Baby cream with panthenol for irritation. Indications for application. Treatment and preventive measures

In children, the surface of the skin is much more sensitive than in adults. Therefore, any injuries, whether thermal, chemical, mechanical or of another kind, are in a more severe form. This is complicated by the fact that you need to pay more attention to the components of the drug that you are going to use to treat the child, his body is much weaker and more susceptible. If you want to use Panthenol Spray, instructions for use from burns for children, you must definitely study and follow, because we are talking about the health of a small patient.

Description of the medication

This drug is the most popular among other anti-burn medicines and folk recipes, but what is the reason for this?

All its dosage forms are well tolerated by patients of all groups and ages. In case of damage to the skin or mucous membranes, Panthenol is prescribed for children, pregnant women, the elderly, and other sensitive groups.

There are the following forms of drug release:

  • Spray;
  • Tablets;
  • Cream;
  • Ointment;
  • The gel is good for eye injury;
  • Solutions for internal use.

But consider the most popular option. By purchasing Panthenol spray, instructions for use for burns for children indicate that the aerosol is suitable for external use only. What effects does it have on the body of the victim?

  • One of the main problems with burns is the violation of tissue integrity. Depending on the severity, it can be epithelium, muscles, ligaments, etc. Panthenol spray for children from a burn is good because it increases their regenerative capabilities. This happens due to the acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • Slightly moisturizes the affected area;
  • Relieves mild inflammation;
  • Has a slight analgesic effect;
  • Nourishes the skin with collagen.


The composition of the spray is as follows:

  • The main active ingredient - dexpanthenol, stimulates the healing of burned tissues;
  • Propellant (mixture of propane, N-butane and isobutane);
  • liquid wax;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • Water;
  • Acid (peracetic);
  • Alcohol (cetylstearyl).

Indications for application

If you have chosen Panthenol Spray, the instructions for use for children contain a number of other cases when the use of this remedy will be relevant:

  • abrasions;
  • Cracks and dry skin;
  • Postoperative wounds;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Bubble and bullous dermatitis;
  • Quite often, the use of Panthenol aerosol provokes sunburn, which is not uncommon in children.


One of the advantages of this medicine is that children can use Panthenol spray in almost any situation, because it does not have strict instructions on forbidden episodes. An exception is the presence of allergies in the victim, individual sensitivity is the problem of all drugs. To check, apply a little product to the crook of the elbow. If after 2-3 hours there are no rashes, redness, itching and other manifestations of an allergic reaction, start treating the affected skin.

Panthenol spray instructions for use from burns for children

To begin with, with thermal injuries, it is necessary to provide first aid, and only then use Panthenol Spray for children from burns. An important point is the lack of an antiseptic and cooling (to the right extent) effect in the cream. Therefore, after an injury, stop at the following activities:

  • Cool the affected areas of the skin. For these purposes, a clean cloth soaked in cold water, a few ice cubes wrapped in cloth, or substitute the burned area under a stream of running water are suitable. Applying ice directly is prohibited, it threatens with frostbite;
  • For the treatment of burns, with the formation of blisters or deep damage to the skin, it is necessary to disinfect the tissues. To do this, use a solution of Chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), Furacilin;
  • Next, the Panthenol spray itself is sprayed, covering the burn with a 0.5-1 cm agent. The can should be held vertically;
  • When absorbed, the foam creates a protective film that does not need to be torn off, torn off or combed;
  • Apply Panthenol 2-4 times a day, as needed.

In some cases, such actions are only suitable in the form of first aid. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Preschool child;
  • Large affected area;
  • Deterioration of the general condition, fever;
  • Lack of positive dynamics with home therapy for 2 days;
  • Damage II-IV degree. An indicator of the need to visit a doctor will be the formation of blisters. More severe cases are also noticeable to an inexperienced person - necrosis, purulent exudate, charred tissue.

