How to cure oily seborrhea of ​​the head. Symptoms of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home. Causes of oily seborrhea and symptoms

Today we will talk about seborrhea. Have you heard of such an annoyance? - Seborrhea is called aesthetic and medical problem associated with increased excretion sebum from the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Seborrhea of ​​the head causes a lot of problems for a person, and can also often put him in an awkward position. Today I will tell you what is the cause of seborrhea and how to deal with it.

What are the types of seborrhea of ​​the head

Dermatologists distinguish 3 types of seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Dry seborrhea is manifested by the appearance a large number fine dandruff against the background of a decrease in the production of sebum by the glands of the head. At the same time, the hair becomes dry and brittle, and the scalp dries up and cracks;
  2. With an increase in the secretion of sebum by the glands of the head, they speak of oily seborrhea. This state manifested by oily skin, an abundance of large dandruff and rapid fattening of hair;
  3. There is also a mixed type of seborrhea, in which there are signs of dry on the face, and oily on the scalp.

What provokes the development of seborrhea of ​​​​the head

The causes of hyperproduction of sebum by the glands of the scalp have been known to medicine for a long time. She is yeast-like fungi Pityrosporum, which can also live on healthy skin heads without causing any problems to its owner.

Factors that increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head

Not every person is destined to suffer from seborrhea, but only those who have a number of features, which are discussed below:

  • age should be put in the first place - dandruff is more common in people from 30 to 55 years old, it is much less common in women, and it practically does not occur in a child;
  • seborrhea of ​​the scalp predominantly male, which is probably related to the hormonal background - it is known that an increase in the level of male sex hormones (androgens) in the blood leads to the appearance of dandruff, moreover, a feature of males is a greater number sebaceous glands than the female;
  • seborrhea often affects people with oily skin, which stimulates an increase in the number of fungi of the genus Malassezia, which are conditionally pathogenic in healthy person will not cause any problems;
  • jar of Hearts(stress) is also powerful trigger factor the development of dry seborrhea - it has long been noticed that with psycho-emotional stress, the amount of dandruff appears (or increases);
  • Choosing the wrong perfume hair care has a direct impact on the occurrence and progression of seborrhea.

Above you saw a list of the main risk factors for seborrheic dermatitis, but there are a number of factors that are of secondary importance:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • organ pathology endocrine system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation immune protection;
  • hypo- and beriberi;
  • malnutrition;
  • metabolic disorders and chronic diseases.

Determine the cause of seborrheic dermatitis in each individual case an experienced trichologist can.

Clinical manifestations of seborrhea of ​​the head

This pathology has a number of characteristic clinical symptoms, on the basis of which it is easy to make a diagnosis. Trichologist's patients in this case complain of inflammation of the scalp and its peeling, which are accompanied by skin itching.

The most common variant of seborrheic dermatitis is a simultaneous lesion of the scalp, the growth area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelashes, mustache and beard. The appearance of dandruff (small white scales) is accompanied by skin itching. If, along with the described complaints, there are no changes on the skin, then dry seborrhea occurs.

If a person is on this stage does not try to fight this disease, the process will progress and affect new areas of the scalp. At the same time, signs of inflammation appear, the amount of dandruff increases due to increased skin flaking.

In the absence of a fight against this disease, the disease continues to worsen. Red spots appear on the scalp with plaques covered with skin scales (these may already be crusts or bloody crusts). The pathological process moves to the forehead area, ear passages, skin behind the ears, manifested by itching and peeling.

If at this stage the patient does not try to fight this disease, then pathological areas of peeling will appear on other areas of the skin (back, chest), and a bacterial infection may also join.

To confirm the diagnosis, the trichologist will refer the patient to special studies, to confirm fungal cause diseases.

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis

There are quite a few methods for treating seborrhea, among which are traditional, non-traditional and folk. Everyone who suffers from this ailment can choose the method that he likes. However, it is worth noting that in advanced cases folk remedies alone are not enough.

What can a trichologist prescribe

The main methods used by doctors to combat seborrhea are as follows:

  1. the appointment of drugs intended to restore the functions of the autonomic nervous system;
  2. hormone therapy used only for severe course diseases;
  3. treatment of all existing diseases;
  4. the appointment of drugs containing vitamins A, E, B, D, as well as sulfur and zinc;
  5. the appointment of systemic antimycotics;
  6. referral to physiotherapeutic procedures (ozone therapy, cryotherapy, massage, ultraviolet irradiation, mesotherapy);

Mild form of the disease

The approach to treatment should be individualized and complex, given the presence of chronic diseases(endocrine system and organs of the gastrointestinal system) and increased reactivity immune system(allergies).

In the first place are products that directly fight the fungus, that is, shampoos containing tar, zinc and Ketoconazole. For getting therapeutic effect it should be used twice a week, and after recovery once a week as a preventive measure.

To combat mild seborrheic dermatitis, it is advisable to use antifungal solutions, creams and ointments for a month 1-2 times a week. At the first, mild stage of the disease, it is possible to cope only with the use of special antifungal hair care products.

For a successful fight against dandruff, in addition to the use of drugs, you should also use a diet. To do this, give up sweet, flour, potatoes, and include sour-milk products in your diet, fresh vegetables and fruits lean varieties meat (beef, poultry fillet) and fish.

If more serious

In more advanced stages pathological process, using one shampoo will not be enough; before washing your hair, you must use exfoliants (exfoliators) or soften the scales with special oils.

After the end of the first stage of cleansing, the turn of the antifungal shampoo with Ketoconazole comes. If such a treatment complex does not give the desired effect, then a hormonal ointment should be added. And in the case of a very advanced process, the trichologist will recommend adding medication.

To do this, take antifungal drugs by mouth for 7 days. For this, Fluconazole at a dosage of 100 mg / day, Ketoconazole - 200 mg / day, Terbinafine - 250 mg / day and the like are suitable.

It is advisable to include desensitizing agents, vitamin complexes, sedatives, as well as means that normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the main pathogenetic agent is Ketoconazole.

Shampoos containing zinc

A place of honor in the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head is occupied by shampoos containing zinc (Friderm). The use of tar-based shampoos and exfoliators does not give a lasting effect, but only leads to temporary relief, and when a person stops using them, the problem returns.

Ketoplus shampoo, which is based on zinc and Ketoconazole, has earned good reviews. It effectively fights seborrheic dermatitis and has no analogues on the drug market.

Sulfur ointment for the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​​​the head

For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, very good feedback received 10% sulfuric ointment. And use it in the following way.

Divide the hair into thin strands, and rub the ointment along the partings for 5 minutes. This is done for 8 days in a row. On the 9th day they do nothing.

