Causes and treatment of yellow discharge in women. When can yellow discharge in women be considered the norm? Causes of yellow discharge in women

Yellow discharge may or may not be normal. Sometimes they indicate a serious pathology or the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process.

It is desirable for every woman to know what can provoke the appearance of discharge with a yellowish tint.

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Is yellow discharge normal or not?

The female organ, the vagina, connects the reproductive system with the external environment. To prevent various kinds of infections from penetrating inside, an acid-base balance is maintained in the vagina, shifted towards an acidic reaction. On the mucosa of the organ there are "special" bacteria that create this environment.

In a healthy state, cells self-regulate - secretion (excretion) performs the function of cleansing the organ, which is the norm. The color can vary from transparent white to yellow.

Physiological secretions in medicine have the term leucorrhoea. They are characterized as follows:

  • do not leave stains on linen;
  • normally, the volume of discharge should not be more than 5 ml per day, and during the period of ovulation, before or after sexual intercourse, the amount of discharge may increase;
  • the consistency of healthy secretions is liquid and homogeneous;
  • discharge of yellow color in women, odorless, which in very rare cases can be slightly sour;
  • during discharge, there should be no associated symptoms such as itching or burning.

Some changes in the amount of secretions, their quality and consistency usually occur due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • menses;
  • stress
  • the use of certain medications;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • malnutrition;
  • sexual arousal.

There are cases when yellow discharge is possible in women. The reasons for this can be both features of the female body, and pathologies caused by diseases of the reproductive system.

1. Physiological changes. Allocations, which are the result of natural changes in a woman's body, are considered the norm. They become yellow due to the onset of pregnancy, during ovulation, before or after menstruation.

Allocations in such cases are not plentiful, the woman does not feel discomfort because of them. There should be no clots in the secretions, the underwear after them remains clean.

2. The process of inflammation. Yellow mucous discharge is often a symptom of a disease of the genital organs.

But at the same time, they should be accompanied by other signs of diseases that depend on which organ the inflammation occurred in: pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar pain, pain when urinating, itching, burning, a bright shade of discharge, a pungent odor, and others.

3. Allergy, which can be caused by: intimate hygiene products, underwear fabric, condoms, vaginal contraceptives.

4. Tumor- the presence of a malignant tumor in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Yellow discharge with a smell in a woman - what does it mean?

Such discharge indicates the presence of serious female diseases.

Discharge with a strong odor is a symptom of vaginosis. With this disease, the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and discharge with a smell indicates a violation of the microflora and the development of pathogenic bacteria, instead of "beneficial". Possible causes of vaginosis:

  • changes in hormone levels;
  • weak immunity of a woman;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • postpartum period;
  • malignant tumors;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Vaginosis is dangerous, as the infection can enter the uterine cavity and cause.

Harmful microorganisms - chlamydia, streptococci, trichomonas, can enter the vaginal environment, causing inflammation of colpitis. Along with yellow discharge, colpitis may be accompanied by symptoms:

  • swelling of the vagina;
  • Green colour;
  • itching and burning in the perineum.

Hormonal failure can also cause odorous discharge. As a result, endometriosis can begin - this disease causes the growth of the mucous membrane and is often the cause of infertility in women.

  • Characteristic symptoms are menstrual pain and strong discharge of a yellow-brown hue with a pungent odor.

Abundant yellow discharge in women with an unpleasant odor may appear due to the appearance of a malignant tumor in the bladder area.

yellow-green discharge

Such secretions appear in most cases due to diseases that are sexually transmitted. A possible cause is the inflammatory process.

If yellow-green discharge arose after sexual intercourse (unprotected), then the cause should be sought in the disease that indulged in this way. Infections can occur in a latent form. Sometimes they develop into a latent form, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment.

In some cases, the only symptom of the disease is discharge. Therefore, a woman should consult a gynecologist as soon as they appear.