This medication can be used in a variety of situations. And almost always, if a particular episode is included in the list of indications, such therapy will give a positive result. Panthenol spray for children, due to its safety and effectiveness, is popular with most parents and pediatricians. But if we are talking about very young patients, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

I have long noticed that I often try on myself products that are intended for children.

They are less aggressive, practically safe for both children's and adult skin.

The tool is intended for irritated and dry skin, this is written at the bottom of the front side of the tube. It has a lot of information - about the manufacturer, composition, action. We will talk about all this further.

Let's start, of course, with the most interesting - with the promises of the manufacturer.

Advertising has always been the engine of progress. How do you advertise the product. This is how it will be sold. After all, first of all, we are the population that reads, and therefore phrases like - natural, safe, useful - are always of interest, and I want to try such a product as soon as possible. The following is immediately written - the care is gentle, you can use it from the very birth of the baby, and the cream is hypoallergenic. For many parents, this inscription is very important, because babies today are often prone to allergies. What is it connected with? Is it with the environment, or with the lifestyle that the family leads? Don't know. But this inscription also bribes many to purchase such cosmetics.

Protects the skin of the baby from harmful environmental factors, quickly restores the water balance of the skin, thanks to the useful components in the composition - oils, panthenol, lanolin. Is it really? And can this remedy be used for diaper rash, diaper dermatitis? Consider the composition and draw conclusions.

If we consider the composition, then the first thing we see is water. This component is often present in the first place in skin care cosmetics. Most importantly, what next? And in second place, and this is very pleasing, is panthenol. So, Avanta, as always, pleases and does not deceive. Panthenol is the main content of this cream, which determines its purpose. Therefore, the tool works as a protective, moisturizing, softening, and so on. You can talk about the further composition for a long time, but I don’t see the point - the main thing is that there are oils, lanolin, and very little chemistry. It is here as auxiliary substances to make the structure of the cream homogeneous, white, quickly absorbed.

So the composition is exceptionally good, and therefore the remedy can be used even for the smallest heroes of our time for any skin troubles - diaper rash, dermatitis, burns, dryness, and so on.

Thanks to its pleasant aroma, you can apply it with pleasure on children's skin, and on your own too! It absorbs instantly and works effectively. Areas of the skin that require protection and hydration become softened, redness quickly disappears, even irritation, and any wounds heal faster. You can just use it for hands, lubricate the perineal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child. I use it for myself after depilation, on frosty and vice versa hot days in the area of ​​​​the lips, and when feeding, I lubricated the nipples with it, as there were small cracks, while the child had the correct bite. Even our dad used it when he had severe shaving irritation. He tried a cheap remedy, got annoyed by it, and the only thing that really helped - quickly and effectively - was Panthenol Cream My Sunshine from Avanta.

And now the most interesting thing - it says on the tube - 5% D panthenol, we also find the same on all known bepanthen. Is it really the same in terms of effectiveness? So why pay more? If they are equivalent and identical in action. But this is so, because when you are going to the hospital, do not spend money on expensive bepanthen, take this cream with you, this is an analogue that is three times cheaper!

Video review


Panthenol is in demand for various skin lesions and is often used by young mothers for nipple cracks. Is such a medicine allowed in childhood, how does it affect the skin of a child and what analogues can it be replaced with?

Release form and composition

Panthenol is presented in pharmacies in the following forms:

  1. Spray can. As an active ingredient, it contains dexpanthenol at a concentration of 5%. Additionally, the preparation contains propylene glycol, sodium hydrogen phosphate and some other substances. Such a medicine is produced in aluminum containers, supplemented with a spray nozzle. The weight of the aerosol in one container is 58 or 116 grams. After contact with the skin, such an aerosol becomes a white foam, which has an unexpressed specific odor.
  2. Ointment. Its main ingredient is also dexpanthenol, which is contained in 100 g of the drug in an amount of 5 g (the concentration in this form is also 5%). The drug looks like a yellow thick mass that smells like lanolin. She may have a greenish or brown tint, and the ointment is packed in aluminum tubes of 25, 30 or 50 grams. Auxiliary components of such a drug are liquid paraffin, emulsion wax, cetosteryl alcohol, anhydrous lanolin and petroleum jelly.

