Severe runny nose in a child 1 year Komarovsky. What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of the common cold in children? Prolonged runny nose in a child

When the baby starts visiting Kindergarten, then brings a mountain of infections from there. The most common symptom of SARS and the common cold is a runny nose. Of course, the main treatment should be based on the dispensation of the cause.

Runny nose in children

Dr. Komarovsky does not consider a runny nose a problem. In most cases, no treatment is required. First you need to clearly understand the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with the disease. After all, sometimes nasal congestion can talk about such serious reasons, how vasomotor rhinitis in children.

You can cure a runny nose in a child only by defeating the virus. But this does not require medical preparations enough proper care.

In any case, you need to consult a doctor, because snot is not always as harmless as we would like. It may posterior rhinitis, allergy. In each case, the methods used will vary. The doctor will be able to clearly answer the question - how to treat a runny nose.

When using drugs, you must also take into account the age of the child. Not everyone pharmaceuticals May be used in children 1 year of age and younger. In the treatment of infants, they are more often used folk remedies because they are more secure. But here the main thing is not to miss the moment when a complication occurs. In a 2-year-old child, they come on very quickly.

Runny nose in children is also allergic. It will not work out quickly, you need to find something that causes such a reaction in the body. As a rule, the mucus poked out of the nose is clear. Upon contact with the allergen, its amount increases. Most often, the main allergies appear before the 2nd year of the baby's life.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

In most cases, no urgent action no need. If the child has:

  • transparent mucus flows from the nose;
  • no temperature;
  • there is no cough, then nothing needs to be done.

This is a common cold or a mild virus that the body will effectively overcome itself. Perhaps this is allergic rhinitis, but in this case, you need to monitor the baby. Such a runny nose will either increase or subside, but the baby will not stop sniffing. When the symptom does not go away on its own in two weeks, you should consult a doctor. After all, back rhinitis is also often confused with colds and allergies. In any case, the advice of an experienced doctor will not hurt.

When the body encounters viral infection, then a runny nose is almost always inevitable. It is especially unpleasant if the baby falls ill before 1 to 4 years. In children, treatment is carried out by creating optimal conditions to fight immunity against SARS. Even one year old baby it will easily overcome the virus if it walks in fresh air, drinks a lot of fluids, the room will be thoroughly ventilated.

It is very easy to treat a runny nose according to Komarovsky. It is enough to humidify the air, and if there are problems with this, then you can rinse the baby’s nose with the help of special solutions on sea ​​water or salt. This is easily done at home with a pipette or a special watering can.

A 4-year-old child will be able to wash his own nose. The procedure is not very pleasant, but not painful. Of course, children under 1 year of age should not carry out such manipulations on their own. It is enough for them to instill 2-3 drops of the solution into the nostrils every two or three hours. This will help prevent drying out.

The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is impractical, it can cause drug-induced rhinitis. They are used if:

  • child has otitis media this moment Or at least once before.
  • Heat.
  • Breathing through the nose is completely difficult.

In such cases, it is worth using the drugs only at bedtime. If they are abused, then drug-induced rhinitis occurs, which is characterized by addiction. Doses increase, nasal passages swell.

If there will be fewer problems with weaning with a child of 1 year old, because he does not understand, then a 4-year-old baby will already demand to drip his nose.

Common vasoconstrictor medication:

  1. Nazivin.
  2. Naphthyzin.
  3. Formazolin.
  4. Knox Spray.

Therefore, it is necessary to select such funds the most sparing and according to the age of the crumbs. Medicated rhinitis- this is not a joke, but a serious deviation in the work of the body.

Any medicinal product must be agreed with the doctor. Even if mom knows how to treat a runny nose, you need to make sure that this is not a manifestation of such a disease as posterior rhinitis. Consulting a doctor can speed up recovery.

In order not to think about how to cure a runny nose, it is easier to take preventive measures. These include:

In case of manifestation of symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor on the first day. It is important to understand what attacks the body: posterior rhinitis, SARS, allergies, bacterial infection. It is especially worth monitoring the course of diseases in children from 1 to 4 years old, since complications in them occur faster and more seriously.

