Dry fasting with and Filons of puppies. What is the uniqueness of dry fasting according to the Shchennikov method. Briefly about dry fasting

AT recent times A large number of diets and methods of healing and healing the human body have been developed. Most diets are aimed at healing, but there is such a technique that will help strengthen and heal not only the body, but also the soul of a person. This technique is called puppies dry fasting.

Leonid Shchennikov is a unique person who personally tried a large number of techniques for healing the body, maintaining it in great shape. A native of the Siberian land, born in 1932, Leonid Alexandrovich, starting in 1975, begins to follow a difficult path of discovery. Having tried a raw food diet, meditation, yoga, fasting, he found a unique diet that can heal not only the body, but also the soul of a person.

It is important to know that therapeutic fasting was known even before our era. It turns out that when water and food do not enter the human body, internal reserves begin to activate, which help the body to reorganize itself for healing and maintaining vitality. important functions. But apart from strong healing effect, a person can harm himself. The thing is that food and water must enter the body. And when there is no power then:

  • comes great weakness and loss of strength;
  • nausea, dizziness, feeling unwell begins;
  • the level of insulin, sugar drops and pressure decreases;
  • psychosis may occur;
  • there is a smell from the mouth, which is confused with the release of poisons and chemicals from the body;
  • there is pain in the body;
  • the body is dehydrated;
  • atherosclerosis or diabetes may develop.

It is interesting to know that people who practice the fasting technique, including Shchennikov, describe the following effect:

  • the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands have an anti-inflammatory effect during fasting;
  • blood is cleansed and the body receives more oxygen, and harmful impurities and poisons are removed from the body;
  • fasting heals allergic manifestations, benign tumors, ulcers, skin diseases.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov

Shchennikov once patented a special technique that requires a complete rejection of food, water, bad thoughts. The body needs to be tuned in a positive way, continuing ordinary life but on a new moral level. This technique began to be used by various clinics, both in our country and abroad. Treatment under the supervision of specialists helps to prepare for fasting, go through the period of fasting painlessly and without harm to the body, as well as smoothly exit from fasting, prepare to resume the usual rhythm of life and continue life without bad thoughts and with a healthy body.

You can fast without the intervention of specialists for at least 7 days. However, this period is enough difficult period which not everyone can pass. The body can be completely cleansed only within five days. If there is a desire to starve from 7 to 11 days, then this should be done under the supervision of a specialist.

During the application of the fasting technique, the body undergoes changes. The intestines and stomach become smaller and it is difficult for him to eat in the volumes that were before fasting. If you immediately return to the past volumes of food consumption, then you can not lose weight, but rather gain it.

Stages of dry fasting

The first stage of dry fasting

During this period, active preparation for the very process of fasting begins. The preparation is very milestone which cannot be skipped. Two days before the fasting itself, you need to start eating only raw food, consisting of only vegetables, that is, you must immediately abandon products such as:

  • poultry and fish meat;
  • dairy;
  • rich products;
  • nuts, sweets, honey;
  • alcoholic and tobacco products.

Vegetables must not pass heat treatment. However, as in every rule there is an exception, and preparation allows you to include boiled beets in the diet. After the bowels are cleared naturally, and perhaps with the help of an enema, it will be possible to begin the process of fasting itself.

Important to remember

During a dry fast, you can not consume drugs, so before making a decision on fasting, you should consult with your doctor, and when to refuse medicines if you can’t, then you shouldn’t start fasting at all.

If the desire to try fasting is very strong, then you need to try to reduce the dose of the medicine, but only unless it is life-supporting. During the period of reducing the dosage of the drug, you need to monitor the body, but if there are deterioration, you should immediately stop fasting, resume the dosage and seek help from specialists.

It is interesting to know that preparing for fasting also implies a sedentary, stress-free and calm rhythm of life. It is necessary to give up experiences, an accelerated rhythm, large physical activity. During this period, it is better not to use the phone, not to watch TV and not to use the Internet, all experiences should also be excluded.

The second stage of dry fasting

During this period there is complete failure from food, water consumption and water procedures. Do not wash your hands during this period, brush your teeth, swim, walk in the rain. Energy during this period should be preserved as much as possible.