Operating principle

Both forms of Panthenol have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the conversion of the active substance of the drug (dexpanthenol) into pantothenic acid. Such an acid is important for many metabolic processes, the formation of acetylcholine and other substances. Application of Panthenol activates tissue regeneration, so this medication accelerates the healing of the skin if it is damaged. In addition, dexpanthenol moisturizes the skin well and prevents the skin from drying out.


Also, the medication can be used to soften the skin, quickly heal chicken pox, bruises or insect bites. The drug has shown itself well in the treatment of cracks and chapping of the lips.

At what age are they prescribed?

External use of Panthenol does not harm a child of any age, so the drug can be prescribed even to a baby up to a year old, for example, if the crumbs have irritation after a long stay in a diaper.


The use of Panthenol is prohibited only in case of individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Besides, do not treat the skin with Panthenol if it is infected.

Side effects

In some children, the use of Panthenol may result in urticaria, erythema, itching, or another allergy symptom. If they occur from further use of the drug must be abandoned.

Instructions for use

Panthenol is used exclusively for external processing. The medicine is applied once or more often, taking into account the indications. Treatment of the skin of infants is most often carried out during a diaper change or after bathing. If an ointment is used, then it is gently rubbed until the mass is completely absorbed. When treating skin lesions on the face, it is important to prevent the drug from getting into the eyes.

Spray Panthenol most often chosen for burns or wounds, since such a preparation additionally cools and provides more gentle processing. Before using such a medicine, the balloon is shaken, and during processing it is held vertically. You need to spray the aerosol evenly from a distance of 10-20 centimeters, pressing the nozzle for a few seconds.

The foam that appears on the skin soon disappears and leaves a thin film that will protect the damaged area from fluid loss. This treatment is recommended several times a day(frequency depends on the severity of skin changes).

The duration of use of any of the forms of Panthenol is not limited in time - the skin is treated until complete healing.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

There were no cases of negative effects of an excess amount of Panthenol on the skin of a child. There is no information from the manufacturer about the incompatibility of the ointment or aerosol with other drugs.

Terms of sale and storage

Both the ointment and the aerosol can be freely purchased at most pharmacies, since these products are over-the-counter. The shelf life of the ointment is 5 years, aerosol - 2 years. Storage of Panthenol is recommended at room temperature, out of the reach of small children. The average price of an aerosol weighing 116 g is 220 rubles.


Often, parents who have used Panthenol for skin diseases in their children praise this medicine for its good healing effect.

Moms like that this product is safe for babies of any age and does not contain dyes or preservatives.

According to parents, it is very convenient to use the ointment - the drug is easy to apply and rinse off, and does not leave stains. Aerosol is called an excellent choice for the treatment of wounds or burns. Only in rare cases, after skin treatment, does a child develop an allergy. In most cases there is no negative reaction to Panthenol.


Panthenol can be replaced by any other drug based on dexpanthenol, for example:

  • Bepanthen. This is one of the most famous analogues of Panthenol, produced in two forms - ointment and cream. Ointment is more often chosen for the treatment of cracks and diaper rash, and the cream is in demand in situations where the skin is irritated, reddened or very dry. Among the disadvantages of Bepanten, only its rather high cost is noted.
  • Panthenol-powder for children. This remedy from the company "Pharmacom" contains 2% dexpanthenol, as well as talc, starch and zinc oxide. The powder is available in different volumes (from 50 to 150 g) and is recommended for preventive treatment of the skin of babies.
  • Pantoderm. This ointment effectively copes with dryness and minor skin lesions. It contains dexpanthenol at a concentration of 5% and is sold in tubes of 25-30 g.

