About prayers and prayer songs for different occasions. Application. Following a prayer service

Service of prayers

prayer service(prayer singing) is a special divine service in which they ask the Lord or His Most Pure Mother, Heavenly forces or the saints of God for grace-filled help in various needs, and also thank God for receiving blessings, expected or not.

The service of the prayer service in its structure approaches matins. In addition to the temple, prayers may be performed in private homes, institutions, on the street, in the field, etc. Prayers in the temple must be performed before the Liturgy or after Matins or Vespers. As already noted, different types of prayers can refer either to the public (on the days of temple holidays, during natural disasters, droughts, epidemics, during the invasion of foreigners, etc.), or to the private (about the blessing of various objects, about the sick, about travelers and etc.) worship.

Usually, on the days of temple holidays, prayers are performed with ringing.

Prayer services differ from each other by the presence or absence of certain components in their rites:

1) prayers with the reading of the canon;

2) prayers without reading the canon;

3) prayers without reading the Gospel;

4) prayers with the reading of the Apostle and the subsequent reading of the Gospel.

Canons are sung in the rites of the following prayers:

2) during a destructive epidemic;

3) during rainlessness (lack of rain for a long time);

4) during a lack of water (when it rains for a long time).

Prayers are performed without a canon:

1) for the New Year (New Year);

2) at the beginning of training;

3) for soldiers during military operations;

4) about the sick;

5) thanks:

a) to receive a request;

b) about every good deed of God;

c) on the day of the Nativity of Christ;

6) with blessing:

a) going on a trip;

b) going on a journey on the waters;

7) at the elevation of the panagia;

8) with the blessing of the bees.

Without reading the Gospel, the rites are performed:

1) blessings of a warship;

2) blessings of a new ship or boat;

3) for digging a well (well);

4) blessings of the new well.

The grace poured out by the Lord through prayers resounding at prayer services sanctifies and blesses:

1) elements: earth, water, air and fire;

2) spiritual and bodily health of a person;

3) housing and other places where Christians are located;

4) products, household and household items;

5) the beginning and completion of any activity (“good deed”);

6) the time of a person's life and of human history in general.

The rites of prayers are contained in the Book of Hours, the Big Trebnik and in the book "The Sequence of Prayer Singings".

The rite of the general prayer

Prayer begins the exclamation of the priest "Blessed be our God, always, now and ever and forever and ever." Begins first part of prayerthe prayer of the invocation of the Holy Spirit is sung -“King of Heaven ...” and reads “usual beginning”. The 142nd psalm, which is then read, does not sound at any prayer services. The main principle of including psalms in the composition of one or another rite is that the meaning of the psalm should be correlated with the subject of the petitions contained in the prayer.

Then the deacon proclaims“God is the Lord…” with the prescribed verses, and the choir “sings”: “God is the Lord and appear to us, blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord.” After that, the following troparia to the Theotokos, voice 4th:

“Now diligently to the Theotokos, sinners and humility, and we fall down, calling in repentance from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your servants of vanity, You and the only hope of the imamy” ( twice).

“Glory, even now” - “We will never be silent, O Mother of God, to speak Your power, unworthy: otherwise You would not be praying, who would save us from so many troubles, who would keep us free until now? We will not retreat, O Lady, from Thee: for Thy servants save everlastingly from all cruel ones.

After the troparia, the penitential 50th psalm is read, and this ends the first part of the prayer service. second his part opens Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos the eighth tone, which should be sung without irmos, although they are printed in the aftermath of the prayer service. The refrain of the troparia of the canon is different, depending on the one to whom the prayer is offered. So, in the canon of the Most Holy Trinity, the refrain is: “Most Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee”; in canon

Life-Giving Cross: "Glory, Lord, to Your Honorable Cross"; in the canon to Saint Nicholas: "To Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us," etc. In this canon - "Most Holy Theotokos, save us."

After the 3rd ode of the canon, the deacon proclaims a special litany:“Have mercy on us, God ...”, where he remembers those for whom the prayer service is served: “We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and well-being of the servant of God (or servants of God, name). Troparion is sung: "Prayer is warm and the wall is invincible ...".

And according to the 3rd and 6th songs, troparia are sung:

“Save Thy servants from troubles, the Mother of God, as if all according to Bose we resort to You, as if the wall and intercession are indestructible.”

“Look with mercy, all-singing Mother of God, on my fierce body, anger, and heal my soul, my disease.”

According to the 6th ode, a small litany is laid, ending with the same exclamation as at Matins: "Thou art the King of the world ...". Then a kontakion to the Mother of God is read or sung, voice 6:

“The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to help us, who faithfully call Ty: hasten to prayer and plead for supplication, intercession ever, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.”

After the 6th song at a common prayer service the Gospel is read, preceded by a prokeimenon:“I will remember Your name in every generation and generation” and his verse - “Hear, Dshi, and see, and incline Your ear”:

And Mary arose during these days, and went with haste into the hill country, to the city of Judah, and entered the house of Zechariah, and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby jumped up in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And whence is it to me that the Mother of my Lord has come to me? For when the voice of Your salutation reached my ears, the baby jumped joyfully in my womb. And blessed is she who believed, for what was said to her from the Lord will be accomplished. And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and My spirit rejoiced in God, My Savior, that He looked upon the humility of His Servant, for from now on all generations will please Me; that the Mighty One has done me greatness, and holy is His name; and His mercy from generation to generation to those who fear Him; showed the strength of His arm; he scattered the haughty in the thoughts of their hearts; he brought down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the humble; He filled the hungry with good things, and let the rich go empty-handed; took Israel, his servant, remembering mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed forever. And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her house(Luke 1; 39-56).

At the end of the gospel reading, we sing:

"Glory" - "Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Merciful, cleanse the multitude of our sins."

"And now" - "Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy bounties cleanse my iniquity."

Then the kontakion, tone 6: “Do not entrust me to human intercession, Most Holy Lady, but accept the prayer of Your servant: grief will hold me, I can’t stand demonic shooting, I don’t cover the imam, below where I’ll resort to the accursed, we always win and we don’t have consolation imam , unless you, the Mistress of the world: the hope and intercession of the faithful, do not despise my prayer, do it usefully. And litanies.

Then the three remaining songs of the canon are recited, after which - "It's worth eating." The second part of the prayer service ends with stichera: “The highest heaven and the purest of the lordships of the sun ...”, etc.

In the final the third part of the prayer the Trisagion sounds according to "Our Father ..." with the exclamation of the priest“For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.”

Then troparia are read which are part of the evening prayers: "Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us ...". Further The deacon proclaims a special litany:"Have mercy on us, God..." and the priest reads a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos: “Oh, Most Holy Lady, the Lady of the Mother of God, Thou art the highest of all Angel and Archangel and of all creatures most honest. You are the helper of the offended, the hopeless vestment, the wretched Intercessor, the sad consolation, the hungry Nurse, the naked robe, the sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all help and intercession.

O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Mary, Lady, by Your mercy, save and have mercy on Your servant, the Great Lord and father of our Most Holy Patriarch (name), and His Grace metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, our God-protected country, military leaders, mayors and Christ-loving hosts and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians, protect Your honest robe, and implore, Madam, from You, without the Seed, incarnated Christ our God, may He gird us with His power from above on our invisible and visible enemies.

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, the Lady of the Mother of God, raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from gladness, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from destructive winds, and from deadly sores, and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servant, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and make us, Your sinful servants, the Kingdom of Your Son, Christ our God, as His power is blessed and glorified, with His Father without beginning and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen". The prayer ends with a dismissal.

Consecration of the warship

The service of a common prayer service can be an example of the structure of any prayer singing. In prayers for various needs, this order of prayers changes slightly: readings of the canon and the Gospel are included or not; petitions are added to the litanies (depending on the subject of prayer); the closing prayer is changed. Thus, knowing the sequence of the common prayer service, one can navigate in the order in which any prayer chant is performed. Next, the features of some of the most frequently performed prayers will be given.

Brief charter-scheme of the general prayer service, part I

I part

"King of Heaven..."

Psalm 142: "Lord, hear my prayer...".

"God is the Lord ..." with verses.

Troparion: "To the Mother of God diligently now as a parson ...".

Psalm 50.

II part

Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos (irmos "Water passed ...").

After the 3rd song: "Save your servant from troubles, Mother of God ...".

Troparion: "The prayer is warm and the wall is invincible ...".

After the 6th song: "Save your servant from troubles, Mother of God ...".

Little litany.

The exclamation of the priest: "For thou art the King of the world...".

Kontakion: "Christian betrayal is shameless...".

Prokimen: “I will remember Your name in every kind and generation” with a verse.

Gospel of Luke (1; 39–56).

"Glory" - "Prayers of the Virgin ...".

"And now" - "Have mercy on me, God ...".

Kontakion: “Do not entrust me to human intercession…”.

Litany: "Save, O God, Thy people...".

According to the 9th song: "It is worthy to eat ...".

Stichera: “The Highest Heaven…”.

III part

Trisagion according to "Our Father ...".

The exclamation: "For yours is the Kingdom...".

Troparion: "Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us ...".

Eternal litany: "Have mercy on us, O God...".

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer for the New Year

The Church sanctifies everything that accompanies a Christian in his daily life. Some things and phenomena of everyday life are given more attention, others less, but everything that surrounds a person should be blessed by God. Prayer singing for the New Year has as its goal a petition for God's blessing for the period of a person's life, covered by the annual liturgical cycle.

Features of the ceremony for the New Year are as follows.

1. Instead of the 142nd psalm, psalm 64 is read: “A song is fitting for you, O God, in Zion…”.

2. The litany "Let us pray to the Lord in peace" is supplemented by special New Year's petitions:

“O hedgehog is merciful the present thanksgiving and prayer of us, His unworthy servants, to receive His most heavenly altar and have compassion on us, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For the hedgehog to be favorable to our prayers and forgive us and all His people all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, in the past summer we have committed evil, let us pray to the Lord”;

“Oh hedgehog bless the firstfruits and spending this year with the grace of His love for mankind, but the times are peaceful, the air is well-dissolved and sinless, in health with contentment, grant the belly, let us pray to the Lord”;

“O hedgehog turn away all His anger from us, righteously sin on us for the sake of our movables, let us pray to the Lord”;

“O hedgehog drive away from us all soulful passions and corrupt customs, but plant your Divine fear in our hearts, for the fulfillment of His commandments, let us pray to the Lord”;

“To renew the right spirit in our wombs and strengthen us in the Orthodox faith and hasten to do good deeds and fulfill all His commandments, let us pray to the Lord”;

“Oh hedgehog deliver Your Holy Church and all of us from all sorrow, misfortune, anger and need and from all enemies, visible and invisible, with health, long life and peace, and His angel with the army of His faithful ones, always protect, let us pray to the Lord.”

3. The rite of prayer for the New Year does not contain a canon.

4. Before the Gospel, the Apostle is read: Conception 282 from the First Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Timothy (1 Tim. 2; 1-15). Then the priest reads the 13th conception of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 4; 16-22).

5. The Litany “Rzem all…” is supplemented by the following New Year’s petitions:

“Thankfulness with fear and trembling, as if a servant of your indecent goodness, our Savior and Master, our Lord, about your good deeds, I have poured out abundantly on your servants, and we fall down and glorify you, as if to God, we bring and tenderly cry out: deliver the slave from all the troubles Yours and always, like the Gracious, fulfill the good desire of all of us, we diligently pray to Thee, hear and have mercy ”;

“O hedgehog bless the crown of the coming summer with Your goodness and quench in us all enmity, discord and internecine strife, give peace, firm and unfeigned love, a decent structure and a virtuous life, we pray Thee, All-good Lord, hear and have mercy”;

“Oh hedgehog, do not remember the innumerable iniquity and crafty deeds of our past years, and do not repay us according to our deeds, but remember us in mercy and bounty, we pray Thee, Merciful Lord, hear and have mercy”;

“O hedgehog, the rains are timely, early and late, the dew is fruitful, the winds are measured and well-dissolved, and the warmth of the sun shines, we pray Thee, the All-Merciful Lord, hear and have mercy”;

“Oh hedgehog, remember Your Holy Church and strengthen, affirm, resolve and pacify and unharmed the gates of hell and all the slander of visible and invisible enemies to be unstoppable forever, we pray Thee, Omnipotent Lord, hear and have mercy”;

“Oh hedgehog, deliver us in this coming summer and all the days of our belly from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, hail, fire, sword, invasion of foreign and internecine rati and all kinds of deadly wounds, sorrow and need, we pray to You, Mercy Lord, hear and have mercy."

6. The priest reads a prayer adapted to the subject of prayer singing:

“Vladyka O Lord our God, Source of life and immortality, of all creatures visible and invisible to the Creator, setting times and years in Your power and governing all by Your wise and all-good Providence! We give thanks for Your bounties, even if You surprised us in the past time of our belly. We pray Thee, all-merciful Lord, bless the crown of the coming summer with Thy goodness. Grant from above Thy good to all Thy people, health, salvation and good haste in everything. Save Thy Holy Church, this city and all cities and countries from every evil situation, grant peace and serenity to those. To You, the Beginningless Father, with Your Only Begotten Son, Your All-Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, in One Being glorified by God, always bring thanksgiving and sing Your Most Holy Name and vouchsafe it.

Prayer for the beginning of the training of the youths

There is no need to say how important the process of raising children and teaching them the basics of the Christian faith and other sciences. What is laid down in a child in childhood turns out to be the most stable "material" for the formation of a person's personality and affects the content of his future activities. The process of upbringing and education of youths, like all other aspects of a Christian's life, is sanctified by God's blessing, bestowed by Him through the prayers of the Church. In the prayer service at the beginning of training, there are the following features.

1. Instead of the 142nd psalm, the 33rd psalm is read: "I will bless the Lord at all times ...".

2. The litany “Let us pray to the Lord in peace” includes the following special petitions:

“For the hedgehog to send down on these youths the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and open the mind and mouth, and enlighten their hearts to accept the punishment of good teachings, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to plant the beginning of wisdom in their hearts, His Divine fear, and thereby drive away youth from their hearts, and enlighten their minds, to avoid evil and do good, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to open their minds, to accept and understand and remember all the good and soul-beneficial teachings, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to give them the wisdom that sits on His Throne, and plant it in their hearts, as if to teach them what is pleasing before Him, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to succeed them with wisdom and age to the glory of God, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to be wisdom and a virtuous life, and prosperity in the Orthodox faith, joy and consolation to his parents, and the affirmation of the Orthodox Catholic Church, let us pray to the Lord”;

3. The service does not contain a canon.

4. Before the Gospel is read the Apostle to the Ephesians, beginning 218 (Eph. 1; 16-21). Then the beginning of the 44th Gospel of Mark is read (Mk. 10; 11-16).

5. After the Gospel - a special litany "Have mercy on us, God ...", supplemented by a special petition:

“We still pray to the Lord our God, to look graciously on these youths, and send down into their hearts, minds and mouths the spirit of wisdom, mind and piety and fear of His, and enlighten them with the light of His prudence, and give them strength and strength , in a hedgehog soon accept, and hastily get used to the Divine law of His punishment, and all good and useful teaching; hedgehog to prosper with wisdom and reason, and all good deeds to the glory of His Most Holy Name, and grant them health, and create them for a long time for the creation and glory of His Church, with the help of all: Lord, hear and have mercy.

6. The priest reads a special prayer adapted to the subject of prayer singing:

“O Lord God and our Creator, honoring people in His image, teaching Your chosen ones, as if marveling at those who listen to Your teaching, revealing wisdom as a baby; who taught Solomon and all those who seek Your wisdom, open the hearts, minds and mouths of Your servants, in order to receive the power of Your law, and successfully learn the useful teachings taught by them, to the glory of Your Most Holy Name, for the benefit and creation of the Saints of Your Church, and understand your good and perfect will. Deliver them from every tax of the enemy, keep them in Orthodoxy and faith, and in all piety and purity all the days of their belly, may they succeed in reason and in the fulfillment of Your commandments; Yes, such preparations glorify Your Most Holy Name, and there will be heirs of Your Kingdom. As if you are God, strong in mercy, and good in strength, and all glory, honor and worship befits you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer for the sick

Health of body and soul is the greatest gift of God to His creation. A healthy person can direct the powers bestowed on him to various good deeds: prayer, helping the weak, beautifying churches, and other works of mercy. But it often happens that a person is overcome by various ailments that prevent him not only from doing good deeds, but also from fulfilling the necessary duties on duty and at home. According to the teachings of the Church, there is a direct dependence of a person's bodily illnesses on the sins he commits. Therefore, in order to cure any disease, it is important first of all to pay attention to the root of the disease - this or that passion, which is the cause of sin. It is necessary to treat the disease from its root - fighting passions and supplementing it with medical help.

But any spiritual work is impossible without a prayer to God for help in existing problems. Therefore, first of all, a Christian must repentantly ask the merciful God to cleanse his sins, and then to heal the ailments that are the result of these sins. Prayer singing for the sick is based precisely on such a sequence of petitions for healing. The service of this prayer service has its own characteristics.