  1. Yellow-green discharge is a sign of trichomoniasis. They may be foamy. This is a sexual infection, which later develops into vulvovaginitis. The disease is also characterized by swelling and itching of the genital organs.
  2. Abundant and thick discharge can also appear when infected with chlamydia or mycoplasmosis.
  3. Yellow acidic discharge in women with a greenish tint indicates the development of thrush or candidiasis. This disease can appear as a result of a weakened immune system or against the background of taking medications.

Discharge with a yellow-green tint is sometimes a symptom of inflammatory processes that occur in the organs of the genitourinary system of a woman.

Abundant discharge usually occurs with inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. At the same time, the woman feels a general malaise, the temperature may rise and pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendages may disturb. If these diseases are not cured in time, they will become chronic.

yellow discharge during pregnancy

Yellow, odorless discharge in women often appears during pregnancy. During this period, the body experiences significant hormonal changes. If the discharge is not accompanied by other characteristic symptoms and does not bring discomfort to the woman, then there is no reason to worry.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, liquid yellow discharge may appear in women, they indicate that the body begins to produce progesterone in large quantities.

As a result, when the secretory function of the vagina is activated, dead epithelial cells enter the normal secretions. In addition, a certain percentage of the particles of the forming mucous plug also contributes to the appearance of a yellow color.

Before childbirth, the yellowish tint of the discharge may acquire due to the fact that the cork begins to separate.

A pregnant woman may begin to suspect the presence of infections at the following points:

  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • discharge contains any inclusions (blood or pus);
  • there is itching, redness or pain.

At the first appearance of suspicious discharge, a pregnant woman should immediately contact her gynecologist.

Treatment of yellow discharge, prevention

Treatment that may be required in the presence of yellow discharge should be prescribed by a doctor. First of all, he will conduct the necessary examination, which will help determine the cause of the appearance of such secretions. Usually a smear and blood are taken from a woman for analysis. Also, the gynecologist will conduct a routine examination, in some cases a woman may be given a referral for an ultrasound scan.

After the cause of the discharge is known, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. With inflammation, you will need to drink a course of antibiotics or antifungal drugs. Douching and means that normalize the microflora of the vagina can also be prescribed.

In the treatment of an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted, the treatment of a permanent partner also becomes mandatory. At the time of treatment, you must refrain from sexual activity.

  • a gynecologist must be visited every six months;
  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes reasonable physical activity;
  • during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • observe hygiene, using only proven intimate care products;
  • underwear must be purchased from natural fabrics;
  • avoid hypothermia, consult a doctor in a timely manner;
  • support the body through immunotherapy;
  • to have sexual relations only with a trusted partner;
  • pregnant women are advised to more carefully monitor hygiene and the state of their body.

If a woman follows these simple recommendations, then the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system will be significantly reduced.

The body of a woman is truly unique and complex. But it has hidden threats. What is meant. Any infection, getting inside, is not able to immediately manifest itself outwardly. Only after some time do signs of a disease begin. But if you study this problem in more detail, then after all, with careful observation of your body and some signs that are insignificant at first glance, you can accurately determine the onset of the disease. In the female, it is worth taking a closer look at the excretory system. And not only to the outflow of urine, but also to others. Every female has vaginal discharge. They will mean a certain disease or inflammatory process. Many have encountered thrush and know all its manifestations: itching, burning. And if yellow discharge appeared in a woman, is it worth considering this the beginning of a pathological process?

The yellow discharge is thick or not very thick, cheesy or profuse, watery or scanty. They can be anything. Accordingly, the reasons will differ. In cases where they are accompanied by a strong odor or have an admixture (streaks) of blood, then help is needed immediately. Such a process indicates a serious problem inside. If the smell does not feel, and the amount is not abundant, then is it worth worrying about?

There can be several reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge.

