Mumiyo for which disease is taken. Instructions for the use of mummy in tablets, indications and contraindications. Gynecological inflammatory diseases and erosions

As soon as they do not call the mummy. It is called sometimes you can find the name - "mountain resin" or "blood of the mountain." Mummy is even called the tears of giants. This tool has been known to people for many centuries. They are used to treat a variety of diseases. It is known to help with fractures. The substance is used in cosmetology. And healers claim that it prolongs life. Let's look at what a mummy is: beneficial features and contraindications. So, first things first.

It is a mineral substance similar to resin. It happens different colors, usually brown. Shilajit, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have worried mankind since ancient times, is found in the nature of the most various forms. It also differs in structure and transparency. The substance is smooth, has an irregular shape. It can be viscous or strong, like glass. But there is always a special balsamic aroma. Composition and properties various kinds are similar.

Found in the most various points mummy land. Altai, Caucasus, Nepal, India, South America, North Africa - and this is far from complete list places rich in this substance.

Traditional medicine has been using it for thousands of years to treat various diseases. Doctors have not yet fully explored the properties of this mineral. Scientists are still trying to understand what the mummy is fraught with. Useful properties and contraindications continue to be studied. But one thing is certain: the mineral really has healing powers.

This is how experts explain when it comes to mummy, what it is.

What does the substance treat?

What ailments are healed with this mineral substance?

Mumiye effectively helps fight the following diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hypertension, heart failure.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, belching, intestinal disorders, cholecystitis, ulcerative colitis, chronic colitis, digestive disorders, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, nausea, vomiting, constipation, poisoning. Mumiyo normalizes stomach acidity and appetite.
  3. Diseases respiratory system: cough, runny nose, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pulmonary bleeding.
  4. Ophthalmic problems: glaucoma, barley.
  5. purulent otitis, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss.
  6. Problems of the kidneys, urinary system: urolithiasis, cystitis, ulcers Bladder, pyelonephritis.
  7. Diseases of the oral cavity: periodontitis, stomatitis.
  8. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, dislocations, sprains, radiculitis, joint pain, rheumatism.
  9. Endocrine ailments: diabetes, elephantiasis, pancreatitis.
  10. Skin diseases: abrasions, burns, dermatitis, cuts, boils, hematomas, purulent wounds, stretch marks, ulcers, psoriasis, eczema.
  11. Cold pathologies: SARS, influenza. The mineral substance can be used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also as a prophylactic.
  12. Hemorrhoids.
  13. allergic manifestations.
  14. Diseases reproductive system in men and women.
  15. Blood pathologies: anemia, radiation sickness.
  16. Edema.
  17. Diseases of the nervous system: headaches, neuralgia, epilepsy, sleep disturbances, dizziness, neurodermatitis, stuttering, facial paralysis.
  18. Low immunity.

Shilajit can indeed be called a unique substance. Nature has given mankind a generous gift. Now, knowing, if we are talking about a mummy, what it is, what this mineral heals, let's try to understand what it consists of.

So, what are the components contained in a unique substance?

What is mummy made of

This mineral is a natural product. What is rich in mummy?

The composition of the substance:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • alcohols;
  • acids;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • paraffinic hydrocarbons;
  • carbohydrates.

The mineral is used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.

The value of the mummy, the composition of which is simply amazing in its diversity, is in the rich content of various trace elements necessary for the human body:

  • aluminum,
  • iron,
  • calcium,
  • silicon,
  • magnesium,
  • lead,
  • cobalt,
  • nickel,
  • titanium.

Healing effects

chief healing property The substance is considered to have a beneficial effect on the immune system. In other words, the mineral strengthens the body, weakens the influence harmful factors on health. Of course, this is not the only pathology in which mummy is in demand. Indications for the use of this substance, as discussed above, have practically no boundaries.

What happens in the body when it is used?

Experts give the following list of positive effects:

  1. Rapid recovery of bone and muscle tissues, mucous membranes and skin.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, eliminates headaches.
  3. Promotes the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Normalizes metabolism and helps fight excess weight.
  6. Helps restore joints in arthritis.
  7. Helps speedy healing of wounds.
  8. It has general strengthening properties.
  9. It has a beneficial effect in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Helps with female infertility and problems in the field of gynecology.
  11. It has the ability to increase the level of hemoglobin, therefore it is recommended for oncological diseases.
  12. Has a general strengthening effect on protective functions body and increase total duration life.

Shilajit types

To classify the substance, the mountain mummy began to be called the name of the place where it was found. For example, Siberian, Altai, Arabian, Tibetan, Himalayan, etc. The division into species occurs according to composition, depends on the number of metal particles in one form or another.

There are four main varieties:

  1. Golden mummy (it differs colors- from dark orange to burgundy).
  2. Silver (has a milky tint).
  3. Copper (affects the eye with a dark blue or azure palette).
  4. Iron - occurs most often. Painted in black and brown.

Where to buy mummy

The product is sold in pharmacies and specialty stores selling traditional medicine.

Mumiyo is produced in the form of capsules or tablets. You can also purchase a unique mineral in the form of paste, balm, plates and briquettes.

The main forms of release:

  1. Tablets. The content of mummy in pills is relatively small. Indeed, in the manufacture of tablets, a variety of additional substances are used.
  2. Balm. It is sold in jars. Such a balm is similar to uncured resin. The content of the mummy in this case is much higher than in tablets.
  3. Mummy cleaned. It's best to buy it. The mineral may be in the form of plates. Its cost is much higher compared to the two previous forms. However, the benefits of it are much greater. The purified substance is also packed in briquettes.

