What are fluid formations in the ovaries. Treatment of a retention cyst of the ovary with folk remedies. Treatment of cystic neoplasm


An ovarian retention cyst is a fluid-filled cavity that develops from glandular tissue. The reason for its appearance is the blockage of the ducts of the glands through which the secret must be excreted. Such a neoplasm occurs on the ovary mainly in those women who are in reproductive age.

What is an ovarian retention cyst

A retention cyst can form on the left or right ovary. Outwardly, it looks like a capsule with transparent walls, inside it is a liquid. Retention includes the following types of cystic tumors:

  • follicular;
  • endometrioid;
  • paraovarian;
  • corpus luteum cysts.

You can get rid of paraovarian cysts only by surgery, endometrioid inclusions are amenable to hormone therapy, other types can resolve on their own.

Attention! Retention cystic neoplasms do not degenerate into malignant tumors.

You can find out what types of cystic neoplasms exist, what they are from the video:

Causes of pathology

Ovarian retention formations can appear at any age. The most common cause of their occurrence is called hormonal disruptions. With excessive production of estrogen in the female body, the process of mucus secretion intensifies, it becomes thicker. As a result, the produced secret becomes more viscous. It clogs the excretory ducts and begins to accumulate in the gland, increasing its volume.

A retention cyst of the right ovary can form at the site of a follicle that has not burst, or a corpus luteum. Normally, the follicle gradually increases in size and bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle. An egg comes out of it. If the follicle does not burst, then a follicular cyst may appear in its place. Most often, pathology occurs during puberty. One of the reasons is an excess of estrogen in the body.

A tumor of the corpus luteum is detected in cases where this temporary gland does not regress, but continues to grow. Normally, the corpus luteum is needed to produce progesterone to maintain pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, then it resolves by the beginning of menstruation. A cyst may appear if a woman:

  • was taking emergency contraceptives;
  • drank drugs that stimulate the release of the egg;
  • was starving;
  • experienced a lot of stress.

Perhaps the appearance of cystic inclusions in chronic diseases of the appendages and after frequent abortions.

Endometrioid cysts appear in patients suffering from endometriosis. Inside the cystic cavity are the remnants of blood that is released in women during menstruation. They may appear when:

  • immune disorders;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • getting cells of the uterine mucosa with blood flow into the ovaries;
  • transfer of mucosal cells during operations.

The paraovarian cyst is located in the area between the ovary, the broad uterine ligament and the tube. This is a fluid-filled cavity. It appears due to intrauterine violation of the laying of the genital organs.

Symptoms of the retention cyst of the ovary

Many retention inclusions are discovered by chance. If they are small, then there may be no unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, cysts of the corpus luteum pass asymptomatically. They resolve on their own in 2-3 months in almost 90% of women. Some, when they appear, are observed:

  • mild pain in the lower abdomen;
  • prolongation of the duration of menstruation;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

With follicular cysts, the regularity of the monthly cycle is disturbed. Retention ovarian cyst causes bleeding on any day of the cycle, many women with acyclic bleeding often have benign neoplasms.

Characteristic signs occur with the development of endometrioid cysts. Women complain about:

  • constant aching pain, alternating with sharp;
  • urination disorders;
  • painful periods;
  • infertility.

With paraovarian cysts, complaints appear if their diameter becomes more than 12-15 cm. In patients, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed, acyclic uterine bleeding appears, and menstruation becomes painful.

Signs of retention formation of the right ovary

When a retention inclusion appears in the patient's right ovary, pain may appear on the right side. If the cystic formation has ruptured or its leg has twisted, then it will be difficult to determine the exact localization of pain.

In women with follicular cystic tumors in the right ovary, pain may occur on the right during ovulation. Women feel them for 1-2 days.

Signs of retention formation of the left ovary

Even in the absence of symptoms, the doctor, with a manual examination, can detect a retention inclusion in the left ovary. The gynecologist during the study should feel the volumetric formation located in the left iliac region.

Symptoms of retention formation of both ovaries

If a woman has pain in the area of ​​​​the appendages on the left and right, then the appearance of retention cysts on both ovaries can be suspected. Most often, these symptoms occur with the development of endometrioid cystic tumors. After all, cysts of the corpus luteum and follicular cystic neoplasms rarely appear on both sides. They affect only one gonad.

Retention ovarian cyst in postmenopausal women

In postmenopausal women, functional cysts cannot form. Therefore, the appearance of any tumor-like formations should alert. At this age, it is not cysts that predominantly occur, but cystomas - true tumors that can degenerate into malignant ones.

After the onset of menopause, there is a possibility of endometrioma formation. It occurs when the lining of the uterus grows into the ovaries. This pathology occurs in no more than 3% of patients who have menopause. When endometriomas are detected on the ovaries in postmenopause, surgical treatment is indicated.


To identify a retention ovarian cyst, the gynecologist should conduct a two-handed examination of the pelvic region and, if a neoplasm is suspected, refer the patient to an ultrasound scan. During the examination, the doctor can see the location of the tumor, its structure, shape, size. According to the parameters obtained, the diagnosis is specified.

The corpus luteum cyst looks like a round cavity with clear contours, it has an anechoic structure. Endometrioid tumors are characterized by a heterogeneous internal echostructure, numerous echo signals are visible in them. Follicular cysts are hypoechoic, thin-walled, with only 1 chamber inside.

Attention! If necessary, a therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy is performed. During its implementation, the doctor can not only examine and remove the retention cyst of the left ovary, but also examine the appendages on the right.

Treatment of the retention cyst of the ovary

If cysts of the corpus luteum or follicles are detected, treatment is not immediately prescribed. Doctors recommend watching them for 2-3 cycles. If the situation does not change or retention cystic neoplasms begin to grow, drug therapy is selected.

Conservative treatment is prescribed to patients when endometrioid cysts are detected. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that the patient complains about and preventing the progression of the pathology. If small paraovarian cysts are detected, it is recommended to observe their growth and development. If the diameter exceeds 10 cm, then surgical intervention is indicated.

Medical treatment

To get rid of follicular tumors, gynecologists prescribe hormonal agents to patients, which include gestagens and estrogens. The effect of the treatment should appear in 1.5-2 months.

For a corpus luteum cyst that does not go away on its own, the doctor may prescribe progesterone medications in the second phase of the cycle. An effective method of dealing with existing cystic inclusions are hormonal contraceptives. With their help, you can prevent the emergence of new cystic tumors.

For endometriomas:

  • estrogen-gestagenic agents: Diane-35, Femoden, Marvelon, Anovlar;
  • antiestrogens: Tamoxifen;
  • progestogens: Dufaston, Gestrinon, Norkolut, Medroxyprogesterone;
  • androgens: Sustanon-250, Testenat;
  • steroid anabolic drugs: Methylandrostenediol, Nerobol.

