, which are metered aerosols or drops. In the absence of the effect of therapeutic procedures, they resort to treatment runny nose and laser exposure. This technique allows you to improve breathing, relieve swelling of the mucosa and reduce discharge. If the cause of chronic runny nose and lies in allergies, consult with an allergist. In this case, the treatment tactics depend on the type of allergen, which can be detected using diagnostic tests.
  3. Dissolve sea salt in warm water. Using a five-cc syringe, rinse your nose with this solution several times a day. Put onion, lemon or aloe juice into your nose, 1-2 drops in each nostril. Do inhalations using chopped onions, boiled potatoes in their skins or ground black pepper, seizure-inducing sneezing. Pour 20 bay leaves in a glass of boiling water, add 1/3 teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of honey and stir well. Put this mixture in your nose three times a day. You can also instill beetroot juice into the nose - it will help get rid of heavy secretions. Dilute potassium permanganate in water to get a pink color. Add 3 drops of iodine and rinse your nose with this solution. Mix pureed viburnum with honey and drink it daily. To provide the body with vitamins, brew currant leaves. After an hour, strain them, add honey and drink the resulting liquid as often as possible.
  4. Instill water into the nose with the addition a small amount starch - this will help get rid of sneezing. To moisturize the mucous membrane, 3 times a day, instill 3 drops of camphor oil into each nostril. If you lose your sense of smell, it is recommended to eat grated viburnum and linden fruits mixed with honey. Insert swabs soaked in alcohol solution propolis. It is advisable to do this every day before going to bed.

How to treat a runny nose at home correctly

  • Inhalations
  • Chronic runny nose

Each of us has an idea of ​​​​what a runny nose is, and more than once faced with the discomfort caused by the manifestation of this symptom.

At first glance, rhinitis seems to be something completely harmless, however, do not be mistaken, because even a simple cold can provoke the development serious complications.

Particular care should be taken with self-treatment runny nose at home, since often such therapy is not the most adequate and effective, and this can also accelerate the development of complications.

Among dangerous consequences runny nose should be noted:

  • Sinusitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus nose).
  • Frontit(inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal paranasal sinus, see also "What is sinusitis?").
  • Acute sinusitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more sinuses)
  • Polyposis sinusitis(growth of connective tissue in the nasal sinuses).

To understand how to properly treat a runny nose at home, you need to determine the cause of the disease. Usually, rhinitis occurs against the background of the course of catarrhal infectious diseases, but there are other factors that can provoke the development of this symptom.

Causes of a runny nose can be:

  • viruses and harmful microorganisms;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • various external allergens;
  • diseases of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • transferred surgical operations;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • prolonged exposure to chemical or other irritants on the nasal mucosa;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • nose injury;
  • influence of air temperature and climatic conditions;
  • weak immunity;
  • adenoids.

As a rule, in order to cure a runny nose, it is necessary to act first of all not on the symptom itself, but on the cause of its appearance.

Symptomatic treatment of the common cold should not be excluded, because often the relief of symptoms that create discomfort helps the patient find the strength to fight the disease and just feel much better. How to quickly get rid of a runny nose is a question that concerns everyone. Treatment of a runny nose almost always begins at home, and patients often neglect going to the doctor throughout the illness, thinking that they can cope on their own.

However, in order for the treatment of a runny nose at home to be correct and adequate, it is necessary to remember a few important rules:

  • If during a runny nose there is an increase in body temperature, then the patient is shown bed rest and taking antipyretic drugs.
  • It is important to clean the nasal cavity from mucous secretions in a timely manner. The best way to do this is by rinsing.
  • Getting rid of the feeling of nasal congestion is not easy symptomatic treatment, after all, difficult nasal breathing can cause unpleasant consequences due to the low supply of oxygen to the body. What to do to get rid of permanent nasal congestion? When treating a runny nose with folk remedies at home, it is necessary to use homeopathic or vasoconstrictor drugs. In case you decide to use vasoconstrictors, it must be remembered that their continuous use should be limited to 5-7 days.

How to quickly get rid of a runny nose at home: the effectiveness of steam inhalation

Many, of course, are concerned about the question of how to quickly get rid of a chronic runny nose at home, because each of us encounters rhinitis every year, sometimes more than once a year. It is worth mentioning right away that the treatment of chronic rhinitis with folk remedies for rhinitis in 10 minutes will not give tangible results, but significant relief can be achieved in a day.