The most common is the Altai mummy. Let's consider it.

How to take Altai mummy?

The mineral substance, like other medicines, should be taken with caution. Let's study such a remedy as Altai mummy, application.

  1. The maximum allowable dose of mummy is 6 grams per day.
  2. The recommended rate is 3 g per day. This dose can be measured using an accurate pharmacy scale, but, of course, not everyone in the kitchen has such a measuring device. Therefore, you can focus on the size of the piece. A piece weighing 3 grams corresponds in size to the size of an average pea.

How to use the instruction leads the following. The substance is dissolved in water and taken according to a certain scheme:

  • in the morning - on an empty stomach;
  • in the afternoon - 1 hour before lunch;
  • in the evening - after 2 hours after dinner.

The product is used in this way for the treatment of all diseases. This method of reception has been known since ancient times and has been tested for centuries.

How long should I take mummy?

A question that necessarily arises in people aimed at treatment with this natural component.

Shilajit inside should be taken in courses. Duration of admission depends on the severity of the disease.

In the old instructions for taking the Altai substance, the following recommendations are given:

  1. With an exacerbation of the disease, take the "medicine" for 10 days. Then take a break. After 5 days, start a second dose within 10 days.
  2. At chronic diseases repeat the reception within 10 days. It will take 4-5 courses. It is important not to forget to take 5-day breaks between courses.
  3. At serious illnesses mummy is taken for a month. Then take a 10-day break. After that, another course is carried out for 30 days.

Mummy in cosmetology

The composition of this substance contains collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the beneficial properties of mummy in cosmetology.

Without resorting to expensive cosmetic procedures you can improve the condition of the skin and to a large extent get rid of such unpleasant defects as:

  • wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • dark spots;
  • freckles;
  • stretch marks;
  • sagging skin.

Regular use of mummy for the face can eliminate many skin problems that occur with age.

Use in cosmetology

Shilajit is present in many recipes that provide the skin with youth and beauty.

For use at home, you need to prepare a solution:

  • Grind the mummy plates in a mortar.
  • Then, gradually add water to the crushed powder until completely dissolved (water must be room temperature).
  • Proportions for preparing the solution - take 5 g of mummy for 50 ml of water.

This solution can be taken orally. Using it 2 times a day before meals, 1 tsp. You can perfectly increase the level of hemoglobin.

The use of the solution in cosmetology:

  1. Pour the product into an ice mold, freeze. Wipe the skin twice a day with ice cubes. Such a mummy is very useful for the face. This procedure helps to reduce existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.
  2. Make a mask with a mummy solution. It restores skin elasticity, relieves acne, evens out complexion.
  3. You can put mummy tablets (about 8 pcs.) in a shampoo bottle. If you wash your hair with the resulting product, then they will strengthen hair follicles, the health of the hair will return.

Let's take a look at some more great recipes.

Mask for hair restoration with mummy

Carry out the following procedure:

  1. Dissolve 4 g Altai shilajit in 1 st. Then add 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.
  2. Apply the mask on the hair and be sure to the scalp.
  3. After an hour, wash off with herbal shampoo or chamomile decoction.

This mask can be done no more than twice a month!

Cream with mummy for acne and pigment on the skin

Production and use of the product:

  1. Dissolve 15 g of mummy in a spoonful of water.
  2. Melt 40 g butter ghee and 20 g wax. Mix and refrigerate.
  3. Add a mummy solution and 1 tsp to the oil and wax mixture. century juice.
  4. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

The resulting cream is applied daily on the face with a thin layer.

Currently, baby cream is used instead of oil and wax. But still, the mummy shows its properties better when interacting with natural ingredients. Therefore, if possible, it is preferable to use oil and wax in this recipe.


We should not forget that interest is caused (if we consider the mummy) useful properties and contraindications. healing power substances discussed above. Now let's look at contraindications.

Please note that the mummy is incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, while using it inside and out, it is necessary to exclude interaction with alcohol-containing drugs and drinks.

There are also other contraindications for taking mummy, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before starting treatment:

  • Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from taking the drug.
  • You can not take mummy during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  • Take with caution in case of disorders in the nervous system and hypertension.
  • It is forbidden to use the product with individual intolerance to the substance.

Thus, mummy is a priceless product of nature for humans. It is used in all areas of traditional medicine. Since 2000, the Ministry of Health has recommended shilajit as general tonic for oral administration in tablet form. In this way, official medicine recognizes the mineral substance as a remedy.

Despite the fact that the use of mummy began in the Middle Ages, scientists still have not come to a consensus about the true origin of the product. According to one version, it is a substance that appeared as a result of the modification of the biological mass - plants, animal excrement, microorganisms and rocks in the mountains.

Natural mummy is brown or dark brown, less often black, it is plastic, and becomes softer when kneaded. It has a shiny surface, a bitter taste and a peculiar smell reminiscent of chocolate and manure. If the mummy is placed in water, it will dissolve and turn the liquid brown.

Shilajit is mined in grottoes and caves located at great heights. Despite the fact that deposits of the substance are found all over the world, their abundance and reserves are limited. Shilajit is able to recover and form new streaks or icicles, but the process can take 2 years or 300 years or more, so it is considered a rare and valuable product.

What is useful mummy

The benefits of the mummy lies in the unique effect on the body. It has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, bactericidal, regenerating and antitoxic effect. It has long been used both in medicine and in cosmetology. With the help of mummy, fungal, inflammatory and infectious diseases. This substance was used for frostbite, fractures, bruises, festering wounds and trophic ulcers.