Treatment of a runny nose in children according to Komarovsky is based on identifying the cause of nasal discharge and the optimal selection of ways to eliminate symptoms. Dr. Komarovsky clearly explains to parents what needs to be done so as not to provoke complications during different types runny nose.

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When is it necessary and when not to eliminate a runny nose?

Discharge from the nose in all cases is associated with a specific cause, and the need for treatment depends on it.

A fairly common underlying cause of discharge is the following irritants:

  • allergens;
  • dust particles and toxic compounds;
  • viruses, bacteria, various microbes.

In order not to confuse normal discharge from a nose with pathology, it is important to be able to distinguish between these two conditions.



The nature and color of mucusThe norm indicator is considered transparent selection with fluid consistency.It is worth worrying if the discharge becomes yellowish-green.
General condition of the childIf the child has a runny nose, but the discharge does not bother him, this is a normal process.The reason for the excitement is the presence of a runny nose on the background excessive tearfulness, anxiety, fever.
Number of selectionsThe normal process of adaptation of the mucosa is accompanied by secretions a small amount. The mucus becomes copious, the consistency is viscous.

Physiological rhinitis

Eliminate runny nose conservative ways should not be in the case when rhinitis is of a physiological nature.

Physiological rhinitis appears in babies in the first months of life. nasal cavity the child adapts to changes in environmental conditions, thereby - provokes the appearance of secretions. After birth, it is important to protect the baby from dust and third-party microbes by moisturizing the nasal mucosa.

Physiological rhinitis in infants in most cases lasts up to 15 days.

Infectious rhinitis

Runny nose on the background infectious processes manifests itself in acute form but passes quickly.

Symptoms of viral rhinitis:

  1. Dryness in the nose in the first stage of the disease.
  2. Viscosity of secretions. After the stage of dryness, the snot has a liquid consistency and is almost completely transparent; in the subsequent period, the mucus turns white and becomes viscous.
  3. The appearance of other symptoms. In addition to rhinitis, a child may also experience redness of the throat, eyes and nasal mucosa, sneezing. As well as fever, cough and headaches.
  4. Deterioration of the general condition.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

A runny nose against the background of SARS can occur without the manifestation of pathologies and accompanying symptoms. When a child is sick with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, it is not worth taking any measures to treat a runny nose. Discharge from the nasal passage protective function. If you interfere with the work of the gland, bacteria and viruses will enter the child's body. When treating a runny nose, parents do not allow the baby's body to fight the infection on its own and thereby launch inflammatory process.

allergic rhinitis

Allergic and infectious rhinitis have a similar presentation, but different approaches to treatment. In allergic rhinitis, the temperature is usually absent. Dr. Komarovsky advises, at the slightest suspicion of an allergic reaction in a child, also consult a doctor.

If the diagnosis of "allergy" is confirmed, it is first of all important to understand what causes allergic rhinitis in a child. Allergic rhinitis occurs upon contact with an allergen and can last for a long period of time.

Various substances act as allergens:

  • household dust;
  • animal hair (cats, dogs, rodents), bird feathers;
  • mold;
  • pollen;
  • Food.

In most cases, household allergens enter the body through inhalation. This means that in the process of breathing, particles of allergens penetrate the nasal cavity and thereby cause irritation of the mucous membrane. It is important to identify the nature of the occurrence allergic reaction to help the baby have less contact with the irritant. For this, an allergy test is given, where the substance to which the child has an increased susceptibility is accurately determined. A neglected form of an allergy can result in a weakened immune system, prolonged bronchitis, but in the severe case- bronchial asthma.

If it is impossible to completely eliminate contact with the allergen, the first thing Dr. Komarovsky recommends doing is to humidify the room. You can buy special humidifiers and rinse your nose brine during the day.

Features of the common cold in children up to a year

At month old baby most often manifested by a physiological runny nose. However, allergic and infectious rhinitis can also appear in children under one year of age. Considering the fact that the child of the first months of life is not yet adapted to the conditions of the surrounding world, his the immune system unable to fully fight various bacteria and viruses.

