Jaundice is another name. Jaundice use in folk medicine. Collection and preparation of jaundice

Walking through a field or forest edge, we usually look at the surrounding flora with interest. In the process of such contemplation, the usual logic turns on: "this plant is useful, but that one is a weed." The latter often include mass, but not too familiar species, among which, in fact, there are truly healing ones. One such herb is jaundice, which deserves a closer look.

plant description

Jaundice is the name of a genus of herbaceous plants from the Cabbage family, growing almost everywhere. It includes 261 species of one- or two-year-old herbs with whole narrow leaves and small yellow (rarely red) flowers.

In our latitudes, you can meet representatives of 70 species, but most often come across gray and left-handed.

A two-year-old gray (aka spreading) jaundice puts out a basal leaf rosette in the first season. In the second year, several green-gray stems with small branches break through. During this period, the height reaches 30-90 cm. The leaves, oblong and rough to the touch, grow in the next order.

Important! Many types of jaundice are very similar to gray and levkoy, so that only an experienced herbalist can distinguish between them. If there are no such skills, it is better to refrain from self-collection.

Flowering occurs in May-June, when small yellow-lemon flowers with four petals are visible on the carpal inflorescences. After flowering, fruiting occurs: tetrahedral pods (up to 7 cm each) with achenes appear. In early autumn, the pod bursts and the seeds fly out.

Levkoy view with annual life cycle has large sizes- stems can grow up to 1.2 m in height. The leaves are oblong (3-6 cm) and narrow (4-5 mm), with pointed edges.

From May to September, bright yellow flowers with 4 lobes appear on oblique pedicels. The fruiting pattern is the same, but the pods are larger (maximum 8.5 cm).
More common is levkoy jaundice - in a temperate climate, it grows on the edges, along dwellings and roads, near water bodies and in fields. The gray line has approximately the same range.

AT agriculture jaundice is considered a weed, but the two species are often used as medicinal plants. Working with them requires a fair amount of caution: the grass is poisonous.


AT medicinal purposes all ground parts of the plant are used, but flowers are considered the most effective, stems are slightly less effective. For harvesting, only left-handed and gray varieties of herbs are taken.

Did you know? Jaundice, core, heart herb - it's all folk names jaundice.

The best time to collect is May-July(in regions with a more severe climate, it is quite possible to hold it in early July). It is important to catch the moment when the flowers have barely begun to bloom (during the maximum flowering, some of the useful properties are lost). That is, the most useful part jaundice is collected only once a year.
The collection and processing algorithm itself looks like this:

  1. Work is carried out on a fine sunny day. After making sure that the dew has gone, put on gloves and take a knife or sharp scissors.
  2. The ground part is cut off 10-15 cm from the ground (the lower processes are left in place).
  3. The resulting collection is immediately sorted out, removing darkened or broken fragments.
  4. Plants are finely chopped and immediately placed in the attic (a slightly shaded place on the street on a hot day is also suitable). In this case, the grass is laid in one layer, on pre-spread thick paper or cardboard.
  5. For uniform drying, all stocks are stirred every day or two. Need to be supported and quite high temperature(40-45°C).
  6. After 7-10 days, the workpiece will reach the desired condition. Readiness is determined very simply: if you take and strongly squeeze the “cut” in the palm of your hand, it will easily crumble with a distinctly audible crunch.

Important! For medicinal purposes, herbs collected away from busy roads or polluted reservoirs are best suited. The optimal location is the edge of a remote forest area or a field that has not previously been “overfed” with pesticides.

Then it remains to place the material in closed paper bags or carton boxes. They should be stored in a dark, dry and ventilated place. Under such conditions, the collection will retain its valuable qualities throughout the year.


green mass and jaundice seeds contain many useful compounds. The main ones are:

  • glycosides of the cardiac group - ericordin, erizimin and another two dozen substances similar to them (most of them are in the flower and seeds (up to 6% total weight), while in the leaves it is already four times less - 1.5%; in stems, the share is reduced to 0.5-0.7%);
  • flavonoids (scolimosin, rutide, etc.);
  • tannins;
  • glucose;
  • bitterness;
  • organic acids - citric, malic and ascorbic;
  • essential oil present in the seeds (1%);
  • they also contain about 27-42% of fatty oils, in the structure of which linolenic and erucic, oleic and palmitic acids necessary for the body are indicated.
The ground part is saturated with various minerals in the form of:
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • gland;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • Selena.