1. Instead of Psalm 142, Psalm 70 is read: “In Thee, Lord, I hope ...”.

2. Then the patient, if he is able to do this (and if not, the priest), reads the Creed.

3. Special petitions for the sick are added to the great litany after the petition “For the peace of the whole world…”:

“For this house and those who live in it, let us pray to the Lord” (if the prayer service is performed at home);

“On a hedgehog to forgive every sin, voluntary and involuntary, of His servants (His servant, name) and be merciful to them (him), let us pray to the Lord”;

“O hedgehog of mercy for the sake of His mercy, do not remember the sin of youth and ignorance of them (him); but graciously grant them (him) health, let us pray to the Lord ”;

“Oh hedgehog, do not despise the diligent prayers of His servants (His servant), who are now praying with us (praying); but graciously hear, and benevolent, and benevolent, and be philanthropic to him (him), and give good health, let us pray to the Lord ”;

“About a hedgehog, as if sometimes relaxed, by the word of His Divine grace, soon His servants (His sick servant) from the bed of sickness will soon be raised up, and create healthy (healthy), let us pray to the Lord”;

“Oh hedgehog to visit them (him), by visiting His Holy Spirit; and heal every ailment, and every disease nesting in them (in it), let us pray to the Lord ”;

“O hedgehog mercifully, like a Canaanite, hear the voice of prayer, we, His unworthy servants, crying out to Him, and like that daughter, have mercy and heal His sick servants (His sick servant, name), let us pray to the Lord”;

4. After the litany, the troparion is read: “Soon in intercession, One, Christ, soon from above show the visitation of Your suffering servant (Your suffering servant), and deliver from ailments and bitter illnesses, and raise up hedgehogs to Thee, and praise unceasingly, with the prayers of the Mother of God,

One Humanity ”and kontakion:“ On the bed of illness of those lying (lying) and wounded by a mortal wound (wounded), as if sometimes you raised up, Savior, Peter’s mother-in-law, and relaxed on the bed worn; and now, Mercy, visit and heal the suffering (suffering): You are the only one who bears the ailments and illnesses of our kind, and all that is mighty is much merciful.

5. The Apostle is read from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle James, beginning the 57th (James 5; 10-20) and the Gospel of Matthew, beginning the 25th (Matt. 8; 5-13).

6. Then a special litany for the sick is pronounced:

“To the doctor of souls and bodies, with tenderness in a contrite heart, we fall to You, and groaning with a cry of Ty: heal the diseases, heal the passions of the souls and bodies of Your servants (the soul and body of Your servant, name), and forgive them (him), as if you are kind-hearted, all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and soon raise up from the bed of illness, we pray to you, hear and have mercy ”;

“Do not want the death of sinners, but if you turn and be alive, spare and have mercy on Your servants (Your servant, name), Merciful: forbid illnesses, leave all passion, and all ailment, and stretch out Your strong hand, and like Jair’s daughter from raise a bed of sickness and create healthy (healthy), we pray to you, hear and have mercy ”;

“Healing the fiery illness of Peter’s mother-in-law with Your touch, and now the suffering of Your servants (the suffering of Your suffering servant, name) heal the disease with Your mercy, giving health to them (him) soon, diligently pray to Thee, Source of healing, hear and have mercy”;

“Tears of Hezekiah, repentance of Manasseh and the Ninevites, and the confession of David accepted, and soon had mercy on them; and ours, in tenderness, accept prayers brought to You, O All-good King, and as if generously have mercy on the sick servants of Yours (Your sick servant), granting health to them (him), with tears we pray to You, Source of life and immortality, hear and have mercy soon ";

7. Then the Priest reads a special prayer for the sick:

“Lord of the Almighty, Holy King, punish and not kill, affirm those who fall, and raise the overthrown, bodily people, correct sorrows, we pray to Thee, our God, Thy servant ( name), infirm, visit Thy mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, quench the fire, tame passion and all hidden weakness; be the doctor of your servant (name), raise him up from the painful bed, and from the bed of embitterment whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will. Yours is more than to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

The rite of blessing on a journey ("prayer for travelers")

One of the most frequently performed prayer services in our churches is the rite of blessing on a journey. We all have to periodically make various trips - for short or long distances, of one or another duration. Travel is always associated with a certain risk: mechanical means of transportation or the paths that are used for this, sometimes under the influence of various external circumstances, become unusable. Traffic safety is often affected by natural disasters, as well as the physical and psychological state of people responsible for transportation. All of these factors can lead to serious injury and even death on the road.

Therefore, the Church pays great attention to ensuring that travels associated with obvious or implicit dangers are sanctified by God's blessing and protection of travelers. Prayer singing, anticipating the journey, has the following features.

1. Instead of the 142nd psalm, psalm 140 is read: “Lord, I cry to Thee…”.

2. In the Peaceful (Great) Litany, after the petition “On floating ...”, special petitions are added for those who are going on a trip:

“On hedgehog have mercy on His servants (or His servant, name) and forgive them every sin, voluntary and involuntary, and bless their journey, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to send them an Angel of peace, a companion and mentor, preserving, protecting, interceding and keeping intact from every evil situation, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to cover them and keep them unharmed from all enemy slanders and circumstances, and send and return without harm, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a sinless and peaceful journey and a safe return in health, in all piety and honesty give them, let us pray to the Lord”;

“O hedgehog save them unharmed and invincible from all visible and invisible enemies and crafty people of bitterness, let us pray to the Lord”;

“For a hedgehog to bless their good intention, and to create safely for the benefit of the soul and body with His grace, let us pray to the Lord.”

3. On “God the Lord ...” special troparia about travelers are sung, tone 2: “This is the path and Truth, Christ, the companion of Your Angel, Your servant now, like Tobias sometimes, eat preserving, and unharmed, to glory

His own, from all evil in all well-being observing; the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of mankind”;

“Luce and Cleopas, who traveled in Emmaus, Savior, now also descend as Thy servants, those who want to travel, delivering them from every evil situation: all of you, like a Lover of mankind, you can want.”

4. A reading is made from the Acts of the Holy Apostles, beginning the 20th (Acts 8; 26-39). After that, the Gospel of John is read, beginning 47 (John 14; 1-10).

5. Then a special litany is said about those who set out on their journey:

“Correct human feet, Lord, look mercifully on Your servants (or on Your servant, name)

and, having forgiven them every sin, voluntary and involuntary, bless the good intention of their council, and correct the exits and entrances with the path, diligently pray to Thee, hear and have mercy ”;

“Joseph from the bitterness of his brethren, gloriously freed, Lord, and instructed him into Egypt, and by the blessing of Your goodness in everything he did well; and bless these Thy servants who want to travel, and make their procession serene and safe, we pray to Thee, hear and have mercy ”;

“Sending to Isaac and Tobias the Angel of the Companion, and thereby creating a journey and return of their peaceful and prosperous creation, and now, Preblesse, the Angel is peaceful by Your servant, we pray to You, in a hedgehog instruct them in every good deed, and deliver them from the enemy visible and invisible, and from every evil situation; healthy, peaceful and safe to return to Your glory, earnestly we pray to You, hear and have mercy ”;

“Luce and Cleopas who traveled to Emmaus and merrily returned to Jerusalem by Your glorious knowledge of creation, travel by Your grace and Divine blessing and now by Your servant, we are diligently praying to You, and in every deed of blessing, to the glory of Your Most Holy Name, prosper, in health and prosperity Observing and returning in time blissfully, like an all-generous benefactor, we pray to You, hear soon and have merciful mercy.

6. In conclusion, the priest reads a special prayer for those who travel: “Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living Path, travel your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, who traveled Luce and Cleopas to Emmaus; and now we humbly pray to Thee, O Most Holy Master, and travel by Thy servant, by Thy grace. And as if to Your servant Tobias, they ate the guardian angel and mentor, preserving and delivering them from every evil situation of visible and invisible enemies and instructing them to fulfill Your commandments, peacefully, and safely, and healthyly forwarding, and returning whole and serenely; and give them all your good intention to your pleasing, safely fulfill it to your glory. Yours is, to have mercy and save us, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Thanksgiving Prayer

(“Thanksgiving for receiving a petition and for every favor of God”)

For a person who asked and received what he asked for, a feeling of gratitude is natural. There is the following parable in the Gospel: And when He entered a certain village, ten men of lepers met Him, who stopped at a distance and said with a loud voice: Jesus the Master! have mercy on us. Seeing them, He said to them: Go, show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, seeing that he was healed, returned, glorifying God with a loud voice, and fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him; and that was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, Were not ten cleansed? where is nine? how did they not return to give glory to God, except for this foreigner? And he said to him: get up, go; your faith saved you(Luke 17; 12-19).

The obvious condemnation of ungrateful people is the direct content of this Gospel passage. The book “The Follow-up of Prayer Singings” indicates how a Christian, blessed by the Lord, should behave: “Having received some kind of beneficence from God, abie should have recourse to the church, and ask the priest to give thanks to God from him…”. The thanksgiving service may be included in the service of the Divine Liturgy, but much more often it is performed as a separate service. The rite of thanksgiving performed outside the Liturgy has the following features.

1. Instead of Psalm 142, Psalm 117 is read: "Confess to the Lord, for it is good ...".

2. After the petition “On the floating, traveling…” special thanksgiving petitions are added to the great litany:

“O hedgehog is merciful today’s thanksgiving, and the prayer of us, His unworthy servants, to accept His most heavenly altar, and have compassion on us, let us pray to the Lord”;

“Oh, do not disdain the gratitude of us, His indecent servants, about the blessings received from Him, in a humble heart we offer; but like a fragrant incense, and a fat burnt offering be favorable to Him, let us pray to the Lord ”;

“Oh hedgehog and now listen to the voice of prayer of us, unworthy of His servants, and the good intention and desire of the faithful

Always fulfill your own, for good, and always, as if generous, benefactors to us, and to His Holy Church, and to every faithful servant of His petition to grant, let us pray to the Lord ”;

“Oh hedgehog deliver Your Holy Church (and Your servants, your servant, name) and all of us from all sorrow, misfortune, anger and need, and from all enemies, visible and invisible; health, long life, and peace, and the Angel of His army of His faithful always protect, let us pray to the Lord.

3. On “God the Lord ...” the troparion is sung “Give thanks to the unworthy of Your servants, Lord, about Your great good deeds on us who were, glorifying You, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Your goodness, and slavishly with love we cry out to You: Our benefactor Savior , glory to Thee." On “Glory” - “Your good deeds, and gifts to the tuna, like a servant of indecency, have become worthy, Master, we diligently bring gratitude to You according to strength, and to You, as a Benefactor and Creator, glorifying, we cry out: glory to You, God the most generous.”

4. The Apostle to the Corinthians is read, beginning 229-230 (Eph. 5; 8-24) and the 85th beginning of the Gospel of Luke (Luke 17; 12-19).

5. The litany "Have mercy on us, God ..." includes additional petitions:

“Thankfulness with fear and trembling, as if a servant of your indecent goodness, our Savior and Lord, our Lord, about Your good deeds, I have poured out abundantly on Your servants, and we bow down, and praise You as God we bring, and tenderly cry out: deliver Your servant from all troubles , and always, as if merciful, fulfill the good desire of all of us, diligently pray to Ty, hear and have mercy ”;

“As now, Thou hast graciously heard the prayers of Thy servants, O Lord, and hast shown them the benevolence of Thy philanthropy, not despising this and in the past, fulfill to Thy glory all the good desires of Thy faithful, and show us all Thy rich mercy, despising all our sins : we pray to Ty, hear and have mercy";

“It is favorable, like a fragrant incense and like a fat burnt offering, may it be, O All-good Lord, this is our thanksgiving before the majesty of Thy Glory, and always send down, like a generous servant of Thy rich mercy, and Thy bounty, and from all the resistance of visible and invisible enemies, Thy Holy Church (this abode, or this city, or this whole city), deliver, to Your people all a sinless long life with health, and in all virtues grant prosperity, we pray to Thee, the All-Generous King, graciously hear and have mercy soon.

6. Then the priest reads a special thanksgiving prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and bounty, His mercy is immeasurable, and philanthropy an unsearchable abyss; falling to Your majesty, with fear and trembling, as a slave unworthy, thanksgiving to Your mercy about Your good deeds on Your servants (on Your servant) who were, now humbly offering, like the Lord, Master and Benefactor, we glorify, praise, sing, and magnify, and falling again Thank you, Your immeasurable and inexpressible mercy is humbly imploring. Yes, as if now the prayers of Your servants are accepted, and mercifully fulfilled thou art, and in the past in Your and sincere love and in all the virtues of those who prosper, Your good deeds of all Your faithful will receive, Your Holy Church, and this city (or all this, or this abode ) delivering from every evil situation, and granting peace and serenity to you, with Your Beginningless Father, and the All-Holy, and the Good, and Your Consubstantial Spirit, in the One Being glorified by God, always bring thanks, and deign to speak and sing praise.

On other existing rites of prayer chants

The Church also performs some more rites of prayer songs, called to ask God's help in certain human needs. The rites of these prayers are given in the above liturgical books. Since in the recent past, humanity was engaged almost exclusively in agricultural activities, most of the prayer ranks are composed with a focus on the problems of farmers and livestock breeders. The reason for intense prayers are also such "universal" problems as wars and epidemics. In short, the Ribbons contain the following main rites of prayer chants:

against adversaries(“following prayer singing to the Lord God, sung during the battle against adversaries who are upon us”) - a prayer service performed during the invasion of foreigners;

during the ravages(“prayer singing during a destructive plague and deadly infection”) - prayers performed during terrible infectious diseases devastating the Earth, such as plague, cholera, typhoid, malaria, smallpox, diphtheria, polio and others. Despite the fact that most of these diseases are practically placed under strict medical control and local cases do not reach the level of an epidemic, now there are problems with other, no less dangerous infectious diseases;

when there is no rain for a long time(“following prayer singing sung during rainlessness”) - a prayer service that takes place during catastrophic droughts for farmers, and therefore for all people. Apparently, now, as a result of the development of irrigation methods in agriculture, the severity of the problem has been removed, but the climate changes observed in the most recent years have already led to a noticeable shortage of agricultural products in the world;

Consecration of the "chariot"

when it rains for a long time(“following prayer singing to the Lord our God Jesus Christ, sung during times of lack of water, when it rains a lot uselessly”) - prayer singing, performed, like the previous one, when there are problems with growing crops caused by adverse weather conditions;

Thanksgiving on Christmas Day(“following thanksgiving and prayer singing to the Lord God, sung on the day of Christmas, hedgehog according to the flesh, our Savior Jesus Christ, and remembering the deliverance of the Church and the Russian State from the invasion of the Gauls and with them twenty languages”) - everything that has been said about the actual thanksgiving service , applicable to this rite of passage. The difference is that thanksgiving is offered to God in memory of one of the most important historical events in the life of Russia - its liberation from the troops of Napoleon and his satellites;

traveling on the waters(“rite of blessing for those who want to swim on the waters”) - a prayer service for travelers, which has small features determined by the method of movement;

blessings of a warship or blessings of a new ship or boat- two rites, in which one of the important means for a person to conduct combat operations, movement, transportation of goods and other things necessary in human activity is consecrated;

for digging a well (well) or blessing a new well- two prayer services - the most important for a person of recent times, the rites, which have not completely lost their significance in the modern world, especially against the backdrop of existing environmental problems;

prayer for floods the service of a prayer service performed during a real danger of this natural disaster;

for the consecration of the "chariot"- the service of a prayer service performed over cars and other wheeled vehicles.

The consecration of a new house

Before the consecration of a newly built house, the priest can perform a small consecration of water in order to use it in the ceremony. If there is no small blessing of water, he brings holy water and a vessel with oil with him. Before starting the ceremony, on each of the four walls of the house, the priest depicts a cross with oil. A table covered with a clean tablecloth is supplied in advance in the house, a vessel with holy water is placed on it, the Gospel, a cross are placed, and candles are lit.

A brief charter-scheme of the rite of blessing the new house

The exclamation of the priest: "Blessed is our God ...".

Prayer for the invocation of the Holy Spirit: "To the King of Heaven ...".

"Usual beginning": Trisagion according to "Our Father ...".

"Lord, have mercy" (12 times).

"Glory, and now."

“Come, let’s bow…” (three times).

Psalm 90: "Alive in the help of the Most High ...".

Troparion: "Like the house of Zacchaeus ...".

Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ our God..."

Secret priestly prayer: “Vladyka, Lord our God…”.

The exclamation of the priest: "Your more is, hedgehog and save us ...".

The blessing of the oil with the reading of the prayer over it: "Lord, our God, look now mercifully ...".

Sprinkling all the walls of the house with water.

Anointing the walls of the house with oil with the words: "This house is blessed by the anointing of holy oil in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Lighting candles in front of each cross depicted on the walls of the house.

