Antifungal ointments for dogs. Description of the main types of fungus in dogs and methods of dealing with them. Chronic unexpressed course of the disease

A fungus in dogs or dermatophytosis can cause pathogenic microbes trichophyton, microsporum, favus (scab) or opportunistic mallasesia. This disease affects the skin of the animal and some types of fungus are dangerous for humans, so the dog must be treated immediately.

Most often, the fungus in dogs appears on the skin in the ears, on the paws. There can be many reasons for the appearance of the fungus: contact with street animals or rodents, poor hygiene, inadequate or inappropriate diet.

Symptoms of fungus in dogs

  • The first and most striking symptom of a fungal disease is itching. The dog itches more and more fiercely and scratches appear in the places where the fungus is located. In places of itching, scaly patches of skin appear, sometimes with broken hairs. These are symptoms of a microsporum fungus infection.
  • When trichophytosis is infected, sharply defined round bald patches appear on the dog's skin, on which there may be remnants of hair, a strong discharge of pus is also characteristic, and a dense layer of crusts forms on the affected skin. After treatment, bald spots remain forever, as the hair follicles are damaged.
  • Scab (favus) often affects poultry, and a dog can also become infected from them. This fungus is localized near the ears, on the paws and hairless areas of the body. A specific smell emanates from it. The fungus looks like round spots covered with gray-yellow crusts, and the hair falls out and never grows again.
  • The superficial form of the fungus is especially noticeable, but if left untreated, it turns into a follicular, and then into a chronic atypical state, when the symptoms are no longer so bright, but the animal suffers more and poses a great threat to the immediate environment, both dogs and people.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to make a laboratory culture for the dog, so a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. Canine fungal diseases are also dangerous for humans, so when they are detected, they should be treated immediately.

  • Most often, they are used for treatment by means such as Polivak, Vakderm F or Microderm. The last one is more efficient. It is pricked twice with an interval of two weeks. "Vakderm F" should be pricked three times. As for Polivak, some breeds of dogs (French Bulldogs, Rottweilers, and Dachshunds) are especially sensitive to it. At the injection site, it can cause an allergic reaction in the form of an abscess at the injection site. To avoid this, diphenhydramine can be administered simultaneously with the vaccine.
  • If the animal is weakened by the disease or old, then it is better to treat it with antifungal antibiotics, for example, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole or Nizoral. Because antibiotics can interfere with liver and gastrointestinal function, keep your pet on a hypoallergenic or medicated diet. The fact is that the treatment is long and should continue for a couple of weeks after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
  • The therapy should be systemic and, in addition to vaccines and antibiotics, it is necessary to treat the dog's skin with fungicide-based drugs and use healing showers and shampoos (Nizoral, Doctor).

Before you start treating the fungus, you need to destroy all the old bedding of the dog and disinfect all of his things, including toys. It is also necessary to limit the contact of the animal with other family members, especially children. A dog with long hair should be cut as short as possible.

Fungal diseases in animals (mycoses) most often affect the skin. However, there are also such types of fungus that penetrate the body, multiply in the internal organs and tissues, disrupting their function and leading to death if left untreated. Such pathologies are called systemic, they are recorded quite rarely and are typical for animals that are depleted or weakened by chronic infections. But the fungus in dogs, which affects the paws and ears, is widespread among young strong individuals, even with good nutrition and care.

The causative agents of mycoses are lower fungi of various species, localized in the surface layers of the skin. They cause an inflammatory process and are almost always accompanied by itching. The causes of these diseases can be:

Factors that increase the risk of infection are:

  • maceration of the skin due to frequent washing of the limbs after walking;
  • skin injuries;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity as a result of an infectious disease or the use of drugs.

Dumpsters, basements and landfills are constant sources of fungal infections and are a real danger to pets.

Variety of species of pathogenic fungi

The most common types of fungi are pathogens of trichophytosis, microsporia and candidiasis. Despite the difference in morphology, these microorganisms cause similar clinical signs, which make it difficult to determine their species. Therefore, if you find bald patches, areas with broken hairs, scratching, redness or swelling of the skin, you should immediately contact a specialist in veterinary medicine and undergo laboratory diagnostics, which will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Symptoms of the fungus

Despite the variety of pathogenic fungi that cause mycoses, these diseases have several pronounced symptoms that should alert owners and become a reason to contact a veterinarian. The main ones are:

fungus on the skin

There are varieties of fungi that are constantly on the skin of dogs, without having a pathogenic effect until favorable factors are formed for their intensive reproduction.