It is interesting to know that at night it is best to stay awake and walk on fresh air, it is the change of activity from day to night that allows you to activate the vital processes of the body, which will help to reorganize in a new way.

Breathing should be nasal. This is due to the fact that the body will receive filtered air, that is, purified, which will reduce the load on the lungs.

  • It is best to wake up around 9-10 am;
  • hiking recommended from 11 am to 2 pm. At this time, you need to actively breathe fresh air, saturating the whole body with the necessary oxygen;
  • create and do easy vigorous activity best of all from 14 to 16 hours of the day;
  • exercise, which is best done in the presence of a nutrition, health and exercise specialist, is best done between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.;
  • sleep is best to devote time from 18 to 22 hours;
  • physical activity should reappear from 10 pm to 6 am. At this time, you need to walk in the fresh air, create, meditate;
  • morning sleep lasts from 6 am to 10 am.

During the fasting period you need:

  • remove food and drinks from the area accessible to the eye;
  • exclude sexual intercourse. This is important for any gender;
  • communicate less with other people;
  • do not talk about your diet so that people do not dissuade and set it in a negative way;
  • walk barefoot more;
  • wear loose and comfortable clothing. It is best to choose natural and breathable fabrics;
  • activity time is best devoted to reading, self-knowledge, knitting, hiking, breathing exercises. It is best to read and knit with breaks, so as not to get tired much;
  • rooms should be well ventilated, you can not breathe stagnant air, which can worsen the condition;
  • if you feel severe weakness, pain, dizziness, then it may be worth abandoning the diet. But, it is important to know that such symptoms cannot be avoided in the first days of fasting, as this normal reaction organism;
  • don't lie too much, but don't be too active either.

It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and try not to think about food and feeling unwell. It was when a person tuned in a positive way to the process of starvation will go better and much easier.

The third stage of dry fasting

The way out of dry fasting according to Shchennikov lasts at least four days. It is best to eat grated cabbage on the first day of fasting. Cabbage can be eaten at one time at least 200 grams. Cabbage should be without salt and spices. You can gradually introduce water into the diet. You need to eat every 2-3 hours. clean water can be replaced with a decoction of herbs. Weight on the first day of release will begin to increase.

The second day of nutrition is the same as the first.

On the third day, you can eat up to 1 kg of vegetables per day and drink water in the usual amount, but only cold. You can also enter into the diet up to 100 grams of bread.

On the fourth day, the body is almost restored, and you can gradually switch to a normal diet.

Dry therapeutic fasting - myths and reality Sergey Ivanovich Filonov

Complete dry fasting (Methodology L.A. Shchennikova)

Secrets of healing dry fasting

New medical technology implementation of the method of complete dry fasting (PSG)

Complete dry fasting lasting 7, 9, 11 days serves to:

1. Effective stimulation of healing and restorative forces that increase the body's resistance to various adverse effects per person: external factors, external-internal and internal.

2. Ridding people of various painful conditions and chronic diseases.

3. Strengthening and restoration of regenerative and reparative processes in organs and tissues.

4. Prevention and warnings possible violations in the body.

5. A significant extension of the period of active creativity of any member of society.

6. Disclosure and development of the hidden creative reserves of the intellect that each person has in the form of unrealized potential.

7. Joyful perception of the surrounding world and active active creativity for the benefit of ourselves, society and all mankind.

The main advantages of the new medical technology:

The PSG technique is environmentally friendly, does not require the use of drugs;

Periodic cleansing of the body as a result of PSG helps to maintain health, gives rest to all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the creative activity of a person, increases the emotional-figurative perception of the world around him;

The technology of the PSG method, unlike other fasting schemes, allows you to interrupt fasting at any stage of its implementation without compromising the health of patients;

PSG strengthens the will of a person and faith in himself and his abilities;

A complete refusal to take any liquid slows down or stops the processes of putrefactive fermentation in the system gastrointestinal path;

PSG is effective way decrease overweight obese people (an average of 1 kg per day);

PSG reduces elevated level metabolism observed in patients with long-term chronic diseases;

PSG improves circulation skin, causing their redness, opens the pores in the skin, enhances the process of skin respiration, increases the threshold of cold perception, promotes the entry of condensed moisture into the body through the skin and respiratory organs during outdoor walks, especially in the evening and at night;