Shilajit helps to get rid of poisoning, headaches, myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, sclerosis, diseases of the liver, bladder, heart and blood vessels. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieves stress, irritability and depression, improves blood quality and strengthens the immune system.

Diversified action due to unique composition mummy. It contains more than 80 essential human body substances: hormones, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, essential oils, fatty acid, resinous substances and metal oxides. Shilajit contains many trace elements: nickel, titanium, lead, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, iron, aluminum and silicon.

Please note that during the treatment of mummy it is forbidden to drink alcohol.

How to take mummy

Shilajit can be taken internally for prevention or treatment or used externally in the form of ointments, compresses, masks and lotions for skin or hair problems.

Mumiye should be taken in a course of 3-4 weeks, 1-2 times daily. In the morning, the drug is recommended to be taken half an hour before breakfast, and in the evening after dinner after 2-3 hours. For best effect after taking the mummy, it is advisable to lie down for 30 minutes.

External application

For the treatment of mummy minor skin lesions, 10 gr. Dissolve the funds in half a glass of water and lubricate the damaged areas with the solution 2 times a day.

Purulent wounds must be lubricated with a solution prepared from 30 gr. mummy and half a glass of water.

To get rid of joint pain, mastitis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, abscesses and other similar problems make compresses with mummy. Depending on the area of ​​the damaged area, you need to take 2-10 gr. means, knead into a thin cake, apply to the problem area, wrap with polyethylene and secure with a bandage. The compress is recommended to do at night no more than 1 time in 2-3 days. More often, the procedure cannot be carried out, since it may occur severe irritation. The mass left after the compress can be used several times.

The mummy has proven itself well. For cooking cosmetic product must be diluted with a small amount of water 4 gr. mummy and add to 100 gr. baby cream. It is recommended to use the drug once a day, applying to problem areas. Store this cream in the refrigerator.

Preparation of water tincture mumiyo.

There are 3 recipes for making water tincture of mummy.

1 way. Grind 5 g of dried mummy. It is good to use a mortar and pestle for these purposes. Pour the resulting powder into a deep container and pour 100 milliliters of warm purified or boiled water. Insist for 5 minutes, then immediately begin to mix with a pestle, achieving a homogeneous slurry. In warm water, high-quality raw materials should instantly dissolve without any signs of turbidity. The finished liquidish solution should be filtered through gauze folded in two layers and diluted again with water. The total mass of the drug should be 500 ml.

2 way. Pour 5 g of mummy with 500 ml of distilled water and mix until smooth. Filter the finished mixture, after which it must be sterilized for half an hour.

3 way. Boil distilled water for 10-15 minutes, then cool to 70 ° C. Add 5 g of powdered mummy to it and leave to infuse for a day. The next day, strain the solution and add water to it to the required volume.

For oral administration, it is the third method of preparing an aqueous solution that is suitable.

It should be remembered that an aqueous solution of mummy is stored for only a day.

Preparation of alcohol tincture.

For its preparation, 10 g of mummy is taken, as well as about 100 g of a 20% aqueous solution of alcohol. Mumiyo is crushed to a free-flowing powder, poured into a glass, preferably dark dish with a stopper, and 60-70 g of alcohol is poured. The container should be closed as carefully as possible and placed in a cool dark place for 7 days. During this time, the mixture should be shaken twice a day.

After a week, the solution is poured into another container, and the remaining alcohol is added to the sedimentary mass and left to infuse for 4 days. The finished infusion is drained again, combined with the original extract and placed for another day in a cool place. And only after all these procedures, the liquid is filtered, alcohol is added to it in order to total weight the drug was exactly 100 g, and the finished tincture can be used for its intended purpose.

Ointment from mumiyo

Five grams of mummy powder is moistened with a few drops of distilled water and mixed thoroughly. As soon as the mass becomes like gruel, gradually, without ceasing to interfere, gradually begin to introduce softened lard(only 45 g). Having combined both components, they are ground to a homogeneous mass. Check the ointment for readiness by rubbing a small amount with your fingers. In a properly made ointment, there should be no grains.

Treatment of diseases with the help of mummy

Allergic diseases

Shilajit is perhaps the most effective treatment for allergic diseases. It is enough to dilute 1 g of this mineral in 1 liter warm water and take 1 time per day for 20 days, and the allergy will almost completely disappear or less often will make itself felt. Treatment is best done in spring or autumn, when allergic diseases escalate.

Reception aqueous extract mummy is much more pleasant than drinking sunflower oil in the mornings and evenings, because in the old days, allergy sufferers alleviated their condition in this way. Now it is much easier for allergy sufferers: they drink mummy, eat half a glass every day raw seeds sunflower and include in their menu dishes that include red beets. All this together gives a tangible result almost immediately.

Liver disease

The combination of taking water and honey solutions of mummy helps with liver diseases. traditional healers It is advised to take each solution for 10 days, making a break of 5 days between them. In total, 4 such courses should be conducted. To prepare the solution, you need 0.2 g of mummy per 10 tablespoons of water or honey solution.

Inflammation of the breast (mastitis)

Shilajit preparations have long been used in traditional medicine as anti-inflammatory agents. Despite the fact that the mechanism of its similar action is still poorly understood, this does not prevent the combination of mummy derivatives with other medications in the fight against inflammation of the mammary gland - a disease that is commonly called breastfeeding. It occurs mainly in breastfeeding women in the presence of cracks in the nipples and is expressed in sharp pains in the mammary gland, which becomes dense. The temperature often rises, and after a couple of days, a softening is formed at the site of compaction and an abscess appears, which can be removed only through surgical intervention. Concerning effective treatment can only be initial stage. During this period, reflexotherapy is carried out, combining it with the intake of mummy honey infusion. If cracks in the nipples have just begun to appear and do not cause inconvenience, you should immediately begin to lubricate them with a 5% aqueous mummy solution.