Features and signs of a runny nose in a one-year-old child:

  1. Hyperthermia at viral rhinitis(increase in body temperature). In newborns, against the background of rhinitis, the temperature can rise above 38 degrees.
  2. Problems with breastfeeding. The baby throws up the breast because he cannot breathe through his nose during breastfeeding.
  3. Sleep problems. The baby often wakes up or cannot fall asleep for a long time due to the fact that the nasal passage is clogged and it is difficult to breathe.
  4. The baby becomes lethargic, capricious, constantly crying.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether it is possible to cure prolonged runny nose breast milk, and warns mothers against wrong actions. Filmed by Doctor Komarovsky channel.

Komarovsky's advice on the treatment of a protracted runny nose

Protracted frequent runny nose the child requires complex treatment and includes not only the use medical preparations. The doctor focuses on the fact that it is necessary to treat a long runny nose, first of all, by arranging the world around the child.

To eliminate long runny nose necessary:

  • monitor living conditions;
  • organize a plentiful drinking regime;
  • arrange walks;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa.

Method of abundant drinking and moist air

If the air temperature in the room is above 22 degrees, the air dries out, and the runny nose takes longer.

To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use humidifiers, and if they are not available, moisten a towel with water and hang it near the child’s bed;
  • it is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room and wash the floors, wipe the dust;
  • if the baby does not have a fever, you can organize a walk on fresh air which will have a positive effect on the healing process.

When a child has a fever, drinking plenty of fluids is considered an obligatory treatment item. How more baby drinking fluids, the easier it will be for the body to cope with the infection. Plentiful drink thins the blood, which means it helps to thin the viscous mucus in the nasal passage. It is not necessary to force the child to drink tea or water. Dr. Komarovsky insists that if a child wants to drink juice or compote, he should not be limited in this.

In this case, do not force the child to eat. A runny nose and fever will not go away faster because the body needs strength to fight the infection, and not to process food.

Nasal wash: recipes

Ideal for moisturizing the nasal mucosa saline solution. You can prepare saline solution at home or purchase at a pharmacy.

For cooking home remedy you will need:

  1. Take a liter of water at room temperature.
  2. Mix a teaspoon sea ​​salt with water.
  3. The resulting saline is properly instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops into the nostril every 60 minutes.

An alternative home method of dealing with a runny nose is rinsing the nose with a solution of soda.

Most wanted pharmaceutical agent, which will help eliminate a long runny nose, is considered a spray "Aquamaris". Bury the nose should be every hour 3 drops in the nostril. Drops are suitable for newborns. Restrictions apply to Aquamaris spray. It should not be used in the treatment of children under one year of age.

Using an aspirator

Treatment of a runny nose in children according to Komarovsky, if necessary, involves the use of an aspirator to facilitate the outflow of secretions from the nose. Thanks to this device, crusts and mucus are removed from the nasal cavity, which clogs the passage and prevents the child from breathing fully. Aspirators are automatic and mechanical on batteries. Mechanical devices are a pear-shaped syringe with a plastic tube at the end. Automatic electronic aspirators are much more expensive, but their efficiency is higher.

Before using any aspirator, the nasal cavity should be cleared of mucus using a syringe without a needle and saline.

Photo gallery

Pictures of various nasal aspirators:

Nasal aspirator with soft nozzle from 105 rubles Contactless aspirator from 8190 rubles Electronic aspirator from 1500 rubles


Dr. Komarovsky is not recommended to get involved in the use of vasoconstrictor medications. Use of such drugs for the treatment of children should be only if there is high temperature body (more than 38.5 degrees), when the child cannot breathe on his own. Most often vasoconstrictor drugs prescribed for otitis media and sinusitis.

It is forbidden to introduce vasoconstrictor drugs into the course of treatment on your own, since such drugs are addictive, therefore they are used only as directed by a doctor for a course of no more than 3-5 days. Before using medications, you must first clean the nasal passages with saline. If neglected similar procedure, the effectiveness of the use of vasoconstrictor drops will be reduced to zero. This is due to the formation of a dried film of mucus in the nose of a child.

If necessary, use vasoconstrictors it is recommended to purchase drops and sprays marked "allowed for children." In this case, it will be possible to avoid an overdose and not harm the child.