PSG enhances the processes of utilization by the body of abnormal and pathologically altered cells, cholesterol deposits on the walls of arterial vessels, softens deposits of tartar in the oral cavity, as well as deposits of stones in tissues and internal organs (gallbladder, kidneys, joints);

PSG normalizes arterial pressure, as well as the activities of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, improves tissue respiration and tissue metabolism;

PSG enhances reparative processes in the human body due to internal reserves and resources of the body itself, improves conductivity and permeability nerve impulses(including trophic ones) to various tissues and organs;

PSG activates the processes of removing toxic metabolites, exo- and endotoxins in the body;

PSG can be performed by patients both independently, at home, and under the supervision of instructors and other specialists who own PSG technology (in institutions health resort type and hotel and medical complexes);

The PSG technique makes it possible to use it for infectious diseases(spicy viral hepatitis in acute and lingering form, chronic hepatitis), oncological diseases(adenomas prostate and uterine fibroids), severe somatic diseases (bronchial asthma, hereditary degenerative diseases of the nervous system, ischemic disease hearts), inflammatory diseases(prostatitis, myocarditis and many others).

Comment. Main advantage this method lies in the fact that the most curative second acidotic crisis can be passed immediately during the passage of an eleven-day complete dry fast. Accordingly, very good curative result, but such fasting must be done in nature, in ecologically clean places and under the supervision of a doctor who owns this technique.

Flaws: at modern people the body is so full of poisons and toxins that they can die not from hunger, but from powerful intoxication of the body. When a person begins to starve, all the toxins "scattered" in the secluded corners of the body begin to move. They begin to flow into the blood like an avalanche, changing its physiological constants. This alone causes bouts of malaise, lethargy, general soreness. The excretory organs do not have time to remove toxins and poisons from bloodstream. All excretory organs are included: kidneys, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, skin. eventually urine goes cloudy, dirty, pains appear in the kidneys and bladder. The stool becomes liquid, the stomach hurts. Appear copious discharge from the nose, as in a cold. The skin is covered with a rash, acne, and even boils. This is very unpleasant, and in some cases even life-threatening. There is a blockade - the body does not adapt to starvation. This usually happens within 4-8 days. The starving person stops losing weight, weakness increases, nausea appears, headache, cardiac weakness and arrhythmia occur. These are the main signs of blockade (severe intoxication). in such cases, you have to interrupt the fast, sit on juices, a plant-based diet, and then repeat the fast again.

Therefore, it is very, very difficult to immediately go through such fasting, without training and good-quality cleansing of the body.

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Shchennikov Leonid Alexandrovich developed the method of dry fasting based on his own long-term experience of regularly refusing food. He himself calls it "healing abstinence." This is no coincidence, because it really works: the effectiveness of dry fasting has been scientifically proven, for which the technique received an official patent.

Who is Shchennikov: briefly

Schennikov Leonid Aleksandrovich was born in the Urals in 1932. This is a famous professor and traditional healer, as well as the author of the method of healing fasting. Shchennikov himself is starving in medicinal purposes started practicing in 1971. The professor noticed how his health improved, and those around him said that he began to look younger. Then Leonid Shchennikov began to promote starvation and followed the history of those people who followed his path. It turned out that thanks to his technique, people who refused to be treated by doctors were able to heal.

Unbelievable, but it is a fact! Shchennikov set a record for abstinence from water and food in May 1996, fasting for 21 days. The professor claims that he felt well and did not want to leave the fast. To return to nutrition, he had to make an effort.

Basic principles of dry fasting

The rules of dry therapeutic fasting according to L. A. Shchennikov:

  • During fasting, you can not take liquids, including even plain water. You can't even rinse your mouth. Therefore, starving people should not brush their teeth.
  • Starving people should stop taking medication. If their health worsens without taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor, it is better to refuse fasting. But you can try to gradually reduce the dosage: perhaps the body will get used to living without medication.
  • During fasting, you need to stay awake at night and sleep in the morning. This will help conserve moisture in the body and avoid severe dehydration.
  • Starving people must have body contact with water (you can not wet only your mouth).
  • Maximum healing effect fasting according to Shchennikov is achieved by abstaining from food and water for 5 days or more. This is the time the body needs to fight chronic diseases. Fasting less than 5 days is only suitable for general health and rejuvenation.

