Kidneys in different animal species. The structure and function of the kidneys of animals. Indications for dialysis

The kidneys are paired organs of a dense consistency, red-brown in color, smooth, covered on the outside with three membranes: fibrous, fatty, serous. They are bean-shaped and located in the abdominal cavity. The kidneys are located retroperitoneally, i.e. between the lumbar muscles and the parietal sheet of the peritoneum. The right kidney (with the exception of pigs) borders on the caudate process of the liver, leaving a renal impression on it. udder vegetative pituitary trophoblast

Structure. Outside, the kidney is surrounded by a fatty capsule, and from the ventral surface it is also covered with a serous membrane - the peritoneum. The inner edge of the kidneys, as a rule, is strongly concave, and represents the gate of the kidney - the place of entry into the kidney of vessels, nerves and the exit of the ureter. In the depths of the gate is the renal cavity, and the renal pelvis is placed in it. The kidney is covered with a dense fibrous capsule, which is loosely connected to the kidney parenchyma. Near the middle of the inner layer, vessels and nerves enter the organ and the ureter exits. This place is called the kidney gate. On the incision of each kidney, a cortical, or urinary, cerebral, or urinary, and intermediate zone is isolated, where the arteries are located. The cortical (or urinary) zone is located on the periphery, it is dark red in color; on the cut surface, renal corpuscles are visible in the form of dots located radially. Rows of bodies are separated from each other by stripes of brain rays. The cortical zone protrudes into the cerebral zone between the pyramids of the latter; in the cortical zone, the products of nitrogen metabolism are separated from the blood, i.e. urine formation. In the cortical layer, there are renal corpuscles, consisting of a glomerulus - a glomerulus (vascular glomerulus), formed by the capillaries of the afferent artery, and a capsule, and in the brain - convoluted tubules. The initial section of each nephron is a vascular glomerulus surrounded by the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule. The glomerulus of capillaries (Malpighian glomerulus) is formed by an afferent vessel - an arteriole, which breaks up into many (up to 50) capillary loops, which then merge in the efferent vessel. A long convoluted tubule begins from the capsule, which in the cortical layer has a strongly convoluted shape - the proximal convoluted tubule of the first order, and straightening up, passes into the medulla, where they make a bend (the loop of Henle) and return to the cortical substance, where they convolve again, forming the distal convoluted tubule II order. After that, they flow into the collecting duct, which serves as a collector of many tubules.

Kidneys of cattle. Topography: right in the area from the 12th rib to the 2nd-3rd lumbar vertebra, and the left one - in the area of ​​the 2nd-5th lumbar vertebra.

In cattle, the weight of the kidneys reaches 1-1.4 kg. Type of kidneys in cattle: furrowed multi-papillary - individual kidneys grow together with their central sections. On the surface of such a kidney, lobules separated by grooves are clearly visible; on the cut, numerous passages are visible, and the latter already form a common ureter.

Horse kidneys. The right kidney is heart-shaped and is located between the 16th rib and the 1st lumbar vertebra, and the left, bean-shaped, between the 18th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. Depending on the type of feeding, an adult horse excretes 3-6 liters (maximum 10 liters) of slightly alkaline urine per day. Urine is a clear, straw-yellow liquid. If it is painted in intense yellow or brown, this indicates any health problems.

Type of kidney in a horse: smooth single-papillary kidneys, characterized by complete fusion of not only cortical, but also cerebral zones - they have only one common papilla, immersed in the renal pelvis.

Kidney - ren (nephros) - a paired organ of a dense consistency of red-brown color. The kidneys are built according to the type of branched glands, located in the lumbar region.
The kidneys are rather large organs, approximately the same on the right and left, but not the same in animals of different species (Table 10). In young animals, the kidneys are relatively large.

Kidneys are characterized by a bean-shaped, somewhat flattened shape. There are dorsal and ventral surfaces, convex lateral and concave medial edges, cranial and caudal ends. Near the middle of the medial margin, vessels and nerves enter the kidney and the ureter exits. This place is called the hilum of the kidney.
Outside, the kidney is covered with a fibrous capsule, which is connected to the parenchyma of the kidney.
The fibrous capsule is surrounded on the outside by a fatty capsule, and from the ventral surface, in addition, it is covered with a serous membrane. The kidney is located between the lumbar muscles and the parietal sheet of the peritoneum, i.e., retroperitoneally.
The kidneys are supplied with blood through the large renal arteries, which receive up to 15-30% of the blood pushed into the aorta by the left ventricle of the heart. Innervated by the vagus and sympathetic nerves.
In cattle (Fig. 269), the right kidney is located in the region from the 12th rib to the 2nd lumbar vertebra, with its cranial end touching the liver. Its caudal end is wider and thicker than the cranial one. The left kidney hangs on a short mesentery behind the right one at the level of the 2nd-5th lumbar vertebrae; when the scar fills up, it shifts slightly to the right.