The duration of therapy in the detection of endometrioid formations is at least six months. The tactics of conducting hormonal treatment should be selected by the doctor. In addition to hormones, vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Puncture of the retention formation of the ovary

With the ineffectiveness of drug therapy, an operation is prescribed. Benign formations can be removed during therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy. The doctor may enucleate the cystic cavity or cut it out completely.

In some cases, a puncture of the retention formation is made under ultrasound control. The doctor pierces the cystic wall with a special needle and removes the contents of the capsule through it into sterile test tubes. The resulting fluid is sent for examination, and a sclerosing agent is injected into the cystic cavity. Under its action, the walls stick together and the formation resolves.


With the appearance of a functional retention formation of the ovary, the doctor may recommend, in addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures. They are used mainly for cysts of the corpus luteum. The doctor may prescribe:

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • SMT-phoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

Mud therapy, laser therapy and irrigation of the vagina with medicinal solutions are also used.

Treatment of a retention ovarian cyst with folk remedies

You can get rid of luteal benign tumors with the help of folk remedies. Some recommend using an alcohol infusion of raisins. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of vodka should be poured with 150 g of raisins. It is necessary to insist the liquid for a week. The remedy is taken three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Fans of alternative medicine are also advised to drink burdock juice, three times a day for a tablespoon. Squeezed juice should be stored no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Possible Complications

In rare cases, the resulting retention formations cause complications:

  • twisting of the leg;
  • rupture of the cystic cavity;
  • suppuration.

These conditions require urgent surgical intervention.

Reference! You can suspect the development of complications by dagger pains, a drop in blood pressure, and pallor of the skin.

Disease prevention

It is not always possible to prevent the appearance of retention cysts, because the mechanism of their formation is not fully understood. Women are advised to monitor their reproductive health and visit a gynecologist regularly. An effective method of preventing the occurrence of functional neoplasms is the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Women who have been diagnosed with an ovarian retention cyst should carefully monitor their health and follow all the recommendations of their doctor. It can resolve on its own, but there are certain types that can only be removed surgically.

Many women of reproductive age are faced with an unpleasant disease that causes cystic formations. These are benign phenomena, which, however, can cause serious discomfort, and in the future lead to negative consequences. That is why the diagnostic study of the condition of the ovaries should be regularly paid attention.

A cyst in the ovary is a benign type of formation located in its tissue or close to it. It looks like a round tumor. Inside such a bubble is a liquid. But this formation should not be confused with real tumors, since intramural cell proliferation is not observed in the vesicles.

As a rule, women who are in the most active, childbearing age are distinguished by a tendency to the disease. However, sometimes such changes are observed in girls, because their hormonal background has not stabilized, the menstrual cycle has not appeared, and the ovaries themselves have not yet entered the normal mode of functioning. There are also cases of illness in women after menopause due to the weakening of the functional activity of the female organ. And do not discount the cases of congenital pathology.

If one part of the organ is affected, then they talk about the development of a unilateral cyst. An example is a cystic formation of the left ovary or the right one. But bilateral pathologies are also possible. A feature, and at the same time a danger, of the disease is the impossibility of recognition for a long period of time. Such a benign tumor is not palpable and does not manifest itself. Although with the growth of the bubble, the likelihood of discomfort increases.

Important. Often, a cystic body is detected by ultrasound during a standard routine examination. That is why women are advised to undergo regular examinations.

Causes of the disease

The occurrence of a cavity in the right ovary can be the result of various factors. They activate the disease, acting separately from each other or in combination. The exact cause of the formation of neoplasms has not been fully elucidated. Although the most common source of problems is a change in hormonal levels, when there is an imbalance of hormones produced by the pituitary gland.

Regular stressful conditions, psycho-emotional overstrain and breakdowns, and persistent mental exhaustion should not be written off. If the functional type of the disease is tied to failures in the processes of ovulation, then in other cases hormonal changes are the determining factors.

Factors that increase the risk of cystic phenomena in the right ovary can also be:

  • inflammatory processes in it, in the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • infectious diseases that are spread sexually;
  • transferred abortions;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • being overweight or underweight;
  • violations in the menstrual cycle, as well as early menstruation in girls under 12 years of age.

Symptoms and manifestations

A cyst of the right ovary occurs in most women who have been diagnosed with neoplasms. If it was the result of malfunctions in the work of this organ, then the disease does not manifest itself, especially when the size of the bubble does not exceed 20-30 mm. But pathologies of the gynecological type will be clearly observed - hormonal disruptions, inflammation, and other pathologies. Along with single-chamber, there is a risk of multi-chamber cavities.

In the absence of complications, the following main symptoms are observed:

  • irregular pain in the lower abdomen, as well as a feeling of heaviness;
  • deviations in the frequency and state of discharge during menstruation;
  • the occurrence of discomfort and pain in the right lower abdomen during sexual activity or increased physical exertion, as well as in the process of urination;
  • unreasonable increase in temperature with the preservation of the state for a long period of time;
  • the appearance of bloody traces in daily secretions.

If a woman’s problems are accompanied by complications, then the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by sharpness and sharpness, the abdomen can increase in volume for no reason, its symmetry is disturbed;
  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • discomfort, pain with urination, often this process becomes problematic;
  • the occurrence of constipation;
  • tachycardia and jumps in blood pressure;
  • vaginal discharge that differs from the standard in color, smell, composition.

Varieties of neoplasms

A cyst can be functional when it is caused by dysfunction of the ovary, or non-functional, due to genetic changes and disorders of the internal organs of a person. Cystic formation of the right ovary is single or multiple - in the form of polycystic, single-chamber and multi-chamber.


It has a thin-walled structure, most often found in young women. Appears at the point of the follicle, in which the process of maturation of the egg is not going on and there is no possibility for its release. The follicle itself is not terrible, but if its size, due to the unstoppable accumulation of fluid, exceeds 30 mm, then it degenerates into a cyst.

As a rule, such formations are single-chamber. But more complex multi-chamber structures, up to 60 mm in diameter, are also possible. With the development of the disease, symptoms are not observed, although a delay in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of mild abdominal pain in the second half of the cycle are possible.

In the absence of complications and the timeliness of the treatment started, there are no threats to the woman's health. Rebirth in cancerous areas does not occur. In the case of complications, twisting of the cyst leg, hemorrhage into the cavity and wall rupture may occur.

Important. Patients experience increased pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis - examination and dynamic ultrasound. Treatment in the absence of complications includes the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs. These are nonsteroidal drugs. Sometimes I also use hormones.


The egg appears after the completion of ovulation from the bursting follicle. In its place, a corpus luteum appears. If in it the blood flow and lymph circulation deviate from the norm, then in women 16-45 years old, a functional cyst appears - luteal. Symptoms of neoplasms of this type do not appear, although occasionally a delay in the cycle and the appearance of mild pain in the abdomen are possible.

If intense bleeding begins inside the cyst, then abdominal pains appear, pressure decreases, the woman turns pale, her limbs become cold, and discharge with blood occurs.