For the appearance of yellow discharge in women, the reasons are as follows:

cause definition effects
vaginosis A disease of an infectious nature, but without an inflammatory process. There are changes in the microflora of the vagina. Protection of internal organs is reduced to a minimum. Because of the disease, any infection and microbes can get inside without any problems. Has an odor. And everyone sees it differently. It can be fish or onion smell. Often the smell is present on things, but after changing clothes it disappears During pregnancy, it threatens with a miscarriage or a difficult birth process. In the normal state, complications are in the nature of infertility and inability to bear children. Miscarriages occur in the first trimester
colpitis Yellow discharge with an odor in women and an inflammatory process. The lesion is in the mucosa. To start the disease, there are also pathogens: candidiasis and staphylococcus aureus. It appears at any age. Even in childhood or already with menopause. Inflammation destroys the mucosa. The occurrence of swelling of the genital organs (including lips)
Salpingitis and adnexitis Both diseases are a positive reaction to the onset of the inflammatory process. Only in different places: salpingitis - one or both tubes suffer, adnexitis - ovaries. They occur either simultaneously or one after the other. The consistency is thick, rich. Yellowish copious discharge is alarming and forced to visit a specialist Problems with urination. passes to neighboring organs. Cystitis occurs with any of them. Treatment is complex. You can only remove the inflammatory process of the bladder on your own

Yellow discharge, at first odorless, does not scare a woman much. Everything is taken for granted. They find many excuses, but after a while they:

  • acquire a thick consistency;
  • the amount allocated increases;
  • color maneuvers from yellow to greenish;
  • the smell is strong and unpleasant.

All of the above symptoms are not so much indicators of inflammation as of the infectious origin of the problem, which are sexually transmitted. It could be:


Ureaplasmosis can cause yellow discharge

Infection occurs in several ways:

  • sexual intercourse;
  • through a kiss (sexual);
  • during the birth of a child from the mother;
  • household way (towel, soap, pool, bath, etc.).

Chlamydia infection

Yellow discharge caused by chlamydia. They take on the appearance of flakes. May contain clots of pus, well visible. Strong and pungent smell.

Chlamydia can be contracted by constantly changing sexual partners.

Widespread type among young people practicing a variety of partners. The route of infection is only sexual. In 40 cases out of a hundred it is hidden.


Yellow discharge with a venereal odor. There is irritation of the mucous membranes. It affects the urethra, uterus, gastrointestinal tract. If it gets into the eyes, it causes the development of conjunctivitis. In addition to discharge, there is severe pain during urination. Some confuse it with cystitis or other inflammations of the genitourinary system and begin treatment on their own, which complicates the recovery process. Often there is an itching condition and burning sensation in the anus, all this is accompanied by a yellow liquid secreted.

gonorrhea in women

Discharge in a woman of a yellowish color with an odor often occurs after an abortion. This may mean that the cleaning process went badly, and germ elements remained inside. The location can only be determined by a doctor. The inflammatory process can be located not only in the uterus, but also in the tubes. If blood clots or streaks appear, contact a specialist immediately. This is not a joke; cancer and other neoplasms have the same signs.

Yellow, odorless discharge in a woman is not always evidence of the onset of pathology. The mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix have a layer of natural mucus or microflora. Everyone has their own. It is for every female person. It changes with age and hormonal changes. Accordingly, such changes cannot but be reflected externally. Therefore, quite often, yellowish, odorless and itchy discharge on underwear means exactly the process of changing the microflora. They also occur with an excess of hormones obtained with food, as well as before menstruation.

In order to avoid questions about why a yellow discharge in a woman is odorless and the reason for their appearance, it is necessary to regularly monitor the hygiene of the genitals. In addition, you should choose underwear carefully:

  • so as not to squeeze the body;
  • only from natural fabrics;
  • always ironed in the part where it will come into contact with the genitals.

Any pathogen that gets on the mucous membrane gives unforeseen reactions. It is not always possible to predict at what stage the protective functions of the body. Immunity can be weakened or undermined by the frequent use of drugs. This factor also greatly affects the microflora of a healthy woman.

It is necessary to pass tests for research

Yellow discharge in women should be studied in the laboratory. To do this, swabs are always taken when viewed on a gynecological chair. Self-treatment leads only to and often to infertility or surgery. A disease such as polycystosis in 50 percent occurs precisely because of changes in the microflora of the vagina. Untimely treatment to the hospital leads to the solution of the problem surgically.