From the surface, the kidneys of cattle are divided by furrows into lobules, of which there are up to 20 or more (Fig. 270, a, b). The striated structure of the kidneys is the result of incomplete fusion of their lobules in embryogenesis. On the section of each lobule, the cortical, cerebral and intermediate zones are distinguished.

The cortical, or urinary, zone (Fig. 271, 1) is dark red in color, located superficially. It consists of microscopic renal corpuscles arranged radially and separated by streaks of brain rays.

The cerebral, or urinary, zone of the lobule is lighter, radially striated, located in the center of the kidney, shaped like a pyramid. The base of the pyramid faces outward; from here brain rays go to the cortical zone. The top of the pyramid forms the renal papilla. The brain zone of adjacent lobules is not divided by furrows.

The incidence of kidney infections is not properly detected and farmers do not receive sufficient information about the reasons for the decline in livestock

Early recognition and treatment of kidney disease often leads to a favorable outcome. The strength of these organs in cattle is quite great, so that you can not notice any signs of disease for a long time until they are affected by two-thirds.

Kidney intoxication can occur for a variety of reasons, but this article focuses specifically on infectious diseases of the organ, namely what veterinarians generally call pyelonephritis (infection and pus in the kidneys).

Infection occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream, from where they go directly to the kidneys. After all, the main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. Another way is through the ureters, the partial blockage of which encourages the growth and multiplication of bacteria.

Livestock acquires kidney infections individually. Sources may be different (through the mother's placenta, feeding, after suffering from pneumonia, etc.) These infections reduce immunity and allow bacteria to gain access to the kidneys.

The first sign of kidney disease in cattle is weight loss. I (Roy Lewis) have seen many similar cases in late pregnancy and just after calving. The kidneys of a pregnant cow have a double load, they must filter not only their own blood, but also the blood of future calves. These increased loads greatly affect the ability of the kidneys to filter, so this is the ideal time for infection to enter. In cows that bear two calves at the same time, the load on the organs doubles.

Taking a cow to the vet after weight loss is not a complete solution. The veterinarian can palpate the left kidney and ureters (the tubes that run from the kidneys to the bladder). You can also take a urine sample and check for blood, bacteria, pus deposits, and other parameters that will either confirm or rule out a kidney infection. Blood tests may show elevated levels of white blood cells. Other indicators, such as nitrogenous urea (BUN) will only grow even after each of the kidneys is deformed separately, and then the result will be very deplorable.

My experience is that if cattle are still eating and drinking well, then early diagnosis and timely treatment promise a favorable prognosis. If there is no appetite and the BUN score is high, despite intensive treatment, including intravenous injections, then the worst is to be expected.

Cases have become more frequent

There are many kidney diseases, many more than we can imagine. It became obvious to me after I saw a huge number of dissected cows as part of the BSE research program. Both kidneys were infected, and the left one barely functioned.

The classic scenario is that the farmer notices that the cow has lost weight, but does not notice other symptoms, after which the cow stops eating and soon dies.

Most of the sick cows can be saved and returned to normal life, or at least sent to slaughter ahead of time. I am convinced that the number of cows that die on farms from undiagnosed kidney disease cannot be accurately determined.

Growers may notice increased frequency of urination or pain when urinating.

Look closely at the urine, especially towards the end of urination (for blood and pus, or just redness).

This may be the key that will move us forward in the search for infection.

The appearance of reddish urine in cattle can be due to many reasons. For example, due to bacterial hemoglobinuria or phosphorus deficiency, or simply colored with red clover. All these and many other causes of red urine can sometimes complicate the diagnosis.


The most common bacterium that causes kidney disease in cattle is well killed by penicillin. There are two main keys to successful treatment. First, it is necessary (the sooner the better) to detect the disease; before the kidneys are severely damaged. Secondly, the duration of treatment should correspond to the time of complete recovery in order to avoid re-infection.

This will definitely require treatment with injections of penicillin and novocaine in the early days, until the first noticeable improvement. Then several long-acting drugs in the next two weeks.

A common mistake is also to stop the treatment too early when the situation improves and the urine clears.

This is a smoldering infection and may return if not completely cured. Like any relapse, it is much more difficult to treat, as the infection has settled deeper.

Such cattle are like a time bomb: weakened kidneys make them unsuitable for breeding, and they can also fail kidneys. It is better even to score them before their condition worsens.

Kidney infections can occasionally be found in pastures in the prairie zone.

Each herd periodically faces these problems, however, careful monitoring of the condition of the animals, timely intervention and the right treatment will be rewarded.

Penicillin is by far the most effective drug, it passes through the kidneys and is excreted through the urine.

If your herd is losing weight, contact your veterinarian to check the cows and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Let's admit that timely diagnosis and treatment is not so expensive, effective and, at current livestock prices, economically justified.