On the 10th day, the hair is washed with warm boiled water with the addition of medicated shampoos saturated with zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, selenium sulfide or tar.
On day 11, the hair is treated with a solution of boric acid. It is prepared simply by dissolving in 150 ml hot water 2 teaspoons of boric acid.
After mixing thoroughly, the resulting product is rubbed into the scalp before going to bed, wrapping the head with a warm towel, which is not removed until the morning. Do this for 3 nights in a row. Then a break is made and only on the 10th day the hair is washed. This cycle of treatment can be carried out up to 3 times.

How to treat seborrhea at home

Some fans old recipes prefer to fight seborrhea with tar soap, which relieves inflammation of the skin and effectively fights the fungus. This method wrestling is preferred mainly by men, since women who have long hair this method is unpleasant, they prefer shampoo.

In addition to ready-made means of combating dandruff, there are also folk proven recipes. I will give some of them below.

Oily seborrhea treatment

  1. Tincture of calendula effective for oily seborrhea. To prepare it, take 1 part of calendula flowers and 5 parts of 70 ° alcohol and insist for 20 days. After that, a decoction is prepared from oak bark, for which they take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed bark and 600 ml of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then make a small fire and simmer for another 20 minutes, cool and strain. Add 1 tablespoon of infusion to the decoction and apply for lotions 2 times a day.
  2. Tincture walnut. 5 tablespoons of finely chopped walnut leaves are brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. The product is filtered and a gauze napkin folded four times is moistened in it. Wrapped in this napkin clean hair. The head is covered with oilcloth and wrapped on top terry towel. They sit in such a “hat” for 20 minutes, after which the hair is rinsed, and the shampoo is no longer used.
  3. Next mask applied every other day before bedtime. With the help of a brush, the head is lubricated along the partings. It immediately dries up with the formation of a film. In the morning, this film is removed, and the skin is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in vodka or alcohol. The course of treatment includes 30 procedures. After a two-month break, the treatment is repeated as needed.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the head - how to treat

  1. For the treatment of dry seborrhea, a collection is taken: plantain leaves, nettle, St. John's wort, burdock root, immortelle, calendula flowers and corn silk. Pour 4 tablespoons of this herbal collection with 2 cups of boiling water and insist for 8 hours. Rinse your hair with this infusion and wash your face. After the end of the procedure, put on a cap and wrap it with polyethylene for 30 minutes. This procedure is carried out 1 time per day.
  2. Infusion of chamomile and honey. 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are poured into 1 liter of water and infused for 20 minutes. Strain and chill. In 100 ml of water, put 2 tablespoons of honey and rinse your head after washing. Then you should rinse with infusion of chamomile. Carry out this procedure every day.
  3. Take sea buckthorn and olive oils in a ratio of 1: 9, mix thoroughly. The product is used twice a week, rubbing it into the skin 10 minutes before shampooing. First you need to make hair partings, keeping a distance of 3 cm between them.

We are confident that the information you have read here will help you effectively overcome seborrheic dermatitis at any of its stages. healthy hair and good feelings!

Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) - chronic illness dermatological origin, caused by a violation of the sebaceous glands. Most often occurs in adolescents and by the age of 25 the disease completely disappears. But 10% of people suffer from this disease all their lives. In some cases, it may occur in older men. At home, you can carry out in various ways, but we will talk about the most effective, drug treatment seborrhea of ​​the scalp, which includes the use of various drugs.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The causes of seborrhea are not fully understood. Most often, the disease is caused by:

  • increased levels of sex hormones in the blood of adolescents;
  • genetic predisposition - seborrheic dermatitis refers to family ailments;
  • androgens affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In women suffering from seborrhea, progesterone is produced in large quantities in the body. And estrogen is produced in insufficient quantities;
  • seborrhea can develop against the background of certain mental illnesses.

In children, the disease can develop due to a lack of sex hormones.

Important! If seborrhea appeared suddenly in men, this may signal a testicular tumor.

Oily seborrheic dermatitis

The skin becomes oily, shiny, the pores are enlarged. Sebum may have a consistency similar to lard or paste. Dandruff often appears, hair quickly becomes oily.

When the form is running, the ducts are clogged with sebum, an abundant acne, purulent rash appears.

Dry seborrheic dermatitis

Sebum is produced little, the skin is very dry. The top layers of the skin crack and flake off.

Often there are reddish-pink spots on the head (seborrhea). Small dandruff appears, there is a constant tightening of the skin. The disease is often accompanied by itching, which manifests itself after the use of cold water. Hair - dry, brittle, the tips have a heterogeneous structure.

With dry seborrhea, there is a great danger of reproduction in the skin of pathogenic microbes. Which will lead to very severe itching and profuse dandruff.

Important! With mixed seborrheic dermatitis, symptoms of both seborrhoeas can occur simultaneously.

Medication treatment

Seborrhea can be not only an independent disease, but also accompany some other ailments. Therefore, to install accurate diagnosis you need to visit a dermatologist, gynecologist (andrologist), neuropathologist and endocrinologist.

To eliminate the main causes of the disease, use the following means drug therapy:

  • drugs that restore the functions of the nervous vegetative system- diazepam, pantocrine;
  • vitamin complexes containing vitamin A, E, D and B;
  • lozenges with zinc;
  • hormonal ointments and tablets;
  • means that correct the work of the immune system - imunofan;
  • probiotics - lineks.

Antifungal medications are also prescribed.

Ketonazole is a powerful fungistatic and fungicidal drug. Effectively fights fungus, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The scalp is healed, the hair structure is strengthened. Bifonazole has similar properties.

  1. With oily seborrhea for 30 days, it is necessary to rub a solution of sodium thiosulfate or salicylic acid.
  2. The alcohol mixture of Naftalan oil helps well.
  3. Antihistamines (clemastine, chloropyramine) reduce itching and inflammation.

Important! Seborrhea is not a cosmetic problem. Therefore, it is imperative to use medications for treatment.

Drugs are inexpensive but effective

From inexpensive drugs, but which are no less effective, you can use Sulsen paste, which helps get rid of oily seborrheic dermatitis. A small amount of the product should be applied to the skin once a week. Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

Important! When the disease is in the active stage, it is better to use a 2% drug. The course is designed for 2 months. AT preventive purposes 1% paste is enough.

Budget options for shampoos to combat seborrhea are Friderm tar and Sebuton. These funds are made on the basis of medical tar. Relieve inflammation, reduce skin flaking.

Sebiprox shampoo contains cycloperox. Destroys fungal infections heads are no worse than drugs with ketoconazole. But it costs much less.


The most effective shampoo for the treatment of all types of seborrheic dermatitis. The ailment passes completion full course treatment. Refers to medium price category. It is available without a prescription, but consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Shampoo is remedy, contains ketoconazole. For the treatment of seborrhea, it should be used every 3 days for a month. For preventive purposes, it is enough to use shampoo every 14 days.