Rhinitis does not just make breathing difficult and contributes to the abundant secretion of mucus from the nasal passages, it prevents a person from working fully, causes sleep disturbances, causes severe discomfort and a lot of unpleasant sensations, so its treatment is necessary.

It is almost impossible to get rid of a runny nose at home in one day, because this is too short a time to conduct a full course of treatment. However, in one day you can significantly ease nasal breathing and get rid of mucous secretions, such therapy is called symptomatic treatment and is aimed at making the patient feel better. How should rhinitis be treated?

Symptomatic treatment of the common cold includes:

  • Cleansing the nasal passages from accumulated mucus. You can clean the nasal passages by blowing your nose, as well as washing. Rinsing the nose with salt water helps to actively moisturize the nasal mucosa and cleans the sinuses more effectively;
  • Relief of nasal congestion. Good for nasal congestion vasoconstrictor drops or sprays, however, as mentioned earlier, it is undesirable to use such drugs for more than a week. Also effective means for the treatment of nasal congestion are drugs containing in their composition essential oils. To relieve congestion, you can use the technique of acupressure, massage is especially effective if carried out with the Vietnamese Asterisk balm.

In parallel with the symptomatic treatment of rhinitis, it is necessary to influence the focus of the disease in order to overcome the disease completely. On the this stage it is necessary to figure out what kind of runny nose worries the patient.

Types of rhinitis:

  • Vasomotor rhinitis. Such a runny nose occurs as a reaction to any external stimulus, for example, a sharp change in ambient air temperature or aggressive environmental influences. Getting rid of such a runny nose at home is simple: the treatment consists in eliminating the irritant.
  • Allergic rhinitis. An attack of such rhinitis, as a rule, is provoked by exposure to an allergen. If such a runny nose appears during the flowering period of plants, then we can talk about seasonal allergic rhinitis, the treatment of this type of runny nose is somewhat different. If this symptom manifests itself upon contact, for example, with house dust, then a specialist may well diagnose a chronic allergy. To get rid of such a runny nose at home, it is necessary to include symptomatic therapy, antihistamines in the treatment plan, and be sure to exclude any contact with the allergen that caused the attack.
  • Infectious rhinitis. An attack of this type of rhinitis always accompanies the course of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. In such cases, the patient is shown symptomatic treatment, as well as taking antiviral drugs. Colds can be cured completely in 3-5 days. Many argue that the best home remedy for such a runny nose is rinsing the nose with saline.
  • Medicinal rhinitis. Such a runny nose is a consequence of the abuse of medicinal nasal preparations, which, with constant use, cause atrophy and severe swelling mucous. During the treatment of this type of rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs that caused an attack of rhinitis. It is better not to get rid of such a runny nose at home, so as not to provoke deterioration.
  • Traumatic rhinitis. This type runny nose occurs with mechanical, chemical or thermal injury to the nose and its mucous membranes. If the damage is not too strong, then the mucous membrane recovers quite quickly and the runny nose goes away by itself. If we are talking about serious violations, then you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist to prescribe adequate treatment.
  • Hypertrophic and atrophic rhinitis. With hypertrophic rhinitis, there is an overgrowth and a significant thickening of the nasal mucosa. Also, with hypertrophic rhinitis, a large amount of mucus is released from the nasal passages. Often, surgical intervention is indicated for the treatment of such rhinitis, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of this type of rhinitis at home. With atrophic rhinitis, on the contrary, there is a thinning of the tissues of the nasal passages and their significant drying. If you do not start treating atrophic rhinitis in a timely manner, this can lead to a partial or even complete loss of smell, therefore, when symptoms of atrophic rhinitis appear, you should not postpone going to your doctor and self-medicate at home.

Any kind of runny nose is a reason to visit a specialist. However, not always and not everyone has this opportunity, and in this case, a quick treatment of a runny nose at home remains the only available option.