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, urogenital sinus (in females) or urogenital canal (in males). The organs of urinary excretion carry out the production, temporary storage and excretion from the body of liquid end products of metabolism - urine. They perform an excretory function, extracting from the blood and removing from the body harmful products of nitrogen metabolism (urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatine, creatinine), foreign substances (paints, drugs, etc.), some hormones (prolane, androsterone, etc.). Removing excess water, minerals and acidic products, the kidneys regulate water-salt metabolism and maintain a relatively constant osmotic pressure and active blood reaction. The kidneys synthesize hormones (renin, angiotensin) involved in the regulation of blood pressure and diuresis (urination).

Brief data on the development of the urinary system

In the most primitively organized multicellular animals (hydra), the excretory function is carried out diffusely over the entire surface of the body without any structural adaptations. However, most asexual (flatworms) and primary cavity invertebrates in the body parenchyma have a system of primary excretory tubules - protonephridia. This is a system of very thin tubules that run inside long cells. One end of the tubule sometimes opens on the surface of the body, the other is closed by special process cells. From the surrounding tissues, the cells absorb liquid metabolic products and move them along the tubules with the help of flagella lowered into the tubule. The actual excretory function here is inherent in the cells. The tubules are only excretory pathways.

With the advent of the coelom, a secondary body cavity (in larvae of annelids), the protonephridial system is morphologically associated with it. The walls of the tubules protrude somewhat as a whole, washed with interstitial fluid. The function of selective absorption in the excretion of metabolic products passes to them. Process cells are reduced. They retain ciliated flagella that promote fluid through the tubule. Subsequently, the closed end of the tubule breaks through an opening into the secondary cavity of the body. A flickering funnel is formed. The tubules themselves thicken, lengthen, bend, continuing from one segment of the coelom to another (the whole is segmented). These modified tubules are called nephridia. The latter are metamerically located on two sides of the body and are connected to each other by their end sections. This leads to the formation of a longitudinal duct on each side of the body - a primitive ureter, into which all segmental nephridia are torn off along the way of its course. The primitive ureter opens outward either as an independent opening or into the cloaca. In the body cavity, next to the nephridia, blood vessels form a dense network of capillaries in the form of glomeruli. A similar structure has an excretory system in primitive chordates - lancelet, cyclostomes, fish larvae. It is located in front of the body of the animal and is called the pronephros, or head kidney.

The further course of changes in the excretory system is characterized by a gradual shift of its elements in the caudal direction with a simultaneous complication of structures and formation into a compact organ. A pelvic, or definitive kidney, and a trunk, or intermediate kidney appear. The intermediate kidney functions throughout life in fish and amphibians, and during the embryonic period of development in reptiles, birds and mammals. Definitive kidney or metanephros develops only in reptiles, birds and mammals. It develops from two rudiments: urination and urination. The urinary part is formed by nephrons - complex convoluted urinary tubes that carry a capsule at the end into which the vascular glomerulus protrudes. The nephrons differ from the tubules of the trunk kidney in greater length, tortuosity, and a large number of capillaries in the vascular glomerulus. The nephrons and the blood vessels surrounding them are united by connective tissue into a compact organ. The urinary part develops from the posterior end of the duct of the intermediate kidney and is called definitive ureter. Growing to a compact mass of nephrogenic tissue, the ureter forms the renal pelvis, stalks and calyces and comes into contact with the urinary tubules of the kidney. At the other end, the definitive ureter unites with the genital canal into the urogenital canal and, in reptiles, birds, and monotremes, opens into the cloaca. In placental mammals, it opens with an independent opening of the urogenital canal (sinus). The intermediate section of the outlet pathways between the ureter and the genitourinary canal forms a bag-like extension - the bladder. It is formed in placental mammals from sections of the walls of the allantois and cloaca at the point of their contact.

During ontogeny in mammals, nephrogenic tissue differentiates in the area of ​​the segmental legs of the mesoderm of all somites sequentially, starting with the head and ending with the pelvic. At the same time, during the intrauterine development of an individual, first the head kidney is laid, then the trunk kidney, and finally the pelvic kidney with their characteristic structures. The pronephros is formed at an early stage of embryonic development in the region of the first 2–10 somites from the material of the segmental pedicles; it exists for several tens of hours and does not function as a urinary organ. In the process of differentiation, the material of the segmental pedicles is laced off from the somites, stretched towards the ectoderm in the form of tubules that remain in contact with the cell. This is the tubule of the pronephros with the infundibulum facing as a whole. The opposite ends of the tubules merge and form tubular ducts running caudally. Soon, the protuberance is reduced. Oviducts are formed on the basis of its ducts. After the laying of the pronephros, the nephrogenic tissue of the next 10–29 segments begins to differentiate with the formation of an intermediate (trunk) kidney. The intermediate kidney functions as an excretory organ. Excretion products (urea, uric acid, etc.) flow down the duct of the intermediate kidney into the cloaca, and from there into the allantois, where they accumulate.