Remedies for the external treatment of seborrheic dermatitis are hormonal and non-hormonal.

Non-hormonal drugs

Used to treat children, suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The most popular means:

  • lamisil - antifungal ointment, relieves inflammation, exfoliates dead cells;
  • bepanten (pantoderm, panthenol) - helps to restore the skin, suitable for infants;
  • randevit - softens the skin, eliminates itching, improves protective abilities skin, prevents their keratinization;
  • videstim - contains vitamin A, starts the regeneration process;
  • solcoseryl - the best remedy for wound healing.

Hormonal ointments

They are prescribed for advanced stages of seborrhea. Treatment is short, supervised by a physician.

  1. Hydrocortized ointment is the oldest drug for the treatment of seborrhea. Eliminates even severe and neglected inflammation.
  2. Celisoderm and akriderm are drugs based on glucocorticosteroids. Eliminate itching, relieve inflammation.
  3. For the treatment of children older than 2 years, flucinar is used.

Sulfuric ointment

This remedy must be rubbed into the skin of the entire head for 8 days. The next day, a break is made in treatment.

  1. Then you need to wash your hair with boiled water using a therapeutic shampoo.
  2. Next, you need to make a solution of boric acid - dilute 10 ml of the product in 150 ml.
  3. Rub the resulting medicine into the skin, put on a cap over it.
  4. The procedure is carried out from 11 to 13 days of treatment.

Repeat the course after a week break.

For women suffering from seborrhea, the gynecologist selects hormonal contraceptives. For the treatment of severe forms of seborrhea, beclomethasone is prescribed.

Antibiotic treatment

If seborrhea is accompanied bacterial infections. Antibiotics are prescribed a wide range tetracycline group (metacycline). Treatment starts with shock dose, which is gradually decreasing.

Seborrhea is a difficult, up to the end unexplored disease. For preventive purposes, more time should be spent on fresh air, fully rest. Proper nutrition is also important. It is necessary to exclude fried and spicy foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Foods with high content fiber.

Every person at least once in his life faced with the problem of dandruff. Sometimes it appears seasonally and passes quickly, and sometimes it torments for a long time. Most often, dandruff is manifestation of mild forms of seborrheic dermatitis. The most common type of seborrhea is dry. It manifests itself on the scalp (dandruff) and on the skin of the face (dryness and peeling). You can cure dry seborrheic dermatitis using pharmacy shampoos, medicines and products. traditional medicine.

"Dermazol" - pharmacy shampoo for dry seborrhea

General information about seborrhea

There are two types of seborrhea. It is dry and oily. In oily type seborrhea, the skin is covered with thick, moist yellowish-brown flakes, and the hair constantly looks greasy, even after washing. Dry dermatitis is manifested by white powdery dandruff. Seborrhea is accompanied by itching, sometimes inflammation of the skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis develops in people of any gender and age. The fatty type of dermatitis usually appears in adolescence due to hormonal disruptions. Dry seborrhea on the face and under hairline has its own special symptoms.

Dry seborrhea. Provoking factors

Dry seborrhea occurs due to the fact that sebum becomes more viscous and dense. Its exit from the ducts is difficult, because of this, the skin does not receive moisture. Places of localization of dry seborrhea - scalp under the hair, face (cheeks), upper area chest and neck. The reasons for the development of dry type seborrhea are diverse.

  • Heredity.
  • Wrong skin care. Use of strongly alkaline detergents (foams for washing, shampoos, etc.).
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Hormonal changes and failures. Seborrhea occurs when the balance between the female and male hormones. The female hormone estrogen suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the male androgen vice versa.
  • Pathologies internal organs and endocrine glands.
  • Eating disorders. Underuse unsaturated fat, milk, vegetable food rich in vitamins.

These factors entail a change in the activity of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secret.

Dry seborrhea appears due to disruption of the sebaceous glands

Symptoms of dry seborrhea on the scalp

Dry seborrhea on the scalp develops when the secretion of fat and its bactericidal properties are reduced. Fungi begin to multiply actively. The main symptoms of dry seborrhea of ​​​​the scalp:

  • dandruff (small or large, dry white flakes);
  • skin itching;
  • stiffness and fragility of hair;
  • intense hair loss.

Seborrhea of ​​the head is seasonal, appears in autumn-winter period. It is caused by temperature fluctuations in the street and in the room. Also at this time, general immunity decreases.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea on the face

Dry seborrhea of ​​the face has one sign - dryness and the appearance of crusts on the cheeks, superciliary arches and a bridge. It develops independently and together with seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Redness and itching appear on the affected areas, sometimes a burning sensation.

Dry seborrhea on the skin of the face develops with frequent use unsuitable for the skin, abrasive cleansers.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the face is manifested by peeling and crusts

How to get rid of dry seborrhea on the head and face

Diagnostics skin diseases performed by a dermatologist. Treatment of dry seborrhea includes several areas.

  1. Fight against pathogenic fungi.
  2. Getting rid of the problems that provoked the development of seborrhea (hormonal changes, reduced immunity, diseases of internal organs).
  3. Stabilization of skin and hair health.

To achieve goals, apply complex therapy medications, vitamins, hardware procedures.

With dry seborrhea, doctors prescribe a special diet. Refined carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, jams, etc.), saturated solid fats, and table salt are completely excluded from the diet. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products and vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed).

Preserves and jams aggravate the course of the disease

Medications for the treatment of dry seborrhea

Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head and face are the same. The following groups of pharmaceuticals are used.

Antifungal drugs

More often used local funds. Dry seborrhea on the skin of the face is treated with ointments, and there are special shampoos for the scalp.

Hormonal, immunomodulators

Means that eliminate comorbidities(hormones, immunomodulators, sorbents, hepatoproctors, etc.). Appointed after consultation with specialized specialists.

Keratolytic drugs

This group includes products that help remove dead cells and regenerate the skin. Many keratolytics contain salicylic acid.

Vitamin complexes

They normalize metabolic processes in the skin, stimulate the nervous system. Highest value have vitamins A, B, D, E and methylmethionine.

Any drug is taken only as prescribed by a specialist and under his control. You can only choose care products on your own.

Physiotherapy of dry seborrhea

Physiotherapy procedures are aimed at restoring the skin and improving its appearance. Seborrhea of ​​the head and face is treated with procedures.


It is carried out by a special applicator that releases steam liquid nitrogen or nitrogen-air mixture. The affected areas are treated in a circular motion. Usually a positive effect occurs after ten procedures.

laser therapy

The skin affected by seborrheic dermatitis is treated with medium-intensity laser light.