How and how can you quickly cure a severe or chronic runny nose (rhinitis) at home? There are many different home remedies for a cold that will help to cope with the disease and strengthen the immune system, here we will tell you more about just a few of them:

  • Washing the sinuses with infusions medicinal herbs or saline solution. Such home remedies for the common cold are considered one of the most effective. Washing helps to remove accumulated mucus from the sinuses, which contains pathogenic microflora. Washing also moisturizes the nasal mucosa and helps fight congestion. Nasal saline solution can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. To do this, take a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in half a liter of warm boiled water. Concerning herbal infusions for washing the nasal cavity, then plants with an antiseptic effect are used for their preparation: string, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile, sage and others.
  • Steam inhalation with herbal infusions. Steam inhalation from a cold with potatoes. Inhalations are an effective remedy for the common cold at home are carried out only if the patient does not have a fever. With the help of inhalations with a cold, you can at home and in as soon as possible stop such unpleasant symptoms like nasal congestion and profuse mucous discharge from the nasal passages. Herbs, which we have already mentioned above, can be used not only for the preparation of infusions for washing the sinuses, but also for inhalation. Let us dwell in more detail on potato inhalations from the common cold, which are very convenient to carry out at home. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water and then, bending over the container with the tubers and covering with a towel, breathe deeply for 15-20 minutes. After the potato inhalation from a runny nose at home, rest and, if possible, bed rest are shown, so these procedures are best done in the evening.
  • Instillation of the nose with pharmaceutical nasal preparations or formulations prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. Most often, various nasal preparations that were purchased at a pharmacy are used to treat a runny nose. Typically, these funds are vasoconstrictor effect, which brings the patient significant relief and improves nasal breathing. It is not worth abusing such home remedies for a runny nose, this can lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Pay attention to drops and sprays that contain essential oils, for example, Pinosol. Of course, such drops will not immediately facilitate breathing, but they will significantly moisturize the mucous membrane and eventually allow you to breathe freely.

There are also such home remedies for the common cold, related to the section of traditional medicine, such as beetroot, onion and carrot juice. These juices, individually or even in a mixture, must be instilled into the nasal passages. A noticeable improvement occurs already on the second or third day of application. If you feel burning and discomfort when instilling juices into your nose, then you can add a little vegetable oil to the mixture for instillation. If the burning sensation does not go away, then you should consult a doctor to exclude the presence of allergic reactions.

How to treat chronic rhinitis (runny nose) at home

Chronic rhinitis is called untreated or advanced acute rhinitis, which does not go away quickly, but can bother the patient for more than a week.

It is better not to treat chronic rhinitis at home, as there is Great chance the development of serious complications (possible loss of smell, stuffy ears, the spread of inflammation to the organs of vision, and others). If you still had to deal with the treatment of chronic rhinitis at home, then you should sharply limit the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, to which, as a rule, addiction has already formed.

In chronic rhinitis, the mucous membrane is extremely irritated, so washing with saline solutions should also be excluded, as it can cause additional discomfort, cause burning and itching.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis at home should include:

  • symptomatic therapy. It is better to carry it out with the help of herbal preparations and medicinal plants containing essential oils. Such remedies for chronic rhinitis at home do not immediately facilitate nasal breathing, however, they irritate the mucous membrane less.
  • Complex therapy with the use of drugs that strengthen the immune system and activate the protective properties of the body. During the treatment of chronic rhinitis at home, the body, as a rule, is extremely weakened by the fight against a protracted illness and it needs additional resources to cope with the disease.
  • home mode, warm drinking and avoiding sudden changes in ambient temperature. It is necessary to exclude hypothermia, if possible it is better not to go outside. Drinking should be warm and plentiful, the release of nasal passages from mucus should be regular.

Cases in which the treatment of chronic rhinitis CANNOT be carried out at home:

  • Discharge from the nasal passages of mucus mixed with pus. In this case, a runny nose has flowed into sinusitis, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.
  • Severe headaches and general weakness(in combination with the incessant runny nose). These are symptoms of a possible spread of inflammation to the frontal or maxillary sinuses nose.
  • Elevated body temperature that persists for a long time(from 38С). An increase in temperature can signal that the inflammatory process is gaining momentum, and the body can no longer cope using its own resources. In such cases, it is necessary to call a doctor at home, since an independent trip to medical institution can cause a sharp deterioration in the general condition and well-being of the patient.


Man - you are the World, you are Eternity.