Did you know? most tall grass in the world it is considered equal (a species related to bananas). 10-15 m in height is the norm for these plants.

As you can see, the grass, taken by many for a weed, is rich in the most useful substances. Thanks to this, jaundice exhibits enviable healing qualities.

Beneficial features

AT folk medicine and "official" pharmacology, the plant is valued for a whole range of medicinal properties, namely:

  1. Anti-inflammatory action. Biologically active ingredients jaundice, penetrating into the cell layer, affect inflammation, neutralizing its focus.
  2. Antiseptic effect (strengthens cell membranes, thereby protecting them from the action of viruses and bacteria).
  3. Acceleration of wound healing, including deep ones, as well as with background processes decay. The skin recovers faster (this is the merit of flavonoids), while the deep tissues of the dermis are being healed.
  4. Help in strengthening the bone apparatus and ligaments.
  5. Normalization of the heart (myocardial support, regulation of the ventricles, a decrease in atrioventricular conduction).
  6. The ability to eliminate the symptoms of arrhythmia and tachycardia.
  7. Cleansing of blood vessels, which helps to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis and cardiovascular insufficiencyІІ-ІІІ degrees (both in acute and chronic form).
  8. Soft but effective regulation blood pressure. The same applies to blood sugar levels.
  9. Urine and choleretic effect. Flavonoids and natural lipids, after passing through the liver, relieve swelling.
  10. Calming effect. When used nervous system unloads - the syndrome goes away chronic fatigue, the effects of stress are mitigated. In addition, normal sleep returns.
  11. Jaundice is also known as a strong expectorant used to treat diseases. respiratory tract passing on the background copious excretion mucus.
  12. Those who suffer from attacks of shortness of breath or severe headaches will also appreciate the strength of this plant.

Important! In the case of atherosclerosis, jaundice can be used strictly for prevention (and then only with the approval of a doctor), but not as a medicinal material.

The list is impressive, and after reading its points, many are interested in how to realize this potential by resorting to simple means based on jaundice.


The most popular compositions in folk medicine are various tinctures and decoctions.

Let's start with vodka tincture. It helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma and rheumatism. But the main specialization is the removal of symptoms of diseases of the heart and blood vessels: angina pectoris, ischemia, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. This also includes arrhythmia and hypertension.

Such extensive use is due to the action of numerous glycosides that work mainly with the heart and circulatory system. These substances somewhat slow down heartbeat, reduce pressure, increase the volume of coronary blood flow. Alcohol in this case only enhances the circulation of such useful elements.
The most versatile recipe looks like this:

  1. First, 6 tbsp. l. dry fine raw materials are poured 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. Then the container under the lid is infused for 2 weeks, not forgetting to shake it periodically.
  3. Reception is reduced to the use of 20-30 drops, diluted in 200 ml pure water. Drink it three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Did you know? Jaundice is a good honey plant, and the oil obtained from seeds is suitable for the production of drying oil.

The entire course of treatment takes up to 3 months. If there is a need to continue it, a break of 1 month is required.

Strong action distinguishes and otvarzheltushnik. How internal remedy it is used for hypertension, arrhythmias, and other heart conditions that may require emergency relief of symptoms. With such a development of events, these blanks normalize pressure, slow down to acceptable performance heartbeat and maintain the tone of the heart muscle.

As an external composition, a decoction is used to work with problem areas of the skin, abscesses or wounds, and even with breast cancer.
getting ready effective mixture in the following way:

  1. One teaspoon chopped stalk (a better than leaves) pour 300 g of boiling water.
  2. After that, the liquid is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  3. The composition removed from the fire is filtered, and instead of the descended water, boiled water is added (to the original composition).
Dose for internal single reception - 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 approaches per day. When used externally, it is used as a base for compresses or rubbing.