Headaches, migraines, dizziness

For the treatment of all these diseases, it is recommended to take mummy in combination with medicinal plants - such as bergenia, red elderberry, initial letter, dropsy, Dutch carnation, pear, oregano, St. John's wort, willow, cabbage, dogwood, clover, linden, buttercup, raspberry, almond , field mint, fragrant, tansy, motherwort, eryngium, cudweed, thyme, yarrow, horseradish and thyme, which should be dosed depending on the weight and age of the patient, as well as taking into account individual intolerance to individual components.

Purulent-infectious wounds

Purulent-infectious wounds can also be treated with an aqueous solution of mummy. It has a beneficial effect on the process of cell renewal, kills bacteria, reduces body temperature during the inflammatory process. The solution should be applied in an even layer on sore spot, and then wrap this area of ​​skin with a warm cloth.


For the treatment of hemorrhoids, an ointment is prepared from mummy and honey in a ratio of 1: 3. This ointment is injected into the rectum for 10 days. At the same time, take the mummy in tablets on an empty stomach 2 times a day.

Purulent otitis media

At purulent otitis media, mix the mummy with rose oil in a ratio of 1:10 and instill it in the ear in the morning and evening. This recipe will reduce pain and speed up recovery. Within a few days, hearing will improve and the outflow of pus will increase.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Shilajit is also used for a number of gastrointestinal diseases - such as stomach ulcers, duodenum, intestinal disorder, etc.

Mumiye has a normalizing effect on secretory function stomach: in hyper- and hypoacid processes, the acidity of gastric juice gradually normalizes with a slight increase in the level of pepsinogen. At peptic ulcer and chronic spastic colitis after taking mummy and a course of treatment with other medications, pain and other symptoms associated with concomitant inflammatory diseases of the biliary system and intestines disappear.

In these diseases, the mummy milk extract (diluted in milk in a ratio of 1:20) is recommended to be used orally early in the morning, immediately after waking up, or at night, 3 hours after dinner. After taking the drug, it is advisable not to get out of bed for about half an hour, otherwise positive result will not be reached soon.

Helps well with gastrointestinal diseases and ordinary mummy powder mixed with any juice or used as a biological food supplement. It should be dissolved in liquid and drunk 2 times a day half an hour before meals on an empty stomach.

During the treatment of mummy, one should also not forget that, first of all, the stomach and intestines should receive rest, that is, it is useful to starve a little. Permanent reception food leads to digestive system almost always fermentation processes, expansion of organs are rapidly going on. But during short fast various sores are tightened and inflammatory processes pass.

Diseases of the peripheral nerve trunks of the musculoskeletal system: sciatica, neurodermatitis, plexitis, neuralgia

Ointments and balms based on mumiyo are excellent help in the fight against diseases of the peripheral nerve trunks of the musculoskeletal system. Regular lubrication of diseased areas with a mummy-based balm or cream and dosed oral intake in the form of an aqueous solution help restore disorders in tissues and organs, stimulate the nervous system, improve digestion, and sleep.

Diseases respiratory tract

It has long been believed that a well-purified mummy is the best of the general tonic. It perfectly helps with sore throat, runny nose, cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, having a beneficial effect on all body functions and improving metabolism.

Shilajit can be used dissolved both in ordinary, pre-boiled water, and in juices, honey, tea, milk, etc. In bronchial asthma, a mixture of mummy, milk, beef fat and honey is most effective. 0.2 g of the mixture should be consumed daily and gargle with an aqueous solution.


Mumiyo also helps with bleeding from the nose. In such cases, you should use a mixture of mummy with camphor oil in a ratio of 1:5, dropping it into the nose. In the same way, inflammation of the nose and ear can also be treated.


As a medicine for various kinds bleeding mummy was known in ancient times. In modern medical practice, it is also beginning to become widespread in gynecology as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. Water solution Shilajit is made and constantly used to treat people and animals with various types of bleeding.

Note: It is worth mentioning that no medicinal herb or a solution will not help if the cause of the disease lies in serious violations and urgent need medical intervention. Therefore, if any bleeding is detected, it is better to first seek the advice of a doctor, and if he establishes that serious concerns your illness does not cause, you can safely start using an aqueous or honey solution of mummy, which will help strengthen the whole body as a whole and will favorably affect the circulatory system.

Cystic neoplasms of the jaws

Treat cystic neoplasms jaws began only after the experiment on rabbits. Animals in mandible with the help of boron, a small bone cavity was made. Then the rabbits were divided into 3 groups: the first cavity was filled with blood, the second - with hydroxyapatite, and the third - with mummy. After 2 months, an examination was carried out, as a result of which it was found that the bone structure recovered most quickly and the signs of inflammation disappeared in the rabbits of the third group. After that, mummy began to be used to treat people. Immediately after the cystectomy of the jaws, the bone cavity is filled with a paste containing mummy, and wound healing occurs much faster.

Bone-tuberculous processes

In order to ease general state patients, it is necessary to consume 0.1 g of mummy daily for 25 days, and after a 10-day break, repeat the course again. At the same time, you can dilute the mummy not only in water, but also in milk and honey in a ratio of 1:20.