Stichira: “Bless, O Lord, this house…”.

Gospel of Luke (19; 1-10).

Psalm 100: “I will sing mercy and judgment to Thee…” and incense at home.

Litany: "Have mercy on us, O God...".

The exclamation of the priest: "Hear us, O God, our Savior...".


The meaning and purpose of the prayers of the rite can be understood from its individual fragments. So in the troparion on the 8th tone the following petition sounds:

“Like Zaccheus to Your house, Christ, salvation was the entrance, and now the entrance of Your sacred servants, and with them Your saints Angel, give Your peace to this house and mercifully bless it, saving and enlightening all who want to live in it ... ".

In a prayer read after some time, the following is requested: “Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, deigning under the shadow of Zacchaeus the tax collector to enter and salvation to that and his whole house, He Himself and now wants to live here and we are unworthy of praying to You and bringing prayer from all evil keep unharmed, blessing them and this dwelling and hating those belly take out (always) preserve and abundantly all your good things give them your blessing for the benefit. As befits You all glory, honor and worship with Your Father without beginning and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

And finally, after everyone bows their heads, the following prayer is read:

“Lord, Lord, our God, look upon the high living and the humble, bless the house of Laban at the entrance of Jacob and the house of Pentephria with the arrival of Joseph, bless the house of Avedarin by bringing in the ark and in the days of the coming in the flesh of Christ our God, salvation to the house of Zaccheev bestowed, bless this house also and in it protect those who want to live in Thy fear, and preserve them unharmed from the resisters, and send down Thy blessing from the height of Thy dwelling, and bless and multiply all the good things in this house.


Usually, at the beginning of the rite of consecration of the house, a water-blessed prayer service is performed.

On a separate table, a bowl of pure water is prepared for consecration and candles are lit on three sides of the bowl. Oil for consecration and a pod for anointing the walls with oil are also prepared on the table. On the table is the Gospel and the cross. Before the start of the consecration of a new house, an eight-pointed cross with a spear and a cane on the sides is drawn on all four walls inside the house (see figure).

Water blessing prayer.

Priest, after shaking water (and icons), turning to the east (or towards the icons), he makes the usual initial exclamation:

Blessed be our God:

singers sing (or the reader reads): Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. King of Heaven:

Lord, hear my prayer, give ear to my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for no one living is justified before Thee. As if the enemy chased my soul, humbled my belly into the ground; planted me to eat in dark, like dead centuries. And my spirit is in me, my heart is troubled in me. I have remembered the days of old: I have learned from all Thy deeds, I have learned from Your hand in creation. Lift up my hands to Thee, my soul is like a dry land to Thee. Hear me soon, O Lord, my spirit is gone; Turn not away Your face from me, and I will be like those who go down into the pit. I hear, do me Thy mercy in the morning, as if in Thy hopes; tell me, O Lord, the way, I will go further, as if I have taken my soul to Thee Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, I have resorted to You. Teach me to do Your will, as You are my God; Your Good Spirit will guide me to the land of right. For Thy name's sake, O Lord, live me; through Thy righteousness, bring my soul out of sorrow, and through Thy mercy, consume my enemies and destroy all that afflicts my soul, for I am Thy servant.

Reader(after the 142nd psalm): Glory now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God (thrice).

Priest: God the Lord and appear to us (with verses).

singers God the Lord sings (thrice) and troparia, tone 4 (see the rite of the small consecration of water in the Ribbon): To the Mother of God is now diligently a parson:

Glory now. We will never be silent, Mother of God:

Reader after singing the troparia, he reads the 50th psalm, and the singers then sing the troparia for a small blessing of water, tone 6 (stichirny).

singers: Even rejoice at the Angel who received:

At the end of the prayer service for the blessing of water, three troparia are sung from the Treasury (a verse chant):

Make us worthy of your gifts: (voice 2).

Source of healing: (tone 4).

Look at the prayers of Your servant, the All-blameless: (voice 4).

After the singing of these troparions - the transition to the rite of consecration of the house (see below).

If St. there is water and the blessing of water is not performed, then the consecration of the house begins like this.

Prepared on the table:

Holy water,

oil for consecration and

a pod for anointing with oil;

on the table lies the Gospel and the cross, and candles are burning.

Priest: Blessed be our God:

singers: Amen.


singers: King of Heaven:

Reader: Trisagion according to Our Father. Come, let us bow (thrice) and the 90th psalm,

and other rites of consecration of the house.

The rite of consecration of the house.

Reader reads the 90th psalm:

Alive in the help of the Most High in the blood of the God of Heaven will settle. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver thee from the net of the hunter, and from the word of the rebellious. His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope; His truth will go around you as a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from an arrow flying in the days, from a thing in the darkness of the transient, from a scum (attack) and a midday demon. A thousand will fall from your country, and the darkness at your right hand will not come near you. Both look at your eyes and see the retribution of sinners. As You, O Lord, are my hope; The Most High has made you your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your telesi (village). As if by His Angel I commanded about you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stomp your foot on a stone. Step on the asp and the basilisk and cross the lion and the serpent. As if I trusted in Me, and I will deliver and, I will cover and, as if I knew My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will crush him, and I will glorify him. With length of days I will fulfill him, and I will show him my salvation.

After the psalm, a troparion is sung or read, tone 8.

singers: Like Zacchaeus to Your house, Christ, salvation was the entrance, and now the entrance of Your sacred servants, and with them Your saints Angel, give Your peace to this house, and mercifully bless it, saving and enlightening all those who want to live in it.

Priest(in vain to the east): Let us pray to the Lord.

Singers: Lord have mercy.

Priest recites a prayer aloud:

Lord Jesus Christ our God, deigning to enter under the shadow of Zacchaeus the publican, and salvation to him and to all his house; He himself, even now, wants to live here, and by us, unworthy of prayers to You and prayers of bringing, from all evil, observe unscathed, blessing them and this dwelling, and hate those lives, keep them out, abundantly all Your goodness to them with Your blessing for the benefit of giving. As befits You all glory, honor and worship, with Your Father without beginning, and the Most Holy and Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

singers: Amen.

Priest: Peace to all.

Singers: And your spirit.

Priest: Bow your heads to the Lord.

singers(slowly): You, Lord.

Priest secretly recites a prayer:

Master Lord our God, on high living and on the humble, look down, bless the house of Laban at the entrance of Jacob and the house of Pentephria with the arrival of Joseph, bless the house of Aveddarin with the introduction of a bow, and in the days of the coming in the flesh of Christ our God, granting salvation to the house of Zaccheov: Thyself bless this house , and in it, protect those who want to live with Your fear, and preserve them unharmed from the resisters, and send Your blessing from the height of Your dwelling to them, and bless and multiply all the good things in this house.

Exclamation: Yours is, hedgehog and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

singers: Amen.

Priest blesses the oil with his hand three times, saying: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. And reads a prayer over the oil:

Lord our God, now graciously look at the prayer of me, a humble and unworthy servant of Yours, and send down the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit on this oil, and sanctify it, as if it would be a blessing to this place and built on it at home, and to drive away all opposing forces and satanic slanders, you bless and sanctify everything, Christ our God, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

Singers: Amen.

Priest after the prayer, he takes holy water and sprinkles it “all around the walls of the house and all the cells of it, saying”:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling this water, consecrated to flight, let all the evil demonic action be put into effect. Amen.

Having sprinkled the whole house, the priest takes holy oil and anoints it crosswise with the walls of the house in the places where the cross is written, in the middle of it (the cross), starting from the eastern wall, then the western, northern and southern, each time saying:

Priest: This house is blessed by the anointing of this holy oil, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(After anointing with oil, candles are lit before each cross.)

During the anointing of the walls of the house with oil, the singers slowly sing the 5th stichera to the voice.

Singers: Bless, Lord, this house, and fill it with Thy earthly blessings, and keep those who want to live unharmed from any evil situation in it piously, and grant all the abundance of Thy blessing, heavenly and earthly, and as generously have mercy, according to Your great mercy.

Priest at the end of the anointing, he proclaims: Wisdom forgive, let us hear the Holy Gospel. Peace to all.

singers: And your spirit.


Singers: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee (the same after reading the Gospel).

Priest: Let's go. And he reads the Gospel of Luke, conception 94 (19, 2-10). After reading the Gospel, the priest censes the whole house, and the reader reads the 100th psalm:

I will sing mercy and judgment to Thee, O Lord. I sing and understand in a blameless way, when will you come to me? Passing in the innocence of my heart in the midst of my house. I do not offer before my eyes a thing that is illegal, those who commit a crime I hate. Do not cling to me with an obstinate heart: I know not the evil one who deviates from me. The one who slanders secretly (secretly) his sincere, - this exile: (with) a proud eye and an unsatisfied heart, - do not eat with this. My eyes are on the faithful lands, I plant with me; walk along the blameless path, - this is my servant. Do not live in the midst of my house, create pride; speak unrighteous, - do not correct (did not have favor) before my eyes. In the morn, I beat all the sinful lands, to consume from the city of the Lord all those who do iniquity.

Priest then pronounces a short litany: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

Singers: Lord, have mercy (thrice) - for each petition.

Priest: We also pray for a hedgehog to send down Your blessing on this house and on Your servants ( names), and on all those who want to live piously in it, and send them Your merciful Angel, observing and preserving them from all evil, and instructing them to do all the virtues, and to fulfill the holy commandments of Christ, and save them from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, sword and invasion of a foreigner, from every deadly wound, and grant them health, and protect them with a long life, and in all things (grant abundance), with the help of all, Lord, hear and have mercy.

Priest: We also pray for all the brethren and for all Christians.

Priest: Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and those who are in the sea far away: and be merciful, be merciful, Lord, about our sins and have mercy on us, God is merciful and philanthropist, and we send glory to you, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

singers: Amen.

After the exclamation there is a usual vacation.

Priest: Wisdom. Holy Mother of God, save us.

singers: The most honest Cherubim ...

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God...


Priest pronounces the usual daily leave and then proclaims many years to "the house of the ruler" and those who live in it.

Then he gives a cross with sprinkling of holy water and "departs in his own way, giving thanks to God."


According to practice, the following perennial life is pronounced (approximately): “A prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, mutual love and harmony, and an abundance of the fruits of the earth, give, Lord, to all Your faithful who want to live (or who live ) in this house (and to all those who are present and praying), and keep them for many years!”

The rite of consecration of a new house is placed in the Additional Ribbon of the edition of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.


Deacon: Bless, lord.

Priest: Blessed be our God:

choir: Amen.

Clergy: Christ is risen: (thrice).

Chorus: Christ is risen: (thrice).

Clergy- Easter verses:

May God rise again: etc.

choir: Christ is risen from the dead: (after each verse).

Clergy: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death.


choir then he sings a troparion to the saint.

Glory now. Preceding the morning even about Mary:

The choir sings the canon of Pascha (one irmosy).

Song 1: Resurrection day:

Song 3: Come, let's drink new beer:

Clergy: singing to the saint. For example: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

choir: Repeats the same.


choir: And now and forever: and now - Pray to God for us: or Save us from troubles: Then the choir continues singing the irmos of the canon.

Song 4: On the Divine Guard:

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Song 5: Let's morning deep:

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Song 6: Thou hast descended:

Christ is risen from the dead. Final, 1 time (drawn).

Clergy: singing to the saint.

choir repeats the chant.

Clergy: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

choir: And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Pray to God for us: or Save us from troubles: Then the kontakion of Easter - Ashche and to the grave:

Deacon: Look, wisdom. Prokimen.

choir: prokeimenon to a holiday and a saint. (Sometimes the Apostle by day is read here.)

Deacon: Wisdom, forgive me, let us hear the Holy Gospel.

Priest: Peace to all.

choir: And your spirit.

Priest: Reading from Luke of the Holy Gospel.


Deacon: Let's go.

Priest reads the Gospel of the feast (beginning 114 from Luke) and to the saint.

choir: Glory to Thee, Lord: and now the irmos of the canon.

Song 7: Delivering the youths from the cave:

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Song 8: This appointed and holy day:

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead.

Song 9: Shine, shine, new Jerusalem:

choir: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death: (Easter troparion three times).


Glory: Troparion to the saint.

And now: Thou hast descended into the grave:

Deacon litany: Have mercy on us, O God:

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: Hear us, O God, our Savior:

Deacon: Wisdom.

choir: Christ is risen from the dead: (Easter troparion three times).

Clergy(instead of “Glory to Thee, Christ God…”): Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death.

choir: And to those that are in the tombs, bestowing life.

Priest(dismissed with the cross): Christ, risen from the dead, righting death by death, and bestowing life on those in the tombs, our true God:

After this, the priest proclaims, overshadowing with the cross: Christ is risen (thrice), and we answer: Truly He is risen.

choir troparion sings: Christ is risen: (thrice). Then: And to us the gift of eternal life, we worship His three-day resurrection (or after the dismissal there is many years).


(private and public)

The royal doors open. The priest with the Gospel and the cross goes to the revered icon or the appointed place and puts the Gospel and the cross on the lectern.

During the procession, the sexton with a lamp walks ahead.

Priest: Blessed be our God, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

Priest: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

choir: King of Heaven (ch. 6th).

Reader: Trisagion according to Our Father.

Priest: For Yours is the Kingdom:

choir: Amen.

Here the reader sometimes reads (after the exclamation): Amen. Lord have mercy (12 times). Come, let us worship, and the 142nd psalm (or another prayer service, respectively), then the priest (or deacon) pronounces a peaceful litany, in which, after the petition “On the floating, traveling”, special petitions are attached, in accordance with the prayer service (see Appendix below).

Priest: God is the Lord, and appear to us, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (with verses).

Verse 1. Confess to the Lord, for it is good, for His mercy is forever.

Verse 2. They went around me, and in the name of the Lord I resisted them.

Verse 3. I will not die, but I will live, and we will carry on the works of the Lord.

choir: God is the Lord, and appear to us (thrice) - according to the voice of the troparion.

choir: also a troparion, to whom a prayer service is sung. If a prayer service is given to several saints, then the troparia are distributed in the order of the ranks of the saints - from the largest to the smallest.

If a prayer service is performed to the Most Holy Theotokos, then these troparia are sung, tone 4:

Now diligently to the Theotokos, sinners and humility, and we fall down, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, panting, we perish from many sins, do not turn away Your servant vanity: You are the only hope of the imam.

Glory now:

We will never be silent, O Theotokos, of Your power to speak unworthy, otherwise You would not be praying, who would save us from so many troubles? Who would keep free until now? We will not retreat, Mistress, from Thee, for Thy servants save us forever from all kinds of fierce ones.

Priest: the refrains are small, depending on who the prayer service is. For example:

Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Sweetest Jesus, save us.

Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us.

Glory, Lord, to Your Holy Cross.

Holy Archangel Michael of God, pray to God for us.

Great Holy John, Forerunner of the Lord, pray to God for us (or: Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Savior John, pray to God for us).

Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Holy Prophet of God Elijah, pray to God for us.

Holy Hieromartyr (name), pray to God for us.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, pray to God for us.

Holy martyr (name), pray to God for us.

Holy martyr (name), pray to God for us.

Holy noble prince (name), pray to God for us.

Reverend Father Sergius, pray to God for us.

Reverend Mother Mary, pray to God for us.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, pray to God for us.

All saints, pray to God for us.

choir: repeats the refrain of the priest.

Priest (after one or a series of refrains, depending on whether one saint or many, prayer singing is performed):

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

choir: And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. (In this prayer, the refrains and “Glory and now” are repeated both by the priest and the choir twice, after which:)

Priest or choir sings great refrains (katavasia), depending on whom the prayer service is performed.

If the Holy Trinity:

Deliver from troubles Thy servant, Many-merciful, as we diligently resort to Thee, to the Gracious Redeemer, the Master of all, in the Trinity glorious God.

If our Lord Jesus Christ:

Deliver from the troubles of Thy servant, Many-merciful, as we diligently resort to You, to the Gracious Redeemer, the Lord of all, the Lord Jesus.

If the Most Holy Theotokos:

Save Thy servants from troubles, Mother of God, as if all according to Bose we resort to You, as the Indestructible Wall and Intercession.

choir(if singing is performed to the Most Holy Theotokos):

Look with mercy, All-singing Mother of God, on my fierce body, anger, and heal my soul, my disease.

choir(if prayers are also made to the saints, and refrains or a refrain to the saint were sung, then the choir also sings this katavasia):

Pray (pray) to God for us (the name of the saint), as we diligently resort to you (you), an early (quick) helper (assistant) and a prayer book (prayer book) for our souls. (According to local practice in some dioceses, this refrain is sung by a priest.)


choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray for our great lord and father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name), and our lord (bishop - name), and all our brethren in Christ.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, and let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visiting, forgiveness and forsaking the sins of God's servants (names) and all those who are coming and praying here.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray for all the brethren and for all Christians.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: For God is merciful and humane, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

The priest and the choir repeat the previous small refrains, concluding each group of refrains with singing: "Glory now." - After repeating a group of small refrains three times, the priest and choir sing the great refrains: Get rid of troubles: or following it (see sample above), then the priest recites a small litany:

Again and again let us pray to the Lord in peace.

choir: Lord have mercy.