Visit an osteopath (bone cutter), correct the bones of the skull, congestion will go away.
Restore the water regime in the body. Drink 1.5 liters of water per day.
Buy colloidal silver Silver max, does not allow 650 types of pathogens to multiply, does not destroy blood vessels, mucous membranes. Drink licorice, echinacea.
Vegetative resonance testing.
The second is to systematically cleanse the body.
All diseases at the bottom of the intestines. Drink 1.5l-3l of pure living water, eat 100% natural food, cleanse yourself 2 times a year, listen to the body, it will tell you after cleansing that it lacks cells to build. From nanotechnology, I recommend the Colo Vada cleansing program.
The nose is a vessel through which the lymphatic sewerage of our body flows. No water, lymph is standing. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body through the 4 holes and through the skin. Everything must flow out to the last drop, viruses and bacteria are carried out of the body by immune cells. Remove mucus-forming foods from the diet, empty the intestines daily from 5 to 7 in the morning, establish an outflow of bile, in the morning and at night milk thistle oil, flaxseed in a teaspoon, or any other, unrefined or lecithin, omega 3/60.
Mucus in the morning should come out of the intestines, and not rise higher to the face along the lymphatic system.


this is for you to see a doctor .... maybe you have sinusitis?

Daniyar Zhumagulov

ocevnic salt 1 tbsp + a glass of water. 5 ml in each nostril. Be careful you can burn the receptors (do not take more salt than it is written)


pinasol good remedy! it is oily and includes eucalyptus and coarse herbs! and finally you need to initially look for the cause of a runny nose! if after a cold, then pinasol is the most optimal, and if not, then it is generally an allergy!


Buy the drug ORS-19. An excellent thing - I quickly cured a chronic runny nose.

Look here on this page.
And be healthy!!!

Anna Matveeva

First of all, find out its cause - vasomotor rhinitis, polyps, allergies, sinusitis. Further, to resolve the issue with the otolaryngologist, depending on the cause.

A protracted process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is called chronic rhinitis. This disease is formed for a variety of reasons, and can also cause serious complications.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults requires specialist advice which will help to identify the cause and prescribe treatment.

According to the symptoms, you can determine the form of chronic rhinitis. Consider the types of rhinitis, and how they manifest themselves:

According to statistics, 1 out of 7 people suffer from diseases of the nasal cavity

  1. atrophic- is formed due to thinning of the mucous membrane and an increase in the nasal passage. Leading symptoms: dryness in the nose, thick mucus, difficulty breathing, the appearance of crusts on the nasal mucosa.
  2. Vasomotor. Manifested by abundant secretions of mucus, difficulty breathing. With an allergic form, it can manifest itself seasonally.
  3. Catarrhal rhinitis differs in that the nasal passages are laid alternately. In addition, patients note abundant secretions of mucus, as well as hyperemia of the mucosa with a cyanotic tint.
  4. Ozena characterized by copious secretions of mucus, which quickly dry out and form a crust with an unpleasant odor. Such a runny nose spreads not only to the mucous membrane, but also to the bone.
  5. allergic rhinitis . Accompanied by copious watery discharge, an attack of sneezing, itching and burning in the nasal cavity.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis may be improper self-treatment. If the disease was acute, with incorrectly selected medications, it can cause complications.

In adults, the causes may be a deviated septum or a long lasting lesion. annoying factors, inhalation of metal dust, which act traumatically on the mucous membrane and contribute to the formation of a runny nose. Chalk particles cause the death of shimmering cilia.

It's important to know! Copious discharge mucus promotes inhalation of dry air. Long term use medications can also cause chronic runny nose.

How to treat chronic runny nose

Medicines from the pharmacy

Usually these are vasoconstrictor drops, antiseptic ointments with anti-inflammatory action. Salt or oil-based sprays and drops are used to soften crusts in the nasal passages.

There are several types of popular drugs for the treatment of chronic rhinitis:

1. Antiviral drugs . They help only if the runny nose is caused by viruses. The means do not kill the cause of the infection, but increase immunity, which helps to speed up recovery. The visible effect of the use of the drug occurs on the 4th day of use. It is recommended to use the funds during the period of seasonal exacerbations and when the first signs of the disease occur.

The most commonly used antiviral drugs are:

  • interferon. The drug consists of an analogue of the human protein interferon, it is produced by blood cells. The tool causes an accelerated synthesis of interferon, which ensures a faster recovery.

In pharmacies, the medicine is sold in the form of a powder, it should be diluted into 1 ampoule with 2 ml of water until dissolved. The remedy is used 4 times a day, 5 drops in each nostril. approximate cost drug in ampoules from 88 rubles.

