Rose essential oil composition. Rose essential oil for face care. Benefits of wild rose petal oil

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers, but no less can it be called the queen of fragrances. Tart, sweet smell Roses have long been associated with luxury, femininity and romance. According to some theories, the rose is the first plant from which essential oil was obtained. It is believed that this happened in the legendary Persia as early as the 10th century, when the method of distilling oils was accidentally invented by Avicenna as a result of alchemical experiments.

Whatever it really was, but by the end of the 10th century, rose petal oil was actively used in all Arab countries as a perfume and cosmetic product. More than a thousand years have passed since then, but even today rose oil remains the most popular aroma oil in the world, actively used not only in perfumery, but also in medicine and cosmetology. And even though technology has changed, the status of the legendary is still inherent in this amazing essential oil.


Essential oil roses were previously obtained by distillation, but the substance thus obtained did not fully preserve the marvelous aroma of flowers. Today, rose petal essential oil is most often obtained using the enfleurage method, and as a result, the oil has an almost completely preserved aroma of flowers with all the nuances.

Outwardly, this oil is almost colorless, with a surprisingly dense texture, fluid, but thickens strongly when low temperatures up to complete curing.

Cool, moderately sweet, tart and complex with smoky notes, a honey base and low tannins, the smell of this essential oil is one of the brightest among all aromatic oils.

Rose essential oil is one of the brightest aphrodisiacs with legendary status. It is considered ideal for modest and insecure partners, it enhances trepidation and sensuality.

Rose essential oil goes well with aromas, bitter orange,,.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Rose is the fragrance of Venus, which, like this planet, serves as a symbol of youth and love, "attracts" passion, good luck and is ideal for meditation and self-improvement. Increasing efficiency, rose essential oil relieves overwork, prevents the development of stress reactions and stimulates creative and intellectual development.

The effect of rose flower oil is invigorating and soothing, it is especially effective in eliminating neurotic disorders and improves performance.

Rose oil cannot be named, but it contributes to the normalization of biorhythms, including making it easier to fall asleep, relieves morning drowsiness and depression in rainy weather.

The effect on the nervous system is tonic. Rose contributes to the harmonization of self-perception, in particular, helps to develop a sense of self-sufficiency.

This oil promotes unobtrusive communication and goodwill, relieves irritation, disappointment and negative emotions, including in romantic relationship. As an aphrodisiac, it awakens femininity, sensuality, helps with violations of the emotional perception of one's own sexuality.

Rose enriches, emphasizes emotions, gives them great depth, relieves irascibility and develops self-irony. Rose oil is a strong but mild female antidepressant that is recommended for postpartum depression, an inferiority complex, or when experiencing a breakup.

Medicinal properties

The essential oil, obtained from the petals of magnificent flowers, can boast not only a great aroma, but also a wide range medicinal properties. Rose oil normalizes blood pressure, the functioning of the digestive system and endocrine system, menstrual cycles. It effectively heals mucous membranes, eliminates dysbacteriosis and vasospasm, relieves headaches, premenstrual symptoms, and helps fight atherosclerosis. In addition, rose oil is used in the treatment of burns.

As the fragrance of Venus, rose oil is used to treat disorders and diseases of the female reproductive system, promoting toning and cleansing, and has a general regulatory effect. Despite the fact that the rose is a feminine fragrance, it is also used to increase male fertility.

The general effect of a rose on the body is rejuvenating and tonic, it promotes the regeneration of organs and tissues, eliminates disorders and helps to improve metabolism. Many researchers also note the ability rose oil act as an anti-carcinogen and protect against radionuclides.

The use of pink aroma oil in cosmetology

In cosmetology, rose essential oil is considered the base additive for all dry skin care products, but it also demonstrates its effectiveness for mature or sensitive skin. Quickly eliminating irritation, providing an astringent and tonic effect, the rose not only smoothes, but also restores the elasticity of the skin, effectively tightening it and promoting the rejuvenation of epidermal cells.