Important. As a rule, during the passage of three consecutive menstrual cycles, the cyst disappears. If the patient cannot get rid of it naturally, then a surgical operation is required.


This variety often occurs in women under 40 years of age. Problems in adolescence are not uncommon. It is round or oval in shape. The content is transparent and elastic. The location of such a single-chamber formation is suprauterine or to the side of it. The basis for the formation of cystic processes are germinal tissues.

The disease has no obvious manifestations. Pain does not always occur. With the growth of the neoplasm (and it can reach 150 mm in diameter), the volume of the abdomen increases. Cycle failures and infertility are rare. For diagnosis, a two-handed examination and ultrasound are used. Treatment is by laparoscopy.


A cyst of this type can be unilateral or bilateral, reaching 100 mm. Differs in a smooth surface, density and spikes. The content turns brown. Wall microtears can lead to adhesions with other organs.

The disease develops gradually. The formations look like small foci in the ovary. During this period, no manifestations are observed. As the cyst grows, it reaches 60 mm with parallel formation of adhesions. In the future, cavities appear on both ovaries. At this stage, pain becomes common. They give to the sacrum or rectum. Menstruation is also accompanied by painful sensations. A rupture of the cavity is also possible.

Diagnosis is made with the help of ultrasound and color doppler. Surgery is used for treatment.


This is a very rare situation, as it is the result of violations in fetal development. As part of the cavity, fatty and cartilaginous tissue is distinguished. The development is very hidden, without any manifestations. Sometimes complications in the form of torsion of the leg are also possible. There are situations with the development of inflammatory processes. Treatment is surgical by laparoscopy.

Features of diagnostics

The use of diagnostic methods is determined by the type of neoplasm, as well as the rate of development of the disease. The whole spectrum includes:

  • identification of sources of pain;
  • bimanual examination;
  • puncture;
  • laparoscopy;
  • general blood analysis and biochemistry;
  • oncological testing;
  • assessment of the hormonal background;
  • tomography;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy.

treatment procedure

Cystic ovarian formations are subject to traditional therapy and surgical intervention. The first option is possible if the size of the functional neoplasm does not exceed 50-60 mm. Small cysts are examined, and the patient remains under observation. A large percentage of such small-sized formations resolve on their own. For traditional therapeutic effects, Magnesia, Jeannine or Duphaston are used.

Surgery is recommended in the treatment of non-functional cysts or large masses. Also, surgery will require a multi-chamber cyst. Surgery remains the only solution in the case of a rapidly progressive disease. Women of childbearing age most often avoid ovarian resection. But age patients are forced to undergo this procedure in order to prevent complications. After the operation, a 2-3 month course of hormone therapy is prescribed.

Complications of the disease

If you ignore the symptoms and do not undergo regular examinations, then negative consequences are possible that cause serious harm to the body:

  • cyst malignancy;
  • necrosis and infertility due to twisting of the leg;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, which causes a violation of their functions;
  • tears and internal bleeding.

Sometimes a cystic cavity appears on the right side of the female organ during pregnancy. In this case, complications are predicted with a low probability. Therefore, the patient remains, as a rule, under observation. And the removal of the neoplasm is performed after childbirth.


Ovarian dysfunction is always a concern for women. Do not go overboard and problems with the appearance of neoplasms. Concern is caused by the latent nature of the course of the disease and the frequent absence of symptoms at the first stage of development. Therefore, regular examination by specialists is recommended, timely treatment will help to avoid complications. An unplanned visit to a gynecologist should not frighten a woman, because only in this case it is possible to deal with the symptoms of the disease and determine their causes.

The retention formation of the left ovary is a neoplasm similar to a benign tumor. Unlike malignant tumors, it does not form metastases and is more treatable. This disease refers to cystic neoplasms, so it is sometimes called a retention cyst. Next, we consider in more detail the features of the disease, its causes, symptoms, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The retention formation on the left ovary in appearance resembles a translucent bubble filled with liquid, sometimes with blood splashes. In case of ingestion of infection, pus may appear.

The size of the neoplasm can be different, ranging from a few mm in diameter to 15-20 cm. A left-sided retention cyst is diagnosed quite often, in every 6th woman. At risk are women of reproductive age, from 14 to 45 years old.

Left-sided is less common than the retention formation of the right ovary. This is due to the fact that large arteries pass through the right ovary, and in general it is more susceptible to various diseases than the left one.

This neoplasm rarely has a risk of malignancy and is one of the most harmless and most easily treatable types of cysts.


The main reasons for the appearance of a retention formation of the right / left ovary are:

  1. Functional disorders of the endocrine system (pathologies of the thyroid gland with impaired hormone production - hyper- and hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, etc.)
  2. Hormonal imbalance, in which the ratio of "female" and "male" sex hormones is disturbed.
  3. Early menses.
  4. Cycle disorders.
  5. Diseases affecting the formation of follicles and ovulation - follicular insufficiency, weak follicular apparatus, etc.
  6. Endometriosis of the uterus and / or ovaries in history.
  7. Surgical interventions, including abortions.
  8. Past cases of retention cysts on the left ovary. There is always a risk of relapse.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of an infectious and non-infectious nature (salpingoophoritis, chronic cystitis).
  10. The use of hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription, as well as in violation of the dosage (including oral contraceptives).
  11. Early sexual life.
  12. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes drinking alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity.


Retention formation of the left ovary is the general name for cysts, which are classified as follows:

  1. Yellow cyst. It is formed after ovulation, when an egg is released from the dominant follicle, and a corpus luteum forms in its place. This temporary endocrine organ produces the hormone progesterone, which is necessary during pregnancy to attach a fertilized egg to the uterine placenta. If fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum dies off with the advent of the next menstruation, and then the process is repeated anew in a new cycle. In case of violation of the production of progesterone, if this hormone is in excess in the body, the corpus luteum does not die, but may continue to grow, transforming into a cyst. Surgical intervention in this case, as a rule, is not required, it is enough to normalize the level of progesterone in the blood.
  2. Endometrial cyst. It is formed on the left ovary, if there is a history of a disease such as endometriosis - the growth of the uterine endometrium. Its cells go beyond the uterus, “move” to the ovary, and as a result, a cyst can form on it.
  3. The follicular cyst is formed from a dominant follicle, which, during the normal functioning of the reproductive system, should burst during ovulation and release the egg. But with a hormonal failure, this does not happen, the follicle continues to grow and eventually transforms into a cyst.
  4. The paraovarian cyst is localized inside the left appendage. Because of this, it is difficult to diagnose, especially in the early stages, when it has not reached a large size and practically does not show any symptoms. This type of cyst can reach huge sizes up to 20 cm in diameter and weigh up to 2 kg.