Priest: Intercede, save, have mercy and save us, O God, by Your grace.

choir: Lord have mercy.

Priest: Our Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the saints remembering ourselves, and each other, and our whole life to Christ God.

choir: You, Lord.

Priest: You are the King of the world and the Savior of our souls, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

If a prayer service is served with an akathist, then here the choir begins to sing the first kontakion of the akathist, and the priest reads the akathist: the choir sings the ends of the ikos and kontakions. After an akathist or - if there is no akathist - after a small litany:

Priest: Let's go. Wisdom, listen. Prokeimenon with verses.

(On a feast, the prokeimenon of Matins, and on other days, according to the order of the saint, see Appendix II.)

choir the prokeimenon sings.

Priest: Let's pray to the Lord.

choir: Lord have mercy.

Priest: For Thou art holy, our God, and rest in the saints, and we send glory to Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

Priest: Let every breath praise the Lord (with verses).

Verse 1. Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the affirmation of His power.

Verse 2. Every breath.

choir: (sings according to the voice of the prokimen) Let every breath praise the Lord (2 times and the third time - the end).

Priest: And for us to be vouchsafed to hear the Holy Gospel, we pray to the Lord God.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: Wisdom, forgive me, let us hear the Holy Gospel. Peace to all. (Blesses those who come.)

choir: And your spirit.

Priest: From Matthew (Mark, Luke, John) of the Holy Gospel reading.

choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

Priest: Let's go. Reading the Holy Gospel.

choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

If a prayer service is served with the blessing of water, then here, after the Gospel, they begin to sing: “Have you received the Angel rejoice” (see Trebnik). At the end of the blessing of water, the stichera “Your gifts…”, “Source of healing…” are sung, after which it ends with the singing of a common prayer service; the litany "Have mercy on us, O God" is pronounced, etc. - see below.

According to local practice in some dioceses, the prayer Gospel here, after the 6th ode, is not read, but joins the Gospel reading at the blessing of water.

Priest and choir they repeat small choruses three times, ending each time with singing: “Glory now” (see above).

choir: It is worthy to eat: or irmos of the 9th song of the canon of the holiday.

Reader: Trisagion according to Our Father.

choir: troparia, which were sung at the beginning of the prayer service.

Priest(pronounces the litany): Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray to the Lord our God, to hear the voice of prayer for us sinners, and have mercy on His servants (names) and cover them from all sorrow, trouble, anger and need, and from all illness of the soul and body, grant them health with long life, everyone: hear soon and have mercy.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: We also pray that this city (this village, or: this holy monastery), and every city and country, from famine, destruction, coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and internecine warfare will be preserved: o hedgehog merciful and be kind to our Good and Human-loving God, turn away every anger that is moved against us, and deliver us from His proper and righteous rebuke, and have mercy on us.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

The priest applies here, according to the prayer service, other petitions. (See Priestly Prayer Book, Book of Prayer Songs, Appendix.)

Priest: We still pray, and that the Lord God will hear the voice of prayer for us sinners, and have mercy on us.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times).

Priest: Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and those who are in the sea far away: and be merciful, be merciful, Lord, about our sins and have mercy on us. God is merciful and loving of mankind, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

Priest(exclamation - depending on who the prayer is served):

Let us pray to the Lord, or: Let us pray to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, or: Let us pray to our reverend and God-bearing Father Sergius, etc.

choir: Lord, have mercy (three times), or: Most Holy Theotokos, save us, or: Reverend Father (name), pray to God for us, or another appropriate refrain.

Priest reads a prayer, "he has no prayer service."

choir: Amen.

Priest: Wisdom. Holy Mother of God, save us.

choir: The most honest Cherubim:

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, our hope, glory to Thee.

choir: Glory and now. Lord, have mercy (three times). bless.

Priest(holiday or ordinary dismissal): Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers, and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as Good and Humanitarian.

choir: Amen. Under Your mercy: or magnification of the saints.

Priest gives the cross to believers.

On the day of the patronal feast, marriage and other special occasions, many years are proclaimed before the royal doors after the dismissal.


Our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Divine grace, by the gift and authority given by His holy disciple and apostle, in a hedgehog to knit and solve the sins of people, (he told them: receive the Holy Spirit, forgive their sins, they will be forgiven them: keep them, keep: and If you bind and loose the tree on earth, they will be bound and loosed in heaven). From them, and on us, who has come to each other, may he create through me a humble, forgiven and this in spirit child (name) from all, as if a person sinned against God in word or deed, or thought, and with all his feelings, willingly or not, knowledge or ignorance. If you were under an oath or excommunication by a bishop, or if you took an oath from your father or your mother, or if you fell under your curse, or transgressed an oath, or some other sins, as if a person was in contact: but repent of all these with a contrite heart, and from all those guilt and yuzi let him (yu); the fir-tree, for the infirmity of nature, betrayed oblivion, and may she forgive him (her) all, for the sake of philanthropy

His own, through the prayers of the Most Holy and Blessed Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary, glorious and all-praised apostles, and all the saints. Amen.


Substances and things necessary for the consecration of the temple.

By the day of the consecration of the temple, the rector with the clergy must have the following items and substances:

a) a small copper pan for waxing, the handle of which must be wrapped with a ribbon so as not to burn the hand;

b) 400 gr. yellow wax and 40 gr each: mastic, simple and dewy incense and pharmacy aloe (crushed). If there is no mastic, white incense is enough; if there is no aloe, instead of it, white sulfur (resin) or pure rosin;

c) 4 clean stones; 5 or more towels; 2 bottles of red wine: one for the consecration of the throne, the other for the celebration of the liturgy;

d) table knife is clean; two antidorny plates to serve the items needed during the consecration; 15-20 candles, which will be needed for lighting at the all-night vigil, during the consecration of water and the temple;

e) a water-blessing bowl with a sprinkler; a bottle of rose water, if available, and a few bottles of perfume; 4 walnut sponges for wiping the throne.

All of these items must be placed on the table near the high place.

Vestments and liturgical books.

It is necessary to prepare priestly and deacon vestments according to the number of employees. Priests during consecration can be from three to seven, deacons up to four. Liturgy can be performed by three or five people.

In addition to vestments, we need zapons (aprons) for priests according to the number of employees at the consecration of the temple.

It is necessary to prepare the required number of copies of the Missal for the priests, as well as the entire range of liturgical books, censers (two), a lantern for the procession, deacon candles (two).

In addition to the table and the vessel for blessing the loaves, you need to prepare two tables lined with white linen: one (large) - in the middle of the church, the other (small) -

at the local icon of the Savior, as well as two lecterns, which are supplied in the middle of the temple.

Items and accessories of the temple and the altar.

On the indicated large table (lined with linen), placed in the middle of the temple, the following accessories of the altar and the throne are placed.

On the left side of the table they lay across: a coverlet on the altar, on it the upper and lower robes of the throne, a silk or cotton cord (17-25 meters, depending on the size of the throne), on top of everything - air and iliton;

on the right side of the table: an ark, a gospel, a cross, a chalice, a paten, an asterisk, a spear, a spoon, plates, sponges in an antimension and a chalice, four nails for attaching the throne, a letter signed by the bishop, as well as holy Miro and a pod for anointing the throne and temple walls.

The table with all the items is covered with a white transparent muslin (approximately 2.5 x2.5 meters or according to the size of the table).

Two lecterns are placed at this table and three already consecrated icons are placed on them: the Savior, the Mother of God and the temple in a small size, and around the table and lecterns two or four remote candlesticks and a seven-candlestick (in front), if any, are placed for lighting candles during the all-night vigil. Candlesticks before the beginning of the consecration of the temple are taken away.

Before the all-night vigil, the priest puts a diskos on the table near the local image of the Savior, puts an antimension on it and covers it with an asterisk and a cover on top; in front of him, a lamp should burn all night.

You need to check in advance:

whether their garments were sewn according to the size of the throne and the altar (try on), and whether crosses were sewn on them;

whether the throne was made according to the rule and whether holes (at the corners) were drilled for nails in the upper board and four pillars of the throne; whether there are notches for nail heads in the top board and a groove for the rope on the sides of the top board.

The throne is made with a height of 1 arshin six inches (98.8 cm), and the width and length are according to the size of the altar and the royal doors. (Typically, the ratio of height, length and width is 5.5:6:5). The altar is made the same height as the throne.

In the morning, before the ringing, wax-mast is prepared, for this they take the indicated amount of yellow wax, melt it on fire, then add the other indicated substances (crushed), but they do not allow this whole composition to boil for a long time so that it does not pour out of the saucepan. During the consecration, the wax paste is served warm (in liquid form).



Savior, ch. 6.

Lord, raise up Your strength / and come to save us.

(Text): Shepherd Israel, take heed, instruct, like a sheep, Joseph.

Holy Mother of God, ch. four.

I will remember Your name / in every kind and kind.

(Verse): I will regurgitate my heart's word of goodness.

Angels, ch. four.

Create your angels, your spirits / and your servants, your fiery flame.

(Verse): Bless, O my soul, the Lord, O Lord my God, Thou hast exalted greatly.

Prophets, ch. four.

You are a priest forever / according to the order of Melchizedek.

(Text): The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies Your footstool.

Apostles, ch. eight.

Their pronouncement has gone out to all the earth / and their words to the ends of the world.

(Text): The heavens will proclaim the glory of God, but the firmament proclaims the creation by His hand.

Saints, ch. one.

My mouth will speak wisdom / and the teaching of my heart is understanding.

(Verse): Hear this, all the nations, inspire all who live in the universe.

Hierarchs and reverends, holy martyrs and for the sake of Christ for the holy fools, ch. 7.

Honest before the Lord / the death of His saints.

(Verse): That I will repay the Lord for all that I repay.

Martyr, ch. 7.

The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord / and trust in Him.

(Verse): Hear my voice, O God, pray to Thee every now and then.

Martyrs and unmercenaries, ch. four.

Saints, who are in His land, / the Lord surprises all His desires in them.

(Text): I take out the sight of the Lord before me, as I am at my right hand, but I will not move.

Hieromartyr, confessors and venerable martyrs, ch. eight.

The saints will be praised in glory / and rejoice in their beds.

(Text): Sing a new song to the Lord, His praise in the church of the saints.

Martyrs and Reverend Wives, ch. four.

Wonderful is God in His saints, / God of Israel.

(Verse): In the churches, bless God, the Lord from the wells of Israel.

On Twelve Feasts and Polyeleos, during prayer services, the prokiems and the Gospels are taken from the All-Night Vigil.


Savior - Matt. credit 20, from half €.

Holy Mother of God - Lk. credit four.

Angels - Lk. 51 or Matt. 52.

Prophets - Matt. 96 or Lk. 62.

Apostle - Matt. credit 34.

Apostles - Lk. credit 50 or 51.

Saint - John. 36.

Saints - Matt. 11 or Jn. 35.

Reverend and holy fool - Matt. 43 or Lk. 24.

Martyr - Lk. 63, Jn. 52.

Martyrs - Matt. 36 or Lk. 106.

Hieromartyr - Lk. 67.

Hieromartyrs - Lk. 24, 54, 77.

Reverend Martyr - Mk. 37.

Martyrs - Matt. 38, Lk. 64.

Martyr - Matt. 62 or Mk. 21.

Reverend women - Matt. 105 or Lk. 33.

Confessors - Lk. 64.

Unmercenaries - Matt. 34.


On passing holidays:

Wai week.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, Hosanna in the highest, and we cry out to Thee: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Week of Antipascha.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us descended into hell and with Him all resurrected.

Holy myrrh-bearing women.

We magnify you, holy myrrh-bearing, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.

Ascension of the Lord.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the hedgehog to heaven, with Your most pure flesh, the divine Ascension.

Holy Trinity.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor Thy All-Holy Spirit, Whom from the Father Thou hast sent as Thy divine disciple.

All saints.

We magnify you, all saints, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.

On the Sunday of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land.

We magnify you, all saints, who have shone forth in the lands of Russia, and we honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.

Holy Trinity.

We magnify Thee, the Lord of the Trinity, by the faith of the Orthodox land of Russia illumined and glorified the holy relatives of our host of greats in it.

Holy Mother of God.

It is worthy to eat the majesty of Thee, the Mother of God, the Russian land, the Queen of Heaven, and the Orthodox people, the Sovereign Lady.

Glory to the saints.

We bless you, our wonderworkers of glory, the Russian land with your virtues illumined and the image of salvation luminously shown to us.

On fixed holidays:


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your holy parents, and all-glorious glorify Your Nativity.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor Your Holy Cross, by which Thou hast saved us from the work of the enemy.

We bless you, Reverend Father Sergius, and we honor your holy memory, mentor of the monks and companion of the Angels.

We magnify you, the Apostle of Christ and the Evangelist John the Theologian, and we honor your illnesses and labors, as you have worked in the gospel of Christ.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your Honest Protection, You saw Saint Andrew in the air, praying for us to Christ.

We magnify you, Saints of Christ: Peter, Alexy, Iono, Philip and Hermogenes, and we honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.


We magnify you, Archangels and Angels, and the entire host, Cherubim and Seraphim, glorifying the Lord.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and we honor Your entry into the temple of the Lord.


We magnify you, Saint Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now in the flesh born of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary.


We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, for the sake of us now baptized in the flesh from John in the waters of the Jordan.


We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor Your Most Pure Mother, Who, according to the law, has now been brought to the temple of the Lord.


Archangelic voice crying out to Thee, Pure: Rejoice, Gracious One, the Lord is with Thee.

We magnify you, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, who enlightened all the Slovenian countries with your teachings and led them to Christ.


We magnify thee, John the Forerunner of the Savior, and honor your most glorious Christmas from barrenness.

We magnify you, holy chief apostles of Christ Peter and Paul, who enlightened the whole world with their teachings, and brought all the ends to Christ.


We magnify you, holy equal-to-the-apostles Prince Vladimir, and we honor your holy memory, who corrected the idols and enlightened the whole Russian land with holy Baptism.

We magnify thee, holy prophet of God Elijah, and honor, hedgehog on a chariot of fire, your glorious ascent.


We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the most pure flesh of Thy most glorious transfiguration.

We magnify Thee, Immaculate Mother of Christ our God, and gloriously glorify Thy Assumption.

We magnify Thee, Life-Giver Christ, and honor the Most Pure Face of thy glorious imagination.

We magnify thee, John the Baptist of the Savior, and honor all your honorable heads of beheading.

We magnify you, faithful prince Alexandra, and honor your holy memory: you pray for us Christ our God.

Magnifications are common:

Before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor Your holy image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.

It is worthy to eat the majesty of Theotokos, the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim without comparison.

common to the apostle.

We magnify you, holy apostle (and evangelist) of Christ (name), and we honor your illnesses and labors, as you worked in the gospel of Christ.

General saint.

We magnify thee, holy hierarch father (name), and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.

General martyr.

We magnify you, passion-bearing saint (name), and we honor your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ.

General reverend.

We bless you, reverend father (name), and honor your holy memory, mentor of the monks and companion of the Angels.

General martyr.

We magnify you, holy martyr (name), and honor your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ.

General reverend.

We magnify you, reverend mother (name), and honor your holy memory, mentor of nuns and interlocutor of the Angels.


At solemn prayers:

1. Our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia ( name) with all his God-protected flock and to our Lord Most Reverend ( name), bishop ( its diocese) and grant, O Lord, a prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, and save them for many years!

2. Prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation and good haste in everything, O Lord, give our God-protected country, its power and army, and save them for many years!

3. To the rector and brethren (parishioners) of this holy temple, here who are standing and praying and to all Orthodox Christians, grant, Lord, peace, silence, health and salvation, and good haste in everything and many years!

or (possible option):

To our all-honorable father, our archpriest (or priest) (name), to the parishioners of this holy temple, here to those who are standing and praying and to all Orthodox Christians, give, Lord, peace, silence, health and salvation, and in all good haste and abundance of the fruits of the earth, and many years !

Many years of newlyweds:

A prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation and good haste in everything, mutual love and harmony, and an abundance of earthly fruits, Lord, give the newlyweds (names) and save them for many years!


Longevity in p.p. 1, 2 and 3 taken:

1. From the Orthodox Church Calendar 1947, ed. Moscow Patriarchy.

2. Option p. 3 and longevity for newlyweds - from general practice.


On a special litany

(general requests):

We also pray to You, the Lord our God, that the voice of our prayer and prayer be heard, and have mercy on Your servants ( names) by Your grace and bounty, and fulfill all their petitions, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary; be favorable to their prayers and alms before the Throne of Thy Dominion, and cover them from enemies visible and invisible, from all misfortunes, misfortunes and sorrows, and ailments, deliver, give health with long life; everyone: Lord, hear soon and have mercy.