In the market of modern cosmetic products, you can find countless skin care products. But few people know that some medications can replace expensive creams, serums and other cosmetic products. One of these drugs is a cream with panthenol for the face, hands and other skin areas. This affordable tool will help solve many skin problems, restore her youth and beauty.

What is panthenol

Panthenol cream is a drug for healing and restoring the skin, due to minor damage to the epidermis. In many families, panthenol is an integral part of the first aid kit. It comes to the rescue in case of burns, minor cuts, dry skin, various irritations. Preparations with panthenol have good cosmetic properties, in general, improve the condition of the skin.


The basis of Panthenol cream is pantothenic acid and its derivatives, including vitamin B5. In addition to these components, the composition of the tool may include the following compounds:

  • dexpanthenol;
  • ketomacrogol;
  • cetearyl octanoate;
  • cetanol;
  • dimethicone;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glyceryl monostearate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • water;
  • flavors.

Pantothenic acid is an important component of coenzyme A, which is involved in the regenerative processes of skin cells and mucous membranes. The main active ingredient improves the metabolism of skin tissues, accelerates the formation of new cells. Dexpanthenol restores the firmness and elasticity of collagen fibers. Due to this feature, dexpanthenol cream is often used for cosmetic purposes to correct facial contours and smooth wrinkles.


Panthenol has a wide spectrum of action. It helps to cope with various skin imperfections. The cream can provide daily care and first aid for burns or minor cuts. Panthenol is effective in the following cases:

  • burns of varying degrees and nature of origin;
  • abscesses, boils, acne;
  • healing of fresh wounds, scars;
  • trophic ulcerative processes of the lower extremities;
  • cervical erosion;
  • treatment of cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding (HB);
  • damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, abrasions, scratches;
  • dryness, dehydration of the skin;
  • protection from exposure to sunlight;
  • prevention of frostbite, chapping of the skin in winter;
  • prevention and treatment of diaper rash in children;
  • treatment and prevention of bedsores;
  • dermatitis of a different nature.

Panthenol in cosmetology

Often, panthenol is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the quality of the skin in different parts of the human body. The cream well moisturizes the skin, saturates with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Panthenol can be applied to sensitive skin of the face, hands and so on. The cream does not cause allergies, so it can be used for the delicate skin of the baby, without fear for the health of his body.

For face

The cream is applied to the face in its pure form or added to store or homemade masks and other cosmetics. It helps fight acne, blackheads, comedones, peeling, dry skin and so on. Panthenol is also effective for the face from wrinkles. It penetrates deep into the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. Regeneration of epidermal cells contributes to its rejuvenation. You can also apply the cream on the scalp. Panthenol helps fight excessive dryness, eliminates unpleasant itching.

For hands

With the help of panthenol, you can not only cure cuts, abrasions, scratches that hands are so often exposed to, but also solve many other problems. Panthenol is especially effective in the winter season, it protects the skin well from chapping and frostbite. It deeply nourishes the skin, defeated by these natural factors, prevents premature aging. The light texture of the cream does not leave unpleasant sensations on the skin of the hands.

For kids

Due to the hypoallergenic composition, panthenol cream for children is often used. This is a good alternative to the more usual baby cream. It helps to care for the delicate skin of the child, fights dermatitis, and prevents diaper rash. Often these manifestations irritate the baby, he feels restless, cries. Panthenol helps to solve these problems, thanks to which the emotional state of the child is stabilized, sleep is normalized.

Instructions for use of cream with panthenol

There are several analogues of panthenol cream. All of them are similar in their action, but slightly differ in composition, concentration of the active substance, and cost. Before use, you must carefully read the indications, rules for use and storage conditions of the medicine. You can buy the product in pharmacies in your city or order it in an online store. Choose the cream that best suits your needs.


The drug D-Panthenol cream (dexpanthenol) is available in aluminum tubes of 25 g and 50 g. The product can be purchased without a prescription, the composition is hypoallergenic, side effects are extremely rare. Successfully applied d panthenol for the face and other areas of the skin. It is necessary to store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The ability to choose the volume of the tube simplifies the use, storage and transportation of the product.