2. Antibacterial agents. Treat infectious rhinitis. They include antibiotics. It is necessary to use funds only as prescribed by a doctor. Commonly used antibacterial drugs:

  • isophra. Consists of the antibiotic framycetin. For adults, one injection is recommended 6 times a day. As a spray, the drug is convenient to use and does not allow the agent to drain along the back wall of the nasopharynx. The price of the drug is from 170 rubles.
  • polydex. It contains the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. This drug includes a wider range of antibiotics than others, so the treatment is more effective. But do not forget that the use of extra antibiotics in the future can cause addiction to them. Adults are recommended one injection of the spray up to 5 times a day. The approximate cost of funds in pharmacies from 240 rubles.

3. Herbal preparations . Created on the basis of medicinal herbs. Effectively treat chronic rhinitis. A contraindication may be allergic rhinitis. Most commonly used tools:

  • pinosol. It contains oils of mint, pine, eucalyptus, alpha tocopherol and thymol. The drug has an antiseptic effect, which reduces inflammation. Spray is used 1 injection 6 times a day. The cost of spray Pinosol from 305 rubles.
  • sinuforte. It consists of lyophysilate, which is extracted from the extract and juice of cyclamen tubers. This drug has a secretolytic effect. Increases the secretion of nasal mucus and reduces its viscosity. One instillation into each nasal passage, 1 time per day. Treatment is carried out for 6-8 days. The approximate cost in pharmacies is from 1770 rubles.

Folk methods and recipes

In order for the treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults to be effective, many use folk medicine. Its effect is unmatched modern drugs, but is greatly enhanced if you start to be treated at the first signs of the disease.

It's important to know! Use plentiful drink to induce sweating. Well, if it is a complex of vitamins, for example, cranberries or tea with raspberries. This will help in a period of temperature over 37.

Black radish juice with honey has a good immunogenic effect. It is taken orally. For cooking in a radish, you need to make a hole of 15-20 ml and fill it with honey. Cover the black radish with a lid and place in a warm place for several hours. Use the tool for 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach 4 times a day.

Black radish juice can be taken for colds for both adults and children

Can be instilled into the nose kalanchoe juice and aloe. To make drops at home, add salt on the tip of a knife and 3 drops of juice to 5 ml of water.

Onion and garlic juice diluted 2 drops per 5 ml. It is also effective in the treatment of rhinitis. It is possible to use a decoction of chamomile, which is instilled in 3 drops.

Nasal lavage: pros and cons, warnings

This method is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic contents of the nasopharynx and clearing excess mucus. You can make your own cleanser or buy it from a pharmacy. The composition of the product includes table or sea salt. In moderate proportions, these ingredients are completely safe for health.

To make a sea salt solution, you will need:

1. 10 g of pure sea salt (you can use trusted salt), without impurities in purified form, it is sold in pharmacies, for 500 ml of boiled water. Warm up to body temperature before washing.

2. 20 g of sea salt per 250 ml of water. The product is more concentrated, suitable for people who often encounter a lot of dust.
The advantages of this method:

  • strengthening the walls of capillaries, improving blood circulation in the tissues of the mucosa, increasing local immunity, improving the work of the gland for self-purification;
  • removal of irritants and microparticles of dust that cause an allergic reaction;
  • reduction of puffiness, easier breathing;
  • disinfection of the nasopharynx, reducing the risk of disease.

The disadvantages of this procedure include the fact that the treatment cannot consist only of washing, especially during the period serious illnesses. Better if taken in combination medications from chronic cold.

Nasal lavage steps

During the procedure, along with bad mucus, favorable microorganisms can be removed from the body, they make up the microflora of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In adults, the procedure is performed for three weeks during the treatment period and one week for prevention.

Carefully! You can not abuse the washing of the nose. If it does not give the effect of recovery, it should be stopped and consult a doctor.


Such inhalations of active substances help to treat the respiratory organs in diseases of the trachea, nasopharynx, bronchi, and lungs. The doctor may prescribe an inhalation physiotherapy, or it can be done at home. There are a large number of different mixtures for preparing the procedure at home. let's let's look at some of them:

  1. Eucalyptus inhalation. You can prepare it using 2 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant, which are boiled in 1000 ml of water. After cooking, inhale the steam of the broth.
  2. propolis inhalation. In 500 ml of water, dilute 30% propolis tincture, no more than half a teaspoon. Then the steam should be inhaled.
  3. potato inhalation. Make potatoes “in uniform”, sit over the steam, wrapping your head in a towel.
  4. Inhalations with radish. Grate the radish and put for half an hour in a closed jar. Then do 7 times a day from a jar for several breaths.