Local darsonvalization

I act on the skin of the face or head with high-frequency currents. The current is conducted through a special glass electrode. Darsonvalization helps to improve blood circulation in the skin and speed up metabolic processes.

The procedures have contraindications. Cryomassage can not be used for skin hypersensitivity to cold. Darsonvalization is contraindicated in people with benign and malignant tumors.

Darsonvalization - exposure to high-frequency currents

Shampoos for dry seborrhea

Treatment of dry type seborrhea on the scalp will not be effective without proper hygiene. There are a lot of dandruff shampoos today, advertised and not so much. With seborrhea, several types of detergents are used.

  1. Antifungal (contain ketoconazole, ciclopirox, zinc pyrithione).
  2. Keratolytic (contain salicylic acid, ichthyol and sulfur).
  3. Antibacterial (contain octopirox and crimbazole).
  4. Anti-inflammatory (contain zinc pyrithione, mint or menthol extracts).

Therapeutic shampoo for dandruff must be bought at the pharmacy. The concentration of the active compound in it should not be less than 2%. The most famous effective shampoos against seborrhea:

  1. "Nizoral" and "Dermazol" with ketoconazole.
  2. "Sebipirox" with ciclopirox.
  3. "Keto-plus" with ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.
  4. "Sulsena" with selenium sulfide. This component affects the processes of cell regeneration.

To achieve a positive effect detergent apply at least twice a week for two months.

Means do not have to be applied along the entire length of the hair. It is important to thoroughly wash the scalp and roots with a medicated shampoo. The rest of the hair can be treated with a regular mild shampoo.

Keto Plus contains ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione

Folk remedies for seborrhea

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is treated with traditional medicine. They are used alone or in combination with medicated shampoos. The most effective in the fight against seborrhea means:


It is better to use large sea ​​salt. After washing the head, salt peeling is done. Salt is rubbed into the skin and hair roots in a circular motion for several minutes. Massage improves blood circulation, gently removes the layer of dead cells. The procedure is repeated after each wash until the dandruff is gone.

Apple cider vinegar (6%)

It is rich in vitamins B and C, carotene and pectin, and this is his forte. It has the ability to heal microtraumas of the skin, cleanse it and get rid of pesticides. A hair rinse is prepared from vinegar, more suitable as a remedy for a woman. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons into a glass of clean water. apple cider vinegar. The mixture is shaken thoroughly. After washing, rinse the hair roots and scalp several times. Then it is washed off with running water. Vinegar leads acid-base balance back to normal, and dandruff disappears.

Natural oils - castor, olive, burdock

Any of these oils can be used in the fight against dry seborrhea. They moisturize the skin and accelerate its renewal. Before washing the head, a small amount of oil is evenly applied to the skin and hair roots with massage movements. The mask is covered with a heated towel and left for 10-15 minutes. Then the head should be thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo.

Birch tar, which is part of it, kills fungi, relieves skin inflammation. Wash your head with soap. To do this, it is well washed in the hands and foam is applied to the scalp. The product is left for 5 minutes, then washed off with warm water (not hot). Hair is treated with a conditioner. Tar soap should not be used more than twice a week.

Traditional medicine copes with such a problem as dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp. It cannot be treated with tea tree oil. It is only suitable for oily seborrhea because it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Tar soap kills the fungus that causes seborrhea

Prevention of the appearance of dry seborrhea

To prevent dry seborrhea from appearing, you need to follow preventive measures.

  1. Wash your hair regularly twice a week (more if necessary). Shampoos work well natural ingredients- extract of burdock, nettle, birch tar, olive oil.
  2. Ration. It should be rich in vitamins, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Daily regime. You need to alternate work and rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day, make hiking.
  4. Health of the nervous system. Avoid stressful situations and overexertion.
  5. Rejection of bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle will help avoid problems with seborrhea and improve the health of the body.

Traditional and traditional medicine will tell you how to treat dry seborrhea. They will get rid of this problem, and prevention will help to avoid its recurrence.

Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrheic eczema, seborrhea) - causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews. Diet for seborrheic dermatitis


What is seborrheic dermatitis?

seborrheic dermatitis ( seborrhea, seborrheic eczema) is called inflammation of the skin at the location of the sebaceous glands, which in most cases is chronic and tends to exacerbate in spring or autumn.

This disease can appear at any age, even in infancy. According to statistics, men are more likely to suffer from seborrhea. The prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis is about 2-5% among the world's population.

The most characteristic areas of localization of foci of seborrheic dermatitis are:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • eyebrows and superciliary arches;
  • area above the lip;
  • cheekbones.
But in pathological process any sebaceous glands can be involved, so sometimes foci of seborrheic dermatitis can occur in other parts of the face.

Dermatitis of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp initially manifests itself in a dry form, which is accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. At the next stage of the disease, areas of redness appear on the scalp, which is accompanied by discomfort and itching.

When combing on the scalp, bleeding wounds may form, which, when attached secondary infection, fester. Hair gets greasy quickly, especially theirs. basal part, and the patient begins to notice that he has to wash his hair more often in order to keep his appearance neat.

Further, plaques of milk or milk appear on the areas of inflammation. yellow color which are gradually expanding. Scales of plaques can be hardly noticeable and stick together with sebum between themselves and the scalp. When such scales are scraped off on the head, an inflamed area of ​​red skin is found.

With the progression and prolonged course of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, hair loss increases, and in some cases, areas of baldness of various sizes appear.

When the inflammatory process subsides, hair growth in these areas, as a rule, resumes.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is carried out by a dermatologist and other specialists (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.).

Treatment of scalp dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis of the scalp is carried out in a complex:
1. A diet is prescribed (it is recommended to introduce foods rich in zinc, vitamins A, B, C and PP, selenium into the diet).
2. It is recommended to use an antifungal drug (Nizorex, Mycozoral, Sebazol, Nizoral, Ketoconazole, Dermazole, etc.) in the form of a cream, gel or shampoo.
3. Antifungal drugs are prescribed antiseptics (tar soap, zinc paste, extract of quassia bitter, tea tree oil, etc.).
4. Traditional medicine recipes may be used.

Along with such treatment, the underlying disease is treated, which contributes to the development of seborrhea. As far as possible, predisposing factors are eliminated (stress, hypothermia, malnutrition, etc.).

Shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis
The modern cosmetology and pharmacological industry produces a wide range of shampoos for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis: Nizoral, Ketoconazole, Skin-cap, Squafan S, Sulsena, Cynovit, Kelual DS, Friderm Zinc, Danex, etc.