Need to know! Any pathological process in the pelvic organs makes itself felt with the help of secretions. Everyone has their own period. If the problem is a sexually transmitted disease, then the first symptoms can be observed in men faster. In the female, they are asymptomatic for a long time.

Yellow discharge in odorless women has two options for the development of events: urgent treatment or the normal state of the body. How to recognize this? The most convenient and easiest way to contact a specialist. Immediately get an answer for all infections and fungal diseases on the mucous membranes. In addition, all problems with internal organs will be clarified. But if there is no time, and the character is such that they do not bother at all, the color is pale yellow, then this can be called the norm. Also should not cause concern discharge of a yellow odorless color three to two days before the onset of menstruation.

Do not panic, it is better to contact a gynecologist

No one needs extra panic and monthly trips to the gynecologist. Inflammatory processes can be noticed immediately if a female takes care of herself and hygiene. White-yellow discharge in women, for example, will never indicate a problem. When changing colors, you already need to think and take everything under control. What tells about inflammation:

  • increase in fluid volumes;
  • color changes;
  • the presence of clots or flakes;
  • irritation on mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • discomfort during urination.

If yellow discharge and itching appeared at the same time, then you should not wait. We must act urgently. Ordinary mucus, which is the norm, does not cause any discomfort. Anxiety can only cause an increase in allocated. But the absence of smell, burning and itching are already positive aspects.

In order for the discharge to be always normal, and not to give a reason to seek help, several rules should be observed. The first is to always perform hygiene procedures. Experts recommend regularly using laundry soap without additives and dyes. The usual cheap brown soap destroys all pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, it is not able to destroy venereal diseases. Only doctors and a long course of treatment help here.

The second thing that the fair sex should take into account is that lace or slimming underwear is, of course, very beautiful. But it is better to save it for intimacy. On weekdays, it should be remembered that natural fabric always allows the skin to breathe and, accordingly, does not allow dangerous microbes to develop. Thirdly, every intimacy with a new partner must take place in compliance with security measures and contraceptives. At the same time, keep an eye on comfortable conditions, clean bed linen.

Fourth. All things should not only be well stretched, but also ironed. Also, never wear someone else's. If you need to try on clothes that come into contact with the genitals, prepare well enough for this. Use sanitary pads on this day. After the purchase, everything is stretched and smoothed.

What's in the article:

Vaginal secretions, due to the regular formation and excretion of secretions, protect the reproductive system from infectious processes.

Bright yellow discharge in women is not always a sign of pathological changes in the reproductive system. Under the influence of certain factors and causes, they can be of a physiological nature.


The following main factors influence the change in color, consistency and intensity of bright secretions:

  1. Hormonal changes during pregnancy (menopause, puberty). A sharp fluctuation in the level of sex hormones can provoke an increase in the amount of secretion secreted, as well as staining it yellow.
  2. Prolonged wearing of tight synthetic underwear, thongs.
  3. Taking certain types of medicines, antibiotics. The use of large doses of vitamins C and B can stain the vaginal secretion bright yellow and even orange.
  4. Allergic sensitivity to some intimate hygiene cosmetics, contraceptives, vaginal suppositories.
  5. Prolonged absence of sexual relations in a woman's life.
  6. Emotional overstrain, stress.

It is important for a woman to be very attentive to her intimate health. Timely seeking qualified help in case of a change in the nature of the discharge, the appearance of smell, discomfort will help to avoid the development of serious diseases.