Do not miss useful article about:

Active point massage

Treatment of many diseases can be carried out with the help of acupressure. its beginning this procedure takes from oriental medicine.

Influencing active zones human body, it is possible to get rid of chronic rhinitis. If you correctly perform the procedure 3 times a day for 10 minutes, in adults, you can speed up recovery. The main thing in massage treatment is regular procedures.


Physio-procedures include inhalation, heating and exposure to ultraviolet rays.. This method of treatment is effective and does not require medical intervention. Procedures are carried out for at least a week daily. They help reduce inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Inhalation is considered the most effective remedy for a cold.

Lifestyle change

In addition to timely treatment, in order to avoid a runny nose or its chronic variety, it is necessary to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Even during illness, especially in adults, following the rules known from childhood, it is possible to speed up the treatment and get rid of the disease for many years, simply by performing simple actions:

  • dress warmly;
  • wash your hands regularly;
  • temper yourself;
  • drink more fluids;
  • try to get enough sleep;
  • give up bad habits.

You might find it helpful to know what to do if: The level of cholesterol in the blood is increased. Causes and how to treat this disease.

Possible consequences of chronic rhinitis

If you do not treat the disease and let everything take its course, complications will appear in the future, which will need to be spent more funds and strength, acquiring medicines and running to the doctors. Unpleasant consequences of chronic rhinitis:

- headache;

- loss of smell;

sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis.

What is the danger of prolonged use of drops

Everyone knows that with nasal congestion instant effect in liberation respiratory tract give drops. But abuse of them leads to serious consequences. For example, they are addictive when the nose is always blocked and for free breathing it will be necessary to constantly instill funds.

Before using drops, read the contraindications

In addition, they adversely affect the mucous membrane, causing thinning of the walls of blood vessels. This leads to dryness of the mucosa, even more frequent rhinitis and more severe congestion nose. No need to be afraid to use drops you just have to follow the instructions.

To prevent a runny nose from turning into sinusitis

The most common complication of rhinitis is sinusitis. Timely treatment help avoid bad consequences. But if you still have symptoms of sinusitis, you should consult a doctor. You can suspect a complication by the following signs:

  1. General weakness. After you have been treating a runny nose for several days, suddenly there is a deterioration in well-being.
  2. Pathological discharge from the nose. Usually with sinusitis this purulent exudate having a characteristic odour.
  3. Headache. There is a feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the affected sinus.

Will prevention help?

Prevention helps to strengthen the immune system and increase overall tone. Following simple rules, it is possible to get sick much less often, and in case of illness, it is faster to be treated. Prevention measures:

Active lifestyle, hardening;

Proper, nutritious nutrition;

Walks in the open air.

Except healthy lifestyle life, you can use special vitamins. They help to avoid illness, especially during the cold season. In order to stay healthy, timely treatment is very important.

Even if a chronic runny nose does not interfere and becomes invisible in everyday life, you should not run it. After all, in the future it can cause a complication, which is sure to manifest itself with the slightest decrease in immunity.

Also, more complex diseases nose:

Several ways to treat sinusitis at home:

Chronic rhinitis is most often called chronic rhinitis, it is provoked by a constant inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose, which for certain reasons does not stop. Completely get rid of this disease can be very difficult, sometimes almost impossible, but with the help of correct therapy symptoms can be reduced as much as possible and remission can be achieved. It is worth learning about the main ways to cure chronic rhinitis in the most effective way.

Normally, a common runny nose can last from a week to two, depending on the severity of the cold or allergic disease. However, if the symptoms do not disappear and do not subside for more than two weeks, there is a possibility of developing a chronic runny nose or chronic rhinitis.

Chronic illness leads to various consequences. There is a chance to get sick with inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx more often, the sense of smell is disturbed, especially severe cases a runny nose can affect speech. Therefore, even with severe chronic rhinitis, you should definitely engage in treatment.

The reasons

At the transition of rhinitis to chronic form there can be quite a few reasons, sometimes they are combined. Most often, the inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose persists due to the following factors:

  1. Persistent cold. With frequent acute colds, a runny nose may not have time to pass quickly, so it can become chronic.
  2. Dusty, dry air in places where the patient spends most of his time. The presence of irritants in the air can increase the symptoms of an infectious disease and accelerate the transition to a chronic form.
  3. Allergic reactions. Allergic rhinitis often becomes chronic if suitable antihistamines are not selected or the underlying allergen is constantly present.
  4. Deviation of the nasal septum. The curvature can occur as a result of trauma or be congenital, in any case, it interferes with the normal outflow of secretions and leads to the development of infection.
  5. Various chronic diseases in which there are circulatory disorders, inflammatory diseases of the lungs, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The success of treatment also depends on the elimination of the cause of chronic rhinitis. In some cases, the condition of the disease almost immediately begins to improve when the main cause of the permanent inflammatory process disappears.