By the end of the embryonic period, there is a rapid growth and differentiation of the nephrogenic tissue of the posterior segments - the pelvic kidney. The function of the mesonephros at the same time fades. Nephrons begin to form from the 3rd month, and their neoplasm continues not only during uterine development, but also after birth (in a horse up to 8 years, in a pig up to 1.5 years). The differentiation of the nephron begins with the laying of the renal corpuscle. Then the tubule of the nephron develops and, finally, the collecting duct. During the fetal period, the weight of the kidneys increases 94 times, from birth to adulthood - 10 times. The relative weight of the kidneys is reduced from 0.4 to 0.2%. Simultaneously with the laying of the definitive kidney, a diverticulum grows from the duct of the intermediate kidney - the rudiment of the ureter. Growing into the nephrogenic bud, it forms the pelvis and renal calyces. The main mass of nephrons develops in the peripheral parts of the kidney - in the cortex. The cortical substance at the beginning of the fetal period grows very intensively. Then, in terms of growth rate, it is overtaken by the medulla - the central parts of the organ, where the structures that drain urine are concentrated. In newborn animals, compared with adults, the cortical layer is poorly developed. Its growth and differentiation of nephrons are active in the first year of life and continue, albeit with less intensity, until puberty. In old animals, the processes of cell renewal in the kidney are disturbed, the ability of the renal epithelium to reabsorb substances decreases.

Kidney types

In the process of phylogenesis of animals of different families and genera, several types of the definitive kidney were formed, depending on the degree of fusion of its sections:

1. multiple

2. striated multipapillary

3. smooth multipapillary

4. smooth single papillary

Multiple kidney the most fragmented. It consists, as it were, of individual kidneys (up to 100 or more), united by layers of connective tissue and a capsule into a single compact organ. Each kidney consists of cortex and medulla and is connected to its own calyx. A stem emerges from each cup. The stalks combine to form the ureter, which drains urine from the kidney. A multiple kidney is inherent in a bear, an otter, cetaceans.

In a furrowed multipapillary kidney individual kidneys - the lobules of the kidney are connected to each other by middle sections. The cortical substance of the lobules is delimited by furrows from each other, and the medulla forms a large number of papillae, each of which is lowered into its own calyx. Such kidneys in cattle.

AT smooth multipapillary kidneys the cortical substance of the renal lobules has merged, and the medulla forms separate papillae. Such kidneys in a pig, a person.

AT smooth single papillary kidneys merged not only the cortical, but also the medulla with the formation of one large roller-shaped papilla. Such kidneys are found in most mammals, and among domestic animals in horses, small cattle, and dogs.

The structure of the kidneys

Bud- hep - in most cases, bean-shaped, brown-red. On the kidney, there are "dorsal and ventral surfaces, lateral and medial edges, cranial and caudal ends. There is a depression on the medial edge - kidney gate leading to the renal fossa sinus. Arteries enter the gate of the kidney, veins and the ureter exit. The pelvis and other branches of the ureter are located in the sinus. From above, the kidney is covered with a fibrous capsule, which grows tightly only in the region of the gate. A large amount of adipose tissue accumulates over the capsule and in the sinus of the kidney, forming the fatty capsule of the kidney. The ventral surface of the kidney is covered with a serous membrane. On a longitudinal section in the kidney, 3 zones are visible: cortical, cerebral and intermediate. Cortical zone lies on the periphery, brown-red in color and is urinary, as it mainly consists of nephrons. brain zone lies in the central parts of the organ, brownish-yellowish in color and is urinal. border zone located between the cortical and cerebral zones, dark red, contains a large number of large vessels.

Fig.1. Kidneys and adrenal glands of cattle from the ventral surface

1 - right adrenal gland; 2 - left adrenal gland; 3 - right kidney; 4 - left kidney; 5 - caudal vena cava; 6 - abdominal aorta; 7 - right ureter; 8 - left ureter; 9 - right renal artery and vein; 10 - left renal artery and vein; 11 - caudal adrenal branch of the right renal artery; 12 - caudal adrenal branch of the left renal artery.