These tools help:

  • reduce the number of fungi on the surface of the scalp and hair;
  • reduce the amount of sebum produced;
  • remove the formed scales;
  • inhibit cell division and scale formation.
All of the above properties of good seborrhea shampoos are guaranteed by the presence in their composition of active ingredients that have antifungal, cytostatic, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The main active ingredients of anti-seborrheic shampoos:

  • ketoconazole 1-2% - has an antifungal effect, is used 2 times a week, is contraindicated up to 12 years of age;
  • ciclopirox 1-1.5% - has an antifungal effect, is applied 1-2 times a week;
  • selenium sulfide - acts in a destructive way on the fungus;
  • zinc pyrithione - eliminates inflammation, affects the fungus;
  • medical tar - inhibits the growth of fungi and the formation of scales, eliminates inflammation and flaking of the scalp.
As a rule, medicated shampoos are prescribed for 2-4 weeks. The frequency of their use may vary depending on the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, the use of two medicated shampoos is recommended (for example, one containing an antifungal drug and the other containing zinc).

Anti-seborrheic shampoos should not contain substances that irritate the skin. These include: parabens, aromatic fragrances, aggressive surfactants (SLESS, SLS), etc.

Treatment of dermatitis of the skin of the face

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the facial skin is also complex. In addition to eliminating the cause of dermatitis, therapy this disease includes a number of general recommendations for normalizing nutrition and changing the regimen of facial skin care.

Features of facial skin care:

  • Do not use aggressive foams and soap for washing.
  • To cleanse the skin, use special gels or milk, which include components that have antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties (for example, ketoconazole, tea tree oil, salicylic acid, zinc, selenium, lithium salts, witch hazel extract, bitter quassia, etc.) .
  • Do not use alcohol-containing lotions and tonics.
  • The use of ointments and creams containing hormonal components is possible only under medical supervision.
Medical cosmetics
Medical cosmetics for seborrheic dermatitis should be selected individually and used in courses that can be prescribed both for the treatment of the disease and for its prevention.

The most effective means of medical cosmetics are recognized: gels and creams Quasix; Sebovalis line from Sesderma; cleansing gel Uriage DS Gel Nettoyant; bioderma; the Sensibio product line; Tsindol and Tsinokap.
Medical therapy
Seborrheic dermatitis can be treated various schemes, using various pharmacological preparations.


  • antibacterial drugs(Doxycycline and others);
  • antihistamines (Citrin, Loratadin, Telfast, etc.);
  • multivitamin and mineral complexes(Alphabet, Multitabs, Perfectil, Merz dragees, vitamin A, B 2 and C, nicotinic acid).
Medicinal ointments and creams:
  • antifungal ointments (Nizoral, Mykospor, Bifisam, Ketodin, Lamisil, etc.);
  • hormonal ointments (Elokom, etc.);
  • immunostimulants (Tacolimus, Elidel, Protopic, Pimecrolimus).
The doctor may also prescribe drugs to normalize the work. digestive system and treatment of others concomitant diseases. With the defeat of seborrheic dermatitis of the skin of the eyelids and the development of blepharitis or conjunctivitis, washing of the eyelids and eyes is used antiseptic solutions, and use of antibacterial eye ointments and drops.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also included in the complex therapy of seborrheic dermatitis. To do this, patients are prescribed the following procedures:

  • darsonval;
  • UV irradiation;

Folk remedies for the treatment of dermatitis

Folk recipes used to treat seborrheic dermatitis are aimed at eliminating itching, inflammation and increasing general and local immunity. There are many recipes for internal and external use that significantly alleviate the course of the disease and improve the appearance of the skin.

Folk recipes for external treatment of skin seborrhea
Decoction of St. John's wort
Brew one tablespoon of dry St. John's wort in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Wash the face with the resulting decoction or wash the affected area of ​​the skin with a cloth soaked in the decoction 2-3 times a day. The tool helps to get rid of inflammation and serves as a good prevention of the attachment of a secondary infection.

Decoction of oak bark
20 g of dry bark is poured into 200 ml of water and kept in a water bath for about half an hour, filtered and used to rinse or apply foci of seborrheic dermatitis. The tool helps to get rid of itching and reduce inflammation.

Oil solution with tincture of calendula for the treatment of oily facial seborrhea
Mix 10 teaspoons of alcohol tincture of calendula with 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the foci of seborrheic dermatitis 1-2 times a day.

The same remedy can also be used to treat dry seborrhea - in such cases, it is necessary to mix calendula tincture and Castor oil in equal proportions.

Decoction of birch buds
5-6 pieces of birch buds pour 200 ml of hot water and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes, cool and strain. Such a decoction can be used for washing, applications, rinsing the scalp, preparing pieces of ice to wipe foci of dermatitis and holding therapeutic baths(to prepare a bath, add 2 cups of broth to it).

Folk recipes for external treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp
Walnut shell tincture
Collect unripe nuts, extract the contents from them, dry the shells and grind in a coffee grinder. 100 gr. Pour the resulting raw material with a liter of vodka or 40% alcohol, close the container and insist in a dark, cool place for about 2 weeks. Rub the resulting tincture into the foci of seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Mask of garlic and nettle
Grind the peeled garlic into a pulp, add an equal amount of chopped nettle leaves, mix and apply to areas of seborrhea or baldness caused by it. Hold the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water or decoction of birch buds, burdock leaves or chamomile infusion.

A decoction of oak bark and honey to get rid of dandruff
Mix in equal proportions a decoction of oak bark and honey (if there is no allergic reaction to bee products). The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp an hour before washing the hair. Already after 10 such procedures, the amount of dandruff will be significantly reduced, and itching will decrease.

Ointment based on golden mustache juice and olive oil
Mix in a ceramic bowl a tablespoon of juice from the leaves of the golden mustache, baby cream and olive oil , add 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of valerian . The resulting ointment is applied to the scalp affected by dermatitis, an hour or two before washing the hair. This tool helps to eliminate itching and inflammation, accelerates the healing process of scratching and nourishes the skin.

Infusion kombucha
To use this tool, you need to insist a solution of kombucha for a month. The resulting solution is rubbed daily into the areas of the scalp affected by dermatitis.

Dry food mustard
Wash your hair with mustard powder (instead of shampoo) 2 times a month.

Folk recipes for seborrheic dermatitis for internal use
Infusion of blackcurrant bark
Pour 200 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of the bark and insist in a warm place for about 8 hours. The resulting infusion take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

Infusion of soothing herbs and fruits of hawthorn and wild rose
Mix in equal proportions valerian roots, mint grass, hawthorn and rose hips. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos overnight. Take an infusion 2 times a day, 100 ml.

The duration of the use of a particular prescription is best discussed with your doctor.