Look, Lord, Humane, with Your merciful eye on Your servants (names) and hear our prayers with faith brought, as if You Himself said: “Ask all the tree praying, believe, as you will receive, and it will be for you”, and packs: “Ask, and will be given to you." For this sake, we, if not worthy, trusting in Your mercy, ask: give Your goodness to Your servants (names), and fulfill their good desires, peacefully and quietly in their health and longevity, observe them, with the eyes of all: Lord, hear soon and have mercy.

As required, they also apply from these petitions:

Thy angel, the All-Merciful Lord, the guardian of the souls and bodies of Thy servants, preserving and covering from all visible and invisible enemies, - send, by the power of Thy Divine from all sorrow, misfortune, need, ailment and deadly wounds delivering, we pray Thee, Omnipotent Master, hear and have mercy.

O hedgehog to quench all enmity and discord in us, grant peace and unfeigned love, a decent structure and a virtuous life, we pray Thee, Omnipotent Lord, hear and have mercy.

O hedgehog, do not remember the countless iniquity and our crafty deeds in the past years of our life, and do not repay us according to our deeds, but remember us in mercy and bounty, we pray Thee, Merciful Lord, hear and have mercy.

Oh hedgehog, remember Your Holy Church, and strengthen, affirm, expand and pacify, and unharmed the gates of hell and all the slander of visible and invisible enemies, irresistible forever, we pray Thee, Omnipotent Vladyka, hear and have mercy.

Oh hedgehog to deliver Your Holy Church and all of us from all sorrow, misfortune, anger and need, and from all enemies visible and invisible, with health and long life and peace, and always protect Your Angels with an army of His faithful, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog and now listen to the voice of prayer of us, His unworthy servants, and always fulfill the good intentions and desires of His faithful ones for good, and always, like Generous, do good deeds to us in His Holy Church, and to every faithful servant of His petition to grant, let us pray to the Lord.

At the peaceful litany, petitions of repentance:

To turn away all His wrath from us, righteously sin on us for the sake of our movables, and be merciful and kind to be unworthy of us, let us pray to the Lord.

For the hedgehog to be favorable to our prayers, and forgive us and all His people all the sins voluntary and involuntary, in the past days and years we have done evil, let us pray to the Lord.

O hedgehog drive away from us all soulful passions and corrupt customs; plant your Divine fear in our hearts, for the fulfillment of all His commandments, let us pray to the Lord.

For a hedgehog to renew the right spirit in our wombs and strengthen us in the Orthodox faith, and hasten to do good deeds and fulfill all His commandments, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog do not remember the iniquities and temptations of us, His sinful and unworthy servants, but mercifully cleanse our sins, and turn away His anger, righteously moved against us, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog, do not take judgment with His servants, and do not see our iniquity, but cleanse (them), and be merciful, and spare people who have sinned, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog, remember Your bounty and mercy, as if from time immemorial, do not remember the sins of our youth and ignorance, and have mercy on us, let us pray to the Lord.

O hedgehog, mercifully continue the time of repentance with Your servant, and visit the barren fig tree not uselessly, but dig in with mercy, and give mercy to the dew, still waiting for the fruits of repentance and conversion of our humanity, let us pray to the Lord.

For the eradication of all envy, zeal, anger and fraternal hatred and all other passions that are found in us, from which all strife and discord flow, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog to hear our prayer and inspire our prayer, and do not keep our tears silent, but weaken us and have mercy on us, let us pray to the Lord.

On God the Lord troparia repentant, tone 2:

Look graciously, O God, on the people who have sinned, and do not despise those who fall to You in repentance, but have mercy on the Good, and soon deliver Your righteous rebuke, by the prayers of the Mother of God, the only Lover of mankind.

Glory, the same voice:

Do not completely reject Thy people who have sinned, O Master, lower Thy mercy and bounty from us, but like the abyss of bounty, and the abyss of mercy, accept our prayers, and deliver us from the need and misfortune, God alone is good.

And now, the Theotokos:

An ambulance to the helper of the world, Virgin Mary, we earnestly ask for your intercession and strong intercession, have mercy on the grieving people and implore Your Gracious Son and God, to deliver us from misfortune and His righteous rebuke, one in wives Blessed.

On a special litany - petitions of repentance:

We also pray to the Lord our God for a hedgehog to look at the groaning, tears and cry of His people and seeing our anger, poverty and humility, be merciful and turn away from us all His anger, righteously moved against us, and have mercy on us.

We have sinned and lawless, and for this sake, Your righteous wrath comprehends us, O Lord our God, and the shade of death is ours, and we approach the gates of hell; but to Thee, our God, in our sickness, we tenderly cry out: have mercy, spare Thy people, and do not destroy to the end, we humbly pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

Most of all, we have sinned to You and the lawless, Vladyka, and if we have not gained repentance, accept our offer instead of repentance, and turn to mercy, we pray to You, hear soon and have mercy.


Prayers of repentance and so on, read after the prayer service, to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, are placed in the Prayer Book ed. Moscow Patriarchy. M., 1956.


My Tsarina Preblagaya, my hope, Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange representatives, grieving joy, offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as if I am weak, feed (guide) me as if strange. I’ll offend my weight, resolve that, as if you will, as if I don’t have any other help for You, neither another intercessor, nor a good comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.


(thanksgiving prayer)

At the great litany (after “about the floating…”) these petitions are attached:

O hedgehog merciful is the present thanksgiving and prayer of us, unworthy of His servants (His servant, His servant) - name- in His heavenly altar, accept and compassionately have mercy on us (him, u), let us pray to the Lord.

On the hedgehog do not disdain the gratitude of us His indecent servants (His servant, His servant), on the blessings received from Him in a humble heart we bring, but, as if a fragrant incense and a fat burnt offering, be favorable to Him, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog and now listen to the voice of prayer of us, unworthy of His servants (His servant, His servant) and the good intention and desire of His faithful for good, always fulfill and always, like Generous, benefactors to them (him, her), and His Church, Saints and everyone Grant petitions to His faithful servant, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog to deliver His Holy Church and His servants (His servant, His servant) - name- and all of us from all sorrow, misfortune, anger and need, and from all enemies visible and invisible, with health, long life and peace, and the Angel of His militia always protect, let us pray to the Lord.

Troparion, tone 4.

Give thanks to Thy unworthy servants, O Lord, about Thy great blessings on us who have been, glorifying Thee, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Thy goodness, and slavishly with love we cry out to Thee: Our benefactor Savior, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, tone 3.

Your good deeds and gifts to the tuna, like a slave to indecent, having become worthy, Master, diligently flowing to You, we bring thanks according to strength, and to You, like a Benefactor and Creator, glorifying, we cry out: glory to You, God the Most Generous.

Prokimen, tone 4: I will sing to the Lord who has done good to me, and I will sing to the name of the Lord Most High.

Verse: My heart will rejoice in Your salvation.

Apostle: Eph. credit 229 and 230 (ch. 5).

Alleluia, ch. four.

Poetry: 1. I will praise the name of my God with song; I will magnify Him in praise.

2. As the wretched Lord heard, and do not despise His chained ones.

Gospel: Lk. credit 4 or credits 85.

Petitions in the Special Litany:

Thanking with fear and trembling, as if a servant of indecency, Your goodness, our Savior and Master, Lord, about Your good deeds, I have poured out abundantly on Your servants (Your servant, Your servant), we fall down, and praise You, as God, we bring, and with tenderness we cry out: deliver Thy servant (Thy servant, Thy servant) from all troubles and always, as if Merciful, fulfill the good desire of all of us (them, him, her), diligently pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

As if now Thou graciously heard the prayers of Thy servants (Thy servant, Thy servant), Lord, and manifested on them (him, her) the goodness of Thy philanthropy, not despising this and in the fore, fulfill to Thy glory all the good desires of Thy faithful (faithful Yours, Your faithful ones) and show us all Your rich mercy, despising all our sins, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

It is favorable, like a fragrant censer and like a fat burnt offering, may it be, O All-good Lord, this is our thanksgiving before the majesty of Thy glory, and always send down, like Generous, Thy servant (Thy servant, Thy servant) rich mercy and Thy bounty, and from all resistance visible and invisible enemies, Thy Holy Church, this abode ( or this city, or Deliver all this) to Your people, sinless longevity with health and in all virtues, grant prosperity, we pray to Thee, the All-Merciful King, graciously hear and have mercy soon.

(At the liturgy he participates: Blessed be God, even if you do not leave my prayer and your mercy from me).


On the great litany (after "about the floating ones"):

About the hedgehog to have mercy on His servant (His servant, His servant) - name- and forgive them (him, her) every sin, voluntary and involuntary, and bless their journey (him, her), let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog to send them (him, her) an Angel of peace, a companion and mentor, preserving, protecting, interceding and unharmed (unharmed, unharmed) keeping from every evil situation, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog to cover them (him, u) and the unharmed (unharmed, unharmed) to keep from all enemy slanders and circumstances and to be harmless (harmless, harmless) forward and return, let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord for a safe and peaceful journey and a safe return in health and all piety and honesty to them (him, her).

Troparion, tone 2:

This is the way and truth, Christ, the companion of Your Angel, Your servant (Your servant, Your servant) now, like Tobias sometimes, send, preserving and unharmed (unharmed, unharmed) to Your glory, from all evil in all well-being observing, with the prayers of the Mother of God, one Humane.

Kontakion, same voice:

Lutse and Cleopas in Emmaus, traveling, Savior, now descend as Your servant (Your servant, Your servant), travel to those who want (who wants, who wants), from every delivering them (him, u) from an evil situation: all of you, like a Humane, you can though.

Prokimen, tone 4: Tell me, Lord, the way, I’ll go higher, as if I took (raise) my soul to You.

Verse: Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, I have resorted to You.

Apostle: Acts. credit twenty.

Gospel: Matt. credit 34.

On the special litany:

Correct the human feet, Lord, look mercifully on Your servants (Your servant, Your servant) - name - and forgiving them (him, her) every sin, voluntary and involuntary, bless the good intention of their advice (his, hers), and outcomes and fix the entrances with the journey, diligently we pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

Isaac and Tobias sent the Angel of the companion, and thus created their journey and return peacefully and safely, and now, more blessed, the Angel is peaceful Thy servant (Thy servant, Thy servant), us praying to You (praying, praying), send, instruct them in a hedgehog (him, u) for every good deed, and deliver from the enemy visible and invisible and from every evil situation, healthy, peacefully and safely return to Your glory, we earnestly pray to Thee, hear and have mercy.

Luce and Cleopas in Emmayc traveled and merrily returned to Jerusalem by Your glorious knowledge of creating, travel by Your grace, and Divine blessing, and now Your servant (this servant of Yours, this servant of Yours), by us diligently praying (praying, praying) and in In all good deeds, to the glory of Your most holy name, prosper, observing in health and well-being and returning at the right time, as we pray to the All-Generous Benefactor, hear soon and have mercy.

(Involved: Guide me, O Lord, in Your way, and I will walk in Your truth.)

Prayer (for travelers):

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the true and living path, to wander your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, and Luce and Cleopas to Emmaus traveled! And now we humbly pray to Thee, O Most Holy Lord, and by Thy servant this (Thy servant, this Thy servant) travel with Thy grace. And as if to Your servant Tobias, the Guardian Angel and mentor, send, preserving and delivering them (him, u) from every evil situation of visible and invisible enemies, and instructing the fulfillment of Your commandments, peacefully and safely and soundly transmitting, and packs whole and serene returning; and give them all your good intention to your pleasing, safely fulfill it to your glory. Yours is, to have mercy and save us, and we send glory to You, with Your Father without beginning and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


On the peaceful litany for the sick:

After the usual beginning and the 70th psalm, the litany is pronounced:

Let us pray to the Lord in peace.

About the world above...

About the world of the whole world ...

For this house and those who live in it, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog to forgive every sin, voluntary and involuntary, of His servants ( or His servant), ( names) and be merciful to him (him), let us pray to the Lord.

For a hedgehog to extinguish the fire, and quench the disease, and mercifully heal their (his) ailment, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog soon, like a centurion's youth, Canaanite's daughter and Peter's mother-in-law, with the word of His power, graciously heal and raise them (him) from the bed of illness, let us pray to the Lord.

O hedgehog of mercy for the sake of His mercy, do not remember the sin of youth and ignorance of them (him) and their parents (him), but graciously grant them (him) health, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog, diligently do not despise the prayers of His sick servants (His servant), who are now praying (praying), but graciously hear, and be kind, and benevolent, and philanthropic to them (him) be and give health, let us pray to the Lord.

For a hedgehog to visit them (him) with a visitation of His Holy Spirit, and heal every ailment and every disease nesting in them (in him), let us pray to the Lord.

Oh, mercifully, like a Canaanite, hear the voice of the prayer of us, His unworthy servants crying out to Him, and like that daughter, have mercy and heal His sick servants (His sick servant), let us pray to the Lord.

On the peaceful litany about the one suffering from the passion of drunkenness:

To forgive every sin, voluntary and involuntary, of His servant (name) and (about) to be merciful to him, let us pray to the Lord.

Do not remember the sin of youth and ignorance of the hedgehog, but graciously grant salvation and abstinence to him, let us pray to the Lord.

For a hedgehog to visit him with a visitation of His Holy Spirit and heal every ailment and every passion that nests in him, let us pray to the Lord.

For help him to repel all the nasty things (attacks) of the visible and invisible enemy and give him, to get rid of passion, strength and prosperity in everything - by the power, action and grace of the Holy Spirit - let us pray to the Lord.

After God is the Lord, troparia (about the sick) are sung:

Voice 4. Quick in intercession alone, Christ, soon from above show a visit to Your suffering servant (Your suffering servant), and deliver from ailments and bitter illnesses, and raise up in a hedgehog to sing Thee and glorify unceasingly, with the prayers of the Theotokos, the only Humane.

Glory, voice 2. On the bed of illness lying (lying), and wounded by a mortal wound (wounded), as if sometimes you raised up, Savior, Peter's mother-in-law and relaxed on the bed worn; and now, Mercy, visit and heal those who suffer (suffering); You alone are the ailments and illnesses of our kind, bearing, and all mighty, as if Many-merciful.

And now, tone 6: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to help us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer and rush to supplication, intercession ever, the Mother of God, honoring Thee.

Prokimen. Voice 7th. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak, heal me, for my bones are shattered.

Verse: As if to bear in death, remember Thee.

Apostle : Jacob. credit 57.

Gospel: Matt. credit 25 (or credit 34 from the floor or 63rd).

At the special litany (after the Gospel) petitions for the sick:

To the doctor of souls and bodies, with tenderness in a contrite heart, we fall down to You and groaningly cry out to You: heal the disease, heal the passions of the souls and bodies of Your servants (the soul and body of Your servant) - name- and forgive them (him), like the Merciful One, all sins, free and involuntary, and soon raise up from the bed of illness, we pray Thee, hear and have mercy.

Do not want the death of sinners, but if you turn and be alive, spare and have mercy on your servants (your servant) - name- Merciful; forbid sickness, set aside all passion and all ailment, and stretch out your strong hand, and like Jairus’ daughter from the bed of illness, raise up and create healthy (healthy), we pray to you, hear and have mercy.

Healing the fiery disease of Peter's mother-in-law by Your touch, and now the suffering of Your suffering servants (Your suffering servant) - name- Heal the disease with Your mercy, giving health to them (him) soon, we diligently pray to Thee, Source of healing, hear and have mercy.

Hezekiah's tears, Manassio and the Ninevites repentance, and David's confession received, and soon had mercy on those: and ours in tenderness, accept the prayers brought to Thee, O All-good King, and as generously have mercy on the cruelty of Your sick servants (Your sick servant), bestowing health on them (him) , with tears we pray to You, Source of life and immortality, hear and have mercy soon.

Prayer (at a prayer service for the sick):

Master of the Almighty, Holy King, punish and not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up those who are cast down, bodily men of sorrow correct, we pray to You, our God, Your servant ( name) visiting the weak by Your mercy, forgive him any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame the passion and all the infirmity that is hidden, wake up the doctor of Your servant ( name), raise him up from the painful bed and from the bed of embitterment, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Thy Church pleasing and doing Thy will. Yours is, to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


After the usual beginning and the 50th psalm petitions are attached to the peaceful litany:

O hedgehog bless the good intention of your servants ( names) and deign to start safely and hastily, except for any obstacle, to your glory end, by the power, action and grace of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord about the blessing of the laboring worker in this tribute, and to correct the works of their hands and to accomplish by the power, action and grace of His Most Holy Spirit, hastily.

O hedgehog to the good diligence of His servants ( names) well-being with all contentment, strength, action and grace of His Most Holy Spirit give, let us pray to the Lord.

About the hedgehog to assign this work and the worker of the Guardian Angel, hedgehog invisibly reflect all the nasty things, visible and invisible enemies, and prosperity in everything, to the construction - wisdom, and to the completion - the power, strength, action and grace of His Most Holy Spirit give, Lord let's pray.