  • price: 25 g - 260 rubles, 50 g - 370 rubles;
  • composition: 1 g of D-Panthenol contains the active substance dexpanthenol 50 mg; additional components: purified water, propylene glycol, cetearyl octanoate, ketomacrogol, glyceryl monostearate, cetanol, dimethicone, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, Seaside 2026 flavor;
  • indications: chemical, mechanical, temperature damage to the skin of a mild degree (abrasions, scratches, irritation due to ultraviolet, x-ray radiation, burns, dermatitis);
  • how to use: apply a thin layer on the damaged area of ​​the skin, rubbing lightly, 2-4 times a day, as often as necessary. The infected surface should be pre-treated with an antiseptic. Mothers during breastfeeding are advised to lubricate the surface of the nipple after feeding. Infants should apply the product after each change of linen, water procedures.


The regenerating, anti-inflammatory cream Bepanten has a white, sometimes pale yellow tint with a slightly perceptible specific odor. Produced in aluminum tubes of 3.5 g, 30 g and 100 g, the tubes are placed in cardboard packs. The cream is easy to apply and rinse off, has a non-greasy texture, does not stick. Reduces pain due to cooling effect.

  • price: 30 g - 430 rubles, 100 g - 840 rubles;
  • composition: 1 g of Bepanten contains dexpanthenol 50 g, chlorhexidine hydrochloride 5 mg, additional components: D, L-pantolactone, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, lanolin, white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, polyoxyl 40 stearate, purified water;
  • indications: small wounds with the threat of infection (cuts, abrasions, scratches, light burns), nipple cracks during breastfeeding, chronic (trophic ulcers, bedsores), postoperative wounds;
  • application rules: the cream is applied once or more times a day with a thin layer on the skin area cleaned from impurities. Treatment can be done openly or with bandages.

Panthenol EVO

Cream Panthenol from EVO Laboratories is the most popular among this line of products. Produced in a convenient tube of 46 ml, packed in a cardboard box. This drug is favorably distinguished by a relatively low price. Panthenol from EVO has several possible names, for example, Panthenol universal, for very dry and damaged skin, and similar variations.

  • price: 46 ml - 80 rubles;
  • composition: water, d-panthenol (5%), sorbitol, sodium hydroxide, emulsion wax, mineral oil, dimethicone, cetearyl alcohol, caprylic/capric triglycerides, propylene glycol (and) decylene glycol (and) methylisothiazolinone, PEG-7-glyceryl cocoate, acrylic /vinyl isodecanoate crosspolymer, vitamin E-acetate, disodium EDTA, polysorbate-20, food citric acid;
  • indications: minor injuries on the skin, excessive dryness, irritation, cracks, diaper rash and dermatitis in newborns;
  • rules of use: as necessary, apply to the injured area of ​​​​the skin, in the presence of an infection, pre-treat with an antiseptic.


Another drug from this category is the drug Dexpanthenol, named by analogy with the main active ingredient. It has similar properties, differs in composition, the list of additional components contains petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly. The product is thicker in consistency than a cream. Produces in tubes of 25 g or 30 g, depending on the manufacturer.

  • price: 30 g - 125 rubles;
  • composition: 1 g of cream contains dexpanthenol 50 mg, additional components: purified water, propyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipazol), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin), isopropyl myristate, vaseline oil, white vaseline, vaseline;
  • indications: violation of the integrity of the upper layer of the skin caused by chemical, mechanical, temperature factors, trauma due to surgery, inflammation of the skin, treatment and prevention of adverse effects of environmental factors, cracks and inflammation of the nipples in lactating women;
  • application rules: the ointment is applied two or more times a day with a thin layer, slightly rubbing. For infants, apply the cream, if necessary, after each change of linen and water procedures.


Instructions for use:

Panthenol is a pharmacological preparation from the group of reparants used to treat wound surfaces and burns.