The kidneys of cattle are oval, belong to the type of striated multi-papillary. The fibrous capsule of the kidney goes deep into the furrows. The cranial end of the kidney is already caudal. The hilum of the kidney is wide. The left kidney is twisted along the longitudinal axis, hanging on the mesentery, which allows it to move behind the right kidney when the scar is filled. The mass of each kidney is 500–700 g, and the relative mass is 0.2–0.3%. The cortical urinary zone of the kidney is divided into lobes. The border zone is well defined. The cerebral zone in each lobe has the shape of a pyramid, with the base directed towards the cortical zone, and the apex, called papilla, - in a cup. In the kidney of cattle, there are 16–35 renal pyramids. The tops of the renal papillae are dotted with papillary openings through which urine flows into the renal calyces - the terminal branches of the ureter. From the cups, urine flows down the stalks into two ducts, which in the region of the gate are combined into one ureter. The right kidney is in contact with the liver, lies at the level from the 12th rib to the 2nd-3rd lumbar vertebra, the left kidney - from the 2nd to the 5th lumbar vertebra. Innervated by vagus and sympathetic nerves. Vascularized by the renal artery.

Fig.2. Kidneys and adrenal glands of a pig from the dorsal surface

1 - left kidney; 2 - right kidney; 3 - left adrenal gland; 4 - right adrenal gland; 5 - left ureter; 6 - abdominal aorta; 7 - caudal vena cava; 8 - right ureter; 9 - right middle adrenal artery; 10 - left middle adrenal arteries; 11 - left renal artery and vein; 12 - right renal artery and vein.

In a pig, the kidneys are smooth multi-pointed, bean-shaped, flattened dorsoventrally. Pyramids 10–12, the same number of papillae. Some papillae may merge. Calyxes approach the papillae, opening directly into the renal pelvis, located in the sinus of the kidney. Both kidneys lie in the lumbar region at the level of 1–4 lumbar vertebrae.

The horse's kidneys are smooth, single-papillary. The right kidney is heart-shaped, the left kidney is bean-shaped. The border zone is wide and well defined. The number of renal pyramids reaches 40–64. The papillae are fused into one directed to the renal pelvis. The right kidney lies almost entirely in the hypochondrium, at the level from the 16th (14–15th) rib to the 1st lumbar vertebra. The left kidney lies at the level of 1-3 lumbar vertebrae rarely enters the hypochondrium.

Rice. 3. Horse kidneys from the ventral surface

1 - right kidney; 2 - left kidney; 3 - right adrenal gland; 4 - left adrenal gland; 5 - caudal vena cava; 6 - abdominal aorta; 7 - celiac artery; 8 - right renal artery and vein; 9 - cranial mesenteric artery; 10 - left renal artery and vein; 11, 12 - renal lymph nodes; 13 - right ureter; 14 - left ureter.

Histological structure. The kidney is a compact organ. The stroma forms a capsule and the thinnest layers inside the organ, which go mainly along the course of the vessels. The parenchyma is formed by the epithelium, the structures of which can only function in close contact with the circulatory system. The kidneys of all types are divided into lobes. The lobe is a renal pyramid with a portion of the cortex covering it. The lobes are separated from each other by renal columns - areas of cortical substance penetrating between the pyramids. The lobes consist of lobules that do not have clear boundaries. A lobule is a group of nephrons that flow into one collecting duct, which runs through the center of the lobule and is called the brain ray, as it descends into the medulla. In addition to the branching collecting duct, the cerebral ray contains straight tubules (loops) of the nephron.

Nephron - the main structural and functional unit of the kidney. There are up to 8 million nephrons in the kidneys of cattle. 80% of them are in the cortical substance - these are cortical nephrons. 20% are located in the medulla and are called juxtamedullary. The length of one nephron is from 2 to 5 cm. The nephron is formed by a single-layer epithelium and consists of capsules of the nephron, proximal, nephron loop (Henle) and distal. The nephron capsule looks like a double-walled bowl, its inner wall (inner leaf) is closely connected with the blood capillaries. The outer leaf of the capsule is built by a single-layer squamous epithelium. Between the leaves of the capsule there is a slit-like cavity of the capsule. Capillaries anastomose with each other, forming a vascular glomerulus of 50-100 loops. Blood flows to the vascular glomerulus through the afferent arteriole. The glomerular capillaries unite to form the efferent arteriole. The arrangement of capillaries between two arterioles is called miraculous arterial system kidneys.

The nephron capsule together with the vascular glomerulus is called renal corpuscle. All renal corpuscles are located in the renal cortex. In the renal corpuscle, primary urine is formed - glomerular filtrate, by filtering the components of blood plasma. This becomes possible due to the structural features of the renal corpuscle. The afferent arteriole has a larger lumen than the efferent arteriole. This creates increased pressure in the capillaries of the vascular glomerulus. In the endothelium of the capillaries there are gaps and numerous fenestra - the likeness of very small pores, which contributes to the leakage of plasma. The epithelium of the inner leaf of the capsule is closely adjacent to the endothelium of the capillaries, repeating all their curves, being separated only by the basement membrane. It is formed by peculiar flat process cells with a diameter of 20–30 microns - podocytes. Each podocyte has several large processes - cytotrabeculae, from which numerous small processes extend - cytopodia, attached to the basement membrane. There are gaps between the cytopodia. As a result, a biological kidney filter is formed, which has a selective ability. Normally, blood cells and large protein molecules do not pass through it. The remaining parts of the plasma can be part of the primary urine, which therefore differs little from blood plasma. The amount of primary urine - glomerular filtrate in large animals is several hundred liters per day. The glomerular filtrate enters the lumen of the renal corpuscle capsule, and from there into the nephron tubule. It undergoes reverse selective absorption into the bloodstream - reabsorption components of the glomerular filtrate, so that the secondary urine removed from the body is only 1–2% by volume of the primary urine and does not correspond at all to it in chemical composition. Secondary urine contains 90 times less water, sodium, 50 times less chlorides, 70 times more urea, 30 times more phosphates, 25 times more uric acid. Sugar and protein are normally absent. Reabsorption begins and proceeds most actively in the proximal nephron.