These microorganisms include the yeast fungi Malassezia pachydermatis. With a decrease in immunity in dogs, they cause redness and peeling of the skin, the appearance of itching, brown dandruff, an unpleasant odor and oily seborrhea. It has also been proven that these microorganisms can provoke the development of otitis externa.

Malassezia pachydermatis does not pose a risk to humans or other animal species. Treatment is limited to the use of external ointments or antifungal shampoos, as well as improving the conditions of detention.

Manifestation of a fungal infection on the paws

The fact that the fungus on the paws of a dog appears more often than on other parts of the body is explained by their constant contact with surfaces that are a potential source of infection. Microtraumas of the pads and interdigital space contribute to the rapid penetration of pathogenic fungi into the skin with subsequent development and destructive action.

Untimely shearing of wool between the toes leads to the formation of tangles, in which a large amount of pathogenic microflora, including fungi, quickly accumulates.

Fungal otitis media in dogs

Pets with hanging large ears are most susceptible to fungal otitis media. Therefore, you should regularly treat them, monitor the condition of the skin in this area.

Dogs often begin to scratch their ears, which leads to the appearance of wounds and the penetration of a secondary infection. A large amount of sulfur begins to be released, the auricle becomes hyperemic and edematous. A serous or purulent exudate, which has a sour smell, soon begins to stand out from it.

The lack of treatment leads to the fact that the inflammation affects the middle and inner ear, the fungus spreads through the bloodstream to all organs and tissues, causing various pathologies. In severe cases, the disease can lead to deafness and even death.

At an early stage of treatment, it is enough to clean the ear canal from the accumulated secret in a timely manner and apply antifungal ear drops.

With a running form, in addition to external agents, systemic preparations are also used.

Principles of treatment of fungal diseases in dogs

Treatment of fungus in dogs should be carried out in a complex manner, including:

  • the use of external antifungal ointments or drops;
  • vaccination of dogs;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • treatment with a bactericidal lamp.

Antibiotics are prescribed most often in cases where there are contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine. These can be manifestations of allergic reactions, advanced age, damage to the liver and kidneys.

Protect the dog's groin and eyes during UV exposure. Primary exposure should last no more than 20 seconds. Gradually it is brought up to 1 minute. The number of sessions is from 10 to 15.

Effective drugs and their use

For vaccinations against the fungus, vaccines such as:

  • Wakderm;
  • Microderm;
  • Polivak.

For therapeutic purposes, they are administered 3 times with an interval of 10 to 14 days.

The most effective antifungal drugs are:

  • Nizoral;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Ketoconazole.

Treatment with these drugs should be carried out until complete clinical recovery, confirmed by laboratory tests, and then continued for another 14 days to consolidate the result. Unfortunately, quite often their use can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as adversely affect the functioning of the liver.

The following drugs are used as local treatment:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Zoomekol;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Fungin.

Some of them are available both in the form of an ointment and in the form of a solution. When treating the affected areas, the border zone should also be captured, in which the largest number of spores of pathogenic fungi is concentrated.

Human danger

  • to protect children from communicating with a sick pet until his full recovery;
  • strictly observe the rules of hygiene when treating affected skin areas;
  • treat bedding, ammunition, dishes, care items that are in contact with an infected dog with antiseptic and antifungal drugs.

Malassezia pachydermatis is not dangerous to humans. But still, when the dog undergoes treatment, the owners must carefully observe hygiene.

Among all diseases of dogs, the most common are skin diseases that occur most often due to allergic reactions, inflammations, infections, and genetic predispositions. Unlike other ailments, skin diseases in a pet can be seen with the naked eye and promptly consult a doctor who will determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Types of skin diseases in dogs - photo

Depending on the cause, skin diseases in dogs are divided into several types:

Having found skin lesions, the owner should immediately show the dog to the doctor. At the same time, despite the obvious symptoms and manifestations of the disease, it can be quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, and treatment can be delayed for a long time.

As soon as there is suspicion that the pet has a skin disease, it is urgently necessary to take the following actions:

  1. Stop petting your pet.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Do not allow the dog to sleep on the owner's bed.
  4. Avoid pet contact with children.
  5. To avoid spreading infection, stop combing the dog's coat.

Do not lubricate the affected areas with any ointments, brilliant green or iodine before visiting a doctor. You can cut the hair and treat the skin with salicylic alcohol.

With the help of fungal spores, dermatophytosis is easily transmitted from animal to animal. Yorkshire terriers are most prone to it.