After God is the Lord the following troparia:

Tone 2. Creator and Creator of all, God, the work of our hands to Your glory begins, hastily correct Your blessing, and deliver us from all evil, as the only Omnipotent and Humanitarian.

Glory. Voice 6. Quick to intercede and strong to help, present yourself to the grace of Thy strength now, and having blessed, strengthen, and in fulfillment of the intention of the good deed of Thy servants (Thy servant), do it all, if you wish, like the Almighty God, you can do.

And now. Same voice. The intercession of Christians is shameless...

Prokimen, ch. four. Wake the grace of the Lord our God upon us, and correct the works of our hands.

Verse: And look at your servants and your works.

Apostle: Phil. credit 241.

Gospel: Matt. credit 20 off the floor.

At the special litany (a prayer service before the beginning of every good deed), the following petitions are attached:

Look, Lover of mankind, with Your merciful eye on Your servants (Thy servant) ( name), to Your mercy by faith falling (falling), and having heard their prayers (him), bless their (his) good intention and work, and safely start and successfully, except for any obstacle, to Your glory, accomplish, like the Almighty King, we pray Thee sya, hear and have mercy.

In everything, hasten to all for good, Lord, mercifully and Thy servant (Thy servant) ( name) Hurry, Savior, and in the successful completion of their (his) work, bless hastily, we pray Thee, Almighty Lord, hear and have mercy.

Attach Your Guardian Angel to this matter, O benevolent Lord, and raise up all the obstacles of visible and invisible enemies, and create haste in everything for the successful completion of the doing (doing), we pray Thee, Most Good Savior, hear and have mercy.

To Your glory, command all to do, O Lord, Your servant (Your servant) (name), to Your glory, your work to beginners (beginner), with Your blessing, grant prosperous haste with contentment to accomplishment, bestowing health on them (him) with prosperity, we pray Thee Xia, All-Gifted Creator, hear and have mercy.


On the peaceful litany:

Oh hedgehog cleanse us from our sins and iniquities that dry us up, even to Him (God) and sincere love, raise it (her) with the power, action, and grace of His Most Holy Spirit, and root it in the hearts of all of us, diligently to the Lord let's pray.

O hedgehog to plant, and to root by the grace of His Most Holy Spirit His new New Testament commandment, to love one another, and please not ourselves, but (all) even to His (God's) glory, and always seek sincere creation, let us pray to the Lord.

For the hedgehog to eradicate in us hatred, envy and zeal, and all other passions that destroy brotherly love, and instill unfeigned love, let us fervently pray to the Lord.

O hedgehog warm love for God and for the sincere in us, inflame the grace of His Most Holy Spirit, and so burn all the passions of our souls and bodies, let us pray to the Lord.

To root out the passion of self-love in us, to root the virtue of brotherly love by the power of His Most Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord with a contrite heart.

Oh hedgehog we do not love the world, and even in the world, but with the true love of God, and His glory, and sincere benefit and salvation, love, and even in heaven prepared for the good to see, and seek these, all-heartedly, let us pray to the Lord.

To truly love not only our friends and brethren, but also our enemies, and do good to those who hate us, pray for them, and work diligently for their salvation, - by the power, action and grace of His Most Holy Spirit compel us - let us pray to the Lord.

Take heed of your hedgehog, scold yourself, and always see your own sins, humble yourself before God and before everyone, and condemn your brother in no way, but, like yourself, love him - by the power, action and grace of the Holy Spirit - let us pray to the Lord.

For the hedgehog to envy us the ancient Christians for God and for sincere burning love, and the heir and successor of those beings, not in an exact image, but in deed truth, - by the power, action, and grace of the Holy Spirit - let us pray to the Lord.

For a hedgehog in unshakable orthodoxy, in peace and union of love burning and in all the virtues of those who succeed, always save us, and from all soulful passions unharmed, by the power, action and grace of the Most Holy Spirit, we will pray to the Lord.

By the union of love you have bound Your apostles, Christ, and having firmly bound us Your faithful servants to Yourself, do Your commandments, and love each other without hypocrisy, by the prayers of the Theotokos, the only Lover of mankind.

Glory now, tone 5:

With a flame of love, our hearts have inflamed our hearts for You, Christ God, let us liquefy with that, with our hearts, thoughts and souls, and with all our strength we love You, and our sincere as if to ourselves, and keeping Your commandments, we glorify You of all the blessings of the Giver.

Prokimen, tone 7: I will love you, O Lord, my strength, the Lord is my strength.

Verse: My God is my helper, and I trust in Him.

Apostle: 1 Jn. credit 72 and 73 (up to chapter 4).

Gospel: Jn. credit 46 (until verse 36).

On the special litany of petition

(on the multiplication of love):

Lord, our God, mercifully look upon the land of our hearts that has dried up in love, and with thorns of hatred, self-love and innumerable iniquities, froze, and emitting a drop of the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit, richly watered, in a hedgehog of fruit and grow from burning to You the love of all virtues is the root of your fear, and for sincere salvation, non-slothful care, all the same passions, and various slyness, and hypocrisy, the eradication, we diligently pray to all the Benefactor, hear soon and have mercy on humanity.

A new commandment to Your disciples, to love one another, giving, Master, renew this grace of Your Most Holy Spirit indeed in our souls, and in our hearts, but never about our own, but always about Your goodness, and sincere salvation and benefit, we will do care, we pray to Thee, Merciful Benefactor, hear and mercifully have mercy.

I gave the first and great commandment, to love you God and our Creator with all my soul, from all our thoughts and strength, and the second, like it, even love sincere, as if to yourself, and in this two teach all the law and the prophet to hang, by deed Convince us all of this by the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit, that I may Savior ours, and pleasing sincere salvation, Your promise will be good, as we diligently pray to the Master and Savior of ours, hear soon and mercifully have mercy.

May we be perfect in Thy love, our God, let us have sincere, unfeigned love, compel us to Thy Spirit of grace, Master: for you have love, think, but hate your brother, there is a lie, and walks in darkness. The same, Merciful, in Your love and brothers, our souls and hearts have disintegrated, we pray to You, as Merciful, hear soon and, as Generous, have mercy.

Thy love is in us, by the power of the grace of Thy Most Holy Spirit, indwell, O all-bountiful Lord, if not only brothers and friends, but also our enemies according to Thy Divine command, truly love, and do good to those who hate us, and sincerely strive for their salvation, we pray Thee

Xia, a source of goodness, and abyss of philanthropy, hear soon and have mercy as a Mercy.

Prayer for Enemies Who Hate and Offend Us

After the usual beginning and the 90th psalm, a peaceful litany is pronounced.

On the peaceful litany, this petition is attached:

Oh, forgive us all our sins, and mercifully deliver us from the situation of our enemies, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog not to repay our enemy according to their deeds, nor according to the slyness of their undertakings, but turn them from their evil proposal to goodness and love, let us pray to the Lord.

For the hedgehog to turn the unfaithful to orthodoxy, the faithful to piety, all the same enmity and hatred into brotherly love, peace and perfect love, let us pray to the Lord.

O hedgehog not leave a single one of us for the sake of perishing, but hedgehog to turn away from evil, and do good, attract everyone with Your grace, let us pray to the Lord.

To eradicate enmity, hatred and all evil deeds in all of us, but unfeigned love, and a peaceful and virtuous life in the advancement of faith to root, let us pray to the Lord.

Oh hedgehog do not leave us for the sake of perishing, below us, for those sake, but bring everyone to the understanding of truth and save us by His grace, let us pray to the Lord.

Against God the Lord is a troparion, tone 4:

Praying for those who have crucified Thee, O Lord, loving-kindness, and Thy servants praying for enemies, forgive those who hate and offend us, and from all evil and deceit, instruct the brotherly-loving and virtuous life, we humbly offer you a prayer: yes, in unanimous unanimity, we glorify Thee, the only Lover of mankind .

Glory now, tone 5.

Like Your First Martyr Stephen, for those who kill him, pray to Thee, Lord, and we crouchingly pray, forgive those who hate everyone and offend us, in the hedgehog not a single one from them perish for us, but be saved by all, by Your grace, God the All-Merciful.

Prokimen, tone 4: May my foes return back, I will call upon Thee for another day.

Verse: I trust in God, I am not afraid, what will a man do to me?

Apostle: Rom. credit 110.

Gospel: Matt. credit fifteen.

On the special litany this petition is attached (for those who hate and offend us):

Thy commandment, Savior, to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us, according to the power of fulfilling, diligently we pray, turn, as if Merciful, all our enemies are evil on us and on Your Church - to love and reconciliation, and to all goodness, but not they will perish in their wickedness, we pray Thee, All-merciful Lord, hear and have mercy.

Praying for the crucified You, O Lord of mankind, and turn our embittering enemies from malice to a virtuous life, as if not a single one of us will perish for our sake, but let us all be saved in repentance, we pray Thee, merciful Lord, hear and have mercy.

Our unfaithful enemies to orthodoxy and piety, but those who are faithful to reconciliation and brotherly love, compel us to turn, O all-merciful Lord, but in love and harmony fulfilling Your commandments, we glorify you all the Benefactor, we pray to you, hear and have mercy.

With Saint Stephen we cry to Thee: God of vengeance, Lord, do not make sin an enemy who hates and offends us, but by Thy great mercy turn to repentance and have mercy on them; but us from all the evil of their situation (the advice of the evil one and deceit ruined them), by Your all-powerful right hand, rescue us and deliver us, we pray to Thee, Omnipotent King, hear soon and have mercy.

Behold: These are all petitions at prayer services: general, repentant, thanksgiving, for travelers, for the sick, for every good deed, for the multiplication of love and for those who hate us - the essence is printed in the Priestly Prayer Book and the Book of Prayer Songs.

You can buy this book

The top board is usually made of cypress. In order not to move the throne during the repair of the floor in the altar, it is installed on a special foundation in the form of a stone (brick) pillar. In the column, a quadrangular frame with a cross in the middle is built into the level with the floor or 2 cm above it from quadrangular bars. Four recesses are made at the corners of the frame for the four legs of the throne, and in the middle of the crosspiece there is a recess for a cross with holy relics, in case the church is consecrated by a bishop. The floor in the altar is fitted to the very frame of the foundation, but should not have any connection with it, so that when the floor is repaired, the throne remains unshakable and inviolable. You can do without a frame on the foundation, making recesses for installing the legs of the throne and the cross in the stone base itself.

For the service of prayers, the book Canonnik is used. The canon contains the beginning of the prayer service, a brief charter of the union of the canons. Katavasias are indicated that complete each song at the Moleben (usually sung as a keepsake). There is a text of the venerable "Mistress, accept", which is sung after the canon, with the exception of festive prayers.

The canons are numbered, the troparia are placed in front of them in a ready order for reading to God the Lord. At the end of the Canon there are chapters: "Prokeimnas and Gospels" and "Stichers on the Gospels". They are searched by canon number.

There are holidays in most canons, in the absence they are determined by general rules.

Before the prayer service, the usher lays the canon, the prokeimenon with the gospel, and the stichera.



The mentor proclaims: "3a prayers ...". Psalmist: "Amen. Holy God..." According to the Father, our mentor is the Jesus prayer. Psalmist: "Amen." Lord have mercy, 12. Glory, And now. Come worship. Psalm 142 Glory, And now. Alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee God - 2 times.

The leading person sings for the third time: "Alleluia ..." and sings the litany, Lord have mercy, 12. Glory, And now.


In the Book of Hours, in the row of Matins. General procedure in § 4.3


General procedure in § 4.4. According to Canonnik - as indicated alongside before the canon. At the prayer services of the masters troparion 2 times, Glory, And now - the same. At the prayer services of the Mother of God also; and to the saints - the troparion 2 times, Glory, And now the Theotokos according to the voice from the Sunday troparion (according to the voice of the troparion to the saint). If a prayer service with several canons, see § 7.6.


The psalmist reads the psalm God have mercy on me. Mentor - a prayer to Isusov. Headmaster - Amen. Let's start at the meeting:


We sing irmos of the 1st song, 1st time. On great and temple holidays - 2 times, and on after-feasts and their giving - 1 time. The canonarch is blessed and reads the troparia of the canon for 4: two verses (depending on the number of them, they are combined into one verse (“under the chapter”) or repeated), Glory is a troparion. And now - troparion. Then a katavasia is sung - "Save from troubles ..." or "Get rid of troubles." By katavasia, bow and Lord have mercy, 3 times.

The next canon. If there are several canons, see §7.5.

According to the katavasia of the 3rd song, Lord have mercy, 3rd time. Glory, And now. (2nd face). The saddle is read alongside in the Canon 1st time, and Glory to the saint, And now - the Mother of God. 4th, 5th, 6th songs (the katavasia is the same on all songs of the canon).

According to the katavasia of the 6th song, Lord have mercy, 3rd time - Glory, And now. The canonarch proclaims the “voice” and honors the kontakion and ikos. We sing the ends to "voice.


General order as in the morning. The gospel is at the end of the canon, and there is also a prokeimenon.


But Glory to Thee, Lord, the leading headman sings Glory - “Father and Word and Soul, Holy Trinity, cleanse the multitude of our sins.” And now - “Prayers for the sake of the Mother of God ...” Then “God have mercy on us according to Your great mercy, according to your many bounties, cleanse my iniquities. God save me." And the stichera is sung at the end of the Canon (from Matins to the 50th psalm). Next is the 7th song.

At the prayer services, the Mother of God is also sung, and instead of the Father and the word, the saints sing "Prayers for the sake of (apostle, prophet, Forerunner, passion-bearer, saint, reverend, miracle worker) Mercifully cleanse ...".

On the great Lord's holidays (voice 1) Glory is sung - Every day. And now - every day (text in the Psalter in selected psalms, chanted in everyday life in magnificence). Have mercy on us, God, and a hymn to the feast. In the afterfeast and surrender, every day is not sung, but usually Glory - to the Father and the Word ...


The psalmist - Holy God ... According to the Father, our mentor is the Jesus prayer. Psalm Reader - Amen. And honors the troparion, Glory, And now - kontakion. To the saints - the troparion, Glory-kontakion, And now - the Mother of God, which was read to God the Lord. Saying goodbye.

Leading face - Lord have mercy, 40 (three bows). Glory, And now. The most honest cherub. Glory, And now. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless (with bows). Vacation Headmaster - Amen. Lik - Lord have mercy, 3-live.

On great and temple holidays, and when the rector deigns, the singing is sung at the prayer service (the headmen sing, alternating).

The troparion is also sung, the kontakion - according to Ordinance, the troparion 1st time in voice (second face), 2nd and 3rd - in chant. The chants of the canons for the twelfth feasts are placed in the book The Znamenny Canon.

The full sequence of the prayer service with the akathist of the Resurrection of Christ, which is sung on Sundays at 16-00 in our church, is given.

Priest: Blessed be our God always, now and forever, and forever and ever.
: Amen.
Priest: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee
Chorus (according to custom people): King of Heaven...
Priest: God the Lord and appear to us, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Verse 1: Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
Verse 2: They went round about me, and in the name of the Lord resisted them.
Verse 3: I will not die, but I will live and do the works of the Lord.
Verse 4: The stone that builds it negligently, This was at the head of the corner, this was from the Lord, and it is wondrous in our eyes.

Next, the troparia ordered by the saints by the parishioners are sung. With us it is always troparia: the Resurrection of the Word, Bogolyubskaya, martyr. John the War, St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Troparion of the renovation of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem, tone 4:
As if from above, establish splendor, / and below you showed the beauty of the holy village of Your glory, Lord, / affirm this forever and ever / and receive our prayers in it, unceasingly brought to You, Mother of God, / / ​​all Life and Resurrection.

Troparion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Bogolyubskaya voice 1:
God-loving Queen, / Unskillful Virgin, Mother of God Mary, / pray for us to love you / and your Son, Christ our God, who was born of you, / give us the forgiveness of sins, / peace the world, the land of abundance of fruits, / the shepherd of the shrine / and to all the human race salvation. / Our cities and Russian countries from finding foreigners / and save from internecine strife. / O Mother, God-loving Virgin! / O Queen of All-Singing! / Cover us with Your robe from all evil, / protect us from visible and invisible enemies / / and save our souls.

Troparion of the Martyr John the Warrior tone 4:
The all-good God and Tsar / the faithful servant and warrior appeared to you, John the Wonderworker, / having suffered for the sake of faith masculinely, / blissfully ending the course, / see the All-Creator of the Lord in Heaven more brightly. , / strengthen the soldiers in the army, / from the enemies of captivity, wounds and sudden deaths and from the fierce troubles you withdraw. / The same pray to the Lord Christ, ever-memorable, / that in every situation he will do us mercy / and not lead us into temptations, / / ​​but save our souls, like a philanthropist.