Male and female infertility

For the treatment of infertility, it is best to use the complex treatment of mummy with decoctions of medicinal plants. An infusion of psyllium seeds helps well ( folk names- grandma narrow-leaved, wounded, rannik) or round-leaved sundew (sunny dew, dewdrop, dewdrop), taken immediately after the tableted mummy or its solution. Shilajit goes well with alcohol tinctures of the same herbs, which should be taken 1 tablespoon 10 minutes after using the mummy.


To accelerate epithelialization with superficial burns, a 2-3% aqueous solution and mummy ointment help well. Using them, you can significantly reduce the healing time of wounds.


Back in 1966, the positive effect of preparations based on mumiyo on patients with various fractures of tubular and flat bones was proven. The experiment was carried out by A. Sh. Shakirov, who combined mummy with complex treatment by other methods. The drug was prescribed for oral administration once a day at a dose of 0.2 g. Patients who took the drug on an empty stomach for 10 days noted an improvement in their general condition, normalization of sleep, and an increase in appetite. Their pain at the fracture site decreased, edema and hematomas disappeared faster, and the functions of the injured limb were restored.

Subsequently, it was confirmed that under the influence of mumiyo, the process of healing of fractures of bones, joints, dislocations, bruises, ulcers, fistulas, burns, cuts, and treatment of injuries is accelerated. chest. In this regard, today mummy extract is successfully used in complex treatment these diseases. The drug is prescribed at 0.2 g, but 2 times a day for a month, without taking any breaks. A break after the positive effect of the drug has just begun can lead to suppression of the healing process of fractures, wounds and ulcers. Only after a month you can take a short break - 4-5 days, and then repeat the course of treatment until complete recovery. Inside, mummy should be used along with rubbing the affected area.

periodontal disease

For the treatment of periodontal disease, a thick mummy extract is most often used. In this case, the treatment is carried out not only by one mummy, but also by a number of other drugs. Only with complex treatment with antibiotics and parenteral administration aloe extract and vitamin Bx occurs fast elimination the main symptoms of the disease, the elimination of local inflammatory reactions, delayed development of the main pathological process in the alveolar process of the jaws, improving the trophism of the gums and oral mucosa, as well as the general condition.

Shilajit extract should be taken orally at a dose of 0.2 g 1 time per day for 10 days, combined with the use of mumiyo applications in the form of a 5% aqueous solution, and also gargle with it in the throat and mouth. Clinical-radiological and microbiological analyzes of such treatment showed that the mummy is a very effective tool that helps to reduce by 3 times (compared to those patients who took only antibiotics - tetracycline, penicillin and chloramphenicol) bacteria with a complex of aggression enzymes. The microflora of the oral cavity and periodontal pockets is almost completely restored and returns to normal.

Heart diseases

It is necessary to dissolve 2 g of the mineral in 10 tablespoons of boiled water, strain and take ready solution 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach for a week. Then take a break for 3-4 days and resume the course of treatment again.

If you start taking mummy dissolved in 10 tablespoons of honey during the second course, your body will soon get stronger, immunity will increase and vitality. Honey solution should be drunk 3-4 hours after dinner for 5 days. Then you can return to the aqueous solution again.


Diabetes mellitus is accompanied intense thirst, frequent urination, constant feeling of hunger, weakness. Possibility of visual impairment poor healing wounds, the taste of iron in the mouth and pruritus. Of course, it is impossible to cure diabetes with the help of mummy, but to get rid of a number of symptoms of the disease and discomfort caused by it, it will help.

A common folk remedy in the fight against the manifestations of diabetes is an aqueous solution of mummy mixed with an infusion of common blueberry leaves. One tablespoon of dried blueberry leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, and then mixed in equal proportions with an aqueous solution of mummy. Drink as much as you like.

During the course of mummy treatment, it is best for patients with diabetes to carry out a 3-day fast or longer liquid diets using grapefruit. It also provides good action on the body.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities

During treatment this disease, using only mummy preparations, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the feeling of pain, a decrease in the degree of swelling of diseased limbs, normalization of skin temperature, and then almost complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. In addition, the mummy helps to increase the content of erythrocytes in the blood, hemoglobin, and even normalizes leukocyte formula. Mumiye reduces blood clotting, which is very important for patients with thrombophlebitis.

Recipe: Dissolve 0.3 g of dry mummy in water and take 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then break for 3 days and repeat the treatment until complete recovery.


Launched cheilitis should be treated by a dentist, eliminating its causes (malocclusion, caries, correction of prosthetic defects), at the initial stage, it is necessary to take multivitamin preparations, and also periodically lubricate the corners of the lips with a cream that includes mummy, or its aqueous solution. And of course, you need to try to get rid of the habit of licking your lips.

Chronic and ulcerative colitis

In the treatment of chronic and ulcerative colitis, a thick mummy extract is considered a very effective drug. At chronic colitis Shilajit extract should be taken at a dose of 200 mg once a day for 10 days. Then a break is made, after which the treatment is repeated. The whole course is about a month. Ulcerative colitis he is treated with microclysters with mummy. Already after several procedures, the vulnerability of the gastric mucosa decreases, its trophism decreases and wounds heal faster.


In the treatment of eczema, it is necessary to steam the diseased limbs (arms or legs) in a water bath in a 5% mummy solution, and also drink the mummy dissolved in currant juice 2 times a day.

This question, as well as - what is a mummy, year after year does not lose its relevance. Even fans who are quite knowledgeable in matters of proper nutrition healthy lifestyle life finds it difficult to give an unambiguous answer to it. They indulge in lengthy discussions about the benefits natural products for longevity and health, without explaining from what, how and why nature created this substance. Therefore, in this article we will try to concisely, but meaningfully reveal the composition and properties of the mummy, and at the same time consider the possibilities of its use as a preventive and medicinal product with various pathologies.