Types of chronic rhinitis

Depending on the type of chronic disease, symptoms and some treatments vary. The following forms of rhinitis are usually distinguished, they are most common in adults and children.

  1. Simple chronic rhinitis. At this stage there is mild swelling mucosa, nasal discharge, observed constant congestion. In this condition, vasoconstrictor drops still help.
  2. Hypertrophic rhinitis. The nasal passages narrow, they are very inflamed, vasoconstrictor drops do not help. Discharge from the nose departs with great difficulty.
  3. atrophic rhinitis. This type of disease is accompanied by constant dryness, crusts may be present on the mucosa. With such a chronic runny nose with white lumps that come out with difficulty, it becomes extremely difficult to blow your nose.

Important! Accurately determine the type of chronic rhinitis and prescribe suitable treatment can only be a doctor - an otolaryngologist with a full examination.

To get rid of this disease, you need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and constantly engage in therapy. With interruptions in treatment, a noticeable deterioration in the condition may occur. Usually combined various means most suitable for certain types of rhinitis.

It will be extremely difficult to cure a chronic runny nose quickly at home. Much depends on the efforts of the patient himself, but it should be borne in mind that in some cases, surgical intervention may be required. Often it is necessary for a deviated nasal septum, for example.

Medical treatment

It is worth noting that treatment with various drugs is usually aimed solely at the symptoms of the disease itself, and not its causes. Therefore, care should be taken in the treatment and consult a doctor about its effectiveness. Usually, depending on the type of chronic rhinitis, the following remedies can be used:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops. You should not use them constantly, you should take breaks in their use, they cause an addictive effect. These drugs help ease breathing, the most common drugs are made on the basis of xylmetazoline and its analogues.
  2. Antibiotic drops. This drug is used for bacterial infection, before using them, it is necessary to accurately establish the causative agent of the disease. The most common remedy is called Isofra drops.
  3. Antihistamines. Usually taken in the form of tablets orally, they are used for rhinitis allergic nature. Both the old generation, for example, Suprastin, and the newer ones, Zodak, Claritin and others, are used.

Do not rely entirely on medications. In chronic rhinitis, it is also important to strengthen the immune system and rinse the nose to improve breathing and relieve swelling in the nasal cavities.

Important! In some types of chronic rhinitis, surgical intervention is required.


Recently, inhalation has been widely used to treat various diseases respiratory tract and nasopharynx, which are accompanied by swelling, inflammation, breathing difficulties and cough, runny nose, flowing down the back of the throat. For inhalation, you should use a special device - a nebulizer, today they are quite affordable for home use.

For inhalation, special preparations are produced, you can also use home remedies. The most effective will mineral water high quality saline solutions.

Folk remedies quite common in the fight against the common cold and its consequences, many colds. Many of them can be used to treat an illness in a child because they are safe and hypoallergenic. The most common ways folk treatment are the following methods:

  1. Treatment with salt. Sea salt is usually used as a nasal rinse. One tablespoon of salt is taken for one glass of warm water, the nose should be washed with a solution up to 3-4 times a day.
  2. Treatment with Asterisk. This technique suitable only for the treatment of adults without a pronounced allergy to extracts of medicinal burning plants. For treatment, they usually lubricate the space under the nose with a balm, slightly going into the nostrils.
  3. Onion. This tool is the most aggressive, it can not be used for children and with irritation of the mucous membrane. Rings onion you need to dry it, then brew it with a glass of water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your nose with infusion. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  4. Aloe. The juice of this plant is usually instilled into the nose with a runny nose, if there is no allergy. The leaves of the plant must be cut, kept in the refrigerator for two hours, and then squeezed out the juice. Instill a few drops into each nostril up to twice a day.

It is worth remembering that in order to permanently cure chronic rhinitis, all procedures must be carried out regularly over a fairly long period of time. If the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also, often against the background of home treatment, physiotherapy procedures are required in the clinic. All possible and appropriate avenues of treatment should be discussed with a specialist.

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