  • Naphthyzinum - from 1 year;
  • Nazol Baby - from 2 months;
  • Otrivin Baby - from the moment of birth;
  • Tizin for children - from 2 years.

Before taking the drug, a child should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Photo gallery

Naphthyzine 20-60 rubles Nazol 176-200 rubles Otrivin 185-215 rubles Tizin 88-100 rubles

Homeopathic preparations

Homeopathy is a variety alternative medicine, which involves treatment with agents with a microscopic dose active components. Manufacturers claim that such products are absolutely harmless to the child. Dr. Komarovsky does not deny this fact, but focuses on the fact that homeopathic medicines are absolutely useless in treatment.

Most parents are unaware that they are not buying drugs for their children, and in fact there is only a placebo effect. FROM homeopathic remedies a cold disappears in the same 3-5 days for which children's body copes with the disease on its own without treatment.

Dr. Komarovsky calls on all moms and dads not to use similar drugs for the treatment of a runny nose and other symptoms of a cold:

  • "Anaferon for children";
  • "Antigripin" (homeopathic);
  • "Aflubin";
  • "Bronchostat";
  • "Viburkol";
  • "Haymorin";
  • "Influcid";
  • "Rhinital";
  • Faringomed
  • "Engistol";
  • "Echinacea Composium C".

Dr. Komarovsky tells the whole truth about homeopathy and the advisability of using these remedies to treat children. Filmed by TV channel Inter.

Prevention of the common cold in children

Dr. Komarovsky claims that the best option rhinitis treatment - prevention.

Among preventive measures Komarovsky notes the following:

  1. hardening. Regular hardening from the first days of life will help the child to quickly adapt to the conditions environment, strengthen the immune system to further fight bacteria and viruses.
  2. Daily routine and nutrition. In order for the baby to get sick less, his diet should contain food that is maximally enriched with vitamins and useful micro and macro elements.
  3. Walks. When a child regularly walks in the fresh air, his body becomes less vulnerable to infection.
  4. Physical exercises. Sports and physical activity play important role in strengthening immunity. Therefore, every child should attend courses therapeutic massages, perform health-improving gymnastics exercises or be involved in sports sections.
  5. Salt washes. During the period colds it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline solution after coming home.
  6. Comfortable living conditions. To make the child less sick, it is important to keep the room where the baby lives clean. The room should have a humidity of 60–70% and an air temperature of 22 degrees.

I'm just trying to treat snot from the elder! No naviizins and drops! Physical solution, ascorbic acid and drink! And I open the windows wide open at home. Che child breathed! Fortunately, I live near the forest)

I like the mosquito, it dispels all Soviet stereotypes

Here I am copying you an excerpt from his book to you

At the beginning of the disease, the baby has a runny nose. With a cold in children early age almost before each feeding they make a toilet of the nose. First, wicks with soda solution (one teaspoon of soda per glass of water) clear the nasal passages of mucus, and then one or two drops of breast milk are instilled. AT breast milk mother contains all the protective substances that a person develops throughout life. If there is no milk from the mother, then you can drip one or two drops of warm vegetable oil. I want to warn you about the dangers of introducing soda solution and other liquids into the baby's nose through a pear. In children, it is very easy for fluid to pass from the nose into eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis media). To avoid complications, it is better to rinse the nose with wicks dipped in soda solution. Runny nose is most often a manifestation viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further - into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (in human language, the mucus flowing from the nose is called "snot"), which in huge quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. the main task parents - prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, clean cool air and enough liquid ingested. If the mucus dries up, the child will breathe through the mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry out, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them. At a room temperature above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. You can help the child by moistening the nasal passages with drops that make the mucus more liquid. The simplest and all available remedy- physiological saline (available in all pharmacies). it ordinary water with a small amount of salt added. It is impossible to overdose it, so drip quite calmly at least every half hour, 3-4 drops into each nostril. (In the case when the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can do some similarity physiological saline themselves: for one liter of boiled water, add one teaspoon of salt, to be more precise - 9 grams). Highly good drug- an ectericide, an oily liquid that has weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering thin layer mucous membranes, prevents them from drying out. For the same purpose, you can use oil solutions vitamins E and A (tocopherol and). It makes no sense to drip both ectericide and vitamin solutions more than once every 2 hours (1-2 drops each), it is logical to combine them with saline, side effects no. Once again, if the air in the room is warm and dry, it is very, very difficult to prevent the mucus from drying out, no matter what you do. Therefore, with any illness, it is necessary to first answer the question “how to breathe?” and only then - "what to treat?". Never, under any circumstances, drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! It is unacceptable to use vasoconstrictor drops for a common cold (,). At first it becomes very good - mucus disappears, and then very bad - swelling of the nasal mucosa begins. It manifests itself like this: the "snot" stopped running, and nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (“you won’t breathe”). And in order to feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is a defense. He himself will pass, if not to interfere, but to help. These medicines were invented for the treatment of a completely different rhinitis - not infectious, but allergic. For example, a neighbor came to brag about her Persian cat, and your nose started to run (this is not from delight, but from an allergy to cats). Naphthyzine is just right here, although it’s better to kick the cat out (you can leave your neighbor). (From the book of E. Komarovsky "The beginning of your child's life. For dads and moms", Kharkov, 1996).