Contraindications and harm

Like any medicinal plant, jaundice requires extreme care when using it. In addition, it is poisonous, so there is a need for a preliminary medical consultation (self-medication is excluded).

Grass jaundice gray is a biennial plant that is widely used in folk medicine to get rid of many diseases. There are about two hundred species of jaundice, but only the following species are of benefit: sprawling and levkoy.

They have a lot of medicinal and beneficial properties. Not the whole plant is used in the treatment, but only the seeds, leaves, stem and flower.

Useful jaundice can be taken in the form of tincture, infusion, tea, decoction and medicinal herbal collection. And in what areas it can be used, how it looks and what medicines it includes, you will learn further.

Gray jaundice: description

In the people, the plant is called the core or saved - grass. It is used as a cure for heart disease vascular diseases, hence the name. As already mentioned above, in traditional and folk medicine, only two types of yellow flower are used.

Spreading and left-handed jaundice are very similar in appearance and have almost the same effect on the human body. Both plants have medicinal properties and are used to treat diseases related to the heart.

In addition, the levcoin core is part of cough preparations. And the sprawling or gray jaundice, unlike the levkoy, has a gray color and a shorter stem.

Scope of gray core grass: except that this cardiac drug used when various diseases, it is used in other areas. In everyday life - as food for livestock. AT landscape design- as an ornamental plant. Included in many perfumes and herbal teas for weight loss.

Health benefits of jaundice

medicinal jaundice gray is used as a therapeutic component not only to get rid of heart disease, but also to improve well-being and cheer up.

Medicinal properties Plants are of great benefit. Pharmacognosy notes the following health effects:

  • Tincture and decoction can improve sleep, make it stronger and healthier.
  • A person who takes infusions and soothing teas, gets rid of forever coronary disease hearts.
  • Improves the action of the cardiovascular system.
  • The mood rises, depression suffers less, and the nervous system returns to normal.
  • The heart muscle begins to function better.

Before using any preparations from this plant, you should pay special attention to contraindications. Despite all the medical and beneficial features this herb, it can be harmful to health, because. is, in fact, poisonous plant.

  • Contraindicated in people with diseases of atherosclerosis, cardiotonic disease and acute myocardium.
  • Pregnant women and children are prohibited from taking jaundice, as well as women during breastfeeding.
  • allergic reactions organism.
  • Individual intolerance

The plant brings great benefit in the treatment and prevention of angina pectoris, hypertension and high pressure. In this case, it is necessary to make juice from the part of the plant that grows above the ground. Decoctions will perfectly cure diseases of dropsy and arrhythmias.

Core seeds are often used to heal wounds, and the herbal collection is recommended to drink when inflammatory processes in the body. For the treatment of insomnia, it is recommended to prepare and brew tea from it. It can also be used for bronchitis and diseases of the pancreas.

Application of the herb jaundice

Herb jaundice gray is used to treat diseases:

  • Tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic migraines.
  • As a strong cardiotonic and diuretic drug.
  • There is an antispasmodic effect in the expansion of blood vessels peripheral vessels.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Varicose veins in the legs.
  • Renal and liver failure.
  • Heart defects.
  • neuroses.
  • Dyspnea.

This plant has such great benefit on the body and is used to treat many diseases due to high content in parts of the plant cardiac glycosides, namely eryzimine, sinigrin and ascorbic acid.

Jaundice tincture for the heart

People who have had a heart attack and stroke are advised to prepare a traditional infusion. For this, 0.5 tsp. dry grass is poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours. After the time has elapsed, filter and take three times a day. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease: 1 tbsp. or 1 tsp.

The effect of this recipe appears almost immediately - after several applications.

Tincture for arrhythmia

Tincture for the treatment of arrhythmia:

  • Altai jaundice - 0.5 tsp
  • A glass of boiling water

Mix the composition and insist for about two hours, filter. Application: three times a day, 1 spoon. The tincture is useful for the vessels of the brain.