Rose oil perfectly restores not only the skin of the face, but also helps to restore the contour of the eyelids. With it, you can deal with such a problem as an unattractive or uneven complexion and rosacea. Influencing in a complex, pink aroma oil also improves the work sebaceous glands helps to get rid of dermatitis and scars. In addition, the rose effectively eliminates hypersensitivity, helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes and swelling.

Often, rose oil can also be found as an additive in lip care products, in particular in balms, as well as in cosmetics for the neck and décolleté area, where it also plays the role of a tightening and lifting agent.

But as a remedy for rose oil, unfortunately, it is not so effective.

Since ancient times, the rose has been known as an aphrodisiac, and its oil is revered as the blood of the goddess Aphrodite. The rose shares its beauty, love magic, fertility, strength and fragrance with women. The use of the "queen of flowers" is mentioned in the annals different countries, reviews of her beauty and properties are found in poetry and prose.

Harvested from rose petals morning dew, made face and hair masks out of them, treated rose water teeth and headache, until Avicenna received the first rose essential oil, healing properties which is many times superior to the properties of rose water. In Russia, the Crimean rose has been used for many centuries.

Composition of rose oil

Essential oils are 86% composed of more than three hundred useful substances. active components. The rest is made up of numerous compounds that also have healing properties. The essential oil of Damascus rose and Moroccan centifolia is highly valued.

In their composition, there are significant quantitative differences in their common components (farnesol, stearopten, nerol, geraniol, citronellol, phenylethanol, and others). Rave reviews are caused by the Moroccan rose, which is a stronger aphrodisiac.

By consistency, essential oil consists of a liquid part and a solid part. The color of the essential oil can vary from light green to dark yellow. At a cool temperature, the natural rose essential oil solidifies, and when warmed, for example, in the hand, it becomes liquid again. These properties are used to verify the identity of the substance.

Raw material

The essential oil is made from the petals of the Gallic, Damascus and Moroccan rose bush. The Crimean rose deserves excellent reviews.

The best roses for oil production grow in Bulgaria, Italian, Turkish, French and Iranian raw materials are highly valued.

Each drop is worth its weight in gold, since it takes thirty buds to get it. It takes up to five tons of raw materials to produce a kilogram of oil, so the price of one milliliter is very high and reaches a thousand rubles. Mass useful properties possesses the Crimean rose, which grows in the south of Russia, in the middle lane and even in Siberia.

The Crimean rose contains all the same components as the Damascus rose, but in slightly different proportions. Its healing properties are also based on great content vitamins and amino acids. Crimean rose heals atherosclerosis and hypertension. Known for her antiseptic properties. Crimean rose treats stomach ulcers and gastritis using its wound healing properties.

Crimean rose is suitable for infusions, decoctions, oils and rose water. Its properties are used in the treatment of scarlet fever, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the kidneys. Its use is the most accessible for the inhabitants of Russia and causes positive reviews women.

Processing methods

Rose essential oil is obtained by steam (water) distillation. Another method is known - solvent extraction. As a result of extraction, the oil yield is much higher, so the price for it is significantly lower. Here is how rose oil is produced in Bulgaria:

The substance obtained as a result of extraction, dissolved in alcohol, is called an absolute and is used in the perfume industry and for scenting clothes. in medical, cosmetic purposes and aromatherapy uses rose essential oil obtained by distillation.

The use of only this oil is suitable for maintaining healthy hair, beauty and youthfulness of the skin. It should be borne in mind that for cosmetic purposes, rose essential oil is not applied to the skin and hair roots in pure form, but is used only in conjunction with other creams or oils. AT medical purposes for oral administration, a drop of the substance is dissolved in milk or applied to a piece of sugar.

Healing properties

Rose essential oil is widely used in medicinal purposes thanks to its unique properties:

  • normalize cardiovascular activity;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve the process of digestion;
  • have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, relieve headaches;
  • normalize the work of the endocrine system and restore the balance of hormones;
  • have a rejuvenating effect, optimizing the processes of self-regulation;
  • concentrate attention, improve memory, stimulate the creative process and increase mental performance;
  • normalize menstruation in women, eliminate premenstrual syndrome, reduce menstrual pain;
  • get rid of vaginitis and thrush;
  • have a powerful regenerating effect on the skin of the face and hair roots;
  • neutralize and remove toxins, including alcohol;
  • Eliminate neuroses, soothe with overexcitation, anger, anxiety and stress, insomnia.