Part proximal The nephron includes the proximal convoluted tubule and the straight tubule, which at the same time is part of the nephron loop. The lumen of the capsule of the renal corpuscle passes into the lumen of the proximal convoluted tubule. Its walls are formed by a single layer of cuboidal epithelium, which is a continuation of the epithelium of the outer layer of the nephron capsule. The proximal convoluted tubules are about 60 µm in diameter, lie in the cortex, curving in close proximity to the renal corpuscle. The cells of the proximal convoluted tubule at the apical pole, facing the lumen of the tubule, bear a large number of microvilli that form a brush border - an adaptation for active absorption of substances. The round nucleus is shifted to the basal pole. The plasmalemma of the basal pole forms deep invaginations in the form of folds inside the cell. Elongated mitochondria lie in rows between these folds. At the light level, these structures look like basal striations. Cells actively absorb glucose, amino acids, water and salts and have a cloudy, oxyphilic cytoplasm. Throughout the proximal section, the entire amount of sugar, amino acids and small protein molecules that have entered the glomerular filtrate, 85% of water and sodium, is reabsorbed.

The proximal convoluted tubule passes into nephron loop (Henle). This is a straight tubule that enters the medulla at different depths. The nephron loop is divided into descending and ascending parts. The descending part is first formed by cuboidal epithelium, the same in structure and function as in the proximal convoluted tubule, and therefore this area is also referred to the proximal nephron as its direct tubule. The lower section of the descending part of the nephron loop has a diameter of 15 microns, is formed by a squamous epithelium, the nuclei of which protrude into the lumen of the tubule and is called a thin tubule. Its cells have light cytoplasm, few organelles, single microvilli, and basal striation. The thin tubule of the nephron loop continues into its ascending part. It absorbs salts and removes them into the tissue fluid. In the upper section, the epithelium becomes cubic and passes into the distal convoluted tubule with a diameter of up to 50 microns. The thickness of its walls is less, and the lumen is larger than in the proximal convoluted tubule.

Walls distal convoluted tubule formed by a cubic epithelium with a light cytoplasm without a brush border, but with basal striation. It reabsorbs zoda and salts. The distal convoluted tubule is located in the cortical substance and in one of its areas is in contact with the renal corpuscle between the afferent and efferent arterioles. In this place called dense spot, the cells of the distal convoluted tubule are tall and narrow. It is believed that they detect changes in the sodium content in the urine. During normal kidney function, 30–50% of nephrons are actively functioning. With the introduction of diuretics - 95-100%.

Juxtamedullary nephrons differ in structure and function from cortical nephrons. Their renal bodies are larger, lie in deep areas of the cortical substance. The afferent and efferent arterioles have the same diameter. The nephron loop, especially its thin tubule, is much longer, reaching deep layers of the medulla. In the area of ​​​​the dense spot there is a juxtaglomerular (periglomerular) apparatus - an accumulation of several types of cells, in total forming endocrine complex of the kidneys regulating renal blood flow and urination. It is involved in the synthesis of renin, a hormone that stimulates the production of vasoconstrictor substances (angiotensins) in the body, and also stimulates the production of the hormone aldosterone in the adrenal glands. From the distal nephron, urine enters the collecting duct.

collecting ducts are not part of the nephrons. These are the terminal branches of the ureter that penetrate the kidney parenchyma and fuse with the ends of the nephrons. The areas of the collecting ducts lying in the cortical substance are formed by a cubic epithelium with a very light cytoplasm, in the medulla - by a cylindrical epithelium. Some absorption of water continues in the collecting ducts due to the hypertonicity of the surrounding tissue fluid. As a result, urine becomes even more concentrated. The collecting ducts form an extensive system. They pass in the center of the brain rays of the cortex and in the medulla and are combined into papillary ducts, opening with holes at the top of the papillae.

Rice. 5. Scheme of the structure of the kidney

1 - kidney capsule; 2 - arcuate artery; 3 - renal artery; 4 - renal vein; 5 - renal pelvis; 6 - renal calyx; 7 - ureter; 8 - urine; 9 - cortical substance; 10 - brain area.