For the treatment of cerebral vessels

Description of the use and preparation of tincture for the treatment of cerebral vessels.

It will take 100 grams of the core, which are filled with 100 grams of vodka. Vascular drug clean to infuse in a dark and dry place for two weeks. Periodically it is required to shake the tincture. The hypotensive solution also has a diuretic effect.

How to take: 30 minutes before meals, 20-25 drops diluted in water. Take every day one time.

Decoction of jaundice in oncology

The decoction copes well with a disease such as breast cancer, is taken in a ratio of 1 to 20 orally three times a day, 1 tbsp. It helps to remove a purulent tumor, it can be used externally in rubbing and for baths.

Recipe for kvass with jaundice after a heart attack

Cooking instruction - kvass "according to Bolotov" - has the following composition:

  • 1 tsp sour cream
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 3000 ml boiling water
  • 50 g spas - herbs
  • 20 grams of wormwood

Mix all the ingredients and leave to infuse in a dark, dry place for 3 weeks.

After that, kvass is taken orally 150 ml on an empty stomach. Kvass will have medicinal properties, and be a good remedy with angina, heart attack, or heart failure.

Healing properties of jaundice for weight loss

It is used not only to get rid of extra pounds, it also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, lowers blood sugar levels, is used to lower cholesterol, normalize the function of the liver and pancreas.

The healing properties provided during weight loss will not work if you do not give up alcohol-containing drinks and fatty foods for the period of treatment.

Use grass powder on the tip of a knife three times a day before meals for 25-30 minutes. Use for two months with breaks of 10-15 days.

Core assembled only positive reviews among those women who took it for weight loss. Patients describe improvement general well-being, the acquisition of a healthier complexion and blush, decreased appetite. Reviews indicate that the tool really works effectively and helps to reset excess weight in just a couple of months. Relying on the reviews, you need to not only take the herb, but also drink plenty of water, do physical exercises and visit more often fresh air.

Jaundice: planting and care

It will not be difficult to grow a plant - the plant is unpretentious, loves soils with humus and humus. special care not required: planting grass at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Water generously after. You can pre-fertilize the soil with humus (harvesting in the form of compost). Growing requires weeding.

Watering the plant does not require much, unless during the drought period - in the spring. Important Rule: to grow jaundice healthy, you need to make mineral fertilizers right before flowering. For medicinal purposes, a vasodilating core is harvested precisely during the flowering period. The aerial part of the plant is carefully cut off, dried in a dark place, after which it is stored for no more than a year in bags made of natural fabrics.

Botanical characteristics of gray jaundice

Gray jaundice is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the cruciferous family. The grass in the first year gives a basal rosette of oblong leaves. The second year of life of the jaundice is marked by the appearance of several stems with branches, the height of the plant during this period reaches 30–80 cm. Regular, linear-oblong leaves grow on the branches. The flowers bloom from May to June, they are small, yellow color collected in inflorescence - brush. Seeds are located in the fruit - a pod, its length is 4-7 centimeters.

Gray jaundice - resident wildlife, he chooses the forest-steppe and steppe of the European part of Russia, he can be found in the Crimea, in the north of the Caucasus, in Central Asia. This plant is specially grown in Ukraine and the Krasnodar Territory. You can harvest gray jaundice during flowering.

Useful properties of jaundice

In all parts of the plant, cardiac glycosides (eryzimin, eryzimoside) have been found to have a calming effect. The seeds of jaundice contain fatty oil, which contains oleic, erucic, palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acids.

The herb has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing characteristics. It is called a heart herb, hypotensive, diuretic and expectorant properties of the plant are noted.

The use of jaundice

Jaundice gray is used to normalize work of cardio-vascular system. The herb improves the function of the neuromuscular apparatus of the heart, affects recovery normal state internal organs. Means based on jaundice differ in great biological activity, effective action in inflammatory and traumatic processes on the skin and organs.

With lesions skin the use of herbs improves cell nutrition, softens dry skin. Under the action of glucosides, edema decreases due to diuretic properties. Best result from the action of gray jaundice is noted in circulatory disorders.