In the early stages of the development of these left-sided cysts, symptoms may either be completely absent or appear very slightly. As the tumor grows and the disease progresses, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pulling or aching pain, which is localized in the lower abdomen on the left;
  • pain during intercourse, which is given to the region of the left appendage;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • menstruation becomes plentiful, their color and / or consistency changes;
  • there may be a general weakness characteristic of colds;
  • visual enlargement of the abdomen in the absence of weight gain;
  • discharge in the middle of the cycle, which is not associated with ovulation. May be mixed with blood;
  • due to pain, constant tension of the abdominal muscles is possible.

Despite the fact that the retention formation on the left ovary does not develop into a malignant tumor and may not cause any concern to its owner for a long time, it still needs to be treated in order to avoid rupture and other complications.


You can detect a retention neoplasm on the left ovary by chance, during a routine examination by a gynecologist, or when the above symptoms appear.

In the second case, in addition to studying the patient's complaints, the doctor prescribes the following studies:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics, which is the main method for detecting a left-sided cyst. It is well visible with the help of the sensor.
  2. Since ultrasound does not determine the nature and type of neoplasm, a blood test is prescribed to determine the level and ratio of the amount of hormones.
  3. In some cases, a fine needle biopsy () is performed to exclude cancer.
  4. If an inflammatory process is suspected, smears are taken from the vagina, and a general blood test is performed to determine the level of leukocytes.
  5. To exclude cancer of the sigmoid colon, which looks like a left-sided retention neoplasm, an x-ray of the indicated area is taken.
  6. Sometimes they do.


If an ovarian retention neoplasm is diagnosed but is small and asymptomatic, the doctor may decide not to prescribe any treatment. The fact is that this type of cyst in some cases can begin to regress and eventually disappear completely without the use of drugs.

In cases where the left-sided cyst is of a hormonal nature, hormone therapy is used. This is especially true of follicular left-sided cysts and pathologies of the corpus luteum.

In the case of endometriosis, the underlying disease must be treated. Both conservative therapy and surgical intervention are used.

Absolute indications for surgical removal of retention formation are:

  1. Large size, if this occurs squeezing neighboring organs.
  2. Rapid growth of the cyst.
  3. If there is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.
  4. If severe pain is present.
  5. In cases where there was a rupture of the left-sided cyst. Removal is necessary, as there is a high risk of developing internal bleeding, peritonitis, sepsis.

The operation is currently performed more often by laparoscopy. This is a modern atraumatic technique, in which there is no need for an incision on the abdomen. Only 2-3 punctures are made, a sensor is inserted through one, which transmits the image to the monitor, and through others, equipment for removing the cyst. If the neoplasm is localized only on the left, then 3 small sutures remain on this side, which heal very quickly and subsequently become almost invisible.

Retention formation of the left ovary is an unpleasant, but not very serious disease. In order for the treatment to go faster, it is necessary to start it in the early stages, until the cyst has reached a large size. This requires a regular examination by a gynecologist.

What is a retention cystic formation on the ovary? An ovarian retention cyst is a tumor-like cavity structure on one or both gonads, the inside of which is filled with liquid or a thick substance with blood. Unlike a tumor, retentional ovarian structures do not undergo cancerous degeneration.

The types of retention cysts include:

  1. A follicular ovarian cyst, which is formed from a follicle that has not burst in a timely manner, as it normally does during the period of ovulation (egg release). Usually resolves itself in 2 - 3 monthly cycles.
  2. Paraovarian cyst, which is formed during the period of intrauterine development. It never dissolves, it is removed only by surgery.
  3. A cyst of the corpus luteum, the formation of which is associated with impaired development and regression of the corpus luteum after ovulation. Able to regress without treatment in 2 to 4 menstrual cycles.
  4. Endometrioid cyst growing from the cells of the mucous layer of the uterus that penetrate the ovary. This type of cyst must be treated with a combination of medical and surgical treatment.

Methods of therapy

If a retention formation occurs on the ovary, the doctor, based on diagnostic data, analyzes the parameters of the cyst, the likelihood of complications, concomitant conditions, including pregnancy and its planning, internal diseases and the patient's age.

With a small size of the cystic capsule, the absence of noticeable symptoms, they choose the tactics of waiting and constantly monitoring any changes. In case of formation growth, removal of the retention cyst becomes the only correct solution.

It is important to understand that each type of retention cyst has its own characteristics of the course, development and treatment.

In gynecological practice, the retention cyst of the right ovary is more common due to the more active blood supply to its tissues. But the treatment does not depend on where the cyst arose - on the right or on the left.

However, the symptoms that the retention formation of the right ovary gives are often confused with signs of inflammation of the appendix, and the retention cyst of the left ovary, according to clinical signs, resembles a tumor of the sigmoid colon.


If an ovarian retention cyst is diagnosed, then in the case of a follicular formation or with a corpus luteum cyst, the doctor may prescribe special physiotherapy to accelerate resorption, including:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetophoresis, electromagnetophoresis;
  • bathroom radon;
  • inductothermy.

Important. Physiotherapy with external heating is prohibited at the slightest suspicion of oncology, with an increase in temperature and any inflammatory processes. It is forbidden to sunbathe under the direct rays of the sun, saunas, baths, steam rooms, hot baths.

Medical treatment

As for drugs, as a rule, they are prescribed if the ovarian retention cyst refers to the growth of the corpus luteum and endometrial formation.

It should be understood that the endometrioid retention formation of the ovary will not disappear under the influence of medications alone. This is possible in rare cases at the initial stage of the process, when the focus of endometrial cells in the ovary is very small.

Medicines can slow down the growth of the cyst and prevent the recurrence of the spread of endometrial cells from the uterus to the pelvic organs. The course of treatment usually lasts at least 2 to 3 months.

Traditional preparations:

  1. Hormonal agents that replace steroids produced by the ovaries. These include:

  • estrogen-containing drugs (Klimara, Ovestin, Sinetrol, Ovipol Clio);
  • products with progesterone (Dufaston, Progestin, Prajisan, Crinon);
  • a new drug with dienogest - Bysanne, which suppresses the development of endometriosis.
  1. Combined contraceptive pills containing two hormones to normalize the ratio between the amount of different steroids in the female body (Femoden, Jess, Diana 35, Yarina, Marvelon, Janine, Rigevidon, Logest, Triquilar, Novinet).
  2. Drugs that reduce blood sugar levels, while normalizing body weight and the monthly cycle, stimulating ovulation. Only under regular glucose monitoring (Metformin, Siafor, Glucophage, Formetin, Glycon).
  3. Drugs that suppress the production of male steroids - androgens. They allow you to stop the function of the ovaries, slowing down the growth of cysts and preventing the formation of new structures (Androkur, Veroshpiron).
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieve the inflammatory process, inhibit the growth of cysts (Ibusan, Faspik, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Movalis, Nimesulide).
  5. Analgesics and antispasmodics. Remove pain, reduce spasms. No-shpa or Drotaverin, Spasmolgon, Ketonal.
  6. Sedative (sedative) drugs (Afobazole, Novopassit, Neurofazol, Mebikar, tinctures of valerian root, motherwort herb, evading peony).