Before fasting, you need to consult your doctor. Abstinence for 7 days or more will require medical supervision or the help of those who practice dry fasting and can abstain from food and water for 11 days or more.

Description of the method of therapeutic starvation according to Shchennikov

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov is carried out in 3 stages:

  • Entry (preparation);
  • Starvation itself;
  • Way out of fasting.

You can not abruptly stop drinking and eating and just as abruptly start consuming water and food. Such "abstinence" will bring more harm than good, and can cause the development of many diseases. In order for fasting to become truly healing, you need to enter and exit it gradually: over several days.


Prepare your body for a smooth entry into fasting. The preparation time depends on how many days you decide to fast: it should last as long as the days you will abstain from water and food.

Option to enter the 7-day fast:

  1. 7 days before fasting, exclude eggs and meat from the diet, including poultry and fish.
  2. For 5 days, go on a raw food diet and give up dairy products. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. The exception is beetroot: it can be eaten boiled. At one meal, you can eat either a fruit or a vegetable, you can not mix them. Do not eat nuts and plant seeds.
  3. AT last day make preparations cleansing enema. Then fasting will be easy and really useful.

If you fast for less than or more than 7 days, change the preparation scheme by reducing the duration of each of the stages. But do not break their sequence.


During healing abstinence, you need to change your lifestyle. It is important to maintain inactivity, since the body does not receive energy from the outside during fasting, and it must be protected. It is easier to endure the refusal of food and water if you follow the following daily routine:

  • Sleep - from 6:00 to 12:00.
  • Cold shower, hiking - from 12:00 to 14:00.
  • Any, not too energy-intensive activity - from 14:00 to 17:00.
  • Fixing the results of fasting in personal diary(you can also write down your feelings, experiences) - from 17:00 to 19:00.
  • The second dream (or just rest in lying position) - from 19:00 to 23:00.
  • Walks and cold shower– from 23:00 to 06:00 the next day.

Hungry tips:

  • In order not to think about food and water, remove from sight everything connected with them.
  • Eliminate intimacy. This is very energy-consuming, you will get worse.
  • Breathe only through your nose and try not to talk to anyone. Otherwise, your mouth will be very dry, and you will not be able to resist a sip of water.
  • Don't spit. This is the liquid that you need to save during fasting.
  • Be slow, but at the same time, do not stay long in the supine position. It is better to find an occupation that will not take a lot of effort. It can be reading, knitting, drawing or another hobby that does not require large energy expenditures.
  • Take cold showers and walk around with your shoes off.
  • Spend as much time outside as possible, especially if the air is cool and humid.
  • Ventilate the room several times a day.
  • Wear only light clothing made from natural fabrics.

People easily knock down the mood, from this it becomes difficult to follow the principles of dry fasting. Don't give up on your intention to get better. And so that no one interferes, retire for a period of healing abstinence and do not talk to anyone, and even more so - do not talk about the fact that you are now starving. You can keep in touch with modern technologies(correspondence in in social networks or via SMS).

Possible sensations during fasting by day

Before prolonged abstinence people experience fear, and during it more than once comes the desire to retreat from their intention. But try to get rid of negative thoughts. To do this, get acquainted with the sensations that arise during fasting:

  1. There are signs of illness. Starving people complain of dizziness, nausea and weakness. There is a loss in weight (1-1.5 kg). The first day men endure harder than women.
  2. The feeling of hunger and thirst is aggravated. Take a break from them by doing what you love.
  3. The body is almost used to the new regimen. But still weakness is felt, although the feeling of hunger and thirst is dulled. Black flies may hover before the eyes, the pressure drops. Try to move very smoothly to avoid fainting.
  4. Arterial pressure on the fourth day continues to decline. The body temperature rises. At this time, it is important to shower as much as possible. cold water and walk barefoot on the grass wet with dew.
  5. On the fifth day, diseased organs make themselves felt. Pain can be relieved with massage. It is important to continue taking cold showers.
  6. If fasting continues on the sixth day, the sense of smell becomes aggravated. Everything around smells bad. The lower back starts to hurt. Walk more, especially in fog or rain.
  7. On the seventh day, the starving person feels relief, his mood improves. Urine turns dark brown.
  8. The eighth day of fasting is characterized by a violation of the pulse. He slows down, then speeds up. Formed on the tongue white coating, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth. The starving person becomes very irritable. During sleep, you need to start tying up your mouth, otherwise it will open on its own, facilitating the evaporation of fluid from the body.
  9. On the ninth day, a starving person throws into a fever, the body temperature rises again. There is a headache. Women may suddenly start menstruating. Possible bouts of vomiting. Hands and feet become cold, heartbeat becomes frequent.
  10. On the tenth day, relief is felt again. The starving person experiences a feeling of alienation, time flows very slowly for him.
  11. On the eleventh day, fasting ends (or earlier). The body continues to cleanse. The hungry feel weak. The total weight loss can reach 10-15 kg.