Decoctions and tinctures of jaundice are useful for heart defects, and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis can also be treated with these drugs. Also, after the use of preparations based on jaundice, there is an improvement functional state cardiovascular system, the rate of blood circulation and the state of the myocardium of the vessels are normalized.

A decoction of jaundice: you should take 2 teaspoons of raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Infusion of jaundice: it will require 0.5 teaspoon of gray jaundice and 1 cup of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 2 hours, take after straining 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, store in the cold. The course without a break is 2 months. Effective infusion for liver failure.

Recipe for kvass with jaundice: take 50 grams of dry jaundice herb, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 1 glass of sugar, 3 liters of cooled boiled water. Mix all the ingredients and leave to ferment for two weeks at room temperature. All this time the mixture must be stirred. You need to take half a glass of kvass half an hour before meals three times a day. Taking half a glass of liquid from the container, add the same amount of boiled water and one teaspoon of sugar.

Additionally, the well-known academician B.V. Bolotov recommends taking 0.1 g of dry jaundice herb powder to stimulate the pancreas. The insulin produced provides the heart nutrients with, renal or cardiac, infarction and.

Jaundice left-shaped

It is known that left jaundice accumulates maximum amount glycosides during active flowering, so this time is suitable for collecting medicinal raw materials. Unique properties plants have been around for a long time. If you urgently need help with heart problems, then an infusion or decoction of seeds and leaves is a lifesaver. After taking these natural drugs, the pulse evens out, the heart rhythm normalizes. Useful zheltushnik left-shaped for patients diabetes. The plant contributes to the sufficient production of insulin. Recommended external use of products based on this type of jaundice for the treatment of breast cancer in women or purulent tumors.

Tincture of left jaundice: 30 g of grass, 20 g of propolis, zest of 1 lemon must be poured with 500 ml of 40-degree alcohol and insisted for 2 weeks. Every day before going to bed, light rubbing of the legs with veins should be made, compresses can be made by applying a bandage for 1.5 hours.

Contraindications to the use of jaundice

We must not forget that jaundice is a poisonous plant. It can cause a negative effect on the heart with severe cardiosclerosis, endocarditis. Contraindications are: acute, enlargement of the left ventricle and changes in the vessels of the retina of the fundus.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Jaundice gray, popularly referred to as the core, is a perennial herbaceous plant, growing mainly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. On the territory of Russia, gray jaundice grows in Siberia and Altai. Cultivated in central Russia, as well as in China and Thailand. This plant can be found near arable land, at the edge of a pine forest, along highways and railway tracks. It is not recommended to collect jaundice, which grows directly near the roadside, as the plant is very zealous in absorbing traffic fumes and other harmful fumes.

Gray jaundice is a plant of medium height (about 100-120 cm), with oblong linear leaves, fragrant yellow flowers, which are collected in small racemose inflorescences. This is one of the representatives of the species of icterus, with more than 200 names. It owes its name to the many short hairs gray color enveloping the stem and branches extending from it. Is annual plant, blooms in late spring. The fruits of gray jaundice are black-yellow seeds that ripen by the end of July.

Procurement and storage

Jaundice is harvested in early June, during the flowering period. Harvested as common grass: the ground part of the plant is cut off, grouped into small bundles and sent to the attic to dry. To speed up the drying process, you can lay it out on the street, but in the shade. During the preparation of medicines, the stalks of jaundice are dried in ovens at a temperature of 40-45 degrees.

You need to collect the grass in the morning, when it has already dried. It is very important that the grass is not wet during harvesting. After several weeks of drying, the grass must be crushed, removing impurities and thick parts of the stem before that. Raw materials are stored in canvas bags or vessels in which there is free air access. The resulting powder should be used within a year, and best of all in the very next winter after harvest, since it is after six months that gray jaundice is most active.