What is mummy
Mummy is completely natural organic product, consisting of recycled remains of plants, living organisms, rocks and different types soil. All these substances naturally recycled, sublimated and pressed so tightly that it is easy to confuse mummy with resin Brown color different shades (from dark beige to deep chocolate). The characteristic smell that the mummy has and which could be called unpleasant if the coffee and nut notes did not give it some piquancy helps not to be identified.

In nature, the mummy is found in pieces different sizes, from large to very small placers, and does not have any structure or consistency. Most often, its mass is granular or heterogeneous, and the surface of the pieces can be either matte or smooth-shiny. It mainly depends on the weather and geographical conditions of the origin of the mummy, which extend literally all over the world, covering northern Africa, Central Asia, Far East and South America. Shilajit is mined in China, India, Australia, Indonesia, Afghanistan and Burma.

As for the process of mummy formation in nature, it is he who causes the most embarrassment even among the adherents of this environmentally friendly product. The fact is that this, in fact, is the excrement of bats, squirrels, voles and, possibly, some other small animals and insects. Medicinal plants and fruits are part of their food chain, and mumiyo is a natural “ by-product» vital activity. But if the most expensive coffee in the world is produced in a similar way, then the healing properties of the mummy completely rehabilitate its not ideally noble “pedigree”.

Composition and properties of mummy
Shilajit is available to most modern people in the form of impurities, extracted and formed into blisters. pharmaceutical preparations. Shilajit, extracted by pharmaceutical companies, are small dark brown tablets with a sticky surface and a bitter smell and taste. They are easily soluble in water and are mainly used in this way, in the form of a solution for drinking.

Thus, as part of the mummy, vitamins, minerals, essential compounds, amino acids (about 20 items) enter the body. organic acids, tannins, hormones, polysaccharides, fatty acids and resins. The properties of a substance are fully consistent with its composition. It is a universal tonic that has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the formation of cells and tissues. human body. Shilajit stimulates the processes of regeneration, activates the protective abilities of the body, helps to cleanse from poisons and radiation.

Under the influence of mumiyo, the processes of hematopoiesis and blood clotting, the fight against viral and bacterial infections, healing of wounds, ulcers and fusion of bone fractures. The walls are being strengthened blood vessels and heart muscle, which affects stable work of cardio-vascular system and pressure stabilization. But this applies only to natural raw materials mined in natural conditions and adapted for internal use. Counterfeit preparations consisting of vegetable oil, burnt sugar, clay, meat by-products and even animal droppings, of course, do not have the properties of natural mummy and can bring more harm than health benefits.

Shilajit consumption
The biologically active substances that make up this mummy retain their properties when the tablets are dissolved in drinking water. Vitamins, which are also numerous in mummy, are also mostly water-soluble substances. So the full range of characteristics of each of these useful components will be available if you prepare an aqueous mummy tincture. There are several ways:

  1. Grind 5 g of mummy into powder (one tablet usually weighs 0.2 g). Pour half a glass of clean non-carbonated water at room temperature and leave for 10 minutes. You will see that the substance begins to dissolve and color the water at the bottom of the glass. Stir it thoroughly until completely dissolved and a light brown cloudy liquid is obtained. Strain the solution into a large container and add water to get about half a liter of tincture.
  2. Grind 5 g of mummy to a powder and pour 500 ml of warm drinking water. Insist for a day, then strain through cheesecloth or filter.
Solid particles do not completely disintegrate in water, and therefore, after a while, they settle to the bottom of the dish. Therefore, a freshly prepared solution should not be stored for a long time, and the suspension in it should be shaken well before use. In addition, the mummy is credited with the ability to structure water, so the benefits of drinking such a liquid only increase.

Alcohol tincture of mummy also finds its application both in official and in folk medicine. For its preparation, alcohol is diluted with water to a 20% concentration, 10 g of mummy is ground into powder. In addition, you will need a translucent tinted glass bottle with a cork or screw cap. In it, you need to pour the mummy powder with about 70 ml of alcohol and, after corking, leave for a week, regularly shaking the closed bottle. After 7 days, the tincture must be filtered, but the liquid must be preserved, and to the thicker add about 30 ml of a 20% alcohol solution and hold for 4-5 days. After that, the liquid that was removed from it is returned to the bottle, and a total of about 100 ml of tincture is obtained. Before use, it should be kept in a cool place under a cork for at least another day.

Shilajit ointment is widely used to treat external injuries. It is also prepared at home from mummy powder, drinking water and a fatty base (pork lard and vegetable oil can also act as such). For 5 g of mummy and a few drops of water, you will need approximately 45 g of fat. Shilajit is first diluted with water to get a thick slurry, and then fat is gradually added and, mixing thoroughly, they achieve viscosity and a uniform consistency. The finished ointment should be absolutely homogeneous, without grains and separated liquid.