Keep a diary every time you fast and write down how you feel. In the future, you will know what awaits you, and this will make it easier for you to cope with the feelings that overtake you during abstinence.

Way out of fasting

The exit from dry fasting according to Shchennikov should also be gradual:

  1. On the first day of release, at the same hour that you started fasting, you need to drink 1 glass of distilled water.
  2. You can eat after 2 hours a small amount of cabbage seasoned with vegetable oil.
  3. During the first day, it is allowed to eat grated carrots and cucumbers, as well as drink herbal teas. The total amount of liquid drunk on the first day of release should be 1.5 liters.
  4. On the second day, the diet includes fresh juices squeezed from vegetables and fruits. You can eat dried fruits.
  5. On the third day, the diet includes dairy products, cereals cooked on water and meat broths.
  6. On the fourth day, it is allowed to include nuts and legumes in the diet.
  7. Meat, cheeses and others protein products can only be entered from the fifth day. Better to start with chicken breast.
  • Tame chronic diseases;
  • Delay the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • As Schennikov says, dry fasting is the most fast way cleansing and healing the body, getting rid of chronic ailments. If you strictly adhere to the methodology, then the “old” water leaves the cells, and it is replaced by a new one. This means that information is updated and the body is cleansed at the cellular level.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    The technique of healing abstinence can sometimes cause harm. This happens if a person who has never been hungry decides to abstain from food and water too much. for a long time. Everything must be done gradually: let your first fast be one day, the next two days, etc.

    Starving people sometimes face the following problems:

    • Dehydration of the body;
    • Poisoning by toxins accumulated in the body;
    • The loss muscle mass(the body burns not only fat to release energy, muscles go first of all);
    • Diabetes develops due to a decrease in insulin levels in the blood.

    You cannot starve under the following conditions:

    • low blood pressure (hypotension);
    • Pregnancy and lactation period;
    • vascular thrombosis;
    • Tuberculosis in acute form;
    • Cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis;
    • Heart, liver or kidney failure;
    • The presence of malignant tumors;
    • The presence of fresh wounds, burns;
    • Childhood;
    • Diabetes;
    • Predisposition to anorexia;
    • BMI (body mass index) is below normal.

    Dry fasting has helped many people heal. It is worth looking at Shchennikov himself to understand how young you can look at the age of 86 thanks to healing abstinence. Leonid Alexandrovich is full of energy, and he still gathers groups of people for joint fasting and recovery.

    Pros and cons of P. Ivanov's system

    The conditional advantages of P. Ivanov's system include the fact that it is very simple and contains recommendations that are understandable to everyone. She is very far from the philosophical bells and whistles of the Eastern health systems Yes, this is understandable. P. Ivanov himself had only a primary education, although he was engaged in self-education. He lived in a purely materialistic country in a very difficult time, communicated mainly with workers and employees, and his methodology is focused specifically on this segment of the population. If he had been born earlier or later, or in another country, then with his superpowers for healing the sick, he could have become a spiritual leader significantly larger group population. But, apparently, he was destined to go his own way.

    The conditional disadvantages of P. Ivanov's health improvement system include its orientation towards a rural lifestyle. A resident of a modern city, even one who wants to walk barefoot on the ground daily and pour cold water on himself, will find it very difficult to do so. it is difficult to find a place in the city where you can safely walk barefoot. And most likely, all the surrounding residents will gather for a circus with pouring water on themselves on the street. And the mode of operation from morning to evening leaves little opportunity for this procedure. Of course, you can do this on weekends, but the system provides for daily douches. There is a cold shower, but this is a completely different procedure. And the system itself is focused on people, strong in spirit. Not every person will decide to fulfill all the requirements of the system as a whole. But those who find the strength to do this will get a wonderful result.