Symptoms of fungal skin diseases:

  1. Alopecia, in which itching is rarely present, and there are never associated lesions.
  2. The defeat of the near-elbow bed and the claw, which exfoliates and turns yellow.
  3. Rarely - nodular skin lesions, from which pus may be released.
  4. In severe forms of the disease, microspores can affect the paw pads.

With fungal infections, the veterinarian most often prescribes treatment of the pet with special shampoos, which include Dermazole and Nizoral. A special preparation for animals, Imaverol, is also used. A course of treatment with special antifungal drugs Terbinafine, Itraconazole, Ketonazole is prescribed.

The specialist must necessarily tell the owner of a sick dog that in order to destroy fungal spores, it is necessary to treat the pet's bedding and wash all its habitats.

Allergy in dogs

Identifying an allergen is not very easy, therefore, in the diagnosis of allergic skin diseases, it is quite difficult. The most common dog allergens are:

  • food products;
  • house dust;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications.

A fairly common allergen is the frequently used flea remover. Even the most harmless, they belong to the group of pyrethroids, and therefore quite often cause allergic reactions.

To the main allergy symptoms in dogs include:

  • severe itching;
  • salivation;
  • runny nose;
  • sudden cough;
  • nettle fever;
  • edema.

Due to the fact that the protective properties of the skin during allergies are reduced, various rashes, redness, and pustules appear on it over time. Since the pet begins to itch a lot, he develops bald patches.

An allergic reaction that occurs quickly is the easiest to identify. With a thorough investigation, the cause of the allergy can be quickly identified and eliminated. Most often, such reactions are characterized by the sudden onset of a runny nose, cough and urticaria, which manifests itself itchy blisters on the face, under the armpits and in the groin. Urticaria disappears quite quickly, but so that the pet does not have time to comb the blisters and infect, the inflamed skin is rubbed with vodka or salicylic alcohol. In addition, the dog should drink suprastin, tavegil or diphenhydramine 3 times a day.

The causes and sources of delayed allergic reactions are identified in stages:

Food allergies are not common in dogs, but if your pet has an allergic reaction to certain foods, they should be eliminated from the diet.

Scabies or aranchnosis

  1. Zheleznica.
  2. Ear scabies.
  3. Itchy scabies.

Some forms of these diseases are contagious to humans, but are quickly cured without the use of any drugs.

The symptom of scabies is localized itching, which occurs most often in the ears, hocks, and elbows. Since over time, mites affect not only the surface of the skin, but also begin to irritate the nerve endings, the itching becomes unbearable. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of scabies, it must be treated immediately. Otherwise, the pet's metabolism may be disturbed, and exhaustion may begin. In severe cases, if scabies is not treated, animal may die.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive. First of all, itching calms down, and mites are destroyed. In parallel, it is necessary to improve the processes of skin regeneration and increase immunity. In some dogs, a full recovery does not occur, and as soon as immunity decreases, the hormonal state of the animal changes, or the pet becomes stressed, the disease resumes.


If the dog is healthy, then there is no dandruff on her skin or it is almost invisible. Seborrhea can develop as a result of a violation of the endocrine system, or be the result of sarcoptic mange. With seborrhea, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the skin becomes oily and many scales appear on it.

The first outbreaks of disease appear at the bottom of the belly and on the paws. The dandruff then spreads to the ears and tail, hocks and elbows, muzzle and chest.

Seborrhea is of two types:

  1. Dry. This species is characterized by dry skin, on which scaly, dry, crumbling dandruff forms.
  2. Oily. The disease is characterized by excess sebum, greasy scales sticking to the coat, brown plaques on the skin and a rancid odor.

Dry seborrhea most often affects small sofa dogs, which are often bathed with various detergents. As a result, their skin becomes dehydrated and dry dandruff appears.

In some cases, the cause of dry seborrhea may be a lack of fat in the diet of the animal. To get rid of dandruff, you can try to include a teaspoon or dessert spoon of vegetable oil in your dog's diet, which he should eat daily. If after a while the dandruff does not disappear, and the itching intensifies, then you need to contact a specialist.

Since in some cases seborrhea is the result of a disease, the doctor prescribes drugs to treat the underlying disease.

Dermatitis in dogs

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. The causes of this disease can be very diverse. According to them, all dermatitis in dogs have the following qualifications:

In some cases, the disease is associated with the age of the dogs. In pets of the first years of life, dermatitis is manifested by purulent and purple vesicles and pustules on the lips, chin, groin and hairless abdomen. In older dogs, the disease manifests itself in the area of ​​the knee joints and along the back, where papules, pustules or acne are found.