Causes of yellow discharge in women

The reasons for staining the vaginal secretion in yellow or bright yellow can be:

  1. Physiological. Such discharge does not cause discomfort, does not have an unpleasant odor, clots, and is not plentiful. May occur before menstruation, during ovulation, during pregnancy.
  2. Pathological. The main reasons for the appearance of secretions of pathological origin are gynecological diseases. Namely:
  3. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries, fallopian tubes. In such cases, the secret is bright yellow, plentiful. It is painful and increases during urination, sexual intercourse, palpation.
  4. Cervical erosion. The excreted secret is a pale yellow tint. During sexual intercourse, it is accompanied by an admixture of bloody clots, pain.
  5. Sexual infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). The discharge is accompanied by irritation, a burning sensation on the external genital organs, and an unpleasant odor. They make the woman uncomfortable. Swelling of the genital organs may develop.
  6. A serious violation and change in the microflora of internal secretion in the woman's vagina. The discharge has a bright yellow tint, an unpleasant sour smell, accompanied by itching, swelling of the genital organs.

Timely consultation of a qualified gynecologist contributes to a quick recovery. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of the appearance of bright yellow discharge in women. Based on smears and tests, the doctor will be able to confirm or exclude the pathological nature of the secret. Particular attention should be paid if the scanty discharge suddenly became more intense, itching and irritation, swelling, soreness, blood or pus appeared.

The secret of yellow during pregnancy

Bright yellow discharge in odorless women during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes, a sharp fluctuation in sex hormones. The absence of itching, discomfort, soreness, bloody streaks is not a cause for concern. To prevent the occurrence of infection, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, visit the antenatal clinic in a timely manner, take all the necessary tests, smears, and bacterial cultures for microorganisms.


The correct and effective treatment regimen, the exact diagnosis, the doctor will be able to determine by analysis, examination, establishing the causative agent of the disease. Treatment should be complex with the use of antibiotic therapy. Untimely access to a gynecologist, self-treatment provokes the transition of the disease into a chronic form, the development of serious complications, as a result of this - infertility.

Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • antibiotic therapy,
  • antiviral drugs,
  • Douching with antiseptic solutions, decoctions of medicinal plants,
  • Preparations that restore and normalize the microflora of the vagina,
  • General strengthening of the body, its protective functions.

If the allocated secret is not accompanied by itching, swelling, unpleasant odor, it is important to follow the rules for caring for intimate hygiene.

Yellow secret in women with menopause does not require serious treatment. A woman is prescribed estrogen-gestagen hormonal preparations to correct the hormonal background, preparations to normalize the work of the mucous membranes of the vagina.

Prevention of yellow discharge

To prevent infection in the vagina, it is important to adhere to preventive measures:

  • Use high-quality natural products for the care of intimate hygiene,
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits,
  • Balanced diet, avoiding rich bakery products, refined sugar,
  • Do not wear tight synthetic underwear, thongs,
  • Avoid promiscuity,
  • Use barrier-type contraceptives (condoms, vaginal caps),
  • Constant maintenance of the balance of microflora is normal during treatment with antibiotics,
  • Regular and timely visits to the antenatal clinic, scheduled examinations, smears and tests.

Every woman needs to strictly monitor her female health. With any changes in the nature and intensity of the discharge, a change in shade to a bright yellow color, promptly seek medical help. If bright yellow discharge in women does not have an unpleasant odor, is not accompanied by itching and soreness, it may be normal and not dangerous. Only a gynecologist can confirm or exclude the pathological nature of yellow discharge and identify the causes.

How to properly evaluate women's highlights of yellow - as a reason to worry and see a doctor or as a variant of the norm? In fact, yellow vaginal discharge or any other discharge in women is individual and depends on the body and state of health.

Very often, white-yellow or light yellow discharge in women appears in a normal state of health. It is possible to consider this as a variant of the norm if there are no other unpleasant signs - pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the intimate area, burning during urination, etc.

But if strong secretions constantly appear - curdled, having an unpleasant odor and provoking the manifestation of discomfort, unpleasant sensations, both during sexual contact and after an unprotected act, in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out the causes of such symptoms.

As a rule, abundant green-yellow or bright yellow discharge indicates that a woman is developing genital infection or inflammation in the uterus . Other diseases of the genitourinary system are also likely.

When is yellow discharge normal?


If we talk about their quantity, then during the day they should not be more than one teaspoon. In some cases, before menstruation, yellow discharge becomes a little more abundant. However, normally, yellowish discharge in women before menstruation is not so strong as to cause severe discomfort. They can also increase slightly during intercourse and after it.