    In our time, the greatest contribution to the development of the method of dry therapeutic fasting was made by L.A. Shchennikov (“Healing abstinence from liquid and food”) and V.P. Lavrov. (“Dry cascade fasting”). I tried to describe these methods more clearly.

    About the method of healing abstinence L.A. Shchennikov is known firsthand in many cities not only in Russia, but also abroad.

    L.A. Shchennikov - professor alternative medicine, naturopath, traditional healer. Proving for 30 years high efficiency healing abstinence at the cellular level of the body, which is confirmed by the results of experiments, research and medical institutes, as well as reviews of the followers of this technique and just people who have embarked on the path of self-healing and self-knowledge and have gained health and a new quality of perception of being.

    Healing abstinence is a systematic method for healing various diseases and spiritual development. The uniqueness of the method of healing abstinence is not only that it is available to everyone, but also that it reveals the secrets of existence and health up to IMMORTALITY, which science and religion have been discussing for many centuries.

    In the new millennium, this work will undeniably help on the path to health, development and improvement, and will open up new horizons for a person's possible realization in life. How to get rid of ailments, to know yourself? How to harmonize the body, spirit and mind? The author opens up new facets of answers to these and other questions of interest to readers. This extraordinary person claims with full responsibility that our health and life depend only on ourselves, that there are no incurable diseases, and encourages everyone not to believe, but to check these words!

    For example, here is how L.A. patients respond. Shchennikov, who invented the method of complete dry fasting (Patent No. 2028160 for an invention called "Method of Rehabilitation of the Body"). He was issued a special certificate for the right to work as a bioenergy therapist under No. 1068.

    A resident of the Stavropol Territory, O., suffered from a stomach ulcer and metabolic disorders. I fasted for 10 days and forgot about my sores. in the Crimea, patient Yu. had a whole bunch of diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver. He kept a dry fast for 10 days, and after another 10 days he went to work. Muscovite G. suffered from bone tuberculosis and asthma since childhood. Starved for 11 days and fully recovered. A mother and son from the Krasnodar Territory underwent a course of dry hunger for the second time. After the first one, the son felt much better, although his diagnosis and suffering cannot be envied. in the certificate issued by the regional hospital, it is written in black and white: leukemia, lymphosarcoma. The mother shed many tears, hiding the ill-fated piece of paper from her son. But grief cannot be concealed, especially since our doctors do not burden themselves with ethics in dealing with seriously ill patients. Sergei heard with his own ears how the nurse said about him to her friend: "Young yet, but already a walking corpse." How much chemistry was poured into my son, how many spinal punctures were performed, it is difficult to count. Doses of drugs could bring down a bull. The son had difficulty getting from the bed to the toilet and back. Increasingly visited thoughts of suicide. The body was either shaking and pounding, or the bones became brittle and sharp. the verdict of the doctors pounded in my head: not a tenant. For the first time, Sergei managed to survive without food and water for long, but the results shocked even the doctors. Blood tests improved dramatically, strength appeared in the body. A month later, the course of hunger was repeated. To support her son, the mother herself starved with him. Fasting was not easy, and at times just painful. But the effect comes instantly without any drugs and operations. The son, who used to be afraid of weak drafts, now bathes in ice water. On a dynamometer, he squeezes 45 kg with his right and left hands. He doesn't remember the pills, he became mobile, he became interested in life.

    D., a resident of Kislovodsk, is in the second disability group. During the fast, she cried at night from self-pity and still prayed. But after that I experienced spiritual relief - lightness in the body, reduced the intake strong drugs pressure has stabilized. After the "psychological shell" - the culprit of her ill health - disappeared and she changed into a qualitatively different personality, the world appeared to her completely different. “You know, I even felt a new attitude to life in general,” she says. “It seems that the sun is shining brighter, and the foliage is greener, and some kind of intoxicating air ...”

    About how Leonid Alexandrovich Shchennikov came to the method of dry fasting, he himself tells.