With any dermatitis, painful places treated with antibacterial soap and 3% hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

To cure a pet, he must be correctly diagnosed, which can only be done in a clinic. Specialists will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests and, based on them, prescribe adequate treatment. It must be remembered that it is almost impossible to cure skin diseases in dogs on your own. You should not put off a visit to the veterinarian, as the missed time can lead to the suffering of the animal, and in some cases, to its death.

Skin diseases in dogs

There are many types of fungus in dogs. Some of them are caused by the pathological growth of normal microflora (a set of fungal organisms) on the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. Weakened immunity after a severe or protracted illness, the state of pregnancy, the early age of puppies, the period after vaccination are the conditions most conducive to the growth of mycoflora. Normally, these mushrooms benefit their "carrier", but when there are too many of them, they harm him.

Mycoses affect almost all parts of the animal's body - paws (fingers, pads, interdigital space), tail, ears, mucous membranes of the mouth and genital organs, nose, eyes, skin over the entire surface, skin appendages (claws, hair, sebaceous glands), internal organs. Some types of fungal organisms are able to develop anywhere, others - only in certain places. Specific microflora is formed in the mouth, nasal passages, in the vagina of the animal. Pathogenic microflora is formed on any part of the body.

Fungus in dogs and its periods of development

Fungus on the paws of a dog usually develops in the spring and autumn periods, when the weather is slushy and damp. In some regions of the country, where wet rainy summers or warm snowless winters, foot fungus is diagnosed in animals all year round. The dog licks and gnaws its paws, limps or pulls its paws. Externally, the owner may find that:

  • claws are exfoliating, have changed their color and / or structure,
  • the pads peel off, bleed, are covered with cracks or wounds,
  • the fingers turned red, swollen, left without hair, the interdigital space turned red, the skin in it exfoliates, exfoliates.

Any of these signs is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. An advanced form of mycosis on the paws leads to loss of hair, a change in the dog's gait due to constant lameness, chewing and licking of itchy places by animals. When a dog constantly licks or gnaws on a foot affected by a fungus, harmful microorganisms enter his digestive tract and can begin to multiply there. Thus, the external disease becomes internal and much more difficult to treat. In addition, self-bites and scratches on the paws can begin to become inflamed, infected, and fester. Then the fungal infection is complicated by an abscess and even sepsis.

Fungus on the tail of an animal

Mycosis of the tail in a dog is usually not limited to one area and spreads to the skin of other parts of the body - most often on the back and sides. If a dog strongly combs the tail, gnaws or licks it, it runs the risk of bringing pathogenic fungi into its mouth, digestive tract, and also into the genitals, if after licking the tail it licks the prepuce or genital slit. This is especially dangerous for pregnant bitches due to the risk of infection of fetuses, young puppies and very old animals with chronic diseases or weakened immune systems. Foci of mycosis on the tail are a type of skin fungus.

Skin fungus in dogs is the most common reason for owners to visit a veterinary dermatologist. The disease is often contagious and is caused by fungal organisms - normal, opportunistic and pathogenic. Often accompanied by a bacterial or viral infection.

Mycosis on the ears

Ear fungus in dogs is not a contagious disease and develops against the background of a general weakening of the immune system with the participation of fungi of the genus Candida and Malassezia, which are characteristic of the skin of a dog. These are yeast fungi that are constantly present in the ears and other parts of the animal's body. Under favorable conditions, yeast fungi begin to actively multiply and change the myco- and microflora in the external auditory canals.

The impetus for the pathological growth of a fungal colony most often becomes a bacterial infection. Fungal organisms perceive bacteria as a threat and begin to fight them. Also, the growth of microflora is often caused by an ear mite - otodectosis. In this case, it is necessary to treat both bacterial, and tick-borne, and fungal infections.

Exudate forms in the ear canal, which dries up, forms crusts and clogs the canal. The dog hears worse, becomes more nervous and even aggressive. If the nerves are affected, then the dog also has nervous seizures, reminiscent of attacks of rabies or epilepsy.

Lack of adequate treatment of ear fungus can lead to hearing impairment and even loss of hearing in the dog. In addition, constant scratching of the ears is complicated by infection with bacteria and viruses, as a result, inflammatory and purulent-inflammatory processes of the auditory canal, tympanic membrane, and external auricle.