Troparion of Hieromartyr Alexy Smirnov, tone 4:
Thy martyr, O Lord, Alexis, / in his suffering, the incorruptible crown is received from Thee, our God, / for having Thy strength, / put down the tormentors, / crush the demons of weak audacity. / With prayers / save our souls.

Troparion of St. Nicholas tone 4:
The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / abstinence of the teacher / reveal thee to your flock / The truth of things. / For this sake, you acquired high humility, / rich in poverty, / father priest Nicholas, / pray to Christ God, / / ​​save our souls.

Troparion of St. Sergius, tone 8:
From youth you received Christ in your soul, reverend, / and most of all you longed to evade worldly rebellion, / courageously settled in the wilderness / and the children of obedience in it, the fruits of humility, increased you. Thou hast enlightened those who come to you by faith, / and give abundant healing to all. / Our Father Sergius, pray to Christ God, may our souls be saved.

Next come the chants, the priest sings, the choir repeats:
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!
Holy Mother of God save us!
Holy Martyr John, pray to God for us!
Hieromartyr Alexy, pray to God for us!
Holy Hierarch Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!
Holy Father Sergius, pray to God for us!
All Saints pray to God for us!
Priest: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
choir: And now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen.
Priest: Pray to God for us: Holy Martyr John, Hieromartyr Alexy, Saint Father Nicholas, Our Rev. Father Sergius and All Saints!
choir: As we diligently resort to you, quick helpers and prayer books for our souls.

Likewise, we sing this troparia, tone 6:

Even rejoice in the Angel who received / and gave birth to Thy Builder, / Virgo, save Thee who magnify.

We sing to Your Son, Mother of God, / and cry out: Most Pure Lady, / deliver Your servants from all troubles.

Tsar, prophet and apostle, / and martyr You are praise / and Representative of the world, All-blameless.

The tongue of every Orthodox praises and blesses, / and glorifies Your Most Pure Nativity, / Mary the Blessed.

Ailments and all sorts of illnesses, / and free us of misfortunes, / resorting to Your sacred cover.

Glory: We glorify the Father and the Son, / and the Holy Spirit, saying: / Holy Trinity, save our souls.

And now: Inexpressibly at the last conceived / and gave birth to Your Creator, / Virgo, save Thee who magnify.

Also: Open the doors of Mercy for us, / blessed Mother of God, / hoping in Thee, let us not perish, / but let us be delivered from troubles by Thee: / Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.

Priest: Let's pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Priest: For thou art holy, our God, and to Thee we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Face: Amen.

Priest: Akathist to the Resurrection of Christ.

The same, real troparia, tone 6:

Now the time has come, sanctifying everyone, / and the righteous Judge is waiting for us, / but turn, soul, to repentance, / like a harlot, call with tears: / Lord, have mercy on me.

Rainy waters, Christ, a source of healing, / in the all-honourable temple of the Virgin today / Sprinkling your blessing / drive away the ailments of the weak, / To the doctor of our souls and bodies.

The Virgin gave birth to thou Unsophisticated / and the Virgin remained thou, Mother of the Brideless, / Mother of God Mary, / pray to Christ our God to be saved to us.

Blessed Virgin Mother of God, / correct the deeds of our hands / and ask for forgiveness of our sins, / always sing angelic singing to us:

Holy God, / Holy Mighty, / Holy Immortal, / have mercy on us. (Three times)
The burial service is according to custom, and according to the Trisagion

Priest: Let's go.
Priest: Peace to all.
Reader: And your spirit.
Priest: Wisdom.
Reader: prokeimenon, tone 3:
The Lord is my enlightenment / and my Savior, whom shall I fear?
Verse: The Lord is the Defender of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Priest: Wisdom.
Reader: To the Hebrews of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul reading.

Apostle to the Hebrews, conceived 306.
Brothers, Holy and sanctified from the One, all, even for the sake of guilt, the brethren are not ashamed to call them, saying: I will proclaim Your name to My brethren, in the midst of the Church I will sing Thee. And paki: I'll be hoping Nan. And paki: behold Az and the children, even Mi gave God to eat. After all, the children partake of flesh and blood, and He sincerely partake of the same, but by death will abolish the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil. And he will deliver these, who, with the fear of death, through their whole life, blame the besha for work. Not from an angel, then, when he receives, but from the seed of Abraham he receives. From now on, the brethren should be similar in everything, but the High Priest will be merciful and faithful in those who are even to God, in a hedgehog to cleanse the sins of people. In it, more suffering, He himself was tempted, maybe tempted help.

Priest: Peace ti.
And so the priest proclaims: And for us to be vouchsafed to hear the holy Gospel of the Lord God, we pray.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
Priest: Wisdom, forgive me, let us hear the holy Gospel.
Priest: Peace to all.
choir: And your spirit.
Priest: From John the Holy Gospel Reading.
Priest: Let's go.

Gospel of John, beginning 4:
At that time, Jesus ascended to Jerusalem. There is in Jerusalem on the sheep's font, which is also called Bethesda in Hebrew, five vestibules of possessions. In those lies a lot of sick, blind, lame, dry, expectant movements of water. The angel of the Lord for every summer went into the font and disturbed the water, and the first to climb on the disturbance of the water, you were healthy, but you were obsessed with an ailment.

choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

Tazhe, the priest of the litany:
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord in peace.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For heavenly peace and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For the peace of the whole world, the well-being of God's holy churches and the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For this holy temple and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, and for our Lord, His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly, the honorable presbytery, the deaconship in Christ, and for all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For our God-protected country, its authorities and army, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For this city, (or this village, or this holy monastery,) every city, country, and by faith living in them, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For the well-being of the air, for the abundance of the fruits of the earth and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For the floating, the traveling, the sick, the suffering, the captive, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Let us pray to the Lord for the hedgehog to be sanctified by this power and action, and by the influx of the Holy Spirit.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Let us pray to the Lord for the hedgehog to come down to this cleansing action of the Holy Trinity.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Let us pray to the Lord for the hedgehog to be this healing water of souls and bodies, and to repel all opposing forces.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For a hedgehog to send down to the Lord God the blessing of the Jordan and sanctify this water, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For all those who require God's help and intercession, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Let us pray to the Lord about the hedgehog enlightenment of the mind, Consubstantial Trinity.
choir: Lord have mercy.
As if the Lord our God will show us the sons and heirs of His Kingdom, sowing water by communion and sprinkling, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
For deliverance to us from all sorrow, anger and need, let us pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Intercede, save, have mercy and save us, O God, by Your grace.
choir: Lord have mercy.
Our Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and our whole life to Christ our God.
choir: You, Lord.
Priest: All glory, honor and worship befits You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.
choir: Amen.

Priest: Let's pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.

Prayer over water
Great-named God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, work miracles, One, and there is no number: His voice is on the waters of many, He who saw the waters was afraid, and the abyss was troubled and the great noise of the waters; His way is in the sea, and the paths in the waters of many, and Your steps are not known; Even by the baptism of Your Only Begotten Son incarnated and the descending of Nan of the Most Holy Spirit in the vision of a dove, and by Your Fatherly voice, the Jordanian jets sanctified thou. Now we humbly unworthy of Your servants pray to you and have mercy on us, send the grace of the Most Holy Spirit to this water, and with Your heavenly blessing bless, cleanse and sanctify it, and grant her the grace and blessing of the Jordan, and the power of all filth cleansing, and healing every ailment, and demons and all slander, and their wiles banishing. And reveal by the power, action and grace of the Holy Spirit, be all from her with faith drinking, accepting and sprinkling Thy servant, remission of sins, change by passion, expulsion of all evil, multiplication of virtues, healing by illness, sanctification and blessing to the house and every place , destructive and all sorts of evil airs are driven away, and Your grace is appropriation.

As if You bless and sanctify everything, our God, and we send glory to You with Your Only Begotten Son, and with Your most holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.
Chorus: Amen.
Priest: Peace to all.

choir: And your spirit.

Priest: Bow your heads to the Lord.

choir: You Lord.
Priest same prayer secretly:
Incline, Lord, Thy ear and hear us, even in the Jordan baptized and sanctified water, and bless all of us, even with your bowing and marking the working imagination, and make us full of Thy sanctification, sowing water with communion, and may it be to us, Lord, for the health of soul and body.

Exclamation: You are our sanctification, and we send glory and thanksgiving, and worship to You, with Your Father without beginning, and the All-Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

choir: Amen.

We also take up an honest cross, blesses the waters three times, crosswise bringing down and raising and right, and singing a real troparion, a voice:

Save, O Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy inheritance, / granting victory to the opposition / and Thy keeping Thy Cross living. Thrice.

choir: Mistress, accept the prayers of Your servants / and deliver us from all need and sorrow (while the priest sprinkles the parishioners in a circle).

Procession around the temple with the sprinkling of holy water under Christ Risen from the dead:

Priest: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
We also pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, and for our Lord, His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly, and for all our brethren in Christ.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, so that we live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and remission of the sins of the servants of God, (name, and remember them as he wishes) and all Orthodox Christians.
Priest: Severe petitions " Physician of souls and bodies», « About travelers», « For every request», « Starting a new business”, “Thanksgiving”, “About the family”, “About the iniquitous”, “About the prisoners”, “ Oh in the prisons of existence».
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
We also pray that this city (or this village), and this holy temple (or in the monastery: this holy monastery), and every city and country, from famine, destruction, coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife; O hedgehog be merciful and well-disposed to our good and philanthropic God, turn away any anger that is moved against us, and deliver us from His proper and righteous rebuke and mercy.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
We also pray that the Lord God will hear the voice of prayer for us sinners and have mercy on us.
choir: Lord, have mercy, three times.
The priest proclaims:
Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and those who are in the sea far away, and be merciful, be merciful, Lord, about our sins, and have mercy on us. God is merciful and philanthropic, and we send glory to you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.
choir: Amen.

Priest: Let's pray to the Lord.
choir: Lord have mercy.

Priest: Lord, our God, marvelous in strength and inexpressible in mercy, who even proclaimed the mouth of the psalmist to work in vain for those who build, if not you build a house, and your disciple is river, as without me you cannot do anything! And now accept the prayers of Thy unworthy servants for Thy Resurrection Church in the village of Merzlovo, and build and renew yourself and by Thy omnipotent hand. Conquer those who fight us and do nothing to replace their wickedness, protecting your faithful ones, and exchanging evil ones for good ones with Your goodness. Also, on all the deeds and words of Your great and rich mercy that benefit us, send down Your all-generous and righteous retribution. Hey, Lord, hear us sinners praying to You and in all our deeds reveal Your all-good will. Forgiving us and all our sins, through the prayers of our Most Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the Holy Martyr John the Warrior, St. Nicholas the Archbishop of Mirlekiy the Wonderworker, the Holy Monk Sergius of Radonezh, the holy glorious and all-praised apostles, our venerable and God-bearing father, even in the saints of our father Tikhon , Patriarch of All Russia, Confessor, Hieromartyr Alexy Smirnov and all the holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, and all those who have pleased you from time immemorial, amen.

Priest: With tenderness of our hearts, let us pray to Hieromartyr and Confessor Alexy.
Choir: Holy Hieromartyr and Confessor Alexy, pray to God for us.

O glorious and victorious Hieromartyr and Confessor of Christ Alexy, true warrior of the Holy Church, praise and adornment of your earthly kinsman. You, not being afraid of godless persecution, confessed the Orthodox faith even to the blood, while suffering through your faithful image, you entered the Kingdom of Heaven through the gates of truth. However, we pray to you, as once with your prayer to the Lord you acquired the strength to endure suffering, so now pray that the Lord will give us the power of His life-giving commandments to observe, and may deliver us from the bonds of sin and godlessness, our temple will be raised, but our Fatherland will be preserved in Orthodoxy until the end of time. Amen.

Priest: Wisdom. Holy Mother of God, save us.
choir: The most honest Cherubim / and the most glorious Seraphim without comparison, / without the corruption of God the Word gave birth, / the Mother of God, We magnify Thee.
Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, our hope, glory to Thee.

choir: Glory, and now: Lord, have mercy, three times. bless.

The priest creates a vacation
Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the holy glorious and all-praised Apostle, (and the holy one, which is the temple, and the holy one, which is the day), the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as Good and Humanitarian.

choir: Amen.

The priest gives the Cross.


We give the rite of the prayer service to the Most Holy Theotokos (Small Prayer Canon or Paraklisis), which exists in the form of an independent completed follow-up and serves as a model for all other prayer songs.

Deacon: Bless, Lord!

Priest: Blessed be our God always, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen. King of Heaven: Reader: Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father: Priest: For Yours is the Kingdom: Reader: Amen. Lord have mercy. (12) Glory, and now: Come, let us worship: (3)

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, hearken to my supplication in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for no living being will be justified before Thee. For the enemy hath pursued my soul, he has humiliated my life to the ground, he has made me sit in darkness, like the dead from century. And my spirit is despondent in me; my heart is troubled in me. I remembered the days of old, I meditated on all Your works, I meditated on the works of Your hands. I stretched out my hands to You; my soul before you is like a dry land. Hear me quickly, O Lord, my spirit is faint; do not turn Your face away from me, and not at all I will be like those who go down into the pit. Let me hear Your mercy early in the morning, for I trust in You; open to me, O Lord, the path that I should follow, for I have lifted up my soul to Thee. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord, for I ran to you. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your good Spirit will lead me to the land of righteousness. For the sake of Your name, Lord, You will revive me, in Your righteousness You will bring my soul out of sorrow, and in Your mercy You will destroy my enemies, and destroy all who oppress my soul, for I am Your servant.

Glory, and now: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (3)

Then we sing "God is the Lord:" to the voice of the troparion,

voice 4

God is the Lord, and He has appeared to us; blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. (4)

Verse 1: Praise the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Verse 2: They surrounded me and surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I resisted them.

Verse 3: I will not die, but I will live and proclaim the works of the Lord.

Verse 4: The stone that the builders rejected, it turned out to be at the head of the corner: it was from the Lord, and marvelous in our eyes. Ps 117:27a, 26a, 1, 11, 17, 22-23

And real troparia, tone 4

Now let us diligently resort to the Mother of God / we, sinful and humble, and To her let us fall, / in repentance, crying out from the depths of our souls: / “Lady, help, taking pity on us, / hasten, we are perishing from many sins! / Do not let Your servants go empty-handed: / for in You we have our only hope!” (Twice)

Glory, and now: We, the unworthy, will never stop / proclaiming about Your power, Mother of God, / for if You had not protected us With their prayers, / who would save us from so many troubles, / who would save us still free? / We will not retreat, Mistress, from You, / for You always save Your servants from all kinds of disasters.*

* Or troparion to the saint twice, Glory, now Theotokos of the same voice.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, blot out my iniquity; wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me. I have sinned against you, the One, and done evil before you, so that you will be justified in your words and win if they enter judgment with you. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins my mother bore me. For, behold, you have loved the truth, the hidden and secret wisdom of yours has revealed to me. You will sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be cleansed; wash me - and I will become whiter than snow, let me hear joy and gladness - the bones of the humiliated will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a Right Spirit within me. Take me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and confirm me with the Sovereign Spirit. I will teach the transgressors Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from blood, O God, God of my salvation, my tongue shall rejoice in thy righteousness. Lord, You will open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise. For if you desired sacrifice, I would give it; you will not be pleased with burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; God will not despise the heart of the contrite and humble. Benefit, O Lord, Zion in Thy good pleasure, and let the walls of Jerusalem be erected;

Then we sing the canon to the Most Holy Theotokos,

without irmos. Creation of the monk Theostirikt, tone 8.

Canto 1

[Irmos: Having walked on the water, as on dry land, / and avoiding Egyptian corruption, / the Israelite cried out: / Let us sing to our Redeemer and our God! ]*

* Irmoses are not sung according to the charter.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.*

* Choruses to the one to whom the canon is sung.

Tormented by many temptations, / I resort to You, seeking salvation. / O Mother of the Word and the Virgin, / save me from troubles and misfortunes!

The passions of attacks confuse me, / filling my soul with strong despondency. / Pacify her, Otrokovitsa, with silence / Thy Son and God, All-blameless.

Glory: You, who gave birth to the Savior and God, / I beg to deliver me from disasters; / for to you, Virgin, now resorting, / I stretch out my soul and thought.

And now: Me sick in body and soul, / worthy of divine visitation / and Thy care, the only Mother of God, / as a good and Benevolent Parent.

Canto 3

[Irmos: Creator of the heavenly vault, Lord, / and the Builder of the Church, / You affirm me in love for You, / the limit of desires, true affirmation, / the only Lover of mankind. ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Protection and cover of my life / I consider You, Mother of God, Virgin. / You direct me, like a helmsman, to Your harbor, / The culprit of blessings, true affirmation, / one who is sung by all.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

I beg, Virgin, the confusion of the soul / and dispel the storm of my despondency, - / You, after all, the Bride of God, conceived / the Head of the silence of Christ, / the only all-pure one.

Glory: You gave birth to a benefactor, a good culprit, / exude good deeds to everyone, / for you can do everything, / as you gave birth to the mighty power of Christ, / blessed in God.