    FROM early years I wondered what is life? One lives 70-80 years, the other - 100. So, the secret of longevity is hidden somewhere? I decided to figure it out myself. Studied anatomy, worked in a hospital, was fond of homeopathy, absorbed folk wisdom. in 1971 he decided to take the path of self-discovery. I decided to live by the principle - the worse, the better. Every day I accustomed my body to cold and my stomach to hunger. In the morning, winter and summer, regardless of the weather, I pour cold water on my body. Used to starve without fluid after 3 days on the fourth. Then 5 days in a row. in March 1981, he fasted for the first time for 10 days without liquid. He received moisture at night from the air, and during the day he assimilated it through the skin, periodically sitting in the water, like a frog. Lost 20 kg of weight, recovered in a week. I was so young that people didn't recognize me. The longest fast I ever did lasted 18 days, more than the Guinness World Record.

    And here is a description of dry cascade fasting by the author himself - contactee Valentina Lavrova (from the book "Keys to the Secrets of Life"):

    The era of immortality without vegetable diets and starvation cannot be pulled by anyone, even God. And, as he put it, he himself will lead his people to living springs, that is, he will personally monitor the prevention of health. One of the methods of such prevention is cascading fasting. It is good for beginners and already experienced. First, you need to understand this rule: before you start starving, it is better to sit on a plant-based diet for several days without eating any protein foods of animal origin. Avoid fish too. Food should be purely vegetable, as advised great post. Even without any fasting, if you often sit on such diets, you will straighten a lot in your body. Particularly well cleaned are porridge vessels boiled in water and without oil, even vegetable. in in large numbers it is also harmful. Why else should be used along with fasting plant based diets 30, 60 days? One does not go without the other. So that hungry genes do not develop. And they can develop, and then your fasting will not save. You will eat a lot. There will be no use from them, only harm, in addition, fear will appear. Stop after one or two trials. So everything should be in the complex.

    Leonid Alexandrovich Shchennikov (1932 - 2019) is a unique personality of our time, extraordinary, bright, captivating. it only person in our country, which broke the Guinness record for the duration of abstinence from food and liquids (21 days).

    Starting in 1975, Leonid Alexandrovich went the hard way to ensure that dry fasting became known to a wide range of people. At the very beginning, he researched and tried on himself different techniques strengthening and healing the body without medication. He actively engaged in fasting on water, on juices, practiced vegetarianism and a raw food diet, meditative techniques, self-programming, everything about which information could be found. As the tip of the iceberg, as a result of all practices, Leonid Alexandrovich came to the conclusion that dry fasting mobilizes the body at all levels - to achieve health, regeneration. I realized that the effect is achieved as quickly as possible. Checked that the blood and lymphatic system can be cleaned and the immune system to help a person in the most difficult cases.

    He, on his own, without support and even information about what could happen to the body, at his own peril and risk, starved for 7 - 9 - 1 - 14 - 16 and up to 21 days.

    At that time, we could learn about the benefits of fasting only from Western publications, religious and spiritual teachings, which were not taken into account by medicine. A few Soviet doctors who studied the topic of fasting (Pashutin, Nikolaev) used only water fasting. A persistent, common rule was - fasting without fluid for more than 3 days leads to death (!).

    It is difficult even to imagine the amount of time spent, energy, upholstered rapids; how much disbelief and skepticism surrounded those who tried to bring in the new. The discovery of the practice of fluid-free fasting was not beneficial to anyone, it was treated with distrust and hostility, as to everything viable, competitive, effective. After all, a person has found mechanisms and opportunities to heal himself!

    At that very time, Leonid gathered full houses at free lectures on Dry Fasting, published literature with his own money, which was often reprinted and rewritten by hand, to then be presented to relatives and friends.

    As a result, thanks to the persistent efforts of Leonid Alexandrovich, in 1997, after 20 years of practice and supported by the results of thousands of people, the Method of Rehabilitation of the Organism from Diseases (SG method) was successfully tested in several scientific and medical institutions.

    At the time when the Kislovodsk school "Vigilance" was already ten years old, a patent of the Russian Federation for an invention was received - the method of "dry" fasting, as a way of rehabilitating the body. It was a sensation! The empirical results could not be refuted. Medicine officially, for the first time, recognized the benefits of dry fasting!