Application in everyday life

Like many other field herbs, jaundice is included in pet food. Growing as ornamental plant on some dacha participants. Its seeds are used in the perfume industry in the East. Housewives use this remedy for weight loss. The fact is that the composition of the herb contains bitterness, which, entering the body, lowers blood sugar levels and helps to dull the feeling of hunger.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. Only two types of jaundice have medicinal properties: gray and left-handed. Gray has long been used in traditional medicine. It can affect engine performance. human body, slowing down the heartbeat, aligning the pulse and normalizing cardiac activity. Main active ingredients in the composition of gray jaundice are eromzin and erocordin - both belong to glycosides.
  2. The juice from the ground part of the plant is part of cardiovalen. This medical preparation widely used in the treatment and prevention of angina pectoris, rheumatic heart muscle defects, as well as hypertension and high blood pressure.
  3. Herbal decoctions contribute to the treatment of dropsy, acute heart failure, arrhythmias and hypertension.
  4. Jaundice seed powder tea is used in the treatment of insomnia, bronchitis and kidney failure.
  5. Strong and concentrated tinctures on this herb enhance coronary circulation, contribute to the treatment of angina pectoris, lowering blood pressure.
  6. Jaundice powders, added to food, stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas, break down sugar and fats.
  7. Compresses and rubbing with tincture of this plant help treat dry skin.
  8. Seeds are used as a healing agent for difficult-to-heal wounds, scurvy, and dystrophy. lower extremities.
  9. Preparations, which include jaundice, are biologically active, and are effective in the treatment of inflammatory and traumatic processes in the body.
  10. Application in traditional medicine

    Weakly concentrated infusion for the treatment of bronchitis and insomnia

    One tablespoon of chopped jaundice herb is poured with two glasses of boiling water, after which it is infused for a couple of hours. After the time has elapsed, the infusion is filtered, a couple of drops are added. citric acid and put in the refrigerator. Take the infusion for two months, three times a day, one tablespoon. The time of admission does not matter, the main thing is that the interval between doses is equal.

    Tincture for the treatment of malformations of the cardiovascular system and stimulation of the pancreas

    About 100 grams of jaundice is poured with half a liter of vodka, and placed in a dimly lit, but well-ventilated room. It is infused for 2 weeks, while it must be shaken. Take daily, half an hour before meals, diluting twenty drops of decoction in a glass of water or juice.

    Collection of yellow jaundice, yarrow and red clover for the treatment of diabetes

    One tablespoon of jaundice and yarrow is taken, 2 tablespoons of red clover are added, and everything is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water. You need to insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Drink a decoction for 3 days, for 4-5 approaches, one glass each.

    Kvass Bolotova with heart failure, angina pectoris and heart attack

    1 tsp of sour cream and one glass of sugar are diluted in 3 liters of boiled water. 50 grams of jaundice and 20 grams of wormwood are also added here. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and left in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. Kvass is consumed in 150 ml half an hour before meals.

    Alcohol tincture of gray jaundice for the treatment of varicose veins, dystrophy of the lower extremities and rheumatism

    30 grams of dry jaundice herb, 20 grams of crushed propolis and half a lemon peel are poured with 0.5 liters of pure medical alcohol. It is infused for two weeks, after which it is used for rubbing or compresses. Can be taken orally, diluting 20-30 drops in a cup of tea, compote, juice.

    Decoction to normalize blood circulation

    From jaundice, you can prepare a remedy that will help normalize work circulatory system after myocardial infarction. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tsp. crushed raw materials and 300 grams of water. Boil on a weak window, for 10-15 minutes. After the broth boils, the resulting mixture is filtered, adding 100 grams of sugar syrup or 1 tablespoon of honey.


  • Jaundice contains a strong poison that acts primarily on the heart muscles. It is not recommended to use preparations containing jaundice extract in its composition for people suffering from acute myocardium and endocardium, cardio - and atherosclerosis.
  • Preparing tinctures, decoctions and compresses is best under the supervision of a professional herbalist or a qualified doctor.
  • Gray jaundice is forbidden to be used by pregnant women or women during breastfeeding.
  • In case of an overdose, it is necessary to urgently flush the body strong coffee or tea, and also contact ambulance, which, most likely, will prescribe a complex enema.