Numerous reviews of women who used rose oil for treatment gynecological diseases, talk about it high efficiency.

Use in cosmetology

As part of facial skin care products and reducing hair breakage, oil performs many functions. As a cosmetic, rose essential oil is used for:

  • care for dry and aging skin;
  • restoration of damaged hair;
  • increase elasticity and eliminate irritation;
  • face and neck skin lifting;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • elimination of rosacea;
  • complexion improvement;
  • resorption of scars;
  • lip care.

The regal rose oil for the face has a delicate aroma and has a magical effect on the skin. A very valuable cosmetic product used in the beauty and perfume industries.

Benefits of rose oil for skin

The cosmetic properties of rose oil are used for:

  1. Care for the delicate skin of the eyelids;
  2. Removal of age-related pigment formations;
  3. Restoration of elasticity and softness of the epidermis;
  4. Smoothing all types of wrinkles;
  5. Has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  6. Accelerating the healing of cracks, wounds, scars.

Rose oil received rave reviews from cosmetologists due to its unique composition:

  • diethyl ether;
  • stearopten;
  • nerol;
  • farnesol.

In cosmetology, oil can be used in its pure form, locally applied to purulent formations. The use of rose oil for the face is effective in anti-aging, whitening masks, in cleansing scrubs and peels. For classic massage it will take only 5-7 drops per 10 ml of the base (olive, peach, grape, mango oils).

Best Homemade Rose Oil Facial Recipes

Rose oil mask for acne

Result: natural homemade masks treat acne, pimples on the skin, remove blackheads. Recipes with rose oil have pronounced antiseptic and regenerating properties.


  • 6 drops of rose oil;
  • 17 gr. yellow clay;
  • turmeric.

Preparation and method of application: dilute yellow clay until a homogeneous viscous structure is obtained fresh broth nettles. Add essential oil and a pinch of spice (for very light skin - on the tip of a knife). Steam your face hot chamomile compress, spreading the composition with a spatula, wait ten minutes. Wash off with lime juice.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Anti wrinkle rose oil mask

Result: rose oil has a beneficial effect on the face, increasing elasticity, softening the keratinized epidermis and peeling. Using folk recipes against wrinkles, scars and scars, you can maintain youthfulness and radiance of the skin.


  • 7 drops of rose oil;
  • 18 gr. homemade mayonnaise;
  • 6 ml of aloe juice.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a traditional homemade sauce using a blender and mixer (beat eggs with mustard, gradually adding olive / sunflower oil), add aroma oil and freshly squeezed juice of a young aloe leaf. Cleanse the face and use a cosmetic brush with a soft bristle to distribute the nourishing mass on the face, avoiding contact with the eyelid area. After thirty-five minutes, remove with a sponge. Moisturize your face with shea butter thin layer apply along the massage lines.

Anti blemish rose oil mask

Result: rose essential oil for the skin helps to improve complexion, even distribution of pigment in the skin. Use the mask at home after taking sun treatments or going to the solarium.


  • 8 drops of damask rose oil;
  • 13 gr. yogurt;
  • protein;
  • 11 drops of macadamia oil.

Preparation and method of application: beat the protein with a mixer until foam is formed, add yogurt, Australian and fragrant flower oil, repeat the whipping manipulations. Remove thermal fluid decorative cosmetics, distribute a light air composition, paying special attention to the cheekbones, chin and forehead surface. After forty minutes, wash off with a decoction of calendula, treat your face with a cream with vitamin C.

Rejuvenating mask with rose oil

Result: restore tone and elasticity, accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis skin care recipes. After 30 years, use a mask with rose oil to prevent the manifestations of sagging once a month. With severe facial asymmetry, puffiness and static wrinkles - up to five times in three weeks.



  • 9 drops of essential rose oil;
  • 18 gr. pumpkin puree;
  • 16 drops of tamanu oil.