The doses of these drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, based on a blood test for hormonal composition, since only a specialist is able to analyze deviations from the norm. In addition, the amount of medication prescribed will depend on the type of cyst.

Independent use of funds can only provoke the growth of a retention cyst and worsen the situation.


Surgical treatment is required:

  • in the case of paraovarian and endometrioid cysts;
  • if the retention formation of the left ovary, right or on both gonads has grown to a critical value (usually more than 60 mm);
  • with life-threatening complications, including rupture, suppuration of the cyst, twisting of its legs;
  • with suspicion of malignant degeneration of tissues.

If a small retention cyst decreases during treatment with hormonal drugs, then the therapy is extended until its complete regression. But in the case when conservative methods do not inhibit the growth of the cyst, the question of the operation is decided.

2 types of operations are performed depending on the size of the formation, contraindications, age and desire of the woman to become pregnant in the future, these include:

  1. Laparoscopic removal of the formation, in which the removal of the cyst is carried out through small incisions in the abdominal wall. The operation is painless, anemic.
  2. Laparotomy of an ovarian cyst, performed with large cystic formations, in the case of the development of cancer cells, with the spread of endometriosis to organs adjacent to the ovary, and also in case of complications.

Treatment with folk remedies

Home treatments for retention cysts using proven recipes can be used in parallel with medical and surgical treatment, but not a substitute for them.

Often, doctors prohibit the use of herbs with phytoestrogens (natural substances with hormonal action) in conjunction with hormonal pharmacological preparations. In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that phytoestrogens can uncontrollably change the effect of basic drugs.

Treat the use of herbs, medicinal substances should be the same as medicines. Many of them are contraindicated in certain internal diseases (pathologies of the kidneys and liver, allergic reactions, increased blood viscosity, a tendency to stroke, and others), so a doctor's consultation is required before using them.

Some recipes:

  1. Birch tinder fungus chaga.

It is used in the form of the drug Befungin for the treatment of tumors, including cystic formations on the ovaries. It is used for at least three monthly cycles (with a break for menstruation) in a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

A healing infusion of chaga prepared at home will give an even more pronounced result due to the increased content of nutrients. They take 600 grams of chaga, pour it with warm water and leave it for 8 hours to swell the raw material. The softened mushroom is crushed in a blender, 3 liters of water are added, the mixture is heated to 50C (avoiding boiling) and infused for 3 days at 19 - 25 C. Filter, diluted 2 times with boiled water and kept cold (no longer than 4 - 5 days) .

Treatment begins immediately after menstruation, ends at the onset of the next menstruation. In the first 3 days, they drink three times a day for half a glass of infusion 30 minutes before meals. Then the dose is increased to 200 ml.

  1. Upland uterus, red brush, winter-loving.

Three medicinal plants - upland queen (ortilia one-sided), winter-loving umbrella and red brush (Rhodiola four-part) - contain biologically active substances that enhance each other's action and have the following properties:

  • reduce blood clotting;
  • normalize the hormonal background and the work of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland);
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • relieve inflammation, pain.

Treatment of the retention cyst begins immediately after the end of the monthly female bleeding.

Decoctions from the upland uterus and winter-loving are prepared in the same way: from one tablespoon of dry grass, filled with 250 ml of hot water. Keep on the steam bath for 10 minutes, insist 4 hours and keep cool. If the herbs are bought in a pharmacy, the decoctions are prepared according to the instructions.

A decoction of the red brush is made from 300 ml of water and a tablespoon of the root. Boil for 10 minutes on a steam bath, insist an hour.

How to drink:

  • the first 7 days they drink 50 ml of a decoction of a boron uterus one hour before meals three times a day;
  • then 7 days, 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach, drink an infusion of the red brush;
  • the third week - an infusion of winter-loving half a cup in the morning.

After menstruation, the course is repeated. To enhance the result of treatment of the retention cyst, add a teaspoon of honey (for a day) and vitamin E (according to the instructions for use). Standard course - 3 - 4 months.


Retention ovarian cyst

The ovaries are the paired organs of the female reproductive system, in which germ cells (eggs) mature and sex hormones (estrogens, androgens, progesterone) are secreted. The ovary consists of stroma - the upper thin shell and follicles containing eggs at different stages of growth and maturation.

Every month, one of the mature follicles bursts and releases an egg, this process is called ovulation. When the process of ovulation is disturbed, ovarian cysts develop, which resemble an ovarian tumor, but, unlike it, do not metastasize to the lymph nodes and other organs.

An ovarian retention cyst is a volumetric formation on the surface of an organ, characterized by the presence of a thin sealed wall with fluid inside. The most common fluid is blood.

The reasons

The cause of the development of the disease is considered a violation of the ovulation process, which may occur due to:

  • Increased estrogen production in the ovaries. This hormone affects the viscosity of mucus in the uterus and in the fallopian (fallopian) tubes, a high percentage of viscosity makes it difficult for the egg to leave the follicle or completely prevents ovulation.
  • Violation of the production of gonadotropic hormones. These hormones are synthesized in the pituitary gland (the central regulatory organ of the endocrine glands) and are tropic to the ovaries. Gonadotropic hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and are involved in the maturation of follicles.

Causes of impaired hormone production in the pituitary gland include:

  • a brain tumor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • underdevelopment of the pituitary gland;
  • hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding into the brain);
  • closed or open traumatic brain injury;
  • viral meningitis or encephalitis.

It is also possible to single out a group of women who are most prone to the occurrence of retention cysts. These include individuals who have one or more predisposing factors:

  • obesity;
  • excess body weight;
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking;
  • history of abortion;
  • hard physical labor, professional bodybuilding, weightlifting;
  • taking hormonal drugs, and in particular uncontrolled, self-administration of oral contraceptives;
  • endometriosis is a serious disease associated with the introduction of endometrial cells into the ovary.

The endometrium, both in the uterus and in the ovary, changes under the influence of the menstrual cycle (it matures, grows, increases in volume, is rejected by the body and leaves it in the form of menstruation). The uterus is connected to the environment by means of the vagina and does not create an obstacle to the exit of the endometrium. Over time, a capsule forms around the cells, which increases in volume every month due to a rush of blood.


By type, they distinguish:

  1. A follicular cyst formed from a follicle that did not burst during ovulation.
  2. A corpus luteum cyst, which is formed from a follicle in which healing processes are disrupted after ovulation has occurred.
  3. Paraovarian cyst formed from the epididymis. These cysts grow relatively slowly, but reach enormous sizes and weigh several kilograms.
  4. Endometrioid cyst (the mechanism of development is described in the "Causes of the disease").


A small retention cyst is asymptomatic. It is usually diagnosed by chance during routine examinations by a gynecologist. Such cysts proceed without complications and in most cases resolve on their own.