Many young parents have already heard about Dr. Komarovsky. He is a practicing pediatrician and has opened his own clinic. In his free time from his main work, Komarovsky is engaged in research, which is reflected in his "work" - books, the main topics of which are - infectious diseases in children. Read the advice from the famous doctor in this article.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose in a child?

With this no doubt hot topic, Komarovsky even appeared on television and devoted several sections of his book to her.

To summarize everything said by Dr. Komarovsky, then a runny nose does not need to be treated. And to be more precise, it does not need to be treated, but stopped, since the snot released during rhinitis - defensive reaction organism for viruses that have entered the respiratory system. Together with mucus, which in fact is what they used to call a runny nose, they will stand out a large number of microorganisms that fight infections. If the nasal passages are forcibly "dry", pathogenic bacteria without apparent difficulty penetrate the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs, causing more serious illness.

Therefore, according to Komarovsky, with a runny nose, the main task of the parents of a sick child is to keep the mucous membrane of his nasal passages moist. To do this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, making sure that the temperature in it is not higher than 21 degrees, and the air humidity is not lower than 75%.

What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of the common cold in children?

This doctor knows a lot about rhinitis and its treatment, so he gives parents the following professional advice:

Komarovsky advises with a cold to humidify the air in the room in which the child is located.

Regularly (every 2-3 hours) irrigate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with saline, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or prepared by yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass boiled water.

The doctor also advises using the drug Ekteritsid, which has anti-inflammatory and softening properties, for a runny nose.

In no case should vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nafthyzin, Xelen, etc.) be used to treat rhinitis, which at the first stage provide temporary relief, and then only aggravate the severity of the condition, provoking swelling of the nasopharynx. The use of these drugs is permissible only in the treatment allergic rhinitis, and then only if the exposure to the allergen is stopped.

Komarovsky on the causes and prevention of rhinitis in children

Main reasons prolonged runny nose Komarovsky outlined the following:

allergic rhinitis 4 weeks or more. It occurs quite often and can last quite a while. long period time. It can be a reaction to any external stimulus. Starting from seasonal irritations in the form of an allergic rhinitis to poplar and acacia blossoms, ending with a constant allergy to tobacco smoke, dust or pet hair. Even parrot feathers and their excrement can cause a similar reaction in the body.

constantly recurring coryza. Due to the fact that a runny nose can be repeated constantly, those few days when a runny nose does not bother you are simply not noticed.

Physical damage to the nose and septum. Such deviations as the cause of a runny nose, according to Komarovsky, lead to incorrect work of the upper respiratory tract, which can often be the cause of a prolonged runny nose.

Prolonged rhinitis can cause disorders of the circulatory system, lungs, kidneys, and even disorders hormonal system. For diseases of the paranasal sinuses purulent discharge irritate the nasal mucosa. Then the sinuses themselves need to be treated, but only a specialist can detect this.

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