Jaundice is a well-known plant in folk medicine. Due to its healing properties, it is also called the core, heart armor. Even in official medicine plant recognized effective tool to fight heart failure. The herb is part of the popular drug Cardiovalen.

But this is only one of its properties. In fact, the list of indications for the use of this plant is quite large. Prepared on the basis of jaundice healing decoctions, alcohol and water tinctures.

  • Show all


    Jaundice is found in places with sandy, clay and stony soil. It can be found near rivers, on forest edges. The culture is found in the central and Eastern Europe, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia.

    The plant belongs to the cruciferous family. More than 230 species of this culture are known, but gray and levkoy icterus are actively used in medicine (pictured below).

      gray jaundice

      The first refers to biennial, and the second to annual crops.

      Levkoy jaundice

      Botanical description of the plant:

      • The root system of the grass is voluminous and branched.
      • stalk at gray jaundice of the corresponding shade, but in the left-hand one, all parts are saturated green.
      • The leaves are oblong and slightly hairy. They are up to 6 cm long and up to 5 mm wide.
      • Small flowers are collected in brushes. Usually they are a rich yellow hue. Flowering begins in May.
      • The fruits are formed from the beginning of summer until August. They are cylindrical pods. The surface is pubescent, light shade. Seeds are small, brownish-yellow.
      • The height of the gray jaundice is up to 90 cm, and the height of the levkoy is up to 60 cm.

      Procurement of raw materials

      Ready-made raw materials are purchased in pharmacies. You can also assemble it yourself. This is usually done in May, before the flowering period, since the concentration of beneficial properties will decrease in the future. The ground part must be cut off, and the lower part must not be touched. The collection should be done in daytime when the dew is completely dry.

      It is necessary to dry the raw materials immediately, spreading out thin layer on a horizontal surface and periodically turning over so that the grass does not become damp. This is best done in the attic or outside in the shade. You can also hang the collected plants in bunches.

      The resulting dry raw materials should be distributed in paper bags and stored in a dark, well-ventilated place for no more than a year.

      Composition and benefits

      The benefits of jaundice for the human body are due to unique composition herbs. It contains the following active chemical compounds:


      Effect on the body


      13 glycosides were found in jaundice, but the most valuable are ericordin and erizimin. They deal with heart disease. These substances eliminate tachycardia, improve blood flow, normalize the rhythm of the heart, conduction nerve impulses to tissues. In addition, they have a diuretic property, so the herb is used for hypertension to combat edema.


      They are considered natural antioxidants. Have a cardioprotective effect, relieve spasms smooth muscle improve blood flow. Have a weak diuretic and choleretic properties, improve digestion

      fatty acids

      Participate in lipid metabolism, form cell membranes, have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system

      Organic type acids

      Jaundice contains apple, lemon, ascorbic acid. They influence metabolic processes, stop inflammation, have an antioxidant effect, stimulate internal secretion

      bitter substances

      Improve appetite, increase the level of acidity in the stomach, have choleretic action prevent putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines

      Is a source of energy for the whole body

      Medicinal properties

      Jaundice is famous for its numerous medicinal properties:

      • strengthens capillaries;
      • improves heart function, protects its tissues (not only muscle, but also blood vessels, nerve fibers);
      • expands the coronary vessels;
      • improves blood flow, the rhythm of the heart;
      • lowers blood pressure;
      • removes spasms;
      • has a diuretic effect;
      • has a choleretic effect;
      • has sedative properties;
      • is a natural antioxidant;
      • stops inflammatory processes;
      • stops bleeding;
      • strengthens and stimulates the immune system;
      • normalizes metabolic processes;
      • cleanses the body of toxins, excess cholesterol, toxins and other harmful substances;
      • has a general strengthening and supportive action.