When the cyst grows, the following symptoms are observed:

  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • asymmetry of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by physical activity, sexual intercourse;
  • nausea;
  • rarely - vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

With the development of complications, the symptomatic picture changes:

  • rupture of a cyst is characterized by:
  • pallor of the skin;
  • sticky sweat;
  • increase in respiratory rate;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • lowering blood pressure, up to the onset of a state of shock;
  • sharp pains over the entire surface of the abdomen of a bursting character;
  • the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are tense;
  • possible loss of consciousness;
  • for suppuration of the cyst capsule is characteristic:
  • increase in body temperature up to 39.00C and above;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting of intestinal contents;
  • severe headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, cramps, spasms;
  • increase in heart rate and blood pressure;
  • for torsion of the cyst leg is characteristic:
    • sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
    • vomit;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • urinary retention;
    • stool retention.


    1. An examination by a gynecologist is the first step that allows you to suspect a disease. During the examination, it is possible to detect a cyst of only medium or large size by bimanual palpation. The method consists in inserting two fingers of the right hand into the vagina, and the fingers of the left hand are located on the anterior surface of the abdominal wall from below. With the left hand, the doctor first probes the lower right region, and then the left, while the uterine appendages (fallopian tubes and ovaries) are located between the fingers of two hands, which allows you to determine the size and shape of the organs. For the retention cyst of the ovary, an increase in the size of the organ will be characteristic, the surface and structure remain unchanged.
    2. Laboratory methods of examination.
      • A general blood test for uncomplicated cysts will be within the normal range, with a rupture of a cyst, a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, an increase in the number of reticulocytes will be characteristic, with torsion of the cyst leg or infection, it is characteristic - an increase in leukocytes, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate ).
      • A general urine test with uncomplicated cysts will be within the normal range; with complicated cysts, there is an increase in squamous epithelium and leukocytes in the field of view.
      • A blood test for pituitary hormones is characterized by a deviation from normal values ​​in one direction or another.
    3. Instrumental methods of examination.
      • Ultrasound (ultrasound) of the ovaries allows you to identify the retention cyst, determine its size, identify the presence or absence of complications.
      • A cyst biopsy under the control of an ultrasound machine is performed to differentiate the cyst from the tumor, as well as to determine the contents in the bladder (serous fluid, blood, pus, or malignant tumor cells).
      • CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the ovaries is usually rarely prescribed, since ultrasound examination data is sufficient to establish the final diagnosis. Using these methods, you can study the cyst in more detail, the disadvantage is the high price of the examination.
      • Puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina. The method consists in puncturing the posterior wall of the vagina with a syringe with aspiration of the contents. If blood appears in the syringe, this indicates a rupture of the cyst and bleeding from the follicle.
      • Diagnostic laparoscopy - introduction into the pelvic cavity through an incision on the anterior abdominal wall of the endoscope. The method is used when it is impossible to examine the ovary using an ultrasound, CT or MRI machine, as well as when a malignant tumor is suspected. Laparoscopy is a rather traumatic method of examination, but it gives 100% data on the structure and type of the cyst, it is also possible to puncture the cyst with the help of a laparoscope, stop bleeding, and small cysts can be completely removed.

      For cysts of small and medium sizes, the tactics of doctors is expectant, which consists in monthly monitoring of the affected ovary using an ultrasound machine, taking hormonal contraceptives (Zhanin, Novinet, etc.) according to the scheme proposed by your doctor and a course of alternative treatment, which should be informed physician.

      • The following popular recipes are used:
        • Grind 0.5 kg of viburnum through a fine sieve to separate the berries from the seeds, add liquid honey to the resulting freshly squeezed juice in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.
        • Black currant leaves, yarrow leaves, nettle leaves, wormwood, chamomile flowers, shepherd's purse, immortelle, elecampane root, hawthorn and cumin fruits are taken in equal proportions and chopped using a blender. Pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture into a thermos and pour 1 liter of hot boiled water. Infusion begin to take a day later, 1/3 cup 30 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment is 1 - 2 months.
        • 1 - 2 times a week the use of baths from the collection of herbs (calendula flowers, tansy, coltsfoot leaves, birch, nettle grass, wormwood, thyme, yarrow, elecampane root).
      • With the rapid growth of the cyst or with large cysts, laparoscopic surgery is performed. Under operating conditions, under spinal anesthesia, 3-4 incisions are made in the abdominal cavity, into which an endoscopic tube, a light source and auxiliary instruments (forceps, coagulator (electrode for making incisions and cauterization of blood vessels), aspirator, biopsy needle, etc.) are inserted.
        • A needle is inserted into the cyst, all its contents are aspirated, then the capsule is carefully cut off from the ovary, if necessary, the ovary is sutured, the sources of bleeding are cauterized.
        • The cystic bladder is removed through one of the incisions on the anterior abdominal wall and sent to a microbiological laboratory to rule out a viral infection or cancer.
        • The postoperative wound is sutured, drains are placed. After 4-5 days, with an uncomplicated operation, the patient is discharged home.
      • For complicated ovarian cysts, a laparotomy is performed. The operation is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia. A median incision is made on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, and a pathological ovary is brought into the area of ​​the surgical field.
        • When a cyst ruptures, the place on the ovary is excised and sutured, when a medium-sized cyst is ruptured, a part of the ovary is resected, with a large cyst, the ovary can be completely removed (resection).
        • When the pedicle of the cyst is twisted, the cyst is cut off, the ovary is sutured.
        • With a purulent lesion of the ovary, the contents of the capsule are aspirated with a biopsy needle, the cyst itself is removed, trying not to damage the integrity, capturing 2 cm into healthy tissues. After resection of the cyst, the ovary is sutured. In the case of a large festering cyst, the ovary is resected.

        After carrying out all the manipulations, the surgical wound is sutured, drainage is placed and a tight aseptic bandage is applied. The discharge of such patients home is carried out not earlier than in 1.5 - 2 weeks.

        In the case of diagnosing a paraovarian cyst, a median laparotomy is performed, the ovary and fallopian tube are resected from the side of the lesion.

      • cyst rupture;
      • cyst suppuration;
      • torsion of the peduncle of the cyst.
      • balanced diet;
      • sports (fitness, swimming, aerobics);
      • fight against excess weight;
      • pregnancy planning;
      • use of contraceptive methods;
      • taking hormonal contraceptives only as directed by a gynecologist;
      • annual preventive examinations;
      • sanitary and educational work among the population.


Retention ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment

The ovaries are paired organs that produce sex hormones and eggs, ensure the maintenance of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in case of its occurrence. If cysts form on their surface, which happens quite often, all these processes are disrupted and, accordingly, a woman faces many tasks - how to prevent complications and improve the functioning of the reproductive system? Since cysts come in different types, it is natural that each of them requires an individual approach to treatment. Now we will talk about what an ovarian retention cyst is, why it occurs and how it is treated, because this type of formation is more often diagnosed in women of reproductive age.