Preparation and method of application: cook baked pumpkin on a kitchen machine, or purchase ready-made from the series baby food. Combine with nourishing and rejuvenating essential oils, spread the composition with a plastic spatula in smooth movements from the bottom (from the chin) up (to the cheekbones and forehead). The duration of the mask is half an hour, after washing with water and bergamot oil.

Rose Oil Cleansing Mask

Result: removes toxins and oxidants, removes upper layer epidermis, cleanses closed comedones rosewood essential oil for the face. The procedure is carried out in combination with moisturizing masks so as not to deplete the immunity of the dermis, restoring the pH balance of the skin.


  • 12 drops of rosewood oil;
  • 2 tablets of ascorutin;
  • 2 white charcoal tablets.

Preparation and method of application: crush vitamin C together with a pharmaceutical sorbent, dilute with warm (50 ◦) concentrated decoction calendula, introduce bactericidal aroma oil. With gentle rubbing movements, distribute the cleansing mass on a pre-steamed face. Leave for fourteen minutes, then rinse with infusion of plantain, be sure to apply a nutrient with high content vitamins and organic acids.

Mask for oily skin

Result: skin care for skin prone to regular breakouts is easy to carry out with the help of natural cosmetics. home cooking. Are getting stronger blood vessels, pores are cleansed and narrowed, the activity of the sebaceous glands is reduced thanks to the mask with rose oil.


  • 7 drops of rose ether;
  • 21 gr. pea flour;

Preparation and method of application: turn the legumes into a powdered state in a coffee grinder, add a chilled fermented milk product and flower oil. Steam the skin for about five minutes with a herbal compress, apply the composition, following the directions of the zigzag movement of the lymph. After eight minutes, wash off with a decoction of orange peels.

Mask for dry skin

Result: nourishes the skin, saturation with vitamins, minerals, acids, moisturizing mask. The structure of skin cells is restored, lipid metabolism in tissues.


  • 9 drops of rose oil;
  • yolk;
  • 13 drops Brazil nut oil

Preparation and method of application: bake an apple in the oven or microwave, mix the resulting cooled fruit puree with egg yolk and caring oil. Wipe the face with a decoction of prunes, then apply a thin layer of moisturizing mass. Leave for twenty minutes, complete the procedure with a contrast wash, then apply a nourishing emulsion.

Video recipe: How to make rose oil at home

This variety is an exceptional creation of breeders, which has been enjoyed by people for hundreds of years in a variety of industries.

What does this type of rose look like?

Rosa damask grows mainly in southern regions CIS countries. She loves warmth, but is rather unpretentious in care. Many who have this ornamental shrub growing in their garden know how useful it is and use it with pleasure.

Damascus rose has large buds of different shades, from white and pale pink to scarlet. These flowers differ from other species in the large number of petals in the bud and its opening. Roses exude an incredible fragrance that pleases garden visitors in the first half of summer.

How beautiful the Damascus rose is, the photo will help to present you in full.

Oil making process

Damascus rose oil has its price. This is not a cheap tool, but many readily acquire it, and all thanks to its irreplaceable properties. Before buying oil, please note that it is completely natural product. Real damask rose essential oil should not have any impurities, including alcohols.

Also exists interesting fact: to get just a couple of drops of the elixir, you must process at least 30 buds of this beautiful flower. The petals are separated by hand, after which, using a direct cold pressing process, the oil itself is obtained. Then it is simply poured into bottles and goes on sale.

It should be noted that the maximum healing effect will have only pure oil, without any additional components in the composition.

Damask rose products

The Damascus rose has been used since ancient times for healing various diseases as well as for cosmetic purposes. Tea is brewed from its petals, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They also make medicinal jam.

In the Crimea and the Middle East, valuable products are produced from the petals of the Damascus rose. medicine- rosanol, which is actively used in the treatment urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys and biliary tract.

Valuable is made from a Damascus rose cosmetic soap. And of course, healing and soothing baths are taken with its petals.

But the most expensive product is Damask rose essential oil, which replaces almost all possible cosmetic products.