Normally, they should not leave noticeable marks on the linen. The normal shade is light yellow or cream, barely noticeable.


In a healthy woman, discharge from the uterus should not be with an unpleasant odor. If the discharge smells like onions, fish, or has another unpleasant odor, the development of the disease can be suspected. The smell of onions indicates an infection, so you need to see a doctor right away.


Normally, watery discharge should appear, not too thick and sticky. However, during the monthly cycle, their nature may change slightly, so the watery discharge before menstruation can change to thicker ones, and in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, they become slimy and stretchy.

If a woman who carefully monitors her health monitors the changes that occur in her body, sometimes she may notice that odorless yellow discharge appears. If they are not too plentiful, have a uniform consistency, then yellowish, odorless and itchy discharge at different stages of the monthly cycle may be normal. The natural compartments that form in the vagina are protective mucus that prevents pathogenic viruses and bacteria from entering. Therefore, homogeneous transparent mucus, sometimes of a yellowish tint, is normal separation. They occur regularly, with no discomfort and itching. Their intensity, as a rule, depends on the phase of the monthly cycle, as well as on what diseases have recently been transferred. But if the yellow-green odorless discharge in women is different from the usual, in this case it is necessary to visit a doctor.

After menstruation, light brown, orange or yellow spotting is also sometimes noted. If yellow discharge after menstruation appears for several days, gradually becoming less intense, this is normal.

After the abortion

Such symptoms may also appear in the period after artificial interruption. In such a situation, special attention should be paid, since the appearance of an unpleasant odor and other alarming symptoms may be evidence of the development of an inflammatory process. Therefore, if there are serous, bright yellow discharge in women or other atypical manifestations, you should consult a doctor.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy thick yellow discharge from the vagina can stand out in the first trimester, when the hormonal background is rapidly changing in the body. At the same time, the color of the vagina, nipples changes, other bright signs of this process appear. They are not dangerous unless accompanied by other alarming symptoms.

In the second trimester, abundant transparent compartments are noted. A copious liquid discharge such as water is not dangerous until it acquires a bad odor and turns yellow. This may already be a sign of pathology. Their bright yellow color is a sign that inflammation is developing in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

After childbirth

Whether yellow discharge after childbirth is normal depends on many factors. Every woman immediately after the birth of a baby for several weeks has a postpartum secret - lochia . The nature of lochia is constantly changing, gradually from red they turn brown, then yellow. If the uterus of a young mother does not contract too intensively, departments of this color can disturb even 1-2 months - this is how the uterus is cleaned. Basically, this is normal, but it is still worth going to the doctor for a preventive examination. The addition of other signs should be of concern - high body temperature, itching, severe discomfort or pain.

With menopause

Often, yellow discharge appears in women with. First of all, you need to be clearly aware that during menopause, any separation from the vagina that differs from normal - white-yellowish mucous membranes, may indicate a pathology. It is clear that with menopause, bloody, unpleasantly smelling or purulent discharge is not normal. In particular, blood can be a harbinger oncological diseases . However, if a woman is just undergoing hormone replacement treatment, then the blood-containing compartments are not plentiful - this is most likely normal. Yellowish cheesy - may be evidence fungal infection . Therefore, for any suspicious manifestations during menopause and after it, it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

First of all, it must be taken into account that each woman perceives the intensity, color and consistency of secretions in her own way, therefore it is difficult even for a specialist to judge any pathology only on the basis of a verbal description. To determine if any disease is developing, a woman first of all needs to take a smear. The doctor conducts a bacterial culture for pathogenic microbes.

However, it is definitely known that a healthy person should not have intense brown, red, pink, yellow and other discharge. Such manifestations should always be alarming, as they indicate the development of an infectious process.

In the event that yellow discharge with a smell in women appears after sexual intercourse, which was unprotected, there is a high probability that the cause of such manifestations is a sexual infection. If they are yellow-green with an unpleasant odor in women, it can be suspected that a latent sexual infection is developing, which can occur in a chronic form, causing such symptoms.