Development mechanism

To understand what such a tumor is, you must first understand the mechanism of its occurrence. The main reason for the formation of a cyst is the blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands in the appendage. The phenomenon can provoke various factors, for example:

  • Violations during the period of embryonic development.
  • Penetration into the gland of a foreign body.
  • The formation of scar tissue.
  • The appearance of a secretory clot in the gland, etc.

As a result of blockage of the duct, fluid begins to accumulate in the gland, which entails stretching of its membrane and the formation of a kind of bubble, the inner walls of which are completely lined with the epithelium of the gland itself or its duct.

This cyst belongs to the formations of a functional type and, depending on where it appeared, it is divided into several types:

  • follicular;
  • paraovarian;
  • luteal.

Important! The cyst is not a malignant formation, although it looks like one. The main difference from cancer is that it is not capable of metastasizing to neighboring tissues, since its growth does not occur due to the growth of pathological cells. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat such an education! Long-term developing teratomas, including retention ones, can degenerate into cancer.

The reasons

More often, a cyst is diagnosed in women of childbearing age, since it is during this period that the appendages are most active. Each menstrual cycle, several structures are formed in them that are involved in the development of a secret. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the production of this secret is carried out in an enhanced mode. This is necessary in order for the follicles and the eggs in them to mature normally.

However, such an increased influx of secretions often provokes blockage of the excretory duct, resulting in the formation of a bubble filled with pathological fluid. And if we talk about what is the starting point in the development of a cyst, then the following conditions must be distinguished:

  • Violation of the ovulation process - the follicle does not open, and the egg remains inside it, which causes an increase in its volume.
  • Failure in the resorption of the luteal body, which is formed immediately after opening the follicle.
  • Congenital anomalies, against the background of which the cyst begins to form even during the period of embryonic development.

These conditions are provoked by the following factors:

  • Pathologies that accompany a violation of the level of hormones in the body (thyroid diseases, inflammation of the appendages, etc.).
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives.
  • Unstable sex life.
  • Medical and surgical abortions.
  • Hormonal imbalance that occurs during pregnancy, during puberty or menopause.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Injuries to the organs of the reproductive system resulting from a fall, impact or surgery.

In most cases, women are diagnosed with a cyst of the right ovary. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. The right appendage is most actively supplied with blood, therefore, various pathological processes often occur in it. The formation of the left ovary is rarely detected in women and the cause of its appearance is often disturbances in embryonic development.


Before considering the symptoms that cysts manifest, it must be said that some of their types may disappear after just a few menstrual cycles. These include follicular formations and teratomas of the corpus luteum. And paraovarian cysts, unfortunately, do not have this ability and require constant monitoring.

While the formation is small, the woman may not suspect that there is such a pathology, since she does not notice any symptoms of its development. The only thing that can bother women during this period is the delay in the menstrual cycle, which is 2 to 3 days. However, many do not even attach importance to such menstrual irregularities, and therefore do not go to the doctor.

If the cyst does not resolve and continues to grow, then this process is accompanied by severe symptoms, which include:

  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Tension of the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen.
  • Pain associated with physical activity, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse, etc.
  • Change in subfebrile temperature (it rises to 37.5 - 37.7 degrees).
  • Weakness, malaise.
  • Vertigo.
  • Nausea, which is often accompanied by vomiting.
  • The appearance of spotting bloody discharge from the vagina outside of menstruation.
  • Delays in menstruation, which can be up to several weeks.
  • Malfunctions in the work of the intestines, manifested by constipation, diarrhea, bloating, etc.

These symptoms occur as a result of the fact that when the cyst reaches a large size, it begins to compress nearby tissues. This can be manifested by pain, discomfort, signs of inflammation, frequent urge to urinate, etc.

Possible Complications

If the cysts that form on the appendages are not treated, they continue to increase in volume and this can lead to certain complications, among which are:

  • Cyst torsion leading to tissue necrosis.
  • Rupture of the walls of the formation, resulting in the development of peritonitis.
  • Inflammation of the body of the cyst, followed by suppuration, which also provokes the occurrence of conditions that are dangerous for a woman.

Important! These complications are accompanied by severe pain, fever up to 38 degrees and above, as well as nausea and vomiting. Against the background of rupture of the cyst, severe bleeding is noted.

In addition, the appearance of a retention formation on the surface of the ovary leads to temporary infertility, since the menstrual cycle is disturbed.


Cysts are detected during a gynecological examination. However, this method does not allow obtaining all the necessary information about education. Therefore, the next stage of diagnosis is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Ultrasound shows the location of the formation (on the right or left ovary), its shape, wall thickness, and the consistency of its contents. In the event that during the study the doctor suspected the degeneration of a cyst into a cancerous tumor, then CT, MRI, biopsy and the delivery of such an analysis as the CA-125 tumor marker are additionally used. All these diagnostic methods are informative and detect cancer even at the first stages of its development, which allows timely surgical intervention and avoiding negative consequences.

Methods of treatment

With a small cyst, therapy is carried out only in a conservative way. Since the cause of formations is often hormonal disorders in the body, treatment includes taking hormonal drugs, which are selected strictly on an individual basis.

A mandatory addition to hormone therapy is:

  • Reception of multivitamin complexes.
  • Diet.
  • Compliance with the daily routine.
  • Light sports (swimming, fitness, etc.).

In this case, the patient is prohibited from:

  • smoke.
  • Consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Visit saunas and baths.
  • Take hot baths.

If medical treatment does not give positive results and there is a progressive growth of the cyst, an operation is prescribed. It is carried out in several ways - laparoscopic and laparotomy. The first method is used for small cysts, the second - for large formations.

In the absence of complications, during surgery, doctors manage to save the ovary and its functionality. Therefore, after the end of treatment, a woman may well become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

A cyst is not a sentence. It can be easily cured without consequences. The main thing is to detect the problem in time and start fixing it.


Retention ovarian cyst

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An ovarian retention cyst is a neoplasm that occurs on one of a woman's two ovaries, which is a capsule filled with blood or fluid. Such cysts usually occur in women of reproductive age. Should they be afraid? What are they and how to treat them?

On the video: obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences, professor Ter-Hovakimyan Armen Eduardovich.


Doctors distinguish between a retention cyst of the right ovary and the left ovary, depending on where the formation is located.

These include:

  • follicular, which are formed from the follicle and according to statistics are the most common;
  • corpus luteum cysts that appear in the corpus luteum, which is located in the ovary on certain days of the menstrual cycle and begins to produce sex hormones gestagens;
  • paraovarian, formed from the ovarian appendages at the fallopian tube.

All varieties are united by the fact that they have a thin transparent capsule wall and never degenerate into malignant tumors. In addition, retention follicular and corpus luteum cysts often disappear on their own after 2-3 menstrual cycles. And just as unexpectedly as they appeared.

Symptoms. Diagnostics

Often they do not manifest themselves in any way and are discovered by chance as a result of a routine examination by a gynecologist. However, often a woman can feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen on the right or left, depending on where the formation is located. Unpleasant sensations may increase with physical activity or during sexual intercourse. There may be spotting between menstrual bleeding.