Ear fungus in dogs has the following symptoms:

  • the dog shakes its head violently, as if trying to shake out droplets of water or a foreign body from the ear canal,
  • the animal strongly scratches its ears and head with its paws or rubs its head against objects,
  • ears acquired a reddish color, a vascular network appeared on the auricle (not always),
  • on the ears there are signs of alopecia - a pathological loss of hair and the appearance of short thickened or, on the contrary, thinned hairs in places of bald patches.

Noticing something like this in your pet, the owner should take him to the veterinarian for taking tests and scrapings. Confirmation of mycosis requires an urgent start of treatment. However, even if the dog's ears are not affected by a fungus, but by another infection, they still need treatment because of the risk of complications or the development of ringworm.

Treatment of fungal infections in dogs

How to treat a fungus in a dog can only be decided by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of a four-legged patient. Some types of fungal organisms glow green when irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp. To diagnose other types, the doctor takes scrapings from the site of the localization of fungi and inoculates in the laboratory.

Only after the diagnosis - mycosis - and the exact definition of the pathogen, medications are prescribed. It is impossible to use anything to treat your pet from a fungus on your own, on the recommendation of a neighbor, or because this remedy helped last time, because what is effective against one type of microorganism does not work at all against another type.

Antifungal drugs for dogs are available in various dosage forms:

  • Shampoos with antimycotic components - nizoral, clotrimazole, ketoconazole. These shampoos have a therapeutic effect, but they can also be used to prevent fungal infections. In particular, such a shampoo is simply necessary after a dog has contact with an infected animal, after swimming in an open reservoir, especially where the water “blooms”, after a dog wallows in a puddle, excrement of other animals, and also after hunting a fox, badger, with which the hunting dog entered the fray. Wild animals are potential sources of fungal and other infections.
  • Antifungal vaccines - vakderm, polivak, microderm. They are used for the prevention of mycoses, as well as for the treatment of an already diagnosed disease. Vaccination is carried out in two stages with an interval of two weeks. It is necessary to take into account the breed characteristics of the pet, because some hunting breeds develop an allergy to antifungal vaccines and even an abscess occurs at the injection site.
  • Antifungal spray - zoomikol, fungyl, which are sprayed on the affected areas or even on the entire surface of the animal's body. Sprays penetrate well through even long and thick hair.
  • Ointments with components against fungal microorganisms. They are applied to the lesion, slightly beyond its area. If necessary, apply a loose bandage. For the best therapeutic effect, it is worth cutting or shaving off the hair from the treated area.
  • A good effect is given by birch tar - a previously known folk remedy. It is a very unpleasant and pungent-smelling liquid. Tar is completely unsuitable for cats due to the risk of developing a severe allergic reaction. But it is safe for dogs and helps them well, relieving itching, eliminating all pathogens and drying bitten wounds and scratches.

Sometimes the fungus in dogs is so spread through the body of the dog that the affected areas are difficult to treat. A long-haired dog should be cut as short as possible if he does not live outside in the winter or does not participate in exhibitions. In extreme cases, long hair must be carefully combed out with a brush and comb, untangled and removed matted hair. If possible, you need to use a furminator and remove the faded undercoat. If weather conditions allow and the long-haired dog does not need to perform at the exhibition, then it is worth profiling, in other words, thinning out the dense awn.

To prevent self-bites and licking of lesions, as well as licking of medicinal ointments, it is advisable to wear a protective collar on the animal. Such collars are sold in veterinary clinics and pharmacies, in pet stores, they are selected according to the volume of the neck and the length of the dog's muzzle.

Causes and prevention of the development of fungal diseases in dogs

Fungal microorganisms exist in absolutely all biological niches: in salt and fresh water bodies, on soils of any type, on any substrates, including living organisms, in dry and wet, in acidic and alkaline environments. Therefore, it is not easy to deal with them. Mushrooms are very tenacious and are able to completely restore their colony in a short time, like leishmania.

The reasons for contracting a fungal infection are numerous: contact with an infected animal, contact with the excrement of a sick dog, bathing in a pond with stagnant and “blooming” water.

One of the main conditions for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections in dogs is the cleansing of the premises where the dog lives, the aviary, and bedding from sources of infection. It is necessary to carefully treat all surfaces with cold water with dissolved chloramine. You need to process the floor, walls, furniture sets. It is better to entrust upholstered furniture on which a dog can lie, carpets and rugs to a professional pest control service. But it is also allowed to clean them yourself with a solution of chlordesin.