Asymptomatic forms can take, and others. With sexually transmitted infections, copious yellow discharge with a sour smell or other unpleasant odor may appear. This is most often observed in gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. It also causes itching and discomfort when urinating.

However, if there is no sexual intercourse, yellowish discharge in women with or without an odor is possible due to other reasons. These are the following factors:

  • severe or prolonged stress;
  • decline;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • treatment .

Also, this is possible if hygiene rules are not followed. Curdled discharge may appear at,. If it develops gardnerellosis , there is also an unpleasant fishy smell.

Therefore, why such symptoms appeared should be found out from a specialist who will dispel or confirm suspicions. It is especially important to consult a doctor after questionable sexual contact. The doctor will conduct an examination, as well as conduct all the necessary tests and examinations to determine if hidden infections are developing in the body.

It is important for each patient to understand that until the real cause of unpleasant manifestations is finally determined, no measures can be taken and no treatment can be carried out. After all, the use of any medication can blur the true picture of what is happening, thereby preventing the establishment of the correct diagnosis by a specialist.

The latter applies not only to medical treatment, but also to the conduct douching . Those who practice douching to cleanse unpleasant manifestations should initially visit a doctor and consult with him about this. After all, the use of douching in various diseases, for example, in candidiasis, can adversely affect the vaginal microflora, thereby only aggravating the symptoms of thrush or provoking the development of bacterial vaginosis. After douching with potassium permanganate, soda or other improvised means, the infection can spread even more actively, which is a factor contributing to the development inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages , as well as , . Therefore, douching can only harm health.

If green or yellowish-green discharge appears, this in any case indicates the development of pathology. They can appear both before menstruation and throughout the cycle. Most likely, light green discharge from the vagina with or without a smell indicates the development of an infection that provokes an inflammatory process in the body. As noted above, this is possible with candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, as well as diseases that are sexually transmitted. However, greenish discharge in women, odorless or unpleasantly smelling, is also possible with diseases of the female reproductive system - in particular, inflammation of the uterus, its appendages, and cervix.

Therefore, the treatment of green discharge in women with no smell or bad smell can only be started after establishing a true diagnosis. Abundant, yellow-green separation is possible with the following diseases:

  • oophoritis (inflammatory process of the ovaries);
  • adnexitis (inflammatory process of the uterine appendages);
  • salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).

If more meager, yellowish or greenish departments appear, then we can talk about chronic forms of these ailments. They can also be caused by bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion.

If we are talking about an acute inflammatory process, in which purulent discharge appears in women, then the patient is hospitalized. Hospitalization is mandatory if the patient also has a high body temperature, back pain, severe pain in the lower abdomen.

If the causes of purulent discharge in women are associated with the chronic course of diseases, then during an exacerbation therapy is also carried out in a hospital.

However, no matter how a woman feels, if a jelly-like, yellow-brown, green, or copious watery discharge appears in women, this is a clear signal that you need to urgently visit a gynecologist and determine why copious vaginal discharge appears.

This is necessary, since any inflammation that is not treated in a timely manner becomes chronic. With this development of events, relapses may occur, which in the end is likely to lead to the development, termination of pregnancy, premature birth, and other pathologies. During the menopausal period, the risk of developing oncological diseases of the female reproductive system increases.

Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is important to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. It is especially important to do this for those who periodically notice white-pink separation from the uterus, as well as bloody, brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The mucous membrane of the woman's vagina provides protection against infection and regulation of the internal environment of the reproductive organs due to the constant formation and excretion of mucus. Vaginal discharge is an absolutely physiological process that occurs throughout all periods of life.

The change in the quantity, color and consistency of the vaginal mucosa of a healthy woman is associated with natural fluctuations in the hormonal background (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause).

In addition, the nature of the discharge changes as a result of urogenital and gynecological diseases, so every woman should monitor her health and pay attention to suspicious symptoms.