Oil for body

This essential oil in cosmetology is simply indispensable tool for problematic and sensitive skin. And this applies not only to the skin of the face. Damask rose oil is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, as it has a strong soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to take a bath with a few drops of the product, and the skin condition will improve significantly.

The effectiveness of the facial

Damascus rose oil is also used to improve facial skin, the use of which can even help smooth out deep wrinkles. It is suitable for any type of skin, and especially for hypersensitive, dry and prone to allergic reactions. The elastic properties of the skin of the face are greatly enhanced, which has a positive effect on its appearance and naturally rejuvenates her.

Damask rose oil effectively fights such a problem as acne on the face. It is enough to apply the oil pointwise to the rash and leave overnight.

The tool is characterized by the fact that it moisturizes dry skin of the face and at the same time normalizes the secretion of sebum for oily skin. And also it maintains the water-lipid balance of the dermis.

Fatigue of the skin around the eyes dark circles and small wrinkles are also effectively eliminated by lotions from healing oil.

Damask rose oil for hands and nails

Elimination of problems with the skin of hands and nails - a sphere in modern cosmetology which is currently actively used healing properties damask rose oil Since many argue that the hands are the second face of a woman, the tool is incredibly in demand due to its high efficiency. Dry and inflamed hand skin is a common problem for many ladies. As in the case of facial skin, rose oil can significantly rejuvenate it, making it more elastic and velvety.

Baths with Damascus rose oil strengthen the nail plate, accelerate the growth of nails and significantly improve their condition. The tool is indispensable after weathering and partial. Oil is used even after using low-quality detergents economic purpose, as a result of which hands often appear allergic reactions, with which all the same baths with a Damascus rose are struggling. In addition to oil, you can add flower petals to them.

How does it improve hair quality?

If a girl or a woman suffers from hair loss, their brittleness, dullness and fungus, leading to dandruff, the Damascus rose will again come to the rescue. The oil from this flower should be used to make healing hair masks.

In case of psoriasis, damask rose oil is added to the balm for the scalp, which promotes the healing of damaged areas of the epidermis and soothes irritation and discomfort.

Do you need to make your hair silky, even out its structure and give it a lively shine? It is enough to add a few drops of oil to the finished mask or hair balm. Or you can make a mask with rose oil and chamomile. If a little white clay should be added to the mask and cucumber juice. The result will be universal remedy to eliminate all problems with the hair and scalp.

Damask rose in neurology

Neurology is the area in medicine where this plant has been used for many centuries. Damask rose essential oil is a sedative that has virtually no analogues in medicine. Baths with a few drops of this elixir not only help to get rid of moral stress after a hard day's work. They eliminate more serious consequences disorders nervous system. For example, increased irritability, excitability, excessive aggressiveness and depression.

Even in ancient times, the remedy was used as an antidote to increased sentimentality and sensitivity to other people's words and actions. It also helps to tidy up the female nervous system.

It is good not only to take baths, but also to use aroma lamps with Damask rose essential oil. With overwork and lack of sleep, the remedy brings harmony in thoughts and helps to fall asleep if this cannot be done.

How else is the oil used in medicine

Various balms are made on the basis of Damascus rose oil. It is widely used both in formulations and in pure form for the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, burns and inflammation.

Rose damask is used as a strong antioxidant. Green tea with the addition of oil is recommended as a means for losing weight and removing toxins and cholesterol from the body.

food application

Rose oil is used in the manufacture of desserts as a natural flavoring agent. It is added to tea or coffee to improve palatability drink.

One of the most popular flower cosmetics is rose essential oil. It is excellent for all skin types. This is a real find for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Legends have been written about him since ancient times, and the annals of different countries and peoples mention magical properties.

Characteristics, useful properties and composition

The most noble species are Moroccan and Damascus rose oils. Their compositions differ in the percentage of components, but the action is identical. Moroccan rose oil is a powerful aphrodisiac.

The color of the oil depends on the feedstock: from muted yellow to pale green. The lower the storage temperature, the thicker the consistency. Normal density returns as the temperature rises.