Blood supply to the kidney It is carried out by a large paired renal artery, which enters the kidney in the region of the gate and branches into interlobar arteries. In the border zone of the kidney, they pass into the arcuate arteries. A large number of interlobular arteries depart from them into the cortical substance. These arteries branch into intralobular arteries, from which afferent arterioles depart, branching into capillaries of the vascular glomerulus. The capillaries gather into the efferent arteriole. Here we see wonderful arterial system of the kidney capillaries between two arteries. In these capillaries, blood is filtered with the formation of primary urine. The efferent arteriole branches again into the capillaries that braid the tubules of the nephron. Reabsorbed substances enter these capillaries from the tubules of the nephron. The capillaries unite to form veins that carry blood out of the kidney.

Ureters, bladder, urethra

Ureters- ureteres - long narrow tubes that run from the gates of the kidneys to the bladder along the side walls of the abdominal cavity. They enter the dorsal wall of the bladder, for some time they go obliquely in the thickness of its wall between the muscular and mucous membranes and open into its cavity in the neck area. Because of this, when the bladder is stretched by incoming urine, the ureters are infringed and the flow of urine into the bladder stops. The ureters have a well-developed muscular membrane. Thanks to its peristaltic contractions (1-4 times per minute), urine is driven through the ureter to the bladder.

Bladder- vesica urinaria - a hollow pear-shaped organ. It distinguishes a cranially directed apex, the main part - the body and a narrowed, caudally directed neck. Unfilled, it lies on the days of the pelvic cavity. When filling, the top of the bladder descends into the pubic region. The neck of the bladder passes into the urethra.

Urethra- uretra - a short tube extending from the bladder and flowing into the canals of the genital tract. In females, it opens with a slit-like opening in the ventral wall of the vagina, after which the common area of ​​​​the urinary and genital tract is called urogenital vestibule, or sinus. In males, not far from the beginning of the urethra, the vas deferens flow into it, after which it is called urogenital canal and opens at the glans penis.

Rice. 6. Bladder of a boar

1 - the top of the bladder; 2 - the body of the bladder (the serous membrane is removed); 3 - serous membrane; 4 - the outer layer of the muscular membrane; 5 - the middle layer of the muscular membrane; 6 - the inner layer of the muscular membrane; 7 - mucous membrane of the bladder; 8 - roller of the ureter; 9 - opening of the ureter; 10 - bubble triangle; 11 - ureteral folds; 12 - adventitia; 13 - bladder sphincter; 14 - urethral crest; 15 - mucous membrane of the urethra; 16 - seed mound; 17 - urethra (urethra); 18 - a layer of smooth muscle tissue; 19 - muscle of the urethra.

Histological structure of the urinary tract

The ureters, bladder and urethra are tubular organs. Their mucous membrane is lined with stratified transitional epithelium. The lamina propria is made up of loose connective tissue. The muscular membrane is formed by smooth muscle tissue, well developed, especially in the ureters, bladder, where it forms three layers: outer and inner - longitudinal, middle - annular. Due to the annular layer in the region of the bladder neck, a sphincter is formed. Outside, the ureters and the cranial part of the bladder (apex and body) are covered with a serous membrane. The caudal part of the bladder (neck) and the urethra are covered with adventitia.

From what has been said, it is clear that mammals have a significantly evolved organ of urination, the metavephros. In the entire urination system, there are: 1) the main excretory paired organs-nights, 2) paired excretory tracts-ureters, 3) a reservoir for temporary storage of urine-the bladder and, finally, 4) the path for removing urine from the bladder to the outside-the urethra.


The kidneys of renes-mammals in the vast majority of cases are bean-shaped (Fig. 8-C, D) and represent a large paired organ of red-brown color, rich in glandular excretory tubules. The external shape of the kidney and the internal relationship of its constituent parts in mammals, including domestic animals, are very diverse and therefore require an approximate classification.