Seborrheic dermatitis in children


Seborrheic dermatitis in children infancy
Dermatologists distinguish three degrees of severity of this disease:
  • I (mild form)- rash and gneiss (crusts) are located on the scalp, sometimes behind auricles, on the forehead and cheeks, but general state the child is not disturbed.
  • II (moderate)- rash and gneiss spread to the body and limbs, the child becomes excitable; he may have diarrhea and frequent regurgitation.
  • III (heavy)- 2/3 of the skin surface is covered with hyperemic, swollen areas of rash and gneiss. A secondary infection joins, which causes weeping and suppuration; the child is lethargic or restless, eats poorly and does not gain weight; diarrhea is observed.
Seborrheic dermatitis in infants begins to manifest itself as early as 2 or 3 weeks of age. The child develops elements of a rash on the skin of the scalp and, in rare cases, on the forehead, in the folds behind the ears and on the cheeks. After a short period of time, gneiss appears in the areas of the rash, which is formed due to the accelerated desquamation of epithelial cells and their impregnation with sebum.

Such areas of rash and gneiss can also be localized in natural skin folds on the surface of the body. They are rarely accompanied by itching and are a maculopapular rash that is covered with oily scales. Typically, areas of seborrheic dermatitis in infants do not get wet.

With untimely treatment, these areas of gneiss can grow and spread to any part of the body, but most often they are localized precisely on the scalp or in the area of ​​​​the perineum of the baby. When a secondary infection is attached, pyoderma may develop, accompanied by the release of exudate and painful sensations that provoke restless behavior of the child.

With nutrition correction and timely therapy, the disease responds well to treatment, and its symptoms disappear either at 6-8 weeks of life, or by 7-8 month old(sometimes up to 1 year).

Seborrheic dermatitis in children older than one year
Seborrheic dermatitis in older children has symptoms similar to the manifestations of this disease in adults.

On areas of skin large quantity sebaceous glands (skin of the scalp, nose and nasolabial folds, forehead, cheeks, back and chest) a papular-squamous rash appears. After a short period of time, the rash is covered with scales stuck together from fat. When the top layer is removed, areas of inflammation and redness are found on the skin. Foci of dermatitis can be subject to secondary infection with the subsequent development of pyoderma, otitis media, blepharitis and others. infectious complications.

Like seborrhea in adults, this disease in older children can ooze in a liquid and thick form (i.e. distinguish between dry and oily seborrheic dermatitis in children). characteristic feature this disease in children becomes his chronic course with periods of exacerbation, which can be provoked by various predisposing factors (stress, exacerbations chronic infections, immunodeficiency states, malnutrition, etc.).


Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in children under one year old
Seborrheic dermatitis in children under one year old responds well to treatment and, in some cases, may disappear on its own by 6-8 weeks of a child's life. For its treatment, it is recommended to strictly observe the rules of hygiene and use means that contribute to the destruction of fungi and serve as a preventive measure for the addition of a secondary infection.

In the absence of an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs, daily baths and shampooing using decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula are recommended. After that, mineral or olive oil is applied to the foci of seborrheic dermatitis, which helps to gently remove the crusts and has beneficial effect on the baby's skin.

On areas of the skin of the face, trunk and extremities affected by seborrheic dermatitis, after hygiene procedures it is also recommended to apply Bioderma Sensibio D.S.

In the case of a secondary infection, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibacterial solutions for the hygiene of the affected areas and the application of antimicrobial ointments and creams.

AT severe cases seborrheic dermatitis in children under one year old can be prescribed: vitamin therapy, immunostimulants, antifungal and hormonal ointments, antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy.
dandelion, burdock, etc.);

  • correction of the diet;
  • physiotherapy procedures (darsonval, UV, laser therapy, cryotherapy).
  • If necessary, consultations of specialists of a narrow profile (gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.) can be prescribed. The duration of treatment and the dosage of drugs are prescribed by the doctor individually.

    Seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis: symptoms, causes, treatment - video

    Diet for seborrheic dermatitis

    Successful treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in any form of this disease largely depends on the patient's compliance with the correct diet. This is explained by the fact that the use of certain foods contributes to the growth of fungal flora and changes chemical composition sweat and sebum.

    That is why from the diet should be excluded some foods and dishes:

    • alcoholic drinks;
    • spicy, smoked, spicy and pickled dishes;
    • products containing quickly digestible carbohydrates (flour and confectionery, sweet drinks, jam, rice, semolina, pasta);
    • fatty and fried foods;
    • allergenic foods (honey, nuts, citrus fruits, eggs, strawberries, etc.).
    The use of other foods contributes to the normalization of digestion, metabolic processes and accelerates recovery from seborrheic dermatitis.

    Useful products that should be included in the diet for seborrheic dermatitis:

    • lean meats (veal, pork, white meat chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish);
    • dairy products (natural sour-milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, with good tolerance, you can drink whole milk);
    • baked and boiled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, asparagus and broccoli are especially useful);
    • berries (gooseberries, cranberries, white cherries, red and black currants, watermelon, etc.);
    • vegetable oils (sunflower and olive).
    Patients with seborrheic dermatitis should pay close attention to sufficient consumption of drinking water.

    In some cases, the doctor may recommend keeping a food diary in which the patient records their diet and reflects the severity of symptoms. The analysis of such a diary allows you to eliminate from the diet those foods that contributed to the exacerbation of symptoms, and achieve a faster recovery.

    Seborrhea is considered a dermatological disease that occurs against the background of a violation of the sebaceous glands of the skin. The term "seborrhea" in Latin means "excessive secretion of sebum." Sebum is a complex fatty acids, fats and proteins, which are secreted by the sebaceous glands.

    It should start with the fact that dandruff is an absolutely natural phenomenon, because it is nothing more than horny scales regularly (every four weeks) peeling off the surface layer of the scalp. It should not cause any concern if it is available in a small amount. However, the presence of thick and profuse dandruff is the main symptom of a skin disease. In this case, it is necessary to seek the advice of a trichologist or dermatologist, who, after a thorough and comprehensive medical examination prescribe the optimal treatment.

    Types of seborrhea.
    There are three types of seborrhea:

    • Dry seborrhea, which develops against the background of a decrease in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. The main signs of this type of disease are the presence of a large amount of fine dandruff, dry cracked skin, brittle and dry hair.
    • Oily seborrhea occurs as a result of increased functioning of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the production of an excessive amount of thick sebum. The main signs are: oily skin and shiny hair, as well as the presence of a large amount of large dandruff.
    • The mixed type of seborrhea manifests itself in the form of symptoms of dry seborrhea on the face and symptoms of oily seborrhea on the scalp.
    In general, sebum is responsible for healthy state skin: due to its antimicrobial properties, it protects it from penetration different kind infections, softens, preventing the development of peeling and cracking, and also protects against drying out, since it forms a thin and even film on its surface.