Main components:

  • geraniol;
  • roseol;
  • farnesol;
  • citronellol;
  • phenylethinol;
  • nerol;
  • eugenol;
  • acids: lauric, palmitic and arachidic.

Essential oil of rosewood has the following effect:

  • helps in the fight against flaky and irritated skin;
  • nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, evens out its color;
  • treats neurodermatitis and dermatitis;
  • reduces or completely eliminates the manifestations of stretch marks on the skin;
  • contributes to the preservation of youthful skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and vascular pattern on the face;
  • brightens with the possibility of complete elimination of age spots and wrinkles.

The oil rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with moisture, tones and softens. It returns skin firmness and elasticity. The result of regular use is a fresh healthy look.

It is one of the best means with inflammation and irritation of the skin, has powerful antiseptic properties.

Acquisition Methods

There are several ways to get this wonderful tool:

  1. Ether is obtained in production;

Rose oil in industrial environment produced in two ways:

  • distillation

Hot steam is distilled through a mass of petals. The final substance is separated into essential oil and hydrolat (flower water). Both products are sold at average prices due to the relative simplicity of the process and the high volume of production.

  • enfleurage

The petals are placed on plates with odorless fat and left until the esters are absorbed by the base mass. A portion of roses is repeatedly changed to fresh at intervals (several days). The result of this step is fudge. The second step of enfleurage is its mixing with alcohol or other pure solvent. The fat is separated from the rest of the solution, then the alcohol is separated from the oil. The resulting oil is called the absolute. It is so concentrated that it can even freeze when room temperature. The price of such a product is always high. To make 1 liter, you need to use at least 3-5 tons of flowers of the first freshness.

Absolute is considered the ideal for skin care. It goes on sale diluted to 5% concentration. The complementary basis, as a rule, is jojoba.

aromatherapy properties. Dosage in aroma lamp

Aromatherapy is one of the forms alternative medicine. There are two mechanisms of action: direct pharmacological effect and the influence of aroma on the brain through the olfactory system.

How to use:

  1. Inhalation directly for disinfection respiratory tract and achieving a psychological effect.
  2. Contact application for skin care, massage, adding to baths.
  3. Aromatization in the room and air disinfection.

In aromatherapy, rose oil is used as an effective sedative. It is very popular among the fair sex. Using just a few drops of this essence, you can relieve stress, get rid of nervous tension and create a more positive outlook on the world. For women, rose oil will help to become more self-confident and reveal internal reserves charm of femininity and beauty. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it helps to solve a number of issues related to sexual problems.

Rose oil properties:

In aromatherapy, as in any treatment, there are rules:

  1. The first procedures are carried out using small doses.
  2. Rose oil is not used in its pure form, but is dissolved in base oils (almond, apricot, peach, olive).
  3. Entry into aromatherapy sessions should be gradual - to begin with, no more than 20 minutes in duration. To achieve the most effective result from aromatherapy you need to create certain conditions: - create subdued lighting, without bright light sources; Eliminate everything in the environment that creates stress for you; - create silence; - isolate yourself from others, it is better that during aromatherapy you are not disturbed or distracted.

Pmedicinal use

In medicine, the spectrum therapeutic effect oil is quite wide and varied. So it is successfully used for normalization menstrual cycle in women, treatment of infertility in men, improves heart function and normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.

Popular effective recipes:

  1. Dry and cracked areas of the skin are treated with a compress: a tablespoon is heated in a water bath vegetable oil, it should not be hot. Add 3 drops of ether, moisten a cotton cloth with the composition and apply to the damaged area until it cools completely. The procedure is performed twice a day. The result will be noticeable in 2-3 days.
  2. An irregular cycle can be smoothed out by using a mixture of calendula juice with rose ether (2-3 drops per 100 ml of juice). It is introduced into the vagina by douching.
  3. For cleansing and healing inflammatory processes different nature in the body it is recommended to take baths for 15-20 minutes (start from five minutes). A mixture of rose oil is added to the collected water and sea ​​salt- 5 drops per 20-30 grams of salt (Approximately 2 tablespoons. Such baths increase the overall tone of the body. The course of treatment is two to three weeks (daily or every other day), in preventive purposes once a week is sufficient.
  4. In order to treat angina, rose oil in the amount of one or two drops is applied with a pipette to the affected area (it is possible to apply cotton swab). The procedure is repeated 3 times a day for three days. The frequency of application with an interval of 4-5 hours.
  5. Pulpitis is treated by filling the canal with a mixture that includes rose oil. It completely kills microorganisms in 5 minutes.
  6. Toothache for 3-4 hours can be removed by applying diluted ether to the cavity affected by caries.
  7. Treatment of periodontitis is carried out by applying a moistened swab with rose water. The compress is applied to the affected gum. Bleeding gums and bothersome pain go away after a few sessions. Inflammation processes are treated and gums are strengthened.