Shilajit application
A significant amount and high concentration biologically active substances make the mummy popular and widespread remedy. Its biostimulating action is well manifested in the effect on both internal processes organism, and on external integuments and derivatives. It has almost no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. Shilajit is allowed even during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and it is not recommended except that the use of an alcohol solution for children and adolescents under 14 years of age. In all other cases, the mummy gives a positive effect in such pathological conditions:

  1. Diseases gastrointestinal tract. Treated with Shilajit taken on an empty stomach or after therapeutic fasting. The form of administration depends on the specific disease (stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal disorders), the level of stomach acidity, etc., but most often an aqueous solution, a solution in milk or even juice is used. It is taken in 2 tablespoons, a couple of hours before each meal and before bed at night.
  2. Asthma, other respiratory diseases. The throat is rinsed with an aqueous solution of the mummy, and the solution in milk or juice is taken orally. With angina, it is useful to add mummy powder to honey and dissolve this mixture in the oral cavity. You can also dissolve the tablet itself, but due to the special taste, not all patients succeed in this, therefore, as a general tonic, mummy is added to any food.
  3. ARI, influenza, other viral and bacterial infections. Heal faster when combined intensive care with the intake of mummy. Drink on an empty stomach (2 hours before or after a meal) water tincture or a mummy tablet is absorbed, at least 3 times a day. Reception of the mummy lasts a few more days after recovery to strengthen the immune system.
  4. Gum disease, periodontitis. With an aqueous solution of mummy, you need to rinse your teeth and gums several times a day, but not less than 4-5 times. After rinsing, the liquid must be swallowed. It is useful to regularly conduct courses of such procedures for everyone who has a weak tooth enamel and bleeding gums.
  5. Wounds, ulcers, burns, other soft tissue injuries. They are washed with a weak solution of mummy, then a compress with a solution or ointment is regularly applied. The drug should be applied to the damaged area in an even layer and wrapped with a clean, dry cloth or bandage, changed 1-2 times a day. Shilajit helps relieve inflammation, disinfects and accelerates skin recovery.
  6. Skin diseases. Eczema is wiped with an aqueous solution of mummy, courses of 25 days with 10-day breaks. At the same time, the mummy is taken orally, on an empty stomach, mixed with sea buckthorn tincture. At acne it is useful in the morning and evening to wipe the skin with an aqueous or very weak alcohol solution of mummy instead of lotion before applying the cream.
  7. Fractures of bones, diseases of the joints and cartilage. Fractures and cracks of flat and tubular bones grow together faster when taking preparations based on mumiyo. They can be replaced with an ordinary aqueous solution (half a glass three times a day on an empty stomach) or by adding mummy powder to food and drinks. Compared to conventional rehabilitation, such an enrichment of the diet contributes to the subsidence of edema, the rapid disappearance of hematomas and the growth of new tissue.
  8. Liver diseases. They are treated with water and honey (in water, along with mummy powder, it is diluted Bee Honey) solution. Within 10 days you need to drink a glass of this drink at room temperature on an empty stomach, then take a break for a week and repeat the course three more times. The same drink is good hepatoprotector for those who abuse alcohol or have suffered chemical poisoning.
  9. Diseases of the urinary tract. Gynecological diseases are treated with compresses from an aqueous solution of mummy at night. At the same time, a course of oral administration of mummy, dissolved in milk or with honey, is carried out after waking up and before going to bed. To enhance sexual function, men are prescribed mummy powder with yolks of chicken and quail eggs.
  10. Hearing problems, otitis. An aqueous solution of mummy is instilled into a sore ear until it disappears. pain. At night, soak a cotton swab with a mummy solution in water and put it in a sore ear.
  11. Diseases of the veins and blood vessels. They are treated with preparations with mummy both outside and inside. Outwardly, compresses and applications with mumiyo solution and ointment are applied, and the diet is replenished with mumiyo powder and / or on an empty stomach, 1 tablet several times a day.
  12. Allergies. Mummy enhances the effect antihistamines, and sometimes even cope with the manifestations of allergies faster than them. In order to alleviate the condition, taking mummy powder on an empty stomach in water or juice should be started a couple of weeks before the onset of an exacerbation. Even after mitigation of symptoms, Shilajit should be continued throughout the season.
  13. Disorders of the nervous system. Long-term use mummy powder with honey or milk at least twice a day relieves the condition even with epilepsy and neuroses.
  14. Diabetes. It is possible to reduce the doses of sugar-lowering drugs if you drink mummy, dissolved in the form of a powder in a decoction of blueberry leaves.
This is far from full list diseases in which the use of mummy has a more or less pronounced therapeutic effect. Healthy people it does not hurt to take mummy in courses of 10-14 days with equal breaks throughout the year to strengthen the body, in preventive purposes. When losing weight, mummy ointment is often used to protect the skin from stretch marks. Regular intake of even small portions of mummy has a good effect on the condition of hair and nails, sharpens vision and reaction speed. In other words, the mummy in tablets should be in every home first aid kit as a universal and affordable tool for different cases life.

Mumiyo is very complex in its own way. chemical composition and the structure of a substance that is mined only in some mountainous regions of the earth. In ancient Eastern literature, there are a lot of references to effective medicinal properties mumiyo. About seventy treatises and medical books contain a huge number of references to the widespread use of mumiyo by ancient doctors as a means of enhancing regenerative processes in various tissues of the body, an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, tonic drug. Mumiyo is very effective in the treatment of a number of diseases. Recipes for the treatment of diseases with the help of mummy:

Diseases of the digestive system. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take mummy inside on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. The course of treatment is 25-28 days. If the disease is started, the course of treatment should be repeated after 10 days. Required amount mummy for a single dose - 0.2-0.5 g, depending on body weight: up to 70 kg - 0.2 g, up to 80 kg - 0.3 g, up to 90 kg - 0.3-0.4 g, more than 90 kg - 0.4-0.5 g. It is desirable to breed the mummy in milk - 1:20 or water (you can add honey to taste), juices (grape and cucumber), water infusions herbs (parsley, blueberries, cumin), as well as in.During treatment, it is very important to follow a diet and moderation in food. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Heartburn, nausea, belching. Take the mummy inside 0.2 g in the morning and evening before bedtime. Dilute in a tablespoon of boiled water, tea, milk or honey. The course of treatment is 20-25 days. Improvement usually occurs on the 10-15th day.