    Now the laws Russian Federation allow to conduct healing courses of dry fasting in medical and private centers, they are recommended for the improvement of a wide range of the population.

    It's hard to calculate how much various clinics in Russia and abroad, he now uses the method developed and promoted to the masses by Leonid Shchennikov for the treatment of diseases varying degrees gravity. The so-called "new", "improved" methods are being created, which are based on the forty-year work of Leonid Aleksandrovich.

    "And to the glory of God!" - so he said himself. “Now the method of dry fasting is called differently - absolute, strict, complete, and so on. And it doesn't matter what way a person comes to it. For me, the main thing is that people know that there is a drug-free method, open and accessible to almost everyone. Just please remember - it is important to KNOW AND FOLLOW the proven, necessary and necessary RULES techniques to starve to the benefit, not to the detriment.

    From the book Starving for Health:

    Shortly about myself

    I was born in 1932 in the Urals and from childhood I began to think about what life is?

    One lives 60-70 years, the other more than 100, a tree can live up to 2 thousand years. So, there is a secret of health and longevity?

    I decided to figure it out myself. Studied anatomy while working in regional hospital, learned medicine more closely, was fond of homeopathy, and finally realized that a person does not live as long as he could, and is prone to many diseases because there is no unity of the mind with the body.

    My lifestyle

    If we talk about my own lifestyle, nutritional habits, I can say that during years I follow an easy-to-follow routine and diet. It can't even be called a diet in its entirety. For me, it's a way of life.

    Energy and creativity

    One of the main differences between humans and animals is the ability to be creative. Each of us has this ability, but, sadly, over time it begins to seem to us that it somehow fades, fades into the background, third plan. At proper development and reasonable education Creative skills develop and cover not one, but several areas. As they say, a talented person is talented in everything. I don’t believe when they tell me that I’m not talented, they say, it was God who cheated me. It is not true. This simply cannot be.

    Release extra energy

    If all the energy we waste was put together, it would be a steel blade. Or it could be a world record. Are you surprised? Do you want to know where she goes? Have you ever thought about it?

    Do you think that all the energy that you feel in yourself and that you use in everyday life is all that you are capable of? Everything you have? No, my dear friend, we do not use even a third of what we have. A huge part of our energy is spent daily mainly on talking and digesting food. It's like we would drive a dump truck for two or three hours a day, having no benefit from it. Simply because they have committed themselves to it. Because others do it too. We forget about what we have, what we possess. And this - huge potential, a storehouse of energy and strength.

    We are already at home

    In anything, one should never act under compulsion - this is clear. But in most cases, we do just that, which, as a rule, does not bring satisfaction. The force of action is equal to the force of reaction. As a result, we get zero. No one can force us to impose reasonable approaches. We must analyze and seek in order to know the truth ourselves. And this is true, as well as the fact that not a single saint became a saint without trials, not a single scientist came to a one-time brilliant conclusion without having done hundreds of experiments and calculations before. Life is not calculable. The fate of each of us depends on how we live, despite the circumstances that arise around us. Passing tests in the form of deprivation or illness, how to act depends only on us and the decisions we have chosen. And what do our decisions depend on?

    Fasting and prayer

    Fasting raises prayer to heaven.
    Fasting refines the body, sharpens the spirit.

    Abstinence in food is beneficial both for the body and for spiritual uplift. That is why it can and should be the first stage, preparation for further action. The purity of consciousness has been created and maintained from time immemorial by prayer, mantra, let's call it whatever you like, the essence will not change. Prayer is not a request, not a hope, and not even a faith - all this can precede it. Prayer is a state of acceptance. The state of communication.


    Abstinence - perfection of the body and spirit

    Abstinence in a broad sense is beneficial both for the body and for the creation of pure consciousness. All actions and understanding of life laws are based on this, the most important factor in human functions. Passions, desires that torment a person, without the right direction, lead to a slow but sure destruction of the body. However, mental health loses its roots, going deep into the subconscious.

    Clearing the subconscious mind is difficult and almost impossible for many of us. ordinary people, for those who do not have elementary, but very important concepts for our life. Let's leave the terminology to psychologists and try together with you to understand the work of this little-studied "underworld".

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