Application in cosmetology

Pink ether is widely used for cosmetic purposes: for the face, hair and body.

  • To nourish and moisturize tired, dry and dehydrated skin, add 5 drops of ether to 100 grams of heavy cream, wipe your face once a day.
  • Baths for the skin of the face, neck and decollete. Pour 0.5 - 1 liter of water heated to 80 degrees into a large container, add 3 drops of ether. The procedure is carried out by bending over the steam, while the head is covered with a towel. Breathe for 7-10 minutes. After that, masks containing oil or aroma washing are recommended.

You can enrich the composition of the cream for daily use: per 50 ml bottle. three drops will suffice.

  • Face masks can be very diverse. You can add a couple of drops to the usual masks or make it according to the following recipe: dissolve a couple of drops of essential oil in one tablespoon of the base (honey, olive oil, egg yolk or dairy product). Massage the mask evenly onto the skin and hold for five minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Rose water for washing: dilute three drops of rose oil in half a teaspoon of emulsifier. As an emulsifier, vodka (40% alcohol), honey or whey is used. The resulting composition is mixed with half a liter warm water. Rinse the skin and gently pat dry with a towel.
  • Rose oil for hair is very effective - it returns shine, strength and stimulates them. active growth. Dry hair ends are restored by applying a mixture of almond oil and rose ether - about 1 tablespoon for 3 drops. A massage mask is suitable for the roots. The basis of care is a nourishing scalp massage. It is necessary to prepare the mixture: add five drops of ether to 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Apply over the entire surface of hair growth and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes. Spread the rest over the entire length of the hair. For creating greenhouse effect, wrap your hair with a towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse. If during or after the procedure you experience headache, the concentration should be reduced.

The combination of rose oil with various components

Ideal companions as base oils: almond, apricot, olive.


Application in everyday life

Rosewood oil can repel insects and is often used as a natural insect repellent.

With regular aromatherapy sessions, it helps to quit smoking.

If you are planning a long trip, be sure to take rose oil with you - it increases attention and will not allow you to lose vigilance on the road.

Dosage and emulsifiers

The most commonly used emulsifiers are: ethanol 40% (vodka); - honey; — dairy products(kefir, curdled milk, yogurt); - bran; - marine and salt; - soda. The dosage is maintained according to the prescription. Most often, it is 3-5 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier. Primary aromatherapy procedures are carried out for a short period of time - up to 20 minutes. The dosage of rose oil is minimal - 1-2 drops. With absence side effects and individual intolerance, it increases to 3-5 drops.

How to choose a quality product.

  • Natural essential oil is packaged in a dark glass bottle. It shouldn't be kept on display. sunlight detrimental to this product.
  • The cork must be tight to avoid escaping oil.
  • A dropper or pipette with the ability to calculate the volume is attached to the package (does not apply to small bottles of 1-2 ml.).
  • Packaging for medicines - with protection against the first opening.
  • The label and packaging must contain full information about the manufacturer.

The myth that natural ether it will completely evaporate if you drop it on paper, not true. This is not an indication of quality.


Rose oil is a very valuable product. And its production takes a lot of raw materials: to obtain 1 kg. oil is spent 5000 kg of raw materials. The final price averages 250-300 rubles per 5 ml. If the price is lower, then most likely you have purchased a diluted product - it will not lose its beneficial properties, but it will be necessary for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. large quantity oils.

Oil for the health of women and children:

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