Composition and form of release of Panthenol

The active substance is dexpanthenol. There are various forms of the drug for external use - ointment, cream, spray.

Panthenol 5% ointment for external use contains 1 g of 50 mg of the active ingredient and auxiliary components (lanolin, petrolatum, liquid paraffin, isopropyl myristate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, cholesterol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, water). The ointment is homogeneous, light yellow in color with a pleasant smell of lanolin. An ointment is produced for 25 or 50 g of the drug in a tube.

Cream Panthenol 5% for external use contains 1 g of 50 mg of the active substance and auxiliary components (ketomacrogol, cetanol, cetearyl octanoate, dimethicone, glyceryl monostearate, propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxy benzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water, flavor). The cream is white, homogeneous, with a specific aroma. The cream is produced in 25 or 50 g of the drug in a tube.

Spray Panthenol (aerosol for local use 4.63%), available in aluminum cans of 58 and 130g.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has regenerative effects (stimulates epithelialization and healing of the skin), and a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Dexpanthenol stimulates the healing and restoration of skin layers, normalizes cellular metabolism, enhances the strength of collagen fibers. In case of damage to the skin and tissues (in case of injuries, burns, diseases), Panthenol is able to compensate for the deficiency of pantothenic acid, of which it is a derivative.

According to the instructions of Panthenol, when used topically, it is rapidly absorbed and converted into pantothenic acid, after which it binds to plasma proteins.

Indications for the use of Panthenol

Panthenol is used for violations of the integrity of the skin, due to injuries, burns (thermal, chemical) and other reasons.

  • burns of various origins (thermal, solar, chemical);
  • abrasions, scratches;
  • dermatitis (including diaper dermatitis in infants), diaper rash;
  • cracks and inflammatory changes in the nipples of the mammary glands in nursing mothers;
  • prevention of negative effects on the skin of environmental factors (wind, frost, dampness, etc.);
  • treatment of trophic ulcers of various origins, bedsores, extensive wound surfaces (for Panthenol ointment);
  • treatment of the skin around the tracheo-, gastro-, colostomy in order to prevent the occurrence of damage to the skin.

Panthenol ointment can also be used in the treatment of poorly healing skin grafts. As an additional source of fats and pantothenic acid products, this preparation can be used to treat very dry skin.

From burns, Panthenol is best used in the form of a spray, since the excipients contained in it help to better penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and also give a cooling effect.


Hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Side effects of Panthenol

Allergic reactions are possible. According to reviews, Panthenol is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Dosage and administration

According to the instructions, Panthenol is used externally. Ointment or cream is applied in a thin layer on the damaged area of ​​the skin, and gently rubbed. It is necessary to use the drug 2-4 times a day (if necessary, more often). If a cream or ointment is applied to an infected area of ​​the skin, then it should first be treated with an antiseptic solution.

Infants with diaper dermatitis, according to the instructions, Panthenol is applied after each diaper change or washing. The duration of treatment with this drug depends on the severity of skin symptoms and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Panthenol is used in nursing mothers for cracks and inflammation of the nipple. You should lubricate the surface of the nipple with cream (or ointment) after each feeding. It is not necessary to wash off the drug. According to reviews, Panthenol helps to quickly heal nipple cracks and does not cause adverse reactions.

From burns, Panthenol can be used from the very first minutes of damage. Spray gives the best effect. When using a spray can, it must be kept upright. Shake well to form foam before use. Apply the aerosol evenly distributing it to the affected areas of the skin for several seconds. After the appearance of foam on the affected area, a thin film is formed, which prevents the loss of fluid and has a dermatoprotective effect. Spray should be applied several times a day, depending on the severity of local changes. According to reviews, Panthenol is good for sunburn if used within the first hours.

Special instructions for the use of Panthenol

Cream, ointment and spray are for external use only. Panthenol should not be applied to wounds with profuse discharge (weeping wounds). Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

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