At a certain period of embryonic life, the kidneys of the vast majority of mammals, as well as some reptiles, have a lobular structure. This does not yet give the right to assert that the kidney of the ancient ancestors of mammals was the same, but nevertheless, the anatomical classification usually begins with the types of lobular kidneys, of which there are four.
I. Type of multiple kidneys. In some species of mammals, embryonic lobulation is so pronounced that even in their adult state they have a large number of small kidneys-renculi completely separated from each other, due to which the entire organ is a conglomerate of identical small formations-renculi (Fig. 8-A). From each of its small kidneys (I) a separate hollow stalk (2) departs. The stalks are connected to each other, and large branches flow into a common ureter. In sum, a type of divided, or multiple, kidney is obtained, resembling a grape brush. In the region of the exit of the ureter, the entire conglomerate of small kidneys has one renal fossa (4), in which the branches of the stems, as well as the renal vessels, are freely located. Bears and cetacean mammals have such a kidney.
Each kidney of such a multiple organ is built relatively simply. If it is cut along from the convex surface to the beginning of the ureter, it can be seen that it consists of two zones: peripheral and central. The peripheral urinary, or cortical, zone (a) is the place where the tortuous excretory tubules with the renal corpuscles are located. The central efferent, or cerebral, zone (6) is directed towards the ureteral stalk. This area contains predominantly urine-diverting (collecting) tubules. The area of ​​the central outlet zone, closest to the stalk of the ureter, protrudes somewhat in the form of a conical elevation, called the renal papilla (5), on which the collecting ducts of the central outlet zone open with numerous holes. Under this papilla, as it were, a slightly expanded part of the ureteral stalk, called the renal calyx (c), is substituted. into which urine enters in small drops from the collecting ducts through the openings on the papilla, then flowing along its stalk into the ureter.
II. Type of striated multipapillary buds(Fig. 8-B). In this type of mammalian kidney, the process of separating the lobules of the kidney does not go so far, but nevertheless its traces are clearly visible both from the surface and on the section of the organ. So, on its surface, deep grooves (b) are visible, penetrating into the thickness of the urinary zone and showing the boundaries of the lobes, and on the cut - numerous papillae (5), corresponding to the lobes of the kidney. Only the middle, or intermediate, sections between the lobes remain merged. The type of striated multi-papillary kidney is characteristic, in particular, of cattle. He also has a small feature, which consists in the fact that the stalks from the renal cups are short and usually flow into two large trunks that merge into the ureter.
Renal fossa - fossa renalis (4) - as a place of branching of stems and vessels with a relatively wide entrance to it is outlined in relief.
III. Type of smooth multipapillary kidneys(Fig. 8-C). This type includes kidneys, in which the peripheral urinary zone (a) is fused into one compact formation, so that the organ is smooth from the surface, but when cut, the papillae (5) are clearly visible, as, for example, in pigs. The papillae have renal cups, but there are no longer stalks to the ureter. From the renal calyces, urine flows directly into an expanded common reservoir called the renal pelvis, and from it the ureter continues. The renal fossa is subdivided into the renal sinus and the hilum, which clearly protrude as an impression along the edge, as a result of which the compact kidney takes on a real bean shape. Looking at the section of the kidney into the urinary and excretory zones, one can notice the presence of lobules in the tissue, since the excretory zone rises from the renal papillae (5) to the urinary zone in the form of renal pyramids. From their expanded bases, lying in the border zone (between the discharge and urinary zones), the so-called brain rays depart into the thickness of the urinary zone with faintly visible contours. The line of the border zone has a wavy direction (Fig. 8-C, 9). The gaps between the bases (10) wedged into the discharge zone are called renal columns - columnae renales.
IV. Type of smooth single papillary kidneys(Fig. 8-D) is characterized by the merging into one compact whole of not only the urinary zone, but also the discharge zone; the latter represents in small ruminants, dogs and horses a continuous, comb-shaped, oblong common papilla-papilla communis (8). This ridge-shaped papilla, with its free edge, hangs down into a common reservoir, the renal pelvis (7); renal cups are absent. On the section of such a kidney, the zones are clearly visible, but the renal lobules are completely invisible, and only the structure of the boundary layer with the arcs of the boundary line (9) and sections of the arcuate arteries (11) to some extent indicates the past lobular stage of development. The external shape of the bean, renal sinus, hilum, etc. are common features for this type and for a smooth multipapillary kidney.
The mammalian kidneys are located in the lumbar region of the abdominal cavity on both sides of the abdominal aorta (Fig. 11), and the right kidney is usually somewhat advanced.


The beginning of the outlet pathways within the renal fossa is very diverse, which is reflected in the names: branching of the stalk, renal cups, renal pelvis, and the ureter-ureter (Fig. 12-3) is usually called the channel only from the place where it is departs from the gate of the kidney and stretches along the dorsal abdominal wall caudally to the pelvis, falling into the dorso-caudal segment of the bladder wall.


The bladder-vesica urinaria (Fig. 12-11) is a pear-shaped hollow muscular sac located at the bottom of the pelvic cavity: in males, under the rectum, or, more precisely, under the serous urogenital fold, and in females, under the vagina. With its narrowed part, it is directed backwards and opens into the urethra. The rounded body of the bladder with its blunt apex in different animals protrudes to varying degrees into the pubic region; it is most strongly advanced into it in dogs, less in pigs, even less in ruminants and in horses (this, of course, also depends on the degree of filling of the bladder, that is, the more it is filled, the more it protrudes into the abdominal cavity) . During urination, the simultaneous contraction of the abdominal and diaphragm comes to the aid of one's own muscular wall.
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