Toys, cages, bowls and other accessories of the animal must be treated with formalin and thoroughly rinsed from the slightest residue of the substance. Bedding, soft toys, cloth collars, leashes and harnesses should ideally be replaced with new ones. But in extreme cases, they can be soaked in very hot water with baking soda dissolved in it, and then rinsed.

If the animal is kept in the yard, then the aviary and kennel should be treated with a disinfectant solution, the bedding, the top layer of sand or gravel in the aviary should be replaced. In order to prevent litter and bulk coverings in the yard, it is necessary to regularly change or clean from dirt and disinfect. It is necessary to wash outdoor shoes daily and put them in a place inaccessible to the dog so that the pet does not play with them.

The skin is an important and largest organ in a dog, the main function of which is a barrier. Violation of the integrity of the skin causes negative consequences for the pet, so you need to carefully monitor its condition and take action in time. One of the most common problems is fungus.

What is a fungus?

Fungus in dogs, or dermatophysis, is a common reason for visits to veterinary clinics. This disease can develop in a dog at any age and under any conditions, even under the best conditions. It is almost impossible to protect a pet from the appearance of a fungus, but it can be cured. Today, there are many modern drugs that can successfully fight the disease. The main thing is to recognize the occurrence of a problem in time and seek help.

There are many varieties of fungus, but only a few of them are dangerous for a pet.

How does fungus appear?

Fungus in dogs can appear during communication with individuals already suffering from this disease. There is also a greater chance of infection after walking on contaminated grass. However, the fungus can be brought from the street by the owner himself on the shoes. These microorganisms are quite dangerous. Some of them can harm not only animals, but also humans.

Another case is the dog's low immunity or high sensitivity to diseases. On the skin of dogs is always present which does not cause any diseases. Under certain conditions, the number of bacteria begins to increase, resulting in malassezia.

Puppies, young dogs, weak animals after illness, animals prone to allergies and with immune pathologies are susceptible to the fungus.

Dermatophysis is a common occurrence in dogs with tangles and hairballs. The skin does not breathe well under them, as a result of which its protective function is reduced. Also, if the dog is washed excessively with cleansing shampoos, the skin loses its functions, and again, a fungus in dogs can develop. Therefore, you should not bathe your pet often, even if it seems to you that the coat already looks dirty.

The rate of reproduction of the fungus is very high, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of its presence, it is necessary to immediately go to the clinic.

Where does fungus occur in dogs?

As a rule, the onset of the disease has a certain pattern. At first, a fungus appears on the dog's paws and ears.

Sometimes it appears only on the interdigital region, on the skin around the claws and paw pads. The skin becomes rough, inflamed and cracked, crusts or scales appear, the nails turn yellow and begin to bend.

Fungus in dogs on the paws most often occurs in the autumn and spring periods. The pet begins to limp, gnaw on the affected areas. A fungus may also appear in the ear of a dog, on the inner surface without hair. Since in these places the hairline is sparse, it is easiest to notice the disease there. Ear fungus in dogs is dangerous, because with severe itching, the pet will actively scratch the area and can damage the auricle.

Symptoms of the disease

Like any disease, fungus in dogs has its own symptoms. The primary symptom by which you can determine the presence of infection is itching. It will not be difficult to recognize this moment, since any owner will immediately notice when his pet begins to itch often. In places where itching appears, peeling of the skin is formed.

Trichophytosis infections are also possible, while rounded bald patches form on the dog's skin. Purulent discharge may appear, resulting in the formation of crusts. This fungus infects the hair follicles. In the future, they may not fully recover, and the spots will remain forever.

Dogs are prone to infection with a fungus such as favus. The parts of the body affected by it emit an unpleasant odor. Rounded spots with crusts of a gray-yellow hue appear on the skin. After getting rid of the infection, the hair there may also not recover.

Vaccination against the fungus is ineffective, and sometimes it worsens the situation. It is impossible to protect a pet from infection, however, having noticed the disease in time, you can contact a veterinarian and destroy the infection.

If you have absolutely no way to visit the veterinarian, then you can make your own antifungal ointment. This requires natural birch tar, and acetylsalicylic acid. We take 25 g of ointment, 2 tablets of acid and 1 tsp. fly in the ointment. Then we mix everything well. This medicine is considered an analogue only it will cost several times cheaper.

A dog is a man's friend, and if you decide to take responsibility for keeping an animal, then you need to understand that any pet needs proper care, nutrition, attention and treatment. After all, every animal is prone to various diseases for one reason or another. Regularly referring to a doctor, you can identify ailments at an early stage of their development. Inspect your dog daily at home as there are many infections that a pet can pick up outdoors.

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