That is why it is so important to have regular check-ups with a gynecologist once a year. After all, if you do not have any complaints, this does not mean at all that the disease does not occur in your body in a latent form. To determine the presence of a tumor, it is enough for a gynecologist to perform palpation during the examination and ultrasound.

You will feel pronounced symptoms if the cyst has ruptured. When ruptured, the contents pour into the abdominal cavity, severe pain appears, and the temperature rises. There are symptoms of an "acute abdomen" - muscle tension and severe pain. In this case, immediate treatment is required!


If the formations do not reach a large size, drug therapy with oral hormonal agents is sufficient. Within 3 months, observation is necessary - regular examinations by a gynecologist and ultrasound examinations. In most cases, this treatment is sufficient.


But retention cysts also have complications, especially often they occur if it is not detected on time and has already reached a large size.

The first is twisting the legs. In this case, the vessels are infringed, the blood supply is disturbed, and cyst necrosis occurs. Usually, a woman feels severe pain in her abdomen. Immediate surgical intervention is required.

The second is suppuration. Occurs when an infection occurs. Surgery is also required, followed by antibiotic therapy and observation by a gynecologist.

The third is the rupture of the cyst. Due to the fact that the walls of the capsule are very thin, the risk of rupture is high. An operation is also necessary, followed by hormonal treatment and observation by a doctor.

Be attentive to your own health. If you have been diagnosed with a retention cyst of the right or left ovary, regularly undergo examinations by a gynecologist to monitor the dynamics. The larger the formation reaches, the higher the risk of complications!

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2018 Women's Health Blog.

Unfortunately, more and more often, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs shows a formation on the ovary in women (volumetric, cavitary, heterogeneous, etc.). It can be found both on one appendage, and on both at once.

The ovaries are a paired organ of the female reproductive system. Various diseases, including tumor-like neoplasms, are a common cause of problems with conception and miscarriage.

Depending on the course and danger to life, women produce benign and malignant tumors in the right ovary.


They are characterized by the fact that they are located directly on the ovary, do not go beyond it and are surrounded by a dense shell - a capsule. The cellular composition of such formations is similar to the tissue of the organ. They tend to grow in size and compress neighboring organs, but they are not. Therefore, with surgical removal, a stable recovery occurs and the likelihood of relapse is negligible.

A benign neoplasm of the left ovary is less common than the right one. This is due to the fact that large arteries and vessels are located on the right side of the abdominal cavity, and in general, the right ovary is more active than the left.

The disease occurs in reproductive age. In young girls and women after 60 years of age, a benign cavity formation of the right ovary (or left) is rarely diagnosed.

Depending on the causes of the onset and course of the disease, the following types of benign formations are distinguished:

  1. cyst. Formed as a result of hormonal failure. With a lack of progesterone in the body, the dominant follicle does not break during ovulation, but continues to grow, gradually transforming into a cyst. This disease does not require specialized treatment, since such a cyst is able to resolve on its own within several cycles. Surgery and hormone therapy is required only when the cyst continues to grow in size, compress neighboring organs, or cause pain or other discomfort.
  2. A cyst occurs when there is too much progesterone in the body. The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine organ that is formed at the site of a bursting dominant follicle. This single-chamber formation is located on the ovary before the onset of menstruation (if conception has not occurred), or it persists if pregnancy occurs. With an excess of progesterone, the corpus luteum does not die off with the onset of menstruation, but continues to grow. This is how a corpus luteum cyst is formed. In this case, hormone therapy is required, which normalizes the amount of progesterone in the blood.
  3. cyst. Before histological examination, it can be mistaken for follicular. However, the cellular composition of the serous cyst differs in that the risk of malignancy is high. Visually, such a formation on the ovary in women is a capsule covered with a dense membrane, and inside it is filled with a serous or purulent secret. The diameter of such a cyst reaches 10 cm, sometimes more. This formation from the ovary is treated only surgically.
  4. In a separate group, epithelial formations, which are formed from the stroma and the epithelial layer, should be distinguished. They make up approximately 70% of all ovarian tumors. Most often they are unilateral, rarely develop symmetrically. They are also single-chamber (two-chamber epithelial cyst is rare), homogeneous structure, mobile, elastic.

You can learn more about the types of ovarian cysts.


They are distinguished by the absence of an outer dense shell and a heterogeneous structure. The cellular composition is not identical to the cells of the tissues of the ovary.

Malignant tumors can spread to neighboring organs, as well as metastasize (penetrate into distant organs through the bloodstream and through the lymphatic system).

Malignant cells are in constant division, so their diagnosis is not difficult. A distinctive feature of such cells is their similarity with embryonic ones.

What are malignant tumors and how to treat them read in this.


Formations on the ovaries that are initially benign, but can develop into cancer. These include serous, endometrioid, mucinous, Brenner's borderline tumor, and mixed cysts.

Sometimes they are bilateral in nature and have several chambers. After removal, the risk of relapse is high, even in the long term after several years.

Another feature of the borderline formation of the appendage is that they occur mainly in young women (up to 40 years old). Histological examination reveals increased cell growth, nuclear fission, and accumulations of necrotic tissue.

If this type of formation is detected, the probability of infertility is high and amounts to 35%.

Clinical manifestations

Regardless of the nature of the neoplasm, the symptoms at the initial stages of the development of diseases are the same:

  1. Aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, on the side where the formation of the ovary is localized, or in the entire abdominal cavity with a bilateral course.
  2. Pain during intercourse in the area of ​​​​the appendages, which are given to the thigh, leg, lower back.
  3. Inability to get pregnant for a long time with regular sexual activity and full health of the partner.
  4. Menstrual disorders. In this case, the regularity of menstruation can be both low and frequent.
  5. Frequent urge to urinate and defecate due to pressure on the bladder and intestines. This symptom occurs when the formation has reached an impressive size.
  6. Bloating, feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity.

If the formation on the ovary causes a violation of the hormonal background, then the following symptoms appear:

  • weight gain;
  • change in hairline (increased hair growth);
  • a sharp decrease / increase in the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • coarsening of the voice;
  • amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • the occurrence of Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome.

Diagnosis and treatment

Detection of an ovarian neoplasm in the early stages is difficult, since at first the disease does not have pronounced symptoms. In this case, the pathology is diagnosed by chance during a routine examination.

If there is a manifestation of the above symptoms, then a number of laboratory tests are carried out:

  1. Ultrasound to identify the location and structure of education.
  2. Puncturing (biopsy) to determine the cellular composition and exclude oncology.
  3. Blood test for the amount of hormones.
  4. if the above diagnostic methods are not enough.

Treatment is chosen depending on what kind of education takes place. Thus, malignant tumors are treated exclusively by surgery, followed by chemotherapy. Benign ones can be eliminated by conservative methods (hormonal and anti-inflammatory therapy) or surgically, if there are indications (large size of the cyst, the likelihood of its degeneration or rupture).

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