Is yellow discharge a deviation or a norm?

Vaginal discharge is called leucorrhoea and has the following physiological characteristics:

  1. A normal color is considered to be the entire palette from transparent white and cream to a desaturated yellow hue. Such a vaginal secret will not leave bright spots on the linen.
  2. The volume of whites should not exceed 5 ml (approximately a teaspoon). A slight increase in the amount during ovulation and menstruation, before and after intercourse is acceptable.
  3. The consistency is liquid and homogeneous. During ovulation, the mucus may be viscous and slightly thicker, but still without clots.
  4. Yellow mucous discharge in a healthy woman is usually odorless, but a slight sour smell is allowed, the appearance of which is associated with the activity of the normal lactic flora of the vagina.
  5. The discharge of the genital organs does not cause unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning).

Causes of yellow discharge in women:

1. Physiological- during ovulation, before or after menstruation. Sometimes yellow discharge in women acts as the first sign of pregnancy. Such vaginal mucus does not cause discomfort, does not stain linen, without clots, not abundant in quantity.

2. Inflammatory diseases:

  • inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes (bright yellow mucus, abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by urination and sexual intercourse);
  • erosion of the cervix (vaginal leucorrhoea of ​​a dirty yellow color, after sexual intercourse there is often an admixture of blood in the secretions, often pain in the lower back);
  • inflammation of the external genital organs (along with yellow mucus, itching and swelling of the vagina are characteristic);
  • urogenital infection (bright color, unpleasant smell).

3. Allergic reaction mucous membranes and skin on synthetic underwear, cosmetic preparations for intimate hygiene, condoms and barrier contraceptives (vaginal suppositories, tablets).

Yellow discharge with smell in women

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in vaginal leucorrhoea should alert in terms of the presence of a urogenital inflammatory process: the discharge acquires a sharp putrid odor; thrush is characterized by cheesy white and yellow discharge in women with an unpleasant sour smell, aggravated by contact with air; the smell of rotting fish indicates bacterial vaginitis.

A pungent odor also occurs with chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Yellow-green mucous discharge in women

A change in the shade of mucus from light yellow to yellow-green indicates the appearance of pus in the discharge, which indicates a urogenital infection:

  1. - discharge is abundant, with clots, flow from the cervical canal. These greenish and yellow discharges are accompanied by pain and itching in the vagina during intercourse.
  2. - a moderate amount of mucus with impurities of pus or blood; yellow discharge with a mild odor is accompanied by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen and inner thighs, often combined with pain when urinating.
  3. - leucorrhoea frothy, plentiful, with a greenish tint, with a characteristic putrid odor.
  4. Ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis - yellow-green, not abundant, odorless discharge in women; cause a burning sensation, swelling and redness of the external genitalia.

When any of the above infections appears and is suspected, a special antibacterial treatment is required, otherwise the process can become chronic with the formation of complications (including infertility).

During pregnancy, there may be more vaginal discharge than usual. This is due to hormonal changes in the body and the need to strengthen protection against infection in the uterine cavity.

In the absence of itching, soreness, unpleasant odor - there is no cause for concern. If the whites during pregnancy cause discomfort, have a fetid odor and are purulent or, then it is necessary to visit the doctor observing the pregnancy for a follow-up examination.

Treatment and prevention of yellow discharge

If there is an abnormal color, volume or smell of the nature of the discharge, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

The doctor will take the discharge of the genital tract, prescribe additional studies (ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hysteroscopy), after which the optimal treatment will be offered - a course of antibiotics, douching, drugs to normalize the vaginal microflora.

Sometimes abundant yellow discharge during menopause in women requires the appointment of replacement therapy (estrogen-gestagen hormones) to correct the hormonal background and restore the normal functioning of the mucous membrane of the genital tract.

If the yellow vaginal secretion is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then the woman should continue to follow the rules of basic personal hygiene, avoid synthetic underwear, select quality products for the toilet of the intimate area, and also be selective in sex and use barrier methods of contraception to prevent infection from entering the vagina. .

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