      Due to such beneficial properties, jaundice is used for such diseases and conditions:

      • dropsy;
      • tuberculosis;
      • shortness of breath, bronchial asthma;
      • hyperthyroidism;
      • rheumatism, gout, arthritis;
      • diabetes;
      • migraine;
      • neurosis, insomnia, depression, mental disorders;
      • hypertension;
      • ischemia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocarditis, heart failure in acute and chronic form;
      • varicose veins, decreased vascular tone, capillary fragility;
      • cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, decreased tone Bladder, urolithiasis disease.

      Folk remedies based on jaundice

      Medicinal plant can be used at home for the preparation of various medicinal products.

      Often used such recipes:




      To normalize blood flow (usually such a medicine is prescribed after a heart attack to improve the functioning of the circulatory system)

      1. 1. Take 15 g of dried and ground part of the grass.
      2. 2. Pour raw materials with 200 ml of water and cook for 15 minutes.
      3. 3. Strain

      Drink a quarter cup a day. It is allowed to add 1 tsp. honey

      At varicose veins veins and rheumatism

      1. 1. Take 13 g of dry grass and mix with the same amount of grated propolis.
      2. 2. Add the zest of half a lemon.
      3. 3. Pour raw materials with 500 ml of medical alcohol.
      4. 4. Keep for 2 weeks in a closed glass container, which must be shaken periodically.
      5. 5. Filter composition

      For oral administration, dissolve 20 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water. Drink once a day. Also, tincture can be used for rubbing and compresses.

      From heart failure, angina pectoris and heart attack

      1. 1. Mix 3 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a glass of sour cream.
      2. 2. Add 50 g of jaundice and 20 g of wormwood to the composition.
      3. 3. Mix everything and put the container with the contents in a warm place for 3 weeks

      Take 100 ml twice a day

      From diabetes

      1. 1. Mix jaundice, red clover and yarrow (take all components 10 g each).
      2. 2. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water.
      3. 3. Insist 3 days in a warm room.
      4. 3. Strain

      Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day

      To normalize the work of the pancreas

      1. 1. Take 100 g of raw materials for 500 ml of vodka.
      2. 2. Infuse for half a month.
      3. 3. Take 20 drops, dissolving in 100 ml of water

      Take 20 drops, dissolving in 100 ml of water

      All these drugs are useful for the body, but before using them, you should definitely consult a doctor.

      Benefits for weight loss

      The herb helps with weight loss. To do this, take 0.1 g of dried plant powder daily three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The indicated dose is placed on the tongue and swallowed with a small sip of water. Duration of admission - 2 months, then a break - 15 days, after which the course is allowed to be repeated.

      Thanks to jaundice, you can get rid of up to 4 extra pounds within a month. This is due to the fact that chemical substances as part of the plant, metabolic processes and digestion have a beneficial effect. The herb prevents the rise in blood sugar, so that the feeling of hunger does not appear.

      Fatty acids, which are present in jaundice, accelerate the breakdown of body fat and the removal of cholesterol. And thanks to the diuretic properties, the herb eliminates fluid retention in the body.

      Jaundice is also used in cosmetology. A decoction of the plant (1 tablespoon of dry herb per glass of water) helps improve skin condition, strengthens hair follicles, normalizes oily hair, removes dandruff.

      Harm, contraindications

      Despite the beneficial properties, the herb jaundice is poisonous. This is due to the action of glycosides. In humans, poisoning is caused by an overdose of drugs and is manifested by symptoms such as:

      • weakness;
      • constipation;
      • nausea and vomiting;
      • headache;
      • increased secretion of saliva;
      • slowing down of the heart;
      • decrease in blood pressure.

      In this case, you should immediately stop using drugs based on jaundice and go to a hospital where detoxification is carried out. After 5 days, after consulting a doctor, it will be possible to start therapy again, but reduce the dosage.

      As for contraindications, they include:

      • atherosclerosis;
      • heart attack;
      • myocarditis;
      • severe kidney disease;
      • pregnancy and lactation.

      Most often, the harm of jaundice manifests itself when the evacuation function of the intestine decreases. Therefore, it is desirable to establish the work of this organ before starting therapy, as well as constantly monitor the stool during treatment. If constipation occurs, then cleansing enema or the use of a laxative.

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