    It should be said that a huge number of sebaceous glands is unevenly located in the thickness of our skin. The excretory openings of the sebaceous glands are mainly adjacent to the hair, and the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands serves mainly to soften and moisturize the hair. However, not all sebaceous glands are active. This is influenced by several factors: gender, age, condition hormonal background, climate.

    For example, in childhood, most of the sebaceous glands are in the so-called "hibernation", and only during puberty they are activated. The increase in the level of hormones in the blood in adolescents leads to the work of these same glands. In an adult and at the same time an absolutely healthy person, the number of active sebaceous glands remains at a stable level for quite a long time, and only with age their number begins to decrease.

    It is worth saying that there are so-called "seborrheic zones", where the density of the sebaceous glands is significantly higher and it is they that are most often affected by seborrhea. This is the scalp, forehead, ears, chest, shoulders, interscapular region, the central part of the face.

    Reasons for the development of seborrhea.
    Today, the causes of seborrhea have not been fully studied. The physiological form of this disease is observed during puberty in the form of a reaction of the body to sharp increase blood hormone levels. But the skin with this type of disease recovers quickly as it grows older, and the disease goes away on its own as soon as the level of hormones in the blood stabilizes.

    In other cases, not associated with puberty, the development of seborrhea can contribute to:

    • Hereditary factors, when this disease can be laid down at the gene level. It is no coincidence that seborrhea is called a family disease, because most often patients in the family have relatives with such a diagnosis.
    • Hormonal reasons. Androgens or male sex hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands, so most often this disease affects the stronger sex. The sudden onset of seborrhea in men may indicate an ovarian tumor. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with this disease are most often observed elevated level male sex hormones in the blood at the same time reduced level estrogen. These types of hormonal changes female body may be associated with ovarian disease (eg, polycystic ovaries), or being overweight.
    • The development of this disease can also contribute to diseases such as: epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, tumors of the adrenal glands and genital organs, infectious lesions CNS, schizophrenia, and admission hormonal drugs(contraceptives) or anabolic steroids in order to build muscle mass.
    The development of dry seborrhea can be observed with a lack of sex hormones or a decrease in the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. This is mainly seen in children.

    Seborrhea symptoms.

    Oily seborrhea.
    With oily seborrhea, the skin is very oily, even shiny, with enlarged pores. This type of seborrhea can be with a thick secret, when the sebum has a pasty consistency and with a liquid secret, characterized by a pasty consistency. In most cases, areas high fat content skin are located in seborrheic zones.

    Another common symptom of this variety dermatological disease is profuse dandruff. In those suffering from seborrhea, dandruff occurs due to the adhesion of small exfoliated scales of the epithelium of the scalp. This clumping and the formation of large dandruff is facilitated by the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. In addition, in patients with this type of seborrhea, the hair becomes very oily for short period time.

    Complications of the fatty type of this disease are seborrheic eczema and seborrheic dermatitis (inflammation on the skin due to the influence of bacteria during the decomposition of sebum). Against the background of clogging of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands with sebum and skin particles, acne occurs. Plus, infection sebaceous gland bacteria (for example, staphylococci), resulting in the development of purulent inflammatory process in the deep layers of the skin.

    Dry seborrhea.
    As a rule, this type of seborrhea occurs in childhood, but sometimes it can develop into adulthood. Against the background of a decrease in sebum secretion in patients, the skin dries out, as a result of which the surface layer of the skin cracks and exfoliates. Hair in patients with dry seborrhea is dry, brittle with split ends.

    Seborrheas are another symptom of this type of seborrhea. These are reddish-pink spots that appear on the affected areas. Patients often report a feeling of tightness of the skin, small dandruff, and itching when washing hair with cold water.

    The main danger of this type of disease is the high risk of infection with microbes.

    Symptoms of mixed seborrhea.
    In this case, the patient has signs of both dry and oily seborrhea. On the skin of the face, symptoms of oily seborrhea are mainly manifested, and in the area of ​​the scalp - signs of dry seborrhea.

    Seborrhea treatment.
    Seborrhea can occur as an independent disease, and can be triggered by the presence of other diseases. In this case, the treatment of seborrhea should be carried out in combination with the treatment of concomitant diseases.

    If symptoms of seborrhea occur, it is necessary to go to an appointment with a dermatologist, andrologist (men) and a gynecologist (women), a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist.

    Treatment of this disease should be carried out in a complex manner. It is very important to take good care of your skin and hair at home. In this case, medical remedies are the best option. Moreover, it is important to treat this disease under the supervision of a specialist. These funds are divided into several groups:

    • antifungal shampoos with ketoconazole;
    • antibacterial with zinc pyritone or octoprirox;
    • exfoliating with the addition of salicylic acid or sulfur;
    • shampoos with herbal extracts (tar), etc.
    Methods of treatment of seborrhea.
    • The appointment of drugs whose action is aimed at restoring the function of the autonomic nervous system.
    • The course of treatment of all concomitant diseases of the body.
    • At severe forms disease, hormone therapy is prescribed.
    • Diet enriched fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, with the exception or maximum restriction of the consumption of animal fats, salty and spicy dishes, oily, sweet food, canned food, spices, as well as alcohol and nicotine.
    • Appointment of vitamins of groups B, A, D, E, zinc and sulfur preparations.
    • Appointment of physiotherapy procedures: massage, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, herbal medicine, etc.
    • small physical exercise: hiking in the air, hardening, physical exercises, swimming in open water, etc.
    In case of hair loss against the background of seborrhea, it is recommended to walk more often with an uncovered head (except for cold weather) and to be in the sun (but not in the midst of heat) in the absence of contraindications (hypertension, cardiovascular diseases etc.).

    For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, ointments with sulfur, salicylic acid, and sometimes hormones are often prescribed. With oily seborrhea, resorcinol, chloral hydrate and other drugs in the form of alcohol solutions are added to these drugs.

    The use of sulfuric ointment (10%) for the treatment of dry seborrhea.
    Evenly for three to five minutes, rub the ointment daily at night for eight days, take a break on the ninth day. On the tenth day, you should wash your hair with slightly warm boiled water with a therapeutic shampoo based on selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole. Then the next day at night (wrapped with a towel) rub a solution of boric acid (2 teaspoons per 150 ml of hot water) into the affected scalp. Do this for three days, then again break for a week and wash your hair on the tenth day. A similar treatment course can be carried out two or three times.

    Preparations for the treatment of oily seborrhea.
    For a month, rub a sixty percent solution of salicylic acid, an alcohol solution of naftalan oil or a sulse paste into the scalp with massaging movements.

    From folk remedies for the treatment of seborrhea, recipes based on medicinal plants. However, such treatment does not guarantee the absence of recurrence of the disease in the future. Therefore, it is important in the treatment of seborrhea to carry out anti-relapse treatment once a month. After a month of treatment with medicinal plants, it is recommended to change the plant to another, which will prevent addiction and decrease in effectiveness.