Diseases of the urinary organs. For diseases of the bladder and ureters, take 0.2 g of mumiyo 3 times a day with warm milk, and at night do douching with a solution of 1 g of mummy per 100 ml of warm water. The course of treatment will require 15 g of mummy. In case of liver and kidney disease, dissolve 3 g of mummy in 3 liters of boiled water. Take 20 ml of solution 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink sugar beet juice. After 10 days of admission, a 3-day break should be taken. The course of treatment will require 15 g of mummy.

Cystitis. In glass hot water dilute 2-3 g of mummy and douche. This procedure relieves pain and cramps within 10 minutes.

Stones in the gallbladder Dissolve 1 g of mummy in 1 liter of water. Drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals, 200 g of solution. After 10 days, take a 5-day break. The course of treatment will require 12 g of mummy.

Bronchial asthma, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Take 0.2-0.3 g of mummy with milk or with cow fat and honey inside on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. The proportion is 1:20. Lubricate the inflamed area at night with the same composition.

Gargle with sore throat. The course of treatment is 25-28 days.
If necessary, it can be repeated 2-3 times with breaks of 10 days.

Inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis. During the first 5-6 days, take mummy inside 0.2 g with milk or honey in a ratio of 1:20 3-4 times a day. In the future, reduce the intake to 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

Infertility in men and women, decreased sexual function. Take orally 1-2 times a day in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, 0.2-0.3 g of mummy with juice of carrots, sea buckthorn, in a ratio of 1:20. The course of treatment is 25-28 days.
Sometimes the desired result is achieved by taking mummy with egg yolks. Strengthening of sexual function is noticeably felt on the 6-7th day.

Thrombophlebitis. Take mumiyo inside 0.25-0.3 g with honey or milk in a ratio of 1:20 twice a day. The course of treatment is 20-25 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 10 days. In the treatment of this disease with the help of mummy, puffiness and pain, increases the number of red blood cells, increases the level of hemoglobin.

Purulent-inflammatory wounds, burns. Lubricate the affected areas with 10% or 2-3% mummy solution or ointment prepared from it.

Inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss. Bury 3-4 drops of mummy, dissolved in camphor oil in a ratio of 1:10, in the morning and evening before going to bed. At the same time, take orally 0.2-0.3 g of mummy with milk - this enhances the outflow of pus, relieves inflammation.

Headache, dizziness, facial paralysis, epilepsy. Take orally 0.2-0.3 g of mummy with milk or honey in a ratio of 1:20 in the morning and evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 25 days. With advanced disease, the course can be repeated after 10 days. Or: mix 0.07 g of mummy with marjoram herb juice or decoction and take instead of drinking.

Hypertension. At night, drink 0.15-0.2 g of mummy in solution. After 10 days, take a 5-day break. After taking 6 g of mummy, take a break for a month. To normalize the pressure will require 2-3 courses of treatment.

Radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia. Rub for 5-6 minutes 8-10% (preferably alcohol) mummy solution into painful areas. The course of treatment is 20 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10 days. Feeling pain, itching and others painful symptoms go faster with simultaneous reception mummy inside 0.2 g with milk or honey in a ratio of 1:20 and light massage painful areas of the body.

Periodontitis. Take orally 0.2 g of mummy with milk, honey or in a ratio of 1:20 1-2 times a day. Reception is required before bed. At the same time, apply a 5% mummy solution. The course of treatment is 25 days. Or: rinse your mouth in the morning and at night with a solution of 2.5 g of mummy in 100 ml of water. After the procedure, the solution can be swallowed.

Eczema of the limbs. Before going to bed, soar the affected limbs in a 5-6% mummy solution for 30-35 minutes. At the same time, take orally 0.2 g of mummy with sea buckthorn or currant juice 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 25 days. If necessary, repeat it after 10 days. Instead of steaming, you can massage and rub the affected areas with a mummy solution in sea ​​buckthorn juice or alcohol.

Hair loss. With hair loss, a 1% solution of mummy in an infusion of burdock and mint helps. To prepare it, you need to mix burdock roots and mint in equal amounts.
Brew 1 tablespoon of this mixture in a glass of boiling water as a tea. Then dissolve 1 g of mummy in 100 ml of this decoction. Rub the resulting solution into the scalp once a day.

Allergy. Shilajit is one of the most effective treatments for allergies. To do this, 1 g of mummy is diluted in 1 liter of warm water. good mummy dissolves instantly without clouding the water. Take 1 time per day in the morning: children from 1 to 3 years old - 50 ml each, from 4 to 7 years old - 70 ml each, 8 years and older - 100 ml each. If the allergy is very strong, you need to repeat the intake of the mummy during the day, but reduce the dose by half. For eczema, lubricate the rash more concentrated solution- 1 g of mummy per 100 ml of water. The action of the mummy is usually very strong: even swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat disappears in the very first days of treatment.
But one cannot be satisfied with these quick results. It is necessary to conduct at least a 20-day course of treatment. If you take 100 ml of solution per day at the rate of 1 g of mummy per 1 liter of water, then 1 g of mummy is enough for 10 days.

It must be borne in mind that all the described recipes will give a result only if you get a real and high-quality mumijo in your hands. A genuine "all-healing balm" is a black, shiny, resinous substance with a specific smell. If mumiyo good quality, then it quickly softens in the hands, impure or poor-quality remains solid at body temperature. However, it is better not to take risks at all and not buy mummy from hand or on the market. Currently, the drug can be purchased at pharmacies, though not in all.

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