And now: Serious ailments / and painful sufferings to the person being tested, / You, Virgin, help me, / for I know You, All-Immaculate, as a treasury of healings / inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

After the 3rd song choruses

Mother of God:

Or refrains to the Savior: Deliver from the troubles of Your servants, O Many-merciful One, / for we diligently resort to You, / to the merciful Deliverer, the Lord of all, / to the Lord Jesus.

Or refrains to the saint: Pray to God for us (name),/ for we diligently resort to You, / a quick helper and intercessor for our souls.

Then the litany of the abyss,

on which those for whom a prayer service is served are commemorated


Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

(name) and about our lord ( high ) His Grace Metropolitan (or: archbishop or: bishop - name)

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

(names)or: this holy mansion ) .

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

The priest proclaims:

Choir: Amen.

Troparion, tone 2

Hot Intercession and the impregnable Wall, / Source of mercy, Refuge to the world! / We zealously cry out to You: / “Our Lady Mother of God, hurry / and deliver us from troubles, / the only quick Intercessor!” *

* Or a saddle to the saint to whom we serve a prayer service.

Canto 4

[Irmos: I heard, O Lord, / about the mystery of Your providence, / I understood Your works, / and glorified Your Divinity. ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Calm the excitement of my passions, / Pilot - who gave birth to the Lord, / and the storm of my sins, / God's Bride.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Grant the abyss of Thy Mercy / to me, crying out for help, / Who gave birth to the Merciful / and the Savior of all who sing to You.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Enjoying, O All-Pure One, / Your gifts, / we sing a song of thanksgiving, / knowing You, Mother of God.

Glory:(On the bed of my illness / and lying infirmity, / help me, Mother of God, as loving goodness, / the only eternally virgin.)

And now: How hope, and affirmation, / and an unshakable wall of salvation, / having You, all-glorified, / we get rid of every difficulty.

Canto 5

[Irmos: Enlighten us with Thy commandments, O Lord, / and by Thy uplifted hand / Give us Thy peace, Lover of mankind. ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Fill my heart with mirth, O Pure One, / Giving your unclouded joy, / giving birth to the merriment of the Guilty One.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Deliver us from troubles, O pure Mother of God, / who gave birth to eternal deliverance / and peace, surpassing every mind.

Glory: Scatter my sins in the darkness, / Bride of God, / by the light of Your radiance, / The light that gave birth to the divine and eternal.

And now: Heal, Pure, the infirmity of my soul, / honoring Your visit, / and give me health through Your intercession.

Canto 6

[Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord / and I will proclaim my sorrows to Him, / for my soul is filled with evil / and my life has drawn near to hell, / and I pray like Jonah: / From perdition, O God, deliver me! ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Togo Who saved from death and corruption, / betraying Himself to death, / my nature, embraced by death and corruption, / - the Lord and Your Son, - Virgin, beg / to deliver me from the villainy of enemies.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

How I know You as the protector of life, / and the most faithful guardian, Virgin, / and dispelling many temptations, / and driving away the malice of demons, / and I pray You always / deliver me from my pernicious passions.

Glory: We have Thee as a wall of refuge, / and the salvation of our souls, / and space in sorrows, Maiden, / and in Your light we always rejoice. / And now, O Lady, / save us from passions and troubles.

And now: Now I lie on my bed in weakness, / and there is no healing of my flesh; / but God, and the Savior of the world, / and the Deliverer from ailments gave birth, / I pray to you, good: / raise (me) from disastrous diseases!

After the 6th song, we repeat the choruses

Choruses of the Mother of God: Save Thy servants from troubles, Mother of God, / for we all, after God, resort to You, / as to an indestructible Wall and Intercessor.

Look favorably, O All-Praiseworthy Mother of God, / on the heavy body of my suffering / and heal the sorrow of my soul.

Then the litany of the ominous

Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name) and about our lord ( high ) His Grace Metropolitan (or: archbishop or: bishop - name) and about all our brotherhood in Christ.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, and let us lead a quiet and serene life in all piety and purity.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness, well-being of the servants of God (names), and about the preservation of this holy temple ( or: this holy mansion ) .

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for all the brethren and for all Christians.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

The priest proclaims: For You are a merciful and philanthropic God, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Kontakion, tone 6

The protection of Christians is reliable, / Intercession to the Creator is unchanging! / Do not despise the prayer voices of sinners, / but come soon, like a Good One, to help us, / with faith crying out to You: / “Hurry up with intercession and hasten prayer, Mother of God, / always protecting those who honor You!” *

* Or kontakion to the saint.

Deacon: We will listen.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And your spirit.

Deacon: Wisdom.

Prokimen, tone 4

I will make Your name memorable / in every kind and kind. Verse: Hear, Daughter, and look, and incline Your ear. * Ps 44:18a, 11a

* Or a prokeimenon to a saint.

Deacon: Let's pray to the Lord.

Choir: Lord have mercy.

(The priest proclaims: For holy are You, our God, and rest in the saints, and we give glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

The deacon proclaims the second prokeimenon

Everything that breathes / let it praise the Lord. Verse: Praise God in His saints; praise Him in the firmament of His might.) Ps 150:6, 1

Deacon: In order to make us worthy to hear the holy Gospel, we pray to the Lord God.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

Deacon: Wisdom! Let's be reverent. Let's hear the holy gospel.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And your spirit.

Priest: Reading from Luke of the Holy Gospel.

Choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

Deacon: We will listen.

Gospel of Luke, beginning 4

In those days Miriam got up and went with haste to the mountain country into the city of Judah, and went into the house of Zechariah and greeted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, when Elizabeth heard Mary's salutation, that the child jumped up in her womb; And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and cried out with a loud voice, and said: “Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb! And whence is it to me that the Mother of my Lord has come to me? For behold, when the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the child leapt for joy in my womb; and blessed is she who believed that what was said to her from the Lord would come to pass. And Miriam said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoiced in God, my Savior, that he looked upon the humility of his servant; for, behold, from now on all generations shall call me blessed; that the great Mighty One has done for me, and holy is his name.” Miriam stayed with her about three months and returned to her house. * Luke 1:39–49, 56

* Or the Gospel to the saint, read at Matins.

Choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee!

Tone 6

Glory: *

* At the prayer service to the saint: Through the prayers of the saint (name), / Gracious:

And now: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, / Merciful, blot out / many of our sins.

Have mercy on me, O God, / according to Thy great mercy / and according to the multitude of Thy mercies / blot out my iniquity.

Stichira, tone 6

Do not entrust me to human intercession, / Most Holy Lady, / but accept the prayer of Your servant: / for sorrow has seized me, / I cannot bear the arrows fired by demons; / I have no protection / and I have nowhere to resort to, unfortunate, / struggling from all sides / and having no consolation, except for You. / Mistress of the world, hope and intercessor of the faithful, / do not despise my prayer, useful to me create! *

* Or a stichera to a saint.

Priest: Save, O God, Thy people and bless Thy heritage, visit Thy world with mercy and bounty, lift up the horn of Orthodox Christians and send upon us Thy rich mercies: at the intercession of our all-pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the sacred and life-giving Cross; the intercession of the holy celestial powers of the incorporeal, [pleas] of the holy glorious prophet Forerunner and Baptist John, the holy glorious and all-praising Apostles; our holy fathers, [great] hierarchs and ecumenical teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; our holy father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, miracle worker; Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slavic teachers, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Olga; our holy fathers and all-Russian miracle workers Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes; holy glorious and victorious martyrs, our venerable and God-bearing fathers, holy and righteous God-fathers Joachim and Anna, (holy temple and holy day) and all your saints: we implore you, many-merciful Lord, hear us sinners praying to you, and have mercy on us.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (12)

The priest proclaims: By the mercy and bounty and love of mankind of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, with Your all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Canto 7

[Irmos: The young men who came from Judea / in Babylon once / by faith in the Trinity trampled down the flames of the furnace, singing: / God of our fathers, blessed are You! ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Desiring to arrange our salvation, / You, Savior, settled in the womb of the Virgin, / Whom you showed as the Defender of the world. / God of our fathers, blessed are You!

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Loving mercy, / born of Thee, Mother pure, / implore, let us get rid of sins / and spiritual filth / we, crying out with faith: / God of our fathers, blessed are You!

Glory: As a treasury of salvation / and a source of immortality / You have shown You Who gave birth, / and a safe stronghold, / and a door of repentance for those who cry: / God of our fathers, blessed are You!

And now: Bodily infirmities / and spiritual ailments, Mother of God, / with love coming / to Your divine protection, / good will to heal, / who gave birth to us the Savior Christ.

Canto 8

[Irmos: The King of heaven, / Whom the hosts of angels sing, / praise and exalt / to all ages. ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Help from You who ask / do not despise, Virgin / who sing to You, Maiden, / and exalt forever.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

You heal the infirmities of my soul, / and bodily suffering, Virgin, / so that I glorify You, / blessed, (forever).

Glory: Healings You abundantly pour out / with faith singing You, Virgin, / and glorifying the incomprehensible / birth by You Christ.

And now: Temptation attacks You reflect / and passions attacks, Virgo, / therefore we sing / You in all ages.

Canto 9

[Irmos: Truly the Mother of God we confess you / we, saved by You, pure Virgin, / with the hosts of the incorporeal magnifying You. ]

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Do not reject my stream of tears, / Virgin who gave birth to Christ, / wiped away every tear from every face.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Fill my heart with joy, O Virgin, / having accepted fullness of joy, / having destroyed the sorrow of sin.

Chorus: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Become a refuge and protection, / to those who resort to You, Virgin, / and an unshakable wall, / and a refuge, and cover, and joy.

Glory: Illuminate Your light with rays, Virgin, / driving away the darkness of ignorance, / reverently Mother of God / confessing You.

And now: In the place of suffering from illness / resigned, Virgin, heal, / transforming from weakness into health.

At the end of the canon we sing

It is worthy to eat truly / to glorify Thee, Mother of God, / eternally blessed and immaculate / and Mother of our God. / Higher in honor than the Cherubim / and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, / virginally giving birth to God the Word, / the true Mother of God - we magnify you.

And if we serve a prayer service to the Theotokos, then we sing real refrains, during which the priest censes the temple:

Choruses to the Mother of God

The highest of heaven / and the purest of the radiance of the sun, / who delivered us from the curse / Lady of the world / we will honor with hymns.

From many sins / in weakness my body / my soul is also weak. / I resort to You, Blessed One: / The hope of the hopeless, / Help me!

Lady and Mother of the Redeemer! / Accept the petitions / of Your unworthy servants / about Yours before the Born of You for us petition. / O Mistress of the world, become between us mediator!

Now we zealously sing a song / to You, the All-Praised Theotokos, joyfully: / with the Forerunner and all the saints / pray, Mother of God, / for mercy on us.

[ Silent yes they will the mouth of the wicked, / who do not worship Your revered icon, / written by the most sacred Apostle Luke, / Hodegetria. ]

All the Angels of the host, / Forerunner of the Lord, / twelve Apostles, all saints / with the Mother of God, make a petition / for our salvation!

Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father: Priest: For Yours is the Kingdom: Reader: Amen.

Troparion, tone 6*

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, / for, finding no excuse for ourselves, / we, sinners, offer this prayer to You, as to the Lord: / “Have mercy on us!”

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You, / do not be very angry with us / and do not remember our iniquities, / but look now as Merciful / and deliver us from our enemies. / For You are our God, and we are Your people; / we are all the work of Your hands / and we call on Your name.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy for us, / blessed Mother of God, / so that, hoping in You, we will not be ashamed, / but delivered prayers Yours from troubles, / for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

* Or a troparion to the saint (1) Glory, and now: Theotokos.

Then the litany of the ominous

Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name) and about our lord ( high ) His Grace Metropolitan (or: archbishop or: bishop - name) and about all our brotherhood in Christ.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, and let us lead a quiet and serene life in all piety and purity.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness, well-being of the servants of God (names), and about the preservation of this holy temple ( or: this holy mansion ) .

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

We also pray for all the brethren and for all Christians.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

The priest proclaims: For You are a merciful and philanthropic God, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

And we read a prayer to whom a prayer service is served.

If we serve a prayer service to the Most Holy Theotokos, the priest proclaims: Let us pray to the Most Holy Lady, the Virgin Mother of God.

Choir: Holy Mother of God, save us.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Oh, Blessed Lady, Mother of God! You are above all Angels and Archangels and revered more than anything created: Helper of the offended, hope of the hopeless, the poor Intercessor, sad consolation, the hungry Feeder, naked robes, healing of the sick, sinful salvation, help and protection to all Christians. Oh, all-merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! By your grace, save and have mercy on your servants, the most holy patriarchs of the Orthodox, and the most reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and the entire priestly and monastic rank. Save, Madam, and have mercy on our God-protected Russian country, its people and all those in power, military leaders, city governors and all the army, and those who do good, and all Orthodox Christians with your sacred robe protect. And pray, Madam, from you, without the seed of the incarnated Christ, our God, may he gird us with his strength from above against our invisible and visible enemies. Oh, all-merciful Lady, Lady Mother of God! Raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from hunger, pestilence, earthquake and flood, fire and sword, from the invasion of foreigners and internecine war, and from sudden death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from destructive winds, and from a deadly ulcer, and from all evil. Give, Madam, peace and health to your servants, to all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten their minds and the eyes of their hearts for their salvation, and make us, your sinful servants, the Kingdom of Your Son, Christ our God. For His dominion is blessed and glorified, with His Father without beginning, and His all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

[Prayer is different*

My queen, my hope, Mother of God, shelter for orphans and wanderers, defender, grieving joy, offended patroness! You see my trouble, you see my grief; help me as a weak one, guide me as a wanderer. You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will. For I have no other help than You, no other Defender, no good Comforter - only You, O Mother of God: save me and protect me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is different*

To whom shall I call, Mistress? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to Thee, Queen of heaven? Who will favorably accept my weeping and my sighing, if not You, Immaculate One, the hope of Christians and the refuge of us sinners? Who better to protect you in adversity? Hear my groaning and incline Your ear to me, Mistress, Mother of my God; and do not despise me, who needs Your help, and do not reject me, a sinner. Reason and teach me, Queen of Heaven; Do not depart from me, Thy servant, Lady, for my grumbling, but be my Mother and Intercessor. I entrust myself to Your gracious patronage: bring me, a sinner, to a quiet and serene life, so that I weep over my sins. For to whom shall I resort, guilty, if not to Thee, the hope and refuge of sinners, hoping for Thy unspeakable mercy and Thy bounty inspired? O Mistress, Queen of Heaven! You are my hope and refuge, cover and intercession, and help. My blessed Queen and ambulance Intercessor! Cover my sins with Your intercession, protect me from enemies visible and invisible; soften the hearts of the evil people who rise up against me. O Mother of the Lord, my Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. O Mother of God! You give me help, weak from carnal passions and sick in heart, for I have only Yours and with You Your Son protection; and may I be delivered by Your miraculous intercession from all misfortune and misfortune, O immaculate and glorious Mother of God Mary. Therefore, with hope I proclaim and cry out: “Rejoice, Blessed One! Rejoice overjoyed! Rejoice, blessed one, the Lord is with you!” ]*

* Prayer is read one, which the abbot deigns. According to tradition, after it, while kissing the icon, a magnification can be sung.


We magnify You, / Blessed Virgin, / God-chosen Maiden / and honor Your holy image: / to them You exude healing / to all with faith to you resorting. *

* Or glorification of a saint.

Deacon: Wisdom.

Priest: Holy Mother of God, save us!

Choir: Honor the highest of the Cherubim / and incomparably more glorious of the Seraphim, / virginally giving birth to God the Word, / the true Mother of God - we magnify you.

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, Our Hope, glory to Thee.

Choir: Glory, and now, Lord, have mercy. (3) bless.

The priest pronounces the dismissal:(Resurrected from the dead,) Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the holy glorious and all-praising apostles, (saints of the temple and days - their names), the holy and righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as a Good and Humanitarian.

Choir: Amen.

[Then, while those present kiss the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the following troparia are sung:

Tone 2: You patronize everyone, Good, / who run with faith under Your powerful hand: / for we, sinners, / bent by many sins, / have no other constant mediation before God in troubles and sorrows! / Therefore, we fall to You, Mother of the Most High God: / Deliver Your servants from any misfortune!

Tone 2: Joy of all those who mourn, / and the offended Intercessor, / and the hungry Nourisher, / comfort to wanderers [ and a rod to the blind ] , / overwhelmed shelter, visits to the weak, / exhausting cover and support, / and help to orphans, / Mother of the Most High God - You, Most Pure; / hurry, we pray, for the deliverance of your servants.

Tone 8: Mistress, accept the petitions of Your servants, / and deliver us from all misfortune and sorrow.

Tone 2: I place all my hope / on You, Mother of God, / keep me under Your protection.

Priest: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ God (our), have mercy and save us. Amen. ]

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