    It should be noted that it is quite difficult to prevent or cure seborrhea. Treatment requires mainly strict adherence to certain hygiene requirements, power mode, physical activity. The use of soothing substances based on motherwort and valerian, as well as brewer's yeast, is a common remedy for seborrhea, because they contain huge number contains B vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Brewer's yeast should be taken in a teaspoon with meals.

    Prevention of seborrhea.
    Properly care for and carefully monitor the condition problematic skin head, apply cosmetics intended for dry or oily skin(depending on the type of seborrhea). In addition, multivitamins and mineral complexes follow (alphabet, duovit, centrum, vitrum, etc.).

    Folk remedies for the treatment of seborrhea.
    At all times special place in the treatment of seborrhea, phytotherapy was occupied, unless, of course, the patients were allergic to any herbs. Consider the most popular and effective means traditional medicine for the treatment of this disease.

    Recipes for dry seborrhea.
    Wash two hundred grams of sea buckthorn and squeeze out the juice. We need the part left after the squeeze, it is called the pulp. Then pour this pulp with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 3 (three parts of oil for one part of the pulp). Put the mixture on water bath and heat for half an hour. After that, let the mass stand for twelve to sixteen hours. With the resulting composition twice a week, treat the root zone of the hair with rubbing movements. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week. Treatment course is a month.

    Take 100 g of six-year-old meadowsweet rhizomes, chop them and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap well and insist for five hours. Use the prepared infusion as a rinse after each hair wash (three times a week). The effect of the procedure is achieved not earlier than after fifteen procedures.

    Combine a tablespoon of vodka, cedar oil and strong tea. Rub this composition into the roots and leave for two to three hours, then wash your hair. This procedure is carried out twice a week until a positive trend is noticeable.

    This composition perfectly eliminates dandruff: mix ten parts of vodka with one part of cinchona peel (sold in a pharmacy). Add a teaspoon of castor oil and a couple of drops to the composition rose oil. Massage the mixture with massaging and gentle movements into the head and hair roots daily until dandruff is completely eliminated.

    In the treatment of dry seborrhea, oil extracts from medicinal plants (marshmallow, flax, burdock, sea buckthorn, parsley, tricolor violet) are effective.

    For the treatment of dry seborrhea, it is also effective to rub burdock oil into the scalp. Put on a cap on top and leave for two hours, then wash your hair with shampoo. This procedure is carried out twice a week for a month. Repeat this treatment course after six months.

    Chop the parsley roots and pour any vegetable or castor oil in a ratio of 1:5. Heat the mixture in a water bath for half an hour, strain and use for rubbing while warm. The procedure is carried out every other day. To achieve a therapeutic effect, fifteen procedures are required. It is necessary to repeat the treatment course every three weeks until the problem is completely resolved.

    Pour the tricolor violet grass with vegetable oil also in a ratio of 1:5, insist for two hours, then heat in a water bath for half an hour and strain. Rub into scalp and hair roots. The course of treatment is also fifteen procedures (every other day). The course of treatment can be repeated after three weeks.

    Mix marshmallow seeds with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:20 and put in a water bath for an hour. Rub the mixture before each shampooing (for an hour).

    grind egg yolk with a tablespoon of castor oil. Spread the mixture evenly over the hair, wrap it with a towel on top and leave for forty minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

    Recipes for oily seborrhea.
    Pour 100 g of tansy flowers with three liters of water in an enamel or glass bowl and put in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Leave the resulting mixture overnight, use to wash your hair. Warm.

    For the treatment of oily seborrhea, it is effective to use a decoction oak bark in washing your hair. Wash your hair with this decoction every three days for two months. To prepare it, you need to pour three tablespoons of oak bark with a liter of cold water, boil for fifteen minutes, and then insist for half an hour, wrapping it up well. It is necessary to make a decoction based on the length and density of the hair. After two months, this decoction should be used as a rinse for dry hair (already washed and dried).

    Combine 50 g of alcohol with 30 g of castor oil and 15 g of birch tar. Rub the resulting mass into the head a couple of hours before washing the head.

    Two tablespoons of pre-crushed burdock roots (washed and dried) pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for ten to fifteen minutes. Decoction in the form of heat to rub every other day into the roots of the hair every other day for fourteen days. In addition, the same decoction can be used as a hair rinse after washing.

    Simultaneously with external treatment, it is recommended to take inside a mixture of burdock root decoction, nettle infusion and wormwood tincture, taken in two tablespoons. This mixture should be taken three times a day. Ready-made tincture of wormwood can be bought at a pharmacy.

    Nettle tincture is easy to prepare: pour two tablespoons of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, insist for forty minutes and strain.

    Grind the egg yolk with a teaspoon of alcohol and the same amount of water. After washing your hair, rub the resulting mixture into the scalp and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse. The procedure should be carried out every ten days.

    To reduce the secretion of sebum, you can use the following recipe: beat egg white into foam and combine with chamomile infusion, for the preparation of which two tablespoons of chamomile flowers should be poured into 50 ml of boiling water and infused for four hours, after which the infusion is filtered. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. As soon as such a mask dries, the hair should be rinsed and washed with sulfur soap. The procedure should be carried out every ten days.

    Take a piece of yeast (with a small nut), dilute in a teaspoon of warm water until a homogeneous porridge of a similar mass is formed, add egg white whipped into foam. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp. Once the composition dries, rinse the hair and wash with gray soap.

    Pour a tablespoon of crushed young birch leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and insist for twenty minutes. Wash your hair with the resulting infusion three times a week. The treatment course includes at least fifteen such procedures.

    Prepare an infusion of St. John's wort (1:5), strain it and wash your hair 2-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures. After 2-3 weeks, the treatment can be repeated.

    It is very good in the treatment of oily seborrhea to rub nettle and calendula infusion into the scalp. To prepare the infusion, take 400 g of young nettle and 100 g of calendula, pour half a liter of boiling water, boil over a fire for ten minutes, then let the broth cool and strain.

    Combine a teaspoon of castor oil and aloe juice, add a tablespoon of honey. Rub the resulting composition into the hair, cover with polyethylene and a towel on top. Keep this mask for twenty minutes, then wash your hair with a special therapeutic shampoo. Do a mask every ten days for a month.

    Combine a teaspoon of bodyagi with a solution of boric acid (dilute half a teaspoon of acid in half a glass of water) to get a creamy mass, which is heated and rubbed hot into the scalp until a slight or intense burning sensation occurs. Wash your hair well after half an hour. The procedure is carried out with rubber gloves! This mask effectively reduces sebum secretion, eliminates dandruff and itching. The procedure is carried out every five days. The treatment course is five to six procedures.

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